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International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research (IJETR)

ISSN: 2321-0869 (O) 2454-4698 (P) Volume-7, Issue-5, May 2017

Study on anatomical and mechanical properties of

plantation grown Melia dubia & Populus deltoids and
its suitability for plywood manufacturing
Narasimhamurthy, Upadhyay V.K, Kushwaha P.K, Mohanty B.N

Abstract The anatomical properties of three poplar timber investigated (Holt and Murphey 1978; Bendtsen et al. 1981;
clones viz., G-48, S7C15 and Wimco A26 were studied. From the Hall et al. 1982; Brashaw 1995; Kretschmann et al, 1999).
studies it was observed that the Populus deltoids S7C15 and This research has shown that the mechanical properties of
Wimco A26 clones were showing lower strength value as these trees are comparable with similar native poplar species.
compared to Melia dubia species. Populus deltoids Clone G48
Fast-growing clones, however, reach harvestable size more
has shown good anatomical and strength properties when
compared with Melia dubia. The anatomical properties of three
rapidly and therefore contain greater proportions of juvenile
clones have shown lesser values as compared to Melia dubia. wood.
Plywood samples were prepared for three clones, and tested for Studies on strength properties of populus spp., are have been
physical and mechanical properties viz. moisture content, made by the FRI, this studies includes suitability of Populus
Modulus of rupture (MoR), Modulus of Elasticity (MoE) and ciliate for plywood (Rajwat et al, 1989) effect of compression
water resistance showing pass standard results as per Indian on strength properties (Shukula & Bhatangar, 1989) variation
Standard IS: 303 to study their suitability for making plywood. in Density and strength properties (Shukula et al,1991). The
relative density of wood is most strongly influenced by the
vessel-to-fiber ratio, as well as the diameter and wall
Index Terms Populus deltoids, Clones, Modulus of rupture thickness of fibers. Poplar species also possess a number of
(MoR), Modulus of Elasticity (MoE) and Physical properties.
characteristics that present challenges to utilization. Poplar
species in general are known to have stems with wet wood
pockets, which makes uniform drying difficult. Poplar species
stems are susceptible to discoloration and decay, discoloured
To satisfy the increasing demand for forest products, and decayed wood can be a major defect that limits the value
fast-growing trees such as poplar species grown on managed of wood for certain finished solid-wood products such as
plantations are being seriously considered for future supply cabinetry or mouldings of vessel elements.
needs. Hybrid poplar species offer a possible solution to the Poplars develop tension wood quite readily (Isebrands and
potential shortage of native poplars species. Studies made on Parham 1974; Holt and Murphey 1978). Tension wood is
mature-juvenile wood characteristics have indicated that reaction wood that is formed on the upper sides of branches
parent with high or low wood density produce by hybridizing and the upper, usually concave, side of leaning or crooked
poplar timbers, the positive characteristics of two stems. It is characterized anatomically by the lack of cell wall
fast-growing species can be combined to make an even more lignification and often by the presence of a gelatinous layer in
harder and faster growing variety. The variability in the fibers. Holt and Murpheys work also showed that
anatomical characteristics has profound influence on planting hybrid poplar trees at different spacings does not
properties of wood. Poplar timbers are one of the easily affect the physical, chemical or anatomical properties of one
cloned woody species, which allows for greater availability of hybrid poplar clone. The suitability of different poplar clones
promising crosses. During the past 30 years, much work has for paper making has been investigated by Labosky et al,
focused on genetics of Populus species (Riemenschneider et 1983. Their work suggests that in general, hybrid poplar
al. 1996a) to develop improved hybrids. species have a high proportion of very short cells (<0.2 mm)
Wood from hybrid that have superior growth, improved form, and high lignin content compared with trembling aspen.
greater adaptability and improved fiber characteristics for (Murphy et al, 1979) studied the selected wood properties of
paper may be less suited to solid wood processing than wood young Poplar hybrids, within the clones, fiber length
from parent tree. The mechanical properties of particular increased each year for all three clones and hybrid NE-388
hybrid poplar clones for structural lumber have been had significantly greater fiber length among clones for each of
the 2, 3, 4 yr. Variation of fiber length and fiber width for
Narasimhamurthy, Indian Plywood Industries Research and Training seven poplar clones was reported by (Yang and Zuo, 2003).
Institute, PB No 2273, Tumkur Road, Yeswanthpur, Bangalore 560022 Poplar wood is used for the manufacture of a large number
and variety of primary and secondary forest products in North
Upadhyay V.K, Indian Plywood Industries Research and Training
Institute, PB No 2273, Tumkur Road, Yeswanthpur, Bangalore 560022 America. These products include pulp and paper, lumber,
India. veneer and plywood, composite panels, structural composite
Kushwaha P.K, Indian Plywood Industries Research and Training lumber, pallets, furniture components, fruit baskets,
Institute, PB No 2273, Tumkur Road, Yeswanthpur, Bangalore 560022 containers, and chopsticks. In view of rapidly shrinking
Mohanty B.N, Indian Plywood Industries Research and Training natural forests the country has to by and large depend on fast
Institute, PB No 2273, Tumkur Road, Yeswanthpur, Bangalore 560022 growing plantation species for the requirement of wood.

