Construction Working Operation and Maintenance of Electrostatic Precipitato
Construction Working Operation and Maintenance of Electrostatic Precipitato
Construction Working Operation and Maintenance of Electrostatic Precipitato
Electrostatic Precipitators (ESPs)
K. P. Shah
Email: kpshah123[at] (Please replace [at] with @)
Committed to improve the Quality of Life
Above figure shows construction of a typical dry electrostatic precipitator. Detail information
on various components is given in the chapter on Electrostatic Precipitator Components.
An ESP works because of electrostatic attraction (like charges repel; unlike charges attract).
An ESP uses a high voltage electrostatic field to separate dust, fume or mist from a gas
stream. The precipitator consists of vertical parallel plates (collecting plates/electrodes)
forming gas passages 12 to 16 in. (30.5 to 40.6 cm) apart. Discharge electrodes are
electrically isolated from the plates and suspended in rows between the gas passages.
Every particle either has or can be given a charge - positive or negative. A high voltage
system provides power to the discharge electrode to generate an electrical field. The
particulate, entrained in the gas, is charged while passing through the electrical field. The
particulate is then attracted to the grounded collector plate, and forms a dust layer on the
Periodic rapping separates the accumulated dust layer from both the collector plates and
discharge electrodes (in case of wet ESP by spraying it with a liquid). The dust layer
released by the rapping collects in hoppers and is removed by material / ash handling
system. At many places in this article, ash is used instead of particulate matter since major
application of an ESP is for ash collection.
In short, charging, collecting and removing is the basic idea of an ESP. Detail information on
working of an ESP is as under.
Particle Charging
Above figure shows typical dry ESP having thin wires as discharge electrodes, which are
evenly spaced between large plates called collection electrodes, which are grounded. An
electrode is something that can conduct or transmit electricity. A negative, high-voltage,
pulsating, direct current is applied to the discharge electrode creating a negative electric
field. (Electrical coronas can be established at the corona electrode with either negative or
positive polarity. However, generally negative corona is generated/used in industrial ESPs
because negative corona systems operate at higher voltages before spark-over than positive
The field is strongest near the discharge electrode, weaker in the areas between the
discharge and collection electrodes called the inter-electrode region, and weakest near the
collection electrode. The particle charging process begins in the region around the discharge
Several things happen very rapidly (in a matter of a millisecond) in the small area around the
discharge electrode. The applied voltage is increased until it produces a corona discharge
(electrical breakdown of the gas so that it gets transformed from insulating to conducting
state), which can be seen as a luminous blue glow around the discharge electrode.
The free electrons created by the corona rapidly moves away from the negative electric field
because it repulses them. They move faster and faster away from the discharge electrode.
This acceleration causes them to literally crash into gas molecules, bumping off electrons
As shown in above figure, this process continues, creating more and more free electrons
and more positive ions. The name for all this electron generation activity is avalanche
The positive ions move toward the negative discharge electrode (unlike charges attract). As
the positive ions (positive gas molecules) are hundreds of times bigger than the tiny
electrons, they move slowly, but they do pick up speed and many of them collide right into
the metal discharge electrode or the gas space around the wire causing additional electrons
to be knocked off. This is called secondary emission.
As the electrons leave the strong electrical field area around the discharge electrode, they
start slowing down. In the inter-electrode area, they are still repulsed by the discharge
electrode but to a lesser extent. They collide with the gas molecules in the inter electrode
region also, but instead of violently colliding with them, the electrons bump up to gas
molecules and are captured by them as shown in the following figure. This imparts a
negative charge to the gas molecules, creating negative gas ions.
These negative gas ions play a key role in capturing the dust particles as explained in the
following section.
Charging of Particles
The particles are traveling along in the gas stream. As they encounter (get in the way of) the
negatively charged gas ions moving along the path of invisible electric field lines toward the
collection electrode, the gas ions stick to the particles, imparting a negative charge to them.
At first the charge is fairly insignificant as most particles are huge compared to a gas
molecule. But many gas ions can fit on a particle, and they do. Small particles (less than 1
m diameter) can absorb tens of ions. Large particles (greater than 10 m) can absorb
"tens of thousands" of ions. Eventually, there are so many ions stuck to the particles, the
particles emit their own negative electrical field. When this happens, the negative field
around the particle repulses the negative gas ions and no additional ions are acquired. This
is called the saturation charge.
Now the negatively charged particles are feeling the inescapable pull of electrostatic
attraction. Bigger particles have a higher saturation charge (more molecules fit) and
consequently they are pulled more strongly to the collection plate. In other words, they move
faster than smaller particles. Regardless of size, the particles encounter the grounded
collection plate and stick to it because of adhesive and cohesive forces as shown in above
As more and more particles accumulate, they create a dust layer. This dust layer builds until
it is somehow removed.
Particles are charged by negative gas ions by one of the two mechanisms: field charging or
diffusion charging. In field charging (the mechanism described above), particles capture
negatively charged gas ions as the ions move toward the grounded collection plate. Diffusion
charging, as its name implies, depends on the random motion of the gas ions to charge
As shown in above figure, in field charging, particles cause a local dislocation of the electric
field as they enter the field. The negative gas ions traveling along the electric field lines
collide with the particles and impart a charge to them [as shown at (a)]. The ions continue to
collide a particle until the charge on that particle is sufficient to divert the electric lines away
from it [as shown at (b)]. This prevents new ions from colliding with the charged dust particle.
When a particle no longer receives an ion charge, it is said to be saturated. The saturated
charged particles then migrate towards the collection electrode and are collected.
Diffusion charging occurs due to the random Brownian motion of the negative gas ions.
The movement of the gas ions in random motion is related to the temperature. Higher the
temperature, more the movement. The negative gas ions collide with the particles because
of their random thermal motion and impart a charge on the particles. In case of very small
particles (sub micrometer), they do not cause local dislocation of the electric field (as in the
field charging). Thus, diffusion charging is the only mechanism by which very small particles
become charged. The charged particles then migrate to the collection electrode.
Each of these two charging mechanisms occurs to some extent depending on particle size.
Field charging mechanism dominates for particles with a diameter greater than 1.0
micrometer and diffusion charging mechanism dominates for particles with a diameter less
A third type of charging mechanism, which is responsible for very little particle charging is
electron charging. With this type of charging, fast moving free electrons that have not
combined with gas ions hit the particle and impart a charge.
Because of the high electric field applied to the ESP, in the inter-electrode region, negative
gas ions migrate toward the grounded collection electrode. This forms a space charge,
which is a stable concentration of negative gas ions in the inter-electrode region. Increasing
the applied voltage to the discharge electrode will increase the field strength and ion
formation until spark-over occurs. Spark-over refers to internal sparking between the
discharge and collection electrodes. It is a sudden rush of localized electric current through
the gas layer between the two electrodes. Sparking causes an immediate short-term
collapse of the electric field.
For optimum efficiency, the electric field strength should be as high as possible. More
specifically, ESPs should be operated at voltages high enough to cause some sparking, but
not so high that sparking and the collapse of the electric field occur too frequently.
The optimum ESP voltage is achieved by an automatic voltage control (AVC). The automatic
voltage control varies the power to the transformer-rectifier (T-R) set in response to signals
received from the precipitator and from the transformer-rectifier itself.
The ideal AVC would produce the maximum collecting efficiency by holding the voltage on
the precipitator electrodes at a value just below their ever-changing spark-over voltage.
Since there is no way of determining the spark-over voltage at any given time without
allowing a spark to occur, the AVC commands increasing output from the T-R set until a
spark occurs.
This spark signals the AVC to reset its command lower. The AVC again commands an
increasing output from this new starting point, and the cycle is repeated.
The average spark-over rate for optimum precipitator operation is between 50 and 100
sparks per minute. At this spark rate, the gain in efficiency associated with increased voltage
compensates for decreased gas ionization due to reduction of the electric field.
Particle Collection
When a charged particle reaches the grounded collection electrode, the charge is slowly
leaked to the grounded collection plate. A portion of the charge is retained and contributes to
the inter-molecular adhesive and cohesive forces that hold the particles onto the plates.
Adhesive forces cause the particles to physically hold on to each other because of their
dissimilar surfaces. Newly arrived particles are held to the collected particles by cohesive
forces; particles are attracted and held to each other molecularly. The dust layer is allowed
to build up on the plate to a desired thickness and then the particle removal cycle is initiated.
Particle Removal
Dust that has accumulated to a certain thickness on the collection electrode is removed by a
process depending on the type of collection electrode.
Rapping is a process whereby deposited, dry particles are dislodged from the collection
plates by sending mechanical impulses, or vibrations, to the plates. Precipitator plates are
rapped periodically while maintaining the continuous flue gas cleaning process. In other
words, the plates are rapped while the ESP is on-line; the gas flow continues through the
precipitator and the applied voltage remains constant.
Plates are rapped when the accumulated dust layer is relatively thick (0.08 to 1.27 cm or
0.03 to 0.5 in.). This allows the dust layer to fall off the plates as large aggregate sheets or
clumps that fall by gravity into the hopper and eliminate dust reentrainment.
As the clumps fall downward, they are swept toward the outlet of the precipitator by the
horizontally moving gas stream. If the clumps are too small, gravity settling is too slow to
allow the clumps to reach the hopper before the gas stream carries them out of the collector.
For this reason, gravity settling is an important step in particulate matter control in
electrostatic precipitators.
Dislodged dust falls from the plates into the hopper. Dust should be removed as soon as
possible to avoid (its) packing. Packed dust is very difficult to remove. Most hoppers are
emptied by some type of discharge device and then transported by a conveyor.
In a precipitator using liquid sprays to remove accumulated liquid or dust, the sludge collects
in a holding basin at the bottom of the vessel. The sludge is then sent to settling ponds or
land filling areas.
Spraying occurs while the ESP is on-line and is done intermittently to remove the collected
particles. Water is generally used as the spraying liquid although other liquids could be used
if absorption of gaseous pollutants is also being accomplished.
The structural design and operation of the discharge electrodes (rigid-frame, wires or
plate) and collection electrodes (tubular or plate)
The method of charging (single-stage or two-stage)
The temperature of operation (cold-side or hot-side)
The method of particle removal from collection surfaces (wet or dry)
Plate electrostatic precipitators primarily collect dry particles and are used more often than
tubular precipitators. Plate ESPs can have wire, rigid-frame, or occasionally, plate discharge
electrodes. Charged particles are collected on the plates as dust, which is periodically
removed by rapping or water sprays.
A single-stage precipitator uses high voltage to charge the particles, which are then collected
within the same chamber on collection surfaces of opposite charge. Because particle
charging and collection occurs in the same stage, or field, the precipitators are called single-
stage ESPs. Most ESPs that reduce particulate emissions from boilers and other industrial
processes are single-stage ESPs (these units are emphasized in this booklet). Single-stage
ESPs use very high voltage (50 to 70 kV) to charge particles.
In a two-stage precipitator, particles are charged by low voltage in one chamber, and then
collected by oppositely charged surfaces in a second chamber. The direct-current voltage
applied for charging the particles is approximately 12 to 13 kV. Two-stage precipitators were
originally designed for air purification in conjunction with air conditioning systems. (They are
also referred to as electronic air filters).
Electrostatic precipitators are also grouped according to the temperature of the flue gas that
enters the ESP: cold-side ESPs are used for flue gas having temperatures of approximately
204C (400F) or less; hot-side ESPs are used for flue gas having temperatures greater than
300C (572F).
In describing ESPs installed on industrial and utility boilers, cold side and hot side also refer
to the placement of the ESP in relation to the combustion air preheater. A cold-side ESP is
located behind the air preheater, whereas a hot-side ESP is located in front of the air
Hot-side ESPs are also used in industrial applications such as cement kilns and steel
refining furnaces. In these cases, combustion air preheaters are generally not used and hot
side just refers to the high flue gas temperature prior to entering the ESP.
Wet ESPs are used for industrial applications where the potential for explosion is high (such
as collecting dust from a closed-hood Basic Oxygen Furnace in the steel industry), or when
dust is very sticky, corrosive, or has very high resistivity. The water flow may be applied
continuously or intermittently to wash the collected particles from the collection electrodes
into a sump. The advantage of using a wet ESP is that it does not have problems with
rapping reentrainment or with back corona.
Most ESPs are operated dry and use rappers to remove the collected particulate matter. The
term dry is used because particles are charged and collected in a dry state and are removed
by rapping as opposed to water washing which is used with wet ESPs.
However, ESPs generally have high capital costs. Certain particulates are difficult to collect
due to extremely high or low resistivity characteristics. There can be an explosion hazard
when treating combustible gases and/or collecting combustible particulates. Relatively
sophisticated maintenance personnel are required, as well as special precautions to
safeguard personnel from the high voltage. Dry ESPs are not recommended for removing
sticky or moist particles. Ozone is produced by the negatively charged electrode during gas
Discharge Electrodes
Discharge electrodes are either small-diameter metal wires that hang vertically in the
electrostatic precipitator (called weighted wires), a number of wires attached together in rigid
frame, or a rigid electrode made from a single piece of fabricated metal. The shape of an
electrode determines the current voltage characteristics; the smaller the wire or the more
pointed its surface, the greater the value of current for a given voltage.
As shown in above figure, the weights at the bottom of the wire are attached to guide frames
to help maintain wire alignment and to prevent them from falling into the hopper in the event
that the wire breaks.
Weights that are 11.4 kg (25 lb) are used with wires 9.1 m (30 ft) long, and 13.6 kg (30 lb)
weights are used with wires from 10.7 to 12.2 m (35 to 40 ft) long.
The bottom and top of each wire are usually covered with a shroud of steel tubing. The
shrouds help minimize sparking and consequent metal erosion by sparks at these points on
the wire.
The top support must allow rotation of the wire in two planes to avoid fatigue due to bending
of the wire.
Most U.S. designs have traditionally used thin, round wires for corona generation. Some
designers have also used twisted wire, square wire, barbed wire, or other configurations, as
illustrated in above figure.
European precipitator manufacturers and most of the newer systems (since the early 1980s)
made by U.S. manufacturers use rigid support frames or masts for discharge electrodes.
The frames may consist of coiled-spring wires, serrated strips, or needle points mounted on
a supporting strip. Coiled-spring wires are formed as a spring and then pulled for installation.
The spring tension helps restrict the lateral motion. Above figure shows a typical rigid frame
discharge electrode.
The low initial cost of a weighted wire design is typically offset by high maintenance costs
resulting from wire breakage. The reverse is true of rigid frame designs; in this case, the high
initial costs are usually offset by low maintenance costs.
Another type of discharge electrode is a rigid electrode. It does not utilize wires but creates a
corona on spikes welded or otherwise attached to a rigid mast support as shown in the
following figure.
When high-current sparks or continuous sparking must be tolerated, the use of inherently
rigid and unbreakable rigid discharge electrode provides much better protection against
erosion of the discharge electrode than the smaller size weight wire or rigid frame
Collection Electrodes
Collection electrodes collect charged particles. Collection electrodes are either flat plates or
tubes with a charge opposite that of the discharge electrodes. Collecting plates are
suspended from the precipitator casing and form the gas passages of the precipitator.
The plates are generally made of carbon steel. However, plates are occasionally made of
stainless steel or an alloy steel for special flue gas stream conditions where corrosion of
carbon steel plates would occur. The plates range from 0.05 to 0.2 cm (0.02 to 0.08 in.) in
thickness. For ESPs with wire discharge electrodes, plates are spaced from 15 to 30 cm
apart (6 to 12 in.) and for ESPs using rigid frame electrodes, collection plates are spaced 30
to 38 cm (12 to 15 inches) apart. Plates are usually between 6 and 12 m (20 to 40 ft) high.
As shown in above figure, collection plates are constructed in various shapes. These plates
are solid sheets that are sometimes reinforced with structural stiffeners to increase plate
strength. In some cases, the stiffeners act as baffles and provide a "quiet zone" for the
dislodged dust to fall while minimizing dust reentrainment.
When assembled, collecting plates should be straight and parallel with the discharge
electrodes. Correct alignment requires that care be exercised during fabrication, shipping,
storage in the field, and erection. Most damage occurs while plates are being unpacked and
raised. If an ESP is installed properly, collecting plates pose no maintenance problems
during normal operation.
