Agudelo P.A. 2004 - Analysis of Spatial Distribution in Tropospheric Temperature Trends

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1029/2004GL020818, 2004

Analysis of spatial distribution in tropospheric temperature trends

Paula A. Agudelo and Judith A. Curry
School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia, USA
Received 23 June 2004; revised 1 October 2004; accepted 26 October 2004; published 24 November 2004.

[1] Regional patterns in tropospheric and sea surface trends determined using the global radiosonde network
temperature (SST) trends are examined for the period (predominantly over Northern Hemisphere land locations)
1979 2001 using MSU, NCEP-NCAR, ECMWF is sufficient to infer global atmospheric temperature trends.
reanalyses, NOAA OI SST, and the CARDS radiosonde [4] Satellites can provide global analyses of atmospheric
data set. Trends are estimated using a nonparametric temperature trends. Data from the Microwave Sounding
approach. Substantial regional variability in temperature Unit (MSU), available since 1979, have been used in
trends is seen in all data sets, with the magnitude of the several temperature trend analyses [Christy et al., 2003;
variability (including substantial regions with cooling Mears et al., 2003]. Challenges to determining trends from
trends) far exceeding the average warming trend. The satellite include calibration drift, temporal drift, and inter-
global analyses from MSU and reanalyses are used to calibration among different satellites. These uncertainties,
identify sampling problems in using radiosonde network to notably the manner in which NOAA-9 is calibrated, have
infer global trends. Analysis of tropospheric temperature resulted in different analyses of atmospheric temperature
trends concurrent with trends in SST shows regions where trends from the MSU data.
the signs disagree for both surface cooling and warming. [5] While most studies have focused on the analysis of
Interpretation of these differing trends using the reanalyses average global or hemispheric trends in atmospheric tem-
suggest that the models used for the reanalyses are perature, the goal of this paper is to analyze the spatial
simulating the necessary dynamics/thermodynamics that distribution of recent trends in tropospheric and sea surface
could lead to a tropospheric cooling in contrast to a temperatures. To address this issue, we use diverse data sets
surface warming (and vice versa). INDEX TERMS: 1610 and examine the most prominent regional features. No
Global Change: Atmosphere (0315, 0325); 1635 Global Change: attempt here is made to establish definitive magnitudes in
Oceans (4203); 1640 Global Change: Remote sensing. the trends; rather we focus on the regional variations in the
Citation: Agudelo, P. A., and J. A. Curry (2004), Analysis of trends and their consistency among the data sets. We argue
spatial distribution in tropospheric temperature trends, Geophys. that the use of average global trends can be misleading both
Res. Lett., 31, L22207, doi:10.1029/2004GL020818. in documenting and understanding the temperature trends,
since the observed trends are not spatially homogeneous,
with both warming and cooling trends apparent. Further,
1. Introduction because of regional variability in the trends, inference of
[2] Documenting trends in atmospheric temperature is a global trend from the radiosonde network can be misleading
key to understanding climate change and evaluating model owing to sampling issues.
simulations of this change [e.g., Houghton et al., 2001].
Considerable efforts have been made to determine atmo-
spheric temperature trends from radiosonde observations and 2. Data and Methodology
also from satellites. Different analyses have produced diverse [6] Data sets used in this analysis include both satellite-
results, including apparent inconsistencies of tropospheric based, and numerical weather prediction reanalysis products
temperature trends with trends in surface temperature. for the period 1979 2001. Additional global analyses are
[3] Since the original analysis of atmospheric tempera- obtained from surface and radiosonde measurements. These
ture trends by Angell [1988], numerous analyses have data sets are described briefly:
focused on obtaining homogeneous data sets, free of grad- [7] . Version 5.1 of the University of Alabama in Hunts-
ual and sudden artificial changes resulting from observation ville (UAH) MSU retrieval data set [Christy et al., 2003] for
procedures [e.g., Lanzante et al., 2003a; Christy et al., 2.5-degree monthly temperatures of the low-middle tropo-
2003]. Another source of uncertainty is the different statis- sphere (TLT).
tical methods used to estimate trends [e.g., Santer et al., [8] . NOAA Optimum Interpolation (OI) Sea Surface
2000]. A general conclusion has been that the estimation of Temperature (SST) [Reynolds and Smith, 1994]. This data
global average trends from radiosonde data is robust in sign set consists in one-degree monthly fields from 12/1981 to
against uncertainties due to different data sets and statistical present.
methods used. In particular, Lanzante et al. [2003b] con- [9] . Global sea-Ice and SST (GISST Version 2.3b) that
clude that artificial discontinuities in radiosonde data are not updates GISST 2.2 described by Rayner et al. [1996].
large enough to alter the average global atmospheric ten- GISST provides one-degree monthly SST for 1871 to
dencies. An implicit assumption in most analyses is that February 2003. HadCRUT2 is a combined land and marine
temperature anomalies on a 5-degree grid [Rayner et al.,
Copyright 2004 by the American Geophysical Union. [10] . Tropospheric temperatures from two reanalyses,
0094-8276/04/2004GL020818$05.00 National Center for Environmental Prediction - National

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address concerns about the statistical method used to

determine trends we compared B with the slope estimated
by linear regression using least squares and a least absolute
deviation, and found that the results were not sensitive to
the statistical method used.

