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Econometrics Journal (2002), volume 5, pp. 285318.

Distributions of error correction tests for cointegration


Stop 20, Division of International Finance, Federal Reserve Board, 2000 C Street, NW,
Washington, DC 20551, USA
E-mail: [email protected]
Department of Economics, Queens University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada K7L 3N6
E-mail: [email protected];
Homepage: www.econ.queensu.ca/faculty/mackinnon

Received: January 2000

Summary This paper provides densities and finite sample critical values for the single-
equation error correction statistic for testing cointegration. Graphs and response surfaces sum-
marize extensive Monte Carlo simulations and highlight simple dependencies of the statistics
quantiles on the number of variables in the error correction model, the choice of deterministic
components, and the sample size. The response surfaces provide a convenient way for calcu-
lating finite sample critical values at standard levels; and a computer program, freely available
over the Internet, can be used to calculate both critical values and p-values. Two empirical
applications illustrate these tools.

Keywords: Cointegration, Critical value, Distribution function, Error correction, Monte

Carlo, Response surface.


Three general approaches are widely used for testing whether or not non-stationary economic
time series are cointegrated: single-equation static regressions, due to Engle and Granger (1987);
vector autoregressions, as formulated by Johansen (1988, 1995); and single-equation conditional
error correction models, initially proposed by Phillips (1954) and further developed by Sargan
(1964). While all three have their advantages and disadvantages, testing for cointegration with
any of these approaches requires non-standard critical values, which are usually calculated by
Monte Carlo simulation. Engle and Granger (1987) tabulate a limited set of critical values for
their procedure. MacKinnon (1991) derives a more extensive set with finite sample corrections
based on response surfaces, and MacKinnon (1996) provides a computer program to calculate
critical values for Engle and Grangers test at any desired level. Johansen (1988), Johansen and
Juselius (1990), and Osterwald-Lenum (1992) include critical values for the Johansen proce-
dure under typical assumptions about deterministic terms and the number of stochastic variables.
Johansen (1995), Doornik (1998), and MacKinnon et al. (1999) provide more accurate estimates
of these critical values, with the last of these papers also providing computer programs to calcu-
late critical values and p-values.
c Royal Economic Society 2002. Published by Blackwell Publishers Ltd, 108 Cowley Road, Oxford OX4 1JF, UK and 350 Main Street,

Malden, MA, 02148, USA.
286 Neil R. Ericsson and James G. MacKinnon

By contrast, critical values for the single-equation error correction procedure are scant, per-
haps because error correction models substantially predate the literature on cointegration. Baner-
jee et al. (1993) tabulate critical values for an error correction model with two variables at three
sample sizes; and Banerjee et al. (1998) list critical values for models with two through six vari-
ables at five sample sizes. Harbo et al. (1998), MacKinnon et al. (1999), and Pesaran et al. (2000)
list asymptotic critical values for a related but distinct procedure for single- and multiple-equation
error correction models.
The current paper addresses this dearth by providing an extensive set of cointegration critical
values for the single-equation error correction model. These critical values include finite sample
adjustments similar to those in MacKinnon (1991, 1996) for the EngleGranger (EG) proce-
dure, they are very accurate numerically and are easy to use in practice, and they encompass
and supersede comparable results in Banerjee et al. (1993) and Banerjee et al. (1998). We also
provide a freely available Excel spreadsheet and a Fortran program (the latter being similar to the
one in MacKinnon (1996) for the EG procedure) that compute both critical values and p-values
for the error correction statistic. As the articles in Banerjee and Hendry (1996), Ericsson (1998),
and Lutkepohl and Wolters (1998) inter alia highlight, conditional error correction models are
ubiquitous empirically, so these tools for calculating critical values and p-values should be of
immediate and widespread use to the empirical modeler. Finally, general distributional proper-
ties are of considerable interest. Accurate numerical approximations to the entire distribution
of the error correction statistic are calculated herein and offer insights into the nature of that
statistic, particularly relative to the DickeyFuller and EG statistics. Graphs highlight the error
correction statistics properties and relationships, and show for the first time what many of its var-
ious distributions look like. Throughout, the focus is on testing for cointegration, rather than on
the complementary task of estimating the cointegrating vectors, assuming a given cointegration
This paper is organized as follows. Section 2 sets the backdrop by considering the three
common procedures and their relationships to each other. Section 3 outlines the structure of the
Monte Carlo analysis for calculating the distributional properties of the cointegration test statistic
based on the single-equation error correction model. Section 4 presents the Monte Carlo results,
which include densities and finite sample critical values. Section 5 applies the finite sample crit-
ical values derived in Section 4 and the computer program for calculating p-values to empirical
error correction models of UK narrow money demand from Hendry and Ericsson (1991) and of
US federal government debt from Hamilton and Flavin (1986). Section 6 concludes.


This paper focuses on finite sample inference about cointegration in a single-equation condi-
tional error correction model (ECM).1 To motivate the use of conditional ECMs, this section
describes the analytics of and inferential methods for the three common approaches for test-
ing cointegration: the Johansen procedure (Section 2.1), the conditional ECM (Section 2.2), and
the EG procedure (Section 2.3). Differences between the three approaches turn on their various
assumptions about dynamics and exogeneity (Section 2.4).
1 Strictly speaking, the models examined herein are equilibrium correction models; see Hendry and Doornik (2001,
p. 144).

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Distributions of error correction tests for cointegration 287

2.1. The Johansen procedure

Johansen (1988, 1995) derives maximum likelihood procedures for testing for cointegration in a
finite-order Gaussian vector autoregression (VAR). That system is:
xt = i xti + 8Dt + t , t I N (0, ), t = 1, . . . , T, (1)

where xt is a vector of k variables at time t; i is a k k matrix of coefficients on the ith lag of xt ;

` is the maximal lag length; 8 is a k d matrix of coefficients on Dt , a vector of d deterministic
variables (such as a constant term and a trend); t is a vector of k unobserved, sequentially
independent, jointly normal errors with mean zero and (constant) covariance matrix ; and T is
the number of observations. Throughout, x is restricted to be (at most) integrated of order one,
denoted I(1), where an I( j) variable requires jth differencing to make it stationary.
The VAR in (1) may be rewritten as a vector error correction model:
1xt = xt1 + 0i 1xti + 8Dt + t , t I N (0, ), (2)

where and 0i are:

= i Ik , (3)
0i = (i+1 + + ` ), i = 1, . . . , ` 1, (4)

Ik is the identity matrix of dimension k, and 1 is the difference operator.2 For any specified
number of cointegrating vectors r (0 r k), the matrix is of (potentially reduced) rank r
and may be rewritten as 0 , where and are k r matrices of full rank. By substitution, (2) is:
1xt = 0 xt1 + 0i 1xti + 8Dt + t , t I N (0, ), (5)

where is the matrix of cointegrating vectors, and is the matrix of adjustment coefficients
(equivalently, the loading matrix).
Johansen (1988, 1995) derives two maximum likelihood statistics for testing the rank of
in (2) and hence for testing the number of cointegrating vectors in (2). Critical values appear
in Johansen (1988, Table 1) for a VAR with no deterministic components, in Johansen and
Juselius (1990, Tables A1A3) for VARs with a constant term, and in Osterwald-Lenum (1992)
and Johansen (1995, Ch. 15) for VARs with no deterministic components, with a constant term
only, and with a constant term and a linear trend. Doornik (1998) derives a convenient approxi-
mation to the maximum likelihood statistics distributions using the Gamma distribution, and
MacKinnon et al. (1999) provide computer programs to calculate critical values and p-values
for the Johansen procedure.
2 The difference operator 1 is defined as (1 L), where the lag operator L shifts a variable one period into the past.
Hence, for xt , L xt = xt1 and so 1xt = xt xt1 . More generally, 1ij xt = (1 L j )i xt for positive integers i and j.
If i or j is not explicit, it is taken to be unity.

c Royal Economic Society 2002

288 Neil R. Ericsson and James G. MacKinnon

2.2. Single-equation conditional error correction models

Without loss of generality, the VAR in (1) can be factorized into a pair of conditional and marginal
models. If the marginal variables are weakly exogenous for the cointegrating vectors , then
inference about cointegration using the conditional model alone can be made without loss of
information relative to inference using the full system (the VAR); see Johansen (1992a,b). This
subsection derives a single-equation conditional model from the VAR and delineates two related
approaches for conducting such inferences about cointegration from that conditional model. The
second of those approaches is the focus of the Monte Carlo analysis in Sections 3 and 4 and of
the empirical analysis in Section 5.
For expositional clarity, assume that (1) is a first-order VAR with no deterministic compo-
nents. Its explicit representation as the vector error correction model (2) is:

1yt = (11) yt1 + (12) z t1 + 1t (6)

1z t = (21) yt1 + (22) z t1 + 2t , (7)

where xt0 = (yt , z t0 ), yt is a scalar endogenous variable, z t is a (k 1) 1 vector of potentially

weakly exogenous variables, is partitioned conformably to xt as {(i j) }, and t0 = (1t , 2t 0 ).

