Alloy 316
Alloy 316
Alloy 316
Afrox 316L (-196) is a rutile basic coated low carbon electrode for
welding 19% chromium, 12% nickel and 3% molybdenum type
stainless steel. It has been specially formulated for applications
requiring low temperature properties at -196C for use in cryogenic
applications. It is batch tested for tensile, charpy impact values and
lateral expansion at -196C.
AWS A5.4 E316L-17
EN ISO 3581-A E 19 12 3 L R 12
SANS 3581-A E 19 12 3 L R 12
Lateral Expansion at -196C 0,38 mm
Charpy V-Notch at -196C >30 J
% Moisture Content 0,086
Packing Data
(DC+ AC 70 OCV min)
Diameter Electrode Length Current Pack Mass Item Number
(mm) (mm) (A) (kg)
2,5 350 40 - 80 3 x 4,0 W087755
3,25 350 80 - 120 3 x 4,0 W087756
4,0 350 100 - 150 3 x 4,0 W087757
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Welding Consumables
Supranox 316L is a rutile coated low carbon electrode for welding
19% chromium, 12% nickel and 3% molybdenum type non-
stabilised austenitic stainless steels.
Applications include brewery equipment, pharmaceutical
equipment, architectural and general fabrication, transport, food
and nuclear applications.
AWS A5.4 E316L-16
EN ISO 3581-A E 19 12 3 L R 12
SANS 3581-A E 19 12 3 L R 12
The non-magnetic properties make it ideal for welding fittings on
minesweepers and offshore downhole instrumentation collars.
It also finds applications in LPG and LNG storage vessels and for
fabricating zinc baths. It can be used to weld pipes and fittings in
cryogenic applications in oil refineries and as a corrosion resistant
overlay for resisting concentrated nitric acid.
Dry electrodes at 300C for 2 hours.
AWS A5.4 E316LMn-16 (nearest)
EN ISO 3581-A E 18 15 3 L R 3 2 (nearest)
EN ISO 3581-B ES 316Mn-16 (nearest)
% Carbon <0,03 % Chromium 18,0
% Manganese 3,0 % Nickel 16,0
% Silicon 0,4 % Molybdenum 2,8
% Sulphur 0,01 % Copper <0,1
% Phosphorous 0,02 % Nitrogen 0,15
Packing Data
(DC+ AC 50 V OCV)
Diameter Electrode Length Current Pack Mass Item Number
(mm) (mm) (A) (kg)
2,5 300 60 - 90 4,5 (can) W078582
3,2 350 75 - 120 5,0 (can) W078583
4,0 350 100 - 155 5,0 (can) W078584
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Welding Consumables
Supranox 317L is a rutile high alloy extra-low carbon (ELC) for
chromium-nickel steels of the 19% chromium, 12% nickel and
4% molybdenum type. The increased molybdenum content gives
higher pitting corrosion resistance and elevated temperature
strength. Smooth bead appearance. Low spatter loss. Easy slag
Re-dry electrodes at 300C for 2 hours.
AWS A5.4 E317L-16
EN ISO 3581-A E 19 13 4 N L R
EN ISO 3581-B ES 317L-16
Re-dry electrodes at 300C for 2 hours.
AWS A5.4 E347-16
EN ISO 3581-A E 19 9 Nb R
EN ISO 3581-B ES 347-16
Packing Data
(DC+ AC 70 OCV min)
Diameter Current Pack Mass Item Number
(mm) (A) (kg)
2,5 45 - 80 3 x 5,0 W113072
3,2 70 - 120 3 x 5,0 W113073
4,0 100 - 150 3 x 5,0 W113074
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Afrox E3CR12
Welding Consumables
Afrox E3CR12 is a heavily coated 13% chromium alloyed electrode
suitable for all-position welding of 13% chromium ferritic steels.
