OpenVAS 8
OpenVAS 8
OpenVAS 8
Vulnerability scanning is a crucial phase of a penetration test and having an updated vulnerability scanner in your
security toolkit can often make a realdi erence by helping you discover overlooked vulnerable items. For this reason,
weve manually packaged the latest and newly released OpenVAS 8.0 tool and libraries for Kali Linux. Although nothing
major has changed in this release in terms of running the vulnerability scanner, we wanted to give a quick overview on
how to get itup and running.
[i] This script synchronizes an NVT collection with the 'OpenVAS NVT Feed'.
[i] Online information about this feed: '
sent 1143 bytes received 681741238 bytes 1736923.26 bytes/sec
total size is 681654050 speedup is 1.00 1/3
10/20/2017 OpenVAS 8.0 Vulnerability Scanning | Kali Linux
root@kali:~# openvas-start
Starting OpenVas Services
Starting Greenbone Security Assistant: gsad.
Starting OpenVAS Scanner: openvassd.
Starting OpenVAS Manager: openvasmd.
If you need to troubleshoot any issues, you can use openvas-check-setup to identity the problem. 2/3
10/20/2017 OpenVAS 8.0 Vulnerability Scanning | Kali Linux
Thats it! Now OpenVAS is ready for you to con gure it and run a scan against a given IP or range. Happy vulnerability
scanning! 3/3