Pennar Industries Limited, India is one of the leading supplier of collection plates/electrodes.
For more information on their products, please see their website (
Dust which accumulates on collecting electrode surfaces and on discharge electrodes must
periodically be dislodged by rapping the collecting plates and discharge electrodes. Rapping
removes dust to the hoppers for disposal and maintains both the discharge and collecting
electrodes in an "operationally" clean condition for proper operation. Without periodic
rapping, the dust layer would thicken rapidly and ESP performance would be reduced. Dust
deposits are generally dislodged by mechanical impulses (hammer/anvil or magnetic
impulse systems) or vibrations (air or electromagnetic vibrators) imparted to the electrodes.
As shown in above figure, hammer/anvil system uses hammers mounted on a rotating shaft.
As the shaft rotates, the hammers drop (by gravity) and strike anvils that are attached to the
collection plates. European precipitator manufacturers use hammer and anvil rappers for
removing particles from collection plates.
Rapping intensity is controlled by the weight of the hammers and the length of the hammer
mounting arm. The frequency of rapping can be changed by adjusting the speed of the
rotating shafts. Thus, rapping intensity and frequency can be adjusted for the varying dust
concentration of the flue gas.
Rapper frequency and intensity are easily regulated by an electrical control system.
Magnetic impulse rappers usually operate more frequently, but with less intensity, than
rotating hammer and anvil rappers.
Unlike a rotating hammer/anvil system (European) design, the magnetic impulse rapper has
no moving parts in the gas stream and is not exposed to the erosive effects of the flue gas
and dust. The roof mounted magnetic impulse rapper design permits on-line inspection and
Rigid frame discharge electrodes are rapped by tumbling hammers. The tumbling hammers
operate similarly to the rotating hammers used to remove dust from collection electrodes.
The hammers are arranged on a horizontal shaft. As the shaft rotates, the hammers hit an
impact beam (instead of against anvil in case of collecting electrodes) which transfers the
shock, or vibration, to the discharge electrodes, causing the dust to fall.
Wire discharge (weighted wire) electrodes must also be rapped to prevent excessive dust
deposit buildup that will interfere with corona generation. This is usually accomplished by the
use of air or electromagnetic vibrators that gently vibrate the discharge wires.
The acceleration of the rappers can be as low as 5 g, but rappers from 30 g to 50 g are
required for most fly ash precipitators.
To meet more stringent emission requirements without increasing the ESP footprint, rapping
system may be upgraded from hammer/anvil to magnetic impulse systems because in case
of a hammer/anvil system, ample space exists inside the precipitator that could be used for
additional collecting plate area to improve the precipitator performance and collection
The other advantage of the magnetic impulse system is that it can be maintained without
taking precipitator off-line since in case of magnetic impulse system, the rappers are
mounted on the roof of the precipitator.
High voltage equipment determines and controls the strength of the electric field generated
between the discharge and collection electrodes. This is accomplished by using power
supply sets consisting of three components: a step-up transformer, a high-voltage rectifier
and control metering & protection circuitry (automatic circuitry). The power system maintains
voltage at the highest level without causing excess spark-over between the discharge
electrode and collection plate. These power sets are also commonly called transformer
rectifier (T-R) sets.
The T-R sets should be matched to ESP load. It is not the installed power that counts; it is
the actual power under load that does the job. The ESP will perform best when all T-R sets
operate at 70 to 100 percent of the rated load without excessive sparking or transient
disturbances, which reduce the maximum continuous load voltage and corona power inputs.
Over a wide range of gas temperatures and pressures in different applications, practical
operating voltages range from 15 to 80 kV at average corona current densities of 10 to 70
mA/1000 ft of collecting area.
At currents over 1500 mA, internal impedances of the T-R sets are low, which makes stable
automatic control more difficult to achieve. Hence, design should call for the highest possible
impedance that is commensurate with the application and performance requirements. The
high internal impedance of the smaller T-R sets facilitates spark quenching as well as
providing more suitable wave forms. However, with smaller T-R sets, this often means more
sectionalization. But smaller electrical sections localize the effects of electrode misalignment
and permit higher voltages in the remaining sections.
In normal fly ash ESP's, corona current requirements generally increase from inlet to outlet,
the latter being perhaps 3 to 5 times the inlet current. Operating voltages are usually higher
on inlet sections compared with outlets. In high resistivity ash cases, relatively low voltages
and current densities may prevail on all T-R sets. Applications requiring extra high voltages
include high density gases (above atmospheric pressures), corona quench situations (high
inlet concentrations of fine particles) and wide ducts (400 to 600 mm).
Spark is a small, self-extinguishing electrical discharge that does not greatly increase
current flow.
Arc is a fully ionized continuous electrical discharge between the discharge electrode and a
Setback is a voltage control setting that determines the amount of voltage reduction for the
next half cycle (due to sparking).
Quench is a voltage control setting that determines the number of half cycles that the power
is completely removed from the TR set (due to arcing).
Slow ramp is a voltage control setting that determines the slow ramp up in power to the TR
Fast Ramp is a voltage control setting that determines the fast ramp up in power to the TR
ESP efficiency is directly related to the applied field voltage. That is, collection efficiency will
increase with average field voltage. In general, the highest voltage that can be applied to any
field is the voltage at which sparking occurs since sparking represents a breakdown in the
electric field. When a spark occurs, the strength of the electric field strength is momentarily
reduced. While excessive sparking reduces collection efficiency, some degree of sparking is
necessary to ensure that the field is operating at the highest possible applied voltage.
The function of the voltage controller is to achieve the highest possible operating voltage for
various ash and load combinations. The voltage controller operates in a cycle in which the
input voltage is increased until one of the following conditions occurs:
Sparks, and the spark rate of a given field, are controlled by the use of voltage control
adjustments typically called the setback and ramp rate. Since sparks are self-
extinguishing, the voltage does not need to be completely removed from the field.
Since the spark is gone by next half cycle, the controller really doesnt have to protect
against any large fault currents. But if it takes no control action, another spark will occur on
the next half cycle (voltage controller will never reach its optimum voltage because each time
a spark occurs, the electrostatic field is completely discharged). Usually only a small drop in
voltage is necessary to prevent a repeat spark. As shown in the following figure, setback
refers to the maximum reduction in applied voltage for the spark cycle. Typically, a setback
of 10-15% will be sufficient. Immediately following a spark, voltage increases from the
setback voltage until another spark occurs. The ramp rate includes a fast ramp setting,
which quickly brings the voltage close to the previous spark point, and a slow ramp setting,
which slowing approaches the spark point.
Voltage controller setback and ramp rate are interrelated. A higher setback and a slower
ramp will reduce the spark rate but decrease collection efficiency. It is usually more effective
to limit the setback and extend the slow ramp period. Setback and ramp rate settings are
plant specific and may require multiple iterations. However, the following are general
guidelines on effective spark rate settings:
Most voltage controllers also include settings for arcing. Arcing is a continuous breakdown in
the electrical field between the discharge electrode and a ground. Arcs should be rare unless
there are significant clearance problems within the ESP or an internal problem like a
swinging wire. Arcs can be destructive, especially when they occur often.
Voltage controller settings vary because of design differences and coal variability, although
the above guidelines should provide a starting point for plant technicians.
Power input is the most important measure of the ESP performance. Thus, any new ESP
should be equipped with the following:
Note: The terms primary and secondary refer to the side of the transformer being monitored
by the meter.
The primary voltage meter measures the input voltage, in A.C. volts, coming into the
transformer. The input voltage ranges from 220 to 480 volts; however, most modern
precipitators use 400 to 480 volts. The meter is located across the primary winding of the
The primary current meter measures the current drawn across the transformer in amperes.
The primary current meter is located across the primary winding (wires wound in the coil) of
the transformer.
The primary voltage and current readings give the power input to a particular section of the
Secondary voltage meter measures D.C. volts, the operating voltage delivered to the
discharge electrodes. The meter is located between the output side of the rectifier and the
discharge electrodes.
Secondary current meter measures the current supplied to the discharge electrodes in milli-
amperes. The secondary current meter is located between the rectifier output and the
microprocessor control module of the automatic voltage control.
The combination of the secondary voltage and current readings gives the power input to the
discharge electrodes.
Spark meter measures the number of sparks per minute in the precipitator section. Sparks
are surges of localized electric current between the discharge electrodes and the collection
Above meters are considered essential for performance evaluation and troubleshooting.
The transformer rectifier set is connected to the discharge electrodes by a bus line. As
shown in above figure, a bus line is electric cable that carries high voltage from the
transformer rectifier to the discharge electrodes. The bus line is encased in a pipe, or bus
duct, to protect the high-voltage line from the environment and to prevent the line from
becoming a potential hazard to humans. The high-voltage bus lines are separated, or
isolated, from the ESP frame and shells by insulators. The insulators are made of non-
conducting plastic or ceramic material (porcelain, fused alumina, or other refractory
The discharge electrode support system has two primary functions: to provide the necessary
high voltage electrical insulation and to give mechanical support to the discharge electrode
Several types of support systems are currently being used in utility precipitators. One type
consists of support insulators in conjunction with entrance bushings as shown in the
following figure.
In this design, the high voltage insulators are located on the roof of the precipitator. A
support/bus beam is mounted atop the insulators, and the discharge electrode assembly is
suspended from the support/bus beam by hanger rods. Conventional porcelain insulators
support the mechanical load of the internal framework and are located in a relatively low
temperature zone that is comparatively free of contaminants. Entrance bushings, sometimes
referred to as "flower pots are made of a clay refractory and are cemented in place with a
refractory cement. Alumina entrance bushings are sometimes found on modern designs.
Generally, the requirements for any support insulator are that the material must have
sufficient strength to support the weight of the discharge electrode system. It also must be
electrically strong to withstand operational voltages of up to 110 kV in the case of 400 mm
spaced collectors.
As shown in above figures, high voltage support system insulators are contained in a metal
housing, either individually or in groups, to protect them from the environment. In some
designs, all the high voltage support and/or entrance bushings (also called lead through
insulators) are housed in a common top housing, penthouse, or weather enclosure. As
shown in following figure, the insulator housings are usually supplied with clean dry air
(commonly called seal air) to prevent flue gas entering from the precipitators because any
excessive flue gas component (ash) buildup or condensation will create a conductive path
on the insulator surface leading to surface leakage/current that could cause sparking or
grounding of the entire bus section. Surface current appears as additional specific power
adsorption by T-R set that does not perform any useful function/work.
To prevent moisture from forming on the insulators, heaters are usually provided as a part of
the forced seal air / ventilation system described above (which would provide clean, warm air
to all the insulators) or as separate heating elements for each insulator or each insulator
Some manufacturers add devices to the hopper to promote easy and quick discharge. These
devices include electric heaters, poke holes, anvil (strike plates) and vibrators.
Heaters in the discharge throat and up to one-third the height of the hopper have proved to
be especially beneficial. In view of this it is recommended that hopper heaters should be
placed on all four walls of the hopper and designed to maintain the ash temperature and the
interior surface temperature of the hopper between 300 and 350F (heating density of
between 20 and 25 watts / ft2).
Hopper heaters should also be started well in advance of fuel firing to get the metal
temperature high enough before they start collecting ash (heaters are usually energized at
least eight hours before start-up). The need for hopper heater operation is precipitator and
ash specific. Since these devices consume significant amounts of power, the minimum
hopper heater use should be experimentally determined, observing ash consistency and
interior metal surface corrosion. In some climates, winter operation may require their use,
while summer operation may not.
Enough poke hole ports should be provided to allow for cleaning a blockage at the
Anvils are simply pieces of flat steel that are bolted or welded to the center of the hopper
wall. If dust becomes stuck in the hopper, rapping the anvils several times with a mallet may
free it. Maintenance staff will eventually learn to determine whether or not the hopper is full
by the sound the hopper makes when the anvil is hit.
If vibrators are used, their operation controls should be interlocked with the ash removal
system so that rapping cannot occur unless the hopper is being evacuated. Vibrators that
operate before the discharge valve opens may actually compact the ash and make its
removal more difficult. For this same reason, vibrators should also not be used to clear
plugged hoppers.
Fluidizing with hot dry air also is reported to help. Fluidizing is carried out by a porous
membrane (usually a fluidizing stone) which allows pressurized air to flow through it and
uniformly distribute it to the ash above it. However, the air should be preheated above the
dew point temperature; otherwise, more harm than good will result. Aerators are usually
operated when the hopper is being evacuated. Unlike vibrators, their continuous use will not
compact the ash.
In the sizing of hoppers, consideration should be given to the fact that about 80 percent of
the collected dust is removed in the first field. A conservatively designed dust removal
system will keep pluggage to a minimum. The trend is toward large sized hoppers so that
Dust level detectors in the hoppers can help alert ESP operators that hoppers are nearly full.
It is recommended to locate/install the dust level detectors between one-half and two-thirds
of the way up the side of the hopper. As long as hoppers are not used for storage, this
should provide an adequate safety margin. It should be remembered that it takes much
longer to fill the upper 2 feet of a pyramid hopper than the lower 2 feet.
Two types of level indicators are commonly in use (although others are available). The older
of the two is the capacitance probe, which is inserted into the hopper. As dust builds up
around the probe, a change in the capacitance occurs and triggers an alarm. Although these
systems are generally reliable, they can be subject to dust buildup and false alarms in some
situations. This causes the operators to mistrust the alarm and, in time, to ignore it. A newer
system is the nuclear or radioactive detector. These systems utilize a shielded Cesium
radioisotope to generate a radioactive beam that is received by a detector on the opposite
side of the hopper. Two of the advantages of this system are: they do not include a probe
that is subject to dust buildup and more than one hopper can be monitored by one
radioactive source. The major drawback is that the plant personnel would be dealing with a
low-level radioactive source and adequate safety precautions must be taken.
Other indirect methods are available for determining whether the hopper is emptying
properly. On vacuum discharge/conveying systems, experienced operators can usually tell
where the hopper is plugged or if a "rat hole" is formed by checking the time and vacuum
drawn on each hopper as dust is removed. On systems that use a screw conveying system,
the current drawn by the conveyor motor can serve as an indicator of dust removal. Another
simple method for determining hopper pluggage is through a thermometer located
approximately two-thirds of the way up on the hopper. If dust covers the probe because of
hopper buildup, the temperature will begin to drop, which signals the need for plant
personnel to take corrective action.
Hopper aspect ratio (height to width) is another important design consideration. The correct
ratio will minimize gas sneakage (bypassing of the electrically energized zone of the ESP
area by the flue gas) to the hoppers and possible reentrainment.
Low aspect ratio hoppers can be corrected by a center vertical division plate termed as anti-
sneakage hopper baffle. However, the baffle should not extend too far into the hopper (which
can increase plugging).
It may be noted that hopper sneakage is the worst form of bypassing because the flue gas
not only escapes ESP treatment over a given area, but also re-entrains ash which has
already been collected.
Poor gas distribution can also cause gas sneakage through hoppers. Expansion plenums or
top-entry cause gas vectors to be directed toward the hopper; if multiple perforated
distribution plates do not fit well in the lower portion of the plenum or if the lower portion has
been cut away because of dust buildup, gas is channeled into the hoppers.
The shell structure encloses the electrodes and supports the precipitator components in a
rigid frame to maintain proper electrode alignment. The support structure is especially critical
for hot side precipitators because precipitator components can expand and contract when
the temperature differences between the ESP (400C or 752F) and the ambient
atmosphere (20C or 68F) are large. Excessive temperature stresses can tear the shell and
hopper joints and welds apart. The outer sheet or casing wall is usually made of low carbon
or mild grade steel that is 0.5 to 0.6 cm (3/16 to 1/4 in.) thick.
Collection plates and discharge electrodes are normally attached to the frame at the top so
that the elements hang vertically due to gravity. This allows the elements to expand or
contract with temperature changes without binding or distorting.
Anti-sneakage baffles are provided to the side walls of the precipitator to prevent untreated
gas from passing along the side walls of the precipitator, where it is impossible to mount
discharge electrodes.