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Study on anatomical and mechanical properties of plantation grown Melia dubia & Populus deltoids and its suitability
for plywood manufacturing
Although some species like eucalypts, poplar, rubber wood desired lathe settings which were determined for peeling core
etc., have great potential for producing standard quality swan veneers from the species.
timber but these fast grown species will tend to be harvested
with short rotation periods will contain higher proportions of Table 1: Suggested lathe settings for peeling face and core
juvenile wood. Hence the present study helps to analyse the veneers
properties of short rotation timbers for their suitability to
plywood manufacturing. Nominal
gap Knife angle
Three Clones of Populus deltoids logs G-48, S7C15 and Wimco At max. dia. At min.
A26 about 8 years old with average girth of 1.25m and length of log dia. of log
of 2.54m supplied by M/s Wimco seedlings division, R&D (degrees) (degrees)
Centre Bagwala, Rudrapur, were taken for the study. All the 1.0 0.75 930 30 920 00
logs were peeled and converted into veneer sheets. The 1.6 1.30 930 30 920 00
process is as follows: 2.4 2.05 930 00 910 30

Veneer Peeling Drying

Shrinkage characteristics were conducted using Cremona
Poplar Logs were peeled on a Cremona lathe to obtain face single deck band track jet dryer heated by thermic fluid. Dryer
and core veneers. In rotary cutting, the quality of veneer temperature was kept at 180oC at the feeding end of the dryer.
peeled depends on to a great extent, on lathe settings. These Conveyor speed of dryer was varied depending on thickness
are mainly (i) pressure bar compression or associated of veneer. Moisture content of green veneer varied
horizontal gap and vertical gap between tips of knife and considerably from sapwood to heartwood.
pressure bar, (ii) knife angle, (iii) knife bevel angle and (iv)
knife height with reference to spindle centers. Among these Preparation of Phenol Formaldehyde (1:1.8) Resin:
variables, horizontal gap and knife angle are the most critical
ones which require careful adjustment to get better quality The phenol formaldehyde resin was manufactured by reacting
veneers. phenol and formaldehyde in the ratio of 1:1.8 weight ratio in
the presence of an alkali catalyst in the reaction kettle. The
Four horizontal gaps 95%, 85%, 75% and 65% of the set resin flow time through B4 cup flow time was measured 15
thickness of veneer and two knife angle sets of at maximum seconds at 852 oC with total dry solid content being
diameter of log 930 30 and 930 were selected for the study. 48%-52% and possesses water tolerance of 1:16. At ambient
The knife angle was set to decrease by 10 30 from the temperature the flow time of the resin was about 242
maximum bolt diameter to minimum bolt diameter positions seconds.
of the lathe. Veneers of 1.0 mm, 1.6 mm and 2.4 mm The constituent was as given below:-
thickness were peeled.
1. Phenol = 1000 grams
The horizontal and vertical gaps were kept uniform 2. Formalin = 1800 grams
throughout the length of the knife and knife edge was aligned 3. Caustic = 80 grams
horizontally with spindle centers. Horizontal gap, knife 4. Water = 160 grams
angle, knife height measurements were made respectively First the caustic solution was prepared by adding 80.00 gram
with a horizontal opening indicator (Sivananda V, 1972), a of caustic in 160 gram water and cool this solution up to room
knife angle indicator and knife height gauge. Vertical gap temperature. Then loaded the 1000 gram molten phenol into
was set initially using a feeler gauge and was measured to be kettle following by 1800 gram formalin. After loading
0.3 mm and 0.55 mm for peeling 1.0 mm/1.6 mm and 2.4 mm formalin immediately the stirrer and condenser was started.
thick veneers respectively. Knife bevel was measured with a Then caustic solution was added into the kettle. The
bevel protractor and was found to be 19 0. temperature inside the kettle automatically increases because
of exothermic reaction. When temperature stopped
The effect of horizontal gap and knife angle on veneer quality increasing, heated oil circulated to heat the kettle until
was evaluated by measuring thickness variation, lathe checks temperature inside the kettle reached 500C and then hot oil
and roughness of green veneer sheets. Five sheets of veneer circulation was stopped and cooling of water is circulated.
approximately 1.3 m x 0.6 m size in each lathe settings were Due to exothermic reaction temperature inside the kettle
studied for quality evaluations. automatically increases up to 90 0C. The temperature was
maintained inside the kettle at 852 0C until precipitate is
Thickness measurements were made at 3 positions on each formed in water and flow time in B4 flow cup reached 14 to 16
veneer sheet one each at the ends and the other at the center seconds. Then the cooling was started and continued until
(Sivandnad.V., et al. 1973). Average thickness and range of temperature inside the kettle reached room temperature and
thickness were calculated for each sheet of veneer. A dial the resin was unloaded. The properties of resin are given in
gauge with an accuracy of 0.01 mm having opposing anvil Table 2.
heads and suitably spring loaded to exert uniform pressure on
veneer surface was used for thickness measurements. Table 1

