Political Economy of Rhodesia PDF
Political Economy of Rhodesia PDF
Political Economy of Rhodesia PDF
and superstructure in explaining the historical development of Rhodesia, and in interpreting recent political events
there. To this end the economic base of the Rhodesian social system before World War II is analyzed and related
to the coexisting set of socio-political events and attitudes. In and after World War II external stimulants induced
a process of development which altered the economic base and saw the emergence of an African proletariat and a
manufacturing capitalist class. But this process of development was subsequently interrupted because of the resistance
of those classes who owe their economic and social status to the superstructure of the old production relations. In the
light of this analysis some conclusions about the present political conjuncture are drawn.
Giovanni Arrighi
The most important single element determining the nature of economic and
political development in Southern Rhodesia, was the British South Africa
Companys overestimation at the end of the 19th century of its mineral resources,
and the persistence of this overestimation for roughly 15 years. The reasons
behind such a misconception can be partly detected in the political interruptions
which characterized the early period of colonization (Jameson Raid, Matabele
and Mashona rebellions, Boer War). The costs incurred in the meantime
increased the stake of the Company in the country and led to additional
heavy development investment particularly in railways. The over valuation
became apparent when, eventually, the Rhodesian gold fields failed to yield
deposits comparable to those of South Africa. For example, even in
1910 against a profit of close to 7 million from the eleven leading
Johannesburg gold mines, the ten leading Rhodesian mines yielded a
profit of only 614,000. Large-scale workings were uneconomic be-
cause the deposits were scattered and the ore itself often of a low
The desire to recover the original heavy outlays induced the Chartered
Company to foster the formation of a white rural bourgeoisie which, by
developing the country would raise the value of its assets in the area
viz. the railway system, the mine claims, and especially land.
Within this class structure the white rural bourgeoisie was the founda-
tion of the capitalist sector of the economy. This bourgeoisie consisted
largely of both owner-workers of small and medium-sized mines and
farmers who were economically committed to the development of the
country. This national character of the white rural bourgeoisie, even at
that time, distinguished Southern Rhodesia from practically all other
African colonial territories north of the Limpopo and South of the
Sahara, where exploitation of resources was carried out by large-scale
international capitalism. In these other territories, where exploitation
was based on large-scale mining or plantation or monopoly trade,
capitalist interests in the economy were not permanent but lasted until,
for example, deposits were exhausted or the raw material was sub-
stituted in the industrial process overseas or some more economic
source of supply was found.
Large estates had been given to companies and syndicates for certain
interests acquired by the British South Africa Company.3 Other big
companies were already dominating asbestos and chrome mining.4
Control over tobacco production was exercised indirectly through
monopsonistic practices by the United Tobacco Company which, in
Huggins view, was aiming at becoming the countrys sole tobacco
buyer, and managed to draw the best experts out of the government
service. A third class consisted of craftsmen engaged in manufacturing,
whose activity was totally dependent on the rural bourgeoisie and big
international capital, mainly the British South Africa Company. It was
typically a petty bourgeoisie and, indeed, the Colonys official Year Book
of 1932 does not even mention the manufacturing industry.
White Wage-Workers
Much more significant was the class of white wage-workers formed by
artisans, semi-skilled workers, foremen, clerical workers, administrative
employees, etc. Demand for their labour was concentrated in mining,
transport (mainly railways) and service activities (civil service especi-
ally). It is important to notice that, unlike South Africa, or Algeria,
their settlement was a consequence of, and did not precede, capitalist
development in the country. Therefore they had to be attracted by the
offer of high wages, and with their skills they brought union organizing
abilities. This phasing of white settlement and capitalist development
is at the root of the absence of poor-white-ism in Southern Rhodesia.
This class of white wage-worker, together with the white petty
bourgeoisie, i.e. handicraftsmen, shopkeepers and small employers in
agriculture and mining, already in the pre-war period constituted the
bulk of the European population in Southern Rhodesia.
The Africans were still essentially a class of self-employed rural
cultivators. The African wage workers, the African middle-class and
petty bourgeoisie5 were merely appendages of the peasantry rather
than independent classes. Land was not a saleable commodity but each
adult had rights to its use. The system of cultivation involved a form of
land rotation whereby it was used until its fertility was diminished and
then abandoned and left to recover until fertility was restored. Within
the peasantry some division and hence specialization of labour could be
observed.6 The role of men was to regulate the communitys relation-
ship with animals (tending cattle and hunting) and to provide develop-
ment works such as bush clearance and building huts. The womens
role on the other hand consisted of routine tasks: sowing, weeding,
threshing, fetching water, preparing food and making beer. Communal
M. Yudelman: Africans on the Land. London. 1964. p. 141.
W. J. Barber: The Economy of British Central Africa. London. 1961. p. 11922. and
L. H. Gann and M. Gelfand: Huggins of Rhodesia. London. 1964. p. 175.
Middle-class and Bourgeoisie (or capitalist class) are distinguished by the fact that
the former consists of white-collar employees or self-employed professional men
whereas the latter is formed by employers of labour for the purpose of profit. The
members of the petty bourgeoisie are characterized by the fact that though employers
of labour they themselves provide part of the manual labour.
M. Yudelman. op. cit., p. 1213. 132133. Barber, op. cit. p. 46.
ties were very strong7 and when the peasant left to seek wage employ-
ment he left his family behind and kept close links (through a flow of
goods, cash or occasional labour) with the peasantry to which he be-
longed and meant to return, even after several years of absence. At the
same time the size and number of holdings under cultivation within
the rural areas contracted and expanded as the wage labourers left
or returned to their wards. Thus, given this security in land tenure,
we cannot, strictly speaking, refer to the African wage-workers of the
1930s as a proletariat.8
On the other hand the African middle class and rural (petty) bourgeoisie
were numerically and economically insignificant. For example, by 1930,
i.e. before the Land Apportionment Act was introduced, Africans had
managed to acquire only 45,000 acres in the open market while Euro-
peans had purchased about 31,000,000 acres.9 The reasons for the
failure of these classes to emerge are a consequence of the class struc-
ture itself and therefore they will be dealt with at a later stage.
Mashonaland . . . the small and broken tribes, scattered and restricted
to their separate and distant reserves, were prevented from developing
any cohesion or a wider outlook, while in Matabeleland the only rally-
ing point of national feelingthe family of Lobengulawas becoming
. . . more a family and sentimental affair than a national aspiration.10
At the same time the wage workers still belonged to the peasantry and
furthermore their incessant movements from job to job, from loca-
tion to kraal, from the Protectorates to the Union prevented them
from developing, as a community, any corporate independence,
initiative and self-respect11 It is true that protest movements were
already appearing in the 1920s but either they were concerned with the
status of the negligible nucleus of educated Africans or they were vague
and ill-directed and disappeared as soon as they were faced by official
repression. In consequence the African masses were politically inert,
passive and hence virtually powerless. The only signs of a class struggle
were therefore to be seen within the European section of the popula-
tion. The rather mild character of such a struggle can be ascribed
precisely to the political inertia and passiveness of the large majority
of the population which created the possibility of a deal between the
different interests of the white classes.
