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ThySetter Manual 09 2014

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ThySetter - Manual - 09 - 2014

Scope and liability ..............................................................................................................................................................................................3
Applicability .........................................................................................................................................................................................................3
Installation ...........................................................................................................................................................................................................4
File .........................................................................................................................................................................................................................8
Communication ...................................................................................................................................................................................................8
Procedure ............................................................................................................................................................................................................8
Optional functions ..............................................................................................................................................................................................9
Preference ...........................................................................................................................................................................................................9
Read ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................11
Read \ PLC..........................................................................................................................................................................................................18
Read \ Circuit breaker supervision ...............................................................................................................................................................19
Read \Delayed inputs ......................................................................................................................................................................................19
Read \ Internal states.......................................................................................................................................................................................19
Read \ Relays ....................................................................................................................................................................................................20
Read \ Counters ................................................................................................................................................................................................20
Read \ Self-test .................................................................................................................................................................................................21
Read \ Pilot wire diagnostic ............................................................................................................................................................................21
Read \ Selective block - BLOCK2 ...................................................................................................................................................................21
Read \ Fault recording .....................................................................................................................................................................................22
Read \ Event recording ...................................................................................................................................................................................23
Set .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................24
Set \ Base...........................................................................................................................................................................................................24
Set \ Inputs.........................................................................................................................................................................................................24
Set \ Relays ........................................................................................................................................................................................................25
Set \ LEDs ...........................................................................................................................................................................................................25
Set \ Self-test Relay..........................................................................................................................................................................................25
Set \ MMI ...........................................................................................................................................................................................................25
Set \ Profile selection.......................................................................................................................................................................................26
Set \ Prole A ....................................................................................................................................................................................................26
Set \ Profile B ....................................................................................................................................................................................................28
Set \ PLC .............................................................................................................................................................................................................28
Set \ Circuit breaker supervision ..................................................................................................................................................................29
Set \ VT supervision - 74VT .............................................................................................................................................................................30
Set \ CT supervision - 74CT .............................................................................................................................................................................30
Set \ Remote tripping .......................................................................................................................................................................................30
Set \ Pilot wire diagnostic ...............................................................................................................................................................................30
Set \ Demand measures ..................................................................................................................................................................................30
Oscillography ....................................................................................................................................................................................................30
Communication .................................................................................................................................................................................................34
Network services .............................................................................................................................................................................................35
Commands .........................................................................................................................................................................................................37
Preliminary operations ....................................................................................................................................................................................38
Firmware upgrade ............................................................................................................................................................................................39
Restoring previous settings ............................................................................................................................................................................42
Pro-N modules ..................................................................................................................................................................................................43
Pro-N Ext modules............................................................................................................................................................................................43

2 ThySetter - Manual - 09 - 2014

Scope and liability
This document describes the functions, the technical data of ThySetter software; instructions for
mounting, setting and commissioning are included.
This manual has been checked out, however, deviations from the description cannot be completely
ruled out, so that no liability in a legal sense for correctness and completeness of the information or
from any damage that might result from its use is formally disclaimed.
The information given in this document is reviewed regularly; any corrections and integration will be
included in subsequent editions that are identied by the date of revision.
We appreciate any suggestions for improvement.
We reserve the right to make technical improvements without notice.
This document refers to the current version of ThySetter at the time of drafting of the document.

The ThySetter sw is a browser of data (setting, measure, etc..); it implements an engine that is
afford to rebuild the menu set up and the relationships to data concerning all Thytronic protective
relays by means of XML les.
Following operations are performed by means ThySetter:
Open-store of setting les;
ASCII or Excel export reports;
Open/close communication;
Send settings, read settings and oscillography.[1];
PLC - Programmable Logic Controller[1].
Firmware upgrades;
Session level selection and log enabling (log les);
After the device selection Thysetter allows to:
Set the relay reference data;
Set the communication parameters (Modbus address, TCP-IP address and parameters);
Set the rated nominal values (relay nominal current, primary CTs nominal currents, etc..);
Set the common parameters (self-test relays, circuit breaker commands and diagnostic, CT moni-
toring, binary input allocation, relays and LEDs conguration);
Set proles (A e B);
Read info, measures, etc... (protections state, binary input states, output relays state, counters,
Read oscillography;
Acquire data concerning stored Faults and Events;
Run commands (reset, send default setting, clock, etc.);
Start-stop settings.
The latest release of ThySetter can be downloaded free of charge from the www.thytronic.it site
(Prodotti / Software - Area Download)[2].