Most precipitator loads are calculated with the hoppers filled with fly ash to the bottom of the
emitting system. However, continued boiler operation with a shorted precipitator can result in
ash settlement until the precipitator is filled almost to the roof. No precipitators are designed
for such a load and, if the hoppers do not split open, the structural steel will surely fail.
Shells, hoppers, and connecting ducts should be covered with thermal insulation to conserve
heat, and to prevent corrosion resulting from water vapor and acid condensation on internal
components of the precipitator. Unless contained within a weather enclosure, the insulation
should be protected by weatherproof lagging/cladding. The outer lagging should have a
weatherproof finish. All outdoor lagging should be capable of withstanding wind load,
applicable live loads, and snow load, and should be sloped for proper drainage. If the ESP is
installed on a coal fired boiler, the flue gas temperature should be kept above 120C (250F)
at all times to prevent any acid mists in the flue gas from condensing on ESP internal
components. Ash hoppers should be insulated and heated because cold fly ash has a
tendency to cake, making it extremely difficult to remove. Insulation material is usually 10 to
15 cm (4 to 6 in.) thick.
Heat sinks require a great deal of attention in design, if they are to be avoided. A particularly
bad practice is the attachment of stairway or walkway supports directly to the precipitator
casing. Such members are excellent radiators of heat, and the area of casing plate to which
they are attached will invariably corrode to such an extent that the entire structure may fail
within a short time. A separately supported stair and platform tower should always be used.
Lighting stanchions/supports, bus duct supports, blower supports, test ports, rappers, roof
walkways, and access doors all present the designer with the opportunity of inadvertently
creating a heating sink. Whenever it is absolutely necessary to fasten something to the shell
which will protrude through the thermal insulation, the connection should be designed with
care. A large pad that can subsequently be well insulated should be welded to the casing,
Collection efficiency (mass of particulate matter collected divided by the mass of such
material entering the ESP over a period of time) is the primary consideration of an ESP
design. The collection efficiency and/or the collection area of an ESP can be estimated using
several equations. These equations give a theoretical estimate of the overall collection
efficiency of the unit operating under ideal conditions.
The particle migration velocity (or drift velocity) is the speed at which a particle, once
charged, migrates toward the grounded collection electrode. Variables affecting particle
migration velocity are particle size, the strength of the electric field and the viscosity of the
gas. Following is one of the equation used to express the particle migration velocity.
w = particle migration velocity
dp = diameter of the particle, m
Eo = strength of field in which particles are charged
(represented by peak voltage), V/m (V/ft)
Ep = strength of field in which particles are collected
(normally the field close to the collecting plates), V/m (V/ft)
= gas viscosity, Pas (cp)
= 3.14
As shown in above equation, particle migration velocity depends on the voltage strength of
both the charging and collection fields. Therefore, the precipitator must be designed using
the maximum electric field voltage for maximum collection efficiency. The particle migration
velocity also depends on particle size; larger particles are collected more easily than smaller
However, most ESPs are designed using a particle migration velocity based on field
experience rather than theory. Typical particle migration velocity rates, such as those listed
in the following table have been published by various ESP vendors.
Deutsch-Anderson Equation
or A = (Q / w) [ln (1 )]
= collection efficiency of the precipitator
e = base of natural logarithm = 2.718
w = particle migration velocity, cm/s (ft/sec)
A = the effective collecting plate area of the precipitator, m2 (ft2)
Q = gas flow through the precipitator, m3/s (ft3/sec)
This equation has been used extensively for many years to calculate theoretical collection
efficiencies (or plate area for required efficiency). However, while the equation is
scientifically valid, a number of operating parameters can cause the results to be in error by
a factor of 2 or more because the equation neglects three significant process variables.
First, it completely ignores the fact that dust reentrainment may occur during the rapping
process. Second, it assumes that the particle size and, consequently, the migration velocity
are uniform for all particles in the gas stream. As stated previously, this is not true; larger
particles generally have higher migration velocity rates than smaller particles do. Third, it
assumes that the gas flow rate is uniform everywhere across the precipitator and that
particle sneakage (particles escaping their capture) through the hopper section does not
occur. Particle sneakage can occur when the flue gas flows down through the hopper
section instead of through the ESP chambers, thus preventing particles from being subjected
to the electric field.
More accurate estimates of collection efficiency can be obtained by modifying the Deutsch-
Anderson equation. This is accomplished either by substituting the effective precipitation
rate, we in place of the migration velocity, w, [The effective precipitation rate (we) refers to the
average speed at which all particles in the entire dust mass move toward the collection
electrode. The variable, we, is calculated from field experience rather than from theory.] or by
decreasing the calculation of collection efficiency by a factor of k, which is constant (in Matts-
Ohnfeldt equation).
= collection efficiency of the precipitator
e = base of natural logarithm = 2.718
wk = average migration velocity, cm/s (ft/sec)
k = a constant, usually 0.4 to 0.6
A = collection area, m2 (ft2)
Q = gas flow rate, m3/s (ft3/sec)
33 Construction, Working, Operation and Maintenance of ESPs
Most people who have used Matts-Ohnfeldt equation report that a value of k equal to 0.5
gives satisfactory results.
Resistivity is the electrical resistance of a dust sample 1.0 cm2 in cross-sectional area, 1.0
cm thick, and is recorded in units of ohm-cm.
Following table gives value ranges for low, normal, and high resistivity.
A potential electric field (voltage drop) is formed across the dust layer as negatively charged
particles arrive at the dust layer surface and leak their electrical charges to the collection
plate. At the metal surface of the electrically grounded collection plate, the voltage is zero.
Whereas at the outer surface of the dust layer, where new particles and ions are arriving, the
electrostatic voltage caused by the gas ions can be quite high. The strength of this electric
field depends on the resistivity and thickness of the dust layer.
In high resistivity dust layers, the dust is not sufficiently conductive, so electrical charges
have difficulty moving through the dust layer. Consequently, electrical charges accumulate
on and beneath the dust layer surface, creating a strong electric field. Voltages can be
greater than 10,000 volts. Dust particles with high resistivities are held too strongly to the
plate, making them difficult to remove and cause problems in rapping.
In low resistivity dust layers, the corona current is readily passed to the grounded collection
electrode. Therefore, a relatively weak electric field, of several thousand volts, is maintained
across the dust layer. Collected dust particles with low resistivity do not adhere strongly
enough to the collection plate. They are easily dislodged and become re-entrained in the gas
The following discussion of normal, high, and low resistivity applies to ESPs operated in a
dry state; resistivity is not a problem in the operation of wet ESPs because of the moisture
concentration in the ESP.
ESPs work best under normal resistivity conditions. Particles with normal resistivity do not
rapidly lose their charge on arrival at the collection electrode. These particles slowly leak
their charge to grounded plates and are retained on the collection plates by intermolecular
adhesive and cohesive forces. This allows a particulate layer to be built up and then
dislodged from the plates by rapping. Within the range of normal dust resistivity (between
107 and 1010 ohm-cm), fly ash is collected more easily than dust having either low or high
High Resistivity
Due to high resistivity, the high voltage drop (across the dust layer) reduces the voltage
difference between the discharge electrode and collection electrode, and thereby reduces
the electrostatic field strength used to drive the gas ion - charged particles over to the
collected dust layer. As the dust layer builds up, and the electrical charges accumulate on
the surface of the dust layer, the voltage difference between the discharge and collection
electrodes decreases. The migration velocities of small particles are especially affected by
the reduced electric field strength.
Another problem that occurs with high resistivity dust layers is called back corona. This
occurs when the potential drop across the dust layer is so great that corona discharges
begin to appear in the gas that is trapped within the dust layer. The dust layer breaks down
electrically, producing small holes or craters from which back corona discharges occur.
Positive gas ions are generated within the dust layer and are accelerated toward the
"negatively charged" discharge electrode. The positive ions reduce some of the negative
charges on the dust layer and neutralize some of the negative ions on the "charged
particles" heading toward the collection electrode. The disruptions of the normal corona
process greatly reduce the ESP's collection efficiency.
The third, and generally most common problem with high resistivity dust is increased
electrical sparking. When the sparking rate exceeds the "set spark rate limit," the automatic
controllers limit the operating voltage of the field. This causes reduced particle charging and
reduced migration velocities toward the collection electrode.
A simple rule of thumb involving the electrical resistivity of collected fly ash is that above a
certain temperature, about 400F (225C), resistivity decreases with increasing temperature,
and below some temperature, about 350F (140C), resistivity decreases with decreasing
The moisture content of the flue gas stream also affects particle resistivity. Increasing the
moisture content of the gas stream by spraying water or injecting steam into the duct work
preceding the ESP lowers the resistivity. However, in moisture conditioning, one must
maintain gas conditions above the dew point to prevent corrosion problems in the ESP or
downstream equipment.
Low Resistivity
Particles that have low resistivity are difficult to collect because they are easily charged (very
conductive) and rapidly lose their charge on arrival at the collection electrode. The particles
take on the charge of the collection electrode, bounce off the plates, and become re-
entrained in the gas stream. Thus, attractive and repulsive electrical forces that are normally
at work at higher resistivities are lacking, and the binding forces to the plate are considerably
lessened. Examples of low-resistivity dusts are unburned carbon in fly ash and carbon black.
The injection of NH3 has improved the resistivity of fly ash from coal-fired boilers with low
flue gas temperatures.
Electrical Sectionalization
Most ESP vendors recommend that there be at least three or more fields in the precipitator.
However, to attain a collection efficiency of more than 99%, some ESPs have been designed
with as many as seven or more fields.
The need for separate fields arises mainly because power input requirements differ at
various locations within a precipitator. The maximum voltage at which a given field can be
maintained depends on the properties of the gas and dust being collected. The particulate
matter concentration is generally high at the inlet fields of the precipitator. High dust
concentrations tend to suppress corona current, requiring a great deal of power to generate
corona discharge for optimum particle charging. In the downstream fields of a precipitator,
the dust loading is usually lighter, because most of the dust is collected in the inlet fields.
Consequently, corona current flows more freely in downstream fields. Particle charging will
more likely be limited by excessive sparking in the downstream than in the inlet fields. If the
precipitator had only one power set, the excessive sparking would limit the power input to
the entire precipitator, thus reducing the overall collection efficiency. The rating of each
power set in the ESP will vary depending on the specific design of the ESP.
Besides allowing for independent voltage control, another major reason for having a number
of fields in an ESP is that electrical failure may occur in one or more fields. Electrical failure
may occur as a result of a number of events, such as over-filling hoppers, discharge-wire
breakage, or power supply failure. ESPs having a greater number of fields are less
dependent on the operation of all fields to achieve a high collection efficiency.
In parallel sectionalization, the series of fields is electrically divided into two or more
sections so that each field has parallel components. Such divisions are referred to as
chambers (or streams) and each individual unit is called a cell. A precipitator such as the
one shown in above figure has two parallel sections (chambers), four fields, and eight cells.
Each cell can be independently energized by a bus line from its own separate transformer-
rectifier set.
One important reason for providing sectionalization across the width of the ESP is to provide
a means of handling varying levels of flue gas temperature, dust concentration, and
problems with gas flow distribution. When treating flue gas from a boiler, an ESP may
experience gas temperatures that vary from one side of the ESP to the other, especially if a
rotary air preheater is used in the system. Since fly ash resistivity is a function of the flue gas
temperature, this temperature gradient may cause variations in the electrical characteristics
of the dust from one side of the ESP to the other.
It is recommended to provide approximately one T-R set for every 930 to 2970 m2 (10,000 to
30,000 ft2) of collection-plate area.
The specific collection area (SCA) is defined as the ratio of collection surface area to the gas
flow rate into the collector. This ratio represents the A/Q relationship in the Deutsch-
Anderson equation and consequently is an important determinant of collection efficiency.
Increases in the SCA of a precipitator design will, in most cases, increase the collection
efficiency of the precipitator. Most conservative designs call for an SCA of 20 to 25 m 2 per
1000 m3/hr (350 to 400 ft2 per 1000 actual cubic feet per minute, acfm) to achieve collection
efficiency of more than 99.5%. The general range of SCA is between 11 and 45 m 2 per 1000
m3/hr (200 and 800 ft2 per 1000 acfm), depending on precipitator design conditions and
desired collection efficiency.
Aspect Ratio
The aspect ratio is the ratio of the effective length to the effective height of the collector
The effective length of the collection surface is the sum of the plate lengths in each
consecutive field and the effective height is the height of the plates. For example, if an ESP
has four fields, each containing plates that are 10 feet long, the effective length is 40 feet. If
the height of each plate is 30 feet, the aspect ratio is 1.33.
The aspect ratio, which relates the length of an ESP to its height, is an important factor in
reducing rapping loss (dust reentrainment). When particles are rapped from the electrodes,
the gas flow carries the collected dust forward through the ESP until the dust reaches the
hopper. Although the amount of time it takes for rapped particles to settle in the hoppers is
short (a matter of seconds), a large amount of "collected dust" can be reentrained in the gas
flow and carried out of the ESP if the total effective length of the plates in the ESP is small
compared to their effective height.
Aspect ratios for ESPs range from 0.5 to 2.0. However, for high-efficiency ESPs (those
having collection efficiencies of > 99%), the aspect ratio should be greater than 1.0 (usually
1.0 to 1.5) and in some installations may approach 2.0.
It may be noted that an ESP will operate best with the optimum gas velocity only because
above optimum gas velocity, potential losses through rapping and reentrainment tend to
increase rapidly because of the aerodynamic forces on the particles whereas if velocity is
allowed to drop quite below optimum gas velocity, performance problems can occur as a
result of misdistribution of gas flow and dropout of dust in the ducts leading to the ESP.
Dropout of dust in the ducts may increase pressure drop resulting in increased power
In order to use all of the discharge and collection electrodes across the entire width of the
ESP, the flue gas must be evenly distributed. The inlet plenum contains perforated openings,
called diffuser plates (distribution baffles) to evenly distribute the gas flow into the chambers
formed by the plates in the precipitator. Sometimes diffuser plates are provided in the outlet
plenum also.
The gas distribution plates should be kept free of excessive particulate buildup (because
change in size of the design openings due to particulate buildup can cause severe mal-
distribution of gas within the ESP, lowering its performance) and may require rapping with a
cycle time in the range of 10 to 20 minutes depending on the inlet particulate loading of the
precipitator and the nature of the particulate. Gas distribution plates in the outlet of the
precipitator may be rapped less often (every 30 to 60 minutes).
Frequent operation at low gas velocities may cause dust to settle to the bottom of the inlet
duct. This deposit may not be swept away at higher velocities, resulting in an increasing
depth of deposit with time of operation. If the deposit covers a significant portion of the gas
distribution plates, mal-distribution of flue gas in the ESP will result. Redesign of the inlet
duct, possibly including the addition of a hopper in the bottom, is the cure for this condition.
As shown in above figure, in case of ESPs with straight-line inlets, the distance of A should
be at least as long as the distance of B in the inlet. In situations where a straight-line inlet is
not possible and a curved inlet must be used, straightening vanes should be installed to
keep the flue gas from becoming stratified.
The relative size and number of particles in a sample is referred to as the particle size
distribution. For example, in case of a coal fired boiler, fly ash sample is made up of a variety
of particle sizes and shapes.
ESPs have a somewhat lower collection efficiency for fine particulate (typically 95% for
particles less than 2.5 microns versus 99% for particles greater than 2.5 microns). Therefore,
decreasing the average inlet particle size will decrease the overall collection efficiency of
Hence, major process changes such as coal blending or switching, particularly from
bituminous to subbituminous coals, which tend to produce finer ash, could be a problem for
some smaller ESPs if they are not designed to take care for such changes.
Corona Power
A strong electric field is needed for achieving high collection efficiency of dust particles. The
strength of the field is based on the rating of the T-R set. The corona power is the power that
energizes the discharge electrodes and thus creates the strong electric field. The corona
power used for precipitation is calculated by multiplying the secondary current by the
secondary voltage and is expressed in units of watts. In ESP design specifications, the
corona power is usually given in units of watts per 1000 m3/hr (watts per 1000 acfm). Corona
power expressed in units of watts/1000 acfm is also called the specific corona power.