White Coalition
The class structure sketched above obviously could lead to a coalition
of all white classes national in character (i.e. rural bourgeoisie, wage-
workers and petty bourgeoisie, whose interests were compatible, if not
identical) in opposition to international capitalism; the conflict being
mainly focused on the issues of overhead capital expansion and monop-
sonistic practices. This is, in fact, what happened. Two stages of
political evolution can be discerned. At first the community of interests
of the Chartered Company and the rural bourgeoisie materialized in an
ambitious programme of investment and in legislation aimed at
obtaining labour from the indigenous population. The latter included
(a) the expropriation of land while encouraging the dispossessed pea-
santry to remain where they were as tenants, their rent being commuted
for labour; (b) a hut tax which virtually compelled the adult African
males to spend between one and three months a year in wage-employ-
ment, and (c) a Pass Law intended to direct labour where it was wanted.12
Labour could have been expanded in three ways: (a) through a system
of forced labour; (b) by lowering the opportunity cost of the peasantry,
i.e. by progressively reducing its overall productivity; and (c) by means
of the proletarianization of the peasants. Alternative (c) however, runs
against the other interest in limiting competition from Africans, since
the proletarianization of the peasantry would bring about the emer-
gence of a black agrarian bourgeoisie bound to compete on the markets
of produce and of factors of production. Probably more important is
the consideration that, by preserving the traditional system of land
tenure, wages could be kept lower in the long run, since part of the real
cost of the means for the subsistence of the migrant workers families
would be borne by the peasantry. In fact, forced labour was the solution
relied upon at this stage.
Gray: op. cit. p. 159.
Gray. op. cit. p. 269.
C. Leys: European Politics in Southern Rhodesia. Oxford 1959. p. 10.
With World War I the economic power of the national bourgeoisie
and white wage-workers vis--vis international capitalism had grown
stronger. Hostilities and their aftermath had produced a widespread
shortage of skilled white labour and of world supplies of raw materials.
This relative strength lasted throughout the 1920s and by the time the
depression of the 1930s had set in, the coalition of the white national
classes had managed to obtain a good share of political power. A deci-
sive step toward greater national control was the achievement of
responsible government as opposed to amalgamation with the Union
of South Africa. This latter course was, according to Gann and Gel-
fand, favoured by international capitalism because of the reliability of
Smuts as an upholder of Imperial interests.
Responsible Government
Responsible government merely meant a greater share of power for the
national white classes and by no means their undisputed rule. Economic
dependence on foreign capital forced the settlers government to adopt
middle of the road policies, compromising between the interests of the
national bourgeoisie and white workers on the one hand and of inter-
national capitalism on the other. The result was that these conflicts fell
into the background and that greater national control over legislative
power found expression in an institutional framework strongly biased
in favour of the interests of white national classes, which would regu-
late future class relations. This is reflected in the legislation passed
before World War II (especially in the 1930s when the depression
stiffened the class consciousness of the white classes) to regulate the
supply of labour, the reservation of produce markets, government
expenditure, monopsonistic practices and the expansion of overhead
Though the railway system and coal supply remained under the con-
trol of the British South Africa Company, the Government took im-
portant steps in other spheres to provide basic facilities for the economic
development of the country in line with the class interests of the nation-
al bourgeoisie and white workers. Government intervention increased
remarkably and moved in two directions; expansion of overhead
capital and strengthening of the bargaining power of the national bour-
geoisie on the raw materials market. Public works, especially in road
building, were carried out on a large scale; several state enterprises
were founded in the 1930s and early 1940s, including the Electricity
Supply Commission power stations, the Rhodesian Iron and Steel Com-
mission foundries and mills, and the Cotton Industry Board mills. Raw
materials processing plants (e.g. a roasting plant for processing low
grade ores and the establishment of a Sugar Industry Board) and
marketing organizations were also set up. A side effect of these develop-
ments was a reduced economic dependence on international mono-
polistic interests. More direct steps were however taken to strengthen
the bargaining power of the white farmers vis--vis the United Tobacco
Company. The Tobacco Marketing Act (1936), by limiting competition
among growers, attempted to replace the monopsonistic market with a
kind of bilateral monopoly. Whether the attempt was successful is a
different matter. It is interesting that in 1943, seven years after the im-
plementation of the act, the Southern Rhodesian Finance Minister still
maintained that the price of leaf was controlled by powerful interests
outside the Colony.13
The Land Apportionment Act
More significant was the legislation passed to ensure an expanding
supply of labour and to divide the economy into non-competing racial
groups. This was achieved by a series of legislative measures and finally
by the Land Apportionment Act. This Act put a definite limit to the
land available for African permanent settlement and in consequence
made necessary the transformation of the traditional system of cultiva-
tion from shifting to continuous cultivation. The change was also en-
couraged by the Government which centralized the African rural
areas, i.e. divided them up into permanent arable and permanent graz-
ing land. Given the techniques employed by the peasantry and the type
of soil allocated to them, this move from shifting to continous cultiva-
tion produced progressive soil erosion14 and thus decreasing produc-
tivity of African land. However, since the criteria employed for allo-
cating land to Africans was an average acreage per family rather than
income off that acreage, the progressive decreases in the productivity
of land were tantamount to a progressive decrease in the overall pro-
ductivity of the peasantry. Thus a built-in trend of decreasing peasant
productivity was established, which would ensure an expanding supply
of labour. Apart from these long-term implications, the Land Appor-
tionment Act provided the European farmers with a pool of labour
straight away. This was achieved by allowing a European farmer to
enter into an agreement whereupon a native or his family shall be
permitted to occupy a portion of such land under condition that he
supply labour to such owner or occupier. Similarly the hut tax guaran-
teed a steady flow of labour from the tribal areas. Furthermore as time
went by and contacts with the money economy increased, new needs
were felt (especially for education and clothes) altering the means of
subsistence.15 In consequence the demand for cash was itself growing
and, given the limitations on the production of cash crops a further
element was at work to expand labour supply.
The distribution of the total African labour supply between the different
capitalist sectors on the other hand, was not left to the law of supply
and demand but was also legislated for, mainly through the Native
Registration Act (1936). This Act tightened up the Pass Law and
effectively contributed to the maintenance of a wage structure whereby
the white farmers constantly paid unskilled labour lower wage rates
than other employers.16
13 Gann
and Gelfand. op. cit. pp. 17576.
For the effects of continuous cultivation over African agriculture, see K. Brown:
Land in Southern Rhodesia. London 1959. pp. 610. Also Second Report of the Select
Committee on Resettlement of Natives.
It is therefore assumed that a historical and social element (besides a physical
element) enters into the determination of what is socially accepted as subsistence
income and consumption. For a discussion of the meaning of Subsistence see
Maurice Dobb: Wages. Cambridge, 1959.
Recruitment of labour outside Southern Rhodesia was certainly one of the major
factors in determining both the rise and distribution among sectors of the total
African labour force.
The second implication of land apportionment was to be the division
of the economy into noncompeting racial groups. Racial competition
could potentially take place between (a) white agrarian bourgeoisie
and African peasantry; (b) white and black bourgeoisie in both the pro-
duce and the labour markets; (c) white and black petty bourgeoisie in
retail trade and (d) white and black wage-workers in the skilled labour
market. In restricting competition in these markets the Land Appor-
tionment Act drew the general lines whereas more specialized legisla-
tion tightened the restrictions in the individual spheres.