Note 1 The tool is available as an option; contact Thytronic for the purchase of the license
Note 2 The software consists of two les (ThysetterSetup_Vxxx.exe and ThysetterTemplates_Vxxx.exe)

ThySetter - Manual - 09 - 2014 3

Operating system:
Windows XP Sp2, Sp3 32 bit
Windows Vista original / Sp1 / Sp2 32/64 bit
Windows 7 original / Sp1 32/64 Bit.

Local communication ports

Serial port[1] RS232 for Pro-N, Smart, SIF, SME, DMC ENEL devices; Ethernet port for Pro-N Ext

As soon as the right version is available, the sutup may be start (eg: ThySetterXP_360.exe and Thy-
If an older version is already present, a suitable message will ask user to remove the oldest before
After completion the following directory was created: \Programs\Thytronic\Thysetter.

Working with ThySetter

The window is shown

Two operating modes are available:

On line (with device connection),
Off line (building of setting le without connection to device).

The following operation may be performed when the communication with device is active:
Automatic connection mode in which the communication with the device is automatically activated
without having to select the device family.
Non automatic connection mode in which communication with the device is activated after select-
ing the device family.
Standing connection
The communication must be open with the Communication->Open command or with a click of
the button and and select the mode for the connection (Serial or Network).[3]
The communication port must be congured (Procedure upper panel):
RS232 whenever the serial port (RS232 or RS485) is used.
Network whenever the Ethernet network is used.
Correspondingly, a subsequent windows is proposed for the concerning parameters; if the Auto-
matic procedure is selected only the COM serial number for the serial port and the IP address for
the Ethernet port are required, whereas, with Manual selection (removing the tick on the Automatic
parameter) the followings may be adjusted:
data rate, data bit number, stop bit number, Modbus address, as well as several timer parameters
useful for RS485 communication,
IP address, TCP port, as well as several timer parameters useful for network communication.

Note 1 Windows 95, Windows 98 rst edition or Millennium edition are not supported.
Note 2 In case of communication problems follow the procedure as described in the appendix of this document
Note 3 The availability of communication ports (serial and / or network) is different for families of devices. Refer to the concerning manuals

4 ThySetter - Manual - 09 - 2014

Moreover, inside the Modality upper panel, is possible to select (tick on the Reading settings) if the
settings data must be acquires.
With Reading settings selection the communication session starts and the reading progress is
shown with a status bar; at last the device type is highlighted (left side on the bottom of desktop);
by means of the Windows commands the menu may be resized as much you like.[1]
Without Reading settings selection the communication session starts without reading the set-
tings; they are updated when the relative menus are accessed. This operating mode is very fastest
and so it is advantageous when the settings updating is not needed.

For both the operating modes the conguration le must be saved (e.g.: NA60 -CA0-c_xxxxxx where
xxxxxx stands for the serial number).

Upon completion the device type is highlighted (left side on the bottom of desktop; the Online ses-
sion is highlighted over a green eld.

Note 1 The shown images explain some menu levels; all examples are indicatives and unrealistic.