3. Results
[15] Figure 1 shows the spatial distribution of tempera-
ture trends in C/Decade estimated using B for the UAH
MSU TLT data. The area within the green line corresponds
Figure 1. Spatial distribution of B (C/Decade) for MSU to a region where randomness is rejected at 95% signifi-
TLT. The green line represents the 95% statistical cance level. Significance is estimated using the seasonal
significance for randomness rejection based on Z. B is Kendall statistic (Z). Negative values of Z indicate the
estimated for the period 1979 2001. existence of negative (cooling) trends and positive Z repre-
sent positive (warming) trends.
[16] The UAH MSU data show that generalized warming
Center for Atmospheric Research (NCEP-NCAR) described of the lower-middle troposphere is not present. In fact, some
in Kalnay et al. [1996] and European Centre for Medium- regions show very consistent cooling trends, primarily over
Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) ERA-40 [Simmons the ocean. Among these regions, the equatorial Pacific
and Gibson, 2000]. Ocean, equatorial Africa and the southern extra-tropical
[11] . Global temperature anomalies based on 87 homog- ocean show a statistically significant cooling trend. Other
enized radiosonde stations part of the Comprehensive Aero- equatorial regions over South America, Atlantic Ocean and
logical Reference Data Set (CARDS) [Lanzante et al., most part of Indian Ocean reveal essentially no temperature
2003a; Siedel et al., 2004]. The spatial distribution of tendency. Areas with predominant warming trends are espe-
155 CARDS stations part of GUAN is also used. cially evident in the Northern Hemisphere above 30N.
[12] Reanalyses are included here as additional sources of Northeast Canada, Greenland, Europe and Northeast Asia
information on regional variability in atmospheric temper- present particularly large warming above 0.4 C/Decade. An
ature trends. While the utility of the reanalyses have not oceanic belt around 35S from 75E to 100W also has a
been entirely established for determining the magnitude of positive trend.
the temperature trends, the regional variability of the trends [17] Figure 2 shows the regional variability in trends for
is considered here to supplement the MSU analysis. Trend the reanalyses in layer 850 300 mb. Distribution of tem-
precision issues have been addressed by Bengtsson et al. perature trends is comparable among both reanalyses and
[2004] and Christy and Norris [2004]. the MSU TLT data set. However, while the tropical cooling
[13] To compute temperature trends, monthly anomalies is present in both reanalysis, the structure in the extratrop-
were generated as deviations from the mean monthly values ical Southern hemisphere is different, with ECMWF trends
over the data period for each data set. MSU and HadCRUT2 showing warming south of 50S. Both reanalyses show
data are available as monthly anomalies. Global, regional Northern hemisphere warming, with the ECMWF distribu-
and collocated trends were determined by calculating the tion closer in magnitude to the MSU TLT. Since NCEP-
monthly mean temperature anomalies of the region before NCAR trends are tied directly to radiosondes through a
estimating the trend. weekly retrieval update and ERA-40 trends are influenced
[14] Testing for trends was conducted using the nonpara- by both satellite radiances and radiosondes, the reanalyses
metric Mann Kendall test, and the Seasonal Kendall test, are essentially independent of each other, and from the
described by Hirsch et al. [1982]. An advantage of this test UAH MSU for long-term trends.
is that no assumption of a specific distribution of the [18] While comparison of the different satellite analyses
anomalies is necessary. These rank-based procedures are and NWP reanlyses generally support the UAH MSU TLT
suitable to detect monotonic trends, not necessarily linear, analysis in terms of regional variations, some researchers
during some interval of time. Trends are quantified as a regard the surface radiosonde network as the gold stan-
slope using the seasonal Kendall slope estimator B [Hirsch dard for atmospheric temperature data and trends. Here we
et al., 1982], which is robust against extreme values. To examine the impact of sampling deficiencies in estimates of

Figure 2. Same as Figure 1 for a) NCEP-NCAR and b) ECMWF (ERA-40) reanalyses in the 850 300 mb layer.

