Warrior Skills
Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.
This manual supersedes STP 21-1-SMCT, dated 10 August 2015.
171-COM-4079 Send a Situation Report (SITREP) ............... 3-139
171-COM-4080 Send a Spot Report (SPOTREP) ................... 3-141
071-COM-0608 Use Visual Signaling Techniques .................. 3-144
Subject Area 5: Survive .......................................................... 3-175
031-COM-1010 Maintain Your Assigned Protective Mask..... 3-175
031-COM-1004 Protect Yourself from Chemical and Biological
(CB) Contamination Using Your Assigned Protective Mask .. 3-178
031-COM-1007 React to Chemical or Biological (CB)
Hazard/Attack .......................................................................... 3-183
031-COM-1005 Protect Yourself from CBRN injury/contamination
by Assuming MOPP Level 4....................................................3-187
031-COM-1009 Detect Chemical Agents Using M9 Detector paper
.................................................................................................. 3-192
031-COM-1008 Identify liquid Chemical Agents Using M8 paper
.................................................................................................. 3-196
031-COM-1006 Decontaminate Yourself and Individual
Equipment Using Chemical Decontaminating Kits ................. 3-200
031-COM-1001 React to Nuclear Attack..................... 3-208
031-COM-1003 Mark CBRN-Contaminated Areas................. 3-212
081-COM-1001 Evaluate a Casualty (Tactical Combat Casualty
Care) ........................................................................................ 3-220
081-COM-1005 Perform First Aid to Prevent or Control Shock
.................................................................................................. 3-224
081-COM-1023 Perform First Aid to Open the Airway .......... 3-227
081-COM-1054 Apply an Emergency Bandage ...................... 3-232
081-COM-0099 Apply a Hemostatic Dressing ........................ 3-235
081-COM-0069 Apply a Occlusive Dressing .......................... 3-239
081-COM-0048 Apply a Combat Application Tourniquet (CAT)
.................................................................................................. 3-241
081-COM-1055 Apply a FOX Eye Shield ............................... 3-244
081-COM-0013 Initiate a DD Form 1380 Tactical Combat
Casualty Care (TCCC) Card .................................................... 3-246
081-COM-1046 Transport a Casualty ...................................... 3-253
081-COM-1007 Perform First Aid for Burns .......................... 3-261
081-COM-0101 Request Medical Evacuation ......................... 3-265
052-COM-1271 Identify Visual Indicators of an Implosive Device
(Located at https://www.us.army.mil/suite/doc/23838510) ............. 3-270
052-COM-1270 React to Possible Improvised Explosive Device
(IED) Attack
STP 21-1-SMCT 28 September 2017 iii
Performance Measures GO NO GO
1 Used visual signals for combat formations. _____ _____
Required: FM 21-60
MOPP 4: Never
Task Statements
Cue: You are getting ready for a mission in which the protective mask is required.
You are conducting regularly scheduled equipment maintenance.
Remarks: None
Note: None
Performance Steps
1. Inspect your protective mask and accessories according to the PMCS
tables located in the mask operator TM.
a. Identify deficiencies and shortcomings.
b. Correct operator level deficiencies.
2. Perform operator level "light" cleaning of your assigned protective mask
IAW the operator TM..
3. Record uncorrected deficiencies on DA Form 5988-E or DA Form 2404
IAW DA Pam 750-8.
4. Provide the completed DA Form 5988-E or DA Form 2404 to your
Setup: A good time to evaluate this task is during normal care and cleaning of the
mask. Place the required equipment on a field table or another suitable surface.
Simulate defects in the mask by removing components from the mask or using a
defective mask not issued to the Soldier.
Brief Soldier: Tell the Soldier there is no time standard for this task on the job,
but for testing purposes he must perform the task within 30 minutes. Tell him to
perform operator level PMCS on the mask, clean his assigned protective mask,
and replace the mask filter. Tell the Soldier that completing a DA Form 2404
Equipment Inspection and Maintenance Work Sheet IAW DA PAM 750-8 is not
part of the task.
Performance Measures GO NO
1 Inspected protective mask and accessories according _____ _____
to the PMCS tables located in mask operator TM.
Conditions: You are given your assigned protective mask, a hood, and a mask
carrier. Some iterations of this task should be performed in MOPP 4.
Standards Do not wear contact lenses when performing this task. Do not use
masks with damaged filters because filters contain.