Reduction of African Competitiveness
greater subsistence output rather than expanding aggregate demand for
capitalist production. Thus, notwithstanding increased government
intervention to foster economic growth, the system lacked an internal
force sufficient to start development. The result was stagnation and in
fact in the 1930s, after nearly two decades of self-government, the
country still had a typically colonial economy with no industrial sector
apart from the railway workshop and small firms engaged in wholly
subsidiary activities.
There was a second inherent contradiction in the institutional frame-
work. The preservation of the traditional African system of land tenure
was meant to prevent the emergence of a proletariat which, nonetheless,
was an inevitable consequence of the decreasing productivity of the
peasants combined with labour migration.
Once the process of deterioration of African agriculture had started, it
became cumulative since the lowered and continuously decreasing
opportunity cost of the peasantry in the traditional sector was bound to
force an ever-growing number of men into wage employment. This
was true, even though the average per capita income in the traditional
sector remained constant, for two reasons: (a) the effort-price of that
constant income increased, by extension of the acreage under cultiva-
tion; (b) a constant average conceals important variations from area to
area. Furthermore the process was accelerated by the fact that cattle
was the most important of the few forms of investment open to Afri-
cans, so that the population explosion was accompanied by remarkable
increases in the cattle population which worsened pressure on the
Thus in the long run the savings of the wage-workers would not corres-
pond, in the traditional sector, to an increased productivity of the
peasantry that would make the production of a surplus above subsis-
tence possible. Therefore when the limits of land available had been
reached, the attempt by wage labourers to realize their savings would
be frustrated, their security would be lost and a proletariat arise.
The upshot of this was that the institutional framework established in
the 1930s, while it could not lead endogenously to economic growth,
was unable to prevent the formation of a proletariat.
World War II
The lack of internal demand represented a brake on industrialization
and development, and the progressive decrease of overall peasant pro-
ductivity increasingly worsened this obstacle. World War II was the
external stimulant which more than offset the hindrance and started
economic growth in Southern Rhodesia after the stagnation of the
1930s. Goods previously imported became practically unavailable,
thus creating a demand for local industries; chrome and asbestos
assumed strategic importance; world shortage of agricultural produce
provided a rapidly growing outlet for farmers output. More specific-
ally an air training scheme was implemented in the country, in associa-
tion with the British Government, whereby Southern Rhodesia had to
supply air stations, quarters, land and buildings. The air training
scheme proved a major economic boom. Farmers and industrial firms
suddenly found an almost insatiable market, and Guest18 calculated
that Imperial expenditure on the scheme alone almost equalled the in-
direct benefit which the country derived from its entire gold-mining
industry.19 This explosion in demand could have led merely to inflation
as it did in many other underdeveloped countries. Instead, it was
under these circumstances that the national character of the white
bourgeoisie and white workers which controlled the government
became important. Contrary to what happened in the economies of the
enclave type, controlled by international capitalism with no interest in
the development of the country, the Government in Southern Rhodesia
could intervene both through direct anti-inflationary controls and by
setting up actual iron and steel production and cotton spinning plants
which made the growth of secondary industry possible. Though the
shortage of man-power and especially of capital goods prevented the
capitalist sector of the economy from taking full advantage of the high
war demand, it was during this time that overhead capital was develop-
ed and resources were being accumulated which could finance future
By the end of the war the limitations on the expansion of the internal
market (the institutional framework) had not been removed and there-
fore a slump would have ensued were it not for new external stimulants.
The world shortage of raw materials which followed the war was
accompanied by a dollar shortage. Asbestos and chrome were both
dollar-savers and demand for them increased considerably. More im-
portant still was the role played by tobacco production which, since the
war, was greatly stimulated by the limitation of dollar expenditure by
the United Kingdom: the amount of tobacco produced tripled be-
tween 1945 and 1958, its value rising fourfold. This remarkable increase
in production was accomplished through an increase in the same period
in the number of producers from just over 1,000 to 2,66921 and was the
main factor behind the high rate of immigration in the post-war years.22
The influx of Europeans in turn created demand for goods and services,
particularly housing, and the number of Africans in wage employment
rose from 254,000 in 1936 and 377,000 in 1946 to more than 600,000 in
1956, thus keeping up internal demand for manufactured and agricul-
tural products. These effects induced by the increased demand for
tobacco and other raw materials account for the permanence of a sus-
tained rate of growth between the end of the war and the late 1940s. By
then an additional external stimulant came into operation: the outflow
of capital from the Union of South Africa and the United Kingdom.23
In the Union the national bourgeoisie and white workers had seized
power in 1948 and international capitalism, scared by the possibilities of
Guest was the Head of Department of Air, set up in 1940.
Gann and Gelfand. op. cit. p. 153.
C. H. Thompson and H. W. Woodruff: Economic Development in Rhodesia and
Nyasaland. London, 1954. p. 20.
Barber, op. cit. p. 131.
The yearly average of European net immigration, which was less than 800 between
1921 and 1946, shot up to more than 7,000 in 194656.
For the reasons for, and characteristics of, the outflow of capital from the United
Kingdom see M. Barrat Brown: After Imperialism. London, 1963. chs. 78.
nationalization of means of production in the interests of the new ruling
classes reacted by looking for alternative outlets for its investment. In
fact, the City . . . from about 1947, was increasingly inclined to channel
money directly into Rhodesia instead of routing funds via Johannes-
burg24 and considerable sums formerly earmarked for investment in
the Union have been placed in Southern Rhodesia . . . to escape ex-
tremist Nationalist policies, or . . . hedging against the possibility
of later migration under conditions where capital movements might
prove more difficult.25 Southern Rhodesia, with its developed overhead
capital, growing industries and European immigration could provide
the alternative outlet for international capitalist investment. Thus,
foreign investment in Southern Rhodesia, which amounted to 13.5
million in 1947, was more than double that amount in 1949 and reached
50.7 million by 1951.26
all these combined to make the wage-workers realize not only that
their living conditions were constantly worsening but also that their
savings were illusory and so was their old age insurance. Frustration
and insecurity ensued and with them the consciousness of being wage-
workers for goodthat is, of forming a proletariat. I have grown up
under the white people. . . My wish is that . . . we get better treatment in
the way of wages. Today I am getting older and I have nothing. I have not
saved anything. I might die and not know how my children are going to
manage.[Italics added G.A.]29 With this new consciousness came a
wave of strikes and political activities on a completely new scale.30 The
emergence of a proletariat did not mean that the solidarity between
wage-workers and peasants was diminishing. On the contrary the
interests of the two classes largely overlapped, for the decreasing pro-
ductivity of the peasantry was at the root of the impoverishment of
both classes. Unrest spread from the towns to the rural areas where
grievances over destocking and the organized expulsions provided a
ready demand for political leadership.31 This solidarity of interests
stemmed also from the fact that the transformation into proletarians
was gradual and did not involve all wage-workers. In fact when in the
early 1950s the Government, now pursuing a policy of labour stabili-
zation, tried to implement the Land Husbandry Act, the class con-
sciousness of both peasants and proletarians gathered momentum.32
Emergence of a Manufacturing Capitalist Class
artisans arose. On the other hand, with greater capitalization of produc-
tion, specialization and hence stability of labour became relatively more
important than large supplies of cheap migrant labour. Demand for
non-manual labour increased more rapidly than demand for manual
small-workers were eliminated by rising mining costs so that the
total number of gold workings dropped from over 1750 in 1935 to 700
in 1947 and 300 in 1956. This greater concentration was accompanied
by the employment of more modern techniques and greater capitaliza-
tion which reduced the dependence of the industry on a growing supply
of labour.