Corona power increases as the voltage and/or current increases. The total corona power of
the ESP is the sum of the corona power for all of the individual T-R sets.
For high collection efficiency, corona power is usually between 59 and 295 watts per 1000
m3/hr (100 and 500 watts per 1000 acfm). Recent ESP installations have been designed to
use as much as 470 to 530 watts per 1000 m3/h (800 to 900 watts per 1000 acfm).
Corona current for the collecting plate area is usually 107-860 microamps/m2 (10-80
It may be noted that hard, crusty, almost uniform deposits are often found on emitting
electrodes following incidents of condensation. These increase the effective radius of the
emitting electrode, causing a decrease in corona current, resulting in a reduction in ESP
In cement plants, a special problem arises during kiln startup due to the fact that the
temperature of the kiln must be raised slowly to prevent damage to the heat-resistant
(refractory) lining in the kiln. While kilns (especially coal-fired ones) are warming up and
temperatures are below those for steady-state operating conditions, complete combustion of
the fuels cannot occur, giving rise to combustible gases in the exhaust stream leading into
the ESP. Electrostatic precipitators cannot be activated in the presence of combustibles,
because the internal arcing of the precipitator could cause a fire or explosion. In view of this,
periods of excessive emissions during startup, malfunction, or shutdown are specifically
exempted from the federal (USA) New Source Performance Standards for cement kilns. Use
of a cyclone preceding the precipitator helps to minimize the excessive emissions during
As much as half the total cost of a complete ESP can consist of the erection costs. Erection
by the ESP supplier has certain advantages. It avoids disputes between erection contractor
and supplier (with the purchaser caught in the middle) over such things as erection and
fabrication tolerances and responsibility for damage in shipping and handling, Furthermore,
since the supplier is more familiar with his own equipment, his handling of erection sequence
is apt to be better. And lastly, since the supplier is ultimately responsible for the performance
of the unit, he cannot blame lack of performance on poor erection, if he does it himself.
Thus, the finished job may be of higher quality if it is erected by the supplier.
However, ESPs are usually erected by skilled craftsmen of an erection contractor who do not
work for the ESP vendor, and, therefore, may not be informed of specific installation
instructions. Since all design tolerances are critical (especially those affecting discharge and
collection electrode alignment), it is imperative that information about the proper installation
procedures be transferred from designers to the erector.
The quality of construction required by an ESP cannot be obtained merely by inspecting and
correcting the completed job. A complete quality assurance program covering the design,
procurement, fabrication, and erection phases will, if properly carried out, result in a
satisfactory installation. In view of this, the erection contractor's QA program should be
closely monitored by the purchaser throughout the erection.
In view of above, insure proper installation of discharge electrodes and collection plates.
Collection electrodes are usually installed first, and the discharge wires or rigid frames are
positioned relative to them. Check each section of electrodes to ensure that the electrodes
are plumb, level, and properly aligned.
Rotation of upper or lower wire frame can cause close clearances to occur as shown in the
following figure.
Seal Welding
Rappers Installation
Collection plate rappers and discharge electrode rappers should be installed and aligned
according to vendor specifications. Check hammer and anvil rappers to see if the hammers
strike the anvils squarely.
Thermal Insulation
Most ESPs use some type of thermal insulation to keep the flue gas temperature high. This
prevents any moisture or acids present in the flue gas from condensing on the hoppers,
electrodes, or duct surfaces. In addition, it also protects personnel and equipment adjacent
to the precipitator from radiant heat. Because most ESPs are installed in the field, check that
all surfaces and areas of potential heat loss are adequately covered.
Occasionally overlooked is the necessity for access to test ports located on the inlet and
outlet ducts. If the ports are located on the top of the ducts and no access walkways are
provided, the foot traffic generated in just one test can often ruin the insulation on the top of
the ducts. Access walkways and platforms for such test ports should always be installed.
Thermal Expansion
ESPs for power plants are large boxes having numerous points of support. They are
generally fixed to the support steel at one location (most commonly at the center) and, at
operating temperature, they expand as much as several inches in all directions from the
fixed point. Designers allow for this expansion by including sliding connections of various
types at all support points except the fixed point. In addition, inlet and outlet ducts have
expansion joints which compress when the system is heated.
During construction, the precipitator supports will be temporarily fixed in their "cold" position
on the support steel. Upon completion of steel erection, and before applying thermal
insulation, all such temporary tack weIds and stops must be removed so that sliding
Present day practice is to locate the transformer rectifier cabinet on the top of the
precipitator. Although these cabinets are invariably weather-proof (NEMA-IV construction),
they are frequently mounted within a weather enclosure.
T-R cabinets are designed for a specified ambient temperature, usually 40C, 50C or 55C.
The weather enclosure must be adequately ventilated to keep the maximum ambient
temperature in the enclosure at or below that specified for the particular T-R cabinets being
used. Failure to do so may reduce the life of the transformer, particularly those being
operated at or near full load rating.
The T-R cabinet should be mounted on a platform, or heat shield, above the thermal
insulation of the roof. Failure to allow a space for ambient air to circulate beneath the T-R
cabinet will cause excessive oil temperatures and premature transformer failure.
Control cabinets are most commonly located in a room especially built to accommodate
them and ancillary electrical gear such as main breakers, heater and rapper controls, etc. To
minimize lengths of low voltage cable, the room is often located close to the precipitator and
the distribution transformer.
The room should be clean and well ventilated. Control cabinets are usually constructed to
NEMA I or NEMA XII standards (General Purpose or Industrial Dust-Tight). Even NEMA XII
cabinets, however, will, in time, ingest a substantial quantity of dust if the control room is not
reasonable clean. Dust in the cabinets will eventually insulate electronic components from
cooling air and cause them to fail due to excessive temperature.
Poor locations for precipitator control rooms are those, such as under the precipitator, which
become extremely dirty when servicing the ash handling equipment. In an attempt to keep a
control room clean, filters are often used on the ventilating air intake. In a very dirty
environment, such filters rapidly become clogged, restricting the flow of ventilating air, and
adding ambient temperature problems to that of dust covering the electronic equipment.
In addition to the items listed above, each ESP erection should have its own checklist
reflecting the unique construction features of that unit.
Information on commissioning of an ESP for coal fired boilers (for power generation) is given
in this section (instead of an ESP in general) because ESPs are most widely used to limit fly
ash emissions from coal fired boilers.
In general, there are fewer problems in the start-up of a retrofit ESP than are encountered in
the simultaneous startup of a new boiler plant and a new ESP. This is because everything
that might affect boiler operation also, in turn, affects the ESP. When the boiler has been
stabilized, it is usually possible to minimize low load operation which often results in
condensation in the precipitator with resulting ash handling problems. New boilers may have
repeated startups and prolonged low-load operation which, in turn, creates problems in the
During startup, the ignition of coal fired boilers is obtained by the use of gas, light oil, or
heavy oil burners. While the ignition burners are heating up the boiler, comparatively cool
flue gases pass through the precipitator. If gas ignition is used, there will usually be some
moisture condensation in the precipitator until it, too, is warmed up. If the precipitator is
clean, as in an initial startup, this condensation will eventually evaporate without causing any
If the precipitator is dirty, as during subsequent startups, the condensation may cause some
of the more pozzolanic fly ashes to hydrate, resulting in crusty deposits. Such deposits do
not usually cause any problems unless they accumulate over a number of such instances to
a thickness of 3 mm (1/8") or more. It is important, during this period, for condensation on
the support insulators to be prevented by the use of heaters or purge air. When the boiler
ignition burners use light oil for startup, the moisture condensation is similar to that obtained
with gas ignition, except that there may be some soot also deposited in the precipitator from
initial poor combustion of the ignition burners. From a precipitator viewpoint, the worst type
of ignition is heavy, high sulfur oil because it increases the amount of condensation (the acid
dew point is much higher than the water dew point). Acid bonded pozzolanic fly ash also
often creates stronger and more adhesive deposits then does water hydrated fly ash. As
more soot is created by the heavy oil burners, air purging of the support insulators is highly
desired to keep them free of soot if boiler ignition is obtained with heavy oil burners.
The precipitator should not be operated while the ignition burners are on before at least one
coal mill is in operation, and coal combustion has been assured.
One reason for this is to minimize the collection of condensation droplets and soot. However,
the other and most important reason is safety.
An ignition failure in the boiler will result in a combustible mixture of fuel and air entering the
precipitator. A spark in the precipitator might ignite this mixture with explosive results. Even if
an explosion is avoided, the precipitation of combustible, carbonaceous material on the
collection plates creates ideal conditions for a flash fire in the presence of oxygen (boiler
excess air and/or air inleakage). Such fires, rather than explosions, have been the cause of
most precipitator damage attributable to ignition failure and premature precipitator
The precipitator is energized when gas temperatures are below the acid dew point. Fly ash
and condensate are deposited simultaneously on the collecting plates, forming a more or
less damp layer. Some of this material is rapped off the plates, falling into the cooler area of
the hoppers, in which even more condensation is taking place. The condensation runs down
into the damp ash at the bottom of the hopper, creating a muddy mass which bridges the
hopper outlet, preventing the ash from falling into the ash conveying system. Thus, fly ash
continues to rise, and, as it approaches the bottom of the emitting system, the high voltage
parts arc to the top of the ash level. The ash continues to rise, the precipitator controls
decrease the voltage, and the arcing continues. By the time that solid contact is made
between the ash level and the emitting system, and the controls recognize the dead short
and shut off the power to that bus section, the electrical power flowing through the ash has
provided enough energy to fuse parts of the ash into clinkers, some a foot or more in
When the operators eventually get around to the hopper problem, the initial, condensate
formed ash plug is removed by rodding through the poke hole, and ash flows freely out of
the hopper until one of the clinkers reaches the bottom of the hopper, when the whole
problem begins again. In the meantime, however, ash pressure has bent some of the
collecting plates, reducing electrical clearances and permanently (until repaired) lowering the
performance of that bus section.
In addition, another problem may be that the damp ash deposit on the collecting plates
described above may, when dry, be firmly cemented to the plate and not removable by
normal rapping.
There may also be problems with support, anti-sway and rapping insulators if operation of
the precipitator is attempted when they are covered with acid condensation or acid smuts.
Although heating and air purging help a great deal, a severe condensation problem may still
overwhelm the system. Anti-sway insulators are particularly vulnerable as they cannot
ordinarily be purged or heated. Their only defense is a sufficiently long tracking length (24
or more) to enable them to function even when coated with damp fly ash. Tracking across
any insulator will short the bus section and eventually destroy the insulator,
In spite of these problems, local air pollution authorities frequently demand a smokeless
boiler startup and want the precipitator energized prior to boiler light-off. They must be made
aware of the dangers and consequences of such a requirement.
Air Loading
Velocity Profiles
During this period of air load operation, the air distribution within each chamber should be
measured. Since velocities will be in the vicinity of 3 feet per second, instrumentation
accurate in this range should be used. Pitot tubes are unsatisfactory. Hot wire or vane
anemometers are satisfactory. The hot wire anemometer is preferable, in spite of its fragility.
As a minimum a complete velocity traverse at the inlet and outlet of each chamber should be
made. Ideally, a traverse should also be run in each passageway between fields.
Gas distribution measurements in any one chamber are usually more qualitative than
quantitative, and determine relative rather than absolute individual velocities, especially
when more than one instrument is used. Thus, the average velocity in one chamber cannot
be used to compare with that in another chamber to determine if the gas distribution among
chambers is uniform. A better method is to locate ports for a pitot tube traverse in the various
chamber inlet or outlet ducts, and run pitot tube traverses during gas load conditions to
ascertain that equal gas volumes are being handled by each chamber. Since correction of
Sneakage Determination
Special attention should be given to the qualitative determination of air sneakby above the
plates, through the hoppers, or between the casing walls and adjacent rows of collecting
plates. Smoke bombs and wands are useful for this work. Sneakage problems, if detected at
this stage, can often be corrected before unit startup.
Other work that must be accomplished under air load conditions involves the energization of
all bus sections to make sure that none are grounded by construction debris and close
clearances which could cause premature sparking do not exist. This work must be done with
air flowing through the precipitator. Otherwise, the accumulation of ionized gases and heat
(from hopper heaters, for example) will result in atypical readings. At the same time, all
auxiliaries such as rappers, heaters, and ventilation blowers should be run to make sure that
they operate properly and do not affect the precipitator energization. However, clear all
personnel and equipment from the precipitator and lock the access doors before
energization of bus sections.
The relationship between precipitator voltage (V) and precipitator current (I) is one of the
most important tools available for diagnosing conditions in the precipitator and the state of
operation at a given time. There is only one opportunity to make this determination under
clean plate conditions, and that is during the initial air load. Other work may be deferred until
after boiler boil-out, but this cannot. By then, the plates will be dirty.
With insulator heaters and purge blowers on, and both collecting plate and emitting system
rappers on (to check for plate or wire flutter during rapping), the following procedures can be
used to develop an air load curve.
1. Energize a de-energized bus section (T-R set) on manual control (but with zero voltage
and current), and increase the power to the T-R set manually.
2. At corona initiation the meters should suddenly jump and the voltage and near zero
current levels should be recorded. It is sometimes difficult to identify this point precisely,
so the lowest practical value should be recorded.
3. After corona initiation is achieved, increase the power at predetermined increments [for
example, every 50 or 100 milliamps of secondary current or every 10 volts of A.C.
primary voltage (the increment is discretionary)], and record the values for voltage and
When plotted on rectangular coordinates, the curves for all identically sized bus sections
should be the same, within the accuracy of the meters, and none should reach sparking
If one or more bus sections spark at less than full power, it is an indication of a close
electrical clearance. Those bus sections should be inspected again. Sometimes such
locations are difficult to find, and it may be necessary to station an observer at a safe
location, upstream of the inlet duct gas distribution plate, to spot the location of the arc and
close clearance. Under no conditions should the precipitator itself be entered without all
power supplies being locked out and all bus sections grounded.
After the boiler has been started and flue gas has been introduced to the ESP, it is
energized, when safe to do so (after boiler light-off). When the boiler load has stabilized, a
set of "gas load" current and voltage readings should be recorded, in the same manner as
those obtained under air load conditions. A plot of precipitator voltage (V) as a function of
precipitator current (I) can be a useful diagnostic toot. An idealized set of such V-I curves for
a three field precipitator is shown in the following figure.
First, notice the difference between the clean plate and dirty plate air load curves. The higher
voltage, at all currents, of the dirty plate curve is caused by the additional voltage drop of the
dust layer on the collecting plates. All dirty plate curves do not necessarily have to be the
same, because neither the resistivity nor the thickness of the residual layer in all fields and
cells is necessarily identical. On occasion, the dirty plate curve will reach spark-over before
Now note that the three operating curves are shifted to the right of the dirty plate air load
curve. In part, this is due to the higher resistivity of the fly ash layer at operating temperature.
In addition, the space charge created by the cloud of charged dust particles in the inter-
electrode space decreases corona emission (current) at any given voltage. This effect is
most pronounced in the first field, where dust concentration is the highest. It decreases as
the dust concentration decreases toward the rear of the precipitator.
As illustrated, the third field is able to be operated at current limit without sparking. Hence,
this field is able to absorb more power than the maximum available from its power supply. A
larger power supply on this field would result in an increase in precipitator performance.
Whether or not the increase will be sufficient to justify the added cost depends upon
individual circumstances.
Following figure illustrates abnormal voltage current (V-I) curves which are indicative of
various precipitator problems.
Curve (1) illustrates a resistance path to ground. It might represent a dirty / cracked insulator
or a high hopper ash level. With significant ash buildup on the support insulators, current
flows through the ash deposit on the insulator before the operating voltage is high enough to
cause corona onset. The slope of the line reflects the thickness of the ash deposit on the
Curve (2) illustrates severe misalignment between emitting electrodes and collecting plates.
The curve is characterized by a low voltage corona onset and spark-over at a low voltage.
The wires are too close to the plates.
Curve (3) illustrates high resistivity and severe back corona. A backward curve, with
decreasing voltage at increasing current is a certain indication of this condition. Sparking
may, or may not occur below current limit.
