Kraus Helix Idea

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peaks. If the speech were derived from a local micro- CONCLUSIONS
phone, a fixed bias might suffice for this. If a distant In closing, the following comments be made
microphone were employed, however, the bias would on the data which have been presented: may
have to be derived automatically, since the polarity of (1) The computed swing ratios tend to be equal to or
the speech wave would be uncertain. Then, also, the higher than the experimentally determined values for
frequencies on the line are assumed to be biased by phase modulation, and lower than the experimental
shifting the carrier frequencies, so as to center the values for frequency modulation. This is probably
peaks of the instantaneous frequencies in the band. largely because the computation was based on rms
Physical means for obtaining these biases could doubt- speech voltages, while the experimental method was
less be devised, if desired. based on measured peak speech voltages.
(2) Of the four methods of volume regulation as-
sumed in analyzing the experimental data, the method
Table II gives the swing ratios for the several kinds of regulating to constant voltage peaks applied to the
of automatic level adjustment described above, derived phase modulator results in the greatest swing ratios,
as described from ratios of speech peaks which will be and therefore appears the most efficient in regard to
exceeded by 10 per cent of the voices. The computed use of the modulator. This is of practical importance,
swing ratio is included in the table for comparison. since the greater the efficiency, the higher the carrier
frequency at which the modulator may operate, and
TABLE II the fewer the required number of stages of subsequent
SWING RATIOS FOR SPEECH frequency multiplication.
(3) The 3,000-cps low-pass filter had little effect on
No 3,000-cps the swing ratios, except in the case of the moving-coil
Transmitter Type of Regulation Filter Filter microphone and phase modulation.
PM FM PM FM (4) The moving-coil microphone without any filter
Fl Computed in Section 2 1.5 0.6 gave swing ratios substantially the same as the Fl
carbon microphone for phase modulation, but only
Fl A-Constant input volume 1.1 1.0 1.0 0.9 about half as great for frequency modulation.
Fl B-Constant peak level of
speech 1.5 0.8 1.4 0.7 A general conclusion is that the swing ratios are quite
Fl C-Constant phase peaks 1.5 1.2 1.4 1.1 dependent on the microphone and its circuits, on the
Fl D-Spread centered 1.4 0.9 1.3 0.8
kind of volume regulation employed, and probably on
Moving-coil A-Constant input volume 1.1 0.5 0.8 0.5 other features of the circuit. For accurate results, the
Moving-coil B-Constant peak level of
speech 1.7 0.4 1.0 0.4 swing ratios should therefore be determined for the
Moving-coil C-Constant phase peaks 1.7 0.6 1.0 0.6 particular circuits which are to be used. The figures
Moving-coil D-Spreads centered 1.3 0.5 0.8 0.5
derived here will, however, serve to indicate roughly the
Note: PM = phase modulation. FM = frequency modulation. values to be expected.

The Helical Antenna *


Summary-The helix is a fundamental form of antenna of which maintained in the axial mode over wide frequency ranges because of
loops and straight wires are limiting cases. When the helix is small a natural adjustment of the phase velocity of wave propagation on the
compared to the wavelength, radiation is maximum normal to the helix. The terminal impedance is relatively constant over the same
helix axis. Depending on the helix geometry, the radiation may, in frequency range because of the large initial attenuation of waves on
theory, be elliptically, plane, or circularly polarized. the helix. The conditions for circular polarization are analyzed, and
When the helix circumference is about 1 wavelength, radiation the importance of the array factor in determining the radiation pat-
may be maximum in the direction of the helix axis and circularly tern of a long helix is discussed.
polarized or nearly so. This mode of radiation, called the axial or
beam mode, is generated in practice with great ease, and may be INTRODUCTION
dominant over a wide frequency range with desirable pattern, im-
pedance, and polarization characteristics. The radiation pattern is A HELIX is a fundamental geometric form. It has
applications in many branches of physics and
* Decimal classification: R125.1 XR326.61. Original manuscript engineering. For example, in mechanical systems
received by the Institute, June 7, 1948. Presented in part, 1948 IRE the helix or coil spring is a familiar structure; in electri-
National Convention, New York, N. Y., March 23, 1948.
t Department of Electrical Engineering, Ohio State University, cal systems, a helical conductor or inductor is a common
Columbus, Ohio. type of circuit element; and in many dynamic phenom-
ena, particles follow helical paths. Recently the helix TRANSMISSION AND RADIATION MODES OF HELICES
has been applied as a beam antenna.'-6 The dimensions of a helix are very conveniently il-
In considering the helix as an antenna, it is important lustrated by a diameter versus spacing chart or, as in
that it be regarded, not as a unique or special form of an- Fig. 2, by a circumference versus spacing chart. On this
tenna, but rather as a basic type of which the more chart, the dimensions of a helix may be expressed either
familiar loop and straight-wire antennas are merely spe- in rectangular co-ordinates by the spacing Sx and cir-
cial cases.2 Thus, a helix of fixed diameter collapses to cumference irDx or in polar co-ordinates by the length
a loop as the spacing between turns approaches zero, of one turn Lv, and the pitch angle a.
and, on the other hand, a helix of fixed spacing straight-
ens into a linear conductor as the diameter approaches PITCH ANGLE, oh
zero. It is the purpose of this paper to discuss the helical lA
antenna from this general point of view including the a

axial or beam mode of radiation as a particular case.

