Principle of Separation of Powers AND Concentration of Authority Tej Bahadur Singh
Principle of Separation of Powers AND Concentration of Authority Tej Bahadur Singh
Principle of Separation of Powers AND Concentration of Authority Tej Bahadur Singh
I.P. Massey : Administrative Law, Edn. 1970, p. 35.
Montesquieu, De L Espirit des lois, 1748 quoted in Justice D.D. Basu: Administrative Law, Edn. 199,
p. 23.
their respective functions should not ever touch one another. If this limitation is
respected and preserved, it is impossible for that situation to arise which Locke
and Monstequieu regarded as the eclipse of liberty- the monopoly, or
disproportionate accumulation of power in one sphere.3
The man behind the principles is to protect the people again capricious
tyrannical and whimsical powers of the State.
United Kingdom: The famous English Jurist Blackstone supported the
doctrine of Montesquieu. According to him, whereever the right of making and
enforcing the Law is vested in the same man or in the same body of men there
can be no liberty. During the 17th century in England Parliament exercised
legislative powers. The King exercised executive powers, and the Courts
exercised judicial powers, but with the emergence of cabinet system of
Government i.e. Parliamentary form of Government, the doctrine remains no
good. The renowned constitutional Bagehot observed. The cabinet is a hyphen
which joins, buckle which fastens, the legislative part of the State to the
executive part of the State.
According to Wade and Phillips the doctrine of separation of powers
(i) The same person should not form more than one organ of the
(ii) One organ of the Government should not exercise the function of
other organs of the Government.
(iii) One organ of the Government should not encroach with the function
of the other two organs of the Government.
In the British Constitution there is no such thing as the absolute
separation of legislative, executive and judicial powers......
U.S.A.: Usually it is said that the principle of separation of powers finds
a good mention in the Constitution of United States; while the Federal
Constitution of the United States of America does not expressly provide for the
principle of separation of powers. Having reliance on the doctrine of
Montesquieu, Madison, the Federalist observed; The accumulation of all
powers legislative, executive and judicial, in the same hands whether of one, a
few or many and whether hereditary, self appointed or elective, may justly be
pronounced the very definition of tyranny. The same ideas were expressed by
Hamilton in 1788.
In American Constitution we find that legislative, executive and judicial
powers are vested in separate entities.
Section 1 of Article 1 declares: All legislative powers herein granted
shall be vested in a Congress of the United State.
Section 1 of Article II says: The executive power shall be vested in a
President of the United States of America.
Section 1 of Article III reads: The judicial power of the United States,
shall be vested in one Supreme Court and in such inferior courts as the
Congress may from time to time ordain and establish.....
Les us see the actual position prevailing in America. It is clear from the
above mentioned provisions that the President is the head of the executive in
U.S.A. Besides he (President) possesses the power to vote bills4 passed by the
Congress and such bills cannot become law unless they are subsequently passed
again by each House, with a two thirds, majority. The character of veto power
vested in the President is purely legislative. It is true that the power is one of
negation only, but the history of its origin shows that even in its qualified form,
it is legislative in its nature.5 The President also exercises legislative power in
making of treaties regarding foreign affairs. As John Marshall said in his great
argument of March 7, 1800, in the House of Representative, The President is
the sole organ of the nation in its external relations, and its sole representative
with foreign nations.6 The President in his legislative capacity gives
information of the state of the Union to the Congress. 7 Likewise the Congress
interferes with the powers of President by casting vote on Budget. The Budget
and Accounting Act, 1921 established the principle and practice of the executive
budget, under which the President is responsible for formulating and presenting
to Congress a complete and detailed expenditure plan for the
Article 1, Section 7(2) of U.S.A. Constitution.
Bernard Schwartz: American Constitution of Law, 1955 p.99.
United States v. Curtiss-Wright Export Corp;229 U.S. 304,319 (1936).
Article II, Section 2 of Constitution of U.S.A.
following fiscal year.8 Congress also plays important role in ratification of
treaties, as well as in appointments through its senators. Congress has also
judicial powers. Each house may expel its members by a two thirds, votes or
punish them for disorderly behaviour. Congress is the sole judge of the reason
for expulsion. Not only this, American judges may be removed from the office
only by impeachment proceedings instituted before the Congress.
