Effect of Using Different Types of Nano Materials On Mechanical Properties of High Strength Concrete
Effect of Using Different Types of Nano Materials On Mechanical Properties of High Strength Concrete
Effect of Using Different Types of Nano Materials On Mechanical Properties of High Strength Concrete
h i g h l i g h t s
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: This study evaluates the effect of addition of nano silica, Cu0.5Zn0.5Fe2O4 (Cu-Zn ferrite) and NiFe2O4 (Ni
Received 15 May 2014 ferrite) on the compressive strength, splitting tensile strength, exural strength and modulus of elasticity
Received in revised form 3 November 2014 of concrete. Nano-silica (NS), Cu-Zn ferrite and Ni ferrite, was added in ve percentages (1%, 2%, 3%, 4%
Accepted 27 December 2014
and 5%) of weight of cementitious materials (cement and SF). We use two types of coarse aggregate (dolo-
mite and granite) and the study of the effect on the mechanical properties of concrete containing nano-
materials. Results indicated that the optimum dose of nano-silica was 3% by weight and the optimum
dose of Ni ferrite and Cu-Zn ferrite was 2% by weight. The samples of concrete-containing nano-silica
Nano silica
Cu-Zn ferrite
gave better results from samples of concrete-containing nano ferrite and the approximate rate of about
Ni ferrite 10%. Also, the samples of concrete containing granite gave better results than similar-containing dolomite
Silica fume and the approximate rate of about 10%.
High strength concrete 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Compressive strength
Splitting tensile strength
Flexural strength
1. Introduction than 200-nm. During the last ten years, not only the nano-products
were utilized to improve the quality and durability of products, but
During the period of the second half of the previous century, the also new approaches were developed to handle traditional prob-
terms nano-science and nono-technology were not yet famil- lems. Concrete is one of the most common and widely used con-
iarly used as today. However, they were really practiced and suc- struction materials. Its properties have been well studied at
cessfully applied to the progress in the eld of material science macro or structural level without fully understanding the proper-
and technology. ties of the cementitious materials at the micro level. The better
Nanotechnology is based on synthesizing nano-particles with understanding of the structure and behavior of concrete at
specied characteristics to be used in different applications related micro/nano-scale could help to improve concrete properties [1].
to the industry, medicine, agriculture, etc. A nano-particle is a Most of the published studies on the use of nano-particles in
microscopic particle whose size is measured in nano-meters cement and concrete have utilized nano-oxides, especially SiO2
(nm). It is dened as a particle with at least one dimension less and Fe2O3 [26]. Safan et al. studied the compressive strength of
Portland cement pastes and mortars containing Cu-Zn nano-ferrite
Corresponding author. Mobile: +20 1223167385. and found that the optimum dose of nano-ferrite was one percent
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (M. Amin), eng_khaled1984@
of cement by weight and the increase in compressive strength of
hotmail.com (K. Abu el-hassan). cement paste and mortar was increased by an average of 45% [7].
Mobile: +20 1006509579. Zaki and Ragab studied the effect of NS on SCC. They used NS at
0950-0618/ 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
M. Amin, K. Abu el-hassan / Construction and Building Materials 80 (2015) 116124 117
and 365 days. The results showed that 0.5% of NS replaced cemen- Property Limits*
titious materials gave the higher compressive strengths through all Crushed Granite
ages [8]. Abbas carried out an investigation to study the inuence dolomite
of nano-silica addition on properties of conventional and ultra- Specic weight 2.68 2.71
high performance concretes and found that nano-silica (NS) con- Bulk density (t/m3) 1.62 1.65
cretes requires additional amount of water, since each kilogram Void ratio (%) 39.5 39.11
of NS added required 0.4 kg of water to maintain the same work- Water absorption (%) 2.00 0.3 Not more than 2.5%
Crushing value (%) 22.5 18.2 Not more than 25%
ability. Also nano-silica addition resulted in signicant early
Coefcient of abrasion (%) 18.3 18 Not more than 30%
increase in compressive, splitting and exural strengths of con- Coefcient of impact (%) 9.5 13.1 Not more than 30%
crete in case of high cement content and low w/c ratio. Also, the *
The limits are according to Egyptian Standard Specications No. (1109/2002).
addition of 5% nano-silica leads to an increase of 50% in 7-day com-
pressive strength and 40% in 28-day compressive strength when
compared with the same concrete without nano-silica [9]. Ji stud- Table 3
ied the water permeability of concrete containing nano-silica and Physical properties of the sand used.
found that the microstructure of concrete containing nano-silica
Test Siliceous sand
is more uniform and compact, leading to reduction in water per-
Specic weight 2.66
meability [10].