The other significant change has been the shift from maize to tobacco
as the main crop. Two important implications of this change must be
made explicit. In the first place the emphasis was shifted from internal
to external market, thus reducing the agrarian bourgeoisies dependence on, and
interest in, the industrialization of the country. In the second place, mechani-
zation has been held back by the fact that tobacco growing demands
more labour-intensive methods than maize, so that agrarian capitalism
remained on the whole more dependent on unskilled labour than
mining and manufacturing.
International Capitalism
Within foreign capital, three main interests may be singled out: (a)
interests connected with the Anglo American Corporation (AAC); (b)
interests in primary production of large-scale foreign companies other
than Anglo-American; and (c) interests of manufacturing firms.
(a) The interests connected with AAC are centred around four giant
corporations (Tanganyika Concessions, De Beers, British South Africa
Company and AAC itself) which are united by interlocking holdings
and directorships.36 The wealth and power of the group is based on the
exploitation of the mineral riches of South Africa, the Zambian Copper-
belt and Katanga. Its interests in Rhodesia are subordinated to those of
these other areas. It is probably right to assume that Anglo-American
depends neither on British nor South African capitalism but is rather an
The Economist. Oct. 7th 1966. p. 55. also J. Ziegler: La Contre-Rvolution en Afrique.
Paris, 1963.
independent super-state, an economic empire centred in Southern
and Central Africa (this is the reason for dealing with the group
separately). Apart from the groups control over the extremely import-
ant coal supplies of the country, the Rhodesian economy has offered,
particularly since the late 1940s, an outlet for investing the profits
reaped in Zambia and to a certain extent (and for certain periods) in
South Africa. In Rhodesia the group dominates coal and iron pyrites
mining, ferro-chrome and cement industries, and together with RST
controls iron and steel production (formerly a Government controlled
enterprise) and the Argus Group which has practically the monopoly
of the Rhodesian daily press.37 Other major investments include citrus
and sugar estates, forests, clay products, financial houses, etc.
(b) The other giant companies engaged in primary production in
Southern Rhodesia are not locally based (i.e. on Southern Africa as a
whole) and therefore their interests in the economy are less diversified
and their profits generally flow overseas in a greater proportion. The
Rhodesian (now Roan) Selection Trust (RST) is controlled by the Ameri-
can Metal Climax Co. and has no significant mining interests in Southern
Rhodesia. The Trust operates in the Copperbelt and its participation
with AAC in certain sectors of the economy is subsidiary.
Production of asbestos is dominated by the British company, Turner &
Newall, which controls approximately 90 per cent of the territorys
output, and also dominates the asbestos cement product industry.38
Other examples of big foreign interests in primary production are
Lonrho (gold mining, cattle and ownership of the oil pipe-line) and
Forestal Land, Timber and Railways Company, one of the worlds
largest producers of tanning extracts, which through the subsidiary
Rhodesian Wattle Company owns nearly all of the wattle acreage.39
When account is taken of the monopsonistic practices in the purchase
of tobacco, the general picture which emerges is one of a highly con-
centrated and to a great extent foreign-controlled primary production
(c) The situation in manufacturing is similar. Well over one-third of the
50 largest British Manufacturers have direct40 interests (subsidiaries and
not merely sales organization) in Rhodesia. As a result the presence of
giant corporations can be observed in practically every sector of the
Rhodesian manufacturing industry, with a relatively greater concentra-
tion of British capital in the first stages of production and South
African capital at the other stages (including distribution).41
The overall control of foreign interests over the Rhodesian economy
can to a certain extent be gauged by examining the results of a question-
Tow. op. cit. p. 124. Ziegler. op. cit. p. 34. Also O. Guitand: Les Rhodsies et le
Nyasaland. Paris, 1964. p. 60.
Tow. op. cit. p. 50.
The Rhodesia Herald. July 8th, 1964.
The proportion of those who have direct and indirect interests (through South
African subsidiaries) is certainly greater, but not easily ascertainable.
These are the conclusions I have tentatively reached from an examination of pub-
lished material.
naire sent to companies operating in the Federation in 1960. The
results from Southern Rhodesia (which covered over 65 per cent of the
total profits earned in the country) show that two-thirds of the total
recorded net operating profits accrued to companies not domestically
The New Centre of Gravity
Meanwhile, economic development shifted the centre of gravity within
the white community from the petty bourgeoisie to the wage-worker.
The concentration of ownership over mining and manufacturing
resulted in the elimination of the craftsmen and small-workers which
was only partially compensated for by the increased number of shop-
keepers.43 On the other hand, wages and general welfare of the white
wage-workers have improved considerably since the 1930s. This class
has become one of the better paid working-classes of the world with
average annual earnings well above 1,000 in the late 1950s. The main
factor behind the trend, has been the high rate of development and
capital accumulation maintained in Rhodesia during the war and post-
war period, which kept the economy in a perennial state of over-full-
employment in the non-manual and skilled-manual occupations. The
result of this state of over-full-employment was the strong bargaining
power of white workers, which put them in a position not only to
obtain economic concessions, but also to resist any infringement, let
alone the repeal, of the legislation passed in the 1930s. The entrance of
Africans into skilled occupations was consequently hampered and
the growth of an African petty bourgeoisie was prevented both by the
institutional framework of the 1930s and by the increasing concentra-
tion of production in mining and industry, which was thus ill-suited to
bring about the rise of an African artisan class. In agriculture on the
other hand, though the decreasing importance of maize production
reduced the resistance of European farmers to African sales in the
home market, the African petty bourgeoisie of the Native Purchase
Areas was blocked from taking advantage of the boom in export
crops.44 Furthermore their numerical increase was held back by the
Government, the pretext being the lack of surveyors.45
Class Interests
Given these changes in the class structure, what interests can be attri-
buted to each class?
In the first place, there occurred the growth of an African proletariat and a
greater political consciousness in the African population at large.
This had many consequences. The pressure for higher wages, better,
working conditions and greater investment in industrial training and
African education increased; the opposition to an institutional frame-
work which meant a decreasing productivity of the peasantry, grew
stronger; the loss of security of land tenure was resisted, etc.
Report of op. cit. Table 4.
For the pattern of the European employment in 1951 see (16, p. 8182).
Barber, op. cit. p. 27.
Brown, op. cit. p. 2324.
Secondly, this phase saw the rise of manufacturing capitalism (induced
by a series of exogenous shocks) the growth of which was hampered
by the decreasing productivity of the African peasantry.
