Technical Drawing, 4th Edition
Technical Drawing, 4th Edition
Technical Drawing, 4th Edition
20 GRAPHS 597
27 SHADING 747
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(Macmillan, 1945)
All rights reserved no part of this book may be reproduced
in any form without permission in writing from the publisher,
except by a reviewer who wishes to quote brief passages in connection
with a review written for inclusion in magazine or newspaper.
This volume isintended as a class text and reference book in technical drawing.
It contains a very great number of problems covering every phase of the subject,
and it constitutes a complete teaching unit in itself. In addition to the problems
in the text, two complete workbooks have been prepared especially for use with
this text: Technical Drawing Problems, by Giesecke, Mitchell, and Spencer, and
Technical Drawing Problems, Series 2, by Spencer and Grant. Thus, there are available
three alternate sources of problems, and problem assignments can be varied easily
from year to year. In general, the teacher who uses this text and one of the work-
books will supplement the workbook sheets by assignments from the text to be drawn
upon blank paper. Many of the new text problems are designed for 85" x 1 1" sheets.
The extensive use of this text during the last twenty-five years in college classes
and in industrial drafting rooms has encouraged the authors in their original aim,
which was and still is to prepare a book which teaches the language of the engineer,
and to keep it in step with developments in industry. The idea has been to illustrate
and explain each basic principle from the standpoint of the student, to make it so
clear that the student is certain to understand, and to make it interesting enough so
that he will read and study on his own initiative. Thus, it was hoped to free the
teacher of a great deal of repetitive labor in teaching every student individually
those things which the textbook can teach, and to permit him to give his attention
to students having real difficulties.
This fourth edition constitutes the most sweeping revision that the text has
undergone. Very few of the original illustrations and very little of the original text
remain. A large number of new illustrations and problems have been added, and
several hundred of the old ones have been redrawn. The entire book has been revised
to reflect the latest American Standards, especially the various sections of ASA Y14
American Drafting Standards Manual.
The chapter on Dimensioning has been completely rewritten and expanded into
two chapters, "Dimensioning" and "Tolerancing." Both are in accord with the
new ASA Y14.5-1957 Dimensioning and Notes. Particularly important is the addition
of complete information on geometric and positional tolerances.
The chapter on "Threads, Fasteners, and Springs" has been revised to conform
with the latest American Standards. A simple system for drawing schematic thread
symbols has been introduced. In addition, cap screws and machine screws may be
drawn by a simplified method of proportions based on diameter. Methods of drawing
springs are shown in detail.
The chapter on "Shop Processes" has been completely revised by Professors
J. G. H. Thompson and J. G. McGuire, of Texas A & M
College, so as to relate
more closely shop processes to drafting. The chapter on "Gearing and Cams" has
been revised by Professor B. L. Wellman of Worcester Polytechnic Institute. The
chapter on "Graphs" has been completely rewritten, and a completely new chapter
on "Engineering Graphics" has been prepared both by Mr. E. J. Mysiak, design
engineer. These two chapters are in line with current trends toward more emphasis
upon graphics as a tool. Special appreciation is also due to Mr. Mysiak for his skilled
drafting of many figures in this book.
chapters on "Structural Drawing" and "Topographic Drawing" have been
completely revised by Dr. E. I. Fiesenheiser, of Illinois Institute of Technology.
The chapter on "Piping Drafting" has been rewritten by Mr. D. G. Reid and Mr.
L. A. Anderson, of Sargent & Lundy Co. The chapter on "Aeronautical Drafting"
has been revised once more by Mr. William N. Wright, of Boeing Airplane Company.
Mr. C. G. Hebruck, of The Lincoln Electric Co., gave valuable assistance in the
on "Welding Representation."
revision of the chapter
Thus, every effort has been made to bring the book completely abreast of the
many technological developments that have occurred in the past few years. In
specialized fields, writers who have special qualifications have been called upon to
contribute authoritative material.
Through the cooperation of leading engineers and manufacturers, this volume
includes many commercial drawings of value in developing the subject. The authors
wish to express their thanks to these persons and others too numerous to mention
here who have contributed to the production of this book.
The authors wish to express special appreciation to Professor H. E. Grant for many
valuable suggestions and for illustrations and problem material, to Professors I. L.
Hill, R. O. Loving, A. P. McDonald, W. F. Brubaker, and Albert Jorgensen for many
valuable suggestions, and to Professors Walter Downard and D. W. Fleming for
assistance in connection with the chapter on "Shop Processes."
Special appreciation is expressed to my wife whose encouragement and untiring
labors have contributed so much. Finally, it is fitting to acknowledge a continued
indebtedness to the late Professors F. E. Giesecke and A. Mitchell for their contribu-
tions to previous editions and for the benefit of their wisdom through the years.
1. A World Language. Many of the troubles of the world today are caused by
the fact that the various peoples do not understand one another. The infinite number
of languages and dialects which contributed to this condition resulted from a lack
of intercommunication of peoples widely separated in various parts of the world.
Even today when communication is so greatly improved, the progress toward a
world language is painfully slow so slow, indeed, that we cannot foresee the time
when it will be a fact. All efforts to create a world language, such as Esperanto, have
failed, and it is necessary for people who come in contact with other countries to
learn a number of foreign languages. In Europe today it is not uncommon for edu-
cated persons to be able to speak a half-dozen languages or more.
2. The Universal Language. Although men have not been able to get together
on a world language of words and sentences, there has actually been a universal
Fig. 1 Egyptian Hieroglyphics.
language in use since the earliest times the graphic language. The idea of communicating
thoughts from one person to another by means of pictures occurred to even the earliest
and we have examples still in existence to prove it. These earliest men
communicated orally, undoubtedly by grunts and other elementary sounds, and
when they wished to record an idea, they made pictures upon whatever materials they
could find, such as skins or stone. The earliest forms of writing were through picture-
forms, such as the Egyptian hieroglyphics, Fig. 1. Later these forms were simplified
and became abstract symbols used in our languages today. Thus, even the letter-
characters in present word -languages have their basis in drawings.
A drawing is a graphic representation of a real thing. Drawings may take many
forms, but since they are always based on real things, the method of representation
is a basic natural form of communication of ideas, which is universal and timeless
in character.
3. Two Types of Drawings. Man has developed drawing along two distinct
lines,according to his purpose: (1) Artistic and (2) Technical.
From the beginning of time, artists have used drawings to express aesthetic,
philosophic, or other abstract ideas. In ancient times nearly everybody was illiterate.
There was no printing; hence no newspapers or books as we know them today. The
books were hand -lettered on papyrus or on parchment, and were not available to
the general public. People learned by listening to their superiors, and by looking at
sculptures, pictures, or drawings in public places. Everybody could understand pic-
tures, and they were a principal source of information. In our museums and in ruins
of antiquity are thousands of examples of story-telling or teaching by means of draw-
ings. If someone wished to preserve his own image or a friend's, he had to have the
job done in stone, bronze, in oil on canvas, or in some other art-medium there
were no photographs. The artist was not just an artist in the aesthetic sense he
was a teacher or philosopher, a means of expression.
The other line along which drawing has developed has been the technical. From
the beginning of recorded history, man has used drawings to represent objects to be
built or constructed. Of these earliest drawings no trace remains today, but we
>-- - -- ~ -~ -Tk.-ar^--^- -g . , -
definitely know that drawings were used, for man could not have built as he did
without using fairly accurate drawings. In the Bible the statement is made that
Solomon's Temple was "built of stone made ready before it was brought thither."*
Each stone and timber was carved or hewn into shape, brought to the site, and noise-
lessly fitted together. It is evident that accurate drawings must have been used,
showing the exact shapes and sizes of the component parts.
Moreover, we can see today the ruins of fine old buildings, aqueducts, bridges,
and other structures of antiquity which could not possibly have been erected without
carefully made drawings to guide the builders. Many of these structures are still
regarded as "Wonders of the World," such as the Temple of Amnion at Karnak in
ancient Egypt, completed in about 980 B.C., which took seven centuries to construct.
In sheer mass of stone, this building exceeded any roofed structure ever built, so far
as we know, being 1200 feet long and 350 feet wide at its greatest width. Likewise,
The Circus Maximus in Rome was a large structure, Fig. 2: according to the
historian Pliny, it seated a total of 250,000 spectators. Compare this figure with
perhaps our greatest stadium, Soldiers Field in Chicago, which seats about 110,000
people. History is full of examples of amazing structures which could not possibly
have been built without accurate drawings of some kind.
and engraved upon a stone tablet, Fig. 3. It is remarkable how similar this plan is
to those made by architects today, although "drawn" thousands of years before
paper was invented.
The first written evidence of the use of technical drawings was in 30 b.c. when the
Roman architect Vitruvius wrote a treatise on architecture in which he said, "The
architect must be skilful with the pencil and have a knowledge of drawing so that
he readily can make the drawings required to show the appearance of the work he
proposes to construct." He went on to discuss the use of the rule and compasses in
geometric constructions, in drawing the plan and elevation views of a building, and
in drawing perspectives.
In the museums we can see actual specimens of these early drawing instruments.
I. Kings, 6, 6.
Compasses were made of bronze and were about the same size as those used today.
As shown in Fig. 4, the old compass resembled the dividers of today. Pens were cut
from reeds.
The theory of projections of objects upon imaginary planes of projection (to
obtain views) apparently was not developed until the early part of the fifteenth cen-
tury by the Italian Architects Alberti, Brunelleschi, and others. It is well known
that Leonardo da Vinci used drawings to record and transmit to others his ideas on
Bttlman Archive.
mechanical constructions, and many of these drawings are in existence today, Fig. 5.
It is not clear whether Leonardo ever made mechanical drawings showing ortho-
graphic views as we know them today, but it is probable that he did.
Leonardo's treatise on painting, published in 1651, is regarded as the first book
ever printed on the theory of projection drawing; however, its subject was perspective
and not orthographic projection.
The compass of the Romans remained very much the same during Leonardo's
time, Fig. 6. Circles were still scratched with metal points, since graphite pencils
were not invented until the eighteenth century, when the firm of Faber was estab-
lished in Nurcmburg, Germany. By the seventh century reed pens had been replaced
by quills made from bird feathers, usually those of geese (hence: goose-quill pens).
The scriber-type compass gave way to the compass with a graphite lead shortly
after graphite pencils were developed. At Mount Vernon we can see the drawing
instruments used by the great civil engineer, George Washington, and bearing the
date 1749. This set, Fig. 7, is very similar to the conventional drawing instruments
used today, having a pencil attachment and a pen attachment for the compass, and
a ruling pen with parallel blades similar to the modern pens.
7. Drafting Standards. In all of the above books there has been a definite
tendency to standardize the characters of the graphic language, to eliminate its pro-
vincialisms and dialects, and to give industry and engineering a uniform, effective
graphic language. Of prime importance in this movement has been the work of the
American Standards Association, which with the American Society for Engineering
Education and the American Society of Mechanical Engineers as sponsors, has pre-
pared and published the American Drafting Standards Manual, ASA Y-14, published
in seventeen separate sections. These publications are now in process of development
and will be published as approved standards as they are completed.
These booklets outline the most important idioms and usages in a form that is
acceptable to the majority, and are considered the most authoritative guide to uni-
form drafting practices in this country today. The Standard gives the characters of
the graphic language, and it remains for the textbooks to explain the grammar and
the penmanship.
language, and through which many of its problems may be solved graphically.
Mechanical Drawing is the term that should be applied only to a drawing made
with drawing instruments. The term has been used to denote all industrial drawings,
which is unfortunate because such drawings are not always mechanically drawn, and
because it tends to belittle the broad scope of the language by naming it superficially
by its principal mode of execution.
Engineering Drawing and Engineering Drafting are broad terms widely used to denote
the graphic language. However, since the language is not used by engineers only,
but also by a much larger group of people in diverse fields who are concerned with
technical work or with industrial production, the term is still not broad enough.
Technical Drawing is a broad term that adequately suggests the scope of the graphic
language. It is rightly applied to any drawing used to express technical ideas. The
term has been used by various writers since Monge's time at least, and is still widely
used, mostly in Europe.
Engineering Graphics is a term sometimes applied generally to drawings for tech-
nological use, but in recent years it has come to mean more specifically that part of
drawing which is concerned with graphical computations and with charts and graphs.
See Chapters 20 and 21.
Technical Sketching is the freehand expression of the graphic language, while
mechanical drawing is the instrumental expression of it. Technical sketching is a most
valuable tool for the engineer and others engaged in technical work, because through
it most technical ideas can be expressed quickly and effectively without the use of
special equipment.
Blueprint Reading* is the term applied to the "reading" of the language from
drawings made by others. Actually, the blueprint process is only one of many forms
bv which drawings are reproduced today (see 730-743), but the term "blueprint
reading" has been accepted through usage to mean the interpretation of all ideas
expressed on technical drawings, whether the drawings are blueprints or not.
language. For its mastery he needs precisely the aptitudes and abilities he will need
to learn the science and engineering courses which he studies concurrently and later.
The student who is poor in technical drawing and descriptive geometry is likely to
be poor in his other technical courses.
The well-trained engineer must be able to make a correct graphical representa-
tion of engineering structures, which means that he must understand the fundamental
principles, or the grammar of the language, and must be able to execute the work with
*See The Blueprint Language, bv H. C. Spender and H. E. Grant (New York: The Macmillan Company,
reasonable skill, which is penmanship. In developing this skill, the left-handed student
need not feel that he is handicapped in any way. Some of the finest draftsmen are
Drawing students often try to excuse themselves for inferior results (usually caused
by lack of application) by arguing that after graduation they do not expect to do
any drafting at all; they expect to have others make any needed drawings under
their direction. Such a student presumptuously pictures himself, immediately after
graduation, as the accomplished engineer concerned with bigger things, and forgets
that his first job may well be "on the board" and that he will be the one who will
make the drawings under the direction of a really experienced engineer. Though he
may not realize it, entering the engineering profession via the drawing board is
fortunate for him, since it affords an unexcelled opportunity "to learn the ropes" in
the industry in which he has started. Even if the young engineer has not been too
successful in developing a skilful penmanship in the graphic language, he still will
have great use for its grammar, since the ability to read a drawing is of utmost im-
portance, and he will need this ability throughout his professional life.
Further, the young engineer is apt to overlook the fact that in practically all the
subsequent engineering courses he will take in college, he will encounter technical
drawings in most of his textbooks, and he will be called upon by his instructors to
supplement his calculations with mechanical drawings or sketches. Thus, a mastery
of his course in technical drawing will aid him materially not only in engineering
practice after graduation, but more immediately in his other technical courses, and
will have a definite bearing on his scholastic progress.
Besides the direct values to be obtained from a serious study of the graphic lan-
guage, there are a number of very important training values which, though they may
be considered by-products, are fully as essential as the language itself. Many a student
learns for the first time in his drawing course the meaning of neatness, speed, and
basic habits that every successful engineer must have or acquire.
All authorities agree that the ability to think in three dimensions is one of the most
devoted to the language of his profession, to the end that he will not be professionally
illiterate, but will possess an ability to express himself quickly and accurately through
the correct use of the graphic language.
observer whose eye is at the point O. The projection or drawing upon the plane is
produced by the piercing points of the projectors in the plane of projection. In this
case, where the observer is relatively close to the object and the projectors form a
"cone" of projectors, the resulting projection is known as a perspective.
If the observer's eye is imagined as infinitely distant from the object and the
plane of projection, the projectors will be parallel, as shown in Fig. 8 (b) hence, this
Classes of Projection
Details are trifles, but trifles make
perfection, and perfection is no trifle.
Ben Franklin
"Keuffel & Esser Co., New York; Eugene Dietzgen Co., New York; Theo. Alteneder & Sons, Philadel-
phia; Frederick Post Co., Chicago; V
& E Manufacturing Co., Pasadena, Calif.; and the Gramercy Guild
Group, Inc.. New York, are some of the larger distributors of this equipment; their products are available
through local dealers.
behind it.
In the school drafting room, as in the industrial drafting room, the student is
expected to give thoughtful and continuous attention to the problems at hand. If he
does this, he will not have time to annoy others. The efficient draftsman sees to it
that he has the correct equipment and refrains from borrowing
which is a nuisance
to everyone. While the student is drawing, the textbook, his chief source of informa-
tion, should be available in a convenient position, Fig. 11.
When questions arise, first use the index of your text and endeavor to find the
answer for yourself. Try to develop self-reliance and initiative. On the other hand,
if you really need help, ask your instructor for assistance. The student who goes about
his work intelligently, with a minimum waste of time, first studies the assignment
carefully to be sure that he understands the principles involved, second, makes sure
he has the correct equipment in proper condition (such as sharp pencils), and third,
makes an effort to dig out answers for himself (the only true education).
One of the principal means of promoting efficiency in drafting is orderliness. All
needed equipment and materials should be placed in an orderly manner so that
everything is in a convenient place and can readily be found when needed, Fig. 1 1
The drawing area should be kept clear of books, compasses, slide rules, and other
equipment not in direct use. Form the habit of placing each item in a regular place
outside the drawing area when it is not being used.
When drawing at home, it is best to work in a room by yourself, if possible. A
book can be placed under the upper portion of the drawing board to give the board
a convenient inclination, or the study-table drawer may be pulled out and used to
support the drawing board at a slant.
It is best to work in natural north light coming from the left and slightly from
the front. Never work on a drawing in direct sunlight or in dim light, as either will
be injurious to the eyes. If artificial light is needed, the light source should be such
that shadows are not cast where lines are being drawn, and such that there will be
as little reflected glare from the paper as possible. Special draftsman's fluorescent
lamps are available with adjustable arms so that the light source may be moved to
any desired position. * Drafting will not hurt eyes that are in normal condition, but
the exacting work will often disclose deficiencies not previously suspected.
Left-Handers. Place the head of the T-square on the right, and arrange the light
source from the right and slightly from the front.
14. Drawing Boards. If the left edge of the drafting table top has a true straight
edge and the surface is hard and smooth (such as masonite), a drawing board is
Length of T-square
For hanging j
on nail-
However, most cases a drawing board will be needed. These vary from 9" X 12
(for sketching field work) up to 48" X 72" or larger. The recommended size for
students is 20" X 24", Fig. 10, which will accommodate the largest sheet likely to be
used, which is 17" X 22".
Drawing boards traditionally have been made of soft woods, such as white pine,
*Dazor Mfg. Corp., St. Louis 10, Mo.
so thatthumbtacks can be easily pushed down. However, after considerable use, the
board likely to be full of thumbtack holes, which are objectionable. Many draftsmen
now prefer to use Scotch drafting tape, which in turn permits hard surfaces such as
hardwood, masonitc, linoleum, or other materials to be used.
The left -hand edge of the board is called the working edge, because the T-square
head slides against it, Fig. 12. This edge must be straight, and you should test the
edge with a framing square, or with a T-square blade which has been tested and
found straight, Fig. 13. If the edge of the board is not true, it must be run through a
jointer or planed with a jack plane.
15. T-Square. The T-square, Fig. 12, is composed of a long strip called the
blade, fastened rigidly at right angles to a shorter piece called the head. The upper
edge of the blade and the inner edge of the head are working edges, and must be
straight. The working edge of the head must not be convex, so that the T-square
"rocks" when the head is placed against the board. The blade should have trans-
parent plastic edges and should be free of nicks along the working edge. Transparent
edges are desirable, since they permit the draftsman to see the drawing in the vicinity
of the lines being drawn.
Do not use the T-square to drive tacks into the board or for any rough purpose. Never cut
paper along its working edge, as the plastic is easily cut and even a slight nick will ruin the
16. Testing and Correcting the T-Square. To test the working edge of the
head, see if the T-square "rocks" when the head is placed against a straight edge,
such as a framing square or a drawing board working edge that has already been
tested and found true. If the working edge of the head is convex, remove the head
and run it through a jointer, or plane it by hand until it tests straight. In replacing
the blade on the head, use furniture glue in addition to the screws.
To test the working edge of the blade, Fig. 14, draw a sharp line very carefully
with a hard pencil along the entire length of the working edge then turn the T-square
over and draw the line again along the same edge. If the edge is straight, the two
lines will coincide; otherwise the space between the lines will be twice the error of
the blade.
a crooked T-square blade, and if the error is considerable,
It is difficult to correct
it maybe necessary to discard the T-square and obtain another. However, if care
is taken the blade can be made true by scraping the edge with a scraper or a sharp
knife, as in truing a triangle, Fig. 33, and then sanding with #0 or #00 sandpaper
wrapped around a block.
17. Fastening Paper to the Board. The drawing paper should be placed close
enough to the working edge of the board to reduce to a minimum any error resulting
from a slight "give," or bending of the blade of the T-square, and close enough to
the upper edge of the board to permit space at the bottom of the sheet for using the
T-square and supporting the arm while drawing, Fig. 15.
To thumbtack the paper in place, press the
T-square head firmly against the working edge
of the drawing board with the left hand, while
paper is adjusted with the right hand until the
top edge "lines up" with the upper edge of the
T-square. Place the first tack in the upper left
corner, and the second in the upper or lower
right corner, depending upon the condition of
the paper. Generally four tacks are required,
but for very large sheets more than four may be
required, while for very small sheets only two
Fig. 15 Placing Paper on Drawing
Board. tacks in the upper corners of the paper may be
sufficient. In any case, the tacks should have
thin heads and should be pushed down as far as they will go so as to decrease the
obstruction to the T-square.
Many draftsmen now prefer drafting tape, Fig. 16, although the tape tends to
roll up under the T-square and for that reason is about as objectionable as thumb-
tacks. However, an advantage of the tape is that it does not damage the board. In
removing a taped drawing, pull the tape back slowly. If pulled rapidly, the tape will
take with it the top surface of the paper.
Some draftsmen prefer to use cellophane tape, which is perfect for the purpose
except that it is a little more tedious to remove and it tends to take off even more
of the top surface of the paper if not handled carefully. Therefore, such tape should
be placed outside the trim line of the drawing, if possible.
Another method for fastening paper to the board is to use wire staples. A special
draftsman's stapler is shown in Fig. 17.
Tracing paper should not be fastened directly upon the board because small im-
perfections in the surface of the board will interfere with the line work. Always fasten
a larger backing sheet of heavy white drawing paper on the board first; then fasten
the drawing over this sheet.
18. Drawing Pencils. High-quality drawing pencils, Fig. 18 (a), should be used
in technical drawing never ordinary writing pencils.
Drawing pencil leads are made of graphite with kaolin (clay) added in varying
amounts to make eighteen grades from 9H (the hardest) down to 7B (the softest),
Fig. 19. The uses of these different grades are shown in the figure. Note that the
harder pencils have small-diameter leads, while the softer grades have large -diameter
leads to givemore strength; hence, the degree of hardness can be roughly judged by
a comparison of the diameters. Drawing pencils are hexagonal in shape to fit between
the thumb, forefinger, and second finger, and to prevent them from rolling off the
the table easily.
Available in all grades
Threaded ferrule
Many makes of mechanical pencils are available, Fig. 18 (b), together with refill
drafting leads in all grades. Choose those which "feel" well in the hand and which
grip the lead firmly without slipping. Mechanical pencils have the advantage of
maintaining a constant length of lead (no more trying to draw with a stub!), of
permitting use of a lead practically to the end, of being easily refilled with new
leads, of affording a ready source for compass leads, and of having no wood to be
sharpened. In the long run, the total expense for mechanical pencils is probably less
than for wooden pencils.
A new type of mechanical pencil has been introduced which uses flat leads.
Lines of uniform width suitable for visible or hidden lines may be drawn without
the necessity of ever sharpening the lead. In drawing a line, the flat face of the lead
is held against the ruling edge.
Pencil holders are also available, Fig. 18 (c), by means of which a pencil may
be used up entirely without the draftsman having to work with a short stub.
19. Choice of Grade of Pencil. Unfortunately the pencil industry has not
standardized its product so that one can depend upon the grade marks, except in a
general way. Thus, an F lead by one manufacturer actually may be about the same
as a 2H of another manufacturer. Generally speaking, the Koh-i-noor, Mars, and
Castell pencils appear to be a grade or two harder than the other makes.
Therefore, it is necessary for the draftsman to select the brand he likes and then
experiment with the various grades of lead. He must first know the character of line
required and be able to tell at once by inspection whether or not a line is correct in
width and blackness.
To begin with, the type of drawing must be taken into consideration. For light
construction lines, guide lines for lettering, and for accurate geometrical construc-
tions or any work where accuracy is of prime importance, use a hard pencil, such
as 4Hto 6H.
For mechanical drawings on drawing paper or tracing paper, the lines should
be black, particularly for tracings to be reproduced as blueprints or otherwise. The
pencil chosen must be soft enough to produce jet-black lines, but hard enough not
to smudge too easily or permit the point to crumble under normal pressure. This
pencil will vary from F to 2H, roughly, depending upon the paper and weather condi-
tions. The same comparatively soft pencil is preferred for lettering and arrowheads.
Another factor to consider is the texture of the paper. If the paper is hard and
has a decided "tooth," it will be necessary generally to use harder leads. For smoother
surfaces, softer leads can be used. Hence, to obtain dense black lines, the paper should
not have too much "tooth."
A final factor to consider is the weather. On humid days the paper absorbs
moisture from the atmosphere and becomes soft. This can be recognized because the
paper expands and becomes wrinkled. It is necessary to select softer leads to offset
the softening of the paper. If you have been using an F lead, change to an HB until
the weather clears up.
20. Sharpening the Pencil. Keep jour pencil sharp/ This is certainly the most
frequent instruction needed by the beginning student. A dull pencil produces fuzzy,
sloppy, indefinite lines and is the mark of a dull and careless student. Only a sharp
pencil is capable of producing clean-cut black lines that sparkle with clarity.
Sharpen the unlettered end of the pencil, Fig. 18 (a), in order to preserve the
grade mark and to make it easy to identify the pencil in use. First, cut away the
wood with a sharp knife, starting about I5" from the end, and leaving about f" of
lead uncut, Fig. 20 (a) and 21 (a). Or use a simple pencil sharpener, Fig. 22 (a), or
an automatic sharpener, (b), to cut the wood away as shown in Fig. 20 (b). Then
shape the lead to a sharp conical point on a pencil pointer (sandpaper pad or a small
file), Figs. 20 (c) and 21 (b), and wipe the lead clean to remove loose particles of
graphite. Never sharpen your pencil over the drawing or any of your equipment. Many drafts-
men then "burnish" the point on a piece of hard paper to obtain a smoother, sharper
point. However, for drawing
visible lines the point should not be needle-sharp, but
very slightly rounded. sharpen the lead to a needle point, then stand the pencil
vertically and with a few rotary motions on the paper, wear the point down slightly
Fig. 20 Pencil Points.
to the desired point.Keep the sandpaper pad, when not in use, in a container, such
asan envelope with one end cut open, Fig. 22 (c), to prevent the particles of graphite
from falling upon the drawing or drawing equipment.
Keep the pencil pointer close by, as frequent pointing of the pencil will be necessary.
For straight-line drawing, some draftsmen prefer the wedge point, Fig. 20 (d).
This point is produced by cutting the wood away as at (a) or (b), and then sharpen-
ing on opposite sides, as shown at (d). In drawing a line with this point, the flat face
of the lead is held against the straightedge. Some prefer to sharpen slightly on the
edges of the wedge so as to produce a "screwdriver" point, as shown. If pronounced
flat cuts are made in the wood on the same sides as the flat cuts in the lead as shown
at (e), the draftsman will be able easily to "feel" when a flat face of the lead is against
the straightedge.
A quick method of making a good wedge point is to produce first a conical point
and then cut a flat face on one side. The resulting point is elliptical in contour,
Fig. 20 (f).
good mechanical pencil, Fig. 18 (b), is used, much time may be saved in
If a
sharpening, since the lead can be "fed" from the pencil as needed and pointed on
the sandpaper pad or file.
An excellent lead pointer for mechanical pencils is
and other "thick" lines, use a relatively soft pencil, such as F or H. All thin lines
(except the construction line) must be thin, but dark. They should be made with a
sharp medium-grade pencil, such as H or 2H.
In Fig. 24, the ideal lengths of all dashes are indicated. It would be well to meas-
ure the first few hidden dashes and center -line dashes you make, and then thereafter
to estimate the lengths carefully by eye.
ASA Y14.2-1957.
1t Jih
Hidden Line (Medium) Hidden Line (Medium)
Center Line (Thin) Center Line (Thin)
-3 1
4 '
Dimension & Extension Lines (Thin) Lines (Thin)
Hh r**
Cutting-Plane & Cutting-Plane &
Viewing-Plane Line (Thick) Viewing-Plane Line (Thick)
^ -L .
f |
TO rg -| /-Freehand
Note that the thick and medium ink lines are considerably wider than the corre-
sponding pencil lines, while the thin lines are about the same width in pencil or in
ink. For inking procedures, see 57-64.
22. Erasing. Erasers are available in many degrees of hardness and abrasive-
ncss. For general drafting, the Weldon Roberts "India" eraser or the Eberhard-Faber
"Ruby" is recommended, Fig. 25 (a). These erasers are used for erasing either pencil
or ink. Avoid gritty erasers, even for erasing ink, as they invariably damage the paper.
A soft "pink" pencil eraser is preferred by many draftsmen to erase light lines during
the construction stage of a drawing. Best results are obtained if a hard surface, such
as a triangle, is placed under the paper being erased. If the surface has become badly
"grooved" by the lines, the surface can be improved by burnishing with a hard
smooth object or with the back of the finger nail.
(b) artgum
Fig. 25 Erasers. Fig. 26 Using the Erasing Shield. Fig. 27 Electric Erasing
The artgum, Fig. 25 (b), is recommended for general cleaning of the large areas
of a drawing or for removing pencil lines from an inked drawing. The artgum should
never be used as a substitute for the regular pencil eraser.
The erasing shield, Fig. 26, is used to protect the lines near those being erased.
The electric erasing machine, Fig. 27, saves time and is essential if much drafting is
being done.
A dusting brush, Fig. 28, is useful for removing eraser
crumbs without smearing the drawing.
Keeping Drawings Clean. Cleanliness in draft-
mmm 23.
very important and should become a habit. Cleanli-
ing is
Fig. 28 Draftsman's
ness does not just "happen" it results only from a conscious
Dusting Brush.
effort to observe correct procedures.
First, the draftsman should keep his hands clean at all times. Oily or perspiring
hands should be frequently washed with soap and water. Talcum powder on the
hands tends to counteract excessive perspiration.
Second, all drafting equipment, such as drawing board, T-square, triangles, and
scale, should be wiped frequently with a clean cloth. Water should be used sparingly
and dried off immediately. Artgum or other soft erasers may also be used for cleaning
drawing equipment.
Third, the largest contributing factor to dirty drawings is not dirt, but graphite
from the pencil; hence the draftsman should observe the following precautions:
1 Never sharpen a pencil over the drawing or any equipment.
2. Always wipe the pencil point with a clean cloth, after sharpening or pointing,
to remove small particles of loose graphite.
3. Never place the sandpaper pad in contact with any other drawing equipment
unless it is completely enclosed in an envelope or similar cover, Fig. 22 (c).
4. Never work with the sleeves or hands resting upon a penciled area. Keep such
parts covered with clean paper (not a cloth). In lettering a drawing, always place
a piece of paper under the hand.
5. Avoid sliding anything across the drawing. A certain amount of sliding of
T-square and triangles is necessary, but this can be minimized if triangles are picked
up by their tips and the T-square blade tilted upward slightly before moving.
6. Never rub across the drawing with the palm of the hand to remove eraser
particles; use a dust brush, Fig. 28, or flick
don't rub the particles off with a clean
Whenthe drawing is completed, it is not necessary to "clean it" if the above
ruleshave been observed. The practice of making a pencil drawing, scrubbing it
with artgum, and then retracing the lines, is poor technique and a waste of time,
and this habit should not be acquired.
At the end of the period or of the day's work, the drawing should be covered to
protect it from dust.
24. Horizontal Lines. To draw a horizontal line, Fig. 29 (a), press the head
of the T-square firmly against the working edge of the board with the left hand;
then slide the left hand to the position shown, so as to press the blade tightly against
the paper. Lean the pencil in the direction of the line at an angle of approximately
60 with the paper, (b), and draw the line from left to right. Keep the pencil in a
vertical plane, (b) and (c) ; otherwise, the line may not be straight. While drawing
the line, let the little finger of the hand holding the pencil glide lightly on the blade
of the T-square, and rotate the pencil slowly between the thumb and forefinger so
as to distribute the wear uniformly on the lead and maintain a symmetrical point.
When great accuracy is required, the pencil may be "toed in" as shown at (d)
to produce a perfectly straight line.
Left-Handers. In general, reverse the above procedure. Place the T-square head
against the right edge of the board, and with the pencil in the left hand, draw the
linefrom right to left.
Triangles and T-squares, especially when new, often have very sharp edges which
tend to cut into the pencil lead and cause a trail of graphite to be distributed along
the line. To prevent smearing of these particles, blow them off at intervals. If the
edges of the triangles or T-square are too sharp, they can be sanded very lightly with
#00 sandpaper just enough to remove the sharp edges.
as shown in Fig. 30. With the left hand, press the head of the T-square against the
board, then slide the hand to the position shown where it holds both the T-square
and the triangle firmly in position. Then draw the line upward, rotating the pencil
slowly between the thumb and forefinger.
Lean the pencil in the direction of the line at an angle of approximately 60
with the paper and in a vertical plane, (b). Meanwhile, the upper part of the body
should be twisted to the right, as shown at (c).
Left-Handers. In general, reverse the above procedure. Place the T-square head
on the right and the vertical edge of the triangle on the right; then, with the right
hand, hold the T-square and triangle firmly together, and with the left hand draw
the line upward.
The only time it is permissible for right-handers to turn the triangle so that the
verticaledge is on the right is when drawing a vertical line near the right end ot
26. The Triangles. Most inclined lines in mechanical drawing are drawn at
standard angles with the 45 triangle and the 30 X 60 triangle, Fig. 31. The triangles
are made of transparent plastic so that lines of the drawing can be seen through
them. A good combination of triangles is the 30 X 60 triangle with a long side of
10", and a 45 triangle with each side 8" long.
Totest the 45 angle, place the triangle on the T-square, as at (b), and draw a
line along the hypotenuse then turn the triangle over, and using the other 45 angle
of the triangle, draw a line along the hypotenuse. If the two lines do not coincide,
there is an error in one or both 45 angles. A direct test of the 45 angle can be made
by drawing a right triangle. The sides adjacent to the 90 angle will be equal if the
two 45 angles are correct (assuming the 90 angle to be correct).
To test the 60 angle of the 30 X 60 triangle, draw an equilateral triangle, as
shown at (c). If the sides are not exactly equal in length, the 60 angle is incorrect.
Another method of testing the 60 angle, (d), is to draw a horizontal line AB slightly
shorter than the hypotenuse of the triangle, and to draw
arcs with A and B as centers and AB as radius, inter-
When the triangle is placed as shown, its
secting at C.
hypotenuse should pass through C.
To true up the edge of a triangle, make a "rough
cut" by scraping the edge with a knife or with a scraper,
Fig. 33. Or place the triangle in a vise and plane with a
sharp block plane set for a very shallow cut. Then hold
Fig. 33 Scraping the Triangle, the triangle flat against the edge of a table top, with the
edge of the triangle level with it, and sand the edge with #0 or #00 sandpaper wrapped
around a block.
28. Inclined Lines. The positions of the triangles for drawing lines at all of
the possible angles are shown in Fig. 34. In the figure it is understood that the tri-
angles in each case are resting upon the blade of the T-square. Thus, it is possible
to divide 360 into twenty-four 15 sectors with the triangles used singly or in com-
bination. Note carefully the directions for drawing the lines, as indicated by the
arrows. Note that all arrows in the left half point toward the center, while those in the
right half point away from the center.
29. Protractors. For measuring or setting off angles other than those obtainable
with the triangles, the protractor is used. The best protractors are made of nickel silver
and are capable of most accurate work, Fig. 35 (a). For ordinary work the plastic
or the sheet-metal protractor is satisfactory and is much cheaper, (b). To set off
angles with greater accuracy, use one of the methods presented in 127.
Fig. 35 Protractors.
31. To Draw a Line Through Two Points. To draw a line through two points.
Fig. 37, place the pencil vertically at one of the points, and move the straight-edge
about the pencil point as a pivot until it lines up with the other point; then draw
the line along the edge.
32. Parallel Lines. To draw a line parallel to a given line, Fig. 38, move the
triangle and T-square as a unit until the hypotenuse of the triangle lines up with
the given line, (a) ; then, holding the T-square firmly in position, slide the triangle
away from the line, (b), and draw the required line along the hypotenuse, (c).
Obviously any straightedge, such as
one of the triangles, may be substituted for
the T-square in this operation, as shown
at (a).
To draw parallel lines at 15 with hori-
zontal, arrange the triangles as shown in
Fig. 39.
Fig. 40 To Draw a Line Perpendicular to a Given Line.
34. Lines at 30, 60, or 45 with Given Line. To draw a line making 30
with a given line, arrange the triangle as shown in Fig. 42. Angles of 60 and 45
may be drawn in a similar manner.
35. Scales.A drawing of an object may be the same size as the object (full
size), or it may
be larger or smaller than the object; in most cases, if not drawn lull
size, the drawing is made smaller than the object represented. The ratio of reduction
depends upon the relative sizes of the object and of the sheet of paper upon which
(a) (b)
the drawing is to be made. For example, a machine part may be half size (" = 1")
a building may be drawn TV size Q" = 1 '-0") a map may be drawn T ^Vo size ;
(1" = 100'-0"); or a gear in a wrist watch may be ten-times size (10" = 1" or -1T").
Scales are classified as architects scale, Fig. 43 (a), engineers scale, (b), mechanical
draftsmans scale, (c), and the decimal scale, (d).
flL o 7. \ <i % sv. "av v. <a\ a\ ra xx *t. ax vl ts k\v* *>* t.3 V <tt. .
^5iS9V \ \ \v V^\ \9\\ \~u \Q\ \* \<w\\ \9&\ '^6\ \8&\ \Q\ \os\ \9U
\ \zu \&9\ \*s\ \09\ vm \6\ \\ \o;."sc^,\
>* & * V" -\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\v\\\\\\y\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\v\\\\\\\\\\\U\\\\\'i\\\A\\\\\.\> /\
fiW] ;.:,,;;.,/.; :
,p ::
7 : .;r:i: i r :
; |
:; T' '::
;'i i
;';i T :i
IS93 V_
(d) Decimal Scale.
Courtesy Eugene Dietzgen Co.
Fig. 43 Types of Scales.
A full -divided scale is one in which the basic units are subdivided throughout the
length of the scale, Fig. 43 (a), (b), and (d). An open-divided scale is one in which
only the end unit is subdivided, as at (c).
.//A,,/.,./., .l.,.Hll^
(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) SCALE GUARD
36. Architects Scale. Fig. 43 (a). The architects scale is intended primarily for
drawings of buildings, piping systems, and other large structures which must be
drawn to a reduced scale to fit on a sheet of paper. The full-size scale is also useful
in drawing relatively small objects, and for that reason the architects scale has rather
general usage.
The architects scale has one full-size scale and ten overlapping reduced-size
scales. By means of these scales a drawing may be made to various sizes from full
size to T-J-g- size. Note particularly: In all of the reduced scales the major divisions represent
feet, and their subdivisions represent inches and fractions thereof. Thus, the scale marked f
means f inch = 1 ft., not f inch = 1 inch; that is, one-sixteenth size, not three-
fourths size. Similarly, the scale marked 5 means 5 inch = 1 ft., not \ inch = 1 inch;
that is, one-twenty-fourth size, not half-size.
All of the scales, from full-size to y^ size, are shown in Fig. 45. Some are upside-
down, just as they may occur in use. These scales are described as follows:
Full Size. Fig. 45 (a). Each division in the full-size scale is ts". Each inch is
divided first into halves, then quarters, eighths, and finally sixteenths, the division
lines diminishing in length with each division. To set off ", estimate one half of
1"; to set off 7>\", measure \\" (half of 3), then \" (half of {"); to set off 2W' (see
figure), measure 1", then " (f|" or half of rl")-
Qiiarter Size. Fig. 45 (b). Use the 3-inch scale in which 3" equals 1 '. The sub-
divided portion to the left of zero represents one foot, and is divided into inches,
then half inches, quarter inches, and finally eighth inches. The entire portion repre-
senting one foot would actually measure three inches; therefore, 3" equals 1
'. To set
off anything less than twelve inches, start at zero and measure to the left.
To set off 10J", read off 9" from zero to the left, then add 1|" and set off the total
10|", as shown. To more than 12", for example, 1 '-9f " (see your scale), find
set off
the 1' mark and the 9|" mark to the left of zero; the required
to the right of zero,
distance is the distance between these marks, and represents 1 '-9| being actually ,
(Full size)
2 i6
3" (Half siz e)
1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 MM 1 1
~* |
Eighth Size. Fig. 45 (b). Use the \\" scale in which \\" equals 1 '. The subdivided
portion to the right of zero represents 1 ', and is divided into inches, then half inches,
and finally quarter inches. The entire portion, representing 1', actually is H"; there-
fore: If" equals 1 '. To set off anything less than twelve inches, start at zero and
measure to the riffht.
To set off 7j", (see figure), read off 7" from zero to the right, then add \" and
set off the total 1\", as shown.
To set off more than twelve inches, for example 3'-10f" (see your scale), find the
3' markto the left of zero, and the lOf" mark to the right of zero; the required dis-
tance the distance between these marks, and represents 3'-10f", being one -eighth
of 3'-10|".
Double Size- Use the full-size scale, and multiply every dimension mentally by
two. To set off 1", measure 2"; to set off 3j", measure 65", and so on. The double-
size scale is occasionally used to represent small objects. In such cases, a small actual-
size outline view should be shown near the bottom of the sheet to help the shop man
visualize the actual size of the object.
Other Sizes. Fig. 45. The other scales besides those described above are used
chiefly by architects. Machine drawings are customarily made only double size, full
size, \ size, \ size, or \ size.
Special Methods. The f
" scale can be used conveniently to set off thirty-seconds
of an inch full size, since each small subdivision on this scale equals yj". Similarly,
the tV' scale can be used to set off sixty-fourths of an inch full size, since each small
subdivision equals it" If it is desired, for example, to set off the radius of a f" drill
hole, set off 6| (half of 13) small divisions on the xs scale.
Do not abuse the scale by using it as a straightedge, hammering thumbtacks with
it, pricking holes in it with dividers to take off dimensions, or using it in ways other
than its intended use.
37. Engineers Scale. Fig. 43 (b). The engineers scale is graduated in the decimal
system. Itis also frequently called the civil engineers scale because it was originally
used mainly in civil engineering. The name chain scale also persists because it was
originally derived from the use of the surveyors' chain composed of 100 links, used
for land measurements. The name engineers scale is perhaps best, because the scale is
39. Decimal Scale. Fig. 43 (d). The increasing use of decimal dimensions has
brought about the development of a scale specifically for that use, approved by the
ASA.f On the full-size scale, each inch is divided into fiftieths of an inch, or .02",
as shown in Fig. 46 (c) and on the half- and quarter-size scales the inches are
"shrunk" to half size or quarter size, and then are divided into ten parts, so that
each subdivision stands for A".
The complete decimal system of dimensioning, in which this scale is used, is
described in 368.
40. To Indicate the Scale on a Drawing. For machine drawings, the most
common practice is to letter FULL SIZE, 5 SIZE, 3 SIZE, or SIZE, or to abbreviate
with the words FULL, HALF, QUARTER, or EIGHTH, or to equate inches to
inches: 1" = 1", h_" = 1", \" = 1", \" = 1", or 2" = 1" (double size). For examples
of howscales are shown on machine drawings, see Figs. 718-721.
For drawings of buildings, piping, and other structures in which the dimensions
are in feet and inches, the architects scales should be given in terms of inches to feet,
as 3" = 1 '-0" (quarter size), \" = 1 '-0" (twenty-fourth size), etc.
Map scales are indicated in terms of fractions, as Scale 62 50O
, or graphically as
400^0 400 s oo n, S ee also 656.
*Frederick Post's No. 1306 and Keuffel & Esser's No. 8885.
tASA Z75. 1-1955.
Fig. 47 (a). If extreme accuracy is required, a tiny prick mark may be made at the
required point with the needle point or stylus, as shown at (b), or with one leg of
the dividers.
Avoid cumulative errors in the use of the scale. If a number of distances are to be
set off end-to-end, all should be set off at one setting of the scale by adding each
successive measurement to the preceding one, if possible. Avoid setting off the dis-
tances individually by moving the scale to a new position each time, since slight
errors in the measurements may accumulate and give rise to a large error.
jectives are not likely to be obtained with cheap or inferior drawing instruments.
For the student or the professional draftsman it is advisable, and in the end more
economical, to purchase the best instruments that can be afforded. Good instruments
will satisfy the most rigid requirements, and the satisfaction, saving in time, and
improved quality of work which good instruments can produce will more than justify
the higher price.
Unfortunately, the qualities of high-grade instruments are not likely to be recog-
nized by the beginner, who is not familiar with the performance characteristics re-
quired and who is apt to be attracted by elaborate sets containing a large number of
shiny low-quality instruments. Therefore, the student should obtain the advice of his
drafting instructor, of an experienced draftsman, or of a reliable dealer. *
A typical set of traditional-style drawing instruments is shown in Fig. 48. This
setcontains a compass, dividers, bow pencil, bow pen, bow dividers, two ruling pens,
and various auxiliary parts.
43. Giant Bow Formerly it was general practice to make pencil drawings
on detail paper and thenmake an inked tracing from it on tracing cloth. As repro-
duction methods and transparent tracing papers were improved, it was found that
a great deal of time could be saved by making drawings directly in pencil with dense
black lines on the tracing paper and making prints therefrom, thus doing away with
the preliminary pencil drawing on detail paper. Today, though inked tracings are
made when a fine appearance is necessary and where the greater cost is justified,
the overwhelming proportion of drawings are made directly in pencil on tracing
paper, vellum, or pencil tracing cloth.
These developments have brought about the present "giant-bow" sets which are
offered now by all the major manufacturers, Fig. 49.* The sets contain various com-
binations of instruments, but are all featured by a large bow compass in place of the
traditional large compass. The large bow instrument is much sturdier and is capable
of taking the heavy pressure necessary to produce dense black lines.
Most of the large bows are of the center-wheel type, Fig. 50 (a). Several manu-
facturers now offer different varieties of quick-acting bows. The large bow shown
at (b) can be adjusted by simply opening and closing the legs in the same manner
as for the old-style compass. The friction in the pivot joint is sufficient to hold a
setting except when the pressure must be very heavy and the radius large. In that
case the compass can be rigidly locked in position.
44. The Compass. A typical old-style compass is shown in Fig. 51. All such
instruments have a socket joint in one leg which permits the insertion of either pencil
or pen attachments. A lengthening bar, (b), is used to increase the radius. This type
of compass is excellent for drafting where it is not necessary to exert great pressure
in order to produce heavy dark lines. For production drafting, in which it is necessary
to make dense black lines to produce clear legible prints, the giant bow, Fig. 50, is
45. Using the Compass. These instructions apply generally both to the old-
style and the giant bow compasses. The compass, with pencil and inking attachments,
is used for drawing circles of approximately 1" radius or larger, Fig. 52. Most compass
needle-points have a plain end for use when the compass is converted into dividers,
and a "shoulder-end" for use as a compass. Adjust the needle point with the shoulder-
end out and so that the small point extends slightly farther than the pencil lead or
pen nibs, Fig. 55 (d).
To draw a penciled circle, Fig. 52: (1) set off the required radius on one of the
center lines, (2) place the needle point at the exact intersection of the center lines,
(3) adjust the compass to the required radius (1" or more), (4) lean the compass
forward and draw the circle clockwise while rotating the handle between the thumb
and forefinger. To obtain sufficient weight of line, it may be necessary to repeat the
movement several times.
Any error in radius will result in a doubled error in diameter; hence, it is best
to draw a trial circle first on scrap paper or on the backing sheet and then check
the diameter with the scale.
Fig. 52 Using the Compass. Fig. 53 "Breaking" the Legs of the Compass.
When drawing inked circles, "break" the legs of the compass, Fig. 53, so that
they will stand approximately perpendicular to the paper; otherwise both nibs of
the pen attachment will not touch the paper equally.
Manipulate the compass with one hand, as shown for handling the dividers in
Fig. 58. On drawings having circular arcs and tangent straight lines, draw the arcs
first, whether in pencil or in ink, as it is much easier to connect a straight line to an
For very large circles, use the lengthening bar to increase the compass radius.
Use both hands, as shown in Fig. 54, but be careful not to jar the compass and thus
change the adjustment.
When using the compass to draw construction lines, use a 4H to 6H lead so that
the lines will be very dim. For required lines, the arcs and circles must be black, and
softer leads must be used. However, since heavy pressure cannot be exerted on the
compass as it can on a pencil, it is usually necessary to use a compass lead that is
about one grade softer than the pencil used for the corresponding line work. For
example, if an F pencil is used for visible lines drawn with the pencil, then an HB
might be found suitable for the compass work. In summary, use compass leads that
will produce arcs and circles that match the regular pencil lines.
It is necessary to exert pressure on the compass to produce heavy "printable"
circles, and this tends to enlarge the compass center hole in the paper, especially if
there are a number of concentric circles. In such cases, use a horn center or "center
tack" in the hole, and place the needle point in the hole in the tack.
(a) (b) (c) (d)
Sharpening the Compass Lead. Various forms of compass lead points are
illustrated in Fig. 55.At (a) a single elliptical face has been formed by rubbing on
the sandpaper pad, as shown in Fig. 56. At (b) the point is narrowed by small side
cuts. At (c) two long cuts and two small side cuts have been made so as to produce
a point similar to that on a screwdriver.
In using the compass, never use the plain end or the
needle point. Instead, use the shoulder-end as shown
in Fig. 55 (d), adjusted so that the tiny needle point
extends about half-way into the paper when the com-
pass lead just touches the paper.
Usually all of the compass leads provided in draw-
ing sets are hard. Softer leads are readily available if
you use a mechanical pencil, Fig. 18 (b). Otherwise,
Fig. 56 Sharpening Compass Lead.
save your pencil stubs, strip off the wood, and use the
leads in the compass. Avoid using leads that are too short to be sharpened as shown
in Fig. 55 (d).
should be slightly less than in the compass, for very little pressure is ever exerted
on the dividers. The pivot joint should be loose enough to permit easy manipulation
with one hand, as shown in Fig. 58. If the pivot joint is too tight, the legs of the
compass tend back" instead of stopping at the desired point when the
to "spring
pressure of the fingers is To adjust the tension, use the small screw driver
in the same manner as for the compass.
Most dividers are provided with a "hair spring" so that minute adjustments can
be made by turning the small thumbscrew.
49. Using the Dividers. The name implies, are used for dividing
dividers, as the
distances into a number They are used also for transferring distances or
of equal parts.
for setting off a series of equal distances. The dividers are used for spaces of approxi-
mately 1" or more. For less than 1" spaces, use the bow dividers, Fig. 61 (a). Never use
the large dividers for small spaces when the bow dividers can be used, as the latter are more
divide a given distance into a number of equal parts, Fig. 59, the method is
one of trial and error. Adjust the dividers with the fingers of the hand that holds
them, to the approximate unit of division, estimated by eye. Rotate the dividers
counterclockwise through 180, and then clockwise through 180, and so on, until
the desired number of units has been stepped off. If the last prick of the dividers
fallsshort of the end of the line to be divided, increase the distance between the
divider points proportionately. For example, to divide the line AB, Fig. 59, into three
equal parts, the dividers are set by eye to approximately one-third the length AB.
When it is found that the trial radius is too small, the distance between the divider
points is increased by one-third the remaining distance. If the last prick of the dividers
is beyond the end of the line, a similar decreasing adjustment is made.
student should avoid cumulative errors which may result when the dividers
are used to set off a series of distances end-to-end. To set off a large number of
equal divisions, say 15, first set off 3 equal large divisions and then divide each into
5 equal parts. Wherever possible in such cases, use the scale instead of the dividers,
as described in 41, or set off the total and then divide into the parts by means of
the parallel-line method, 121 and 122.
51. The Bow Instruments. The bow instruments are classified as the bow divid-
ers, bow pen, and bow pencil, Fig. 61. Except for the handles and thumbscrews, the
bow instruments are made of tool steel. There are two general types, the side-wheel
bows, Fig. 61, and the center-wheel bows, Fig. 62. Fine instruments are available in
both styles, and hence the choice is purely a matter of personal preference.
52. Using the Bow Instruments. The bow pencil is used for drawing penciled
circleshaving a radius of approximately 1" or smaller. Whether the center-wheel
instrument or the side-wheel instrument is used, the adjustment should be made
with the fingers of the hand that holds the instrument, Fig. 63 (a).
The bow pen, (b), is used for drawing inked circles of approximately 1" radius
or less.
When adjustment of any of the side-screw bow instruments must be made directly
from a large to a small radius, or vice-versa, it is best to press the two legs together
with the fingers of the left hand, (c), thus relieving the pressure upon the thumb-
screw, so that it may be spun to position quickly and without unnecessary wear upon
the threads.
The lead is sharpened in the same manner as for the large compass, 46, except
that for small radii, the inclined cut may be turned inside if preferred, Fig. 64 (a).
For general use, the lead should be turned to the outside, as shown at (b). In either
case, always keep the compass lead sharpened. Avoid stubby compass leads, which cannot
be properly sharpened. At least \" of lead should extend from the compass at all
In adjusting the needle point of the bow pencil or bow pen, be sure to have the
needle extending slightly longer than the pen or lead, Fig. 55 (d), the same as for
the large compass.
In drawing small circles, greater care is necessary in sharpening and adjusting
the lead and the needle point, and especially in accurately setting the desired radius.
If a \" diameter circle is to be drawn, and if the radius is "off" only ^", the total
error on diameter is 25 per cent, which is far too much error.
The bow dividers are used for the same purposes as the large dividers, but for
smaller (approximately 1" or less) spaces and more accurate work. Always use the
bow dividers in preference to the large dividers, if the spacings are within the range
of the bow dividers, since they are more accurate.
53. Drop Spring Bow Pencil and Pen. These compasses, Fig. 65, are designed
for drawing multiple identical small circles, such as drill holes or rivet heads. A
central pin is made to move easily up and down through a tube to which the pen
or pencil unit is attached. To use the instrument, hold the knurled head of the tube
between the thumb and second ringer, placing the first finger on top of the knurled
head of the pin. Place the point of the pin at the desired center, lower the pen or
pencil until it touches the paper, and twirl the instrument clockwise with the thumb
and second finger.Then lift the tube independently of the pin, and finally lift the
entire instrument.
(a) (b)
54. To Lay Out a Sheet. Fig. 66. After the sheet has been attached to the
board, as explained in 17, proceed as follows:
I. Using the T-square, draw a horizontal trim line near the lower edge of the
paper; and then using the triangle, draw a vertical trim line near the left edge of
the paper. Both should be light construction lines.
II. Place the scale along the lower trim line with the full-size scale up. Draw
short light dashes perpendicular to the scale at the required distances. See Fig. 47 (a).
III. Place the scale along the left trim line with the full-size scale to the left, and
mark the required distances with short light dashes perpendicular to the scale.
IV. Draw horizontal construction lines with the aid of the T-square through the
marks at the left of the sheet.
V. Draw vertical construction lines, from the bottom upward, along the edge of
the triangle through themarks at the bottom of the sheet.
VI. Retrace the border and the title strip to make them heavier. Notice that
the layout is made independently of the edges of the paper.*
Accented ENDS SHARP,/4re?/'j'-^
LINES, VERY tight!
57. Ruling Pens. The ruling pen. Fig. 70, should be of the highest quality, with
blades of high-grade tempered steel sharpened properly at the factory. The nibs
should be sharp, but not sharp enough to cut the paper. See 63 for sharpening the
ruling pen. Various devices have been devised to permit the blades to open for easy
cleaning, as shown in Fig. 70 (a) to (e).
58. Special Pens. The contour pen, Fig. 71 (a), is used for tracing freehand
curves, such as contour lines on maps. The railroad pen, (b), is used for drawing two
59. Drawing Drawing ink, Fig. 72, is composed chiefly of carbon in col-
loidal suspension, and gum. The fine particles of carbon give the deep, black luster
to the ink, and the gum makes it waterproof and quick to dry. The ink bottle should
not be left uncovered, as evaporation will cause the ink to thicken. Thickened ink
may be thinned by adding a few drops of a solution of four parts of aqua ammonia
to one part of distilled water. Ink left over in the ruling pen can be saved by holding
the pen in a horizontal position with the point over the open bottle and tapping the
edges of the nibs against the bottle. A convenient pen-filling ink stand, which requires
the use of only one hand, is shown at (b).
For removing dried waterproof drawing ink from pens or instruments, pen clean-
ing fluids are available at dealers.*
60. Use of the Ruling Pen. The ruling pen, Fig. 70, is used to ink lines drawn
with instruments, never to ink freehand lines or freehand lettering. The proper
method of filling the pen is shown in Fig. 73. The hands may be steadied by touch-
ing the little fingers together. Twisting, instead of pulling, the stopper from a new
bottle of ink, or one that has not been used for some time, will often save the stopper
from being broken. After the pen has been filled, the ink should stand about \" deep
in the pen.
Horizontal lines and vertical lines are drawn in the same manner as for the corre-
sponding pencil lines, Figs. 29 (a) and 30 (a).
Practically all the difficulties encountered in the use of the ruling pen may be
attributed to (1) incorrect position of the pen, (2) lack of allowance for the quick-
drying properties of drawing ink, and (3) improper control of thickness of lines and
incorrect junctures.
1. Position of the Pen. The pen should lean at an angle of about 60 with the
paper in the direction in which the line is being drawn, and in a vertical plane con-
Fig. 74 Using the Ruling Pen.
*Higgins Pen Cleaner or Leroy Pen Cleaning Fluid.
taining the line, Fig. 74 (a) and more the pen is leaned toward
(b). In general, the
and the more nearly vertical the pen is held,
the paper, the thicker the line will be;
the thinner the line will be. The thumbscrew is faced away from the straight edge,
and is adjusted, Fig. 74 (c), with the thumb and forefinger of the same hand that
holds the instrument. The correct position of the pen and the resulting correct line
are shown in Fig. 75 (a).
If the nibs are pressed tightly against the T-square or triangle, the effect is to
close the nibs and thus reduce the thickness of the lines, (b). If the pen
held as is
shown at (c), the ink will come in contact with the T-square and paper at the same
time and will run under the T-square and cause a blot on the drawing. The same
result may occur if, in filling the pen, ink is deposited on the outside of the nib that
touches the T-square. If the pen is held as shown at (d), the outside nib of the ruling
pen may not touch the paper and the line is apt to be ragged.
k '
When the line has been correctly drawn, care must be exercised not to touch
the wet ink when removing the T-square or triangle. The triangle or T-square
should be carefully drawn away from the line before being picked up. If more than
j" of ink is placed in the pen, the ink will flow too readily, thus increasing the danger
of a blot.
Factors that tend to make line heavier: Factors that tend to make line finer:
(1) Excess ink in the pen. (1) Small amount of ink in the pen.
(2) Slow movement of the pen. (2) Rapid movement of the pen.
(3) Dull nibs. (3) Sharp nibs.
(4) Caked particles of ink on the nibs. (4) Fresh ink and clean pen.
(5) Leaning the pen more toward the (5) Pen approaching the perpendicu-
paper. lar.
Before making a new ink line on a drawing, the thickness of line should be tested
by drawing a test line on a separate piece of paper under the same conditions. Never
test the pen freehand, or on a different kind of paper. Always use a straightedge, and use
identical paper.
If excess ink is in the pen or if wet lines are allowed to intersect previously drawn
lines that are still wet, teardrop ends and rounded corners will result, Fig. 77 (a)
and (b).
The used in inking irregular curves, as well as straight lines, as
ruling pen is
shown 88. The pen should be held more nearly perpendicular when
in Figs. 87 and
used with an irregular curve than when used with the T-square or a triangle. The
ruling pen should lean only slightly in the direction in which the line is being drawn.
It should be in a vertical plane containing a tangent to the curve at the position of
the pen.
Some draftsmen insert a triangle under the irregular curve, back from the line,
in order to raise the curve from the paper and prevent ink running under the edge.
Another effective method is to glue several thin pieces of plastic to the faces of the
curve or to the triangles.
(slow ^slow
(a) (b) CO (d)
When a drawing is important enough to warrant the use of ink, it is generally made
on tracing cloth. Although the glazed side of the cloth formerly was intended as the
working surface, most draftsmen prefer the dull side, because it takes ink better and
can be marked with a pencil. It is common practice to make the pencil drawing
directly upon the tracing cloth and then trace it with ink, thus eliminating the
traditional pencil drawing on detail paper.
Before the ink is applied, the cloth should be dusted with a small quantity of
pounce, which should be rubbed in lightly with a soft fabric and then thoroughly
removed with a clean cloth. Instead of the special drafting pounce, any slightly
abrasive powder, such as talcum or chalk dust (calcium carbonate), applied with
an ordinary blackboard eraser, may be used.
A greater difference in the widths of lines is necessary on tracings than on pencil
drawings, because the contrast between blue and white on blueprints is not so great
as that between black and white on drawings. Visible lines should be very bold.
Extension lines, dimension lines, section lines, and center lines should be very fine,
but strong enough to insure positive printing. The draftsman's line gage, Fig. 78, pre-
pared by Prof. C. V. Mann, is convenient when referring to lines of various widths.
In inking or tracing a pencil line, the ink line should be centered over the pencil
line, as shown in Fig. 79 (a), and not along one side as at (b). If this is done correctly
in the case of tangent arcs, the line thicknesses will overlap at the points of tangency,
as at (c), resulting in smooth tangencies. Incorrect practice is shown in exaggerated
form at (d). Tangent points should be constructed in pencil, 140-148, to assist in
making smooth connections.
Make visible lines full thickness if the lines are spaced well apart, as shown at
(e) and (g). When they are close together, the lines should be made thinner, (f)
and (h).
Pencil guide lines for lettering should be ruled directly upon the tracing paper
or cloth, since guide lines on the drawing underneath cannot be seen distinctly
enough to furnish an accurate guide for letter-heights. For conventional ink lines,
see Fig. 24.
UMri b, CvfemL Pv
ZL (e)
rr\DDfi K\f-r^nnct
i fn\ '
62. Order of Inking. Fig. 80. A definite order should be followed in inking a
drawing or tracing, as follows:
(a) Ink arrowheads and dimen-
sion figures.
(b) Ink notes, titles, etc. (pencil
guide lines directly on
Some draftsmen prefer to ink center lines be- INK STRAIGHT LINES
fore indenting the compass centers because of
the possibility of ink going through the holes
and causing blots on the back of the sheet.
63. To Sharpen the Ruling Pen. If a
ruling pensubjected to frequent or extended
than the other. This may result, to some extent, from wear or from dropping the pen
and chipping away small segments of the nibs.
It is in respect to these matters that the difference between inferior and superior
instruments is most noticeable. The material in good ruling pens does not wear
quickly and is not apt to chip, and the pen is more easily sharpened.
y(a) U
/(b) (?) (3) NIBS EQUAL (b) NIBS UNEQUAL
A hard Arkansas oil stone is excellent for sharpening ruling pens. If the nibs of
the ruling pen are unequal in length, they should first be equalized by moving the
pen, with the nibs together, across the stone lightly with an oscillating movement
from left to right, as shown in Fig. 83. To sharpen the nibs, they should be opened
and each nib sharpened on the outside, as shown in Fig. 84, rolling the pen slightly
Fig. 83 Equalizing Fig. 84 SharpeningtheRulingPen.
the Lengths of Nibs.
from side to side to preserve the convex surface of the nib. Great care must be exer-
cised to prevent oversharpening one nib and thus shortening it. The bright points,
indicating dullness, should be carefully watched and the nibs should be sharpened
until the bright points disappear. Finally, to make sure that one nib has not been
shortened, a few very light strokes should again be taken, as in Fig. 83. No attempt
should ever be made to sharpen the inside of the nibs, for this always results in a
slight convexity, which will ruin the pen.
64. Ink Erasing. Mistakes are certain to occur in inking, and correct methods
of erasing should be considered a part of the technique. For general ink or pencil
erasing, the Weldon Roberts "India" or the Eberhard-Faber "Ruby" eraser is recom-
mended. Ink erasers are usually gritty and too abrasive, and their use tends to destroy
the surface of the paper. If this occurs, it may be impossible to ink over the erased
area. Best results are obtained if a smooth hard surface, such as a triangle, is placed
under the area being erased.
An application of pounce or chalk dust will improve the surface and prevent
running of the ink. The erasing shield, Fig. 26, should be used to protect lines adjacent
to the area to be erased.
When an ink blot is made, the excess ink should be taken up with a blotter, or
smeared with the finger if a blotter is not available, and not allowed to soak into
the paper. When the spot is thoroughly dry, the remaining ink can be erased easily.
For cleaning untidy drawings or for removing the original pencil lines from an
inked drawing, a sponge rubber, kneaded rubber, or artgum is useful. The artgum
is recommended for general use. Pencil lines or dirt can be removed from tracing
cloth by rubbing lightly with a cloth moistened with carbon tetrachloride (Carbona)
or benzine (Energine).
When damages the surface, it may be restored by rubbing the
erasure on cloth
spot with soapstone and then applying pounce or chalk dust. If the damage is not
too great, an application of the powder will be sufficient.
When a gap in a thick ink line is made by erasing, the gap should be filled in
with a series of fine lines that are allowed to run together. A single heavy line is
likely to "run" and cause a blot.
In commercial drafting rooms, the electric erasing machine, Fig. 27, is usually
available to save the time of the draftsman.
66. Using the Irregular Curve. The irregular curve is a device for the mechan-
ical drawing of curved lines and should not be applied directly to the points, or used for purposes
of producing an initial curve. The proper use of the irregular curve requires skill,
especially when the lines are to be drawn in ink. After points have been plotted
through which the curve is to pass, a light pencil line should be sketched freehand
smoothly through the points.
To draw a mechanical line over the freehand line with the aid of the irregular
curve, only necessary to match the various segments of the irregular curve with
it is
successive portions of the freehand curve and to draw the line with pencil or ruling
pen along the edge of the curve, Fig. 87. It is very important that the irregular curve
match the curve to be drawn for some distance at each end beyond the segment to
be drawn for any one setting of the curve, as shown in Fig. 88. When this rule is
observed, the successive sections of the curve will be tangent to each other, without
any abrupt change in the curvature of the line. In placing the irregular curve, the
short-radius end of the curve should be turned toward the short-radius part of the
curve to be drawn; that is, the portion of the irregular curve used should have the
same curvilinear tendency as the portion of the curve to be drawn. This will prevent
abrupt changes in direction.
The draftsman should change his position with respect to the drawing when
accessary, so that he always works on the side of the curve away from him that is, ;
+ *^ + /
+ + +r +
+ +
+ +
(a) (b) (c)
For symmetrical curves, such as an ellipse, Fig. 89, use the same segment of the
irregular curve in two or more opposite places. For example, at (a) the irregular
curve is matched to the curve and the line drawn from 1 to 2. Light pencil dashes
are then drawn directly on the irregular curve at these points (the curve will take
pencil marks well if it is lightly "frosted" by rubbing with a hard pencil eraser).
At (b) the irregular curve is turned over and matched so that the line may be drawn
from 2 to 1. In similar manner, the same segment is used again at (c) and (d). The
ellipse is completed by filling in the gaps at the ends by using the irregular curve
or, if desired, the compass.
u sjlO rP^TO
at any angle. There are automatic stops at the most frequently used angles, such as
15, 30, 45, 60, 75,and 90.
Drafting machines* have been greatly improved in recent years. The chief ad-
vantage of the drafting machine is that it speeds up drafting. Since its parts are made
of metal, their accurate relationships are not subject to change, whereas T-squares,
triangles, and working edges of drawing boards must be checked and corrected fre-
quently. Drafting machines for left-handers are available from the manufacturers.
69. Parallel-Ruling Straightedge. For large drawings, the long T-square be-
comes unwieldy, and considerable inaccuracy may result from the "give" or swing
of the blade. In such case the parallel-ruling straightedge, Fig. 92, is recommended.
The ends of the straightedge are controlled by a system of cords and pulleys which
permit the straightedge to be moved up or down on the board while maintaining a
horizontal position.
70. Drawing Papers. Drawing paper, or detail paper, is used whenever a drawing
is to be made in pencil but not for reproduction. For working drawings and for gen-
eral use, the preferred paper is light cream or "buff" in color, and is available in
rolls ofwidths 24", 36", etc., and in cut sheets of standard sizes 9"X12", 12" XI 8",
18"X24", etc., or 8fXH', 11"X17", 17"X22", etc. Most industrial drafting
rooms use standard sheets with printed borders and title strips, and since the cost
for printing adds so little to the price per sheet, many schools have also adopted
printed sheets.
The best drawing papers have upwards of 100 per cent pure rag stock, have
stronger fibres that afford superior erasing qualities, folding strength, and toughness,
and will not discolor or grow brittle with age. The paper should have a fine grain
or "tooth" which will pick up the graphite and produce clean, dense black lines.
However, if the paper is too rough it will wear down the pencil excessively, and will
produce ragged, grainy lines. The paper should have a hard surface so that it will
not "groove" too easily when pressure is applied to the pencil.
'Universal Drafting Machine Co., Charles Bruning Co., Keuflfel & Esser Co., Eugene Dietzgen Co.,
Frederick Post Co., and V & E Manufacturing Co. are some of the manufacturers of drafting machines.
For ink work, as for catalog and book illustrations, white papers are used. The
better papers, such as Bristol Board and Strathmore, come in several thicknesses, as
2-ply, 3-ply, 4-ply, etc.
71. Tracing Papers. Tracing paper is a thin transparent paper upon which
drawings are made for the purpose of reproducing by blueprinting or by other similar
processes. Tracings are usually made in pencil, but may be made in ink. Most tracing
papers will "take" pencil or ink, but some are especially suited to one or to the other.
Tracing papers are of two kinds: (1) those treated with oils, waxes, or similar
substances to render them more transparent, called vellums; (2) those not so treated,
but which may be quite transparent, owing to the high quality of the raw materials
and the methods of manufacture. Some treated papers deteriorate rapidly with age,
becoming brittle in many cases within a few months, but some excellent vellums
are available. Untreated papers made entirely of good rag stock will last indefinitely
and will remain tough. For a discussion of tracing methods, see 61 and 62.
72. Tracing Cloth. Tracing cloth is a thin transparent muslin fabric, (cotton,
not "linen" as commonly supposed) sized with a starch compound or plastic to pro-
vide a good working surface for pencil or ink. It is much more expensive than tracing
paper. Tracing cloth is available in rolls of standard widths, as 30", 36", and 42",
and also in sheets of standard sizes, with or without printed borders and title forms.
For pencil tracings, special pencil tracing cloths are available. Many concerns
make their drawings in pencil directly on this cloth, dispensing entirely with the pre-
liminary pencil drawing on detail paper, thus saving a great deal of time. These
cloths generally have a surface that will produce dense black lines when hard pencils
are used. Hence, these drawings do not easily smudge and will stand up well with
A disadvantage of tracing cloth has been the ease with which itcould be damaged
by water or perspiration, but excellent waterproof cloths have been developed and
are now widely used.
73. Standard Sheets. Two systems of sheet sizes are approved by the ASA*
A 9" X 12"
B 12" X 18"
C 18" X 24"
D 24" X 36"
E 36" X 48"
F 28" X 40"
The use of the basic sheet size 8V'XH", and multiples thereof, permits filing of
small tracings and of folded prints in standard files with or without correspondence.
These sizes can be cut without waste from the standard 36" rolls of paper or cloth.
The alternate system based on size 9"X12" is widely used in the automotive
industry and has the advantage of slightly larger areas.
For American Standard sheet layouts, see Fig. 93. Note that in both systems for
sheets size C and larger, zoning letters may be used. The sizes of the zone spacings
may be varied as desired.
For title blocks, revision blocks, and list of materials blocks, see the back endpaper
of this book. See also 433.
*ASA Y14.1-1957.
technique. If ink tracings are required, the originals may be drawn on detail paper
and then traced on vellum or tracing cloth. For any assigned problem, the instructor
may require that all dimensions and notes be lettered in order to afford further
lettering practice.
The problems of Chapter 4, "Geometrical Constructions," provide excellent addi-
drawing instruments.
tional practice to develop skill in the use of
Problems in convenient form for solution may be found in Technical Drawing
Problems, by Giesecke, Mitchell, and Spencer, and in Technical Drawing Problems,
Series 2, by Spencer and Grant, both designed to accompany this text, and published
by The Macmillan Company.
Fig. 94 Using Layout A-2, divide working space into six equal
rectangles, and draw visible lines, as shown. Draw construction
lines AB through centers C at right angles to required lines; then
along each construction line, set off \" spaces and draw required
visible lines. Omit dimensions and instructional notes.
Fig. 95 Using Layout A-2, divide working space into six equal
rectangles, and draw lines shown. In first two spaces, draw con-
ventional lines to match those in Fig. 24 (pencil lines). In remain-
ing spaces, locate centers C by diagonals, and then work
constructions out from them. Omit dimensions and instructional
Fig. 97 Using Layout A-2 and arrangement of Fig. 96, draw any two assigned
shown. Omit all dimensions and instructional notes.
figures in pencil, as
Fig. 98 Using Layout A-2 and arrangement of Fig. 96, draw any two assigned figures
Omit all dimensions and instructional notes.
in pencil, as shown.
-n 2 HOLES 3 _
Fig. 99 Friction Plate. Using Layout Fig. 100 Seal Cover. Using Layout A-2, draw views
A-2, draw in pencil. Omit dimensions and in pencil. Omit dimensions and notes. See 251.
Fig. 101 Geneva Cam. Using Layout Fig. 102 Shear Plate. Using Layout A-2, draw
A-2, draw in pencil. Omit dimensions accurately in pencil. Give length of KA. Omit
and notes. other dimensions and notes.
Fig. 103 Ratchet Wheel. Using Layout Fig. 104 Latch Plate. Using Layout A-2,
A-2, draw in pencil. Omit dimensions and draw in pencil.Omit dimensions and notes.
75. Origin of Letter Forms. Modern European alphabets had their origin in
Egyptian hieroglyphics, which were developed into a cursive hieroglyphic or hieratic
writing. This was adopted by the Phoenicians and was developed by them into an
alphabet of twenty-two letters. This Phoenician alphabet was later adopted by the
Greeks, but it evolved into two distinct types in different sections of Greece: an
Eastern Greek type, used also in Asia Minor, and a Western Greek type, used in the
Greek colonies in and near Italy. In this manner the Western Greek alphabet became
the Latin alphabet about 700 b.c. The Latin alphabet came into general use through-
out the Old World.
Originally the Roman capital alphabet consisted of twenty-two characters, and
these have remained practically unchanged to this day. They may still be seen on
Trajan's Column and other Roman monuments. The letter V was used for both U
and V until the tenth century. The last of the twenty-six characters, J, was adopted
at the end of the fourteenth century as a modification of the letter I. The dot over
the lower-case j still indicates its kinship to the i in Old English the two letters are
very similar. The numerous modern styles of letters were derived from the original
Roman capitals.
Before the invention of printing by Gutenberg in the fifteenth century, all letters
were made by hand and were modified and decorated according to the taste of the
individual writer. These letters were introduced into England, where they became
known as Old English. The early German printers adopted these letters, and they
are still in use in Germany. The early Italian printers used Roman letters, which
were later introduced into England, where they gradually replaced the block letters
'Lettering, not "printing," is the correct term for making letters by hand. Printing means the production
of printed material on a printing press.
77 3. LETTERING 65
of German origin. Thus the Roman capital has come down to us virtually in its
original form.
76. Letter Styles. A general classification of letter styles is shown in Fig. 105.
They were all made with Speedball pens, as indicated, and are therefore largely
single-stroke letters.
J-LJ\^JJ-Jl \J1 11T italic-u dMlas
f c l assl
slanting letters are
Italics- These may
x- t ,- /-^ ^ Cs*. 1* 4 It l**s* be further designated as Roman-
allies. Gothic Italics orTixtltahc.
Made with Style CorD Speedball Fbn
similar letters such as German Text are actually Gothic. The Commercial Gothic
shown at the top of Fig. 105 is a relatively modern development, which originates
from the earlier Gothic forms. German Text is the only commercially used form of
medieval Gothic in use today.
For more extensive and detailed information regarding the styles of letters, see
"compressed" or "condensed" letters. If the letters are wider than normal, they are
referred to as "extended" letters, Fig. 106.
Condensed Letters
Extended Letters
Fig. 106 Extended and Condensed Letters.
78. Lightface and Boldface Letters. Letters also vary as to the thickness of
the stems or strokes. Letters having very thin stems are called LIGHTFACE, while
those having heavy stems are called BOLDFACE, Fig. 107.
- V~~ a ss r 79. Single-Stroke Gothic Letters. During the
^-^ I I
I I f\ V_> L_ latter part of the nineteenth century the develop-
^^ ^^ ment
of industry and of technical drawing in the
l*S Qy | |_y p p\\~j. P
United States made evident a need for a simple
.._ _ . . . legible letter that could be executed with single
Fig. 107 Lightface and , ,- ^ , ^, ?,
strokes ot an ordinary pen. lo meet this need U. VV.
Boldface Letters
Reinhardt, formerly Chief Draftsman for the Engineer-
ing News, developed alphabets of capital and lower-case inclined and "upright"
letters,* based upon the old Gothic letters, Fig. 142. For each letter he worked
out a systematic series of strokes. The single-stroke Gothic letters used on technical
drawings today are based upon Reinhardt's work.
Published in the Engineering News about 1893, and in book form in 1895.
83 3. LETTERING 67
Letters not
some allowances must be made for in- DF. I AT W p IV | \ in height.
fo ft
O HW 8
Fig. 109 Optical Illusions.
"ASA Y14. 2-1957.
68 3. LETTERING 85
84. Lettering Pencils. Pencil letters can be best made with a medium soft
pencil with a conical point, Fig. 20 (c). First, sharpen the pencil to a needle point;
then dull the point very slightly by marking on paper while holding the pencil verti-
cally and rotating the pencil to round off the point. An F or H
pencil is suitable for
use on ordinary drawing paper of smooth surface. Between letters, turn the pencil
occasionally to new positions in order to keep the point symmetrical.
Today the majority of drawings are finished in pencil and reproduced as blue-
prints, ammonia prints, or other reproductions. To reproduce well by any process,
the pencil lettering must be dense black, as should all other final lines on the draw-
ing. The right pencil to use depends largely upon the amount of "tooth" in the
paper, the rougher papers requiring the harder pencils. The lead should be soft
enough to produce jet-black lettering, yet hard enough to prevent excessive wearing
down of the point, breaking of the point, and smearing of the graphite.
85. Lettering Pens. The choice of a pen for lettering is determined by the
size and style of the letters, the thickness of stroke desired, and the personal preference
of the draftsman. These conditions vary so much that it is impossible to specify any
certain pen to use. The student who is zealous in his efforts to develop his ability to
letter will learn by experience which pen is best suited to his purpose. Fig. Ill shows
a variety of the best pen points in a range from the tit-quill, the finest, to the ball-
pointed, the coarsest. The widths of the lines made by the several pens are shown full-
size. The medium widths, represented by the 303 and 404 (or equivalent)
are most widely used for lettering notes and dimensions on drawings, in which case
the letters are usually |" high. For lettering &" to \" high, as for titles, the ball-
pointed pens are commonly used.
A very flexible pen should not be used for lettering, because the downward
strokes are apt to be wider. A good lettering pen is one with which it is easy to
make a stroke of uniform width. New pen points have a thin film of oil, which should
be removed with a cloth not burned off with a match flame. The best results are
secured from a pen which has been used for some time, that is, "broken in" with
use. Hence, when a pen point has proved satisfactory, it should be carefully wiped
after using and taken care of as a valuable instrument.
Letters more than \" in height generally require a special pen, Fig. 112. The
pens are excellent for Gothic letters, Fig. 105, and are often used for titles
and for the large drawing numbers in the corner of the title block, Figs. 718-722.