Bulk density (t/m3) 1.86
Fineness modulus 2.65
2. Experimental work Void ratio (%) 36.84
In this work, the well known performance of concrete without nano particles
was compared with that after the addition of nano particles for both fresh and hard-
ened states. The used materials in the current research except nano silica were
Table 4
chosen from the available materials in Egypt.
Physical properties of the silica fume used.
2.1.4. Superplasticizer
A high range water reducer (HRWR) of modied polycarboxylates was used in It is derived directly from the total Performance Control concept. Its particular
the experimental work of the study. This admixture is conforms to ASTM C494 conguration allows its delayed absorption onto the cement particles and disperses
(types F and G). them efciently. As compared with other PCE superplasticizers, it is possible to
Table 1
Physical and mechanical properties of the Portland cement used CEM I 52.5 N.
Table 6 2.2. Concrete mix design with and without nano particles
Technical Data/Typical Properties of the superplasticizer.
High strength concrete HSC has been manufactured with and without nano
Form Aqueous solution of modied polycarboxylates particles in order to compare the well known performance of HSC without nano
Appearance Light Brown particles and with nano ones. So, high strength concrete with a cement content of
Density (20 C) 1.06 kg/liter 500 kg/m3 was manufactured in all concrete mixes as shown in table 8. The water
pH value (20 C) 4.34.7 to cementitious materials ratio was equal 0.20 for all mixes.
A proper dosage of superplasticizer is 20 kg/m3 for all mixes. The composition of
high strength concrete with and without nano particles is shown in table 8.
Nano-silica (NS), Cu-Zn ferrite and Ni ferrite, were added in ve percentages
obtain a high quality concrete mix with accelerated strength development and (1%, 2%, 3%, 4% and 5%) of weight of cementitious materials.
extended workability without delayed setting characteristics. The Technical Data/
Typical Properties of the superplasticizer are shown in Table 6.
Fig. 2. X-ray diffraction pattern of CuZnFe2O4 nanoparticles.
Table 8
Composition of high strength concrete (HSC) with and without nano materials.
Mix Cement (kg) Fine aggregate (kg) Coarse aggregates (kg) Silica fume Viscocrete10 Water Nano particles
(kg) (kg) (kg) (kg)
Type Content Type Content Type Content NS NiF CuZnF
M0 Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) 500 Siliceous 772 Crushed 1158 0 20 100 0 0 0
M1 CEM I 52.5 N 500 sand 701 dolomite 1051 100 20 120 0 0 0
M2 500 701 1051 95 20 120 5 0 0
M3 500 701 1051 90 20 120 10 0 0
M4 500 701 1051 85 20 120 15 0 0
M5 500 701 1051 80 20 120 20 0 0
M6 500 701 1051 75 20 120 25 0 0
M7 500 777 Granite 1166 0 20 100 0 0 0
M8 500 706 1058 100 20 120 0 0 0
M9 500 706 1058 95 20 120 5 0 0
M10 500 706 1058 90 20 120 10 0 0
M12 500 706 1058 85 20 120 15 0 0
M13 500 706 1058 80 20 120 20 0 0
M14 500 706 1058 75 20 120 25 0 0
M15 500 702 Crushed 1053 95 20 120 0 5 0
M16 500 704 dolomite 1056 90 20 120 0 10 0
M17 500 705 1058 85 20 120 0 15 0
M18 500 707 1060 80 20 120 0 20 0
M19 500 708 1062 75 20 120 0 25 0
M20 500 707 Granite 1061 95 20 120 0 5 0
M21 500 709 1063 90 20 120 0 10 0
M22 500 710 1065 85 20 120 0 15 0
M23 500 712 1067 80 20 120 0 20 0
M24 500 713 1069 75 20 120 0 25 0
M25 500 702 Crushed 1053 95 20 120 0 0 5
M26 500 704 dolomite 1056 90 20 120 0 0 10
M27 500 705 1057 85 20 120 0 0 15
M28 500 707 1060 80 20 120 0 0 20
M29 500 708 1062 75 20 120 0 0 25
M30 500 707 Granite 1060 95 20 120 0 0 5
M31 500 709 1063 90 20 120 0 0 10
M32 500 710 1065 85 20 120 0 0 15
M33 500 712 1067 80 20 120 0 0 20
M34 500 713 1070 75 20 120 0 0 25
120 M. Amin, K. Abu el-hassan / Construction and Building Materials 80 (2015) 116124
Table 9
Properties of high strength concrete (HSC) with and without nano materials.
