Jurisprudential Appraisal of Law and Justice in Crime of Honour Killings in India
Jurisprudential Appraisal of Law and Justice in Crime of Honour Killings in India
Jurisprudential Appraisal of Law and Justice in Crime of Honour Killings in India
Indian cultures are very deep rooted. Many young people in India have been to death every year
owing to 'Honour Killings'. It is because honour killings are based on the belief, deeply rooted in
Indian cultures, which consider the women as objects and commodities, and not as human beings
endowed with dignity and rights. Most honour killings occur in countries like India where the
concept of Women is considered as a vessel of the familys reputation. While honor killings have
elicited considerable attention and outrage, the jurists and human rights activists argue that it is a
matter of great concern and they should be regarded as part of a much larger problem of violence
against women. Numbers of women are murdered by their families each year in the name of family
"honor." It is difficult to get precise numbers on the phenomenon of honor killing; the murders
frequently go unreported, the perpetrators goes unpunished, and the concept of familys honour
justifies the act in the eyes of some societies. Officials often claim that nothing can be done to halt
the practice because the concept of women's rights is not culturally relevant to deeply patriarchal
societies. There is no specific law in India to cover this crime. This paper is an attempt to analyze
the jurisprudential aspects of the crime of honour killings in India, and some suggestions have also
been made to tackle this menace of society.
Caste system has been the basic institution of the Hindu society for the last over four thousand
years. In olden times, Indian society was a victim of various evils, one of which was caste system.
It is said that the caste system was designed with an objective of dividing the society into four
distinct groups depending on the kind of work they were involved in and each of these Hindu caste
groups has been having many castes and subcastes. These sub-castes have their own customary
codes of conduct followed by the members very religiously. They are so rigid in nature that their
violations may result into boycott by the whole society of which the violator belongs. Same is the
case with the marriages taking place between couples of different caste groups. If inter-caste
marriages take place it becomes a customary violation for which innocent couple are forced to pay
for the same by death by their own fellow members/relatives or by the clan councils i.e. Khap
Panchayats. To be young and in love has proved fatal for many young girls and boys in parts of
north India recently as an intolerant and bigoted society refuses to accept any such kind of
violation. The Khap Panchayats of Haryana have once again been catapulted to the headlines in
the print and electronic media after the conviction by the additional sessions Judge, karnal of a
Khap leader Ganga Raj and four others involved in the killing of Manoj and Babli for marrying
against its wishes with death. The question here arises: Who gave them the right to kill in the name
of honour? So doesnt the activity of Khap Panchayat seem like a violation of fundamental rights
vested with a person under article 21 of Indian constitution? Why these activities of Khap
Panchayats arent restricted by court of law? Inspite of law being in existence occurrence of these
kind of brutal murders in the name of honour killing shows that the law hasnt served its own
purpose. So this again gives rise to question that whether a specific law is necessary to control this
kind of barbaric activity in the name of societys honour1.
This research paper is an attempt to analyse the repercussions of honour killings, its power source,
how the Indian Law perceives Honour killing, how the government is taking vital actions to
suppress the act of honour killing, whether government has succeeded in that effort, what is the
perspective of Indian judiciary in this aspect and to find out whether there is a true need for specific
law against honour killing crimes2.
The Tribune, 28th March 2010
Indian society: structure and change, pp 360
Caste As Defined By Kelkar3:
The caste is a closed group whose membership is determined by ones birth in it, one dies in the
same caste. According to Kelker, A caste is a social group having two characteristics- (1)
Membership is confined to those born of members and includes all persons as such born. (2) The
members are forbidden by an inexorable (i.e. which cannot be excused) social law to marry outside
the group. The Indian culture and society has still not been able to get rid of its caste system.
Young couples belonging to different castes and religions find it very difficult to marry each other
due to the protests from their families. Inter caste marriages are still seen as the blemish for the
family and if the girl holds a modern outlook, she is treated as a rebel in the family. It was hoped
that the pronouncement of capital punishment by the Sessions court of Karnal in Haryana to five
accused and life term for two would act as a deterrent yet the Khap panchayats remain as defiant
as ever4. Honour killing of the couples who marry within the same gotra are being reported with
sickening regularity from national capital regions, adjoining states of Haryana, Punjab, and U.P.
The NCW (National Commission for Women) has correctly described such killings as Horror
killings as no honour is involved in this brutal act5, in fact this can be termed as murder and nothing
less than an offence under sections 302 read with 34 or 149 of the Indian Penal Code.