The possibility of a normal mode of radiation, as sug-
gested by Wheeler,7 is also included as a special case. L(J
d T
____-' lAX
_AX Helix
S --
~~~~~~~axis 0
5S 0

TID Fig. 2-Circumference versus spacing chart for helices showing re-
lL gions for normal radiation mode (shaded) and axial or beam mode
(cross hatched).

The electromagnetic field around a helix may be re-

garded from two points of view, as (1) a field which is
Fig. 1-Relation of helix dimensions.
guided along the helix, and (2) a field which radiates. In
the present discussion, it will be convenient to treat
Referring to Fig. 1, the following symbols will be used these as independent. As regards the first point of view,
to describe a helix:
it is assumed that an electromagnetic wave may be prop-
agated without attenuation along an infinite helix in
D=diameter of helix (center-to-center) much the same manner as along an infinite transmission
S=spacing between turns (center-to-center) line or waveguide. This propagation may be described
a pitch angle=arctan S/IrD by the transmission mode, a variety of different modes
L=length of one turn being possible. On the other hand, a field which radiates
n -number of turns may be described by the radiation pattern of the an-
A =axial length = nS tenna. It will be convenient to classify the general form
d =diameter of helix conductor. of the pattern in terms of the direction in which the
A coaxial transmission line and ground plane as used radiation is a maximum. Although an infinite variety of
for exciting the helix in the beam mode of radiation are patterns is possible, two kinds are of particular interest.
shown by the dashed lines. A subscript X signifies that In one, the direction of the maximum radiation is nor-
the dimension is measured in free-space wavelengths. mal to the helix axis. This is referred to as the normal
For example, DA is the helix diameter in free-space wave- radiation model or, in shorthand notation, as the Rn
lengths. mode. In the other, the direction of maximum radiation
is in the direction of the helix axis. This is referred to as
1 J. D. Kraus, "Helical beam antenna," Electronics, vol. 20, pp.
109-111; April, 1947. the axial or beam radiation mode, or, in shorthand nota-
2 J. D. Kraus and J. C. Williamson, "Characteristics of helical tion, as the Ra mode.
antennas radiating in the axial mode," Jour. Appi. Phys., vol. 19, The lowest transmission mode for a helical conductor
pp. 87-96; January, 1948.
3 0. J. Glasser and J. D. Kraus, "Measured impedances of helical has adjacent regions of positive and negative charge
beam antennas," Jour. Appi. Phys., vol. 19, pp. 193-197; February,
1948. 8 The word "mode" is used here in its general sense to indicate
4 J. D. Kraus, "Helical beam antennas for wide-band applica- merely the general form or type of radiation pattern. In the case of
tions," PROC. I.R.E., vol. 36, pp. 1236-1242; October, 1948. "transmission mode," the word "mode" is employed in a more re-
J. D. Kraus, "Design data for helical beam antennas," to be stricted sense to indicate a particular field configuration. In discussing
published. transmission modes, it is assumed that the helix is infinitely long.
6 J . D. Kraus, "Measured phase velocities on helical conductors, " However, a radiation pattern implies a helix of finite length, it being
to be published. assumed that the wave propagates along the finite helix in a particu-
7H. A. Wheeler, "A helical antenna for circular polarization," lar transmission mode or modes in the same manner as along a por-
PROC. I.R.E., vol. 35, pp. 1484-1488; December, 1947. tion of an infinite helix, end effects being neglected.
1949 Kraus: The Helical Antenna 265
separated by many turns. This mode will be designated may be linearly or circularly polarized.7 These cases are
as the To mode and the instantaneous charge distribu- discussed further in a later section (Normal Radiation
tion is suggested by Fig. 3 (a). The To mode is important Mode). We can describe both the transmission mode and
when the length of one turn is small compared to the radiation pattern for very short, small helices by com-
wavelength L<<X, and is the mode commonly occurring bining the To transmission mode and the Rn radiation
mode designations as ToRn. This designation is applied
To Q9Q9Q960Q (a) to the region of helix dimensions near the origin in Fig. 2.

O -0- _+0+
- + -

T, T2 T3
Fig. 3-Approximate charge distribution on helices for Fig. 4-Sinusoidal field variation for small helices.
different transmission modes.

on low-frequency inductors. It is also the dominant mode A first-order transmission nmode, designated T,, has
in the traveling-wave tube.9-'3 Since the adjacent re- adjacent regions of maximum positive and negative elec-
gions of positive and negative charge are separated by tric charge approximately one-half turn apart or near
an appreciable axial distance, a substantial axial com- the opposite -ends of a diameter, as suggested in Fig.
