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Tech/CE/3d Sem/CIVL-21 01/201 5

iii) A 20 curve of chord length 20m has radius of

(a) 573 m (b) 286.5 m
(c) 143 m (d) 72.5 m
B.Tech/GE/3'd Sem/CIVL-21 01 /201 5
iv) The distance formula for finding distances using a
ml5 theodolite, for a horizontal line of sight, is
SURVEYING (a) Ks+C (b) K+Cs
(crvL 2101) (c) l(s + C (d) K + C/s
TimeAlloted:SHours Full Marks : 70 v) A transition curve is essentially used to
(a) generate more frictional forces for stability
Figures out of the right margin indicate full marks.
(b) allow vehicles to have increased speed while driving
Candidates are required to answer Group A and anv 5 (fivel
(c) neglect the effect of centrifugal forces
from Group B to E, taking at least one from each group.
(d) avoid abrupt changes in radius from a straight line
Candidates are required to give answer in their own words
to a finite radius curve
as far as practicable. Symbols have their usual meanings.
vi) A negative reading in the levelling data means the staff
GROUP . A is
(Multiple Choice Type Questions) (a) read upside down
'l . Choose the correct alternatives for the following : ['t0x1=101 (b) kept upside down
i) A representative fraction of a scale of 1 cm = 2 km is
(c) read through the objective lens
(d) read with lower cross hair
(a) 1 : 2000 (b) I : 20000
(c) 1 : 200000 (d) 1 : 2000000 vii) ln which position of the circle is the zero graduation in
a prismatic compass is marked?
ii) A chain was used to mark a distance of 150 metres. The
(a) North end (b) South end
designated length of the chain was 30 metres. On testing
the chain was found to be 30.01 m long. The actual length
(c) East end (d) West end
measured is viii) "D" being ihe distance (in km) between two points,
(a) 149.95 m (b) 150.00 m combined correction for curvature due to earth and
(c) 150.05 m (d) 151 .00 m refraction is given in m by
(a) 0.0653D'? (b) 0.0673D'z
(c) 0.0643D3 (d) 0.0683D'?

ctvl 210l I Turn over] CIVL 2101 lTurn overl

B.Tech/CE/3.d SerI'tCtVL_2101 l2},l 5 B.Tech/CE/3.d Se mt CtV L-21 O,t t ZO1 s

ix) True Bearing of a line is .10. and the magnetic declination

is 20 W. lts Magnetic Bearing is :
Find the interior angles at A, B, C and D. 4+g = 12
(a) 2o (b) 8' GROUP . C
(c) 12" (d) 20"
4. (a) The following consecutive readings were taken with a
x) Which instrument among the following is capable of dumpy levet: 0.886, 1.542, 2.986, 3.026, 0.954, 0.659,
measuring vertical angles? 0.581, 0.221, 1.523, 0.966 and 2.145. The instrument
(a) dumpy level (b) theodolite was shifted after the fourth and the eighth readings.The
(c) cross staff (d) alidade first reading was taken on the staff held on the bench
mark of RL 850.000. Rule out a page of a level field
GROUP - B book and enter the above readings. Calculate the
reduced levels of the points and show checks. What is
2. (a) Define surveying. State the basic differences between the difference of the levels between the first and last
Plane and Geodetic Surveying. points?

(b) A 20m chain was tested before the commencement of [CALCULATE THE REDUCED LEVELS BY RISE AND
the day's work and found to be 10 cm too short. After
chaining 910 m the chain was found to be 20 cm too (b) Write down the characteristics of contour lines. What do
long. At the end of day,s work,after chaining a total you mean by contour interval? 6+(4+21 = 12
distance of 1526 m the chain was found to be 25cm too
long. What was the true distance chained? 5. (a) p in a tacheometric
To determine the elevation of station
survey, the following observations were made with the
4+8 = 12 staff held vertical. The instrument was fitted with an
3. (a) Briefly describe the lntersection method of plane Table anallactic lens and its multiplying and additive constants
surveying with the help of a neat sketch. were 100 and 0 respectively. tf R.L. of B.M. is 250,
calculate R.L. of station p
(b) Whole circle bearing of the lines of a traverse ABCDA
are given below :- lnstrument H.t. Sraff Vertical Staff
Station (m) Station angle readings (m)
Line Bearing
1.45 B-M -"00, 1 .335, 1.895, 2.460
AB 70030'
.) 1_45 c.P +8030' 0.780, 1.265, 1.74s
BC 120045'
P 1 .40 C,P -6"30, 1.155, 1.615, 2.07 5
CD 223"30'
DA 320047'

clvL 210.1
I Turn CIVL 2iol Turn over ]

B.Tech/cE/3'd Seml clv L-21 01 120 1 5 B.Tech/CE/3'd Sem/CIVL-2101/201 5

(b) Write short note on the "Repetition method" in GROUP - E

measurement of horizontal angle using Theodolite.
8+4 = 12
I (a) Describe the Triangulation systems in brief.
(b) Mention the various equipment used for sounding and
Group - D
describe them in brief.
rr (a) A chain line was divided into eight sections of 12m each 4+8 = ',12
and offsets were taken from the chain line to a hedge.
The lengths (in m) of the offsets were : 0, 5.2,7.4, 8.6, I (a) Describe with a neat sketch Location of a sounding
7.9,8.5,8.2,9.1 and 7.6. Find the area between the point by Tacheometry
chain line, the first and last offsets, and the boundary
by (i) trapezoidal rule and (ii) Simpson's rule. (b) Explain briefly the following terminologies used in aerial
(b) The deflection angle between the tangents of a circular
curve is 60o and it is proposed to have a transition (i) Altitude
curve at its ends. The maximum speed of vehicles is
assumed to be 100 kmph and the centrifugal ratio is Ta.
(ii) Tilt and tip
The rate of change of radial acceleration is 0.3m/s3. (iii) Principal point
Find the radius of the circular curve, length of the
transition curve and chainages of the points at the (iv) Tilted photograph 4+8 = 12
beginning and end of the curues if the chainage of the
point of intersection of the tangents is 1850m.
4+8 = 12

7. {a) A curve has a radius of 400m and a deflection angle of

40o. The chainage of T1 is 1908.75m. Compute and
tabulate the angles and theodolite readings to set out
the curve by Rankine's Method.
(b) Explain the following with necessary figures:
(i) Back tangent, (ii) Deflection angle, (iii) Long chord
and (iv) Tangent length 8+4 = 12

clvl 2.t01 I Turn over] crvl 2't0t

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