Ibid , pp 258
In editorial, The Tribune, 15th April 2010
Honour in horror? , The Sunday Statesman, 1 st Aug 2010
c. Engaging in certain sexual acts, including those with the opposite or same sex. Honour killing
is the outcome of a clash between tradition and modernity. The traditional norms of the society are
being challenged by the younger generation who want to take their own decisions and prefer to be
not shackled by the values of the past. The increasing independence of women is threatening the
patriarchal society which considers women as the property of the caste and the community. And
womens chastity is viewed as an honour of the community. This honour is directly linked to their
conformity to traditional and restrictive roles. The United Population Fund (UPF) estimates that
the annual honour killing victims the world over may be as high as 50007. However, these figures
may be the tip of the iceberg. They do not reveal the magnitude of the problem. In Pakistan, over
the span of six years (1999 -2004)8, 4000 women became victims of this barbaric practice. Despite
widespread condemnation by Human Rights groups, Pakistani society tends to support honour
The Sunday Statesman, 1 Aug 2010
The Hindu, Aug 6,2010, p 11
objective to provide a special form of marriage for the people of India and all Indian nationals in
foreign countries, irrespective of the religion or faith followed by either party.
But the only criterion which falls in this enactment is that both the parties should not be within the
degrees of prohibited relationship; provided where a custom governing at least one of the parties
permits of a marriage between them, such marriage may be solemnized, notwithstanding that they
are within the degrees of prohibited relationships. But apart from this, caste still remains one of
the most important factors governing the lives of many people in some parts of India. The huge
number of honour killings that sometimes go unrecorded happen because of inter caste marriages.
India's social system is based on a caste hierarchy but over the years people living in the cities
have come out of the rigid caste framework. There has been an increase in the number of inter-
caste marriages between couples in the cities. But somehow the laws never seem to reach the
villages, and they continue to function on their own belief system in utter disregard of the related
laws. The problem in the villages is the strong presence of a panchayat or informal court that
consists of members of the same caste and which decides all matters relating to their community.
This informal 'court' passes judgment on issues of marital disagreements and land disputes, water
disputes and so on. Many times, villagers give more importance to judgments passed by this self-
appointed court than the judgments passed by the legal courts. In many villages, the leader of the
self-appointed court has so much power that the police are kept away from village politics. On
many occasions parents kill and dump the bodies of their children in the name of honour and the
police do not care even if the matter comes to their knowledge. This is why there are so many
unrecorded deaths.
The Union Government Ready for Tough Law against Khap Panchayats
Alarmed by sharp increase in the incidents of honour killing, the Union government intends to
bring a law on the matter in the current parliament session itself and has decided to amend the
Special Marriage Act to abolish 30 days notice period so as to protect the lives of the young
couples who dare to go for inter-caste or inter religion marriage against the wishes of their family
members. During the notice period of 30 days, family members who are opposed to such marriages
use all types of tactics to stop the marriage and they even go to the extent of murdering the defiant
boy or girl. The present procedure of getting a marriage registered is quite a long process. The
complete process takes 45 days. During this period the couple gets vulnerable. So the steps need
to be taken to simplify and expedite registration process. On the other hand, Khap panchayats have
been demanding amendment in the Hindu Marriage Act to declare same gotra marriages illegal
but the government has refused to abide by the demand of this Khap panchayat. According to the
Home Minister P. Chidambaram, honour killings are bringing dishonour to the families, the
community and the country10. The government on the other hand is ready with another bill
providing stringent punishment for those indulging in honour killing and making it specific offence
under the Indian Penal Code, and the entire Khap panchayat ordering such killings would also be
prosecuted for the abetment of the crime and the onus will be on the accused to prove his or her
innocence while normally the onus is on the state to prove the guilt of the accused. The proposed
law would identify the crime and punish the offender, whether an individual or group. The draft
bill which is to be submitted in the parliament would define what constituted honour killings and
would cover the cases of women being forced to strip in public and people being ostracised from
The Hindu , Centre promises law on Honour killings Aug 06, p 11
In sec 300 of IPC, the government is planning to introduce honour killings as the fifth clause11,
which at present defines murder under the four categories. The proposed fifth clause says,
"If it is done by any person or persons acting in concert with, or at the behest of, a member of
the family or a member of a body or group of the caste or clan or community or caste panchayat
(by whatever name called) in the belief that the victim has brought dishonour or perceived to have
brought dishonour upon the family or caste or clan or community or caste panchayats."In the
explanations given for the clause, the proposal says that "dishonour" and "perceived to have
brought dishonour" will include "acts of any person adopting a dress code which is unacceptable
to his or her family or caste or clan or community or caste panchayat". The murders for choosing
to marry within or outside the 'gotra' (sub-caste) or caste or clan or community against the wishes
of one's family or caste or clan or community will also come under the ambit of the honour killings.