Mass production and the high capital intensity of operations in this
new sector meant a dwindling demand for unskilled migrant labour and
a growing interest in a more stable labour force. The substitution of the
traditional system of cultivation by African agrarian capitalism which
would bring about both greater productivity of African agriculture and
stabilization of the labour force thus suited the interests of manu-
facturing capitalism. Greater competition between African and European
agriculture would inevitably follow such a substitution. The greater
degree of capital intensity also meant that high-level man-power has
become important in the cost structure of manufacturing; hence an
interest in fostering competition between European and African skilled
and non-manual labour, i.e. an interest in a growing African middle
class and consequent weakening of the white workers bargaining
position. At the same time the manufacturing sector of the economy
was still dependent on the market of the white Rhodesians. In other
words manufacturing capitalism required for its expansion the relative
worsening of living conditions of the very classes on which it still
heavily depended.
Thirdly, the white agrarian bourgeoisie, having shifted from maize to
tobacco production, had lost interest in industrialization and con-
tinued to require large supplies of cheap unskilled migrant labour. This
further emphasizes the conflict of interests between white manu-
facturing and white agrarian capitalism.
Fourthly, there was a greater diversification and penetration of inter-
national capitalism in Southern Rhodesia. The interest of the giant
foreign manufacturing companies overlap with those of manufacturing
capitalism in general, but some important differences distinguished
them from the interests of the corresponding national capitalist class.
The big foreign companies engaged in primary production were even
less interested in the countrys industrialization than the agrarian
national bourgeoisie. These big companies are specialized on a world
scale in the exploitation of certain raw materials, so that what matters
for their expansion is the growth of world demand for their products
and this growth does not in any way depend on local development.
Since they employ or can easily adopt more modem techniques and
greater mechanization their expansion is less dependent on migrant
labour than in the case of national agrarian capitalists. The interests of
AAC and related companies, given their unique position, lie somewhere
between those of the other two categories of international capitalism,
namely manufacturers and primary producers.
Lastly, there are some features which characterize foreign capitalists in
general (whatever the nature of their activities) vis--vis the national
bourgeoisie. Other things being equal, given their financial power,
greater capital intensity and scale of operations, they are much less
vulnerable to local competition. Secondly, their size and concentration
give them a stronger bargaining position at Government level. Thirdly,
their common and all-pervading interest is to prevent nationalist
policies which might tamper with their local operations, irrespective of
whether these policies are in favour of a national bourgeoisie, or a
racial minority, or the majority of the population.
As early as 1948, at the time of the African strikes and the emergence of
the African proletariat, Huggins was led to think that we shall never do
much with these people until we have established a native middle
class.46 Later, in 1952, under the pressure of industrialization . . . (he)
quite deliberately thought of power in terms of social class, and aimed
at a working alliance between the European ruling strata and the more
prosperous Africans, bus-owners and master farmers, building con-
tractors and senior employees. . . . 47 We can trace two complementary
interests underlying these passages: the need of an African middle class
and bourgeoisie as a requirement for industrialization and as an in-
surance against the mass of Africans. As a matter of fact the constant
factor noticeable in Government policies during the 1950s, was the
creation of an African middle class and bourgeoisie by inducing more
inter-racial competition.
Gray. op. cit. p. 314.
Gann and Gelfand. op. sit. pp. 22425. Italics added.
Government Reforms
Since the early 1950s, under Huggins but especially Todd48 and later
Whitehead, there was a reversal of policies, whereby all restrictions on
competition were increasingly questioned. In 1954 a Bill was introduced
by the Government to give recognition to African Trade Unions; the
Bill was referred to a Select Committee which after two years recom-
mended an amendment to the Industrial Conciliation Act so as to in-
clude Africans in the definition of employee. Since the recommendation
did not discriminate between the voting power of Europeans and
Africans and sought to make all unions vertical (i.e. a single union
covering a whole industry), African-controlled unionism could be-
come a possibility.49
In African education the whole emphasis had changed from the slow,
steady uplift of the villages . . . to the rapid creation and training of an
elite.50 The number of teachers and pupils increased, between 1956 and
1959 by about 10 per cent each year; between 1954 and 1960 the num-
ber of pupils doubled and multi-racial University education was in
It is significant that Todd obtained the premiership with the support of the
Action Group formed by business and professional men.
Leys. op. cit. pp. 11618.
Gray. op. cit. p. 207.
Yudelman. op. cit. p. 159.
Yudelman. op. cit. p. 240.
Leys. op. cit. p. 22529.
aimed at preventing the latter from becoming agitators by siding with
the peasantry and the proletariat.54
It remains to examine the political implications of the formation of the
African proletariat. The problem here was the stabilization of the pro-
letariat, because the high rate of turnover associated with migratory
labour retarded specialization within the manufacturing sector. This
stabilization, which as early as 1943 was deemed necessary by several
industrialists55 had an urban and a rural aspect. In fact it implied the
severing of the ties linking peasantry and proletariat, something which,
in turn, had two implications. In the first place a rise in the minimum
wages in urban areas and mining locations would become necessary in
order to put the workers in a position to support, even at bare subsis-
tence, their families in the towns. However, such a policy ran against
the interests of the white agrarian bourgeoisie; in 1943 a senior official
of the Native Affairs Department warned the Howman Committee,
inquiring into the matter, that if a minimum wage was introduced in
the towns you are bound to have repercussions amongst the farming
community and today the farming community rules this country, so
that flattens out the minimum wage straight away.56
The second implication of urban stabilization was that the traditional
system of land tenure in the rural areas ought to be abandoned in order
to remove the right of free access to land for urban Africans. Here too,
the interests of manufacturing and white agrarian bourgeoisies con-
flicted. The interests of the former were voiced in the Legislative
Assembly by Todd (at the time a Government back bencher); We do
not want native peasants. We want the bulk of them working in the
mines and farms and in the European areas and we could absorb them
and their families. . . If 100,000 families moved from the rural areas, we
can begin to cope with what is left. . . and give each family 150 or 200
acres on a 99-year lease.57 In other words it was necessary to substitute
an African agrarian bourgeoisie and proletariat for the peasantry but
the change was bound to bring about greater competition for the
European farmers and therefore conflicted with their class interests.
The Land Husbandry Act (1951) represents a compromise between these
conflicting interests. A money value was attached to farming rights
which were granted to all individuals who were cultivators at the time.
The rights expired on the individuals death and their transferability
was limited. Thus the privilege of free access to land for urban Africans
was removed, but at the same time the growth of an African agrarian
bourgeoisie was prevented.
Failure of Capitalist Reforms
Leys. op. cit. p. 246.
Gray. op. cit. p. 227.
Gray. op. cit. p. 228.
Gray. op. cit. p. 299.
less revolutionary; neitherw ere the recommendations of the 1961
Select Committee on Land Apportionment accepted. Though progress
was made in African education it fell short of expectations and, par-
ticularly, of what was being done for Europeans. In agriculture more
competition between Europeans and Africans had been introduced,
but this was done in the less profitable markets.58 Similarly, though
Government expenditure in African agriculture had grown, a dual
standard was still applied to the two racial communities.