Mix Compressive strength (MPa) Splitting tensile strength (MPa) Flexural strength (MPa) Modulus of Notes
elasticity (GPa)
1 day 7 days 28 days 90 days 28 days 28 days 28 days
M0 38.5 55.3 74.4 82.6 4.1 12.9 33.1 Crushed dolomite + nano-silica
M1 53.5 75.1 94.4 98.2 5.1 15.1 38.2
M2 53.2 88.7 112.7 115.2 8.6 18.1 46.2
M3 53.0 91.9 115.2 120.2 9.1 19.2 50.3
M4 52.4 93.9 119.2 122.5 9.4 19.8 52.4
M5 50.8 86.6 108.1 116 7.6 18.4 45.1
M6 48.6 83.0 103.9 109 6.9 17.3 43.6
M7 41.2 59.0 80.1 88.1 5.3 13.3 33.6 Granite + nano-silica
M8 57.8 83.7 107.3 111 7.5 18.2 46
M9 57.7 95.3 121 125.2 8.3 19.6 51.1
M10 57.0 99.1 125 130 8.7 20.5 53.6
M12 56.3 100 130.2 133.6 8.9 22 56.2
M13 53.9 93.6 117 125 8.1 19.3 50.6
M14 52.5 90.1 112 116 7.7 18.5 48.1
M15 49.3 87.5 112.3 117.5 8.3 18.5 49.3 Crushed dolomite + Ni ferrite
M16 50.1 88.4 113.7 119 8.5 18.8 50.2
M17 47.6 85.9 110.2 115.2 8.3 18.7 48.6
M18 45.8 79.2 102.9 107.8 7.8 17.5 45.3
M19 44.5 77.6 100.7 106 7.5 17.1 44.4
M20 53.5 96.1 121.6 126.6 8.7 20.1 52.2 Granite + Ni ferrite
M21 54.7 98.7 123.5 129 9.3 22 55.3
M22 51.2 95.3 119.1 125 8.5 19.8 49.9
M23 49.1 86.8 111.2 116 8.2 19 49.1
M24 47.0 85.2 107.5 114 8.0 18 48.1
M25 49.3 87.0 111.3 116.5 8.3 19.2 50.1 Crushed dolomite + Cu-Zn ferrite
M26 52.7 92.8 116.8 121 8.5 19.7 51.1
M27 49.2 87 112.2 117 8.3 19.4 50.3
M28 46.8 85.1 105.5 113.6 7.9 18 47.6
M29 45.0 77.9 101.2 107 7.7 17.4 45
M30 53.0 93.2 118.7 122 8.7 20 52.2 Granite + Cu-Zn ferrite
M31 58.8 98.7 125.5 131 9.1 21 57.6
M32 54.5 94.1 120.3 124 8.9 20.3 53.6
M33 50.2 88 113.7 118 8.5 20 51
M34 47.9 86 109 115 8.2 18.1 48.2
Fig. 3. Effect of NS with Crushed dolomite on compressive strength for different mixes.
strength of concrete with nano-silica was improved at 28 up to at age 1, 7, 28 and 90 days with added nano silica (NS) ratios with
90 days, and the optimum amount of nano-silica is 3% by weight granite. It can be seen that compressive strength of concrete with
of the cementitious content (M4). The improving percentage of nano-silica was improved at 28 up to 90 days and the optimum
compressive strength reaches about 21% with respect to the control amount of nano-silica is 3% by weight of the cementitious content
mixes. Fig. 4 shows the compressive strength of the concrete mixes (M12). The improving percentage of compressive strength reaches
M. Amin, K. Abu el-hassan / Construction and Building Materials 80 (2015) 116124 121
Fig. 5. Effect of Ni ferrite with Crushed dolomite on compressive strength for different mixes.
about 18% with respect to the control mixes. The increase can be due about 13% with respect to the control mixes. The reason for overall
to the fact that calcium hydroxide compounds existing in lime solu- in-crease in the compressive strength in the presence of M series is
tion react with nanoparticles in their surface areas to form addi- the same as discussed in the preceding Section 1.
tional CSH gel thereby increasing compressive strength [12].