MOPP 4: Sometimes
Task Statements
Cue: 1. You realize that you are under a CB agent attack, 2. You are ordered to
mask, 3. You must enter a contaminated area, 4. You hear or see a chemical
alarm, or 5. You observe any other automatic masking criteria designated in your
unit SOP.
Filters must be installed prior to donning mask. Filters must be changed out
one at a time. The warfighter will be unable to breathe if both filters are
removed from his/ her mask. Lack of oxygen for more than 30 seconds could
lead to injury or death.
Before stowing the mask, ensure that the cheek straps are not positioned
below the M61 filters. Cheek straps positioned below the filters may stretch
the mask causing improper chin placement; may induce buckling in the
brow region causing improper seal; or may cause the cheek straps to catch
underneath the filters delaying donning times resulting in illness or death.
Performance Steps
Note: Both straps should be approximately equal length when complete. Also
the temple and forehead straps have already been adjusted during
fitting do not tighten.
2. Clear mask assembly.
Evaluation Guidance: Read the action, condition, and standard to the Soldier.
Provide the Soldier with all items given in the Conditions
Statement. Score the Soldier GO if all performance measures are passed (P) in
sequence. Soldier must complete steps 1 through 3, in sequence, within 9
seconds. Score the Soldier NO GO if any performance measure is failed (F) or
out of sequence. If the Soldier scores NO GO, show the Soldier what was done
wrong and how to do it correctly.
Performance Measures GO NO GO
1 Donned the mask. _____ _____
c. Resumed breathing.
Environment: Environmental protection is not just the law but the right thing to
do. It is a continual process and starts with deliberate planning. Always be alert to
ways to protect our environment during training and missions. In doing so, you
will contribute to the sustainment of our training resources while protecting
people and the environment from harmful effects. Refer to the current
Environmental Considerations manual and the current GTA Environmental-
related Risk Assessment card.
Note: During MOPP training, leaders must ensure personnel are monitored for
potential heat injury. Local policies and procedures must be followed during times
of increased heat category in order to avoid heat related injury. Consider the
MOPP work/rest cycles and water replacement guidelines IAW current CBRN
Required: TM 3-11.32, TM 3-4240-542-13&P
Foreign Disclosure: FD1 - This training product has been reviewed by the
training developers in coordination with the USACBRNS, Foreign disclosure
representative and MSCoE foreign disclosure officer. This training product can be
used to instruct international military students from all approved countries without
Task Statements
Cue: None
Note: None
Performance Steps
1. Protect yourself from CB contamination by using your assigned protective
mask, IAW common task 031-COM-1004, within 9 seconds.
Note: The mask provides protection against conventional warfare agents. The
mask provides little if any protection from toxic industrial materials (TIMs),
but it provides the best available protection to enable you to evacuate the
hazard area. You may be required to evacuate to a minimum safe distance of at
least 300 meters upwind from the contamination (if possible) or as directed by
the commander.
2. Take cover (if possible) and conduct immediate skin decontamination,
IAW common task 031-COM-1006, within 1 minute.
3. Assume MOPP Level 4, IAW common task 031-COM-1005, within 8
minutes. Follow the step below when wearing ACH, IOTV, or DAPs.
a. Remove the ACH and protective eye wear.
b. Loosen the DAPs.
Brief Soldier: Give the Soldier being tested the chemical attack alarm, GAS,
Evaluation Preparation:
Setup: A good time to evaluate this task is during a field exercise when a variety
of CB hazards can be simulated. Select a site with adequate cover, and ensure that
Soldiers have their assigned protective mask.
Brief Soldier: Tell the Soldier that there will be an encounter with simulated CB
agents and/or a CB alarm will be given
Performance Measures GO NO
1 Protected yourself from CB contamination by using _____ _____
your assigned protective mask, IAW common task
031-COM-1004, within 9 seconds.
Environment: Environmental protection is not just the law but the right thing
to do. It is a continual process and starts with deliberate planning. Always be
alert to ways to protect our environment during training and missions. In doing
so, you will contribute to the sustainment of our training resources while
protecting people and the environment from harmful effects. Refer to the
current Environmental Considerations manual and the current GTA
Environmental-related Risk Assessment card.