The ruling United Federal Party (UFP) lost the December 1962 Election
and the Land Apportionment Act was therefore never repealed. This
electoral defeat of the UFP was itself the consequence of another, pos-
sibly the major, failure of the reformist programme. This was the
failure to achieve the aims pursued with the enfranchisement of the
African middle class and petty bourgeoisie.
brought even closer the interests of manufacturing and international
capitalism in accelerating the formation of an African middle class and
bourgeoisie. When this acceleration was attempted in the early 1960s,
the result was a polarization of white workers, agrarian and petty
bourgeoisie, around the reactionary Rhodesian Front Party which
obtained power with the elections of December 1962.
Recent Political Developments
We have seen that in the 1930s a class structure which had its centre of
gravity in a national agrarian bourgeoisie found expression in an in-
stitutional framework which meant (a) the division of the economy
into largely non-competing racial groups, (b) a continuously decreasing
productivity of the African peasantry, and (c) Governmental interven-
tion to foster economic development through industrialization. The
framework was internally inconsistent since a stagnant home demand
for manufactures could not foster industrialization. It was also un-
stable because of the formation of a proletariat which would alter the
class structure.
World War II, the post-war shortage of dollars and the increasing
demand for raw materials, the outflow of capital from the United
Kingdom and South Africa, and the creation of the Federation, con-
tinuously increased external demand. This tendency which could have
led merely to inflation was instead exploited by the Government to
foster economic growth. Development accelerated the rise of the
African proletariat, altered the pattern of foreign investment in the
country, and, above all, brought about the emergence of manufacturing
capitalism which became the new centre of gravity of the class struc-
ture. These changes resulted in strong pressures to remove the in-
stitutional framework of the 1930s. Greater inter-racial competition,
stabilization of the proletariat and creation of an African middle class
constituted the new ideology. A wave of reforms ensued. But these
reforms failed because they set up centrifugal reactions which cul-
minated in the seizure of power by the white workers, the national
agrarian capitalists and petty bourgeoisie, who all rallied around the
Rhodesian Front. These developments of the 1950s and early 1960s in
Rhodesia were strikingly similar to what happened south of the
Limpopo, roughly a decade earlier.
Today there are three fundamental political questions to be asked:
1 Is a neo-colonial solution possible in Rhodesia?
2 How can the seemingly absurd attempt of seizing independence
unilaterally be explained?
3 Whither Rhodesia?
But before we turn to answer these questions, we need to adopt some
interpretation of the behaviour of the UK government in colonial situa-
tions in general and in the Rhodesian situation in particular. It seems a good
working hypothesis to trace the rationale of its behaviour in the
interest of large-scale international capitalism (or British capitalism when-
ever a conflict of interests arise). If this assumption is accepted, the
granting of independence to African territories can be explained as a
strategy to retain economic power (i.e. to guarantee the interests of
foreign capital) by concessions, in the political sphere, to the indigenous
middle-classes. This is the so-called neo-colonial policy, the failures
and successes of which need not be examined here. The creation of con-
ditions favourable to the formation of an indigenous middle-class has
undoubtedly been one of the most general characteristics of the pre-
independence periods in colonial countries. In the Rhodesian context,
as we have illustrated in previous sections, the affinity of the interests
of the African middle-class and those of large-scale capitalism can
explain the series of reforms attempted during the Federal period, a
corollary of which was the development of the African middle-class
itself. This affinity of interests, however, is not absolute. If the advant-
ages to be derived from the development of an African middle-class, are
offset by the reactions of other classes, then the interest of large-scale
capitalism in such development fades away and a policy of the second
best will probably emerge. The meaning of this will emerge in our
discussion of prospects for a neo-colonial solution to the Rhodesian
1. Prospects for a Neo-Colonial Solution in Rhodesia
In other African countries the development of an indigenous middle-
class was and is relatively easy, either because no class with an interest
in resisting its emergence existed, or because those classes that had such
interest had no sufficient political and/or economic power to organize
themselves successfully and because the economic and political role to
be played by the nascent class was to varying extents unsophisticated.
In Rhodesia this was and is problematic. Here there is a vicious circle
stemming from the cause-effect relationship between control of political
power by the white settler and insignificance of the African middle-
class. The former induces the latter which in turn prevents the growth of
a nationalist movement suitable for a solution of the neo-colonialist
type. Hence large-scale capitalism (and the British government) are in a
weak position vis--vis the white workers and petty bourgeoisie who
are thus enabled to consolidate their power position in the political as
well as economic sphere. The circle is closed.
This vicious circle explains the fading away of the reformist attitude
of large-scale capitalism and the British Government in the three
years between the end of 1962 and the end of 1965. During this period
a series of political set-backs (advent to power of the RF at the end of
1962, Fields resignation in April 1964, Welenskys electoral defeat in
October 1964, Referendum on independence in November 1964,
General Election of May 1965) marked the retreat of the upholders of
reforms and the consolidation in power of the Rhodesian Front and the
classes it represents. The advent to power of the Rhodesian Front can be
interpreted as an attempt to halt the wave of reforms of the Federal
period, and, in particular, the process of constitutional advancement
which was a necessary condition for such reforms. After a period of
transition (ended in April 1964 when Smith became Prime Minister)
the long drawn-out threat of UDI and the tightening of the repressive
machinery against the African nationalist movement proved to be
most effective in reversing the political evolution from reforms to
reaction. There was a return of the ideology and policies of the pre-
Federal period. By means of mass arrests and restrictions the govern-
ment was able to wipe the leadership of the African nationalist move-
ment from the political scene. The relative ease with which the Rhode-
sian Front government succeeded in disrupting (at least temporarily) the
organization of the nationalist movement cannot be explained as is
often done, especially by leaders of other African countries and in
liberal circles, in terms of some inherent shortcoming of the Rhodesian
African leadership as compared with the leadership of other African
movements. A far more realistic explanation can be provided by the
observation that the organization of the movement had, in the late
1950s and early 1960s, been shaped on the same pattern as that
generally adopted in other African nationalist movements. This
pattern showed a general bias in favour of securing power either by con-
stitutional means (participation in elections, agitation and propaganda,
lobbying and pressure group activities, etc) or, if unconstitutional
means were adopted, by non-violent action (refusal to pay taxes,
strikes, etc). This type of strategy and related party structure and
organization have undoubtedly proved successful in most African
countries where, as suggested above, the socio-economic formation
(i.e. economic base and superstructure) was such that the groups con-
trolling political power were willing and able to transfer it to the
African middle-class. In these countries the granting of independence
was as much, if not more, the outcome of external circumstances as it
was the result of the independence struggle waged by the nationalist
movements. We have seen, on the other hand, that the classes control-
ling power in Rhodesia have altogether different class interests. i.e. The
prevention of the growth of an African middle-class and of a neo-
colonialist solution is the very objective of their rule. It was the in-
adequacy of the African nationalist party as an underground revolutionary
movement suitable to cope with this kind of superstructure that contributed to
its repression. The Rhodesian Front Government in the year preceding
UDI set up an effective repressive machinery, and thereby hampered
considerably the functioning of the African nationalist party as a non-
violent movement. The significance of this achievement is that it
deprived the British Government and the reformist groups of an alternative to
the settlers rule and, what is even more important, it hampered the growth
of an African threat which might have counterbalanced the UDI threat
that accompanied the repression of the African nationalist movement.
