Research Article: Allium Sativum (Garlic) Extract As Nontoxic Corrosion Inhibitor

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Hindawi Publishing Corporation

Journal of Chemistry
Volume 2013, Article ID 743807, 4 pages

Research Article
Allium Sativum (Garlic) Extract as Nontoxic Corrosion Inhibitor

K. Rajam,1 S. Rajendran,2, 3 and R. Saranya4

Department of Chemistry, K. L. N College of Information Technology, Pottapalayam 630 611, India
PG and Research Department of Chemistry, GTN Arts College, Dindigul 624 005, India
R.V.S. School of Engineering and Technology, Dindigul 624005, India
Department of Chemistry, Jayalakshmi Institute of Technology, oppur, Tamilnadu 636352, India

Correspondence should be addressed to K. Rajam; [email protected]

Received 13 March 2012; Revised 21 May 2012; Accepted 1 June 2012

Academic Editor: Deniz Ekinci

Copyright 2013 K. Rajam et al. is is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which
permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

e inhibition eciency (IE) of an aqueous extract of garlic in controlling corrosion of carbon steel in well water in the absence and
presence of Zn2+ has been evaluated by mass-loss method. e formulation consisting of 2 mL of garlic extract and 25 ppm Zn2+
oers 70% inhibition eciency to carbon steel immersed in well water. Polarization study reveals that this formulation controls the
anodic reaction predominantly. FTIR spectra reveal that the protective lm consists of Fe2+ -allicin complex and Zn(OH)2 .

1. Introduction (iii) to understand the mechanistic aspects of corrosion

inhibition by potentiodynamic polarization study,
Environmental friendly inhibitors have attracted several
researchers. Natural products are nontoxic, biodegradable, (iv) and to propose a suitable mechanism for corrosion
and readily available. ey have been used widely as inhibition.
inhibitors. Natural products such as caeine [1, 2] have
been used as inhibitors. Corrosion inhibition of steel by 2. Experimental Procedure
plant extracts in acidic media has been reported [3, 4].
Scale inhibiting nature of plant extracts for various kinds 2.1. Preparation of Garlic Extract. An aqueous extract of
of metals are summarized briey [5]. Aqueous extract of garlic was prepared by grinding 20 g of garlic with double
Rosemary leaves [6], Zanthoxylum alatum [7], and Law- distilled water, ltering the impurities, and making up to
sonia [8] have been used to inhibit corrosion of metals. 100 mL. e extract was used as corrosion inhibitor in the
Corrosion inhibition of iron in hydrochloric acid solutions present study.
by naturally occurring henna has been investigated [9].
Corrosion inhibition of carbon steel in low chloride media 2.2. Preparation of Specimens. Carbon steel specimens
by an aqueous extract of Hibiscus rosasinensis Linn has (0.0267% S, 0.06% P, 0.4% Mn, 0.1% C, and the rest iron) of
been evaluated [10]. Corrosion inhibition investigation of dimensions 1.0 cm 4.0 cm 0.2 cm were polished to a
natural inhibitors is particularly interesting because they are mirror nish and degreased with trichloroethylene.
nonexpensive, ecologically friendly, and possess no threat to
the environment. e present work is undertaken:
2.3. Mass-Loss Method. Relevant data on the well water used
(i) to evaluate the inhibition eciency (IE) of an aqueous in this study are given in Table 1. Carbon steel specimens in
extract of garlic in controlling the corrosion of carbon triplicate were immersed in 100 mL of well water containing
various concentrations of the inhibitor in the presence and
steel in well water in the absence and presence of Zn2+
absence of Zn2+ for 3 days. e weight of the specimens
(ii) to analyze the protective lm formed on the carbon before and aer immersion was determined using Shimadzu
steel by FTIR spectra, balance, model AY 62. e corrosion products were cleansed
2 Journal of Chemistry

T 1: Parameters of well water. T 2: Corrosion rate (CR) of carbon steel immersed in well
water in the absence and presence of inhibitors and the inhibition
Parameter Value eciency (IE) obtained by mass-loss method. Immersion period: 3
pH 8.6 days; inhibitor: garlic extract + Zn2+ .
Conductivity 2620 mho/cm
TDS 1835 mg/L Zn2+
Chloride 450 Garlic extract mL 0 (ppm) 25 (ppm)
Sulphate 110 CR (mdd) IE % CR (mdd) IE %
Total hardness 96 0 22.42 17.94 20
2 11.21 50 6.73 70
4 7.17 68 4.48 80
6 2.24 90 1.79 92
8 1.35 94 0.90 96
eciencies are also given in the Table. It is seen from Table
S 2 that the aqueous extract of garlic is a good inhibitor to
carbon steel in well water. 2 mL of garlic shows 50% IE. As
concentration of garlic extract increases, IE also increases.
at is, at higher concentrations, garlic accelerates corrosion
inhibition [12, 13].
S 1: Structure of allicin.
3.1.1. Inuence of n2+ on the Inhibition Eciency of Garlic
Extract. e inuence of Zn2+ on the IE of garlic extract is
with Clarkes solution [11]. e inhibition eciency (IE) was given in Table 2. In the presence of Zn2+ (25 ppm), excellent
then calculated using the following equation: inhibitive property is shown by garlic extract. For example,
2 mL of garlic extract accelerate corrosion of carbon steel
IE = 100 1 %, (1) (IE = 50%); 25 ppm of Zn2+ have 20% IE, but their
1 combination has 70%.
where 1 is the corrosion rate in the absence of the inhibitor,
and 2 is the corrosion rate in the presence of the inhibitor. 3.2. Analysis of Polarization Curves. e potentiodynamic
polarization curves of carbon steel immersed in well water in
2.4. Surface Examination. e carbon steel specimens were the absence and presence of inhibitors are shown in Figures
immersed in various test solutions for a period of 3 days, 1(a) and 1(b). e corrosion parameters are given in Table
taken out and dried. e nature of the lm formed on the sur- 3. When carbon steel is immersed in well water the cor-
face of metal specimens was analyzed by FTIR spectroscopic rosion potential is 704 mV versus SCE (saturated calomel
study. electrode). e corrosion current is 2.600 106 A/cm2 .
When 2 mL of garlic extract and 25 ppm of Zn2+ are added
2.5. Potentiodynamic Polarization. Polarization studies were to the above system, the corrosion potential shied to the
carried out in an H&CH electrochemical work station anodic side (690 mV versus SCE). is suggests that this
impedance analyzer model CHI 660A. A three-electrode cell formulation controls the anodic reaction predominantly. In
assembly was used. e working electrode was carbon steel. A the presence of the inhibitor system, the corrosion current
saturated calomel electrode (SCE) was used as the reference decreases from 2.600 106 A/cm2 to 2.353 106 A/cm2 .
electrode, and a rectangular platinum foil was used as the is suggests the inhibitive nature of this inhibitor system
counter electrode. [14, 15].