Other styles of Speedball pens are suitable for Roman or text letters. These pens
have the additional advantage of being low in cost. The Barch-Payzant Lettering Pen
is available in eleven sizes ranging from 000 (very coarse) to 8 (very fine). The size
8 pen produces a stroke fine enough to be used for the usual lettering on technical
drawings, being satisfactory for letters from \" to t" high.
The Henry Tank Pen is available in both plain and ball points, and has a simple
device under the pen to hold ink and prevent the nibs from spreading.
The Leroy Pen is also available in a wide range of sizes, and is highly recom-
mended. It can be used in a regular pen staff for freehand lettering, or in a "scriber"
for mechanical lettering, Fig. 135.
Several other types of pens are shown in Fig. 112. Any lettering pen must be kept
clean. Drawing ink corrodes the point of the pen if allowed to dry, and "builds up"
70 3. LETTERING 86
the width of the point so that it has to be cleaned anyway. To remove dried drawing ink
from any instrument, scrape carefully with a knife or use a special pen-cleaning fluid. *
Esterbrook and Venus fountain pens, with removable points for cleaning, are
now available for use with drawing ink. The Koh-I-Noor "Rapidograph" is a differ-
ent type in which the point is a tiny tube. A small automatic plunger rod keeps the
ink flowing. The pen is suitable for letters \" high or slightly higher. All of these
pens should be frequently cleaned with cleaning fluid to keep them in service.
strokes. No one can make a good letter who does not have a clear mental image of
the correct form of the letter.
2. Knowledge of composition
the spacing of letters and words. Rules governing
composition should be thoroughly mastered, 98.
3. Persistent practice, with continuous effort to improve.
Use a fairly soft pencil and keep it sharp by frequent dressing of the point on the
sandpaper pad or file. An example (full size) of pencil lettering exhibiting correct
technique is shown in Fig. 114.
: : \ IL AN, '
87. Left-Handers. All evidence indicates that the left-handed draftsman is just
as skillful as the right-hander, and this includes skill in lettering. The most important
step in learning to letter is and proportions of letters, and
to learn the correct shapes
these can be learned as well by anyone else. The left-hander
by the left-hander as
does have a problem of developing a system of strokes that seems most suitable for
himself. The strokes shown in Figs. 22 and 123 are for right-handers. The left-hander
should experiment with each letter to find out which strokes are best for him. The
habits of left-handers vary so much that it is futile to suggest a standard system of
strokes for all left-handers.
The left-hander, in developing his own system of strokes, should decide upon
strokes he can make best with the pen, and he should then use the same strokes for
pencil lettering. Pen strokes can be drawn in the direction the pen is leaned, or at
right angles to this, or in curved paths between the two. The pen should never be
"pushed" in the direction contrary to the way the pen is leaned, as the point has a
tendency to dig into the paper. The strokes should, therefore, be those which are
in harmony with the natural and intended use of the pen point.
The regular left-hander assumes a natural position exactly opposite to that of
the right-hander, but he will be able to use many of the same strokes as shown for
right-handers, with perhaps some minor differences. As prescribed for right-handers,
he will draw all vertical strokes downward, and may also draw all horizontal strokes
from left to right. He may, however, prefer to draw horizontal strokes from right to
left,and he should do this if it seems more natural to him. Also he may wish to
change the order of drawing horizontal strokes, so that in the case of the E, for exam-
ple, the top stroke would be drawn first and the bottom stroke drawn last. If this is
done, the pen or pencil will not tend to hide strokes already drawn. Curved strokes
will be essentially the same as for right-handers, with perhaps some adjustments of
the starting and ending points of the curves.
The hooked -wrist left-hander has a more serious problem, and each such person
will have adopt a system that seems best for his own particular habits. Vertical
strokes be drawn downward as for right-handers, but many hooked-wrist left-
handers will find it easier to draw vertical strokes upward. Horizontal strokes will
most certainly be drawn from right to left with a finger movement, for the pencil
or pen will dig into the paper if pushed in the other direction. Furthermore, the
order of horizontal strokes will be to do those at the bottom first, and those at the
top last, as described above for the letter E. Since a sheet is lettered from the top
downward, the hook-wrist left-hander must move his hand over lines of lettering
previously made. Therefore, a piece of paper should be placed over the lettered
areas so that smearing of the graphite cannot occur.
If you are left-handed, advise your instructor at once. On examinations in which
lettering is tested, use strokes that you have found most suitable for your own use,
and letter a statement in the margin to the effect that you are left-handed.
88. Guide Lines. Extremely light horizontal guide lines are necessary to regu-
late the height of letters. In addition, light vertical or inclined guide lines are needed
to keep the letters uniformly vertical or inclined. Guide lines are absolutely essential
for good lettering, and should be regarded as a welcome aid, not as an unnecessary
requirement. Paradoxically, the better draftsman always uses guide lines, while the
unskilled letterer who needs them most is inclined to slight this important step. See
Fig. 115.
Vertical guide lines help to keep Horizontal guide lines help to keep
letters uniformly vertical letters uniform in height
(a) 4tf.dv ^^ i
uj^ MjIn h) h
i I
i WH l hi Mol-i W\ |
(b) AM TOO LAZY TO 05^ ^/D WVE5- / almYS
^ MA^ / /J M/ti ( M/ W& f < f .,
Make guide lines for finished pencil lettering so lightly, that they need not be erased,
as indeed they cannot be after the lettering has been completed. Use a relatively
hard pencil, such as a 4H
6H, with a long, sharp, conical point, Fig. 20 (c). If
the letters are inked, the guide lines may be removed with the artgum after the ink
is dry, Fig. 25 (b).
In preparation for ink lettering, complete guide lines should be drawn, and the
drawn lightly in pencil. Experienced letterers often draw the complete guide
letters first
lines, and then letter directly in ink, without first penciling the letters.
89 3. LETTERING 73
fccbcbnl PHAt- i
N evizh an 35
y yifrHiO uiri
cjnj|iD[F T"il
\m %
Fig. 116 Guide Lines for Vertical Capital Letters.
Guide lines for inclined capital letters are shown in Fig. 117. The spacing of
horizontal guide lines the same as for vertical capital lettering. The American
// / III'/ / I III
/ I / / / : i i I
A simple method of spacing horizontal guide lines is to use the scale, as shown
in Fig. 118 (a), and merely set off a series of {" spaces, making both the letters and
the spaces between lines of letters \" high. Another method of setting off equal spaces,
\" or otherwise, is to use the bow dividers, as shown at (b).
(b) (c) (d)
If it is desired to make the spaces between lines of letters less than the height of
the letters, the methods shown at (c) and (d) will be convenient. At (c) the scale is
placed diagonally, the letters in this case being four units high and the spaces between
lines of lettering being three units. If the scale is rotated clockwise about the zero
mark as a pivot, the height of the letters and the spaces between lines of letters dimin-
ish but remain proportional. If the scale is moved counterclockwise, the spaces are
increased. The same unequal spacing may be accomplished with the bow dividers,
as shown at (d). Let distance x = a + b, and set off x-distances, as shown.
When large and small capitals are used in combination, the small capitals should
be three-fifths to two-thirds as high as the large capitals, Fig. 119. This is in con-
formity with the guide-line devices described below, 90 and 91.
guide lines for lettering and dimension figures, and also for drawing section lines.
In addition, the triangle is used as a utility 45 triangle. The numbers at the bottom
of the triangle indicate heights of letters in thirty-seconds of an inch. Thus, to draw
guide lines for \" capitals, use the No. 4 set of holes. For lower-case letters, draw
guide lines from every hole; for capitals, omit the second hole in each group. The
spacing of holes is such that the lower portions of lower-case letters is two-thirds as
high as th capitals, and the spacing between lines of lettering is also two-thirds as
high as the capitals.
The column of holes at the extreme left is used to draw guide lines for dimension
figures I" high and fractions \" high, and also for section lines tV" apart.
91. Ames Lettering Instrument. The Ames Lettering Instrument, Fig. 121, is an
ingenious transparent plastic device composed of a frame holding a disc containing
92 3. LETTERING 75
three columns of holes. The vertical distances between the holes may be adjusted
quickly to the desired spacing for guide lines or section lines by simply turning the
disc to one of the settings indicated at the bottom of the disc. These numbers indicate
heights of letters in thirty-seconds of an inch. Thus, for |" high letters, the No. 4
settingwould be used. The center column of holes is used primarily to draw guide
lines for numerals and fractions, the height of the whole number being two units
and the height of the fraction four units. The No. 4 setting of the disc will provide
guide lines for |" whole numbers, with fractions twice as high, or \", as shown at (a).
Since the spaces are equal, these holes can also be used to draw equally-spaced guide
lines for lettering, or to draw section lines.
(a) -No .4 means height of letters will be j^,or g. SUIDE LINES VERTICALLY
The two outer columns of holes are used to draw guide lines for capitals or lower-
case letters, the column marked three-fifths being used where it is desired to make
the lower portions of lower-case letters three-fifths the total height of the letters, and
the column marked two-thirds being used where the lower portion is to be two-thirds
the total height of the letters. In each case, for capitals, the middle hole of each set
is not used. The two-thirds and three-fifths also indicate the spaces between lines
of letters.
The instrument are used to draw vertical or inclined guide lines, as
sides of the
shown at (b) and The left side of the regularly produced instrument has an
angle of 75, but this angle is not standard and has little use. The instrument is
now available (on special order) with the vertical left side, which is convenient for
drawing vertical guide lines. This special instrument is the one shown in the figure.
92. Vertical Capital Letters and Numerals. Fig. 122. For convenience in
learning the proportions of the letters and numerals, each character is shown in a
grid 6 units high. Numbered arrows indicate the order and direction of strokes. The
widths of the letters can be easily remembered. The letter I, or the numeral 1, has
no width. The W
is 8 units wide (1^ times the height), and is the widest letter in the
alphabet. All the other letters or numerals are either 5 or 6 units wide, and it is
easy to remember the 6-unit letters because when assembled they spell Q_. TOM
VAXY. All numerals, except the 1, are 5 units wide.
All horizontal strokes are drawn to the right, and all vertical strokes are drawn
downward. Most of the strokes are natural and easy to remember. All the strokes
and proportions should be thoroughly learned in the beginning, and it is recom-
mended that this be done by practice-sketching the vertical capital letters on cross-
section paper, making the letters 6 squares high.
As shown in Fig. 122, the letters are classified as straight-line letters or curved-line
letters. On the third row, the letters O, Q, C, and G are all based on the circle. The
lower portions of the J and U are semi -ellipses, and the right sides of the D, P, R,
and B are semicircular. The 8, 3, S, and 2 are all based on the figure 8, which is
composed of a small ellipse over a larger ellipse. The 6 and 9 are based on the ellip-
tical zero. The lower part of the 5 is also elliptical in shape.
L'W'is only tetter over 6 units wide. Letters in 'TOM Q. VAXY 'are 6 units wide - all others are 5, except '/'and "W? ^
The letters 0,QC,0,and ' D are based on a true circle. The lower portion of the J and U is elliphcal.
93. Inclined Capital Letters and Numerals. Fig. 123. The order and direction
of the strokes and the proportions of the inclined capital letters and numerals are
the same as those for the vertical characters. The methods of drawing guide lines
for inclined capital letters are given in 89, and for numerals in 94.
Inclined capitals may be regarded as oblique projections, 481 and 482, of
vertical capitals. In the inclined letters, the circular parts become elliptical, the
major axes of the ellipses based on the making an angle of 45 with horizontal.
The letters are classified as straight-line letters or curved-line letters, most of the curves
being elliptical in shape. Therefore, skill in inclined lettering depends somewhat upon
the ability to form smooth ellipses that appear to "lean" properly to the right.
94 3. LETTERING 77
straight-line: letters
94. Guide Lines for Whole Numbers and Fractions. Complete guide lines
should be drawn for whole numbers and fractions, especially by beginners. This
means that both horizontal and vertical guide lines, or horizontal and inclined guide
lines, should be drawn. Even the expert letterer will be able to do better lettering
if he uses guide lines, and for this reason he is more likely to use them than the
beginner who considers them "too much trouble." The guide lines, of course, should
be drawn extremely lightly, with a hard pencil, 4H to 6H.
Draw five equally-spaced guide lines for whole numbers and fractions, Fig. 124.
Thus, fractions are twice the height of the corresponding whole numbers. Make the
numerator and the denominator each about three-fourths as high as the whole num-
ber, to allow ample clear space between them and the fraction bar, as shown.
For dimensioning, the most commonly-used height for whole numbers is \", and
78 3. LETTERING 94
for fractions \", as at (a) and (c). These spaces may be easily set off directly
with the shown. After the horizontal guide lines have been drawn, add
scale, as
vertical or inclined guide lines spaced at random, (b) and (c).
Another simple method is to set the bow dividers at f " as shown at (d) then, ;
with one point on the dimension line, set off |" above the line and swing down and
set off |" below the line, to establish the top and bottom of the fraction; then center
the \" on the dimension line by eye to establish the height of the whole number.
Draw the guide lines with the aid of the T-square.
If the Braddock-Rowe Triangle is used, the column of holes at the left produces
five guide lines, each ts" apart, Fig. 125.
If the Ames Lettering Instrument, Fig. 121, is used with the No. 4 setting of the
disc, the same five guide lines, each jV apart, may be drawn from the central
column of holes.
The experienced may
dispense with the drawing of guide lines for dimen-
sion figures, particularly where the most
finished work is not required, by preparing
a small card with marks indicating heights of numerals, Fig. 126, and then holding
the card in place while lettering without actual guide lines.
^ J
Courtesy Prof. Albirt Jorgenst
Some of the most common errors in lettering fractions are illustrated in Fig. 127.
Never numerals touch the fraction bar, (a). Center the denominator under the
numerator, (b). Never use an inclined fraction bar, (c), except when lettering in a
narrow space, as in a parts list. Make the fraction bar slightly longer than the widest
part of the fraction, (d).
25 25 25
e 32 32 32
Wrong ! Wrong ' Wrong ! Wrong!
(a) (c) (d)
95. Guide Lines for Lower-Case Letters. Lower-case letters have four hori-
zontal guide lines, called the cap line, waist line, base line, and drop line, Fig. 128 (a).
Strokes of letters that extend up to the cap line are called ascenders, and those that
extend down to the drop Since there are only five letters that have
line, descenders.
descenders, the drop line needed and is usually omitted. In spacing horizontal
is little
guide lines, space a may vary from three-fifths to two-thirds of space b. Spaces c
are equal, as shown.
ql |
l|e|r iipc^
Fig. 128
If it is desired to set off guide lines for letters ts" high with the scale (using the
two-thirds ratio), it is only necessary to set off equal spaces each y$", Fig. 129 (a).
The lower portion of the letter thus would be \", and the space between lines of
letters would also be \". If the scale is placed at an angle, the spaces will diminish
but remain equal, (b). Thus, this method may be easily used for various heights of
A Each space ^
The Braddock-Rowe Triangle, Fig. 120, and the Ames Lettering Instrument,
Fig. 121, produce guide lines forlower-case letters as described here, and are highly
In addition to horizontal guide lines, vertical or inclined guide lines, drawn at
random, should always be used to keep the letters uniformly vertical or inclined,
Fig. 128.
96. VerticalLower-Case Letters. Fig. 130. Vertical lower-case letters are used
largely on map
drawings, and very seldom on machine drawings. The shapes are
based upon a repetition of the circle or circular arc and the straight line, with some
variations. The lower part of the letter is usually two-thirds the height of the capital
Stroke 3 of the e is slightly above mid -height. The crosses on the f and t are on
the waist line and are symmetrical with respect to strokes 1. The curved strokes of
h, m, n, and r intersect strokes 1 approximately two-thirds of the distance from the
base line to the waist line.
The descenders of the g, j, and y terminate in curves that are tangent to the
drop line, while those of p and q terminate in the drop line without curves.
80 3. LETTERING 98
97. Inclined Lower-Case Letters. Fig. 131. The order and direction of the
strokes and the proportions of inclined lower-case letters are the same as those of
vertical lower-case letters. The inclined lower-case letters may be regarded, like the
inclined capital letters, as oblique projections of vertical letters, in which all circles
in the vertical alphabet become ellipses in the inclined alphabet. As in the inclined
capital letters, all ellipses have their major axes inclined at an angle of 45 with
The forms of the letters c, o, s, v, w, x, and z are almost identical with those of the
corresponding capitals.
The slope of the letters is the same as for inclined capitals, or 67| with horizontal.
The slope may be determined by drawing a "slope triangle" of 2 in 5, as shown in
Fig. 128 (b), or with the aid of the inclined slot in the Braddock-Rowe Triangle,
Fig. 120, or with the Ames Lettering Instrument, Fig. 121 (b).
lapped to secure good spacing. In some cases the width of a letter may be decreased.
For example, the lower stroke of the L may be shortened when followed by A.
Space words well apart, but space letters closely within words. Make each word a compact
unit well-separated from adjacent words. For either upper-case or lower-case letter-
ing, make the spaces between words approximately equal to a capital O, Fig. 133.
Avoid spacing letters too far apart and words too close together, as shown at (b).
Samples of good spacing are shown in Fig. 1 14.
l l l i i
u U U U LI
U I l_l ' I I
1 I
I r^
I I l_l U L_L U l_l U
When it is necessary to letter to a stop-line as in Fig. 134 (a), space each letter
from right to left, as shown in step II, estimating the widths of the letters by eye.
Then letter left to right, as shown at III, and finally erase the spacing marks.
When necessary to space letters symmetrically about a center line, (b), which
it is
is frequently the case in titles, Figs. 139-141, number the letters as shown, with the
space between words considered as one letter. Then place the middle letter on
center, making allowance
for narrow letters (I's) or wide letters (Ws) on either
side. The X at (b)
placed slightly to the left of center to compensate for the letter I,
which has no width. Check with the dividers to make sure that distances a are exactly
Space between words = letter "O"
/J Space "O" after comma.
3 I
mRU M R DM Al l
Fig. 134 Spacing to a Stop-Line and "On Center."
82 3. LETTERING 100
Another method is to letter roughly a trial line of lettering along the bottom edge
of a scrap of paper, place it in position immediately above, as shown at (c), and then
letter the line in place. Be sure to use guide lines for the trial lettering.
If the lettering is being done on tracing paper or cloth, the trial letters can be
placed underneath, arranged for lettering to a stop line or "on center," and then
lettered directly over or with slight improvement as may be desired, Fig. 139.
Courtesy Keuffel & Essrr Co. Courtesy Wood-Regan Instrument Co., Inc.
Fig. 135 Leroy Lettering Instrument. Fig. 136 Use of Wrico Pen and Guide.
99. Lettering Devices. The Leroy Lettering Instrument, Fig. 135, is perhaps the
most widely used lettering device. A guide pin follows grooved letters in a template,
and the inking point moves on the paper. By adjusting the arm on the instrument,
the letters may be made vertical or inclined. A number of templates and sizes of
pens is available, including templates for a wide variety of "built-up" letters similar
to those made by the Varigraph and Letterguide, described below. Inside each pen
is a cleaning pin used to keep the small tube open. These pins are easily broken,
especially the small ones, when the pen is not promptly cleaned. To clean a pen,
draw it across a blotter until all ink has been absorbed; then insert the pin and
remove it and wipe it with a cloth. Repeat this until the pin remains clean. If the
ink has dried, the pens may be cleaned with Leroy pen-cleaning fluid, available at
The Wrico, Fig. 1 36, consists of a letteringpen that is moved along the edges of
a guide in which parts of letters are perforated. Wrico letters more closely resemble
American Standard letters than do the Leroy letters. Wrico scribers and templates,
similar to the Leroy system, are now available.
The Varigraph more elaborate device for making a wide variety of either
is a
single-stroke letters or "built-up" letters. As shown in Fig. 137, a guide pin (lower
right) is moved along the grooves in a template, and the pen (upper left) forms the
letters. The Letterguide scriber, Fig. 138, is a much simpler instrument, which also
makes a large variety of styles and sizes of letters when used with the various templates
available. It also operates with a guide pin moving in the grooved letters of the
template, while the pen, which is mounted on an adjustable arm, makes the letters
in outline.
strips,"which are printed directly on the drawing paper, tracing paper, or cloth,
Figs. 719-722.The main drawing title is usually centered in a rectangular space.
This may be done by the method shown in Fig. 134 (b) or if the lettering is being ;
done on tracing paper or cloth, the title may be lettered first on scrap paper and
then placed underneath the tracing, as shown in Fig. 139, and then lettered directly
_ ,,r.> / TA L ICS
:I4'J 4 :=** SOLIDS
' Sp cl *. E -
If a title box is not used, the title of a machine drawing may be lettered in the
lower-right corner of the sheet as a "balanced balanced title
title," Fig. 140. A
is simply one that is arranged symmetrically about an imaginary center line. These
titles take such forms as the rectangle, the oval, the inverted pyramid, or any other
101. Gothic Letters. Fig. 142. Among Fig. 139 Centering Title in Title Box.
the many forms of Gothic styles, including
Old English, German Gothic, etc., the so-called sans-serif Gothic letter is the
only one of interest to draftsmen. It is from this style that the modern single-stroke
engineering letters, discussed in the early part of this chapter, are derived. While
they are admittedly not as beautiful as many other styles, they are very legible and
comparatively easy to make.
Sans-serif Gothic letters should be used, therefore, on drawings where legibility
and not beauty is the determining factor. They should be drawn in outline and then
filled in, Fig. 143, the thickness of the stems being from one -fifth to about one-tenth
84 3. LETTERING 102
the height of the letter. An attractive letter may be produced by making heavy out-
lines, and not filling in, as for the letter H shown at (a). A slight spur may be added
to the ends of the stem, as for the letter T at (a). An example of condensed Gothic
is shown at (b).
APRIL 30, 1965
BEB ' '
102. Old Roman Letters. Fig. 144. The Old Roman letter is the basis of all
Trajan's Column in Rome are regarded by many as the finest example of Old Roman
The Old Roman letter is used mostly by architects. Because of its great beauty,
it used almost exclusively on buildings and for inscriptions on bronze or stone.
Full-size "details" of the letter are usually drawn for such inscriptions.
GOT (a)
GOTH (b)
Originally this letter was made on manuscript with a broad-point reed pen,
Fig. 6 the wide stems were produced by downward strokes, and the narrow portions
by horizontal strokes. A brief examination of any Roman letter will show why certain
strokes are wide, while others are narrow.
Several styles of steel broad-nib pens are available and are suitable for making
Roman, Gothic, or Text letters, Figs. 105 and 145. If necessary, an ordinary pen
103 3. LETTERING 85
may be used to "touch up" after using the broad-nib pen, or to add fine-line flour-
ishes, as in Text letters.
XYZ 1234567890 abed
Fig. 144 Old Roman Capitals, with Numerals and Lower-Case of Similar Design.
Fig. 146 Modern Roman Capitals and Numerals.
If drawn in outline and filled in, the straight lines may be drawn with the ruling
pen, and the circular curves drawn with the bow pen. The fillets and other non-
circular curves are drawn freehand. The thickness of the stem, or broad stroke, varies
widely, the usual thickness being from one-sixth to one-eighth of the height of the
105. Greek Alphabet. Greek letters are often used as symbols in both mathe-
matics and technical drawing by the engineer. A Greek alphabet, showing both
upper-case and lower-case letters, is given for reference purposes in Fig. 148.
A a alpha.
"5 "
\ ^ PC
*J" o
-1 3
ca Lq bJ blhJlfl '<:
;j _
be J
be ^ ~ -
- c S8
[k 3 to
108. Points and Lines. Fig. 153. A point represents a location in space or on
a drawing, and has no width, height, or depth. A point is represented by the inter-
section of two lines, (a), by a short cross-bar on a line, (b), or by a small cross, (c).
Never represent a point by a simple dot on the paper.
A line is defined by Euclid as "that which has length without breadth." A straight
line is the shortest distance between two points, and is commonly referred to simply
(j) (k)
(C) (d) (e) (f) (g)
The different kinds of angles are illustrated from (b) to (e). Two angles are com-
plementary, (f), if they total 90, and are supplementary, (g), if they total 180. Most
angles used in technical drawing can be drawn with the T-square and triangles.
Fig. 34. To draw odd angles, use the protractor, Fig. 35. For considerable accuracy,
use a vernier protractor, or the tangent, sine, or chord methods, 127.
straight sides. If the opposite sides arc parallel, the quadrilateral is also a parallelogram.
112. Polygons. Fig. 157. A polygon is any plane figure bounded by straight lines.
If the polygon has equal angles and equal sides, it can be inscribed in or circumscribed
around a circle, and is called a regular polygon.
- Circumscribed
10 SIDES =
12 SIDES =
(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f)
113. Circles and Arcs. Fig. 158. A circle, (a), is a closed curve all points of
which are the same distance from a point called the center. Circumference refers to the
circle or to the distance around the circle. This distance equals the diameter multi-
plied by 7r (called pi, pronounced pie) or 3.1416. Other definitions are illustrated in
the figure.
^CE= ^
114. Solids. Fig. 159. Solids bounded by plane surfaces are polyhedra. The sur-
faces are called faces, and if these are equal regular polygons, the solids are regular
ft 0>
CIRCULAR (Frustum) (Truncated)
A prism has two bases, which are parallel equal polygons, and three or more
lateral faces, which are parallelograms. A triangular prism has a triangular base; a
rectangular prism has rectangular bases, etc. If the bases are parallelograms, the prism
isa parallelepiped. A right prism has faces and lateral edges perpendicular to the bases;
an oblique prism has faces and lateral edges oblique to the bases. If one end is cut off
to form an end not parallel to the bases, the prism is said to be truncated.
A pyramid has a polygon and triangular lateral faces intersecting at a
for a base,
common point called the vertex. The center line from the center of the base to the
vertex is the axis. If the axis is perpendicular to the base, the pyramid is a right pyramid;
otherwise it is an oblique pyramid. A triangular pyramid has a triangular base a square ;
pyramid has a square base, etc. If a portion near the vertex has been cut off, the
pyramid is truncated, or referred to as a. frustum.
A cylinder is generated by a straight line, called the generatrix, moving in contact
with a curved line and always remaining parallel to its previous position or to the
axis. Each position of the generatrix is called an element of the cylinder.
A cone is generated by a straight line moving in contact with a curved line, and
passing through a fixed point, the vertex of the cone. Each position of the generatrix
is an element of the cone.
A sphere is generated by a circle revolving about one of its diameters. This diameter
becomes the axis of the sphere, and the ends of the axis are poles of the sphere.
A torus is generated by a circle (or other curve) revolving about an axis which
is eccentric to the curve.
For a classification of solids, see 514.
115. To Bisect a Line or a Circular Arc. Fig. 160 (a). Given line or arc AB,
to be bisected.
I. From A and B draw equal arcs with radius greater than half AB.
II and III. Join intersections D and E with a straight line to locate center C.
(a) I
H ><
116. To Bisect a Line with Triangle and T-Square. Fig. 161. From end
points A and B, draw construction lines at 45 with the given line; then through
their intersection D, draw line perpendicular to the given line to locate the center C,
as shown.
To divide a line with the dividers, see 49.
B /A
Fig. 161 Bisecting a Line with Triangle and T-square (116).
117. To Bisect an Angle. Fig. 162 (a). Given angle BAC, to be bisected.
I. Strike large arc R.
II. Strike equal arcs r with radius slightly larger than half BC, to intersect at D.
III. Draw line AD which bisects angle.
118. To Transfer an Angle. Fig. 163 (a). Given angle BAC, to be transferred
to the new position at A'B'.
I. Use any convenient radius R, and strike arcs from centers A and A'.
II. r, and draw side A'C
Strike equal arcs
119. To Draw a Line through a Point Parallel to a Line. Fig. 164 (a). With
given point P as center, and any convenient radius R, strike arc CD to intersect the
NEW R = R'
given line AB at E. With E as center and the same radius, strike arc R' to intersect
the given line at G. With PG as radius, and E as center, strike arc r to locate point
H. The line PH is the required line.
Fig. 164 Drawing a Line through a Point Parallel to a Line (119).
Fig. 164(b). Preferred by Draftsmen. Move the triangle and T-square as a unit
until the triangle lines up with given AB; then slide
line the triangle until its edge
passes through the given point P. Draw CD, the required parallel line. See also 32.
Fig. 165(a). With points E and F near A and B respectively as centers, and
CD draw two arcs. The line GH, tangent to the arcs, is the required line.
as radius,
Fig. 165 (b). Preferred by Draftsmen. With any point E of the line as center and
CD as radius, strike an arc JK. Move the triangle and T-square as a unit until the
triangle lines up with the given line AB; then slide the triangle until its edge is
tangent to the arc JK, and draw the required line GH.
Fig. 165 [c). With centers selected at random on the curved line AB, and with
CD as radius, draw a series of arcs; then draw the required line tangent to these
arcs as explained in 66.
-Any convenient
\ equal divisions 3 EQUAL DIVISIONS
I. Draw light construction line at any convenient angle from one end of line.
II. With dividers or scale, set off from intersection of lines as many equal divi-
sions as needed, in this case three.
III. Connect last division point to other end of line, using triangle and T-square,
as shown.
IV. Slide triangle along T-square and draw parallel lines through other division
points, as shown.
122. To Divide a Line into Equal Parts. Preferred by Draftsmen. Fig. 167.
123. To Divide a Line into Proportional Parts. Fig. 169 (a) and (b). Let it
Fig. 168 Practical Applications of Dividing a Line into Equal Parts (122).
Fig. 169 (c). Given AB, to divide into proportional parts, in this case propor-
tional to the square of X, where X = 1, 2, 3, etc. Set zero of scale at end of line and
set off divisions 4, 9, 16, etc. Join the last division to the other end of the line, and
draw parallel lines as shown. This method may be used for any power of X. The
construction is used in drawing nomographic charts, 587.
(a) (b) (cl (d) (el
clined line, as PD. Find center C of line PD, and draw arc with radius CP. The
line EP is the required perpendicular.
Fig. 170 (b). When the Point Is Not on the Line. With P as center, strike an arc to
intersect AB at C and D. With C and D as centers, and radius slightly greater than
half CD, strike arcs to intersect at E. The line PE is the required perpendicular.
Fig. 170 (c). When the Point Is on the Line. With P as center and any radius, strike
arcs to intersect AB at D and G. With D and G as centers, and radius slightly greater
than half DG, strike equal arcs to intersect at F. The line PF is the required per-
When the Point Is on the Line. Select any convenient unit of length,
Fig. 170 (d).
for example With P as center, and 3 units as radius, strike an arc to intersect
given line at C. With P as center, and 4 units as radius, strike arc DE. With C as
center, and 5 units as radius, strike an arc to intersect DE at F. The line PF is the
required perpendicular.
This method is frequently used in laying off rectangular foundations of large
machines, buildings, or other structures. For this purpose a steel tape may be used
and distances of 30, 40, and 50 feet measured as the three sides of the right triangle.
Fig. 170(e). Preferred by Draftsmen. Move the triangle and T-square as a unit
until the triangle linesup with AB; then slide the triangle until its edge passes through
the point P (whether P is on or off the line), and draw the required perpendicular.
(a) I IE HE
Fig. 171 Drawing a Triangle with Sides Given (125).
125. To Draw a Triangle with Sides Given. Fig. 171. Given the sides A, B,
and C, as shown at (a)
I. Draw one side, as C, in desired position, and strike arc with radius equal
to given side A.
II. Strike arc with radius equal to given side B.
III. Draw sides A and B from intersection of arcs, as shown.
^^ M r th<?y ma> be la d Ut With the P rotractor Fi - 35
Find the tangent of angle 8 in a table of natural tangents, multiply by 10, and set
off Y = 10 tan 6. Example: To set off3H find the natural tangent of 31|, which
45 triangle, draw lines AC and BD perpendicular to AB, and the lines AD and BC
at 45 with AB. Draw line CD with the T-square.
(a) (b) (c)
Fig. 177 Drawing a Hexagon (131).
onals of square then with the corners of the given square as centers, and with half
the diagonal as radius, draw arcs cutting the sides as shown at I. Using the T-square
and 45 triangle, draw the eight sides as shown at II.
Fig. 187 (d). To Transfer a Polygon by the Rectangle Method. Circumscribe a rec-
tangle about the given polygon. Draw a congruent rectangle in the new location
and locate the vertexes of the polygon by transferring location measurements a, b,
c, along the sides of the rectangle to the
etc., new rectangle. Join the points thus
found to complete the figure.
Fig. 787 (e). To Transfer Irregular Figures. Figures composed of rectangular and
circular forms are readily transferredby enclosing the elementary features in rec-
tangles and determining centers of arcs and circles. These may then be transferred
to the new location.
Fig. 787 (f). To Transfer Figures by Offset Measurements. Offset location measurements
are frequently useful in transferring figures composed of free curves. When
the figure
lias been enclosed by a rectangle, the sides of the rectangle are used as reference
lines for the location of points along the curve.
Fig. 787 (g). To Transfer Figures
by a System of Squares. Figures involving free
curves are easily copied, enlarged, or reduced by the use of a system of squares. For
example, to enlarge a figure to double size, draw the containing rectangle and all
small squares double their original size. Then draw the lines through the correspond-
ing points in the new set of squares.
a carbon paper and will produce dim but definite lines. Heavy-in the dim lines to
complete the transfer.
Fig. 182. If one-half of a symmetrical object has been drawn, as for the ink
bottle at I, the other half may be easily drawn with the aid of tracing paper.
I. Trace the half already drawn.
II. Turn tracing paper over and maneuver to the position for the right half.
Then trace over the lines freehand or the lines with short strokes as shown.
mark over
III. Remove the tracing paper, revealing the dim imprinted lines for the right
half. Heavy-in these lines to complete the drawing.
139. To Find the Center of a Circle. Fig. 184 (b). Draw any chord AB, pref-
erably horizontal, as shown. Draw perpendiculars from A and B, cutting circle at
D and E. Draw diagonals DB and EA whose intersection C will be the center of the
Another method, slightly longer, is to reverse the procedure of Fig. 184 (a). Draw
any two non-parallel chords and draw perpendicular bisectors. The intersection of
the bisectors will be the center of the circle.
140. To Draw a Circle Tangent to a Line at a Given Point. Fig. 185. Given
a line AB and a point P on the line, as shown at (a).
L At P erect a perpendicular to the line.
II. Set off the radius of the required circle on the perpendicular.
III. Draw circle with radius CP.
Fig. 186 (b). Given Point P Outside the Circle. Move the T-square and triangle as
a unit until one side of the triangle passes through point P and, by inspection, is
tangent to the circle; then slide the triangle until the other side passes through the
center of the circle, and lightly mark the point of tangency T. Finally move the
triangle back to its starting position, and draw the required tangent.
In both constructions either triangle may be used. Also, a second triangle may
be used in place of the T-square.
142. To Draw Tangents to Two Circles. Fig. 187 (a) and (b). Move the tri-
angle and T-square as a unit until one side of the triangle is tangent, by inspection,
to the two circles then slide the triangle until the other side passes through the center
of one circle, and lightly mark the point of tangency. Then slide the triangle until
the side passes through the center of the other circle, and mark the point of tangency.
Finally slide the triangle back to the tangent position, and draw the tangent lines
between the two points of tangency. Draw the second tangent line in a similar
(a) <b)
(a) I
Fig. 188 (b). AB, with Tangent Point Q_ on the Line, and Point P. Draw
Given Line
PQ, which be a chord of the required arc. Draw perpendicular bisector DE,
and at erect a perpendicular to the line to intersect DE at C, the center of the
required tangent arc.
Fig. 188 (c). Given Arc with Center ), Point P, and Radius R. From P strike arc
with radius R. From Q
strike arc with radius equal to that of the given arc plus R.
The intersection C of the arcs is the center of the required tangent arc.
Fig. 189 (b). For Small Radii.For small radii, such as |R for fillets and rounds,
it isnot practicable to draw complete tangency constructions. Instead, draw a 45
bisector of the angle and locate the center of the arc by trial along this line, as shown.
145. To Draw a Tangent Arc to Two Lines at Acute or Obtuse Angles. Fig.
190 (a) or (b).
ir m ez:
146. To Draw Tangent Arc to an Arc and a Straight Line. Fig. 191 (a)
or (b).
I. Given arc with radius G and straight line AB.
II. Draw straight line and an arc parallel respectively to the given straight
line and arc at the required radius distance R from them, to intersect at C, the
required center.
III. From C drop perpendicular to given straight line to obtain one point of
tangency T. Join centers C and O
with a straight line to locate the other point of
tangency T.
IV. With center C and given radius R, draw required tangent arc between the
points of tangency.
Ck \ ] Ql
II. With A and B as centers, draw arcs parallel to the given arcs and at a dis-
tence R from them; their intersection C is the center of the required tangent arc.
III. Draw lines of centers AC and BC to locate points of tangency T, and draw
required tangent arc between the points of tangency, as shown.
(b) I '
H m
Fig. 192 Drawing an Arc Tangent to Two Arcs (147)
148. To Draw an Arc Tangent to Two Arcs and Enclosing One or Both.
Fig. 193 (a). The Required Arc Encloses Both Given Arcs. With A and B as centers,
strike ares HK
r (given radius minus radius of small circle) and (given HK R
radius minus radius of large circle) intersecting at G, the center of the required
tangent arc. Lines of centers GA and GB (extended) determine points of tangency T.
(a) (b)
Fig. 193 Drawing Tangent Arcs (148).
Fig. 193 (b). 7 he Required Arc Encloses One Given Arc. With C and D as centers,
strike arcs HK + r (given radius plus radius of small circle) and HK R (given
radius minus radius of large circle) intersecting at G, the center of the required
tangent arc. Lines of centers GC and GD (extended) determine points of tangency T.
Fig. 195 (c). Connecting Two Non-Parallel Lines. Let AB and CD be the two non-
parallel lines. Erect perpendicular to AB at B. Select point G on the perpendicular
so that BG equals any desired radius, and draw arc as shown. Erect perpendicular
c T
(a) (b)
152. To Rectify a Circular Arc. To rectify an arc is to lay out its true length
along a straight line. The constructions are approximate, but well within the range
of accuracy of drawing instruments.
arc AD. The tangent BD is slightly shorter than the given arc AB. For an angle of
45 the difference in length is about 1 in 2866
Fig. 197 (c). To Rectify Arc AB. Use the bow dividers, and beginning at A, set
off equal distances, until the division point nearest to B is reached. At this point,
reverse the direction an equal number of distances along the tangent to
and set off
determine point C. The tangent BC is slightly shorter than the given arc AB. If the
angle subtended by each division is 10, the error is 1 in 830 .
,\<>/<: If the angle 8 subtending an arc of radius R is known, the length of the
arc = 2vR(yw) = O.O1745R0. See also 712.
View of cone show- Circle. Plane per- Ellipse. Plane ob- Parabola. Plane Hyperbola. Plane
ing cutting planes, pendicular to axis, lique to axis, but oblique to axis, and making smaller
making greater making same angle angle with axis
angle with axis with axis as ele- than elements do.
than elements do. ments do.
Fig. 198 Conic Sections (154).
bircle, ellipse, parabola, and hyperbola, according to the position of the planes, as shown.
These curves were studied in detail by the ancient Greeks, and are of great interest
in mathematics, as well as in technical drawing. For equations, see any text on
analytic geometry.
Fig. 199 Ellipse Constructions (155).
156. To Draw Foci Ellipse. Fig. 200. Let AB be the major axis, and CD the
minor axis. This method is the geometrical counterpart of the pin-and-string method.
x A- x
Select points
at random between E and O.
n IE
Fig. 200 Drawing Foci Ellipse (156).
can be marked with a small dot. Find additional points by moving the trammel to
other positions, always keeping the two points exactly on the respective axes. Extend
the axes to use the long trammel. Find
enough points to insure a smooth and
symmetrical ellipse. Sketch the ellipse
lightly through the points; then heavy-
in the ellipse with the aid of the irreg-
ular curve, 66.
i n
Fig. 202 Drawing Concentric-Circle Ellipse (158).
points I and S, respectively. The points P and R
are determined by assuming the point at any point X
on AB and drawing the lines IS and PR, and IP and SR, parallel respectively to GF
and DE, and FD and GE.
Determine at least five points in each quadrant (more for larger ellipses) by as-
suming additional points on the major axis and proceeding as explained for point X.
Sketch the ellipse lightly through the points; then heavy-in the final ellipse with the
aid of the irregular curve, Fig. 89.
160. To Draw Parallelogram Ellipse. Fig. 204 (a) and (b). Given the major and
minor axes, or the conjugate diameters AB and CD. On the given axes, draw a rectangle
or parallelogram with sides parallel to the axes, respectively. Divide AO and AJ into
arc parallel, respectively, to the required major and minor axes. Draw the axes EF
and GH parallel to the sides of the rectangle.
Fig. 205 (/;). Ellipse Only Is Given. To find the center of the ellipse, draw a cir-
cumscribing rectangle or parallelogram about the ellipse; then draw diagonals to
intersect at center O, as shown. The axes are then found as shown at (a).
Fig. 205 (c). Conjugate Diameters AB and CD Only Are Given. With O as center
and CD as diameter, draw a circle. Through center O and perpendicular to CD,
chaw line EF. From points E and F, where this perpendicular intersects the circle,
draw lines FA and EA to form angle FAE. Draw the bisector AG of this angle. The
major axis JK will be parallel to this bisector, and the minor axis will be per- LM
pendicular to it. The length AH will be one-half the major axis, and HF one-half
the minor axis. The resulting major and minor axes are JK and LM, respectively.
the ellipse, as E, draw the ordinate at E to intersect the circle at V. Draw a tangent
to the circle at V, 141, and produce it to intersect the major axis produced at G.
The line GE is the required tangent.
To draw a tangent from a point outside the ellipse, as P, draw the ordinate PY and
extend it. Draw DP, intersecting the major axis at X. Draw FX and extend it to inter-
sect the ordinate through P at Q_. Then, from similar triangles, QY:PY = OF:OD.
Draw tangent to the circle from Q, 141, find the point of tangency R, and draw the
ordinate at R to intersect the ellipse at Z. The line ZP is the required tangent. As a
check on the drawing, the tangents RQ and ZP should intersect at a point on the
major axis extended. Two tangents to the ellipse can be drawn from point P.
Fig. 206 (b). Foci Construction. To draw a tangent at any point on the ellipse,
such as point 3, draw the focal radii E3 and F3, extend one, and bisect the exterior
angle, as shown. The bisector is the required tangent.
To draw a tangent from any point outside the ellipse, such as point P, with
center at P and radius PF, strike an arc as shown. With center at E and radius AB,
strike an arc to intersect the first arc at points U. Draw the lines EU to intersect the
ellipse at the points Z. The lines PZ are the required tangents.
163. Ellipse Templates. To save time in drawing ellipses, and to insure uni-
form results, ellipse templates, Fig. 207
are often used. These are plastic sheets with
elliptical openings in a wide variety of sizes, and usually come in sets of six or more
Fig. 207 Using the Ellipse Template (163)
Ellipse guides are usually designated by the ellipse angle, the angle at which a
circle viewed to appear as an ellipse. In Fig. 207 (b) the angle between the line
of sight and the edge view of the plane of the circle is found to be about 49 hence ;
ellipse, one end may be drawn and then the template shifted slightly to draw the
other end. Similarly, one long side may be drawn and then the template shifted
slightly to draw the opposite side. In such cases, leave gaps between the lour seg-
ments, to be filled in freehand or with the aid of an irregular curve. When the differ-
ences between the ellipse openings and the required ellipse are small, it is only nec-
essary to lean the pencil or pen slightly outward or inward from the guiding edge to
offset the differences.
For inking the Leroy or Wrico pens are recommended. The Leroy
ellipses, the
pen is shown under the ellipse template, as shown,
in Fig. 207 (d). Place triangles
so as to lift the template from the paper and prevent ink from spreading under the
template; or better still, place a larger opening of another ellipse guide underneath.
164.To Draw an Approximate Ellipse. Fig. 208. For many purposes, particu-
larly where a small ellipse is required, the approximate circular-arc method is per-
fectly satisfactory. Such an ellipse is sure to be symmetrical and may be quickly
drawn, (liven axes AB and CD.
drawing additional lines parallel to line DE and proceeding in the same manner.
tangent to the parabola at any point G bisects the angle formed by the focal
line FG and the line SG perpendicular to the directrix.
These parabolic curves are more pleasing in appearance than circular arcs and
arc useful in machine design. If the tangents OX
and OY are equal, the axis of
the parabola will bisect the angle between them.
Let F and F' be the foci and AB the transverse axis. The curve
Fig. 272 (a).
may be generated by a pencil guided by a string, as shown. Fasten a string at F'
and C; its length is FC minus AB. The point C is chosen at pleasure; its distance
from F depends on the desired extend of the curve.
Fasten the straightedge at F. Il it is revolved about F, with the pencil point mov-
ing against it and with the string taut, the hyperbola may be drawn as shown.
Fig. 212 (b). To construct the curve geometrically, select any point in the X
transverse axis produced. With centers at F and F' and BX as radius, strike the arcs
DE. With the same centers and AX as radius, strike arcs to intersect the arcs first
drawn in the points Q, R, S, and T, which are points of the required hyperbola.
Find as many additional points as necessary to draw the curves accurately by select-
ing other points similar to point X along the transverse axis, and proceeding as
described for point X.
To draw the tangent to a hyperbola at a given point P, bisect the angle between
the focal radii FP and F'P. The bisector is the required tangent.
To draw the asymptotes HCH of the hyperbola, draw a circle with the diameter
FF' and erect perpendiculars to the transverse axis at the points A and B to inter-
sect the circle in the points H. The lines HCH are the required asymptotes.
169. To Draw a Spiral of Archimedes. Fig. 214. To find points on the curve,
draw through the pole C, making equal angles with each other, such as 30
angles, and beginning with any one line, set off any distance, such as xg"; set
off twice that distanceon the next line, three times on the
third,and so on. Through the points thus determined, draw
a smooth curve, using the irregular curve, 66.
shown at (c). The helix shown at (b) can be converted into a left-hand helix by
interchanging the visible and hidden lines.
The helix finds many applications in industry, as in screw threads, worm gears,
conveyors, "spiral" stairways, and so on. The stripes of a barber pole are helical in
The construction for a right-hand conical helix is shown at (d).
171. To Draw an Involute. Fig. 216. The path of a point on a string, as the
string unwinds from a line, a polygon, or a circle, is an involute.
off equal distances 0-1, 1-2, 2-3, etc., along the circumference, drawing a tangent
at each division point, and proceeding as explained for (d).
The involute of a circle is used in the construction of involute gear teeth, 548.
In this system, the involute forms the face and a part of the flank of the teeth of gear
wheels; the outlines of the teeth of racks are straight lines.
172. To Draw a Cycloid. Fig. 217. A cycloid may be generated by a point P in the
circumference of a circle which rolls along a straight line.
Given the generating circle and the straight line AB tangent to it, make the
distances CA and CB each equal to the semi -circumference of the circle, Fig.
197 (a). Divide these distances and the semi -circumference into the same number
of equal parts, six for instance, and number them consecutively as shown. Suppose
the circle to roll to the left; when point 1 of the circle reaches point 1' of the line,
the center of the circle will be at D, point 7 will be the highest point of the circle,
and the generating point 6 will be at the same distance from the line AB as point 5
is when the circle is in its central position. Hence, to find the point P', draw a line
through point 5 parallel to AB and intersect it with an arc drawn from the center D
with a radius equal to that of the circle. To find point P", draw a line through point
4 parallel to AB, and intersect it with an arc drawn from the center E, with a radius
equal to that of the circle. Points J, K, and L are found in a similar manner.
Another method which may be employed is shown in the right half of the figure.
With center at 11' and the chord 11-6 as radius, strike an arc. With 10' as center
and the chord 10-6 as radius, strike an arc. Continue similarly with centers 9', 8',
and 7'. Drawthe required cycloid tangent to these arcs.
Thestudent may use either method; the second is the shorter one, and is pre-
ferred. It is evident, from the tangent arcs drawn in the manner just described, that
the line joining the generating point and the point of contact for the generating circle
is a normal of the cycloid; the lines l'P' and 2'P", for instance, are normals; this
property makes the cycloid suitable for the outlines of gear teeth.
larger circle, (a), the curve generated is an epicycloid. If the circle rolls along the
concave side of a larger circle, (b), the curve generated is a hypocycloid. These curves,
like the cycloid, are used to form the outlines of certain gear teeth, and are therefore
of practical importance in machine design.
thickness, and draw construction lines very light. Do not erase construction lines.
GEOMETRIC c;-.^R:..iCT :
Prob. 1. Draw an inclined line AB 2\" long and bisect it, Fig. 160.
Prob. 2. Draw any angle with vertex at C. Bisect it, Fig. 162, and transfer one-half in
reversed position at D, Fig. 163.
Prob. 3. Draw an inclined line EF and assume distance GH = If". Draw a line parallel
to EF and at the distance GH from it, Fig. 165 (a).
Prob. 4. Draw the line JK 3j" long and divide it into five equal parts with the dividers,
49. Draw a line LM 2yf " long and divide it into three equal parts by the parallel-line
method. Fig. 167.
Prob. 5. Draw a line OP 3f
long and divide it into three proportional parts to 3, 5,
and 9, Fig. 169 (a).
Prob. 6. Draw a line 3iV' long and divide it into parts proportional to the square of
X where X = 1, 2, 3, and 4, Fig. 169 (c).
Prob. 7. Draw a triangle having sides 3", 7>\", and 2\", Fig. 171. Bisect the three interior
angles, Fig. 162. The bisectors should meet at a point. Draw the inscribed circle.
Prob. 8. Draw a right triangle having legs 2\" and ItV, Figs. 155 and 172, and draw
a circlethrough the three vertcxes. Fig. 160.
Prob. 9. Draw an inclined line QR 3 iV long. Select a point P on the line 1|" from Q,
and erect a perpendicular, Fig. 170 (c). Assume a point S about If" from the line, and erect
a perpendicular from S to the line, Fit;. 170 (b).
Prob. 10. Draw two lines making an angle of 35| with each other, using the tangent
method. Fig. 173 (a). Check with protractor, 29.
Prob. 11. Draw two lines making an angle of 3316' with each other, using the sine
method, Fig. 173 (b). Check with protractor, 29.
Prob. 12. Draw an equilateral triangle, Fig. 155 (a), having 2\" sides, Fig. 174 (a).
Bisect the interior angles, Fig. 162. Draw the inscribed circle, using the intersection of the
bisectors as center.
Prob. 13. Draw inclined line TU 2x" long, and draw a square on TU as a given side,
Fig. 175 (a).
Prob. 14. Draw a 2\" dia. circle (lightly) then inscribe a square in the circle and cir-
Prob. 22. Through center of space, horizontal center line; then draw two circles
2" dia. and lj" dia., respectively, with centers 2\" apart. Locate the circles so that the con-
struction will be centered in the space. Draw "open belt" tangents to the circles, Fig. 187 (a).
Prob. 23. Same as Prob. 22, except draw "crossed belt" tangents to the circle, Fig.
187 (b).
Prob. 24. Draw vertical line VW If" from left side of space. Assume point P If" farther
to the right and 1" down from top of space. Draw a 2\" dia. circle through P, tangent to
VW, Fig. 188 (a).
Prob. 25. Draw vertical line XY If" from left side of space. Assume point P If" farther
to the right and 1" down from top of space. Assume point Q on line XY and 2" from P.
Draw circle through P and tangent to XY at Q, Fig. 188 (b).
Prob. 26. Draw 2|" dia. circle with center C f " directly to left of center of space. Assume
point P at the lower right and 2f" from C. Draw an arc with 1" radius through P and tangent
to the circle, Fig. 188 (c).
Prob. 27. Draw a vertical line and a horizontal line, each 2|" long, Fig. 189 (a).
Draw arc with 1|" radius, tangent to the lines.
Prob. 28. Draw horizontal line f " up from bottom of space. Select a point on the line
2" from the left side of space, and through it draw a line upward to the right at 60 to hori-
zontal. Draw arcs within obtuse angle and acute angle, respectively, tangent to the two lines,
Fig. 190.
Prob. 29. Draw two intersecting lines making an angle of 60 with each other as in Fig.
190 (a). Assume a point P on one line at a distance of If" from the intersection. Draw an arc
tangent to both lines with one point of tangency at P, Fig. 185.
Prob. 30. Draw vertical line AB lj" from left side of space. Draw arc of If" radius with
center 3" to right of line and in lower right portion of space. Draw arc of 1" radius tangent
to AB and to the arc, Fig. 191.
Prob. 31. With centers f" up from bottom of space, and 3f" apart, draw arcs of radius
If" and i"f "> respectively. Draw arc of lj" radius tangent to the two arcs, Fig. 192.
Prob. 32. Draw two circles as in Prob. 22. Draw arc of 2f" radius tangent to upper
sides of circles and enclosing them, Fig. 193 (a). Draw arc of 2" radius tangent to the circles
but enclosing only the smaller circle, Fig. 193 (b).
Prob. 33. Draw two parallel inclined lines If" apart. Choose a point on each line and
connect them with an ogee curve tangent to the two parallel lines, Fig. 195 (a).
Prob. 34. Draw an arc of 2\" radius that subtends an angle of 90. Find the length of
the arc by two methods, Fig. 197 (a) and (c). Calculate the length of the arc and compare
with the lengths determined graphically. See note at end of 152.
Prob. 35. Draw major axis 4" long (horizontally) and minor axis 2\" long, with their
intersection at the center of the space. Draw ellipse by foci method with at least five points
in each quadrant, Fig. 200.
Prob. 36. Draw axes as in Prob. 35, but draw ellipse by trammel method, Fig. 201.
Prob. 37. Draw axes as in Prob. 35, but draw ellipse by concentric -circle method,
Fig. 202.
Prob. 38. Draw axes as in Prob. 35, but draw ellipse by parallelogram method, Fig.
204 (a).
Prob. 39. Draw
conjugate diameters intersecting at center of space. Draw 3|" diameter
horizontally, at 60 with horizontal. Draw oblique-circle ellipse, Fig. 203.
and 2f " diameter
Find at least 5 points in each quadrant.
Prob. 40. Draw conjugate diameters as in Prob. 39, but draw ellipse by parallelogram
method, Fig. 204 (b).
Prob. 41. Draw axes as in Prob. 35, but draw approximate ellipse, Fig. 208.
Prob. 42. Draw a parabola with a vertical axis, and the focus \" from the directrix,
Fig. 209 (b). Find at least 9 points on the curve.
Prob. 43. Draw a hyperbola with a horizontal transverse axis 1" long and the foci li"
apart, Fig. 212 (b). Draw the asymptotes.
Prob. 44. Draw horizontal line near bottom of space, and vertical line near left side of
space. Assume point P |" to right of vertical line and lj" above horizontal line. Draw equi-
lateral hyperbola through P and with reference to the two lines as asymptotes. Use either
method of Fig. 213.
Prob. 45. Using the center of the space as the pole, draw a spiral of Archimedes with
the generating point moving in a counterclockwise direction and away from the pole at
the rate of 1" in each convolution, Fig. 214.
Prob. 46. Through center of space, draw horizontal center line, and on it construct a
right-hand helix 2" dia., 2\" long, and with a lead of 1", Fig. 215. Draw only a half-circular
end view.
Prob. 47. Draw the involute of an equilateral triangle with " sides, Fig. 216 (b).
Prob. 48. Draw the involute of a f " dia. circle, Fig. 216 (d).
Prob. 49. Draw a cycloid generated by a lj" dia. circle rolling along a horizontal
straight line, Fig. 217.
Prob. 50. Draw an epicycloid generated by a \\" dia. circle rolling along a circular
arc having a radius of 2\" , Fig. 218 (a).
Prob. 51. Draw a hypocycloid generated by a lj" dia. circle rolling along a circular
arc having a radius of 2\" , Fig. 218 (b).
(\ \
748-750 REAM
*Using Layout A-2, draw assigned problem with instruments. Omit dimensions and notes unless assigned by
Sp-/ "clearance
ideas to subordinates. Engineers often prepare their designs and turn them over to
their detailcrs or draftsmen in this convenient form, Fig. 232. Freehand sketches are
of great assistance to the designer in organizing his thoughts and recording his ideas.
They an effective and economical means of formulating various solutions to a
given problem so that a choice can be made between them at the outset. Often much
time can be lost if the designer starts his scaled layout before adequate preliminary
study with the aid of sketches. Information concerning changes in design or covering
replacement of broken parts or lost drawings is usually conveyed through sketches.
Many engineers consider the ability to render serviceable sketches of even greater
value to them than skill in mechanical drawing. The draftsman will find daily use
for this valuable means of formulating, expressing, and recording ideas in his work.
The degree of perfection required in a given sketch depends upon its use. Sketches
hurriedly made to supplement oral description may be rough and incomplete. On
the other hand, if a sketch is the medium of conveying important and precise in-
formation to engineers or to workers, it should be executed as carefully as possible
under the circumstances.
than bond and may be procured at low cost from a stationer or printing establishment.
For isometric sketching, a specially -ruled "isometric paper" is available, Fig. 276.
Soft pencils, such as HB or F, should be used for freehand sketching. For carefully
made sketches, two erasers are recommended, an artgum and an ordinary soft pencil
eraser, 22.
178. Scale. Sketches usually are not made to any scale. Objects should be sketched
in their correct proportions as accurately as possible, by eye. However, cross-section
paper provides a ready scale (by counting squares) which may be used if only to
assist in sketching to correct proportions. The size of the sketch is purely optional,
depending upon the complexity of the object and the size of paper available. Small
objects are often sketched oversize so as to show the necessary details clearly.
shown in Fig. 20 (c). Use this needle -sharp point for center lines, dimension lines,
and extension lines. For visible lines, hidden lines, and cutting-plane lines, round off
the point slightly to produce the desired thickness of line, Fig. 237. Make all lines
dark, with the exception of construction lines, which should be very light.
181. Straight Lines.Since the majority of lines on the average sketch are
straight lines, necessary to learn to make them well. Hold the pencil naturally
it is
about \\" back from the point, and approximately at right angles to the line to be
drawn. Draw horizontal lines from left to right with a free and easy wrist-and-arm
movement, Fig. 238. Draw vertical lines downward with finger-and-wrist move-
ments, Fig. 239.
Inclined lines may
be made to conform in direction to horizontal or vertical lines
by shifting position with respect to the paper, orby turning the paper slightly; hence,
they may be drawn with the same general movements, Fig. 240.
Fig. 239 Drawing Vertical Lines. Fig. 240 Drawing Inclined Lines.
In sketching long lines, mark the ends of the line with light dots, then move the
pencil back and forth between the dots in long sweeps, keeping the eye always on
the dot toward which the pencil is moving, the point of the pencil touching the paper
lightly, and each successive stroke correcting the defects of the preceding strokes.
When the path of the line has been established sufficiently, apply a little more
pressure, replacing the trial series with a distinct line. Then, dim the line with the
artgum and draw the final line clean-cut and dark, keeping the eye now on the
point of the pencil.
An easy method of blocking in horizontal or vertical lines, Fig. 241 (a), is to hold
the hand and pencil rigidly and glide the finger tips along the edge of the pad or
board, as shown.
Another method, (b), is to mark the distance on the edge of a card or a strip of
paper, and to transfer this distance at intervals, as shown; then to draw the final
line through these points. Or the pencil may be held as shown at the lower part of
(b), and distance -marks made on the paper at intervals by tilting the lead down
to the paper. It will be seen that both methods of transferring distances are sub-
stitutes for the dividers and will have many uses in sketching.
To find the mid-point of a line AB at (c), hold the pencil in the left hand with
the thumb gaging the estimated half-distance. Try this distance on the left and then
on the right until the center is located by trial, and mark the center C, as shown.
Another method is to mark the total distance AB on the edge of a strip of paper and
then to fold the paper to bring points A and B together, thus locating center C at the
crease. To find quarter points, the folded strip can be folded once more.
182. Circles and Arcs. Small circles and arcscan be easily sketched in one or
two strokes, as for the circular portions of letters, without any preliminary "blocking
One method of sketching a larger circle, Fig. 242, is first to sketch lightly the
, +-V-
i n m i n nr
Fig. 242 Sketching a Circle. Fig. 243 Sketching a Circle.
The clever draftsman will prefer the method at I and II, in which the hand is
used as a compass. Place the tip of the little finger, or the knuckle-joint of the little
finger, at the center; "feed" the pencil out to the desired radius, hold this position
rigidly, and carefully revolve the paper with the other hand, as shown. If you are
using a sketching pad, place the pad on your knee and revolve the entire pad on
the knee as a pivot.
At III two pencils are held rigidly like a compass, and the paper is slowly revolved.
Methods of sketching arcs, Fig. 245, are adaptations of those used for sketching
circles. In general, it is easier to sketch arcs with the hand and pencil on the concave
side of the curve. In sketchingtangent arcs, always keep in mind the actual geometric
constructions, carefully approximating all points of tangency.
n n
(b) (c)
of the forearm, and move the pencil rapidly above the paper in the elliptical path
desired; then lower the pencil so as to describe several light overlapping ellipses, as
shewn at I. Dim all lines with the artgum and heavy -in the final ellipse, II.
Another method, (b), is to sketch lightly the enclosing rectangle, I, mark the
mid-points of the sides, and sketch light tangent arcs, as shown. Then, II, complete
the ellipse lightly, dim all lines with the artgum, and heavy-in the final ellipse.
The same general procedure shown at (b) may be used in sketching the ellipse
upon the given axes, as shown at (c).
The trammel method, (d), is excellent for sketching large ellipses. Prepare a "tram-
mel" on the edge of a card or strip of paper, move it to different positions, and
mark points on the ellipse at A. The trammel method is explained in 157. Sketch
the final ellipse through the points, as shown.
For sketching isometric ellipses, see 201.
184. Proportions. The most important rule in freehand sketching is to keep the sketch
in proportion. No matter how
brilliant the technique or how well the small details are
drawn, if the proportions especially the large over-all proportions are bad, the
sketch will be bad. First, the relative proportions of the height to the width must
be carefully established; then as you proceed to the medium-size areas and the small
details, constantly compare each new estimated distance with established distances
already set down.
If you are working from a given picture, such as the night table in Fig. 247 (a),
necessary to establish the relative width compared to the height. One way
it is first
is to use the pencil as a measuring stick, as shown. In this case, the height is about
II. Divide the available drawer space into three parts with the pencil by trial,
as shown. Sketch light diagonals to locate centers of drawers, and block-in drawer
handles. Sketch all remaining details.
Difference between
height and width -n
i n
Fig. 247 Sketching a Night Table.
III. Dim all construction with artgum, and heavy-in all final lines.
Another method of estimating distances is illustrated in Fig. 248. On the edge of
a card or strip of paper, mark an arbitrary unit. Then see how many units wide and
how many units high the desk is. If you are working from the actual object, you
could use a foot rule, a piece of paper, or the pencil itself as a unit to determine the
making the spacing of the lines proportional to the original, but reduced or enlarged
as desired. Make the final sketch by drawing the lines in and across the grid lines
as in the original, as near as you can estimate by eye.
In sketching from an actual object, you can easily compare various distances on
the object by using the pencil to compare measurements as shown in Fig. 250. While
doing this, do not change your position, and always hold your pencil at arm's length.
The length sighted can then be compared in similar manner with any other dimen-
sion of tin- object. If the object is small, such as a machine part, you can compare
^stances in the manner of Fig. 247, by actually placing the pencil against the object
n in
Fig. 251 Blocking-in.
tools used in the shop, especially those needed to determine dimensions which must
be relatively accurate. For a discussion of these methods, see 317.
185. Views of Objects. A photograph or a pictorial drawing shows an object
as it appears to the observer, but not as it is.Such a picture cannot describe the object
fully, no matter from which direction it is viewed, because it does not show the exact
shapes and sizes of the several parts.
In industry, a complete and clear description of the shape and size of an object
to be made is necessary to make certain that the object will be manufactured exactly
as intended by the designer. In order to provide this information clearly and accu-
rately, a number of views, systematically arranged, are used. This system of views is
called multiview projection. Each view provides certain definite information if the view
is taken in a direction perpendicular to a principal face or side of the object. For
example, as shown in Fig. 252 (a), if the observer looks perpendicularly toward one
Fig. 252 Front View of an Object.
face of the object, he obtains a true view of the shape and size of that side. This
view as seen by the observer is shown at (b).*
An object has three principal dimensions: width, height, and depth, as shown at (a).
In technical drawing, these fixed terms are used for dimensions taken in these direc-
tions, regardless of the shape of the object. The terms "length" and "thickness" are
not used because they cannot be applied in all cases. Note at (b) that the front view
shows only the height and width of the object, and not the depth. In fact, any one
view of a three-dimensional object can show only two dimensions; the third dimension will be
found in an adjacent view.
186. Revolving the Object. To obtain additional views, revolve the object as
shown in Fig. 253. First, hold the object in the front-view position, as shown at (a).
To get the top view, (b), revolve the object so as to bring the top of the object up
and toward you.
To get the right-side view, (c), revolve the object so as to bring the rigid side to the
right and toward you.
To obtain views of any of the other sides, merely turn the object so as to bring
those sides toward you.
The top, front, and right-side views, arranged closer together, are shown at (d).
These are called the three regular views because they are the views most frequently used.
At this stage we can consider spacing between views as purely a matter of appear-
ance. The views should be spaced well apart and yet close enough to "hang together."
The space between the front and top views may or may not be equal to the space
between the front and side views. If dimensions, Chapter 11, are to be added to the
sketch, sufficient space for them between views will have to be allowed.
An important advantage that a view has over a photograph of an object is that
hidden features can be clearly shown by means of hidden lines, Fig. 24. In Fig. 253 (d),
surface 7-8-9-10 in the front view appears as a visible line 5-6 in the top view, and
as a hidden line 15-16 in the side view. Also, hole A, which appears as a circle in the
front view, shows as hidden lines 1-4 and 2-3 in the top view, and 11-12 and 13-14
in the side view. For a complete discussion of hidden lines, see 192.
Also, at (d) note the use of center lines for the hole. See 193.
187. The Six Views. Any object can be viewed from six mutually perpendicu-
lar directions, as shown in Fig. (a). Thus, six views may be drawn if necessary,
as shown at (b). These six views are always arranged as shown,* which is the Amer-
ican Standard arrangement of views. The top, front, and bottom views line up vertically,
while the rear, left-side, front, and right-side views line up horizontally. To draw a view
out of place is a very serious error, and generally regarded as one of the worst mis-
takes one can make in this subject. See Fig. 268.
Note that the height is shown in the rear, left-side, front, and right-side views;
the width is shown in the top, front, and bottom views; and the depth is shown in
the four views that surround the front view, namely the left-side, top, right-side,
and bottom views. In each view, two of the principal dimensions are shown, and
the third is not shown. Observe also that in the four views that surround the front
view, the front of the object faced toward the front view.
Adjacent Views Are Reciprocal. If the front view, Fig. 254, is imagined to be the
object itself, the right-side view is obtained by looking toward the right side of the
front view, as shown by the arrow RS. Likewise, if the right-side view is imagined
to be the object, the front view is obtained by looking toward the left side of the
right-side view, as shown by the arrow F. The same relation exists between any two
adjacent views.
*Except as explained in 214.
Six Views of a House.
view its front, sides, and rear, and he can imagine the top view as seen from an air-
plane and the bottom or "worm's-eye view" as seen from underneath.* Notice the
use of the term plan for the top view, and elevation for all views showing the height
of the building. These terms are regularly used in architectural drawing, and occa-
tionally they are used with reference to drawings in other fields.
the automobile. In general, the front view should show the object in its operating
such as the house and automobile shown
position, particularly of familiar objects
above. A machine part is often drawn in the position it occupies in the assembly.
However, in most cases this is not important, and the draftsman may assume the
object in any convenient position. For example, an automobile connecting rod is
usually drawn horizontally on the sheet, Fig. 727. Also, it is customary to draw
*Architects usually draw the views of a building on separate sheets because of the large sizes of the draw-
ings. When two or more views are drawn together, they are usually drawn in first-angle projection, 243.
189. Choice of Views. A drawing for use in the shop should contain only those views
These minimum required
needed for a clear and complete shape description of the object.
views are referred to as the necessary views. In selecting views, the draftsman should
choose those which show best the essential contours or shapes, and should give prefer-
ence to those with the least number of hidden lines.
As shown in Fig. 257 (a), there are three distinctive features of this object that
need to be shown on the drawing:
1. Rounded top and hole, seen from the front.
^ (b)
the true shapes of the hole and the rounded top, but the front view is preferred be-
cause it has no hidden lines. The rear view (which is seldom needed) is therefore
crossed out.
Both the top and bottom views show the rectangular notch and rounded corners,
but the top view is preferred because it has fewer hidden lines.
Both the right-side and left-side views show the right angle with the filleted
corner. In fact, in this case the side views are identical, except reversed. In such
instances, it is customary to choose the right-side view.
The necessary views then are the three remaining views the top, front, and right-
side views. These are the "three regular views" referred to in connection with Fig. 253.
More complicated objects may require more than three views, or in many cases
special views such as partial views, 215, sectional views, Chapter 7, and auxiliary
views, Chapter 8.
190. Two-View Drawings. Often only two views are needed to describe clearly
the shape of an object. In Fig. 258 (a), the right-side view shows no significant con-
tours of the object, and is crossed out. At (b) the top and front views are identical,
only two views, and the top and bottom views are equally
If the object requires
descriptive, the top view customarily chosen, Fig. 261.
If only two views are necessary, and the top view and right-side view are equally
descriptive, the combination chosen is that which spaces best on the paper, Fig. 262.
r i
b =
Fig. 262 Choice of Views to Fit Paper.
the next is lj" diameter, and the portion with the thread is \" diameter, as indicated
in the note. Nearly all shafts, bolts, screws, and similar parts can and should be
represented by single views in the above manner.
192. Hidden Lines. Correct and incorrect practices in drawing hidden lines
are illustrated in Fig. 264. In general, a hidden line should join a visible line except
when it causes the visible line to extend too far, as shown at (a). In other words,
leave a gap whenever a hidden line dash forms a continuation of a visible line. Hidden lines
should intersect to form "L" and "T" corners, as shown at (b). A hidden line prefer-
ably should "jump" a visible line when possible, (c). Parallel hidden lines should be
drawn so that the dashes are "staggered," in a manner similar to bricklaying, as
at (d). When two or three hidden lines meet at a point, the dashes should join, as
shown for the bottom of the drilled hole at (e), and for the top of a countersunk
hole, (f). The example at (g) is similar to (a) in that hidden lines should not join
visible lines when it makes the visible line extend too far. Correct and incorrect
methods of drawing hidden arcs are shown at (h).
Poorly drawn hidden lines can easily spoil a drawing. Each dash should be care-
fully drawn about J" long and spaced only about ^r" apart, by eye. Accent the begin-
ning and end of each dash by pressing down on the pencil, whether drawn freehand
or mechanically.
- A-
+ 1
4 no!
In general, views should be chosen that show features with visible lines, so far
as possible. After this has been done, hidden lines should be used wherever necessary
to make the drawing clear. Where they are not needed for clearness, hidden lines
should be omitted, so as not to clutter the drawing any more than necessary and in
order to save time. The beginner, however, would do well to be cautious about leaving
out hidden lines until experience shows him when they can be safely omitted.
- = Center Line
193. Center Lines. Center lines (symbol: <) are used to indicate axes of sym- |
metrical objects or features, bolt circles, and paths of motion. Typical applications
are shown in Fig. 265. As shown at (a), a single center line is drawn in the longitudinal
view and crossed center lines in the circular view. The small dashes should cross at
the intersections of center lines. Center lines should extend uniformly about \" out-
side the feature for which they are drawn.
The long dashes may vary from \" to \\" or more in length, depend-
of center lines
ing upon the drawing. The short dashes should be about 5" long, with
size of the
spaces about rs". Center lines should always start and end with long dashes. Short
center lines, especially lor small holes, as at (e), may be made solid as shown. Always
leave a gap as at (e) when a center line forms a continuation of a visible or hidden
line. Center lines should be thin enough to contrast well with the visible and hidden
lines, but dark enough to reproduce well.
Center lines are useful mainly in dimensioning, and should be omitted from un-
important rounded or filleted corners and other shapes that are self-locating.
194. Sketching Two Views. The Support Block in Fig. 266 (a) requires only
two views. The steps in sketching are:
SBlily To transfer the depth dimension from the top view to the side view,
use the edge of a card or strip of paper, as shown; or transfer the distance by using
the pencil as a measuring stick, as shown in Fig. 241 (b) and (c). Note that the depth
tn the top and side views must always be equal.
never draw the views in reversed positions, with the bottom over the front view, or
the right-side to the left of the front view, as shown at (d), even though the views
do line up with the front view.
197. Meaning
of Lines. A visible line or a hidden line has three possible mean-
ings, Fig.269: (1) intersection of two surfaces, (2) edge view of a surface, and (3) con-
tour view of a curved surface. Since no shading is used on a working drawing, it is necessary
to examine all the views to determine the meaning of the lines. For example, the
show. As shown in Fig. 270, a visible line always "takes precedence over" (covers
up) a center line or a hidden line, as shown at A
and B. A hidden line always takes
precedence over a center line, as at C. Note that at A
and C the ends of the center
line are shown, but are separated from the view by short gaps.
199. Pictorial Sketching. We
have been concerned so far with multiview
sketching, which requires a high order of visualization to sketch the views or to
"read" given views. We
shall now examine several simple methods of preparing
pictorial sketches, which will be of great assistance in learning the principles of multi-
view projection. A detailed and more scientific treatment of pictorial drawing is
I. Sketch the enclosing box lightly, making AB vertical, and AC and AD ap-
proximately 30 with horizontal. These three lines are the isometric axes. Make AB,
Note: angle of the receding lines may be less than 30, say 20 or 15. Although
the result will not be an isometric sketch, the sketch may be more pleasing and effective in
many cases.
201. Isometric Ellipses. As shown in Fig. 202 (b), a circle viewed at an angle
appears as an ellipse. When objects having cylindrical or conical shapes are placed
in the isometric or other oblique positions, the circles will be viewed at an angle
and will appear as ellipses, Fig. 272.
The most important rule in sketching isometric ellipses is: The major axis of the
ellipse is always at right angles to the center line of the cylinder, and the minor axis is at right
angles to the major axis
and coincides with the center line.
Two views of a block with a large cylindrical hole are shown in Fig. 273 (a).
The steps in sketching the object are:
I. Sketch the block and the enclosing parallelogram for the ellipse, making
the sides of the parallelogram parallel to the edges of the block and equal in length
to the diameter of the hole. Draw diagonals to locate the center of the hole, and
then draw center lines AB and CD. Points A, B, C, and D will be midpoints of the
sides of the parallelogram, and the ellipse will be tangent to the sides at those points.
The major axis will be on the diagonal EF, which is at right angles to the center
line of the hole, and the minor axis will fall along the short diagonal. Sketch long
"flat" elliptical sides CA and BD, as shown.
I DIA.-|
(a) n hi IE
Fig. 273 Isometric Ellipses.
II. Sketch short small-radius arcs CB and AD to complete the ellipse. Avoid
making the ends of the ellipse "squared off," or pointed like a football.
III. Sketch lightly the parallelogram for the back ellipse, and sketch the ellipse
in the same manner as the front ellipse.
IV. Draw lines GH
and JK tangent to the two ellipses. Dim all construction
with the artgum, and heavy-in all final lines.
Another method for determining the back ellipse
is shown in Fig. 274.
I. Select points at random on the front ellipse
and sketch "depth lines" equal in length to the
depth of the block.
II. Sketch the ellipse through the ends of the
lines, as shown.
Two views of a Bearing with a semi -cylindrical
opening are shown in Fig. 275 (a). The steps in
Fig. 274 Isometric Ellipses. sketching are:
I. Block-in the object, including the rectan-
III. Dim all construction lines, and heavy-in all final lines, showing only the
lower half of the cylinder.
202. Sketching on Isometric Paper. Two views of a Guide Block are shown
in Fig. 276 (a). The steps in sketching illustrate not only the use of isometric paper,
Fig. 276 Sketching on Isometric Paper.
but the sketching of individual planes or faces of the object in order to build up
pictorially a visualization of the given views.
As shown at I, sketch isometric of enclosing box, counting off the isometric grid
spaces to equal the corresponding squares on the given views. Sketch surface A, as
Then, as shown at II and III, sketch additional surfaces B, C, E, etc., and the
small ellipse, to complete the sketch.
oblique sketching, Fig. 277. Hold the object in your hand, as shown at (a).
Block-in the front face of the object, as if you were sketching a front view.
Sketch receding lines parallel to each other and at any convenient angle,
say 30 or 45 with horizontal, approximately. Cut off receding lines so that the depth
appears correct. These lines may be full length, but a more natural appearance re-
sults if they are cut to three-quarters or one-half size, approximately. If they are full
length, the sketch is a cavalier sketch. If half size, the sketch is a cabinet sketch.
Note: "Oblique" is not a suitable method for any object having circles in, or parallel
to, more than one plane of the object, because distorted ellipses result when circles are viewed
obliquely. Therefore, in oblique sketching always turn the circular shapes toward you so
that they will appear in true size and shape, as in Fig. 277.
Fig. 278 (a). The dimensions are determined simply by counting the squares.
results. A simple method is shown in Fig. 280 that can be used successfully by the
non-artistic student:
I. Sketch front corner of desk and locate two vanishing points
in true height,
206. Sketching Problems. In Figs. 282 and 283 are given a variety of objects
from which the student is to sketch the necessary views. Using 8^" X 1 1" cross-section
paper, sketch a border and title strip, and divide the sheet into two parts as shown in
Fig. 281. Sketch two assigned problems per sheet, as shown. On the problems in
Fig. 282, ticks are given that indicate \" or \" spaces. Thus, measurements may be
easily spaced off on cross-section paper having $" or \" grid spacings.
On the problems in Fig. 283, no indications of size are given. The student is to
sketch the necessary views of assigned problems to fit the spaces comfortably, about
as shown in Fig. 281. It is suggested that the student prepare a small paper "scale,"
282 Multiview Sketching Problems. Sketch necessary views, using Layout A-l (freehand), on
frnt ,-
cross-section paper or plain paper, two problems per sheet as in Fig. 281. The units shown are *' or
All holes are through holes. i'
See 206.
Fig. 283 Multiview Sketching Problems. Sketch necessary views, using Layout A-l (freehand), or
cross-section paper or plain paper, two problems per sheet as in Fig. 281. Prepare paper "scale" wit!
divisions equal to those in Prob. 1, and apply to problems to obtain approx. sizes. Let each division
|" on your sketch. Study Fig. 320 and for Probs. 17-24, study 239 and 240.
o ,
L rj
9. Add Top
^ __/
1 *.
U .,.
. -N
A similar procedure may be used to obtain the top view, Fig. 287 (a). This view
is necessary in the shape description because it shows the true angle of the inclined
surface. In this view, the hole is invisible and its extreme contours are represented
by hidden lines, as shown.
Theright-side view, (b), is necessary because it shows the right-angled character-
istic shape of the object and shows the true shape of the curved fillet. Note how the
cylindrical contour on top of the object appears when viewed from the side. The
extreme or contour element HJ on the object is projected to give the line KL on the
view. The hidden hole is also represented by projecting the extreme elements.
The plane of projection upon which the front view is projected is called the frontal
plane, that upon which the top view is projected, the horizontal plane, and that upon
which the side view is projected, the profile plane.
208. The Glass Box. If planes of projection are placed parallel to the principal
faces of the object, they form a "glass box," as shown in Fig. 288 (a). Notice that
the observer is always on the outside looking in, so that he sees the object through the
planes of projection. Since the glass box has six sides, six views of the object are
Note that the object has three principal dimensions: width, height, and depth. These
are fixed terms used for dimensions in these directions, regardless of the shape of
the object. See 185.
Since required to show the views of a solid or three-dimensional object on
it is
a flat it is necessary to unfold the planes so that they will all lie in the
sheet of paper,
same plane, Fig. 288 (b). All planes except the rear plane are hinged upon the frontal
plane, the rear plane being hinged to the left -side plane.* Each plane revolves out-
wardly from the original box position until it lies in the frontal plane, which remains
stationary. The "hinge lines" of the glass box are known as folding lines.
The positions of these six planes, after they have been revolved, are shown in
Fig. 289. Carefully identify each of these planes and corresponding views with its
original position in the glass box, and repeat this mental procedure, if necessary,
until the revolutions are thoroughly understood.