UDI obviously expresses, in the ideological sphere, the interests of the
classes represented by the ruling party. These interests were threatened
by a possible political alliance of large-scale foreign capitalism and of
the African middle-class and petty bourgeoisie. UDI was brandished as
the only way to eliminate the possibility of such an alliance. It was,
therefore, directed as much against large scale capitalism as against the
Africans. The populist undertones of the UDI campaign were very
noticeable. The effect of the UDI threat was to force the British Govern-
ment to realize that in Rhodesia, as opposed to the normal colonial
territory, it had no viable substitute solution for settlers rule. UDI,
in other words, was a threat to bring the issue of settlers government
versus neo-colonialist solution into the open. In this sense the issue
both crystallized the class consciousness of the majority of the white
population, clinching the political power of the RF, and intimidated the
British government and related interests into renouncing the reformist
programme and constitutional advancement: up to 1965.
But if it is true that the threat of UDI, combined with the repression of
the African Nationalist movement, was enough to consolidate the
status quo and to divert the possibility of reforms, what induced the RF
government actually to implement UDI?
2. Some Assumptions on UDI
Many reasons for the decision to implement the UDI threat can be found,
but at the present stage of documentation none is per se convincing.
All we can do is to list a number of possible motives but any attempt to
assign weights to these possibilities may be misleading.
A first reason may be traced in the African unrest in the rural areas
adduced by Lardner-Burke (the Rhodesian Minister of Law and Order)
in order to justify the declaration of a state of emergency over the whole
country which was the prelude to UDI. It is not possible to judge to
what extent African unrest really threatened a breakdown of law and
order since too little of what has been happening over the last year or
two in the African rural areas and townships has leaked out through the
Rhodesian and foreign Press. But if sufficiently widespread unrest had
persisted within the African population it is quite possible that the RF
government feared that, notwithstanding the strict security measures,
the internal situation might explode, upsetting the delicate balance of
threats and counter-threats upon which the preservation of the status
quo rested.
A second reason is that the threat of UDI was wearing out both as a
catalyst of class solidarity and as an instrument of intimidation. Some
African leaders north of the Zambesi were already voicing (for example
at the Commonwealth Prime Ministers Conference in London at the
end of June 1965) the idea that UDI was merely a device to divert atten-
tion from more fundamental issues, viz. African constitutional advance-
ment. It may be, therefore, that in want of a substitute for the UDI threat,
which was becoming an empty one, the RF government decided to im-
plement it.
The relationship between economic base and superstructure is always
one of mutual interdependence. The superstructure can influence the
economic base by conditioning the behaviour of the members of the
various classes. If this is accepted, it is possible that UDI having been
embodied in the ideology of the ruling classes, came to be regarded by
the rank and file of the RF not as an instrument of intimidation vis--vis
the reformist groups, and of propaganda in fostering class solidarity
within the white population, but as a real solution of the contradictions
inherent in the Rhodesian society. Remembering the high degree of
control exercised by the rank and file of the RF over the ruling elite, it is
reasonable to conclude that the pressure exercised by the former prob-
ably represented a powerful spur for the latter to declare independence
The realism of these three assumptions increases once they are seen in
the light of yet another possible explanation. That is, the RF government
may have considered that conditions were particularly favourable for
the success of the operation. There were no alternatives to white
settlers rule acceptable to the British government and retated interest;
class consciousness of the white classes was high; and both conditions
had been reinforced by the Rhodesian governments policies. In order
to assess whether or not the expectations of the RF government were
misplaced we must discuss the nature and the chances of success of the
retaliatory action undertaken by the British government. But, whether
UDI succeeds or not (in the sense to be discussed below), it is difficult to
deny that it was a fair bet.
3. Whither Rhodesia?
Let us first examine the chances of success of the retaliatory action
undertaken by the British government. In assessing the success of this
action what really matters is not so much the extent to which economic
sanctions will hit the Rhodesian economy but rather the existence of a mechanism
whereby economic hardship (whatever its intensity) can induce the emergence of a
political alternative acceptable to those classes or groups which directly
or indirectly share political power in Rhodesia, namely the settlers and
the British government. What is acceptable to the British government is
determined by a set of circumstances which are largely exterior to the
Rhodesian situation; they concern British domestic politics, Britains
international relations in general and in Africa in particular. At any
event we may assume in the first place that what is acceptable to the
British government is some programme of reforms aimed at the deve-
lopment of an African middle-class to whom power could ultimately
(say, in five to six years time) be transferred according to the traditional
pattern followed in granting independence to colonial territories. For
the white Rhodesians, on the other hand, UDI has represented an attempt
to perpetuate those restrictions on competition which are at the roots
of their privileged economic and political position. Reforms aimed at
promoting the development of an African middle-class will lead to in-
creased African competition in the produce, retail and skilled labour
markets. African advancement would mean a progressive erosion of
their social status and of the premium they enjoy over wages and general
working conditions in Britain, South Africa and other white Common-
wealth countrieseither because it would induce substitution of African
for white workers and/or because it would eliminate those restrictions
on the supply of their (real or imaginary) skills from which that prem-
ium originates. White workers, petty bourgeoisie and most of the
agrarian capitalists are aware that their socio-economic position as
classes is based on their control of the political machinery. If and when
they think that such control cannot be maintained indefinitely (that is,
under present circumstances, that UDI has failed) they will prepare
themselves to leave the country.
It is unrealistic to expect the majority of the white Rhodesians to co-
operate in bringing about those conditions which would force them to
relinquish their present political and economic power. Thus if white
unemployment is induced by these sanctions, all the white unemployed
can be expected to do is either to emigrate or to put pressure on the
party leadership to step up unproductive activities (Army, Police, Civil
Service, etc) in order to absorb them, and to subsidize or force capita-
lists to keep them in employment. (Of course such a situation would be
untenable in the long run, but as argued below, the long-run effects of
sanctions are to a large extent irrelevant.) Other classes within the white
populationmanufacturing capitalists, some professional groups, and
in general all those who are not vulnerable to African competitionare
not directly opposed to African advancement. These classes, however,
cannot possibly be organized politically in opposition to the present
rulers for two main reasons.
In the first place they are numerically insignificant and, though they
retain a crucial position in the economic structure of society, their
economic power cannot be translated into political opposition because of
the high degree of class consciousness of the overwhelming majority
of the electorate. The second reason is probably more fundamental.
Though these classes are not directly threatened by African competition,
their economic functions are tied to a certain economic base in the
sense that the possibility of finding an outlet for their products and
services is highly dependent on the given composition and level of
demand, which, in turn, is determined by the existing class structure.
