Assignment Dual Nature of Radiation and Matter& Nuclear Physics
Assignment Dual Nature of Radiation and Matter& Nuclear Physics
Assignment Dual Nature of Radiation and Matter& Nuclear Physics
Dual nature of radiation and matter
Que1 The work function of caesium metal is 2.14eV. When light of frequency 6 1014Hz is incident on the
metal surface, photoemission of electrons occurs. What is the:
(a) maximum kinetic energy of the emitted electrons,
(b) stopping potential, and
(c) maximum speed of the emitted photoelectrons? Ans = (a) 0.34 eV (b) 0.34V (c) 345.8 kms1
Que2 Ultraviolet light of wavelength 2271 from a 100 W mercury source irradiates a photo cell made of
molybdenum metal. If the stopping potential = 1.3 V, estimate the work function of the metal. How would
the photocell respond to a high intensity (= 105 Wm-2) red light of wavelength 6328 produced by a He-
Ne-laser? Ans = 4.74 1010 Hz
Que3 A mercury lamp is a convenient source for studying frequency dependence of photoelectric
emission, since it gives a number of spectral lines ranging from the UV to the red end of the visible
spectrum. In our experiment with rubidium photo-cell, the following lines from a mercury source were
used: 1 = 3650 , 2 = 4047 , 3 = 4358 , 4 = 5461 , 5 = 6907
The stopping voltages, respectively, were measured to be:
V01 = 1.28 V, V02 = 0.95 V, V03 = 0.74 V, V04 = 0.16 V, V05 = 0V
(a) Determine the value of Plancks constant h
(b) Estimate the threshold frequency and work function for the material
Ans = 6.4 10-34 Js (ii) 5.010-14Hz, 2.00eV
Que4 The work function for the following metals is given: Na: 2.75eV; K: 2.30eV; Mo: 4.17eV; Ni:
5.15eV Which of these metals will not give photoelectric emission for a radiation of wavelength 3300
from a He-Cd laser placed 1 m away from the photocell? What happens if the laser is brought nearer and
placed 50 cm away?
Que5 Light of intensity 10-5 Wm-2 falls on a sodium photocell of surface area 2 cm2. Assuming that that top
5 layers of sodium absorb the incident energy, estimate the time required for photoelectric emission in the
wave picture of radiation. The work function for the metal is given to be about 2eV. What is the
implication of your answer? Ans = 0.5 year.
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Que7 An X-ray pulse is sent through a section of Wilson cloud chamber containing a supersaturated gas,
and tracks of photoelectrons ejected from the gaseous atoms are observed. Two groups of tracks of lengths
1.40 cm and 2.02 cm are noted. If the range-energy relation for the cloud chamber is given by R = E with
= 1 cm/keV, obtain the binding energies of the two levels from which electrons are emitted. (Wavelentgh
of the X-rays pulse = 4.9 ) Ans = 1.13 keV, 0.51 keV
Que8 The wavelength of light from the spectral emission line of sodium is 589 nm. Find the kinetic energy
at which: (a) an electron, and (b) a neutron, would have the same de Broglie wavelength.
Ans = (a) 4.34 eV (b) 0.236neV
Que9 An electron and a photon each have a wavelength of 1.00 nm. Find (a) their momenta, (b) the energy
of the photon, and (c) the kinetic energy of electron. Ans = (a) 6.63 10-25 ms-1 (b) 1.24keV (c) 1.51eV
Que10 Crystal diffraction experiments can be performed using X-ray, or electrons accelerated through
appropriate voltage. Which probe has greater energy-an X-ray photon or the electron? (For quantitative
comparison, take the wavelength of the probe equal to 1 which is of the order of interatomic spacing in
the lattice) (me = 9.11 10-31kg) Ans = photon
Que11 Obtain the de-Brolie wavelength associated with thermal neutrons at room temperature (27oC).
Hence explain why a fast neutron beam needs to be thermalised with the environment before it can be used
for neutron diffraction experiments. Ans = 1.45
Que12 An electron microscope use electrons accelerated by a voltage of 50kV. Determine the de-Broglie
wavelength associated with the electrons. If other factors (such as numerical aperture etc.) are taken to be
roughly the same, how does the resolving power of an electron microscope compare with that of an optical
microscope which uses yellow light? Ans = 5.5 10-12m, resolving power of electron microscope is
about 105 times optical microscope.
Que13 The wavelength of a probe is roughly a measure of the size of a structure that it can probe in some
detail. The quark structure of protons and neutrons appears at the minute length scale of 10-15 m or less.