In Fig. 288 (b), observe that lines extend around the glass box from one view to
another upon the planes of projection. These are the projections of the projectors from
points on the object to the views. For example, the projector BA is projected on the
horizontal plane at HG and on the profile plane at QR. When the top plane is folded
up, lines JK and GHwill become vertical and line up with KF and HB, respectively
Thus, JK and KF form a single straight line JF, and GH
and HB form a single
straight line GB, as shown in Fig. 289. This explains why the top view is the same
width as the front view and why it is placed directly above the front view. The same
relation exists between the front and bottom views. Therefore, the front, top, and bottom
views all line up vertically and are the same width.
In Fig. 288 (b), when the profile plane is folded out, lines DN
and NP become
a single straight line DP, and lines BQ, and QR
become a single straight line BR,
*Except as explained in 214.
as shown in Fig. 289. The same relation exists between the front, left-side, and rear
views. Therefore, the rear, left-side, front, and right-side views all line up horizontally, and
are the same height.
In Fig. 288 (b), note that lines OS and OW and lines ST and WX are respectively
equal. These equal lines are shown in the unfolded position in Fig. 289. Thus, it is
from the top and side views to the respective folding lines, must always be equal.
Therefore, the views may be any desired distance apart, and the folding lines may
be drawn anywhere between them, so long as distances Di are kept equal and the
folding lines are at right angles to the projection lines between the views.
It will be seen that distances D 2 and D 3, respectively, are also equal, and the
folding lines H/F and F/P are in reality reference lines for making equal depth measure-
ments in the front and side views. Thus, any point in the top view is the same distance
from H/F as the corresponding point in the side view is from F/P.
While it is necessary to understand the folding lines, particularly because they
are useful in solving graphical problems in descriptive geometry, they are as a rule
omitted in industrial drafting. The three views, with the folding lines omitted, are
shown in Fig. 290 (b). Again, the distances between the top and front views and
between the side and front views are not necessarily equal. Instead of using the folding
lines as reference lines for setting off depth measurements in the top and side views,
we use the front surface A of the object as a reference line. In this way, Di, D 2 and ,
all other depth measurements are made to correspond in the two views in the same
6", and the width of the working space is 10|". As shown at (b), subtract 6" from
101" and divide the result by 2 to get the value of space A. To set off the spaces,
place the scale horizontally along the bottom of the sheet and make short vertical
The depth of the top view is 2\" and the height of the front view is If", while
the height of the working space is 7|". Assume a space C, say 1", between views that
will look well and that will provide sufficient space for dimensions, if any.
As shown at (b), add 2\" 1", and If", subtract the total from 7f", and divide
the result by 2 to get the value of space B. To set off the spaces, place the scale
vertically along the left side of the sheet with the full-size scale on the left, and make
short marks perpendicular to the scale.
II. Locate center lines from spacing marks. Construct arcs and circles lightly.
III. Draw horizontal and then vertical construction lines in the order shown.
Allow construction lines to cross at corners.
Spacing assumed
between views
n m M
Fig. 291 Two- View Mechanical Drawing.
IV. Add hidden lines and heavy-in all final lines, clean-cut and dark. The visible
lines should be heavy enough to make the views stand out. The hidden lines and
center lines should be sharp in contrast to the visible lines, but dark enough to repro-
duce well. See 55 for technique of pencil drawing. Construction lines need not be
erased if drawn lightly. If you are working on tracing paper, hold the sheet up to
the light to see if the density of your lines is sufficient to reproduce well. See 55 and
Fig. 68.
211. Transferring Depth Dimensions. Since all depth dimensions in the top
and must correspond point-for-point, accurate methods of transferring
side views
these distances, such as D,, D 2 etc., Fig. 290 (b), must be used.
The 45 mitre line method, Fig. 292 (a), is a convenient method, especially when
transferring a large number of points, as when plotting a curve, Fig. 318. Note that
the right-side view may be moved to the right or left, or the top view may be moved
upward or downward, by shifting the 45 line accordingly. It is not necessary to
draw continuous lines between the top and side
\ iews via the mitre line. Instead, make short dashes
across the mitre line and project from these.
In practice it is generally recommended, for
the sake of accuracy, that the depth dimensions
be transferred with the aid of the dividers, (b),
or scale, (c). These methods are best when only
a small number of very accurate measurements
are to be transferred, as is usually the case. The
scale method is especially convenient when the
drafting machine, Fig. 91, is used, because both
vertical and horizontal scales are readily available.
Then construct the right-side view point -by-point, us-ing a hard pencil and very
light lines.
As shown at I, locate point view by projecting from point 1 in the
1 in the side
top view and point 1 Space II, project points 2, 3, and 4 in a
in the front view. In
similar manner to complete the vertical end surface of the object. In Space III,
project points 5 and 6 to complete the side view of the inclined surface 5-6-2-1.
This completes the right-side view, since invisible points 9, 10, 8, and 7 are directly
behind visible corners 5, 6, 4, and 3, respectively. Note that in the side view also,
the invisible points are lettered inside, and the visible points outside.
As shown in Space IV, the drawing is completed by heavying-in the lines in the
right-side view.
the depth of the side view is 2\", while the width of the working space is 10j". Assume
a space C between views, say \\", that will look well, and that will allow sufficient
space for dimensions, if any.
As shown at (b), add A\", \\", and 2\", subtract the total from 10^", and divide
the result by 2 to get the value of space A. To set off these horizontal spacing measure-
ments, place the scale along the bottom of the sheet and make short vertical marks.
The depth of the top view is 2\", and the height of the front view is If", while
the height of the working space is 7f". Assume a space D between views, say 1". As
shown in 209, space D need not be the same as space C. As shown at (b), add 2\",
1", and If", subtract the total from 7|", and divide the result by 2 to get the value
" \0f
of space B. To set off these vertical spacing measurements, place the scale along the
left side of the sheet with the scale used on the left, and make short marks perpen-
and circles.
Draw horizontal, then vertical, then inclined construction lines, in the order
shown. Allow construction lines to cross at the corners. Do not complete one view
at a time; construct the views simultaneously.
IV. Add hidden lines and heavy-in all final lines, clean-cut and dark. A con-
venient method of transferring a hole diameter from the top view to the side view
is to use the compass with the same setting used for drawing the hole. The visible
lines should be heavy enough to make the views stand out. The hidden lines and
center lines should be sharp in contrast to the visible lines, but dark enough to repro-
duce well. Construction lines need not be erased if they are drawn lightly. If you
are working on tracing paper, hold the sheet up to the light to see if the density of
your lines is sufficient to reproduce well. See 55 and Fig. 68.
214. Alternate Positions of Views. If three views of a wide flat object are
drawn, using the conventional arrangement of views, Fig. 295 (a), a large wasted
space is left on the paper, as shown. In such cases, the profile plane may be con-
sidered hinged to the horizontal plane instead of the frontal plane, as shown at (b).
This places the side view beside the top view, which results in better spacing and in
some cases makes the use of a reduced scale unnecessary.
It is also permissible in extreme cases to place the side view across horizontally
from the bottom view, in which case the profile plane is considered hinged to the
bottom plane of projection. Similarly, the rear view may be placed directly above
the top view or under the bottom view, if necessary, in which case the rear plane
is considered hinged to the horizontal or bottom plane, as the case may be, and
215. Partial Views. A view may not need to be complete but may show only
what necessary in the clear description of the object. Such a view is a partial view,
Fig. 296. A
break line, (a), may be used to limit the partial view; the contour of the
216. Removed Views. A removed view, Fig. 298, is a complete or a partial view
removed to another place on the sheet so that it no longer is in direct projection
with any other view. Such a view may be used to show some feature of the object
more clearly, possibly to a larger scale, or to save drawing a complete regular view.
A viewing-plane line is used to indicate the part being viewed, the arrows at the
ends showing the direction of sight. See 248. The removed view should be labeled
VIEW A-A or VIEWB-B, etc., the letters
teferring to those placed at the ends of the
viewing-plane line.
i n
Fig. 299 Visualizing from Given Views.
shows, Step I, that the object is L-shaped, how wide and how high the object is,
and the thickness of the members. The meaning of the hidden lines and center lines
is not yet clear, nor do we yet know the depth of the object.
The top view tells us, Step II, that the horizontal member is rounded on the
end and has a round hole. Some kind of slot is indicated at the left end.
The right-side view tells us, Step III, that the left end of the object has rounded
corners at the top and has an open-end slot in a vertical position.
Thus, each view provides certain definite information regarding the shape of
the object. All views must be considered in order to visualize the object completely.
219. Models. One of the best aids to visualization is an actual model of the
object.Such a model need not be made accurately to scale, and may be made of
any convenient material, such as modeling clay, laundry soap, wood, or any material
that can be easily carved or cut.
A typical example of the use of soap or clay models is shown in Fig. 300, in
which three views of an object are given and the student is to supply a missing line.
Fig. 300 Use of Model to Aid Visualization.
The model is carved as shown in Steps I, II, and III, and the "missing" line, dis-
covered in the process, is added to the drawing as shown in Step IV.
Some typical examples of soap models are shown in Fig. 301.
Fig. 301 Soap Models.
220. Surfaces, Edges, and Corners. In order to analyze and synthesize multi-
view projections, it is necessary to consider the component elements that make up
TS = True Size
FS = Foreshortened
most solids. A surface (plane) may be bounded by straight lines or curves, or a com-
bination of them. A surface may he frontal, horizontal, or profile, according to the plane
of projection to which it is parallel.
If a plane surface perpendicular to a plane of projection, it appears as a line,
Fig. 302 (a). If it is parallel, it appears as a surface, true size, (b). If it is situated at
an angle, it appears as a surface, foreshortened, (c). Thus, a plane surface always projects
as a line or as a surface.
TL = True Length
FS= Foreshortened
it appears as a line, (b) and (c). If it is parallel to the plane of projection, it shows
true length, (b); if not parallel, it shows foreshortened, (c). Thus, a straight line
always projects as a straight line or as a point. A line may be frontal, horizontal, or profile,
according to the plane of projection to which it is parallel.
A corner, or point, is the common intersection of three or more surfaces or edges.
A corner always appears as a point in every view.
221. Adjacent Areas. Consider a given top view, as shown at Fig. 304 (a).
Lines divide the view into three areas. Each of these must represent a surface at a
afferent level. Surface A may be high and B and C lower, as shown at (b). Or B may
(a) (b) (0^ (dy
a certain characteristic shape. An L-shaped surface, Fig. 305 (a), will appear as an
(a) (b) (c) (d)
L-shaped figure in every view in which it does not appear as a line. A T-shaped
surface, (b), aU-shaped surface, (c), or a hexagonal surface, (d), will in each case
have the same number of sides and the same characteristic shape in every view in
which it appears as a surface.
This repetition of shapes is one of our best means for analyzing the views.
224. Normal Surfaces. A normal surface is a plane surface that is parallel to a plane
appears in true size and shape on the plane to which it is parallel,
of projection. It
and as a vertical or a horizontal line on adjacent planes of projection.
In Fig. 307 are shown four stages in machining a block of cold-rolled steel to
produce the final Tool Block in Space IV. All the surfaces are normal surfaces. In
Space I, normal surface A is parallel to the horizontal plane and appears true size
three surfaces, 1-2-6-5, 2-3-7-6, and 3-4-8-7. In the front view, surface 9-10 is seen
to be the highest, and surfaces 11-12 and 13-14 are at the same lower level. In the
side view both of these latter surfaces appear as one line 19-20. Surface 11-12 might
appear as a hidden line in the side view, but surface 13-14 appears as a visible line
19-20, which covers up the hidden line and takes precedence over it.
In Space IV, how many normal surfaces are there altogether?
225. Normal Edges. A normal edge is a line that is perpendicular to a plane of pro-
jection. It will which it is perpendicular,
appear as a point on the plane of projection to
and as a line in true length on adjacent planes of projection. In Space I of Fig. 307,
edge D is perpendicular to the profile plane of projection and appears as point 17
in the side view. It is parallel to the frontal and horizontal planes of projection, and
is shown true length at 9-10 in the front view and 6-7 in the top view. Edges E and
II 15 20 16 17
10 II 1520 16 17
227. Inclined Edges. An inclined edge is a line that is parallel to a plane of projection
but inclined to adjacent planes. It will appear true length on the plane to which it is
228. Oblique Surfaces. An oblique surface is a plane that is oblique to all planes of
Since it is not perpendicular to any plane, it cannot appear as a line in
any view. Since it is not parallel to any plane, it cannot appear true size in any
view. Thus, an oblique surface always appears as a foreshortened surface in all three
In Space II of Fig. 309, oblique surface C appears in the top view at 25-3-6-26,
and in the front view at 29-8-31-30. What are its numbers in the side view? Note
that any surface appearing as a line in any view cannot be an oblique surface. How
many inclined surfaces are there? How many normal surfaces?
10 II
16 23 24 16 23
229. Oblique Edges. An oblique edge is a line that is oblique to all planes of projec-
tion.Since it is not perpendicular to any plane, it cannot appear as a point in any
view. Since it is not parallel to any plane, it cannot appear true length in any view.
An oblique edge appears foreshortened, and in an inclined position, in every view.
In Space II of Fig. 309, oblique edge F appears in the top view at 26-25, in the
front view at 30-29, and in the side view at 33-34. Are there any other oblique lines
in this figure? What are the oblique lines in Fig. 308 (IV)?
Parallel planes
Intersected by Lines 1.2 & 3.4 parallel.
Lines 1.2 & 3.4 parallel & Lines1.2 & 3.4 parallel &
another plane parallel to horizontal plane parallel to frontal plane oblique to all planes
in one view and coincide as a single line in another, and should not be regarded as
an exception to the rule. Note that even in the pictorial drawings the lines arc shown
in any view. The remaining lines are thus drawn parallel to lines AP, PB, and BA.
If the angle is in an inclined plane, and (c), the angle may be projected
either larger or smaller than the true angle, depending upon its position. At (b) the
45 angle is shown oversize in the front view, and at (c) the 60 angle is shown under-
size in both views.
A 90 angle will be projected true size, even though it is in an inclined plane,
provided one leg of the angle is a normal line, as shown at (d). In this figure, the
60 angle is projected oversize and the 30 angle undersize. Study these relations,
using your own 30 X 60 triangle as a model.
233. Cylindrical Surfaces. Three views of a right-circular cylinder, the most com-
mon type, are shown in Fig. 314 (a). The single cylindrical surface is intersected by
two plane (normal) surfaces, forming two curved lines of intersection or circular edges
Circular Edge
(the bases of the cylinder). These circular edges are the only actual edges on the
The cylinderrepresented on a drawing by its circular edges and the contour
as shown in the pictorial view of the cylinder at (a). In this figure, at both (a) and
(b), the circular edges appear in the top views as circles A, in the front views as
horizontal lines 5-7 and 8-10, and in the side views as horizontal lines 11-13 and
The contour elements 5-8 and 7-10 in the front views appear as points 3 and 1
top views. The contour elements 11-14 and 13-16 in the side views appear as
in the
points 2 and 4 in the top views.
In Fig. 315 are shown four possible stages in machining a Cap, producing several
cylindrical surfaces. In Space I the removal of the two upper corners forms cylin-
drical surface A which appears
in the top view as surface 1-2-4-3, in the front view
as arc 5, and view as surface 8-9-Y-X.
in the side
In Space II a large reamed hole shows in the front view as circle 16, in the top
view as cylindrical surface 12-13-15-14, and in the side view as cylindrical surface
In Space III two drilled and counterbored holes are added, producing four more
cylindrical surfaces and two normal surfaces. The two normal surfaces are those at
the bottoms of the counterbores.
In Space IV a cylindrical cut is added, producing two cylindrical surfaces that
appear edgewise in the front view as arcs 30 and 33, in the top view as surfaces
21-22-26-25 and 23-24-28-27, and in the side view as surfaces 36-37-40-38 and
26 ARC 21 ARC 22 26 29
a line 3-4 in the top view, as surface 6-7-10-9 in the front view, and as line 13-16
in the side view. The other appears as line 15-16 in the side view, line 9-10 in the
front view, and surface 3-4, arc 2 in the top view.
All elements touching arc 2, between 3 and 4 in the top view, become shorter
as a result of the cut. For example, element A, which shows as a point in the top
view, now becomes CD in the front view, and 15-17 in the side view. As a result of
the cut, the front half of the cylindrical surface changed from 5-8-12-11 (front view)
to 5-6-9-10-7-8-12-11. The back half remains unchanged.
At (b) two cuts introduce four normal surfaces. Note that surface 7-8 (top view)
is through the center of the cylinder, producing in the side view line 21-24, and in
the front view surface 11-14-16-15 equal in width to the diameter of the cylinder.
Surface 15-16 (front view) is read in the top view as 7-8-arc 4. Surface 11-14 (front
view) is read in the top view as 5-6-arc 3-8-7 -arc 2.
At (c) two cylinders on the same axis are shown, intersected by a normal surface
parallel to the axis. Surface 17-20 (front view) is 23-25 in the side view, and 2-3-11-
9-15-14-8-6 in the top view. A common error is to draw a visible line in the top
view between 8 and However, this would produce two surfaces 2-3-11-6 and
8-9-15-14 not in the same plane. In the front view, the larger surface appears as
line 17-20 and the smaller as line 18-19. These lines coincide; hence they are all
one surface, and there can be no visible line joining 8 and 9 in the top view.
The surface that appears in the front view at 17-18-arc 22-19-20-arc 21 appears
in the top view at 5-12, which explains the hidden line 8-9 in the top view.
-High Point
Since the major and minor axes AB and CD are known, the ellipse can be drawn
by any of the methods in Figs. 200-202 and 204 (a) (true ellipses) or by the method
of Fig. 208 (approximate ellipse). Or the ellipse may be drawn with the aid of an
ellipse guide, 163.
If the cylinder is tilted forward, (b), the bases or circular edges 1-2 and 3-4 (side
view) become ellipses in the front and top views. Points on the ellipses can be plotted,
in which use is made "end view" of the cylinder, as shown, dis-
of a semi-circular
tances d being equal. Since the major and minor axes for each ellipse are known,
the ellipses can be drawn with the aid of an ellipse guide, or by any of the true ellipse
methods, or by the approximate method.
If the cylinder is cut by an oblique plane, (c), the elliptical surface appears as
an ellipse in two views. In the top view, points A and B are selected, diametrically
opposite, as the high and low points in the ellipse, and CD is drawn perpendicular
to AB. These are the projections of the major and minor axes, respectively, of the
actual ellipse in space. In the front and side views, points A and B are assumed at
the desired altitudes. Since CD appears true length in the top view, it will appear
horizontal in the front and side views, as shown. These axes in the front and side
views are the conjugate axes of the ellipses. The ellipses may be drawn upon these
axes by the methods of Figs. 203 or 204 (b), or by trial with the aid of an ellipse
template, 163.
At (d), the cylinders are the same diameter. The figure of intersection consists
of two semi -ellipses that appear as straight lines in the front view.
238. How
to Draw Holes. The correct methods of representing the most com-
mon machined holes are shown in Fig. 323. Instructions to the shop worker
types of
are given in the form of notes. The draftsman represents the holes in conformity
with these specifications. In general, notes tell the workman what to do in the order
he is to do it. Hole sizes are always specified by diameter never the radius. For
each operation specified, the diameter is given first, followed by the method, such
as drill, ream, etc.
A drilled hole is a "through" hole if it goes through a member. If the hole has
a specified depth, as shown at (a), the hole is called a "blind" hole. The depth in-
cludes the cylindrical portion of the hole only. The
point of the drill leaves a conical
bottom in the hole, drawn approximately with the 30 X 60 triangle, as shown.
For drill sizes, see table in Appendix 14 (Twist Drill Sizes).
bone depth
'Counterbore did.
Cbore depth
^-Counter- \
sink dia. \
Counter- \
^CS* a/&b~
\^H Csk diaWy
sink angle
i Sface I
At (e) a hole is drilled and then the upper part is enlarged cylindrically to a
specified diameter. The depth usually is not specified, but is left to the shop to deter-
239. Fillets and Rounds. A rounded interior corner is called a fillet, and a
rounded exterior corner, a round, Fig. 324 (a). Sharp corners should be avoided in
rough surfac
designing parts to be cast or forged, not only because they are difficult to produce,
but in the case of interior corners are a source of weakness and failure. See 302
for shop processes involved.
Two rough surfaces produce a rounded corner, (b). If one of these
surfaces machined, (c), or if both surfaces are machined, (d), the corner becomes
sharp. Therefore, on a drawing a rounded corner means that both intersecting sur-
faces are rough, and a sharp corner means that one or both surfaces are machined.
On working drawings, fillets and rounds are never shaded. The presence of the
curved surfaces is indicated only where they appear as arcs, except as shown in
Fig. 328.
and rounds should be drawn with the bow pencil or bow pen if they are
|" radius or larger. Those smaller than \" R should be made carefully freehand. As
an aid in drawing these smaller arcs, some prefer to use the ends of the slots in the
erasing shield, the filleted corners of the triangle, a special fillets-and-rounds tem-
plate, or a circle template.
Typical filleted intersections are shown in Fig. 326. The runouts from (a) to (d)
differbecause of the different shapes of the horizontal intersecting members. At (e)
and (f) the runouts differ because the top surface of the web at (e) is flat, with only
lines are added for rounded and filleted edges, as shown at (b) and (c). The added
lines are projected from the actual intersections of the surfaces as if the fillets and
rounds were not present.
In Fig. 328, two top views are shown for each given front view. The upper top
views are nearly devoid of lines that contribute to the shape descriptions, while the
-o- 4
If the part in front of the mirror is an R.H.image shows the L.H. part.
part, the
No matter how the object is turned, the image will
show the L.H. part. At (b) and
(c) are shown L.H. and R.H. drawings of the same object, and it will be seen that the
drawings are also symmetrical with respect to a reference-plane line between them.
If you hold a drawing faced against a window pane or a light table so that the
lines can be seen through the paper, you can trace the reverse image of the part on
the back or on tracing paper, which will be a drawing of the opposite part. Or if
you run a tracing upside down through the blueprint machine, the print will be
reversed, and although a mirror will be needed to read the lettering, the print will
be that of the opposite part.
In the United States and Canada and to some extent in England, third -angle
projection is standard, while in most of the rest of the world, first-angle projection
is used. First-angle projection was originally used all over the world, including the
United States, but in this country it was abandoned about seventy-five years ago.
244. Multiview Projection Problems. The following problems are intended
primarily to afford practice in instrumental drawing, but any of them may be
sketched freehand on cross-section paper or plain paper. Sheet layouts (see back
endpaper) are suggested, but the instructor may desire to use a different sheet size
or arrangement.
Fig. 331 Freehand Sketch (Layout A-2). Fig. 332 Mechanical Drawing (Layout A-3).
Dimensions may or may not be required by the instructor. If they are assigned,
the student should study 327-350. In the given problems, whether in multiview
or in pictorial form, it is often not possible to give dimensions in the preferred places
or. occasionally, in the standard manner. The student is expected to move dimensions
to the preferred locations and otherwise to conform to the dimensioning practices
recommended in Chapter 1 1
For the problems in Fig. 336-395, it is suggested that the student make a thumb-
nail sketch of the necessary views in each case, and obtain his instructor's approval
before starting the mechanical drawing.
For additional problems, see Fig. 498. Draw top views instead of auxiliary views.
Problems in convenient form for solution are available in Technical Drawing Prob-
lems, by Giesecke, Mitchell, and Spencer, and in Technical Drawing Problems, Series 2,
by Spencer and Grant, both designed to accompany this text, and published by The
Macmillan Company.
ri. I DRILL |
' i& ~
2 HOLES -i
T iih
i-rUt4 I I
| DRILL-i I- 2 -| -|
Complete the
th top view
*+-A hiiilhijt-ii^
Add all
missing lines
Add top v/eiY
O -Add top
Add top i
Fig. 340 Tailstock Clamp (Layout A-3). Fig. 341 Index Feed (Layout A-3).
*Draw or sketch necessary views. If dimensions are required, study 327-350.
Fig. 342 Bearing (Layout A-3).* Fig. 343 Holder Clip (Layout A-3).*
Fig. 344 Cam (Layout A-3) Fig. 345 Index Arm (Layout A-3).
^5_ f ALL OVER
Fig. 346 Roller Lever (Layout A-3).* Fig. 347 Support (Layout A-3).*
Fig. 348 Locating Finger (Layout A-3).* Fig. 349 Toggle Lever (Layout A-3).*
Fig. 350 Cut-Off Holder (Layout A-3). Fig. 351 Index Slide (Layout A-3).
REQ'D. i'\Y
P J ^-(Slor clear
Fig. 352 Frame Guide (Layout A-3). Fig. 353 Chuck Jaw (Layout A-3).
*Draw or sketch necessary views. If dimensions are required, study 327-350.
-fi REAM
v /"^ z H0LES IN
1 1 ^ DRI LL- % C'BORE DP. Fig. 355 Tool Holder (Layout A-3)
Given: Front & Bottom views.
Req'd: Front, Top & R.S. views.
t r
Given: Front & L.S. views.
Req'd: Front, Top, & R.S. views.
Fig. 357 Cross-Feed Stop (Layout A-3).*
Fig. 356 Shifter Block (Layout A-3).*
l-S-r- 2 J
SAE. 1315
Given: Front & L.S. views. DRILL-
I REQ'D. jg
Req'd: Front, Top, A R.S. views.
Fig. 358 Cross Cam (Layout A-3). Fig. 359 Roller Stud (Layout A-
Fig. 361 Feed Rod Bearing
Fig. 360 Hinge Block (Layout A-3) (Layout A-3).*
Draw 4
Fig. 362 Lever Hub (Layout A-3).* Fig. 363 Vibrator Arm (Layout A-3).
Draw size 2 REQ'D.
C.R.S.-I REQD. j;jfg REAM
Fig. 365 Counter Bearing Bracket
Fig. 364 Clutch Lever (Layout A-3). (Layout A-3).*
*Draw or sketch necessary views. If dimensions are required, study 327-350.
\ DRILL- 1 DP.
-g DRILL-2 DP.
Fig. 368 Socket Bearing (Layout A-3).* Fig. 369 Tool Holder (Layout A-3).
J f N945 Y>
Fig. 370 Locating V-Block (Layout A-3).* Fig. 371 Anchor Bracket (Layout A-3).*
*Draw or sketch necessary views. If dimensions are required, study 327-350.
Fig. 374 Dust Cap (Layout B-3).* Fig. 375 Chuck Jaw (Layout B-3) .*For threads,
see 402.
Fig. 376 Holder (Layout B-3).* Fig. 377 Centering Wedge (Layout B-3).*
*Draw or sketch necessary views. If dimensions are required, study 327-350.
V' </ r i
AR ROW. (Half size)
Fig. 386 Bearing Bracket. Draw necessary Fig. 387 Link Arm Connector. Draw necessary
views (Layout B-3). For threads, see 402. views (Layout B-3). For threads, see 402.
Fig. 388 Mounting Bracket. Draw necessary Fig. 389 L.H. Shifter Fork. Draw necessary
views (Layout B-3). views (Layout B-3).
^x^ KEYWAY5 (2) % DP, 2 HOLES-
^*^ ' REQ D.
Fig. 390 Gear Shift Bracket (Layout C-4). Fig. 391 Fixture Base (Layout C-4).
Draw j; size
VIEW AT B- I reo'd.
392 Ejector Base (Layout C-4) Fig. 393 Tension Bracket (Layout C-4).*
.998-1.000 REAM-^
iDRILL-AHOLES-^.f'j \ t
centered i DRILL-
Fig. 394 Offset Bearing (Layout C-4).* Fig. 395 Feed Guide (Layout C-4).
*Draw necessary views. If dimensions are required, study 327-350.
* J
x. S
245. Full Sections. The basic method of representing objects by views, or pro-
jections, has been explained in previous chapters. By means of a limited number of
carefully selected views, the external features of the most complicated objects can
be thus fully described.
ismentally discarded. The sectional view will be in the position of a left -side view.
The sectional view thus obtained is shown in Fig. 402 (a). A comparison of this
sectional view with the right-side view, (c), emphasizes the advantage in clearness
of the former. The right-side view would naturally be omitted. In the front view,
the cutting plane appears as a line, called a cutting-plane line, 248. The arrows at
the ends of the cutting-plane line indicate the direction of sight for the sectional view.
This type of section is called a full section, because the cutting plane passes "fully"
through the object.
Note that in order to obtain the sectional view, the left half is only imagined to
be removed, and not actually shown removed anywhere except in the sectional view
itself. In the sectional view, the section-lined areas are those portions that have been
in actual contact with the cutting plane. Those areas are crosshatched with very sharp
parallel section lines spaced carefully by eye. In addition, the visible parts behind
the cutting plane are shown, but not crosshatched.
As a rule, the location of the cutting plane is obvious from the section itself, and
the cutting-plane line is therefore omitted. It is shown in Fig. 402 for illustration
only. Cutting-plane lines should, of course, be used wherever necessary for clearness,
as in Figs. 420, 421, 424, and 425.
246. Lines in Sectioning. A correct front view and sectional view are shown
in Fig. 403 (a) and (b). In general, all visible edges and contours behind the cutting plane
- (eRr will
detail drawings (single parts) the general-purpose (cast-iron) section lining be used
for all materials.
Symbolic section lining may be used in assembly drawings in cases where it is
desirable to distinguish the different materials; otherwise, the general -purpose sym-
bol is used for all parts. For assembly sections, see 441.
. FRONT & R.
moved portion. resulting full section may be referred to as the "front view in
section," since occupies the front view position.
In Fig. 407 (b), the cutting plane is a horizontal plane, 220, and appears as a
line in the front view. The upper half of the object is imagined removed. The arrows
point toward the lower half in the same direction of sight as for a top view, and the
resulting full section is a "top view in section."
In Fig. 407 two cutting planes are shown, one a frontal plane and the other
a profile plane, both of which appear edgewise in the top view. Each section is com-
pletely independent of the other and drawn as if the other were not present. For sec-
tion A-A, the front half of the object is imagined removed. The back half then is
viewed in the direction of the arrows for a front view, and the resulting section is a
"front view in section." For section B-B, the right half of the object is imagined
removed. The left half then is viewed in the direction of the arrows for a right-side
view, and the resulting section is a "right-side view in section." The cutting-plane
lines are preferably drawn through an exterior view, in this case the top view, instead
of a sectional view, as shown.
The cutting-plane lines in Fig. 407 are shown for purposes of illustration only.
They which the location of the cutting
are generally omitted in cases such as these, in
plane is obvious. When a cutting-plane line coincides with a center line, the cutting-
plane line takes precedence.
Correct and incorrect relations between cutting-plane lines and corresponding
sectional views are shown in Fig. 409.
and D be visible. As shown at II, these arcs will appear as straight lines 2-3,
6-7, 5-8, and 10-11. These lines may also be accounted for in other ways. The top
and bottom surfaces of the object appear in the section as lines 1-4 and 9-12. The
bottom surface of the counterbore appears in the section as line 5-8. Also, the semi-
cylindrical surfaces for the back half of the counterbore and of the drilled hole will
appear as rectangles in the section at 2-3-8-5 and 6-7-11-10.
(b) I
Fig. 410 Visualizing a Section.
The front and top views of a "Collar" are shown in Fig. 411 (a), and a right-
side view in full section is required. The understood to pass along
cutting plane is
the vertical center line A, D, E, L. If the cutting plane were drawn, the arrows
would point to the left in conformity with the direction of sight (see arrow) for the
right-side view. The right side of the object is imagined removed and the left half
will be viewed in the direction of the arrow, as shown pictorially at (d). The cut
surfaces will appear edgewise in the top and front views along A, D, E, L, and since
the direction of sight for the section is at right angles to them, they will appear in
true size and shape in the sectional view. Each sectioned area will be completely
enclosed by a boundary of visible lines. The sectional view will show, in addition to
the cut surfaces, all visible parts behind the cutting plane. No hidden lines will be
Whenever a surface of the object (plane or cylindrical) appears as a line and is
intersected by a cutting plane that also appears as a line, a new edge (line of inter-
section) is created that will appear as a point in that view. Thus, in the front view,
the cutting plane creates new edges appearing as points at E, F, G, H, J, K, and L.
In the sectional view, (b), these are horizontal lines 31-32, 33-34, 35-36, 37-38,
39-40, 41-42, and 43-44.
Whenever a surface of the object appears as a surface (i.e., not as a line) and is
cut by a cutting plane that appears as a line, a new edge is created that will appear
as a line in the view, coinciding with the cutting-plane line, and as a line in the
In the top view, D is the point view of a vertical line KL in the front view and
41-43 in the section at (b). Point C is the point view of a vertical line HJ in the front
view and 37-39 in the section. Point B is the point view of two vertical lines EF and
GH in the front view, and 31-33 and 35-38 in the section. Point A is the point view
of three vertical lines EF, GJ, and KL in the front view, and 32-34, 36-40, and
42-44 in the section. This completes the boundaries of three sectioned areas 31-32-
Hidden lines
may be given
in unsectioned
half if necessary
for dimensioning
I. Ml
Fig. 412 Half Section.
The greatest usefulness of the half section is in assembly drawing, Fig. 731, in
which it is often necessary to show both internal and external construction on the
same view, but without the necessity of dimensioning.
As shown in Fig. 412 (b), a center line is used to separate the halves of the half
section. However, ASA* recommends that "A visible line or a center line may be
used to divide the sectioned half from the unsectioned half of a half section." Both
forms are therefore correct.
a small broken-out section being sufficient to explain the construction. In Fig. 414,
a half section would have caused the removal of half the keyway. The keyway is
preserved by "breaking-out" around it. Note that in this case the section is limited
partly by a break line and partly by a center line.
*ASA Y14.2-1957.
tg) (h)
to the center line or axis of the bar or other object, as shown in Fig. 416 (a), then
revolving the plane through 90 about a center line at right angles to the axis, as
at (b) and (c).
The superimposition of the revolved section requires the removal of all original
lines covered by it, Fig. 418. The true shape of a revolved section should be retained
after the revolution of the cutting plane, regardless of the direction of the lines in
the view, Fig. 419.
253. Removed Sections. "A section may be removed, if necessary, from its
normal projected position in the standard arrangement of views, in which case it
becomes a removed section"* Fig. 420.
Removed sections should be labeled, such as SECTION A-A, SECTION B-B,
corresponding to the letters at the ends of the cutting-plane line. They should
be arranged in alphabetical order from left to right on the sheet. Section letters
should be used in alphabetical order, but letters I, O, and Q should not be used
because they are easily confused with the numeral 1 or the zero.
Fig. 418 A
Common Error in
Drawing Revolved Fig. 419 A Common Error in Draw-
Sections. ing Revolved Sections.
A removed section is often a partial section. Such a removed section, Fig. 421,
is frequently drawn to an enlarged scale, as shown. This is often desirable in order
r frszc |
A B C D E F G 3-20UNC-2B,^DR . ,
it-Si tg4-=-v ,-
^ Ll
3[i 4-
to show clear delineation of some small detail and to provide sufficient space for
dimensioning. In such case the enlarged scale should be indicated beneath the sec-
tion title.
with any other view. It should be separated clearly from the standard arrangement
of views.
Whenever removed sections should be on the same sheet with the regular
views. If a section must be placed on a different sheet, cross-references should be
given on the related sheets. A note should be given below the section title, such as:
side view.At (b) phantom sectioning is used to show the shape and position of a
mating part, in this case a bushing.
ting plane is offset in several places in order to include the hole at the left end, one
of the parallel slots, the rectangular recess, and one of the holes at the right end.
The front portion of the object is then imagined to be removed, (b). The path of the
cutting plane shown by the cutting-plane line in the top view at (c), and the
resulting offset sectionis shown in the front view. The offsets or bends in the cutting
plane are all 90 and are never shown in the sectional view.
Fig. 424 also illustrates an example in which hidden lines are needed in a section.
In this case, an extra view would be needed to show the small boss on the back if
hidden lines were not shown.
256. Ribs in Section. "When the cutting plane passes flatwise through a web,
rib, gear tooth, or similar flat element, in order to avoid a false impression of thick-
ness or solidity the element should not be sectioned."* For example, in Fig. 426, the
rutting plane A-A passes flatwise through the vertical web, or rib, and the web is
-m -(
In Fig. 429 the cutting plane is bent so as to include one of the drilled and counter-
bored holes in the sectional view. The correct sectional view at (b) gives a clearer
and more complete description than does the section at (c), which was taken along
the vertical center line of the front view
that is, without any bend in the cutting
In such cases, the angle of revolution should always be less than 90.
Thestudent is cautioned not to revolve features when clearness is not gained. In
some cases the revolving of features will result in a loss of clarity. Examples in which
revolution should not be used are Fig. 439, Probs. 17 and 18.
In Fig. 430 (a) is an example in which the projecting lugs were not sectioned on
the same basis that ribs are not sectioned. At (b) the projecting lugs are located so
that the cutting plane would pass through them crosswise; hence they are sectioned.
Another example involving rib-sectioning and also revolution is shown in Fig. 431
In the circular view, the cutting plane is bends to include the
offset in circular-arc
upper hole, an upper rib, the key way and center hole, the lower rib, and one of the
lower holes. These features arc then imagined to be revolved until they line up
Correctr /
Fig. 432 Spokes in Section.
Fig. 432 (b). If the spoke is sectioned, as shown at (c), the section gives a false im-
pression of continuous metal. If the lower spoke is not revolved, it will be fore-
shortened in the sectional view in which it presents an "amputated" and wholly
misleading appearance.
Fig. 432 also illustrates correct practice in omitting visible lines in a sectional
view. Notice that spoke B is omitted at (b). If it were included, (c), the spoke would
be foreshortened, difficult and time-consuming to draw, and confusing to the reader
of the drawing.
same diameter as the vertical hole. In such cases the curves of intersection (ellipses)
appear as straight lines, as shown. See also Figs. 321 and 322.
(a) (b)
Parts thus broken must have the same section throughout, or if tapered, they
must have a uniform taper. Note at (b) the full-length dimension is given, just as if
the entire rake were shown.
The breaks used on cylindrical metal shafts or tubes are often referred to as
"S-breaks" and in the industrial drafting room are usually drawn entirely freehand
or partly freehand and partly with the irregular curve or the compass. By these
methods, the result is often very crude, especially when attempted by beginners.
Simple methods of construction for use by the student or the industrial draftsman
are shown in Figs. 436 and 437, and will always produce a professional result.
Breaks for rectangular metal and wood sections are always drawn freehand, as
shown in Fig. 438. See also Fig. 417, which illustrates the use of breaks in connection
with revolved sections.
261. Sectioning Problems. Any of the following problems may be drawn free-
hand or with instruments, as assigned by the instructor. However, the problems in
Fig. 439 are especially suitable for sketching on 85" X 11" cross-section paper with
n nr m. inside curve
\" grid squares. Two problems can be drawn on one sheet, using Layout A-l similar
to Fig. 281, with borders drawn freehand. If desired, the problems may be sketched
on plain drawing paper. Before making any sketches, the student should study care-
fully 175-184.
The problems in Figs. 440-459 are intended to be drawn mechanically, but may
be drawn freehand, if desired. If dimensions are required, the student should first
study 327-350. If an ink tracing is required, the student is referred to 59-62
and 64.
Sectioning problems in convenient form for solution are available in Technical
Drawing Problems, by Giesecke, Mitchell, and Spencer, and in Technical Drawing
Problems, Series 2, by Spencer and Grant, both designed to accompany this text, and
published by The Macmillan Company.
Rounded-end slot
Fig. 439 Freehand Sketching Problems. Using Layout A-l (freehand) on cross-section paper or
plain paper, two problems pei sheet as in Fig. 281, sketch views with sections as indicated. Each grid
square=j". In Probs. 1-10, move R. Side views to line up horizontally with Front Sectional views.
In Probs. 12-20, draw given Front views plus Sectional views, omitting given Top views. Omit cutting
planes except in Probs. 5 and 6.
Fig. 440 Bearing. Draw necessary views, Fig. 44 1 Truck Wheel. Draw necessary
with full section (Layout A-3). views, with half section (Layout A-3).
3 WEBS *'"
-|^BORE-lJrDEEP 1.372 +-22 REAM
Fig. 442 Column Support. Draw Fig. 443 Centering Bushing. Draw nec-
necessary views, with full section essary views, with full section (Layout A-3).
(Layout A-3).
r: ,
Fig. 444 Special Bearing. Draw necessary Fig. 445 Idler Pulley. Draw necessary
views, with full section (Layout A-3). views, with full section (Layout A-3)
Fig. 446 Stock Guide. Draw necessary Fig. 447 Bearing. Draw necessary
views, with half section (Layout B-4). views, with half section. Scale: half size
(Layout B-4).
Fig. 448 Bearing Housing. Draw nec- Fig. 449 Fixed Bearing Cup. Draw
essary views, with half sections in front necessary views, with full section
Side views (Layout B-4). (Layout B-4).
(of hub and pul/ey)
Fig. 450 Pulley. Draw necessary views, with Fig. 45 1 Step-Cone Pulley. Draw necessary
full section, and revolved section of spoke views, with full section (Layout B-4).
(Layout B-4).
(Verft'col dimensions
are diameters)
Fig. 454 Rocker Arm. Draw necessary views, with revolved sections (Layout B-4).
Fig. 455 Dash Pot Lifter. Draw necessary views, using revolved section instead of
removed section (Layout B-4).
L2_La:^- -F -i
2 5
fox* 1
A ' '
Fig. 458 Hydraulic Fitting. Draw given Fig. 459 Aux. Shaft Bearing. Draw given
Front and Top views, plus R. Side view in Front and Top views, plus R. Side view in full
full section (Layout B-4). section (Layout B-4).
230 261
I req'd
Fig. 466 Oil Retainer. Fig. 467 Gear Box.
Given: Front and Top views. Given: Front and Top views.
Req'd: Front view and Sec. A-A (Layout Req'd: Front in full section, Bottom view, and R.
B-4). Side Sec. A-A. Half size (Layout B-4).
Fig. 469 Web for Lathe Clutch.
Given: Partial Front and L. Side views. Required: Complete Front view, R. Side view in full
262. Auxiliary Views. Many objects are of such shape that their principal
facescannot always be assumed parallel to the regular planes of projection. For
example, in Fig. 470 (a), the base of the Bearing is shown in its true size and shape,
but the rounded upper portion is situated at an angle with the planes of projection
and does not appear in its true size and shape in any of the three regular views.
When the horizontal and auxiliary planes are unfolded to lie in the plane of the
front view, as shown at (b), the folding lines represent the "hinge" lines joining the
planes. The drawing is simplified by omitting the planes, as shown at (c), and as
will be shown may
themselves be omitted in the actual draw-
later, the folding lines
ing. The inclined surface P is shown in its true size and shape in the auxiliary view,
the long dimension of the surface being projected directly from the front view, and
the depth from the top view.
should be observed that the positions of the folding lines depend upon the
box at (a). If the horizontal plane is moved
relative positions of the planes of the glass
upward, the distance Y is increased. If the frontal plane is brought forward, the dis-
tances X
are increased but remain equal. If the auxiliary plane is moved to the right,
the distance Z is increased. Note that both top and auxiliary views show the depth
of the object.
264. Folding Lines. As shown in Fig. 471 (c), the folding lines are the "hinge"
lines of the glass box. Distances X must be equal, since they both represent the dis-
tance of the front surface of the object from the frontal plane of projection.
Although distances X must remain equal, distances Y and Z, from the front view
to the respective folding lines, may or may not be equal.
The drawing an auxiliary view with the aid of the folding lines are
steps in
shown in Fig. 472, and are described as follows:
I. The front and top views are given. It is required to draw an auxiliary view
showing the true size and shape of inclined surface P. Draw the folding line H/F
between the views at right angles to the projection lines. Distances X and Y may or
may not be equal, as desired.
II.Draw arrow, indicating direction of sight, perpendicular to surface P. Drav
light projection lines from the front view parallel to the arrow, or perpendicular to
surface P.
III. Draw folding line F/l for the auxiliary view at right angles to the projection
lines and at any convenient distance from the front view.
are then used in the same manner as folding lines. Dimensions D, to the reference
lines, are equal. The advantage of the reference -plane method is that fewer measure-
ments are required, since some points of the object lie in the reference plane.
The reference plane may coincide with the front surface of the object as at (a),
or it may cut through the object as at (b) if the object is symmetrical, or the reference
plane may coincide with the back surface of the object as at (c), or through any
intermediate point of the object.
The reference plane should be assumed in the position most convenient for trans-
ferring distances with respect to it. Remember the following:
1. Reference lines, like folding lines, are always at right angles to the projection
266. To Draw an Auxiliary View, Using Reference Plane. The object shown
in Fig. 474 (a) is numbered as explained in 212. To draw the auxiliary view, proceed
as follows:
I. Draw two views of the object, and of an arrow indicating the direction of
sight for the auxiliary view.
Note: In the following steps, manipulate the triangle (either triangle) as shown in Fig.
475 to draw lines parallel or perpendicular to the inclined face.
IV. Draw auxiliary view of surface A. It will be true size and shape because
the direction of sight was taken perpendicular to that surface. Transfer depth meas-
urements from the top view to the auxiliary view with dividers or scale. Each point
in the auxiliary view will be on its projection line from the front view and the same
distance from the reference line as it is in the top view to the corresponding reference
V. Complete the auxiliary view by adding other visible edges and surfaces of
the object. Each numbered point in the auxiliary view lies on its projection line from
the front view, and is the same distance from the reference line as it is in the top view.
Note that two surfaces of the object appear as lines in the auxiliary view. Which
surfaces are these (give numbers)? Does the bottom surface of the object appear true
size and shape in the auxiliary view? Why?
Before you draw the bottom surface in
the auxiliary view, general configuration and exact number of
how do you know its
sides? Which edges of surface 2-5-6-3 are foreshortened and which are true length
in the auxiliary view? Does surface 5-8-9-6 appear true size in the auxiliary view?
Which edges of surface 5-8-9-6 appear true size in the front view? In the auxiliary
and any auxiliary view projected from the side view (either side) is a width auxiliary
view. What kind of auxiliary view is Fig. 470 (b)? Fig. 482 (b)? Fig. 496? Fig. 502?
shown; hence all of the auxiliary views are depth auxiliary views.
The unfolded auxiliary planes are shown at (b), where also is shown how the
depth dimension may be projected from the top view to all auxiliary views. The
arrows indicate the directions of sight for the several views, and the projection lines
are respectively parallel to these arrows. The arrows may be assumed but need not
be actually drawn, since the projection lines determine the direction of sight. The
folding lines are perpendicular to the arrows and to the corresponding projection
lines. Since the auxiliary planes can be assumed at any distance from the object, it
follows that the folding lines may be any distance from the front view.
The complete drawing, with the planes of projection and folding lines omitted,
is shown at (c). This shows the drawing as it would appear on paper, in which use
is made of reference planes as described in 265, all depth dimensions being measured
this rule The principal dimension shown in an auxiliary view is that one which is not shown
in the adjacent view from which the auxiliary view was projected.
perpendicular to the corresponding projection lines, and all height dimensions are
measured parallel to the projection lines, or perpendicular to the reference lines, in
each view. Note that in the view projected from, the top view, the only dimension
not shown is height.
The unfolded planes are shown at (b), and the complete drawing with the planes
of projectionand the folding lines omitted is shown at (c). All reference lines are
perpendicular to the corresponding projection lines, and all width dimensions are
measured parallel to the projection lines, or perpendicular to the reference lines, in
each view. Note that in the view projected from, the side view, the only dimension
not shown is width.
271. Revolving a Drawing. In Fig. 479 (a) is a drawing showing top, front,
and auxiliary views. At (b) the drawing is shown revolved, as indicated by the arrows,
until the auxiliary view and the front view line up horizontally. Although the views
remain exactly the same, the names of the views must be changed; the auxiliary
view now becomes a right-side view, and the top view becomes an auxiliary view.
Some students find it easier to visualize and draw an auxiliary view when revolved
to the position of a regular view in this manner. In any case, it is clear that an
auxiliary view basically is likeany other view.
272. Dihedral Angles. angle between two planes is a dihedral angle. One
is to show dihedral angles in true size, mainly
of the principal uses of auxiliary views
for dimensioning purposes. In Fig. 480 (a) is shown a block with a V-groove situated
(a) (b)
so that the true dihedral angle between inclined surfaces A and B is shown in the
front view. Why
does this view show the true angle?
Assume a line in a plane. For example, draw a straight line on a sheet of paper;
then hold the paper so as to view the line as a point. You will observe that when the
line appears as a point, the plane containing the line appears as a line. Hence, this
rule To get the edge view of a plane, get the point view of any line in that plane.
In Fig. 480 (a), line 1 -2 is the line of intersection of planes A and B. Now, line 1 -2
lies in both planes at the same time; therefore, a point view of this line will show
both planes as lines, and the angle between them is the dihedral angle between the
planes. Hence, this rule: To get the true angle between two planes, get the point view of the
line of intersection of the planes.
At (b), the line of intersection 1-2 does not appear as a point in the front view;
hence, planes A
and B do not appear as lines, and the true dihedral angle is not
shown. Assuming that the actual angle is the same as at (a), does the angle show
larger or smaller than at (a)? The drawing at (b) is unsatisfactory. The true angle
does not appear because the direction of sight (see arrow) is not parallel to the line
of intersection 1 -2.
At (c) the direction of sight arrow is taken parallel to line 1-2, producing an
auxiliary view in which line 1 -2 appears as a point, planes A and B appear as lines,
and the true dihedral angle is shown. To draw a view showing a true dihedral angle,
assume the direction of sight parallel to the line of intersection between the planes of the angle.
auxiliary view. The major axis is found by direct projection from the front view,
and the minor axis is equal to the diameter of the cylinder. The left end of the cylinder
(a circle) will appear as an ellipse in the auxiliary view, the major axis of which is
equal to the diameter of the cylinder.
Since this is a symmetrical object, the reference plane is assumed through the
center, as shown. To plot points on the ellipses, select points on the circle of the side
view, and project them across to the inclined surface or to the left-end surface, and
then upward to the auxiliary view. In this manner, two points can be projected each
time, as shown for points 1-2, 3-4, and 5-6. Distances a are equal and are transferred
from the side view to the auxiliary view with the aid of dividers. A sufficient number
of points must be projected to establish the curves accurately. Use the irregular curve
as described in 66.
Since the major and minor axes are known, any of the "true" ellipse methods
of Figs. 200-202 or 204 (a) may be used. Or if an approximate ellipse is adequate
for the job in hand, the method of Fig. 208 can be used. But the quickest and easiest
method is to use an ellipse template, as explained in 163.
In Fig. 481 (b), the auxiliary view shows the true size and shape of the inclined
cut through a piece of molding. The method of plotting points is similar to that above.
portion of the right-side view cannot be constructed until the auxiliary view is drawn
and points established on the curves and then projected back to the front view, as
break line is used to indicate the imaginary "break" in the views. Dn not draw a
P- /\
279. True Length of Line. In Fig. 489, let it be required to find the true
Length of the hip rafter AB by means of a depth auxiliary view.
I. Draw an arrow perpendicular to AB (front
view) indicating the direction of sight, and place
the reference plane through the center of the roof,
as shown.
II. Draw the reference line X-X perpendicu-
lar to the arrow and at any convenient distance
from AB (front view), and project the points A
and B toward it.
III. Set off the points A and B in the auxiliary
view at the same distance from the reference line Fig. 489 True Length of a Line by
as they arc in the top view. The triangle ABC in Means of an Auxiliary View.
From primary auxiliary view a secondary auxiliary view 2 can be drawn; then
In Auxiliary view 1, all numbered points of the object are the same distance fror
folding line H/l as they are in the front view from folding line H/F. These distances,
such as distance a, are transferred from the front view to the auxiliary view with the
aid of dividers.
To draw the secondary auxiliary view 2, drop the front view from consideration,
and center attention on the sequence of three views: the top view, view 1, and view 2.
Draw arrow B toward view 1 in the direction desired for view 2, and draw light
projection lines parallel to the arrow. Draw folding line 1/2 perpendicular to the
projection lines and at any convenient distance from view 1. Locate all numbered
points in view 2 from folding line 1/2 at the same distances they are in the top view
from folding line H/l, using the dividers to transfer distances. For example, transfer
distance b to locate points 4 and 5. Connect points with straight lines, and determine
visibility. The corner nearest the observer (11) for view 2 will be visible, and the
one farthest away (1) will be hidden, as shown.
To draw views 3, 4, etc., repeat the above procedure, remembering that each
time we will be concerned only with a sequence of three views. In drawing any
auxiliary view, the paper may be revolved so as to make the last two views line up
as regular views.
in 272, the edge view (EV) of a plane is found by getting the point view of a line
I 2
_J H
I. N3
in that plane. To get the point view of a line, the line of sight must be assumed
parallel to the line. Therefore, draw arrow P parallel to lines 1-2 and 3-4, which
are true length (TL) in the front view, and draw projection lines parallel to the
arrow. Draw folding line H/F between the top and front views and F/l between
the front and auxiliary views, perpendicular to the respective projection lines. All
points in the auxiliary view will be the same distance from the folding line F/l as
they are in the top view from folding line H/F. Lines 1-2 and 3-4 will appear as
points in the auxiliary view, and plane 1-2-3-4 will therefore appear edgewise, or as
a line.
282. Use of Reference Planes. In Fig. 492 (a), it is required to draw an aux-
iliaryview in which triangular surface 1-2-3 will appear in true size and shape. In
order for the true size of the surface to appear in the secondary auxiliary view, arrow
S must be assumed perpendicular to the edge view of that surface; so it is necessary
to have the edge view of surface 1-2-3 in the primary auxiliary view first. In order
to do this, the direction of sight, arrow P, must be parallel to a line in surface 1-2-3
that appears true length (TL) in the front view. Hence, arrow P is drawn parallel
to line 1 -2 of the front view, line 1 -2 will appear as a point in the primary auxiliary
view, and surface 1-2-3 must therefore appear edgewise in that view.
In this case it is convenient to use reference lines and to assume the reference
plane X (for drawing the primary auxiliary view) coinciding with the back surface
of the object, as shown. For the primary auxiliary view, all depth measurements, as
a in the figure, arc transferred with dividers from the top view with respect to the
reference line X-X.
For the secondary auxiliary view, reference plane Y is assumed cutting through
the object for convenience in transferring measurements. All measurements perpen-
dicular to Y-Y in the secondary auxiliary view are the same as between the reference
plane and the corresponding points in the front view. Note that corresponding meas-
urements must be inside (toward the central view in the sequence of three views) or
outside (away from the central view). For example, dimension b is on the side of
Y-Y away from the primary auxiliary view in both places.
In Fig. 492 (b) it is required to find the true size and shape of surface 1-2-3-4-
5-6-7, and not to draw the complete secondary auxiliary view. The method is similar
to that described above.
283. Oblique Direction of Sight Given. In Fig. 493 two views of a block are
given, with two views of an arrow indicating the direction in which it is desired to
look at the object to obtain a view. Proceed as follows:
I. Draw primary auxiliary view of both the object and the assumed arrow, which will |
show the true length of the arrow. In order to do this, assume a horizontal reference
plane X-X in the front and auxiliary views, as shown. Then assume a direction of
sight perpendicular to the given arrow. In the front view, the butt end of the arrow
is a distance a higher than the arrow point, and this distance is transferred to the
primary auxiliary view as shown. All height measurements in the auxiliary view corre-
spond to those in the front view.
Draw secondary auxiliary view, which will show the arrow as a point. This can
be done because the arrow shows in true length in the primary auxiliary view, and
projection lines for the secondary auxiliary view are drawn parallel to it. Draw refer-
ence line Y-Y, for the secondary auxiliary view, perpendicular to these projection
lines. In the top view, draw Y-Y perpendicular to the projection lines to the primary
auxiliary view. All measurements, such as b, with respect to Y-Y, correspond in the
secondary auxiliary view and the top view.
It will be observed that the secondary auxiliary views of Figs. 492 and 493 have
considerable pictorial value. These are trimetric projections, 475. However, the di-
rection of sight could be assumed, in the manner of Fig. 493, to produce either iso-
metric or dimetric projections. If the direction of sight is assumed parallel to the
diagonal of a cube, the resulting view is an isometric projection, 449.
A typical application of a secondary auxiliary view in machine drawing is shown
in Fig. 494. All views are partial views, except the front view. The partial secondary
auxiliary view illustrates a case in which break lines are not needed. Note the use
of an auxiliary section to show the true shape of the arm.
Use 35 template.
(Nearest to 362)
the vicinity of one end of the minor axis, or by using descriptive geometry to find
the angle between the line of sight and the inclined surface, and by this angle select-
ing the ellipse guide required.
2 REQ'D.
2 REQ'D.
(Through) Fig. 502 Guide Block.
Given: R. Side and Aux. view.
Fig. 501 Clamp Slide. Draw necessary Req'd: R. Side, Aux., plus Front and Top views
views completely (Layout B-3). all complete (Layout B-3).
4.R(true rod/us)
\ DP (from bottom )
C.RS.- 1 REQ'D.
Fig. 505 Rod Guide. Draw necessary Fig. 506 Brace Anchor. Draw necessary
views, including complete Auxiliary view views, includingpartial Auxiliary view
showing true shape of upper rounded por- showing true shape of cylindrical portion
tion (Layout B-4). (Layout B-4).
Fig. 507 45 Elbow. Draw necessary Fig. 508 Angle Guide. Draw necessary views,
views, including a broken sectionand two including a partial Auxiliary view of cylindrical
half views of flanges (Layout B-4). recess (Layout B-4).
Xww/ A ,
SMALL \# *#&
SEC 8. 4 THK.-
Fig. 515 Brake Control Lever. Draw necessary views Fig 516 shifter F or k. Draw necessary
and partial views (Layout B-4) views, including partial Auxiliary view
showing true shape of inclined arm
(Layout B-4).
C.I. & (Parallel
surfaces B&C)
I REQ'D. to
I -I
Fig. 519 Draw secondary Auxiliary views, complete, which (except Prob. 2) will show the true sizes
of the inclined surfaces. In Prob. 2, draw secondary Auxiliary view as seen in direction of arrow
(Layout B-3).
^ -j
TO oblique: SURFACE-
Fig. 520 Control Bracket. Draw nec- Fig. 521 Holder Block. Draw given views
essary views including primary and sec- and primary and secondary Auxiliary views so
ondary Auxiliary views so that the latter that the latter shows true shape of oblique
shows true shape of oblique surface A surface (Layout B-4).
(Layout B-4).
Draw secondary
auxiliary view
to show true
shape of up-
per rounded
Fig. 525 Tool Holder. Draw com-
Fig. 524 Adjustable Stop. Draw complete plete Front view, and primary and
Front and Auxiliary views plus partial R. Side secondary Auxiliary views as indicated
view. Show all hidden lines (Layout C-4). (Layout B-4).
Fig. 528 Auxiliary View and Revolution Compared.
the same view can be obtained by shifting the object with respect
of the object also
to the observer, as shown Here the object is revolved until surface A appears
at (b).
in its true size and shape in the right-side view. The axis of revolution is assumed per-
pendicular to the frontal plane of projection, as shown.
Note that the view in which the axis of revolution appears as a point (in this
case the front view) revolves but does not change shape, and that in the views in which
the axis is shown as a line in true length the dimensions of the object parallel to the axis
do not change.
To make a revolution drawing, the view on the plane of projection that is per-
pendicular to the axis of revolution is drawn first, since it is the only view that remains
unchanged in size and shape. This view is drawn revolved either clockwise (as the
hands of a clock move) or counterclockwise about a point that is the end view, or point
view, of the axis of revolution. This point may be assumed at any convenient point
on or outside the view. The other views are then projected from this view.
The axis of revolution is usually considered perpendicular to one of the three
principal planes of projection. Thus an object may be revolved about an axis per-
pendicular to the horizontal, frontal, or profile planes of projection, and the views
drawn in the new positions. Such a process is called a primary revolution. If this draw-
ing is then used as a basis for another revolution, the operation is called a successive
revolution. Obviously, this process may be continued indefinitely, which reminds us
object is to revolve to the desired position. In this case the axis is selected perpendicu-
lar to the frontal plane of projection, and during the revolution all points of the
object describe circular arcs parallel to that plane. The axis may pierce the object
atany point or may be exterior to it. In Space II, the front view is drawn revolved
(but not changed in shape) through the angle desired (30 in this case), and the top
and side views are obtained by projecting from the front view. The depth of the top
view and the side view is found by projecting from the top view of the first unrevolved
position (Space I), because the depth, since it is parallel to the axis, remains unchanged. If
the front view of the revolved position directly without first drawing the
is drawn
normal unrevolved position, the depth of the object, as shown in the revolved top
and side views, may be drawn to known dimensions. No difficulty should be en-
countered by the student who understands how to obtain projections of points and
lines, 212.
Note the similarity between the top and side views in Space II of Fig. 529 and
some of the auxiliary views of Fig. 476 (c).
260 9. REVOLUTIONS 290
The numbering or lettering must be consistent in the various views of the several
stages of revolution. Figure 532 shows four sets of multiview drawings numbered I,
II, III, and IV, respectively. These represent the same object in different positions
with reference to the planes of projection.
to the planes of projection. InSpace II the object is represented after it has been
revolved clockwise through an angle of 30 about an axis perpendicular to the frontal
plane. The drawing in Space II is placed under Space I so that the side view, whose
width remains unchanged, can be projected from Space I to Space II as shown.
During the revolution, points of the object describe circular arcs parallel to
the frontal plane of projection and remain at the same distance from that plane.
The side view, therefore, may be projected from the side view of Space I and the
front view of Space II. The top view may be projected in the usual manner from
the front and side views of Space II.
In Space III the object is taken as represented in Space II and is revolved counter-
clockwise through an angle of 30 about an axis perpendicular to the horizontal plane
of projection. During the revolution, all points describe horizontal circular arcs and
remain at the same distance from the horizontal plane of projection. The top view
is copied from Space II but is revolved through 30. The front and side views are
obtained by projecting from the front and side views of Space II and from the top
view of Space III.
In Space IV the object is taken as represented in Space III and revolved clock-
wise through 1 5 about an axis perpendicular to the profile plane of projection. Dur-
ing the revolution,all points of the object describe circular arcs parallel to the profile
plane of projection and remain at the same distance from that plane. The side view
iscopied, 135, from the side view of Space III but revolved through 15. The front
and top views are projected from the side view of Space IV and from the top and
front views of Space III.
A similar successive revolution applied to a pyramid is shown in Fig. 533.
291. To Find the True Length of a Line. If a line is parallel to one of the
planes of projection, its projection on that plane is equal in length to the line, Fig.
303. In Fig. 534 (a), the element AB of the cone is oblique to the planes of projection;
hence its projections are foreshortened. If AB is revolved about the axis of the cone
until it coincides with either of the contour elements, for example AB', it will be
shown in its true length in the front view because it will then be parallel to the frontal
plane of projection.
Likewise, at (b), the edge of the pyramid CD is shown in its true length CD'
when it has been revolved about the axis of the pyramid until it is parallel to the
frontal plane of projection. At (c), the line EF is shown in its true length when it
292 9. REVOLUTIONS 263
has been revolved about a vertical axis until it is parallel to the frontal plane of
The true length of a linemay also be found by constructing a right triangle, as
shown at (d), whose base equal to the top view of the line, and whose altitude is
the difference in elevation of the ends. The hypotenuse of the triangle is equal to the
true length of the line.
In these cases the lines are revolved until parallel to a plane of projection. The
true length of a line may also be found by leaving the line stationary but shifting
the position of the observer; that is, the method of auxiliary views, 279.
(b) (0
Fig. 534 True Length of a Line.
292. True Size of a Plane Surface. If a surface is parallel to one of the planes
of projection, projection on that plane is true size, Fig. 302. In Fig. 535 (a), the
inclined surface 1-2-3-4 is foreshortened in the top and side views and appears as a
line in the front view. Line 2-3 is taken as the axis of revolution, and the surface is
revolved clockwise in the front view to the position 4 R -3 and projected to the side
view at 4 R -l R -2-3, which is the true size of the surface. In this case the surface was
revolved until parallel to the profile plane of projection.
At (b), triangular surface 1-2-3 is revolved until parallel to the horizontal plane
of projection so that the surface appears true size in the top view, as shown.
2 3
(b) (c)
At (c), nary
the true size of the oblique surface cannot be found by a simple primary
revolution. The true size can be found by two successive revolutions, or by a com
bination of an auxiliary view and a primary revolution. The latter is shown at (c).
First,draw an auxiliary view that will show the edge view (EV) of the plane. See
Fig. 491. Second, revolve the edge view of the surface until it coincides with the
folding line F/l, as shown. All points in the front view, except those in the axis of
revolution, will describe circular arcs parallel to the reference plane F/l. These arcs
will appear in the front view as lines parallel to the folding line, such as 2-2 K 3-3 R , ,
etc. The true size of the surface is found by connecting the points with straight lines.
293. Revolution of Circles. As shown in Fig. 202 (a) to (c), a circle, when
viewed obliquely, appears as an ellipse. In that case the coin is revolved by the
fingers. The geometric construction of this revolution is shown in Fig. 536 (a). In
c -
295 9. REVOLUTIONS 265
an object that has three triangular ribs, three holes equally spaced in the base, and
a kcyway. The right-side view at (b) is a regular projection and is not recommended.
The lower ribs appear in a foreshortened position, the holes do not appear in their
true relation to the rim of the base, and the keyway is projected as a confusion of
hidden lines.
The conventional method shown at (c) is preferred, not only because it is simpler
to read, but requires less drafting time. Each of the features mentioned has been
revolved in the front view to lie along the vertical center line from where it is pro-
jected to the correct side view at (c).
At (d) and (e) are shown regular views of a flange with many small holes. The
hidden holes at (e) are confusing and take unnecessary time to draw. The preferred
representation at (f) shows the holes revolved, and the drawing is clear.
Another example is shown in Fig. 538. As shown at (b), a regular projection
results in a confusing foreshortening of an inclined arm. In order to preserve the
appearance of symmetry about the common center, the lower arm is revolved to line
up vertically in the front view so that it projects true length in the side view at (a).
Revolutions of the type discussed here are frequently used in connection with
sectioning. Such sectional views are called aligned sections, 257.
views are drawn as shown. Similarly, in Fig. 532, the object may be counterrevolved
from its position of Space IV to its unrevolved position of Space I by simply reversing
the process.
In practice, it sometimes becomes necessary to draw the views of an object located
on or parallel to a given oblique surface. In such an oblique position, it is very difficult
to draw the views of the object, because of the foreshortening of lines. The work is
7 3
m n
Fig. 539 Counterrevolution of a Prism.
horizontal, as shown in Space II. Then revolve the surface about any vertical axis
Y-Y until the edges 8-7 and 4-3 are parallel to the frontal plane, as shown in Space
III. In given surface is perpendicular to the frontal plane, and the
this position the
front and top views of the required prism can be drawn, as shown by dashed lines
in the figure, because the edges 4-1 and 3-2, etc., are parallel to the frontal plane
and are therefore shown in their true lengths, one-half inch. Having drawn the two
views in Space III, counterrevolve the object from III to II and then from II to I
to find the required views of the given object in Space I.
298. Shop Processes. The shop with what might be called raw stock and
modifies this until it The shape of the raw stock may
agrees with the detail drawing.
have to be altered. For example, an automobile body shell may be pressed out of
sheet steel on a massive press before it conforms with the drawing. The size may
also have to be changed; for example, a 2" diameter bar may have to be turned
down on a lathe until it becomes 1.774" diameter.
Changing the shape and size of the material of which a part is being made requires
one or more of the following: (1) removing part of the original material, (2) adding
more material, and (3) redistributing original material. Cutting, as turning on a lathe,
Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas.
fProfessor of Engineering Drawing, Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas.
part isbeing produced. Frequently, the characteristics of the material may have to
be altered to agree with the properties specified by the designer on the drawing.
For example, the part may be required to have a Brinell hardness* of 400. Since
steel is not ordinarily supplied in this degree of hardness, it would become necessary
to harden such a part by heat treatment, 325.
299. Manufacturing Methods and the Drawing. Before the draftsman pre-
pares a drawing for the production of a part, he should consider what manufacturing
process is to be used, as this determines the representation of the detailed features
of the part, the choice of dimensions, and the machining accuracy. Principal types
are (1) casting, (2) machining from standard stock, (3) welding, (4) forming from sheet stock,
123-1125 REAM
I49S-I500 BORE-
4.75 -
In sand casting, Fig. 545 (a), all unfinished surfaces remain rough, and all rough
corners are filleted or rounded. Sharp corners appear where two surfaces intersect if
at least one is a finished surface. Finish marks are shown on the edge views of all
finished surfaces. See 341 and 342. Pattern draft is usually not shown on the draw-
ing. Dimensions are given for the patternmaker and the machinist on the same
drawing, 352.
In drawings of parts machined from standard stock, (b), most surfaces are ma-
chined. In some cases, as on shafting, the surface existing on the raw stock is often
accurate enough to be left unfinished. Corners are usually sharp, but fillets and
rounds are machined when necessary. For example, an interior corner may be
machined with a radius to provide greater strength.
On welding drawings, (c), the several pieces are cut to size, brought together
and then welded. Welding symbols, Chapter 25, are used to indicate the welds re-
quired. Generally there are no fillets and rounds. Certain surfaces may be machined
after welding, or in some cases before welding. Notice that lines are shown where
the separate pieces are joined.
On sheet-metal drawings, (d), the thickness of material is uniform and is usually
given in the material specification note. Bend radii and bend reliefs at corners are
specified according to standard practice. See 712. For dimensions, whole numbers
and common fractions may be used. In the aircraft and automotive industries es-
pecially, the complete decimal system, 368, may be used as shown in the figure.
Allowances of extra material for joints may be required.
For forged parts, separate drawings are usually made for the diemaker and for
the machinist. Thus, a forging drawing, (e), provides only the information to produce
the forging, and the dimensions given are those needed by the diemaker. See 324.
All corners are rounded and filleted, and are so shown on the drawing. The draft is
Fig. 546 Sand Molding (of Table Bracket, Fig. 737).
272 10. SHOP PROCESSES 301
Sand molds are made by ramming sand around a wood "model," or pattern, and
then carefully withdrawing the pattern, leaving a cavity to receive the molten metal,
as shown in Fig. 546 (a). The sand is contained in a two-part box called a flask, (b),
the upper part of which is called the cope and the lower the drag. For more com-
plicated work, one or more intermediate boxes, called cheeks, may be introduced
between the cope and the drag. The pattern must be of such shape that it will "pull
away" from both the cope and the drag. The plane of separation of the two halves
of the pattern marks the parting line on the pattern. On each side of the parting line
the pattern must be tapered slightly to permit the withdrawal of the pattern from
the sand, unless a segmented pattern is used. This taper is known as the draft. Although
the draft is usually not shown, and dimensions are not given for it on the working
drawing, the design must be such that the draft can be properly built into the pattern
by the patternmaker.
A sprue stick, or round peg, is placed in position during the ramming process and
then removed to leave a hole through which the metal may be poured. The part of
the hole adjacent to the casting is called the gate, and the vertical part the sprue,
Fig. 546. On some molds another hole, known as the riser, is provided to allow the
gases to escape and to provide a reservoir of metal that feeds back to the casting as
it cools and shrinks.
Since shrinkage occurs when metal cools, patterns are made slightly oversize. The
patternmaker accomplishes this by using a shrink rule whose units are oversize accord-
ing to the shrinkage characteristics of the metal used. For example, cast iron shrinks
about |" per linear foot as it cools, while steel shrinks about ys" per linear foot. Al-
though allowance for shrinkage is not shown on the working drawing but is taken
care of entirely by the pattern shop, the patternmaker must refer to the drawing for
the kind of metal to be used in the casting.
A core print is a projection added to a pattern to form a cavity in a mold into
which a corresponding portion of a core will rest, as shown in Fig. 546, thus forming
an anchor to hold the core in place. Cores are made of sand and are used to provide
certain hollow portions of the casting. The most common use of a core is to extend
through a casting to form a cored hole. When it is necessary to form the sand into
shapes that would ordinarily not permit the necessary adhesion and strength, or in
instances where the shape of the casting would interfere with the removal of the pat-
tern, a dry sand core is used. Dry sand cores, Fig. 546, are made by ramming a pre-
pared mixture of sand and a binding substance into a core box; the core is then re-
moved and baked in a core oven to make it sufficiently rigid. A green sand core (not
baked) is used when it is practical to make the core along with the mold, as for
example the central hole shown in Fig. 547.
It is from considerations of shrinkage and of draft that one arrives at a general
rule that small holes (even if so placed as to draw out of the sand) are better drilled
from a solid casting, and that large holes are better cored and then bored.
301. The Pattern Shop and the Drawing. The pattern shop receives the work-
ing drawing showing the object in its completed state, including all dimensions and
finish marks. Usually the same drawing is used by the pattern shop and the machine
shop; hence, it should contain all dimensions and notes needed for both shops, as
shown in Fig. 547. Some companies follow the practice of giving all dimensions for
the pattern shop or forge shop in pencil and those for the machine shop in ink. On
302 10. SHOP PROCESSES 273
the blueprint, the difference is easily distinguishable. If the part is large and com-
plicated, two separate drawings are sometimes made, one showing the pattern dimen-
sions, and the other the machine dimensions.
Pattern dimensions, 352, which are used to make a pattern, should not be closer
than ys", while dimensions for the machine shop must often reflect a tolerance of a
few thousandths of an inch or less. Therefore, to dimension correctly, a careful study
of a part must be made to determine which dimensions are to be used by the pattern-
maker, 303.
Finish marks, 342, are as important to the patternmaker as to the machinist
because additional material on each surface to be machined must be provided. For
small and medium-sized castings, ys" to f" is usually sufficient; larger allowances are
made if there is probability of distortion or warping. On the Flange, Fig. 547, it is
necessary for the patternmaker to provide material for finish on all surfaces.
Sometimes the patternmaker works directly from the drawing; in other cases,
he may find it desirable to make his own pattern layout. Except for simple objects,
it is common practice for the pattern shop to prepare full-size (to shrink rule) pattern
layout drawings on white pine boards. Wood is used instead of paper because it is
more durable and because paper stretches and shrinks excessively. The pattern is
then checked against this pattern layout drawing on which draft, shrinkage, coreprint
dimensions, and other such information are clearly shown.
302. Fillets and Rounds. Fillets (inside rounded corners) and rounds (outside
rounded corners) must be taken care of on the pattern, in order to provide for
strength and appearance in the casting, Fig. 548. Crystals of cooling metal tend to
274 10. SHOP PROCESSES 303
(a) Application of Leather Fillet to Pattern. (b) Application of Wax Fillet to Pattern.
All fillets and rounds should be shown on the drawing, drawn to scale with the
use of a compass or with a circle guide, as in Fig. 547. For a general discussion of i
fillets and rounds from the standpoint of representation on the drawing, sec 239- I
303. Pattern Construction. After the patternmaker has examined the draw-
ing, Fig. 547, and has determined such things as material and finish, he constructs |i
the pattern, Fig. 550, of a durable wood (usually white pine or mahogany), or of
plastic, using dimensions given on the working drawing or pattern layout drawing
and making proper allowances for metal shrinkage, machining, and draft. At (a) a
cylindrical block of wood is first mounted on the face plate of a wood lathe and then
turned to the proper diameter (5" plus allowance for shrinkage and machining).
At (b) the hub diameter (3^" on working drawing) is checked. It should be noted
that the \" fillet between the hub and the flange has been formed on the pattern.
Also, it may be noted at (c) that the flange thickness f" on working drawing) is
304 10. SHOP PROCESSES 275
checked with a shrink rule, and at (d) the center hole is being sanded on a spindle
sandcr to provide a 1 draft taper to the hole previously turned on the lathe. If a
quantity of molds were to be made from the pattern, the pattern stock would probably
be glued up from several pieces of wood with the grain arranged to minimize warpage.
For a large number of molds, a master pattern would be constructed of wood and a
duplicate working pattern cast in aluminum for actual use in the foundry. In this
way the master pattern would be protected from excessive wear.
Although sand molds* are the least expensive to make, sometimes plaster of Paris
*See Materials and Processes, 2nd Edition, edited by James F. Young of General Electric Company (New
York-John Wiley 1954).
276 10. SHOP PROCESSES 304
molds are used when it is desired to produce castings with smoother surfaces. Stainless
steel, forexample, can be successfully cast in plaster of Paris molds.
The lost wax process* produces castings of great dimensional accuracy and sur-
face detail. In this process, a wax pattern is melted after the mold has been formed.
Thus, none of the details of the mold are injured by the removal of the pattern, and
for that reason shapes may be molded that would be impossible if a pattern had to
be drawn out of the mold.
die castings generally cannot be heat-treated or put into service at high temperatures,
this process is the fastest of the casting processes, and consequently the least expensive
for mass produced items, such as 'automobile carburetors, door handles, and radio
and television chassis.
306. The Machine Shop and the Drawing. The casting is sent from the
foundry to the machine shop for machining. The drawing is used in the machine
shop to obtain information for the machining operations. In some cases, a special
drawing is made for the machine shop, and in rare instances, a drawing is furnished
for each machining operation. As a rule, however, the working drawings used in the
preceding shops are also used in the machine shop to bring the product to completion.
Surfaces to be machined must be held to much greater accuracy than cast
surfaces, and consequently the dimensions must reflect the desired accuracy for
307. Machine Tools. Some of the more common machine tools are the engine
lathe, drill press, milling machine, shaper, grinding machine, planer, and boring mill. A brief
description of these machines will be given in the following paragraphs; a more de-
tailed discussion of machines used in the machine shop may be found in the text,
Machine Shop Training Course, f
308. Engine Lathe. The engine lathe, Fig. 552, is one of the most versatile
machines used in the machine shop, and on it are performed such operations as
turning, boring, reaming, facing, threading, and knurling. Figure 565 shows how a work-
piece may be held in the lathe by means of a chuck (essentially a rotating vise). The
cutting tool is fastened in the tool holder of the lathe and fed mechanically into the
work as required. Several lathe operations will be illustrated in the following pages.
309. Drill Press. The drill press, Fig. 553, is one of the most-used machine
tools in the shop. Some of the operations that may be performed on this machine
are drilling, reaming, boring, spot facing, counterboring, and countersinking. The sensitive drill
press is used for light work and is fed by hand. The lieavy-duty drill press is used for
Engine Lathe.
heavy work and is fed mechanically at the required speed. The radial drill press,
shown in Fig. 553, with its very versatile and is es-
adjustable head and spindle, is
pecially suitable for large work. A multiple-spindle drill press supports a number of
spindles driven from the same shaft and is used in mass production. A table of twist
drills is given in Appendix 14.
310. Milling Machine. On the milling machine, Fig. 554, cutting is accom-
plished by feeding the work into a rotating cutter. Gear cutting, Fig. 555, is one of
the principal uses of the milling machine, although it is also used for cutting keyways,
and with the many different cutters available, Fig. 556, it is possible to produce just
314 10. SHOP PROCESSES 279
about any surface. In addition, it is practical to drill, ream, and bore on the milling
313. Grinding Machine. A grinding machine, Fig. 560, is used for removing a
relatively small amount of material to bring the work to a very fine and accurate
finish. In grinding, the work is fed mechanically against the grinding wheel, and
the depth of cut may
be varied from .001" to .00025". Attachments for grinding
machines are available both external and inter-
for grinding plane surfaces as well as
nal cylindrical and conical surfaces. Also, specially formed grinding wheels are often
used to cut gear teeth, threads, and other shapes.
314. Boring Mill. The vertical boring mill, Fig. 561, is used for facing, turning,
and boring on heavy work. Castings weighing up to twenty tons are commonly
handled on this machine. The vertical boring mill has a large rotating table and ?
non-rotating cutting tool that moves mechanically into the work.
280 10. SHOP PROCESSES 314
The horizontal boring machine and the jig borer are similar to the milling machine
in that the cutting action is between a rotating tool and non-rotating work. The
horizontal boring machine is suitable for accurate boring, reaming, facing, counter-
boring, and milling of pieces larger than could be handled on the milling machine.
ThejYg borer is a precision machine that somewhat resembles a drill press in its basic
features of a rotating vertical spindle supporting a cutting tool and a stationary
horizontal table for holding the work. The precision jig borer, however, is equipped
with a table that can be locked in position while a hole is being cut, but that may be
moved between cutting operations so as to locate one hole with respect to another.
