Survey15 PDF
Survey15 PDF
Survey15 PDF
(b) A 20m chain was tested before the commencement of [CALCULATE THE REDUCED LEVELS BY RISE AND
the day's work and found to be 10 cm too short. After
chaining 910 m the chain was found to be 20 cm too (b) Write down the characteristics of contour lines. What do
long. At the end of day,s work,after chaining a total you mean by contour interval? 6+(4+21 = 12
distance of 1526 m the chain was found to be 25cm too
long. What was the true distance chained? 5. (a) p in a tacheometric
To determine the elevation of station
survey, the following observations were made with the
4+8 = 12 staff held vertical. The instrument was fitted with an
3. (a) Briefly describe the lntersection method of plane Table anallactic lens and its multiplying and additive constants
surveying with the help of a neat sketch. were 100 and 0 respectively. tf R.L. of B.M. is 250,
calculate R.L. of station p
(b) Whole circle bearing of the lines of a traverse ABCDA
are given below :- lnstrument H.t. Sraff Vertical Staff
Station (m) Station angle readings (m)
Line Bearing
1.45 B-M -"00, 1 .335, 1.895, 2.460
AB 70030'
.) 1_45 c.P +8030' 0.780, 1.265, 1.74s
BC 120045'
P 1 .40 C,P -6"30, 1.155, 1.615, 2.07 5
CD 223"30'
DA 320047'
clvL 210.1
I Turn CIVL 2iol Turn over ]
B.Tech/cE/3'd Seml clv L-21 01 120 1 5 B.Tech/CE/3'd Sem/CIVL-2101/201 5