Killing somebody for engaging in sexual relations which are unacceptable to the community or
caste panchayat or family will also fall under it. Externment of a person in the belief that he or she
has brought dishonour will also be punished with imprisonment of either description for a term
which may extend to two years or with fine or with both. On the point that who all come under the
ambit of honour killings, the draft suggests that all members of a body or group of caste or clan or
community or caste panchayat, ordering or abetting the commission of murder will be deemed
guilty of having committed the murder and that would make it liable for the maximum penalty i.e.
death sentence. So the only issue remains here is that how much time this proposed draft takes to
become a law so as to extirpate the very menace of honour killings. Under the prevailing law such
motive and result in honour killings due to the suicide committed by lovers because of threats or
importunate stiff resistance from their families are the same as murder12. However, the Courts of
law have started granting capital punishment as the offence of honour killing is none else than
murder and becomes rarest of the rare case or life imprisonment to other accomplices on the basis
of quantum of guilt if it is a case of honour killing under sec 302 IPC. In the jurisprudential
spectacle of the inhuman practices of honour killings, I would like to draw the attention to some
of the thoughts of noted criminal law jurists and other theorists:
Section 306 of the IPC (abetment to commit suicide) and provides for a punishment of either description for a
term which may extend to 10 years, along with fine.
1. Firstly, starting with the celebrated criminal law jurist Jeremy Bentham who opines that
utilitarianism is the purpose of any public law like criminal law. He is against too many laws to be
made, as it will lead to criminal consciousness but also remarks that if such grievous situation
appears, social forces should be galvanized to help the civil society to imbibe the spirit of basic
law e.g. the Constitutional law, criminal law, marriage laws etc. Thus, it can be safely inferred
from the above that the leaders of masses should take vows to ameliorate the pity like honour
killing from some quarters of the country particularly and elsewhere generally13.
2. Next Jean Hampton is of the view that criminal law has an educative role and the punishments
should be so deterrent that the effect is like electric shock. It is therefore worth noting that action
plans should be drafted by the state and the intelligentia to find out enforce methods to spread the
educative impacts of deterrence of punishment for offence in the masses in most effective manners.
It is the call for justice by We the people of India in the independent India which will provide
justice not only to the victims of honour killings but also to their situation as it was iterated by
Louis Brandeis that a lawyers duty is not to his client but to his clients situation14.
3. Thirdly, the great Jurist Lon L Fuller depicting the Allegory of Rex and highlighting the eight
ways to fail to make law identifies publication as one of the most desirable ways. It is thus,
germane to infer that proposed Bill of 1910 in the Parliament on the subject of Honour Killing
should be well publicised by the State, educated citizens, administrators, police, educational
institutions, advocates, representatives of people in different legal fora, as well as members of non-
governmental organisations as well. The NCC Camps should be made by cadets as well as
commanders to extend support in the educative purpose in nooks and corners of the country.
4. Citing the brief views of celebrated thinker of Sociological Jurisprudence Ihering who explained
social origins of laws and legal institutions. The roots of law lay in sociological factors and man
is dominantly actuated by selfish purpose in order to resolve the conflicting interests between
individuals and society. He propounds for achieving this purpose- the principles of lever of social
motion having four components: reward, coercion and two altruistic methods of duty and love.
Wayne, Morrison; Theoretical Criminology: From Modernity to Post -modernism, 1995, pp 74-76 and 201.
DAmato Anthony; Introduction to Law and Legal Thinking, 1996, p 187. Also see Rights and Law Analysis
and Theory by Andrew Halpin, 1997, p.3.
Thus, in light of his principle, it is desirable that the conflicting interests of individual couple as
well as Khap Panchayats can be resolved successfully by employing the four principles of levers
of social motion provided there is strong political will to translate this principle effectively15.
5. The feminist Juris prudes also draw the attention towards lack of syllogistic legal reasoning and
state that positive laws are largely instruments of subjugation and oppression of women folk at
large is thus law is politics and made by the men for women to serve their different political and
other purposes. Thus, in the era of empowerment of women under the provisions of the Directive
Principles of State Policy of the Constitution of India16, and International declarations like UHDR,
CEDAW and others, it is urgently called for that the Honour killing must be looked at from the
perspectives of the victims. This is in tune with claims of criminology and criminal laws
incorporating Victimology into redressal of grievances of women victims.