From (5), equations (6) and (7) may be written as:

1yt = 1 0 xt1 + 1t (8)

1z t = 2 0 xt1 + 2t , (9)

where 0 = (1 , 20 ). Equations (8) and (9) may always be factorized into the conditional distri-
bution of yt given z t and lags on both variables, and the marginal distribution of z t (also given
lags on both variables):

1yt = 00 1z t + 1 0 xt1 + 1t (10)

1z t = 2 0 xt1 + 2t , (11)

where 00 = 12 1 22 , 1 = 1 12 22 2 , 1t = 1t 12 22 2t , the expectation E(1t 2t )

1 1

is zero (by construction), and the error covariance matrix  in (1) is {i j }. Equivalently, the
error 1t in (8) may be partitioned into two uncorrelated components as 1t = 1t + 00 2t , and
then 2t is substituted out to obtain (10).
The variable z t is weakly exogenous for if and only if 2 = 0 in (11), in which case (10)
and (11) become:

1yt = 00 1z t + 1 0 xt1 + 1t (12)

1z t = 2t , (13)

where 1 = 1 . The test of z t being weakly exogenous for is thus a test of 2 = 0; see Johansen
If 2 = 0, the conditional ECM (12) by itself is sufficient for inference about that is with-
out loss of information relative to inference from (10) and (11) together. Two distinct approaches
have evolved for testing cointegration in the conditional ECM (12): one is due to Harbo et al.
(1998), and the other originates from the literature on ECMs. The current paper analyzes the
second approach, and clarifying the distinction between the two approaches is central to under-
standing their respective properties.

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Distributions of error correction tests for cointegration 289

Harbo et al. (1998) derive the likelihood ratio statistic for testing cointegrating rank in a
conditional subsystem obtained from a Gaussian VAR when the marginal variables are weakly
exogenous for . For a single-equation conditional model such as (12), the null hypothesis being
tested is 1 0 = 0, i.e. that the cointegrating rank for x is zero. The alternative hypothesis is that
1 0 6= 0, implying that x has a cointegrating vector with at least one non-zero element.
The second approach stems from the literature on error correction models and is based on
transformations of (12), with an auxiliary assumption about the nature of xs cointegration.
Specifically, the conditional ECM (12) can be motivated as a reparameterization of the condi-
tional autoregressive distributed lag (ADL) model; see Davidson et al. (1978) and Hendry et al.
(1984) inter alia. Data transformations imply reparameterizations, and two transformations are
of particular interest:

differencing : 1 xt + 2 xt1 1 1xt + (1 + 2 )xt1

differentials : 1 yt + 2 z t 1 (yt z t ) + (1 + 2 )z t ,

for arbitrary coefficients 1 and 2 . Repeatedly applying these two transformations re-arranges
a conditional ADL into the conditional ECM (12):

yt = 00 z t + 01 z t1 + 2 yt1 + 1t (14)
yt = 00 1z t + 03 z t1 + 2 yt1 + 1t (15)
1yt = 00 1z t + 03 z t1 + 1 yt1 + 1t (16)
1yt = 00 1z t + 1 (yt1 0 z t1 ) + 1t (17)
1yt = 00 1z t + 1 0 xt1 + 1t , (18)

where 0 , 1 , 2 , 3 , and are various coefficients; and the cointegrating vector has been
normalized on its first coefficient (i.e. for y) such that 0 = (1, 0 ). In practice, significance
testing of the error correction term typically has been based on the t-ratio for 1 in (16), not (17)
or (18). This is the PcGive unit root test in Hendry (1989, p. 149) and Hendry and Doornik
(2001, p. 256), which here is denoted the ECM statistic.
When interpreted as a test for cointegration of x, this approach requires an additional assump-
tion: namely, that the variables in z are not cointegrated among themselves. Thus, 1 = 0 in (16)
implies (and is implied by) a lack of cointegration between y and z, whereas 1 < 0 implies
cointegration. The t-ratio based upon the least squares estimator of 1 in (16) is the ECM statis-
tic analyzed in Sections 35. That t-ratio is denoted d (k), where d indicates the deterministic
components included in the ECM, or the number of such deterministic components, depending
upon the context; and k is the total number of variables in x (not to be confused with the num-
ber of regressors in the ECM). This t-ratio is used to test the null hypothesis that 1 = 0, i.e.
that y and z are not cointegrated. If weak exogeneity does not hold, critical values generally are
affected; see Hendry (1995).
Campos et al. (1996) and Banerjee et al. (1998) derive the asymptotic distribution of d (k)
under the null hypothesis of no cointegration:
Z 1/2 Z
d (k) Bv2 Bv d Bv , (19)

where Bv and B are the standardized Wiener processes corresponding to v1t and 2t , Bv is
0 R 1
B B0
Bv B Bv B , denotes weak convergence of the associated probability

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290 Neil R. Ericsson and James G. MacKinnon

measures as T , strong exogeneity of z with respect to and is assumed, and the ECM
has no deterministic terms. If the ECM includes deterministic terms, the asymptotic distribution
of d (k) is of the same form as in (19), but with the Wiener processes replaced by the correspond-
ing Brownian bridges. Johansen (1995, Ch. 11.2) develops analogous algebra for the Johansen
maximum likelihood statistic when the VAR has deterministic terms.
Kiviet and Phillips (1992) and Banerjee et al. (1998) discuss similarity for d (k). Notably,
the asymptotic distribution in (19) depends on k and d, but not on the short-run coefficients in
the ECM. That is, d (k) is asymptotically similar with respect to 0 , and also with respect to
coefficients on any lags of 1x in the ECM, provided that those parameters lie within the space
satisfying the I(1) conditions for x. The statistic d (k) is exactly similar with respect to the
constant term if the estimated ECM includes a constant term and a linear trend, and with respect
to the constant term and the linear trends coefficient if the estimated ECM includes a constant
term, a linear trend, and a quadratic trend. Following Johansen (1995, p. 84), seasonal dummies
with a constant term may affect the finite sample (but not asymptotic) distribution. Likewise, the
choice of a fixed lag length ` affects the finite sample (but not asymptotic) distribution, provided
` is large enough to avoid mis-specification; see Banerjee et al. (1998, Section 5).
To summarize, the ECM statistic d (k) is designed to detect cointegration involving y in the
conditional model (12). The procedure in Harbo et al. (1998) is designed to detect any coin-
tegration in x in the conditional model (12), where that cointegration may include y or it may
be restricted to z alone. While both statistics derive from conditional models, the two statistics
are testing different hypotheses. They have different distributionseven asymptoticallyand so
require separate tabulation.
Harbo et al. (1998, Tables 24) present asymptotic critical values for their statistic for (typ-
ically) k = 2, . . . , 7 with several choices of deterministic terms, allowing for conditional sub-
systems (i.e. with more than one endogenous variable) as well as conditional single equations.
Pesaran et al. (2000, Tables 6(a)6(e)) estimate the 5% and 10% critical values for up through five
weakly exogenous variables and 12 endogenous variables. Using response surfaces, MacKinnon
et al. (1999, Tables 26) extend and more precisely estimate the 5% critical values in Harbo
et al. (1998) and Pesaran et al. (2000) for up through eight weakly exogenous variables and 12
endogenous variables. They also make available a program that calculates asymptotic critical val-
ues at any level and p-values. Doornik (1998, Section 9) approximates the distribution of Harbo
et al.s maximum likelihood trace statistic by a Gamma function. Boswijk and Franses (1992)
and Boswijk (1994) analyze a Wald statistic for testing 1 0 = 0. Boswijk (1994) also tabulates
asymptotic critical values for this Wald statistic in the single-equation case, and they are nume-
rically very similar to those in Harbo et al. (1998) for the comparable likelihood ratio statistic.
Critical values for the ECM statistic d (k) appear in Banerjee et al. (1993, Table 7.6) for
k = 2 with a constant term, and in Banerjee et al. (1998, Table I) for k = 2, . . . , 6 with a
constant term and with a constant term and a linear trend. In both studies, the maximum num-
ber of variables is too small for many empirical purposes, the estimates of the critical values
are relatively imprecise, and finite sample adjustments are impractical from the reported critical
values. The results in Section 4 address these limitations. In the next subsection, the derivation
in (14)(18) clarifies the relationship between the ECM and EG procedures.

2.3. The EngleGranger procedure

Engle and Granger (1987) propose testing for cointegration by testing whether the residuals of a
static regression are stationary. The usual unit root test used is that of Dickey and Fuller (1981),

c Royal Economic Society 2002

Distributions of error correction tests for cointegration 291

which is based on a finite-order autoregression. Engle and Grangers procedure imposes a com-
mon factor restriction on the dynamics of the relationship between the variables involved. If that
restriction is invalid, a loss of power relative to the ECM and Johansen procedures may well
result. This subsection highlights the role of the common factor restriction by expressing the
model for Engle and Grangers procedure as a restricted ECM.
Reconsider the conditional ECM derived from a first-order VAR:

1yt = 00 1z t + 1 (y 0 z)t1 + 1t , (20)

where yt 0 z t is the putative disequilibrium. Engle and Grangers cointegration test statistic
can be formulated from (20), thus establishing the relationship between it and the ECM statistic.
Specifically, subtract 0 1z t from both sides of (20) and re-arrange:

1(y 0 z)t = 1 (y 0 z)t1 + {(00 0 )1z t + 1t }. (21)

Defining the EngleGranger residual yt 0 z t as wt , (21) may be rewritten as:

1wt = 1 wt1 + et , (22)

where, by construction, the disturbance et is (00 0 )1z t + 1t . The t-ratio on the least squares
estimator of 1 in (22) is the EG cointegration test statistic. It is the DickeyFuller statistic for
testing whether w has a unit root and hence whether y and z lack (or obtain) cointegration with
cointegrating vector (1, 0 ). Below, that t-ratio is denoted d (k), paralleling Dickey and Fullers
From (21), d (k) imposes 0 = , equating the short-run and long-run elasticities (the
common factor restriction). Empirically, estimated short- and long-run elasticities often differ
markedly, so imposing their equality is arbitrary and hazardous. Weak exogeneity is assumed in
the presentation above but is not required for the EG procedure. See Kremers et al. (1992) for a
general derivation of the common factor restriction in the EG procedure.
If the cointegrating coefficient is known, then the t-ratio on 1 in (22) has a DickeyFuller
distribution (equivalent to assuming k = 1), as originally tabulated by Dickey in Fuller (1976,
Table 8.5.2). If is estimated by least squares prior to testing that 1 = 0, then other critical
values are required. Engle and Granger (1987, Table II) give such critical values for the bivari-
ate model (k = 2) with a constant term. The response surfaces in MacKinnon (1991, Table 1)
allow construction of critical values with finite sample adjustments for k = 1, . . . , 6 with a
constant term and with a constant term and a linear trend. MacKinnon (1996) provides a com-
puter program to calculate numerically highly accurate critical values at any desired level for
k = 1, . . . , 12 with deterministic terms up to and including a quadratic trend.

