Oceanspace S5000 Series Data Sheet
Oceanspace S5000 Series Data Sheet
Oceanspace S5000 Series Data Sheet
Product Features
High Performance High Reliability
64-bit multi-core architecture: The S5000 Built-in UPS: The power failure protection
series delivers enhanced processing capability through the built-in UPS, which was employed
with 64-bit multi-core processors, 64-bit on high-end storage devices only, ensures that
dual-channel memories, 64-bit 10 GB/s system data in the cache is written to the coffer in the
buses, and 64-bit real-time operating systems. case of a power failure, thus ensuring data
Solid state drives (SSDs): Brings higher integrity.
storage performance to the S5000 series. Pre-copy technology: Faulty disks are detected
Application-oriented patented algorithm: in advance and data on the faulty disks is
The read/write mode of hard disks is migrated to normal disks to avoid the risk of
dynamically adjusted according to the data loss.
read/write mode of the host to achieve the best Bad sector repair: Bad sectors on disks can be
I/O performance. repaired to the maximum, lowering the disk
Dynamic load balancing: The dual controllers failure rate by more than 50% and prolonging
of the S5000 series process services the service life of the disks.
concurrently and serve as hot backup for each Global hot spare disk: The global hot spare
other. The cache mirroring between the dual disks serve as hot backup for disks within the
controllers employs two dedicated channels and same enclosure or across enclosures, and the
the load on both channels are dynamically slots for the hot spare disks are flexible.
Advanced data protection technologies: User-friendly management and maintenance
HyperImage generates real-time copies of designs: Web-based GUI and programmable
online data so that data can be restored from the CLI facilitate the management. Alarms in
snapshots instantly. HyperImage can also create various forms, such as SMS, email, sound, and
multiple point-in-time snapshots to provide light, reduce customers' operation and
continuous data protection. maintenance costs.
HyperCopy, an across-platform volume copy Low Power Consumption
technology, realizes data protection among
Energy-saving hard disks: Hard disks
heterogeneous storage devices.
automatically spin down when the service load
HyperMirror implements remote disaster
decreases, lowering power consumption by
recovery for data.
more than 40%.
Low TCO High-speed air cooling: The air cooling
Modular interfaces: Combination of FC and efficiency doubles with the size and position of
iSCSI host interfaces ensures connectivity to the air duct optimized according to
the FC SAN and IP SAN mixed networking. hydromechanics principles.
Up to 16 host ports are provided to decrease the Intelligent fan control: Enables the fans to
purchase and maintenance costs of switches. consume less power (about 15% of the system
High disk density: A 1U space can house six power consumption) and generate less noise,
disks. An expansion disk enclosure can add 24 enhancing the environment adaptability of the
disks to the system, lowering the expansion S5000 series.
cost by 60%.
Hierarchical storage: The S5000 series
supports hierarchical storage of data on SSDs,
FC and SATA disks, delivering higher
performance at a lower cost.
Technical Specifications
Model S5300 S5500 S5600
Basic Specifications
Architecture Dual-controller (active-active)
Processor 64-bit multi-core CPU
Cache (standard
4 GB 8 GB 16 GB
8x4 Gbit/s FC ports, 8x1
16x4 Gbit/s FC ports, or 16x4 Gbit/s FC ports, or
Host port (standard Gbit/s iSCSI ports, or 4x4
8x4 Gbit/s FC ports + 4x1 8x4 Gbit/s FC ports + 4x1
configuration) Gbit/s FC ports + 4x1
Gbit/s iSCSI ports Gbit/s iSCSI ports
Gbit/s iSCSI ports
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