Note: During MOPP training, leaders must ensure personnel are monitored for
potential heat injury. Local policies and procedures must be followed during
times of increased heat category in order to avoid heat related injury. Consider
the MOPP work/rest cycles and water replacement guidelines IAW current
CBRN doctrine.
Foreign Disclosure: FD1 - This training product has been reviewed by the
training developers in coordination with the USACBRNS Foreign Disclosure
(FD) representative and MSCoE foreign disclosure officer. This training product
can be used to instruct international military students from all approved countries
without restrictions.
MOPP 4: Always
Task Statements
Special Equipment:
Cue: You learn a CBRN attack is imminent or must enter/cross an area where
CBRN has been used. You are directed to assume mission-orientedprotective
posture (MOPP) level 4.
Performance Steps
1. Assume MOPP Level 1 by donning the JSLIST over garments.
Note: Complete Steps in sequence within eight minutes for a GO.
a. Don the JSLIST over garment trousers.
(1) Extend your toes downward, put one leg into the trousers, and pull
them up. Repeat the procedure for your other leg.
(2) Close the slide fastener, and fasten the two fly opening snaps.
(3) Pull the suspenders over your shoulders, and fasten the snap
(4) Adjust the suspenders to ensure that the trousers fit comfortably.
Note: The trouser length can be adjusted by raising or lowering the suspenders.
(5) Adjust the waistband hook-and-pile fasteners for a snug fit.
b. Don the JSLIST over garment coat.
(1) Don the coat, and close the slide fastener up as far as your chest.
(2) Secure the front closure hook-and-pile fasteners up as far as your
(3) Pull the bottom of the coat down over the trousers.
(4) Pull the loop out and away from the over garment coat, and bring it
forward between the legs.
(5) Pull on the loop until the bottom of the coat fits snugly over the
2. Assume MOPP Level 2 by donning the over boots.
a. Don the over boots over the combat boots.
b. Adjust and secure the strap-and-buckle fasteners.
c. Pull the trouser legs over the over boots.
d. Secure the hook-and-pile fasteners on each ankle to fit snugly around
the boot.
Evaluation Guidance: Read the action, condition, and standard to the Soldier.
Provide the Soldier with all items given in the Conditions Statement. Complete
Steps in sequence within eight minutes for a GO. Score the Soldier GO if all
performance measures are passed (P) in sequence. Score the Soldier NO GO if
any performance measure is failed (F) or out of sequence. If the Soldier scores
NO GO, show the Soldier what was done wrong and how to do it correctly.
Evaluation Preparation: Gather all items in the conditions statement so that they
can be provided to the Soldier. Prepare scenarios and questions to ask the Soldier
in order to illicit a response that can be evaluated against the performance
Performance Measures GO NO
1 Assumed MOPP Level 1, donned the JSLIST over _____ _____
(4) Pulled the loop out and away from the over
garment coat, and brought it forward between the
2 Aa. Donned the over boots over the combat boots. _____ _____
Required: TM 3-11.32, TM 10-8415-220-10
Environment: Environmental protection is not just the law but the right thing
to do. It is a continual process and starts with deliberate planning. Always be
alert to ways to protect our environment during training and missions. In doing
so, you will contribute to the sustainment of our training resources while
protecting people and the environment from harmful effects. Refer to the
current Environmental Considerations manual and the current GTA
Environmental-related Risk Assessment card.
Note: During MOPP training, leaders must ensure personnel are monitored for
potential heat injury. Local policies and procedures must be followed during
times of increased heat category in order to avoid heat related injury. Consider
the MOPP work/rest cycles and water replacement guidelines IAW current
CBRN doctrine.
Foreign Disclosure: FD3 - This training product has been reviewed by the
developers in coordination with the MSCoE Foreign Disclosure Officer foreign
disclosure officer. This training product cannot be used to instruct international
military students.
MOPP 4 : Sometimes
Task Statements
Cue: 1. you are required to initiate passive defensive measures prior to or after a
CBRN attack.
2. You are required to detect a potential liquid chemical agent.
Notes: Do not check M9 detector paper with colored light because you will not see liquid
chemical agent red spots.
Evaluation Preparation:
Setup: Provide the items listed in the task condition statement. Simulate an
unknown liquid chemical agent by using expedient training aids (such as brake
fluid, cleaning compound, gasoline, insect repellent, or antifreeze). Place drops of
the simulated agent on M9 detector paper to obtain a reading. For M8 detector
paper, place the simulated agent on non porous material (such as an
entrenching tool).