2.4. A comparison

The Johansen, ECM, and EG procedures all focus on whether or not the feedback parameters for
the cointegrating vector(s) are non-zero: for the Johansen procedure, 1 for the ECM proce-
dure, and 1 (which is 1 under weak exogeneity) for the EG procedure. The procedures differ
in their assumptions about the data generation process (DGP), and those assumptions imply both
advantages and disadvantages for empirical implementation. For all three procedures, numerical
computations are easy and fast for both estimation and testing.

c Royal Economic Society 2002

292 Neil R. Ericsson and James G. MacKinnon

Table 1. A comparison of the Johansen, ECM, and EngleGranger procedures for testing cointegration.
Aspect Procedure
Johansen ECM (both types) EngleGranger
Statistic Maximal eigenvalue d (k); Harbo et al. d (k)
and trace statistics. (1998) statistic.
Assumptions Well-specified Weak exogeneity Common factor
full system. of z t for . restriction.
Advantages Maximum likelihood Starting point for Intuitive.
of full system. ECM modeling; Super-consistent
Determines r (the unrestrictive dynamics. estimator of .
number of Weak exogeneity is
cointegrating vectors), often valid empirically.
, and . Robust to particulars
of the marginal process.
Disadvantages Full system should Weak exogeneity Comfac is often invalid.
be well-specified. is assumed. Inferences on are messy.
r 1 is imposed Biases in estimating .
(usually). r 1 imposed (usually).
Normalization affects
estimation. Dynamics
may be of interest.
Sources for Johansen (1988, 1995), Banerjee et al. (1993), Engle and Granger (1987),
critical values Johansen and Juselius Banerjee et al. (1998), MacKinnon (1991, 1994,
and p-values (1990), this paper; 1996).
Osterwald-Lenum (1992), Harbo et al. (1998),
Doornik (1998), MacKinnon et al. (1999),
MacKinnon et al. (1999). Pesaran et al. (2000).

Table 1 compares the assumptions of these procedures and their implied advantages and
disadvantages. For the procedure using the conditional ECM, the advantages are severalfold.
The conditional ECM (or, equivalently, the unrestricted ADL) is a common starting point for
modeling general to specific in a single-equation context. Also, weak exogeneity is often valid
empirically. And, the ECM procedure is robust to many particulars of the marginal process, e.g.
specific lag lengths and dynamics involved. While the ECM procedure assumes weak exogeneity
and often assumes at most a single cointegrating vector, the procedures appeal has made it com-
mon in the literaturehence the need for a clear understanding of the procedures distributional
properties.3 The next two sections describe the structure of the Monte Carlo analysis used for
calculating such properties (Section 3) and the results obtained (Section 4).


This papers objective is to provide information on finite sample inference about cointegration
in conditional error correction models. Section 2 motivated the interest in the ECM statistic by
3 Testing for weak exogeneity in a VAR and then for cointegration in a conditional ECM need not suffer from classical
pre-test problems, as the corresponding hypotheses are nested. See Hoover and Perez (1999).

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Distributions of error correction tests for cointegration 293

clarifying its relationships to the Johansen and EG procedures. The remaining sections examine
the distributional properties of the ECM statistic.
Because no analytical solution is known for even the asymptotic distribution of the ECM test
statistic, distributional properties are estimated by Monte Carlo simulation. This section outlines
the structure of that Monte Carlo simulation. Section 3.1 describes the focus of this papers sim-
ulation, the DGP, and the model estimated. Sections 3.2 and 3.3 sketch the design and simulation
of the Monte Carlo experiments, and Section 3.4 discusses post-simulation analysis.

3.1. The focus, the data generation process, and the model

The general object of interest is the distribution of the ECM test statistic d (k) under the null of
no cointegration. Asymptotic properties are derived in Kiviet and Phillips (1992), Campos et al.
(1996), and Banerjee et al. (1998), with certain invariance results appearing in Kiviet and Phillips
(1992). Finite sample properties appear in Banerjee et al. (1993), Campos et al. (1996), and
Banerjee et al. (1998), but all are very limited in their experimental design.4 In the current paper,
two aspects are of primary concern: the distribution of d (k), and critical values at common
levels of significance.
To examine the properties of the ECM statistic under the null hypothesis of no cointegration,
the DGP is a standardized multivariate random walk for x:
1xt I N (0, Ik ), (23)
a common DGP for simulating the null distribution of cointegration test statistics.
The estimated model is the conditional ECM resulting from a possibly cointegrated, `th-
order, k-variable VAR, assuming weak exogeneity of z t for and with yt scalar. That is, the
estimated model is:
1yt = 00 1z t + b0 xt1 + 01i 1xti + 10 Dt + 1t 1t I N (0, 2 ), (24)

where b, 01i , and 1 are coefficients in the conditional ECM; and 2 is the conditional ECMs
error variance. Because b0 (b1 , b2 , . . . , bk ) = 1 0 in the notation of the ECM (18), then b1 is
1 , which is the coefficient of interest in the ECM statistic d (k). The deterministic component
Dt may include a constant term, a constant term and a linear trend, or a constant term, a linear
trend, and a quadratic trend. The corresponding ECM statistics are denoted c (k), ct (k), and
ctt (k), respectively. If no variables are included in Dt , then the ECM statistic is denoted nc (k)
(nc for no constant term).
4 The current paper, like much of the literature, focuses on cointegration tests when the cointegrating vectors are
unknown a priori. This is a reasonable approach in many situations. Economic theory may not be fully informative about
the cointegrating vector, or the researcher may wish to test the implied economic restrictions. Moreover, different eco-
nomic theories may imply different cointegrating vectors, as with the quantity theory and the BaumolTobin framework.
Notably, economic theory does not fully specify the cointegrating vectors for the empirical applications in Section 5.
Kremers et al. (1992), Hansen (1995), Campos et al. (1996), and Zivot (2000) consider distributional properties for
the ECM statistic when the cointegrating coefficients are known. In that case, the statistics distribution contains nui-
sance parameters, even asymptotically, although those parameters can be estimated consistently. Hansen (1995) provides
asymptotic critical values for such a procedure; response surfaces for finite sample properties could be developed along
the lines of our paper. As Zivot (2000) shows, considerable power gains can be achieved by correctly prespecifying the
cointegrating vector. Conversely, the test can be inconsistent if the cointegrating vector is incorrectly prespecified, as
that prespecification induces an I(1) component in the error term. Horvath and Watson (1995) and Elliott (1995) analyze
properties of cointegration tests from a VAR when the cointegrating vectors are prespecified.

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294 Neil R. Ericsson and James G. MacKinnon

3.2. Specifics of the experimental design

The analysis focuses on the finite sample properties of the ECM statistic. Three design parame-
ters are central to the statistics distributional properties: the estimation sample size (T ), the total
number of variables in xt (k), and the number of deterministic components in Dt (d). To provide
results for a wide range of situations common in empirical investigations, the simulations span a
full factorial design of the following T , k, and Dt :

T = (20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 125, 150, 200,
400, 500, 600, 700, 1000)
k = (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12)
Dt = (none; constant term; constant term, t; constant term, t, t 2 ). (25)

The range of the sample size aims to provide information on both the test statistics asymptotic
properties and its finite sample deviations therefrom. The design includes all positive integer val-
ues of k up through 12, sufficient for virtually all empirical applications. The choice of Dt implies
four test statistics: nc (k), c (k), ct (k), and ctt (k). Deterministic terms may be included in the
model because they are required for adequate model specification, i.e. because the determinis-
tic terms enter the DGP. Also, a deterministic term of one order higher than required may be
included in the model in order to obtain similarity to the coefficients of the lower-order deter-
ministic terms; see Kiviet and Phillips (1992), Johansen (1994), and Nielsen and Rahbek (2000).
Throughout the simulations, the models lag length is set to unity (` = 1). However, the lag
notation in (24) is useful, as ` > 1 for the empirical models in Section 5.
One minor modification exists for the experimental design in (25). Because 2k1 + d degrees
of freedom are used in the estimation of (24), some smaller values of T are not considered for
larger values of k that imply 2k 1 + d close to or exceeding T . Specifically, T = 20 is dropped
for k = 8; T = (20, 25) are dropped for k = (9, 10); and T = (20, 25, 30) are dropped for
k = (11, 12).

3.3. Monte Carlo simulation

This paper aims to provide numerically accurate estimates of the ECM statistics distribution,
particularly in its tails, where inference is commonly of concern. Thus, a large number of replica-
tions are simulated for each experiment in (25): specifically, 10 million replications for each pair
of T and k. Such large numbers of replications do not pose difficulties for calculations of sample
moments, but they are problematic for calculating quantilesand hence densitiesbecause the
full set of replications must be stored and sorted. As a reasonably efficient second-best alter-
native, the adopted design divides each experiment into 50 sets of 200 000 replications apiece,
determines the quantiles for each set, and then averages the estimated quantile values across
the sets. Partitioning each experiment into several sets also provides an easy way to measure
experimental randomness. To estimate accurately the complete densities of the ECM statistic,
a large number of quantiles are calculated: 221 in total, corresponding to p = 0.0001, 0.0002,
0.0005, 0.001, 0.002, 0.003, . . . , 0.008, 0.009, 0.010, 0.015, 0.020, 0.025, . . . , 0.495, 0.500,
0.505, . . . , 0.975, 0.980, 0.985, 0.990, 0.991, 0.992, . . . , 0.997, 0.998, 0.999, 0.9995, 0.9998,
0.9999, where p denotes the quantiles percent level.