ThySetter - Manual - 09 - 2014 5

The communication session may be closed by means the Communication->Close command or
with a click of the button.
Send or Receive data
The operating mode allows the automatic data transfer from and towards the linked device. The
operations described below are enabled only when the communication is closed.
Receive data
The operating procedure is started with the Procedures->Receive Data command or with a click
of the button (Receive data from device).
The communication port must be congured (Procedure upper panel):
RS232 whenever the serial port (RS232 or RS485) is used.
Network whenever the Ethernet network is used.
Correspondingly, a subsequent windows is proposed for the concerning parameters; if the Auto-
matic procedure is selected only the COM serial number for the serial port and the IP adress for
the Ethernet port are required, whereas, with Manual selection (removing the tick on the Automatic
parameter) the followings may be adjusted:
data rate, data bit number, stop bit number, Modbus address, as well as several timer parameters
useful for RS485 communication,
IP address, TCP port, as well as several timer parameters useful for network communication.
Inside the Procedure upper panel the Reading setting option is forced (tick on the Reading settings).
the conguration le must be saved
With Start command the conguration le name is asked, so the communication session starts and
the reading progress is shown with a status bar.
The le name is temporarily shown inside the device area of ThySetter but then it is cleared to
show the transfer session fullment.

6 ThySetter - Manual - 09 - 2014

Send Data
The operating procedure is started with the Procedures->Download Data command or with a
click of the button (Download data to device).
To start transfer it is need:
select the le (File -> Open)
congure the communication port (Port Configuration)
click the Download button
at the end of the data transfer, the new setting data must be conrmed

ThySetter - Manual - 09 - 2014 7

In off-line mode (without link to device), it is possible to modify settings through the generating one
or more les containing the desired settings, which can then be transferred over the relay by means
of the Download data command.
The le may be constructed by creating it from scratch, by starting from a le already present on a
Personal Computer, or from a le taken from a relay by means of the Upload data command which
can be activated from the Procedures menu or by means of the button (Upload data from device)
in the upper command bar.
At the end the le may be saved with the Windows-like procedures.
To build up a new le, the File New command must be activate, so the protection device must be
select inside a window.
By means of the usual Windows-like commands a user dened name and the destination folder must
be entered (Rockerduck in the example).

The Paperduck le can be modied with Thysetter commands, with the well-described proce-
dures for Online mode (except for the Start/End change setting commands not required) .
After having completed construction of the desired le, with the device connected, it is possible to
download it over the relay by means of the Send data command which may be accessed from the
Procedures menu, or by means of the button (Download data to device) in the upper command
bar (see previous paragraph).


Some general-use drop-down menus are provided; for some there is also a button (icon) with the
same function.

Automatic open Start setting Download data Device Disturbance le

communication changes to device rmware visualisation Enable log

Upload data Show log le Erase

End setting Session level log le
Close changes from device
Upload disturbance records
communication Modules
management PLCProgramming
Send program to PLC

Within the File drop down menu, besides all the usual Windows commands for opening and sav-
ing les, there is the command which allows exporting data relating to readings reports in ASCII and
Excel formats (Export Report File in ASCII Format or Export Report File in Excel Format).
Within the Communication drop down menu are available the open and close communication com-
Within the Procedures drop-down menu, or by means of the button (Download data to Device),
button (Upload data from Device) buttons, the settings les from a Personal computer to the relay
may be transferred and vice versa.
The Upgrade->Device firmware command or by means of the button (Device rmware) al-

8 ThySetter - Manual - 09 - 2014

lows upgrading the relay rmware.

Send data to device

Receive data from device Event reading from NA011 and NA016

Faults reading from NA011 and NA016

Setting variation reading
Setting le from NA011 and NA016
conversion Modules management

Copy settings Bank A<->BankB

I/O report exporting Abort Copy group setting

There are also functions that allow you to capture data concerning to failures and the events and
setting changes (Events reading, Faults reading, Setting variations reading) of the Smart-line relay
family (NA011 and NA016), the functions of copying control parameters from one bank to another
(Copy group settings), the conversion of calibration les (Settings File conversion) and export to
ASCII or Excel I/O Report).