The work is not moved with respect to the table instead, the table may be accurately
Since conditions for boring vary, it is difficult to give a figure for accuracy of a
bored hole. On S.I. P. (Swiss) jig-boring machines, holes are said to be bored within
0.00008" of true size and are said to be located to within 0.00005" accuracy. Diamond-
boring machines* are said to produce holes to the following limits: 0.00001" for
316. Holes. Holes are produced in metal by coring, piercing (punching), flame
cutting,or drilling. The first three of these methods are very rough. Drilling, Figs.
564 (a) and 565, while producing a hole superior in finish to coring, piercing, or
flame cutting, does not produce a very accurate hole either in roundness, straightness,
316 10. SHOP PROCESSES 283
or size. Also, under most conditions, drills cut holes slightly larger than their nominal
size. A somewhat flexible, which makes it tend to follow a path of least
twist drill is
resistance. For work that demands greater accuracy, drilling is followed by boring,
Fig. 564 (b), or by reaming, (c) or (d), and Fig. 566. When a drilled hole is to be
finished by boring, it is drilled undersize and the boring tool, which is supported by
a relatively rigid bar, generates a hole that is round and straight. Boring is also used
in finishing a cored hole. Also, reaming is used for enlarging (^i" approx.) and im-
proving the surface quality of a drilled or bored hole. Good practice is to drill, bore,
and then ream to produce an accurate and finely finished hole. Standard reamers
are available in ^j" increments of diameter.
Counterboring, Fig. 564 (e), is the cutting of an enlarged cylindrical portion of a
previously produced hole, usually to receive the head of a fillester-head or socket-
head screw, Figs. 689 and 690.
Spotfacing is similar to counterboring, but quite shallow, usually about rs" deep
or deep enough to clean a rough surface, Fig. 564 (f), or to finish the top of a boss
to form a bearing surface. Although the depth of a spotface is commonly drawn j^*
deep, the actual depth is usually left to the shop. It is also good practice to include
a note, "spotface to clean." A
spotface provides an accurate bearing surface for the
underside of a bolt or screw head.
Countersinking, Fig. 564 (g), is the process of cutting a conical taper at one end
of a hole, usually to receive the head of a flat-head screw, Figs. 689 and 690, or to
provide a seat for a lathe center, as shown on part No. 9 of Fig. 788. Actually, this
operation is an example of drilling and countersinking, which is accomplished in
one operation with a tool called a combined drill and countersink, made especially for
the purpose.
Tapping is the threading of small holes by the use of one or more taps, Fig. 564 (h).
Before tapping may be accomplished, a hole must be previously drilled, as shown in
Fig. 680.
The location of holes is a subject that is as important as the production of the
holes themselves. Details are beyond the scope of this chapter, but it should be men-
tioned that the layout of the part to be machined is usually a necessary operation
before cutting begins.
For the production of holes, the layout is customarily accomplished by first treat-
ing the surface with copper sulphate, Prussian blue, or other suitable substances so
that scratches will be clearly visible. Sharp-pointed instruments (scribers) are used
to scratch center lines on the work. The surface plate or layout table is often used
for such layouts. Frequently the work is clamped to a toolmaker's angle and the
center lines scratched on with a vernier height gage.
Of the several methods commonly used to locate work relative to the cutting tool,
the use of toolmaker's buttons is probably the most common. Buttons are small
hardened-steel rings which may be temporarily attached to the work so that the
centers of the rings are precisely where the centers of the holes are to be. The work
is then set up with the center of one of the buttons in the center of rotation of, say,
the faceplate of an engine lathe. The button is then unscrewed and a hole drilled,
bored, and reamed in proper location. By repeating this process, the required number
of holes may be produced in their proper locations.
317. Measuring Devices in the Shop. Inasmuch as the machinist uses various
measuring devices depending upon the kind of dimensions shown on the drawing,
it is evident that to dimension correctly, the engineering draftsman must have at least
a working knowledge of the common measuring tools. The machinist's steel rule, or
scale, is the most commonly used measuring tool in the shop, Fig. 567 (a). The smallest
divisions on one scale of this rule are ^t", and such a scale is used for common frac-
tional dimensions. Also, many machinist's rules have a decimal scale with the smallest
division of 0.01", which is used for dimensions given on the drawing by the decimal
system, 368. For checking the nominal size of outside diameters, the outside spring
caliper andsteel scale are used as shown at (b) and (c). Likewise, the inside spring
caliper used for checking nominal dimensions, as shown at (d) and (e). Another
use for the outside caliper, (f), is to check the nominal distance between holes (center-
to-center). The combination square may be used for checking height, as shown at (g),
and for a variety of other measurements.
(f) G)
Fig. 567 Measuring Devices Used in the Shop.
For dimensions that require more precise measurements, the vernier caliper, (h)
and (j), or the micrometer caliper, (k), may be used. It is common practice to check
measurements to 0.001" with these instruments and in some instances they are used
to measure directly to 0.0001".
Most measuring devices in the shop are adjustable so they can each be employed
to measure any size within their range of designed usage. There is also a need for
measuring devices designed to be used for only one particular dimension. These are
called fixed gages because their setting is fixed and cannot be changed in the shop.
The subject of gages and gaging is a specialized field, and involves so many
technical considerations that large companies employ highly trained men to attend
to nothing but this one feature of their operations.
following steps. This drawing was also used by the pattern shop and the foundry,
Figs. 550 and 551.
Step I. After the casting has been properly cleaned, it is then chucked in the
lathe, as shown in Fig. 568 (a). The drawing specifies that the casting is to be finished
on all surfaces; therefore the machinist must produce a smooth finish on the flat
surface at the end of the cylinder. This is called facing. After this surface has been
machined, it serves as a control surface in locating parallel surfaces.
Step II. The next machine operation on this casting is that of boring the cen-
288 10. SHOP PROCESSES 318
shown at (b). The machinist reads 2.125-2.126 from the note 2.125-2.126
tral hole, as
BORE 2J-8UN-2B on the drawing to determine the required size of the bored hole.
This note indicates that he is allowed a tolerance of .001", and the finished hole
diameter must be between 2.125" and 2.126". Although this hole is checked, as shown
319 10. SHOP PROCESSES 289
;it using an inside spring caliper and an outside micrometer caliper, other pro-
cedures commonly used are either to check the hole directly with an inside micrometer
caliper or to check it with a "go-no-go" gage.
Step III. After boring is completed, the internal thread is cut with a 60 thread
cutting tool, as at (d). The 2\ in the thread note 2-8UN-2B, Fig. 547, in-
dicates that the major diameter of the thread must be 2\"'; 8UN indicates 8 Unified
National threads per inch; and 2B indicates a Class 2 internal thread. The finished
thread is checked with a thread plug gage, as shown at (e).
Step IV. The threads are now relieved by boring 2^" diameter by f" deep,
and checked as shown at (f) and 569 (a). These dimensions are checked with a steel
scale, since the required tolerance is only + ^j" on all fractional dimensions on this
drawing, as shown in Fig. 547.
Step V. The next step is to cut the ys X 45 chamfer, and check as shown in
Fig. 569 (b). The cutting tool is set at a 45 angle, and the depth of cut is checked
with a depth gage set at rs".
Step VI. The
next associated group of machine operations includes facing the
flange, turning the hub diameter, and turning the |" radius between the hub and
flange. The f" length of the hub is checked with the depth gage, as shown at (c).
The 3^" hub diameter is checked at (d), with a spring caliper and steel scale, be-
cause this dimension is not critical. The rs" radius on the hub is checked with a radius
gage, as shown at (e).
After this group of operations is completed, the FLANGE is removed from the
Step VIII. The back surface is now faced, Fig. 570 (a), to provide a smooth
flat surface and to bring the over-all length of the FLANGE to 1 \". Again, since this
dimension is not critical, it is checked with the spring caliper and steel scale. The
facing tool is used to break the back surface corner -t R and to round the forward
corner ^ Ras
dimensioned in Fig. 547.
Step IX. After the back surface is faced, it is then relieved, Fig. 570 (b), to a
diameter of 3tV" and to a depth of ^j", as dimensioned in Fig. 547. By relieving the
back surface of the flange in this manner, a better seat is insured between the flange
and its mating part in the 4-JAW INDEPENDENT CHUCK.
Step X. The next machining operation is to locate and drill the four small holes,
as shown in Fig. 570 (c) and (d). After locating the centers 90 apart on a 4" diameter
circle, the machinist selects a "Q," diameter (0.3320) drill, and drills the four holes.
Step XL The next step is to countersink, Fig. 570 (e), the four small holes with
an 80 countersink to a diameter equal to the major diameter of the threads. The
countersinking facilitates the tapping of the holes.
Step XII. The last step in machining the FLANGE is to tap the four small
holes as shown at (f). The in the drawing note f-24UNF-2B indicates that the major
diameter of the tapped holes must be f"; 24UNF indicates 24 Unified National Fine
threads per inch of thread length; and 2B indicates a Class 2 fit internal thread.
320. Stock forms. Many standardized structural shapes are available in stock
sizes for the fabrication of parts or structures. Among these are bars of various shapes,
flat stock, rolled structural shapes, and extrusions, Fig. 571. The manufacturing
324 10. SHOP PROCESSES 291
work and guides the tool; it is usually not rigidly fixed to a machine. A drilling
jig, Fig. 572,a common device by means of which holes on many duplicate parts
may be drilled exactly alike. A fixture is rigidly attached to the machine, becoming
in reality an extension of it, and holds the work in position for the cutting tools
without acting as a guide for them. Drawings of one of the important fixtures used
in theproduction of the Ford V-8 connecting rod, Figs. 725-727, are shown in Figs.
819-821. This fixture was built at considerable expense for the single purpose of
holding the connecting rod in the exact position required for the efficient and speedy
execution of a single operation.
Jigs and fixtures are usually designed in a tooling department by tool designers.
Usually they are built by machinists of much better than average skill, using especially
accurate equipment. Such tooling devices are commonly held to tolerances one-tenth
of those applied to the parts to be produced on these jigs and fixtures.
Jigs and fixtures may be grouped into two general classes: manufacturing tooling
and assembly tooling. Manufacturing tooling consists of devices used in producing
individual parts. An example of this is a fixture for holding a connecting rod in a
milling machine when the ends are being faced by straddle milling.
Assembly tooling consists of devices to hold work and guide tools as parts are
being assembled. For example, the center section of the wing of the B-52 airplane
was assembled in a special jig in which parts were held in place, drilled when together,
and riveted. The assembly jig was so built that the component parts could fit together
only when correctly located, and so that no measurement was ever made and no
blueprint ever referred to by workers assembling the wing. Such assembly tooling
enables a small group of highly skilled workers to produce jigs or fixtures by means
of which precision products may be produced and assembled by cheaper and less-
skilled labor than would otherwise be required.
323. Hot and Cold Working of Metals. Let us now review some of the ideas
we have already discussed separately in several of the preceding sections. Recall
that in each of the casting operations, 300 and 304, the casting assumes its shape
by filling a mold as a liquid and does not appreciably change its shape as it solidifies.
Notice that in many manufacturing processes, however, the shape of the part is
changed after the metal has solidified. If these processes involve slowly pressing the
part (squeezing) or rapidly and repeatedly striking the part (hammering), then the
term mechanical working is used to describe the operation.
The metallurgists have learned that the practical effects of mechanical working
depend a great deal on the temperature at which the metal is squeezed or hammered.
The terms hot working and cold working are used widely in engineering today, and the
student will find in his metallurgy courses and machine design courses that he will
devote a great deal of effort to the study of the hot working and cold working of metals.
The working drawing, as it comes to the shop, may show the completed or ma-
chined part, in which case the necessary forging and machining allowances are made
by the diemaker. However, since dies are so expensive and the forging itself is so
important, it is common practice to make separate forging and machining drawings,
as shown in Figs. 725 and 726. It is standard practice to show visible lines for rounded
corners as if the corners were sharp. See 241. Note that the parting plane is repre-
sented by a center line.
r Cored
"| "1 I
i I
J (J)
design is more likely to crack as it cools, since there is no "give" in the design. Curved
spokes are preferable to straight spokes, and an odd number of spokes is better than
an even number because direct stresses along opposite spokes are avoided.
The design of a part may cause unnecessary trouble and expense for the pattern
shop and foundry without any gain in the usefulness of the design. For example, in
the "poor" designs at (j) and (k), one-piece patterns would not withdraw from the
sand, and two-piece patterns would be necessary. In the "preferred" examples, the
design is just as useful and is conducive to economical work in the pattern shop and
As shown in Fig. 576 (a), a narrower piece of stock sheet metal can be used for
certain designs that can be linked or overlapped. In this case, the stampings bemay
overlapped ifdimension W
is increased slightly, as shown. By such an arrangement,
make the design on the left as strong as the design on the right, but it is more expen-
sive and requires expert skill and special equipment.
It is difficult to drill into a slanting surface, as shown at the left at (e). The drilling
will be greatly facilitated if a boss is provided, as shown at the right.
At (f), the design at the left requires accurately boring or reaming a blind hole
all the way to a flat bottom, which is difficult and expensive. It is better to drill
deeper than the hole is to be finished, as shown at the right, in order to provide
room for tool clearance and for chips.
In the upper example at (g), the drill and counterbore cannot be used for the
hole in the center piece because of the raised portion at the right end. In the approved
example, the end is redesigned to provide access for the drill and counterbore.
In the design above at (h), the ends are not the same height. As a result, each
flat surface must be machined separately. In the design below, the ends are the same
height, the surfaces are in line horizontally, and only two machining operations are
necessary. It is always good design to simplify and limit the machining as much as
The design at the left at (j) requires that the housing be bored for the entire
length in order to receive a pressed bushing. Machining time can be decreased if the
cored recess is made, as shown. This assumes that average loads would be applied in use.
296 10. SHOP PROCESSES 326
^m nDnnDnrfD
-Grinding Wheel -
At (k) the lower bolt is by a rounded groove no deeper than the root
of the thread. This makes a gentle from the small diameter at the root of
the threads and the large diameter of the body of the bolt, producing less stress con-
centration and a stronger bolt. In general, sharp internal corners should be avoided
as points of stress concentration and possible failure.
At (m) is shown a \" steel plate being pulled, as shown by the arrows. By in-
creasing the radius from |R to ^R, the strength of the plate is increased a great
deal by decreasing stress concentration.
In the early years of machine manufacturing, the designing and production func-
tions were closely allied under one roof. In many cases these processes were even
330 11. DIMENSIONING 299
carried out by the same individual. Design drawings, mostly of the assembly type,
were scaled by the workmen to obtain the dimensions. It was up to the shop man to
make the parts correctly and to see to it that they would fit together and operate
properly. If any question arose, he could always consult the designer who would be
nearby. Under these conditions it was not necessary for drawings to carry detailed
dimensions and notes.
The need for interchangeability of parts is the basis for the development of modern
methods of size description. Drawings today must be dimensioned so that workmen
in widely separated places can make mating parts fit properly when brought together
finally in the assembly shop, 351.
The increasing need for precision manufacturing and the necessity to control
sizes for interchangeability has shifted responsibility for size control from the ma-
chinist to the designing engineer and the draftsman. The workman no longer exercises
judgment in engineering matters, but only in the proper execution of instructions
given on the drawings. It is therefore necessary for engineers and draftsmen to be
familiar with materials and methods of construction, and with requirements of the
shops. The engineering student or the draftsman should seize every opportunity to
familiarize himself with the fundamental shop processes, especially patternmaking,
foundry, forging, and machine-shop practice, discussed in the previous chapter.
The drawing should show the object in completed condition, and should con-
330. Learning to Dimension. Dimensions are given in the form of linear dis-
tances, angles, or notes.
First, must learn the technique of dimensioning: the character of the lines,
the student
the spacing of dimensions, the making of arrowheads, etc. A typical dimensioned
drawing is shown in Fig. 577. Note the strong contrast between the visible lines of
the object and the thin lines used for the dimensions.
Second, the student must learn the rules of placement of dimensions on the drawing.
These practices assure a logical and practical arrangement with maximum legibility.
300 11. DIMENSIONING 331
Third, the student should learn the choice of dimensions. Formerly, manufacturing
processes were considered the governing factor in dimensioning. Now function is
considered first and shop processes second. The proper procedure is to dimension
tentatively for function, then review the dimensioning to see if any improvements
from the standpoint of the shop can be made without adversely affecting the func-
tional dimensioning. A "geometric breakdown," 345, will assist the beginner in
selecting dimensions. In most cases dimensions thus determined will be functional,
but this method should be accompanied by a logical analysis of the functional
^No gap
"ife 9 a P
LrJ t _
Center line used as
^-Arrowhead ^Dimension Line an extension line
of a dimension. In machine drawing, in which common fractions are used, the line
is broken, usually near the middle, to provide an open space for the dimension
figure. In structural and architectural drawing, it is customary to place the dimen-
sion figure above an unbroken dimension line, Fig. 1079.
332 11. DIMENSIONING 301
As shown at (b), the dimension line nearest the object outline should be spaced
at least " away. All other parallel dimension lines should be at least \" apart, and
more if space is available. The spacing of dimension lines should be uniform throughout the
An extension line, (a), is a fine, dark, solid line that "extends" from a point on
the drawing to refers. The dimension line meets the extension
which a dimension
lines at right angles except in special cases, as in Fig. 582 (a). A gap of about rs"
should be left where the extension line would join the object outline. The extension
line should extend about \" beyond the outermost arrowhead, (a) and (b).
A center line is a fine, dark line composed of alternate long and short dashes, and
is used to represent axes of symmetrical parts and to denote centers. As shown in
Fig. 578 (c), center lines are commonly used as extension lines in locating holes and
other features. When so used, the center line crosses over other lines of the drawing
without gaps. A center line should always end in a long dash.
No gaps
302 11. DIMENSIONING 334
Dimension lines are normally drawn at right angles to extension lines, but an
exception may be made in the interest of clearness, as shown in Fig. 582 (a). In
crowded conditions, gaps in extension lines near arrowheads may be left, in order
333. Arrowheads. Arrowheads, Fig. 583, indicate the extent of dimensions. They
should be uniform in size and style throughout the drawing, and not varied according
s f
to the size of the drawing or the length of dimensions. Make arrowheads about |"
long and very narrow, (a). Use strokes toward the point or away from the point as
desired, (b) to (d). The method at (b) is easier when the strokes are drawn toward
the draftsman. For best appearance, fill in the arrowhead as at (d). A suitable pen
for inking arrowheads is the Gillott's 303.
334. Leaders. A leader, Fig. 584, is a thin solid line leading from a note or
dimension, and terminated by an arrowhead touching the part to which attention
(b) (C) (d) (e)
is directed. A leader should be an inclined straight line, if possible, except for the
short horizontal "shoulder" (\", approx.) extending from mid-height of the lettering
at the beginning or end of a note. The shoulder is optional, but if used it should not be
drawn so as to underline the lettering.
335 11. DIMENSIONING 303
size than $" Workmen were skilled, and it should not be thought that very accurate
and excellent fits were not obtained. Hand-built machines were often beautiful
examples of precision workmanship.
This system of units and common fractions is still used in architectural and struc-
tural work where close accuracy is relatively unimportant, and where the steel tape
or framing square is used to set off measurements. Architectural and structural draw-
ings are therefore dimensioned in this manner.
Also today there are many types of manufacturing in which units and common
fractions are almost universally used, because extreme accuracy is not necessary. An
example of this is railway car drawing, in which the structure is very large, and
extremely fine measurements are generally not required. However, there are also
many small articles manufactured today in which the ordinary machinist's scale is
sufficiently accurate, and units and common fractions for dimensions on drawings
are considered perfectly satisfactory and suitable for the purpose.
As industry has progressed, there has been greater and greater demand for more
accurate specifications of the important functional dimensions more accurate than
the ^j" permitted by the machinists scale. Since it was cumbersome to use still
smaller fractions, such as -y-grr or 2~5~6> ^ became the practice to give decimal dimen-
sions, such as 4.2340, 3.815, etc., for the dimensions requiring accuracy. Along with
this, many of the dimensions, such as pattern dimensions, forging dimensions, and
*Decimal scales, graduated in fiftieths of an inch, are coming into increasing use, Fig. 628.
304 11. DIMENSIONING 336
On any drawing decimal dimensions should be used wherever the degree of ac-
curacy required is closer than + ^j". For decimal equivalents of common fractions,
see the front endpaper of this book. For rounding off decimals, see 368.
guide lines with the Braddock-Rowe Triangle, Fig. 120, use the "fraction" hole-- ,n
the left side of the triangle. For the Ames Lettering Instrument, Fig. 121, use the
No. 4 setting and the center column of holes.
Make all decimal points bold, allowing ample space. Never letter a dimension
figure over any line of the drawing. Place dimension figures outside a sectioned area
if possible, Fig. 587 (a). When a dimension must be placed on a sectioned area, leave
(a) (b) (C)
dimension figures are approved by the ASA. In the aligned system, Fig. 5 89 (a), all
dimension figures are aligned with the dimension lines so that they may be read
from the bottom or from the right side of the sheet. Dimension lines should not run
in the directions included in the shaded area of Fig. 590, if avoidable. Notes should
always be lettered horizontally on the sheet.
In the unidirectional system, Fig. 589 (b), all dimension figures and notes are lettered
338. Feet and Inches. Inches are indicated by the symbol " placed slightly
above and to the right of the numeral, thus: 2\". Feet are indicated by the symbol
306 11. DIMENSIONING 339
similarly placed, thus: 3'-0, 5 '-6, 10 '-0j. It is customary in such expressions to omit
the inch marks.
standard practice to omit inch marks when
It is
dimensions on a drawing are in inches, except
MM 30
dimension and an angle in degrees, (b). The coordinate method is suitable for work
requiring a high degree of accuracy. Variations of angle (in degrees) are hard to
control because the amount of variation increases with the distance from the vertex
of the angle. Methods of indicating various angles are shown from (c) to (f). Toler-
ances of angles are discussed in 387.
When degrees alone are indicated, the symbol or the abbreviation is used. DEG
When minutes alone are given, the number should be preceded by 0. Example: 0 23'.
If desired, an angle may be given in degrees and decimal fractions of a degree, as
49.5. In all cases, whether in the aligned system or in the unidirectional system, the
dimension figures are lettered on horizontal guide lines. For a general discussion of
angles, see 109.
In structural drawings, angular measurements Bgsjggggja
are made by giving the ratio of "run" to "rise,"
with the larger size being 12", Figs. 1081 and 4
1085. These right triangles are referred to as bevels,
-Actual center
(d) (e)
for small or unimportant radii. Crosses should not be drawn for undimensioned arcs.
As shown at (a) and (b), when there is room enough, both the numeral and the
arrowhead are placed inside the arc. At (c) the arrowhead is left inside, but the nu-
meral had to be moved outside. At (d) both the arrowhead and the numeral had to
be moved outside. At (e) is shown an alternate method to (c) or (d) to be used
when section lines or other lines are in the way. Note that in the unidirectional
system, all of these numerals would be lettered horizontally on the sheet.
For a long radius, as shown at (f), when the center falls outside the available
space, the dimension line is drawn toward the actual center; but a false center may
be indicated and the dimension line "jogged" to it, as shown.
shown two views of the same casting, showing how the finish marks are indicated
on a drawing. The finish mark is shown only on the edge view of a finished surface, and is
repeated in any other view in which the surface appears as a line, even if the line is a hidden
line. The point of the V
should point inward toward the body of metal in a manner
similar to that of a tool bit. When it is necessary to control surface roughness of fin-
ished surfaces, the V
is used as a base for the more elaborate surface quality symbols,
as discussed in 367.
The old symbol/ is still more widely used, though it is executed in a variety of
forms. It approved by the ASA in the form shown in Fig. 594 (d) and (e), and
will undoubtedly continue in use for many years. It is shown on the edge views of
finished surfaces as described above for the V-type finish marks.
If a part is to be finished all over, finish marks should be omitted, and a general
note should be lettered on the lower portion of the sheet, such as FINISH ALL
OVER, or F.A.O.
343. Dimensions On or Off Views. Dimensions should not be placed upon a view
unless the clearness of the drawing is promoted thereby. The ideal form is shown in Fig.
595 (a), in which all dimensions are placed outside the view. Compare this with the
3| -h 3|-
Hon and clarity are gained by placing them on the views where they will be closer to the features
344. Contour Dimensioning. Views are drawn to describe the shapes of the
various features of the object, and dimensions are given to define exact sizes and
locations of those shapes. It follows that dimensions should be given where the shapes are
shown, that is, in the views where the contours are delineated, as shewn in Fig. 596 (a).
Incorrect placement of the dimensions is shown at (b).
Each dimension
1 "-H
i i i
is given in the
310 11. DIMENSIONING 345
The dimensioning of engineering structures begins with two steps: first, giving
the dimensions showing the sizes of the simple geometric shapes, called size dimensions;
and second, giving the dimensions locating these elements with respect to each other.
called location dimensions. This method of geometric analysis is very helpful in dimen-
sioning any object, but must be modified when there is a conflict with either the func-
tion of the part in the assembly or with the production requirements in the shop.
In Fig. 597 (b)is shown a multiview drawing of the object shown in isometric
at (a).Here it will be seen that each geometric shape is dimensioned with size dimen-
sions, and these shapes are then located with respect to each other with location
dimensions. Note that a location dimension locates a three-dimensional geometric element,
and not just a surface; otherwise, all dimensions would have to be classified as
location dimensions.
n re
(a) (b)
347 11. DIMENSIONING 311
346. Size Dimensions Prisms. The right rectangular prism, Fig. 159, is
probably the most common geometric shape. Front and top views are dimensioned
as shown in Fig. 598 (a) or (b). The height and width are given in the front view,
and the depth in the top view. The vertical dimensions can be placed on the left
or right provided both of them are placed in line. The horizontal dimension applies
to both the front and top views, and should be placed between them, as shown, and
not above the top or below the front view.
Front and side views should be dimensioned as at (c) or (d). The horizontal
dimensions can be placed above or below the views, provided both are placed in
line. The dimension between views applies to both views and should not be placed
elsewhere without a special reason.
An application of size dimensions to a machine part composed entirely of rec-
tangular prisms is shown in Fig. 599.
& <
abbreviation DIA should be given after the dimension figure, Fig. 602 (a) In some
cases, DIA may be used to eliminate the circular view, as shown at (b).
< <
349 11. DIMENSIONING 313
349. Size Dimensioning of Holes. Holes that are to be drilled, bored, reamed,
punched, cored, etc., are usually specified by standard notes, as shown in Figs. 323,
604 (a), and 616. The order of items in a note corresponds to the order of procedure
in the shop in producing the hole. Two or more holes are dimensioned by a single
note, the leader pointing to one of the holes, as shown at the top of Fig. 604 (a).
375 DRILL-75DP. r-. 375-380 DIA
.748-.750 REAM- (b) (d)
As shown in Figs. 323 and 604, the leader of a note should, as a rule, point to
the circular view of the hole. It should point to the rectangular view only when
clearness is promoted thereby. When the circular view of the hole has two or more
concentric circles, as for counterbored, countersunk, or tapped holes, the arrowhead
should touch the outer circle, Fig. 616 (c) to (j).
Notes should always be lettered horizontally on the paper, and guide lines should always
be used.
The use of decimal fractions instead of common fractions to designate drill sizes
has gained wide acceptance, * Fig. 604 (b). For numbered or letter-size drills, Appen-
dix 14, it is recommended that the decimal size be given in this manner, or given in
parenthesis, thus: #28 (.1405) DRILL, or "P" (.3230) DRILL.
On drawings of parts to be produced assem-
in large quantity for interchangeable
bly, dimensions and notes may be given without specification of the shop process to
be used. Only the dimensions of the hole are given, without reference to whether
the holes are to be drilled, reamed, punched, etc., Fig. 604 (c) and (d). It should be
realized that even though shop operations are omitted from a note, the tolerances
indicated would tend to dictate the shop processes required.
314 11. DIMENSIONING 350
is to be used only as a reference dimension. Reference dimensions are given for informa-
tion only. They are not intended to be measured and do not govern the shop opera-
ions. They represent calculated dimensions and are often useful in showing the
intended design sizes. See Fig. 609 for other examples.
350 11. DIMENSIONING 315
When several non-precision holes are located on a common arc, they are dimen-
sioned, Fig. 609 (a), by giving the radius and the angular measurements from a base
line, as shown. In this case, the base line is the horizontal center line.
At (b) the three holes are on a common center line. One dimension locates one
small hole from the center; the other gives the distance between the small holes.
Note the omission of a dimension at X. This method is used when (as is usually the
case) the distance between the small holes is the important consideration. If the rela-
tion between the center hole and each of the small holes is more important, then
include the distance at X, and mark the over-all dimension REF.
At (c) is another example of coordinate dimensioning. The three small holes are
on a bolt circle whose diameter is marked REF, for reference purposes only. From
the main center, the small holes are located in two mutually perpendicular directions.
At (d) is shown another example of locating holes by means of linear measure-
ments. In this case, one such measurement is made at an angle to the coordinate
dimensions because of the direct functional relationship of the two holes.
At (e) the holes are located from two base lines or datums. When all holes are
located from a common datum, the sequence of measuring and machining operations
is controlled, over-all tolerance accumulations are avoided, and proper functioning
of the finished part is assured as intended by the designer. The datum surfaces selected
must be more accurate than that required of any measurement made from them,
and must be accessible during manufacture and arranged so as to facilitate tool and
fixture design. Thus it may be necessary to specify accuracy of the datum surfaces
in terms of straightness, roundness, flatness, etc. See 385.
At shown a method of giving, in a single line, all of the dimensions from a
(f) is
common datum. Each dimension except the first has a single arrowhead, and is ac-
cumulative in value. The final and longest dimension is separate and complete.
These methods of locating holes are equally applicable to locating pins or other
symmetrical features.
M {Thread note)
TIT 1%
(b) (c)
fits into a slot in a Base. Those dimensions common to both parts are mating dimen-
sions, as indicated.
These mating dimensions should be given on the multiview drawings in the corre-
sponding locations, as shown at (b) and (c). Other dimensions are not mating dimen-
sions since they do not control the accurate fitting together of the two parts. The actual
values of two corresponding mating dimensions may not be exactly the same. For
example, the width of the slot at (b) may be dimensioned ^" or several thousandths
larger than the width of the Block at (c), but these are mating dimensions figured
*-1 3 SHAFT-^
from a single basic width. It will be seen that the mating dimensions shown might
have been arrived at from a geometric breakdown, 345. However, the mating dimen-
sions need to be identified so that they can be specified in the corresponding locations
on the two parts, and so that they can be given with the degree of accuracy com-
mensurate with the proper fitting of the parts.
In Fig. 611 (a) the dimension A should appear on both the drawings of the
Bracket and of the Frame, and is therefore a necessary mating dimension. At (b),
which shows a redesign of the Bracket into two parts, dimension A is not used on
either part, as it is not necessary to control closely the distance between the cap screws.
But dimensions F are now essential mating dimensions and should appear corre-
spondingly on the drawings of both parts. Other dimensions E, D, B, and C, at (a),
are not mating dimensions, since they do not directly affect the mating of the parts
352. Machine, Pattern, and Forging Dimensions. In Fig. 610 (a), the Base
is machined from a rough casting; the patternmaker needs certain dimensions to
make the pattern, and the machinist needs certain dimensions for the machining.
In some cases one dimension will be used by both. Again, in most cases, these dimen-
sions will be the same as those resulting from a geometric breakdown, 345, but it is
important to identify them in order to assign values to them intelligently.
The same part is shown in Fig. 612, with the machine
dimensions and pattern dimensions identified by the let- ^_ M
ters M and P. The patternmaker is interested only in the
dimensions he needs to make the pattern, and the machin-
ist,in general, is concerned only with the dimensions he
needs to machine the part. It frequently occurs that a
dimension that is convenient for the machinist is not-con-
venient for the patternmaker, or vice -versa. Since the pat-
ternmaker uses the drawing only once while making the
pattern and the machinist refers to it continuously, the
dimensions should be given primarily for the convenience
of the machinist.
If the part is large and complicated, two separate draw- M = MACHINE DIMENSIONS
ings are sometimes made, one showing the pattern dimen- P* PATTERN DIMENSIONS
sions, and the other the machine dimensions. The usual Fig. 612 Machine and
practice, however, is to prepare one drawing for both the Pattern Dimensions.
chining drawings. A
forging drawing of a connecting rod, showing only the dimen-
sions needed in the forge shop, is shown in Fig. 725. A machining drawing of the
same part, but containing only the dimensions needed in the machine shop, is shown
in Fig. 726. See also Figs. 813 and 814.
Unless the complete decimal system is used, 368, the pattern dimensions are
always nominal, usually to the nearest y", and given in whole numbers and common
tractions. If a machine dimension is given in whole numbers and common fractions,
the machinist is usually allowed a tolerance (permissible variation in size) of -gt",
corresponding to his steel scale which has ^j" divisions. Some companies specify a
tolerance of .010" on all common fractions. If greater accuracy is required, the dimen-
sions are given in decimal form to three or more places, 368 and 371.
318 11. DIMENSIONING 353
354 11. DIMENSIONING 319
whose renter inaccessible, the center may be moved in along a center line, and a
jog made dimension line. See also Fig. 593 (f). Another method is to dimension
in the
the outline envelope of a curved shape so that the various radii are self-locating from
"floating centers," as at (b). Either a circular or a non -circular curve may be dimen-
sioned by means of coordinate dimensions referred to datums, as shown at (c).
[ f-
Either i,s correct^ >.]
Give drill depth in note.
320 11. DIMENSIONING 356
At (a) the link, to be cast or to be cut from sheet metal or plate, is dimensioned
as would be laid out in the shop, by giving the center-to-center distance and the
radii of the ends. Note that only one such radius dimension is necessary.
At (b) the pad on a casting, with a milled slot, is dimensioned from center-to-
center for the convenience of both the patternmaker and the machinist in layout.
An additional reason for the center-to-center distance is that it gives the total travel
of the milling cutter, which can be easily controlled by the machinist. The width
dimension indicates the diameter of the milling cutter; hence it is incorrect to give
the radius of a machined slot. On the other hand, a cored slot (see 300) should be
dimensioned by radius in conformity with the patternmakers' layout procedure.
At (c) the semicircular pad is laid out in a similar manner to the pad at (b),
except that angular dimensions are used. Angular tolerances, 387, can be used if
When accuracy is required, the methods shown at (d) to (g) are recommended.
Over-all lengths of rounded -end shapes are given in each case, and radii are indicated,
but without specific values. In the example at (f), the center-to -center distance is
required because of necessity for accurate location of the holes.
At (g) the hole location is more critical than the location of the radius; hence
the two are located independently, as shown.
ing, in which a complete series of detail dimensions is given, together with an over-all
dimension. In such cases, one dimension of the chain should be omitted, as shown,
so that the machinist is obliged to work from one surface only. This is particularly
important in tolerance dimensioning, 371, where an accumulation of tolerances can
cause serious difficulties. See also 381.
Some inexperienced draftsmen have the habit of omitting both dimensions, such
as those at the right at (2), on the theory that the holes are symmetrically located and
will be understood to be centered. One of the two location dimensions should be
As shown at (5), when it is clear that one dimension applies to several identical
features, it need not be repeated. This applies generally to fillets and rounds, and
other non-critical features. For example, the radii of the rounded ends in Fig. 614 (a)
to (c) need not be repeated and in Fig. 577 both ribs are obviously the same thickness,
crowded places. Avoid placing notes between views, if possible. They should not be
lettered closely enough to each other to confuse the reader, or close enough to another
view or detail to suggest application to the wrong place. Leaders should be as short
356 11. DIMENSIONING 321
r"D"(.246) DRILL ^^DRILL -jg DRILL r-ij|DRILL-CSK r-"H"(266) DRILL "0"(.3I6) DRILL-
\ 3 HOLES \ .376-378 REAM \ TOR # FL HD \82CSK HDIA.
ii mi
i in i
(e) (h)'
U-i ni
1-1.240 DIA.-|
1335 -GRIND l354
1345 GRIND 1.356
\ \ g WIDE X DP. .250 WIDE x .125 DP.
(u) V
( )
XifeDP. (w) (x) (y)
Fig. 616 Local Notes. See also Figs. 323 and 604.
322 11. DIMENSIONING 358
as possible and cross as few lines as possible. They should never run through a corner
of a view or through any specific points or intersections.
Notes are classified as general notes when they apply to an entire drawing, or local
notes whenthey apply to specific items.
General Notes. General notes should be lettered in the lower right-hand corner
of the drawing, above or to the left of the title block, or in a central position below
the view to which they apply; e.g.: FINISH ALL OVER, or SHARPBREAK
EDGES TO A R; or SAE 3345-BRINELL 340-380; or ALL DRAFT
ING. In machine drawings, the title strip or title block will carry many general
notes, including material, general tolerances, heat treatment, pattern information,
etc. See Fig. 721.
Local Notes. Local notes apply to specific operations only, and are connected
by a leader to the point at which such operations are performed; e.g.: \ DRILL-4
leader should be attached at the front of the first word of a note, or just after the last
word, and not at any intermediate place.
For information on notes applied to holes, see 349.
Certain commonly used abbreviations may be used freely in notes, as THD,
DIA, MAX, etc. The less common abbreviations should be avoided as much as
possible. All abbreviations should conform to ASA Z32. 13-1950. See Appendix 4
for American Standard abbreviations.
In general, leaders and notes should not be placed on the drawing until the dimen-
sioning is substantially completed. If notes are lettered first, it will be found almost
invariably that they will be in the way of necessary dimensions, and will have to
be moved.
views of the holes, as shown in Fig. 616 (g). For external threads, the notes are usually
placed in the longitudinal views where the threads are more easily recognized, as
at (v) and (w). For a detailed discussion of thread notes, see 410.
etc.,and are described in "Machine Tapers, Self-Holding, and Steep Taper Series,"
ASA B5. 10-1953. Such standard tapers are dimensioned on a drawing by giving the
diameter, usually at the large end, the length, and a note, such as NO. 4 AMERICAN
STANDARD TAPER. See Fig. 617 (a).
For not-too-critical requirements, a taper may be dimensioned by giving the
diameter at the large end, the length, and the included angle, all with proper toler-
ances, (b). Or the diameters of both ends, plus the length, may be given with necessary
For close-fitting tapers, the amount of taper per inch on diameter is indicated as
shown at (c) and (d). A gage line is selected and located by a comparatively generous
tolerance, while other dimensions are given appropriate tolerances as required.
360. Shaft Centers. Shaft centers are required on shafts, spindles, and other
conical or cylindrical parts for turning, grinding, and other operations. Such a center
may be dimensioned as shown in Fig. 619. Normally the centers are produced by a
combined drill and countersink. See Appendix 42 for a table of shaft center sizes.
361. Dimensioning Keyways. Methods of dimensioning keyways for Woodruff
keys and stock keys are shown in Fig. 620. Note, in both cases, the use of a dimension
to center the keyway in the shaft or collar. The preferred method of dimensioning
the depth of a keyway is to give the dimension from the bottom of the keyway to
the opposite side of the shaft or hole, as shown. The method of computing such a
dimension is shown at (d). Values for A may be found in machinists' hand books.
For general information about keys and keyways, see 423.
324 11. DIMENSIONING 364
IB- J-
life i^fc
I (a) i
A (b) H.500K- (c )
press fit, the toleranced diameter before knurling should be given, (c). A note should
be added giving the pitch and type of knurl and the minimum diameter after knurling.
See ASA B5. 30-1 953.
367 11. DIMENSIONING 325
365. Tabular Dimensions. A series of objects having like features but varying
in dimensions may be represented by one drawing. Fig. 624. Letters are substituted
for dimension figures on the drawing, and the varying dimensions are given in tabular
form. The dimensions of many standard parts are given in this manner in the various
catalogs and handbooks.
367. Surface Roughness, Waviness, and Lay. The modern demands of the
automobile, the airplane, and other machines for parts that can stand heavier loads
and higher speeds with and wear have increased the need for accurate
less friction
control of surface quality by the designer. Simple finish marks are no longer enough
to specify surface finish on such parts.
The ASA* recommends a system of symbols for use on drawings that is now
broadly used by American industry. These symbols define roughness, waviness, and
lay. Surface roughness refers to the small peaks and valleys that will be found on any
quality. It is be used where needed only, since the cost of producing a surface
becomes greater as the quality of surface called for is finer. Generally speaking, the
ideal finish is the roughest one that will do the job satisfactorily.
63 /
32 /_L
-030 63
/ 030
When surface quality be specified, the ASA V finish mark, 342, is used as
is to
a base, and the extended upward as on a check mark, with a horizontal
right side is
bar across the top, as shown in Fig. 625 (a). When it is necessary to specify only
roughness height, and the width between ridges or direction of tool marks is unim-
*ASAB46. 1-1955.
326 11. DIMENSIONING 367
portant, the simple symbol at (a) is used, but the horizontal cross-bar may be omitted
if desired. The roughness is indicated by the numeral in microinches (one micro-
inch =
one-millionth inch) representing the arithmetic-average deviation of the surface
from the mean line in a profile. The arithmetic average is an expression of the average
amount of deviation of peaks and valleys from a mean line. The higher the number
of microinches, the rougher the surface. Surface roughness in terms of arithmetic-
average can be easily measured with a surfagage, or other tracer-type electrical
instrument. This method is superior to the method of comparison, visually and by
touch, with sample surfaces having accurately measured surface irregularities, al-
though the latter method has a definite usefulness. When it is desired to specify
maximum and minimum average roughness height, the upper and lower numbers
are placed as at (b).
When "waviness height" is to be specified, the numerical value, in inches, is
placed above the horizontal bar as at (c). The maximum "waviness width," in
inches, is given to the right of the waviness height number. In this example the
waviness width is 2".
in inches underneath the horizontal cross-bar as shown at (e). This number expresses
the "maximum width in inches of surface irregularities to be included in the measure-
ment of roughness height."* Standard values to be used are (in inches) 0.003, 0.010,
0.030, 0.100, 0.300, and 1.000.
"Roughness width" is the maximum allowed spacing, in inches, between repeti-
tive units of the surface pattern. The numeral is placed under the right portion of
the cross-bar, as shown at (f).
Fig. 626 Surface Characteristics and Applications of Symbols (ASA B46. 1-1955).
or .02"; two divisions are .04", etc., so that when necessary to halve any measure-
ment, the result will still be a two-place decimal. This scale has now been widely
adopted, especially in the automotive and aircraft industries.
The ASA recommends the complete decimal
I I I I I I I I, I TTTTTTTTTT1 system* for optional use to replace common
fractions. In this system, a two-place decimal
* s K ^ 8 j'l^'-i 5 4 5 6 7 Z?
is used when a common fraction is regarded
In a two-place decimal, the second place preferably should be an even digit (for
example: .02, .04, and .06 are preferred to .01, .03, or .05) so that when the dimen-
sion divided by two, as is necessary in determining the radius from a diameter,
the result will be a decimal of two places. However, odd two-place decimals are
used when required for design purposes, such as in dimensioning points on a smooth
curve, or when strength or clearance is a factor.
In this system, common fractions may be continued to indicate nominal sizes
of materials, drilled holes, punched holes, threads, keyways, and other standard
When a decimal value is to be rounded off to a lesser number of places than that
available, the method is as follows:
"When the figure beyond the last figure to be retained is less than 5, the last
figure retained should not be changed.
"When the figures beyond the last place to be retained amount to more than 5,
"When the figure beyond the last place to be retained is exactly 5 with only
zeros following, the preceding number, if even, should be unchanged; if odd, it
should be increased by 1.
Example: 4.365 becomes 4.36 when cut off to two places. Also 4.355 becomes 4.36 when
cut off to two places."*
Shop scales and drafting scales for use in the complete decimal system are stand-
ardized by the ASA.f The drafting scale is known as the decimal scale, and is discussed
in 39.
The use of the complete decimal system means not only an expensive change-
over of measuring equipment, but also a change-over in thinking on the part of
draftsmen and designers. They must discontinue thinking in terms of units and com-
mon fractions, and think and hundredths of an inch.
in terms of tenths, fiftieths,
However, once the new system obvious that the advantages in com-
is installed, it is
1 Each dimension should be given clearly, so that it can be interpreted in only one way.
2. Dimensions should not be duplicated or the same information be given in two different
ways, and no dimensions should be given except those needed to produce or inspect the
3. Dimensions should be given between points or surfaces which have a functional relation
to each other or which control the location of mating parts.
4. Dimensions should be given to finished surfaces or important center lines in preference
to rough surfaces wherever possible.
5. Dimensions should be so given that it will not be necessary for the machinist to calculate,
scale, or assume any dimension.
6. Dimensions should be attached to the view where the shape is best shown (contour rule).
7. Dimensions should be placed in the views where the features dimensioned are shown
true size.
8. Avoid dimensioning to hidden lines wherever possible.
9. Dimensions should not be placed upon a view unless clearness is promoted thereby.
*ASA Z25. 1-1947.
fASA Z75. 1-1955.
330 11. DIMENSIONING 369
10. Dimensions applying to two adjacent views should be placed between views, unless clear-
nessis promoted by placing them outside.
11. The longer dimensions should be placed outside all intermediate dimensions, so that
dimension lines will not cross extension lines.
12. In machine drawing, omit all inch marks, except where necessary for clearness; e.g.:
" Valve.
13. Do not expect the workman to assume a feature is centered (as a hole on a plate), but
give a location dimension from one side. However, ifa hole is to be centered on a sym-
metrical rough casting, mark the center line (]), and omit the locating dimension from the
center line.
14. A dimension should be attached to only one view (extension lines not connecting two
15. Detail dimensions should "line up" in chain fashion.
16. Avoid a complete chain of detail dimensions; better omit one, otherwise one detail dimen-
sion or the over-all dimension should be marked REF.
17. A dimension line should never be drawn through a dimension figure. A figure should
never be lettered over any line of the drawing.
18. Dimension lines should be spaced uniformly throughout the drawing. They should be
at least " from the object outline and \" apart.
19. No line of the drawing should be used as a dimension line or coincide with a dimension
20. A dimension line should never be joined end-to-end (chain fashion) with any line of the
21. Dimension lines should not cross, if avoidable.
22. Dimension lines and extension lines should not cross, if avoidable. Extension lines may
cross each other.
23. When extension lines cross extension lines or visible lines, no break in either line should
be made.
24. A center line may be extended and used as an extension line, in which case it is still
40. Finish marks should be omitted on parts made from rolled stock.
41. If a part is finished all over, omit all finish marks, and use the general note: FINISH
42. A cylinder is dimensioned by giving both its diameter and length in the rectangular
view, except when notes are used for holes. A diagonal diameter in the circular view
may be used in cases where clearness is gained thereby.
43. Holes to be bored, drilled, reamed, etc., are size-dimensioned by notes in which the lead-
ers preferably point toward the circular views of the holes. Indications of shop processes
may be omitted from notes.
44. Drill sizes are preferably expressed in decimals. Particularly for drills designated by
number or letter, the decimal size must also be given.
45. In general, a circle is dimensioned by its diameter, an arc by its radius.
46. Avoid diagonal diameters, except for very large holes and for circles of centers. They
may be used on positive cylinders when clearness is gained thereby.
47. A diameter dimension figure should be followed by DIA except when it is obviously a
48. A radius dimension figure should always be followed by the letter R. The radial dimen-
sion line should have only one arrowhead, and it should touch the arc.
49. Cylinders should be located by their center lines.
O ,
& e>
naturally fit properly in the machine. But, unfortunately, it is impossible to make any-
thing to exact size. It can be made to very close dimensions, even to a few millionths
of an inch (e.g.: gage blocks), but such accuracy is extremely expensive or even
However, exact sizes are not needed, only varying degrees of accuracy according
to functional requirements. A manufacturer of children's tricycles would soon go out
of business if he insisted on making the parts with jet-engine accuracy, as no one
would be willing to pay the price. So what is needed is a means of specifying dimen-
sions with whatever degree of accuracy may be required.
The answer to the problem is the specification of a tolerance on each dimension.
Tolerance is the amount of variation permitted in the size of a part or in the location of points
or surfaces.For example, a dimension given as 1.625" .002" means that it may be
(on the manufactured part) 1.627" or 1.623", or anywhere between these dimensions.
See ASA Y14. 5-1957.
371 12. TOLERANCING 335
ff _
then to depend upon the workman to produce the parts so that they would fit together
and function properly. Other types of fit included "drive fit," "sliding fit," "tunking
fit,""force fit," etc.
In the example shown at (a), the machinist would make the hole close to \\"
diameter and would then make the shaft, say, .003" less in diameter. It would not
matter if the hole were several thousands more or less than 1 .250"; he could make the
shaft about .003" less and obtain the desired fit. But this method would not work
in quantity production, since the sizes would vary considerably and would not be
interchangeable; that is, any given shaft would not fit properly in any hole.
In order to control the dimensions of quantities of the two parts so that any two
mating parts would be interchangeable, it became necessary to assign tolerances to
the dimensions of the parts, as shown at (b). The diameter of the hole may be ma-
chined not less than 1.250" and not more than 1.251", these two figures representing
the limits and the difference between them, .001", being the tolerance. Likewise, the
shaft must be produced between the limits of 1.248" and 1.247", the tolerance on the
shaft being the difference between these, or .001".
336 12. TOLERANCING 373
A pictorial illustration of the dimensions in Fig. 632 (b) is shown in Fig. 633 (a).
The maximum shaft is shown solid, and the minimum shaft is shown in phantom.
The difference in diameters, .001", is the tolerance on the shaft. Similarly, the toler-
ance on the hole is the difference between the two limits shown, or .001". The loosest
fit, or maximum clearance, occurs when the smallest shaft is in the largest hole, as
shown at (b). The tightest fit, or minimum clearance, occurs when the largest shaft
is in the smallest hole, as shown at (c). The difference between these, .002", is the
allowance. The average clearance is .003", which is the same difference as allowed in
the example of Fig. 632 (a), but any
shaft will fit any hole interchangeably.
When parts are required to fitproperly in assembly but not to be interchangeable,
the size of one part need not be toleranced, but in-
machine for xxx dicated to be made to fit at assembly, Fig. 634.
375 12. TOLERANCING 337
fit. In Fig. 635 (b) the smallest shaft, 1.2503", will fit in the largest hole, 1.2506",
with .0003" to spare. But the largest shaft, 1.2509", will have to be forced into the
smallest hole, 1.2500", with an interference of metal (negative allowance) of .0009".
338 12. TOLERANCING 377
.495". Thus minimum clearance between the parts is .500" .498" = .002"
(smallest hole minus largest shaft), and the maximum clearance is .502" .495" =
.007" (largest hole minus smallest shaft).
In the case of an interference fit, the maximum shaft size would be found by
adding the desired allowance (maximum interference) to the basic hole size. In Fig.
635 (a), the basic size is The maximum
1.2500". interference decided upon was
.0019", which added to the basic size gives 1.2519", the largest shaft size.
The basic hole size can be changed to the basic shaft size by subtracting the
allowance for a clearance fit, or adding it for an interference fit. The result is the
largest shaft size, which is the new basic size.
376. Basic Shaft System. In some branches of industry, such as textile ma-
chinery manufacturing, in which use is made of a great deal of cold-finished shafting,
the basic shaft system is often used. This system should be used only when there is a
reason for it. For example, it is advantageous when several parts having different
fits, but one nominal size, are required on a single shaft. In this system the maximum
shaft is taken as the basic size, an allowance for each mating part is assigned, and
tolerances are applied on both sides of, and away from, this allowance.
In Fig. 636 (b) the maximum size of the shaft, .500", is taken as the basic size.
An allowance of .002" is decided upon and added to the basic shaft size, giving the
minimum hole .502". Tolerances of .003" and .001", respectively, are applied to the
hole and shaft to obtain the maximum hole .505" and the minimum shaft .499".
Thus the minimum clearance between the parts is .502" .500" = .002" (smallest
hole minus largest shaft), and the maximum clearance is .505" .499" = .006"
(largest hole minus smallest shaft).
In the case of an interference fit, the minimum hole size would be found by sub-
tracting the desired allowance from the basic shaft size.
The basic shaft size may be changed to the basic hole size by adding the allow-
ance for a clearance fit or subtracting it for an interference fit. The result is the
smallest hole size, which is the new basic size.
+.000 "
->! +J_.
(a) UNILATERAL <^4 -32
1.750 +.002-
+.002 "
(b) BILATERAL 1.150
size nearest the critienl size because it is nearest to the tolerance zone; hence, the
tolerance is taken away from the critical size. A unilateral tolerance is always all plus
or all minus; that is, either the plus or the minus value must be zero. However, the
zeros should not be omitted.
*ASA Y14.5-1957.
symbol ( + ), Fig. 638. This method should be used when the plus and minus values
are equal.
3. Limits. The maximum and minimum limits of size are specified, as shown
in Fig. 639. The high limit is placed above the low limit, thus: j^ DIA. In note
form, the low limit is given first, thus: .498-. 500 REAM.
The old method approved in the new ASA standard.
of placing limits is also
For a shaft the high limit is placed above the low limit, since a shaft is machined
from "large to small." This agrees with the rule above. However, for a hole dimen-
sioned directly (see arrow), the low limit is placed above, since a hole is machined
from "small to large," thus: j^. This is the only difference between the methods.
However the method adopted should be used consistently throughout a drawing.
A typical example of limit dimensioning is given in Fig. 640.
4. MIN or MAX is often placed after a number to indicate minimum or maxi-
mum dimensions desired. For example, a thread length may be dimensioned thus:
h 1.500 H MIN FULL THD or a radius dimensioned: .05 R MAX
Other applications include depths of holes and chamfers.
5. Angular tolerances are usually bilateral and in terms of degrees, minutes,
and seconds.
Examples: 25 1, 25 0' + 0 15', or 25 + .25. See also 387.
380. American Standard Limits and Fits. For many years the American
Standard ASA B4a-1925 "Tolerances, Allowances and Gages for Metal Fits" has
been used in varying degrees. This standard was superseded in 1955 by ASA B4.1-
1955 "Preferred Limits and Fits for Cylindrical Parts." It defines terms and recom-
mends preferred standard sizes, allowances, tolerances, and fits.
The standard includes Appendix tables 5-11, which give "a series of standard
types and classes of fits on a unilateral hole basis such that the fit produced by mating
parts in any one class will produce approximately similar performance throughout
the range of sizes. These tables prescribe the fit for any given size, or type of fit; they
also prescribe the standard limits for the mating parts which will produce the fit."*
These letter symbols, plus a number indicating the class of fit within each type,
are used to indicate a complete fit. Thus FN 4 means a Class 4 Force Fit. The fits
ance, throughout the range of sizes. The clearances for the first two classes, used chiefly as
slide fits, increase more slowly with diameter than the other classes, so that accurate loca-
tion is maintained even at the expense of free relative motion.
run freely, and in the larger sizes may seize with small temperature changes.
R.C 3 Precision running fits are about the closest fits which can be expected to run freely, and
are intended for precision work at slow speeds and light journal pressures, but are not
suitable where appreciable temperature differences are likely to be encountered.
RC 4 Close running fits are intended chiefly for running fits on accurate machinery with
moderate surface speeds and journal pressures, where accurate location and minimum
play is desired.
RC 5\Medium running fits are intended for higher running speeds, or heavy journal pressures,
RC6jor both.
RC 7 Free running fits are intended for use where accuracy is not essential, or where large
temperature variations are likely to be encountered, or under both these conditions.
RC S\ Loose running fits are intended for use where materials such as cold-rolled shafting and
RC 9 j tubing, made to commercial tolerances, are involved.
*ASA B4. 1-1955.
Locational fits, Appendix tables 7-10. are
fits intended to determine only the location
of the mating parts; they may provide rigid or accurate location, as with interference fits, or
provide some freedom of location, as with clearance fits. Accordingly they are divided into
three groups: clearance fits, transition fits, and interference fits.
These are more fully described as follows:
LC Locational clearance fits are intended for parts which are normally stationary, but which
can be freely assembled or disassembled. They run from snug fits for parts requiring
accuracy of location, through the medium clearance fits for parts such as spigots, to
the looser fastener fits where freedom of assembly is of prime importance.
LT Transition fits are a compromise between clearance and interference fits, for application
where accuracy of location is important, but either a small amount of clearance or
interference is permissible.
LN Locational interference fits are used where accuracy of location is of prime importance,
and for parts requiring rigidity and alignment with no special requirements for bore
pressure. Such fits are not intended for parts designed to transmit frictional loads from
one part to another by virtue of the tightness of fit, as these conditions are covered
by force fits.
Force or shrink fits, Appendix table 11, constitute a special type of interference fit, nor-
mally characterized by maintenance of constant bore pressures throughout the range of sizes.
The interference therefore varies almost directly with diameter, and the difference between
its minimum and maximum value is small, to maintain the resulting pressures within reason-
able limits.
These fits may
be described briefly as follows
FN 1 Light drive are those requiring light assembly pressures, and produce more or less
permanent assemblies. They are suitable for thin sections or long fits, or in cast-iron
external members.
FN 2 Medium drive fits are suitable for ordinary steel parts, or for shrink fits on light sections.
They are about the tightest fits that can be used with high-grade cast-iron external
FN 3 Heavy drive fits are suitable for heavier steel parts or for shrink fits in medium sections.
FN 4 Force fits are suitable for parts
1 which can be highly stressed, or for shrink fits where the
FN 5 /heavy pressing forces required are impractical.*
In the tables for each class of fit, the range of nominal sizes of shafts or holes is
given in inches. To simplify the tables and reduce the space required to present them,
the other values are given in thousandths of an inch. Minimum and maximum
limits of clearance are given, the top number being the least clearance, or the allow-
ance, and the lower number the maximum clearance, or greatest looseness of fit.
Then, under the heading "Standard Limits" are given the limits for the hole and
for the shaft that are to be applied algebraically to the basic size to obtain the limits
of size for the parts.
For example, take a 2.0000" basic diameter with a Class 1 fit. This fit is RC
given in Appendix table 5. In the column headed "Nominal Size Range, Inches,"
find 1.97-3.15 which embraces the 2.0000" basic size. Reading to the right we find
under "Limits of Clearance" the values 0.4 and 1.2, representing the maximum and
minimum clearance between the parts in thousandths of an inch. To get these values in
381 12. TOLERANCING 343
inches, simply multiply by one thousandth, thus: -fa X t q^q = .0004. Or, to convert
0.4 thousandths to inches, simply move the decimal point three places to the left,
thus: .0004". Therefore, for this 2.0000" diameter, with a Class RC 1 fit, the minimum
clearance, or allowance, is .0004", and the maximum clearance, representing the
greatest looseness, is .0012".
Reading farther to the right we find under "Standard Limits" the value + 0.5,
which converted to inches is .0005". Add this to the basic size thus: 2.0000" +
.0005" = 2.0005", the upper limit of the hole. Since the other value given for the
hole is zero, the lower limit of the hole is the basic size of the hole, or 2.0000". The
hole would then be dimensioned as follows:
or 2.0000
+ .0005
2.0005 - .0000
The limits for the shaft are read as .0004" and .0007". To get the limits
of the shaft, subtract these values from the basic size, thus:
or 1.9996
+ .0000
1.9993 .0003
case the over-all dimension should be marked REF. In other cases it may be desired
to hold two small dimensions X and Y and the over-all closely without regard to
dimension Z. In that case, dimension Z should be omitted, or marked REF.
As a rule, it is best to dimension each surface so that it is affected by only one
dimension. This can be done by referring all dimensions to a single datum surface,
such as B, as shown at (b). See also Fig. 609 (d) to (f).
382. Tolerances and Shop Processes. As has been repeatedly stated in this
chapter, tolerances should be as coarse as possible and still permit satisfactory use
of the part. If this is done, great savings can be effected as a result of the use of less
expensive tools, lower labor and inspection costs, and reduced scrapping of material.
In Fig. 642 is shown a chart of tolerances and shop processes that may be used
as a guide by the draftsman in selecting tolerances. This chart appears in MIL-
STD-8A and in the SAE Dimensioning Standard, March, 1955. See also Chapter 10
for detailed information on shop processes.
Range of Sizes
From To & Incl.
383 12. TOLERANCING 345
If four holes are dimensioned with rectangular coordinates as at (c), the square
tolerance zones for the holes would be as shown at (d). The locational tolerances
are actually greater than indicated by the dimensions.
In Fig. 644 I, hole A is selected as a datum and the other three are located from
it. The square tolerance zone for hole A results from the tolerances on the two
T 4\
-& 4 U
005 x |
P995 2.005
rectangular coordinate dimensions locating hole A. The sizes of the tolerance zones
for the other three holes result from the tolerances between the holes, while their
locations will vary according to the actual location of the datum hole A. Two of the
many possible zone patterns are shown at II. The locations marked (a) are those
when datum hole A is at its theoretically correct position, and the locations marked
(b) are those when datum hole A is at the extreme upper right corner of its tolerance
Thus, with the dimensions shown at I it is difficult to say whether the resulting
parts will actually fit the mating parts satisfactorily even though they conform to the
5OO + .002
3k (b)
prevent misunderstanding, true position should always be established with
respect to a datum. In simple arrangements, the choice of datum is obvious and it
does not require identification, Fig. 645 (a). When necessary for clearness, a phrase
should be added to the true-position note, such as IN RELATION A, TO DATUM
as shown at (b).
Actually, the "circular tolerance zone" a cylindrical tolerance zone, and the
axis of the hole must be within the cylinder, The center line of the hole
Fig. 646.
may coincide with the center line of the cylindrical tolerance zone, (a), or it may be
parallel to it but displaced so as to remain within the tolerance cylinder, (b), or it
may be inclined while remaining within the tolerance cylinder, (c). In this last case
we see that the true position tolerance also defines the limits of squareness variation.
In terms of the cylindrical surface of the hole, the true-position specification
indicates that all elements on the hole surface must be on or outside a cylinder
whose diameter equal to the diameter of the hole minus the true position tolerance
(diameter, or twice the radius), with the center line of the cylinder located at true
position, Fig. 647.
*ASA Y14.5-1957.
The use of basic untoleranced dimensions to locate features at true position avoids
one of the chief difficulties in tolerancing the accumulation of tolerances, 381,
even in a chain of dimensions, Fig. 648.
(a) (b)
ofU ^
Fig. 646 Cylindrical Tolerance Zone (ASA Y14. 5-1957).
While features such as holes and bosses may vary in any direction from the true-
position axis, other features, such as slots, may vary on either side of a true-position
plane. The note may be worded in either of two ways:
It has been quite common in some industries to use the note: LOCATED WITH-
IN .005 OF TRUE POSITION, which means the same as 2 above.
-.37-39 DIA-2
Fig.647 True Position Interpretation Courtesy P. G. Bttitsos, Grnrml Electn
Since the exact locations of the true positions of the tolerances are given by un-
toleranced dimensions, it is important to prevent the application of general tolerances
to these. A note should be added to the drawing such as: GENERAL TOLERANCES
If the .500 dia. holes are at theirextreme positions, (c), the pins in the gage
would have be .005 smaller, or .495 diameter, to enter the holes. Thus if the .500
dia. holes are located at the maximum distance apart, the .495 dia. gage pins would
contact the inner sides of the holes; and if the holes are located at the minimum
distance apart, the .495 dia. pins would contact the outer surfaces of the holes, as
shown. If gagemakers' tolerances are not considered, the gage pins would have to
be .495 dia. and exactly 2.000 apart if the holes are .500 dia., or MMC.
If the holes are .505 dia. that is, at maximum size, as at (d)
they will be ac-
cepted by the same .495 dia. gage pins at 2.000 apart if the inner sides of the holes
contact the inner sides of the gage pins, and the outer sides of the holes contact the
outer sides of the gage pins, as shown. Thus the holes may be 2.010 apart, which is
beyond the tolerance permitted for the center-to-center distance between the holes.
Similarly, the holes may be as close together as 1.990 from center-to-center, which
again is outside the specified positional tolerance.
. :
greater positional tolerance becomes available. Since all features may vary in size,
it is necessary to be made clear on the drawing at what condition of size the true
position tolerance applies. In but a few exceptional cases, the additional positional
"For example
385. Geometric Tolerances. Geometric tolerance, or "tolerance of form" specifies
"how far actual surfaces are permitted to vary from the perfect geometry implied
by drawings."* The term "geometric" refers to the various geometric forms, as a
plane, a cylinder, a cone, a square, or a hexagon. Theoretically these are perfect
forms, but since it is impossible to produce perfect forms, it may be necessary to
specify the amount of variation permitted. Geometric tolerances define conditions
of straightness, flatness, parallelism, squareness, angularity, symmetry, concentricity,
and roundness.
Methods of indicating geometric tolerances by means of notes, as recommended
by ASAf, are shown 650 and 651 At the right of each example, the meaning
in Figs. .
would indicate. As shown at the right, the requirement that the center line be any-
where within the .010 DIA positional tolerance cylinder is further restricted by the
*ASA Y14.5-1957.
350 12. TOLERANCING 385
yj y y
aim <
s n n
m i;-e>
E 3< o
j D oi-
x H8
m Htf
=>L_ !>!t>S(>
352 12. TOLERANCING 386
specification that the center line must lie between two planes parallel to datum
surface A, and .003 apart. The diagonal line between the two planes is one possible
position in this case.
The tolerances on size and on form and specifications of surface roughness may
overlap. But for a given part, variation in form must not exceed the size tolerance;
form need not be stated unless it is smaller than the size
therefore, tolerance of
tolerance.As an example, if a size tolerance of + .005 is permitted, any tolerance of
form under .010 should be stated. Or if the flatness tolerance is .001, a surface
roughness smoother than 'W should be indicated.
Since very expensive to maintain accurate geometric tolerances in the shop,
it is
tolerances of form should not be specified except when established shop procedures
cannot be depended upon to produce the necessary accuracy. When geometric
tolerances are not indicated on the drawing, the actual part is understood to be
acceptable if it is within the dimensional limits shown, regardless of variations in
form. Some extreme variations are shown in Fig. 651 (k to p). However, in the case
of fabricated bars, sheets, tubing, etc., established industry standards prescribe ac-
ceptable conditions of straightness, flatness, etc., and these standards are understood
to hold if geometric tolerances are not shown on the drawing.
Frequently the amount of geometric tolerance can vary according to the actual
sizes of the finished parts. In Fig. 651 (r) the note indicates that when the shaft is
at maximum diameter (MMG), it may have an error of .005 in straightness. This
allowable variation at MMC
is illustrated at (s). If .005 variation is allowed at
MMC, then .015 is available when the part is at minimum diameter, as shown at (t).
This additional tolerance should be permitted only when it does not interfere with
functional requirements.
In Fig. 651 (u) the pin at maximum diameter (MMC) may have a .002 square-
ness error. This allowable variation of .002 is shown at (v), in which the gage hole
is .627 (MMC shaft plus squareness tolerance). But if .002 squareness error is per-
mitted at MMC, then .003 error is available if the part is at minimum diameter as
shown at (w).
386. Zone Tolerances for Contours. "A 'zone' tolerance may be given when
a uniform amount of variation can be permitted along a contour. The drawing is
constructed to show the desired contour fully defined by dimensions without toler-
ances. At a conspicuous place along the contour, one or two phantom lines are drawn
with dimension lines and arrowheads to indicate the location of the tolerance zone.
The value of the tolerance is given by a note."* See Fig. 652 (a). The distance be-
tween the contour and phantom lines is usually exaggerated for clarity. In cases
where some limits on a drawing are given by zone tolerance while others are given
by a general tolerance, it is necessary to indicate the extent of the zone tolerance, as
at (b). The tolerance zone may be symmetrical about the contour line (bilateral),
or it may be all on either side (unilateral).
tolerances on angles, should be kept in mind that the width of the tolerance zone
increases as the distance from the vertex of the angle increases.The tolerance should
be figured after considering the total allowable displacement at the point farthest
from the vertex of the angle, and a tolerance specified that will not exceed this. The
use of angular tolerances may be avoided by using gages. Taper turning is often
handled by machining to fit a gage or by fitting to the mating part.
If an angular surface is located by a linear and an angular dimension, Fig. 654 (a),
the surface must lie within a tolerance zone as shown at (b). The angular zone will
be wider as the distance from the vertex increases. In order to avoid the accumulation
388. Screw Threads. * The concept of the screw thread seems to have occurred
first to Archimedes, the third-century B.C. mathematician, who wrote briefly on
spirals and invented several simple devices applying the screw principle. By the first
century b.c. the screw was a familiar element, but was crudely cut from wood or
filed by hand on a metal shaft. Nothing more was heard of the screw thread in Europe
until the fifteenth century, though the Greeks and the Arabs had preserved their
knowledge of it. Leonardo da Vinci understood the screw principle, and he has left
sketches showing how to cut screw threads by machine. In the sixteenth century,
screws appeared in German watches, and screws were used to fasten suits of armour.
In 1569 the screw-cutting lathe was invented by the Frenchman, Besson, but the
method did not take hold, and for another century and a half nuts and bolts con-
tinued to be made largely by hand. In the eighteenth century, screw manufacturing
got started in England during the Industrial Revolution.
In these early times, there was no such thing as standardization. The nuts of one
manufacturer would not fit the bolts of another. In 1841 Sir Joseph Whitworth
started crusading for a standard screw thread, and soon the Whitworth thread was
accepted throughout England. In 1864 in the United States, a committee named by
the Franklin Institute adopted a thread proposed by William Sellers of Philadelphia;
but the Sellers' nuts would not screw on a Whitworth bolt, or vice versa, the thread
angles being different.
In 1935 the American Standard Thread, with the same 60 V form of the old
Sellers' thread,was adopted in this country. Still there was no standardization be-
tween countries. In peace-time it was a nuisance; in World War I it was a serious
Sec ASA Y14. 6-1957.
Fig. 655 Screw-Thread Nomenclature.
Side. The surface of the thread that connects the crest with the root.
Axis of Screw. The longitudinal center line through the screw.
Depth of Thread. The distance between the crest and the root of the thread
measured normal to the axis.
Form of Thread. The cross section of thread cut by a plane containing the axis.
Series of Thread. Standard number of threads per inch for various diameters.
390. Screw-Thread Forms. Various forms of threads are in use to meet the
general functions listed above, Fig. 656. For holding parts together, the American
h-ph ts p r pi
/////&////// I V. V. "ROUNDED ROOyZxitO/ .
..'//,. Y////////////////////X%,
(gen. purpose)
National Thread is used most in the United States, it having superseded the old 60
Sharp -V thread. The flattened roots and crests make the former the stronger thread.
This thread was originally called the United States Standard, or the Sellers thread.
For purposes of certain adjustments, the Sharp-V thread is still useful because of the
from the increased area of the thread-face. It is also used in brass
friction resulting
pipe work.
The Unified Thread* is the new standard thread agreed upon by the United States,
Canada, and Great Britain in 1948. The crest of the external thread may be flat or
rounded, and the root is rounded; otherwise the thread form is essentially the same
as the American National. The Unified Thread is the new American Standard, and
industries are gradually changing over to it.
The Square Thread is theoretically the ideal thread for power transmission, since
its face is nearly at right angles to the axis; but owing to the difficulty of cutting it
with dies and because of other inherent disadvantages, such as the fact that split
nuts will not readily disengage, the Square thread has been displaced to a large extent
by the Acme thread. The Square thread is not standardized.
The Acme Thread is a modification of the Square thread, and has largely replaced
*ASAB1. 1-1949.
it.It is stronger than the Square thread, is easier to cut, and has the advantage of
easy disengagement from a split nut, as on the lead screw of a lathe.
The Whitworth Thread has been the British Standard, and is being replaced by the
Unified Thread. Its uses correspond to those of the American National Standard.
The Standard Worm Thread is similar to the Acme thread, but is deeper. It is used
The thread tables give the number of threads per inch for each standard diameter.
Thus a Unified Coarse thread, Appendix table 12, of 1" diameter, has eight threads
per inch, and the pitch P equals \"
As shown in Fig. 657 (a), if a thread has only four threads per inch, the pitch
and the threads themselves are quite large. If there are, say, sixteen threads per inch,
the pitch is only ys", and the threads are relatively small, as shown at (b).
The pitch or number of threads per inch can easily be measured with an ordinary
scale, (c), or with a thread pitch gage, (d).
It will be seen at (e) and (f) that the pitch for Square and Acme threads includes
a thread ridge and a space.
392. Right-Hand and Left -Hand Threads. A right-hand thread, when viewed
toward an end, winds in a clockwise and receding direction. Thus a right-hand thread
is one which advances into the nut when turned clockwise, and a left-hand thread
is one which advances into the nut when turned counterclockwise, Fig. 658. A thread
393. Single and Multiple Threads. A single thread, as the name implies, is
composed of one ridge in this thread the lead is equal to the pitch. Multiple threads
are composed of two or more ridges running side by side. As shown in Fig. 659 (a) to
(c), the slope line is the hypotenuse of a right triangle whose short side equals P for
single threads, P for double threads, HP
for triple threads, etc. This applies to all
forms of threads. In double threads, the lead is twice the pitch; in triple threads the
(a) (b)
Fig. 658 Right-Hand and Left-Hand Threads.
lead is three times the pitch, etc. On a drawing of a single or triple thread, a root is
opposite a crest; in the case of a double or quadruple thread, a root is drawn opposite
a root. Therefore, in one turn, a double thread advances twice as far as a single I
| 2PH
Triple Square and Acme threads are shown at (d) and (e).
Multiple threads are used wherever quick motion, but not great power, is desired,
as on fountain pens, toothpaste caps, valve stems, etc. The threads on a valve stem
are frequently multiple threads, to impart quick action in opening and closing the
-Last line is a crest line
valve. Multiple threads on a shaft can be recognized and counted by observing the
number of thread endings on the end of the screw.
the crests or roots are flat orrounded, they are represented by single lines and not
double lines as in Fig. 655; consequently, Sharp-V and American National threads
are drawn in exactly the same way.
*A thread \\" dia., if drawn half size, would be less than 1" dia. on the drawing, and hence would be
too small for thismethod of representation.
P for double threads, 1|P for triple threads, etc.* For right-hand threads, the slope
line slopes upward to the left; for left-hand threads, the slope line slopes upward to
the right. If the number of threads per inch conforms to the scale, the pitch can be
set off directly. For example, eight threads per inch can easily be set off with the
architects scale, and ten threads per inch with the engineers scale. Otherwise, use
the bow dividers or use the parallel-line method shown in Fig. 661 (II).
III. From the pitch-points, draw crest lines parallel to slope line. These should
be dark medium-sharp lines. Slide triangle on T-square (or another triangle) to make
lines parallel. Draw two V's to establish depth of thread, and draw guide lines for
root of thread, as shown.
m i
n m
L. H.
(a) (b)
h 1 -ffl-
(a) (b)
IV. Draw 60 V's finished weight. These V's should stand vertically; i.e., they
should not "lean" with the thread.
V and VI. Draw root lines dark at once. Root lines will not be parallel to crest
lines. Slide triangle on straightedge to make root lines parallel. In the final drawing,
all thread lines should be approximately the same weight: medium-thin, but dark.
When the end is chamfered (usually 45 with end of shaft, sometimes 30), the
chamfer extends to the thread depth. The chamfer creates a new crest line, which
is then drawn between the two new crest points. It is not parallel to the other crest
the external and internal threads are assembled, the thread in the nut overlaps and
covers up half of the "V," as shown at B.
The the same as in Fig. 665. Note that the thread
internal thread construction is
linesrepresenting the back half of the internal threads (since the thread is in section),
slope in the opposite direction from those on the front side of the screw.
Steps in drawing a single internal Square thread in section are shown in Fig. 665.
Note in Step II that a crest is drawn opposite a root. This is the case for both single
and triple threads. For double or quadruple threads, a crest is opposite a crest.
Thus the construction in Step I is the same for any multiple of thread. The differences
r d g P (Approx)
L-7(Drawn 0)
Note difference-
Iff (a)
fP, which is very close to the formula depth .66271P. Set off BC = 5P to establish
slope line AB of the LH thread.
Construct profiles of threads, ignoring the 7 for the left side of the threads,
and drawing it perpendicular to the centerline of the shaft. Although the root is
rounded, draw flat like the crest. Make the crest ^-P approximately, which is close
to the formula width .16316P.
III. Heavy-in crest lines, draw root lines, and darken the profiles. Make all lines
medium-thin and dark.
The external and internal assembled threads are shown at (a). Note the differ-
ences in the threads at A and B. The internal thread in section is shown at (b).
without the use of conventional breaks, but must be correctly dimensioned. The same
methods may be applied to springs, 426. This use of phantom lines is limited almost
entirely to detail drawings.
400. Thread Symbols. Thread symbols are used to represent threads of small
diameter, under approximately 1" dia. on the drawing. The symbols are the same '
for all forms of thread, as Unified, Square, Acme, etc. The ASA approves two sets s
of symbols, the schematic and the simplified. * Both methods are widely used, and the
choice of which to use is a matter of company standards or of personal preference
of the draftsman. The authors prefer the schematic form because of its simplicity and :
representational effectiveness.
401. External Thread Symbols. External thread symbols are shown in Fig. I
669. When the schematic form is shown in section, (a), it is necessary to draw the
(a) (b) (c) (d)
Fig. 669 External Thread Symbols.
ASA Y14.6-1957.
use the schematic thread depth. Fig. 671 (a), and let the pitch be determined by
the Vs.
Schematic threads in elevation, Fig. 669 (b), are indicated by alternate long and
short lines at right angles to the center line, the root lines being preferably thicker
than the crest lines. Although theoretically the crest lines would be spaced according
to actual pitch, the lines would often be very crowded and tedious to draw, thus
defeating the purpose of the symbol, to save drafting time. Therefore, in practice
the experienced draftsman spaces the crest lines carefully by eye, as he does section
lines, and then adds the heavy rootlines spaced by eye half-way between the crest
lines. In general, the spacing should be proportionate for all diameters. For con-
venience in drawing, proportions for the schematic symbol are given in Fig. 671.
Simplified external thread symbols are shown in Fig. 669 (c) and (d). The
threaded portions are indicated by hidden lines parallel to the axis at the approxi-
mate depth of the thread, whether in section or in elevation. To draw these lines,
use the schematic depth of thread as given in the table in Fig. 671.
402. Internal Thread Symbols. Internal thread symbols are shown in Fig. 670.
The schematic thread in section is exactly the same as the external symbol in Fig.
_^ ._____.
the student should use the scale. Note that the values of D
and P are for the diameter
on the drawing. Thus a \\" dia. thread at half scale would be f" dia. on the drawing,
and values of D and P for a f * major diameter would be used.
406. American National Thread Fits. The old standard* also established for
general use four classes of screw thread fits between mating threads (as between bolt
and nut). These fits are produced by the application of tolerances listed in the stand-
ards, and are described as follows:
Class 1 Fit. Recommended only for screw thread work where clearance between mating
parts is essential for rapid assembly and where shake or play is not objectionable.
The class of fit desired on a thread is indicated by the number of the fit in the
thread note, as shown in 410.
407. S.A.E. Extra Fine Threads.* The S.A.E. Extra Fine Thread Series has many
more threads per inch for given diameters than any series of the American Standard.
The form of thread is the same as the American National. These small threads are
used in thin metal where the length of thread engagement is small, in cases where
close adjustment is required, and where vibration is great. It is designated EF (Extra
408. Unified and American Threads. f The new Unified and American thread
constitutes the present American Standard. Earlier American Standards in part are
continued in the new standard. The parts carried over, but not "unified," are clearly
identified in Appendix table 12, by being in lighter type. The Unified thread form is
shown in Fig. 673. The standard lists six different series of numbers of threads per
Fig. 673 Unified and American Screw Thread Form (ASA Bl. 1-1949).
inch for the various standard diameters, and selected combinations of special diam
eters and pitches.
The are the Coarse Thread Series (UNC or NC) recommended for general
six series
use corresponding to the old National Coarse thread; the Fine Thread Series (UNF
ASABl. 1935.
tASA Bl. 1-1949.
or NF), for general use in automotive and aircraft: work and in applications where a
finer threadrequired; the Extra-Fine Series (UNEF or NEF), which is the same as
the SAE Extra Fine Series, used particularly in aircraft and aeronautical equipment
and generally for threads in thin walls; and the 8-, 72-, and 16-Pitch Thread Series
"(8UN or 8N, 12UN or 12N, and 16UN or 16N), recommended for the uses corre-
sponding to the old 8-, 12-, and 16-Pitch American National threads. In addition,
there are three special thread series: UNS, NS, and UN, which involve special com-
binations of diameter, pitch, and length of engagement.