Needless to point here that women in India are the largest workforce contributing as many as 16
years of their youth in begetting children and upcoming them. Therefore, their contribution to the
national progress should never be overlooked or dwindled. Furthermore, to pen here a very sad
fact that in the areas where honour killings are being reported, illegal abortions after illegal sex
determination tests are practised the most which depicts male sexual chauvinism bringing
morbidity and mortality simply for the reason that the population largely prefers to have sons. This
enclosed fact is in spite of high literacy rate in the region but honour killing is nothing less
ferocious and pernicious than insult to wound of the subjugated and oppressed womenfolk,
engulfing the counterpart also. Thus, the urgent call is to pass stern laws, enforce them rigorously
and punish the offenders very deterrently so that electric shock in the idea of Jean Hampton ever
flows in the nervous and circulatory systems of Khap panchayats and of the deaf and dumb civil
society member there over.
Lon L. Fuller ; Morality of Law, (2009), pp 35- 95.
Article 38 states to secure a social order for the promotion of welfare of the people and Article 39 A deals with
equal justice and free legal aid.
Criminal appeal no 1180 of 2004, decided on 3 rd Aug 2010
awarding death penalty to Master Krishna, Ram Sewak and Kishori as the incident was two
decades old and slammed the High Court for acquitting them by rejecting the testimonies of a child
and another witnesses. Next case in the row is of Lata Singh Vs State of U.P. and Anr18 where the
two Judge Bench expressed concern over the several instances of harassment, threats and violence
against young men and women who marry outside their caste and held that such acts or threats or
harassment are wholly illegal and those who commit them must be severally punished.
Observing that inter-caste marriages are in fact in the national interest as they will result in
destroying the caste system, the Bench held that once a person becomes a major he or she can
marry whosoever he/she likes. If the parents of the boy or girl do not approve of such inter-caste
or inter-religious marriage the maximum they can do is that they can cut off social relations with
the son or the daughter, but they cannot give threats or commit or instigate acts of violence and
cannot harass the person who undergoes such inter-caste or inter-religious marriage. Accordingly,
the Bench directed the administration / police authorities throughout the country to see to it that
if any boy or girl who is a major undergoes inter-caste or inter-religious marriage with a woman
or man who is a major, the couple are not harassed by any one nor subjected to threats or acts of
violence, and anyone who gives such threats or harasses or commits acts of violence either himself
or at his instigation, is taken to task by instituting criminal proceedings by the police against such
persons and further stern action is taken against such persons as provided by law. Referring to
instances of honour killings of persons undergoing inter-caste or inter-religious marriage of their
own free will, the Bench said there is nothing honourable in such killings, and in fact they are
nothing but barbaric and shameful acts of murder committed by brutal and feudal minded persons
who deserve harsh punishment.
According to the researcher there should be a specific law against the crimes of honour killing
which would put khap panchayat as well as other illegal associations who are involved in the brutal
murders in the honour. As a researcher I personally feel that specific law against honour killing is
the need of hour because that would increase tremor in the mindset of people so that they would
raise their hands against peoples own wishes. After all whole objective of the law is to live in a
Criminal writ petition no 208 of 2004, decided on 7 th July 2006, AIR 2006 SC 2522
peaceful environment. According to researcher there should be strict and stringent law imposed
against honour killing that should penalize people to death sentence and life imprisonment without
giving a provision for plea of mercy petition. This perspective of researcher would give space to
argument in favour of accused substantiating with right to fair trial and mercy which are the
fundamental principles of law. But as a modern educated person researcher personally feels that
the law should be very stringent that no one should escape from the clutches of law if they have
committed any offence and that too a brutal murder in the name of honour. Specific law is need of
the hour. This can be explained with example of S.138 of Negotiable Instruments Act. The
provision of law is specifically formed for category of cheque bounce case. Now cheque bounce
as a whole comes under the category of cheating by personation and dishonestly inducing delivery
of property which is elaborately explained along with its essentials as well as penalties under
section 419 and 420 of IPC. Even though there is a general which deals with cheating there is a
need for 138 NI so as to specifically point out crime of cheque bounce. Same as that there is a
general law which imposes punishments on murder with 302 IPC there is also a need of specific
law which should impose strict penalty on murder on the name of honour.
