Questionnaire Form: No. Article Description Paragraf Bidder's Question Lafarge Holcim Response

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Name of Contract : O & M Services for 2 x 16 MWe CFPP Lafarge Holcim

Name of Bidder : PT. Bukit Energi Servis Terpadu ( BEST )

No. Article Description Paragraf Bidders Question Lafarge Holcim Response

1 2.11 Site Visit When and How many days maksimum allow during site visit

2 3 Service Battery b. Coal : Coal yard who are responsibility

Limits e. Fire Fighting : Fire Fighting station located in where and who
are responsibility
i Effluent : Effuent treatment for CFPP & Cement Plant common
or seperated location

3 Appen Plant a Plant Reliability : we propose percent of plant reliability is 95%

dix 2 Performance Number of trip :
Guarantees d - Mean trip is black out or tripped some areas ( load
shedding ). What load of shedding type, auto load
shedding type or manual load shedding?
- We propose amount number of trip is 3 (three) times
per year
The supply of spare parts, chemicals, lube oil and other
Obligations of materials :
4 2.2 (a) (iii)
the Contractor - Supplying of personnel operator for the site, we are
doing in step or direct?
- How long transition period between precious O&M
Company between next O&M Company?
No. Article Description Paragraf Bidders Question Lafarge Holcim Response
(a) (v) The Contractor warrants for a period of twelve (12) months
after the end of the Term or (if earlier) the termination fo this
Contact all workmanship and materials provided under this
Contract shall be free from all defects and the Contractor shall
indemnify the Owner for the cost of repair or replacement of
any such defect or defective part, as the case may be :
The contractor should be liable for damages thar occured
during the 12 months after the expiration of the contract period
and pay all expenses?

5 Appen 1. Services (b)

Purchase goods, spares and services required by the owner :
dix 1 during
which one do owner prefer for buying list lumpsum per 3
months ?
(h) Establish a system for maintainig an inventory of spare parts,
tools, equipment, consumables and supplies for the Facilitys
operation : who are handling the responsibilities for the cost of
heavy equipment?

2. Services (b) Personn Provide, train and supervise personnel as necessary to perform
during el the Work and to operate and monitor the Facility :
Operating - The contractor will provide acommodation for its
Period employees at its own cost, but
- how about the housing of personnel and the cost
responsible by who?

Others If any utility supplies shortage/ disturbance to Cement Plant

(industrial water , instrument air etc) where all this kind supply
by CFPP , what the consequency ?
No. Article Description Paragraf Bidders Question Lafarge Holcim Response
7 2.4 Operations and (c) Removal Any payroll costs, termination indemnities, hiring premiums or
Maintenance of other similar costs incurred either in removing such personnel
Personnel Personnel or in selecting, hiring and training the replacement personnel
shall be for Contractors account and shall not be included in
the Operation and Maintenance Costs :
what is the meaning any payroll cost of this paragaraph?

Limitation of (a) The Contractor shall observe and perform all of his obligations,
8 5.7
Liability responsibilities and duties under the Contract and the Law. If
he fails to observe and perform such obligations,
responsibilities and duties, his liability to the Owner shall be
limited during any Contract year to fifteen (15) per cent of
Contractors Operating Year Net Sales excluding the value of
the Major Maintenance Spare Parts except as otherwise stated
in this clause 5.7 :
Why the obligation is not same with the liquidated damages of
plant performances (10%)?

Date : Name :

Signature :

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