So far as judicial organ is concerned the Courts have supervisory control
over both the Congress and the President, by way of judicial review. It is true
that legislature enacts the Law, but it is also true that in dealing with the new
problems, where Law is silent, the Courts have to create the Law. The Chief
Justice Hughess remarks are most pertinent in this connection, as he candidly
said- The Constitution is what the judges say it is. 9 The amendments which
have been incorporated in American Constitution, all are not by Congress itself,
but most of the amendments have been incorporated in Constitution by
American Supreme Court. In this way it can be said that in U.S.A. there is also
not any possibility to have a rigid personal separation of powers.
France: Under the despotic Rule of Louis XIV (1643-1715) France enjoyed
a commanding influence in European affairs. Louis XIV had the same Kingship
that James I had tried in vain to induce the English people to accept. It was the
thinking of Louis XIV that the subject should obey the King absolutely without
asking any question or making any criticism. because of this capricious
behaviour he was known as autocrat ruler.
On the other hand Montesquieu, the most profound of the political writers of
the eighteenth century, being impressed by the thoughts of Locke propounded
his theory of separation of powers, based on British Constitution. He pointed out
that the freedom which Englishmen enjoyed was due to the fact that the three
powers of the Government- legislative, executive and judicial- were not as in
France in the same hands. Pariament made the Laws, the King executed them,
and the Courts independent of both, saw that they were observed. He believed
that the English would lose their liberties so soon as these powers fell under the
control of one person or body of persons. His doctrine of separation of powers
was also incorporated in French Declaration of Rights of Man. Article 16 of
this declaration declares that there could be no constitutional or democratic
government without separation of powers, but in practice this attempt has
proved unsuccessful.
India: The doctrine of separation of powers has no place in strict sense in
Indian Constitution, but the functions of different organs of the Government
have been sufficiently differentiated, so that one organ of the Government could
not usurp the function of another.
In Constituent Assembly Debates Prof. K.T. Shah a member of
Constituent Assembly laid emphasis to insert by amendment a new Article 40-A
concerned with doctrine of separation of powers. This Article reads:
There shall be complete separation of powers as between the principal
organs of the State, viz; the legislative, the executive, and the judicial.10
Kazi Syed Karimuddin (a member of Constituent Assembly) was entirely
in agreement with the amendment of Prof. K.T. Shah.
Shri K. Hanumanthiya, a member of Constituent Assembly dissented with
the proposal of Prof. K.T. Shah. He stated that Drafting Committee has given
approval to Parliamentary system of Government suitable to this country and
Prof. Shah sponsors in his amendment the Presidential Executive. He further
Instead of having a conflicting trinity it is better to have a harmonious
governmental structure. If we completely separate the executive, judiciary and
the legislature conflicts are bound to arise between these three departments of
Government. In any country or in any government, conflicts are suicidal to the
peace and progress of the country..... Therefore in a governmental structure it is
necessary to have what is called harmony and not this three-fold conflict.11
Prof. Shibban Lal Saksena also agreed with the view of Shri K.
Dr. B.R. Ambedkar, one of the important architect of Indian Constitution,
disagreeing with the argument of Prof. K.T. Shah, advocated thus:
There is no dispute whatsoever that the executive should be separated
from the judiciary. With regard to the separation of the executive from the
legislature, it is true that such a separation does exist in the Constitution of
United States; but many Americans themselves were quite dissatisfied with the
rigid separation embodied in the American Constitution between the executive
and legislature......... There is not slightest doubt in my mind and in the minds of
many students of Political Science, that the work of Parliament is so
complicated, so vast that unless and until the members of the Legislature
receive direct guidance and initiative from the members of the Executive, sitting
in Parliament, it would be very difficult for Members of Parliament to carry on
the work of the Legislature. I personally therefore, do not think that there is any
Constituent Assembly Debates Book No.2, Vol. No. VII Second Print 1989, p. 959.
Ibid p. 962.
very great loss that is likely to occur if we do not adopt the American method of
separating the Executive from the Legislature.12
With the aforesaid observations the motion to insert a new Article 40-A
dealing with the separation of powers was negatived i.e. turned down.
