Sessional 1 Numerical Analysis: Subject: Prayer For Midterm Vacation
Sessional 1 Numerical Analysis: Subject: Prayer For Midterm Vacation
Sessional 1 Numerical Analysis: Subject: Prayer For Midterm Vacation
The Vice Chancellor
Khulna University of Engineering Technology (KUET)
With due respect, we are the student of 2nd year 2nd term of Civil engineering department started the
current semester from October 16, 2016. We have already finished our 5 th cycle (out of 13 cycles) and 6th
cycle is going on. According to the law of this university we expect a vacation (known as midterm
vacation) in the middle of a semester.
We, therefore, pray and hope that you would be kind enough to grant us a vacation and oblige thereby.
Sincerely yours,
y = 11.033e-0.293x
Discharge (cm3/s)
R = 0.9805
y = 109.92e-1.382x
R = 0.9938
0.1 1.1 2.1 3.1 4.1 5.1 6.1 7.1
Time (Day)
Example 6.1: The recession limb of a flood hydrograph is given below. The time is indicated from the
arrival of the pea. Assuming the interflow component to be negligible, estimate the base flow and surface
flow recession flow recession coefficient. Also, estimating the storage at the end of day 3.
Time from peak Discharge Time from peak Discharge
(Day) (m3/s) (Day) (m3/s)
0.0 90 3.5 5.0
0.5 66 4.0 3.8
1.0 34 4.5 3.0
1.5 20 5.0 2.6
2.0 13 5.5 2.2
2.5 9.0 6.0 1.8
3.0 6.7 6.5 1.6
7.0 1.5
The data are plotted on a log paper with discharge on the log scale. The data points from t= 4.5 days to
7.0 days are seen to lie on straight line (line AB in Fig: 6.4). This indicates that the surface flow terminates
at t=4.5 days. The best fitting exponential curve for this straight-line portion(obtained by use of MS Excel)
is Qt =11.033 0.29 with r2 = 0.9805.
The base flow recession coefficient k rb is obtained as
ln krb =-0.29 krb and as such krb =-0.748.
The base flow recession curve is extended till t1 day as shown by the line ABM Fig. 6.4 The surface
runoff depletion is obtained by subtracting the base flow from the given recession limb of the flood
hydrograph. The computations are shown in the Table given below.
The surface flow values are plotted against time as shown in fig. 6.4. It is been that these points lie on a
straight line on a straight line, XY. The best fitting exponential curve for this straight-line portion
XY(obtained by use of MS Excel) is
Qt = 109.9 1.38 with r2 =0.9938
The surface flow recession coefficient k rs = -1.38 and such krs = 0.252.
The storage available at the end of day-3 is sum of the storages in surface flow and groundwater
recession modes and is given by
St3 =( )
Time from Discharge Base
peak (day) (m3/s) flow
0.0 90.00
0.5 66.00 9.541 56.459
1.0 34.00 8.253 25.747
1.5 20.00 7.139 12.861
2.0 13.00 6.176 6.824
2.5 9.00 5.342 3.658
3.0 6.70 4.621 2.079
3.5 5.00 3.997 1.003
4.0 3.80 3.458 0.342
4.5 3.00 2.991
5.0 2.60 2.587
5.5 2.20 2.238
6.0 1.80 1.936
6.5 1.60 1.675
7.0 1.50 1.449