3.1.3. Cu-Zn ferrite
3.1.2. Ni ferrite Results are compared to conventional mixes and mixes incorpo-
Results are compared to conventional mixes and mixes incorpo- rating silica fume. Fig. 7 shows the compressive strength of the con-
rating silica fume. Fig. 5 shows the compressive strength of the crete mixes at age 1, 7, 28 and 90 days with added nan Cu-Zn ferrite
concrete mixes at age 1, 7, 28 and 90 days with added Ni ferrite (CuZnF) ratios with Crushed dolomite. It can be seen that compres-
(NiF) ratios with Crushed dolomite. It can be seen that compres- sive strength of concrete with Cu-Zn ferrite was improved at 28 up
sive strength of concrete with Ni ferrite was improved at 28 up to 90 days and the optimum amount of Cu-Zn ferrite is 2% by weight
to 90 days and the optimum amount of Ni ferrite is 2% by weight of the cementitious content (M21). The improving percentage of
of the cementitious content (M16). The improving percentage of compressive strength reaches about 13% with respect to the control
compressive strength reaches about 17% with respect to the con- mixes. Fig. 8 shows the compressive strength of the concrete mixes
trol mixes. Fig. 6 shows the compressive strength of the concrete at age 1, 7, 28 and 90 days with added Cu-Zn ferrite (CuZnF)) ratios
mixes at age 1, 7, 28 and 90 days with added Ni ferrite (NiF) ratios with granite. It can be seen that compressive strength of concrete
with granite. It can be seen that compressive strength of concrete with Cu-Zn ferrite was improved at 28 up to 90 days and the opti-
with Ni ferrite was improved at 28 up to 90 days and the optimum mum amount of nano-silica is 2% by weight of the cementitious
amount of Ni ferrite is 2% by weight of the cementitious content content (M31). The improving percentage of compressive strength
(M21). The improving percentage of compressive strength reaches reaches about 17% with respect to the control mixes. The reason
122 M. Amin, K. Abu el-hassan / Construction and Building Materials 80 (2015) 116124
Fig. 6. Effect of Ni ferrite with granite on compressive strength for different mixes.
Fig. 7. Effect of Cu-Zn ferrite with Crushed dolomite on compressive strength for different mixes.
for overall in-crease in the compressive strength in the presence of 3.3. Splitting tensile strength
M series is the same as discussed in the preceding Section 1.
Table 9 shows the splitting tensile strength of the different con-
crete mixtures which has improved due to the addition of NS, Cu-Zn
3.2. A comparison of the results of compressive strength for nano- ferrite and Ni ferrite in particular mixtures of M4, M16 and M26
materials respectively, show an increase of splitting tensile strength of 44%,
60% and 60%. The enhanced extent of the splitting tensile strength
The comparison between the results of the compressive strength of concrete decreases with increasing the content of nano-materi-
test for concrete containing (nano silica, Cu-Zn ferrite and Ni ferrite) als. This may be due to the fact that the quantity of nano-particles
is shown in Fig. 9. The samples of concrete-containing nano-silica present in the mix is higher than the amount required to combine
give better results from samples of concrete-containing other types with the liberated lime during the process of hydration thus leading
of nano-materials used in research and the approximate rate of to excess silica leaching out and causing a deciency in strength as it
about 10%. replaces part of the cementitious material but does not contribute to
Figs. 9 and 10 show that the samples of concrete containing strength [13]. Also, it may be due to the defects generated in disper-
granite give better results than similar-containing dolomite and sion of nanoparticles that causes weak zones. The higher the split
the approximate rate of about 10%. The reduction of the early tensile strength in the concrete containing nano particles are due
strength of concrete with NS and NF contents higher than 3% and to the rapid consuming of Ca(OH)2 which was formed during hydra-
2% by weight of the cementitious content could be attributed to tion of Portland cement specially at early ages related to the high
the negative effects on the early hydration process. reactivity of nano particles.
M. Amin, K. Abu el-hassan / Construction and Building Materials 80 (2015) 116124 123
Fig. 8. Effect of Cu-Zn ferrite with granite on compressive strength for different mixes.
Fig. 9. Relationship between the compressive strength of concrete containing Crushed dolomite after 28 days and added nano materials with different ratios.
Fig. 10. Relationship between the compressive strength of concrete containing granite after 28 days and added nano materials with different ratios.
124 M. Amin, K. Abu el-hassan / Construction and Building Materials 80 (2015) 116124
3.4. Flexural strength (5) Increasing the amount of NS and NF more than 3% and 2% by
weight degrades the compressive strength, splitting tensile,
The exural strength results are shown in Table 9. Similar to the exural strength and modulus of elasticity of concrete.
tensile strength, the exural strength of the specimens increases (6) The samples of concrete-containing nano-silica give better
with nano-silica up to 3.0% replacement and then it decreases, results than samples of concrete-containing nano ferrite
although the results of 4.0% replacement are still higher than those with an approximate rate of about 10%.
of the control concrete. Also the exural strength of the specimens (7) The samples of concrete containing granite give better
increases with Ni ferrite and Cu-Zn ferrite up to 2.0% replacement results than similar-containing dolomite and the approxi-
and then it decreases, although the results of 4.0% replacement still mate rate of about 10%.
higher than those of the control concrete. Again, the increasing in (8) The use of a superplasticizer was necessary in the concrete
the exural strength is due to the rapid consuming of Ca(OH)2 mixes to improve the workability.
which was formed during hydration of Portland cement specially
at early ages related to the high reactivity of nano particles.
3.5. Modulus of elasticity
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