This structure was first probed in early 1970s using high energy electron beams produced by a Linear
Accelerator at Standford, USA. Guess what might have been the order of energy of these electron beams.
(Rest mass energy of electron = 0.511 MEV) Ans = 1.24 BeV
Que14 The extent of localization of a particle is determined roughly by its de Broglie wavelength. If an
electron is localized within the nucleus (of size about 10-14m) of an atom, what is its energy? Compare this
energy with the typical binding energies (of the order of a few MeV) in a nucleus, and hence argue why
electrons cannot reside in a nucleus. Ans = 124.3MeV
Que15 Find the typical de Broglie wavelength associated with a He atom in helium gas at room
temperature (27oC) and 1 atm pressure; and compare it with the mean separation between two atoms under
these conditions. Ans = 0.73 10-10m, 3.4 10-9m
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(ii) Surface Q: Photo-emission occurs and photo-electrons have some kinetic energy.
Which of these has a higher work function? If the incident frequency is slightly reduced, what will
happen to photo-electron emission in the two cases?
Que23 Red light, however bright, cannot cause emission of electrons from a clean zinc surface, But even
weak ultraviolet radiations can do so. Why?
Draw the variation of maximum kinetic energy of emitted electrons with the frequency of incident
radiation on a photosensitive surface. On the graph drawn, what do the following indicate (i) slope of the
graph and (ii) intercept on energy axis?
Que 24 On the basis of photon theory, obtain Einsteins photo-electric equation. Use these equations to
show that there must exist a threshold frequency for each photo-sensitive surface. Radiations of
frequencies 1 and 2 are made to fall in turn, on a photo-sensitive surface. The stopping potentials required
for stopping the most energetic emitted photo-electrons in the two cases are V1 and V2 respectivley. Obtain
a formula for determining Plancks constant and the threshold frequency in terms of these parameters
Que25 An electron, -particle and a proton have the same kinetic energy. Which of these particles has the
shortest de Broglie wavelength?
Que26 An -particle and a proton are accelerated through the same potential difference. Calculate the ratio
of linear momenta acquired by the two.
Que27 An electron and a proton have the same de Broglie wavelength. Which one of these has higher
kinetic energy? Which one is moving faster?
Que28 The two lines A and B shown in the graph plot the de Broglie wavelength () as a function of 1/
V (V is the accelerating potential) for two particles having the same charge. Which of the two represents
the particle of heavier mass?
Que29 An electron and a proton have same wavelength. Which posses more energy?
Atomic Nucleus
Type - (A) Examples based on Distance of Closest Approach and Impact Parameter
Que 1 An -particle after passing through a potential difference of 2 106 V falls on a silver foil. The
atomic number of silver is 47. Calculate (i) the kinetic energy of the -particle at the time of falling
on the foil (ii) the kinetic energy of the -particle at a distance of 5 10 -14m from the nucleus and (iii)
the shortest distance from the nucleus of silver to which the -particle reaches.
Ans = 6.4 10-13 J, 2.1 10-13 J, 3.4 10-14 m
Que 2 The number of particles scattered at 60o is 100 per minute in an -particle scattering
experiment, using gold foil. Calculate the number of particles per minute scattered at 90o angle.
Ans = 25 particles min-1
Que 3 Calculate the impact parameter of a 5 MeV particle scattered by 90o when it approaches a gold
nucleus. Ans = 2.27 10-14 m
Que 4 For scattering by an inverse-square field (such as that produced by a charged nucleus in
Rutherfords model) the relation between impact parameter b and the scattering angle is given by
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Ze 2 cot /2
1 (a)What is the scattering angle for b = 0? (b) For a given impact parameter b, does
4 0 mv 2
the angle of deflection increase or decrease with increase in energy? (c) What is the impact parameter
at which the scattering angle is 90o for Z = 79 and initial energy equal to 10MeV? (d) Why is it that
the mass of the nucleus does not enter the formula above but its charge does? (e) For a given energy
of the projectile, does the scattering angle increase or decrease with decrease in impact parameter?
1 2
Ans = (a) = 180o (b) As the energy mv increases, the value of cot
2 2
increases and hence the value of scattering angle decreases, as expected. (c) 1.1 10-14 m (d) It is
the charge on the nucleus which provides the electrostatic field and due to which scattering of -
particles occurs. If Z = 0, then from given formula we have, = 0o. This means that scattering does
not occur when nucleus carries no charge. Mass of nucleus does not appear in the expression for b,
because recoil of the nucleus is being ignored, i.e., the nucleus is assumed to be at rest during its
2 1
interaction with the -particles. (e) For a given energy mv of the projectile, the decrease in
impact parameter b implies a decrease in the value of cot /2 and hence an increase in the scattering
angle .