Though a gradual removal of the shackles on competition would bene-
fit them by improving market conditions in both factors and products
market, any major and especially any sudden change in the economic
base would seriously endanger their economic position. Under condi-
tions of fast economic development such as obtained in the 1950s
relatively minor reforms were easily smuggled into the superstructure
and manufacturing capitalism (and related interests) could play an im-
portant political role. As economic growth slowed down, population
growth outstripping the growth of production, class conflicts hardened
and reforms became impracticable. Under these new circumstances the
alternative to the status quo became a radical, revolutionary change of the
superstructure but, for the reasons just mentioned, the former was and
is preferable to the latter for those groups who had attempted the
reformist programmes. It follows that a solution of this type cannot be
implemented without the prior removal from political power of the
white settlers (which can only be achieved through military interven-
tion and subsequent direct rule), since it cannot be expected to be
brought about from within the system.
The Minimum Acceptable
If military intervention and subsequent direct rule are not considered
viable in London, then we must assume that, provided some face-saving
device is available, the British Government is prepared to meet the
minimum acceptable to the ruling classes in Rhodesia. The minimum
acceptable to the ruling classes in Rhodesia is the indefinite continua-
tion of their control over the political machinery. This result can be
brought about essentially in two ways. In the first place there can be a
gradual consolidation of the rgime in the political sphere, even though
the economic hardship caused by sanctions increasesat least tempor-
arily. Irrespective of the degree of contraction of the economy, what
matters most from the rgimes point of view is to last long enough, say
a year or two after the declaration, to consolidate itself politically to
such an extent that, even if sanctions have not been formally relaxed,
loopholes will be more easily found. Furthermore, one can also assume
that given a long enough period, a certain readjustment in the pattern
of trade and production would take place. One can expect a switch (at
least partial) in productive processes which would lessen the economic
dependence on Britain and other hostile countries, increasing the
economys self-sufficiency and/or dependence on the South African
economy. Given the absence within the system of any mechanism that
can translate economic hardship into political opposition to UDI only
British military intervention can stop this consolidation. A commit-
ment against such intervention can only mean its tacit acceptance.
The acceptance may even be negotiated. It is clear that the Rhodesian
rulers are prepared to make concessions (constitutional or otherwise)
provided they are left in control of the political machinery. Whatever
the constitutional arrangements, it would then be possible to control
administratively, economically and socially, the political evolution of
the systemultimately reverting to an apartheid system of one sort or
another consistent with the class interests of white workers, petty
bourgeoisie and agrarian capitalists. Any sign of success of the talks
about talks between British and Rhodesian civil servants, at present
(June 1966) being held in Salisbury, would therefore seem to point to a
negotiated, rather than tacit, acceptance of the trend towards apartheid
in Rhodesia.
Sanctions and Military Intervention
To sum up, the ability of sanctions to impose economic hardship on
the white population should not be denied. Given sufficient determina-
tion on the part of the British and Zambian governments, such hard-
ship can be increased at will; there is a limit, of course, determined by the
resilience of the economy and the determinationdifficulty to assess
correctlyof the South African Government to keep Rhodesia under
white settlers control. What must be questioned is the belief that such
hardship will bring about political change in the sense of accepting
ultimate African rule. Since it ignores the economic base and super-
structure (and especially their interdependence) of the Rhodesian social
system this belief is based on nave analysis. On the other hand, if it is
accepted that political change in the desired direction cannot be pro-
duced from within the Rhodesian social system, ultimately the British
government will have either to intervene militarily in order to produce
the change from without, or gradually to accept the status quo. If the
first alternative is chosen, it is not clear why military intervention was
not carried out in the first place when UDI was declared. Even if the
main obstacle was British public opinion, there is no reason to expect
this obstacle to disappear. What is more important is that the passing
of time is not going to improve the prospects of a bloodless interven-
tion, and this for two main reasons. In the first place a certain confusion
of interests was bound to exist in the top and middle ranks of the Army,
Police, Judiciary and Civil Service, when UDI was declared. These were
in fact inherited by the RF government from the Federal period and to
some extent must have retained the liberal characteristics of the previous
rule. At the time of UDI the presence of a British armed force could have
made the choice between treason and loyalty a real and not merely a
theoretical one, as in effect it became. In the absence of such force the
crucial choice was, and is, between supporting the status quo and resign-
ing. As a result of delaying action on the part of the British govern-
ment, these groups will be increasingly committed to the Smith rgime,
both through increased commitment of the individuals and through a
process of selection and substitution which inevitably accompanies
promotions, recruitment and resignations. From this point of view,
therefore, the increased commitment to the rgime of the administra-
tive and military apparatus can only reduce the chances of a swift, and
possibly bloodless, seizure of power by Britain. Moreover, of course,
anti-British feelings among white Rhodesians have hardened since
UDI and the introduction of sanctions. These feelings are an expression,
in the ideological sphere, of the class consciousness of white Rhodesians.
As such they have perfectly rational roots, but they may easily develop
emotionally into an autonomous element capable in itself of influencing
the behaviour of the partys rank and file, the ruling elite and the white
population at large.
One crucial question has been left out of the discussion so far: the
prospects of an African revolution. Can we expect an African revolution to
halt the trend towards an apartheid societywhich as we have seen, may
be the result of the British governments Rhodesian policy? There are
two problems here. What are the chances that an insurrectionary
movement will gather momentum? If it did, how would it influence the
trend of events outlined above?
Notwithstanding the severe security measures taken by the government,
outbursts of violence have already occurred in Salisbury and in some
rural areas in the Northern and Eastern parts of the country. The rgime
while disclosing acts of violence due to infiltrators from outside the
country, has tried its best, often successfully, to conceal any violent
activity originating within the country. Whether these activities will
gather momentum is difficult to say. The disproportion of forcesin
weapons, organization, training, etcbetween the two sides is enor-
mous, being itself a reflection of the class structure of the system.
Geographically the country is land-locked and except in the North60 is
surrounded by countries more or less sympathetic to the rgime. There
are no jungles or mountainous areas except on the borders (the region
being a plateau, generally from 4,000 to 5,000 ft. above sea-level, en-
closed by the Lowveld of the Zambesi and Limpopo valleys to the
60 The Zambian government, however, has so far impeded the flow of arms through
its country.
North and South respectively). What is more important, the Land
Apportionment Act, besides its political-economic effects, has segre-
gated the Africans in such a way that, in the urban areas, they can be
sealed-off from the white communities enhancing the security of the
latter. All these factors are handicaps in the organization of revolution-
ary activity in Rhodesia. Furthermore Rhodesia (with South Africa)
represents the unique situation of a society where, almost literally, all
the top and middle ranks of the Army, Police, Civil Service, etc,
are occupied by the ruling classes who are easily identified by the colour
of their skin. Moreover, some units of the armed forces consist ex-
clusively of members of the dominant classes. This factor rules out the
possibility of the ruling classes being ousted by any form of coup detat
and makes protracted guerrilla warfare of the traditional type unlikely
to succeed in directly toppling the rgime.
It is of course possible that such activities could come just at the right
time, adding insecurity to economic hardship, transforming the creep-
ing emigration of whites into a galloping one, and then setting up a
cumulative process of violence and economic hardship the outcome of
which is uncertain: intervention from the South, intervention from the
North, Britains or UNs intervention, a combination of theseor no
intervention at all.
61 The distinction between terrorism and guerrilla warfare is based on the fact that
the latter is mainly directed against regular forces while the former is mainly directed
against the civilian population.