Curve (4) illustrates high resistivity and moderate back corona, as indicated by the vertical
portion of the curve. As in the previous case, sparking may or may not occur before the
current limit is reached.
Curve (5) indicates high resistivity with near normal operation. Spark-over at low voltage and
current levels is caused by the breakdown of the collection plate dust layers at a critical
current density determined by the resistivity of the layer.
Curve (6) illustrates the effect of heavy dust deposits on the emitting electrodes The corona
starting voltage is abnormally high due to the increase in effective radius of the emitting
electrodes. The curve has a normal shape, until breakdown voltage is reached at some
weak point in the system. In particularly severe cases, the breakdown voltage may be lower
than the corona start voltage, and no curve can be obtained.
Thus air load and gas load curves can be used to evaluate ESP performance by comparing
the graphs from inlet field to outlet field and over periods in time. Deviation from the normal
or previous results can indicate that a problem exists.
Whenever a precipitator problem is suspected, a set of voltage current (V-I) curves should
be made and compared with those obtained after initial unit start-up.
ESP Startup
1. Start the unit ignitors and/or warm-up guns and raise boiler temperatures at the
recommended rate. During a unit startup sequence, the ignitor (gas or oil) flames are
added in a slow sequence to allow the boiler to warm and stretch slowly. During this
period, the boiler and combustion air are cold and the ignitor is firing into a cold black
body environment.
2. Inspect the ignitors and/or warm-up guns periodically and make necessary adjustments
to insure that proper combustion is maintained and smoke is minimized. Under startup
conditions, the ignitor flame in the boiler can become quickly quenched, producing
smoke and soot. In fact, until the boiler and combustion air warm up, even raw fuel can
escape the active flame front.
3. When the ESP outlet temperature reaches 200-230F, energize the second field with
respect to flow at low power (50-100 ma) to minimize sparking. Any sparking in the ESP
is very undesirable when oil is being fired without coal.
4. Add additional fields at low power as necessary to minimize opacity. Add fields
downstream of the second field as needed with the inlet field energized last.
5. As the unit begins to fire coal and load is raised, begin the transfer of ESP voltage
controls to automatic operation. It may be necessary to reduce the current limit or leave
some controls on manual to minimize sparking during initial coal operation.
Startup Risks
Early energization of the ESP can be very effective in reducing reentrained ash and oil
igniter smoke; however, this practice has risks. The most common problem is the collection
of raw oil mist and soot, which can coat insulators, plates and wires inside the ESP and
cause poor ESP performance following startup. Given the low gas flow and characteristics of
raw oil mist and soot, an energized ESP will collect essentially 100% of this material during
startup. In the worse case, internal ESP flash fires can be initiated if considerable raw oil is
collected and a spark in the ESP occurs under the right conditions (oxygen - air inleakage
and/or boiler excess air). Such fires, rather than explosions, have been the cause of most
precipitator damage attributable to ignition failure and premature precipitator energization.
Since these flash fires only last a short time, there is almost no real-time evidence. They are
usually only discovered when the field shorts soon after startup and a subsequent off-line
inspection reveals severely warped ESP plates and other internal ESP damage where none
Some plants may be forced to initiate ESP operation during unit startup due to a permit
requirement. In these cases, an aggressive startup procedure is required. It should be noted
that the procedures discussed below are only an attempt to share information about
practices used by some utilities.
The most aggressive ESP startup approach is to energize a field or two of the ESP at low
power before the unit ID and FD fans are started. This approach prevents the initial opacity
excursions caused by loose ash in the boiler and ductwork when the fans start. The ESP is
then allowed to remain in service throughout the startup period and subsequent operation.
This is referred to as an aggressive approach because, as discussed above, it has
considerable risk of causing an internal ESP flash fire.
A less aggressive ESP startup approach, but one that still carries some risk is outlined
1. Energize two fields of the ESP at low power (50-100 mA) prior to the fans being started.
Ensure that the ESP plate and wire rappers are operating. After the fans are stabilized at
startup airflow, continue operation of the ESP for approximately 10 minutes. Then slowly
reduce the ESP power to zero. (Note that many utilities omit this step.)
2. Start the unit ignitors and/or warm-up guns and begin raising boiler temperatures at the
recommended rate.
3. Immediately inspect the ignitors and/or warm-up guns and make necessary adjustments
to insure that proper combustion is maintained and smoke is minimized.
4. As soon as a clean ignitor flame is achieved, energize the inlet ESP fields at low power
(50-100 ma) to minimize sparking. Any sparking in the ESP is very undesirable when oil
is being fired without coal.
5. Continue ignitor and/or warm-up gun inspection as the startup proceeds and additional
ignitors are added or oil pressure is increased. Make adjustments as necessary to insure
minimum smoke and soot.
7. As the unit begins to fire coal and load is raised, begin the transfer of ESP voltage
controls to automatic operation. It may be necessary to reduce the current limit or leave
some controls on manual to minimize sparking during initial coal operation.
This approach is designed to energize the ESP as soon as practical. It does require some
operating experience regarding when the ignitors are burning clean enough to put the ESP
in service. This judgment usually takes 30 minutes to an hour. In addition to the flash fire
risk, early ESP energization may also serve to degrade ESP performance for a period of
days following startup. Experience with this procedure has shown that the ESP initially
operates at reduced power and that the power slowly increases over a period of several
The shutdown of the ESP is usually done by reversing the order of the startup steps. Begin
with de-energizing the ESP fields starting with the inlet field to maintain appropriate opacity
levels from the stack. The rappers should be run for a short time after the ESP is de-
energized so that accumulated dust from the collection plates and discharge wires can be
removed. All hoppers should be emptied completely before bringing the unit back on line.
1. As unit load is dropped, inspect the ESP to detect excessive sparking. The further load is
reduced, the more likely excessive sparking and arcing will be to occur.
2. As load approaches zero, put the ESP controls in manual at low power (50-100ma) to
minimize sparking.
3. Continue ESP operation at low power until the unit ID and FD fans are shutdown. Ensure
that ESP plate and wire rappers also remain in operation.
During shutdown, considerable ash is being shed from inside the furnace and ductwork due
to the thermal shock/rapid cooling conditions that exist. At the same time, the temperature
of the ESP is dropping into a very unfavorable range for ESP operation. While there is little
risk of ESP damage during a shutdown, good ESP performance should not be expected.
The ESP does collect a considerable amount of the ash during shutdown; however, opacity
excursions are usually inevitable.
When an industrial process is shut down temporarily, the ESP system should be de-
energized to save energy.
Performance Monitoring
As with the operation of any piece of equipment, performance monitoring and recordkeeping
are essential to establishing a good operation and maintenance program. The key to any
monitoring program is establishing an adequate baseline of acceptable ranges that is used
as a reference point. Then, by monitoring and recording key operating parameters, the
operator can identify performance problems, need for maintenance, and operating trends.
Gas temperature
Gas flow rate and distribution
Gas composition and moisture
Voltage and current values for each T-R set should be recorded; they indicate ESP
performance more than any other parameter. Most modern ESPs are equipped with primary
voltage and current meters on the low-voltage (a.c.) side of the transformer and secondary
voltage and current meters on the high-voltage rectified (d.c.) side of the transformer. When
both voltage and current meters are available on the T-R control cabinet, these values can
The power input on the primary versus the secondary side of the T-R set will differ because
of the circuitry and metering of these values. The secondary power outlet (in watts) is always
less than the primary power input to the T-R. The ratio of the secondary power to the primary
power will range from 0.5 to 0.9 and average from 0.70 to 0.75.
Voltage and current values for each individual T-R set are useful because they inform the
operators how effectively each field is operating. However, the trends noted within the entire
ESP are more important. T-R set readings for current, voltage, and sparking rates should
follow certain patterns from the inlet to the outlet fields. For example, corona power density
should increase from inlet to outlet fields as the particulate matter is removed from the gas
Opacity is a measure of the extent to which the particulate matter emissions reduce the
ambient light passing through the plume as indicated in the following figure.
Initially, opacity regulations were used primarily as general indicators of particulate matter
problems. As the regulations evolved, however, opacity has become a separately
enforceable emission characteristic.
Particles entrained in a gas stream scatter visible light. The extent to which the intensity of
the light beam is reduced is described by the Beer-Lambert law shown as following equation,
which indicates that the extent of light reduction is exponentially related to the particle
T = Light transmittance
I = Intensity of the light energy leaving the gas
I0 = Intensity of the light energy entering the gas
= Attenuation coefficient
c = Concentration of the pollutant
l = Distance the light beam travels through the gas
The most convenient way to express the reduction in light intensity is the opacity. This term
is defined in the following equation.
If there is no reduction in light intensity, the transmittance is 100% and the opacity is zero. If
all the light is scattered, the transmittance is zero and the opacity is 100%. High opacity is
generally associated with high particulate matter concentrations. Accordingly, opacity is used
as an indirect indicator of particulate emissions.
An opacity monitor compares the amount of light generated and transmitted by the
instrument on one side of the gas stream with the quantity measured by the receiver on the
other side of the gas stream. The difference, which is caused by absorption, reflection,
refraction, and light scattering by the particles in the gas stream, is the opacity of the gas
stream. Opacity is expressed as a percent from 0 to 100% and is a function of particle size,
concentration, and path length.
A simplified schematic of a continuous opacity monitor is shown in above figure. Visible light
from a specially designed lamp passes through a beam splitter. Part of the light beam goes
directly to the detector as an indication of the initial light intensity. The remainder of the light
beam passes across the stack (or ESP outlet duct), is reflected over the retroreflector,
passes across the stack a second time, and strikes the detector. The difference between the
two light beam intensities is used as a measure of the light transmittance. Blowers and filters
are used to keep optical windows on both the source and retroreflector clean.
One of the early tools for the quantification of stack opacity was the Ringelmann chart. The
chart consisted of calibrated black grids on a white background. The grids ranged from
approximately 20 percent ink coverage for a Ringelmann No. 1 through 100 percent ink
coverage, or solid black for a Ringelmann No. 5 as shown in the following figure.
An observer compared the appearance of a stack plume with the Ringelmann chart, and
noted the number that most closely agreed with the stack opacity. Observers typically
recorded observations to the nearest half-Ringelmann number. Observations were to be
made successively from positions to the North, East, South, and West of the stack, and the
four readings averaged to produce a composite Ringelmann number for that stack at that
Untrained observers obtained excellent agreements when evaluating the opacity of black
smoke against a bright sky. However, the Ringelmann chart is more difficult to interpret
when viewing a light colored smoke against a dark background (such as a green, tree
covered mountain, for example).
EPA (Environmental Protection Agency, United States) relies upon trained observers to
determine opacity without reference to any external aids. Each observer is trained at a
school where they make observations of various opacities produced with smoke of different
colors. Upon graduation, they are qualified to make visual observations of stacks for
conformance with EPA regulations.
However, the impracticalities of continuous human stack observation have led to the
development of opacity monitoring equipment.
Gas Temperature
Monitoring the temperature of the gas stream can provide useful information concerning
ESP performance.
Changes in gas temperature can have profound effects on ESP performance. The
temperature variation can be very small (in some cases as little as 15F) and yet cause a
Gas flow rate determines most of the key design and operating parameters such as specific
collection area (ft2/1000 acfm), gas velocity (ft/sec) and treatment time within the ESP, and
specific corona power (watts/1000 acfm). The operator should calculate the flue gas flow
rate if the ESP is not operating efficiently.
Another important parameter is gas flow distribution through the ESP. Ideally, the gas flow
should be uniformly distributed throughout the ESP (top to bottom, side to side).
The chemical composition of both the particulate matter and flue gas can affect ESP
performance. In many applications, key indicators of gas composition are often obtained by
using continuous emission monitors. However, particle concentration and composition are
determined by using intermittent grab sampling.
Reentrainment occurs when the ash on the plates is not collected in the hopper but re-enters
the gas stream. Several things can contribute to reentrainment such as:
As a general rule, rapping reentrainment is excessive if the opacity is 1.4 times higher with
the rappers on for a cold side ESP, or 1.5 times higher with the rappers on for a hot side
ESP. Instantaneous opacity spikes are also a good indicator of reentrainment resulting from
rapping problems. In rapping optimization, the chief focus is on reducing reentrainment from
the outlet collection plates, as this is the major contributor to outlet emissions from the ESP.
Fly ash removed from the collecting plates (and to some degree from the discharge
electrodes) will tend to break up when the rappers are activated. Most of the ash will fall into
the hoppers, while the remainder will be reentrained into the flue gas with the uncollected fly
ash. The reentrained ash will not usually contain any sub-micron particles, as it comprises
mostly agglomerates of the previously collected material. The reentrained material from all
but the last field will usually be recollected in the remaining downstream fields. Because
there is no downstream section to recollect this reentrained material, proper adjustment of
the rapping parameters for the outlet field is especially important to obtain optimum ESP
Optimal rapping frequency and intensity are achieved by trial and error - making an
adjustment, then checking the opacity trace to see if it had the desired effect. The process
Insofar as possible, for both discharge and collection rapping systems, optimize rapping
intensity before adjusting the frequency interval.
To determine the appropriate intensity for the collecting system by trial and error, the
objective should be to find the minimum shear force necessary to dislodge the dust cake
(collected ash layer) at the extremities of the system, while avoiding over-rapping some
portion of the collecting electrode. For some top-rapped systems with very tall collecting
plates, the required rapping energy can be quite high. In these cases, a compromise must
often be reached between over-cleaning the upper portions of the system (which would
create unnecessary reentrainment) while providing adequate cleaning at the bottom.
Intensity requirements usually decrease in the direction of gas flow. Along with shear forces
(linear to the plate), some normal forces (perpendicular to the plate) are developed. Normal
forces tend to disperse the dust cake, a condition that should be minimized in the outlet
sections to limit reentrainment. Sometimes it is necessary to vary intensity across gas flow,
especially when gas velocities are unbalanced or the resistivity of the ash changes across
the face because of temperature differences.
When the appropriate intensity has been determined, further improvement is gained through
optimizing the frequency.
Rapper timing is very important because most of the ash emitted from an ESP is caused by
rapping reentrainment from a modern, large SCA, low velocity, highly sectionalized ESP.
When the inlet section of the ESP is rapped, a considerable amount of the collected ash is
reentrained in the gas stream and then rapidly collected again. This cycle of collection and
reentrainment is repeated numerous times as the ash moves through the ESP so that most
of the ash makes its way to the ash hoppers and only a small quantity of ash makes it to the
exit of the ESP.
The purpose of optimizing rapping cycles is to optimize the thickness of the collected ash
layer. Successful rapping shears a compacted layer of ash off the plate so that the sheet of
ash falls directly into the ash hopper, minimizing ash reentrainment. Rapping timing is a
delicate balance between ESP electrical performance and ash reentrainment. Infrequent
rapping cycles lead to excessive ash buildup and interferes with ESP electrical operations.
Rapping less frequently typically results in a deterioration of the electrical power input by
adding an additional resistance into the power circuit. However, rapping intervals that are too
rapid can also be detrimental. If a compacted sheet of ash is not allowed to form on the
plate, then the loose ash collected will just fluff off the plate when rapped, resulting in higher
reentrainment losses.
It should first be noted that if an ESP is performing satisfactorily and well in compliance with
the emission limits, there is no reason to adjust rapper timing. If it is determined that rapper
timing adjustments will be advantageous, always write down the existing timings so that you
can return to the starting point, just in case the changes result in poorer performance.
Most of the ash that enters an ESP is captured very rapidly. Some estimate that 50% of the
ash is collected within the first three to six feet of the ESP given a reasonable power level.
Therefore, the basic rapper scheme is to rap the first field on a frequent basis and then to
lengthen the rapping interval as the last field is approached. This method takes some
experimentation especially with the last and next to the last fields.
A general rule-of-thumb for initial rapper timing settings is to set the inlet field timing interval
at about 10 minutes and then to double the time for each field in sequence. For example, for
a 5 field (in the direction of gas flow) ESP, the base timings would be 10, 20, 40, 80 and 160
minutes. Often, large ESPs are over rapped in the outlet fields.