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Table 1. Seasonal Kendall Slope Estimator B for Global Monthly between 87 locations and global estimates is the lack
Temperature Anomalies in the Lower Troposphere and the of values over the ocean in the sounding data set.
Collocated Global Anomalies 1979 2001 [20] To further explore the differences in the trend anal-
Data Set 87 Locations 155 Locations Global yses over the oceans, we examine variations SST. Several
MSU TLT (Christy) 0.121a 0.089a 0.053a
authors have pointed out not only that there is low correla-
NCEP-NCAR (850 300) 0.049a 0.035a 0.043a tion of anomalies between the surface and the tropospheric
ECMWF (850 300) 0.097a 0.070a 0.119 temperature in tropical oceanic regions but also that global
Lanzante (850 300)b 0.044a - - tropical SST and atmospheric temperatures have shown
Values are significantly different from zero at the 95% confidence level. different trends [e.g., Hurrell and Trenberth, 1996; Christy
1979 1997. et al., 2001]. Here we compare the main features observed in
the SST and tropospheric temperature trends. In order to
the global tropospheric temperature trend using radiosonde estimate SST trends for the same period as the tropospheric
data. To address this issue, in Table 1 we collocated the trends (1979 2001), we combined NOAA OI-SST with
MSU analysis and reanalysis grid with each of 87/155 GISST in the same manner as both Reanalysis projects,
CARDS stations. We then calculated a global tempera- using GISST from 1979 to 1981 and NOAA OI-SST
ture trend for the satellite and reanalysis data sets. We onwards. Since this merge could generate artificial trends,
further compare these trends using the CARDS locations we compared the trends without the 3-GISST years and the
with the true global trends derived from the satellite and differences are not significant. Surface temperature trends
reanalyses. A global estimate using 87 homogenized are also estimated using HadCRUT2.
CARDS stations from 1979 1997 is also included. [21] Figure 3 shows the global distribution of
[19] In Table 1, the column 87 locations reflects the B(C/Decade) for the combined SST. As in the case of
fundamental differences among the data sets in terms of the tropospheric temperatures, it is apparent from Figure 3 that
various methods used to determine lower tropospheric there is no generalized warming trend in the SST. Similar
temperatures. The four different trend analyses differ by a results were obtained using HadCRUT2. The regional var-
factor of 3 (about 0.08 C/decade), with the reanalyses iability of the SST trends shows qualitatively many of the
values intermediate to the MSU (warmest) and radiosonde same features shown in the MSU atmospheric trends. Here
(coolest). The absolute difference between those values we compare quantitatively the trends in SST with the trends
would change if trends were estimated using latitude bands in atmospheric temperature trends for specific regions.
as suggested by Angell [1988]. Since the band selection is [22] For the tropical oceans, Christy et al. [2001] found a
not standard, we calculated global collocated trends for negative tendency for the tropospheric temperatures (MSU
MSU considering Angell [1998] and Lanzante et al. TLT) and a positive one for the SSTs. Table 2 compares the
[2003a], obtaining 0.081 and 0.105 C/decade respectively. trends in SST and the lower troposphere for the global
While different selection of latitude bands results in differ- tropics (between 10N and 10S) and for the tropical eastern
ent trends values, the difference between radiosonde and versus western Pacific Ocean and Indian Ocean. Although
MSU estimates is still significant. If the global radio- for the whole tropics the estimated SST trends are positive,
sonde trend (0.044) is compared with the true global MSU there is a zonal gradient in the SST trends (Figure 3). This is
trend (0.053), this apparent agreement in the radiosonde and manifested by an overall surface cooling in the eastern
MSU global trends masks substantial differences in the two tropical Pacific and warming in the western tropical Pacific
data sets when MSU is actually co-located with the radi- and Indian Ocean. The atmospheric cooling trend is con-
sondes. Comparison of the columns 87 locations and sistent with the cooling trend in SST over the Eastern
155 locations indicates a consistent 25 30% uncertainty Pacific, but opposite in sign over the Western Pacific Ocean
in the trend associated with sampling of the existing and Indian Ocean. We note that the atmospheric temperature
radiosonde stations to infer a global trend. Of particular trends over the Western Pacific Ocean and Indian Ocean
interest is the range among MSU, NCEP-NCAR, and from MSU and NCEP-NCAR are substantially smaller than
ECMWF of the difference in trends between 87 locations the cooling trend in ECMWF, and are not statistically
and global, ranging from a decrease of 71% for MSU, to different from zero.
little change for NCEP-NCAR, to an increase of 18% for [23] Table 3 compares the SST and the tropospheric trends
ECMWF. The dominant component of the differences for five different regions in the global ocean. In the tropical
eastern Pacific, a cooling tendency is seen for both the
surface and the atmospheric temperatures. A high correlation

