030-036 Tuning
030-036 Tuning
030-036 Tuning
Tune up your systems and search out bottlenecks with these handy The next four columns under memory
show how much memory space is used.
performance tools. BY TIM CHEN, ALEX SHI, AND YANMIN ZHANG Frequently swapping memory in and out
of the disk swap space slows the system.
ver the past several years, the of tools for examining system use and The cache column gives the amount of
Linux Kernel Performance Proj- searching out bottlenecks. Some tools memory used as a page cache. A bigger
ect [1] has tracked the perfor- reveal the general health of the system, cache means more files cached in mem-
mance of Linux and tuned it for through- and other tools offer information about ory. The two columns under io, bi, and
put and power efficiency on Intel plat- specific system components. bo, indicate the number of blocks re-
forms. This experience has given us The vmstat utility offers a useful sum- ceived and sent to block devices, respec-
some insights into the best tools and mary of overall system performance. tively, which gives an idea of the level
techniques for tuning Linux systems. In Listing 1 shows vmstat data collected of disk activity. The two columns under
this article, we describe some of our fa- every two seconds for a CPU-intensive, system, in, and cs, reveal the number of
vorite Linux performance utilities and multi-threaded Java workload. The first interrupts and context switches.
provide a real-world example that shows two columns (r, b) describe how many If the interrupt rate is too high, you
how the Kernel Performance Project uses processes in the systems can be run if a can use an interrupt utility, like sar, to
these tools to hunt down and solve a real CPU is available and how many are help uncover the cause. The command
Linux performance issue. blocked. The presence of both blocked sar -I XALL 10 1000 will break down the
processes and idle time in the system is source of the interrupts every 10 seconds
=`e[`e^9fkkc\e\Zbj usually a sign of trouble. for 1000 seconds. A high number of con-
The first task in performance tuning
is to identify any bottlenecks that Listing 1: vmstat Output
might be slowing down system per- 01 #vmstat 2
02 procs -----------memory---------- ---swap-- -----io---- --system-- -----cpu------
The most common bottlenecks
03 r b swpd free buff cache si so bi bo in cs us sy id wa
occur in I/O, memory management,
04 7 0 34328 757464 2712 26416 0 0 0 0 12 616773 34 28 37 0
or the scheduler. Linux offers a suite
One important way to identify a perfor-
=`^li\(1Gif]`c`e^k_\b\ie\cn`k_fgif]`c\% mance problem is to determine how the
system is spending its CPU cycles. The
text switches relative to the number of see whether the disk mode is configured oprofile utility can help you study the
processes is undesirable because of properly. Also, you could check the hard CPU to this end. Oprofile usually is en-
flushing of cached data. disk parameter setting for an IDE disk abled by default. If you compile your
The next four columns in Listing 1, us, own kernel, then you need to make sure
sy, id, and wa, indicate the percentage of # hdparm -I /dev/hda that the kernel configs CONFIG_
time the CPU(s) has spent in userspace OPROFILE=y and CONFIG_HAVE_
applications, in the kernel, being idle, or or for a SCSI disk: OPROFILE=y are turned on.
waiting for I/O, respectively. This output The easiest way to invoke oprofile is
shows whether the CPUs are doing use- # sdparm /dev/sda with the oprofile GUI that wraps the
ful work or whether they are just idling
or being blocked. A high percentage of Listing 2: iostat
time spent in the OS could indicate a 01 #iostat -x sda 1
non-optimal system call. Idle time for a 02 avg-cpu: %user %nice %system %iowait %steal %idle
fully loaded system could point to lock 03 0.00 0.00 2.16 20.86 0.00 76.98
contentions. 04
05 Device: rrqm/s wrqm/s r/s w/s rsec/s wsec/s avgrq-sz avgqu-sz await
;`jbG\i]fidXeZ\ svctm %util
Hdparm is a good tool for determining 06 sda 17184.16 0.00 1222.77 0.00 147271.29 0.00 120.44 3.08 2.52
0.81 99.01
whether the disks are healthy and con-
Listing 3: Viewing Profile Data with oprofile
# hdparm -tT /dev/sda 01 CPU: Core 2, speed 2400 MHz (estimated)
/dev/sda: 02 Counted CPU_CLK_UNHALTED events (Clock cycles when not halted) with a unit
Timing buffered disk reads: 5 03 mask of 0x00 (Unhalted core cycles) count 1200000
184 MB in 3.02 seconds = 5 04 samples % app name symbol name
60.88 MB/sec
05 295397 63.6911 cc1 (no symbols)
Timing cached reads: 5 06 22861 4.9291 vmlinux-2.6.25-rc9 clear_page_c
11724 MB in 2.00 seconds = 5
07 11382 2.4541 libc-2.5.so memset
5870.80 MB/sec
08 10959 2.3629 genksyms yylex
command-line options. To do so, use to obtain the output shown in Listing 4. line. Oprofile can diagnose this kind of
oprofile 0.9.3 or later for an Intel Core 2 Listing 4 shows that this workload has problem.