The procedure to enable / disable the ThyBus modules is described below

Setting file conversion

If you intend to load a setting le with built for a oldest version (eg: we have a le in f, version while
the relay have a type g rmware), you can convert the oldest with the following steps:
provide the File \ New command and select the le from the list of templates with fw revision
matches the device versi (eg, NA60-CA0-g) and save
provide the Procedure\Setting File conversion command and select the old le as the source
(in our example NA60-CA0-f) and as a new le, the le specically created ( NA60-CA0-g).
provide Start command (as a result of the command the conversion report is shown and the Save
command to save the report).
The le will be converted to type g and contain the settings of the le f

Copy settings
The procedure to copy the settings of Group A conguration parameters in Group B or vice versa is
as follows:
Highlight with the mouse of settings that you want to copy (eg: Set \ Profile A)
right click -> Set source group
Highlight with the mouse on the target groups of settings (eg: Set \ Parameters Configuration B)
right click -> Set destination Group
provide the Copy group settings command found in the drop-down procedures.
To see the updated conguration, you must close and reopen the le.

I/O report
You can automatically get a list of the settings input and output signals (Association of logic inputs,
LEDs and output relay for protection and control functions) in ASCII or Excel.

Currently, the menu includes the 87T differential protection for transformers element, and therefore
relevant to the NT10 device.
The Upgrade->Device firmware command or by means of the button (Device rmware) al-
lows upgrading the relay rmware.
You can upgrade the microcontroller fw (Upgrade-> Device firmware), active in off-line mode
and the DSP fw (Upgrade-> DSP), activewith connected device (On-line).
Optional functions
Inside the Optional functions menu the Disturbance and PLC[1], options are available (inclusive of
licences activation) and for ModBus scan tool.[2]
Note 1 For the procedure for activating please contact Thytronic
Note 2 The description on Modbus scan functionality is described in the RS485 section

ThySetter - Manual - 09 - 2014 9

Inside the Preference menu, the following submenus are available:
Session level

The Level 0 (User), normally used, dont require password.

The Level 1 is available through password. The following operation which are forbidden al Level 0,
are allowed:[1]
Send default conguration
Serial number setting
Counters reset: through a single command all counters are cleared (the partial counters can be
cleared even from level 0 session)
The Level 2 is planned for future use only.
The Level 3 (Manufacturer) is available through a reserved password (Thytronic ownership) for
calibration purposes.

Enable Log
When the log is enabled all operation are recorded.
With the intent that to make easier the le hint, it is advisable to:
Erase the old le; the le ThySetter.log is located inside the same directory of the Thysetter
Start ThySetter
Tick on the Enable log command The operating procedure is started with the Preference->En-
able log command or with a click of the button (Enable log).
Run all ThySetter functions; all operations are automatically recorded (le ThySetter.log); the le
may be shown by means any text editor, or with a click of the button (Show log le).
To ask for technical support it is advisable to send by e-mail the log le.

Reset Conguration
You can reset the settings for the communication parameters. The command is useful when the
parameters concerning to the PC serial communications have been changed by other applications,
thereby making it impossible to communicate from ThySetter and protective relays.

Color Preference
Color layout may be customized.

Look and feel

The Graphical User Interface may be selected.

The menu language may be selected.

The icon dimensions may be adjusted.

Nota 1 The session level is concerning the Thysetter sw; for network connections, the session level is common for all devices on the same net

10 ThySetter - Manual - 09 - 2014

The level 1 password may be changed.
It is necessary to enter the old and the new password and to conrm it.
The default password is level1 (enter without )[1]

For any operating mode (Online or Ofine), the following element are provided inside the menu tree,
common for all the Pro-N devices:[2]
Start/End settings.

Inside the Read menu all states and measurements are available.

Nota 1 If the password is lost, a new installation of the ThySetter must be performed
Note 2 The shown images explain some menu levels; all examples are indicatives and unrealistic.

ThySetter - Manual - 09 - 2014 11

Read \ Serial number
Inside the submenu the serial number can be displayed; to change it is necessary to work at level 1.
Read \ Info
Inside the submenu the device code, the rmware and software release are available.

Read \ Clock
Inside the submenu the data and time are available. The parameters may be adjusted with Real
Time Clock command (Commands menu).