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Distributions of error correction tests for cointegration 295

Because so many random numbers were generated, it was vital to use a pseudo-random num-
ber generator with a very long period. The generator used was that in MacKinnon (1994, 1996),
which combines two different pseudo-random number generators recommended by LEcuyer
(1988). The two generators were started with different seeds and allowed to run independently,
so that two independent uniform pseudo-random numbers were generated at once. Each pair was
then transformed into two N (0, 1) variates using the modified polar method of Marsaglia and
Bray (1964, p. 260). See MacKinnon (1994, p. 170) for details.

3.4. Post-simulation analysis

These Monte Carlo simulations generate a vast quantity of information: 221 estimated quantiles
on 50 sets of replications for (typically) 21 sample sizes with 12 different values of k and four
choices of Dt : over 10 million numbers. Graphs and regressions provide two succinct ways of
conveying and summarizing such information. This paper uses both means: graphs of asymptotic
and finite sample densities, and response surfaces for finite sample critical values. An explanation
is helpful for interpreting both the response surfaces and the graphs.
Typically, authors have tabulated estimated critical values for several sample sizes or for one
large (close to asymptotic) sample size. Such tabulations recognize the dependence of the crit-
ical values on the estimation sample size. That dependence can be approximated by regression,
regressing the Monte Carlo estimates of the critical value on functions of the sample size. Such
regressions are response surfaces: see Hammersley and Handscomb (1964) and Hendry (1984)
for general discussions.
Here, for each triplet defined by the quantiles percent level p, the number of variables k, and
the choice of deterministic components Dt , a response surface was estimated:

q(Ti ) = + 1 (Tia )1 + 2 (Tia )2 + 3 (Tia )3 + u i . (26)

The dependent variable q(Ti ) is the estimated finite sample pth quantile from the Monte Carlo
simulation with the ith sample size Ti , which takes the values for T in the experimental
design (25). The regressors are an intercept and three inverse powers of the adjusted sample
size Tia (which equals Ti (2k 1) d); , 1 , 2 , and 3 are the corresponding coefficients;
and u i is an error that reflects both simulation uncertainty and the approximation of the quantiles
true functional form by the cubic in (26).
The benefits of these response surfaces are several. First, they reduce consumption costs to
the user by summarizing numerous Monte Carlo experiments in a simple regression. Second,
the coefficient is interpretable as the asymptotic (T = ) pth quantile for the choice of k
and Dt concerned. Estimation of that asymptotic quantile does not necessarily require very large
sample sizes in the experimental design. Third, response surfaces reduce the Monte Carlo uncer-
tainty by averaging (through regression) across different experiments. Fourth, response surfaces
reduce the specificity of the simulations by allowing easy calculation of quantiles for sample
sizes not included in the experimental design (25). Fifth, p-values and critical values at any
level can be calculated from the response surfaces, as by the computer program accompanying
MacKinnon (1996) for the EG statistic d (k) and by the one accompanying this paper for the
ECM statistic d (k). Finally, response surfaces for commonly used quantiles (e.g. p = 5%)
are easily programmed into econometrics computer packages so as to provide empirical model-
ers with estimated finite sample critical values directly. For instance, PcGive and EViews have
incorporated the response surfaces in MacKinnon (1991) for the DickeyFuller critical values,

c Royal Economic Society 2002

296 Neil R. Ericsson and James G. MacKinnon

and (more recently) PcGive has added the response surfaces in Tables 25 below for d (k); see
Hendry and Doornik (2001, pp. 231, 256).
Having estimated response surfaces of the form (26) for all experiments, it is relatively easy
to plot estimated asymptotic distribution functions of the ECM statistic from the estimated val-
ues of ; see Section 4.1. Finite sample densities may be constructed from the Monte Carlo
simulations directly, or from evaluation of (26) at finite sample sizes. Details of the numerical
procedures for constructing the graphs appear in MacKinnon (1994, 1996).
While the response surfaces of the form (26) are convenient for constructing graphs of the
asymptotic distributions, there are too many response surfaces to report them all: 10 608 response
surfaces in total, i.e. 221 4 12. For testing cointegration, however, response surfaces at
common levels of significance are of particular interest, so Section 4.2 reports response surfaces
for 1%, 5%, and 10% levels. These response surfaces parallel those in MacKinnon (1991) for the
EG test statistic d (k).
Characterizing each distribution function by 221 estimated quantiles is not the only way to
summarize simulation results such as ours. An alternative approachused by MacKinnon (1994)
and Doornik (1998)is to estimate parametric approximations to the distribution functions and
report the parameter estimates. Because this approach requires storing far less information to cal-
culate quantiles and critical values, it may be more convenient for implementation in econometric
software packages. However, this approach also introduces approximation errors, to the extent
that the estimated functional form inadequately captures the underlying distribution. Because lit-
tle is known about the distribution of the ECM statistic, and in light of the complexity of dealing
with both asymptotic and finite sample distributions, we adopted the current approach and report
response surface estimates that give estimated quantiles as functions of the sample size. Finding
convenient, accurate distributional approximations is a topic for further research.


This section graphs estimated densities for the ECM statistic (Section 4.1) and reports response
surfaces for that statistic (Section 4.2). Section 4.3 then examines critical values for the ECM
statistic that were previously estimated in the literature and shows that the response surfaces in
Section 4.2 encompass and supersede much of that work.

4.1. Densities for the ECM statistic

Figures 18 plot asymptotic and finite sample densities for the ECM statistic; see Ericsson and
MacKinnon (1999) for some corresponding cumulative distribution functions. Figures 14 begin
with the asymptotic densities for nc (k), c (k), ct (k), and ctt (k), respectively. Each figure
graphs the densities for k = 1, . . . , 12, along with the density for N (0, 1). Because the ECM
statistic for k = 1 is the DickeyFuller statistic, that special case is labeled explicitly on the
graphs as d (1).
Several features are notable in Figures 14. First, the density shifts systematically in the neg-
ative direction as the number of variables k increases. The shift is numerically relatively constant,
about 0.2 for an incremental increase in k, although the shift appears to be gradually declining
in magnitude as k increases. Second, comparing densities across figures, the magnitude of the
shift appears to decline as the number of deterministic components increases. Third, the discrep-
ancy between the density of N (0, 1) and that of the ECM statistic is considerable and increases

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Distributions of error correction tests for cointegration 297

as the number of deterministic components and stochastic variables increases. Thus, inferences
about cointegration when using the ECM statistic would be hazardous if (e.g.) a standardized
normal distribution were assumed. Fourth, the figures highlight the unique shape of the distribu-
tion of the DickeyFuller statistic. Figure 1 in particular brings out the asymmetry in the density
of the DickeyFuller statistic nc (1), a feature apparent in MacKinnon (1994, Figure 3) and also
noted by Abadir (1995), both analytically and in his Figure 1.
As discussed in Section 2, comparisons of the ECM and EG procedures are of considerable
interest. MacKinnon (1994, 1996) numerically estimated the distributions for the DickeyFuller
statistic applied to the EG cointegration residuals. Figures 56 plot the asymptotic densities of
the ECM and EG statistics for k = 2 and k = 12, where the densities of the EG statistic d (k)
are derived from MacKinnons (1996) simulations. For all choices of deterministic components,
the density of d (k) is shifted to the left of that for d (k), substantially so for larger values of k.
The density of d (2) is shifted by only a few tenths relative to d (2), whereas that for d (12) is
often shifted by one to two units relative to d (12).
Figures 16 all concern asymptotic properties. While asymptotic properties are essential for
understanding the nature of the ECM statistic, empirical sample sizes are often small, so it is
valuable to assess the discrepancies between asymptotic and finite sample distributions. Figures 7
and 8 plot asymptotic and finite sample densities for d (2) and d (12), where finite sample is
T = 20 for d (2) and T = 50 for d (12). For all choices of deterministic components, the
asymptotic densities tend to be more peaked than the finite sample ones, perhaps reflecting the
contribution of estimation uncertainty to the latter. While the finite sample densities tend to shift
to the left as the sample size increases, this does not hold uniformly for all parts of the density.
Shifts to the right are notable in the left tails in Figure 7. Figures 7 and 8 each include the
densities for all four possibilities of deterministic components for a given ECM statistic. Each
additional deterministic component systematically shifts the statistics density to the left, and the
incremental shift is almost invariant to the total number of deterministic components.

4.2. Response surfaces for critical values

As just discussed, the distribution of the ECM statistic d (k) depends systematically on the num-
ber of variables k, the number of deterministic components d, and the sample size T . The current
subsection quantifies these dependencies through response surfaces for three quantiles: those at
1%, 5%, and 10%.
To motivate these dependencies, consider Figure 9, which plots the data to be analyzed in the
response surfaces. Specifically, each 3D graph in Figure 9 plots the within-experiment average
for the estimated quantile against k and (T a /100)1 (a rescaled inverse of the adjusted sample
size), given the choice of d and the quantiles percent level p. The previously noted dependencies
on d, k, T , and p are all apparent in Figure 9. Additionally, T appears to have relatively little
effect on the 5% and 10% quantiles.
Tables 25 list the least squares estimates of the response surface coefficients , 1 , 2 ,
and 3 for the 1%, 5%, and 10% quantiles with k = 1, . . . , 12.5 The conditional ECM is esti-
mated with no deterministic terms (Table 2), with a constant term only (Table 3), with a constant
term and a linear trend only (Table 4), and with a constant term, a linear trend, and a quadratic
5 The response surfaces reported in Tables 25 differ slightly from those underlying Figures 18. The former are esti-
mated by OLS, whereas the latter are estimated by GMM, using methods discussed in MacKinnon (1996). The two
approaches yield numerically very similar results.