409. Unified and American Thread Fits. The tables of the Standard* specify
tolerances and allowances defining the several classes of fit (degree of looseness or
tightness) between mating threads. In the symbols for fit, the letter A refers to external
threads, and B to internal threads. In the new standard, Classes 1A and IB take the
place of old Class 1, and have generous tolerances facilitating rapid assembly and
disassembly Classes 2A and 2B are used in the normal production of screws, bolts,
and nuts, as well as a variety of general applications; and Classes 3A and 3B are
newly toleranced classes for highly accurate and close-fitting requirements. Class 4
of the old standard has been dropped because of its infrequent and specialized use.
Classes 2 3, because of their long and widespread use, are continued as American
National, but are not unified. They will, in time, be superseded by the Unified classes.
410. Thread Notes. Thread notes for American National threads are shown
in Fig. 674. These same symbols are used in correspondence, on shop and store-
Thread depth
Class of fit
Coarse Thread Series
National (Form)
Threads per inch (Series)
Major dia. of thread
General- Purpose j
C/ass of Fit -j I
f-l6NF-3LH-7 '
5 ACME-26
'" '"
room cards, and in specifications for parts, taps, dies, tools, and gages. A thread note
fora blind tapped hole is shown at (a). In a complete note, the tap drill and depth
should be given, though in practice they are often omitted and left to the shop. For
tap drill sizes, see Appendix table 12. If the LH symbol is omitted, the thread is
is understood to be single. Thread notes for holes are preferably attached to the
circular views of the holes, as shown.
Thread notes for external threads are preferably given in the longitudinal view
of the threaded shaft, as shown from (b) to (f). Examples of 8-, 12-, and 16-Pitch
threads, not shown in the figure, are 2-8N-2, 2-12N-2, and 2-16N-2. An example*
of a special thread designation is: I5-7N-LH.
General -purpose Acme threads are indicated by the letter G, and centralizing
Acme threads by the letter C. Typical thread notes are: If -4 ACME-2G or If -6
Thread notes for Unified and American threads are shown in Fig. 675. Unified
thread is illustrated in Fig. 676. See Appendix table 36. The taper of the thread is
1 in 16 or 0.75" per foot measured on the diameter and along the axis. The angle
between the sides of the thread is 60. The depth of the sharp V is 0.8660p, and
the basic maximum depth of the truncated thread is 0.800p, where p = pitch. The
basic pitch diameters E and Ei, and the basic length of the effective external taper
thread Lo, are determined by the formulas:
The ASAf has also recommended two modified taper pipe threads for: (1)
Dryseal Pressure -Tight Joints and (2) Rail Fitting Joints. The former is used to pro-
vide a metal-to-metal joint eliminating the need for a sealer, and is used in refrigera-
tion, marine, automotive, aircraft, and ordnance work. The latter is used to provide
a rigid mechanical thread joint as required in rail fitting joints.
While Taper Pipe threads are recommended for general use, there are certain
types of jointswhere straight pipe threads are used to advantage. The number of
threads per inch, the angle, and the depth of thread are the same as on the Taper
Pipe thread, but the threads are cut parallel to the axis. Straight Pipe threads are
used for pressure-tight joints for pipe couplings, fuel and oil line fittings, drain plugs,
free-fittingmechanical joints for fixtures, loose-fitting mechanical joints for locknuts,
and loose-fitting mechanical joints for hose couplings.
Pipe threads are represented by detailed or symbolic methods in a manner similar
to the representation of Unified and American threads. The symbolic representation
(schematic or simplified) is recommended for general use regardless of diameter, Fig.
677, the detailed method being approved only when the threads are large and when
it is desired to show the profile of the thread as, for example, in a sectional view of
an assembly. See Fig. 1112.
As shown in Fig. 677, it is not necessary to draw the taper on the threads unless
there is some reason to emphasize it, since the thread note indicates whether the
thread is straight or tapered. If it is desired to show the taper, it should be exag-
gerated, as shown in Fig. 678, where the taper is drawn tV" per 1" on radius, instead
of the actual taper of tV" on diameter. American Standard Taper Pipe threads are
indicated by a note giving the nominal diameter followed by the letters (Na- NPT
tional Pipe Taper), as shown in Fig. 677. When Straight Pipe threads are specified,
the letters NPS (National Pipe Straight) are used. In practice, the tap drill size is
For numbers of threads per inch and other data on pipe threads, see Appendix
table 36. For a general discussion of piping drawings, seeChapter 24.
412. Bolts, Studs, and Screws. The term bolt is generally used to denote a
"through bolt" which has a head on one end and is passed through clearance holes
in two or more aligned parts and is threaded on the other end to receive a nut to
tighten and hold the parts together. See Fig. 679 (a), and 414 and 415.
A hexagon head cap screw, (b), is similar
to a through bolt, except that it generally
has a greater length of thread because it is
used without a nut, one of the members
held together being threaded to act as a
nut. It is screwed on with a wrench. Cap
screws are not screwed into thin materials
if strength is desired. See 418.
It is customary not to section bolts, nuts, screws, and similar parts when drawn
in assembly, as shown in Figs. 679 and 689, because they do not themselves require
sectioning for clearness. See 441
413. Tapped Holes. The bottom of a drilled hole is conical in shape, as formed
by the point of the twist drill, Fig. 680 (a) and (b). When an ordinary drill is used
The thread length in a tapped hole depends upon the major diameter and the
material being tapped. In Fig. 681 (a), the minimum engagement length X, when
both parts are steel, is equal to the diameter D of the thread. When a steel screw
is screwed into cast iron, brass, or bronze, X
= HD; and when screwed into alumi-
num, zinc, or plastic, = 2D. X
Since the tapped thread length contains only full threads, it is necessary to make
this length only one or two pitches beyond the end of the engaging screw. In sche-
matic representation, the threads are omitted in the bottoms of tapped holes so as to
show the ends of the screws clearly.
In the early days of machine construction, it was the practice to make threads
engage virtually 100 per cent of the thread depth, but it was learned after awhile
that such a thread was only 5 per cent stronger than a 75 per cent thread and required
about three times as much power to tap and resulted in many more broken taps.
To produce a 75 per cent tapped thread, Fig. 681 (b), the diameter of the drill is
slightly greater than the root diameter of the internal thread. The tap drill sizes for
Unified and American threads given in Appendix table 12 are for 75 percent threads.
It is good practice to give the tap drill size in the thread note, 410.
When a bolt or a screw is passed through a clearance hole in one member, the
hole may be drilled yj" larger than the screw up to |" diameter, and tV" larger for
larger diameters. For more precise work, the clearance hole may be only ^j" larger
than the screw up to f" diameter, and yj" larger for larger diameters. Closer fits may
be specified for special conditions. The clearance spaces on each side of a screw or
bolt need not be shown on a drawing unless it is necessary to show that there is no
thread engagement, in which case the clearance spaces are drawn about y?" wide
for clarity.
Two series are standardized : the Regular Series
for general useand the Heavy Series, which have
larger heads and nuts for heavier use or easier
wrenching. Square head bolts come only in the
Regular Series, while hexagon bolts and square
nuts are standard in both series.
(a) Hexagon
Bolt and Nut
Fig. 682 Standard Bolts and Nuts. Bolts and nuts are unfinished, semifinished, or
finished. nuts are not
Unfinished bolts and
machined on any surface. Semifinished bolts and nuts are unfinished except for
a "washer face" machined or otherwise formed on the bearing surface. The washer
face is yj" thick, and its diameter is equal to 1^ times the body diameter D. For nuts,
*ASA B18. 2-1955. The standard covers some eight different bolts and twenty nuts. For complete details,
see the standard.
: .
the bearing surface may be a circular surface produced by chamfering. Finished bolts
and nuts have closer tolerances and a more finished appearance, but are not com-
pletely machined. Square bolts and nuts are always unfinished, while hexagon bolts
and nuts may be unfinished, semifinished, or finished.
Sizes based on diameter D
which are either exact formula pro-
of the bolt body,
portions or close approximations for drawing purposes are
Regular Series: W = HD H = |D T = |D
Heavy Series: W = HD + |" H = fD T = D
Where W = width across flats, H = head height, and T = nut height.
The washer always included in the head or nut height for finished and semi-
face is
Unfinished and semifinished bolts have Coarse threads. Class 2A, while finished
bolts have Coarse, Fine, or 8-Pitch threads, Class 2A. Unfinished nuts have Coarse
threads. Class 2B. Finished and semifinished nuts have Coarse or Fine threads, Class
2B, while certain of these also may have 8 -Pitch threads.
For bolts up to 6" in length, thread length = 2D + i".
For bolts over 6" in length, thread length = 2D -f- \"
Bolts too short for these formulas are threaded as close to the head as practicable.
For drawing purposes, this may be taken as three thread pitches, approximately.
The threaded end of a bolt may be rounded or chamfered, but is usually drawn with
a 45 chamfer from the thread depth, Fig. 683.
Bolt lengths have not been standardized because of the endless variety required
by industry. The following increments (differences in successive lengths) are com-
piled from manufacturers' catalogs. These increments apply to stock sizes of cut-
thread bolts. Long bolts of small diameter or short bolts of large diameter would
have to be ordered "special."
For dimensions of standard bolts and nuts, see Appendix table 16.
415. To Draw American Standard Bolts. In practice, standard bolts and nuts
are not shown on detail drawings unless they are to be altered, but they appear so
frequently on assembly drawings that a suitable but rapid method of drawing them
must be used. They may be drawn from exact dimensions taken from tables* if
accuracy is important, as in figuring clearances; but in the great majority of cases
the conventional representation, in which proportions based upon diameter are used,
will be sufficient, and a considerable amount of time may be saved. Three typical
tinted in Fig. 685, and those square bolts and nuts in Fig. 686. Before starting,
the diameter of the bolt, the length from the under side of the bearing surface to the
tip, the type of head (square or hexagon), and the series (Regular or Heavy), as well
Fig. 685 Steps in Drawing Semifinished Hexagon-Head Bolt and Hexagon Nut.
The yj" washer face has a diameter equal to the distance across flats of the bolt
head or nut. It appears only on the semifinished or finished hexagon bolts or nuts,
the ^i" thickness being drawn at $" for clearness. The 2" is included in the head
or nut height.
Threads should be drawn schematically for bolt diameters of 1" or less on the
drawing, Fig. 671 (b), and by detailed representation for larger diameters, 394
and 395. The threaded end of the bolt should be chamfered at 45 from the schematic
thread depth, Fig. 671 (a).
On drawings of small bolts or nuts (under 5" dia. approx.) where the chamfer is
hardly noticeable, the chamfer on the head or nut may be omitted in the longitudinal
Many styles of templates are available for saving time in drawing bolt heads and
One of these is the Drqftsquare, Fig. 90 (b).
416. Specifications for Bolts and Nuts. In specifying bolts in parts lists, in
correspondence, or elsewhere, the following information must be covered in order:
finished in the Regular and Heavy scries. The tops of all arc fiat and chamfered at
30, and the semifinished and finished forms have either a washer face or a chamfered
bearing surface.
The lock washer shown at (c), and the cotter pin, (e), (g), and (h) are very com-
mon. See Appendix tables 25 and 28. The set screw, (f), is often made to press
against a plug of softer material, such as brass, which in turn presses against the
threads without deforming them.
For use with cotter pins (see Appendix table 28), the ASA* recommends a
Finished Slotted Nut, (g), and a Finished Castle Nut, (h), as well as Regular
and Heavy Semifinished Slotted Nuts and
a Finished Thick Slotted Nut.
The Dardelet thread is self-locking, and
is illustrated in Fig. 688. The form of the
the thread on the screw are tapered at about (a) UNLOCKED (b) LOCKED
6 with the axis of the screw, so that when
Fig. 688 Dardelet Self-Locking Thread.
the nut is tightened the crest of the thread of
the nut is wedged against the root of the thread on the screw, which locks the thread
418. American Standard Cap Screws, f The five types of American Standard
Cap Screws are shown in Fig. 689. The first four have these standard heads, while
tASA B18. 6. 2-1956 and ASA B18. 3-1954.
the Socket Head Cap Screws, (e), have several different shapes of round heads and
sockets. Cap screws are regularly produced in finished form and are used on machine
tools and other machines, for which accuracy and appearance are important. The
ranges of sizes and exact dimensions are given in Appendix tables 16 and 17.
See table
1 : I
TA 2t~
-LEt.GTH 1
Threads: National Coarse or Fine, Class 2 fit. On screws 2" long orthreads extend to within 2 thds.
of head; on longer screws thd. length = If". Screw lengths not standardized.
Fig. 690 American Standard Machine Screws. (See Appendix table 18.)
Standard Machine Screws are regularly produced with a naturally bright finish, not
heat-treated, and are regularly supplied with plain-sheared ends, not chamfered.
Machine screws are particularly adapted to screwing into thin materials, and all
the smaller-numbered screws are threaded nearly to the head. They are used exten-
sively in firearms, jigs, fixtures, and dies. Machine screw nuts are used mainly on
the round head and flat head types, and are hexagonal in form.
Exact dimensions of machine screws are given in Appendix 18, but they are
seldom needed for drawing purposes. The four most common types of machine screws
are shown in Fig. 690, where proportions based on diameter D conform closely to the
actual dimensions and produce almost exact drawings. Clearance holes and counter-
bores should be made slightly larger than the screws, as explained in 413.
Note that the threads in the bottom of the tapped holes are omitted so that the
ends of the screws will be clearly seen. Observe also that it is conventional practice
to draw the screwdriver slots at 45 in the circular view without regard to true
A typical machine screw note is as follows
*ASAB18. 6-1947.
ment of the hub of a pulley on a shaft. A set screw is screwed into one part so that
its point bears firmly against another part. If the point of the set screw is cupped, (e),
or if a flat is milled on the shaft, (a), the screw will hold much more firmly. Obviously
setscrews are not efficient when the load is heavy or is suddenly applied. Usually
they are manufactured of steel, and case hardened.
The American Standard Square Head Set Screw* is shown in Fig. 691 (a), and
the American Standard Slotted Headless Set Screw* at (b). Two American Standard
Socket Set Screwsf are illustrated at (c) and (d). American Standard set screw points
are shown from (e) to (k). The headless set screws have come into greater use because
the projecting head of headed set screws has caused many industrial casualties; this
has resulted in legislation prohibiting their use in many states.
Most of the dimensions in Fig. 691 are American Standard formula dimensions,
and the resulting drawings are almost exact representations.
Square head set screws have Coarse, Fine, or 8 -Pitch threads, Class 2A, but are
usually furnished with Coarse threads, since the square head set screw is generally
used on the rougher grades of work. Slotted headless and socket set screws have
Coarse or Fine threads, Class 3A.
Nominal diameters of socket set screws are No's. to 10, 12, \, ts, |, ts, f, tV, s, h s>
1, If, If, If, If, If, and 2. Square head set screws are No. 10 to If only, while slotted head-
less set screws are No. 5 to f only, of this series of diameters.
Socket set screw lengths are standardized! as follows:
Lengths f" to f", increments = tV'- Lengths 1" to 4", increments = f".
Lengths f" to 1", increments = f". Lengths 4" to 6", increments = f".
Square head set screw lengths are not standardized, but manufacturers list increments
as follows:
Slotted headless set screw lengths are not standardized, but manufacturers list increments
as follows:
Drawn 90
-Kt _J
d u-
(a) Flat Head (b) Round Head (c) Oval Head
Screw No
Instead of the screwdriver slot, the Phillips recessed head is becoming more popu-
lar. Two styles of cross recesses have been standardized by the ASA.* Many examples
may be seen on the automobile. A special screwdriver is used, as shown in Fig.
693 (q), and results in rapid assembly without damage to the head.
422. Miscellaneous Fasteners. Many
other types of fasteners have been de-
vised for specialized uses. Some more common
types are shown in Fig. 693.
of the
A number of these are American Standard Round Head Bolts, f including Carriage,
Button Head, Step, and Countersunk Bolts.
Aero-Thread Inserts, or Heli-Coil Inserts, as shown at (p), are shaped like a
spring except that the cross section of the wire conforms to threads in the screw and
in the hole. These are made of phosphor bronze or stainless steel, and they provide
a hard, smooth protective lining for tapped threads in soft metals and in plastics.
These inserts have many applications in aircraft engines and accessories, and are
coming into wider use.
423. Keys. Keys are used to prevent relative movement between shafts and
wheels, couplings, cranks, and similar machine parts attached to or supported by
shafts, Fig. 694. For light duty, that is, when the tendency for relative motion is not
very great, a round or pin key may be used. For heavy duty, only rectangular keys
(flat or square) are suitable, and sometimes two rectangular keys are necessary for
one connection. For even stronger connections, interlocking splines may be machined
on the shaft and in the hole. See Fig. 640.
A square key is shown in Fig. 694 (a), and a flat key at (b). The widths of keys
generally used are about one-fourth the shaft diameter. In either case, one-half the
key is sunk into the shaft. The depth of the keyway or keyseat is measured on the
not in the center, (a). Square and flat keys may have the top surface tapered
|" per foot, in which case they become square taper or flat taper keys.
A rectangular key that prevents rotary motion but permits relative longitudinal
motion is a feather key, and is usually provided with gib heads, or otherwise fastened
so it cannot slip out of the keyway. A gib head key is shown at (c). It is exactly the
same as the square taper or flat taper key, except that a gib head, which provides
for easy removal,is added. Square and flat keys are made from cold -finished stock
and are not machined. For dimensions, see Appendix table 19.
The Pratt & Whitney Key, (d), is rectangular in shape, with semi-cylindrical ends.
Two-thirds of the height of the P & W key is sunk into the shaft keyseat. See Ap-
pendix table 23.
tASAB18. 5-1952.
The American Standard* Woodruff hiy is semicircular in shape, Fig. 695. The
key fits into a semicircular key slot cut with a Woodruff cutter, as shown, and the
top of the key fits into a plain rectangular keyway. Sizes of keys for given shaft diam-
eters are not standardized, but for average conditions it will be found satisfactory to
^7 ^7(a) (b)
select a key whose diameter is approximately equal to the shaft diameter. For dimen-
sions, see Appendix table 21.
A keyseat is in a shaft; a keyway is in the hub or surrounding part.
Typical specifications for keys are:
Example: \"
Example: No. 204
Example: \" X iV'
Example: No. 10 P
Notes for nominal specifications of key ways and keyseats are shown in Fig. 616
(o), (p), (r) and (x). For production work, keyways and keyseats should be dimen-
sioned as shown in Fig. 620.
for fastening hubs or collars to shafts, as shown in Fig. 696, in which the hole through
the collar and shaft is drilled and reamed when the parts are assembled. For slightly
heavier duty, the taper pin may be used parallel to the shaft as for square keys, as
shown in Fig. 694 (a). See Appendix table 27.
*ASAB17f-1930 (R-1955).
tASAB5. 20-1954.
diameter and t is the metal thickness. The larger size is used for steel and single-
riveted joints, and the smaller may be used for multiple-riveted joints. In structural
work it is common practice to make the hole iV' larger than the rivet.
When the red-hot rivet is inserted, a "dolly bar," having a depression the shape
of the driven head, is held against the head. A riveting machine is then used to drive
(e) (f)
the rivet and to form the head on the plain end. This action causes the rivet to swell
and fill the hole tightly. See 638.
American Standard Large Rivets are used in structural work of bridges, buildings,
and in ship and boiler construction, and are shown in their exact formular proportions
in Fig. 697. The button head and countersunk head types, (a) and (e), are the rivets
i i
" !
view of each rivet shows the shank of the rivet with both heads made with circular
arcs, and the circular view of each rivet is represented by only the outside circle of
the head. In structural drafting, where there may be many such circles to draw, the
drop spring bow, Fig. 65, is a popular instrument.
Since many engineering structures are too large to be built in the shop, they are
built in the largest units possible and then transported to the desired location. Trusses
are common examples of this. The rivets driven in the shop are called shop rivets, and
those driven on the job are called field rivets. Solid black circles are used to represent
field rivets, and other standard symbols are used to show other features, as shown
in Fisr. 699.
For light work, small rivets are used. American Standard Small Solid Rivets are
illustrated with dimensions showing their standard proportions in Fig. 700. Included
in the same Standard* are Tinners', Coopers', and Belt Rivets.
-3.43D r-.85D
Fig. 700 American Standard Small Solid Rivet Proportions.
426. Springs. "A spring is a mechanical devise designed to store energy when
and to return the equivalent amount of energy when released." f Springs
are classified as helical springs, Fig. 701, or flat springs, Fig. 706. Helical springs may
be cylindrical or conical, but are usually the former.
There are three types of helical springs: compression springs, which offer resistance
to a compressive force, Fig. 701 (a) to (e), extension springs, which offer resistance to
a pulling force, Fig. 704, and torsion springs, which offer resistance to a torque load
or twisting force, Fig. 705.
*ASAB18. 1-1955.
tASA Y14.13 (Proposed).
working drawings, true projections of helical springs are never drawn because
As in the drawing of screw threads, the detailed and schematic
of the labor involved.
methods, employing straight lines in place of helical curves, are used as shown in
Fig. 701.
The elevation view of the square-wire spring is similar to the square thread with
the core of the shaft removed, Fig. 663. Standard section lining is used if the areas
in section are large, as shown in Fig. 701 (a) and (b). If these areas are small, the
sectioned areas may be made solid black, (c). In cases where a complete picture of
ends may be ground as at (c), or both squared and ground as at (d). Required dimensions
are indicated in the figure.
In a detail drawing of a compression spring, the coils are not drawn, Fig. 703.
The spring is symbolically shown by a rectangle and diagonals, and necessary speci-
fications are included as dimensions and notes. Either the I.D. or the O.D. is given,
depending upon whether the spring works on a rod or in a hole.
Fig. 703 Compression Spring Drawing (ASA Fig. 704 Extension Spring Drawing (ASA
Yl 4. 13 Proposed). Y14.13 Proposed).
Many companies use standard printed spring drawings with a printed form to be
filled in by the draftsman, providing the necessary information as indicated in Fig.
703, plus load at a specified deflected length, the load rate, finish, type of service,
and other data.
An extension spring may have any one of many types of ends, and it is therefore
necessary to draw the spring or at least the ends and a few adjacent coils, Fig. 704.
Fig. 705 Torsion Spring Drawing (ASA Fig. 706 Flat Spring (ASA Y14.13 Pro-
Y14.13 Proposed). posed).
Note the use of phantom lines to show the continuity of coils. Printed forms are used
when a given form of spring is produced with differences in verbal specification only.
A typical torsion spring drawing is shown in Fig. 705. Here also printed forms are
used when there is sufficient uniformity in product to permit a common representa-
A typical flat spring drawing is shown in Fig. 706. Other types of flat springs are
power springs (or flat coil springs), Belleville springs (like spring washers), and leaf
springs (commonly used in automobiles).
(a) with section CONSTRUCTION
5 TOTAL COILS. PICTORIAL Note numbering of coils 5 TOTAL COILS
f' %
4 to 5 is a deod coil
the ends are closed, or squared, two of the 6 coils are "dead" coils, leaving only
four full pitches to be set off along the top of the spring, as shown.
If there are 65 total coils, as at (b), the spacings will be on opposite sides of
the spring. The construction of an extension spring with 6 active coils and loop ends
is shown at (c).
In Fig. 708 are shown the steps in drawing a sectional view and an elevation
view of a compression spring by detailed representation. The given spring is shown
pictorially at (a). At (b) a cutting plane has passed
through the center line of the
spring, and the been removed. At (c) the cutting plane
front portion of the spring has
has been removed. Steps in constructing the spring through several stages to obtain
the sectional view are shown at (d) to (f). The corresponding elevation view is shown
at (g).
If thereis a fractional number of coils, such as 5| coils at (h), note that the half-
428. Thread and Fastener Problems. It is expected that the student will make
use of the information in this chapter in connection with working drawings at the
end of the next chapter, where many different kinds of threads and fasteners are re-
quired. However, several problems are included here for specific assignment in this
area. All are to be drawn on tracing paper or detail paper, size 11" X 17".
Thread and fastener problems in convenient form for solution may be found in
Technical Drawing Problems, by Giesecke, Mitchell, and Spencer, and in Technical
Drawing Problems, Series 2, by Spencer and Grant, both designed to accompany this
text, and published by The Macmillan Company.
(45' Chamfer)-
Fig. 709 Draw specified detailed threads arranged as shown. Layout B-3. Omit all dimensions and
notes given in inclined letters. Letter only the thread notes and the tide strip.
Fig. 710 Draw specified detailed threads, arranged as shown. Layout B-3. Omit all dimensions and
notes given in inclined letters. Letter only the thread notes and the title strip.
Drawing i
Fig. 711 Draw specified thread symbols, arranged as shown. Draw schematic or simplified symbols,
as assigned by instructor, Layout B-5. Omit all dimensions and notes given in inclined letters. Letter
only the drilland thread notes, the tides of the views, and the title strip.
Fig. 712 Draw fasteners, arranged as shown, Layout B-3. At (a) draw -9UNC-2A X 4 Fin. Hex.
Hd. Bolt. At (b)draw 1A-7UNC-2A X 4 Sq. Hd. Bolt. At (c) draw f-16UNC-2A X H Flat Hd. Cap
Screw. At (d) draw je -14UNC-2A X 1 Fill. Hd. Cap Screw. At (e) draw X 1 Headless Slotted Set
Screw. At (f) draw front view of No. 1010 Woodruff Key. Letter titles under each figure as shown.
Many of the engineering students whom we interview have the impression that if they go
to work at the drafting board, they will be only draftsmen doing routine work. This impression
is completely erroneous, because all of our engineers work at the board at least occasionally.
Actually, drawing is only one phase of responsibility which includes site evaluations, engineer-
ing calculations, cost estimates, preliminary layouts, engineering specifications, equipment
selection, complete drawings (with the help of draftsmen), and follow-up on construction
and installation.
Our policy is to promote from within, and it is our normal practice to hire engineers at
the time they finish school, and to give them the opportunity for growth and development by
diversified experience. These newly-hired engineers without experience are assigned to pro-
ductive work at a level which their education and experience qualify them to handle success-
fully. The immediate requirement is for the young engineer to obtain practical engineering
experience, and to learn our equipment and processes. In design work, these initial assign-
ments are on engineering details in any one of several fields of engineering study (structural,
mechanical, electrical, etc.). Our experience has shown that it is not wise to give a newly-
graduated engineer without experience a problem in advanced engineering, such as creative
design, on the assumption that he can make quick sketches or layouts and then have them
detailed by someone else. Rather than start a young engineer at an advanced responsibility
level where he may fail or make costly mistakes, we assign him initially to work which requires
him to make complete and accurate detail drawings, and his assignments become increasingly
complex as he demonstrates the ability to do work of an advanced engineering calibre. If he
demonstrates the capacity to assume responsibility, he is given direction of other engineers
with less experience who in turn do detailed engineering for him.
"Original sketch of Thomas A. Edison's first conception of the phonograph; reproduced by special
permission of Mrs. Edison.
developing more fully the idea in the mind of the engineer, designer, or inventor.
The sketches are followed by a study of the kinematic problems involved, if any.
What source of power is to be used manual operation or electric motor? What type
of motion is needed? Is it necessary to translate rotary motion into linear motion?
These problems are solved graphically by means of a kinematic drawing in which
the various parts are shown in skeleton form. A pulley is represented by a circle, mesh-
ing gears by tangent pitch circles, an arm by a single line, paths of motion by center
lines, etc. At this stage certain basic calculations may be made, such as those related
to velocity, acceleration, etc.
These preliminary studies are followed by the design layout, or simply the layout,
which is usually full size so the designer can clearly visualize the actual sizes and
proportions, and is executed accurately with instruments, Fig. 715. At this time all
l ~%
parts are carefully designed for strength and function. Costs are kept constantly in
mind, for no matter how well the machine performs, it must be built to sell, or the
time will all be wasted.
There are two general types of design: scientific design and empirical design. In scien-
tific design, use is made of the principles of physics, mathematics, chemistry, mechan-
ics, etc., in the design of new under assigned condi-
structures intended to function
tions. In empirical design, use is made of data compiled in handbooks which, in turn,
have been determined with the aid of the sciences, or have been learned by ex-
perience. Practically all ordinary design is a combination of scientific and empirical
design. A designer should therefore be equipped with adequate engineering and scien-
tific knowledge, and should have access to handbooks relating to his field.
During the layout stage, the designer will rely a great deal upon what has gone
before. He is nearly always concerned with the improvement of an existing mecha-
nism, or with the redesign of a machine from a different approach in which nearly
all the details will be similar to others he has used before. His experience has given
him a sense of proportion and size which enables him to design the non-critical or
more standard features by eye or with the aid of empirical data. Stress analysis and
detailed computation will be necessary in connection with high speeds or heavy
loads or other special requirements or conditions.
As shown in Fig. 715, the layout is an assembly drawing showing how the parts
fittogether and the basic proportions of the various parts. Auxiliary views or sections
are used if necessary. Section lining may be omitted to save time. All lines are very
sharp and the drawing is made as accurately as possible, since all dimensions are
omitted except a few key dimensions that the designer wishes the draftsman to use.
Any notes or other information needed by the detailers will be given on the layout.
Special attention is given to clearances of moving parts, to ease of assembly, and
to serviceability. Standard parts are used wherever necessary. Most companies main-
tain some form of engineering standards manual containing much of the empirical data
and detailed information that is regarded as "company standard." Materials and
costs are carefully considered. Although functional considerations must come first,
the designer will keep constantly in mind the problems of manufacturing. A slight
change in material or in the shape of some part may, in some cases, be made without
any loss of effectiveness and yet may save hundreds or thousands of dollars. The ideal
design is the one that will do the job required at the lowest possible cost.
431. Working Drawings. After the layout has been approved by the chief
engineer or others delegated by him, it is turned over to the draftsmen to make the
production drawings. The draftsmen, or detailers, "pick off" the details from the
layout with the aid of the scale or with dividers. The necessary views, 189, are
drawn of each part, and complete dimensions and notes, Chapter 11, are added so
that the drawings will describe the parts completely. These working drawings of the
individual parts are also referred to as detail drawings. The parts may be represented
individually on separate sheets, or if the project is small, the details may be grouped
on a single sheet, 432.
A detail drawing of one of the parts from the design layout of Fig. 715 is shown
in Fig. 716.
After the parts have been detailed, an assembly drawing is made, showing how
all fit in the completed machine or structure. The assembly may be made
the parts
by tracing the various details in place directly from the detail drawings, or the assem-
bly may be traced from the original design layout; but if either is done, the value
of the assembly for checking purposes, 444, will be largely lost. The various types
of assemblies are discussed in 439-444.
Finally, in order to protect the manufacturer, a patent drawing, which is often a
form of assembly, is prepared and filed in theU.S. Patent Office. Patent drawings
are line-shaded, lettered in script, and otherwise follow the rigid rules of the Patent
Office, 720.
432. Number of Details per Sheet. Two general methods are followed in in-
dustry regarding the grouping of details on sheets. If the machine or structure is
small or composed of few parts, all the details may be shown on one large sheet,
Fig. 717. In some cases, the assembly also may be included.
When larger or more complicated mechanisms are represented, the details may
be drawn on several large sheets, several details to the sheet, and the assembly drawn
on a separate sheet. Most companies have now adopted the practice of drawing only
one detail per sheet, however simple or small, Fig. 718. The basic 8|" X 11" sheet
is most commonly used for details, multiples of this size being used for larger details
or the assembly. For American Standard sheet sizes, see 73.
When several details are drawn on one sheet, careful consideration must be given
to spacing. The draftsman should determine the necessary views for each detail, and
block-in all views lightly before beginning to draw any view, as shown in Fig. 717. Ample
space should be allowed for dimensions and notes. A
simple method to space the
views is to cut out rectangular scraps of paper roughly equal to the sizes of the views,
and to move these around on the sheet until a suitable spacing is decided upon.
The corner locations are then marked on the sheet, and the scraps of paper are
The same scale should be used for all details on a single sheet, if possible. When
this is not possible, the scales for the dissimilar details should be clearly noted under
433. Title and Record Strips. The function of the title and record strip is to
show, in an organized manner, all necessary information not given directly on the
drawing with its dimensions and notes, as in Fig. 718. Obviously, the type of title
used depends upon the filing system in use, the processes of manufacture, and the
requirements of the product. The following information should generally be given
in the title form:
4. Signature of the draftsman who made the drawing, and the date of completion.
5. Signature of the tracer, if any, and the date of completion.
6. Signature of the checker, and the date of completion.
7. Signature of the chief draftsman, chief engineer, or other official, and the date of approval.
8. Scale of the drawing.
9. Number of the drawing.
Other information may be given, such as material, quantity, heat treatment, fin-
ish, hardness, pattern number, estimated weight, superseding and superseded draw-
ing numbers, symbol of machine, and many other items, depending upon the plant
Most companies have adopted standard title forms and have them printed on
standard sheets of tracing cloth or paper, so that the draftsmen need merely fill in
the blank spaces, as shown in Figs. 718-721.
Each detail on the drawing may be identified with the parts list by the use of a
small circle containing the part number, placed adjacent to the detail, as in Fig. 722.
^- t- One of the sizes in Fig. 723 will be found suit-
BY . .," (see Figs. 719 and 720), the number of the new drawing is entered. On
man. If the drawing is to be traced, the tracing is checked against the original draw-
ing. If it is signed by the tracer.
correct, it is
The final checker should be able to discover all remaining errors. If his work is
to be effective, he must proceed in a systematic way, studying the drawing with
particular attention to the following points:
438. Simplified Drafting. In the old days, drafting technique was somewhat
of an end in itself. Drawings were inked in with carefully-graduated line weights,
usually on white paper; and shading and even colors were extensively used to produce
an artistic effect. All parts were drawn in minute detail every bolt or rivet head,
valve, or fitting
nothing was left out. Lettering was ornate, like the signs on store-
fronts and on Studebaker wagons of that day. Time apparently meant nothing to
the draftsman or his employer.
As manufacturing for a competitive mass market developed, it was realized that
drafting time was a considerable element of cost. Colors and line-shading were
dropped. Lettering was simplified, 79, into single-stroke Gothic. Inking was dropped
(except for certain highly-finished work) in favor of the rapidly-made dark pencil
drawing directly on tracing paper or pencil cloth. Improved reproduction processes
produced prints equally as clear as ink tracings.
In 1935 the American Standards Association issued the first American Standard,
entitled Drawings and Drafting Room Practice. A revised and improved revision was
issued in 1946. This standard is now in process of revision and great expansion, so
that when completed there will be some seventeen sections or booklets, 7. These
publications incorporate the best and most representative practices today in this
country, and the authors are in full accord with them. These standards advocate
simplification in many ways; for example: partial views, half views, thread symbols,
piping symbols, single-line spring drawings, etc.
However, few years some industries have felt that drafting practice
in the past
should be much The drastic changes suggested and the poor
further simplified.*
drafting often used as examples in company manuals have tended to alienate support
from many who are really sympathetic to the basic idea. A summary of practices
advocated in simplified drafting is as follows:
Use word description in place of drawing wherever practicable.
symbols, etc.
10. Draw entirely freehand, or mechanically plus freehand, wherever practicable.
11. Avoid lettering as much as possible. For example, parts lists should be typed
on a separate sheet.
12. Use labor-saving devices wherever practicable, such as templates, plastic
overlays, etc.
be noted that most of these practices have long been approved by ASA.
It will
Some elements of simplified drafting that are not now recognized by the majority
of industry will undoubtedly in time find their way into the ASA standards. Until
they do, the student should follow the ASA standards as exemplified throughout
this book. Fundamentals should come first
shortcuts perhaps later.
A list of the American Drafting Standards is given in Appendix 1.
439. Assembly Drawings. An assembly drawing shows the assembled machine
or structure, with all detail parts in their functional positions.Assembly drawings
Fig. 725 Forging Drawing of Connecting Rod. Problem: Draw forging drawing.
440. General Assemblies. A set of working drawings includes the detail draw-
ings of the individual parts and the assembly drawing of the assembled unit. The detail
drawings of an automobile connecting rod are shown in Figs. 725 and 726, and the
corresponding assembly drawing is shown in Fig. 727. Such an assembly, showing
only one unit of a larger machine, is often referred to as a sub-assembly.
An example of a complete general assembly is shown in Fig. 728, which shows
the assembly of a hand grinder. Another example of a sub-assembly is shown in
Fig. 729.
/. Views. In selecting the views for an assembly drawing, the purpose of the
drawing must be kept in mind: to show how the parts fit together in the assembly
and to suggest the function of the entire unit, and not to describe the shapes of the
individual parts. The assembly worker receives the actual finished parts. If he should
need some information about a part which he cannot get from the part itself, he can
consult the detail drawings. Thus the assembly drawing purports to show not shapes,
but relationships, of parts. The view or views selected should be the minimum views
or partial views which will show how the parts fit together. In Figs. 727 and 728,
only two views are necessary, while in Fig. 729 only one view is needed.
2. Sections. Since assemblies generally have parts fitting into or overlapping other
parts, hidden-line delineation is usually out of the question. Hence, in assemblies,
sectioning can be used to great advantage. For example, in Fig. 728, imagine the
-" " ~
B-6BOO (l -) \
;j;S.W \ \
-\~--r\ B-eaoo t
right-side view in elevation and with interior parts shown by hidden lines. The result
would be completely unintelligible.
Any kind of section may be used as needed. A full section is shown in Fig. 728,
a half section in Fig. 729, and a broken-out section in Fig. 727. For general informa-
tion on assembly sectioning, see 441. For methods of drawing threads in sections,
see 404.
3. Hidden Lines. As a result of the extensive use of sectioning in assemblies, hid-
den lines are often not needed. However, they should be used wherever necessary
for clearness.
4. Dimensions. As a rule, dimensions are not given on assembly drawings, since
they are given completely on the detail drawings. If dimensions are given, they are
limited to some function of the object as a whole, such as the maximum height of a
jack, or the maximum opening between the jaws of a vise. Or when machining is
required in the assembly shop, the necessary dimensions and notes may be given on
the assembly drawing.
5. Identification. The methods
of identification of parts in an assembly are similar
to those used in detail drawings where several details are shown on one sheet, as in
Fig. 722. Circles containing the part numbers are placed adjacent to the parts with
leaders terminated by arrowheads touching the parts as in Fig. 728. The circles
shown in Fig. 723 for detail drawings are, with the addition of radial leaders, satis-
factory for assembly drawings. Note, in Fig. 728, that these circles are placed in
orderly horizontal or vertical rows, and not scattered over the sheet. Leaders are
never allowed to cross, and adjacent leaders are parallel or nearly so.
The parts includes the part numbers or symbols, a descriptive title of each
part, the number required per machine or unit, the material specified, and frequently
other information, such as pattern numbers, stock sizes, weights, etc. Frequently the
parts list is lettered or typed on a separate sheet, as shown in Fig. 81 2.
Another method of identification is to letter the part names, numbers required,
and part numbers, at the end of leaders as shown in Fig. 729. More commonly, how-
ever, only the part numbers are given, together with straight-line leaders.
6. Drawing Revisions. Methods of recording changes are the same as those for
detail drawings. See 436 and Figs. 718-721.
45 in the opposite direction. Additional areas are then section-lined at other angles,
as 30 or 60 with horizontal, as shown at (c). If necessary, "odd" angles may be
used. Note at (c) that in small areas it is necessary to space the section lines closer
together. The section lines in adjacent areas should not meet at the visible lines
separating the areas.
For general use, the cast iron general-purpose section lining is recommended for
assemblies. Wherever it is desired to give a general indication of the materials used,
Fig. 731 Symbolic Section Lining. Fig. 732 Sectioning Thin Parts.
symbolic section lining may be used, as in Fig. 731. The American Standard symbols
for section lining are shown in Fig. 733.
In sectioning relatively thin parts in assembly, such as gaskets, sheet metal parts,
and such parts should be shown solid black, Fig. 732.
etc., section lining is ineffective,
Often solid objects, or parts which themselves do not require sectioning, lie in
the path of the cutting plane. It is customary and standard practice to show such
parts unsectioned, or "in the round." These include bolts, nuts, shafts, keys, screws,
pins, ball or roller bearings, gear teeth, spokes, ribs, etc. Many of these are shown
in Fig. 734. See how many you can find. See similar examples in Figs. 728 and 729.
Bronze, brass,
copper, and Earth
White metal,
zinc, lead, babbitt, Rock
and alloys
Water and
Concrete other
Cork, felt,
fabric, leather,
HZ3 Across grain
With grain |
d fibre
Fig. 733 American Standard Symbols for Section Lining (ASA Y14.2-1957).
444. Check Assemblies. After all detail drawings of a unit have been made,
it may be necessary to make a check assembly, especially if a number of changes were
made in the details. Such an assembly is drawn accurately to scale in order to check
graphically the correctness of the details and their relationship in assembly. After the
check assembly has served its purpose, it may be converted into a general assembly
Fig. 737 Table Bracket. Make detail drawing. Fig. 738 R.H. Tool Post. Make detail drawing.
Use Size B sheet. Use Size B sheet.
Fig. 739 Drill Press Base. Make detail drawing. Use Size C sheet.
(To hole)
1.623-1.625 REAM
Fig. 740 Idler Arm. Make detail drawing. Use Size B sheet.
k / 2 HOLES
X (Through)
Fig. 741 Drill Press Bracket. Make detail drawing. Use Size C sheet.
*29(.I36) DRILL
(To Reamed
HOLE5 J /'
*t ^s|drill
MAT.: C.I.
Fig. 742 Dial Holder. Make detail drawing. Use Size C sheet.
C.l.-I REQD. Draw ^ size It DP. -8 HOLES
Fig. 743 Rack Slide. Make detail drawings. Use Size B sheet
Draw =r size
Fig. 744 Automatic Stop Box. Make detail drawing. Use Size B sheet.
Fig. 745 Conveyor Housing. Make detail drawings. Use Size C sheets
C. I.
Given: Partial Front view, R. Side view, and partial Bottom view.
Required: Front view, L. Side view in half Section A-A, and Top view. Construct intersections at 1, 2, 3,
and 4. Complete the visible lines for bosses at 5. Draw half size on Size C sheet.
Required: Front and R. side views, and Top view in section on A-A. Draw full size on Size B sheet.
I:?!? REAM
on Size C sheet.
i6 q~-
s Hr
-Ik i|DRILL-90
/I h _ 514-516 REAM
TO 1 DIA-2 HOLES J [^|ii-
1.2374 _
I- 4Ja
Fig. 757 Shifter Fork for Vertical Milling Machine.
Given: Front and L. Side views.
Required: Front, L. Side, indicated partial Auxiliary view, and Auxiliary Section A-A. Draw full size
on Size C sheet.
^ .625-628 REAM
visible lines behind the cutting plane. Omit Section B-B. Draw full size on Size C sheet.
-r- -z'Z.-.-.'.'TZ-
C.R5-I REOQ (Underlined figures
gH6UNC-iE- HOLES Ita s/otJ not to scale here)
Fig. 762 Rear Tool Post.
Front and L. Side views.
Rapartd: Take L. Side view as Top view in new drawing; then add Front and L. Side views, and a
Primary Auxiliary view followed by a Secondary Auxiliary view taken so as to show true end view
of }" slot. Draw Front and L. Side views approx. 85' apart. Complete all views, except show only
the necessary- hidden lines in Auxiliary views. Draw full size on Size C sheet.
: ; - z -
=-QUGH R; |
A, ~ \ 5- =.i
Fig. 765 Pipe Roll Stand. (1) Draw details. (2) Draw assembly.
WASH ER-SA.E. 1040
Fig. 766 Tool Post. (1) Draw details. (2) Draw assembly.
DROP FOR (?) |xi HEAD-
SAE 1045
^v^'/ r@ /
i IT! / / SAE. 1045
^<\ ~~J _MFr
~" REAM . 2 DEEp
(lOflOxi H'DLESS (frr*
AE 1045
CASE HDN -I REOD (a) pin'
V -^SA.E. 1045
Milling Jack. (1) Draw details. Fig. 768 Connecting Bar. (1) Draw details.
Fig. 767 (2)
Draw assembly. (2) Draw assembly.
Fig. 769 Belt Tightener. (1) Draw details. (2) Draw assembly.
assumed that the parts are to be made in quantity and they are to be dimensioned for inter-
It is
changeability on the detail drawings. Using Tables of Limits in Appendix tables 5-1 1 give dimensions ,
as follows:
1. Bushing fit LN 2
in pulley: Class fit. 5. Pulley hub length plus washers fit in frame:
2. Shaft fit RC 5
in bushing: Class fit. Allowance .005 and tolerances .004.
3. Shaft fits in frame Class RC 2
: fit. 6. Make bushing .010" shorter than pulley hub.
4. Pin fit in frame: Class RC 5 fit. 7. Bracket fit in frame: same as 5 above.
Fig. 770 Tap Wrench. (1) Draw details. (2) Draw assembly.
K |x2fx33j LONG
Fig. 771 Machinist's Vise. (1) Draw details. (2) Draw assembly.
Fig. 772 Screw Jack. (1) Draw details (see Fig. 717, showing "blocked-in" views on Sheet Layoul
C-678). (2) Draw assembly.
or o
Fig. 776 Pipe Vise. (1) Draw details. (2) Draw assembly. To obtain dimensions, take distances
directlyfrom figure with dividers; then set dividers on printed scale and read measurements in inches.
All threads are Unified and American Coarse Threads except the American Standard Pipe Threads
on Handle and Handle Caps.
Fig. 777 Front Circular Forming Cutter Holder. (1) Draw details. (2) Draw
assembly. Above layout is half size. To obtain dimensions, take distances directly
from figure with dividers, and double them.
|x2 BAR
Fig. 778 Necking Tool Block. (1) Draw details. (2) Draw assembly. (3) Draw
isometric exploded assembly.
Fig. 780 Forming Cutter Holder Details {Continued). (1) Draw details. (2) Draw assembly.
Fig. 781 Machine Vise. (1) Draw details. (2) Draw assembly.
Fig. 782 Press. (1) Draw details. (2) Draw assembly (see also Fig. 783)
Fig. 784 Centering Attachment. (1) Draw details. Use American Standard tables for fits indicated.
See Appendix tables 5-11. (2) Draw assembly (see Fig. 785).
Fig. 787 Grinder Vise. (1) Draw details. (2) Draw assembly (see Figs. 786 and 788).
SA.E 3140 C.H.- 2 REQD
5.A.E.3I40- 1 REQD.
5A E I030 - REQD
-V- WITH PART* FOR(|7)/l3
32 C.I.-l REO'D.
CSK.-B0TH^ AE 3,^^ REQ D
-8 ACME L.H.
-a o-
Detail drawing : Draw Front.
(7) COLLAR L.Side, Bottom, A. rarfial Top.
C.R.S.-I REQD plus Removed Sect/on of rib.
Fig. 791 Arbor Press. (1) Draw details. (2) Draw assembly.
D Fig. 792 F. S. Forming Cutter Holder. (1) Draw details. (2) Draw
assembly. Above layout is half size. To obtain dimensions, take dis-
^ >>
- I
Fig. 802 Drill Speeder. (See Figs. 803 and 804.) Part 17 is a Thrust Bearing 1 Jf O.D. X .625 I.D.
* 16
oVs ;-l6UNC-2A-l"LONG
oV "ST"
. I
in 3 K'
T ^ Wi ^ 1
J_L 4^
^"^ PATT.*34I
Fig. 805 Vertical Slide Tool. (1) Draw details. (2) Draw assembly. Part No. 2: Take given Top
view as Front view in the new drawing; then add Top and R. Side views (see also Fig. 806).
Fig. 806 Vertical Slide Tool {Continued). Part No. 1: Take Top view as Front view in the new
drawing; then add Top and R. Side views.
Fig. 811 Slide Tool. Make assembly drawing (see Figs. 813-815).
wcx roa
Fig. 813 Slide Tool (Continued). (1) Draw details. (2) Draw assembly (see Fig. 811).
*7(SO0 DRILL J--20UMC-2B
7\ *IO(.I90)-32UNF-2A
Fig. 814 Slide Tool [Continued). (1) Draw details. (2) Draw assembly.
J^X*S CffjtMfCR
ZI (.159) DRILL ?IO-32UNF-i.
Fig. 815 Slide Tool (Continued). (1) Draw details. (2) Draw assembly.
Fig. 816 "Any-Angle" Tool Vise. (1) Draw details. (2) Draw assembly (see also Fig. 817).
(Dimensions as
Shown on PC *5
at left)
' C.R.S. -2REQD
COMPOUND r o q ~i
Dpnn -CHROME Di atp
-ruDnh^c PLATE
Fig. 817 "Any-Angle" Tool Vise (Continued). (1) Draw details. (2) Draw assembly.
STK l"DIA x5g-C.R.S
STK trDIAx 67C.R.S.
Fig. 818 Hinged Pipe Vise. (1) Draw details. (2) Draw assembly.
447. Methods of Projection. The four principal types of projection are illus-
trated in Fig. 822,and all except the regular multiview projection, (a), are pictorial
*See 10. See also ASA Y14.4-1957.
tPractically all of the pictorial drawings in this book were drawn by the methods described in Chapters
15, 16, and 17. See especially Figs. 336-395 for examples.
ypes since they show several sides of the object in a single view. In all cases the
news, or projections, are formed by the piercing points in the plane of projection
)f an infinite number of visual rays or projectors.
-Visual rays parallel to each other -Visual rays parallel to each other
(isometric shown)
In both multiview projection, (a), and axonometric projection, (b), the observer is
considered to be at infinity, and the visual rays are perpendicular to the plane of
projection. Therefore, both are classified as orthographic projections, 10.
In oblique projection, (c), the observer is considered to be at infinity, and the visual
rays are parallel to each other but oblique to the plane of projection. See Chapter 16.
In perspective, (d), the observer is considered to be at a finite distance from the
object, and the visual rays extend from the observer's eye, or the Station Point (SP),
to all points of the object to form a so-called "cone of rays." See Chapter 17.
number of possible positions in which the object may be placed with respect to the
plane of projection. Three of these are shown in Fig. 823.
In these cases the edges of the cube are inclined to the plane of projection, and
are therefore foreshortened. See Fig. 303. The degree of foreshortening of any line
Lz=Lb=Lc isa.blc UNEQUAL
Fig. 823 Axonometric Projections.
depends on its angle with the plane of projection; the greater the angle the greater
the foreshortening. If the degree of foreshortening is determined for each of the three
edges of the cube which meet at one corner, scales can be easily constructed for
measuring along these edges or any other edges parallel to them. See Figs. 860 (a)
and 865 (a). It is customary to consider the three edges of the cube which meet at
the corner nearest to the observer as the axonometric axes. In Fig. 822 (b), the axono-
metric axes, or simply the axes, are OA, OB, and OC.
As shown in Fig. 823, axonometric projections are classified as (a) Isometric Pro-
jection, (b) Dimetric Projection, and (c) Trimetric Projection, depending upon the number
of scales of reduction required.
449. Isometric Projection. To produce an isometric projection (isometric
means "equal measure"), it is necessary to place the object so that its principal edges
or axes, make equal angles with the plane of projection, and are therefore fore-
shortened equally. See Fig. 271. In this position the edges of a cube would be pro-
jected equally and would make equal angles with each other (120), as shown in
Fig. 823 (a).
In Fig. 824 (a) is shown a multiview drawing of a cube. At (b) the cube is shown
revolved through 45 about an imaginary vertical axis. Now an auxiliary view in
the direction of the arrow will show the cube diagonal ZW
as a point, and the cube
appears as a true isometric projection. However, instead of the auxiliary view at (b)
being drawn, the cube may be further revolved as shown at (c), this time the cube
being tilted forward about an imaginary horizontal axis until the three edges OX,
OY, and OZ make equal angles with the frontal plane of projection and are, there-
fore, foreshortened equally. Here again, a diagonal of the cube, in this case OT,
appears as a point in the isometric view. The front view thus obtained is a true iso-
metric projection. In this projection the twelve edges of the cube make angles of
about 35 16' with the frontal plane of projection. The lengths of their projections are
equal to the lengths of the edges multiplied by \/f, or by 0.816, approximately.
Thus the projected lengths are about 80 per cent of the true lengths, or still more
roughly, about three-fourths of the true lengths. The projections of the axes OX,
OY, and OZ
make angles of 120 with each other, and are called the isometric axes.
Any line parallel to one of these is called an isometric line; a line which is not parallel
is called a non-isometric line. It should be noted that the angles in the isometric pro-
jection of the cube are either 120 or 60 and that all are projections of 90 angles.
In an isometric projection of a cube, the faces of the cube, or any planes parallel to
them, are called isometric planes.
ordinary scale, it is an isometric drawing, illustrated in (b). The isometric drawing (b) is
about 22| per cent larger than the isometric projection (a), but the pictorial value is
obviously the same in both.
Since the isometric projection is foreshortened and an isometric drawing is full
size, it is customary to make an isometric drawing rather than an isometric projec-
tion, because it is so much easier to execute and, for all practical purposes, is just
as satisfactory as the isometric projection.
453. Other Positions of the Isometric Axes. The isometric axes may be placed
in any desired position according to the requirements of the problem, as shown in
Fig. 829, but the angle between the axes must remain 120. The choice of the direc-
lb) (O
tions of the axes is determined by the position from which the object is usually
viewed, Fig. 830, or by the position which best describes the shape of the object.
If possible, both requirements should be met.
If the object is characterized by considerable length, the long axis may be placed
horizontally for best effect, as shown in Fig. 831.
454. Offset Location Measurements. The method of locating one part with
respect to another is illustrated in Figs. 832 and 833. In each case, after the main
block has been drawn, the offset lines CA and BA in the multiview drawing are
drawn full size in the isometric drawing, thus locating corner A of the small block
or rectangular recess. These measurements are called offset measurements, and since
they are parallel to certain edges of the main block in the multiview drawings, they
will be parallel respectively to the same edges in the isometric drawings, 230.
455. Hidden Lines. The use of hidden lines in isometric drawing is governed
by the same rules as in all other types of projection : Hidden lines are omitted unless they
are needed to make the drawingclear. A case in which hidden lines are needed is illus-
trated in Fig. 834, in which a projecting part cannot be clearly shown without the
use of hidden lines.
! 1
i L
enclosed in a construction box. This box is then drawn lightly with construction
lines, I, the irregular features are then constructed, II, and finally, III, the required
lines are made heavy.
458. Non-Isometric Lines. Since the only lines of an object that are drawn
true length in an isometric drawing are the isometric axes or lines parallel to them,
non-isometric lines cannot be set offdirectly with the scale. For example, in Fig. 836 (a),
the inclined lines BA and CA are shown in their true lengths (2|") in the top view,
but since they are not parallel to the isometric axes, they will not be true length in
the isometric. Such lines are drawn in isometric by means of box construction and
offset measurements. First, as shown at I, the measurements If", f", and f" can be
set off directly since they are made along isometric lines. The non-isometric 2\"
dimension cannot be but if one half of the given top view is constructed
set off directly,
full size to scale as shown dimension
at (b), the X
can be determined. This dimension
is parallel to an isometric axis and can be transferred with dividers to the isometric
at II. The dimensions if" and f" are parallel to isometric lines and can be set off
directly, as shown in Step III.
To realize the fact that non -isometric lines will not be true length in the isometric
drawing, set your dividers on BA of Step II and then compare with BA on the
given top view. Do the same for line CA. It will be seen that BA is shorter and CA
is longer in the isometric than the corresponding lines in the given views.
459. Angles in Isometric. As shown in 231, angles project true size only when
the plane of the angle is parallel to the plane of projection. An
angle may project
larger or smaller than true size, depending upon its position. Since in isometric the
various surfaces of the object are usually inclined to the plane of projection, it follows
that angles generally will not be projected true size. For example, in the multiview
drawing in Fig. 837 (a), none of the three 60 angles will be 60 in the isometric
% W
i n
Fig. 837 Angles in Isometric.
drawing. To realize this fact, measure each angle in the isometric of Step II with
your protractor and note the number of degrees compared to the true 60. No two
angles are the same; two are smaller and one larger than 60.
As shown in Step I, the enclosing box can be drawn from the given dimensions,
except for dimension X which is not given. To find dimension X, draw triangle
BDA from the top view full size, as shown at (b). Transfer dimension to the iso-
metric in Step I, to complete the enclosing box.
In order to locate point A in Step II, dimension Y must be used, but this is
not given in the top view at (a). Dimension Y is found by the same construction at
(b) and then transferred to the isometric, as shown. The completed isometric is
shown at III where point E is located by using dimension K, as shown.
Thus, in order to set off angles in isometric, the regular protractor cannot be
used.* Angular measurements must be converted to linear measurements along isometric lines.
In Fig. 838 (a) are two views of an object to be drawn in isometric. Point A can
easily be located in the isometric, Step I, by measuring |" down from point O.
located by offsets O'A and O'B, as shown, and from this point the vertical center
lineO'O can be erected, using measurement C.
(a) (bl
sections are constructed in isometric, and at (c) the object is completed by drawing
linesthrough the corners of the sections. In the isometric at (b), all height dimensions
are taken from the front view at (a), and all depth dimensions from the top view.
The final curve is heavied in with the aid of the irregular curve, 66, and all straight
onals. Through the points of intersection of the diagonals and the circle, draw another
square, as shown. Draw this construction in the isometric, as shown at (d), trans-
ferring distances a and b with the dividers.
A similar method that provides twelve points on the ellipse is shown at (e). The
given circle is divided into twelve equal parts, using the 30 X 60 triangle, Fig. 34.
Lines parallel to the sides of the square are drawn through these points. The entire
construction is then drawn in isometric, and the ellipse is drawn through the points
of intersection.
When the center lines shown in the top view at (a) are drawn in isometric, (b),
they become the conjugate diameters of the ellipse. The ellipse can then be constructed
on the conjugate diameters by the methods of Figs. 203 and 204 (b).
When the 45 diagonals at (c) are drawn in isometric at (d), they coincide with
the major and minor axes Note that the minor axis is
of the ellipse, respectively.
(c). The ellipse can be con-
equal in length to the sides of the inscribed square at
structed upon the major and minor axes by any of the methods in 155-160.
Remember the rule : The major axis of the ellipse is always at right angles to the center
line of the cylinder, and the minor axis is at right angles to the major axis and coincides with
the center line.
Accurate ellipses may be drawn with the aid of ellipse guides, 163 and 465, or
with a special ellipsograph, or with the Circular Drawing Machine, Fig. 870.
- (a) (c)
in the isometric at (b) on each side of the center line X-X, as shown. Measurements
e, f, g, etc., are not parallel to any isometric axis, and cannot be set off directly in
isometric. However, when these measurements are projected to the front view and
down shown at (a), they can then be set off along the lower edge of
to the base, as
the construction box, as shown at (b). The completed isometric is shown at (c).
n m nz
Fig. 844 Steps in Drawing Four-Center Ellipse.
To apply this method, Fig. 844, draw, or conceive to be drawn, a square around
the given circle in the multiview drawing; then:
I. Draw which is an equilateral parallelogram
the isometric of the square,
whose equal to the diameter of the circle.
sides are
II. Erect perpendicular bisectors to each side, using the 30 X 60 triangle as
shown. These perpendiculars will intersect at four points, which will be centers for
the four circular arcs.
III. Draw the two large arcs, with radius R, from the intersections of the per-
pendiculars in the two closest corners of the parallelogram, as shown.
IV. Draw the two small arcs, with radius r, from the intersections of the per-
pendiculars within the parallelogram, to complete the ellipse. As a check on the
accurate location of these centers, a long diagonal of the parallelogram may be
drawn, as shown. The mid -points of the sides of the parallelogram are points of
tangency for the four arcs.
A typical drawing with cylindrical shapes is illustrated in Fig. 845. Note that
the centers of the larger ellipse cannot be used for the smaller ellipse, though the
ellipses represent concentric circles. has its own parallelogram and its
Each ellipse
own centers. Observe also that the centers of the lower ellipse are obtained by pro-
jecting the centers of the upper large ellipse down a distance equal to the height of
the cylinder.
The construction of the four-center ellipse upon
the three visible faces of a cube is shown in Fig. 846,
a study of which shows that all diagonals are hori-
zontal or 60 with horizontal; hence the entire con-
struction is made with the T-square and 30 X 60
Actually the four-center ellipse deviates consid-
erably from the true ellipse. As shown in Fig. 847 (a),
the four-center ellipse is somewhat shorter and "fat-
ter" than the true ellipse. In constructions where
tangencies or intersections with the four-center el-
lipse occur in the zones of error, the four-center
ellipse is unsatisfactory, as shown at (b) and (c).
n m IZ
Courtesy Prof. H. D. Orth
Fig. 848 Orth Four-Center Ellipse.
cylinder in drawing the ellipse, rather than the enclosing parallelogram, the alternate
is recommended, Fig. 849.
four-center ellipse A
completely constructed ellipse is shown
at (a), and the steps followed are shown at the right in the figure.
I. Draw the isometric center lines. From the center, draw a construction circle
equal to the actual diameter of the hole or cylinder. The circle will intersect the
center lines at four points A, B, C, and D.
center lines
i n nr
Fig. 849 Alternate Four-Center Ellipse.
II. From the two intersection points on one center line, erect perpendiculars
to the other center line; then from the two intersection points on the other center
line, erect perpendiculars to the first center line.
III. With the intersections of the perpendiculars as centers, draw two small arcs
and two large arcs, as shown.
circular arcs in isometric, as shown in Fig. 850. At (a) the complete construction is
shown. However, it is not necessary to draw the complete constructions for arcs, as
shown at (b) and (c). In each case the radius R
is set off from the construction
Note: The above steps are exactly the same as for the regular four-center ellipse of
Fig. 844 except for the use of the isometric center lines instead of the enclosing parallelogram-
corner; then at each point, perpendiculars to the lines are erected, their intersection
being the center of the arc. Note that the R
distances are equal in both cases (b)
and (c), but that the actual radii used are quite different.
If a truer elliptic arc is required, the Orth construction, Fig. 848, can be used.
Or a true elliptic arc may be drawn by the method of offsets, 462, or with the aid
of an ellipse guide, 465.
Fig. 852 Oblique Plane and Cylinder. Fig. 853 Intersection of Cylinders.
struction box, (b) then project points down to the oblique plane as shown. It will
be seen that the construction for each point forms a trapezoid, which is produced
by a slicing plane parallel to a lateral surface of the block.
To draw the curve of intersection between two cylinders, Fig. 853, pass a series
of imaginary cutting planes through the cylinders parallel to their axes, as shown.
Each plane will cut elements on both cylinders that intersect at points on the curve
of intersection, as shown at (b). As many points should be plotted as necessary to
assure a smooth curve. For most accurate work, the ends of the cylinders should be
drawn by the Orth construction, or with ellipse guides, or by one of the true-ellipse
467. The Sphere in Isometric. The isometric drawing of any curved surface
is evidently the envelope of all lines which can be drawn on that surface. For the
John R. Cassell Co., Inc., New York, N. Y.
cutting plane. Other examples of isometric full sections are shown in Figs. 373, 410,
and 411.
An shown in Fig. 856. The simplest procedure in this case
isometric half section is
is to make an
isometric drawing of the entire object and then the cut surfaces. Since
only a quarter of the object is removed in a half section, the resulting pictorial draw-
ing is more useful than full sections in describing both exterior and interior shapes
together. Other typical isometric half shown in Figs.
sections are 412, 440, 441, etc.
Isometric broken-out sections are also sometimes used. Examples are shown in Figs.
380, 450, and 737.
Section lining in isometric drawing is similar to that in multiview drawing. Sec-
tion lining at an angle of 60 with horizontal, Figs. 855 and 856, is recommended,
but the direction should be changed if at this angle the lines would be parallel to
a prominent visible line bounding the cut surface, or to other adjacent lines of the
two extension lines, the dimension line, and the numerals are all drawn in the iso-
metric plane of one face of the object. The "horizontal" guide lines for the numerals
are drawn parallel to the dimension line, and the vertical guide lines are drawn
parallel to the extension lines. The rear ends of the arrowheads should line up parallel
to the extension lines. Note that the lettering is vertical lettering drawn in isometric. In-
clined lettering should not be used in pictorial dimensioning.
As shown at (b), the guide lines used to keep the letters vertical should not be
perpendicular to the dimension lines. The example at (c) is incorrect because the
2\" and H" dimensions are not lettered in the plane of the corresponding dimension
lines and extension lines, and the f" dimension is awkward to read because of its
reversed position.
Correct and incorrect practices in isometric dimensioning are illustrated in Fig.
858. At (b) the 31" dimension runs to a wrong extension line at the right, and conse-
quently the dimension does not lie in an isometric plane. Near the left side, a number
of lines cross one another unnecessarily, and terminate on the wrong lines. The upper
\" drill hole is located from the edge of the cylinder when it should be dimensioned
from its center line. Study these two drawings carefully to discover additional mis-
takes at (b).
Many examples of isometric dimensioning are given in the problems at the end
of Chapters 6, 7, 8, and 14, and the student should study these to find examples of
almost any special case he may encounter. See especially Figs. 336-375.
470. Exploded Assemblies. Exploded assemblies are often used in catalogs, sales
literature, and show all of the parts of an assembly and how they fit
in the shop, to
together. They may be drawn by any of the pictorial methods, including isometric,
Fig. 859. An exploded assembly of an airplane is shown in Fig. 1149. Other isometric
exploded assemblies are shown in Figs. 766-769, 771, and 773.
471. Piping Diagrams. Isometric and oblique drawings are well adapted for
representation of piping layouts, as illustrated in Figs. 1116 and 1121, as well as for
all other structural work to be represented pictorially.
472. Method of Projection. A dimetric projection is an axonometric projection
of an object so placed that two of its axes make equal angles with the plane of pro-
jection, and the third axis makes either a smaller or a greater angle. Hence, the
two axes making equal angles with the plane of projection are foreshortened equally,
while the third axis is foreshortened in a different ratio.
Generally the object is so placed that one axis will be projected in a vertical
position. However, if the relative positions of the axes have been determined, the
projection may be drawn in any revolved position, as in isometric drawing. See 453.
The angles between the projections of the axes must not be confused with the angles
the axes themselves make with the plane of projection.
473. Dimetric Projection. The positions of the axes may be assumed such thai
any two angles between the axes arc equal and over 90, and the scales determined
graphically, as shown in Fig. 860 (a), in which OP, OL, and OS are the projections
of the axes or converging edges of a cube. In this case, angle POS = angle LOS.
Lines PL, LS, and SP are the lines of intersection of the plane of projection with
the three visible faces of the cube. From descriptive geometry we know that since
line LO perpendicular to the plane POS, in space, its projection LO is perpendicu-
lar to PS, the intersection of theplane POS and the plane of projection. Similarly,
OP is perpendicular to SL, and OS is perpendicular to PL.
If the triangle POS is revolved about the line PS as an axis into the plane of
projection, it will be shown in its true size and shape as PO'S. If regular full-size
scales are marked along the lines O'P and O'S, and the triangle is counterrevolved
to its original position, the dimetric scales are found on the axes OP and OS, as
In order to avoid the preparation of special scales, use can be made of available
scales on the architects scale by assuming the scales and calculating the positions
of the axes, as follows
\/2h 2 2
v - v4
cos a =
where a is one of the two equal angles between the projections of the axes, h is one
of the two equal scales, and v is the third scale.
Examples are shown in the upper row of Fig. 861, in which the assumed scales,
shown encircled, are taken from the architects scale. One of these three positions of
the axes will be found suitable for almost any practical drawing.
Instrumaster Dimetric Stencil,* Fig. 860 (b), has angles of approximately
11 and 39 withhorizontal, which provides a picture similar to that in Fig. 861 III.
In addition, the stencil has ellipses corresponding to the axes, and accurate scales
along the edges.
The Instrumaster Dimetric Graph paper,* Fig. 860 (c), can be used to sketch in
dimetric as easily as to sketch isometrics on isometric paper. The grid lines slope in
conformity to the angles on the Dimetric Stencil at (b), and are printed on vellum.
The grid lines do not reproduce on prints.
474. Approximate Dimetric Drawing. Approximate dimetric drawings, which
closely resemble true dimetrics, can be constructed by substituting for the true angles
shown in the upper half of Fig. 861, angles that can be obtained with the ordinary
triangles and compass, as shown in the lower half of the figure. The resulting draw-
ings will be sufficiently accurate for all practical purposes.
The procedure in preparing an approximate dimetric drawing, using the position
of VI in Fig. 861, is shown in Fig. 862. The offset method of drawing a curve is
shown in the figure. Other methods for drawing ellipses are the same as in trimetric
drawing, 477.
Fig. 862 Steps in Dimetric Drawing.
The steps in making a dimetric sketch, using a position similar to that in Fig.
861 V, are shown in Fig. 863. The two angles are equal and about 20 with horizontal
for the most pleasing effect.
i n n
Fig. 863 Steps in Dinvtric Sketching.
475. Method of Projection. A trimetric projection is an axonometric projection
of an object so placed that no two axes make equal angles with the plane of projection.
In other words, each of the three axes and the lines parallel to them, respectively,
have different ratios of foreshortening when projected to the plane of projection. If
the three axes are assumed in any position on paper such that none of the angles is
lessthan 90, and if neither an isometric nor a dimetric position is deliberately ar-
ranged, the result will be a trimetric projection.
476. Trimetric Scales. Since the three axes are foreshortened differently, three
different trimetric scalesmust be prepared and used. The scales are determined as
shown in Fig. 865 (a), the method being the same as explained for the dimetric scales
in 473. As shown at (a), any two of the three triangular faces can be revolved into
the plane of projection to show the true lengths of the three axes. In the revolved
position, the regular scale is used to set off inches or fractions thereof. When the
axes have been counterrevolved to their original positions, the scales will be correctly
foreshortened, as shown. These dimensions should be transferred to the edges of
three thin cards and marked OX, OZ, and OY for easy reference.
A special trimetric angle may be prepared from Bristol Board or plastic, as shown
at (b).Perhaps six or seven such guides, using angles for a variety of positions of the
axes, would be sufficient for all practical requirements. *
477. Trimetric Ellipses. The trimetric center lines of a hole, or on the end
of a cylinder, become the conjugate diameters of the ellipse when drawn in trimetric.
The ellipse may be drawn upon the conjugate diameters by the methods of Fig. 203
or 204 (b). Or the major and minor axes may be determined from the conjugate diam-
eters, Fig. 205 (c), and the ellipse constructed upon them by any of the methods of
Figs. 199-202, and 204 (a), or with the aid of an ellipse guide, Fig. 207.
One of the advantages of trimetric is the infinite number of positions of the object
available. The angles and scales can be handled without too much difficulty, as shown
in 476. However, the infinite variety of ellipses has been a discouraging factor.
In drawing any axonometric ellipse, keep the following in mind:
1. On the drawing, the major axis is always perpendicular to the center line, or
axis, of the cylinder.
2. The minor axis is always perpendicular to the major axis; that is, on the paper
it coincides with the axis of the cylinder.
3. The length of the major axis is equal to the actual diameter of the cylinder.
Thus we know at once the directions of both the major and minor axes, and
the length of the major axis. We do not know the length of the minor axis. If we can find
it, we can easily construct the ellipse with the aid of an ellipse guide or any of a
In Fig. 866 (a), center O is located as desired, and horizontal and vertical con-
struction lines that will contain the major and minor axes are drawn through O.
Note that the major axis will be on the horizontal line perpendicular to the axis of
the hole, and the minor axis will be perpendicular to it, or vertical.
Set the compass for the actual radius of the hole and draw the semicircle, as
shown, to establish the ends and B of the major axis. Draw AF and BF parallel
to the axonometric edges WX
and YX, respectively, to locate F which lies on the
ellipse. Through F draw a vertical line to intersect the semicircle at F', and join F'
to B as shown. From D' where the minor axis, extended, intersects the semicircle,
draw D'E and ED parallel to F'B and BF, respectively. Point D is one end of the
minor From center O, strike arc
axis. DC
to locate C, the other end of the minor
axis. Upon these axes, a true ellipse can be constructed, or drawn with the aid of
an ellipse guide. A
simple method for finding the "angle" of ellipse guide to use is
shown in Fig. 207 (c). If an ellipse guide is not available, an approximate four-center
be found satisfactory in most cases.
ellipse, Fig. 208, will
In constructions where the enclosing parallelogram for an ellipse is available or
easily constructed, the major and minor axes can be readily determined as shown
at (b). The directions of both axes, and the length of the major axis, are known.
Extend the axes to intersect the sides of the parallelogram at L and M, and join
the points with a straight line. From one end N of the major axis, draw a line NP
parallel to LM. The point P is one end of the minor axis. To find one end T of the
minor axis of the smaller ellipse, it is only necessary to draw parallel to RT LM or NP.
The method of constructing an on an oblique plane in trimetric
ellipse is similar
to that shown for isometric in Fig. 852.
Assume that the object is placed so that its principal edges coincide with the
coordinate axes, and assume that the plane of projection (the plane upon which the
axonometric projection is drawn) intersects the three coordinate planes in the triangle
ABC. From descriptive geometry we know that lines BC, CA, and AB will be per-
pendicular, respectively, to axes OX, OY, and OZ. Any one of the three points A,
B, or C may be assumed at pleasure on one of the axes, and the triangle ABC drawn.
To find the true size and shape of the top view, revolve the triangular portion
of the horizontal plane AOC, which is in front of the plane of projection, about its
base CA, into the plane of projection. In this case, the triangle is revolved inward to
the plane of projection through the smallest angle made with it. The triangle will
then be shown in its true size and shape, and the top view of the object can be drawn
by projection from the axonometric projection, as shown, since all
in the triangle
width dimensions remain the same. In the figure, the base CA of the triangle has
been moved upward to C'A' so that the revolved position of the triangle will not
overlap its projection.
In the same manner, the true sizes and shapes of the front view and side view
can be found, as shown.
It is evident that if the three orthographic projections, or in most cases any two
of them, are given in their relative positions, as shown in Fig. 867, the directions of
the projections could be reversed so that the intersections of the projecting lines
would determine the required axonometric projection.
In order to draw an axonometric projection by the method of intersections, it is
well to make a sketch, Fig. 868, of the desired general appearance of the projection.
Even if the object is a complicated one, this sketch need not be complete, but may
be only a sketch of an enclosing box. Draw the projections of the coordinate axes
OX, OY, and OZ, parallel to the principal edges of the object as shown in the sketch,
and the triangle ABC to represent the intersection of the three coordinate planes
with the plane of projection.
Revolve the triangle ABO about its base AB as the axis into the plane of pro-
jection. Line OA will revolve to or one parallel to it, must be
O'A, and this line,
used as the base line of the front view of the object. The projecting lines from the
front view to the axonometric must be drawn parallel to the projection of the unre-
voked Z-axis, as indicated in the figure.
Similarly, revolve the triangle COB about its base CB as the axis into the plane
of projection. Line CO will revolve to CO", and this line, or one parallel to it, must
be used as the base line of the side view. The direction of the projecting lines must
be parallel to the projection of the unrevolved X-axis, as shown.
Draw the front-view base line at pleasure, but parallel to O'X, and with it as
the base, draw the front view of the object. Draw the side-view base line at pleasure,
but parallel to 0"C, and with it as the base, draw the side view of the object, as
shown. From the corners of the front view, draw projecting lines parallel to OZ, and
from the corners of the side view, draw projecting lines parallel to OX. The inter-
sections of these two sets of projecting lines determine the desired axonometric pro-
jection. It will be an isometric, a dimetric, or a trimetric projection, depending upon
the form of the sketch used as the basis for the projections, 448. If the sketch is
drawn so that the three angles formed by the three coordinate axes are equal, the
resulting projection will be an isometric projection; if two of the three angles are
equal, the resulting projection will be a dimetric projection; and if no two of the
three angles are equal, the resulting projection will be a trimetric projection.
In order to place the desired projection in a specific location on the drawing,
Fig. 868, select the desired projection P of the point 1, for example, and draw two
projecting lines PRand PS to intersect the two base lines and thereby to determine
the locations of the two views on their base lines.
Another example of this method of axonometric projection is shown in Fig. 869.
In this case, it was deemed necessary only to draw a sketch of the plan or base of the
object in the desired position, as shown. The axes are then drawn with OX and OZ
parallel respectively to the sides of the sketch plan, and the remaining axis OY is
assumed in a vertical position. The triangles COB and AOB are revolved, and the
two base lines drawn parallel to 0"C and O'A as shown. Point P, the lower front
corner of the axonometric drawing, was then chosen at pleasure, and projecting
lines drawn toward the base lines parallel to axes OX and OZ to locate the positions
of the views on the base lines. The views are drawn upon the base lines, or cut apart
from another drawing and fastened in place with drafting tape or thumbtacks.
To draw the elliptical projection of the circle, assume any points, such as A, on
the circle in both front and side views. Note that point A is the same altitude d above
the base line in both views. The axonometric projection of point A is found simply
by drawing the projecting lines from the two views. The major and minor axes may
be easily found by projecting in this manner, or by methods shown in Fig. 866, and
the true ellipse drawn by any of the methods of Figs. 199-202, and 204 (a), or with
the aid of an ellipse guide, 163, 465, and 477. Or an approximate ellipse, which
is satisfactory for most drawings, may be used, Fig. 208.
479. Circular Drawing Machine. The Circular Drawing Machine,* Fig. 870, is
designed to draw orthographic projections of circles in every possible position; that
is, it is capable of drawing ellipses in pencil or ink, of any size or proportion, up to
a size having a 6" major axis. Actually, the machine could more properly be called
an axonomctric machine. Some of the unusual features include a rapid means of
locating the instrument on the axes over the center of the ellipse to be drawn. The
base is made to roll on the paper so that repeated or related ellipses on the same
axis can be drawn quickly. A built-in protractor provides a rapid means of setting
off angles, and this feature, combined with the elliptical functions of the instrument,
make it possible to perform geometrical constructions, such as bisecting lines, erecting
perpendiculars, drawing tangent arcs, etc., directly in trimetric.
The machine is used in conjunction with a set of trimetric angles similar to the
one shown in Fig. 865 (b). All straight trimetric lines are easily drawn to scale along
the edges of the angles, and the machine is then mounted upon the axes of cylindrical
shapes, and all necessary ellipses quickly drawn.
.998-1.000 REAM
Fig. 872 (1) Make freehand isometric sketches. (2) Make isometric drawings with instruments on
Layout A-2. (3) Make dimetric drawings with instruments, using Layout A-2 and position assigned
from Fig. 861. (4) Make trimetric drawings, using instruments, with axes chosen to show the objects
to best advantage. If dimensions are required, study 469.
Fig. 873 (1) Make isometric freehand sketches. (2) Make isometric drawings with instruments, using
Size A or Size B sheet, as assigned. (3) Make dimetric drawings with instruments, using Size A or Size B
sheet, as assigned, and position assigned from Fig. 861. (4) Make trimetric drawings, using instruments,
with axes chosen toshow the objects to best advantage. If dimensions are required, study 469.
Fig 874 (1) Make isometric freehand sketches. (2) Make isometric drawings with instruments, using
Size A or Size B sheet, as assigned. (3) Make dimetric drawings with instruments, using Size A or Size B
sheet, as assigned, and position assigned from Fig. 861. (4) Make trimetric drawings usmg instruments,
are required study^469. tor
with axes chosen to show the objects to best advantage. If dimensions
faces parallel to the plane of projection. This is equivalent to holding the object in
the hand and viewing it approximately as shown in Fig. 277.
itsfaces parallel to the plane of projection, that face will be projected true size and
shape in oblique projection as well as in orthographic, or multiview, projection.
This is the reason why oblique projection
is preferable to axonometric projection
in representing certain objects pictorially.Note that surfaces of the object that are
not parallel to the plane of projection will not project in true size and shape. For
example, surface ABFE on the object (a square) projects as a parallelogram A'B'F'E'
in the oblique projection.
In axonometric projection, circles on the object nearly always lie in surfaces
inclined to the plane of projection, and project as ellipses. In oblique projection,
the object may be positioned so that those surfaces are parallel to the plane of pro-
jection, in which case the circles will project as full-size true circles, and can be easily
drawn with the compass.