ponent of the electric field is present, and in the travel- 3(b) for the case of a small pitch angle. This mode is
ing-wave tube this field interacts with the electron important when the length of one turn is of the order of
stream. If the criterion Lx < 2 is arbitrarily selected as a the wavelength (L--X). It is found that the radiation
boundary for the To transmission mode, the region of from helices of this turn length and of a number of turns
helix dimensions for which this mode is important is (n > 1) is usually a maximum in the direction of the helix
shown by the shaded area in Fig. 2. axis and is circularly polarized, or nearly so.' 2 This type
Theoretically, it is of interest to examine some of the of radiation pattern is referred to as the axial or beam
possible radiation patterns associated with the To trans- mode of radiation Ra. This radiation mode occurs for a
mission mode. Only the simplest radiation case will be wide range of helix dimensions and, being associated with
considered. This occurs when the helix is very short so the T, transmission mode, the combined designation ap-
that nL<<X and the assumption is made that the cur- propriate to this region of helix dimensions is TIRa. The
rent on the helix is uniform in magnitude and in-phase axial type of radiation is discussed further in a later sec-
along its length.'4 Referring to Fig. 3(a), the length is tion (Axial Radiation Mode).
much less than that between adjacent regions of maxi- Still higher-order transmission modes, designated T2,
mum positive and negative charge. Theoretically, it is T3, etc., will have the approximate charge distributions
possible to approximate this condition with a standing suggested in the one-turn views of Fig. 3 (c) for the case of
wave on a small end-loaded helix. rfhe terminal imped- a small pitch angle. For these modes to exist, the length of
ance of such a small helix would be sensitive to fre- one turn must generally be at least one wavelength.'5
quency and the radiation efficiency would be low. How- The normal Rn and axial R. radiation modes are, in
ever, let us assume that appreciable radiation can be reality, special cases for the radiation patterns of helical
obtained. The maximum radiation is then normal to the antennas. In the general case, the maximum radiation is
helix axis for all helix dimensions, provided only that neither at 0 = 0 nor at 0=900 but at some intermediate
nL<<X. Hence, this condition is referred to as a normal value, the pattern being conical or multilobed in form.2,4
radiation mode R.. Referring to Fig. 4, any compo- THE NORMAL RADIATION MODE
nent E of the distant electric field perpendicular to the
radius vector is given approximately by E=k sin 0, The direction of maximum radiation is always normal
where k is a constant. The radiation is, in general, el- to the helix axis when the helix is small (nL<<X). Refer-
liptically polarized, but for particular helix dimensions ring to Fig. 5(a), the helix is coincident with the polar or
y axis. At a large distance r from the helix, the electric
9 R. Kompfner, "The traveling-wave tube as amplifier at micro- field may have, in general, two components Ep and Eo,
waves," PROC. I.R.E., vol. 35, pp. 124-127; February, 1947.
10 J. R. Pierce and L. M. Field, "Traveling-wave
tubes," PROC. as shown.
I.R.E., vol. 35, pp. 108-111; February, 1947. Two limiting cases of the small helix are: (1) the short
11 J. R. Pierce, 'Theory of the beam-type traveling-wave tube,"
PROC. I.R.E., vol. 35, pp. 111-123; February, 1947. electric dipole of Fig. 5 (b), a = 900, and (2) the small loop
12 L. J. Chu and D. Jackson, "Field theory of traveling-wave of Fig. 5(c), a= 00. In the case of the short electric di-
tubes," PROC. I.R.E., vol. 36, pp. 853-863; July, 1948.
13 C. C. Cutler, "Experimental determination of helical-wave pole, E = 0 everywhere and the distant electric field
properties," PROC. I.R.E., vol. 35, pp. 230-233; February, 1948.
14 It is assumed here that the phase velocity on the helical con- 15 The phase velocity along the helical conductor for T1 and higher
ductor is approximately that of light. The in-phase condition requires modes may differ considerably from that of light. It is often less, and,
an infinite phase velocity, but this can be approximated by consider- as shown later, it may be a function of the helix pitch angle and
ing only short helices nL<KX. diameter.
IY the length of one "turn" is now given by L = S+irD, the
far field pattern will be independent of the number of
turns. Hence, to simplify the analysis, only a single
turn will be considered. The electric field components at
a large distance are then given by (1) and (2). The
operator j in (1) and its absence in (2) indicates that
ER and Eo are in time phase quadrature. Taking the
Helix Dipole Loop
ratio of the magnitudes of E0 and Eo, we have
(a) (b) (c) Eo SX
Fig. 5-Relation of field components to helix, dipole, and loop. Ek 2irA (3)
has only an Eo component. On the other hand, with the Introducing the relation between the area and diameter
small loop, Eo =0 everywhere and the distant electric of the loop, A = rD2/4, (3) becomes
field has only an E4 component. By the retarded poten- Eo 2SX
tial method, it may be shown that Eo at a large distance (4)
from a short electric dipole (r>>X>>s) is given by'6"7 E, ir2D2
jco[I]s sin 0 j60-r[I] sin 0 s In the general case, both Eo and EK have values and
Eo _- (1) the electric field is elliptically polarized. Since Eo and E,*
47recr' r X
are in time phase quadrature, either the major or the
where minor axis of the polarization ellipse will lie in a plane
s =length of short dipole through the polar or y axis (see Fig. 5(a)). Let us assume
w = 27rf that the y axis is vertical and that observations of the
r=distance from origin field are confined to the equatorial or x-z plane. The
c= velocity of light (in free space) ratio of the major to minor axes of the polarization el-
E = dielectric constant of medium (free space) lipse is conveniently designated as the axial ratio (A.R.).
and [I] = retarded value of the current =10 exp [jw Let us define the axial ratio in this case as
(t-r/c) ]. Eo 2SX
In an analogous way, E4 at a large distance from a A.R. = -=(5 (5)
short magnetic dipole or from the equivalent small loop E,g 7r2D2
(r>>A>>D) is
Thus, in the extreme case when EO =0, the axial ratio
1207r2 [I] sinG A is infinite and the polarization ellipse becomes a straight
r 2(2) Vertical line indicating linear vertical polarization. At
the other extreme, when Eo =0, the axial ratio is zero
where and the polarization ellipse becomes a straight horizon-
A= area of loop = 7rD2/4 tal line indicating linear horizontal polarization.
[I] =retarded value of the current on the loop. An interesting special case occurs for an axial ratio of
If nL<<X, a helix may be considered, as has been done unity (Eo = E+). This is the case for circular polarization.
by Wheeler,7 to be a combination of a series of loops and Setting the axial ratio in (4) equal to 1, we have
linear conductors as illustrated in Fig. 6. Each turn is
assumed to consist of a short dipole of length S coh- 7rD=V/2SX or 7rDx= V/2Sx. (6)
nected in series with a small loop of diameter D. Fur-
ther, the current on the helix of Fig. 6 is assumed to be This relation was first shown by Wheeler in an equiva-
uniform and in phase over the entire length. The re- lent form.7 For this case, the polarization ellipse becomes
quired end loading is not shown. Provided nL<<X where a circle. The radiation is circularly polarized not only in
all directions in the x-z plane but in all directions in
space except the direction of the y axis, where the
MIs field is zero.
The relation of helix dimensions for circularly polar-
ized radiation normal to the axis as given by (6) is indi-
cated in Fig. 2, and also in Fig. 7 by the curve marked
H- C.P. (Circular Polarization). This curve is accurate only
D in the region for which rD<X and S<KX. This region is
shown to an enlarged scale in Fig. 7. In general, the
Fig. 6-Equivalent form of small helix. radiation is elliptically polarized. If 7rD> x/25X, the
16 See, for example, S. Ramo and J. R. Whinnery, "Fields and major axis of the polarization ellipse is horizontal, while
Waves in Modern Radio," John Wiley and Sons, New York, N. Y., if irD <V2X the major axis is vertical. By varying the
1944; p. 430.
17 Rationalized mks units are used. pitch angle a of a helix of constant turn length L, ori-
1949 Kraus: The IHelical Antenna 267

o.2 Constant cy/ duced, it is interesting to consider some of the above

line ---C.P.R curve
relations further. Although the circularly polarized con-
rot 0 ' Potarizati
Region of elliptical Position ellipse dition of (6) is true only when nL<<X, the relation is
polarization eI nevertheless approximately correct for larger values, say
- (major axis Cc 2
for Sx and DA up to X/4. The inaccuracy of (6) for large
LI.112 Constant L 4 0 dimensions is due to the deterioration of (1) and (2)
curve when the dipole or the loop are not small. Even if field
formulas not restricted to small dipoles or loops are
pola Region of elliptical piearzation 4 . used, another limitation in extending the small-helix
(major axis vertical) equations to helices of larger dimensions is that the
~90<_-( 5
simplification of Fig. 6 is no longer adequate. This is be-
0.1 0.2 cause the field of the vertical component of one turn
of the helix cannot be properly approximated by a single
Fig. 7-Diameter versus spacing chart for small helices, showing vertical dipole but must be represented by a series of
polarization for different dimensions.
short dipoles at the circumference of the helix cyclinder.
ented as in Fig. 5 (a), from the loop case a=00' as in Fig. Although there are practical limitations to the appli-
5(c) to the'straight conductor case a =900 as in Fig. cation of the normal circularly polarized condition of
5(b), the radiation changes progressively through the radiation from a pure helix, an antenna having four
forms listed in Table I. slanting dipoles which is suggestive of a modified helix
radiating in the normal mode has been built by Brown
TABLE I and Woodward.-8 Their arrangement is based on design
NORMAL RADIATION MODE principles derived by Lindenblad.19
Position Condition Radiation AXIAL RADIATION MODE
in Fig. 7
(1) S=O Linear (horizontal) polarization The preceding section deals mainly with small helices
az = 0 (nL<<X). For this condition, the lowest To transmission
(2) S>O and Elliptical polarization with major axis mode is dominant and any radiation is in the normal Rn
irD > V\2SX of polarization ellipse horizontal mode. When the circumference of the helix is increased
to about one wavelength (7rD--X), the first-order T1
(3) 7rD = V/2SX Circular polarization transmission mode becomes important, and over a con-
(4) 0 <1rD <V\/2SX Elliptical polarization with major axis siderable range of helix dimensions the radiation may
of polarization ellipse vertical be in the axial R. or beam mode.
(5) irD = 0 Linear (vertical) polarization An outstanding characteristic of the axial or beam
a =90 mode of radiation is the ease with which it is produced.
In fact, owing to the extremely noncritical nature of the
The five conditions of Table I are suggested by the helix dimensions in this mode, a helical beam antenna is
polarization ellipses at the five positions along the con- one of the simplest types of antennas which it is possible
stant-L (turn-length) curve in Fig. 7. The fact that the to build.
linear polarization is horizontal for the loop and vertical In speaking of transmission modes, it is assumed that
for linear conductors assumes, of course, that the axis of the helix is infinite in extent. In discussing radiation
the helix is vertical as in Fig. 5. modes, the helix must be finite. For convenience, the
For a helix of fixed physical dimensions, the dimen- finite helix is assumed to be in the first approximation a
sions in wavelengths change along a constant-pitch- section of an infinite helix. The observed current-dis-
angle line as a function of frequency. Thus, as shown in
Fig. 7, circularly polarized normal-mode radiation is ob- Wave I:
-Region of rapid attenuation
tained at only one frequency; that is, where the con- Region of small attenuation
Open end
stant-pitch-angle line for the helix intersects the C.P. of helix
curve (point Q in Fig. 7). 4)

In the above discussion of the normal mode of radia- a

tion, the assumption is made of a uniform in-phase cur- Wave 2
rent along the helical conductor. As already mentioned, 'L
Distance along helix
this assumption would be approximated if the helix is
8-Resolution of current distribution on the helical beam an-
small (nL<<X). To approximate such a distribution on Fig.tenna into current distributions for outgoing and reflected waves.
longer helices woul,d require a phase shifter of some type Curves are idealized.
at intervals along the conductor. This may be incon- 18 G. H. Brown and 0. M. Woodward. "Circularly polarized
venient or impractical. omnidirectional antenna," RCA Rev., vol. 8, pp. 259-269; June, 1947.
N. E. Lindenblad, "Antennas and transmission lines at the Em-
However, if the assumption of uniform, in-phase cur- pire19State television station," Communications, vol. 21, pp. 13-14;
rent is made without regard as to how might be pro- April, 1941.
tribution and terminal-impedance characteristics pre- space c when the frequency is too low for the axial Ra
sented in footnote references 2 and 3 form the basis for mode of radiation. As the frequency is increased, it is
making this assumption. Thus the observed current found that there is a frequency range in which the phase
distribution on a helix may be resolved into the current velocity is decreased. In this same frequency range, the
distribution for an outward traveling wave and a cur- radiation is observed to be in the axial Ra mode and the
rent distribution for an inward traveling wave of con- current distribution changes from that due to two nearly
siderably smaller magnitude, as in Fig. 8. Here each wave equal but oppositely directed traveling waves, to essen-
is characterized by an initial region of relatively rapid tially a single outgoing traveling wave and a small re-
attenuation which is followed by a region in which the flected wave, as in Fig. 8.
current is relatively constant in value. Hallen20 has
pointed out that a similar type of current distribution ARRAY FACTOR
is characteristic for a traveling wave on a straight cyl- As an approximation, a helical antenna radiating in
indrical conductor. Current-distribution measurements the axial mode can be assumed to have a single uniform
on long-straight cylindrical conductors by Bhargava,2" traveling wave on its conductor. Based on this assump-
when resolved into distributions for two traveling tion, an approximate expression for the field pattern of
waves, indicate that the initial attenuation is greater a single-turn helix is developed in footnote reference 2.
for conductors of large diameter. In comparing the cur- The pattern of a helix of a number of turns is then cal-
rent distributions on straight cylindrical conductors and culated as an array of such turns by taking the product
on helical conductors, it appears that a relatively thin of the pattern for the single turn and for the array.
conductor of diameter d, wound as a helix, has a current When the helix is sufficiently long (nS large), the array
distribution with an initial attenuation for the compo- factor is dominant and largely determines the shape of
nent traveling waves as large as that on a straight cy- the helix pattern. Calculated and measured patterns for
lindrical conductor of much greater diameter. The helix a helix of 7 turns and 12 pitch angle (n = 7, a = 120) are
must, of course, be radiating in the beam mode for this compared in Fig. 21 of footnote reference 2. As an exam-
to be the case. This large attenuation of the reflected ple which illustrates the dominant effect of the array
wave on the helical conductor results in the relatively factor, the component electric field patterns for this
uniform current distribution over the central region of case are presented in Fig. 9. In this figure,
long helices. The marked attenuation of both the out-
going and reflected waves also accounts for the relatively E,PT= pattern of horizontally polarized component for
one turn
stable terminal impedance of a helical antenna radiating EOT=pattern of vertically polarized component for
in the axial mode, since relatively little energy reflected one turn
from the open end of the helix reaches the input. Thus Yn= pattern of array of seven (n =7) isotropic point
the SWR of current at the input terminals is sources spaced 0.225 wavelength (SA=0.225)
SR=1010 + 12 and for phase-velocity factor p = 0.83.
SWR= - 12 EO= ET Yn = pattern of horizontally polarized com-
ponent of electric field from entire helix
Since 12 is small compared to Io (see Fig. 8), the SWR
at the input terminals is nearly unity, the same as for a
transmission line terminated in approximately its char-
acteristic impedance.
When the helix is radiating in the axial mode, the
phase velocity of wave propagation on the helix is such
as to make the component electric fields from each turn
of the helix add nearly in phase in the direction of the
helix axis. The tendency for this to occur is sufficiently
strong that the phase velocity adjusts itself to produce
this result. This natural adjustment of the phase veloc-
ity is one of the important characteristics of wave trans-
mission in the T1 mode on a helix. It is this fact which
accounts for the persistence of axial-mode Ra radiation
patterns over such a wide frequency range. The phase
velocity of wave propagation along a helical conductor Helix
is approximately equal to the velocity of light in free
20 Erik Hallen, private communication to the author, March 25,
21 B. N. Bhargava, "A study of current distribution on long radi- Fig. 9-Patterns E, and Es for a seven-turn 120 helix as calculated
ators," master's thesis, Department of Electrical Engineering, Ohio from the array factor Yn for an array of seven isotropic point
State University, Columbus, Ohio; 1947. sources and the single-turn patterns E,T and EOT.
1949 Kraus: The Helical Antenna 269
Helix axis where
TopointP (4= O) S=-spacing between helix turns in free-space wave-
4) =direction angle with respect to helix axis
L4 =length of one helix turn in free-space wavelengths
p phase velocity factor = v/c, or
cos4) 3
phase velocity along helix conductor
.4 velocity of light in free space
.5 It is interesting to examine the case for which the
fields from the sources arrive at a remote point on the
Fig. 10-Linear array of isotropic point sources. axis in the same phase; that is, when VI =- 27rm and 4) = 0,
where m is any integer (0, 1, 2, *). Then, -

E=EOT Yn = pattern of vertically polarized com-

ponent of electric field from entire helix. tt = m + SX. (9)
It is interesting to note that, although the patterns of p
the horizontally and vertically polarized components for When m = 1, we have the approximate relation for the
a single turn are very different in form, the patterns of T1 transmission mode:24
the horizontally and vertically polarized components for L4 L
the entire helix are nearly the same.22 Furthermore, the --I S),or - = X (10)
main lobes of the Ee and Eo patterns are very similar to p p
the array-factor pattern. Thus it is apparent that, for and, if p =1, L -S =X. Equation (10) is a fair approxima-
long helices, a calculation of the array factor alone tion for helical antennas radiating in the axial mode.
suffices for the approximate helix pattern in any polar- The phase difference is actually observed to be slightly
ization. greater, as given by the somewhat better approxima-
To calculate the array factor, a helix of n turns is re- tion25
placed by n isotropic point sources separated by the
spacing S between turns of the helix. An array of n Lx
point sources is illustrated by Fig. 10. The normalized (11)
P 2n
array factor (maximum value unity) is then given by
equations (18) and (19) of footnote reference 2, or more where n =number of turns. The additional phase shift
simply by23 represented by 1/2n results in sharper helix patterns, as
it does also for all end-fire arrays.26 The additional phase
.n4 shift is a natural phenomenon in the helical beam an-
1 2 tenna and is maintained over a considerable frequency
Yn = -
(7) range. The condition of (11) will be referred to as the
n .
sin condition for "maximum directivity."
When m = 2 we have the approximate relation for the
where n=any integer (1, 2, 3, * -* ), and VI is an auxil- T2 transmission mode:
iary function giving the phase difference between succes- L = 2 +Sx.
sive sources in a particular direction For VI = 0, (7) is 4. (12)
indeterminate, so that in this case it is necessary to take p
Y,. in the limit as 41 approaches zero. The phase of the The approximate relation for the general Tm transmis-
wave arriving at a distant point P due to source 1 is sion mode of higher order (m .1) is as given by (9).
advanced over the phase of the wave from source 2 by If p =1, and introducing also the relation L2=S2+ir2D2
2wrS cos but is retarded by 2irLx/P. This retardation
4), for a helix, we obtain D = V/2mS\+m2/7w and, when
is proportional to the length of time required for a wave m=1, DV
= N/2Sx+ 1/-7r.
to travel around one turn or from source 2 to 1. The diameter versus spacing chart of Fig. 11 has
The value of is then the difference of these. Thus, curves of the helix relations for the T1 transmission
24 The ratio LA/p in (9) and (10) is the length of one turn measured
2 C(Sxcos
-7r q5 --) (8) in terms of the wavelength on the helical conductor. This ratio times
2ir is the phase length of one turn in radians and will be designated
L,. Thus, from (10) we have Lp =2ir(1 +S\), which indicates that, for
22 The calculated Ee pattern of Fig. 21, footnote reference 2, is a the T1 transmission mode, one turn has a phase length of 27r radians
mirror image along the helix axis of the Ea pattern in Fig. 9. The plus 2irS;,.
image was taken in footnote reference 2 to allow a direct comparison 25 To convert (9) and (11) to radian measure, multiply both sides
between the left-handed helix used in the calculations and the right- by 27r, while to convert to degrees multiply both sides by 360.
handed helix which was measured. 26 W. W. Hansen and J. R. Woodyard, "A new principle in di-
23 S. A. Schelkunoff, "Electromagnetic Waves," D. Van Nostrand rectional antenna design," PROC. I.R.E., vol. 26, pp. 333-345; March
Co., Inc., New York, N. Y., 1943; p. 342. 1938.

z wave (a)

Helix axis
-r re
Fig. 11-Diameter versus spacing chart showing region for funda-
mental axial or beam mode of radiation. conduc or

mode for two cases of the phase-velocity factor p = 1 and

p=0.7. The cross-hatched area indicates the observed Z1- g
region of the fundamental axial or beam mode of radia-
tion Ra. The two curves define quite well the upper and
lower limits of the region. A curve for a higher-order
transmission mode T2 is also shown in Fig. 11 for the
case of p= 1. Z To point P
Returning to a further consideration of the axial Y
radiation mode, we have from (10), substituting also
Lx =wxDx/cos a and Sx = 7rDx tan a,
1 D < ;ire x (c)
p I =S 1

S tan a+ cosc Fig. 12-Relations for analysis of circular-polarization conditions.

or to have a single uniform traveling wave. If the helix is
unrolled in the x-z plane, the relations are as indicated
p= cos a
. (13) in Fig. 12(b). Let point Q on the helix be a distance I
sin a + along the helix from the terminal (point T). It is also
7rDx convenient to specify a cylindrical co-ordinate system
Equation (13) gives the required variation in p for the as in Fig. 12(c), the angular position of Q with respect
fields of each turn of a helix of pitch angle a to add in to the x-z plane being given by 0. From the geometry
phase in the axial direction. in Fig. 12, we have
In a similar way, we can obtain from (11) the required g = I sin a
variation of p for "maximum directivity" as
z- g = zi - I sin a (15)
Lx 1
p I1
1 +-+ Sx
sin a +1
/2n+ 1I ~
cos a
a = arc tan (S/7rD) = arc cos (rO/l)
rO = 1 cos a.
2n 2irDx/
At a large distance z1, the component of the relative
CONDITIONS FOR CIRCULAR POLARIZATION27 electric field intensity in the x direction E. for a helix
In this section, the conditions necessary for circularly of an integral number of turns n is given by
polarized radiation in the direction of the helix axis will r 2rn
be analyzed. The discussion is concerned entirely with Ex = EoJ sin Oeiw(t-zlIc+(lsin a)c-llpc)dO (16)
helices radiating in the axial mode.
Referring to Fig. 12 (a), let us consider a helix of diam- where
eter D = 2r having its axis coincident with the' z axis. Eo=a constant involving the current magnitude on
Expressions will be derived for the electric field at a the helix
point P a large distance z1 in the direction of the axis c = velocity of light in free space (3 X 108 meters/sec-
of a helical antenna, as shown. The antenna is assumed ond)
27 In connection with the analysis in this section, it is a pleasure to t = time in seconds
acknowledge the interest and criticisms of Victor H. Rumsey. w = 27r (frequency)
1949 Kraus: The Helical Antenna 271
p = phase-velocity factor = v/c, where long and k is nearly unity. For this case, the number of
v = phase velocity of wave propagating along helical turns may assume noniintegral values. Hence, the length
conductor. of the helical conductor will be specified as 61 instead of
27rn. Thus, rewriting (18), we have
Using the relations of (15), the last two terms of the
exponent may be re-expressed:
E-x [elei(kI)O -ei(k-1)j]dO (24)
I sin a I rO I \ rob 2j o
_ tan a - 1- (17)
c pc c p cos a/ c which becomes, after integrating, introducing the condi-
where tion k- -1, and the approximation for k + 1 --0 that
ei(k+I)i-l +j(k+l)Oi,
b tana
= a- - El ei(kl)11-1-

p cos a (25)
X- -_ k-1I
For a=0, we have a loop, and b=-1/p. Hence, the
relation being derived may be applied not only to the In a similar fashion, we obtain for the relative electric
general helix case but also the special case of a loop. field intensity component in the y direction, E,:
Since t and z1 are independent of 0, the first two terms of E, ei (k-1)01 1 -I

the exponent may be taken outside the integral. Hence Ey=- jO,+ k 1 (26)
(16) becomes 2j -

2rn If the helix is very long (0>>1), (25) and (26) become
E Eoei(wtt-Azj) sin 6eikGdO (18) very nearly
E101 E101
where Ex= -.i .1 2 and EX,
= (27)
2 2
(3= 2r/X
The ratio of these then gives Er/Ev= -j, which satisfies
k-Irb=Lx (sin a--) (19) the condition for circular polarization. Although these
give the important conditions for circular polarization,
Integrating and introducing limits, we obtain another condition resulting in circular polarization is
obtained when (k 1)O1 = 2wm where m = integer. This
El condition is fulfilled when either the positive or negative
Ex =
k2 -
(ei2rnk - 1) (20) sign in (k 1) is chosen, but not for both. To summarize
the important conditions :28
where (1) The radiation in the axial direction from a helical
E= Eoei(It-zlz). antenna of any pitch angle (O<a<900) and of an in-
tegral number of one or more turns will be circularly
The expression for the relative electric field intensity polarized if k = 1.
in the y direction Ev is identical to (20) except that it (2) The radiation in the axial direction from a helical
has cos 0 instead of sin 0. From this we obtain antenna of any pitch angle (0 <a< 90) and a large num-
Elk ber of turns, which are not necessarily an integral num-
(e j2rnk -1) (21) ber, is nearly circularly polarized if k is nearly 1.
j(k2-1) Let us now investigate the significance of the require-
For circular polarization on the axis, the required condi- ment that k = 1. Referring to (19), k is negative in
tion is the case of interest, since sin a <. 1 and 1/p 1. Thus, for
k= -1 we have
_= + j. (22)
Ey Lx (sin a - = -1
Taking the ratio of Et to Ey as given by (20) and (21), or p
we get Lix Lx
Ex Lx sin az+ I SA + I
EX k If p =1, the circular, polarization condition is La-S = 1
or L-S=X. This was first pointed out in footnote refer-
Hence, for circular polarization on the axis of a helix of ence 1. The relation for p in (28) is identical with the
an integral number of turns (n =1, 2, 3, ), k must-

equal 1. 28 A single, traveling wave (1 in Fig. 8) is assumed on the helix

However, as will be shown, nearly circular polariza- and the effect of the reflected wave (2 in Fig. 8) is neglected. The
effect of the reflected wave on the axial ratio is discussed in fQotnote
tion may be obtained provided only that the helix is reference 2, p. 91.
value of p required for the fields of each turn of a helix helix by noting the close agreement of measured field
to add in phase in the axial direction as given by (13).29 patterns with array-factor patterns calculated with this
value of p and the poor agreement when other values of
Several expressions for the required phase-velocity SINGLE-TURN PATTERN
factor p have been derived corresponding to different The pattern of a single turn is an important factor in
conditions. These are summarized for the T, transmis- determining the pattern of short helices. In the case of
sion mode in Table II. Two of the expressions are iden- long helices, the array factor is relatively more impor-
tical, namely, for circular polarization (C.P.), and in- tant, and is usually sufficient to give the approximate
phase fields from each turn. In Table II, 4o is the value main-lobe pattern of the helix. However, it is neverthe-
of 4 at the first null in the radiation pattern, and 4'o is the less necessary that the direction of maximum radiation
value of ^,t at the first null in the array factor. from a single turn be approximately in the axial direc-
TABLE II tion. Accordingly, it is of interest to investigate briefly
the form of the single-turn pattern of helical antennas
Condition Required Phase-Velocity Factor p radiating in the axial mode. Referring to the preceding
(1) and (2) C.P. and in- La I sections, the condition k -1 also results in the single-
phase fields p= =- turn pattern maximum being nearly in the axial direc-
Sx++ Cos a tion. This follows from the fact that when is small the
sin a+ a

7rDX length of a turn is nearly one wavelength, so that the

L> 1 instantaneous current directions on a single turn are as
(3) Maximum directivity p =- shown in Fig. 14(a). If is small, this is approximately

2n+1 \cos a
1 equivalent at one instant of time to a broadside array of
SX+1+- sin a-+-(
2n 2n / rDX two short dipoles spaced by about the diameter of the
(4) From first null of L4 helix, as in Fig. 14(b). Since the dipoles are in phase,
measured pattern30 p= the maximum radiation is normal to their plane or in
Po the axial direction. The pattern is also very broad in the
SX\ Cos 4s+1+
2ir axial direction, as indicated. With passage of time, these
equivalent dipoles rotate around the axis, yielding cir-
Curves calculated by the three different methods of cular polarization. If is not small, then it becomes nec-

Table II are compared in Fig. 13 with the measured varia- essary to approximate the single turn of the helix by a
tion of the phase velocity as a function of frequency on a square turn with four short linear segments, as was done
seven-turn 120 helix.31 All curves are in general agree- in the pattern calculations of footnote reference 2. A
ment in the region in which p increases with frequency.32 square turn is suggested by the perspective sketch in Fig
In Fig. 13, 300 Mc corresponds to a helix circumference 14(c). Since the wave on the helix is, to a good approxi-
of 0.72 free-space wavelengths and 500 Mc to a helix mation a single, traveling wave, the radiation maximum
circumference of 1.2 free-space wavelengths. It can be is tilted forward from the normal to the conductor. As
effectively demonstrated that p for "maximum directiv- shown in footnote reference 2, it turns out that the tilt
ity" is most probably the one actually occurring on the angle of the radiation maximum for a short segment

(Dr.0.3X) is of the order of 100. When a=r, the radia-

Circular polarization and fields in phase7 tion maximum for each segment is in the axial direction
lCL1,0 Maximum directivity
Measured p
/ (Fig. 14(d)). Adding the fields of the segments gives the
single-turn pattern.

- - --c--Calculated
from measured \Rotation direction
>, .8
- pattern nulls Wave direction
8 .6
300 350 400 450 500 (a)
Frequency in megacycles/sec. ZtCXjS
Axis (b)
Fig. 13-Comparison of variation of measured phase-velocity factor current \\Axis
(p =v/c) with frequency on a seven-turn 12 helix with the calcu- directions

lated variation for several conditions.

29 The condition was expressed in equation (1) of footnote refer-
ence 1 as L-S=nX where n corresponds to m in the present paper.
Two corrections to footnote reference 1 are that n may be any integer,
not merely an odd integer, and the same condition is not for maximum
directivity but for the fields from each turn to add in phase. (c) (d)
30 See p. 96 of footnote reference 2.
31 This is the same helix as shown in Fig. 5 of footnote reference
2, D=23 cm.
10 The agreement of the measured velocity factor with p for maxi-
mum directivity is better than with p for in-phase fields. Fig. 14-Relations for discussion on pattern of single turn.

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