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298 Neil R. Ericsson and James G. MacKinnon

Figure 1. Asymptotic densities of the ECM statistic: no constant.

Figure 2. Asymptotic densities of the ECM statistic: constant only.

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Distributions of error correction tests for cointegration 299

Figure 3. Asymptotic densities of the ECM statistic: constant and trend.

Figure 4. Asymptotic densities of the ECM statistic: constant, trend, and trend squared.

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300 Neil R. Ericsson and James G. MacKinnon

Figure 5. Asymptotic densities of the ECM and EG statistics: k = 2.

Figure 6. Asymptotic densities of the ECM and EG statistics: k = 12.

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Distributions of error correction tests for cointegration 301

Figure 7. Asymptotic and finite sample densities of the ECM statistic: k = 2.

Figure 8. Asymptotic and finite sample densities of the ECM statistic: k = 12.

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302 Neil R. Ericsson and James G. MacKinnon

Figure 9. Estimated finite sample 1%, 5%, and 10% quantiles q(T ) for the ECM statistic as a function of
d, k, and T a .

trend (Table 5). The tables also include the estimated standard error (s.e.) for to provide
a measure of uncertainty for the estimated asymptotic quantile. This standard error is always
smaller than 0.001, assuring high precision in the estimates. The estimated standard errors are
jackknife heteroskedasticity consistent standard errors from MacKinnon and White (1985), as
the experimental design may induce some heteroskedasticity in the estimated quantiles across
different sample sizes.

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Distributions of error correction tests for cointegration 303

Table 2. Response surface estimates for critical values of the ECM test of cointegration nc (k): no deter-
ministic terms.
k Size (%) (s.e.) 1 2 3
1 1 2.5659 (0.0006) 2.19 3.6 26 0.00843
5 1.9408 (0.0003) 0.35 0.6 17 0.00430
10 1.6167 (0.0003) 0.23 1.0 6 0.00339

2 1 3.2106 (0.0006) 4.69 10.5 48 0.00845

5 2.5937 (0.0003) 1.53 0.8 24 0.00439
10 2.2643 (0.0003) 0.41 1.5 9 0.00350

3 1 3.6215 (0.0006) 6.14 5.3 67 0.00892

5 3.0048 (0.0003) 2.11 2.1 61 0.00468
10 2.6744 (0.0003) 0.57 1.2 44 0.00372

4 1 3.9433 (0.0006) 7.15 3.1 69 0.00929

5 3.3268 (0.0003) 2.04 6.4 19 0.00455
10 2.9942 (0.0003) 0.21 5.1 13 0.00377

5 1 4.2168 (0.0005) 7.66 2.1 87 0.00920

5 3.5978 (0.0003) 1.92 3.6 17 0.00502
10 3.2637 (0.0003) 0.25 4.2 15 0.00405

6 1 4.4585 (0.0006) 7.72 7.2 57 0.01034

5 3.8373 (0.0003) 1.38 7.7 6 0.00519
10 3.5022 (0.0002) 1.15 11.1 12 0.00397

7 1 4.6763 (0.0005) 7.78 5.1 73 0.01122

5 4.0535 (0.0003) 0.76 10.0 7 0.00567
10 3.7165 (0.0002) 2.04 14.7 15 0.00421

8 1 4.8772 (0.0006) 7.64 2.4 116 0.01035

5 4.2513 (0.0003) 0.03 12.0 19 0.00543
10 3.9135 (0.0002) 3.10 20.3 25 0.00420

9 1 5.0634 (0.0006) 7.13 6.9 113 0.01009

5 4.4363 (0.0003) 1.00 18.4 8 0.00534
10 4.0974 (0.0003) 4.46 32.1 74 0.00422

10 1 5.2381 (0.0006) 6.68 4.7 149 0.01035

5 4.6093 (0.0003) 2.11 25.4 10 0.00552
10 4.2693 (0.0003) 5.76 38.2 72 0.00419

11 1 5.4039 (0.0006) 6.05 7.1 163 0.01038

5 4.7734 (0.0004) 3.37 35.4 48 0.00556
10 4.4324 (0.0003) 7.33 53.3 145 0.00426

12 1 5.5598 (0.0006) 5.10 19.4 75 0.01040

5 4.9279 (0.0004) 4.77 48.8 109 0.00579
10 4.5864 (0.0003) 8.96 68.0 204 0.00439

c Royal Economic Society 2002

304 Neil R. Ericsson and James G. MacKinnon

Table 3. Response surface estimates for critical values of the ECM test of cointegration c (k): with a
constant term.
k Size (%) (s.e.) 1 2 3
1 1 3.4307 (0.0006) 6.52 4.7 10 0.00790
5 2.8617 (0.0003) 2.81 3.2 37 0.00431
10 2.5668 (0.0003) 1.56 2.1 29 0.00332

2 1 3.7948 (0.0006) 7.87 3.6 28 0.00847

5 3.2145 (0.0003) 3.21 2.0 17 0.00438
10 2.9083 (0.0002) 1.55 1.9 25 0.00338

3 1 4.0947 (0.0005) 8.59 2.0 65 0.00857

5 3.5057 (0.0003) 3.27 1.1 34 0.00462
10 3.1924 (0.0002) 1.23 2.1 39 0.00364

4 1 4.3555 (0.0006) 8.90 6.7 31 0.00959

5 3.7592 (0.0003) 2.92 3.7 5 0.00484
10 3.4412 (0.0002) 0.53 4.5 4 0.00388

5 1 4.5859 (0.0005) 9.14 2.5 78 0.00970

5 3.9856 (0.0003) 2.50 1.7 35 0.00493
10 3.6635 (0.0002) 0.21 6.0 8 0.00407

6 1 4.7970 (0.0005) 9.04 5.6 66 0.01100

5 4.1922 (0.0003) 1.73 7.8 9 0.00514
10 3.8670 (0.0002) 1.26 12.7 14 0.00402

7 1 4.9912 (0.0005) 8.85 5.1 72 0.01222

5 4.3831 (0.0003) 0.90 12.2 1 0.00606
10 4.0556 (0.0002) 2.39 18.8 27 0.00437

8 1 5.1723 (0.0006) 8.58 2.0 113 0.01149

5 4.5608 (0.0003) 0.02 15.4 2 0.00571
10 4.2310 (0.0002) 3.59 25.6 44 0.00427

9 1 5.3437 (0.0006) 7.86 7.8 101 0.01045

5 4.7287 (0.0003) 1.25 26.0 42 0.00531
10 4.3975 (0.0002) 5.11 39.2 104 0.00399

10 1 5.5048 (0.0006) 7.19 9.8 102 0.01059

5 4.8876 (0.0003) 2.46 31.7 43 0.00545
10 4.5543 (0.0002) 6.53 47.2 116 0.00438

11 1 5.6588 (0.0006) 6.39 13.7 105 0.01038

5 5.0394 (0.0004) 3.88 45.7 117 0.00579
10 4.7055 (0.0003) 8.31 66.5 222 0.00443

12 1 5.8068 (0.0006) 5.13 29.2 15 0.01060

5 5.1836 (0.0003) 5.33 55.9 134 0.00555
10 4.8480 (0.0003) 9.94 78.0 240 0.00431

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Distributions of error correction tests for cointegration 305

Table 4. Response surface estimates for critical values of the ECM test of cointegration ct (k): with a
constant term and a linear trend.
k Size (%) (s.e.) 1 2 3
1 1 3.9593 (0.0005) 8.99 4.9 39 0.00805
5 3.4108 (0.0003) 4.38 4.5 21 0.00412
10 3.1272 (0.0002) 2.57 3.5 7 0.00324

2 1 4.2488 (0.0005) 10.04 4.1 1 0.00845

5 3.6873 (0.0003) 4.56 2.2 1 0.00442
10 3.3927 (0.0002) 2.41 3.4 14 0.00339

3 1 4.4981 (0.0006) 10.69 0.6 58 0.00931

5 3.9263 (0.0003) 4.47 5.2 38 0.00474
10 3.6249 (0.0002) 1.86 1.1 10 0.00356

4 1 4.7214 (0.0006) 10.94 1.6 77 0.00949

5 4.1421 (0.0003) 3.99 2.8 35 0.00496
10 3.8342 (0.0002) 1.16 0.4 23 0.00368

5 1 4.9255 (0.0005) 10.86 1.2 94 0.01018

5 4.3392 (0.0003) 3.37 1.6 47 0.00510
10 4.0271 (0.0002) 0.17 4.4 14 0.00406

6 1 5.1137 (0.0005) 10.72 1.4 96 0.01145

5 4.5227 (0.0003) 2.52 2.8 32 0.00536
10 4.2067 (0.0002) 0.94 9.9 0 0.00415

7 1 5.2923 (0.0005) 10.11 4.0 75 0.01397

5 4.6952 (0.0003) 1.43 10.6 5 0.00625
10 4.3751 (0.0002) 2.18 16.9 18 0.00468

8 1 5.4565 (0.0006) 9.77 1.5 106 0.01202

5 4.8569 (0.0003) 0.43 14.4 3 0.00593
10 4.5344 (0.0002) 3.52 24.9 40 0.00453

9 1 5.6149 (0.0006) 9.11 2.0 126 0.01050

5 5.0108 (0.0003) 0.78 21.2 12 0.00554
10 4.6864 (0.0003) 5.08 37.2 88 0.00430

10 1 5.7657 (0.0006) 8.28 5.3 121 0.01180

5 5.1582 (0.0003) 2.12 28.6 26 0.00558
10 4.8311 (0.0002) 6.62 46.2 103 0.00438

11 1 5.9099 (0.0006) 7.41 6.2 160 0.01088

5 5.2992 (0.0003) 3.57 40.0 69 0.00552
10 4.9707 (0.0003) 8.41 64.7 199 0.00461

12 1 6.0478 (0.0006) 6.17 20.6 74 0.01111

5 5.4346 (0.0003) 5.22 54.5 121 0.00605
10 5.1046 (0.0003) 10.20 78.3 231 0.00451