In Indian Constitution there is express provision that Executive power of
the Union shall be vested in the President,13 and the executive power of the
State shall be vested in Governor.. (Article 154(1) of Indian Constitution). But
there is no express provision that legislative and judicial powers shall be vested
in any person or organ.
Now we have to see what is the real position in India regarding the
separation of powers?
President being the executive head is also empowered to exercise legislative
powers. In his legislative capacity he may promulgate Ordinances in order to
meet the situation as Article 123(1) says If at any time, except when both
Houses of Parliament are in Session, President is satisfied that circumstances
exist which render it necessary for him to take immediate action, he may
promulgate such Ordinance as the circumstances appear to him to require.
When Proclamation of emergency has been declared by the President due to
failure of Constitutional machinery the President has been given legislative
power under Article 357 of our Constitution to make any Law in order to meet
the situations. A power has also been conferred on the President of India under
Article 372 and 372-A to adapt any Law in country by making such adaptations
and modifications, whether by way of repeal or amendment as may be
necessary or expedient for the purpose or bringing the provisions of such Law
into accord with the provisions of the Constitution.
The President of India also exercises judicial function. Article 103(1) of the
Constitution is notable in this connection. According to this Article If any
question arises as to whether a member or either of House of Parliament has
become subject to disqualification mentioned in clause (1) of Article 102, the
questions hall be referred for the decision of the President and his decision shall
be final. Article 50 lays emphasis to separate judiciary from executive. But in
practice we find that the executive also exercises the powers of judiciary as in
appointment of judges. (Articles 124, 126 & Article 127). The legislative (either
House of Parliament) also exercises Judicial function in removal of President
(Article 56) in the prescribed manner.14 Judiciary also exercises legislative
power, High Court and Supreme Court are empowered to make certain rules
legislative in character. Whenever High Court or the Supreme Court finds a
certain provision of law against the Constitution or public policy it declares the
Ibid p. 967, 968.
Article 53(1) of Indian Constitution.
Article 61 of the Indian Constitution.
same null and void, and then amendments may be incorporated in the Legal
System. Some time High Court and Supreme Court formulate the principles on
the point where law is silent. This power is also legislative in character.
Separation of powers and Judicial opinion:
The following cases explain the real position of doctrine of separation of
powers prevailing in our country.
In re Delhi Law Act case15 Honble Chief Justice Kania observed:
Although in the Constitution of India there is no express separation of
powers, it is clear that a legislature is created by the Constitution and detailed
provisions are made for making that legislature pass laws. It is then too much to
say that under the Constitution the duty to make laws, the duty to exercise its
own wisdom, judgment and patriotism in making law is primarily cast on the
legislature? Does it not imply that unless it can be gathered from other
provisions of the Constitution, other bodies executive or judicial are not
intended to discharge legislative functions? To the same effect another case is
Rai Sahib Ram Jawaya v. State of Punjab reported in AIR 1955 S.C. 549 at
p.556 in which Honble Chief Justice B.K. Mukherjea observed:
Although in the Constitution of India there is no express separation of
powers, it is clear that a legislature is created by the Constitution and detailed
provisions are made for making that legislature pass laws. Is it then too much to
say that under the Constitution the duty to make laws, the duty to exercise its
own wisdom, judgment and patriotism in making law is primarily cast on the
legislature? Does it not imply that unless it can be gathered from other
provisions of the Constitution, other bodies executive or judicial are not
intended to discharge legislative functions? To the same effect another case is
Rai Sahib Ram Jawaya v. State of Punjab reported in AIR 1955 S.C. 549 at
p.556 in which Honble Chief Justice B.K. Mukherjea observed:
The Indian Constitution has not indeed recognised the doctrine of
separation of powers in the absolute rigidity but the functions of the different
parts or branches of the Government have been sufficiently differentiated and
consequently it can very well be said that our Constitution does not contemplate
assumption by one organ or part of the State of the functions that essentially
belong to another.
In Ram Krishna Dalmia v. Justice Tendolkar reported in AIR 1958 S.C.
538 at p. 546, Honble Chief Justice S.R. Das opined that in the absence of
specific provision for separation of powers in our Constitution, such as there is
under the American Constitution, some such division of powers legislative,
executive and judicial- is nevertheless implicit in our Constitution. Same view
was expressed in Jayanti Lal Amrit Lal v. S.M. Ram, AIR 1964 SC 649.