A comparison of the oblique and orthographic projections of a cylindrical object
is shown in Fig. 876. In both cases, the circular shapes project as true circles. Note
*Sec ASA Y14.4-1957.
that although the observer, looking in the direction of the oblique arrow, docs see
these shapes as ellipses, the drawing, or projection, represents not what he sees, but
what is projected upon the plane of projection. This curious situation is peculiar to
oblique projection.
Observe that the axis AB of the cylinder projects as a point A B in the ortho-
graphic projection, since the line of sight is parallel to AB. But in the oblique pro-
jection, the axis projects as a line A'B'. The more nearly the direction of sight ap-
proaches the perpendicular with respect to the plane of projection, the larger the
angle between the projectors and the plane, the closer the oblique projection moves
toward the orthographic projection, and the shorter A'B' becomes.
In Fig. 875 the lines AE, BF, CG, and DH are perpendicular to the plane of
projection,and project as parallel inclined lines A'E', B'F', C'G', and D'H' in the
oblique projection. These lines on the drawing are called the receding lines. As we
have seen above, they may
be any length, from zero to infinity, depending upon
the direction of the line of sight. Our next concern is: What angle do these lines
make on paper with respect to horizontal?
In Fig. 878, the line AO
is perpendicular to the plane of projection, and all the
projectors make angles of 45 with it; therefore, all of the oblique projections BO,
CO, DO, etc., are equal in length to the line AO. It can be seen from the figure that
the projectors may be selected in any one of an infinite number of directions and
yet maintain any desired angle with the plane of projection. It is also evident that
the directions of the projections BO, CO, DO, etc., are independent of the angles
the projectors make with the plane of projection. Ordinarily, this inclination of the
projection is 45 (CO in the figure), 30, or 60 with horizontal, since these angles
may be easily drawn with the triangles.
484. Length of Receding Lines. Since the eye is accustomed to seeing objects
with all receding parallel lines appearing to converge, an oblique projection presents
an unnatural appearance, the seriousness of the distortion depending upon the object
shown. For example, the object shown in Fig. 881 (a) is a cube, the receding lines
being full length; but the receding lines appear to be too long and to diverge at the
882. This example points up one of the chief limitations of oblique projection: objects
characterized by great length should not be drawn in oblique with the long dimension
perpendicular to the plane of projection.
j5j /////////////////Mm
485. Choice of Position. The face of an object showing the essential contours
should generally be placed parallel to the plane of projection, Fig. 884. If this is
done, distortion will be kept at a minimum and labor reduced. For example, at (a)
and the circles and circular arcs are shown in their true sizes and shapes and
may be quickly drawn with the compass, while at (b) and (d) these curves are not
shown in their true sizes and shapes, and must be plotted as free curves or in the
form of ellipses.
As shown at II, block out the various shapes in detail, and as shown at III,
Any angle
h D"
B i
1 V u
In the oblique drawing at (b), the regular four-center method of Fig. 844 was
used to construct ellipses representing circular curves not parallel to the plane of
projection. This method can be used only in cavalier drawing in which case the en-
closing parallelogram is equilateral
that is, the receding axis is drawn to full scale.
The method is the same as in isometric: erect perpendicular bisectors to the four
sides of the parallelogram; their intersections will be centers for the four circular
arcs. If the angle of the receding lines other than 30 with horizontal, as in this
case, the centers of the two large arcs will not fall in the corners of the parallelogram.
The regular four-center method described above is not convenient in oblique un-
less the receding lines make 30 with horizontal so that the perpendicular bisectors
may be drawn easily with the 30 X 60 triangle and the T-square without the
necessity of firstfinding the mid-points of the sides. A
more convenient method is
the alternate four -center ellipse drawn upon the two center lines, as shown in Fig.
889. This is the same method as used in isometric, Fig. 849, but in oblique drawing
it varies slightly in appearance according to the different angles of the receding lines.
First, draw the two center lines. Then from the center, draw a construction circle
equal in diameter to the actual hole or cylinder. The circle will intersect each center
line at two points. From the two points on one center line, erect perpendiculars to
the other center line; then from the two points on the other center line, erect per-
pendiculars to the first center line. From the intersections of the perpendiculars,
draw four circular arcs, as shown.
It must be remembered that the four -center ellipse can be inscribed only in an
equilateral parallelogram, and hence cannot be used in any oblique drawing in
which the receding axis is foreshortened. Its use is limited, therefore, to cavalier
488. Offset Measurements. Circles, circular arcs, and other curved or irregular
lines may be drawn by means of offset measurements, as shown in Fig. 890. The off-
sets are first drawn on the multiview drawing of the curve, as shown at (a), and
I 2 3 4 5 6
these are transferred to the oblique drawing, as shown at (b). In this case, the reced-
ing axis is full and therefore all offsets can be drawn full scale. The four-center
ellipse could be used, but the method here is more accurate. The final curve is drawn
with the aid of the irregular curve, 66.
If the oblique drawing is a cabinet drawing, as shown at (c), or any oblique
drawing in which the receding axis is drawn to a reduced scale, the offset measure-
ments parallel to the receding axis must be drawn to the same reduced scale. In
this case, there is no choice of methods, since the four-center ellipse could not be
used. A method of drawing ellipses in a cabinet drawing of a cube is shown at (d).
As shown in Fig. 891, a free curve may be drawn in oblique by means of offset
measurements. This figure also illustrates a case in which hidden lines are used to
make the drawing clearer.
i-l J-
V<?*v /I///
or hotf o&ique sect*
3^ ,-y* J
J II 1
(io) ANGLE
00 11
Fig. 896 (1) Make freehand oblique sketches. (2) Make oblique drawings with instruments, using
Size A or Size B sheet, as assigned. If dimensions are required, study 491.
494. General Principles. Perspective, or central projection, excels all other types
of projection in the pictorial representation of objects because it more closely approxi-
mates the view obtained by the human eye, Fig. 899. Geometrically, an ordinary
photograph is a perspective. While perspective is of major importance to the architect.
Courtesy Hamilton I
industrial designer, or illustrator, the engineer at one time or another is apt to lie
concerned with the pictorial representation of objects, and should understand the
basic principles.
As explained in 10, a perspective involves four main elements: (1) the observer's
eye, (2) the object being viewed, (3) the plane of projection, and (4) the projectors
from the observer's eye to all points on the object. The plane of projection is placed
between the observer and the object, f as shown in Fig. 8, and the collective piercing
points in the plane of projection of all of the projectors produce the perspective.
In Fig. 900, the observer is shown looking through an imaginary plane of pro-
jection along a boulevard. This plane is called the picture plane, or simply PP. The
position of the observer's eye is called the station point, or simply SP. The lines from
SP to the various points in the scene are the projectors, or more properly in per-
spective, visual rays. The points where the visual rays pierce PP are the perspectives of
the respective points. Collectively, these piercing points form the perspective of the
object or the scene as viewed by the observer. The perspective thus obtained is
shown in Fig. 901.
In Fig. 900, the perspective of lamp post 1-2 is shown at l'-2', on the picture
plane; the perspective of lamp post 3-4 is shown at 3 '-4', etc. Each succeeding lamp
post, as it is farther from the observer, will be projected smaller than the one preced-
ing. A lamp post at an infinite distance from the observer would appear as a point
on the picture plane. A lamp post in front of the picture plane would be projected
taller than it is, and a lamp post in the picture plane would be projected in true
length. In the perspective, Fig. 901, the diminishing heights of the posts are apparent.
In Fig. 900, the line representing the horizon is the edge view of the horizon plane,
which is parallel to the ground plane and passes through SP. In the perspective.
Fig. 901, the horizon is the line of intersection of this plane with the picture plane,
and represents the eye level of the observer, or SP. Also, in Fig. 900, the ground plant
is the edge view of the ground upon which the object usually rests. In Fig. 901, the
ground line, or GL, is the intersection of the ground plane with the picture plane.
In Fig. 901, it will be seen that lines that are parallel to each other but not parallel
to the picture plane, such as curb lines, sidewalk lines, and lines along the tops and
bottoms of the lamp posts, all converge toward a single point on the horizon. This
point is called the vanishing point, or VP, of the lines. Thus, the first rule to learn in
perspective is: All parallel lines that are not parallel to PP vanish at a single vanishing point,
and if these lines are parallel to the ground, the vanishing point will be on the horizon. Parallel
PP, such as the lamp posts, remain parallel and do
lines that are also parallel to
not converge toward a vanishing point.
side views of the same station point, picture plane, object, and visual rays. In the
front view, the picture plane coincides with the plane of the paper, and the per-
spective is drawn upon it. Note the method of projecting from the top view to the
side view, which conforms to the usual multiview methods shown in Fig. 292.
To obtain the perspective of point 1, a visual ray is drawn in the top view from
SP T to point 1 on the From the intersection 1
object. ' of this ray with the picture plane,
a projection line is drawn downward till it meets
a similar projection line from the
side view. This intersection is the perspective of point 1, and the perspectives of all
other points are found in a similar manner.
Observe that all parallel lines that are also parallel to the picture plane (the
vertical lines) remain parallel and do not converge, whereas the other two sets of
parallel lines converge toward vanishing points. However, the vanishing points are
not needed in the multiview construction of Fig. 902, and are therefore not shown;
but if the converging lines should be extended, it will be found that they meet at
two vanishing points (one for each set of parallel lines).
The perspective of any object may be constructed in this way, but if the object
is placed at an angle with the picture plane, as is usually the case, the method is a
bit cumbersome because of the necessity of constructing the side view in a revolved
position. The revolved side view can be dispensed with, as shown in the following
Fig. 903 Perspective of a Prism.
497 17. PERSPECTIVE 533
In the side view, a departure from Fig. 902 is made, in that a revolved side view
isnot required. All that is needed is any elevation view that will provide the necessary
elevation or height measurements. If these dimensions are known, no view at one
side is required.
Theperspective itself is drawn in the front-view position, the picture plane being
considered as the plane of the paper upon which the perspective is drawn. The
ground line is the edge view of the ground plane or the intersection of the ground
plane with the picture plane. The horizon is a horizontal line in the picture plane
that is the line of intersection of the horizon plane with the picture plane. Since the
horizon plane passes through the observer's eye, or SP, the horizon is drawn at the
level of the eye; that is, at the distance above the ground line representing, to scale,
the altitude of the eye above the ground.
The center of vision, or CV, is the orthographic projection (or front view) of SP
on the picture plane, and since the horizon is at eye level, CV will
always be on the
horizon. * In Fig. 903, the top view of CV is CV, found by dropping a perpendicular
from SP to PP. The front view CV is found by projecting downward from CV to
the horizon.
After the perspectives of the horizontal edges have been drawn, the vertical edges
can be drawn, shown, to complete the perspective of the prism. Note that vertical
edge 15 of the object
heights can be measured only in the picture plane. If the front vertical
were actually in PP that is, if the object were situated with the front edge in PP
the vertical height could be set off directly full size. If the vertical edge is behind PP.
a plane of the object, such as surface 1256 can be extended forward until it
intersects PP in line TQ. The
line TQ
is called a measuring line, and the true height
SQ_ of line 15 can be with a scale or projected from the side view as shown.
set off
If a large drawing board is not available, one vanishing point, such as VPR,
may fall off the board. By using one vanishing point VPL, and projecting down from
the piercing points in PP, vanishing point VPR may be eliminated. However, a
valuable means of checking the accuracy of the construction will be lost.
498. Position of the Station Point. The center line of the cone of visual rays
should be directed toward the approximate center, or center of interest, of the object.
In a perspective of the type shown in Fig. 903,* the location of SP in the plan view
should be slightly to the left and not directly in front of the
center of the object, and at such a distance from it that the
object can be viewed at a glance without turning the head.
This is accomplished if a cone of rays with its vertex at SP and
a vertical angle of about 30 entirely encloses the object, as
shown in Fig. 904.
In the perspective portion of Fig. 903, SP does not appear,
because SP is in front of the picture plane. However, the
orthographic projection CV of SP in the picture plane does
show the height of SP with respect to the ground plane. Since
the horizon is at eye level, it also shows the altitude of SP.
Therefore, in the perspective portion of the drawing, the hori-
zon is drawn a distance above the ground line at which it is
may be placed behind shown at (a), and it may even be placed behind
the object, as
SP, as shown which event the perspective is reversed, as in the case of a
at (d), in
camera. Of course the usual position of the picture plane is between SP and the ob-
ject. The perspectives in Fig. 905 differ in size but not in proportion. As shown at
(b) and (c), the farther the picture plane is from the object, the smaller the perspective
will be. This distance may
be assumed, therefore, with the thought of controlling the
however, the object is usually assumed with the
scale of the perspective. In practice,
front corner in the picture plane to facilitate vertical measurements. See Fig. 910.
500. Position of the Object with Respect to the Horizon. To compare the
elevation of the object with that of the horizon is equivalent to referring it to the
level of the eye or SP, because the horizon is on a level with the eye.* The differences
in effect produced by placing the object
on, above, or below the horizon are
shown in Fig. 906.
is placed above the hori-
If the object
zon, above the level of the eye, or
it is
with the picture plane but with vertical Fig. 906 Object and Horizon.
edges parallel to the picture plane, two
vanishing points are required, and the result is a two-point perspective or an angu-
lar perspective. This is the most common type of perspective, and is the one described
in 497. See also 503.
If the object is situated so that no system of parallel edges is parallel to the pic-
ture plane, three vanishing points are necessary, and the result is a three-point
'perspective, 504.
502. One-Point Perspective. In one-point perspective, Fig. 822 (d), the ob-
ject is placed so that two sets of its principal edges are parallel to PP, and the third
set is perpendicular to PP. This third set of parallel lines will converge toward a
single vanishing point in perspective, as shown.
In Fig. 907, the plan view shows the object with one face parallel to the picture
*Except in three-point perspective, 504.
536 17. PERSPECTIVE 502
plane. If desired, this face could be placed in the picture plane. The piercing points
of the eight edges perpendicular to PP are found by extending them PP and then
projecting downward to the level of the lines as projected across from the elevation
pendicular to PP is in CV. By connecting the eight piercing points with the vanishing
point CV,the indefinite perspectives of the eight edges are obtained.
To cut off on these lines the definite lengths of the edges of the object, horizontal
lines are drawn from the ends of one of the edges in the top view and at any desired
angle with PP, 45 for example, as shown. The piercing points and the vanishing
point YPR of these lines are found, and the perspectives of the lines drawn. The
intersections of these with the perspectives of the corresponding edges of the object
determine the lengths of the receding edges. The perspective of the object may then
be completed as shown.
One of the most common uses of parallel perspective is in the representation of
interiors of buildings, as illustrated in Fig. 908.
An adaptation of one-point perspective, which is simple and effective in repre-
senting machine parts, is shown in Fig. 909. The front surface of the cylinder is placed
in PP, and all circular shapes are parallel to PP; hence these shapes will be projected
as circles and circular arcs in the perspective. SP is located in front and to one side
503 17. PERSPECTIVE 537
of the object, and the horizon is placed well above the ground line. The single van-
ishing point is on the horizon in CV.
Manufacturing Company
PP; for example, one angle be 30 and the other 60. In practical work, com-
plete multiview drawings are usually available, and the plan and elevation may be
fastened in position, used in the construction of the perspective, and later removed.
Since the front corner AB lies in PP, its perspective A'B' may be drawn full size
503 17. PERSPECTIVE 539
by projecting downward from the plan and across from the elevation. The lengths
of the receding lines SC
from this corner are cut off by vertical lines and RE' drawn
from the intersections S and R, respectively, of the visual rays to these points of the
/ /
540 17. PERSPECTIVE 504
object. The perspectives of the tops of the windows and the door are determined by
the lines A'-VPR and A'-VPL, and their widths and lateral spacings are determined
by projecting downward from the intersections with PP of the respective visual rays.
The bottom lines of the windows are determined by the lines V'-VPR and V'-VPL.
The perspective of the line containing the ridge of the roof is found by joining
N', the point where the ridge line pierces the picture plane, and VPR. The ridge
ends O' and Q' are found by projecting downward from the intersections of the
visual rays with PP, or by drawing the perspectives of any two lines intersecting at
the points. The is completed by joining the points O' and Q'
perspective of the roof
to the ends of the eaves.
of parallel edges will have a separate VP, Fig. 911. The picture plane is assumed
approximately perpendicular to the center line of the cone of rays.
In this figure, think of the paper as the picture plane, with the object behind the
paper and placed so that all of its edges make an angle with the picture plane. If a
point CV is chosen, it will be the orthographic projection of your eye, or SP, on PP.
The vanishing points P, Q, and R are found by conceiving lines to be drawn from
SP in space parallel to the principal axes of the object, and finding their piercing
points in PP. It will be recalled that the basic rule for finding the vanishing point
of a line in any type of perspective is to draw a visual ray, or line, from SP parallel
to the edge of the object whose VP is required, and finding the piercing point of this
ray in PP. Since the object is rectangular, these lines to the vanishing points are at
right angles to each other in space exactly as the axes are in axonometric projection,
Fig. 865. The lines PQ, QR, and RP are perpendicular, respectively, to CV-R, CV-P,
and CV-Q, and are the vanishing traces, or horizon lines, of planes through SP parallel
to the principal faces of the object.
The imaginarycorner O
is assumed in PP, and may coincide with CV; but as a
rule the front corner is placed at one side near CV, thus determining how nearly the
ing point for the measuring line GO. Measuring points 2 and M M
3 are found in a
similar manner.
Height dimensions, taken from the given views are set off full size, or to any
desired scale, along measuring line GO, at points 3, 2, and 1. From these points,
lines are drawn to Mi, and heights on the perspective are the intersections of these
lines with the perspective front corner OT of the object. Similarly, the true depth
505 17. PERSPECTIVE 541
505. The Perspective Linead and Template. 1. Perspective Linead. The per-
spective linead, Fig. 912 (a), consists of three straight-edged blades which can be
clamped to each other at any desired angles. This instrument is convenient in draw-
ing lines toward a vanishing point outside the limits of the drawing.
Before starting such a drawing, a small-scale diagram should be made, as indi-
cated at (b), in which the relative positions of the object, PP, and SP are assumed,
and the distances of the vanishing points from CV
determined. Draw any line LL
through a vanishing point as shown; then on the full-size drawing, assume CV and
locate LL, as shown at (a).
To set the linead, clamp the blades in any convenient position; set the edge of
the long blade along the horizon, and draw the lines BA and BC along the short
blades. Then set the edge of the long blade along the line LL, and draw the lines
DE and DF to intersect the lines first drawn at points and H. Set pins at these G
points. If the linead is moved so that the short blades touch the pins, all lines drawn
along the edge of the long blade will pass through VPL. This method is based on
the principle that an angle inscribed in a circle is measured by half the arc it subtends.
2. Templates. Fig. 913. A template of thin wood or heavy cardboard, cut in the
542 17. PERSPECTIVE 506
form of a circular arc, may be used instead of a perspective linead. If the template
isattached to the drawing board so that the inaccessible VP is at the center of the
circular arc, and the T-square is moved so that the head remains in contact with
the template, lines drawn along the edge of the blade will, if extended, pass through
the inaccessible VP.
edge of the blade does not pass through the center of the head, the lines
If the
drawn be tangent to a circle whose center is at VP and whose radius is equal
to the distance from the center of the head to the edge of the blade.
B I 2 3
Fig. 914 Measurement of Vertical and Horizontal Lines.
In this line, the height AB of a pole is set off directly to the scale desired, and the
heights of the perspectives of all poles are determined by drawing lines from A and
B toVPR.
To locate the bottoms of the poles along the line B-VPR, set off along PP the
507 17. PERSPECTIVE 543
distances 0-1, 1-2, 2-3, etc., equal to the distance from pole to pole; draw the lines
1-1, 2-2, 3-3, etc., forming a series of isosceles triangles 0-1-1, 0-2-2, 0-3-3, etc. The
lines 1-1, 2-2, 3-3, etc., are parallel to each other, and therefore have a common
vanishing point MP, which is found in the usual manner by drawing from SP a line
SP-T parallel to the lines 1-1, 2-2, 3-3, etc., and finding its piercing point MP
[measuring point) in PP.
Since the line SP-X is parallel to the line of poles 1-2-3, etc., the triangle SP-X-T
is an isosceles triangle, and T is the top view of MP. The point T may be determined
by setting off the distance X-T equal to SP-X or simply by drawing the arc SP-T
with center at X and radius SP-X.
Having the measuring point MP, find the piercing points in PP of the lines 1-1,
2-2, 3-3, etc., and draw their perspectives as shown. Since these lines are horizontal
lines, their piercing points fall in a horizontal line BZ in PP, at the bottom of the
drawing. Along BZ the true distances between the poles are set off; hence BZ is
called a measuring line. The intersections 1
', 2', 3', etc., of the perspectives of the lines
1-1, 2-2, 3-3, etc.,with the line B-VPR determine the spacing of the poles. It will be
seen that only a few measurements may be made along the measuring line BZ within
the limits of the drawing. For additional measurements, the diagonal method of spacing
may be employed, as shown. Since all diagonals from the bottom of each pole to the
top of the succeeding pole are parallel, they have a common vanishing point VPI,
which may be found as explained in 507. Evidently, the diagonal method may be
used exclusively in the solution of this problem.
The method of direct measurements may be applied also to lines inclined to PP
and to the ground plane, as illustrated in Fig. 915 for the line XE, which pierces
PP at X. If the end of the house is conceived to be revolved about a vertical axis
XO into PP, the line XE would be shown in its true length and inclination at XY.
This line XY
may be used as the measuring line for XE; it remains only to find the
corresponding measuring point MP. The line YE is the horizontal base of an isosceles
triangle having its vertex at X, and a line drawn parallel to it through SP will deter-
mine MP, as described for Fig. 914.
507. Vanishing Points of Inclined Lines. The vanishing point of an inclined
lineis determined, as for all other lines, by finding the piercing
point in PP of a line
drawn from SP parallel to the given line.
544 17. PERSPECTIVE 507
In Fig. 916 is shown the perspective of a small building. The vanishing point of
the inclined roof line C'E' can be determined as follows: If a plane is conceived to
be passed through the station point and parallel to the end of the house (plan view),
it would intersect PP in the line XY, through VPL, and perpendicular to the horizon.
Since the line drawn from SP parallel to C'E' (in space)is in the plane SP-X-V,
508 17. PERSPECTIVE 545
ready established, since it is in PP; but if it were not in PP, it could be easily found
in the same manner. The perspective of the inclined line EC is, therefore, the line
joining the perspectives of the end points E' and C
508. Curves and Circles in Perspective. If a circle is parallel to PP, its per-
spective is a circle. If the circle is inclined to PP, its perspective may be any one of
the conic sections, in which the base of the cone is the given circle, the vertex is SP,
and the cutting plane is PP. But since the center line of the cone of rays should be
Fig. 9 19 Building upon the Perspective Plan. Fig. 920 Positions of Perspective Plan.
The chief advantages of the perspective plan method over the ordinary plan
method are that the vertical lines of the perspective can be spaced more accurately
and that a considerable portion of the construction can be made above or below the
perspective drawing, so that a confusion of lines on the required perspective is avoided.
When the perspective plan method is used, the ordinary plan view can be dis-
pensed with and measuring points used to determine distances along horizontal edges
in the perspective.
An excellent aid in perspective sketching is the perspective grid, Fig. 923, which is
a printed sheet of grid lines arranged for the most commonly used positions.
Usually such a grid is furnished as a master sheet along with a pad of tracing
paper the same size as the grid sheet. The grid is simply placed under a sheet of
tracing paper, and the sketch is easily made by following the grid lines. Although
the grid is of great assistance to the inexperienced sketcher, its usefulness actually
increases in proportion to the ability of the draftsman.
Fig. 926 Draw views and perspective. Omit dimensions. Use Size B sheet.
-O "16 Border
Fig. 927 Draw front elevation, plan, and perspective. Omit dimensions. Scale: j" = l'-0.
Use Size B sheet.
cent positions of the generatrix lie in the same plane. Many exterior surfaces on an
airplane or automobile are warped surfaces.
A double-curved surface may be generated only by a curved line, and lias no
straight-line elements. Such a surface, generated by revolving a curved line about
a straight line in the plane of the curve, is called a double-curved surface of revolution.
Common examples are the sphere, torus, and ellipsoid, Fig. 159, and the hypcrboloid,
Fig. 930(d).
A developable surface is one which may be unfolded or unrolled so as to coincide
with a plane, 516. Surfaces composed of single-curved surfaces, or of planes, or of
combinations of these types, are developable. Warped surfaces and double-curved
surfaces are not developable. They may be developed approximately by dividing
them into sections and substituting for each section a developable surface; that is,
a plane or a single-curved surface. If the material used is sufficiently pliable, the
flat sheets may be stretched, pressed, stamped, spun, or otherwise forced to assume
514. Solids. Solids bounded by plane surfaces are polyhedra, the most common
of which are the pyramid and prism, Fig. 159. Convex solids whose faces are all
equal regular polygons are regular polyhedra. The simple regular polyhedra are the
tetrahedron, cube, octahedron, dodecahedron, and icosahedron, known as the five Platonic solids.
Plane surfaces that bound polyhedra are faces of the solids. Lines of intersection
of faces are edges of the solids.
A solid generated by revolving a plane figure about an axis in the plane of the
figure isa solid of revolution.
Solids bounded by warped surfaces have no group name. The most common
example of such solids is the screw thread.
surfaces and double -curved surfaces can be developed only approximately. See 513.
In sheet-metal layout, extra material must be provided for laps or seams. If the
material is heavy, the thickness may be a factor, and the crowding of metal in bends
must be considered. See 712. The draftsman must also take stock sizes into account,
and should make his layouts so as to economize in the use of material and of labor.
In preparing developments, it is best to put the seam at the shortest edge and to
attach the bases at edges where they match, so as to economize in soldering, welding,
or riveting.
It is common practice to draw development layouts with the inside surfaces up.
In this way, all fold lines and other markings are related directly to inside measure-
ments, which are the important dimensions in all ducts, pipes, tanks, and other
vessels; and in this position they are also convenient for use in the fabricating shop.
517. To Find the Intersection of a Plane and a Prism and the Development
of the Prism. Fig. 932.
(a) Intersection. The true size and shape of the intersection is shown in the
auxiliary view. See Chapter 8. The length AB is the same as AB in the front view,
and the width AD is the same as AD in the top view.
(b) Development. On the straight line 1-1, called the stretch-out line, set off the
widths of the faces 1-2, 2-3, etc., taken from the top view. At the division points,
erect perpendiculars to 1-1, and set off on each the length of the respective edge,
taken from the front view. The lengths can be projected across from the front view,
as shown. Join the points thus found by straight lines to complete the development
of the lateral surface. Attach to this development the lower base and the upper base,
or auxiliary view, to obtain the development of the entire surface of the frustum of
the prism.
518. To Find the Intersection of a Plane and a Cylinder and the Develop-
ment of the Cylinder. Fig. 933.
(a) Intersection. The intersection is an ellipse whose points are the piercing points
in the secant plane of the elements of the cylinder. In spacing the elements, it is
best,though not necessary, to divide the circumference of the base into equal parts,
and to draw an element at each division point. In the auxiliary view, the widths
BC, DE, etc., are taken from the top view at 2-16, 3-15, etc., respectively, and the
curve is traced through the points thus determined, with the aid of the irregular
curve, 66.
The major axis AH and the minor axis JK are shown true length in the front
view and the top view, respectively; therefore, the ellipse may also be constructed
as explained in 155-158 or with the aid of an ellipse template, 163.
(b) Development. The base of the cylinder develops into a straight line 1-1, the
stretch-out line, equal to the circumference of the base, whose length may be deter-
mined by calculation (jrd), by setting off with the bow dividers, or by rectifying the
arcs of the base 1-2, 2-3, etc., 152. Divide the stretch-out line into the same number
of equal parts as the circumference of the base, and draw an element through each
division perpendicular to the line. Set off on each element its length, projected from
the front view, as shown; then trace a smooth curve through the points A, B, D,
etc., 66, and attach the bases.
519. To Find
the Intersection of a Plane and an Oblique Prism and the
Development of the Prism. Fig. 934.
(a) Intersection. The right section cut by the plane WX
is a regular hexagon, as
shown in the auxiliary view; the oblique section, cut by the horizontal plane YZ, is
shown in the top view.
(b) Development. The right section WX develops into the straight line WX, the
stretch-out line. Set on the stretch-out line, the widths of the faces 1-2, 2-3, etc.,
taken from the auxiliary view, and draw a line through each division perpendicular
to the line. Set off, from the stretch-out line, the lengths of the respective edges
measured from WX in the front view. Join the points A, B, C, etc., with straight
lines, and attach the bases, which are shown in their true sizes in the top view.
auxiliary view. The intersection of the horizontal plane YZ with the cylinder is an
ellipse shown in the top view, whose points are found as explained for the auxiliary
(a) (b)
minor axis equal to the diameter of the cylinder; therefore, the ellipse may be
JK is
521. To Find the Intersection of a Plane and a Pyramid and to Develop the
Resulting Truncated Pyramid. Fig. 936.
(a) Intersection. The intersection is a trapezoid whose vertices are the points in
which the edges of the pyramid pierce the secant plane. In the auxiliary view, the
altitude of the trapezoid is projected from the front view, and the widths AD and
BC are transferred from the top view with dividers.
(b) Development. With O in the development as center and O-l' in the front
view (the true length of one of the edges) as radius, draw the arc 1 ', 2', 3', etc.
Inscribe the cords l'-2', 2 '-3', etc., equal respectively to the sides of the base, as
(a) (b)
522. To Find the Intersection of a Plane and a Cone and to Develop the
Lateral Surface of the Cone. Fig. 937.
7 6 5 4 3 2 1
planes passed perpendicular to the axis, as shown, each plane will cut a circle
from the cone that will show in true size and shape in the top view. Points in which
these circles intersect the original secant plane are points on the ellipse. Since the
secant plane is shown edgewise in the front view, all of these piercing points may be
found in thatview and projected to the others, as shown.
(b) Intersection. This method is most suitable when a development also is re-
quired, since it utilizes elements that are also needed in the development. The piercing
points of these elements in the secant plane are points on the intersection. Divide
the base into any number of equal parts, and draw an element at each division point.
These elements pierce the secant plane in points A, B, C, etc. The top views of these
points are found by projecting upward from the front view, as shown. In the auxiliary
view, the widths BL, CK, etc., are taken from the top view. The ellipse is then drawn
with the aid of the irregular curve, 66.
The major axis of the ellipse, shown in the auxiliary view, is equal to AG in the
The minor axis MN bisects the major axis, and is equal
front view. to the minor
With these axes, the ellipse may also be constructed,
axis of the ellipse in the top view.
as explained in 155-158, orwith the aid of an ellipse template, 163.
(c) Development. The cone may be considered as a pyramid having an infinite
number of edges hence the development is found in a manner similar to that ex-
plained for the pyramid in 521. The base of the cone develops into a circular arc,
I 2 3 4 5 s 7
c '"c
with the slant height of the cone as its radius and the circumference of the base as
its length, 152. The lengths of the elements in the development are taken from the
element 0-7 or O-l in the front view, (b). Instead of our finding the true circum-
ference of the base, the vertical angle l-O-l, in the development, can be set off equal
to | 360 (where r is the radius of the base, and s the slant height of the cone).
523. To Find the Development of a Hood and Flue. Fig. 938. Since the hood
isa conical surface, it may be developed as described in 522. The two end sections
of the elbow are cylindrical surfaces, and may be developed as described in 518.
The two middle sections of the elbow are cylindrical surfaces, but since their bases
are not perpendicular to the axes, they will not develop into straight lines. They will
be developed in a manner similar to that for an oblique cylinder, 520 (b). If the
auxiliary planes AB and DC
are passed perpendicular to the axes, they will cut right
sections from the cylinders, which will develop into the straight lines AB and CD in
the developments.
If the developments are arranged as shown, the elbow can be constructed from
a rectangular sheet of metal without wasting material. The patterns are shown sepa-
rated after cutting. Before cutting, the adjacent curves coincided.
to be "indestructible," because if its skies are of given lengths, it can be only one
shape. A triangle can be easily transferred by transferring the sides with the aid of
the compass, 135.
526. To Find
the Development of an Oblique Cone by Triangulation. Fig.
940. Divide the base, in the top view, intoany number of equal parts, and draw an
element at each division point. Find the true length of each element, 291. If the
divisions of the base are comparatively small, the lengths of the chords may be set
off in the development as representing the lengths of the respective subtending arcs.
In the development, setoffO-1 equal to O-l in the front view where it is shown true
length. With 1 ' in the development as center, and the chord 1-2 taken from the top
view as radius, strike an arc at 2'. With O as center, and 0-2', the true length of
the element 0-2 from the "true-length" diagram, as radius, draw the arc at 2'. The
intersection of these arcs is a point on the development of the base of the cone. The
points 3', 4', etc., in the curve are found in a similar manner, and the curve is traced
through these points with the aid of the irregular curve, 66.
Since the development is symmetrical about element O-l', it is necessary to lay
out only half the development, as shown.
527. Transition Pieces. A transition piece is one that connects two differently
shaped, differently sized, or skewed -position openings, Fig. 941. In most cases, transi-
tion pieces are composed of plane surfaces and conical surfaces, the latter being devel-
oped by triangulation. Triangulation can also be used to develop, approximately,
certain warped surfaces. Transition pieces are extensively used in air-conditioning,
heating, ventilating, and similar works.
(a) \ / (b)
529. To Find
the Development of a Transition Piece Connecting a Circular
Pipe and a Rectangular Pipe on the Same Axis. Fig. 943. The transition piece
is composed of four isosceles triangles and four conical surfaces. Begin the develop-
ment on the line 1 '-S, and draw the right triangle 1 '-S-A, whose base SA is equal
to half the side AD and whose hypotenuse A-l' is equal to the true length of the
side A-l.
The conical surfaces are developed by triangulation as explained in 525
and 526.
530. To Find the Development of a Transition Piece Connecting Two Cylin-
drical Pipes on Different Axes. Fig. 944. The transition piece is a frustum of a
cone, the vertex of which may be found by extending the contour elements to their
intersection A.
elements. This curve is not shown in its true length in either view, and the plane of
the base of the frustum must therefore be revolved until it is horizontal in order to
find the distance from the foot of one element to the foot of the next. When the
plane of the base is thus revolved, the foot of any element, such as 7, revolves to 7',
and the curve 6 '-7' (top view) is the true length of the curve of the base between
the elements 6 and 7. In practice, the chord distances between these points are
generally used to approximate the curved distances.
After the conical surface has been developed, the true lengths of the elements on
the truncated section of the cone are set off from the vertex A of the development
to secure points on the upper curve of the development.
If the transition piece is not a frustum of a cone, its development is found by
another variation of triangulation, as shown in Fig. 945. The circular intersection
with the large vertical pipe is shown true size in the top view, and the circular inter-
section with the small inclined pipe is shown true size in the auxiliary view. Since
both intersections are true circles, and the planes containing them are not parallel,
the lateral surface of the transition piece is a warped surface and not conical (single-
532. To Find the Intersection of a Plane and a Sphere, and to Find the
Approximate Development of the Sphere. Fig. 947.
(a) Development. Fig. 947 (a). The surface of a sphere is a double -curved surface
and is not developable, 513. The surface may be developed approximately by divid-
ing it into a series of zones and substituting for each zone a frustum of a right-circular
cone. The development of the conical surfaces is an approximate development of
the spherical surface. If the conical surfaces are inscribed within the sphere, the de-
velopment will be smaller than the spherical surface, while if the conical surfaces
are circumscribed about the sphere, the development will be larger. If the conical
and partly without the sphere, as indicated in the figure,
surfaces are partly within
the resulting development very closely approximates the spherical surface.
This method of developing a spherical surface is the polyconic method. It is used
on allgovernment maps of the United States.
(b) Development. Fig. 947 (b). Another method of making an approximate de-
velopment of a sphere is to divide the surface into sections with meridian planes,
and substitute cylindrical surfaces for the spherical sections. The cylindrical surfaces
may be inscribed within the sphere, or circumscribed about it, or located partly
within and partly without. The development of the series of cylindrical surfaces is
an approximate development of the spherical surface. This method is the polycylindric
method, sometimes designated as the gore method.
533. Principles of Intersections. Intersections of solids are generally regarded
as in the province of descriptive geometry, on the more com-
and for information
plicated intersections the student is referred toon that subject.
any standard text
However, most of the intersections encountered in drafting practice do not require
a knowledge of descriptive geometry, and some of the more common solutions may
be found in the paragraphs that follow.
An intersection of two solids is referred to as a figure of intersection. Two plane
surfaces intersect in a straight line; hence if two which are composed of plane
surfaces intersect, the figure of intersection will be composed of straight lines, as
shown in Figs. 948-951. The method generally consists in finding the piercing points
of the edges of one solid in the surfaces of the other solid, and joining these points
with straight lines.
If curved surfaces intersect, or if curved surfaces and plane surfaces intersect, the
figure of intersection will be composed of curves, as shown in Figs. 933, 937, and
952-957. The method
generally consists in finding the piercing points of elements of
one solid in the surfaces of the other. A smooth curve is then traced through these
points, with the aid of the irregular curve, 66.
534. To Find the Intersection and Developments of Two Prisms. Fig. 948.
(a) Intersection. The points in which the edges A, B, C, and D of the horizontal
prism pierce the vertical prism are vertices of the intersection. The edges D and B
of the horizontal prism intersect the edges 3 and 7 of the vertical prism at the points
E, F, L, and M. The edges A and C of the horizontal prism intersect the faces of
the vertical prism at the points G, H, J, and K. The intersection is completed by
joining these points in order by straight lines.
(b) Developments. To develop the lateral surface of the horizontal prism, set off
on the vertical stretch-out line A-A the widths of the faces AB, BC, etc., taken from
the end view, and draw the edges through these points, as shown. Set off, from the
stretch-out line, the lengths of the edges AG, BL, etc., taken from the front view or
from the top view, and join the points G, L, J, etc., by straight lines.
(a) (b)
To develop the lateral surface of the vertical prism, set off on the stretch-out
line 1-1 the widths of the faces 1-3, 3-5, etc., taken from the top view, and draw
the edges through these points, as shown. Set off on the stretch-out line, the distances
(a) (b)
1-2, 5-4, 5-6, and from the top view, and draw the intermediate elements
1-8, taken
parallel to the principal edges. Take the lengths of the principal edges and of the
intermediate elements from the front view, and join the points E, G, L, etc., in order
with straight lines, to complete the development.
535. To Find the Intersection and Developments of Two Prisms. Fig. 949.
(a) Intersection. The points in which the edges ACEH of the horizontal prism
pierce the surfaces of the vertical prism are found in the top view and are projected
downward corresponding edges ACEH in the front view. The points in which
to the
the edges 5 and 11 of the vertical prism pierce the surfaces of the horizontal prism
are found in the left side view at G, D, J, and B, and are projected horizontally to
the front view, intersecting the corresponding edges as shown. The intersection is
completed by joining these points in order by straight lines.
(b) Developments. The lateral surfaces of the two prisms are developed as ex-
plained in 534. True lengths of all lateral edges and lines parallel to them are shown
in the front view of Fig. 949 at (a).
536. To Find the Intersection and Developments of Two Prisms. Fig. 950.
(a) Intersection. The points inwhich edges 1-2-3-4 of the inclined prism pierce
the surfaces of the vertical prism are vertices of the intersection. These points, found
(a) (b)
in the top view, are projected downward to the corresponding edges 1-2-3-4 in the
front view, as shown. The intersection is completed by joining these points in order
by straight lines.
(b) Developments. The lateral surfaces of the two prisms are developed as ex-
plained in 534. True lengths of all edges of both prisms arc shown in the from view
of Fig. 950 at (a).
537. To Find the Intersection and the Developments of Two Prisms. Fig.
951. In this case the edges of the inclined prism arc oblique to the planes of projection,
and in the front and top views none of the edges is shown true length, 229, and none
of the faces is shown true size, 228. Furthermore, none of the angles, including the
538. To Find the Intersection and Developments of Two Cylinders. Fig. 952.
(a) Intersection. Assume a series of elements (preferably equally spaced) on the
horizontal cylinder, numbered 1-2-3, etc., in the side view, and draw their top and
front views. Their points of intersection with the surface of the vertical cylinder are
shown in the top view at A, B, C, etc., and may be found in the front view by pro-
jecting downward to their intersections with the corresponding elements 1-2-3, etc.,
in the front view. When a sufficient number of points have been found to determine
the intersection, the curve is traced through the points with the aid of the irregular
curve, 66. See also Fig. 321(c).
(b) Developments. The lateral surfaces of the two cylinders are developed as ex-
plained in 518. True lengths of all elements of both cylinders are shown in the front
view. Since both cylinders have bases at right angles to the center lines, the circles
will develop as straight lines, and the developments will be rectangular, as shown.
The length XY
of the development of the vertical cylinder is equal to the circum-
ference of the cylinder, or 7rd, and the length 1 -1 of the development of the horizontal
cylinder is determined in the same way. Those elements of the large cylinder which
pierce the small cylinder can be identified in the top view as elements A, B, C, etc.
When these are drawn in the development, the points of intersection are found at
their intersections with the corresponding elements of the horizontal cylinder taken
from the front view, thus determining one of the figures of intersection, as shown in
Fig. 952 (b).
539. To Find the Intersections and Developments of Two Cylinders. Fig. 953.
(a) Intersection. A revolved right section of the inclined cylinder is divided into
a number of equal parts 1-2-3, etc., and an element is drawn at each of the division
points. The points of intersection of these elements with the surface of the vertical
cylinder are shown in the top view at B, C, D, etc., and are found in the front view
by projecting downward to intersect the corresponding elements 1-2-3, etc. The curve
is traced through these points with the aid of the irregular curve, 66.
(b) Developments. The lateral surfaces of the two cylinders are developed as ex-
plained in 518 and 520. True lengths of all elements of both cylinders are shown
in the front view.
540. To Find the Intersection and Developments of a Prism and a Cone. Fig. 954.
(a) Intersection. Points in which the edges of the prism intersect the surface of
the cone are shown in the side view at A, C, and F. Intermediate points such
B, D, E, and G are piercing points of any lines on the lateral surface of the prism
parallel to the edges. Through all of the piercing points in the side view,
of the cone are drawn, and then drawn in the top and front views. The
the prism
of the elements of the cone with the edges of the prism (and lines along
drawn parallel thereto) are points of the intersections. The figures of intersection are
traced through these points with the aid of the irregular curve, 66.
The elements 6, 5, 4, etc., in the side view of the cone may be regarded as the
edge views of cutting planes which cut these elements on the cone and
edges or ele-
ments on the prism. The intersection of corresponding edges or elements on the
on the figure of intersection.
solids are points
to pass a series of horizontal
Another method of finding the figure of intersection is
parallel planes through the solids in the manner of Fig. 937 (a). The plane will cut
circles on the cone and straight lines on the prism, and their intersections will be
points on the figure of intersection. See also Fig. 955 (b).
(b) Developments. The lateral surface of the prism is developed as explained in
534. True lengths of all edges and lines parallel thereto are shown in both the front
and top views. The lateral surface of the cone is developed as explained in 522. True
lengths of elements from the vertex to points on the intersections are found as shown
in Fig. 534 (a).
541. To Find the Intersection of a Prism and a Cone with Edges of Prism
Parallel to Axis of Cone.
Fig. 955 (a). Since the lateral surfaces of the prism are parallel to the axis of the
cone, the figure of intersection will be composed of a series of hyperbolas, 154 and
167. If a series of planes is assumed containing the axis of the cone, each plane will
contain edges of the prism or will cut lines parallel to them along the prism, and will
cut elements on the cone that intersect these at points of the figure of intersection.
Fig. 955(b). The intersection is the same as at (a), but found in a different
manner. Here a series of parallel planes perpendicular to the axis of the cone cut
circles ofvarying diameters on the cone. These circles are shown true size in the
top view, where also are shown the piercing points of these circles in the vertical
plane surfaces of the prism. The front views of these piercing points are found by
projecting downward to the corresponding cutting-plane lines.
Fig. 955 (c). The chamfer of an ordinary hexagon bolt head or hexagon nut is
actually a conical surface that intersects the six vertical sides of a hexagonal prism
to form hyperbolas. At (c) the methods of both (a) and (b) are shown to illustrate
how points may be found by either method.
In machine drawings of bolts and nuts, these hyperbolic curves are approximated
by means of circular arcs, as shown in Fig. 683.
(a) (b)
543. To Find
the Intersection of a Cylinder and a Sphere. Fig. 957. Hori-
zontal planes 1, which appear edgewise in the front and side views, cut
2, 3, etc.,
elements A, B, C, etc., from the cylinder and circular arcs 1 ', 2', 3', etc., from the
sphere. The intersections of the elements with the arcs produced by the corresponding
planes are points on the figure of intersection. Join the points with a smooth curve,
Fig. 958 Draw given views and develop lateral surface. Layout B-3.
\~ s
*~\ r-fl-i . 13 h
JJ. il JjE li
Fig. 960 Draw given views and develop lateral surface. Layout B-3.
^"S ft
i j_i_L il/LiM
Fig. 961 Draw given views and develop lateral surface. Layout B-3.
Fig. 962 Draw given views and develop lateral surface. Layout B-3.
Fig. 963 Draw given views and develop lateral surface. Layout B-3.
Fig. 964 Draw the two views of the CONDENSER, as shown. Transfer all measurements with
dividers,making your drawing three times the size shown. Find the intersections of the small cylindrical
pipes with the main portion. The ends are spherical. Layout B-3.
Fig. 965 Draw the given views of assigned object, and complete the intersection. Then develop
lateral surfaces. Layout B-3.
By B. Leighton Wellman*
545. Gears. Gears, Fig. 966, are used to transmit motion, rotating or reciprocat-
ing, from one machine part to another. They may be classified according to the posi-
Professor of Mechanical Engineering and Head of Division of Engineering Drawing, Worcester Poly-
technic Institute.
580 19. GEARING AND CAMS 546
tion of the shafts that they connect. Parallel shafts, for example, may be connected
by spur gears, helical gears, or herringbone gears. Intersection shafts may be connected by
having either straight, skew, or spiral teeth. Non-parallel, non-intersecting
bevel gears
shafts be connected by crossed helical gears, hypoid gears, or a worm and worm gear.
A spur gear meshed with a rack will convert rotary motion to reciprocating motion.
Because the design of gears is a complex problem involving involute geometry,
strength and wear characteristics, precision of manufacture, and inspection control,
the scope of this chapter must be restricted to the drafting of straight-tooth spur and
bevel gears, and worm gearing.
546. Spur Gears. The friction wheels shown in Fig. 967 (a) will transmit mo-
tion and power from one shaft to another parallel shaft. However, friction gears are
subject to slipping, and excessive pressure is required between the wheels to obtain
(a) (b)
the necessary frictional force. If teeth of the proper shape are provided on the cylin-
drical surfaces, the resulting spur gears, Fig. 967 (b), will transmit the same motion
and power without slipping and with greatly reduced bearing pressures.
If a friction wheel of diameter D turns at n rpm, the linear velocity of a point on
itsperiphery will be xDn. But the pitch circles of a pair of mating spur gears corre-
spond exactly to the outside diameters of the friction wheels, and since the gears turn
in contact without slipping, they must have the same linear velocity at the pitch line.
irDono = 7rDpn P or
where D G and D P arethe pitch diameters of the larger gear (called the gear) and the
smaller gear (called the pinion) n G and n P are the rpm of the gears;
G is the gearm
ratio, expressed as the ratio of larger gear to smaller.
The teeth on mating gears must be of equal width and spacing; hence the number
of teeth on each gear, N, is directly proportional to its pitch diameter, or
NQ = Do _ nP _
N P Dp na
547 19. GEARING AND CAMS 581
547. Spur Gear Definitions and Formulas.* Proportions and shapes of gear
teeth are well standardized, and the terms defined below and in Fig. 968 are common
to all spur gears. The dimensions relating to tooth height are for full -depth 14 or
20 involute teeth.
Pitch Circle. An imaginary circle that corresponds to the circumference of the
friction gear from which the spur gear is derived.
Pitch Diameter (Dg or Dp). The diameter of the pitch circle of gear or pinion.
Number of Teeth (Ng or N P ). The number of teeth on the gear or pinion.
Diametral Pitch (P). A ratio equal to the number of teeth on the gear per inch
of pitch diameter. P = N/D.
Circular Pitch (p). The distance measured along
the pitch circle from a point on
one tooth to the corresponding point on the adjacent tooth. It thus includes one tooth
and one space, p = 7rD/N. It is useful to note that p X P = ir.
Addendum (a). The radial distance from the pitch circle to the top of the tooth,
a = 1/P.
Dedendum (b). The radial distance from the pitch circle to the bottom of the
tooth space, b = 1.157/P.
Outside Diameter (Do). The diameter of the addendum circle. It is equal to the
pitch diameter plus twice the addendum. D = D+ 2a = (N + 2)/P.
Root Diameter (D R ). The diameter of the root circle. It is equal to the pitch
diameter minus twice the dedendum. Dr = D 2b = (N 2.314)/P.
Whole Depth (h,). The total height of the tooth. It is equal to the addendum
plus the dedendum. h t = a +
b = 2.157/P.
Working Depth (h k ). The distance that a tooth projects into the mating space.
It is equal to twice the addendum. h k = 2a = 2/P.
Clearance (c). The distance between the top of a tooth and the bottom of the mat-
ing space. It is equal to the dedendum minus the addendum, c = b a = 0.157/P.
Circular Thickness (t). The thickness of a tooth measured along the pitch circle.
It is equal to one-half the circular pitch, t = p/2 = t/2P.
Chordal Thickness (t c ). The thickness of a tooth measured along a chord of the
pitch circle. tc = D sin(90/N).
Chordal Addendum (a c ). The radial distance from the top of a tooth to the chord
of the pitch circle. a c = a +D [1 - cos(90/N)].
Pressure Angle (</>). The angle that determines the direction of pressure between
contacting teeth, and that designates the shape of involute teeth
145 involute, for
example. It also determines the size of the base circle.
Base Circle. The circle from which the involute profile is generated.
548. The Shape of the Tooth. If gears are to operate smoothly with a minimum
of noise and vibration, the curved surface of the tooth profile must be of a definite
geometric form. The most common form in use today is the involute profile.
In the involute system, the shape of the tooth depends basically upon the pressure
angle, which is ordinarily \A\ This pressure angle determines the size of the base
circle, from which the involute curve is generated, in the following manner: at any
point on the pitch circle, Fig. 969, a line is drawn tangent to it; a second line is drawn
circle to the addendum can be drawn as the involute of the base circle. The
method of construction is shown in Fig. 216 (d) and (e). That part of the profile below
the base circle is drawn as a radial line which terminates in the fillet at the root circle.
The fillet should be equal in radius to one and one-half times the clearance.
For display drawings and more rapid construction, the involute curve can be
approximated with one or two circular arcs. The construction shown in Fig. 969 em-
ploys a single arc. The base circle is drawn as described above, and the spacing of the
teeth is set off along the pitch circle. With a radius equal to one-eighth the pitch
diameter, and with centers on the base circle, circular arcs are drawn through the
spaced points on the pitch circle, and are extended from the addendum circle to
slightly below the base circle. Below the base circle, a radial line and fillet complete
the profile.
A closer approximation is that known as Grant's Odontography in which the involute
isreplaced by two circular arcs as shown in Fig. 970. The base circle and tooth
spacing are established as previously described. The face of the tooth from P to A
isdrawn with the face radius R, and the portion of the flank from P to is drawn O
with the flank radius r. Both arcs are drawn from centers located on the base circle.
The table gives the correct face and flank radii for gears of one diametral pitch. For
other pitches, the figures in the table must be divided by the diametral pitch. Below
549 19. GEARING AND CAMS 583
No. of
584 19. GEARING AND CAMS 551
the blank dimensions are shown on the views, and the cutting data are given in a
note or table.
552 19. GEARING AND CAMS 585
The important dimensions and angles of a bevel gear are illustrated in Fig. 973.
The pitch cone is shown as the triangle OAB. Examination of Fig. 974 will reveal tin-
pitch cones for the mating gear and pinion
shown there. Evidently, the pitch angle of -ADDENDUM
each gear depends upon the relative diame- DEDENDUM
ters of the gears. Therefore, the pitch angles,
T(gamma), are determined from the following
[ _
tan T G =
tan r P
= Dp N
Dp X, IV X.
gear of the same diametral pitch. It is meas- Fig. 973 Bevel Gear Nomenclature.
ured at the large end of the tooth, b = 1 1 57/P. .
Addendum Angle (a). The angle subtended by the addendum. It is the same for
both gear and pinion, tan a = a/A.
Dedendum Angle (5). The angle subtended by the dedendum. It is the same for
both gear and pinion, tan 5 = b/A.
Face Angle (r ). The angle between the top of the teeth and the gear axis.
r = r + a.
Root Angle (r R ). The angle between the root of the teeth and the gear axis.
rR = T - 8.
Back Angle. This angle is usually equal to the pitch angle.
Outside Diameter (D ). The diameter of the outside or crown circle of the gear.
Do = D + 2a cos r.
Crown Height (X). The distance parallel to the gear axis from the cone apex to
the crown of the gear. X = |D /tan r .
Backing (Y). distance from the base of the pitch cone to the rear of the hub.
Crown Backing (Z). For shop use, the crown backing is more practical than the
backing; hence dimension Z is given on drawings instead of Y. Z = a sin r. Y+
Mounting Distance (M). This dimension is used primarily for inspection and
assembly purposes. M = Y + D/tan r.
Face Width (F). The face width should not exceed |A.
Equivalent Number of Teeth (N) e This information is needed
. in selecting the proper
cutter to form the teeth. N e = N/cos r.
552. Working Drawings of Bevel Gears. As in the case of spur gears, a work-
ing drawing of a bevel gear gives only the dimensions of the gear blank. The necessary
data for cutting the teeth are given in a note or table. single sectional view, Fig. A
586 19. GEARING AND CAMS 553
974, usually will provide all necessary information. If a second view is required, only
the gear blank is drawn, and the tooth profiles are omitted. Two gears are shown in
their operating relationship. On detail drawings, each gear is usually drawn separate-
553 19. GEARING AND CAMS 587
equals the pitch; for a double -thread worm, the lead is twice the pitch, etc.
Lead Angle (A). The angle between a tangent to the helix at the pitch diameter
556 19. GEARING AND CAMS 589
555. Cams. Cams provide a simple means for obtaining unusual and irregular
motions that would be difficult to produce otherwise. Figure 978 (a) illustrates the
basic principle of the cam. A shaft rotating at uniform speed carries an irregularly
on a base line that represents one revolution of the cam. The follower displacement
should be drawn to scale, but any convenient length can be used to represent the
360 of cam rotation.
The motion of the follower as it rises or depends upon the shape of the curves
Move follower In
opposite direction
to cam rotation
557 19. GEARING AND CAMS 591
construct this curve, a semicircle is drawn whose diameter is equal to the desired rise.
The circumference of the semicircle is divided into equal arcs, the number of divisions
being the same as the number of horizontal divisions. Points on the curve are then
found by projecting horizontally from the divisions on the semicircle to the corre-
sponding ordinates.
The parabolic curve shown at GHK gives the follower constantly accelerated and
decelerated motion. This motion is analogous to that of a falling body. The half of
the curve from G to H is to K. To construct
exactly the reverse of the half from H
the curve HK, the vertical height from K
divided into distances proportional
to J is
to l 22
3 etc., or 1, 4, 9, etc., the number of such divisions being the same as the
, ,
number of horizontal divisions. See 123 and 165. Points on the curve are found
by projecting horizontally from the divisions on the line JK to the corresponding
imagining that the stands still while the follower rotates about the cam in the
opposite direction. Therefore, the offset circle is divided into twelve equal angular
divisions corresponding to the divisions used in the displacement diagram. These
divisions begin at zero and are numbered in an opposite direction to the cam rotation.
Tangent lines are then drawn from each point on the offset circle as shown.
The points on the follower axis AB indicate successive positions of
1, 2, 3, etc.,
the center of the roller, and are located by transferring ordinates such as x and y
from the displacement diagram. Thus when the cam has rotated 60, the follower
roller must rise a distance x to position 2, and after 90 of rotation, a distance y to
position 3, etc.
It should observed that while the center of the roller moved from its
now be
initial position A example, the cam rotated 60 counterclockwise.
to position 2, for
Point 2 must therefore be revolved clockwise about the cam center to the correspond- O
ing 60 tangent line to establish point 2'. In this position, the complete follower would
appear as shown by the phantom outline. Points 1 ', 2', 3', etc., represent consecutive
positions of the roller center, and a smooth curve drawn through these points is called
the pitch curve. To obtain the actual cam profile, the roller must be drawn in a number
of positions, and the cam profile drawn tangent to the roller circles as shown. The
best results are obtained by first drawing the pitch curve very carefully, and then
drawing a great many closely spaced roller circles with centers on the pitch curve
as shown between points 5' and 6'.
If the roller as shown in Fig. 981 (a), then the displacement
is on a pivoted arm,
of the roller centeralong the circular arc AB. The height of the displacement dia-
gram (not shown) should be made equal to the rectified length of arc AB. Ordinates
592 19. GEARING AND CAMS 558
from the diagram are then transferred to arc AB to locate the roller positions 1, 2, 3,
etc. As the follower is revolved about the cam, pivot point C moves in a circular
path of radius OC to the consecutive positions d, C2 etc. Length AC is constant for
all follower positions; hence, from each new position of point C the follower arc of
radius Ris drawn as shown at the 90 position. The roller centers 1, 2, 3, etc., are
the outer surface of the cam cylinder. The pitch curve is drawn to represent the re-
quired motion, and a series of roller circles are then drawn to establish the sides of
the groove tangent to these circles. This completes the development of the outer
cylinder, and actually provides all information needed for making the cam; hence
it is not uncommon to omit the curves in the front view.
Move follower in
opposite direction
to com rotation
To complete the front view, points on the curves are projected horizontally from
the development. For example, at 60 in the development, the width of the groove
measured parallel to the cam axis is X, a distance somewhat greater than the actual
roller diameter.This width X
is projected to the front view directly below point 2,
the corresponding 60 position in the top view, to establish two points on the outer
curves. The inner curves for the bottom of the groove can be established in the same
manner except that the groove width X
is located below point 2', which lies on the
inner diameter. The inner curves are only approximate because the width at the
bottom of the groove is actually slightly greater than X, but the exact bottom width
can only be determined by drawing a second development for the inner cylinder.
559. Problems on Gearing and Cams. The following problems are given to
provide practice in laying out and making working drawings of the common types
of gears and cams. Where paper sizes are not given, the student is to select his own
scale and sheet layout.
Prob. 1. A 12-tooth pinion engages a 15-tooth gear. Make a full-size drawing oi
1 DP
a segment of each gear showing how the teeth mesh. Construct the 14^ involute teeth
noting any points where the teeth appear to interfere.
. .
alldimensions, and make a working drawing of the gear. Show six spokes, each 1|" wide at
the hub, tapering to f" wide at the rim, and |" thick. Use your own judgment for any dimen-
sions not given. Draw half size on Layout A-3, or full size on Layout B-3.
"B *iS
Prob. 7. Make a working drawing of the intermediate pinion shown in Fig. 803
(Part 6). Check the gear dimensions by calculation.
Prob. 8. The same as Prob. 7, but use the intermediate gear shown in Fig. 803 (Part 5).
Prob. 9. The same as Prob. 7, but use the pinion shown in Fig. 983.
Prob. 10. The same as Prob. 7, but use the spur gear shown in Fig. 984.
Prob. A pair of bevel gears have teeth of 4 diametral pitch. The pinion has 13
teeth, the gear 25 teeth. The face width is lg". The pinion shaft is xi * in diameter, and the
gear shaft is 1 tV' in diameter. Calculate accurately all dimensions, and make a working
drawing showing the gears engaged as in Fig. 974. Make the hub diameters approximately
twice the shaft diameters. Select key sizes from Appendix table 19. The backing for the
pinion must be "; for the gear lj". Use your own judgment for any dimensions not given.
Prob. 14. The same as Prob. 12, but show two views of the pinion.
Prob. 15. The same as Prob. 11, but use 5 diametral pitch, 30 and 15 teeth. The face
is 1". Shafts: pinion, 1" diam.; gear, H" diam. Backing: pinion, 5", gear, 1".
Prob. 16. The same as Prob. 11, but use 4 diametral pitch, both gears 20 teeth. Select
the correct face width. Shafts: If" diam. Backing: f".
Prob. 17. Fig. 985 (a) shows a countershaft end used on a trough conveyor, and
(b) shows the layout for an assembly drawing of a similar unit. Using a scale of half size,
make an assembly drawing of the complete unit (given layout dimensions are full size). The
following full-size dimensions are sufficient to establish the position and general outline of
the parts; the minor detail dimensions, web and rib shapes, and fillets and rounds should be
designed by the student with the help of the photograph.
(a) (b)
Fig. 985 Countershaft End.
The gears are identical in size and are similar in shape to the one in Fig. 973. There are
24 teeth of 3 diametral pitch in each gear. Face width, 2". Shafts, 1^" diam., extending 7"
beyond left Hub diameters, 2f". Backing, 1".
bearing, 4" beyond rear (break shafts as shown).
Hub lengths, 3|". Front gear held by a square gib key (see Appendix table 19); back
gear by a square key and a f" set screw. Collar on front shaft next to right bearing is f"
thick, 2j" outside diameter, with a " set screw.
On the main casting, the split bearings are 2f " diam., 3" long, and 10" apart. Each bear-
ing cap is held by two " bolts, 3|" apart, center to center. Oil holes have a \" pipe tap for
plug or grease cup. Shaft center lines are 6|" above bottom surface, 8" from rear surface of
casting. Main casting is II5" high, and its base is 16" long, 8f" wide, and f" thick. All webs,
ribs, and walls are uniformly |" thick. In the base are eight holes (not shown in the photo-
graph) for |" bolts, two outside each end, and two inside each end.
Proceed by first blocking in the gears in each view, and then block in the principal main
casting dimensions. Fill in details only after principal dimensions are clearly established.
Prob. 18. The worm and worm gear shown in Fig. 975 have a circular pitch of f ",
and the gear has 32 teeth of 14| involute form. The worm is double threaded. Make an
assembly drawing similar to Fig. 975. The teeth on the gear may be drawn by either method
of 548. Calculate dimensions accurately, and use A.G.M.A. proportions. Shafts: worm, \\"
diam.; gear, If" diam.
Prob. 19. Make a working drawing of the worm in Prob. 18.
Prob. 20. Make a working drawing of the gear in Prob. 18.
Prob. 21. The same as Prob. 19, but the worm is single -thread.
Prob. 22. A single-thread worm has a lead off". The worm gear has 28 teeth of standard
form. Make a working drawing of the worm. The shaft is lj" in diameter.
Prob. 23. Make a working drawing of the gear in Prob. 22. The shaft is 1 J" in diameter.
Prob. 24. Fig. 986 (a). Draw and determine the cam profile
the displacement diagram,
that will give the radial roller follower this motion:up H" in 120, dwell 60, down in 90,
dwell 90. Motions are to be unmodified straight line and of uniform velocity. The roller is
1" in diameter, and the base circle is 3" in diameter. Note that the follower has zero offset.
The cam rotates clockwise.
Prob. 25. The same as Prob. 24, except that the straight-line motions are to be modified
by arcs whose radii are equal to one -half the rise of the follower.
Prob. 26. The same as Prob. 24, except that the upward motion is to be harmonic,
and the downward motion parabolic.
E. J. Mysiak*
The type of graphical presentation used depends upon any of the following factors:
1. The type of reader to be reached.
2. The most efficient type of graph to help the reader visualize the significant features.
3. General purpose of chart.
4. Features of a relationship that are considered significant.
5. Occasion for its use.
6. Nature or amount of data.
561. Rectangular Coordinate Line Charts. The rectangular coordinate line chart
is which values of two related variables are plotted on coordinate paper,
the type in
and the points, joined together successively, form a continuous line or "curve."
The following are some of the advantages of a line chart
1 Comparison of a large number of plotted values in a compact space.
2. Comparison of the relative movements (trends) of several curves on the same chart. There
should not be more than two or three curves on the same chart, and there should be some
definite relationship between them.
3. Interpolation of intermediate values.
4. Representation of movement or over-all trend (relative change) of a series of values, rather
than the difference between values (absolute amounts).
Rectangular line charts may be classified as (1) mathematical graphs, (2) time series
charts, or (3) engineering charts. Any of these may have one or more curves on the
same chart.
562. Design and Layout of Rectangular Coordinate Line Charts. The steps
in drawing a typical co-ordinate line chart are shown in Fig. 989:
I. Select the type of co-ordinate paper, 563. Locate axes, determine the varia-
bles for each, and choose appropriate scale or S( ales. ,ettei the unit values along the
axes, 564.
i n
Fig. 989 Steps in Drawing a Graph.
II. Plot the points representing the data and draw the curve or curves, 565.
III. Identify the curves by lettering names or symbols, 565. Letter the title, 566.
Ink in the graph if desired.
563. Grids and Composition. To simplify the plotting of values along the per-
pendicular axes and to eliminate the use of a special scale to locate them, coordinate
paper, or "cross section paper," ruled with grids, is generally used and can be pur-
chased already printed; or the grids can be drawn on blank paper if desired.
Printed coordinate papers are available in various sizes and spacings of grids,
8" X 11" being the most common paper size. The spacing of the grid lines may be
ordinate ruling is generally avoided for publications, charts reduced in size, and
charts used for lantern slides. Much of engineering graphical analysis, however,
quires close study, (2) interpolation, and (3) only one copy with possibly a few
prints,which can be readily prepared with little effort. These are therefore usually
plotted on the closely spaced, printed coordinate paper. Printed papers can be
obtained in several colors of lines and in various weights and grades. A thin translu-
cent paper is used when prints are required. A special non-reproducible
grid coordi-
nate paper is available in which reproductions will not show the grids
on the prints.
the axes and
Since printed papers do not have sufficient margins to accommodate
nomenclature, the axes should be placed far enough inside the grid area to
space for axes and lettering, as shown in Fig. 990 (a) and (b). As much of the
scale should
remaining grid space as possible should be used for the curve that is, the
be such as to spread the curve out over the available space. A
title block (and tabular
have definite advantages when compared to printed paper. The charts at (b) and
(c) show the same information plotted on printed coordinate paper and plain paper,
respectively. The specially prepared sheet should have as few grid rulings as necessary,
or none, as at (c), to allow a clear interpretation of the curve. Lettering is not placed
upon grid lines, which improves the ease of reading. The title and other data can
Proof Load
mended Min Bolt Prelooded-
nic Proof Lood
564 20. GRAPHS 601
general rule, as few rulings should be used as possible, but if a large number of rulings
are necessary, major divisions should be drawn heavier than the sub-division rulings,
for ease of reading.
564. Scales and Scale Designation. The choice of scale is the most important
factor of composition and curve significance. Rectangular coordinate line graphs have
values of the two related variables plotted with reference to two mutually perpendicu-
lar coordinate axes, meeting at a zero point or origin, Fig. 992 (a). The horizontal
-Ordinate or Y-axis
Dependent ^Variable' l
-Abscissa or X-axis
independent Variable
.-. ::
:: :
: :
^ ' 2 3
5 6 7 8
axis, normally designated as an X-axis, is called the abscissa. The vertical axis is de-
noted as a Y-axis and is called the ordinate. It is common practice to place independent
values along the abscissa and the dependent values along the ordinate. For example,
if in an experiment at certain time intervals, related values are observed, recorded,
or determined, the amount of these values is dependent upon the time intervals (inde-
pendent or controlled) chosen. The values increase from the point of origin toward
the right on the X-axis and upward on the Y-axis.
Mathematical graphs, (b), quite often contain positive and negative values, which
necessitates the division of the coordinate field into four quadrants, numbered counter-
clockwise as shown. Positive values increase toward the right on the X-axis and up-
ward on the Y-axis, from the origin. Negative values increase (negatively) to the left
on the X-axis and downward on the Y-axis.
Generally a full range of values is desirable, beginning at zero and extending
slightly beyond the largest value, to avoid crowding. The available coordinate area
should be used as completely as possible. However, certain circumstances require
special consideration, to avoid wasted space. For example, if the values to be plotted
along one of the axes do not range near zero, a "break" in the grid may be shown.
602 20. GRAPHS 564
as in Fig. 993. However, when relative amount of change is required, Fig. 990 (a),
the axes or grid should not be broken or the zero line omitted. If the absolute amount
is the important consideration, the zero line may be omitted, as in Fig. 993 (b) to (d).
Time designations of years naturally are fixed, and have no relation to zero.
If a few given values to be plotted are widely separated in amount from the others,
the total range may
be very great, and when this is compressed to fit on the sheet,
the resulting curve will tend to be "flat," as shown in Fig. 994 (a). In such cases it is
564 20. GRAPHS 603
The slope of a curve is affectedby the spacing of the rulings and its designations.
A slope or trend can be made toappear "steeper" by increasing the ordinate scale
or decreasing the abscissa scale, Fig. 995 (a), and "flatter" by increasing the abscissa
scale or decreasing the ordinate scale, (b). As shown in Fig. 996, a variety of slopes
or shapes can be obtained by expanding or contracting the scales. A deciding factor
isthe impression desired to be conveyed graphically.
Normally an angle greater than 40 with the horizontal gives an impression of a
significant rise or increase of ordinate values, while an angle of 10 or less suggests
an insignificant trend, Fig. 997 (a) and (b). The slope chosen should emphasize the sig-
604 20. GRAPHS 565
rulings are numerous and on printed graph paper, only the major
close together, as
values are noted, as at (b) and The
assigned values should be consistent with the
minor divisions. For example, major divisions designated as 0, 5, 10, etc., should
not have 2 or 4 minor intervals, since resulting values of 1.25, 2.5, 3.75, etc., are un-
desirable. Similarly, odd numbered major divisions of 3, 5, 7, etc., or multiples of
odd numbers with an even number of minor divisions, should be avoided as shown
at (d). The numbers, if three digits or smaller, can be fully given. If the numbers
are larger than three digits, (e), dropping the ciphers is recommended, if the omission
isindicated in the scale caption, as at (c). Values are shortened to even hundreds,
thousands, or millions, in preference to tens of thousands, etc. Graphs for technical
use can have the values shortened by indicating the shortened number times some
power of 10, as at (f). In special cases, as when giving values in dollars or per cent,
the symbols may be given adjacent to the numbers, as at (g) and (h).
Designations other than numbers usually require additional space; therefore
standard abbreviations should be used, Fig. 999. Abscissa values for these may be
lettered vertically as in the center at (a) and (b), or inclined, as at the right in (c),
to fit the designations along the axes.
i i i i i i i i i i i i i
1 1 1 1
565 20. GRAPHS 605
also be made between various curves to emphasize a preferred curve or a total value
curve (sum of two or more curves), as shown at (c). A key, or legend, should be placed
in an isolated portion of the grid, preferably en-
closed by a border, to denote point symbols or line
types that are used for the curves. If the grid lines
are drawn on blank paper, a space should be left
vacant for this information, Fig. 1003. Keys may
be placed off the grids below the title, if space per-
mits. Curves are also designated by means of notes,
Fig. 1003 Keys. ^S" ^88 (c), in which no key is necessary. Colored
lines are very effective for distinguishing the vari-
ous curves on a grid, but they cannot be used for multiple copies.
566. Titles. Titles for a graph may be placed on or off the grid surface. If
placed on the grid, white space should be left for the title block, but if printed co-
ordinate paper is used, a heavy border should enclose the title block. If further
emphasis is desired, the title may be underlined. The content of title blocks varies
according to method of presentation. Typical title blocks include title, sub-title, insti-
tution or company, dateof preparation, and name of the author, Fig. 1002 (c). Some
relationships may
be given an appropriate name. For example, a number of curves
showing the performance of an engine are commonly entitled "Performance Charac-
teristics." If two variables plotted do not have a suitable title, "Dependent variable
(name) vs. independent variable (name)" will suffice. For example: GOVERNOR
Notes, required, may be placed under the title for general information,
Fig. 1004 labeled adjacent to the curve, (b), or along the curve, Fig. 990 (a), or
referred to by means of reference symbols, Fig. 1004 (c) and (d).
NOTE (General Information)
20. GRAPHS 607
pression of the trend of a curve, the semi -log charts would be more effective in reveal-
ing whether the rate of change is increasing, decreasing, or constant. Semi-log charts
are also useful in the derivation ol empirical equations, 627.
Semi-log charts, as rectangular coordinate line graphs, are not recommended for
presenting only a few plotted values in a series, for emphasizing change in absolute
amounts, or for showing extreme or irregular movement or trend of data.
Single Row Radiol, Non-loading
Groove Bearing
In Fig. 1005 (a) and (b), data are plotted on rectangular coordinate grids (arith-
metic) and on semi-logarithmic coordinate grids, respectively. The same data, which
produce curves on the arithmetic graph, produce straight lines on the semi-log grid.
The straight lines permit an easier analysis of the trend or movements of the variables.
If the logarithms of the ordinate values are plotted on a rectangular coordinate grid,
instead of the actual values, straight lines will result on the arithmetic graph, as shown
at (c). The straight lines produced on semi-log grid provide a simple means of deriving
empirical equations, as discussed in 627.
Straight lines are not necessarily obtained on a semi -log grid, but if they do occur,
it means that the rate of change is constant, Fig. 1006 (a). Irregular curves can be
568. Design and Layout of Semi -Log Charts. Semi-log graphs are usually pre-
pared on printed semi-log coordinate paper. Graphs for publication, however, requir-
ing fewer grid rulings, are plotted on specially prepared grid scales. As illustrated in
Fig. 1007 (a), the logarithmically divided scale is generally placed along the ordinate.
One log
569 20. GRAPHS 609
as a result of observing the range of values to be plotted. Cycle designation also per-
mits the plotting of an extensive range of values, since each cycle accommodates an
entire range of one power of 10.
610 20. GRAPHS 570
in a compact space, and for the comparison of the relative trends of several curves
on the same chart. This form of graph is not the best form or presentation of rela-
tively few plotted values in a series, or for emphasizing change in absolute amounts.
The designation of log cycles, however, permits the plotting of very extensive ranges
of values.
Logarithmic charts are primarily used to determine empirical equations by fitting
a single straight line to a series of plotted points, 628. They are also used to obtain
straight-line relationships when the data are suitable, as in Fig. 1010. The design
and layout of log charts is the same as for semi-log charts, 568, and similar in many
respects to that for rectangular coordinate charts, 562 to 566.
570. Trilinear Coordinate Line Charts. Trilinear charts have three related
variables plotted on a coordinate paper in the form of an equilateral triangle. The
points joined together successively form a continuous straight line or "curve."
Trilinear charts are particularly suited for:
Trilinear charts are most frequently applied in the metallurgical and chemical
fields, because of the frequency of three variables in metallurgical and chemical
composition. The basis of application is the geometric principle that the sum of the
perpendiculars to the three sides from any point within an equilateral triangle is
equal to the altitude of the triangle.
In an equilateral triangle ABC, Fig. 101 1 (a), the sum of the distances xf, xm, and
Fig. 1011 Trilinear Coordinate Line Charts.
xn from the point x within the triangle, is equal to the altitude Ar, Bs, or Ct of the
triangle. For example, if the distances xf, xm, and xn are respectively 50, 30, and
571 20. GRAPHS 611
20 units, the altitude of the triangle is 100 units, and the point x will represent the
function composed of, or resulting from, 50 parts of A, 30 parts of B, and 20 parts
of C. At (b) is shown a chart for various freezing temperatures, with the mixture
proportions by volume of water, methanol, and ethanol required. For example, a
freezing temperature of 40F can be established by mixing 50 parts of water with
10 parts of ethanol and 40 parts of methanol.
571. Design and Layout of Trilinear Charts. Trilinear charts are also usually
drawn on printed grid paper. Charts for publications, requiring maximum clarity,
can be plotted on grids drawn on plain paper or traced from an original plotting on
a printed sheet. The trilinear coordinate grid is an equilateral triangle, which must
have the same space between rulings along each axis. Normally each side of the
triangle divided into ten divisions for per cent plots, with as many subdivisions as
required, Fig. 1012. If only a portion of a coordinate fieldis to be used, only a portion
(a) (b)
Fig. 1012 Metallurgical Trilinear Charts.
The scale designations can be placed to be read from the bottom of the sheet or
can be tilted as shown in Fig. 1011 (b), but for ease of reading, all scale notations
should be placed outside the grid area. Other techniques of scale designations are
the same as for rectangular coordinate line graphs, 564.
Fig. 1013 Partial Trilinear Charts. Fig. 1014 Shaded Band Curves.
. :
Since individual points are generally not shown on trilinear charts, the curves
are drawn as continuous lines.
Curves are frequently single-weight solid lines, but dashed lines are used for pro-
jected (anticipated) information, Fig. 1012 (b). When the curve-fitting information
varies within a range, shaded bands are used, Fig. 1014.
When the chart indicates the composition of various parts or different units, the
symbols are placed within the appropriate areas, e.g., a, (8, a y, which are micro- +
structure symbols, Fig. 1012 (b). Curve designations are placed along the curves or
in breaks in the curve; e.g., the temperature values shown in Fig. 1012 (a).
Since most of the grid area is utilized by the curves, the title, keys, and notes
are placed off the grid, as shown in Fig. 1014.
572. Polar Coordinate Line Charts. Polar charts have two variables, one a
linearmagnitude and the other an angular quantity, plotted on a polar coordinate
grid with respect to a pole (origin) to form a continuous line or "curve."
Polar charts are particularly adaptable to the following applications
1. Comparison of two related variables, one being a linear magnitude (called a radius vector),
and the second an angular value.
2. Indicating movement or trend or location with respect to a pole point.
As shown in Fig. 1015 (a), the zero degree line is the horizontal right axis. To
locate a point P, it is necessarv to know the radius vector r, and an angle 6, (e.g., 5,
70). The point P could also be denoted as (5, 430), (5, -290), and (-5, 250),
5, 110), etc. If we plot the equation r = a (no angular designation), we will
obtain a circle with the center at the pole, as shown at (b). The value a is a constant
value, which determines the relative size of the radius vector and the curve. The
equation r = 2a cos 6 produces a circle going through the pole point, with its center
on the polar axis, (c). The plot of r = a sin 30 produces a "three-leaved rose," as
shown at (d). The above are charts of mathematical equations; however, many
practical applications are not concerned with mathematical relationships but with
the magnitude of some values and their location with respect to a pole point. For
example, Fig. 1016 (a) and (b) illustrate stress charts from experimentation and for
574 20. GRAPHS 613
stress visualization, respectively. At (c) is shown a polar chart of a bearing load dia-
gram, and the graph at (d) indicates the noise distribution from a jet engine.
Alignment charts can be used for analysis, but the predominant application is
for computation. The design and layout of some common forms of nomographs are
discussed in 587-605.
575. Column or Bar Charts. Bar charts are graphic representations of numerical
values by lengths of bars, beginning at a base line, indicating the relationship between
two or more related variables.
Bar charts are particularly suited for:
1. Presentation for the non-technical reader.
2. A simple comparison of two values along two axes.
3. few plotted values.
Illustration of relatively
4. Representation of data for a total period of time in comparison to point data.
576. Design and Layout of Bar Charts. If only a few values are to be repre-
sented by vertical bars, the chart should be higher than wide, Fig. 1017 (a). When a
relatively large number of values are plotted, a chart wider than high is preferred,
(b) and (c). Composition is dictated by the number of bars used, whether they are
to be vertical or horizontal, and the available space.
A convenient method of spacing bars is to divide the available space into twice
as many equal spaces as bars are required, Fig. 1018 (a). Center the bars on every
other division mark, beginning with the first division at each end, as shown at (b).
When the series of data is incomplete, the missing bars should be indicated by the
use of ticks, (c), indicating the lack of data. The bars should be spaced uniformly
when the data used are uniformly distributed. When irregularities in data exist, the
bars should be spaced accordingly, as shown.
Bar charts may be drawn on printed coordinate paper; however, clarity for popu-
lar use is promoted by the use of blank paper and the designation of only the major
rulings perpendicular to the bars. If the values of bars are individually noted, the
perpendicular rulings may be omitted completely.
Since bar charts are used extensively to show differences in values for given periods
of time, the values or amounts should be proportionate to the heights or lengths of
the bars. The zero or principal line of reference should never be omitted. Normally,
the full length of the bars should be shown to the scale chosen. When a few exception-
576 20. GRAPHS 615
ally largevalues exist, the columns may be broken as shown in Fig. 1017 (c). with ;i
Bar designations may be placed across several bars when possible, as shown at (e).
