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Defcon_Deterrence_mod Version 1.0.2 by OpenFlow a.k.a.



Last updated: August 12th 2012


The source code for the modifications are not included in this package, only the
Windows binaries patch. It is provided in a .7z format. You can use the free 7zip
to extract the files. This modified version of Defcon will not work on the
traditional online multiplayer mode as there will by sync issues but it does work
online and in LAN if everyone is using the exact same version of the Defcon.exe.
The link to download this mod file is located at:

Here are some video examples: (part 1 of 2) (part 2 of 2)

And a brief change log:

1)Submarines have long range MIRVS

2)MIRVS can be manually splitted by the player at any point in time
3)Airbases have Kinetic-Kill Anti-Ship weapons
4)Airbases can now launch Reconnaissance Satellites
5)Reconnaissance Satellites are now equipped with EMP
6)Added a Doomsday device to all silos... when you are down to your last silo, you
have the POWA!
7) Incomplete deadhand functionality, not yet working.
8) Textual based Command Line Interface via Chat Dialog
9) Cheats (see cheats.txt)


Before applying this patch, please backup all your Defcon stuff, including the
entire directory and folder and files and your authkey.

Then extract the patch using .7z (7zip) and replace your current version of
Defcon.exe with my patched version of Defcon.exe.

Remain the "main.dat" file in your default Defcon folder/directory to "main.rar"

and then use WinRar to extract main.rar...

Fetch the data folder within main directory so that you have the path "Defcon\data"
leading to "Defcon\data\language" and "Defcon\data\graphics"
Replace the "english.txt" file in "Defcon\data\language" with the english.txt file
that I have included in this patch and likewise copy and paste and overwrite the
graphic bitmaps as well.

Start Defcon.exe and try a single player game with 6 players and five CPU AI. You
can type "/start" in the chat window to start the game from the lobby whenever you
are ready or just hit the "ready" button to start.

Once in the game if you do not wish the AI to play for you, type the "/no autoplay"
command to take control of your own units. Otherwise type "/autoplay" and the AI
will place and play for you the entire game.

If you don't feel like waiting for the countdown, type "/defcon 1" into the chat
window and hit enter key to skip to Defcon 1 immediately. Likewise you can set
Defcon 4, 3, etc the same way.

Submarines now have MIRVs that have extended range. Each Mirv splits into ten
nukes. The nukes automatically target population cities closest to your original
point of target.

All MIRV and nukes can be disarmed quickly if you target something by mistake or
the MIRV glitches up.

The kinetic kill weapon can be launched from airbases/airports. Please note that
this weapon actively tracks ships and has a very high hit and kill rate. The
kinetic kill weapon will only damage ships, so don't try using it for any other

The Geo Sat is a spy satellite. It also has an EMP charge that can be used to kill
electronic devices. The EMP charge also kills the Geo Sat itself.

The doomsday weapon can be selected from your silos... Each silo has one doomsday
weapon. But for obvious reasons, you can only use the doomsday weapon ONCE.

This Defcon Deterrence_mod is meant to be played in online multiplayer six-player

human diplomacy mode with scoring set to survivor mode. Enjoy!


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