Table 2. Seasonal Kendall Slope Estimator B for the Tropics

(10S 10N, 0 360) and Two Non-Overlapping Tropical Regions
(Tropics 1: 10S 10N, 170 280 and Tropics 2: 10S 10N,
290 160) From 1979 to 2001
Data Set Tropics Tropics 1 Tropics 2
MSU TLT (Christy) 0.068a 0.118a 0.047
NCEP-NCAR (850 300) 0.080a 0.145a 0.033
ECMWF (850 300) 0.155a 0.166a 0.137a
SST 0.037a 0.114a 0.134a
Figure 3. Same as Figure 1 for extended NOAA OI-SST HadCRUT 0.100a 0.045 0.185a
using GISST. Values are significantly different than zero at the 95% confidence level.

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Table 3. Seasonal Kendall Slope Estimator B for the Period ocean, ignoring the ocean/land zonal gradients in tempera-
1979 2001 for Region A: 15S 15N, 200 270; Region B: ture trends. A fortuitous (and potentially misleading) agree-
10S 10N, 50 110; Region C: 45N 60N, 190 220; Region D: ment between the global estimate using the homogenized
65S 35S, 320 10; and Region E: 30N 50N, 300 340 radiosonde data set (87 locations) with the global MSU
Data Set A B C D E value masks a factor of 3 difference in the collocated
MSU TLT (Christy) 0.144a 0.047 0.046 0.073 0.272a
temperature trends.
NCEP-NCAR (850 300) 0.173a 0.031 0.030 0.038 0.185a [27] Recent observations of SST and tropospheric tem-
ECMWF (850 300) 0.183a 0.091a 0.052 0.159a 0.174a perature showing opposite trends are clarified regionally,
SST 0.078a 0.126a 0.115a 0.111a 0.371a including documentation of a strong gradient in SST trends
HadCRUT2 0.034 0.157a 0.045 0.218a 0.398a in the tropical Pacific Ocean, with surface cooling in the
Values are significantly different from zero at the 95% confidence level. east and warming in the west. Analysis of the reanalysis
products lends credibility to the differences in signs of
of the surface and atmospheric temperature anomalies in this trends between the sea surface and tropospheric temperature
region was noted by Hurrell and Trenberth [1996]. Over the trends whereby it appears that models used for reanalysis
equatorial Indian Ocean (Region B) trends in SST are are simulating the necessary dynamics/thermodynamics that
positive, differing in sign from the negative tropospheric could lead to a tropospheric cooling in the presence of a
temperature trends. A region including the Gulf of Alaska surface warming (and vice versa).
(Region C) shows the atmosphere with slightly positive [28] While improved estimates of magnitudes of global
trends and a strong cooling trend over the ocean. Region atmospheric warming trends awaits improved analysis of
D, in the Southern Ocean, shows cooling in the SST, MSU the satellite data sets, we have demonstrated that the
and NCEP-NCAR, while ECMWF shows strong warming. regional variability of the trends observed by satellite is
This non-conclusive evidence could be related to the fact qualitatively consistent with the reanalyses. While the utility
that quality of SST records in the Southern Ocean is of the reanalysis products has not been established for
questionable. Over the north Atlantic (Region E) both documenting global tropospheric temperature trends, this
atmospheric and oceanic trends are significantly positive. study has demonstrated their utility in documenting and
[24] Such troposphere-ocean surface differences might be clarify regional variability in temperature trends. Such
explained if thermal trends are considered together with regional analysis is necessary to understand the differences
regional dynamical/thermodynamical features and possible among different data sets, which is important for improved
trends in the circulation, particularly in the Indian Ocean estimates of global trends as well as regional trends, the
and the western tropical Pacific. The fact that NCEP-NCAR latter which may eventually be more useful for applications
and ERA-40 reanalyses, that use the same SST data sets and policy making.
used in Figure 3, are able to capture differing trends
between the ocean and the atmosphere implies that models
[29] Acknowledgments. NCEP Reanalysis data and NOAA Opti-
used for reanalysis are simulating the necessary dynamics/ mum Interpolation (OI) SST V2 data provided by the NOAA-CIRES
thermodynamics that could lead to a tropospheric cooling in Climate Diagnostics Center, Boulder, Colorado, USA (
contrast to a surface warming. UAH MSU data set was obtain from, ECMWF
ERA- 40 data from the ECMWF data server at, and
HadCRUT2 data from Thanks to
4. Conclusions C. Hoyos, D. Seidel, W. Rossow, and J. Bates for informative discussions.

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