1. Ensuring that no two rappers on a straight pass in the direction of gas flow are rapping at
the same time.
2. Ensuring that no two outlet fields are rapping at the same time.
Secondary voltage and current readings should be taken on all ESP sections for comparison
purposes before and after making a rapping change. In addition, unit load, ESP temperature
and opacity reading should also be recorded. The ESP should operate for at least 24 hours
after making the initial adjustment.
After 24 hours have elapsed, and the ESP temperature and unit load are in the range where
the previous power and opacity readings were taken, another set of secondary voltage and
current readings should be taken on all ESP sections. It should be noted whether there was
a significant change in voltage or current on a field wide basis. Unless the previous rapping
intervals were excessively fast or slow, there should not have been much change in the
voltage or current readings. Changes that might be observed include higher voltage and
reduced current. This indicates a thicker ash layer has formed. A lower voltage and higher
current indicate a thinner ash layer. As long as the voltage or current or stack opacity
change is not significant, there will usually be no problem.
Next, the impact of rapping the outlet field on opacity must be determined. Ideally, outlet
rapping should cause only a slight blip in the opacity. The magnitude of the blip is relative to
the ESP design - primarily the internal velocity and number of fields in the direction of gas
flow. The fewer the number of fields and the higher the internal velocity, the more
pronounced the opacity blip during outlet rapping.
If the opacity blip is small (2-4%), then no additional timing adjustments are necessary. If the
opacity blip is large (10%), it may be caused by too thick or too thin an ash layer on the
plates in the outlet field. In order to determine which is the case, the rapping interval on the
Once the outlet field rapping interval is properly set, timing intervals between the outlet fields
should be compared, beginning with the next-to-last field. In general, this field should be
rapped twice as fast as the outlet field. If the outlet field timing was adjusted, the interval may
need to be adjusted on this field as well. Similar action can be taken with the second-to-last
field if there are five or more fields in the ESP. However, increasing the rapping interval on
the first two fields of the ESP is not recommended, since these two fields collect most of the
ash and need to be kept clean.
For difficult to remove ashes, a reduced power or power-off rapping approach can be used.
The technique of power-off rapping is to de-energize an electrical section before rapping the
collecting plates. This approach significantly enhances plate cleaning because the electrical
holding force is removed during the rapping sequence. For obvious reasons, power-off
rapping can succeed only with a precipitator which has a high degree of electrical
sectionalization. Alternatively, power can be reduced to minimum levels during rapping. This
approach is preferred when existing precipitator electrical sectionalization is marginal for
power-off rapping. The voltage set point used during rapping should be approached
incrementally since ash reentrainment can overwhelm potential improvement. At low load,
more aggressive set points may be implemented. The effects of this are temporary, lasting
several hours, when full load operation is resumed and set points are returned to normal.
Discharge electrode rapping is appropriately set for near-maximum cleaning levels, because,
unlike collection plate rapping, there is little or no significant reentrainment penalty
associated with the discharge electrode system. However, excessive rapping of the
discharge electrode system wastes energy and may lead to premature mechanical failure of
the discharge electrodes, as well as the rappers themselves. The appropriate rapping level
produces sufficient cleaning while limiting wear and tear on the discharge electrode system.
As with the collecting plates, adjust the rapping frequency field by field. The same time
intervals suggested for collecting plate rapping - or perhaps more frequent intervals - are
good starting points.
Acceptable cleanliness can be determined by evaluating voltage current (V-I) curves taken
under both dirty and clean air load conditions. As ash buildup increases, corona start voltage
increases and the V-I curve shifts toward a secondary voltage noticeably higher than clean
air load condition.
Rapping changes and upgrades on discharge electrode systems can produce significant
performance improvement. This is especially true on installations using electromagnetic
vibrators because plant operators or maintenance personnel inspecting vibrators tend to
If high levels of carbon are known to exist on the collecting plates or in the hoppers, do not
open the precipitator access doors until the precipitator has cooled below 52C (125F).
Spontaneous combustion of hot dust may be caused by an inrush of air.
Gases inside a precipitator are toxic and can cause severe injury or death. The precipitator
must be purged completely before personnel are allowed to enter. Adequate ventilation must
be maintained because collected fly ash may give off toxic fumes.
Extreme caution is required when conducting an internal inspection of an ESP and the
associated ductwork. The first precaution is to make sure that the electrical power supplies
are off and tagged out. Short each individual discharge electrode structure to ground with an
appropriate clamp-type shorting shunt. It is recommended that the Safety Key Interlock
System be implemented when entering the precipitator. The system ensures that a correct
sequential procedure is followed for switching-off and earthing of the precipitator. Install
adequate lighting when entering the ESP. Exercise care when moving through the unit,
especially on ladders and walkways. Ash falling from plates and structures presents a
hazard. Wear hard hat (helmet), safety glasses, lung protection and gloves as appropriate.
Make sure there is always someone in talking distance, either directly or by radio. If you are
new at inspections, work with an experienced partner.
Since fly ash may be hot, fatal accident can occur if care is not taken. While dealing with a
fly ash hopper, always follow the guidelines given below.
If it is necessary to rod a hopper, either through a hand hole in the ash intake or through a
poke hole in the hopper, to clear a plug, the operator must use protection for the body,
hands, feet and face against any possible outflow of ash. Never rod hoppers with
uninsulated metal.
Never use a ladder for gaining access to a hopper that must be opened.
As shown in above figure, before opening a hopper door, latch safety chain and open the
door slowly. Knock overhead dust before entering in the hopper.
No one should enter a hopper for inspection unless the hopper is cool and ventilated.
Another person, who is prepared and equipped to help in case of an emergency must be
stationed outside the hopper.
Rapping system problems are diagnosed by observing trends in the stack opacity. In order
to evaluate the severity of rapping losses, opacity is compared with the rappers on to the
opacity with the rappers off. If the average opacity with the rappers on is more than 1.4 times
the average opacity with the rappers off for cold-side units (or more than 1.5 times for hot-
side units), then reentrainment is likely excessive. Opacity trends can also be analyzed to
determine insufficient rapping, excessive rapping, and localized reentrainment problems.
Collection plate rapping can cause significant reentrainment losses if improperly timed.
Significant power reduction, if collection plate rapping is absent, will be experienced due to
thick layers of ash buildup on collection plates that are not rapped.
The rapping of discharge electrodes is generally more critical to performance. Ash buildup
on discharge electrodes interferes with corona formation by reducing the desired steep
electrical field gradient close to the electrode. This forces the power supply to operate at
higher voltage levels for any given current flow needed to collect particulate. Discharge
electrode buildup may be diagnosed online by plotting the observed operating point against
the clean V-I curve. If, for a given primary or secondary current flow, the voltage is more than
15% above that of the clean curve, rapping problems are probable.
All motor driven rapping shafts should be checked to see that they are actually rotating. Do
not rely on the on/off indicating lights in the control room. Vibrators and impact rappers
should also be checked to see that they are in operation.
Vibrators sometimes stick, or lose their effectiveness as internal stops and spacers wear. A
simple check to ascertain that all roof mounted vibrators are functioning, at least to some
extent, is to stand a common ten penny nail (a ten penny nail is a nail 3 inches long) on its
head atop each vibrator. At the end of one rapping cycle, all nails should have fallen over.
One of the most common ESP operating incidents is T-R-set trip out. T-R set failure can be
caused by a number of ground-related issues, including overfilled hoppers, carbon fouling or
tracking of high voltage insulators internal to the precipitator box, electrically shorted
T-R sets should be inspected to see that all selector switches are in the correct position and
that temperature indicators are normal. Listen for sounds of electrical arcing in the T-R set,
or in the high voltage bus duct. Arcing in the T-R set may be a sign of deteriorating dielectric
strength of the transformer oil, and prompt attention may prevent complete breakdown with
resulting destruction of the transformer. Arcing in the bus duct may be the result of
condensation on insulators or an off-center bus. In either case, it should be corrected before
further damage ensues.
Most T-R set failures begin with contamination of the transformer oil. Daily fluctuations in oil
temperatures (due extreme environment or sets installed on cycling boilers) cause the tank
to breathe. Such breathing results in water condensation and a loss of dielectric strength of
the transformer oil. In time, this leads to internal arcing, oil carbonization, further loss of
dielectric strength and eventually unit failure.
Voltage controller panel meters can be used to diagnose and troubleshoot T-R set grounding
problems. The telltale signs of a grounded field are high current readings and low or zero
voltage readings.
This first step in troubleshooting a DC-side ground is to check the ash level in the hopper
below the grounded field. If the hopper is overfilled, the T-R set should be de-energized as
soon as possible to prevent clinker formation. Overfilled hoppers can result in ash levels that
are high enough to form a conductive bridge between the bottom of the discharge electrode
frame and the collecting plate. In some cases, the ash may be electrically heated by the
current passing to the grounded plate, forming a solid mass referred to as a clinker.
Clinkers are difficult to remove and may further aggravate ash removal.
If the hopper is not plugged, the ground could be elsewhere in the precipitator or in the T-R
set itself. To make this determination, the high voltage bushing in the grounded section
should be disconnected from the precipitator (observing necessary safety procedures). If the
meter readings show no current flow, then the grounding problem is within the precipitator. In
this case, the cause may be a broken wire/defective electrode, or a grounded or defective
insulator. If the meter readings show current flow after disconnecting the high voltage
bushing, the grounding problem is within the T-R set or the bushing itself is defective.
Much less common are short circuits that occur within the T-R set itself. A common cause of
T-R set problems is failure of the internal diode network. Diodes may fail due to excessive
electrical stress (prolonged operation in overcurrent or overvoltage conditions) or
overheating. Diodes should be checked for shorts. If the diodes are working properly, the
problem may be a defective transformer. This can be checked by engaging the T-R set
without the diodes. If the primary current level is still high, then the transformer may need
replacement. Most T-R set failures begin with contamination of the transformer oil, which
serves both as a cooling and dielectric medium to handle voltage stress on the T-R set.
The best way to prevent insulator failure is through effective preventative maintenance on
the insulators themselves and the seal air system for the insulator.
There should be no significant buildup of dust on any of the insulators. Dust buildup,
particularly high concentrations of carbon, may cause increased sparking and/or grounding.
If there is any evidence of significant ash buildup, the seal air system for the insulators
should be inspected for proper operation.
Insulators should be brushed down during the inspection to facilitate inspection. Technicians
should use a heavy bristle brush, as opposed to a wire brush, to complete this task in order
to minimize the risk of damaging the insulator. For tenacious residues, a solvent may be
used for the final wipe down. Abrasive cleaners should not be used, since they may damage
the surface glaze.
Listen for sounds of air in leakage, particularly at access doors. Door gasket may need to be
When inspecting the hopper area, check that all level alarms are in working order. Most such
alarms have a "test switch or button on their control panel. Use it.
Observe the operation of the ash handling system valves, and listen for air leaks through
worn valves or seats.
Finally, when inspecting the precipitator control room, check to see that the ambient
temperature is in range, and that the cabinets are clean, both inside and outside.
Problem Evaluation
During operation, the condition of internal parts of the precipitator can be inferred from the
electrical meter readings. Hence electrical meter readings should be recorded in every shift
and they should be evaluated at the end of the shift for maintenance needs.
A comparison between design records and operating records indicate whether operating
parameters have changed significantly from the design conditions.
Analog meters are typically more useful than digital meters in troubleshooting various ESP
problems. For this reason, it is recommended that analog meters also be installed on newer
systems that have only digital meters. As a key troubleshooting tool, it is also important that
panel meters be calibrated regularly.
The EPA (1985) categorized the major performance problems associated with electrostatic
precipitators into seven areas: resistivity, dust buildup, wire breakage, hopper pluggage,
misalignment of ESP components, changes in particle size distribution, and air inleakage.
These problems are related to design limitations, operational changes, and/or maintenance
The resistivity of the collected dust on the collection plate affects the acceptable current
density through the dust layer, dust removal from the plates, and indirectly, the corona
charging process. The optimum resistivity range for ESP operation is relatively narrow; both
high and low resistivity cause problems. Expensive retrofitting or modifications may be
required if the dust resistivity is vastly different than the design range.
High Resistivity
High dust resistivity is a more common problem than low dust resistivity. Particles having
high resistivity are unable to release or transfer electrical charge. Hence, at the collection
plate, the particles neither give up very much of their acquired charge nor easily pass the
corona current to the grounded collection plates. High dust resistivity conditions are
indicated by low primary and secondary voltages, suppressed secondary currents and high
spark rates in all fields. This condition makes it difficult for the T-R controller to function
The most significant effect of high resistivity ash is the potential for back corona formation
and/or sparking. High resistivity ash particles do not readily lose their charge after depositing
on the collecting plate. As a result, as the ash layer begins to build, a voltage drop forms
across the layer and a surplus of positive ions is created on the surface of the dust.
Depending on the resistivity of the ash and the thickness of the ash layer, an electrical field
strong enough to breakdown the ash layer electrically may form. When electrical
breakdowns occur, either a spark will be generated or back corona will occur. In the latter
case, positive ions will be formed and these positive ions will cross the inter-electrode space
and collide with the negative ions and charged particles that are undergoing the normal
charging process. This phenomenon is also called "reverse ionization" or back corona. It
effectively neutralizes the normal charging process and significantly reduces ESP
Back corona may be diagnosed by observing the analog panel meters as the secondary
current limit is gradually increased from its minimum value. Under back corona conditions,
as the current increases, the secondary kV meter (and primary) will initially show a
corresponding, gradual increase but suddenly begin dropping.
Severe sparking can cause excessive charging off-time, spark "blasting" of particulate on the
plate, broken wires due to electrical erosion, and reduced average current levels. The
reduced current levels generally lead to deteriorated performance. Because the current level
is indicative of the charging process, the low current and voltage levels that occur inside an
ESP operating with high resistivity dust generally reflect slower charging rates and lower
particle migration velocities to the plate. Particle collection is reduced; consequently, the
ESP operates as though it were "undersized." The operating conditions can be modified (for
example, increasing temperature) or conditioning agents (for example, sulfur) can be used to
accommodate/solve this problem and thereby improve performance.
High resistivity also tends to promote rapping problems, as the electrical properties of the
dust tend to make it very tenacious. High voltage drop through the dust layer and the
retention of electrical charge by the particles make the dust difficult to remove because of its
strong attraction to the plate. The greater rapping forces usually required to dislodge the dust
may also aggravate or cause a rapping reentrainment problem. Important items to remember
are (1) difficulty in removing the high-resistivity dust is related to the electrical characteristics,
not to the sticky or cohesive nature of the dust; and (2) the ESP must be able to withstand
Low Resistivity
Low dust resistivity, although not as common, can be just as detrimental to the performance
of an ESP as high resistivity. When particles with low resistivity reach the collection plate,
they release much of their acquired charge and pass the corona current quite easily to the
grounded collection plate. Without the attractive and repulsive electrical forces that are
normally present at normal dust resistivities, the binding forces between the dust and the
plate are considerably weakened. Therefore, particle reentrainment is a substantial problem
at low resistivity.
Since there is lower resistance to current flow for particles with low resistivity (compared to
normal or high), lower operating voltages are required to obtain substantial current flow.
Operating voltages and currents are typically close to clean plate conditions, even when
there is some dust accumulation on the plate. Low resistivity conditions, are typically
characterized by low operating voltages, high current flow, and low spark rates.
Despite the large flow of current under low resistivity conditions, the corresponding low
voltages yield lower particle migration velocities to the plate. Thus, particles of a given size
take longer to reach the plate than would be expected. When combined with substantial dust
reentrainment, the result is poor ESP performance. In this case, the large flow of power to
the ESP represents a waste of power.
Low-resistivity problems typically result from the chemical characteristics of the particulate
and not from flue gas temperature. The particulate may be enriched with compounds that
are inherently low in resistivity, either due to poor operation of the process or to the inherent
nature of the process. Examples of such enrichment include excessive carbon levels in fly
ash (due to poor combustion large modern pulverized coal fired boilers typically contains
from 2% to 10% carbon), the presence of naturally occurring alkalis in wood ash, iron oxide
in steel-making operations, or the presence of other low-resistivity materials in the dust.
