Solvent retention capacity (SRC) technology, its history, principles, aqueous lactic acid, dilute aqueous sodium carbonate, and concentrated
and applications are reviewed. Originally, SRC testing was created and aqueous sucrose solutions), rather than any single individual SRC value,
developed for evaluating soft wheat flour functionality, but it has also has been shown to be critical to various successful end-use applications.
been shown to be applicable to evaluating flour functionality for hard Moreover, a new predictive SRC parameter, the gluten performance index
wheat products. SRC is a solvation test for flours that is based on the (GPI), defined as GPI = lactic acid/(sodium carbonate + sucrose) SRC
exaggerated swelling behavior of component polymer networks in se- values, has been found to be an even better predictor of the overall per-
lected individual diagnostic solvents. SRC provides a measure of solvent formance of flour glutenin in the environment of other modulating
compatibility for the three functional polymeric components of flour networks of flour polymers. SRC technology is a unique diagnostic tool
gluten, damaged starch, and pentosanswhich in turn enables prediction for predicting flour functionality, and its applications in soft wheat breed-
of the functional contribution of each of these flour components to overall ing, milling, and baking are increasing markedly as a consequence of
flour functionality and resulting finished-product quality. The pattern of many successful, recently published demonstrations of its extraordinary
flour SRC values for the four diagnostic SRC solvents (water, dilute power and scope.
Wheat flour is a major ingredient of baked goods, and flour quality, whereas cookie- and cake-baking tests, as well as a new
quality contributes predominantly to final product quality. Flour benchtop cracker-baking method (Kweon et al 2011a, 2011b), are
quality can be considered as a combination of performance and used to assess soft wheat flour quality.
conformance (also known as consistency), which is impacted by Plasticization of flour polymers is critical to dough mixing and
the four major factors of genetics, agronomics, milling, and bak- baking for biscuit products (Levine and Slade 1990). Slade and
ing (Kweon et al in press) Evaluating flour quality is an essential Levine (1994) examined the kinetics of dough development for
task for breeders, millers, and bakers in selecting good-quality soft wheat flour doughs through mixography with various concen-
wheat cultivars with optimized performance with respect to culti- trations of aqueous sucrose (Suc) solutions to explore the behav-
vation, milling, and baking. ior of concentrated aqueous sugar solutions, which mimic the
For analyzing the relationship between flour quality and baked liquid environment in the doughs of most cookies and high-sugar
product quality, dough rheology methods (e.g., farinography, crackers (Kweon et al in press), as plasticizers of flour polymers
mixography, extensography, and alveography) and baking tests compared with water alone. The observed increase in dough devel-
(bread, cookies, and cakes) have widely and traditionally been opment time with increasing sugar solution concentration, com-
used. Empirical rheological measurements are commonly used for pared with that for water alone, reflected the decreased mobility
evaluating the gluten quality and overall baking functionality of a of the dough system rather than a decreased amount of water
given flour. Farinography and mixography are used most often for available to hydrate the flour. In fact, solvation of gluten by aque-
hard wheat bread flours, whereas alveography is the method of ous sugar solutions is thermodynamically more favorable than
choice for soft wheat biscuit flours (Faridi and Rasper 1987; hydration of gluten by water alone, but the kinetics of gluten de-
Levine and Slade 2004). Among dough rheology methods, farino- velopment are retarded by increasing concentrations of a single
graphy and mixography are typically used to obtain information sugar or different types of sugars at the same concentration.
on a flours water-absorption behavior and on the mixing time of Mixograph kinetics as a function of sugar type and concentration
a dough, as related to gluten development (Finney and Shogren relate to polymer-network formation and functionality near room
1972; Shuey 1984; Shogren 1990). In these two methods, differ- temperature. Slade and Levine (1994) reported that it is necessary
ent levels of water are added to achieve constant dough consis- to distinguish the contributions of network formation and swelling
tency. In contrast, in extensography and conventional alveogra- by flour polymers near room temperature during dough mixing
phy, a constant amount of water is added, regardless of the actual and lay (resting) time, on the one hand, and at elevated tempera-
water absorption of a given flour, to obtain information on the tures during baking, on the other hand, to interpret the mechanism
flours dough-forming properties and gluten strength (Rasper et al of baking performance for soft wheat flour products. One should
1985; Faridi and Rasper 1987; Bloksma and Bushuk 1988). not confuse such rheological kinetic behavior, as observed in
Bread-baking tests are typically used to assess hard wheat flour mixography, Rapid Visco analysis (RVA), and farinography, or the
kinetic behavior observed in differential scanning calorimetry
1 U.S.
(DSC) with limited solvent and elevated temperature, with an
Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, Soft Wheat Qual-
ity Laboratory, Wooster, OH 44691.