212 www.erpublication.org
International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research (IJETR)
ISSN: 2321-0869 (O) 2454-4698 (P) Volume-7, Issue-5, May 2017
1. Preparation of plywood: 3-ply plywood measuring 1ft fibre length, outer diameter, lumen, diameter, vessel element
x 1ft with PF glue was prepared. The details of the and diameter at each radial position were taken under the
plywood preparation are as follows. compound microscope.
Glue formulation: RESULTS & DISCUSSIONS:
PF resin=1000 gms The average density and moisture content of Populous
CSP= 80 gms mix in sterer for 30 mints. deltoids clones and Melia dubia results are shown in the Table
Glue spread: 30-35 gms /sq feet 3. From the table it was found that density varies from bottom
Pressing parameter to top along with moisture content. Highest density was
Species: Populus deltoids and Melia dubia observed at the bottom position of G48, whereas lowest
Thickness:1.6mm/1.6mm/1.6mm 3 ply density was found at the top position of Wimco A26 species.
Pressure: 14 kg/cm2 Moisture content of green log varies from 90% to 30% at
Time of pressing: thickness + 3minutes i.e. 7 different heights. Results indicates that density of the each
minutes for mm thickness ply. clone was found to be more at Bottom position as compare to
The samples were stocked for 24 hours for Top portion.
stabilization and then taken for testing.
2. Testing: Plywood samples were prepared and tested Table 3: Density and moisture content of Poplar clones
as per IS-303 and 1734 respectively. and Melia dubia

Table 2: Properties of resin Species Name Density Moisture

Sl. No. Particulars Results (Kg/m3) content (%)
Bottom Top Bottom Top
Flow time of resin in B4
1 14-16 seconds
flow cup (at 852 0C)
Poplar G-48 425 415 90 63
Flow time of resin in B4 clone
2 242 seconds S7-C15 387 356 80 60
flow cup (at room temp.)
3 Water tolerance 1:102 Wimco 320 316 84 57
4 Practical Solid content 48.23 Melia dubia 500 475 95 65