Brief Soldier: Tell the Soldier that he/she will be entering an area where chemical
agents have been used. Tell him/her to attach M9 detector paper to his/her MOPP
gear and equipment. Tell him/her that if you observe any acts that are unsafe or
that could produce a false reading you will stop the test and he/she will be scored
a NO GO.
Required: TM 3-6665-311-10
Environment: Environmental protection is not just the law but the right thing
to do. It is a continual process and starts with deliberate planning. Always be
alert to ways to protect our environment during training and missions. In doing
so, you will contribute to the sustainment of our training resources while
protecting people and the environment from harmful effects. Refer to the
current Environmental Considerations manual and the current GTA
Environmental-related Risk Assessment card. Environmental considerations
and hazards (Noise, Air, Water, or Land Pollution) associated with this training
must be reviewed as published in the required and related references before
conducting demonstration and hands-on training for this equipment. Follow
procedures to dispose of waste materials per local environmental restrictions.
Note: During MOPP training, leaders must ensure personnel are monitored for
potential heat injury. Local policies and procedures must be followed during
times of increased heat category in order to avoid heat related injury. Consider
the MOPP work/rest cycles and water replacement guidelines IAW current
CBRN doctrine.
Foreign Disclosure: FD3 - This training product has been reviewed by the
developers in coordination with the MSCoE Foreign Disclosure Officer foreign
disclosure officer. This training product cannot be used to instruct international
military students.
Task Statements
1. You are required to initiate passive CBRN defensive measures prior to or
after a CBRN attack.
2. You are required to detect a potential liquid chemical agent.
Do not use M8 paper if you do not see colors correctly. Color combinations
and comparisons are used during test. A wrong reading of results might
cause agent exposure due to premature removal of protective equipment.
M8 paper that indicates positive results should be treated as contaminated.
Report results, as required.
Notes: M8 detector paper reacts positively with petroleum products and ammonia.
When conducting agent test at night, remove any colored lens because it may
provide a false negative response.
Performance Steps
1. Identify liquid chemical agents with M8 detector paper using the active
a. Remove a sheet of M8 paper from the book (use one-half sheet if it is
Note: You may want to put the paper on the end of a stick or another object and
then blot the paper on the suspected liquid agent.
M8 paper is subject to false positive indications caused by many substances.
Do not scrub, or rub M8 paper on suspected contaminated surfaces.
Some decontaminants will give false positive results on the M8 detector
paper. The M8 detector paper may indicate positive results if used in an
area where decontaminants have been used.
Evaluation Preparation: Provide the Soldier with the items listed in the task
condition statement. Evaluate this task during a field training exercise or a
situational training exercise.
Environment: Environmental protection is not just the law but the right thing
to do. It is a continual process and starts with deliberate planning. Always be
alert to ways to protect our environment during training and missions. In doing
so, you will contribute to the sustainment of our training resources while
protecting people and the environment from harmful effects. Refer to the
current Environmental Considerations manual and the current
GTA Environmental-related Risk Assessment card. Environmental
considerations and hazards (Noise, Air, Water, or Land Pollution) associated
with this training must be reviewed as published in the required and related
references before conducting demonstration and hands-on training for this
STP 21-1-SMCT 28 September 2017 3-199
equipment. Follow procedures to dispose of waste materials per local
environmental restrictions.
Foreign Disclosure: FD1 - This training product has been reviewed by the
training developers in coordination with the MSCoE foreign disclosure officer.
This training product can be used to instruct international military students from
all approved countries without restrictions.
Task Statements
Cue: Your skin and equipment have been exposed to chemical agents, or you
have passed through a chemically contaminated area and suspect that you have
contamination on your skin.
Do Not mix RSDL with solid, undiluted high-test hypochlorite (HTH) or super
tropical bleach (STB), heat and/or fire may result.
Under no circumstances should the training RSDL be used in place of the
RSDL during actual combat operations. The training lotion does not contain
active ingredients.
Performance Steps
1. Don protective mask and hood. Do not pull the drawstrings. Do not fasten
the shoulder straps if your hood has them.
Note: For training purposes, use the Training RSDL.
2. Seek overhead cover or use a poncho for protection against further
Note: If contamination of the eyes is suspected, stop breathing, remove mask
and place in on an uncontained surface, if available. Flush eyes vigorously with
water. Quickly don, clear and seal the mask.