Other methods include the use of notes with leaders and arrowheads, or the use of 1
As in the case of line graphs, 566, titles for bar charts are placed where space ;
A surface or area chart can be a simple chart (called a staircase chart), (b), a
multiple surface or "strata" chart with one surface or layer on top of another, (c), or
a combined surface chart indicating the distribution of components in relation to
their total, (d). A surface and line chart combined to compare earnings with prices
is shown at (a).
Surface charts are used effectively to:
1 Accentuate or emphasize data that appear weak as a line chart.
2. Emphasize amount or ordinate values.
3. Represent the components of a total, usually expressed as a per cent of a total, or com-
pared to 100%
4. Present a general picture.
1 Emphasizing accurate reading of values of charts containing more than one curve.
2. Showing line curves that intersect or cross one another.
map of terrestrial or geographic features is a form of area chart, or surface
chart, representing a graphic picture of areas, surfaces, or the relationship of their
component parts to the total configuration.
578. Design and Layout of Surface Charts. Since surface charts are used as
a general picture, and accurate reading of values is difficult, only major rulings need
be shown. Techniques of grids and composition are the same as for line curves, 563.
Printed grids generally should not be used, since the printed grid lines would interfere
with the shading of areas.
Similarly to bar charts, surface charts represent a comparison of values from a
zero line or base line; therefore the ordinate scale should not be broken or the zero
line omitted. Other procedures and techniques of scale and scale designations are
the same as for line curves.
580 20. GRAPHS 617
areas, lines, and The darker shading tones should be used at the
dots, Fig. 1019.
bottom of the chart, and progressively lighter tones should be used as each strata is
shaded proceeding upward, as shown at (c). The weight and spacing of lines and
dots are dependent upon the final size of the chart, and are a matter of judgment on
the part of the draftsman. Projections, or extensions of a curve beyond present avail-
able data, can be distinguished by dashed outlines and lighter line shading.
Surfaces should be designated by placing the labels entirely on the surface, where
possible, as at (c). Small surfaces can be denoted by a label with a leader and arrow-
head, (d). The area of the labels should be clear of shading for ease in reading.
Legends should not be used as a means of designation if direct labeling is possible.
The methods of chart designations are the same as for rectangular coordinate
line graphs.
579. Pie Area Charts. Pie charts, or sector charts, are used to compare component
parts in relation to their total by the use of circular areas.
Pie charts are an effective method for:
1. Representing data on a per cent basis.
2. Popular presentation of a general picture.
3. Showing relatively few plotted values.
4. Emphasizing amounts rather than the trend of data.
A pie chart
is normally presented as a true circular area, Fig. 1020 (a), or in pic-
torialform, (b). Since most applications are concerned with monetary values, a disk
or "coin" is commonly used for the circular area.
580. Design and Layout of Pie Charts. Grids are not used for pie charts. The
circular area drawn to a desired size, within a permissible space. The determina-
tion of the various sizes of the sectors is based upon 360 being equivalent to 100%.
Therefore the following relationship exists:
Sector values (per cent and amount) are placed within the sectors where possible.
If is small, a note with a leader and arrowhead will suffice. Labels should
a sector
be clear of any shading and lettered to read from the bottom of the chart, where
possible, Fig. 1020 (c) and (d). Another technique of sector designation is to shade
the areas, (a). If one of the parts is to be emphasized and compared with the other
parts, it can be shaded a different tone from the others, (c), or separated from the
circular area, as shown at (d).
Titles should be placed above or below the figure.
581. Volume Charts. A volume chart is the graphic representation of three re-
lated variables with respect to three mutually perpendicular axes in space. Volume
charts are generally difficult to prepare, and thus are not often used. The method
of construction is not discussed in detail, but some of the forms will be considered
in the following paragraphs.
Figure 1021 illustrates line volume charts plotted with respect to three axes
(Cartesian coordinates), shown in isometric and oblique projection at (a) and (b),
respectively. Bar graphs can be similarly presented in three dimensions on an iso-
metric grid.
Fig. 1021 Line Volume Charts, (a) adapted from drawing Eugene W. Pike and Thomas R. Silvcrberg
with permission oj Machine Design.
Each block represents
one engineering
A combination of bars and maps may be used to represent three related variables,
as shown in Fig. 1022 (a). Topograph map construction also is a graphic representa-
584 20. GRAPHS 619
tion of three related variables, (two dimensions in a horizontal plane and one dimen-
sion in a vertical direction) all drawn in one plane of the drawing paper, as shown
at (b).
data can be shown by dots of various sizes, Fig. 1026 (a), by the use of symbols, (b),
by shading of areas, (c), and by the use of numbers or colors.
Britoin. Russia and the U.S.
A- Bomb
585. Graph Problems. Construct an appropriate form of graph for the data
listed. The determination of graph form (line, bar, surface, etc.) is left to the discretion
of the instructor or the student and should be based on the nature of the data or the
form of presentation desired. In the tables below, the data for the two related variables
are separated by a double line. In some cases, more than one curve or more than one
series of bars is required.
E. J. Mysiak*
586. Introduction. The engineer, in performing his design work, uses mathe-
matics for deriving equations, solving particular solutions of equations, or for cal-
culations using equations. In general, mathematical problems may be performed
algebraically (using numerical and mathematical symbols) or graphically (using
techniques). The algebraic method is predominantly a verbal approach in comparison
to the visual methods of graphics; therefore errors and discrepancies are more evident
and subject to detection in a graphical presentation. The advantages of graphics are
quite evident in any mathematics text, since most writers of mathematics
their writings and
their algebraic notations with graphical illustrations to illuminate
improve the visualization of the solutions.
Naturally the question of accuracy arises, but it must be remembered that measur-
ing instruments are themselves graphical devices. The data obtained
from an in-
strument reading or from measurements of physical quantities, in many
cases are
practical and readily
recorded to three significant figures. Such a degree of accuracy is
substantiated by a graphical method of computation.
The graphical methods cannot be used exclusively, nor can the algebraic methods
graphics. The engineer
be used to the fullest degree of effectiveness without the use of
understanding of
should be familiar with both methods in order to convey a clearer
his analysis and designs.
alignment charts and co-
Graphical computations are performed by the use of
articles on the basis ol
ordinate axes graphs, and are discussed in the subsequent
these two methods.
587. Nomographs or Alignment Charts. nomograph is a diagram or a com-
bination of diagrams representing a mathematical law.
The Greek roots nomos (law)
*Design Engineer, Pheoll Mfg. Co.
and graphien (to write) suggest this definition. The rectangular coordinate graphs dis
cussed in the preceding chapter are the most common examples, showing graphically
the relationship of two or more variables and their function. The term "nomograph," .
k X r3
and (c). The forms shown have fixed scales and a movable align-
bles, as at (b), (d),
ment However, movable-scale nomographs can be designed with a fixed direction
alignment line, the slide rule being an example of this form.
maximum and minimum values of the variables respectively, Fig. 1028. In this rela-
U=m[f(x z)]
-L,-m[f(x,)]- -L=m[f(x z )-f(x,)]-
tionship, the range of values represents the first data chosen. Obviously a definite
length could be chosen and the functional modulus determined or a con-
if desired ;
venient modulus could be chosen to simplify construction of the scale and conse-
quently determine the length.
1029 for the variable x, f(x) = x2 + 2x + 3. The consequence of including the con-
stant in the function of the variable is to add f " to the scale, which is not used. There-
f(x) = x -f 2x.
fore, the resulting scale in effect is for the terms with variables only,
(xr + xi)]. A common factor has been withdrawn from the coefficients and combined
with the functional modulus. The product of the functional modulus and the constant
coefficient is called a scale modulus and is commonly designated by a capital letter M.
The scale modulus would be M
= 2m = 0.342, and the function of the variable used
would be x 2 +
A further advantage in preparing this scale would be to choose a more convenient
scale modulus, resulting in a length close to the original length of 10" desired. If
M = 0.333 = i is chosen, then L = 0.333 [(25 5) - (.25 .5)] = 9.74". Since
+ +
M == \ = %%, the 30 scale on an engineers scale could be used, 591.
591. Engineers Scale. The use of an engineers scale, where appropriate, elim-
inates the tedious operation of multiplying each functional value by the scale modulus
to obtain the measurement of the graduations. If a definite scale length is not required,
it is best to choose a scale modulus of 1, , 5, |, i, or |, or any multiple of these,
as 3, sV, U, etc., which would permit the use of the 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, or 60 scales
If M = m = 1 L oc =
f [212 - (-40)] = 1(252) = 5.04"
engineers scale. Both scales are laid out from the same origin, although it may not appear
on the scale. The origin is at the zero value of the function, not the variable; in this
case at 0F, - 17.8C.
Another convenient form of conversion scale is the series illustrated in Fig. 1033.
The scales are parallel,but not adjacent, and a horizontal line must be drawn at
right angles to the scales to determine the various forms of x. Thus, if from 6 on the
scale x, a horizontal line is drawn across to scale x the value 36 is found. These
scales are called natural (functional) scales. If the function is the log of a variable, it is
Eq. (1)
\ m,./
or m 2
m + nij
Eq. (2)
Equation (1) is the relationship for spacing the outside scales after choosing moduli
for these scales.Equation (2) is used to determine the modulus of the middle scale.
These two relationships are used on all parallel-scale nomographs. Note that the two
functions together on one side of the equality sign are the outside scales.
A few principles applicable to all parallel scale charts are illustrated in Fig. 1035.
When positive values are laid out in one direction, negative values must be laid out
x z
m m Vo 8 (1/300) (1/322) 1
m + m Vo 3 (1/300) + (1/322) 622
The range of Vf is found by substituting the maximum and minimum values into the
L Vf (5720 - 422) = 8.518"
The scale modulus is found by multiplying the functional modulus by the constant
: -
positive, the three scales increase in value in the same direction, normally upward,
as shown here. In order to align the scale origins, draw a base line across the three
Usually the base line is drawn in
scales. a horizontal direction for convenience. With
the "30" engineers scale, lay out the v scale, with one inch representing 300. The
major values of 10, 15, 20, 25, etc., are located by squaring these vaiues (since
f(v ) = v 2
) and measuring them at 100, 225, 400, 625, etc., respectively. The use
of the engineers scale eliminates the need for multiplying each functional value by
the functional modulus. The s scale is manner, by using the 50
laid out in a similar
scale. Since the constant coefficient was accounted for in the functional modulus
(conveniently chosen), it is not necessary to multiply each value by 2g or the func-
tional modulus.
After the two outside scales are laid out for their entire range, a line joining their
top ends determines the correct height of the middle scale. The major scale divisions
of the middle scale could be located by multiplying each functional value by the
functional modulus and measuring this distance with a regular scale from the origin
point. Since the modulus is odd, however, a more convenient method is to use a
slightly larger engineers scale (40 or 50) and locate the major divisions by the parallel
line method as shown. From the equation, the values of v f range from 20.5 to 75.7,
and their functional values range from 422 to 5720 (f(v ) = v z ). With the 40 scale f f
placed with 422 at the origin (1" = 400), the squares of the major values are set off
with the engineers scale. The values of the limits should not be exactly 20.5 and 75.7.
The scale should be extended to round figures of 20.0 and 77 ft./sec, but the values
of 20.5 and 75.7 must lie on the base line and top isopleth, respectively.
After the scales have been properly arranged, the subdivisions can be located
with the aid of a sector chart, Fig. 1031; and addition of title, legend, and scale
captions completes the chart.
Parallel -scale charts can be constructed for this form of equation by the use of loga-
rithmic scales instead of natural scales. A convenient device for the construction of
logarithmic scales is a log sector chart, Fig. 1007 (c). The use of a logarithmic sector
eliminates the necessity of multiplying the logarithm of each value by the modulus
to construct the scale.
one complete log cycle used. A portion of a cycle, or more than one cycle, may be
used. Cycles longer than those on the sector can be constructed by doubling
or tripling'
a smaller cycle length; e.g., the 20" cycle for f can be constructed by doubling
measured on the 10" cycle, only a portion of a cycle being used (from 19.75 to 44.2).
Odd -length cycles can be conveniently determined by folding the sector at the appro-
priate subdivision between two even-length cycles (e.g., the 4.44" cycle for F is be-
tween the 4" and 5" cycles, and is laid out almost twice since F ranges from 2 to
10 and from 10 to 100).
Several scale arrangements for four-variable nomographs are shown in Fig. 1038.
600. Natural Scale N-Charts, f(z) f(y) = f(x) or f(z) = Equations that
are in the form of the product or division of two variables equaling a third variable
may be constructed with natural (non-logarithmic) scales
in the form of an N" -chart
a ""-chart).
(also called
In Fig. 1040, AB and CD represent two parallel scales
for the variables that are the dividend and divisor in the
division equation form. The term that represents the
quotient appears on the diagonal scale AE.
The functional modulus and length of the two vertical
scales are arbitrarily chosen, limited only by the paper
size. These scales must begin at zero and extend in opposite
directions. The diagonal scale connects the two zero
points from A to C, and is graduated from A to the maxi-
Fig. 1040 N-Chart Geometry.
mum value desired. The distance between the vertical
scales is any convenient distance.
The outside scales are graduated in the same manner as previously described in
589-591. The diagonal scale may be calibrated analytically or graphically. The
analytical method may be found in the texts listed in the bibliography, p. 777. A
simpler graphical method is discussed in 601.
12' 12'
i = t. bh!
T2 b = width, - 8" 1 i?
b 8(12) 3
i = 1152 in."
Ifm b = 1, L b - 1(8- 0)
(a) Design
be so selected as to simplify the form of the equation for computation of the other
values, when substituted into the equation. A value of b = 6 simplifies the equation
Draw lines from 6 on the b scale to the values of I on the I scale to locate the corre-
sponding values of h on the diagonal scale.
602. Large Value N-Charts. When the range of values for an N-chart are
large numbers and do not extend to zero, the chart may be constructed with an
additional computation. As shown in Fig. 1042, the scales
of the chart are non-intersecting within the area of the
paper. The conditions for an N-chart, however, are met,
since the scales extended to their zero values would inter- V I
di d2 d3
= = f(v) f(z)].
f(w) f(x)
|g [or \
* i
\ l
3) L Vr =m V( (Vf, 2 -V fl
) = mv,(14400-0);
if m v ,= 0.0005, L v ,= 7.20'
4) L Vo =m Vo (V o , 2 -V o ,
) = m Vo (3600-0);
if m Vo = 0.001, L Vo =3.60"
.001 +m k b mk 1
f(w) f (y
605. Proportional Charts, Equations with four variables in the
f(x) f(z)
form of a proportion, or in the form f(w)f(z) = f(y)f(x), can be represented by a
nomograph with natural scales, called a proportional chart. The geometry of its con-
struction is shown in Fig. 1045 (a).
m mw f(w)
m tHt ~ m^z)' and
x f(x)
v f(y)
f/\ >
. .
since ~-
m x
Many arrangements of scale are possible; the most convenient form is shown at (b).
The uncalibrated diagonal line connects the zero values of the four scales and is used
as an index or pivot line. The relationship of the reversed directions for the vertical
and horizontal scales, as based on the geometry employed, should be noted.
The design calculations and layout of an illustrative example of a proportional
chart are shown in Fig. 1046.
L = n[f(s
- f(s,)] = m.(63,600-0)
n, = 0.0001, L, = 6.36"
L P = m P [f(P s
= m P (20,000-0)
If m P = 0.0004, L P = 8.000"
If m D = 0.05, L D = 4.000"
jw _ mj, ,0001
m P mj' .0004 mi
02Q ^5.^
U = m,j[f(d - f(di)] =
2) 0.2[x(2) - t(0)>] = 5.026
(a) Design
lines which can be used for addition or subtraction, as shown in Fig. 1047 (a). Such
charts are called network charts. The constant value of the lines equals the intercept
value of b in the equation y = mx + b, which is the y value when x = 0. The
jjg m
r~ i
slope (m) equals one, although the angle of the lines does not equal 45, because one
unit length on the X-axis was not made equal to one unit length on the Y-axis.
The designated values along the axes are used to determine the slope. As shown at (b),
two network charts can be combined to provide the sum of three or four variables.
607. Rectangular Coordinate Multiplication and Division Graphs. A graph
plotted for the equation (x) (y) = c produces a network of hyperbolas, asymptotic
to the X
and Y
axes, Fig. 1048 (a). The values of x are shown along the X-axis. The
y are plotted on a logarithmic grid for constant values of c, as shown at (b). The basis
for the graph is the equation log x + log y = log c and letting x = log x, y = log y
and k = log c. Then x + y = k. The resulting network chart of straight lines has a
slope of 1
609. The Graphical Calculus. If two variables are so related that the value
of one of them depends on the value assigned the other, then the first variable is said
to be a function of the second. For example, the area of a circle is a function of the
radius. The calculus is that branch of mathematics pertaining to the change of values
of functions due to finite changes in the variables involved. It is a method of analysis
called the differential calculus when concerned with the determination of the rate of
change of one variable of a function with respect to a related variable of the same func-
tion. A second principal operation called the integral calculus is the inverse of the dif-
ferential calculus and is defined as a process of summation (finding the total change).
: ID-- i X
Ordindte'of t
HM m6j m
10 20 30
Fig. 1051 Graphical Differentiation.
Ihe value of the derivative at any point of a curve is equal to the slope of the tangent line to
the curve at that point.
Accordingly, graphical differentiation is a process of drawing tangents or the
equivalent (chords parallel to tangents) to a curve at any point and determining
the value of a differential (value of the slope of the tangent line to the curve or to a
parallel chord, at the point selected). The value of the slope is the corresponding
ordinate value on the derived curve.
line to the curve at the selected point, Fig. 1051. The slope is also the rise or fall of
the tangent line in the Y-direction per one unit of travel in the X-direction, the value
of the slope being calculated in terms of the scale units of the X and Y axes.
The Slope Law as applied to differentiation may be stated as follows:
The slope at any point on a given curve is equal to the ordinate of the corresponding point
on the next lower derived curve . The Slope Law is the graphical equivalent of differentia-
tion of the calculus. The applications of the principles of the Slope Law are illustrated
in the following examples.
In Fig. 1052 (a), the slope of OA and CD are constant and positive, indicated by
the straight lines increasing in value upward (positively).Curve AB has a constant
zero slope ; curve BC has a constant negative slope as shown by the straight line de-
- -j which is the velocity of the water in the pipe at any given instant. The
derived curve is one degree lower than the given curve. For example, if y = x3 ,
= 3x 2 . It is to be noted that the exponent of x in the derivative is one degree less
or lower.
, T/,
, ,
the derived curve
,._, .
would be derived, completing a family of curves, which includes the
-, and
. acceleration
bisector of chord
Tangent point
point of two parallel chords, as shown at (b). The tangent line is drawn parallel to
the chords.
If the of unknown analytical form, difficulties arise in drawing the tangent.
curve is
One method drawing tangents is to mark a transparent strip at the edge with two
dots no more than 2 mm. apart. If the dots lie on the curve, the edge of the strip
approximately coincides with the tangent, the point of tangency being located mid-
way between the dots, Fig. 1054 (a).
^Harmonic motion
(Harmonic Rise4HDwell-4*-Parabolic FallH-Dwell-
^J^^S construction
/ Displacement DSaqifaml
ft .
: .
ifo-^ N
'4 \
8 ID '
12 i 14 16 IB
.TIME i seconds .
' $ $ \ 10
rfafej.i r : ;
:. L..BME- Seconds .. A.. -
Asecond method requires the use of a stainless steel or glass mirror, as shown
at (b). The mirror is placed perpendicular to the graph surface and across the curve.
The mirror is then moved until the curve and image coincide to form an unbroken
line, as shown at the left at (b). A line drawn along the front edge of the stainless
steel or the back edge of the glass mirror determines a normal to the tangent, as
613. Graphical Differentiation, Ray Polygon
Chord Method. In Fig. 1055,
a harmonic -rise and parabolic-fall motion for a cam is determined in the displace-
ment diagram (given curve), and a derived curve is required. The given curve is
divided into a number of short arcs, with equally spaced ordinates. Draw chords
from O
to A, A to B, etc. The distance between ordinates along the X-axis is chosen
small enough so that the chords between the two points are approximately parallel
to a tangent line at the midpoint of the chosen arc.
Locate in projection below the given curve the origin O' of the derived curve
and a pole point P at a convenient distance d from the origin point O' on the X-axis.
To avoid "flat" derived curves, d is generally chosen at some multiple distance
of the scale along the X-axis. If this distance is twice the unit scale, the ordinate scale
of the derived curve is one-half the scale units of the given curve ordinate.
From the pole point P, draw rays parallel to the chords in the given curve. For
example, PA' is parallel to OA; PB' is parallel to AB, etc.
Locate the tangent points on the given curve for each subtended arc, as described
in 612. Project each tangent point from the given curve downward to the derived
curve until it intersects a horizontal line drawn from the appropriate points on the
Y'-axis of the derived curve. The process is repeated for all the tangent points and
their corresponding points on the Y'-axis. Construct the derived (derivative) curve
by drawing a smooth curve through the located points.
614. Graphical Differentiation, Ray Polygon
Tangent Method. Another
method similar to the chord method consists in the determination of the tangent
points and lines, without concern for the cords. In Fig. 1056, a derived curve is ob-
tained from a given curve y = 2x 2 by the tangent method. ray is drawn from the A
pole point parallel to each tangent line, and the derived curve points are located
by projecting the tangent points vertically from the given curve until the lines inter-
sect the appropriate horizontal projection lines from the Y'-axis of the derived curve.
The pole point P in this case is at a distance equal to Htimcs the unit scale.
Therefore the ordinate scale for the first derived curve (y') is times the ordinate
scale of the given curve.
The differentiating of the derived curve (successive differentiation) results in a
second derived curve. The pole point selected, P', is at a distance equal to the unit
scale of the X'-axis of the derived curve; therefore the ordinate scale for the second
derived curve (y") is equal to the ordinate scale of the first derived curve (y').
If clarity permits, the successively de-
rived curves can be conveniently placed
one on top of the other, since the abscissa
scale is the same for all the curves. Each
curve, however, requires a different or-
dinate scale, since a "flat" curve is to
be avoided.
In the example used, the first derived
curve is an inclined straight line, which
is expected, since if y = 2x
1st derivative: = 4x
The second derived curve appears as
a line parallel to the X-axis, with a value
of y = 4, which is also expected, since
if y = 4x
d v
2nd differential : = 4
dx z
615. Area Law. Given a curve, Fig.
1057 (upper portion), a tangent to the
arc is constructed at T. A length of arc Fig. 1057 Area Law.
AB is chosen so that T is at the midpoint
of the length of arc. Through A and B a chord is constructed that is parallel to the
tangent line. The coordinates of A are xi, y b and of B are x 2 y 2 Since the chord ,
and tangent are parallel, their slopes are equal. The slope of the tangent line at T
is equal to the mean ordinate y' m of T' in the derived curve
The law derived from this analysis, the Area Law, may be stated as follows:
The difference in the length of any two ordinates to a continuous curve equals the total net
area between the corresponding ordinates of the next lower curve.
The application of the Area Law as stated, which provides for dividing the given
curve into short arcs, permits the determination of the derivative curve for the given
curve. The law is also applicable to the process of integration, as discussed in 618.
Divide the given curve into a number of short arcs, with equally spaced ordinates
yi, y2 , etc. Thebetween the ordinates along the X-axis should be chosen
so that the chord intercepting the two points on the arcs OA, AB, BC, etc., will be
approximately parallel to the tangent lines at the midpoints of the subtended arcs.
Determine the length of each mean ordinate for the appropriate interval by
dividing the difference in length of the ordinates by the x distance between them.
= yt yi t
y m , etc.
X2 Xi
the ordinates of the given curve, y' m = 2( J. The distance on the ordinate of
\X2 Xi/
the derived curve can be rapidly determined by applying the dividers to the given
curve ordinate differences SA, TB, UC, etc., and placing twice these distances on
the corresponding ordinates of the derived curve.
Horizontal lines for each interval, and a smooth curve through the horizontal
lines, are then drawn so that the triangular areas above and below the curve appear
by eye to be approximately equal in area.
calculus being devised for the purpose of calculating the area bounded by curves.
If the given area is assumed to be divided into an infinite number of infinitesimal
parts called elements, the sum of all these elements is the total area required. The
integral sign f, the long S, was used by early writers andis still used in calculations
to indicate "sum."
Oneof the most important applications of the integral calculus is the determina-
tion of a function from a given derivative, the inverse of differentiation. The process
of determining such a function is integration, and the resulting function is called the
integral of the given derivative or integrand. In many cases, however, the
process of
integration is used to determine the area bounded by curves, the expression of the
function not being necessary.
Graphical solutions may be classified into three general groups: graphical, semi-
graphical, and mechanical methods. Each of these methods will be discussed.
618. Graphical Solution Area Law. Since integration is the inverse of differ-
entiation, the Area Law as analyzed for differentiation, 615, is applicable to integra-
tion, but in reverse. The Area Law as applied to integration may be
stated as follows:
ordinates of a given curve is equal to the difference in length between
The area between any two
velocity Tr ,
would be the curve. If the curve is
integral of this derivative curve .
curve is obtained (the next hieher
In Fig. 1059, on the given derivative curve, uniformly (equally) spaced ordinates
are established, and a mean ordinate is approximated between two consecutive ordi-
nates by drawing a horizontal line which cuts the arc between the two ordinates,
forming a pair of equal "triangles," as shown in the lower part of the figure.
curve is given, Fig. 1060, and the area between the curve ABCDEF and the X-axis
is required (integration), the area obviously equals the sum of the rectangles ABKG,
Slope of string GH
r^ t t
since these slopes were constructed equal,
OA' KH or OA = d -
d GK \GK/
The ordinate OA' of the lower curve, therefore, equals the slope of the string or
upper curve multiplied by a constant d, the pole distance.
It will be seen that this analysis is a verification of the Slope Law, 611. A re-
OA' (GK) = d (KH) = Area of rectangle ABGK. KH is the ordinate of the higher
degree integral curve.
620. Ordinate Scale of Integral Curve. The ordinate values placed along the
Y-axis of the next higher degree (integral) curve are dependent upon the location
of the pole point used to obtain strings and rays. The abscissa scale along the X-axis
iskept the same as that of the original curve.
It is desirable to choose the unit scale of the integral curve ordinates a proper
length so as to avoid "flat" integral curves. Larger units along the Y-axis, Fig. 1061,
in comparison to the units along the Y'-axis, will produce a steeper curve. Another
factor to consideris a choice of a pole distance (H). An even whole number multiple
of the unit scale length along the abscissa will simplify the layout of the Y-axis
(ordinate) scale units.
In the figure, H was chosen equal to four times the unit length of the abscissa
scale, to the left of the origin. The vertical (ordinate) scale units of the integral curve
are, therefore, four times the unit scale of the ordinate of the given curve (based on
areas under the curves).
The problem in Fig. 1061 was arranged to obtain an integral curve with the
best use of the available space, in order to obtain better accuracy. After plotting the
given curve within the available space, a line Om
is drawn from the origin to the
desired end point of the integral curve. An average ordinate n-n is estimated so that
the space above the given curve equals approximately the space below this curve.
An auxiliary ordinate axis for the integral curve is erected at the intersection of line
n-n and Om. Divide the given curve into small increments (Area Law Method) and
establish an average ordinate each increment, a, b, c, etc. Project these ordinates
to the auxiliary a', b to b', etc. From the pole point, a ray is
ordinate axis, a to
drawn to each of these points, Pa', Pb', Pc', etc. Draw a segment O'a" across the
first increment from the origin parallel to the corresponding ray Pa'. From the end
of this segment, a second segment a"b" is drawn across the second increment parallel
to the corresponding second ray Pb'. This process is continued for the remaining
increments. A smooth curve is drawn through the end points of the segments.
A 8 = w [(y +
y n) +
4 (yi y3 +
y5 H + 1-
y n -i) 2 (y 2 +y4 y6 +
yn- 2 )] + -+
To apply Simpson's Rule, the given curve must be divided into an even number of
intervals, and the required area is approximately equal to the sum of the extreme
ordinates, plus four times the sum of the ordinates with odd subscripts, plus twice
the sum of the ordinates with even subscripts, all multiplied by one-third the common
distance between the ordinates.
A =
a |w [(y + yn) + 4(yi + y3 + y + y?) + 2(y + y< + ye)]
5 2
623. Integration
Mechanical Methods. When the requirement for integra-
tion is the determination of the area, mechanical integrators called planimeters may
be used. The instrument is used manually to trace the outline of the area, and the
instrument automatically records on a dial the area circumnavigated.
A common type of planimeter is the polar planimeter, Fig. 1064 (b). As illustrated
at (a), by means of the polar arm OM, one end M
of the tracer arm is caused to
move in a circle, and the other end N
is guided around a closed curve bounding the
Area measured
directions. The resulting displacement reading (difference in the two sweeps) on the
integrating wheel indicates the amount of the area. The circumference of the wheel
is graduated so that one revolution corresponds to a definite number of square units
of area.
used to measure indicator diagrams has a length L = 4",
The ordinary planimeter
and a wheel circumference of 2.5",so that one revolution of the wheel is 4 X 2.5" =10
sq. in. The wheel is graduated into ten parts, each part being further subdivided
into ten parts, and a vernier scale facilitates a further subdivision into ten parts,
enabling a reading to the nearest hundredth of a square inch.
are varied in methods. A common method is to plot the data on rectangular, semi-
logarithmic or logarithmic coordinate graph paper, with an attempt to obtain a
straight line. If the plot turns out to be reasonably straight on one of these papers,
an approximate (empirical) equation can be derived by geometric methods. Three
of the more common methods of deriving the equation of a straight line are discussed
in the following sections. The reader is referred to the references in the bibliography,
p. 777, for additional methods of empirical equation derivation.
625. Empirical Equations Rectangular Coordinate Y = mX 4- a. In Fig.
1065, the data presented at (a), plotted on rectangular coordinate paper, allows a
straight line to be fitted to the points, as shown at (b). The equation for a straight
line on rectangular coordinate paper is Y = mX +
a. The procedure for equation
derivation requires the determination of the slope of the line (m) and the Y-intercept
(a) when X = 0.
Y = mX + a: (1)1.15= 0.0003m +a
(2) 0.85 = 0.0062m + a
Subtracting(2)from(l): .30 = -0.0059m; m= -50.9
Substituting in (1): 1.15= 0.0003(-50.9) +a ; a = 1.15 + 0.02 = 1.17
equations, the dependent variable is computed using the independent variable data
values. A comparison of computed values with observed data values reveals a plus
or minus difference (residual), Fig. 1066. If the observed data are smaller than the
computed value, the residual is commonly denoted as minus. The algebraic sum of
the residuals for each equation suggests which is the best equation (the smallest sum,
plus or minus). For the example problem used in 625, the equation derived by the
slope-intercept method seems to be the best approximation.
Since 10 a will be the intercept on the Y-axis, Y = A 10"' x The derivation of the .
empirical equation requires the solution of the values A (Y-axis intercept, when
X = 0) and m(the slope of the straight line). The same three methods used for
rectangular coordinate solutions, 625, are applicable. The graphical plot and essen-
tial calculations are presented in Fig. 1068 for an example problem.
? -j
cept chosen. A preferred solution is to deter-
mine the intercept on the axis with the de- "NEGATIVE VALUE nv HYPERBOLA
pendent variable. The methods of
equation derivation used for rectangular and Fig. 1069 Power Curves.
semi-log coordinate solutions, 625 and 627,
are applicable to logarithmic coordinate plottings. The graphical plot and essential
calculations are presented in Fig. 1070 as an example problem. Note that point A
was shifted on the graph to point B to determine the Y intercept, when = 1, for X
the slope -intercept method only.
Scale Layout Construct scales for the following:
Two Variables Conversion Scales. Construct two-variable conversion nomographs for the
7r d2 A = area of a circle, in. 2
3. A = = diameter of circle,
4 d to 6 in.
r = radians.
Three Variables. Construct parallel -scale nomographs or N-charts for the following:
t = time, to 20 sec.
Ohm's Law.
V = I R V = potential (voltage), volts.
I= electric current, 0.1 to 10 amperes.
R = resistance, 1 to 100 ohms.
Coefficient of friction.
/j coefficient of friction, 0.2 to 0.6
t ,
1 = .
of plate, 1 ,to 1on
, ,. .
120 in.
Algebra Solutions
19. Amanufacturer of machine parts can sell x parts per week at a price p = 200 1.5x
= The cost of production c = 0.5x 2
(price per part). 20x+ +
600. Determine the total
selling price and production cost for increments of five parts, for a total of 50 parts. Plot
each curve, total selling price vs number of parts and production cost vs number of parts
on the same sheet of graph paper.
Determine the "break-even" point, where selling price equals production costs. Deter-
mine the number of parts to be manufactured with the largest profit (profit = selling price
minus production cost).
In the following problems, plot the given data and perform the graphical differentiation
or integration by any of the methods included in the text.
Differential Calculus
20. Determine the acceleration (mi./hr./sec.) vs time curve for the following tests performed
on an 8-cylinder automobile engine.
Time (T) Seconds
Plot the data for the following problems on the appropriate form of graph paper. Deter-
mine the equation by three methods included in the text, and analyze with residuals the
best equation.
E. I. Fiesenheiser*
631. Wood Construction. Many different types of wood are used as structural
timber, among which are ash, birch, cedar, cypress, Douglas fir, elm, oak, pine,
'Director, Civil Engineering Dept., Illinois Institute of Technology.
poplar, redwood, and spruce. Authentic information concerning the strength prop-
erties of the various types and grades can be obtained from the Wood Handbook No. 72
prepared by the U.S. Forest Products Laboratory in 1955.* For allowable stresses
and design of connections, the student should refer to the National Design Specification
for Stress-Grade Lumber and its Fastenings as recommended by the National Lumber
Manufacturers Association, Washington, D.C.
Wood is in common use in the construction of homes and other buildings in the
form of columns, studs, floors, roof rafters, purlins, trusses, and roof sheathing.
Typical drawings of wood structures and construction details may be obtained from
the various publications of the National Lumber Manufacturers Association. Com-
mon methods of fastening timber members together involve the use of nails, screws,
lag screws, drift bolts, bolts, steel plates, and various special timber connectors. Ordi-
narily a structural timber is cut so that the wood fibers, or grain, run parallel to the
length. The strength resistance of wood is not the same in a direction perpendicular
to the grain as it is parallel to the grain. Therefore, in designing connections, the
direction of the force to be transmitted must be taken into account. Also, a proper
spacing, edge distance, and end distance must be maintained for screws, bolts, and
other connectors.
Typical bolted joints are shown in Fig. 1071. To transmit the forces, either wood
or steel splice platesmay be used, as shown at (a) and (b). A detail without splice
plates is shown at (c). It should be realized that each type of connection requires a
different design.
The use of split-ring metal connectors, 632, is now common. In Fig. 1072 is shown
a drawing of the left half of a timber roof truss in which this type of connector is used.
The left drawn, since the truss is symmetrical about the centerline. By
half only is
referring to the views of the top and bottom chords, the student may visualize the
relative positions of the connecting members of the structure. In drawings of trusses,
the view of the top chord is simply an auxiliary view. However, it is customary to
show the lower cord by means of a section taken just above the lower chord with the
line of sight downward. The lower chord is therefore shown in first-angle projection,
Timber is used to some extent in the construction of highway truss bridges, as
shown in Fig. 1073. Only the left half of the symmetrical structure is shown in the
elevation view. The cross section, drawn for one-half the roadway width, and the
bottom sectional view, indicate the framing and the manner in which the floor is
As shown by this drawing, it is customary not to break the dimension lines, but
*Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington 25, D.C.
to letter the dimension above the line. This rule is followed quite generally in struc-
tural drafting;.
Span 30'-0
..... ?
' "
framing from column to column, providing end support for other beams, are called
while smaller beams framing between girders are called filler beams. The de-
signer's plans are sent to the steel fabricator who is to furnish the steel for the job.
From these plans the fabricator makes the necessary detailed shop drawings and
erection plans. However, before shop work is begun, the fabricator's drawings are
sent to the design engineer for final checking, as the engineer has the authority to
make any changes necessary to conform to the required strength and safety of con-
nections. As soon as the fabricator has received the approved shop drawings returned
by the engineer, the shop work may be carried out.
Shop drawings consist in detail drawings of all parts of the entire structure, show-
ing exactly how the parts are to be made. Essentially, such drawings show all dimen-
sions necessary for fabrication calculated to the nearest ts", the location of all holes
for connections, details of connection parts, and the required sizes of all material.
In addition, fabrication or construction methods may be specified by appropriate
notes on the detail drawings, whenever such items are not covered by separate speci-
fications. Obviously, fabrication and shop methods, as well as suitable field construc-
tion methods, must be fully understood by the dctailer. The design of details and
connections is an important part of the engineering of the structure and should not
be neglected, as the connections of the variousmembers must be adequate to transmit
members. Connection details should be drawn to a scale sufficiently
the forces in these
large to show them clearly without crowding, although over-all lengths of members
need not be drawn to any scale. All dimensions should be shown, since detail drawings
should never be scaled in the shop or in the field by the workmen making the piece.
An adequate system of piece marking should be employed. Each piece that is separately
handled should have its own piece mark, and this piece mark should be shown
wherever the member appears on the drawings. This mark also is painted on the
member in the shop, and later serves as a shipping mark and erection mark in the
field for final assembly of the member in the structure.
Erection plans, ordinarily made by the steel fabricator,
are essentially skeleton
assembly drawings showing the relationship of the various members or parts to be
fitted together in the final structure in the field. In all cases, the piece marks of the
individual members are shown on the erection plans. Only sufficient detail to enable
the complete assembly of the various members by skilled workmen is required, be-
cause the detail drawings, already made, fully describe each member and its connec-
tions. In most cases line diagrams, in which members are represented simply by
heavy straight lines, are adequate although when complex assemblies are required,
these should be shown in greater detail. Assembly views should be drawn to scale
but, like the detail shop drawings, are never scaled by workmen to obtain dimensions.
Appropriate notes on these drawings may be used to indicate how the structure is to
be assembled. An erection plan of roof steel framing, which is an addition to an exist-
ing building, is shown in Fig 1077. This industrial structure houses a pulp mill for
the manufacture of paper roofing products. New steel is shown by full lines, whereas
existing roof members are shown by dashed lines. Connections to existing steel mem-
bers are shown as sectional views, and timber framing for the support of large roof
ventilators is also indicated.
634. Structural Steel Shapes. Cast iron, wrought iron, aluminum, magnesium,
steel, and other metals are used in construction, but only steel structures are within
the scope of this chapter. Structural steel is available in many standard shapes, which
are formed by rolling the metal from billets, at high temperatures, in the rolling mill.
The principal shapes are square and round bars, plates, equal-and unequal-leg angles,
standard channels, car-building channels, bulb angles, standard I-beams, wide flange
(WF) beams and columns, tees, structural tees, zees, crane and railroad rails, and
pipe columns. See Fig. 1078. As indicated in the figure, structural tees are obtained
by cutting the webs of wide-flanged or other beams at the center of the beam depth.
keg L- Leg [f
Flange Flange ^
\^ Web
Equal Leg Angle Symbol, leg, leg, thickness, length L3X3X 3/aX12'-0
Unequal Leg Angle Symbol, long leg, short leg,
thickness, length L 2 X 1 Vi X !4 X 9'-
Bulb Angle Symbol, web, flange, weight, length Bulb L 5 X 8' -3
X 2</2 X 7.3
Channel Height, symbol, weight, length 6 i_i X 15'
Standard Beam Height, symbol, weight, length 12 I 31.8 X 10'-2
Wide Flange Shape Height, symbol, weight, length 8 MF 17 X 30' -(PA
Structural Tee Symbol, height, weight, length ST4 W 8.5 X 30'-6%
Tee Symbol, flange, stem, weight, length T 5 X 3 X 11.5 X ll'-5
Zee Symbol, web, flange, weight, length Z 5 X 3J4 X 14.0 X 7'- 11
Rail Weight per yard, name 80 lb. rail
636. Scales for Detailing. Details should be drawn to a scale of f " = 1 '-0, or
1" =
l'-O, using the architects scale, 36. Over-all lengths of members, however,
need not be drawn to scale.
eters ranging from " to \\" Rivets driven in the shop are called shop rivets, and those
driven in the field (at the construction site) are called field rivets. Rivets are usually
of the button-head type, Fig. 697 (a), and are driven hot, into holes rs" larger than
the rivet diameter. The length of a rivet is the thickness (grip) of the parts being
connected, plus the length of the shank necessary to form the driven head and to
fill the hole. Excess shank length will produce capped heads, whereas lengths too
short will not permit the formation of a full head. Shop rivets are ordinarily driven
by large riveting machines that are part of the permanent shop equipment.
Field rivets are usually heated in a coal-burning forge with the use of a hand
bellows, and when properly heated the shank will have a light cherry-red color and
the head a dull red color. Riveting crews consist of four workmen: (1) the heater, who
passes the hot rivets to the sticker; (2) the sticker, who receives the rivets and enters
them into the holes (3) the bucket, who holds the rivet firmly in the hole against the
force of the rivet gun by use of a dolly bar; and (4) the riveter, who forms the head
with a pneumatic hammer, forcing the shank to fill the hole completely. If the forge
is at some distance from the work, rivets are tossed to the sticker, who catches them
in a special can. After catching, the sticker strikes the head sharply against metal to
remove cinders and scale before entering the rivet into the hole. The riveter holds
the pneumatic hammer or rivet gun against the rivet with considerable force, and
during driving rotates it slightly to assist in forming a round smooth head.
Several types of riveted joints are shown in Fig. 698.
r-r zL I
- ,^L
2/.4x3ir x x8 12 \AF 31 x l3'-7z
f jz! RIVETS
Fig. 1079 Floor Beam Shop Drawing.
blacked-in solid, Fig. 699; gage lines (lines passing through rivets or holes like center
lines) are always shown, and it is desirable to line up holes or rivets on these lines
where possible, rather than to "break the gage." It is necessary to locate the gage
line of an angle for each leg in all cases, unless it has already been shown for the identi-
cal angle elsewhere on the drawing. The edge distance, from end rivet or hole to the
end of the angle, must be given at one end, the billed length of the piece being worked
out to provide the necessary edge distance at the other end. It is not necessary that
the beam extend the full length of the distance back-to-back of end angles. In this
case, as is customary, it is shown "set back" at both ends, the length of beam called
for being \" less than the 13'-7f distance. Below the sketch, the mark B25 is the piece
or shipping mark which appears on the erection plan, and is to be painted on the
member in the shop for identification. The end connection angles are fully detailed
at the left end of the beam and are given the assembly mark aa. Therefore, at the
right end where these same angles are again used, only the assembly mark 2-aa, to
indicate two angles, is given. The figure 10'-1| is called an extension figure, as this is
the distance from the back of the left-end angles to the center of the group of four
holes. Note that this dimension is on the same horizontal line as the V-A\ figure just
to the left. It is customary to give the foot mark (') after dimensions in feet, but not
to give the (")mark, designating inches.
shop drawing for a riveted column is shown in Fig. 1080. Here the faces A, B,
and C are marked for reference. It is customary to draw face A first at the left, then
face B, then C. When the column is viewed in plan from above as shown in the
section below view B, the faces are located progressively counterclockwise. Only occa-
sionallv is it necessary to draw face D very complex). The lower
(when the framing is
sectional view is called a bottom section in structural drafting, but it is always a section
looking down, rather than a bottom view looking up. This sectional view shows the
base detail with the 1" thick plate, which will rest directly on the concrete foundation.
In this view, rivets "countersunk far side" are shown, to tie the base plate to the con-
nection angles. The bottom end of the column shaft is to be milled, so that it will
have full contact area over the bearing plate. Milling is common practice when com-
pression members bear against one another. The piece mark of the column is C2,
which will be painted on the member before it leaves the shop.
A shop drawing for a riveted roof truss is shown in Fig. 1081. Only the left half
is drawn, since the truss is symmetrical about the center line. The use of the gage
lines of the members should be noted. Gage lines should be located as closely as
possible to the centroidal axes of the members; and at the joints where members
intersect, these gage should intersect at a single point to avoid unnecessary
moment stresses due to eccentricities. It is noted that the locations of the open holes
indicate where the field splices are to be,namely at the center line of the truss (<)
for the top chord, and at 5 '-2ys from the center line for the bottom chord.
IPl W-l-l-7 (d)
30 -0 wp to (ip
3l'-0 o to i
641. High Strength Steel Bolting. High tensile steel bolts, as a method of
connecting the various members of steel structures, have recently come into fairly
wide usage. These bolts are considered fully as satisfactory as rivets and in fact, for
8 Vf 17 X !8-3g
2L 3x3 x x 6-aa
HOLES j <j>
equal diameters, specifications allow equal values for either rivets or bolts, provided
such bolts are used according to prescribed methods. Hardened steel washers should
be used under both head and nut. Proper tensioning of the bolts may be done by
the use of either a manual torque wrench or an air impact wrench, calibrated to de-
liver the necessary torque. It has also been discovered that if the steel parts are well
drawn together, the bolts can be tightened sufficiently from a finger-tight position
simply by turning the nut one full turn around with an ordinary manual wrench.
volved. To facilitate such calculations, tables of logarithms and squares are extremely
useful. Since dimensions are given in feet, inches, and fractions of inches, it is necessary
to convert fractions of inches to inch decimals and then to convert inches to decimals
of feet so that all dimensions are in foot units, when using ordinary logarithmic tables.
Fortunately, tables are available in which these conversions have already been made.*
Such tables include logarithms and squares for dimensions to rs" for distances up to
100 ft., and to |"for distances to 200 ft. Both
natural and logarithmic functions of angles
are also included, as well as bevels, slopes,
and rises. See 339. Ordinarily angles on
the line diagram of Fig. 1085, which shows the gage lines of the truss members, will be
used. Length AE, one-half the truss span and CE, the height of truss, are the known
dimensions. Point B is located at 8'-9j from A, as shown. From these dimensions, the
other lengths and the bevels are to be determined. In a Fink truss such as this, the
web member BD is perpendicular to the top chord AC. An arrangement of com-
putations in tabular form is desirable, as in the following table:
BD = 4 '-45/8 19.2319
96.1594 = (AD) 2
AD = 9'-9"/f6
crete. The compressive strength of concrete depends on the mix design, but has been
manufactured to develop an ultimate strength at 28 days as high as 7,000 lb. per
sq. in. The tensile strength of the material is limited to about one-tenth the com-
pressive strength. Portland cement is a controlled, manufactured product as compared
to natural cements found in some localities. It derived its name from its color, which
resembles that of a famous building stone found on the island of Portland in southern
Since the tensile strength of concrete is very limited, the usefulness of concrete as
a building material can be materially improved by embedding steel reinforcing bars
in it in such a way that the steel resists the tension, and the concrete mainly the com-
pression. In this way the two materials act together in resisting forces and flexure.
Concrete, combined in this way with steel, is called reinforced concrete; without the
addition of steel rods or wires, it is called plain concrete. When the steel is pre-tensioned
before the application of the superimposed load, thus producing an interior force
within the member, the material is called preslressed concrete.
644. Reinforced Concrete Drawings. The design of the reinforcing for a re-
inforced concrete structure and the preparation of the corresponding drawings are
complicated. In order to simplify this work and to secure uniformity in the many
engineering offices, the American Concrete Institute, with the cooperation of the
Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute, has prepared a Manual of Standard Practice for
Detailing Reinforced Concrete Structures which has been approved as A.C.I. Standard.
Also, a Manual of Standard Practice for Detailing Reinforced Concrete Highway Structures,
From Manual of Standard Practice for Detailing Reinforced Concrete Structures, ACr 315-57.
"American Concrete Institute, P. O. Box 4754, Redford Station, Dearborn 19, Mich.
facturer who fabricates the reinforcing steel. The engineering drawing is to show the
general arrangement of the structure, the sizes and reinforcements of the several mem-
bers, and such other information as may be necessary for the correct interpretation
of the designer's ideas. The placing drawing is to show the sizes and shapes of the
several rods, stirrups, hoops, ties, etc., and to arrange them in tabular forms for ready
reference by the building contractor. The method of preparing an engineering draw-
ing for a two-way slab and beam floor of a multistory building is illustrated in Fig.
1086. For methods of preparing placing drawings, the student should consult the
manuals referred to above.
The design drawing for a reinforced concrete pier, one of the supporting members
for a highway bridge, is shown in Fig. 1087. Note that the steel bars, even though
embedded, are shown by full lines, and that concrete is always stippled in cross sec-
tion.Unlike shop drawings for structural steel, concrete drawings are ordinarily made
to scale inboth directions. Usually a scale of \" to the foot is adequate, although when
the structure is complicated, scales of f " or \" to the foot may be used. An effort
should be made to avoid a cluttered appearance, usually the result of crowding the
drawing with many notes. Cluttering can largely be avoided by the use of tables
and schedules for listing of bar sizes and other necessary data, and by covering many
important points in a single set of notes, as shown in Fig. 1087.
645. Structural Clay Products. Brick and tile, which are manufactured clay
products, have been in use for centuries, and comprise some of the best-known forms
of building construction. Brick and tile units are made from many different types of
clay and in many different shapes, forms, and colors. Ordinarily they are built into
masonry forms by the skilled brick or tile mason, who places the units one at a time
in a soft mortar. After the mortar hardens, it becomes an integral part of the structure.
Typical mortars contain sand, lime, Portland cement, and water. Although the com-
pressive and tensile strengths of the clay units themselves are considerable, the over-all
strength of the structure is limited by the strength of the mortar joints. As with con-
crete, therefore, the result is a structure of high compressive strength and relatively
low tensile strength. Similarly, it is possible to reinforce brick and tile masonry by
embedding steel rods within the members, thus adding greatly to their tension re-
sistance and strength. When this is done, the material is called reinforced brick or tile
masonry (R.B.M.).
Information concerning manufacture, weight and strength properties, and the
various uses and applications of structural clay products can be obtained from the
handbooks Principles of Brick Engineering and Principles of Tile Engineering.* These refer-
ences will be found invaluable to both the designer and the draftsman concerned
with designs in this material.
Bricks are made of various sizes, the 2\" 3f" X X
8" building brick being the
most common. Thickness of mortar joints varies usually from \" to f", with \" most
common. Of the several methods of bonding brick, Fig. 1088, the following are the
most common: running bond all face brick are stretchers and are generally bonded
to the backing by metal ties; American bond the face brick are laid alternately, five
courses of stretchers
and one course of headers; Flemish bond the face brick arc laid
with alternate stretchers and headers in every course; English bond the face brick are
laid alternately, one course of stretchers and one course of headers. In modern work,
5553 BS53
pmoop jac^Dczgzx
a apen iczzit
mi in r
English Bond
1 K
Weather Joint Raked Joint Concave Joint Flush Joint
structure. Hollow tile units, being light and relatively inexpensive, are well adapted
to this usage.
648. Introduction. Up to this point we have been concerned with the methods
and techniques used in drawing man-made objects. Topographic drawing and mapping
have to do with the representation of portions of the earth's surface, mainly its natural
features, to a convenient scale. On
such drawings the relative positions of natural
features, with respect to certain definitely located points, are shown. Since the shape
of the earth is spherical, any representation on a plane, such as a piece of paper, is
necessarily somewhat distorted. See 532. In drawing large areas, therefore, some
method of projection must be used which results in a minimum of distortion. In such
work, the positions of the control or reference points are usually defined by spherical
coordinates of latitude and longitude (meridians and parallels), which are shown as
reference lines on the drawing. In drawing small areas to a relatively large scale, the
distortion due to earth -curvature is so slight as to be unnoticeable, and may therefore
be entirely neglected. Orthographic projection, as used in technical drawings, in
which the line of sight is assumed to be perpendicular to the plane of the map, is
therefore the method most commonly used.
not ordinarily show relative ground elevations, and is drawn for some specific purpose, such
as the calculation of areas, the location of property lines, or the location of a building project.
Usually it contains a traverse. See Fig. 1090.
2. A traverse consists of a series of intersecting straight lines of accurately measured lengths.
At the points between adjacent lines are measured and
of intersection, the deflection angles
recorded. Starting at one point, rectangular coordinates of the other intersection points can
therefore be calculated by trigonometry. A closed traverse thus becomes a closed polygon, and
provides a method for checking the accuracy of the work. The land survey plat of Fig. 1090
illustrates a closed traverse.
3. Elevations are vertical distances above a common datum or reference plane. The eleva-
tion of a point on the surface of the ground is usually determined by differential leveling from
some other point of known elevation. Commonly, elevations are referenced to mean sea level
4. A profile is a line contained in a vertical plane, and depicts the relative elevations of
various points along the line. Thus if a vertical section were to be cut into the earth, the top
line of this section would represent the ground profile.
5. Contours are lines drawn on a map to locate, in the plan view, points of equal ground
elevation. On a single contour line, therefore, all points have the same elevation.
6. Hatchures are short, parallel, or slightly divergent lines drawn in the direction of the
slope. They are closely spaced on steep slopes and converge toward the tops of ridges and
hills.Hatchures are shade lines to show relief. See Appendix 31.
7. Monuments are special installations of stone or concrete to mark the locations of points
Phologrammetry is now widely used for map surveying. This method utilizes actual
photographs of the earth's surface and of artificial objects on the earth. Originally
aerial photogrammetry was used mainly in mapping enemy territory during wartime.
Now this method is used for governmental and commercial surveying, explorations,
property valuation, etc. It has the great advantage of being easy to use in difficult
terrain having steep slopes, where ground surveying would be difficult or nearly im-
possible. The utilization of aerial photographs is called aerial photogrammetry, whereas
that utilizing photographs taken from ground stations with the axis of the camera
lens nearly horizontal, is known as terrestrial photogrammetry. By combining the results
of both types of observations, it is possible not only to determine the relative positions
of objects in a horizontal plane, but it is determine relative elevations.
also possible to
Thus the science of photogrammetry can be the contour mapping as well as
basis of
plan mapping. Generally, aerial photographs are used in matched groups to form a
mosaic. To form a satisfactory mosaic map, the group photographs must overlap
slightly. A distinct advantage of photogrammetry is that a large area can be mapped
from a single clear photograph. The method may be used in connection with ground
surveying by photographing control points already located on the ground by precise
For additional information, which is beyond the scope of this chapter, the student
may refer to the following texts: Advanced Surveying and Mapping, and Elements of
Photogrammetry, by George D. Whitmore, International Textbook Company; Ele-
mentary Topography andMap Reading, by Samuel L. Greitzer, McGraw-Hill Book Com-
pany; and Manual of Surveying Instructions for the Survey of the Public Lands of the United
States, prepared and published by the Bureau of Land Management, U.S. Govern-
ment Printing Office, Washington, D.C.
Fig. 1092 Contours Determined from Control Points.
651. Contours. Although contours have already been defined, their uses and
characteristics and the methods of plotting them require further discussion.
A contour interval is the vertical distance between horizontal planes passing through
successive contours. For example, in Fig. 1092 the contour interval is 10 ft. The con-
tour interval should not change on any one map. It is customary to show every fifth
contour by a line heavier than those representing intermediate contours.
If extended far enough, every contour line will close. At streams, contours form
V's pointing upstream. Should successive contours be evenly spaced, this means that
the ground slopes uniformly, whereas closely-spaced contours indicate steep slopes.
Locations of points on contour lines are determined by interpolation. In Fig. 1092,
the locations and elevations of seven control points are determined, and contour lines
will be drawn on the assumption that the slope of the surface of the ground is uniform
between station A and the six adjacent stations. To draw the contour lines, a contour
interval of 10 ft. was adopted, and the locations of the points of intersection of the
contour lines with the straight lines, joining the point A and the six adjacent points,
was calculated as follows:
horizontal distance between stations A
and B is 740 ft. The difference in ele-
vation of those stations is 61 ft. The difference in elevation of station A
and contour
300 is 9 ft.; therefore, contour 300 crosses the line AB at a distance from station A
of /T of 740, or 109.1 ft. Contour 290 crosses the line AB at a distance from contour
300 of of 740, or 121.3 ft. This 121.3 ft. distance between contour lines is constant
along the line AB and can be set off without further calculation.
In the same way, points in which the contours cross the other lines of the survey
can be interpolated. After this process is finished, the several contour lines can be
drawn through points of equal elevation, as shown.
After contours have been plotted, it is easy to construct a profile of the ground
line in any direction. In Fig. 1092, the profile of line KAL is shown in the lower or
front view. It is customary, as shown here, to draw the profile to a larger vertical
scale than that of the plan in order to emphasize the varying slopes.
Contour lines may also be plotted by use of the recorded elevations of points on
the ground surface, as in Fig. 1093. This figure illustrates a checker -board survey, in
which lines are drawn at right angles to each other dividing the survey into 100 ft.
squares, and where elevations have been determined at the corners of the squares.
The contour interval is taken as 2 ft., and the slope of the ground between adjacent
stations is assumed to be uniform.
The points where the contour lines cross the survey lines can be located approxi-
mately by inspection, and accurately by the graphical method shown in Fig. 166, or
by the numerical method explained above for Fig. 1092.
The points of intersection of contour lines with survey lines may also be found
by constructing a profile of each line of the survey, as shown for line 1 in Fig. 1093 (b).
Horizontal lines are drawn at elevations at which it is desired to show contours. The
points inwhich the profile line intersects these horizontal lines indicate the elevations
of points inwhich corresponding contour lines cross the survey line 1, and therefore
can be projected upward, as shown, to locate these points.
It is obvious that the profile of any line can be constructed from the contour
map by the converse of the process just described.
Various natural and man-made features are designated by spe-
cial symbols. A reference list of the most commonly-used map symbols is given in
Appendix 31, and the student should refer to this list for identification of the
symbols used in the figures of this chapter.
653. City Maps. The special use of a map determines what features are to be
shown. Maps of city areas may be put to many uses, some of which will be described.
Fig. 1094, a city plan for location of new road construction, shows only those features
%, 5 '
of importance to the location and construction of the road. The transit line starts at
the centerline intersection of Park St.and 5th Ave., and is marked as station + 00.
From here extends north over the railroad yard to cross the river. Features near
the transit line, such as buildings, are shown and identified by name. Street widths
Fig. 1096 Land Subdivision Showing Use of Culs-de-Sac, (U-shaped streets), Stamford, Connecticut.
From Treatise on Dams. Courtesy U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Bureau oj Reclamation.
are important and are shown. Contour lines between the railroad yard and the river
indicate the steeply sloping terrain.
Maps perform an important function for those who plan the layout of lots and
streets.For example, Fig. 1095 (a) shows an original layout of these features for a new
residential area. An examination of the contours will show that this layout is not satis-
do not fit the natural ground slopes. Streets
factory, since the directions of the streets
should be arranged so that the subdivision can be entered from a low point and so
that a maximum number of lots will be above street grade. The layout at (b) is a
decided improvement in that the streets curve to fit the topography and the entrance
is located at a low point.
Maps have a definite use in landscape planning. Fig. 1096 is a landscape map
showing a proposed layout of lots and trees for beautification of a new subdivision.
the topography of the area. Thus a location plan on paper is of great advantage. A
project location plan for adam is shown in Fig. 1097. This map shows the important
natural features, contours, a plan view of the structure, and a cross section through
Hoover Dam.
Although many drawings, perhaps hundreds, comprise the complete detail draw-
ings for a large bridge, one of the most important early drawings is a general arrange-
ment plan and elevation in the form of a line diagram. As an example, Fig. 1098
shows a plan and elevation of a large bridge structure.
656. United States Maps. United States maps, prepared by the U.S. Coast
and Geodetic Survey and the U.S. Geological Survey are excellent examples of topo-
graphic mapping. A small section of a typical U.S. Geological Survey map is shown
in Fig. 1100. Such maps cover large areas, the largest scale used being 1 :62,500, or
very nearly one mile to the inch. The contour interval in this example is 20'. To so
small a scale it would be impossible to show clearly vegetation, fences, etc. Therefore
such maps can show only the main features of the terrain, such as contours, roads,
railroads, rivers, lakes, and streams. These maps are very reliable, as they are based
upon precise surveying.
or Size B sheet. The position and arrangement of the titles should conform approxi-
mately to that of Fig. 1090.
Prob. 1. Draw symbols of six of the common natural surface features (streams, lakes,
etc.), and common development features (roads, buildings,
six of the etc.) shown in Appendix
Prob. 2. Draw, to assigned horizontal and vertical scales, profiles of any three of the
six lines shown in Fig. 1092.
Prob. 3. Assuming the slope of the ground to be uniform, and assuming a horizontal
scale of 1" = 200ft. and a contour interval, 651, of 5 ft., plot, by interpolation, the contours
of Fig. 1092.
Prob. 4. Using the elevations shown in Fig.
14* 7 2.2 1093 (a) and a contour interval of 1 ft., plot the con-
tours to any convenient horizontal and vertical scales,
and draw profiles of lines 3 and 5 and of any two lines
perpendicular to them. Check, graphically, the points
in which the contours cross these lines.
Prob. 5. Using a contour interval of 1 ft. and a
horizontal scale of 1" = 100 ft., plot the contours from
the elevations given, Fig. 1101, at 100-ft. stations;
check, graphically, the points in which the contours
cross one of the horizontal lines and one of the vertical
lines, using a vertical scale of 1" = 10 ft.; sketch, ap-
proximately, the drainage channels.
Prob. 6. Draw a plat of the survey shown in Fig.
1090 to as large a scale as practicable. Use an engi-
neers scale to set off distances, and a protractor to set
off bearings; if the drawing is accurate, the plat will
Prob. 7. Draw a topographic map of a country estate, similar to that shown in Fig. 1091.
Prob. Calculate profile elevations for a vertical curve 800' long, to join grades of
+ 3.00% and 3.00%. Assume grade elevations at points of tangency to be 100.00.
D. G. Reid and L. A. Anderson*
658. Introduction. Pipe is used for transporting liquids and gases, and for
structural elements such as columns, handrails, etc. The choice of the type of pipe
is determined by the purpose for which it is to be used.
659. Kinds of Pipe. Pipe is made of aluminum, brass, clay, concrete (concrete
made with ordinary aggregates and in combination with asbestos, etc.), copper, glass,
iron, lead, plastics, rubber, wood, and other materials or combinations of them. Cast
iron, steel, wrought iron, brass, copper, and lead pipes are most commonly used for
transporting water, steam, oil, or gases.
and those for Schedule 80 correspond to extra strong pipe. There are no Schedule
dimensions corresponding to "double extra strong" pipe. Pipe corresponding to all
of the established Schedule dimensions is not always commercially available, and
should be investigated before specifying pipe on drawings. Generally Schedules 40,
80, and 160 are readily available; others may or may not be.
Note that the actual outside diameter of pipe in nominal sizes " to 12" inclusive
is larger than the nominal size, whereas the outside diameter of pipe in nominal sizes
14" and larger corresponds to the nominal size. This pipe in nominal sizes 14" and
larger is commonly referred to as O.D. pipe.
Pipe is available as welded or as seamless pipe. Welded pipe is available in Sched-
ules 40 and 80 in the smaller sizes. Lap-welded pipe is made in sizes up to and includ-
ing 2". Butt-welded pipe is available as furnace -welded material, where a formed
length is heated in a furnace and then welded, in sizes up to and including 3". Butt-
welded pipe is also available as continuous welded pipe, where the finished pipe is
continuously heated, formed, and welded from a roll of strip steel, in sizes up to and
including 4". Seamless pipe is made in both small and large sizes.
Many of today's applications require the use of alloys to withstand the pressure-
temperature conditions without having to be excessively thick. Numerous alloys in
both ferritic and austenitic material are available. Reference should be made to the
various specifications of the American Society for Testing Materials (ASTM) * for
these alloys and for dimensional tolerances.
Steel pipe can be obtained as black pipe or as galvanized pipe. Galvanized pipe is not
always available from the original producer, due to lack of facilities at the pipe mill.
Steel and wrought-iron pipe is available in lengths up to about 40 feet in the
small sizes, the length decreasing with increasing size and wall thickness.
661. Cast-iron Pipe. Cast-iron pipe is generally used for water or gas service
and For water and gas pipe, it is available in sizes from 3" to 60" inclusive
as soil pipe.
and in standard lengths of 12 feet. Various wall thicknesses, depending on the internal
pressure, are available. The dimensions and pressure ratings of the various Classes
are shown in Appendix table 37.
Generally speaking, water and gas pipes are connected with bell and spigot joints,
Fig. 1102 (a), or flanged joints, (b), although other types of joints, (c), are also used.
As soil pipe, cast-iron pipe is available in sizes 2" to 15" inclusive, in standard
lengths of 5 feet, and in service and extra heavy weights. Soil pipe is generally connected
*1916 Race St., Philadelphia 3, Pa.
with bell and spigot joints, but soil pipe with threaded ends is available in sizes up
to 12".
In using cast-iron pipe, the designer must consider both the internal pressure and
the external loading due to fill and other loadings, such as roads, tracks, etc. Cast-iron
pipe is brittle, and settlement can cause fracture unless sufficient flexibility is pro-
vided in the joints. For this reason, flanged joints are not usually employed for buried
pipes unless adequately supported.
662. Seamless Brass and Copper Pipe. Pipe made of brass and copper, and
having approximately the same dimensions as "standard" and "extra strong" steel
pipe, is available. Such pipe is suitable for plumbing, including supply, soil, waste
drain, and vent lines. It is also particularly suitable for process work where scale and
oxidation of steel pipe is objectionable. Brass and copper pipe is available in straight
lengths up to 12 feet.
Brass pipe is generally known as red brass pipe, which is an alloy of approximately
85 per cent copper and 15 per cent zinc. Copper pipe is practically pure copper with
less than 0.1 per cent of alloying elements.
Brass and copper pipe should be joined with fittings of copper base alloy in order
to avoid galvanic action resulting in corrosion. Where screwed joints are used, fittings
similar to cast or malleable iron fittings, Fig. 1106, are available. Flanged fittings of
brass and copper are of different dimensions than those made of ferrous material.
Reference should be made to dimensional standards published by the American
Standards Association (ASA B16.24) for dimensions of such fittings.
663. Copper Tubing. Where non-ferrous construction in sizes below 2" is used,
copper tubing is frequently employed. Such tubing is suitable for process work as
mentioned in 662, for plumbing (particularly supply lines for hot and cold water),
and for heating systems (particularly radiant heating).
Copper tubing is made as hard temper and as soft tubing. Hard temper tubing is
much stiffer than soft tubing and should be used where rigidity is desired. Soft tubing
can be easily bent, and therefore is generally used where bending during assembly
is required. Neither hard nor soft temper tubing has the rigidity of iron or steel pipe,
and consequently must be supported at much more frequent intervals than the latter.
Where multiple runs of parallel tubes are employed for long distances (20 feet or
more), it is common practice to use soft tubing and to lay the parallel runs in a trough
construction, thus obtaining continuous support.
Copper tubing joints are usually made with flared joints, Fig. 1103 (a), or with
There are several types of flared joints, but the basic design of making
solder joints, (b).
a metal-to-metal joint is common to all. Fittings, such as tees, elbows, and couplings,
are available for flared joints.
Solder joints are also known as capillary joints because the annular space between
the tube and the fitting is so small that the molten solder is drawn into the space by
capillary action. The solder may be introduced through a hole in the fitting, Fig.
1104, through the outer end of the annular space, Fig. 1103 (b), or fittings having a
factory assembled ring of solder in the fitting can be purchased. Solder joints may
be made with soft solder (usually 50-50 or 60-40 tin and lead) or with silver solder.
This latter material has a higher melting point than soft solder, makes a stronger
joint, and is suitable for higher operating temperatures.
Copper pipe or tubing has an upper operating temperature limit of 406F. If
solder fittings are used, the upper temperature limit will be dependent on the softening
point of the solder rather than the limit of temperature of the base material.
Copper tubing can be connected to threaded pipe or fittings by means of adapters.
These adapters are available with either male or female pipe threads, and with either
flared or solder connections for the tubing. Two types
of such adapters are shown in Fig. 1105.
Copper tubing is available in straight lengths up to
20 feet or in coils of 60 feet for soft temper material.
Hard temper material is available in straight lengths
only, since cannot successfully be coiled. Installation
664. Special Pipes. Pipe and tubing of other materials, such as aluminum,
Pipe and tubing of plastics are being increasingly
stainless steel, etc., are also available.
used as these materials undergo development. Service for which these miscellaneous
materials are suitable varies widely, because of the physical properties and tempera-
ture-pressure limitations of the materials.
665. Pipe Fittings. Pipe fittings are used to join adjacent lengths of pipe and
frequently also to provide changes of direction, to provide branch connections at
different angles, or to effect a change in size. They are made of cast iron, malleable
iron, cast or forged steel, non-ferrous alloys, and other materials for special applica-
tions. They can be obtained in various weights that should be matched to the pipe
with which they are to be used. Ferrous fittings are made for threaded, welded, or
flanged joints. Non-ferrous fittings are made for threaded, solder, flared, or flanged
joints. The common types of fittings for threaded joints are shown in Fig. 1106, for
welded joints in Fig. 1107, for flanged joints in Fig. 1108, and for solder joints in
Fig. 1104.
Fig. 1108 Flanged Fittings.
Where both or all ends of a fitting are of the same nominal size, the fitting is
designated by the nominal size and the description; e.g., a 2" screwed tee. Where two
or more ends of a fitting are not the same nominal size, the fitting is designated as
a reducing fitting, and the dimensions of the run precede those of the branches, and
the dimension of the larger opening precedes that of the smaller opening; e.g., a
2" X 1\" X 1" screwed reducing tee. See Fig. 1109 for typical designations.
702 24. PIPING DRAFTING 5666
The threads of screwed fittings conform to the pipe thread with which they are
to be used, either male or female as the case may be. See 666.
Dimensions of 125 lb. cast-iron screwed fittings, 250 lb. cast-iron screwed fittings,
125 lb. cast-iron flanged fittings, and 250 lb. cast-iron flanged fittings are shown in
Appendix tables 38, 39, 40, and 43. See 666 for reference to steel fittings.
666. Pipe Joints. The joints between pipes, fittings, and valves may be screwed,
flanged, welded, or for non-ferrous materials may be soldered.
The American Standard pipe threads are illustrated in Figs. 676-678, and tabular
dimensions are shown in Appendix table 36. The threads of the American Petro-
leum Institute (A.P.I.) differ somewhat from the American Standard pipe threads.
Refer to the A.P.I. Standards for these differences.
Threaded joints can be made up lightly by simply screwing the cleaned threads
together. However, it is common practice to use pipe compound in making such joints,
as this provides lubrication for the threads and enables them to be screwed together
more tightly. It also serves to seal irregularities, thus providing a tighter joint. Such
material should be applied to the male thread only, to avoid forcing it into the pipe
where contamination or obstruction may result.
Flanged joints are made by bolting two flanges together with a resilient gasket
between the flange faces. Flanges may be attached to the pipe, fitting, or appliance
by means of a screwed joint, by welding, by lapping the pipe, or by being cast in-
tegrally with the pipe, fitting, or appliance.
The faces of the flanges between which the gasket is placed have different standard
facings, such as flat face, ts" raised face, {" raised face, male and female, tongue and groove,
and ring joints. Flat face and tV" raised face are standard for cast-iron flanges in the
125 lb. and 250 lb. classes, respectively. The other types of facing are standard for
steel flanges.
The number and size of the bolts joining these flanges varies with the size and
the working pressure of the joint. Bolting for Class 125 cast-iron and Class 250 cast-
iron flanges is shown in Appendix tables 41 and 44, respectively.
for flange and bolting dimensions
For dimensions of the various flange facings and
of the various sizesand pressure standards of steel flanges, refer to the American
Standard for Steel Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings (A.S.A. B16.5), which is too
voluminous to be included here. Some typical types of flanged joints are shown in
Fig. 1110.
667. Valves. Valves are used to stop or to regulate the flow of fluids in a pipe
line. The more common types are gate valves, globe valves, and check valves. Other types
of valves, such as pressure reducing valves and safety valves, are special devices used to
maintain automatically a desired lower pressure on the downstream side of the valve
or to prevent automatically undesirable overpressure, respectively.
668. Globe Valves. Globe valves have approximately spherical bodies with
the seating surface at either a right or an acute angle to the center line of the pipe,
Fig. 1112 (a). In such a valve the flowing fluid must make abrupt turns in the body,
thus resulting in considerably higher pressure loss than for a gate valve.
Globe valves are commonly used where close regulation of flow is desired, be-
cause they lend themselves better to this type of regulation and are less subject to
cutting action in throttling service than gate valves.
Valves of the inside screw and S & Y types are available, 670. Angle valves
and needle valves are special designs of the general class of globe valves.
669. Check Valves. Check valves are used to limit the flow of fluids to one
direction only. The disc may be hinged so as to swing partially out of the stream,
Fig. 1112 (b), or it may be guided in such a manner that it can rise vertically from
its seat. The two types are called swing checks and lift checks respectively.
670. Gate Valves. Gate valves have full-sized straightway openings which offer
small resistance to the flow of fluids. The gate, or disc, may rise on the stem (inside
screw type), Fig. 1112 (c), or the gate may rise with the stem, which in turn rises out
of the body (rising stem, or outside screw and yoke
S & T type). Inside-screw type
valves are employed in the smaller sizes and lower pressures.
Seating may be on non-parallel seats, in which case the disc is solid and wedge-
shaped. There is also a type of gate valve employing parallel seats. In this type two
discs are hung loosely on the stem and are free of the seats until an adjusting wedge
reaches a lug at the closed position of the valve, when further movement of the stem
causes the wedge to spread the discs and form a tight joint on the parallel seats.
Such valves are used only on low pressure and temperature services.
671. American Standard Code for Pressure Piping. The American Standards
Association has adopted an American Standard Code for Pressure Piping (ASA
B31.1). This is a compilation of recommended practices and minimum safety stand-
ards covering various types of piping, such as Power Piping, Industrial Gas and Air
X ^-LATERAL ^.S^ - -
(b) A
Fig. 1113 Piping Symbols.
Piping, Oil Refinery Piping, Oil Transportation Piping, Refrigerating Piping, Chem-
icalIndustry Process Piping, and Gas Transmission and Distribution Piping.
Fig. 1114 A Pipe Expansion Joint Pictorial, Multiview, and Developed Drawing.
I 2 314 5
1117. The oblique projection in Fig. 1117 is a modified form of oblique projection
generally used in representing the piping arrangement for heating systems. In these
cases, the pipe mains are shown in plan and the risers in oblique projection in various
directions so as to make the representation as clear as possible.
Fig. 1118 A Two-Line Piping Drawing for a Pumping Plant.
In most installations, some pipes are vertical and some are horizontal. If the
vertical pipes are assumed to be revolved into the horizontal plane or the horizontal
pipes revolved into the vertical plane by turning some of the fittings, Fig. 1114 (c),
the entire installation can be shown in one plane. Such a drawing is a developed piping
In complicated systems where a large amount of piping of various sizes is run in
close proximity, and where clearances are important, the use of double-line multi-
view drawings, made accurately to scale, is desirable. The use of such drawings, which
show the relative positions of component parts in all views, greatly reduces the proba-
bility of interferences when the piping is erected, and is almost a necessity where
piping components are prefabricated in a shop and sent to the job in finished dimen-
sions. Such method of fabrication is universal in large systems using large piping,
most piping 2\" and larger being shop fabricated. See Figs. 1118 and 1119.
674. Piping Drawing Problems. The drawings for the first six problems are
to be three times as large as the corresponding illustrations in the book, unless other-
wise specified.
Prob. 1. Make a double-line drawing, similar to Fig. 1113 (a) showing the following fit-
tings: a union, a 45 Y-bend, an eccentric reducer, a globe valve, a tee, a stopcock, and a 45
ell. Use \" and 1" wrought-steel pipe and 125 lb. C.I. screwed fittings.
Prob. 2. Make a single-line drawing, similar to Fig. 1113 (b), showing the following fit-
tings: a 45 ell, a union, a 45 Y-bend, an eccentric reducer, a tee, a reducer, a gate valve, a
plug, a cap, and a cross.
2 3 4 5 6
Prob. 3. Makea single-line drawing of the system of pipe coils and grids shown in
Fig. 1115; show, by their respective standard symbols, the elbows and tees that must be used
to connect pipes meeting at right angles if welding is not used to make the joints.
Prob. 4. Make an oblique projection, similar to that shown in Fig. 1 1 1 6, of the one-pipe
steam heating system shown in Fig. 1117. Show the pipes by single lines, the fittings by their
standard symbols, and the boiler and radiators as parallelepipeds.
Prob. 5. Make a single-line isometric drawing of the piping layout shown in Fig. 1120.
Use a scale of f" = l'-0, and a 17"x22" sheet.
Prob. 6. Make a single-line multiview drawing of the piping layout shown in Fig. 1121.
Use a scale of 1 " = 1 -0 and a 17"x22" sheet.
Prob. 7. Make a double-line multiview drawing of the piping layout shown in Fig.
1120, to a scale selected by the student.
Prob. 8, Make a double-line multiview drawing of the piping layout shown in Fig.
1121, to a scale selected by the student. Use Schedule 80 wrought-steel pipe throughout,
with Class 250 C.I. flanged fittings where pipe is larger than 2", and Class 250 C.I. screwed
fittings where pipe is 2" and smaller.
675. Welding Drawings. In recent years, welding has been increasingly used
for fastening parts together permanently in place of bolts, screws, rivets, or other
fasteners. Welding is also being used extensively in fabricating machine parts or other
structures that formerly would have been formed by casting or forging, and is used
to a considerable extent in the erection of structural steel frames for buildings, ships,
and other structures.
Since welding is used so extensively, and for so large a variety of purposes, it is
*The text matter and most of the illustrations in this chapter are based on ASA Z32. 2. 1-1949.
t American Welding Society, 33 West 39th St., New York 18, N.Y.
676. Welding Processes. Three of the principal methods of welding are the
oxyacetylene method, generally known as gas welding, the electric-arc method, gen-
erally known as arc welding, and electric -resistance welding, generally called resistance
Since that time, as the result of extensive research, basic improvements have been
made in the manufacture of electrodes and in the mechanical equipment used for
welding, so that now arc and gas welding are among the most important construction
processes in industry.
In resistance welding, two pieces of metal are held together under some pressure,
and a large amount of electric current is passed through the parts. The resistance of
the metals to the passage of the current causes great heating at the junction of the
two pieces, resulting in the welding of the metals.
677. Types of Welded Joints. There are five basic types of welded joints, classi-
fied according to the positions of the parts being joined, as shown in Fig. 1123. A
(a) (b)
Fig. 1123 The Basic Types of Welded Joints.
number of different types of welds are applicable to each type of joint, depending
upon the thickness of metal, the strength of joint required, and other considerations.
678. Types of Welds. The four types of arc and gas welds, Fig. 1124, are the
bead, (a), the fillet, (b), the plug or slot, (c),and groove. The groove welds are further
classified as square, V, bevel, U, and J, shown from (d) to (h). More than one type
679. Welding Symbols. The basic element of the symbol is the "bent" arrow,
Fig. 1127 (a). The arrow points to the joint where the weld is to be made, (b), and
attached to the reference line, or shank, of the arrow is the weld symbol for the
desired weld. The symbol would be one of those shown in Figs. 1124 or 1125. In
this case a fillet weld symbol is shown.
Vertical side
always on left-v^ (]j)
x -^
Fig. 1127 Welding Symbols.
The weld symbol is placed below the reference line if the weld is to be on the
arrow side of the joint as at (b), or above the reference line if the weld is to be on the
other side of the joint as at (c). If the weld to be on both the arrow side and the
The complete welding symbol, enlarged, is shown in Fig. 1129. In practice, some
companies will need to use only a simple symbol composed of the minimum elements,
the arrow and the weld symbol; others will make use of additional components.
symbol J
(a) (b) U (c)
the elbow of the arrow, as shown at (b). When the weld-all-around symbol is not used, the
welding symbol is understood apply between abrupt changes in direction of the weld, unless
otherwise shown. A solid round dot at the elbow of the arrow indicates a weld to be
made site) rather than in the fabrication shop, as shown at (c).