The judiciary is independent and separate wing of the Government. The
executive or legislature has no concern with the day to day functioning of the
judiciary. In terms of Biblical apologue, Francis Bacon in his Essay of
Judicature showing the importance of Temple of Justice has expressed thus:
Solomons Throne was supported by lions on both sides; Let them be
lions, but yet lions under the throne; being circumspect that they do not check or
oppose any points of sovereignty. (Quoted in S.C. Advocates-on-Record
Association v. Union of India, AIR 1994 SC 268 at p. 301).
Here the expression Solomons Throne symbolizes the majesty of our
justice system and the word Lions represents the Legislature and the
Executive. Briefly it may be stated as Majesty of Justice system is supported
by the Legislature and the Executive from both sides, neverthless, these
Legislature and Executive are under the control of Judiciary. Legislature and
Executive must not go against any point of Sovereignty. As regards
Sovereignty it is enough to state that in a democracy it vests in the will of
Showing the importance of judiciary, Supreme Court in the same case has
also observed: Under the Constitution, the judiciary is above the administrative
executive and any attempt to place it on par with the administrative executive
has to be discouraged. (p.338)
In Chandra Mohan v. State of U.P., AIR 1966 SC 1987 at p. 1993
Supreme Court held: The Indian Constitution, though it does not accept the
strict doctrine of separation of powers, provides for an independent judiciary in
the States....... But at the time the direct control of the executive. Indeed it is
common knowledge that in pre-independence India there was a strong agitation
that the judiciary should be separated from the executive and that the agitation
that the judiciary should be separated from the executive and that the agitation
was based upon the assumption that unless they were separated, the
independence of the judiciary at the power levels would be a mockery. (See
also S.C. Advocates-on-Record Case, AIR 1994 S.C. 268 at p. 272).
The State in the present day has become the major litigant and the
superior courts, particularly the Supreme Court, have become centres for
turbulent controversies some of which with a flavour of political repercurssions
and the courts have to face tempest and storm because their vitality is a national
imperative. In such circumstances, therefore, can the Government, namely, the
major litigant be justified in enjoying absolute authority in nominating and
appointing its arbitrators. The answer would be in the negative. If such a process
is allowed to continue, the independence of judiciary in the long run will sink
without any trace. (S.C. Advocates-on-Record Case, AIR 1994 S.C. 268 at p.
In Udai Ram Sharma v. Union of India, AIR 1968 S.C. 1138 at p. 1152,
Supreme Court held that The American doctrine of well-defined separation of
legislative and judicial powers has no application to India.
In Kesavananda Bharti v. State of Kerala, AIR 1973 SC 1461 at p. 1535,
Honble Chief Justice Sikri observed:
Separation of powers between the legislature, the executive and the
judiciary is a part of the basic structure of the Constitution; this structure cannot
be destroyed by any form of amendment.
In Smt. Indira Nehru Gandhi v. Raj Narain, AIR 1975 SC 2299 at p. 2470,
Honble Justice Chandrachud observed: The American Constitution provides
for a rigid separation of governmental powers into three basic divisions the
executive, legislative and judicial. It is essential principle of that Constitution
that powers entrusted to one department should not be exercised by any other
department. The Australian Constitution follows the same pattern of distribution
of powers. Unlike these Constitutions, the Indian Constitution does not
expressly vest the three kinds of power in three different organs of the State. But
the principle of separation of powers is not a magic formula for keeping the
three organs of the State within the strict confines of their functions.
In Hari Shankar Nagla v. State of M.P.16 It was observed:
The Legislature cannot delegate its function of laying down legislative
policy in respect of a measure and its formulation as a rule of conduct. The
Legislature must declare the policy of the law and the legal principles which are
to control any given cases and must provide a standard to guide the officials or
the body in power to execute the law. The essential legislature function consists
in the determination of the choice of the legislative policy and of formally
enacting that policy into a binding rule of conduct.