3. Decontaminate your hands, face, and the inside of your mask.
a. Remove one RSDL packet from your carrying pouch.
Safety: Avoid contact with eyes and wounds. If contact with eyes or wounds
occurs, rinse with water as soon as possible.
b. Tear it open quickly at any notch.
c. Remove the applicator pad from the packet, and save the packet as the
remaining lotion can be added to the applicator pad, if required.
d. Thoroughly scrub the exposed skin of your hand, palm, and fingers with
the applicator pad.
Note: The applicator pad can be used from either side and may gripped in any
manner allowing the applicator pad to be applied to the skin.
e. Switch the applicator pad to the other hand, and repeat the procedure.
Note: 1. Do not discard the applicator pad at this time.
Death or injury may result if you breathe toxic agents while doing the
following steps. If you need to breathe before you finish, reseal your mask,
clear it, check it, get your breath, and then resume the decontaminating
f. Stop breathing, close eyes, grasp mask beneath chin and pull mask away
from chin enough to allow one hand between the mask and your face.
Hold the mask in this position during steps (3g) through (3m).
g. Thoroughly scrub the exposed skin of your face with lotion from the
applicator pad.
h. Thoroughly scrub across your forehead.
i. Beginning at one side, scrub up and down across your cheeks, nose, chin,
and closed mouth. Avoid ingesting.
j. Scrub under the chin from the ear along the jawbone to the other ear to
coat your skin with lotion.
k. Turn your hand over and scrub the inside surfaces of the mask that may
touch your skin. Be sure to include the drinking tube.
Do not apply lotion to the lens of the protective mask. The RSDL may cause
loss of transparency.
Do not discard the RSDL packaging or applicator pads into containers that
contain HTH or STB. Heat and/or fire may result.
The M295 kit only removes the liquid hazard. Decontaminated items may
still present a vapor hazard. Do not unmask until it has been determined safe
to do so.
Evaluation Preparation:
Setup: Provide the Soldier with the items listed in the task conditions statement. A
good time to evaluate this task is while in a field environment. Gather materials
Brief Soldier: Tell the Soldier what body parts and equipment are contaminated.
Performance Measures GO NO
1 Donned protective mask and hood. Did not
pull the drawstrings. Did not fasten the
shoulder straps if hood had them. ________ ________
a. Removed one RSDL packet from
carrying pouch.
b. Tore open quickly at notch.
c. Removed the applicator pad from the
packet, and saved the packet.
d. Thoroughly scrubbed the exposed skin
hand, palm, and fingers with the applicator
e. Switched the applicator pad to the other
hand, and repeated the procedure.
f. Stopped breathing, closed eyes, grasped
mask beneath chin and pulled mask away from
chinenough to allow one hand between the
mask and face. Held the mask in this position
during steps (3g)through (3m).
g. Thoroughly scrubbed the exposed skin of
the face with lotion from the applicator pad.
h. Thoroughly scrubbed across the forehead.
i. Beginning at one side, scrubbed up and
down across cheeks, nose, chin, and closed
j. Scrubbed under the chin from the ear
along the jawbone to the other ear coating skin
with lotion.
k. Turned hand over and scrubbed the inside
surfaces of the mask that may touch skin. Was
sure tol. Kept the applicator.
l. Kept the applicator.
m. Sealed the mask immediately, cleared it,
and checked it.
n. Used the applicator and any remaining
lotion in the packet. Without breaking the
mask seal, scrubbed the applicator pad across
STP 21-1-SMCT 28 September 2017 3-205
Performance Measures GO NO
the forehead, exposed scalp, skin of the neck,
ears, and throat
o. Secured the hood.
p. Thoroughly scrubbed hands with lotion
again as in steps (3d) through (3e).
q. Assumed MOPP Level 4 by putting on
protective gloves. include the drinking tube.
Required TM 3-11.32, TM 10-8415-209-10, TM 10-8415-220-10, TM 3-4230-
229-10, TM 3-4230-235-10
Foreign Disclosure: FD1 - This training product has been reviewed by the
training developers in coordination with USACBRNS foreign disclosure (FD)
representative and MCCoE foreign disclosure officer. This training product can be
used to instruct international military students from all approved countries without
Conditions: You are in an area where a nuclear weapons have been deployed.
You are given a protective mask, a brush or a broom, and shielding material.