processor and install the oprofile-gui some very heavy memory allocation ac- Again, using the Intel Core 2 processor
package. Now invoke tivity associated with getting free mem- as an example, choose the event LLC_
ory pages and clearing them. MISSES to profile all the L2 cache re-
#oprof_start quests that miss the L2 cache. For the
KffDXep:XZ_\D`jj\j6 exact event to use, you should invoke
to bring up the Start profiler screen with The performance of the system is highly opcontrol --list-events to read about the
Setup and Configuration tabs (Figure 1). dependent on the effectiveness of the details of each event type available for
First, select the Configuration tab. If you cache. Any cache miss will degrade per- your CPU.
want to profile the kernel, enter the loca- formance and lead to a CPU stall. Listing 5 shows how to call up a cache
tion of the kernel image file (that is, the Sometimes a cache miss is caused by miss profile.
uncompressed vmlinux file if you com- frequently used fields located in data Oprofile is a very versatile tool. By
pile the kernel from source). Now return structures that span across the cache carefully choosing which events to mon-
to the Setup tab.
In the Events table, select Listing 4: opreport Output
the CPU_CLK_UNHALTED 01 CPU: Core 2, speed 2400 MHz (estimated)
event and the unit mask 02 Counted CPU_CLK_UNHALTED events (Clock cycles when not halted) with a unit mask of 0x00
Unhalted core cycles. Note: (Unhalted core cycles) count 1200000
Normally, you do not need 03 samples % image name app name symbol name
to sample the system any 04 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
more often than the setting 05 295397 63.6911 cc1 cc1 (no symbols)
listed under in the Count 06 295397 100.000 cc1 cc1 (no symbols) [self]
07 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
A lower count means that
08 1 0.0044 vmlinux-2.6.25-rc9 vmlinux-2.6.25-rc9 path_walk
fewer events will need to
09 2 0.0087 vmlinux-2.6.25-rc9 vmlinux-2.6.25-rc9 __alloc_pages
happen before a sample is
10 2 0.0087 vmlinux-2.6.25-rc9 vmlinux-2.6.25-rc9 mntput_no_expire
taken, thus increasing the
11 22922 99.9782 vmlinux-2.6.25-rc9 vmlinux-2.6.25-rc9 get_page_from_freelist
sampling frequency. Now
12 22861 4.9291 vmlinux-2.6.25-rc9 vmlinux-2.6.25-rc9 clear_page_c
run the application you
want to profile, and start 13 22861 99.7121 vmlinux-2.6.25-rc9 vmlinux-2.6.25-rc9 clear_page_c [self]
22 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The output for this com-
23 10959 2.3629 genksyms genksyms yylex
mand is shown in Listing 3.
24 10959 100.000 genksyms genksyms yylex [self]
Listing 3 shows the per-
25 ... ...
centage of CPU time spent
in each application or ker-
nel, and it also shows the Listing 5: Cache Miss Profile
functions that are being ex- 01 #opreport -l
ecuted. This report reveals 02 CPU: Core 2, speed 1801 MHz (estimated)
the code the system is 03 Counted L2_RQSTS events (number of L2 cache requests) with a unit mask of 0x41
spending the most time in, 04 (multiple flags) count 90050
which should improve per- 05 samples % app name symbol name
formance if you can use this
06 2803 63.4163 cc1 (no symbols)
data as a basis for optimiza-
07 190 4.2986 vmlinux-2.6.25-rc9-ltop get_page_from_freelist
08 102 2.3077 as (no symbols)
If you have collected call
09 60 1.3575 vmlinux-2.6.25-rc9-ltop __lock_acquire
graph information, type the
10 53 1.1991 libc-2.7.so strcmp
11 39 0.8824 vmlinux-2.6.25-rc9-ltop unmap_vmas
The output of the preceding com- 08 468 0 0 15747460 17988 120336 0 0 0 0 251 94440 0 100 0 0 0
mand is a list of locks in the kernel 09 373 0 0 15750844 17988 120336 0 0 0 0 268 104569 0 100 0 0 0
sorted by the number of conten- 01 procs -----------memory---------- --swap--- ---io---- --system--- -----cpu-----
tions. For each lock, you will see 02 r b swpd free buff cache si so bi bo in cs us sy id wa st
the number of contentions, as well 03 360 0 0 15730644 17980 120336 0 0 0 0 320 140047 0 100 0 0 0
as the shortest, maximum, and cu- 04 327 0 0 15739216 17980 120336 0 0 0 0 322 256259 1 99 0 0 0
mulative wait time for a contention. 05 412 0 0 15743084 17988 120336 0 0 0 16 282 74537 0 100 0 0 0
In addition, you will see the num- 06 421 0 0 15741076 17988 120336 0 0 0 0 311 51750 0 100 0 0 0
ber of acquisitions, as well as the 07 334 0 0 15745048 17988 120332 0 0 0 0 295 95434 0 100 0 0 0
minimum, maximum, and cumula- 08 468 0 0 15747460 17988 120336 0 0 0 0 251 94440 0 100 0 0 0
tive hold times for a lock. The top
09 373 0 0 15750844 17988 120336 0 0 0 0 268 104569 0 100 0 0 0
call sites of the lock are also given
time with kernel 2.6.24/2.6.25-rc, be- tween processes and memory manage- The block objects, size 192 and 512,
tween a system with 16 CPU cores and a ment, and that is where the program is are actively used by hackbench mes-
system with eight CPU cores. Hackbench spending the most time. sages: One is for the socket buffer
is expected to be faster on the 16-core This result indicates the need to take a header and one is for the message body.
