LP 9 18-9 22 Projectile Motion

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Teacher: _____Krause_____ Unit:____Projectile Motion____ Week of: __9.18-9.


KKC Lesson Plan Template

Adapted from KKC lesson template 16-17 and KKC Admin Team Lesson CFS Doc

Monday Tuesday Wednesday/Thursday Friday

Standard(s) 5.1f The path of a projectile 5.1f The path of a projectile 5.1g A projectiles time of 5.1n Centripetal force is the net
is the result of the is the result of the flight is dependent upon the force which produces
simultaneous effect of the simultaneous effect of the vertical component of its centripetal acceleration. In
horizontal and vertical horizontal and vertical motion. uniform circular motion, the
components of its motion; components of its motion; centripetal force is
these components act these components act 5.1h The horizontal perpendicular to the tangential
independently independently displacement of a projectile is velocity.
dependent upon the horizontal
component of its motion and
its time of flight.
Daily Objectives Student will be able to Student will be able to Student will be able to calculate Student will be able to describe
Measureable describe projectile motion explain the trends in the time of flight and describe the centripetal motion and
Manageable and how it is broken down components of projectile relationship between flight time understand the role of
Most Important into components. motion and the vertical component. acceleration and velocity in
centripetal motion.
Student will be able to define Student will be able to Student will be able to calculate
the components of a calculate the components in displacement and describe the
projectile including: the projectile motion. relationship between
horizontal velocity, vertical displacement and horizontal
velocity, range, height and component.

Students will understand that

the only acceleration
occurring for a projectile is
acceleration due to gravity.
Exit Ticket & Criteria Student will take exit ticket that Student will take a 4 question Student will take a 4 question Student will take a 4 question
for Success relates to describing projectile exit ticket where they need to exit ticket where they need to multiple choice question about
motion. calculate the different calculate the different centripetal acceleration and how
How will you assess Exit Ticket (see student sheet Exit ticket (see student sheet Exit ticket (see student sheet to calculate the radiation and
whether or not students attachment in google classroom attachment in google attachment in google classroom) velocity.
learned the objective?
) classroom)
Define accuracy for this
Define quality for this task
How will you make CFS:
Public? Precise? Prior?