Some iterations of this task should be performed in MOPP 4.
MOPP: Sometimes
Task Statements
Performance Steps
Evaluation Guidance: Read the action, condition, and standard to the Soldier.
Provide the Soldier with all items given in the Conditions
Statement. Score the Soldier GO if all performance measures are passed (P) in
sequence. Score the Soldier NO GO if any performance measure is failed (F) or
out of sequence. If the Soldier scores NO GO, show the Soldier what was done
wrong and how to do it correctly.
Evaluation Preparation: Gather all items in the conditions statement so that they
can be provided to the Soldier. Prepare scenarios and questions to ask the Soldier
in order to illicit a response that can be evaluated against the performance
Performance Measures GO NO
1 Dropped down immediately. _____ _____
Required: ATP 3-11.32, ATP 4-25.13, ECBC-SP-036, TM 10-8415-220-10,
TM 3-4240-542-13&P
STP 21-1-SMCT 28 September 2017 3-211
Environment: Environmental protection is not just the law but the right thing to
do. It is a continual process and starts with deliberate planning. Always be alert to
ways to protect our environment during training and missions. In doing so, you
will contribute to the sustainment of our training resources while protecting
people and the environment from harmful effects. Refer to the current
Environmental Considerations manual and the current
GTA Environmental-related Risk Assessment card.
Supporting tasks:
071-121-4066 Prepare an Armor/cavalry vehicle for Nuclear Attack
Foreign Disclosure: FD1 - This training product has been reviewed by the
training developers in coordination with the USACBRNS Foreign Disclosure
(FD) representative and MSCoE foreign disclosure officer. This training product
can be used to instruct international military students from all approved countries
without restrictions.
Special Equipment:
Task Statements
Performance Steps
1. Employ CBRN Markers (based on contamination type).
a. Employ the ATOM marker for Radiological or Nuclear contamination.
(1) Place markers at the location where a dose rate of 1 centigray per
hour (cGyph) or more is measured.
(2) Place markers so that the word "ATOM" faces away from the
contamination at waist height right-angled apex downward.
(3) Print the following information clearly on the front of the markers:
Note: case of limited space on the front surface of the sign, as a minimum, the
name/symbol of the agent (if known) and/or the dose rate/concentration (if
known) is to be written on the front surface. Any other details may be written
on the back surface.
(a) Date-time group (DTG) (Local/Zulu (L/Z)) of reading. If the
DTG is not known, print "unknown".
(b) Dose rate.
(c) DTG (L/Z) of detonation/release, if known. If the DTG is not
known, print "unknown".
b. Employ the ATOM marker for Toxic Industrial Radiological (TIR).
Note: In case of limited space on the front surface of the sign, as a minimum,
the name/symbol of the agent (if known) and/or the dose rate/concentration (if
known) is to be written on the front surface. Any other details may be written
on the back surface.
(1) Place markers at the location where a dose rate of 2 micrograys per
hour (Gyph) or more is measured.
(2) Place markers so that the word "ATOM" faces away from the
contamination at waist height right-angled apex downward.
(3) Print the following information clearly on the front of the markers:
Note: case of limited space on the front surface of the sign, as a minimum, the
name/symbol of the agent (if known) and/or the doserate/concentration (if
Evaluation Guidance: Read the action, condition, and standard to the Soldier.
Provide the Soldier with all items given in the Conditions Statement. Score the
Soldier GO if all performance measures are passed (P) in sequence. Score the
Soldier NO GO if any performance measure is failed (F) or out of sequence. If the
Soldier scores NO GO, show the Soldier what was done wrong and how to do it
Evaluation Preparation: Gather all items in the conditions statement so that they
can be provided to the Soldier. Prepare scenarios and questions to ask the Soldier
in order to illicit a response that can be evaluated against the performance
Evaluation Preparation:
Setup: Provide the Soldier with the items listed in the task condition statement.
Use simulants to produce a contaminated environment for toxic and chemical or
biological agents. For radiological contamination, tell the Soldier the type and
amount of radiation present.
Brief Soldier: Tell the Soldier that the test will consist of ensuring that NBC
markers are properly emplaced and that all required information is placed on the
Performance Measures GO NO
1 Employed CBRN Markers (based on contamination _____ _____
Required: ATP 3-11.32, ATP 3-11.37, TM 3-9905-002-10