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306 Neil R. Ericsson and James G. MacKinnon

Table 5. Response surface estimates for critical values of the ECM test of cointegration ctt (k): with a
constant term, a linear trend, and a quadratic trend.
k Size (%) (s.e.) 1 2 3
1 1 4.3714 (0.0006) 11.57 7.4 66 0.00849
5 3.8324 (0.0003) 5.90 9.3 29 0.00430
10 3.5534 (0.0002) 3.63 6.6 7 0.00341

2 1 4.6190 (0.0005) 12.44 11.6 130 0.00855

5 4.0683 (0.0003) 5.90 9.3 39 0.00445
10 3.7800 (0.0002) 3.28 7.8 36 0.00344

3 1 4.8399 (0.0005) 12.71 10.7 136 0.00934

5 4.2790 (0.0003) 5.56 9.3 55 0.00481
10 3.9833 (0.0002) 2.61 6.6 42 0.00367

4 1 5.0396 (0.0005) 12.86 13.0 149 0.01000

5 4.4716 (0.0003) 4.95 6.9 50 0.00496
10 4.1701 (0.0002) 1.72 3.8 37 0.00389

5 1 5.2256 (0.0005) 12.61 8.3 121 0.01061

5 4.6498 (0.0003) 4.23 5.7 58 0.00536
10 4.3438 (0.0002) 0.64 1.0 27 0.00401

6 1 5.3998 (0.0005) 12.12 4.3 105 0.01270

5 4.8177 (0.0003) 3.22 0.4 36 0.00590
10 4.5073 (0.0002) 0.60 7.7 7 0.00430

7 1 5.5652 (0.0005) 11.31 4.0 71 0.01776

5 4.9774 (0.0003) 1.96 9.3 8 0.00671
10 4.6629 (0.0002) 2.02 16.1 15 0.00494

8 1 5.7181 (0.0006) 10.97 0.8 108 0.01143

5 5.1265 (0.0003) 0.96 10.9 17 0.00584
10 4.8098 (0.0002) 3.41 23.3 31 0.00457

9 1 5.8656 (0.0006) 10.32 4.3 151 0.01103

5 5.2703 (0.0003) 0.33 16.2 17 0.00565
10 4.9510 (0.0003) 5.04 35.4 74 0.00435

10 1 6.0083 (0.0006) 9.26 4.0 117 0.01218

5 5.4083 (0.0003) 1.80 26.5 17 0.00589
10 5.0863 (0.0002) 6.63 43.9 85 0.00440

11 1 6.1449 (0.0006) 8.26 4.7 158 0.01155

5 5.5415 (0.0003) 3.38 39.0 60 0.00587
10 5.2176 (0.0003) 8.54 63.7 179 0.00467

12 1 6.2746 (0.0006) 7.13 13.5 111 0.01281

5 5.6697 (0.0003) 5.12 54.1 117 0.00615
10 5.3436 (0.0002) 10.36 76.3 206 0.00462

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Distributions of error correction tests for cointegration 307

The tables report an additional measure of uncertainty: , the estimated equation standard
error from the response surface (26). The estimate reflects both the simulation uncertainty from
estimating the quantile q(Ti ) rather than knowing it, and the approximation error from using the
cubic form in (26) rather than the true functional form. The experimental design also permits esti-
mating the simulation uncertainty alone and so evaluating the statistical adequacy of the response
surface. Specifically, the design implies 50 independent estimates of the quantile q(Ti ); see Sec-
tion 3.3. A given response surface regression includes 50 values for q(Ti ) across all values of the
sample size, entailing (e.g.) 1050 observations (50 values 21 sample sizes) in the response
surface for ct (2) at the 1% level. Thus, an average of the pure simulation uncertainty in a given
response surface may be estimated by the equation standard error from a regression of q(Ti ) on
a set of (e.g.) 21 dummies, one for each sample size. The response surface (26) is nested within
this more general regression, and comparison of the two equations generates an F-statistic for
testing the statistical significance of the error in approximating the response functions functional
form; see Ericsson (1991). Even with the large number of replications, this test rejects at the 5%
level for only seven of the 144 response surfaces (4.86%). No rejection increases by more than
1.1%. Thus, a cubic in the inverse of the adjusted sample size appears statistically and numer-
ically adequate to approximate the simulated finite sample 1%, 5%, and 10% quantiles for this
experimental design.
As they stand, Tables 25 provide a valuable tool for judging whether or not cointegration
is present in empirical conditional ECMs. Econometric software packages could generate finite
sample critical values for users from Tables 25, and PcGive already does so. Even without
direct incorporation into an econometric package, calculation of critical values is trivially easy
from the tables. For instance, for a conditional four-variable (k = 4) ECM with a constant
term estimated on 47 observations, the finite sample critical value at the 5% level is 3.84, i.e.
3.7592 (2.92/39) (3.7/392 ) + (5./393 ) from Table 3, noting that T a = 47 7 1 = 39.
As with Figures 19, Tables 25 show the systematic and regular dependence of the prop-
erties of the ECM statistic on the number of variables k and the number of deterministic com-
ponents d. This dependence leads to a simple rule of thumb that is captured in the following
OLS meta response surface for the asymptotic 1%, 5%, and 10% quantiles reported in
Tables 25:

0.60 at the 1% level

= 2.98 0.187 k 0.33 (d 1) + 0 at the 5% level (27)
(0.03) (0.003) (0.01)

+0.32 at the 10% level


R 2 = 0.987 = 0.109 number of observations = 132,

where R 2 is the squared multiple correlation coefficient, and is the standard deviation of the
residuals. Values of for k = 1 (the DickeyFuller statistic) are excluded in (27), as only k > 1
is of interest for testing cointegration.
From (27), a crude approximation crude to the lower 5% critical value for d (k) is:

crude = 3.0 0.2k 0.3(d 1). (28)

The negative coefficients in (28) can be easily remembered as a 3/2/3 rule of thumb: an inter-
cept of 3.0, a coefficient of 0.2 on the number of variables in x, and a coefficient of 0.3

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308 Neil R. Ericsson and James G. MacKinnon

Figure 10. Estimated asymptotic 1%, 5%, and 10% quantiles for the ECM statistic as a function of k
and d.

on the number of deterministic terms over and above a constant term. For the ECM evaluated
earlier (k = 4, d = 1, T = 47), crude is 3.8, deviating by only 0.04 from the value of 3.84
calculated with Table 3. While deviations between crude and q(Ti ) may be larger or smaller than
this for other k, d, and T , it is well worth keeping in mind that, with typical macroeconomic data,
the ECM statistic itself can easily fluctuate by a few tenths, simply by adding or dropping a few
observations from the sample.
Figure 10 highlights this near-linear dependence of the asymptotic quantile on k and d.
Each 3D graph in Figure 10 plots against k and d, given the quantiles percent level p. The
surfaces are virtually planar except for the DickeyFuller statistic (k = 1), which is excluded
from (27) and (28).
The asymptotic moments of the ECM statistic also show marked regularity in the distribu-
tions behavior. Figure 11 plots its asymptotic mean, standard deviation, skewness, and excess
kurtosis as a function of k and d.6 The asymptotic mean declines by approximately 0.2 and 0.4
respectively for unit increases in k and d, close to the estimated shifts for the critical values
in (27). While the asymptotic standard deviation, skewness, and excess kurtosis also depend on
k and d, those dependencies are numerically much smaller than that of the asymptotic mean.
For all values of k and d examined, the asymptotic standard deviation is close to unity, and the
asymptotic skewness and excess kurtosis are close to zero. These results reconfirm the visual
characterization from Figures 18: the distribution of the ECM statistic d (k) is relatively close
to normality with unit variance. In light of these observations, parametric distributional approx-
imations to the distribution of the ECM statistic may be promisingperhaps using the normal
distribution, Students t-distribution, or an expansion thereon.
Equations (27) and (28) quantify the straightforward dependencies of the ECM statistics
quantiles on k and d, they provide a mechanism for extrapolating critical values for values of k
and d outside the experimental design (25), and they offer a rough-and-ready way of assessing
empirical results when Tables 25 are not available. Preferably, though, Tables 25 or the related
computer program should be used.
6 The asymptotic moments were calculated by response surfaces from a separate set of Monte Carlo experiments,
following an approach like that used for the quantiles. Monte Carlo estimation of the statistics finite sample moments
does assume the existence of those moments. However, even if those moments are infinite, their Monte Carlo estimates
may be close to the (finite) moments of a Nagar approximation to the statistic; see Sargan (1982).

c Royal Economic Society 2002

Distributions of error correction tests for cointegration 309

Figure 11. The asymptotic mean, standard deviation, skewness, and excess kurtosis for the ECM statistic
as a function of k and d.