Type - (B) Examples based on Equivalent Energy, Atomic Mass, Nuclear Size and Nuclear
Que 5 In a periodic table, the average atomic mass of magnesium is given as 24.312 u. The average
value is based on their relative natural abundance on Earth. The three isotopes and their masses are
24 25 26 24
12 Mg (23.98504u), 12 Mg (24.98564), 12 Mg (25.98259u). The natural abundance of 12 Mg is 78.99% by
mass. Calculate the abundances of the other two isotopes. Ans = 9.303%, 11.71%
Que 6 The three stable isotopes of neon: Ne20, Ne21, Ne22 have respective abundances of 90.51%,
0.27% and 9.22%. The atomic masses of the three isotopes are 19.99amu, 20.99amu and 21.99amu
respectively. Obtain the average atomic mass of neon. Ans = 19.45amu
Que 7 Obtain approximately the ratio of the nuclear radii of the gold isotope 79 Au and the silver
isotope 107
47 Au . What is the approximate ratio of their nuclear mass densities?
Ans = 1.23, 1
Que 8 A nucleus with A = 235 splits into two nuclei whose mass numbers are in the ratio 2:1. If R0 =
1.4 fm, find the radii of the new nuclei. Ans = 5.99 fm, 7.55fm
Type - (C) Examples bases on Binding Energy of a Nucleus
Que 9 A given coin has a mass of 3.0g. Calculate the nuclear energy that would be required to
separate all the neutrons and protons from each other. For simplicity assume that the coin is entirely
made of 29 Cu atoms (of mass 62.92960amu). The masses of proton and neutron are 1.00783amu and
1.00867amu, respectively. Ans=1.61025MeV
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56 209
Que - 10 Obtain the binding energy of the nuclei 26 Fe and 83 Bi in units of MeV from the following data :
m H 1.007825 amu , m n 1.008665 amu,
m 56
26 Fe 55.934939 , m 83 Bi 208.980388 amu 1 amu 931.5 MeV
which nucleus has greater binding energy per nucleon? Ans = 7.85 MeV
Que 11 The neutron separation energy is defined to be the energy required to remove a neutron from
41 27
a nucleus. Obtain the neutron separation energies of the nuclei 20 Ca and 13 Al from the following
mn 1.008665 amu ; m 20 40
Ca 39.962591 amu
m 2041Ca 40.962278 amu ; m 13 26
Al 25.986895 amu , m 13 27
Al 26.981541 amu.
Ans = 8.36 MeV, 13.05 MeV
Que12The atomic mass of 16 16
8 O is 16.000000amu. Calculate the binding energy of 8 O in MeV per
Que 23 The nucleus 92 U is unstable against -decay with a half-life of about 4.5 109 years. Write
down the equation of the decay and estimate the kinetic energy of the emitted -particle from the
following data: m ( 238 4 234
92 U )= 238.0581amu, m ( 2 He )= 4.00260amu, m ( 90Th ) = 234.04363amu.
Type - (E) Examples Based on (i) Q-value (ii) Nuclear Fission (iii) Nuclear Fusion
Que 26 The Q value of a nuclear reaction A + b C + d is defined by
Q = [mA + mb - mc - md] c2
Where the masses refer to nuclear rest masses. Determine from the given data whether the following
reactions are exothermic or endothermic.
(i) 11H 13H 12H 12H (ii) 126C 126C 10
Ne 24 He
Atomic masses are given to be :
m 11 H 1.007825 amu,
m 12 H 2.014102amu Ans = 4.618 MeV
m 3
1 H 3.016049amu , m C 12.000000amu
m 20
10 Ne 19.992439 amu m He 4.002603 amu
Que 27 The bombardment of lithium with protons gives rise to the following reaction:
3 Li 11H 24He 24He Energy
The atomic masses of lithium, hydrogen and helium are 7.016amu, 1.008amu and 4.004amu
respectively. Find the initial energy of each - particle (1amu = 931 MeV) Ans = 7.448 MeV
Que 28 Calculate the disintegration energy Q for the fission of 42 Mo into two equal fragments,
21 Sc . If Q turns out to be positive, explain why this process does not occur spontaneously. Given
m 4298 Mo 97.90541amu, m 21 49
Sc 48.95002amu, m n 1.00867 amu. Ans = 944.6
Que 29 What is the power output of 92 U reactor if it takes 30 days to use up 2 kg of fuel and if
each fission gives 185 MeV of usable energy? Ans = 58.5 MW.