Lesson Agenda: Warm up (7 mins): Warm up (5 mins): Students Warm up (5 mins): Students Warm up (5 mins): Students will
1. Agenda/Activities are Students will answer one will answer one review will answer one review question answer one review question and
written in outline review question and one question and one random and one random question. one random question.
format random question about question. Calculation lecture (10 mins): Centripetal motion lab (15
a. Strong Start themselves on the top of Projectile demonstration (5 Teacher will go over the concept mins): Students will go outside
b. 3 Content CFU their student sheet. The mins): Students will work on of calculating time of flight and and create a circle with the
questions &
review question will involve a demonstration together displacement of flight using the vectors of centripetal motion
them answering a question where they have to draw the vectors of the velocity. Teacher using a set of explicit directions.
c. 3 Process CFU
questions & about an object in free fall. motion and components of a will go over the equations They will experience what it
method ball being thrown through the needed in order to calculate means to move centripetally and
d. Framing purpose Projectile motion phet lab air. both of these. Teacher will go also start to draw the
of lesson (15 mins): Students will Projectile components over an example problem for the components before it is formally
2. Key moments in the participate in a phet lab that lecture (10 mins): Teacher students of calculating both the explained to them.
lesson are scripted helps them to explore the will lecture the students displacement and the time. Centripetal motion lecture (10
3. Anticipated
motion of a projectile. They about the components of a Calculations Practice (20 mins): Teacher will explain to
4. Lesson has bolded
will record the range, time, vector and how to calculate mins): Students will have time students the velocity and
CFUs and italicized and height of a simulated the components of the to work on scaffolded questions acceleration seen in centripetal
exemplar responses projectile at various angles. projectile velocity. The that help them work through motion and how to calculate
5. Lesson plan is They will then be asked a students will also learn how calculating displacement and centripetal acceleration and
time-stamped series of guiding questions to to calculate the horizontal time. The questions will be velocity. Students will take notes
lead them to the idea that the velocity and vertical velocity differentiated by mild, medium and follow along in the example
cannon when moving in a components. The teacher will and spicy so the students can problem.
projectile is moving in two walk students through an choose the problems at their Centripetal motion practice
directions and those example problem to explain comfort level and work their way (10 mins): Students will
directions change depending their thinking in the problem. up. complete a set of tiered practice
on if it is in the beginning of Projectile components Spitball lab (15 mins): problems about centripetal
the projectile or at the end. practice problems (20 Students will work on a lab motion and including some
mins): Students will practice together where they measure review questions from projectile
Projectile motion lecture (7 problems that ask them to the distance and time of a motion.
mins): Students will be draw the projectile and label spitball that they project at
exposed to the vocabulary components and then different angles. The students Exit Ticket (5 mins): Students
that is used to describe the calculate the horizontal and will then answer guiding will complete a 4 question exit
motion of a projectile as well vertical velocity at a specific questions asking them about ticket. Teacher will remind
as learn how to properly point on the projectile. how the angle affected the students to bring in a 2L soda
label a projectile with Projectile motion distance and the time. bottle and plastic grocery bag to
components, maximum whiteboard practice (10 Horizontally Launched class for extra credit.
height and range, mins): Students will projectile: Students will work on
participate in a relay race lab regarding horizontally
Perfect Projectile (20 where they have to answer a launched projectiles and then
mins): Students will question on the board and solve accordingly. Students will
complete the perfect then one person in the group then be introduced to the
projectile worksheet to holds up the answer. concept and complete practice
reinforce the vocabulary and Everyone has to write their problems.
concepts that they just answer on their board and Exit Ticket (5 mins): Students
learned as well as explore then a random person is will take a 4 question multiple
how the vertical and called from the team. If the choice exit ticket that goes over
horizontal components of a person get its right the team the relationship between the
projectile change during its gets a point. If they get it components and displacement
motion. Teacher will debrief wrong they do not get the and time as well how to
the activity with students point. calculate them.
when they are finished. Exit Ticket (5 mins):
Students will answer a 4
Test corrections and question multiple choice exit
Homework (2 mins): ticket where they are asked
Teacher will explain that unit about the vector components
exam corrections need to be of a projectile and have to
completed by next friday. In calculate these components.
order for them to be
accepted by me the student
has to attend office hours
after school or schedule an
appointment to come meet
with me if their score was a
75% or lower. Otherwise for
corrections they are just due
by next Friday. Homework
that is due at the end of the
week will be given at this
Exit Ticket (5 mins):
Students will answer 5
question multiple choice
about the motion of a
projectile and key terms that
were introduced during
Materials (teacher & student) Chromebooks Student sheet Student sheet Student sheet
Embed links to Student sheet Powerpoint Powerpoint Powerpoint
google drive, Powerpoint Bouncy ball straws chalk
Dropbox, & online
Modalities: Audio Audio Audio Audio
Tactile Tactile Tactile Tactile
Multiple modalities in
Kinesthetic Kinesthetic Kinesthetic Kinesthetic
each days lesson
Visual Visual Visual Visual
(highlight those that
Interpersonal Interpersonal Interpersonal Interpersonal
are being used)
Intrapersonal Intrapersonal Intrapersonal Intrapersonal
Other Other Other Other
Differentiation Small group pull-out Small group pull-out Small group pull-out Small group pull-out
Shorter assignment Shorter assignment Shorter assignment Shorter assignment
Push activities for
Annotated reading Annotated reading Annotated reading Annotated reading
accelerated learners
Guided notes Guided notes Guided notes Guided notes
Reteach & support
Graphic organizer Graphic organizer Graphic organizer Graphic organizer
for struggling
Essay outline with Essay outline with Essay outline with additional Essay outline with additional
students w/ %
additional additional prompts/reminders prompts/reminders
Mastery from
prompts/reminders prompts/reminders Vocab definitions already Vocab definitions already
Previous Days
Vocab definitions Vocab definitions listed on doc listed on doc
already listed on doc already listed on doc Leveled groupings Leveled groupings
Leveled groupings Leveled groupings Mild/Medium/Spicy Mild/Medium/Spicy
Mild/Medium/Spicy Mild/Medium/Spicy Warm calling Warm calling
Warm calling Warm calling Show calling (use a doc cam Show calling (use a doc cam
Show calling (use a doc Show calling (use a doc to show work) to show work)
cam to show work) cam to show work)
Homework Assignment Projectile Motion Homework Projectile motion homework Projectile motion homework Projectile motion homework
HW balances practice and Test Corrections
new materials
Date of next assessment :

Objective Build: How do this weeks lessons build to that assessment?

Reflections for next year: How do you want to change and adapt these plans?

Post-Assessment Follow-Up (After Friday Formatives)
Respond to your most
recent assessment results
Key misconceptions to
address next week,
reteaching & acceleration
What standards are you
spiraling next week into Do
Nows, Mini-Lessons, HWs,
Quizzes, etc.?

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