4.3. Encompassing previous Monte Carlo results

Two previous studiesBanerjee et al. (1993) and Banerjee et al. (1998)report estimated crit-
ical values for the ECM statistic. This subsection shows that these previous results for the 1%,
5%, and 10% levels are superseded by the response surfaces reported in Tables 25. Simula-
tion uncertainty in these two studies appears to be the dominant factor explaining discrepancies
relative to the response surfaces in Tables 25. In this encompassing approach, many pages of
existing independent Monte Carlo simulations are subsumed by the current papers results. That
is both progressive research-wise and efficient space-wise.
Pre-existing Monte Carlo studies are encompassed by evaluating the response surfaces in
Tables 25 over the experimental designs of the past studies and comparing the critical values
derived from Tables 25 with those reported in the studies simulations. Deviations between the
two types of critical values typically are small relative to the estimated simulation uncertainty of
the pre-existing Monte Carlo studies or are simply small numerically. Hence, Tables 25 encom-
pass those studies. For this purpose, the simulation uncertainty associated with the response sur-
faces in Tables 25 is treated as negligible. That assumption seems reasonable. The largest value
of in Tables 25 is under 0.02, and each (T, d, k, p) quadruplet includes 50 estimates of the
quantile, implying an associated standard error of the response surface quantile of under 0.003.
Frequently, that standard error is under 0.001. The remainder of this subsection briefly describes
the Monte Carlo simulations in each study and the outcomes of the encompassing exercise.

c Royal Economic Society 2002

310 Neil R. Ericsson and James G. MacKinnon

Banerjee et al. (1993, Table 7.6, p. 233) report estimated critical values at the 1%, 5%, and
10% levels for c (2) at T = (25, 50, 100), using 5000 replications per experiment. Deviations
relative to the response surfaces from Table 3 are all under 0.1 in absolute value. Using the
values of in Table 3 as a benchmark and rescaling by the square root of the ratio of simula-
tions calculated, the estimated standard errors for the three quantiles in Banerjee et al. (1993)
are approximately 0.063, 0.032, and 0.025. The observed discrepancies between the estimated
quantiles in Banerjee et al. (1993) and those calculated from Table 3 appear as expected, given
the simulation uncertainty of the former.
Banerjee et al. (1998, Table I) report estimated critical values at the 1%, 5%, 10%, and
25% levels for c (k) and ct (k) (k = 2, . . . , 6) at T = (25, 50, 100, 500, ), using 25 000
replications per experiment. Deviations relative to the response surfaces from Tables 3 and 4 are
all under 0.2 in absolute value, and are typically 0.04 or smaller in magnitude. The estimated
standard errors for the 1%, 5%, and 10% quantiles in Banerjee et al. (1998) are approximately
0.028, 0.014, and 0.011.


This section applies the finite sample critical values derived earlier and the computer program for
calculating p-values to two empirical ECMs. Section 5.1 considers a model of UK narrow money
demand from Hendry and Ericsson (1991), and Section 5.2 a model of US federal government
debt from Hamilton and Flavin (1986). (Ericsson and MacKinnon (1999) also assess the model
of UK consumers expenditure from Davidson et al. (1978).) The model in Hendry and Ericsson
(1991) has played a significant role in the literature on ECMs and cointegration, and Hamilton
and Flavin (1986) was one of the early papers to employ unit root statistics for testing economic
hypotheses. Each subsection briefly reviews the estimated equation and considers corresponding
conditional ECM tests. Tables summarize the results, reporting the empirical t-values for testing
cointegration, along with critical values and p-values. Use of the critical values from Tables 25
for the ECM statistic affects the economic inferences drawn.
Several issues arise in testing for cointegration in these models. First, the ECM for money
demand was derived from an unrestricted ADL. Both the ADL and the ECM allow testing of
cointegration, although the ECM requires slight modification to apply the critical values from
Tables 25. Second, dynamic specification affects the degrees of freedom used in estimation.
Hence, when computing critical values, the adjusted sample size T a is calculated as T h (rather
than as T (2k + d 1)), where h is the total number of regressors, including deterministic
variables. The calculation of p-values utilizes h similarly. Third, the choice of deterministic
variables affects the t-values and the corresponding critical values and p-values, so potentially
affecting inference. Finally, nonlinearity of the deterministic trend and lack of weak exogeneity
are important in the model of government debt. Throughout this section, capital letters denote
both the generic name and the level of a variable, logarithms are in lowercase, and OLS standard
errors are in parentheses.

5.1. UK narrow money demand

Hendry and Ericsson (1991, equation (6)) model UK narrow money demand as a conditional

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Distributions of error correction tests for cointegration 311

ECM, whose final parsimonious form is as follows:

1(m p)t = 0.687 1pt 0.175 1(m p i)t1 0.630 Rtnet

(0.125) (0.058) (0.060)
0.0929 (m p i)t1 + 0.0234 (29)
(0.0085) (0.0040)

T = 100 (1964Q31989Q2) R 2 = 0.76 = 1.313%.

The data are nominal narrow money M1 (M, in millions), real total final expenditure (TFE)
at 1985 prices (I , in millions), the TFE deflator (P, 1985 = 1.00), and the net interest rate
(R net , in percent per annum expressed as a fraction). The last series is the difference between the
three-month local authority interest rate and a learning-adjusted retail sight-deposit interest rate.
While the t-value on the error correction term (m pi)t1 in (29) is very large and negative
(10.87), significance levels are not known, given the presence of nuisance parameters; see Kre-
mers et al. (1992) and Kiviet and Phillips (1992). This difficulty arises because one of the coeffi-
cients in the cointegrating vectorthe long-run income elasticityis constrained. One solution
is to estimate that coefficient unrestrictedly, as occurs when estimating (29) with i t1 added:

1(m p)t = 0.702 1pt 0.178 1(m p i)t1 0.611 Rtnet

(0.128) (0.058) (0.067)
0.0882 (m p i)t1 + 0.0065 i t1 0.049 (30)
(0.0113) (0.0104) (0.117)

T = 100 (1964Q31989Q2) R 2 = 0.76 = 1.317%.

The t-value on (m p i)t1 in (30) is 7.78, which is significant at the 1% level for c (4),
with critical value of 4.45. In fact, the finite sample p-value for 7.78 is 0.0000.
Equations (29) and (30) can be derived from an unrestricted fifth-order ADL model in m p,
1p, i, and R net . The ECM statistic for that ADL is 5.17, also significant at the 1% level for
c (4), with critical value of 4.47. Its finite sample p-value is 0.0014, suggesting a minor loss
in power from estimating additional coefficients on dynamics relative to (30).
Both this fifth-order ADL and the ECM in (30) include one deterministic component: a con-
stant term. Table 6 reports the statistic d (4) for the four choices of deterministic components
considered in the sections earlier; the value of h; the finite sample, asymptotic, and crude critical
values at the 1%, 5%, and 10% levels; finite sample and asymptotic p-values; the estimated equa-
tion standard error ; and an F-statistic for testing the significance of omitted deterministic com-
ponents. The symbols + , , and denote rejection at the 10%, 5%, and 1% levels, respectively.
With a constant term, linear trend, and quadratic trend included, the statistic ctt (4) is insignif-
icant at the 10% level for both the ADL and the ECM: their p-values are 0.3859 and 0.4544.
With fewer deterministic components, cointegration is detected at the 0.5% level or smaller in
the ADL and the ECM, as the statistics ct (4), c (4), and nc (4) show.
The final column in Table 6 lists the F-statistics for testing the significance of the omitted
deterministic components in the corresponding regressions, relative to the regressions for obtain-
ing ctt (4): degrees of freedom for the F-statistics appear in parentheses as F( , ), and the
statistics p-values are in brackets [ ]. These F-statistics indicate that the constant term, lin-
ear trend, and quadratic trend are statistically insignificant, so all the reported ECM statistics
in Table 6 make statistically justifiable assumptions about these deterministic components. The

c Royal Economic Society 2002

312 Neil R. Ericsson and James G. MacKinnon

Table 6. Empirical t-values, critical values, and p-values for the ECM statistic: models of UK narrow
money demand.
Statistic Empirical h Critical value p-value F-statistic
Model or t-value 1% 5% 10% Finite Asymp- (%) vs. the model
calculation sample totic for ctt (4)
ctt (4)
ADL 3.29 26 5.21 4.54 4.19 0.3859 0.4140 1.313
ECM 3.14 8 5.18 4.52 4.19 0.4544 0.4819 1.326
Asymptotic 5.04 4.47 4.17
Crude 5.0 4.4 4.1

ct (4)
ADL 5.14 25 4.87 4.19 3.85 0.0047 0.0024 1.306 F(1, 74) = 0.11 [0.74]
ECM 6.53 7 4.84 4.18 3.85 0.0000 0.0000 1.320 F(1, 92) = 0.16 [0.69]
Asymptotic 4.72 4.14 3.83
Crude 4.7 4.1 3.8

c (4)
ADL 5.17 24 4.47 3.80 3.45 0.0014 0.0006 1.301 F(2, 74) = 0.28 [0.76]
ECM 7.78 6 4.45 3.79 3.45 0.0000 0.0000 1.317 F(2, 92) = 0.37 [0.69]
Asymptotic 4.36 3.76 3.44
Crude 4.4 3.8 3.5

nc (4)
ADL 6.10 23 4.04 3.35 3.00 0.0000 0.0000 1.297 F(3, 74) = 0.36 [0.78]
ECM 10.57 5 4.02 3.35 3.00 0.0000 0.0000 1.311 F(3, 92) = 0.31 [0.82]
Asymptotic 3.94 3.33 2.99
Crude 4.1 3.5 3.2

statistics nc (4), c (4), and ct (4) reject at standard levels, but ctt (4) does not, pointing to the
value of parsimony in deterministic components for obtaining increased power of the cointegra-
tion test, when parsimony is merited. The insignificance of a linear trend is particularly interest-
ing. In a system analysis of this dataset, Hendry and Mizon (1993) find a second cointegrating
vector, which includes a linear trend; but in their system model, that cointegrating vector does
not enter the equation for money.
Table 6 lists the asymptotic and crude critical values at the 1%, 5%, and 10% levels, and
these differ by at most 0.21 from the calculated finite sample critical values. Likewise, the finite
sample and asymptotic p-values in the table differ by only modest amounts. These numerically
small discrepancies are not surprising because the sample size is relatively large (T = 100).