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Que 30 A 1000 MW fission reactor consumes half of its fuel in 5.00y. How much 92 U did it contain
initially? Assume that all the energy generated arises from the fission of 235
92 U and that this nuclide is
(a) Calculate the Q values for these decays and determine that both are energetically possible.
(b) The Coulomb barrier height for alpha-particle emission is 30.0 MeV. What is the barrier
height for 14
6 C ? The required data is
m 223
Ra 223.01850amu , m Pb 208.98107 amu
m 219
86 Rn 219.00948 amu, m C 14.00324 , m He 4.00260amu
Ans =31.85MeV, 5.98MeV (b) 81.09 = 81MeV
Que 32 Calculate and compare the energy released by (a) fusion of 1.0 kg of hydrogen deep within
the Sun and (b)the fission of 1.0 kg of 235U in a fission reactor.Ans =39 1026MeV (ii) 5.11026 MeV
Que 33 Two protons, each having a kinetic energy K, are fired at each other. What must K be if the
particles are brought to rest by their mutual coulomb repulsion? Assume a proton to be a sphere of
radius R = 1 fm. Also estimate the temperature at which the protons can overcome this energy barrier.
Ans = 400keV, 3 109K.
1 H 1 H 2 He
2 2 4
Que 34 It is proposed to use the nuclear reaction:
in a nuclear reactor of 200 MW rating. If the energy from the above reaction is used with a 25%
efficiency in the reactor, how many grams of deuterium fuel will be needed per day? The masses of
2 4
1 H and 2 He are 2.0141amu and 4.0026amu respectively. Ans = 121.3 g
Que 35 The radioactivity of the sample is R1 at time t1 and R2 at time t2. The mean life of the sample
is . What is the number of nuclei that have disintegrated in the time interval (t1 -t2)?
R R2
Ans = R 1 R2 ( N 1 N 2 ) or N1 N 2 1 Clearly, (N1 - N2 ) is the number of
nuclei that have disintegrated in time interval(t1 -t2)
Que36 You are given two nuclides 37 X and 43Y (i) Are they the isotopes of the same element? Why?
(ii) Which one of the two is likely to be more stable? Give reason.
20 40
Que37 M1 and M2 represent the masses of 10 Ne nucleus and 20 Ca nucleus respectively. Stare,
whether M1 = 2M1 or M2 > 2 M1 or M2 < 2 M1?
Que38 Group the following six nuclides into three pairs of (i) isotones, (ii) isotopes and (iii) isobars:
12 3 198 3 197 14
6 C , 2 He, 80 Hg , 1 H , 79 Au , 6 C How does the size of a nucleus depend on its mass number?
Hence explain why the density of nuclear matter should be independent of the size of the nucleus.
Que39 Define decay constant of a radioactive sample. Which of the following radiations, -rays, -
rays, -rays (i) are similar to X-ray? (ii) are easily absorbed by matter? (iii) travel with greatest
speed? (iv) are similar in nature to cathode rays?
Que40 The sequence of stepwise decays of a radioactive nucleus is D
D 2 D3
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If the nucleon number and atomic number of D2 are 176 and 71 respectively, what are the
corresponding values of D and D3? Justify your answer in each case.
Que41 (a) If the -decay of 238U is energetically allowed (i.e., the decay products have a total mass
less than the mass of 238U), what prevents 238U from decaying all at once? Why is its half life so large?
(b) The -particle faces a Coulomb barrier. A neutron being uncharged faces no such barrier. Why
does the nucleus 92 U not decay spontaneously by emitting a neutron?
Que42 (a) The observed decay products of a free neutron are a proton and an electron. The emitted
electrons are found to have a continuous distribution of kinetic energy with a maximum of (mn - mp -
me) C2. Explain clearly why the presence of a continuous distribution of energy is a pointer to the
existence of other unobserved product (s) in the decay.
(a)If a neutron is unstable with a half life of about 1000s, why dont all the neutrons of a nucleus
decay eventually into protons? How can a nucleus of Z protons and (A-Z) neutrons ever remain
stable if the neutrons themselves are unstable?
Que43 Give the mass number and atomic number of elements on the right-hand side of the decay
process. 22086 Ru Po + He. The graph shows how the activity of a sample of radon-220 changes with
time. Use the graph to determine its half-life. Calculate the value of decay constant of radon-220
Que44 The isotope of uranium 92 U decays successively to form 234
234 234 226 222
92 Th,
90 88 Ra and 86 Rn . What are the radiations emitted in each decay process?
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