Anatomical studies: From the lower portion of each log a Anatomical properties:
billet of length 2.54 m was taken and converted into small
square blocks to study the anatomical properties. 10 cm The details of anatomical properties of three clones along
wooden discs were collected at three different heights of log. with Melia dubia species are presented in the Table 4. From
A total of 10 samples were analysed for wood density and the results it is observed that fibre length of clone G48 is 1297
moisture content as per the IS 1734 (part 1)-1983. to 1434 m whereas fibre length of clone A26 was 1014m to
Fibre Morphology: Small radial chips from sample were 662 m and clone S7C15 1122 m to 1666 m respectively.
macerated to determine vessel diameter, fiber length, width Fiber length of Melia dubia species was observed higher than
and lumen diameter using image analysis software system the poplar clones. Similarly fiber width, fiber lumen diameter
microscope. Five grams of wooden chips were taken in a test and vessel diameter also was higher as compared to Populous
tube and 15ml of 50% nitric acid and 2g potassium chlorate deltoids species. From the above results intra clonal variations
was added to the test tube. The test tubes were kept under in anatomical properties of the three clones indicates that
sunlight for four days until the chips turned milky white. Then wood properties varies within the population of same species
the chips were washed two to three times with water and few and it may also vary from clone to clone. The results
drops of safranin were added. The macerated chips were indicated that clone G48 and A26 were higher in fiber length,
mixed and spread over a glass slide. The stained macerated width, fiber lumen diameter and vessel diameter with respect
material from each growth ring was placed on microscopic Melia dubia species.
slides and mounted in glycerine. Twenty five observations of

Table 4: Anatomical properties of Poplar clones and Melia dubia

Species Name Fiber length Fiber width Fiber lumen Vessel diameter
(m) (m) diameter (m) (m)
Bottom Top Bottom Top Bottom Top Bottom Top
Poplar clones G-48 1434 1297 26.11 17.92 13.79 12.01 42.00 48.00
S7-C15 1666 1122 24.36 14.94 16.86 12.77 32.00 52.00
Wimco- A26 1014 662 18.33 16.6 11.81 10.22 41.00 33.00
Melia dubia 1662 1253 39.35 27.96 27.53 19.18 75.00 48.00

Physical and Mechanical properties test: elasticity (MoE) from pith to periphery of three clones are
The physical and mechanical properties of plywood samples showing highest modulus of elasticity (MoE) values in clone
were evaluated and results are presented in the Table 5. The G48, as compared to the other two clones and Melia dubia
average values of Modulus of rupture (MoR) and Modulus of species. Glue adhesion values of plywood results are given in

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Study on anatomical and mechanical properties of plantation grown Melia dubia & Populus deltoids and its suitability
for plywood manufacturing
the Table 5 indicates that panels confirms to BWR grade and report 112-2000) and mechanical properties studied has
all the three clones has conformed to BWR grade plywood as shown good results in both Clone G48 and Melia dubia
per IS: 303-1989 respectively. Among the three clones of species. The present results indicate that Melia dubia species
Populus deltoids clone Wimco A26 appears to be light in showing more MoR and MoE values as compared to clone
weight and also from strength point view it is showing lesser G48. Whereas clone S7C15 and Wimco A26 were showing
values. Strength properties of Melia dubia were carried out lesser values as compared to both Melia dubia and G48 clone.
earlier in the institute projects showing glue adhesion strength
values of MR and BWR grade plywood (IPIRTI research
Table 5: MoR, MoE & Water resistance of Populus deltoids clones & Melia dubia plywood samples.

Prescribed Results
Limits (Populus deltoids clones)
Sl No Tests
G-48 S7C15 Melia dubia
1 Moisture Content,% 5-15 9.48 8.25 9.52 8.7
Modulus of Rupture, N/mm2 (Parallel to face grain)
2 Average 40 84.2 82.16 72.44 107.98
Minimum individual 36 71.38 66.42 64.57 103.68
Modulus of Elasticity, N/mm (Parallel to face grain)
3 Average 5000 10590 10206 9966 10565
Minimum individual 4500 9843 7807 8314 9683
Resistance to water, Adhesion
Pass Pass
4 of plies (3 cycles of 8hr boiling Min. Pass Std. Pass Std Pass Std
Std Std
& 16 hr drying @ 65+2C)
Sample Conforms to Moisture Content, Modulus of Rupture, Modulus of Elasticity and Resistance to
Water of BWR grade as per IS 303-1989.
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seen that there is increasing trend in specific gravity and better September 23-25, 1996 Paducah, Kentucky. Edited by
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