"in the field" (on the
Spot, seam, flash, or upset symbols do not have arrow-side or other-side significance,
and are simply centered on the reference line of the arrow, as shown in Fig. 1131 (a)
to (c). Spot and seam weld symbols may be shown directly on the drawing at the
desired locations, as shown at (d) and (e).
For bevel- or J-groove welds, the arrow should point with a definite change of
direction, or break, toward the member that is to be beveled or grooved, as shown in
Fig. 1132 (a) and (b). In this case, the upper member is grooved. The break is
omitted if the location of the bevel or groove is obvious.
(c) (e) (9)
(b) (h)
Lettering in symbols should be placed to read from the bottom or from the right
side of the drawing in accordance with the aligned system, as shown at (c) to (e).
When a joint has more than one weld, the combined symbols are shown, as at
(f) to (h).
680. Fillet Welds. The usual fillet weld has equal sides, Fig. 1133 (a). The size
of the weld is the length of one side, and is indicated, (b), by a dimension figure at
Size of
~v v&w
the left of the weld symbol. For fillet welds on both sides of a joint, the dimensions
/nay be indicated on one side or both sides of the reference line, (c). The lengths of
the welds, and the pitch (c to c spacing of welds) are indicated as shown. When the
welds on opposite sides are different in size, the sizes are given as shown at (d). If a
fillet weld has unequal sides, the weld orientation is shown on the drawing, if neces-
sary, and the lengths of the sides given in parenthesis to the left of the weld symbol,
as at (e). If a general note is given on the drawing, such as ALL FILLET WELDS
A" UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, the size dimensions are omitted from the
No length dimension is needed for a weld that extends the full distance between
~v w
finish symbol are added to the weld symbol, as shown at (b) to (d). These finish
symbols indicate the method of finishing (C = chipping, G = grinding, = ma- M
chining), and not the degree of finish. If fillet welds are to be finished to a convex
contour, the convex -contour symbol is added, together with the finish symbol, as
shown at (e).
681. Groove Welds. In Fig. 1137, various groove welds are shown above, and
the corresponding symbolic representations below. The sizes of the groove welds
(depth of the V, bevel, U, or J) are indicated at the left of the weld symbol. For
example, at (a) the size of the V-weld is ", at (b) the sizes are \" and f ", at (c) the
-Ik H^ST
^-Root penetration
size is f", and at (d) the size is \". In this symbol is followed by f",
at (d), the size
which is the additional "root penetration" of the weld. At (e), the root penetration
isY2" from zero, or from the outside of the members. Note the overlap of the root
penetration in this case.
The root opening or space between members, when not covered by a company
standard, is shown inside the weld symbol. At (a) and (b), the root openings are
5". At (c) to (e) the openings are zero.
The groove angles, when not covered by a company standard, are shown just
outside the openings of the weld symbols, as shown at (a) to (d).
A general note may be used on the drawing to avoid repetition on the symbols,
OTHERWISE SHOWN. However, when the dimensions of one or both of two oppo-
site welds differ from the general note, both welds should be completely dimensioned.
When single-groove or symmetrical double-groove welds extend completely
through, the size need not be given in the welding symbol. For example, in Fig.
1 137 (a), if the V-groove extended entirely through the joint, the depth or size would
be simply the thickness of the stock, and would not need to be given in the welding
\ -X-
' G
& (d)
When groove welds are to be approximately flush without finishing, the flush-
contour symbol, Fig. 1126, is added to the weld symbols as shown in Fig. 1138 (a)
and (b). If the welds are to be machined, the flush-contour symbol and the user's
standard finish symbol are added to the weld symbol as shown at (c) and (d). These
finish symbols indicate the method of finishing (C = chipping, G = grinding, = M
machining), and not the degree of finish. If a groove weld is to be finished with a
convex contour, the convex-contour and finish symbols are added, as at (e).
682. Bead Welds. Bead welds used as back or backing welds on single-groove
welds are indicated, Fig. 1139 (a), by a single bead symbol opposite the groove weld
(b) (d)
V (e)
symbol. Dimensions of such bead welds are not shown on the symbol, but may be
shown, if necessary, directly on the drawing.
When back or backing welds are to be approximately flush without machining,
the flush -contour symbol is added to the weld symbols, as shown at (b). If they are
to be machined, the user's finish symbol is added, (c) and (d). If the welds are to
be finished with a convex contour, the convex-contour symbol and the finish symbol
are added to the weld symbol, as at (e).
The dual-bead symbol is used to indicate a surface to be built up by welding,
whether by single- or multiple-pass bead welds, as shown at (f). Since this symbol
does not indicate a welded joint, there is no arrow-side or other-side significance;
hence the symbol is always drawn below the reference line. The minimum height of
the weld deposit is indicated at the left of the weld symbol, as shown at (f), except
where no specific height is required. When a specific area of a surface is to be built
up, the dimensions of the area are given directly on the drawing.
683. Plug and Slot Welds. As shown in Fig. 1124 (c), same symbol is used
for either plug welds or slot welds. A hole or a slot is made in one member to receive
rrciDrn ^ ^ ^ C
-j ^ 1
i -in' WELD
the weld, as shown in Fig. 1140 (a) and (d). If the hole or slot is in the arrow-side
member, the weld symbol is placed below the reference line, (b) and (c); if in the
other-side member, the weld symbol is placed above the line, (e) and (f).
The size of a plug weld, which is the smallest diameter of the hole if countersunk,
is placed at the left of the weld symbol, as shown at (b). If the included angle of
is indicated by a number, in inches, inside the weld symbol, Fig. 1141 (a). The pitch
(center-to-center spacing) of plug welds is shown in inches at the right of the weld
symbol, as shown at (b). If the weld is to be approximately flush without finishing,
the flush-contour symbol is added, (c). If the weld is to be made flush by mechanical
means, a finish symbol is added, as at (d). The flush -contour and finish symbols are
used in the same manner for slot welds and for plug welds.
The depth of filling of slot welds is indicated in the same manner as for plug
welds, (a). The size and location dimensions of slot welds cannot be shown on the
welding symbol, and must be shown directly on the drawing, Fig. 1040 (f), or by a
detail with a reference to it on the welding symbol, as shown in Fig. 1041 (e).
684. Spot Welds. Spot weld symbols may be shown directly in place on the
drawing, Fig. 1131 (d), or by means of the welding symbol, Fig. 1 142. The weld sym-
25 \|, '
/ 700\|/ XL/ X/ l /
7l\ / /K / 7f\ 7K
bol is centered on the reference line, since there is no arrow-side or other -side sig-
The size of a spot weld is its diameter. This value, expressed in hundredths of an
inch, may be shown, with inch marks, at the left of the weld symbol on either side
of the reference line, asshown at (a). If it is desired to indicate the minimum accept-
able shear strength in pounds per spot, instead of the size of the weld, this value is
placed at the left of the weld symbol, as shown at (b). The pitch (center-to-center
spacing) is indicated, in inches, at the right of the weld symbol, (b). In this case the
spot welds are 3" apart. If a joint requires a certain number of spot welds, the number
is given in parenthesis above or below the symbol, as at (c). If the exposed surface
of one member is to be flush, the flush-contour symbol is added, above the symbol
if it is the other-side member, and below if it is the arrow-side member, as shown
at (d). The use of the welding symbol in conjunction with ordinary dimensions is
shown at (e). When spot weld symbols are shown direcdy on the drawing, the spacing
is shown by dimensions, as in Fig. 1131 (d).
685. Seam Welds. Seam weld symbols may be shown directly in place on the
drawing, Fig. 1131 (e), or by means of the welding symbol, Fig. 1143. The weld sym-
bol is centered on the reference line, since there is no arrow-side or other-side sig-
The size of a seam weld is its width. This value, expressed in hundredths of an
inch, may be shown, with inch marks, at the left of the weld symbol, on either side
of the reference line, as shown at (a). If it is desired to indicate the minimum accept-
able shear strength in pounds per linear inch, instead of the size of the weld, this value
is placed at the left of the weld symbol, as shown at (b). The length of a seam weld
may be shown, in inches, at the right of the weld symbol, (b). In this case, the seam
weld is 5" long. If the weld extends the full distance between abrupt changes of direc-
Size (dla) y
. 500 X 6
( ).
687. Flash and Upset Welds. Flash and upset weld symbols have no arrow-
side or other -side significance, but the supplementary symbols do. A flash-welded
joint is shown in Fig. 1145 (a), and an upset welded joint at (b). The joint after
h? H Machine flush ^-Finish to
smooth contour
machining flush is shown at (c). The complete symbol at (d) includes the weld symbol
together with the flush-contour and machining symbols.
If the joint is ground to smooth contours, (e), the resulting welding drawing and
symbol would be constructed as shown at (f), which includes convex-contour and
grind symbols. At either (d) or (f), the joint may be finished on only one side, if
desired,by indicating the contour and machining symbols on the appropriate side
The dimensions of flash and upset welds are not shown on the
of the reference line.
welding symbol. Note that the process reference must be placed in the tail of the
The symbols may be drawn in pencil or in ink. For the latter, the Leroy Pen is
only a few identical parts are required, it is cheaper to produce by welding than to
make patterns, sand castings, and do the necessary machining. Thus, welding is
particularly adaptable to custom-built constructions.
Welding is also suitable for large structures that are difficult or impossible to
fabricate entirely in the shop, and is coming into greater use for steel structures, such
as building frames, bridges, ships, etc. A
welded beam is shown in Fig. 1082, and a
welded assembly of diagonal bracing between two columns is shown in Fig. 1083.
A welded truss is shown in Fig. 1147. It is easier to place members in such a welded
truss so that their center-of-gravity axes coincide with the working lines of the truss
than is the case in a riveted truss. The student should compare this welded truss
with the riveted truss of Fig. 1081.
690. Welding Drawing Problems. The following problems are given to fa-
miliarize the student with some applications of welding symbols to machine con-
struction and to steel structures.
Prob. 1. Fig. 342. Change to a welded part. Make working drawing, using appropriate
welding symbols.
Prob. 2. Fig. 345. Same instructions as for Prob. 1.
Prob. 3. Fig. 350. Same instructions as for Prob. 1.
Prob. 4. Fig. 361. Same instructions as for Prob. 1.
Prob. 5. Fig. 368. Same instructions as for Prob. 1.
Prob. 6. Fig. 380. Same instructions as for Prob. 1.
Prob. 7. Fig. 389. Same instructions as for Prob. 1.
Prob. 8. Fig. 393. Same instructions as for Prob. 1.
Prob. 9. Fig. 398. Same instructions as for Prob. 1.
Prob. 10. Make a half-size drawing of the joint at the center of the lower chord of the
truss in Fig. 1 147 where the chord is supported by two vertical angles. The chord is a structural
tee, cut from an 8 X 5j 17 lb. wide -flange shape. Draw the front and side views, and show
the working lines, the two angles, the structural tee, and all welding symbols.
Prob. 11. Make a half -size front view, showing the welding symbols, of any joint of the
truss in Fig. 1147 in which three or four members meet.
Prob. 12. Draw half-size front, top, and left -side views of the end joint of the truss in
Fig. 1147, showing the welding symbols.
1 *#?PJU P IS/'
William N. Wright*
the planning of logical assembly and installation sequences, as well as designing for
maximum strength and minimum weight. The "exploded assembly" in Fig. 1149
shows the production breakdown for the Boeing Stratofreighter, and illustrates the
need for careful planning.
*Aeronautical Engineer, Boeing Airplane On
Courtesy Boc
Now, with the frontiers of knowledge being pushed back by discoveries and de-
velopments in the field of physical science, a vast new area lies ahead, and challenges
our ingenuity to exploit it for man's use. The aircraft industry is adapting itself to
this challenge. It is to be expected that the transition from a subsonic to a supersonic
environment will involve considerable changes in many aspects of present activities,
but the technical drawing will still be the base of operation. It must remain sufficiently
flexible in application to serve an expanding and diversified industry. This chapter
contains some examples of present aeronautical drafting practice which permit co-
ordination of effort, not only between engineering and manufacturing departments,
but among different companies engaged in building the same model of airplane under
a comprehensive production program. The resulting need for interchangeability of
parts and assemblies has led to the development of many special types of gages, tools,
jigs, and fixtures, and requires the engineer to be increasingly vigilant in planning
lor production as well as for performance. He must be careful to allow for the tooling
phase of his design in the determination of dimensional tolerances, since only a por-
tion of the total tolerance is available for the tools, the remainder being for the shops.
Designers in some companies are responsible for both airplane and tool design be-
cause of their similarity, but in other companies the two types of design are kept
separate because of their differences.
engineer must know projections thoroughly and will find that a thorough knowledge of descriptive
geometry is even more useful than the calculus. Neatness in drafting and lettering, plus the ability
to make pencil drawings whose lines are dark enough to print sharply, are much in demand.
695. Lettering. Lettering is usually of the vertical Gothic style shown in Fig.
122, but some firms use upper-case and lower-case inclined letters, as shown in Figs.
123 and 131. Upper -case lettering is usually preferred on drawings, and in most
factories is not underlined. For dimensions and notes, lettering ranges from &" to
s" in height; titles of special views are rs" or \" high. The minimum height of letters
on master layouts, Fig. 1 158, is rV to allow for one-half size reduction in the photo-
graphic process.
697. Placing of Views. Wherever practicable, the principal view of any part
or assembly on a drawing is taken from the left side of the airplane with the nose
pointing toward the left border. Sections are taken as projected views when possible;
but, if removed, care must be exercised to maintain the direction of sight.
698. Design Practice. The design of an airplane is based upon a carefully pre-
pared set of specifications which represents the requirements of a prospective customer.
These specifications outline the required performance, power plants, type of con-
struction, equipment, and related items which form the basis of the detail design.
In the course of the preliminary development, the original conception of the design
may be changed in some respects to assure more efficient performance as the result
of wind tunnel or towing basin tests. Scale models of the proposed airplane are built
and tested under conditions that simulate actual flight, and from these tests the de-
signers determine the accuracy of their calculations. These models are very expensive,
but they represent a necessary effort to detect and correct basic errors before actual
construction is begun. When this information has been compiled, it is distributed to
the engineers who are concerned with the detail development of the design. Usually
a project engineer assumes this responsibility, and the engineers assigned to assist
him are divided into groups, each group being guided by a group engineer. The air-
plane is thus developed in sections, but all sections are developed simultaneously.
Since the airplane would not yet be in existence, no measurements of actual parts
could be made, so the drawings produced by one group must be available to all other
groups to avoid duplication or interference. In addition to cross-checking among the
groups, a careful check is also kept on the weight and strength of each part to prevent
the design development from getting out of control. A weight "budget" is assigned to
each group, and definite strength requirements, as determined by the structures sec-
tion of the engineering department, must be met and kept within the weight budget.
Thus, the weight section knows in advance the trend of the design development, and
can predict an increase or decrease in the weight of the finished airplane. Since many
contracts require the payment of penalties for overweight airplanes, an airplane
manufacturer could not continue long in business without a system by which he
could predict and control weights.
It is evident that the designer's problem is quite complex in that he must not
delay the design through his inability to make basic decisions quickly and to carry
them out efficiently. He cannot sacrifice strength to save weight or add excessive
weight to obtain adequate strength. An airplane design must always be a compromise
in which the maximum possible strength must be obtained with the minimum possible
699. Preliminary Drawings. When the general features of the new design are
determined, a general arrangement drawing, Fig. 1150, is made to show the principal
dimensions and general data, such as areas of wing and tail surfaces, wing sections,
and power plants used. This is the basic drawing of the airplane. It is also used for
planning hangars, jacks, towing equipment, and other related ground handling
Usually three views are shown, a front view, top view with nose of plane pointed
downward, and a right-side view (left side of airplane). Additional views may be
needed to show details not shown on these views. In Fig. 1 1 50, the side view has been
moved from its normal position at the right of the front view so that it could be in-
cluded on the sheet.
The general arrangement drawing is usually drawn in pencil and, depending
upon the size of the airplane, to reduced scales of rV m
to TVth size. perspective A
drawing is usually prepared to show more clearly the appearance of the finished air-
plane. Sometimes this is accompanied by a small-scale wood model to illustrate the
finished appearance.
Drawings such as that shown in Fig. 1151 are then made to show interior arrange-
ments of the airplane, including locations of the crew, passengers, baggage, and in
the case of military airplanes, guns, bombs, and the equipment required for military
missions. The cutaway view is called an inboard profile. These drawings are usually
drawn in pencil to a scale at least twice that of the general arrangement drawing,
since only the body need be shown. For large airplanes, many such drawings may
be required to show different interior features, each of which would be so complicated
that a single inboard profile would be unintelligible.
700. Functional Diagrams. Functional diagrams, Fig. 1152, are prepared early
in the design program because they constitute the actual proving ground for the basic
design. They are made first in rough pencil form, and are revised and refined as the
design progresses.
In diagram, the method of steam generation is shown. The system consists
of a sump C which is provided with a means of introducing exhaust flames into its
center in order to cause the water within it to rise as steam into the condenser, where
its heat is transferred to the incoming cabin air. The condensed steam or water is
then forced into the boilers B by a hydraulically-operated feed water pump A. The
boilers mounted within the exhaust stack generate additional steam for a repetition
of the cycle.
702. Model Drawings. Wind tunnel testing is not confined to the preliminary
design phase of airplane development, but continues throughout the detail design
phase. In many instances it is necessary to revise the design as a result of flight testing
when it becomes advisable either to correct or improve performances which were
not anticipated in the earlier stages of wind tunnel testing.
Draftsmen who are engaged in preparing model drawings are usually assigned to
the testing department. They design model structures and test equipment of many
kinds. With the many models now being built with hollow metal structures, and
filled with a maze of remotely operated controls, the work often becomes quite in-
volved. Tank models are used for flying boats and seaplanes where testing for water
characteristics is required.
704. Design Layouts. When the general design of the airplane has been com-
pleted, its various components are developed in final detail form for fabrication in
the shops. These final drawings are preceded by the design layout, which is a graphical
study to determine the practical application of the general design. These layouts are
not usually intended for shop use, but are made in sufficient detail for use in develop-
ing or revising the mock-up. Since the engineer who makes the layout very seldom
makes the final shop drawings, he must be careful to include all the data necessary
for another engineer or draftsman to make final drawings that faithfully describe
the design. Major layouts are required for such components as body bulkheads, con-
trol cabin floors, wing spars, and flight control systems. From these, minor layouts
are made of pulley brackets, fittings, and The minor layouts are usually
related parts.
in the category of detail drafting ; so the draftsman must be well acquainted with the
principles of descriptive geometry and orthographic projection, as explained in earlier
When the layout has been checked by the group engineer, and sometimes the
project engineer, it is turned over to the detailer with instructions for detailing pro-
duction drawings of the parts that may be desired on individual drawings. The layouts
are usually high-quality vellum because of the ease with which it may be
made on
drawn upon and because of the small amount of shrinking and stretching of the vellum
that will result from changes in humidity or from handling. Pencils of 4H to 6H
hardness are used, and accuracy must be to at least 0.015". The layouts are made
wherever practicable, and contain no dimensions, since they are meant to
full scale
be scaled directly. Only necessary notes describing materials, rivets, bolts, etc., are
It is the draftsman's responsibility to determine which dimensions will be shown,
but whatever they are, they must accomplish the intent of the layout.
705. Working Drawings. Working drawings are those which are officially re-
leased to the shops for manufacture of the airplane. They are broadly classified as
detail drawings, assembly drawings, and installation drawings, according to the opera-
tions involved. The practice of some companies is to combine these basic types into
composite drawings reduce the total number of drawings required for a large
project, while other companies keep them separated to adapt the drawings more
readily to the shops involved. The statistics quoted on page 724 are based on the
composite type. The 17,000 drawings would have been 100,000 if every part, assem-
bly, and installation had been drawn separately. This type of drawing has the ad-
vantage of relating the parts to each other both pictorially and dimensionally so that
emphasis may be placed on the dimensions and tolerances common to two or more
parts. However, the draftsman must be very careful when dimensioning his drawings
to see that the fabrication, assembly, and installation dimensions will be clearly dis-
tinguishable from each other. His choice of dimensions must be based upon shop
operations rather than upon how he made the drawing. Reference lines in space
present no problem to the draftsman, but they often require intricate jigs and fixtures
in the shop, and complicate production operations. It would be well for the draftsman
to remember that the shops depend upon him for information about his design and
will try to do what he tells them to do. His responsibility to them requires him to do
more than make attractive drawings; they must be also intelligently made.
706. Detail Drawings. Detail drawings are those which give complete informa-
tion and instructions for making individual parts. Usually only one part is shown on
a detail drawing, but in some cases it is convenient or desirable to show more than
one. In such cases, the parts are not related in the sense that they are attached to
each other, but only in the sense that they are similar or are properly identified by
the title of the drawing. Castings and forgings are classified as details, although they
are not actually finished parts. The drawing of the final machined forging or casting
is likewise classified as a detail drawing. The Flap Swing Forging shown in Fig.
1 153
707. Assembly Drawings. Assembly drawings are those which give complete
57-1 S3 GRADE 3.
O - PART NO 6-9378-1
information and instructions for joining two or more detail parts to form a single
compound part. As in detail drawings, only one assembly is usually shown on an
assembly drawing, but in some cases it is convenient or desirable to show more than
one. Fig. 1154 shows a typical assembly drawing which combines both detail and
assembly information. The similarity between this drawing and the forging detail in
Fig. 1153 is immediately apparent, since the forging is the part from which the Flap
Support is made. The complete assembly, of course, requires the bearings and the
electrical bonding jumper. In comparing the forging with the finished machined part,
it will be noted that the assembly drawing does not show any of the forging dimen-
sions, but only such dimensions as are necessary for the machining operation. Notice
also that the designer has provided ample material in the forging to allow for the
machine cuts shown on the assembly drawing, and he has dimensioned both parts
from a common base line to reduce the chance of error in centering the bearings.
708. Installation Drawings. Installation drawings, Fig. 1155, are those which
give complete information and instructions for placing detail parts or assemblies in
their final positions in the airplane. They are easily distinguished from assembly and
detail drawings by the presence of phantom lines which represent the airplane itself,
and thus relate the installed parts to the airplane. It will be noted in the list of parts
on this drawing that it covers both detail and assembly parts as well as instructions
for their installation in the airplane. The parts that can be made from this drawing
are identified in the parts list by one or two digit numbers in the "part number"
would be dimensioned in the conventional manner, Fig. 1156. This technique in-
cludes drawing on metal with silver solder pencils, or on glass cloth with 9H pencils.
instead of drawing on paper or tracing cloth. The
absence of dimensions requires the drawing ma-
terial to be dimensionally stable to avoid drafting
errors, and likewise requires the reproductions to
be dimensionally stable to avoid manufacturing
errors. Fig. 1157 shows diagrammatically how an
undimensioned drawing on metal is reproduced
photographically for shop use and for blueprint-
ing. Whenthe original drawing is made on glass
cloth, the photo reproduction process is not used,
since the shop templates may be made by direct
contact with the original drawing.
Glass cloth is made by impregnating cloth
woven from continuous with a blend
glass fibers
of Paraplex polyester resins. Not only '
does it have
4-000-11 -I2 0PP f ...
A '
T ,
05i clad 24S-T3
,. , , . .
dense black lines which will produce sharp and clear lines on the negative. It is im-
perative that the draftsman exercise extreme care in keeping the lines sharp and
exactly to scale, since two photographic steps lie between his original layout and
the final template used by the mechanic. Drafting accuracy is especially important
in view of the fact that the layout and template must be measured directly without
the benefit of dimensions. It is the practice in some companies to have master layouts
-S-I73SO (PEFl
S-&6390 (OEF)
Courtesy Boeing Airplane Co.
Fig. 1158 A Master Layout.
develops the flat pattern outlines on the metal sheet. This requires careful coordina-
tion and a thorough knowledge of the principles of descriptive geometry and ortho-
graphic projection as outlined in the earlier chapters. The usual allowable drafting
tolerance on details is + .010 inch, except on important structural details such as
mating holes and parts to be jig-located, which must be accurate within + .005 inch.
When close tolerances are required, the dimension is added to the layout to assure
proper control in the shop.
Under this arrangement, many of the vellum detail drawings are eliminated. All
forgings and machined parts are detailed, but brackets and fittings that are fitted on
a contour are laid down only on the master layout of the assembly affected. Parts that
can be conveniently shown on master layout assemblies are not detailed on separate sheets.
711. Photo Templates. Upon completion and after being checked, the above-
described master layouts go to the photo temp/ate unit. Here they are accurately photo-
graphed by a special large camera, Fig. 1157, fitted with sensitized glass plates. Glass
negatives are required to prevent shrinking or stretching.
From this negative, by an enlargement process, other sensitized dural sheets are
made to duplicate the original master layouts in the original full size. Metal sheets
are also printed to be used as patterns.
If mock-up patterns are needed, sensitized plywood is printed to duplicate the master
layout, and the shop then saws the wood to shape. Plywood reproductions are also
placed on the shop bench, and the assembly is built up on them from the individual
parts. Reproductions are also made of steel, aluminum, and masonite for various
uses in the shop. For example, steel reproductions are used for drill and router tem-
plates, jig bases, and form templates; aluminum for reference and assembly table
templates; and masonite for form blocks.
The photo template process is further employed to provide blueprints for reference
in shop assembly work. Sensitized cloth is exposed from the negative of the master
template. This results in a photo tracing which is one-half full size. This tracing is
then sent to the blueprint department for reproduction of all needed prints for shop
use and for the engineering file.
Since the enlargement made from the glass negative can be made to any desired
fractional size, the photo process is often employed to make model drawings and
patterns which may be made to a decimal-fraction scale.
Photo templates provide an additional advantage in the case of symmetrical and
opposite-hand parts. It is necessary to draw only one side as an original master lay-
out, since the opposite side can be produced by merely reversing the negative in the
printing step. In a similar manner, intermediate wing ribs need not be drawn sepa-
rately if the thickness ratio remains constant. All such ribs can be produced photo-
graphically from a drawing of only one rib by making the size of each successive
copy in the proper proportion to its location in the plan form.
The prime advantage of the master layout photo template system is that it elim-
inates time usually lost in getting engineering information to the shop in the proper
form. With this setup, the production department need not spend valuable months
working up templates and data for shop use. The material is available just as fast
as the photo unit can turn it out. This is important in getting new airplane designs
into the air in the shortest possible time.
laying out flat patterns is beyond the scope of this chapter. However, the procedure
for calculating bends is typical. If the two inner plane surfaces of an angle are ex-
tended, their line of intersection is called the IML or inside mold line, Fig. 1160 (a) to
(c). Similarly, if the two outer plane surfaces are extended, they produce the OML
or outside mold line. The center line of bend (( B) refers primarily to the machine on
Neu+ral Axis
BA=O.OI7453R+0.0078T(N) h-r!
Length =
a + b+c b
which the bend is made, and is at the center of the bend radius. The bend radius
for annealed dural taken as double the gage, and equal to the gage for other metals.
These three lines, as they appear on an undimensioned drawing, are shown in Fig.
1156. Note that the outside mold line is shown in two overlapping positions resulting
from straightening out the bend.
The length, or stretchout, of the pattern equals the sum of the flat sides of the
angle plus the distance around the bend measured along the neutral axis. The distance
around the bend is called the bend allowance. When metal bends, it "crowds" on the
inside and stretches on the outside. At a certain zone in between, the metal is neither
compressed nor stretched. This is called the neutral axis. See Fig. 1 160 (d). The neu-
tral axis is usually assumed to be .44 of the thickness from the inside surface of the
The developed length of material, or bend allowance (BA), to make the bend is
BA = 0.017453R + 0.0078T(N)
713. Lofting. Lofting is the drafting procedure used to develop a curved surface
such that any cutting plane intersecting it will produce a smooth curved line. Lofting
also is used to establish intersections of curved surfaces with each other. In view of
the numerous curved surfaces in an airplane, it is evident that lofting is an important
function of the engineering department. Ordinarily, lofting is done full size for the
sake of accuracy, but sometimes it is necessary to reduce the scale for large airplanes.
As shown in Fig. 1161, the work is done on painted metal sheets as described in
709, to maintain dimensional stability. The draftsmen cover their shoes with pro-
tective cloth slippers while working on the large surfaces. The same kinds of drawing
tools are used in lofting as are used in master layouts, except that more extensive
use is made of ship curves, splines, and ducks for lay-
ence planes and are often used in place of dimen- Fig. 1162 A Set of Faired Lines.
sions for locating points. Since three dimensions
are required to locate a point in space, the refer-
ence lines may be identified by numbers that represent distances from an established
base line, and their intersection gives the location of the point in space. Thus a point
could be located by naming the planes which intersect at that point, as follows:
STATION 157.63
Cross sections at certain stations where the shape is definitely known are laid out.
For example, a cross section might be laid out for the hull at the control compart-
ment, another at the trailing edge of the wing, and another at the tail of the airplane
where space would be required for a gunner. Intermediate stations which are not
known would be determined by establishment of smooth contours between the sta-
tions originally laid out. Fig. 1162 shows a typical set of faired lines in which the
station contours are superimposed, those from the maximum section forward being
on the right side and those from the maximum section aft on the left. Thus, all the
station contours for the entire hull are contained in one view.
When the hull is properly lofted, its intersection with any plane will be a smooth
curved line. When a few points are known on a curve, a spline is often used to develop
the entire curve in the manner shown in Fig. 1161. The flexible spline is held down
with ducks at the points definitely located. If it lies on all the points without being
forced, the line is considered to he faired. A true test is to lift any duck on the spline
except the end ones, and if the spline does not spring into another position, it is
following a faired curve. Conversely, if it must be held in place by force, either the
spline must be replaced by a more flexible one, or the points will have to be adjusted
to bring them into a faired line.
Contours and sections developed by the loftsmen are used by the master layout
draftsmen, and photo templates of the contours are made where frequent reference
to them will be necessary. Fig. 1163 shows a photo template of a set of faired lines
for an irregular surface. Fig. 1164 (a) shows how headers are made from the loft lines
and are set up according to the reference planes to form a skeleton structure to sup-
(a) (b)
Fig. 1164 Plaster Patterns for Contoured Surfaces. By permission, from A Simple Guide to Blueprint
Reading, by W. N. Wright. Copyright 1956, McGraw-Hill Book Co.
port and form the plaster pattern. The final contoured pattern is shown at (b). This
plaster pattern will be used to make a mold for casting
a metal punch and die to be
used on the drop hammer in making the part whose contours are shown in Fig. 1 163.
who cannot read blueprints to obtain a clear understanding of their work. Produc-
tion illustrations are therefore keyed closely to the production line so that each step
in the fabrication of the airplane is clearly shown.
The principles of pictorial representation used in production illustration are ex-
plained in Chapters 15, 16, and 17, and should be carefully studied by those who
are entering this type of work. A thorough training in perspective is especially im-
portant to the production illustrator, particularly if he expects to be employed in a
company where true perspective drawings are required.
In Fig. 1149 is shown a production illustration of how an airplane is divided
into sections so that each section may be completed independently and then assembled
later into a complete airplane.
The drawingof a Stabilizer Jackscrew shown in Fig. 1165 is a combination of
multiview and isometric projection, indicating the value of production illustration
for design work as well as for manufacturing.
715. Aeronautical Drafting Problems. The following problems will afford the
student some practice in problems that are typical of the aircraft industry.
Prob. 1. Draw to a full-size scale the Forging-Flap Swing shown in Fig. 1153. Rearrange
as necessary to fit a Size B sheet.
Prob. 2. Draw to a full-size scale the Siving Assembly-Flap Support shown in Fig. 1154.
Rearrange as necessary to fit a Size B sheet. To obtain dimensions not given, refer to the
corresponding forging drawing in Fig. 1153.
Prob. 3. Draw to a full-size scale the Terminal Assembly-Upper Drag Strut shown in Fig,
718. Use Size B sheet, and prepare title strip similar to that shown.
Prob. 4. Draw to a full-size scale, the necessary views of the Angle, Part 4, shown in
Fig. 1155.
Prob. 5. Draw to a full-size scale, the necessary views of the Angle, Part 5, which is the
opposite to Part 4 in Fig. 1155.
Prob. 6. Draw to a full-size scale, a flat pattern of Part 5 (see Prob. 5), assuming a bend
radius of twice the metal thickness. See the parts list in Fig. 1155 for the thickness.
15-7600-12 fairly z r7 . 11
[ 1 i
i i
' i
i I i i
-$ 0<- -04^-<q>
(a) (b)
the pins in the holes are flush with the front face of the block, are countersunk, or
project and form a boss on the front face. The front view at (b) shows, by the shade
lines,that one pin is flush with the front face of the block, one is countersunk, and
the other projects in front of the face. The sharpness, relief, and realistic effect pro-
duced by the shading are obvious.
748 27. SHADING 717
The conventional source of light for shading drawings is behind, above, and to
the left of the draftsman. The rays of light are assumed to be parallel to a diagonal
of a cube whose faces are parallel to the planes of projection, Fig. 288 (a) ; therefore
the conventional light rays make angles with the coordinate planes whose tangents
are 1 / \/2, and the projections of the rays make angles of 45 with the coordinate axes.
There are two systems in use for shading drawings: (a) shade lines and (b) surface
717 Shade Lines. Shade lines are the lines separating illuminated faces or sur-
faces from those which are not illuminated. Usually the upper, front, and left-hand
faces of an object are assumed to receive light from the conventional source, and are
illuminated, while the lower, back, and right-hand faces are not illuminated; there-
fore the right-hand and lower edges of an
object are ordinarily the shade lines. By this
system of shading, the shade lines are made
two or three times as wide as the other ob-
ject lines of the drawing.
Figure 1169 (a) shows the top and front
views of a cube, with conventional rays of
light parallel to the dashed diagonal of the
cube. It is obvious that these rays of light
illuminate only the top, front, and left-hand
Vjk \/ V_x s
/1 faces of the cube, and therefore three ver-
^ * ""
tical and three horizontal edges separate il-
\ \ \ \
Figure 1170 illustrates the application of the preceding rule to the shading of
various objects. Note that invisible edges at (d) are not shaded.
Surfaces parallel to conventional rays of light, Fig. 1171, are regarded as illumi-
nated surfaces.
\ X V
Fig. 1171 Surfaces Parallel to Rays of Light.
When two surfaces, inclined to the plane of projection, are located so that one
surface illuminated and the other is not, the edge of the dihedral angle formed by
those surfaces is a shade line. If there is a series of such surfaces, all edges of the result-
ing angles are shade lines. The drawing will be clearer, however, if only alternate
edges are shaded, as in Fig. 1170 (e).
Some draftsmen shade the edges of re-entrant dihedral angles, as illustrated in
Fig. 1170 (e). Other draftsmen shade only the edges of projecting dihedral angles.
Shade do not add anything to the clearness of a
lines generally pictorial view of
an object, but theydo improve the appearance
of the drawing by adding variety and relief. The
method of determining the shade lines on a pic-
torial view is the same as that explained above.
Figure 1 172 shows the shade lines on a cube
in isometric and in oblique projection according
to this method; however, some draftsmen vio-
late this convention for isometric, and shade
the edges that intersect at the nearest corner,
Fig. 1173.
Figure 1174 shows the shade lines on cylin-
The circles in the top views and in F;
drical solids. 1172 shade L; nes
the end view are shade lines only half-way Drawings,
around, the circle of the hole being shaded on
the opposite side from that of the outer surface of the cylinder.
750 27. SHADING 718
The shading of circles is done by shifting the center of the compass along a 45
Hne, and drawing a second semicircle with the same radius, as shown.
The additional width necessary to produce a shade line should be applied on the
outside of the surface shaded therefore, in cases like those shown in Fig. 1 174 (c), the
Figure 1 177 shows different methods of applying surface shading on some common
geometric solids. The gradual blending of the shade on these surfaces requires skill
and practice.
Light Ray
When surface shading is used on a drawing, the shade lines, 717, should be
omitted unless the clearness of the drawing is enhanced by their use. The surface
shading on a plane surface, inclined to the plane of projection, should grade from
dark to light in the receding direction if the surface is in the shade, and from light to
dark if the surface is in the light, as shown at the top in Fig. 1177 (a) and (b).
The surface shading on a cylinder and on a cone should be darkest at the element
where the rays of light are tangent to the surface, and lightest at the brilliant element,
as shown at (c) and (d). The brilliant element of a cylinder is the one from which the
rays of light are reflected directly to the observer; it passes through the point at which
the bisector of the angle between a ray of light and a visual ray through the center
of the cylinder pierces the surface of the cylinder.
The surface shading of a sphere, (e), should be darkest where the rays of light are
tangent to the sphere (on the shade line) and lightest at the brilliant point. The brilliant
point on the surface of a sphere is the point in which the bisector of the angle between
a ray of light and a visual ray through the center of the sphere pierces the surface of
the sphere. The constructions for the determination of the brilliant element and the
element of shade on the cylinder, and the brilliant point and the shade line on the
surface of the sphere are shown in Fig. 1177 (c) and (f), respectively.
Line shading is used extensively in technical illustrations and in patent drafting
with very satisfactory results, as shown in Figs. 1178, 1179, and 1185. See also Figs.
1180 through 1184.
719. Shading Exercises. The following problems are given to afford practice
in determining the shade lines of objects, and in blending gradually the surface
shading on curved surfaces. Use Size A sheets for Problems 1, 3, and 4, and Size B
for Problem 2.
Prob. 1. Draw the two views of Fig. 873, Prob. 9. Shade the shade lines in both views,
making them about twice as heavy as the other object lines. Omit the dimensions.
Fig. 1178 Surface Shading Applied to Pic- Fig. 1179 A Line-Shaded Drawing of an
torial Drawing of Display Case. Adjustable Support for Grinding.
Prob. 2. Draw the two views of Fig. 577, and shade as in Prob. 1 .
Prob. 3. Draw three rectangles about 2" X 3" each, the long sides being horizontal.
Shade the surfaces of the rectangles similar to those of Fig. 1176, blending the shade of (a)
gradually from dark at the top to light at the bottom, of (b) from dark at the bottom to light
at the top, and of (c) from dark at the center to light at the top and bottom.
Prob. 4. Draw a right hexagonal prism, a right hexagonal pyramid, a right circular
cylinder, and a right circular cone with the axes horizontal, similar to and about three times
as large as those of Fig. 1177, and shade the surfaces.
Prob. 5. Select a part or an assembly from Figs. 772, 775, 777, 778, 794, and 873; draw
it in oblique or axonometric projection, and shade it in a manner similar to thatshown in
Figs. 1178 and 1179.
722. Signature to drawing. Signatures are not required on the drawing if it accom-
panies and is referred to in the other papers of the application, otherwise the drawing must
be signed. The drawing may be signed by the applicant in person or have the name of the
applicant placed thereon followed by the signature of the attorney or agent as such.
723. Content of drawing. The drawing must show every feature of the invention
specified in the claims. When the invention consists of an improvement on an old machine
the drawing must when possible exhibit, in one or more views, the improved portion itself,
disconnected from the old structure, and also in another view, so much only of the old struc-
ture as will suffice to show the connection of the invention therewith.
724. Standard for drawings. The complete drawing is printed and published when
the patent issues, and a copy is attached to the patent. This work is done by the photolitho-
graphic process, the sheets of drawings being reduced about one-third in size. In addition, a
reduction of a selected portion of the drawings of each application is published in the Official
Gazette. It is therefore necessary for these and other reasons that the character of each draw-
ing be brought as nearly as possible to a uniform standard of execution and excellence, suited
to the requirements of the reproduction process and of the use of the drawings, to give the
best results in the interests of inventors, of the Office, and of the public. The following regula-
tions with respect to drawings are accordingly prescribed:
(a) Paper and ink. Drawings must be made upon pure white paper of a thickness corre-
sponding to two-piy or three-ply Bristol board. The surface of the paper must be calendered
and smooth and of a quality which will permit erasure and correction. India ink alone must
be used for pen drawings to secure perfectly black solid lines. The use of white pigment to
cover lines is not acceptable.
(b) Size of sheet and margins. The
a sheet on which a drawing is made must be
size of
exactly 10 by 15 inches. One inch from
edges a single marginal line is to be drawn, leaving
the "sight" precisely 8 by 13 inches. Within this margin all work must be included. One of
the shorter sides of the sheet is regarded as its top, and, measuring down from the marginal
line, a space of not less than lj inches is to be left blank for the heading of title, name, number,
and date, which will be applied subsequently by the Office in a uniform style.
(c) Character of lines. All drawings must be made with drafting instruments or by photo-
lithographic process which will give them satisfactory reproduction characteristics. Every line
and letter (signatures included) must be absolutely black. This direction applies to all lines
however fine, to shading, and to lines representing cut surfaces in sectional views. All lines
must be clean, sharp, and solid, and fine or crowded lines should be avoided. Solid black
should not be used for sectional or surface shading. Freehand work should be avoided wherever
it is possible to do so.
(d) Hatching and shading. Hatching should be made by oblique parallel lines, which
may be not less than about one-twentieth inch apart.
Heavy lines on the shade side of objects should be used except where they tend to thicken
the work and obscure reference characters. The light should come from the upper left-hand
corner at an angle of 45. Surface delineations should be shown by proper shading, which
should be open.
(e) Scale. The scale to which a drawing is made ought to be large enough to show the
mechanism without crowding when the drawing is reduced in reproduction, and views of
portions of the mechanism on a larger scale should be used when necessary to show details
clearly two or more sheets should be used if one does not give sufficient room to accomplish
this end, but the number of sheets should not be more than is necessary.
(f) Reference characters. The different views should be consecutively numbered figures.
Reference numerals (and letters, but numerals are preferred) must be plain, legible and care-
fully formed, and not be encircled. They should, if possible, measure at least one-eighth of
an inch in height so that they may bear reduction to one twenty-fourth of an inch; and they
may be slightly larger when there is sufficient room. They must not be so placed in the close
and complex parts of the drawing as to interfere with a thorough comprehension of the same,
and therefore should rarely cross or mingle with the lines. When necessarily grouped around
a certain part, they should be placed at a little distance, at the closest point where there is
available space, and connected by lines with the parts to which they refer. They should not
be placed upon hatched or shaded surfaces but when necessary, a blank space may be left
in the hatching or shading where the character occurs so that it shall appear perfectly distinct
and separate from the work. The same part of an invention appearing in more than one view
of the drawing must always be designated by the same character, and the same character
must never be used to designate different parts.
pose. Modified forms of construction can only be shown in separate figures. Views should
not be connected by projection lines nor should center lines be used.
(/) Arrangement of views. All views on the same sheet must stand in the same direction
and should if possible, stand so that they can be read with the sheet held in an upright posi-
tion. If views longer than the width of the sheet are necessary for the clearest illustration of
the invention, the sheet may be turned on its side. The space for a heading must then be
reserved at the right and the signatures placed at the left, occupying the same space and
position on the sheet as in the upright views and being horizontal when the sheet is held in
an upright position. One figure must not be placed upon another or within the outline of
(k) Figure for Official Gazette. The drawing should, as far as possible, be so planned that
one of the views will be suitable for publication in the Official Gazette as the illustration of
the invention.
(/) Extraneous matter. An agent's or attorney's stamp, or address, or other extraneous
matter, will not be permitted upon the face of a drawing, within or without the marginal
line, except that the title of the invention and identifying indicia, to distinguish from other
drawings filed at the same time, may be placed below the lower margin.
(m) Transmission of drawings. Drawings transmitted to the Office should be sent flat,
protected by a sheet of heavy binder's board, or may be rolled for transmission in a suitable
mailing tube; but must never be folded. If received creased or mutilated, new drawings will
be required.
The Office may furnish the drawings at the applicant's expense as promptly as its drafts-
men can make them, for applicants who cannot otherwise procure them.
727. Return of drawings. The drawings of an accepted application will not be re-
turned to the applicant except for signature.
A photographic print is made of the drawing of an accepted application.
728. Use of old drawings. If the drawings of a new application are to be identical
with the drawings of a previous application of the applicant on file in the Office, or with
part of such drawings, the old drawings or any sheets thereof may be used if the prior applica-
tion is, or is about to be, abandoned, or if the sheets to be used are cancelled in the prior
application. The new application must be accompanied by a letter requesting the transfer
of the drawings, which should be completely identified.
729. Design Patents. The design must be represented by a drawing made in con-
formity with the rules laid down fordrawings of mechanical inventions and must contain a
number of views to constitute a complete disclosure of the appearance of the article.
Appropriate surface shading must be used to show the character or contour of the surfaces
Note: For mechanical and electrical symbols on patent drawings, see Guide for
Patent Draftsmen.
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731. Blueprint Process. Of the several processes in use for reproduction, the
probably the most generally used. Sir John Herschel discov-
blueprint process is still
ered the process in 1837, and it was introduced into the United States in 1876 at the
Philadelphia Centennial Exposition. It is essentially a photographic process in which
the original tracing is the negative.
In all methods of reproducing drawings, the paper or cloth upon which the draw-
ing is coated or sensitized with a chemical preparation that is affected
to be printed is
by the action of light. When such paper or cloth is exposed to light in a printing
frame with the tracing so that the light must pass through the tracing to reach the
sensitized paper, a chemical reaction is produced in all parts of the print except those
which are protected by the opaque lines of the drawing.
After the paper has been exposed a sufficient length of time, it is removed from
the frame, or the blueprint machine, and subjected to a developing bath and a fixing
bath, or to a fixing bath only, according to the method employed.
When this process of printing was first employed, a sun frame was used, as shown
in Fig. 1186.
In sunlight printing, the printing surface should be at right angles to the rays of
light in order that the surface may receive the greatest amount of light and in order
that the light may be diffused least under the lines of the drawing.
Whenonly a small number of prints are required and better facilities are not
available, printscan be made by exposing the tracing and print paper to sunlight
while they are held against a window pane or under a piece of glass. The tracing
must be against the glass with its face toward the light, and the sensitized surface of
the print paper against the back of the tracing.
Modern blueprint machines are available in non-continuous types in which cut
sheets are fed through the blueprint machine for exposure only, and then washed
in a separate washer. The continuous blueprint machine, Fig. 1187, combines ex-
posure, washing, and drying in one continuous operation.
Blueprint papers are made by applying a coating of a solution of potassium
ferricyanide and ferric ammonium citrate. In the old days, draftsmen often made
their own blueprint paper, applying the solutions with a brush. Now blueprint papers
are purchased in any desired quantity from manufacturers or dealers. They are
available in various speeds and in rolls of various widths, or may be supplied in
sheets of specified size. The coated side of fresh paper is a light greenish-yellow color.
It will gradually turn to a grey-bluish color if not kept carefully away from light,
and may eventually be rendered useless.
length of exposure necessary depends not only upon the kind of paper used
and the intensity of the light, but also upon the age of the paper. "The older the
paper the quicker it prints and the longer to wash; the fresher the paper the slower
it prints and the quicker
wash." to
A by overexposure may be saved by being washed in a
print apparently ruined
solution of potassium dichromate. Hydrogen peroxide may be used for the same
Notations and alterations can be made on blueprints with any alkaline solution
of sufficient strength to destroy the blue compound; for instance, with a 1.5 per cent
solution of caustic soda.
Blueprints can be made from a typewritten sheet if carbon paper has been used
with the carbon side turned over, so as to produce black imprints on both sides of
the sheet.
Although best results are obtained when the original tracing is drawn in ink on
cloth or vellum, excellent prints may bemade from penciled drawings or tracings
if the tracing paper or pencil tracing cloth is of good quality and if the draftsman
has made all required lines and lettering jet black.
Courtesy Charles Bruning Co., Inc. Courtesy General Aniline & Film Corp.
These prints, together with diazzo-dry prints, 734, are coming into greater use,
and are largely replacing the more cumbersome blueprint process.
734. The Diazzo-Dry Process. The diazzo-dry process is based on the sensitivity
to light of certain dyestuff intermediates which have the characteristic of decomposing
into colorless substances if exposed to actinic light, and of reacting with coupling com-
ponents to form an azo dyestuff upon exposure to ammonia vapors. It is a contact
method of reproduction, and depends upon the transmission of light through the
original for the reproduction of positive prints. The subject matter may be pen or
pencil lines, typewritten or printed matter, or any opaque image. There is no negative
step involved; positives are used to obtain positive prints. Sensitized materials can
be handled under normal indoor illumination.
The diazzo whiteprint method of reproduction consists of two simple steps
exposure and dry development by means of ammonia vapors. Exposure is made in
a printer equipped with a source of ultra-violet light, a mercury vapor lamp, or car-
bon arc, or even by sunlight. The light emitted by these light sources brings about
a photochemical decomposition of the light-sensitive yellow coating of the paper
except in those places where the surface is protected by the opaque lines of the
original. The exposed print is developed dry in a few seconds in a dry-developing
machine by the alkaline medium produced by ammonia vapors.
A popular exposer and developer combined in one machine is the Ozalid Stream-
liner shown in Fig. 1189. Two operations are involved: (1) the tracing and the sensi-
tized paper are fed into the printer slot for exposure to light as shown in Fig. 1 190 (a)
and (2) the paper is then fed through the developer slot for exposure to ammonia
vapors, as shown at (b). If it is desired to remove the ammonia odor completely, the
print is then fed through the printer with the back of the sheet next to the warm
used in place of the original to produce regular prints. They may be used to save
wear on the original or to permit changes to be made. Changes may be made by
painting out parts with correction solution, Fig. 1191 (a) and (b), and then drawing
thenew lines or lettering directly on the intermediate in pencil or ink, (c). Special
masking and cut-out techniques can also be used.
Several types of Ozalid foil intermediates are available, including matte surfaces
to facilitate pen and pencil additions. By means of foils, many new procedures are
possible, such as a composite print in which a wiring system is superimposed over a
Most manufacturers of reproduction equipment now carry ammonia-developing
machines of this type.
special Ozalid materials, on the Bruning machine with special Bruning materials, or
on any of the several types of photographic print machines, as described in 735.
lines of the original. The original is then removed, and prints are produced by
bringing sheets of blank paper in contact with the gelatin. A number of different
machines using this basic principle are available.
or reduced if necessary, upon an aluminum or zinc sheet. This master plate is then
mounted on a rotary drum which revolves in contact with a rubber roller which
picks up the ink from the image and transfers it to the paper. The prints are excellent
positive reproductions.
15. ASA General Purpose Acme Threads 36. ASA Wrought Steel Pipe and Taper
16. ASA Square and Hexagon Bolts and Pipe Threads
Nuts and Hexagon Head Cap Screws 37. Thicknesses and Weights of Cast Iron
17. ASA Slotted and Socket Head Cap Pipe
Screws 38. ASA 125-lb Cast-iron Screwed Fittings
18. ASA Machine Screws 39. ASA 250-lb Cast-iron Screwed Fittings
19. Square and Flat Keys, Plain Taper 40. ASA Class 125 Cast-iron Flanges and
Keys, and Gib Head Keys Fittings
20. Square and Acme Threads 41 . ASA Class 125 Cast-Iron Flanges, Drill-
21. ASA Woodruff Keys ing for Boltsand Their Lengths
22. Woodruff Key Sizes for Different Shaft 42. Shaft Center Sizes
Diameters 43. ASA Class 250 Cast-iron Flanges and
23. Pratt and Whitney Round-End Keys Fittings
24. ASA Plain Washers 44. ASA Class 250 Cast-iron Flanges, Drill-
25. ASA Lock Washers ing for Bolts and Their Lengths
Aeronautical Drafting
American Standards
American Standards Association, 70 East 45th St., New York 17, N. Y. For complete listing
of standards, see ASA Price List and Index.
Abbreviations for Use on Drawings, Z32. 13-1950
Abbreviations for Scientific and Engineering Terms, Z10. 1-1941
Fine-Pitch Straight Bevel Gears, B6. 8-1 950
Gear Nomenclature, Terms, Definitions, and Illustrations, B6. 10-1955
Letter Symbols for Gear Engineering, B6. 5-1 954
Spur Gear Tooth Form, B6. 1-1932
System for Straight Bevel Gears, B6. 13-1955
20-Degree Involute Fine-Pitch System, B6. 7-1 956
Graphical Symbols
Graphical Symbols for Architectural Plans, Y32.9-1943
Graphical Symbols for Electrical Diagrams, Y32.2-1954
Graphical Symbols for Heat-Power Apparatus, Z32.2.6-1950 (R 1956)
Graphical Symbols for Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning, Z32.2.4-1949 (R 1953)
Graphical Symbols for Plumbing, Y32.4-1955
Graphical Symbols for Pipe Fittings, Valves, and Piping, Z32.2.3-1949 (R 1953)
Graphical Symbols for Use on Maps and Profiles, Y32. 7-1957
Graphical Symbols for Welding, Z32.2.1-1949 (R 1953)
Mathematical Symbols, ZlOf-1928
Cast-Iron Pipe Centrifugally Cast in Sand-Lined Molds, A21.8-1953
Cast-iron Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings (WSP of 25 lb), B16b2-1931 (R 1952)
Cast-iron Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings, Class 125, B16. 1-1948 (R 1953)
Cast-iron Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings, Class 250, B16b-1944 (R 1953)
Cast-iron Screwed Fittings, 125 and 250 lb, Bl 6.4-1 949 (R 1953)
Ferrous Plugs, Bushings, and Locknuts with Pipe Threads, B16. 14-1949 (R 1953)
Malleable-Iron Screwed Fittings, 150 lb, B16. 3-1951
Malleable-Iron Screwed Fittings, 300 lb, B16.19-1951
Steel Butt-Welding Fittings, B16.9-1951
and Flanged Fittings, B16. 5-1953
Steel Pipe Flanges
Wrought-Steel and Wrought-Iron Pipe, B36. 10-1950
(For additional piping standards, see ASA Price List and Index)
Large Rivets ft Inch Nominal Dia. and Larger), B18.4-1950 (R 1957)
Small Solid Rivets, B18. 1-1955
Acme Screw Threads, Bl. 5-1952
ButtressScrew Threads, Bl. 9-1 953
Nomenclature, Definitions, and Letter Symbols for Screw Threads, Bl. 7-1 949 (R 1953)
Pipe Threads, B2. 1-1945
Stub Acme Screw Threads, Bl. 8-1 952
Unified and American Screw Threads for Screws, Bolts, Nuts, and Other Threaded Parts,
Bl. 1-1949
Lock Washers, B27.1-1950
Plain Washers, B27.2-1953
Knurling, B5. 30-1953
Preferred Thicknesses for Uncoated Thin Flat Metals, B32.1-1952
Architectural Drawing
Field, W. B. Architectural Drawing. McGraw-Hill
Kenny, J. E. and McGrail, J. P. Architectural Drawing for the Building Trades. McGraw-Hill
Martin, C. L. Architectural Graphics. Macmillan
Morgan, S. W. Architectural Drawing. McGraw-Hill
Ramsey, C. G. and Sleeper, H. R. Architectural Graphic Standards. John Wiley
Sleeper, H. R. Architectural Specifications. John Wiley
Blueprint Reading
DeVette, W. A. and Kellogg, D. E. Blueprint Reading for the Metal Trades. Bruce Pub. Co.,
Heine, G. M. and Dunlap, C. H. How to Read Electrical Blueprints. American Technical
Society, Chicago
Ihne, R. W. and Streeter, W. E. Machine Trades Blueprint Reading. American Technical
Society, Chicago
Kenny, J. E. Blueprint Reading for the Building Trades. McGraw-Hill
Lincoln Electric Co. Simple Blueprint Reading (Welding). Cleveland, O.
Owens, A. A. and Slingluff, B. F. How to Read Blueprints. John C. Winston Co., Philadelphia
Spencer, H. C. and Grant, H. E. The Blueprint Language. Macmillan
Svensen, C. L. and Street, W. E. A Manual of Blueprint Reading. D. Van Nostrand
Wright, William N. A Simple Guide to Blueprint Reading (Aircraft). McGraw-Hill
Furman, F. Der. Cams, Elementary and Advanced. John Wiley
Rothbert, H. A. Cams. John Wiley
Haskell, A. C. How to Use Graphic Charts. Codex Book Co. New York, N. Y.
Make and
Karsten, K. G. Charts and Graphs. Prentice-Hall
Leicey, N. VV. Graphic Charts, Lefax order No. 11-248; Lefax, Philadelphia
Lutz, R. R. Graphic Presentation Simplified. Funk and Wagnalls
Schmid, C. Handbook of Graphic Presentation.Ronald Press
Descriptive Geometry
Electrical Drawing
Bishop, C. C. Electrical Drafting and Design. McGraw-Hill
Carini, L. F. D. Drafting for Electronics. McGraw-Hill
Kocher, S. E. Electrical Drafting. Int. Textbook Co.
Van Gieson, D. W. Electrical Drafting. McGraw-Hill
Engineering as a Vocation
Engineering Drawing
Graphical Computation
American Soc. of Heating and Ventilating Engineers. A.S.H.V.E. Guide. 51 Madison Ave.,
New York 10, N. Y.
ASME Handbook (4 vols.). McGraw-Hill
Colvin, F. H. and Stanley, F. A. American Machinists Handbook. McGraw-Hill
Eshbach, O. W. Handbook of Engineering Fundamentals. John Wiley
Huntington, W. C. Building Construction. John Wiley
Kent, W. Mechanical Engineers Handbook. John Wiley
Kidder, F. E. and Parker, H. Architects and Builders Handbook. John Wiley
Knowlton, A. E. Standard Handbook of Electrical Engineers. McGraw-Hill
Marks, L. S. Mechanical Engineers Handbook. McGraw-Hill
Oberg, E. and Jones, F. D. Machinery's Handbook. Industrial Press
O'Rourke, C. E. General Engineering Handbook. McGraw-Hill
Perry, J. H. Chemical Engineers Handbook. McGraw-Hill
SAE Handbook. Society of Automotive Engineers, 29 West 39th St., New York 18, N. Y.
SAE Automotive Drafting Standards. Society of Automotive Engineers, 29 West 39th St., New
York 18, N. Y.
Smolefs New Combined Tables. C. K. Smoley & Sons, Scranton, Pa.
Tweney, C. F. and Hughes, L. E. C. Chambers Technical Dictionary. Macmillan
Urquhart, L. C. Civil Engineers Handbook. McGraw-Hill
Machine Design
Albert, C. D. Machine Design and Drawing Room Problems. John Wiley
Berard, S. J., Watters, E. O. and Phelps, C. W. Principles of Machine Design. Ronald Press
Faires, V. Design of Machine Elements. Macmillan
Jefferson, T. B. and Brooking, W. J. Introduction to Mechanical Design. Ronald Press
Ham, C. W., Crane, E. J. and Rogers, W. L. Mechanics of Machinery. McGraw-Hill
Keon, R. M. and Faires, V. M. Mechanism. McGraw-Hill
Schwamb, P., Merrill, A. L. and James, W. H. Elements of Mechanism. John Wiley
Map Drawing
Deetz, C. H. Elements of Map Projection. U.S. Government Printing Office
Hinks, A. R. Maps and Surveys. Macmillan
Manual of Surveying Instructions for the Survey of the Public Lands of the United States. U.S. Govern-
ment Printing Office
Sloane, R. C. and Montz, J. M. Elements of Topographic Drawing. McGraw-Hill
Whitmore, G. D. Advanced Surveying and Mapping. International Texbtook Co.
Patent Drawings
Piping Drawing
Production Illustration
Farmer, H., Hoecker, A.J. and Vavrin, F. F. Illustrating for Tomorrow"'s production. Macmillan
Hoelscher, R. P., Springer, C. H. and Pohle, R. F. Industrial Production Illustration. McGraw-Hill
Treacy, J. Production Illustration. John Wiley
Dougherty, J. S. Sheet-Metal Pattern Drafting and Shop Problems. Manual Arts Press
Giachino, J.W. Basic Sheet Metal Practice. International Textbook Co.
Jenkins, Rolland. Sheet Metal Pattern Layout. Prentice-Hall
Kidder, F. S. Triangulation Applied to Sheet Metal Pattern Cutting. Sheet Metal Pub. Co., N. Y.
Neubecker, William. Sheet Metal Work. Amer. Technical Society, Chicago
Neubecker, William. The Universal Sheet Metal Pattern Cutter, Vols. land II. Metal Pub. Co., N.Y.
O'Rourke, F. J. Sheet Metal Pattern Drafting. McGraw-Hill
Paull, J. H. Industrial Sheet Metal Drawing. D. Van Nostrand
Tool Design
Procedure Handbook of Arc Welding Design and Practice. Lincoln Electric Co., Cleveland, O.
molds, p. 271.
a shaft prevent
to sliding.
Colorharden Same (v) as caseharden, except
Dowel (n) A cylindrical pin, commonly
that done to a shallower depth, usually
it is
used to prevent sliding between two con-
for appearance only.
tacting flat surfaces.
Cope (n) The upper portion of a flask used
in molding, p. 272.
Core (v) To
form a hollow portion in a
casting by using a dry-sand core or a
green-sand core in a mold, p. 272.
Coreprint (n) A projection on a pattern
which forms an opening in the sand to
hold the end of a core, p. 272. DRAFT
Cotter Pin (n)
A split pin used as a fastener,
Draft (n) The tapered shape of the parts of
usually to prevent a nut from unscrewing,
a pattern to permit it to be easily with-
pp. 379, 813.
Counterbore (v) To enlarge an end of a drawn from the sand or, on a forging, to
permit it to be easily withdrawn from the
dies, pp. 272, 292.
Drag (n) Lower portion of a flask used in
molding, 272.
Draw () To stretch or otherwise to deform
hole cylindrically with a counterbore, p. 284. metal. Also to temper steel.
Drill (v) To cut a cylindrical hole with a molten metal passes to enter the cavity or
drill. A blind hole does not go through the mold, p. 272.
piece, p. 282. Graduate (v) To set off accurate divisions
A machine
Drill Press (n) and for drilling on a scale or dial.
other hole-forming operations, 278. p. Grind (v) To remove metal by means of an
Drop Forge To form a piece while hot
() abrasive wheel, often made of carborun-
between dies in a drop hammer or with dum. Used chiefly where accuracy is re-
great pressure, p. 291. quired, p. 279.
Face (v) To finish a surface at right angles, Harden (v)
To heat steel above a critical
or nearly so, to the center line of rotation temperature and then quench in water or
on a lathe, Fig. 568 (a). oil, p. 293.
FAO Finish all over, p. 308. Heat-treat (v)
To change the properties of
Feather Key (n) A flat key, which is partly metals by heating and then cooling, p. 293.
sunk in a shaft and partly in a hub, per-
Interchangeable {adj.) Refers to a part
mitting the hub to slide lengthwise of the made to limit dimensions so that it will fit
shaft, p. 384. any mating part similarly manufactured,
File To
(v) or smooth with a
finish file. p. 334.
Fillet (n)An rounded intersection
interior Jig {n) A device for guiding a tool in cutting
between two 239, 302.
surfaces, a piece. Usually it holds the work in posi-
Fin A thin extrusion of metal the
(n) at in- tion, p. 290.
tersection of or sand molds.
dies Journal (n)
Portion of a rotating shaft sup-
Fit Degree of tightness or looseness be-
(n) ported by a bearing.
tween two mating parts, as a loose Jit, a
mug Jit, or a tight ft, pp. 303, 334-338.
Fixture (n) A special device for holding the
work in a machine tool, but not for guiding
the cutting tool, 322.
Kerf () Groove or cut made by a saw.
Key (n) A small piece of metal sunk partly
into both shaft and hub to prevent rota-
tion, p. 384.
Keyseat {n) A slot or recess in a shaft to
hold a key, p. 384.
Lug (n)
An irregular projection of metal,
Plate (v) To coat a metal piece with an-
but not round as in the case of a boss, usual- other metal, such as chrome or nickel, by
ly with a hole in it for a bolt or screw. electrochemical methods.
Malleable Casting (n) A casting which has
Polish (v) To produce a highly finished or
been made less brittle and tougher by an- polished surface by friction, using a very
nealing. fine abrasive.
Mill (v) To
remove material by means of Profile(v)
To cut any desired outline by
a rotating cutter on a milling machine, moving a small rotating cutter, usually with
p, 278. a master template as a guide.
Mold (n) The mass of sand or other mate- Punch (v)
To cut an opening of a desired
rialwhich forms the cavity into which shape with a rigid tool having the same
molten metal is poured, p. 271. shape, by pressing the tool through the
MS (n) Machinery steel, sometimes called work.
mild steel with a small percentage of carbon.
Quench (v) To immerse a heated piece of
Cannot be hardened. metal in water or oil in order to harden it.
Rack {n) A flat bar with gear teeth in a
straight line to engage with teeth in a gear,
p. 583.
Ream (r<) To enlarge a finished hole slightly
Neck (v) To cut a groove called a neck to give it greater accuracy, with a reamer,
around a cylindrical piece. p. 283.
p. 293.
Pack-harden (s) To carburize, then to case-
harden, p. 293.
Pad (n) A slight projection, usually to pro- Rib A relatively thin member acting
(n) flat
Plane (v) To remove material by means of ing with two blades contact.
in sliding
the planer, p. 279. Sherardize To galvanize a piece with
Shim (n)
A thin piece of metal or other Taper Reamer (n)
A tapered reamer for
material used as a spacer in adjusting two producing accurate tapered holes, as for a
parts. taper pin, pp. 322, 385.
Solder () To join with solder, usually com- Temper (v)
To reheat hardened steel to
posed of lead and tin. bring it to a desired degree of hardness,
Spin () To form a rotating piece of sheet p. 293.
metal into a desired shape by pressing it Template or
Templet (n) A guide or pat-
with a smooth tool against a rotating form. tern used to mark out the work, guide the
tool in cutting it, or check the finished
Tin (n) A metal used in alloys and
such as tin plate.
for coating other metals,
Tolerance (n) Total amount of variation
permitted in limit dimension of a part,
Trepan (v) To cut a circular groove the in
Spline (n) A keyway, usually one of a series flat surface at one end of a hole.
cut around a shaft or hole. Tumble (v) To clean rough castings or
forgings in a revolving drum filled with
scrap metal.
Turn (v) To produce, on a lathe, a cylin-
drical surface parallel to the center line,
SPOTFACE p. 277.
Spotface (v) To produce a round spot or
Twist Drill (n) A drill foi use in a drill
press, p. 282.
bearing surface around a hole, usually with
a spotfacer. The spotface may be on top of
a boss or it may be sunk into the surface,
pp. 184, 284.
Sprue (n) A
hole in the sand leading to the
galewhich leads to the mold, through
which the metal enters, p. 272.
Steel Casting (n) Like cast-iron casting ex-
cept that in the furnace scrap steel has been
added to the casting. Undercut (n) A recessed cut or a cut with
Swage () To hammer metal into shape inwardly sloping sides.
while it is held over a swage, or die, which
Upset (v) To form a head or enlarged end
fits in a hole in the swage block, or anvil. on a bar or rod by pressure or by hammer-
Sweat (v) To fasten metal together by the ing between dies.
use of solder between the pieces and by the Web (n) A thin part joining larger
application of heat and pressure. parts. Also known as a rib.
Tap To cut
(v) small internal
relatively Weld () Uniting metal pieces by pressure
threads with a 284. tap, p.
or fusion welding processes, pp. 290, 710.
Taper Conical form given a
(n) or to shaft
a hole. Also refers to the slope of a plane
surface, p. 322.
p. 385.
Taper pin (n) A small tapered pin for fas- Wrought Iron (n) Iron of low carbon con-
tening, usually to prevent a collar or hub tent useful because of its toughness, ductil-
from rotating on a shaft. ity, and malleability.
. .
Elementary Galvanize
Countersink CSK Elevate ELEV Galvanized Iron GI
Coupling CPLG Elevation EL Galvanized Steel GS
Cover COV Engine ENG Gasket GSKT
Cross Section XSECT Engineer ENGR General GEN
Cubic CU Engineering ENGRG Glass GL
Cubic Foot CU FT Entrance ENT Government GOVT
Cubic Inch CU IN. Equal EQ Governor GOV
Grade GR K N
Graduation GRAD Key K National NATL
Graphite GPH Keyseat KST Natural NAT
Grind GRD Keyway KWY Near Face NF
Groove GRV Near Side NS
Ground GRD L Negative NEG
Laboratory LAB Neutral NEUT
H Laminate LAM Nominal NOM
Half-Round RD
Lateral LAT Normal NOR
Handle HDL Left L North N
Hanger HGR Left Hand LH Not to Scale NTS
Hard H Length LG Number NO.
Harden HDN Length Over All LOA
Hardware HDW Letter LTR O
Head HD Light LT Obsolete OBS
Headless HDLS Line L Octagon OCT
Heat HT Locate LOC Office OFF.
Heat Treat HT TR Logarithm LOG. On Center OC
Heavy HVY Long LG Opposite OPP
Hexagon HEX Lubricate LUB Optical OPT
High-Pressure HP Lumber LBR Original ORIG
High-Speed HS Outlet OUT.
Horizontal HOR M Outside Diameter OD
Horsepower HP Machine MACH Outside Face OF
Hot Rolled HR Machine Steel MS Outside Radius OR
Hot Rolled Steel HRS Maintenance MAINT Overall OA
Hour HR Malleable MALL
Housing HSG Malleable Iron MI P
Hydraulic HYD Manual MAN. Pack PK
Manufacture MFR Packing PKG
Manufactured MFD Page P
Manufacturing MFG Paragraph PAR.
Illustrate ILLUS Material MATL Part PT
Inboard INBD Maximum MAX Patent PAT.
Inch (") IN. Mechanical MECH Pattern PATT
Inches per Second IPS Mechanism MECH Permanent PERM
Inclosure INCL Median MED Perpendicular PERP
Include INCL Metal MET. Piece PC
Inside Diameter ID Meter M Piece Mark PC MK
Instrument INST Miles MI Pint PT
Interior INT Miles per Hour MPH Pitch P
Internal INT Millimeter MM Pitch Circle PC
Intersect INT Minimum MIN Pitch Diameter PD
Iron I Minute (') MIN Plate PL
Irregular IRREG Miscellaneous MISC Plumbing PLMB
Month MO Point PT
Morse Taper MOR T Point of Curve PC
Motor MOT Point of Intersection PI
Joint JT Mounted MTD Point of Tangent PT
Joint Army-Navy JAN Mounting MTG Polish POL
Journal JNL Multiple MULT Position POS
Junction JCT Music Wire Gage .... MWG Potential POT.
Pound LB S Thousand M
Pounds per Square Inch.PSI Schedule SCH Thread THD
Power PWR Schematic SCHEM Threads per Inch TPI
Prefabricated PREFAB Scleroscope Hardness. . . .SH Through THRU
Preferred PFD Screw SCR Time T
Prepare PREP Second SEC Tolerance TOL
Pressure PRESS. Section SECT Tongue & Groove . . . . T& G
Process PROC Semi-Steel SS Tool Steel TS
Production PROD Separate SEP Tooth T
Profile PF Set Screw SS Total TOT
Propeller PROP Shaft SFT Transfer TRANS
Publication PUB Sheet SH Typical TYP
Push Button PB Shoulder SHLD
Side S U
Q Single S
Ultimate ULT
Quadrant QUAD Sketch SK Unit U
Quality QUAL Sleeve SLV Universal UNIV
Quarter QTR Slide SL
Slotted SLOT.
R Small SM V
Radial RAD Socket SOC Vacuum VAC
Radius R Space SP Valve V
Railroad RR Special SPL Variable VAR
Ream RM Specific SP Versus VS
Received RECD Spot Faced SF Vertical VERT
Record REC Spring SPG Volt V
Rectangle RECT Square SQ Volume VOL
Reduce RED. Standard STD
REF L Station STA
Reference Line
Reinforce REINF Stationary STA W
Release REL Steel STL Wall W
Relief REL Stock STK Washer WASH.
Remove REM Straight STR Watt W
Require REQ Stree ST Week WK
Required REQD Structural STR Weight WT
Return RET. Substitute SUB West W
Reverse REV Summary SUM. Width W
Revolution REV Support SUP. Wood WD
Revolutions per Surface SUR Woodruff WDF
Minute RPM Symbol SYM Working Point WP
Right R System SYS Working Pressure WP
Right Hand RH Wrought WRT
Rivet RIV T Wrought Iron Wl
Rockwell Hardness RH Tangent TAN.
Roller Bearing RB Taper TPR X, Y, Z
Room RM Technical TECH
Yard YD
Root Diameter RD Template TEMP
Root Mean Square RMS Tension TENS.
Year YR
Rough RGH Terminal TERM.
Round RD Thick THK
Limits for hole and shaft are applied algebraically to the basic size to obtain the limits of size for the parts.
Symbols H5, g5, etc., are Hole and Shaft designations used in ABC System.
Limits for hole and shaft are applied algebraically to the basic size to obtain the limits of size for the parts.
Symbols H6, h5, etc., are Hole and Shaft designations used in ABC System.
Limits for hole and shaft are applied algebraically to the basic size to obtain the limits of size for the mating parts.
"Fit" represents the maximum interference (minus values) and the maximum clearance (plus values).
Symbols H8, j6, etc., are Hole and Shaft designations used in ABC System.
Limits for hole and shaft are applied algebraically to the basic size to obtain the limits of size for the parts.
Symbols H7, p6, etc., are Hole and Shaft designations used in ABC System.
Size D
Dia. OF
273 .344
355 .458
i 409 .516
VA .573
1% 1!4 3
% 1 1
ASA B18. 6.2-1956. 2 ASA B18. 3-1954. 'See Hexagon Head Screws on pages 380 and
For methods of drawing cap screws, screw lengths, and thread data, see Fig. 689.
-f B -JjDfAPPftox)
Key No.
~4 H
h L(MAX) *]
-L -L H -l_H -L
-AL1ZL j j -|
ti -t
igH *'way
From Steel Construction Manual, courtesy of American Institute of Steel Construction, 101 Park Ave. ;
( \ Lake or Pond
Power-Trans. Line
_> j2/i
'11 Falls and Rapids
Buildings in General
(_ .^^^Sg Contours
^^^0%-. Hachures
County Seat
,l,i .
' ; Sand and Sand Dunes
Other Towns _____ -_--
x , ,
._. aMi.-aife.- JVLarsn
Tanks Commercial or
Municipal Field
Canal or Ditch Airplane Landing Field
Marked or Emergency
Canal Lock
Mooring Mast
Canal Lock
(point upstream)
Airway Light Beacon
(arrows indicate course
Aqueduct or Water Pipe Auxiliary Airway Light
Beacon, Flashing
1. Joint -)f e-
2. Elbow 90 4*~
3. Elbow45
Turned Up
4* ,(f
4. Elbow
Elbow Turned
0iH 0f- G>^- 0X~ G>
Down Ofl- Of O^ GX- O-
6. Elbow Long Radius 4*"
7. Reducing Elbow
^A ^e
ii -A
9. TeeOutlet Up 4KZ>fh -+0T- ^0 -X0X-
10. Tee Outlet Down -tOf -fGf -*e^ ^ex-
11. Side Outlet Tee-
-rfSrf- HK^h xlk
12. Cross
O -30e-
^Os*- ^lOr^
20. Safety
-ti>&- c>f<} -*C>3*-
21. Expansion Joint -B=#-
22. Union -*W- -<*{*-
23. Sleeve
-H--H- -3 -e- X -X
24. Bushing
-*K -H-
A- Compressed Air
Refrigerant Discharge
Refrigerant Suction
B Brine Supply
Unit Heater
(Propeller), Plan Damper
| 2QXI2 |
1 Duct Plan (1st Figure
Width; 2nd Depth AfMW \U\
Automatic Dampers
Recirculation Duct
12X20 Section
Supply Outlet
m 1
Exhaust Inlet
Volume Damper
Intake Louvres and
bm --
H confining or Beam-
forming Electrodes) Igni
(Dot indicates
Buzzer f~] end of winding)
Gas Filled
Horn Gap ______-- Locking Keys, Jacks, etc
P Sleeve
Spring for Telegraph
Protective Gap _ Operation ?s
Air (No Symbol; Indicate Air
Sphcrc-gap Element
^ CoreWhen Needed)
Magnetic (General) "^Z.
Dynode i Theimal Element.
Excitor (Contactor
. . ~
Non-Polarized _. J-
_n_n_n (<4rroi*; ^om& in direction of tow resistance)
General 5=
identifying designation within
circle to indicate color
/VV\/ or I* H
Illuminating _-._--..._[[
* Always use identifying legend
O ^Identifying designation
within circle
A Ammeter, V Voltmeter
, as
Variable or Adjustable
Three-wire or
Field r$Tj-tr\_
Machine or Rotating Adjustable Tap or Side Wire
Wound Rotor Induction
Motor or Generator With Leads With Terminals
and Gi
Diagrams for Motor
Winding Symbols
Wye CD
3 Phase
Delta O
Disconnecting Device ~"^ ^~
Non-Polarized ^\J_5'
General .... . [P^
Headset, Single
Headset, Double.
, +
Contour pen, 45 Dardelet thread, 379
Contoured surface patterns, 742 Datum plane, 235
Contours, 684, 687, 695 Decagon, 92
from control points, 687 Decimal
tolerances for, 352 dimension figures, 304
Conventional dimensions, 303
breaks, 223 scale, 29, 32, 33
edges, 186 system, complete, 327
Conversion scales, 627 Deformities of cylinders, 1 80
lines, 20, 21 Depth auxiliary views, 238
Coordinate axes (graphs), 601 Depth dimension, transfer, 164
Coordinate papers, 599 Descriptive geometry, 5, 6
Copper tubing, 699 books on, 776
Copyflex, Bruning, 1188 Design, 396
Core, 272 aeronautical, 727
Cored hole, 272 do's and 293
Corners, projections of, 165, 170 evolution 395
Horizontal plane, 160 angles in, 487
Hyperbola, 1 1 arcs, 494
to draw, 119 axes, 485
Hyperboloid, 553 box construction, 486
Hypocycloid, 123 center lines, 486
curves in, 489
Icosahedron, 553 dimensioning, 497
Illustration, production, 742 drawing, 483
Inboard profile, 729 ellipses in, 149, 490
Inch marks, 305 exploded, 499
Inclined edges, 175 intersections, 495
Inclined lines, 26, 175 irregular objects in, 488
in perspective, 543 paper, 151
Inclined surfaces, 174 piping drawings, 709
in isometric, 485 projection, 482
Ink scale, 483
drawing, 45 sectioning, 489, 496
erasing, 52 sketching, 148
lettering, 71 sphere, 495
lines, 49 Isosceles triangle, 92
tracing, 49
use of, 48 Jig, drill, 290
Inking, order of, 51 Jig borer, 280
Installation assembly, 413 Joints, pipe, 698, 701
Installation drawings, 733 welded, 703, 712
Instrumaster isometric stencil, 494
Instruments, drawing, 5, 34 Keys, 384
Integral calculus, 647 cotter, 385
Integral curve, ordinate scale of, 650 on graphs, 606
Integration, 647 Pratt & Whitney, 384
constants of, 651 table, 808
mechanical methods of, 652 square and flat, 384
semi-graphical, 651 table, 806
Interchangeable manufacturing, 299, 334 Woodruff, 385
Interference fit, 337 table, 807
table, 797 Keyways, dimensioning, 323
Interpolation, 688 King post timber bridge, 666
Intersections Knuckle thread, 356
and developments, 552 Knurls, dimensioning, 324
and tangencies, 182
cone and cylinder, 573 Lathe, 277
cylinders, 183, 495, 570 Layouts, design, 396, 731
in isometric, 495 flat pattern, 739
in sections, 222 master, 736
method of (trimetric), 504 Lead of thread, 355, 357
plane and cylinder, 555 Leaders, 302
plane and prism, 555 Left-hand parts, 187
planes and solids, 553 Left-hand threads, 357
principles of, 553, 566 Left-handed lettering, 71
prism and cone, 572 Legends on graphs, 606
prisms, 566-569 Leonardo da Vinci, 4
problems in, 575 Leroy Lettering Instrument, 82
solids, 566 Leroy pen, 69
sphere and cylinder, 574 Letterguide, 83
Involute, to draw, 122 Lettering, 64
gear tooth form, 582 American Standard, 66
Irregular curves, 53, 54 books on, 778
Isometric devices, 82
Unified thread, 355, 356, 368 Welded
fits, 369 joints, 712
table, 799 pipe joints, 703
Unilateral dimension figures, 305 truss, 723
i Form 2
Si --i-J
' /-form 6 c c
A PP ty-^
Zm- -'A~\
Fig. 1200 Form 5. Fig. 1201 Form 6.
i. :,fe v'aif^Eii'l'll'A'i-'ty.V.i
Bl :