energetic effect, as in the excess-solvent situation for the solvent
2 Current address: Campbell Soup Company/Pepperidge Farm, Camden, NJ 08103. retention capacity (SRC) method (with no shear and no heat)
3 Food Polymer Science Consultancy, Morris Plains, NJ 07950. (Kweon et al in press).
4 Corresponding author. E-mail: [email protected]
Even though empirical rheological and baking tests are so
widely used, they all measure, in one way or another, only the
http://dx.doi.org/10.1094 / CCHEM-07-11-0092
This article is in the public domain and not copyrightable. It may be freely re- combined, cumulative contributions of the major flour functional
printed with customary crediting of the source. AACC International, Inc., 2011. components, which include damaged starch, gluten proteins, and
Fig. 2. The alveograph profile from Figure 1, annotated with much additional underlying information available from such an alveogram (Kweon et al in
press). P = pressure; W = work; L = length; F= force; SA = surface area; and SRC = solvent retention capacity.
Hypothetical Flour Specification Data Illustrating How Traditional Alveography Alone Can Cause Confusion
for Running a Flour-Milling Process and for Satisfying Customersa
% of Pioneer Water Lactic Acid P from Na2CO3 P from Sucrose P from Water-
25R26 in Flourb Pmax SRC SRC Gluten SRC Damaged Starch SRC Soluble Pentosans
10 36 53 80 9 70 12 98 15
15 36 53 85 12 70 12 93 12
20 36 53 90 15 65 9 93 12
25 36 53 95 18 65 9 88 9
a Adapted from Kweon et al (in press). The P provided by gluten gives the dough strength, whereas the P provided by the damaged starch and water-soluble
pentosans contributes to resistance of the dough to expansion. SRC = solvent retention capacity.
b The remainder of the flour is a generic Ohio soft red winter wheat.
Typical Solvent Retention Capacity (SRC) Results for Some Standard Reference Flour Typesa
Flour Water (%) Lactic Acid (%) Na2CO3 (%) Sucrose (%) Overall Flour Quality
Gold Standard Targets
Cookie and cracker 51 87 64 89
Sponge-and-dough products 57 100 72 96
Reference Flour Examples
Ohio SRW:Kansas HRW (80:20) 51 87 64 89 Excellent eastern cookie and cracker
PNW SW and PNW HRW blend 55 83 77 108 Poor West Coast cookie and cracker
Ohio SRW:Kansas HRW (<80:>20) 57 100 72 96 Excellent eastern sponge and dough
Eastern SRW, pH 6.3 53 92 71 92 Wafers
Chlorinated SRW 51 67 70 100 Snack cakes, brownies, and soft and moist cookies
Ohio SRW with 1B/1R 54 68 70 93 Ohio SRW with rye-gene translocation
North Dakota patent durum 54 91 93 109 Crunchy snacks
Canada HRS 73 148 91 115 Blending flour for increased bread loaf volume
Ontario SWW 48 85 64 93 Problematic for shortbread production
Ontario SWW 48 81 62 86 Excellent for shortbread production
Ohio SRW:Kansas HRW (80:20) 52 79 68 94 Poor for cookies and crackers; milling extraction too high
Chlorinated SRW, pH 4.6b 53 73 65 86 Excellent for high-ratio cakes
Chlorinated SRW, pH 5.1c 55 76 73 109 Excellent for pancakes
a SRW = soft red winter; HRW = hard red winter; HRS = hard red spring; SW = soft white; SWW = soft white winter; and PNW = Pacific Northwest.
b Extensively chlorinated to decrease lactic acid SRC.
c Slightly chlorinated to increase sucrose SRC.
Fig. 5. Illustration of the predictive relationship between flour functionality (= the pattern of solvent retention capacity [SRC] values) and baking per-
formance (= the pattern of formula, process, and product) (Kweon et al in press).