2.6. FTIR Spectra. FTIR spectra were recorded in a Perkin- 3.3. Analysis of FTIR Spectra. e active principle in an
Elmer 1600 spectrophotometer. e lm was carefully aqueous extract of garlic is allicin. It consists of S=O and S
removed, mixed thoroughly with KBr, made into pellets, and group.
FTIR spectra were recorded. A few drops of an aqueous extract of garlic were
dried on a glass plate. A solid mass was obtained. Its
FTIR spectrum is shown Figure 2(a). Vinyl group appeared
3. Results and Discussion at 1026.28 cm1 . S=O appeared at 1026 cm1 and S at
3.1. Analysis of Results of Mass-Loss Method. e corrosion 1237.58 cm1 . us the structure of allicin is conrmed by
rate (CR) of carbon steel immersed in well water (whose FTIR spectra (Scheme 1) [16]. e FTIR spectrum of complex
composition is given in Table 1) in the absence and presence prepared by mixing garlic extract and Zn2+ is shown in Figure
of inhibitor systems is given in Table 2. e inhibition 2(b). e band due to conjugated double bonds shis from
Journal of Chemistry 3

T 3: Corrosion parameters of carbon steel immersed in well water in the absence and presence of inhibitors. Inhibitor system: garlic
extract + Zn2+ system.

corr corr LPR

mV versus SCE (mV/decade) (mV/decade) (A/cm2 ) Ohm cm2
Well water 704 229.7 177.7 2.600 106 16757.3
Garlic extract (2 mL) + Zn2+ (25 ppm) 690 220.5 179.1 2.353 106 17366.4

4 100


4.4 90







5.2 60

T (%)
Log (current/A)

5.6 50

6.4 20

6.8 10
7.2 4000 3000 2000 1500 1000 400
Wavenumber (cm1 )

1.1 1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 (a)
Potential/V versus SCE 100
90 3905.09



F 1: Polarization curves of carbon steel immersed in (a) well 80

water and (b) well water +2 mL garlic extract +25 ppm of Zn2+ .



T (%)

1 1 40
3757.23 cm to 3819.62 cm . e band at 608.46 corre-
sponds to ZnO stretching. e OH stretching frequency

appears at 3407.06 cm1 . is conrms the formation of 10
Zn(OH)2 on the cathodic sites of the metal surface [17 0
19]. Since there is complete coordination between Fe2+ and 4000 3000 2000 1500 1000 400
allicin, the band due to the formation of the complex gets Wavenumber (cm1 )
vanished in the FTIR spectrum of the lm formed on the
surface of carbon steel by garlic extract (Figure 2(b)) [20, 21]. (b)

F 2: (a) FTIR spectra of solid mass obtained by evaporating

3.4. Mechanism of Corrosion Inhibition. Mass-loss study the garlic extract. (b) FTIR spectra of lm formed on surface of
reveals that the formulation consisting of 2 mL of garlic the carbon steel specimen aer immersion in well water containing
extract +25 ppm of Zn2+ oers 70% IE to carbon steel 2 mL of garlic extract and 25 ppm of Zn2+ .
immersed in well water. Polarization study reveals that this
formulation controls the anodic reaction predominantly.
FTIR spectra reveal that the protective lm consists of Fe2+ -
allicin complex and Zn(OH)2 . In order to explain the above (iii) On the metal surface, Zn2+ -allicin complex is con-
facts in a holistic way, the following mechanism of corrosion verted into Fe2+ -allicin complex. Zn2+ is released.
inhibition is proposed.
(iv) Zn2+ -allicin + Fe2+ Fe2+ -allicin + Zn2+ .
(i) When the formulation consisting of well water, garlic (v) e released Zn2+ combines with OH to form
extract, and Zn2+ is prepared, there is formation of Zn(OH)2 .
Zn2+ -allicin complex in solution.
(vi) Zn2+ + 2 OH Zn(OH)2 .
(ii) When carbon steel is immersed in the solution, the
Zn2+ -allicin complex diuses from the bulk of the (vii) us, the protective lm consists of Fe2+ -allicin com-
solution towards the metal surface. plex and Zn(OH)2 .
4 Journal of Chemistry

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