Aboriginal Cultural Standards Framework
Aboriginal Cultural Standards Framework
Aboriginal Cultural Standards Framework
Each of the cultural standards has performance descriptors TEACHING
and indicators to guide staff when working with Aboriginal STANDARD:
students, their parents and families, and communities. Culturally responsive schools have high expectations for
Aboriginal students and teach in ways that enable them to
The continuum enables staff to reflect on individual and
better reach their full education potential.
whole-school progress and to develop strategies to move
towards becoming culturally responsive.
Staff engage professionally with local Aboriginal Staff, in partnership with the local Aboriginal community,
community members and organisations. understand and accept processes and protocols for
respectful interaction.
Staff draw on the expertise of Aboriginal staff
(including Aboriginal and Islander education officers, and
regional Aboriginal education teams) and local Aboriginal
community members and organisations to enrich learning
experiences for students.
Staff and students participate, as appropriate, in local
Aboriginal community events and activities.
Staff and local Aboriginal community members share
experiences and knowledge to support student learning.
Staff provide Aboriginal students, their parents and Staff provide Aboriginal students with opportunities to take
families, and local Aboriginal community members on leadership roles at school.
with leadership opportunities. School leaders seek feedback from Aboriginal students,
their parents and families on education delivery to inform
decision making.
School leaders provide opportunities for local Aboriginal
community representation on the school council/board.
Staff broaden their knowledge and improve practices Staff participate in local Aboriginal community networks
in Aboriginal education. to understand the perspectives of Aboriginal people on
Staff engage with local Aboriginal community members to
identify opportunities for including cultural events at the
Staff incorporate local Aboriginal community members
cultural and linguistic knowledge and expertise to build
contextual relevance to the education of Aboriginal
Staff are aware of the value of Staff understand the Staff have developed respectful Staff, Aboriginal students and
developing effective working importance of establishing working relationships with their parents and families
relationships with Aboriginal positive working relationships Aboriginal students and their have established collaborative,
students and their parents and with Aboriginal students and parents and families. trusting and respectful working
families. their parents and families. relationships.
Staff communicate regularly
Staff seek information from with parents and families of Staff involve the parents and
parents and families to support Aboriginal students about their families of Aboriginal students
Aboriginal students learning. childrens learning. in their childrens education.
Staff are aware of the value Staff understand the Staff use local cultural Staff have clearly established
of engaging local Aboriginal importance of positive protocols for interacting with shared understandings,
community members and interaction with local Aboriginal local Aboriginal community processes and protocols for
organisations. community members. members. respectful interaction with
local Aboriginal community
Staff have identified, or have Staff routinely invite local members.
liaised with Government Aboriginal community members
agencies and Aboriginal staff and organisations to school Staff and local Aboriginal
to identify, key local Aboriginal meetings, activities and events. community members and
community members and organisations work together in
organisations. planning meetings, activities
and events.
Staff are aware of the value of Staff provide information to Staff seek feedback from Staff, Aboriginal students, their
engaging Aboriginal students, Aboriginal students, their Aboriginal students, their parents and families, and local
their parents and families, and parents and families, and the parents and families, and local Aboriginal community members
the local community in school local Aboriginal community Aboriginal community members are all actively involved in
decision making. about the schools education about the schools delivery of decision making.
programs. education to inform decision
Staff are aware that Staff have identified, or have Staff have developed reliable Staff routinely participate in
participation in Aboriginal liaised with Aboriginal staff to connections with local local Aboriginal community
community networks can identify, ways of engaging with Aboriginal community networks networks and draw on the
support the education of their local Aboriginal community to deepen understandings cultural knowledge and
Aboriginal students. networks. about the communitys expertise of the community.
School leaders build staff capability for effective School leaders expand their own cultural knowledge
teaching of Aboriginal students. relevant to the local context.
School leaders support staff to build individual capability
for developing their knowledge of local Aboriginal histories,
peoples, cultures and languages.
School leaders support staff to teach in ways that are
responsive to the learning needs of individual Aboriginal
School leaders develop and sustain a school-wide focus on
monitoring the progress of Aboriginal students.
School leaders and staff are cognisant of their attitudes,
behaviours and performance in teaching Aboriginal
School leaders support innovation and change School leaders encourage flexible and adaptive approaches
in Aboriginal education. to engaging and teaching Aboriginal students.
School leaders share best practice and innovation in
Aboriginal education with colleagues and across education
School leaders embed collaborative practices that promote
school-wide contributions to improvement and innovation in
Aboriginal education.