Virtually, absolute separation of powers is not possible in any form of
Government. In view of the variety of situations, the legislature cannot fore-see
or anticipate all the circumstances to which a legislative measure should be
extended and applied. Therefore, legislature is empowered to delegate some of
its functions to administrative authority (executive). But one thing is notable
that legislature cannot delegate its essential legislative power. On this point
following cases are notable:
(1) Sri Ram v. State of Bombay, AIR 1959 S.C. 459,473,474
(2) Makhan Singh v. State of Punjab, AIR 1964 S.C. 381,401
(3) Laxmi Narayan v. Union of India, AIR 1976 S.C. 554.
In these cases the Supreme Court held that excessive delegation is not
permissible. So many other cases are also notable on the point.
In Sita Ram v. State of U.P., AIR 1972 S.C. 1168 at p. 1169. Honble
Hegde J. expressed the current attitude of the Court regarding delegation of
legislative power in following words:
However much one might deplore the New Despotism of the executive,
the very complexity of the modern society and the demand it makes on its
Government have set in motion forces which have made it absolutely necessary
for the legislatures to entrust more and more powers to the executive. Text book
doctrines evolved in the 19th century have become out of date. Present position
as regards delegation of legislative power may not be ideal, but in the absence
of any better alternative, there is no escape from it.
In Asif Hameed v. State of Jammu and Kashmir reported in AIR 1989
S.C. 1899 the Supreme Court observed:
Although the doctrine of separation of powers has not been recognised
under the Constitution in its absolute rigidity but the Constitution makers have
meticulously defined the functions of various organs of the State. Legislature,
executive and judiciary have to function within their own spheres demarcated
under the Constitution. No organ can usurp the functions assigned to another.
The Constitution trusts to the judgment of these organs to function and exercise
their discretion by strictly following the procedure prescribed therein. The
functioning of democracy depends upon the strength and independence of each
of its organs.
In the beginning public interest litigation cases were filed against
violation of human rights, to protect the condition of labourers (as in Asiad Case
AIR 1982 SC 1473). Then emerged the period of environmental litigation. The
Courts are taking one of the top bureaucracy and the politicians. The apex Court
has begun to realise that by not acting on a matter of public concern, it could
lead to a state of political anarchy.17
The Government (State) cannot escape from its prime duty (i.e. rendering
services for the welfare of the citizens) showing that is over-burdened with day
to day functionings.
The functions of a modern State unlike the police States of old are not
confined to mere collection of taxes or maintenance of laws and protection of
the realm from external or internal enemies. A modern State is certainly
expected to engage in all activities necessary for the promotion of the social and
economic welfare of the community. (Ram Jawaya v. State of Punjab, AIR 1955
S.C. 549 at p.553,554).
Nowadays in response to public interest litigation writs, the courts have
begun to direct the Government on everything from clearing garbage off the
streets to cleansing the polity of political sleaze.
With the widening of the horizons of Judicial Activism criticism
emanated from a few percent of the people that the judiciary is overstepping its
bounds and taking over the Government functions, but this is not a justificable
thought. The Supreme Court and the High Courts act as a watch-dogs to keep
Executive and Legislature within the bounds of law.
Today millions of the people are suffering in the country. It is the
judiciary which is holding out hope for them.
Evaluation of the Doctrine:
In strict sense the principle of separation of powers cannot be applied in
any modern Government either may be U.K., U.S.A., France, India or Australia.
But it does not mean that the principle has no relevance now a days.
Government is an organic unity. It cannot be divided into water tight
History proves this fact. If there is a complete separation of powers the
government cannot run smoothly and effectively. Smooth running of
government is possible only by co-operation and mutual adjustment of all the
three organs of the government. Prof. Garner has rightly said, the doctrine is
impracticable as a working principle of Government. It is not possible to
categorize the functions of all three branches of Government on mathematical
basis. The observation of Frankfurter is notable in this connection. According to
him Enforcement of a rigid conception of separation of powers would make
Government impossible.18
It is my opinion that the doctrine of Montesquieu is not merely a myth
it also carries a truth, but in the sense that each organ of the Government should
exercise its power on the principle of Checks and Balances signifying the fact
that none of the organs of Government should usurp the essential functions of
the other organs. Professor Laski has aptly remarked: It is necessary to have a
separation of functions which need not imply a separation of personnel.
[J.T.R.I. JOURNAL Second Year, Issue 4 & 5 - Year March, 1996]
18 Frankfurter The Public and its Government (1930) quoted by B. Schwartz, in American
Constitutional Law, 1955 Page 286.