5.2. US federal government debt

The second model is an ADL from Hamilton and Flavin (1986, p. 816), relating real US federal
government debt to a deterministic nonlinear trend or bubble (1 + r )t and the budget surplus:

c Royal Economic Society 2002

Distributions of error correction tests for cointegration 313

Bt = 48.41 22.68 (1 + r )t + 0.69 Bt1 + 0.20 Bt2

(26.40) (21.29) (0.21) (0.24)
1.30 St 0.63 St1 (31)
(0.13) (0.31)

T = 23 (19621984) R 2 = 0.98 = 7.405.

The data are the adjusted debt (B) for the end of the fiscal year and the adjusted surplus (S)
for the fiscal year (both in $ millions, 1967 prices). The variable r is set to 0.0112, the average
ex post real interest rate on US government bonds over 196084. The coefficient on (1 + r )t
is statistically insignificant, consistent with the absence of a speculative bubble. From this and
related evidence, Hamilton and Flavin (1986, pp. 816817) conclude that . . . the data appear
quite consistent with the assertion that the government has historically operated subject to the
constraint that expenditures not exceed receipts in expected present-value terms.
This interpretation of the evidence assumes a long-run solution to (31) relating debt and
surplus. That is equivalent to assuming both cointegration between B and S, and the presence
of the corresponding cointegrating vector in (31). Empirically, however, (31) does not support
cointegration of B and S. Rewriting (31) as an unrestricted ECM yields the following equation:

1Bt = 48.41 22.68 (1 + r )t 0.104 Bt1 0.20 1Bt1

(26.40) (21.29) (0.076) (0.24)
1.30 1St 1.92 St1 (32)
(0.13) (0.36)

T = 23 (19621984) R 2 = 0.94 = 7.405.

The t-value on Bt1 is 1.36, which is insignificant at the 10% level for ct (2), with critical
value of 3.53. Using the critical value for ct (2) assumes that (1 + r )t is well approximated
by a linear trend, which, visually, it is. Alternatively, the 10% critical value for ctt (2) is 3.95,
again with no rejection. The finite sample p-values under these two alternative assumptions are
0.8386 and 0.9247. Notably, estimating (32) (or (31)) with t and t 2 rather than with (1 + r )t
obtains a statistically significantly better fitting model, pointing to mis-specification in (32).
Table 7 reports the t-values and critical values for (32) with various choices of deterministic
components. The bubble (1 + r )t is statistically insignificant in (32), whereas a linear trend and
quadratic trend in its stead are statistically significant. Even so, the resulting t-value for ctt (2)
is 2.96, which is insignificant at the 10% level, having a p-value of 0.3689. Cointegration does
not appear to hold in this conditional model, undercutting the economic inferences drawn by
Hamilton and Flavin (1986).
The sample size in (32) is small: T = 23. Correspondingly, the finite sample adjustments
for critical values are typically larger numerically in Table 7 than in Table 6, with the largest
adjustment being 0.72 at the 1% level, i.e. about two thirds of a standard error in the t-value.
The p-values have small finite sample adjustments, which mainly reflect each reported t-value
being far from the lower tail of the associated density; cf. Figure 7.
The single-equation results in Table 7 all assume that S is weakly exogenous, whereas S does
not appear to be so empirically. Starting with a second-order VAR in B and S, a single cointegrat-
ing vector is apparent from the Johansen procedure when (1 + r )t or a linear trend is restricted
to lie in the cointegration space. Weak exogeneity of S is rejected, as is that of B, invalidating
cointegration analysis in a conditional single equation such as (31). Without weak exogeneity,

c Royal Economic Society 2002

314 Neil R. Ericsson and James G. MacKinnon

Table 7. Empirical t-values, critical values, and p-values for the ECM statistic: models of US federal
government debt.
Statistic Empirical h Critical value p-value F-statistic
Model or t-value 1% 5% 10% Finite Asymp- vs. the model
calculation sample totic for ctt (2)
ctt (2)
ADL + bubble 1.36 6 5.34 4.39 3.95 0.9247 0.9651 7.40
ADL 2.96 7 5.38 4.41 3.96 0.3689 0.4121 6.37
Asymptotic 4.62 4.07 3.78
Crude 4.6 4.0 3.7

ct (2)
ADL + bubble 1.36 6 4.85 3.95 3.53 0.8386 0.8947 7.40
ADL 1.38 6 4.85 3.95 3.53 0.8308 0.8886 7.38 F(1, 16) = 6.82 [0.02]
Asymptotic 4.25 3.69 3.39
Crude 4.3 3.7 3.4

c (2)
ADL + bubble
ADL 1.50 5 4.25 3.40 2.99 0.5944 0.6458 7.43 F(2, 16) = 4.26 [0.03]
Asymptotic 3.79 3.21 2.91
Crude 4.0 3.4 3.1

nc (2)
ADL + bubble
ADL +2.58 4 3.48 2.68 2.29 0.9984 0.9992 7.94 F(3, 16) = 4.52 [0.02]
Asymptotic 3.21 2.59 2.26
Crude 3.7 3.1 2.8

single equation inference about cointegration is hazardous at best; and testing the implied exo-
geneity assumptions is clearly important. For example, in the Johansen procedure, the coefficient
on the bubble (1 + r )t or on the linear trend is statistically significant and negatively related
to B, whichever type of trend is included. That contrasts with the statistical insignificance of the
coefficient on (1 + r )t in (31). Furthermore, the negative coefficient on the trend is economically
surprising and puzzling, although it may be indicative of certain non-ergodic features of the data:
see Kremers (1988) inter alia.

In summary, the first empirical analysis illustrates the importance of parsimony, both in the
choice of deterministic terms and in the reduction from an ADL to a simpler ECM. The sec-
ond analysis shows that mis-specification can render inference hazardous, even when the mis-
specification is indirect, as with a violation of weak exogeneity. Imposition of valid restrictions
on the cointegrating vector may increase power, although asymptotically correct critical values
for such ECM statistics have been derived only for the case when all cointegrating coefficients
are known; see Hansen (1995, Table 1).

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Distributions of error correction tests for cointegration 315

This paper has assessed the distributional properties of the ECM statistic for testing cointegration.
Graphs and response surfaces provide complementary summaries of the vast array of results
from the Monte Carlo study undertaken. Both the graphs and the response surfaces highlight
some simple dependencies of the quantiles on the number of variables in the ECM, the choice
of deterministic components, and the estimation sample size. The reported response surfaces
provide a computationally convenient way for calculating finite sample critical values at the
1%, 5%, and 10% levels. The response surfaces also encompass and supersede much of the
literatures previous estimates of critical values for the ECM statistic. A computer program, freely
available over the Internet, can be used to calculate p-values and critical values at any level.
Empirical conditional ECMs are ubiquitous in the cointegration literature, so these tools should
be of immediate use to the empirical modeler. Two previous empirical studies illustrate how
critical values and p-values for the ECM statistic can be employed in practice, and how their use
may affect economic inferences.
Several limitations of the current study come to mind, thereby suggesting some possible
extensions. First, the models lag order is assumed to be (and is) unity throughout the Monte
Carlo analysis. For longer lags, the adjusted sample size may be corrected for additional degrees
of freedom lost in estimation and thence used to calculate critical values from a response sur-
face, as in Section 5. This refinement may not be sufficient in itself, so an extended analysis,
such as in Cheung and Lai (1995) for the DickeyFuller statistic, may be required. Second, all
of the ECM statistics with deterministic components have those components fully unconstrained
in estimation. In analyzing similar statistics, Harbo et al. (1998) and Doornik et al. (1998) argue
strongly for constraining the highest-order deterministic component to lie in the cointegration
space, so distributional properties for so constrained versions of c (k), ct (k), and ctt (k) are
of interest. That said, virtually all empirically calculated ECM statistics to date have been with
unconstrained deterministic components. Finally, the current paper has considered the proper-
ties of the ECM statistic only under the null of no cointegration. While Banerjee et al. (1993),
Campos et al. (1996), and Banerjee et al. (1998) present some calculations on the power of the
ECM statistic, further analysis could be illuminating, particularly comparisons with the Johansen
procedure and the EG procedure under various assumptions about weak exogeneity and common
factor restrictions.

The views in this paper are solely the responsibility of the authors and should not be interpreted
as reflecting the views of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System or of any other
person associated with the Federal Reserve System. JGMs research was supported in part by
grants from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada. An early version
of this paper appeared under the title Finite Sample Properties of Error Correction Tests for
Cointegration, and an intermediate version was circulated as Ericsson and MacKinnon (1999).
We are grateful to Shaghil Ahmed, David Bowman, Jon Faust, David Hendry, Sren Johansen,
Fred Joutz, Andy Levin, Jaime Marquez, Bent Nielsen, John Rogers, Neil Shephard, an editor,
and an anonymous referee for helpful comments and discussion; to Hayden Smith and Sebastian
Thomas for research assistance; and to Jurgen Doornik and David Hendry for providing us with
a beta-test version of GiveWin Version 2. Monte Carlo simulations and the graphs of the densi-
ties were obtained from modified versions of programs for MacKinnon (1994, 1996). Response

c Royal Economic Society 2002

316 Neil R. Ericsson and James G. MacKinnon

surfaces were obtained using PcGive Professional Version 9.2, and 3D graphics were generated
from GiveWin Version 2.02: see Doornik and Hendry (2001). The papers tables of response
surface coefficients and the Excel spreadsheet and Fortran program for calculating critical values
and p-values are available from JGMs home page.


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