Bill Allsopp
Chris Friel
Clay Lipsky
Guy Gagnon
Riley Snelling
Daniel Dalhlmann
Issue #12 completing one year of PH magazine and I
would like to thank you all for your support, excellent On the Cover:
submissions, feedback and for reading PH magazine. Photographer: Guy Gagnon
I would like to apologize for late reply to your com-
ments and submissions due to enormous interest to
be published in our magazine. We looking at all your
material submitted and making selection, this process
take longer but we want to make sure we introduce
all of the exceptional work and photographers. Starting
second year we are even more dedicated to keep PH
magazine at highest level possible, we are working on
new web design with Rodrigo Bressane and his team so
in next little while we will have brand new layout and
few changes. Stay tuned and thank you
Editor in Chief
design: art_photo
published by: jandak photography
04 28
04 Chris Friel
28 Bill Allsopp
42 Riley Snelling
50 Daniel Dahlmann
64 Clay Lipsky
76 Guy Gagnon
PH magazine 3
Chris Friel
is a British colour blind
painter who bought a
camera in 2006 and
has not painted since.
He recently passed
the million hits mark on
Flickr and continues to
be motivated by this dai-
ly source of feedback.
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6 Chris Friel
PH magazine
8 Chris Friel
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Chris Friel
10 PH magazine
Chris Friel
12 PH magazine
Chris Friel
14 PH magazine
Chris Friel
16 PH magazine
Chris Friel
18 PH magazine
Chris Friel
20 PH magazine
Chris Friel
22 PH magazine
Chris Friel
24 PH magazine
Chris Friel
26 PH magazine
Bill allsopp
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Bill allsopp
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Bill allsopp
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Bill allsopp
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Bill allsopp
I have been involved in photog-
Bill allsopp
raphy for most of my life and I am
still passionate about photogra-
phy. If I never sold another print
nor entered another competition
I would always take photographs;
I need it like I need air to breath.
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Bill allsopp
PH magazine 41
Riley Snelling
Im a Toronto based photographer. Even though I was born in Can-
ada I lived most of my life overseas in Hong Kong. At the age of fif-
teen I moved back and was given my first camera as a gift. Af-
ter graduating high school I took a gap year to travel the United
States and India where I developed an interest in documentary work.
Im currently pursuing my BFA in photography at Ryerson University.
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Riley Snelling
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Riley Snelling
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Riley Snelling
48 PH magazine
Born in Sweden 1978, now residing in
daniel dahlmann
Australia. One might say that I started
taking photos rather late in life, 2008
found me flying blind with a digital
camera for a while before I decided
to test my luck with the analogue
variety. I started with a Pentax Spot-
matic , then a Pentax 67 before my
good friend Richard Rudhager con-
vinced me to buy a Hasselblad and
taught me how to develop my own
film. After a considerable amount of
t-max 400 being developed in my
bathroom I eventually returned to
digital but it took me almost to the
end of 2010 before things started to
fall into place and I would say that
it was first then that I started taking
better photos. I am constantly striving
to develop my artistic side and even
though I still have a lot to learn I feel
that I am starting to find my own style,
which at the present stage is simple,
black & white and preferably 6x6 .
Ive always been a restless soul
whos thoughts have constantly
flown off into the future, never re-
ally spending time in the here and
now... photography has given me
an inner peace and the ability to
look at life and the world around
me in a completely different way.
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daniel dahlmann
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Rodrigo Bressane
daniel dahlmann
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daniel dahlmann
58 PH magazine
daniel dahlmann
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daniel dahlmann
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Clay Lipsky is a graphic artist based in Los Angeles. He has applied his unique
Clay Lipsky
visual style across a variety of mediums, from print and multimedia to TV
and film. As a director, his music video work has been featured on MTV and
shown to international acclaim throughout film festivals in Europe and Asia.
Despite his varied interests, photography has always been a part
of Clays life. Ever since his father bought him his first camera at the
age of 13, photography has proven to be an inspirational compan-
ion throughout his careers many turns. Within the last couple of
years, Clay has experienced a newfound love affair with the me-
dium. He is now passionately focused on pursuing photography as
fine art, free from clients and limitless in creative potential. Clay is self-
taught and strives to create images that can stand the test of time.
64 PH magazine
Clay Lipsky
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68 PH magazine
Clay Lipsky
Clay Lipsky
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Clay Lipsky
Clay Lipsky
Guy Gagnon
I was born in 1964 in Rouyn-Noranda, a small town located in the region of Abitibi-Tmis-
camingue, the heart of the boreal forest in western part of the province of Quebec. In Can-
ada, Rouyn-Noranda is the national capital of Copper. In 1993, I decided to leave Quebec
to settle in Belgium, more precisely in Brussels. I mainly worked as a DBA (DBA) Oracle mostly
in the European institutions, like the European Commission, Office of the Anti-Fraud and the
European Parliament.
I have a Bachelor degree in Computer Management, that I got at the University of Quebec
in Abitibi- Tmiscamingue. I am self-taught in photography, I have never taken a course in
photography. With purchase of a first compact digital camera in 1999, I became curious for
photography world and its technical aspects.. First a simple casual hobby, photography has
quickly became my best way to express my feelings and worldview.
With the acquisition of a first digital SLR in 2002, the photograph turned into a real daily pas-
In photography, my approach is primarily artistic and emotional. Since I always feel the
need to freely express my emotions and aspirations through a creative activity, photography
appears to be the perfect tool for me. My favorite topics are the flowers and plants, archi-
tecture, landscapes and more recently the portrait. In the next years, I expect to explore
unconventional themes that could arouse thoughts and introspection instead of a basic con-
Over the last five years, several of my portfolios were published in international magazines,
and I exhibited by work at Alenon (France) in 2007. In 2009, the multinational furniture and
decorating IKEA has chosen three images from my series Fragile, plants in black and white.
These images are now distributed at IKEA worldwide.
Like many other amateur photographers, I hope to publish some of my series inside beautiful
books. One of my greatest wishes is always to make intimate portraits of artists and personali-
76 PH magazine
78Guy Gagnon
Dreams of Sybiline
In the dreams of Sybilline, we find a universe where time seems to stand still. All is frozen.
These places are meant to be both full of surrealism and fullness. Its sort of a quest for inner
peace, calm, escape the tumult of daily life. This artistic approach is very emotional and is a
kind of therapy.
In the dreams of Sybiline, landscapes are trapped in the ice, they become abstract and
merging them with snow and ice, the scene gives us the taste of contemplation, the desire to
blend ourself into the landscape...
A part of my life took place in Canada, the second one in Belgium. After a while, Im not sure
of my real identity, or where I feel really good. I feel like on a wire suspended between the
two continents, over the Atlantic. Im looking for a place where I could feel good and fulfilled,
where I could find a balance of my aims, emotions and aspirations. The world of fantasy has
always attracted me, especially when their strangeness and fullness are confronted, then
merged into a single universe. I love these allusions to magical worlds Tim Burton.
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80Guy Gagnon
PH magazine 81
82Guy Gagnon
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84Guy Gagnon
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86Guy Gagnon
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88Guy Gagnon
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90Guy Gagnon
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92Guy Gagnon
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94Guy Gagnon
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96Guy Gagnon
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98Guy Gagnon
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