system than on the 8-core system, but closer look at what is going on with the Basically, the SLUB implementation
the testing result shows the first machine slabs. A utility called slabinfo provides a keeps a per-cpu cache for each slab type.
requires three times more run time than report on slab activity. (The source code When the kernel allocates an object, it
the second machine, which indicates a for the slabinfo utility is with the kernel checks the per-cpu cache first without
possible performance issue. source under Documents/vm/slabinfo.c.) locking. Such allocation is very fast and
The vmstat utility provides the output To obtain information about the most ac- is called a fast path. If the per-cpu cache
shown in Listing 6. tively used objects, invoke the slabinfo hasnt freed objects, the kernel allocates
Notice the high context switch (cs) utility (see Listing 8). from shared pages with a lock, which is
count and large number of running pro-
cesses. In this case, hackbench simulates Listing 7: Studying CPU Usage with oprofile
many chat rooms with a large number of 01 CPU: Core 2, speed 1602 MHz (estimated)
users passing messages back and forth 02 Counted CPU_CLK_UNHALTED events (Clock cycles when not halted) with a unit mask
in each room. The lack of idle time in of 0x00 (Unhalted core cycles) count 100000
the system indicates that the CPU is very 03 samples % image name app name symbol name
busy. 04 46746994 43.3801 linux-2.6.25-rc4 linux-2.6.25-rc4 __slab_alloc
The next step is to use oprofile to find 05 45986635 42.6745 linux-2.6.25-rc4 linux-2.6.25-rc4 add_partial
out where the CPU is spending its time. 06 2577578 2.3919 linux-2.6.25-rc4 linux-2.6.25-rc4 __slab_free
The oprofile data in Listing 7 shows that 07 1301644 1.2079 linux-2.6.25-rc4 linux-2.6.25-rc4 sock_alloc_send_skb
about 88% of the CPU time is spent in
08 1185888 1.1005 linux-2.6.25-rc4 linux-2.6.25-rc4 copy_user_generic_string
allocating slabs, adding to partially filled
09 969847 0.9000 linux-2.6.25-rc4 linux-2.6.25-rc4 unix_stream_recvmsg
slabs, and freeing slabs. It shows that
10 806665 0.7486 linux-2.6.25-rc4 linux-2.6.25-rc4 kmem_cache_alloc
the benchmark generates lots of mes-
11 731059 0.6784 linux-2.6.25-rc4 linux-2.6.25-rc4 unix_stream_sendmsg
sages that are allocated and passed be-
the P-state feature in the CPU, you need to odic timer tick that wakes up the CPU. This Electrical Engineering.
make sure that a suitable CPU frequency tick prevents the CPU from going into the Alex Shi joined Intels Open Source
governor is enabled for the system. To see sleep state. With the recent addition of the Technology as a software engineer in
what governors are available, use: tickless idle, the Linux kernel removed this 2005. He works on Linux performance
# cat /sys/devices/system/5 timer tick, which allows the CPU to sleep and power tuning.
for a longer time in power-saving mode. If
Yanmin Zhang, from Open Source
you compile your own kernel, you should
scaling_available_governors Technology Center of Intel Corpora-
enable the option CONFIG_NO_HZ=y.
ondemand userspace performance
tion, has worked on Linux projects for
The PowerTOP utility [3] is a useful tool for five years, including processor and
With the following command, you can checking P-state and C-state status in the chipset enabling, which cover Intel
determine the current governor: system. PowerTOP will show the current i386, x86-64, and Itanium architec-
# cat /sys/devices/system/5
P-state and C-state, report on which appli- tures and PCI-Express. He is currently
cations wake up the CPU, and provide ad- working on the Linux Kernel Perfor-
ditional power-saving hints tailored to mance project. Before joining Intel,
your system. Yanmin worked for Bell Labs Lucent
The ondemand governor has the best Additional power-saving tips can be found Technology on network management
power-saving characteristics and is typi- at the Less Watts website [4]. system development.