Evaluating the current and spark rate trends from the inlet to the outlet fields provides a
means of evaluating the general resistivity conditions. Moderate dust resistivity conditions,
under which ESPs work very well, are indicated by low secondary currents in the inlet field
and progressively higher values going toward the outlet. Spark rates under moderate
resistivity are moderate in the inlet fields and decrease to essentially zero in the outlet field.
High resistivity conditions are indicated by low secondary currents in all of the fields coupled
with very high spark rates. Conversely, low resistivity has very high currents and low spark
rates in all the fields.
Above figure shows the typical trend lines for moderate (normal) and low resistivity dusts in a
four field ESP. The moderate resistivity dust shows a steady increase of current from the first
field to the fourth field, while the secondary current increases rapidly for all fields when the
dust exhibits low resistivity. This effect is especially noticeable in the inlet fields which
previously had the lowest currents. This increase in current is due simply to the fact that the
dust layers electrostatic field is too weak to significantly impede the charging field created by
the discharged electrodes. At low resistivity, the spark rates are generally very low or zero.
The voltages in all of the fields are a little lower than normal since the automatic voltage
controllers sense that the power supply is at its current limit; therefore, the controller does
not attempt to drive the voltage up any further. While the low resistivity conditions persist,
there can be frequent and severe puffs (opacity increase) which occur after each collection
plate rapper activates.
Using the current, voltage, and spark rate plots is a very good way to use readily available
information to evaluate the impossible-to-directly monitor but nevertheless important
resistivity conditions. It is possible to differentiate between problems caused by mechanical
faults in a single field (such as insulator leakage) and resistivity conditions which inherently
affect all of the fields in varying degrees. However, these trend lines are not a perfect
analysis tool for evaluating resistivity. A few precipitators never display typical electrical trend
lines since they have undersized T-R sets, undersized fields, improperly set automatic
voltage controllers, or severe mechanical problems affecting most of the fields.
Dust Accumulation
Rapper operation may be difficult to check on some ESPs because the time periods
between rapper activation can range from 1 to 8 hours on the outlet field. One method of
checking rapper operation involves installing a maintenance-check cycle that allows a check
of all rappers in 2 to 5 minutes by following a simple rapping pattern.
Excessive dust buildup also may result from sticky dusts or operation at gas dew point
conditions. In some cases, the dusts may be removed by increasing the temperature, but in
many cases the ESP must be entered and washed out. If sticky particulates are expected
(such as tars and asphalts), a wet wall ESP is usually used because problems can occur
when large quantities of sticky particles enter a dry ESP.
Sticky particulates can also become a problem when the flue gas temperature falls below the
dew point level. Although acid dew point is usually of greater concern in most applications,
moisture dew point is important, too. When moisture dew point conditions are reached, liquid
droplets tend to form that can bind the particulate to the plate and wire. These conditions
also accelerate corrosion. Carryover of water droplets or excessive moisture can also cause
this problem (e.g., improper atomization of water in spray cooling of the gas or failure of a
waterwall or economizer tube in a boiler). In some instances the dust layer that has built up
can be removed by increasing the intensity and frequency of the rapping while raising the
temperature to "dry out" the dust layer. In most cases, however, it is necessary to shutdown
the unit and wash out or "chisel out" the buildup to clean the plates. Localized problems can
occur where inleakage causes localized decreases in gas temperature.
In an operating ESP, differences in the V-I curves can be used to evaluate if a dust buildup
problem exists. Buildup of material on the discharge electrodes often means an increase in
voltage to maintain a given operating current. The effect of dust buildup on discharge
70 Construction, Working, Operation and Maintenance of ESPs
electrodes is usually equivalent to increasing the effective wire diameter. Since the corona
starting voltage is strongly a function of wire diameter, the corona starting voltage tends to
increase and the whole V-I curve tends to shift to the right as shown in above figure.
Sparking tends to occur at about the same voltage as it does without dust buildup, unless
resistivity is high. This effect on corona starting voltage is usually more pronounced when
straight wires are uniformly coated with a heavy dust, and less pronounced on barbed wires
and rigid electrodes or when the dust layer is not uniform. Barbed wires and rigid electrodes
tend to keep the "points" relatively clean and to maintain a small effective wire diameter and,
therefore, a low corona starting voltage. Nevertheless, a higher voltage would still be
required to spread the corona discharge over the wire when dust buildup occurs. Thus,
buildup on the discharge electrodes would still be characterized by a higher voltage to
maintain a given current level.
Wire Breakage
Wires usually fail in one of three areas: at the top of the wire, at the bottom of the wire, and
wherever misalignment or slack wires reduce the clearance between the wire and collecting
plate. Wire failure may be due to electrical erosion, mechanical erosion, corrosion, or some
combination of these. When wire failures occur, they usually short-out the field where they
are located. Thus, the failure of one wire can cause the loss of particle collection in an entire
field or bus section. One of the advantages of rigid frame and rigid electrode ESPs is their
use of shorter wires or no wires at all. Hence rigid frame or rigid electrode are used in all
new ESP or engineered upgrades.
Electrical erosion is caused by excessive sparking. Sparking usually occurs at points where
there is close clearance within a field due to a warped plate, misaligned guidance frames, or
bowed wires. The maximum operating voltage is usually limited by these close tolerance
areas because the spark over voltage depends on the distance between the wire and the
plate. The smaller the distance between the wire and plate, the lower the spark over voltage.
Under normal circumstances random sparking does little damage to the ESP. During
sparking, most of the power supplied to energize the field is directed to the location of the
spark, and the voltage field around the remaining wires collapses. The considerable quantity
of energy available during the spark is usually sufficient to vaporize a small quantity of metal.
When sparking continues to occur at the same location, the wire usually "necks down"
because of electrical erosion until it is unable to withstand the tension and breaks.
Misalignment of the discharge electrodes relative to the plates increases the potential for
broken wires, decreases the operating voltage and current because of sparking, and
decreases the performance potential of that field in the ESP.
Although the breakage of wires at the top and bottom where the wire passes through the
field can be aggravated by misalignment, the distortion of the electrical field at the edges of
the plate tends to be the cause of breakage. This distortion of the field, which occurs where
the wire passes the end of the plate, tends to promote sparking and gradual electrical
erosion of the wires.
Design faults and the failure to maintain alignment generally contribute to mechanical
erosion (or wear) of the wire.
Corrosion of the wires can also lead to wire failures. Corrosion, an electrochemical reaction,
can occur for several reasons, the most common being acid dew point. When the rate of
corrosion is high because of long periods of operating the ESP below the acid dew point,
failures are frequent. In these cases the corrosion problem is more likely to be a localized
one (e.g., in places where cooling of the gas stream occurs, such as inleakage points and
Wire crimping is another cause of wire failure because a crimp creates a residual stress.
Crimps usually occur at the top and bottom of the wires where they attach to the upper wire
frame or bottle weight; however, a crimp may occur at any point along the wire.
Although ESP performance will generally not suffer with up to approximately 10% of the
wires removed, records should be maintained to help avoid a condition in which entire gas
lanes may be de-energized.
Hopper Pluggage
Perhaps no other problem (except fire or explosion) has the potential for degrading ESP
performance as much as hopper pluggage. Hopper pluggage can permanently damage an
ESP and severely affect both short-term and long-term performance. Hopper pluggage is
difficult to diagnose because its effect is not immediately apparent on the T-R set panel
meters. In many cases, the effect of pluggage does not show up on the electrical readings
until the hopper is nearly full.
The electrical reaction to most plugged hoppers is the same as that for internal
misalignment, a loose wire in the ESP, or excessive dust buildup on the plates. Typical
symptoms include heavy or "bursty" sparking in the field(s) over the plugged hopper and
reduced voltage and current in response to the reduced clearance and higher spark rate. In
weighted wire designs, high dust levels in the hopper may raise the weight and cause slack
wires and increased arcing within the ESP. In many cases, this will trip the T-R set off-line
because of overcurrent or undervoltage protection circuits. In some situations, the sparking
continues even as the dust level exceeds hopper capacity and builds up between the plate
and the wire; whereas in others, the voltage continues to decrease as the current increases
and little or no sparking occurs. This drain of power away from corona generation renders
the field performance virtually useless. Over filled hoppers can result in ash levels that are
high enough to form a conductive bridge between the bottom of the discharge electrode
frame and the collecting plate. In some cases, the ash may be electrically heated by the
current passing to the grounded plate, forming a solid mass referred to as a clinker.
The buildup of dust under and into the collection area can cause the plate or discharge
electrode guide frames to shift. The buildup can also place these frames under enough
pressure to distort them or to cause permanent warping of the collection plate(s). If this
happens, performance of the affected field remains diminished by misalignment, even after
the hopper is cleared.
Most dusts flow best when they are hot, therefore, cooling the dusts can promote a hopper
pluggage problem.
Since the maximum operating voltage/current levels depend on the path of least resistance
in a field, electrode misalignment (between discharge electrode and collector plates) reduces
the operating voltage and current required for sparking. The V-I curve would indicate a
somewhat lower voltage to achieve a low current level with the sparking voltage and current
greatly reduced.
Unusually fine particles present a problem under the following two circumstances:
2. When a process change or modification shifts the particle size distribution into the range
where ESP performance is poorest.
A shift in particle size distribution tends to alter electrical characteristics and increase the
number of particles emitted in the light-scattering size ranges (opacity).
There are two principal charging mechanisms: field charging and diffusion charging.
Although field charging tends to dominate in the ESP and acts on particles greater than 1
micrometer in diameter, it cannot charge and capture smaller particles. Diffusion charging,
on the other hand works well for particles smaller than 0.1 micrometer in diameter. ESP
performance diminishes for particulates in the range of 0.2 - 0.9 micrometer because neither
charging mechanism is very effective for particles in this range. These particles are more
difficult to charge and once charged, they are easily bumped around by the gas stream,
making them difficult to collect. Depending upon the type of source being controlled, the
collection efficiency of an ESP can drop from as high as 99.9% on particles sized above 1.0
micrometer or below 0.1 micrometer, to only 85 to 90% on particles in the 0.2 - 0.9
micrometer diameter range.
When heavy loadings of fine particles enter the ESP, two significant electrical effects can
occur: space charge and corona quenching. At moderate resistivities, the space-charge
effects normally occur in the inlet or perhaps the second field of ESPs. Because it takes a
longer time to charge fine particles and to force them to migrate to the plate, a cloud of
negatively charged particles forms in the gas stream. This cloud of charged particles is
called a space charge. It interferes with the corona generation process and impedes the flow
of negatively charged gas ions from the wire to the collection plate. The interference of the
space charge with corona generation is called corona quenching.When this occurs, the T-R
controller responds by increasing the operating voltage to maintain current flow and corona
generation. The increase in voltage usually causes increased spark rates, which may in turn
signal the controller to reduce the voltage and current in an attempt to maintain a reasonable
spark rate. Under moderate resistivity conditions, the fine dust particles are usually collected
by the time they reach the third field of the ESP which explains the disappearance of the
space charge in these later fields. The T-R controller responds to the cleaner gas in these
later fields by decreasing the voltage level, but the current levels will increase markedly.
When quantities of fine particles being processed by the ESP increase, the space charging
effect may progress further into the ESP.
In some instances, air inleakage can be beneficial to ESP performance, but in most cases its
effect is detrimental. Inleakage may occur within the process itself (for example, in case of a
boiler due to bypassing of the air preheater) or in the ESP and is caused by leaking access
doors, leaking ductwork, and even open sample ports.
Inleakage usually cools the gas stream, and can also introduce additional moisture. Air
inleakage often causes localized corrosion of the ESP shell, plates, and wires. The
temperature differential also can cause electrical disturbances (sparking) in the field. Finally,
the introduction of ambient air can affect the gas distribution near the point of entry.
Internal Inspection
Internal inspection of the full precipitator can only be performed during a boiler outage. Every
such outage, whether scheduled or not, should be considered as an opportunity to inspect
the inside of the precipitator.
When shutting down the ESP, be sure to turn off the rapper system before turning off power
to the transformer rectifier sets (T-R sets) so that the ash layer will remain on the collecting
plates and discharge electrodes. This is essential for the dirty air load test and inspection.
When a boiler outage occurs, inspect those bus sections known to be grounded, or
displaying unusual electrical performance.
During a scheduled outage of an ESP, first empty all hoppers. Then visual inspections of the
ESP should be conducted just after the unit/stream has gone offline when the ESP is still
loaded with ash (dirty) and again after the ESP has been cleaned through water washing or
grit/sand blasting. Dirty ESP inspection assist in diagnosing problems with ash buildup, gas
flow distribution, rapping, and electrical tracking. Clean ESP inspection assist in diagnosing
problems with misalignment, corrosion, leaks, and other mechanical damage.
Water washing either involves the use of multiple high-volume, high-pressure water hoses or
the installation of a permanent wash header. Use plenty of water to avoid ash caking. Once
washing has started, there should be no interruptions in the cleaning, especially in the
presence of high-calcium ashes. The pozzolanic activity in high-calcium ashes can cause
the formation of cement-like substances that are very difficult to remove. Use of high water
volume should minimize this problem because large quantities of water will dilute the mixture
sufficiently to avoid pozzolanic activity.
A more thorough cleaning is possible, because reach is not limited to throw distance.
It can be done quickly by few personnel. Because reach is not limited to throw distance,
most units can be completely washed from the top elevation.
There is less airborne ash, and thus less likelihood of a cleaning-induced visibility/opacity
Contrary to popularly held beliefs, water washing does not promote corrosion of ESP
internals. If fact, this process can actually prevent surface corrosion (due to acid
condensation) in high-sulfur coal situations compared to that can occur in an unwashed
precipitator left offline for several weeks.
During internal inspection, check and take corrective action for the following Items.
When the ground or close clearance has been found and corrected, a set of air load V-I
readings should be recorded to be sure that all such defects have been located and
One of' the typical reasons for degradation of precipitator performance and reliability is poor
electrode clearances, often caused by collector plate distortion.
Collector plate distortion is most typically caused by improperly designed or installed plate
spacer hardware at the top, bottom or sides of the plate. The bottom side spacer retaining
bar usually interfaces with the precipitator structure in some manner to maintain the plate
section in a particular position in space. If this hardware is designed in a manner which binds
the plate section to the structure, the plates adjacent to that structure can be expected to
bow. High level of ash in hoppers can also stress the plates during operation, resulting in
permanent warpage and buckling.
The minimum clearance between the electrodes and plates is often referred to as the spark
gap". To realize design performance, the spark gap must remain within the design tolerance.
Should the spark gap become shorter, for instance, due to a warped collector plate, a spark
will occur at a lower voltage than otherwise thus causing the entire field to function at a lower
Should electrode clearances become excessively close, performance will drop off' sharply,
and reliability will be reduced as well. This condition is normally anticipated with a spark gap
of 75% of optimum or less (3 3/8 in. for 9 in. plate spacing) but will vary depending on
numerous factors.
In view of this, as a temporary measure, the decision is often made to remove large
quantities of wires in order to increase the minimum spark gap to a more acceptable level.
The precipitator is effectively reduced in size, but the reliability is restored. Many rigid frame
designs offer no opportunity for this compromise, as close clearances cannot be eliminated
by simple wire removal. Sometimes the discharge electrode frame or mast is also subject to
distortion in the same manner as the collector plate.
Besides causing poor electrode clearances, collector plate distortion can reduce precipitator
performance due to sneakage. Warped plates can act as flow diverters and may even direct
flue gas into hoppers resulting in sneakage through hopper.
As shown in above figure, collector plate warpage adjacent to precipitator walls can result in
large openings at leading edge of anti-sneak baffles. Under this condition, flue gas is allowed
to bypass the treatment area by travelling along the wall.