Killing the crimes on the name of honour can be calculated as cold blooded murders, and this
ghastly practice amounts to grave violation of the human rights. Such case of honour killings are
stemmed primarily from the structured caste based discrimination in a male dominated society.
This leads us to the question. How can this menace be tamed? It is very unfortunate that the
caste system in India has turned into a social evil for many. It is horrible that many young people
have lost their lives in the name of honour, and there are many more who are at the gunpoint of
this rigid belief system. It is a false notion that honour killings only involve the killings of women.
Men are equally victims of this practice, especially when it affects the reputation of a particular
caste and community. Many grooms have been killed by the father or the brother of the bride.
Shameful as it may sound, such things still exist in many parts of the country. Even after 64 years
of its independence, if we look at India as a whole we see two different worlds. First, those living
in the city, who are progressing not only economically and technologically, but also in terms of
their ideas and outlook towards their lives, then, those in the villages who are still bound by the
rigid beliefs of the caste system that existed hundreds of years ago and refuse to move ahead.
Where will these two worlds meet? There is nothing like to be against the traditional belief systems
that exist in India. But what baffles is the fact that so many innocent lives are lost in the name of
this belief. It hampers the growth of a human mind and forces it to live within the illusionary world
that it has created for itself. There is a strong need for government intervention. The government
needs to enforce strict measures to stop honour killings. There should be a total ban on all decisions
made by these self-appointed courts in the villages. They have proved fatal for many innocent
lives. Indias worlds largest democracy and in a country where people have the right to voice their
opinions freely, to be young and to marry the person of ones choice shouldnt be fatal anymore
for the reasons that the choices of the youth of legally marriageable ages have the fundamental
right to life u/Art. 21 of the Constitution of India, which enforces all rights that support a
meaningful happy life according to persons likes. Apart from this, such couples or youth have the
freedom of speech and expression u/Art. 19 (1) (a) of the Constitution of India to support their
independent decision making process of setting marriage. Therefore this barbaric practice of
killing people on the name of honour can be controlled only with a specific law against it. Apart
from this there are some suggestions in order to tame the crime of honour killings in India. They
are as follows:
First of all, there should be a uniform definition of honour killing so that there is no room left for
ambiguity as to what constitutes that crime. Several help lines numbers and special cells all over
the affected areas of honour killings should be established with special police task and action group
force to nab the culprits and extend proper protection to the couples or victims.
It will be worthwhile to empower Panchayati Raj Institutions (PRIs) and to change the
orientation of the Panchayati raj leadership to take up social development and eradication
of social evils as matters of top priority.
Besides, a mass awareness campaign launched by the civil society on a mission may help
in the rural areas for making the people realise that this anachronistic institution which
existed when there was no constitution, no criminal law, no rule of law, no modern judicial
system, no representative government, no democratically elected panchayats have lost
relevance or rationale for continuation in the changed social, economic and political milieu.
The Universities, NGOs and the media can also play vital role in this regard.
The central government should step in and ensure that the powerful and retrogressive khap
panchayats are dealt with firmly. Both the State and Central governments need to
strengthen the observance of reformed marriage laws likely to be reformed. Furthermore,
this recognition of the law of the land regarding marriage will loosen hold of extra-
constitutional bodies on the right of couples and families to make their own marriage
To deal with the cases of honour killings fast track courts should be constituted, and
amendments should be immediately done in Special Marriage Act so as to reduce the
period of registration of marriage from one month to one week. Last but not the least, the
Government of India should remember its obligations and commitment to protect its
citizens from such violence under the United Nations Convention on the Elimination of all
forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) of which India is a signatory and has
also ratified it. It is also against the spirit of Universal Declaration of Human Rights and
International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. It should also be kept in mind that
mere passage of stern laws will not help.
Public opinion against this vicious practice has to be built up through awareness
campaigns. The standard remedy to any serious social illness is to pass a stern law with
effective implementation drives. Most of the legislation remain in the statute book and are
unimplemented, which is not proper. The laws will have to be enforced by the States, and
unless there is a strong political will, the enforcement should never be sluggish and half-
hearted. In such cases as Haryana, electoral considerations have impeded action against the
khaps. No important leader has denounced the oppression of the khap panchayats. This
absence of political will aggravates the problem further still. The political leadership of the
State will have to show their statesmanship and gather courage for curbing these illegal
activities. Moreover, let us hope positively the coruscating beam of victory over the sinister
practice of honour killing in near future.