CE6504 - 12oct2017 - Imp

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Highway Engineering

1. What are the recommendations of Jayakar committee?
2. List out the various institutions at state, national and international level
for highway research and development.
3. State PIEV theory.
4. What are Overtaking zones?
5. Draw the cross section of typical Flexible and Rigid Pavements.
6. Define the terms Abrasion Test and Flakiness Index.
7. List out the objectives of Highway maintenance and also state the importance of
timely action in repairing the failure components of Road.
8. List out the classification of highway maintenance works with suitable example.
9. Differentiate between flexible and rigid pavements.
10. Differentiate between Prime Coat, Seal Coat and Tack Coat with neat sketch.
11.What is ideal alignment?
12.Define the terms ruling gradient and exceptional gradient.
13. What are the fundamental principles of alignment?
14. What is Sight Distance and List out its types with neat sketches?
15.What is Super Elevation and List out the factors governing the Super
Elevation of road surface with neat sketch ?
16.What are the requirements of an ideal pavement?
17. What is California Bearing Ration (CBR) test and also state the
importance of CBR values in the pav ement design.
18. Define the terms Elongation Index and Bleeding.
19. Differentiate Pumping and Ravelling .
20. Briefly explain the procedures to be followed for Patching of a pot-hole with sketch.

Part B
1 Describe the classification of urban roads in India. Give the cross section of urban road
with all its features.
2 Write short note on: (a) Indian Road Congress (b) Central Road Research Institute (c)
National Highway Authority of India.
3 Write short on: (a) Right of Way (b) carriage way (c) camber (d) Kerbs
4 Briefly explain the role of MORTH and IRC in highway development
5 Briefly explain the factors affecting geometric design with neat sketch.
6. The speeds of overtaking and overtaken vehicles are 80 and 50 kmph, respectively on a
two way traffic road. The average acceleration during overtaking may be assumed as 0.99
m/sec2. Calculate OSD, mention the minimum length of overtaking zone and draw the
sketch of the overtaking zone with all details.
7 Explain the design procedure of Super Elevation as per IRC with sketch.
8 Calculate the safe stopping distance on a level road stretch for design speed of 50kmph
for (a) two-way traffic on two a lane (b) two-way traffic on a single road.
9. Briefly explain the step by step procedure of design of Flexible Pavements as per IRC
methods with neat sketch.
10. State the limitations of CBR method of pavement design.
11 What are the most important factor in the rigid pavement design and briefly explain its
functions with neat sketch.
12. Design a new flexible pavement for a two-lane undivided carriageway using the
following data. Design CBR value of sub-grade = 4.0%, Initial traffic on completion of
construction=600 cv per day, Average growth rate = 5.0% per year, Design Life= 10 years.
VDF value = 2.4.

13. Explain the California Bearing Ratio Test with neat sketches.
14. Explain the essential properties of good highway material.
15. Explain the following test with neat sketches. (i) Crushing Test (ii) Impact Test (iii)
Ductility Test (iv) Softening Point Test
16. Describe the symptoms, causes and remedial measures for the different types of
failures in flexible pavements.
17. Describe the various failure of rigid pavement with neat sketch.
18. Explain how resealing of cracks may be carried out in rigid pavements
19. Explain the evaluation of pavement by Benkelman Beam method and deflection
20. Explain how the maintenance of the following pavements is carried out (i) Earth Roads
(ii) Bituminous surfaces (iii) Cement concrete pavements.
21 Briefly explain the procedure to be adopted for preparation of Detailed Project Report of
Highway Projects.
22. Discuss the merits and demerits of cement concrete roads.

23 Describe about the Jayakar committee and its recommendations.

24 State the factor influencing the highway alignment.
25 Briefly explain the engineering surveys needed for locating a new highway.
26. Briefly explain the various classifications of roads with neat sketch.

27 Briefly explain the design procedure of Horizontal Alignment of its all components as per
IRC with neat sketch.
28. Design the rate of super elevation for a horizontal highway curve of radius 450 m and
speed 90 kmph.
29 While aligning a highway in a builtup area, it was necessary to provide a horizontal
circular curve of radius 300 m. design speed 60 kmph, length of wheel base of largest
truck 5.5 m and width of the pavement 10.0m. Design the following geometric
features (i) super elevation (ii) Extra widening of pavement (iii) length of transition
30 Calculate the stopping sight distance on a highway at a descending gradient of 2% for a
design speed of 80 kmph. Assume other data as per IRC.
31 The initial traffic after completion of a four lane divided highway is estimated to be
4000 cv per day. Design the flexible pavement for a life of 15 years using the data
given below: Design CBR value of subgrade = 7.0%, Average growth rate = 6.0% per
year, average VDF value = 3.5.
32. What are the objectives of joints in cement concrete pavement? Sketch the different
types of joints used in pavement construction.
33 Explain the methods of construction of cement concrete road with neat sketches
34. Explain in detail about design steps of surface drainage system of a highway with neat
35. What are the importance of studying behaviour of highway materials (i) Soil (ii) Stone
Aggregates (iii) Bituminous and also briefly explain any two quality test procedures
with neat sketches of each materials.
36 Briefly explain the components of rigid pavements along with their function with
neat sketch.
37. Describe various failures of rigid pavement with neat sketch.
38 Classify the different types of failures in flexible pavement and mention the important
causes of each.
39. Briefly explain the maintenance of Bituminous Surface with neat sketch
40 What is meant by rutting? Explain the symptoms, causes and treatment.
41 Explain the overlay design by Benkelman beam method with neat sketches.
42 Discuss how modern methods such as Remote Sensing, GIS, and GPS are used for
Highway Projects.
43 Explain the steps involved in the design of hill roads.
44. What are the modern construction materials used for the construction of pavements?
Explain their characteristics and usage in detail.


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