The deposited weld metal is sound with a low inclusion content
and exhibits good toughness at temperatures down to -20C. The
electrode features a smooth, stable, low spatter arc on DC+. Weld
bead appearance is good with a smooth uniform ripple. The slag
is readily removed from the weld surface in all positions. Afrox
E3CR12 has been especially developed for the welding of 3CR12
material. The weld metal has similar corrosion properties to that
of 3CR12 without over alloying, i.e. in contrast to the 300 series
AWS A5.4 E410NiMo
EN ISO 3581-A E13 4 R 26
EN ISO 3581-B ES 410 NiMo-26
Yield Strength 850 MPa
Tensile Strength 920 MPa
% Elongation on 5d 18
Charpy V-Notch at +20C 40 - 55 J
Charpy V-Notch at -20C 25 - 35 J
Packing Data
(DC+ AC 70 OCV min)
Diameter Current Pack Mass Item Number
(mm) (A) (kg)
3,2 70 - 130 3 x 5,0 W075843
4,0 100 - 170 3 x 5,0 W075844
56 Welding Consumables | Stainless Steel | Afrox Product Reference Manual Back to Contents
Re-dry electrodes at 300 - 350C for 2 hours.
AWS A5.4 E385-16
EN ISO 3581-A E 20 25 5 Cu N L R
EN ISO 3581-B ES 385-16 (nearest)
12 % Phosphorous
% Chromium
% Nitrogen 0,08
Packing Data
(DC+ AC OCV 70 V min)
Diameter Current Pack Mass Item Number
(mm) (A) (kg)
2,5 50 - 75 5,0 W113092
3,2 65 - 105 5,0 W113093
4,0 85 - 150 5,0 W113094
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Welding Consumables
Inox 4462 is a rutile coated electrode designed for the welding
of austenitic-ferritic duplex steels. The weld deposit has a
ferrite content of 25 - 30% providing resistance to stress
corrosion cracking and pitting in chloride and hydrogen sulphide
environments at service temperatures up to 300C. The electrode
has good re-strike characteristics with excellent bead profile
and overall ease of operation. Suitable for use on AC and DC and
welding transformers with low OCV. Suitable for welding SAF 2205
and LDX 2101.
Re-dry electrodes at 300C for 2 hours.
AWS A5.4 E2209-16
EN ISO 3581-A E 2293 N L R
EN ISO 3581-B ES 2209-16
Packing Data
(DC+ AC OCV 42 V min)
Diameter Current Pack Mass Item Number
(mm) (A) (kg)
2,5 50 - 80 3 x 5,0 W113002
3,2 70 - 120 3 x 5,0 W113003
4,0 90 - 150 3 x 5,0 W113004
58 Welding Consumables | Stainless Steel | Afrox Product Reference Manual Back to Contents
Re-dry electrodes at 200 - 250C for 1 - 2 hours.
AWS A5.4 E2553-16
EN ISO 3581-A E 2593 Cu N L R
EN ISO 3581-B ES 2593-16
Packing Data
(DC+ AC OCV 70 V min)
Diameter Current Canned Pack Mass Item Number
(mm) (A) (kg)
3,2 75 - 120 5,0 W078371
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Welding Consumables
Ultramet 2507 is designed for welding wrought, forged or cast
super duplex stainless steels for service normally in the as welded
condition. Duplex stainless steel pipe, plate, fittings and forgings
have an approximate 50:50 microstructure of austenite with a
ferrite matrix. This, coupled with general alloying level, confers:
High strength compared with standard austenitic steels,
e.g. Type 316L
Good general corrosion resistance in a range of
High resistance to chloride induced stress corrosion
cracking (CSCC)
High resistance to pitting attack in chloride environments,
e.g. seawater.
These alloys are finding widening application in the offshore oil/
gas, chemical and petrochemical process industries, e.g. pipework
systems, flowlines, risers, manifolds, etc.
Re-dry electrodes at 200 - 250C for 1 - hours.
ANS A5.4 E2594-16
EN ISO 3581-A E 2594 Cu N L R 12
EN ISO 3581-B ES 2594-16 (nearest)
Packing Data
(DC+ AC OCV 55 V min)
Diameter Current Canned Pack Mass Item Number
(mm) (A) (kg)
3,2 75 - 120 4,5 W078375
4,0 100 - 155 4,6 W078376