School leaders recognise the capability of Aboriginal staff
to lead innovative approaches in engaging and teaching
Aboriginal students.
School leaders demonstrate transparency and School leaders provide comprehensive reports about
accountability to Aboriginal students, their parents Aboriginal student performance as part of the annual
and families. school report.
School leaders share education success with the local
Aboriginal community and the broader community.
School leaders report on the progress and outcomes of
targeted Aboriginal programs and initiatives, and seek
feedback from the local Aboriginal community on their value
and success.
School leaders are aware of School leaders align the School leaders work with School leaders, in collaboration with
the importance of developing schools vision and ethos with students, staff, parents and local Aboriginal community members,
a school vision and ethos the needs and expectations of families, and local Aboriginal have developed a strong, sustainable
that is inclusive of Aboriginal the local Aboriginal community. community members on the education partnership that reflects
students. development of a school vision the expectations and aspirations of
School leaders and staff and ethos. Aboriginal students.
understand the schools
commitment to all students, School leaders and staff School leaders and staff demonstrate
including Aboriginal students. demonstrate a commitment to a commitment to high expectations
high expectations for Aboriginal for Aboriginal students in a culture of
students. continuous improvement.
School leaders and staff School leaders know about School leaders and staff have School leaders and staff respect and
begin to reflect on their own Aboriginal histories and have deepened their understandings are responsive to local historical and
knowledge and beliefs about participated in local cultural about Aboriginal histories, contemporary cultural contexts.
Aboriginal histories and awareness raising. peoples, cultures and
peoples. languages, including the local School leaders and staff demonstrate
School leaders and staff and national contexts. respect for the diversity and
understand that their own differences of the school community,
beliefs and preconceptions School leaders and staff and provide opportunities for all
have an impact on the way demonstrate respect for, and staff and students to develop
they engage with Aboriginal awareness of, the cultural understanding and respect for
students. diversity of the school Aboriginal histories, peoples, cultures
community. and languages.
School leaders commit to the
need to build the capability School leaders ensure effective School leaders engage staff in
of staff to teach Aboriginal curriculum pathways are school-wide approaches to teaching
students effectively. implemented for Aboriginal Aboriginal students.
School leaders monitor and provide
specific feedback to all staff about the
extent to which teaching practices are
responsive to the needs of individual
Aboriginal students.
School leaders research School leaders discuss with School leaders create and School leaders and staff, in
innovative approaches to staff ideas and innovative support opportunities for staff partnership with local Aboriginal
Aboriginal education. approaches to improve the to develop innovative teaching community members, develop and
outcomes of Aboriginal practices for Aboriginal implement flexible, adaptive and
students. students. innovative approaches to improve the
outcomes of Aboriginal students.
School leaders are aware of School leaders report to School leaders engage with School leaders report to the school
the importance of reporting to local Aboriginal community local Aboriginal community council/board on the achievements
the school community about members about the schools members about the outcomes and progress of Aboriginal students,
the schools performance. performance. and the performance of the and engage local Aboriginal
school in relation to Aboriginal community members in discussions
education outcomes. about the value and success of
targeted Aboriginal programs and
Teachers know the curriculum content and how best Teachers recognise the diverse perspectives that Aboriginal
to teach it to Aboriginal students. students bring to the content being taught.
Teachers incorporate into learning experiences the
knowledge and experiences that Aboriginal students
Teachers use resources developed for Aboriginal students
to address specific learning needs.
Teachers incorporate Aboriginal histories, cultures and
languages into learning activities.
Teachers plan for and implement effective teaching Teachers set learning goals that reflect high expectations for
practices for Aboriginal students. each Aboriginal student.
Teachers seek background information about Aboriginal
students from previous schools to improve success in
Teachers assess the learning needs of each Aboriginal
student and differentiate their teaching practices
Teachers identify and implement teaching and learning
approaches suitable for Aboriginal students as English as
an additional language/dialect learners.
Teachers provide a range of learning opportunities for
Aboriginal students.
Teachers assess, provide feedback and report on the Teachers take into account the cultural and linguistic
progress of Aboriginal students. backgrounds and proficiency of Aboriginal students when
planning their assessments.
Teachers use formative and summative assessment data to
inform planning and to identify explicit achievement targets
for Aboriginal students.
Teachers analyse the progress of each Aboriginal student
and adjust their teaching practices as required.
Teachers report the progress of Aboriginal students
in formats appropriate to the cultural and linguistic
backgrounds of students and their parents.
Teachers gather background Teachers know which students Teachers know and understand Teachers use their knowledge
information about their are Aboriginal and understand the influence of culture and of Aboriginal students culture
students. their family connections. language backgrounds and and language background,
family relationships on the family relationships and
engagement and learning of experiences to focus on their
Aboriginal students. individual learning needs.
Teachers reflect on their Teachers understand that Teachers apply Aboriginal Teachers apply their knowledge
understandings about how to Aboriginal students bring perspectives to the content of the histories, cultures
teach Aboriginal students. diverse perspectives to the being taught. and languages of Aboriginal
content being taught. students, and design or adapt
Teachers select and use a resources to support the
Teachers have identified range of resources to support individual learning needs of
resources and materials to the learning needs of Aboriginal Aboriginal students.
support the learning needs of students.
Aboriginal students.
Teachers investigate strategies Teachers make learning Teachers set challenging and Teachers have high
for teaching Aboriginal adjustments to maximise the achievable learning goals for expectations and differentiate
students. potential of Aboriginal students. Aboriginal students. their teaching strategies to
respond to the specific learning
needs of Aboriginal students.
Teachers are aware of the Teachers understand the Teachers customise formative Teachers tailor learning
importance of using reliable cultural and linguistic and summative assessments programs based on their
monitoring, assessment, backgrounds and proficiency to take account of the knowledge of the cultural
feedback and reporting of Aboriginal students when language proficiency and and linguistic backgrounds
practices for Aboriginal monitoring, assessing and individual needs of Aboriginal and proficiency of individual
students. providing feedback. students. Aboriginal students, and use
assessment data to inform
Teachers provide feedback and their teaching practices and
report progress to Aboriginal school-wide planning.
students and their parents in
a format suitable for the local Teachers ensure Aboriginal
context. students and their parents
understand student progress
and what is required for
students to achieve their
personal best.
Culturally responsive schools build
an environment that is welcoming
Staff involve Aboriginal students, their parents and Staff engage Aboriginal students, their parents and families,
families to establish a physical environment that is and community members in developing an environment
welcoming for Aboriginal students. which displays and respects their histories, cultures and
The parents and families of Aboriginal students, and local
Aboriginal community members use facilities at the school
where appropriate.
Staff and students use local Aboriginal community
facilities and sites to enable students to learn in settings
connected to local histories, cultures and languages where
Staff work with Aboriginal students, their parents Staff work with Aboriginal students, their parents and
and families to establish shared expectations and families to ensure an understanding of expectations and
responsibility for attendance and behaviour. legal obligations under the School Education Act (1999) for
Staff work with Aboriginal students, their parents and
families to ensure an understanding of expectations related
to behaviour, engagement and learning.
Staff support and encourage local Aboriginal community
members to promote consistent and clear messages about
student attendance and behaviour.
Staff identify and implement strategies to engage
hard-to-reach Aboriginal students, their parents and
Staff are aware of factors that may be affecting the
behaviour of individual Aboriginal students and implement
appropriate school and classroom management strategies.
School leaders collaborate with other school leaders to
ensure the transition of Aboriginal students is well defined
and enacted.
Staff establish a supportive and safe learning Staff know about factors in the local Aboriginal community
environment for Aboriginal students. that may have an impact on student engagement.
Staff work productively with other agencies to support the
health, wellbeing and safety of Aboriginal students, their
parents and families.
Staff, in collaboration with parents and families, develop
plans to support Aboriginal students at educational risk.
Staff put in place appropriate steps to support the social
and emotional wellbeing of Aboriginal students.
Staff are aware of the Staff understand the Staff engage with local Staff and local Aboriginal
importance of having an importance of creating an Aboriginal community members community members have
inclusive learning environment inclusive and welcoming about how they prefer to see established an enduring and
for Aboriginal students. environment for all students, their culture represented in the effective partnership. Cultural
including Aboriginal students. school. values and traditions have
been incorporated into the
The school notes publicly the Staff use Aboriginal students schools learning environment.
importance of cultural diversity connection to their community
and the need to support to build the capacity of Staff have supported Aboriginal
Aboriginal students to feel the school to connect with students to build confidence,
connected to the school. Aboriginal culture. showcase and share their
culture, and participate in
events of cultural significance.
Staff are aware that the Staff understand the value of Staff consult with Aboriginal Staff in partnership with
physical learning environment creating a physical environment students, their parents Aboriginal students, their
can influence the culture and that displays and respects the and families, and the local parents and families, and
ethos of the school. cultural and linguistic heritage Aboriginal community to the school community have
of Aboriginal students. develop an environment which worked together to establish
displays and respects their a sustainable physical
cultural and linguistic heritage. environment which reflects the
cultural and linguistic heritage
of Aboriginal students.
Staff are aware of the need for Staff provide information to Staff work with Aboriginal Staff in partnership with
having clear expectations for Aboriginal students and their students, their parents and Aboriginal students, their
the attendance and behaviour parents and families about families to monitor student parents and families, and the
of all students, including expectations for student attendance, behaviour and local Aboriginal community
Aboriginal students. attendance and behaviour. engagement. develop and implement
strategies for Aboriginal
student attendance, behaviour
and engagement in learning.
The school has policies and Staff understand that factors Staff monitor events in the Staff and local Aboriginal
processes related to the health in the local community may local community that may community members meet
and wellbeing of all students, have an impact on Aboriginal have an impact on Aboriginal routinely to identify factors
including Aboriginal students. student engagement. student engagement. that have an impact on
Aboriginal student engagement
The school has plans and Staff take appropriate steps to and develop agreed plans for
procedures in place to maintain continuity of learning addressing concerns.
monitor Aboriginal students at for students.
educational risk. Staff use effective case
Staff make appropriate management procedures to
education adjustments monitor the needs of Aboriginal
for Aboriginal students at students at educational risk.
educational risk.
School leaders allocate staff to support the learning School leaders, in planning the staffing profile, give specific
needs of individual Aboriginal students. consideration to the learning needs of Aboriginal students.
School leaders consider the expertise and experiences
required for staff to work with Aboriginal students.
School leaders target the learning needs of individual School leaders use student characteristics funding to
Aboriginal students when allocating financial implement appropriate teaching and learning adjustments
resources. for Aboriginal students.
School leaders plan for improved Aboriginal student
outcomes and budget accordingly.
Staff use culturally appropriate education resources Staff select a range of evidence-informed resources
to strengthen Aboriginal student engagement and to support the learning needs of individual Aboriginal
learning. students.
Staff use technology to connect Aboriginal students local
perspectives with national and global perspectives.
Staff incorporate the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
histories and cultures cross-curriculum priority in all
learning areas.
Staff liaise with Aboriginal staff, including Aboriginal and
Islander education officers, and Aboriginal community
members to determine the appropriateness of cultural
resources and materials.
Staff understand, respect and act in accordance with the
cultural and intellectual property rights of Aboriginal people.
The school workforce plan Staff understand the roles and Staff respect the knowledge Staff draw on the expertise of
identifies Aboriginal staff and responsibilities of all staff, and expertise that Aboriginal Aboriginal staff and work with
describes their roles. including Aboriginal staff. staff bring to the school. them to develop their own skills
and knowledge to support all
students, including Aboriginal
School leaders are aware of School leaders understand School leaders demonstrate School leaders match the
the value of a diverse staffing that student demographics understanding of the need for learning needs of Aboriginal
profile at the school. are an important factor when experience and expertise of students with staff skills and
considering the staffing profile. staff working with Aboriginal experience.
School leaders recognise the School leaders involve
value that local Aboriginal School leaders create local Aboriginal community
people bring to the school and opportunities for local members, where possible, in
employ local Aboriginal people Aboriginal people to consider processes for the selection and
where possible. roles at the school. recruitment of staff.
School leaders allocate School leaders use evidence School leaders incorporate School leaders seek input
financial resources in to inform the distribution of funding allocated to the school from Aboriginal community
accordance with the funding received through the for Aboriginal students into members, in relation to school
student-centred funding model student-centred funding model targeted plans for Aboriginal planning and budgeting to
and targeted initiatives funding and targeted initiatives for student improvement. ensure Aboriginal specific
guidelines. Aboriginal students. funding is allocated to meet the
needs of Aboriginal students.
Staff are aware that there are Teachers understand the value Teachers include cultural Teachers, in collaboration
Aboriginal cultural resources of using resources related content in classroom activities with the community, source or
for students. to local culture to support to augment Aboriginal student design appropriate resources
Aboriginal student learning. learning. linked to local Aboriginal
cultures for inclusion in
Staff understand the Staff know the protocols to teaching and learning
importance of following be observed when using programs.
protocols and intellectual Aboriginal cultural resources.
property rights when using Staff partner with the
Aboriginal cultural resources. community to establish
shared understandings and
expectations about the use
of Aboriginal cultural learning