Another area of concern is the detrimental effect on collector plate rapping. A severely
warped collector plate can dampen transmission of acceleration to its far corners. Even
greater effect is due to the re-entrainment of the rapped material. To visualize, picture two
collector plates: one in its original straight condition, one with a large simple bow along its
entire length. Ideally, the straight collector plate is properly rapped, separating the ash layer
from the surface cleanly under the shearing effect. Due to gravitational force, the ash then
slides along the plate surface, within the dead air space created by the stiffener baffle of' the
collector plate. The ash is thus protected from re-entrainment into the gas stream until
reaching the hopper. The stiffener baffle looses its effect in the case of the bowed collector
plate. On the prominent side of the bow, the ash moves along the plate surface until
reaching the lower elevations. At this point, the slope of the collector plate cross section is
reversed. The ash can then fall directly into the gas stream and be re-entrained into the
However, once crimped, a collector plate looses much of its structural rigidity. The plate is
then more conducive to distortion than prior to repair. Collector plates repaired in this
manner tend to further distort, and it has proven necessary, in a number of precipitators, to
perform widespread crimping as a routine outage item. In addition, plates have been
observed to return to the previous bowed condition almost immediately after straightening by
this method.
Another method of collector plate repair, generally employed throughout the industry, is
known as "heat straightening". A torch is used to heat the surface of the plate at chosen
locations to change the shape of the plate in an attempt to bring the plate into satisfactory
alignment. The plate is, in effect, intentionally warped and buckled in a way intended to
counteract the existing warpage. However, such heating of the collector plates destroys the
original cold rolled condition of the steel and imposes local stresses of an unknown nature
within the plate. Once repaired in this manner, a collector plate will often distort more
dramatically than the condition before repair. Like mechanical crimping, heat straightened
plates have also been observed to return to a bowed condition almost immediately after
To overcome above problems, many companies are now offering state of the art systems
employing spacers or ladders to permanently repair the warped plates.
As shown in the figure, to restore ESP performance, ladder bars can be installed in the gas
pass between the stiffeners of bowed collector plates. B&W offers customized ladder bars to
fit most major ESP designs. Even severely bowed collector plates can be restored using
their patented ladder bar system.
Ladder bars install quickly and easily to create a permanent repair that not only removes
bowing, but prevents it from occurring. Hooks at the top of the ladder bar assembly hold it in
position, with no welding, bolting or riveting required. ESP performance can be restored
during a short outage at a fraction of the cost of plate replacement.
The ladder bar system is complemented by other products that improve the effectiveness of
the straighteners. Beta bars are adjustable jacks used between the first collector plates and
the wall to provide a stable foundation for the ladder bar system.
Precipitator trouble is, to the plant operator, any occurrence which results in an unacceptable
opacity of the stack plume. As long as the stack is clean, he believes that he has no
precipitator trouble (when in fact he may), and when the stack gets dirty, he believes that he
has precipitator problems, although the cause of the dirty stack may lie elsewhere. Thus, it
might be more accurate to call the so called precipitator trouble as "dirty stack improvement
A dirty stack is almost invariably associated with a decrease in corona power. Therefore, the
first step must be to obtain a set of control panel meter readings and compute the specific
corona power. Above figure indicates the stack loading which should reasonably be
1. Loss of a sneakby baffle in the precipitator, permitting untreated gas to bypass the
effective zones.
2. Bad gas distribution caused by breaking or plugging of gas distribution baffles.
3. Poor boiler operation, resulting in incomplete combustion and the production of smoke.
4. The venting of another boiler or smoke producing device into the same stack.
5. Problems with the opacity meter or the observer's eyesight.
Most commonly, however, the increased stack opacity will be found to correspond to a
decrease in specific corona power.
If the specific corona power is indeed too low for the unit to attain its design performances,
the problem becomes one of finding out why this is so. Electrical readings and V-I curves of
parallel bus sections should be similar. If they are not, close clearances in the low powered
sections should be suspected. Variations in operating power level of parallel sections may
also be caused by temperature stratification of the flue gases entering the precipitator. Fields
toward the rear of the precipitator should normally spark at a higher current level than those
preceding fields in the same cell. If this is not so, there may be a close electrical clearance, a
rapping failure, or cold air infiltration in the offending bus section.
If, as is often the case, the power levels of all of the power supplies are uniformly low, and
the relationship between power levels of different sets is reasonable, the problem is most
likely one of high ash resistivity, and originates in the boiler, not the precipitator.
The ability to learn from experience is especially important when dealing with electrostatic
precipitator systems. In consideration of the rapid personnel turnover that typically occurs at
utility plants, the need for accurate record keeping may be appreciated. Without accurate
records, consulting engineers or service representatives may be denied information that
could be vital to the proper diagnosis of a problem.
Depending upon the specifics of a particular utility installation, accurate records must be kept
for the following:
In October 1948, a thick cloud of air pollution (smog) formed above the industrial town of
Donora, Pennsylvania. The cloud which lingered for five days, killed 20 people and caused
sickness in 6,000 of the towns 14,000 people. In 1952, over 3,000 people died in what
became known as Londons "Killer Fog." The smog was so thick that buses could not run
without guides walking ahead of them carrying lanterns.
Events like these alerted Americans to the dangers that air pollution poses to public health
and several federal and state laws were passed, including the original Clean Air Act of 1963,
which established funding for the study and the cleanup of air pollution. But there was no
comprehensive federal response to address air pollution until Congress passed a much
stronger Clean Air Act in 1970. That same year Congress created the Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA) and gave it the primary role in carrying out the law. Since 1970,
EPA has been responsible for a variety of Clean Air Act programs to reduce air pollution
Under the Clean Air Act, EPA sets limits on certain air pollutants, including setting limits on
how much can be in the air anywhere in the United States. This helps to ensure basic health
and environmental protection from air pollution for all Americans. The Clean Air Act also
gives EPA the authority to limit emissions of air pollutants coming from sources like chemical
plants, utilities, and steel mills. Individual states or tribes may have stronger air pollution
laws, but they may not have weaker pollution limits than those set by EPA.
The Clean Air Act, which was last amended in 1990, requires EPA to set National Ambient
Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) for pollutants considered harmful to public health and the
environment. The Clean Air Act identifies two types of national ambient air quality standards.
Primary standards provide public health protection, including protecting the health of
"sensitive" populations such as asthmatics, children, and the elderly. Secondary standards
provide public welfare protection, including protection against decreased visibility and
damage to animals, crops, vegetation, and buildings.
The EPA has set National Ambient Air Quality Standards for six principal pollutants, which
are called "criteria" air pollutants. They are particle pollution (often referred to as particulate
matter), ground-level ozone, carbon monoxide, sulfur oxides, nitrogen oxides, and lead. Of
the six pollutants, particle pollution and ground-level ozone are the most widespread health
threats. Periodically, the standards are reviewed and may be revised.
Particle Pollution
Particle pollution, also known as particulate matter (PM), includes the very fine dust, soot,
smoke, and droplets that are formed from chemical reactions, and produced when fuels such
as coal, wood, or oil are burned. For example, sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide gases from
motor vehicles, electric power generation, and industrial facilities react with sunlight and
water vapor to form particles. Particles may also come from fireplaces, wood stoves,
unpaved roads, crushing and grinding operations, and may be blown into the air by the wind.
Particulate matter regulations adopted over the years have gradually shifted from regulating
the coarse particles that comprised total suspended particulate matter (TSP) to regulating
Due to increasing concerns about the possible health and welfare effects of ambient
particulate matter, U. S. regulatory agencies in the late 1960s began to measure the ambient
concentrations of total suspended particulate matter (TSP) using High-Volume (Hi-Vol)
ambient samplers that provided a single concentration value for a 24-hour sampling period.
Particulate matter that was sufficiently small to remain suspended in the atmosphere and
captured in the sampling systems of the Hi-Vol samplers was defined as TSP. Particles
smaller than approximately 45 micrometers (45m) - approximately the diameter of a human
hair - are considered to be TSP.
The U.S. EPA defines PM10 as particulate matter with a diameter of 10 micrometers
collected with 50% efficiency by a sampling collection device. However, for convenience
purposes, PM10 is considered to include particles having an aerodynamic diameter of less
than or equal to 10 micrometers. PM2.5 will include particles having an aerodynamic diameter
of 2.5 micrometers or less.
The term aerodynamic diameter is useful for all particles including the fibers and particle
clusters. The aerodynamic diameter provides a simple means of categorizing the sizes of
particles with a single dimension and in a way that relates to how particles move in a fluid.
In 1987, the U.S. EPA revised the NAAQS for particulate matter to include only particles
equal to or smaller than 10 micrometers (m). This change was made to focus regulatory
attention on those particles that are sufficiently small to penetrate into the respiratory system
and, therefore, contribute to adverse health effects. Particles larger than 10 m are
effectively filtered out by the nose and upper respiratory tract. Therefore, only particles equal
to or smaller than 10 m were measured in evaluating ambient air quality levels with respect
to the NAAQS. These particulate matters are collectively designated as PM10 to differentiate
them from TSP.
In 1997, the U.S. EPA added a new NAAQS applicable to particulate matter equal to or less
than 2.5 m and termed PM2.5. The U.S. EPA concluded that the PM2.5 NAAQS were
needed in response to health effects research indicating that particulate matter in this size
category was most closely associated with adverse health effects.
Health effects attributed to PM2.5 are believed to result from both their small size and their
composition. Small size increases the probability that the particles will penetrate deeply into
the respiratory tract and be retained. There are also data indicating that materials present in
PM2.5 particles are considerably more toxic than those present in the larger particles.
Particulate matter can be divided into the following two categories: primary particulate matter
and secondary particulate matter.
Primary particulate matter is material emitted directly in to the atmosphere. These emissions
have been the focus of all particulate matter control programs prior to 1997. Primary
With the promulgation of the PM2.5 standard aimed at fine and ultrafine particles, there is
increasing attention concerning secondary particulate matter. This is particulate matter that
forms in the atmosphere due to reactions of gaseous precursors. Secondary formation
processes can result in the formation of new particles or the addition of particulate material
to pre-existing particles. The gases most commonly associated with secondary particulate
matter formation include sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, ammonia, and volatile organic
compounds. Most of these gaseous precursors are emitted from anthropogenic sources;
however, biogenic sources also contribute some nitrogen oxides, ammonia, and volatile
organic compounds.
Current U. S. Standards
The current U. S. National Ambient Air Quality Standards are as per the following table.
Units of measure for the standards are parts per million (ppm) by volume, parts per billion
(ppb) by volume, and micrograms per cubic meter of air (g/m3).
In areas designated nonattainment for the Pb standards prior to the promulgation of the
current (2008) standards, and for which implementation plans to attain or maintain the
current (2008) standards have not been submitted and approved, the previous standards
(1.5 g/m3 as a calendar quarter average) also remain in effect.
The Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) of India has developed National Standards for
Effluents and Emission under the statutory powers of the Water (Prevention and Control of
Pollution) Act, 1974 and the Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1981. These
standards have been approved and notified by the Government of India, Ministry of
Environment & Forests, under Section 25 of the Environmental (Protection) Act, 1986. Till
now, Effluent standards for 37 categories of industries and Emission Standards for 31
categories of industries have been evolved and notified besides standards for ambient air
quality, ambient noise, automobile and fuels quality specifications for petrol and diesel.
Guidelines have also been developed separately for hospital waste management.
However, depending upon the requirement of local situation, such as protected area, the
State Pollution Control Boards and other implementing agencies under the Environment
(Protection) Act, 1986, may prescribe a limit of 150 mg/Nm3, irrespective of generation
capacity of the plant.
The temperature at which combustion gases are saturated with sulfuric acid.
Aerodynamic Diameter
It is the diameter of a sphere of density 1000 kg/m3 with the same settling velocity as the
particle of interest. Thus the aerodynamic diameter standardizes for: Shape (sphere) and
Density (the density of a water droplet) of a particle.
Anti-sneakage Baffles
Internal baffle elements within the precipitator to prevent the gas flow from passing through
the precipitator without being influenced by the active field.
A discharge of substantial magnitude from the high voltage system to the grounded system,
of relatively long duration and not tending to be immediately self-extinguishing.
Back Corona
A condition which results from the electrical breakdown of a very high resistivity dust layer on
the collecting plates at very low current densities. Also referred to as reverse ionization, this
condition is extremely detrimental to precipitator performance.
Collection Efficiency
The weight of dust collected per unit time divided by the weight of dust entering the
precipitator during the same unit time, expressed in percentage.
A gaseous discharge found near an ESP discharge electrode resulting in a faint glow caused
by ionization of gas molecules due to the electric field.
Corona Power
Current Density
The weight of dust or mist contained in a unit of gas (the temperature and pressure of the
gas must be specified if given as volume).
Effective Length
Effective Height
Effective Width
Total number of gas passages multiplied by the center to center spacing of the collecting
Fly Ash
Particulate matter entrained in the flue gas leaving a fossil-fuel-fired boiler. It consists of both
ash and combustible material.
Gas Velocity
A figure obtained by dividing the volume rate of flow through the precipitator by the effective
cross sectional area of the precipitator.
Internal elements in the duct to produce the desired downstream velocity contour; example:
adjustable baffles or perforated plate.
Gas Passage
Gas Sneakage
Bypassing of dust-laden gas around ESP electrified regions, such as through hoppers and
above the collecting plates.
A dust weight unit commonly used in air pollution control. Equal to one seven thousandth of
a pound. One grain = 1/7000 lb.
Percent reduction of light intensity. Opacity = (I0 I) 100/I0. Where, I = the intensity of light
reaching the observer and I0 = the original intensity of the light.
Particle Resistivity
Particle Size
Particulate Matter
A weatherproof gas-tight enclosure over the precipitator to contain the high voltage
Precipitator Current
The rectified or unidirectional average current to the precipitator bus section under
consideration measured by a milliammeter in the ground return leg of the rectifier.
Precipitator Voltage
The average DC voltage between the high voltage system (bus section under consideration)
and grounded side of the precipitator.
Reintroduction of fly ash into the gas stream after it has been collected.
A device for physically grounding the high voltage system prior to personnel entering the
precipitator. (The most common type consists of a conductor, one end of which is grounded
to the casing, the other end attached to the high voltage system by an insulated operating
The irritating haze resulting from the suns effect on certain pollutants in the air, notably
those from automobile exhaust. Also a mixture of smoke and fog.
Carbon or soot particles, less than 0.1 micrometers in size which result from the incomplete
combustion of carbonaceous materials such as coal, oil, tar and tobacco.
A discharge from the high voltage system to the grounded system, self-extinguishing and of
short duration.
The quotient of the total collecting plate area divides by the total gas volume handled by the
precipitator multiplied by 1000. Units are expressed as ft2/1000 acfm.
The quotient of the total corona power of all precipitator bus sections divided by the total gas
volume handled by the precipitator, multiplied by 1000. Units are expressed as watts/1000
Treatment Time
Weather Enclosure
A non-gas tight enclosure on the roof of the precipitator to shelter equipment and/or
maintenance personnel.
Fisher-Klosterman, Inc.
PO Box 11190
Louisville, KY 40251-0190, USA
Telephone: (502) 776 1505
Tour Credit Lyonnais
Lyon Cedex 03, F-69431, France
Telephone: +33 478 63 70 90
Lentjes Bischoff
Bonsiepen 13
Essen, D-45136, Germany
Telephone: +49 201 8112 270
A Manual for the Use of Electrostatic Precipitators to Collect Fly Ash Particles (EPA-600/8-
80-025, May 1980) by Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), United States.
Control of Particulate Matter Emissions, Student Manual, APTI Course 413, Third Edition, by
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), United States.
The Plain English Guide to the Clean Air Act by Environmental Protection Agency (EPA),
United States.
National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) Table by Environmental Protection Agency
(EPA), United States.
Environmental Standards for Ambient Air, Automobiles, Fuels, Industries and Noise
(Pollution Control Law Series: PCLS/4/ 2000 2001) by Central Pollution Control Board
(Ministry of Environment & Forests, Government of India), Parivesh Bhawan, East Arjun
Nagar Delhi 110032.
Electrostatic Precipitator Reference Manual (CS-2809, Final Report Under Research Project
1402-4), Prepared for Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI), 3412 Hillview Avenue, Palo
Alto, California 94304
Quality Electrostatic Precipitator Technology, Parts and Service by Babcock & Wilcox, 20
South Van Buren Avenue, Barberton, Ohio, U.S.A. 44203, website: