Design of Attitude Control Systems For CubeSat-Class Nanosatellite
Design of Attitude Control Systems For CubeSat-Class Nanosatellite
Design of Attitude Control Systems For CubeSat-Class Nanosatellite
Research Article
Design of Attitude Control Systems for
CubeSat-Class Nanosatellite
Copyright 2013 Junquan Li et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License,
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
We present a satellite attitude control system design using low-cost hardware and software for a 1U CubeSat. The attitude control
system architecture is a crucial subsystem for any satellite mission since precise pointing is often required to meet mission objectives.
The accuracy and precision requirements are even more challenging for small satellites where limited volume, mass, and power are
available for the attitude control system hardware. In this proposed embedded attitude control system design for a 1U CubeSat,
pointing is obtained through a two-stage approach involving coarse and fine control modes. Fine control is achieved through the
use of three reaction wheels or three magnetorquers and one reaction wheel along the pitch axis. Significant design work has been
conducted to realize the proposed architecture. In this paper, we present an overview of the embedded attitude control system
design; the verification results from numerical simulation studies to demonstrate the performance of a CubeSat-class nanosatellite;
and a series of air-bearing verification tests on nanosatellite attitude control system hardware that compares the performance of the
proposed nonlinear controller with a proportional-integral-derivative controller.
Reaction wheel The power and mass constraints were applied using (1),
and a power value was estimated as the lesser of 0.2 W and the
power dissipation was achieved at the maximum current for
the wire
Magnetorquer 2 = ,
4 [ln ( / ) 1]
= 2
, (2)
( / ) 4 ln ( / )
= [1 + ].
2 1 + ( 1)
Figure 1: ACS (CubeSat-class nanosatellite with three reaction
wheels and three torque rods). Using (2) from the well-known solenoid equation and
the relations derived in [12], where is the demagnetizing
factor, a parametric analysis of the effect of core length and
2. CubeSat ACS Hardware core radius on magnetic dipole moment, , was used to
determine the optimal length and radius of the core material,
2.1. Attitude Sensors. Attitude magnetic sensor hardware in given the wire thickness and corresponding length to satisfy
the current study consists of a Honeywell HMC5883L three- the power and dipole moment requirements. Figure 3 illus-
axis MEMS magnetometer for magnetic field measurements. trates the effect of core sizing on generated magnetic moment.
Angular rate information is obtained in three axes from three The number of turns is implicitly determined, as the dipole
orthogonally mounted Analog Devices ADXRS614 MEMS moment of the torque rod is independent of the number of
gyroscopes. The attitude control system is managed by an turns of wire, and the core radius is also constrained to sizes
AT91SAM9260 32-bit ARM9 microcontroller that runs that are commercially available.
embedded Linux, with 32 MB SRAM, and 256 MB NAND To maximize the field generated with the dimensions
Flash attached for volatile and nonvolatile storage. All pro- while satisfying the design constraints, a prototype magnetor-
gramming of control algorithms is accomplished in the C quer was designed with 70 mm long permalloy core and
language using the GNU C compiler for the ARM processor. 36 AWG wire to provide a maximum load power of 200 mW
The system is designed for power-efficient operation because at 4.2 V. The design parameters of the constructed torque rods
there is typically less than 3 W generated from the photovol- are shown in Table 1.
taics on a typical 1U CubeSat in low-earth orbit, and a battery In order to precisely wind 36 AWG wires around a core,
must be used during eclipse periods. a coil winding machine was designed and assembled using
stepper motors and L298 H-bridge drivers controlled by an
2.2. Magnetorquer Design. Magnetic torque coils, also ATMega644P microcontroller. A permalloy core is rotated by
referred to as magnetorquers, in CubeSat-class nanosatellites one motor, while another positions a plastic feeder guide from
provide baseline control in many small satellites. They are the wire spool. The winder, shown with a completed torque
commercially available in two typical configurations: in loose rod in Figure 4, allows a torque rod to be automatically wound
coils of flat-wound wire and in tightly wound coils around by setting the number of turns required, length of the core,
a permalloy rod. The rod configuration is often preferred and thickness of the wire, which determines the ratio of wind-
because of its compactness and rigidity and the use of high- ing speed to feeder speed.
permeability, , materials for the core. To meet the mass and
power requirements of a nanosatellite, a maximum mass, , 2.3. Reaction Wheel Design. Pointing and slew maneuvering
of 30 g and a conservative maximum power draw, , of 0.2 W of satellites are often accomplished by a motorized rotating
were set, and a typical maximum supply voltage, , between mass such as a reaction wheel and momentum wheel, which
3.7 V and 4.2 V was assumed to avoid having to step up provide maneuvering torque and momentum storage [8].
voltage on power components. After combining the power Reaction wheels can provide a high degree of attitude control
and mass equations (1), where is resistance, is the accuracy with the limitation that the wheel may reach satura-
resistivity of the wire, and is the density, and solving for the tion after continued use, requiring an additional momentum
core radius, , and length, , control method such as magnetorquers to desaturate the
wheel in a process known as momentum dumping.
2 Each of the reaction wheels in the proposed ACS system
= , consists of a steel cylinder that is press-fitted to the shaft of a
Faulhaber brushless flat micromotor. Design choices for the
(1) motor were limited to inexpensive commercial motors with
= ,
low-power consumption, and the reaction wheels were sized
to provide maximum momentum storage given the mass and
= 2 + 2 . volume constraints of a 1U CubeSat. Three reaction wheels
Journal of Control Science and Engineering 3
Reaction wheel
Torque rod
Magnetometer Microcontroller
(HMC5883L) (AT91SAM9G20)
Coarse sun
Rate sensors sensors
8 3
0.05 4 5 6 10 3200 3-axis MEMS rate gyroscope available on the OBC I2 C
2 3 d ius
Core ra bus. Primary rate sensing for attitude control is accomplished
Figure 3: Magnetorquer sizing surface. by three independent ADXRS614 rate gyro units oriented
on orthogonal axes by means of right-angle IC sockets and
connected to the first three ADC channels on the OBC. This
Table 1: Magnetorquer parameters. allows accurate high-speed sampling of rotation rates for use
by the attitude controller. To drive the magnetorquers, three
Parameter Value Unit
BD6212 integrated H-bridges are used, controlled by three
Maximum dipole moment 0.37 A m2 PWM channels from the OBC and three general purpose IO
Total mass 28 g pins for current direction control. To allow one PWM signal
Number of turns 6063
and one direction pin to control each H-bridge, the inputs are
Core diameter 5.7 mm
demultiplexed by a SN74LVC1G8 tristate output demulti-
Wire diameter 0.127 mm
plexer and pull-up resistors. In full operation, the board
Wire resistance 121
draws up to 100 mW of power on average, though compo-
Maximum current 34.7 mA
nents can be shut down as needed to conserve power if not in
can be used in the ACS if maximum control authority is
required. Table 2 shows the design parameters of the reaction 3. System Models
wheels used on the proposed ACS [13]. A completed reaction
wheel assembly is shown in Figure 5. 3.1. Attitude Equations of Motions. In this section, the satellite
is modelled as a rigid body with actuators that provide tor-
ques about three mutually perpendicular axes that defines a
2.4. Electronic Integration of ACS Components. To control the body-fixed frame. The equations of motion [14, 15] are given
reaction wheel and magnetorquers hardware and house the by
attitude sensors and actuator drivers, a printed circuit board
(PCB) was fabricated, shown in Figure 6. The board stacks = ( + ) + + + , (3)
with existing PC/104 sized on-board computer (OBC) hard-
ware and provides both I/O breakout and power supplies where = (1 2 3 ) is the angular velocity of the satellite
for the ACS hardware. It contains 3.3 V and 5 V switching expressed in the body frame. is the inertia matrix of the
supplies for the ACS sensors, as well as external interfaces for satellite. is the inertia matrix of the reaction wheel and
a battery and radio to be used specifically for air-bearing = . is the layout matrix of the reaction
4 Journal of Control Science and Engineering
wheels whose columns represent the influence of each wheel Figure 6: ACS sensor and actuator board.
on the angular acceleration of the satellite. is the velocity of
a reaction wheel, is the torque control provided by the reac- In terms of Euler angles, we can also express the satellite
tion wheel, is the torque control provided by the magne- attitude as
torquers, and is the bounded external disturbance, which 1 sin () tan () cos () tan ()
is a sum of the gravity gradient gravity , aerodynamic aero , and [ ]
[ sin () ]
solar radiation pressure solar disturbances. [ ] = [0 cos () ] , (5)
The gravity gradient disturbance is gravity = [ ]
[ cos () ]
2 [ ] 0 sin ( )
3 /3 , where is the gravitational parameter of the [ cos () cos () ]
Earth, is the semimajor axis of the orbit, and is the
where is the roll angle about the -axis, is the pitch angle
direction cosine matrix in terms of quaternions.
about the -axis, and is the yaw about the -axis.
The aerodynamic disturbance is aero = /2V2 ,
where is the coefficient of drag for a flat plate, is the
cross-sectional area causing aerodynamic drag, V is the satel- 3.3. Sensor Models. Magnetic field vectors are obtained in the
lite velocity, is the distance between the centre of pressure orbit reference frame
and the centre of gravity, and is the atmospheric density
related to the altitude. 1 =
The solar radiation pressure disturbance is solar =
/ (1 + ), where is the solar constant at the Earths [cos (0 ) (cos () sin () sin () cos () cos ( ))
orbital distance from the Sun, is the speed of light, is the
illuminated surface area, and is the surface reflectance. sin (0 ) sin () sin ( )] ,
2 = [(cos () cos () + sin () sin () cos ( ))] ,
3.2. Attitude Kinematics. The satellite attitude kinematics is 03
represented using quaternions 3
3 = 3
1 4 33 + 1
= ( ) () , (4) [sin (0 ) (cos () sin () sin () cos () cos ( ))
2 2
2 sin (0 ) sin () sin ( )] ,
where = ( , 4 ) = (1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ) .
Journal of Control Science and Engineering 5
where 0 is the angular velocity of the orbit with respect to the the combined actuators has been compared with three reac-
inertial frame, 0 is the distance from the center of the satellite tion wheels-based attitude control in the references [18, 19].
to the center of the Earth, is the orbit inclination, is the Classical sliding mode control has also been used for mag-
magnetic dipole tilt, is the spin rate of the Earth, and is netic actuated spacecraft [20, 21]. However, the proposed
the magnetic dipole moment of the Earth. The magnetometer nonlinear adaptive fuzzy sliding mode control law has never
model is been used in magnetic attitude control.
To address the attitude tracking problem, the attitude
= [2 ] + + , (7) tracking error = ( , 4 ) is defined as the relative orienta-
[3 ]
tion between the body frame and the desired frame with
orientation = ( , 4 ) . In order to apply the proposed
where is the direction cosine matrix in terms of quater-
nonlinear controller, the equations of motion are rewritten as
nions, is the zero mean Gaussian white noise of the
magnetometer, is the vector formed with the components of = ( , ) + + + . (10)
the Earths magnetic field in the body frame of the reference,
and = [ 2 ]. is the magnetometer bias. The adaptive fuzzy sliding mode magnetic control law is
3 given by
The angular velocity is measured from three rate gyro-
scopes. The model is given by 3
= 1 2 tanh ( ), (11)
= + + ,
(8) = , (12)
= + ,
ap = 2 , (13)
where is the output of a gyroscope and is the real angular
rate of the gyro. and are Gaussian white noise. is the
= ap 2 . (14)
random drift of the gyro and is the drift constant.
Here, = are the torques generated by the magne-
3.4. Actuator Models. Reaction wheels are widely used to per-
torquers, is the vector of magnetic dipoles for the three
form precise satellite attitude maneuvers because they allow
magnetorquers, and is the vector formed with the compo-
continuous and smooth control of internal torques. Torques
nents of the Earths magnetic field in the body frame of the
are produced on the satellite by accelerating or decelerating
reference. = + is the sliding surface. and are the
the reaction wheels. Let the torque demanded by the satellite
adaptive parameters and fuzzy weight functions generated
be denoted as , where = ( + ).
The input voltage
by the fuzzy logic systems [22], and , 1 , 2 , , , are
required to control the actuator dynamics of the reaction
positive constants used for tuning the control response.
wheel can be written as
= 1 ( ) , (9) Remark 1. AFSMC controller design details can be found
in the authors previous papers [11]. The design includes: (1)
where is the motor torque constant, is the back-EMF Sliding surface design [22] and (2) fuzzy logic system design
constant, is the armature resistance, and friction in the [22].
reaction wheels is ignored. The maximum voltage of the reac-
tion wheel is 4.2 V, and a dead zone for the reaction wheel is
estimated to be below 1 V. is 0.0082, is 0.007, is 0.5, and 4.2. Simulation Results. The attitude detumbling and attitude
the moment of inertia of the reaction wheel is 0.0001 kg m2 . stabilization phases are considered in the ACS simulation.
The B-dot algorithm, PD magnetic control law, and adaptive
fuzzy sliding mode magnetic control law are used for the
4. Control Law Design and Simulation Results two phases, respectively. We note that the orbit used for the
present simulation study is a 500 km circular orbit with 45
4.1. Satellite Attitude Control Laws. Magnetic control has inclination. At this altitude, the total disturbance torque for
been used over many years [16, 17] for small spacecraft atti- 1U CubeSats is estimated to be on the order of 5 107 Nm.
tude control. The main drawback of magnetic control is that This is intended to be a slight overestimation to include a
magnetic torque is two-dimensional and it is only present in safety margin.
the plane perpendicular to the magnetic field vector [18]. The
accuracy of satellite attitude control systems (ACS) using only 4.2.1. Detumbling Mode and Stabilization Mode
magnetic actuators is known to be accurate on the order of
0.40.5 degree [18]. The satellite cannot be controlled pre- Scenario 1. In the initial stage of ACS control, the angular
cisely in three-dimensional space using only magnetorquers velocities of the satellite are assumed to be 0.169 rad/s as a
[18], but the combination of magnetorquers with one reaction result of separation from the launch vehicle. The ACS damps
wheel expands the two-dimensional control torque possi- the angular rate by controlling three magnetorquers. The
bilities to be three-dimensional. The attitude accuracy of control logic generally used for detumbling is called B-dot
6 Journal of Control Science and Engineering
Magnetic dipole: 0.1 Am2 B-dot control Magnetic dipole: 0.1 Am2 B-dot control
200 106
150 100
0 1
50 2 0
3 2
150 4
0 0.1 0.2
200 5
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2
Time (orbits) Time (orbits)
Roll (deg) 1
Pitch (deg) 2
Yaw (deg) 3
(a) (b)
Magnetic dipole: 0.1 Am2 B-dot control
Magnetic dipole: 0.1 Am B-dot control
0.18 0.08
0.16 0.06
Angular velocity tracking error (rad/s)
0.15 0.02
0.1 0
0.08 0.1
0.05 0.02
0.06 0.05
0 0.04 0
0.02 0.05 0.06 0.05
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2
0 0.08 0.1
0 0.1 0.2
0.02 0.1
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 0 0.5 1 1.5 2
Time (orbits) Time (orbits)
(c) (d)
control [1], as it makes use of the derivative of the magnetic after 1 orbit, the angular velocities are reduced to the required
field . For a CubeSat with moment of inertia = rates before continuing with other ACS tasks.
diag(0.002, 0.002, 0.002) kg m2 , we include the external dis-
turbances (aerodynamic, gravity gradient, and solar pres- Scenario 2. Now, we consider a CubeSat with the same
sure), set the desired quaternion to be (0, 0, 0, 1), set the moment of inertia and orbit and assume the magnetic dipole
initial quaternion to be (0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.9849), and assume maximum of the magnetorquer to be 0.4 Am2 with a magne-
the magnetic dipole maximum of the rods to be 0.1 Am2 . The tometer sensor bias calculated by 20 104 rand(1). Pro-
Euler angle tracking errors, angular velocity tracking errors, portional-derivative (PD) magnetic control [23] laws (shown
and magnetic torquers, magnetic dipoles results are shown in in (15)) are used in this simulation and the results over 6 orbits
Figure 7. The satellite starts at the selected tip-off rate, and, are shown in Figure 8. During the first three orbits, three
Journal of Control Science and Engineering 7
(a) (b)
Magnetic moment 10 Body frame
0.4 3
Magnetic dipole (Am2 )
magnetorquers are used for the detumbling mode. In the slew angle target for limb and nadir pointing. The configura-
second three orbits, three magnetorquers and one reaction tion with three magnetorquers and one flywheel [24] has been
wheel are used for the stable mode. The attitude control used for many years. In a real nanosatellite mission, hardware
accuracy is less than 0.02 degree while using the PD magnetic failures of the reaction wheels are very common [19]. When
control laws there are two wheel failures, the ACS can be switched from
using three reaction wheels to three magnetorquers and one
= , reaction wheel, and attitude control accuracy maintained
= 1 , (15) using this method. The adaptive fuzzy sliding mode magnetic
control laws are shown in (11)(14). The attitude control
= 1 + 2 .
accuracy using the nonlinear adaptive fuzzy sliding mode
control law will be more robust to the external disturbances
4.2.2. Attitude Stabilization Mode: Nadir and Limb Pointing than using the PD magnetic control law in (15).
with Three Magnetorquers and One Pitch Reaction Wheel.
Next, we consider the second stage of nanosatellite control Scenario 3. An ACS using one reaction wheel and three
with a low initial angular velocity after detumbling and large magnetorquers as actuators for limb pointing with the desired
8 Journal of Control Science and Engineering
1 (Am2 )
30 0.1
20 0.05
10 0.05
20 0.1
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Time (orbits) Time (orbits)
(a) (b)
Magnetic moment y-axis Magnetic moment z-axis
0.3 0.05
0.2 0
0.1 0.05
3 (Am2 )
2 (Am2 )
0.1 0.15
0.2 0.2
0.3 0.25
0.4 0.3
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5
Time (orbits) Time (orbits)
(c) (d)
100 0.8
Wheel speed (rad/s)
Wheel voltage (V)
40 0
20 0.2
20 0.8
40 1
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Time (orbits) Time (orbits)
(e) (f)
Figure 9: Scenario 3 limb pointing control results using one reaction wheel and three magnetorquers.
quaternion set to (0, 0.5736, 0, 0.8192) is examined using magnetorquers, attitude tracking errors, wheel speed, and
AFSMC over 10 orbits. The wheel dead zone is not consid- wheel voltage are shown in Figure 9.
ered here. The initial quaternion is (0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.9849)
and initial angular velocity is (0.0169, 0.0169, 0.0169) rad/s. Scenario 4. An ACS using one reaction wheel and three mag-
Considering only the pitch reaction wheel is available, the netorquers as actuators for nadir pointing with the desired
numerical simulations demonstrate that the proposed tech- quaternion that is set to (0, 0, 0, 1) is examined using AFSMC
nique achieves a high pointing accuracy (<0.09 degree) over 10 orbits. The wheel dead zone is assumed to be 1.0 V.
for small satellites. The magnetic dipoles from the three The initial quaternion is (0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.9849) and initial
Journal of Control Science and Engineering 9
30 0.25
1 (Am2 )
10 0
20 0.05
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Time (orbits) Time (orbits)
(a) (b)
Magnetic moment y-axis Magnetic moment z-axis
0.3 0.05
0.2 0
0.1 0.05
2 (Am2 )
3 (Am2 )
0.1 0.15
0.2 0.2
0.3 0.25
0.4 0.3
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Time (orbits) Time (orbits)
(c) (d)
0 0.1
Wheel speed (rad/s)
20 0.4
40 0.7
60 1
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Time (orbits) Time (orbits)
(e) (f)
Figure 10: Scenario 4 nadir pointing control results using one reaction wheel and three magnetorquers.
angular velocity is (0.0169, 0.0169, 0.0169) rad/s. The pitch 4.2.3. Attitude Stabilization Mode: Nadir Pointing with
reaction wheel and three magnetorquers are used. These sim- Three Reaction Wheels
ulations demonstrate that the proposed technique can also
achieve high accuracy (<0.09 degree with all disturbances) Scenario 5. An ACS using three reaction wheels as actua-
pointing control for small satellites. The magnetic dipoles tors for nadir pointing with the desired quaternion set to
of the three magnetorquers, attitude tracking errors, wheel (0, 0, 0, 1) is examined using AFSMC over 0.1 orbits. The
speed, and wheel voltage are shown in Figure 10. It takes about wheel dead zone is assumed to be 1.0 V. The initial quater-
40 orbits for the wheel speed to increase from 0 to 2000 rpm nion is (0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.9849) and initial angular velocity
(209 rad/s). is (0.0169, 0.0169, 0.0169) rad/s. This configuration can also
10 Journal of Control Science and Engineering
10 5
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 3
Angle (deg)
5 4
10 2
0.13 0.132 0.134 0.136 0.138 0.14
0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09 0.1
Time (orbits)
Figure 11: Scenario 5 nadir pointing control results using three wheels: Euler angle tracking errors.
0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 0.14 0.16
Time (orbits)
Figure 13: Scenario 5 nadir pointing control results using three wheels: wheel speed.
Wheel voltage (V)
0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 0.14 0.16
Time (orbits)
Figure 14: Scenario 5 nadir pointing control results using three wheels: wheel voltage.
80 1
Error (deg)
20 5
0 50 100 150 200 0 50 100 150 200
Time (s) Time (s)
Roll Roll
Pitch Pitch
Yaw Yaw
(a) (b)
AFSMC wheel voltage AFSMC wheel speed
3 1500
2 1000
Wheel speed (rad/s)
Wheel voltage (V)
3 2000
4 2500
5 3000
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200
Time (s) Time (s)
Roll Roll
Pitch Pitch
Yaw Yaw
(c) (d)
Table 3: PID controller parameters for air bearing testing. Table 4: AFSMC controller parameters for air bearing testing.
80 0.5
60 0
Torque fraction
Error (deg)
40 0.5
20 1
0 1.5
20 2
0 50 100 150 200 0 50 100 150 200
Time (s) Time (s)
Roll Roll
Pitch Pitch
Yaw Yaw
(a) (b)
PID wheel voltage PID wheel speed
2 500
1 0
Wheel voltage (V)
Wheel speed (rad/s)
4 2000
5 2500
0 50 100 150 0 50 100 150
Time (s) Time (s)
Roll Roll
Pitch Pitch
Yaw Yaw
(c) (d)
normal in size, is considered to be present about the and to predict the performance of pure and hybrid magnetic
rotational axes. Compared to the PID controller, the AFSMC control as the Earths magnetic field present in the test facility
controller uses nearly the same gain and has much better is constant and invariant with many sources of additional
tracking performance under these conditions. magnetic noise. The next step in the development of a
complete ACS test facility is the addition of a Helmholtz cage
for magnetic control tests. The magnetic cage and the air-
6. Future Work bearing system in the lab are shown in Figure 18 and are
presently being prepared for air-bearing magnetic control
While the ground test demonstrates the effective and promis- testing. Future work will demonstrate the effectiveness of
ing control accuracy of the proposed ACS design, it is difficult magnetic control in further ground testing.
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