Read \ Measures
All the measures are available; they are set in the following order:
Direct, Calculated, Displacement, Sequence, Power, 2nd harmonic, 3rd harmonic, 4th harmonic, 5th
harmonic, Demand phase, Demand power, Energy.

12 ThySetter - Manual - 09 - 2014

Read \ Measures
\ Direct

Read \ Measures \ Calculated

ThySetter - Manual - 09 - 2014 13

Read \ Measures \ Displacement

Read \ Measures \ Sequence

Read \ Measures \ Power

14 ThySetter - Manual - 09 - 2014

Read \ Measures \ 2nd harmonic

Read \ Measures \ 3rd harmonic

Read \ Measures \ 4th harmonic

Read \ Measures \ 5th harmonic
And so on.

Read \ Measures \ Demand


ThySetter - Manual - 09 - 2014 15

Read \ Measures \ Demand

Read \ Measures \ Energy

Read \ Active prole

Information about the current setting prole (A or B) is available.

Read \ Protections
For every protection element, the following information is available:
Start state
Trip state
Logical block (Block1) state
Selective block (Block2) state
Cold load pickup state
Example of reading concerning the Phase overcurrent - 50/51 protective element; similarly for all the
protection elements.

16 ThySetter - Manual - 09 - 2014

Read \ Protections \ Phase over-
current - 50/51

Measuring unit
Menu Parameter
Parameter label Value Refresh

Read \ Protections \ Second

harmonic restraint
The start state of the second harmonic restraint is available.
Read \ Protections \ Trip circuit
supervision - 74TCS
The start, trip and logical block state of the 74TCS element are available.

Read \ Protections \ Breaker

failure - BF
The start, trip and logical block state of the BF element are available.

ThySetter - Manual - 09 - 2014 17

Read \ Protections \
VT supervision - 74VT
The start, trip and logical block state of the 74VT element are available.

Read \ Protections \
CT supervision - 74CT
The start, trip and logical block state of the 74CT element are available.

Read \ PLC[1]
Read \ PLC \ User software
The name, version and compilation date informations are available.

Read \ PLC \ Info

The current state of the PLC software is available

Read \ PLC \ Internal states

Note 1 The menu is only available on relay protection Pro-N; the PLC function is not available on devices NA0x (NA011, NA016, NC020, NV021), the relay
NVA100X-D, NVA100X-T, and on the fault detectors SMExx

18 ThySetter - Manual - 09 - 2014

Read \ Circuit breaker supervision
The following information concerning the circuit breaker is available:
CB commands (open and close commands), CB position, CB diagnostic.

Read \Delayed inputs

The state information concerning the binary inputs is available; it is acquired on the signals coming
out from the operating mode and timer settings:
ON when input is powered and Active-ON logic or when the input is not powered and Active-OFF
OFF when the input is not powered and Active-ON logic, or when the input is powered and Ac-
tive-OFF logic
Read \ Internal states
State of input functions assigned to the binary inputs are available.

ThySetter - Manual - 09 - 2014 19

Read \ Relays
Status (ON/OFF) and diagnostic information are available for all the output relays.

Read \ Counters
For every protective element two set of counters are available (Partial counters and Total counters);
the partial counters can be cleared by the user level, while the Total counter reset can be achieved
with password (Session Level 1).

Every partial counter is reset to zero when ten thousand count is passed.
All partial counters can be cleared by means a single command; for this purpose the Reset partial
counters command must be issued (Commands \ Reset submenu).
Partial counters
xx Start partial counter 0...9999
xx Trip partial counter 0...9999
xx Block1 partial counter 0...9999
xx Block2 partial counter 0...9999
Total counters
xx Start total counter 0...9999
xx Trip total counter 0...9999
xx Block1 total counter 0...9999
xx Block2 total counter 0...9999
Example of reading concerning the Phase overcurrent - 50/51 protective element.

20 ThySetter - Manual - 09 - 2014

Read \ Self-test
On the start-up and run-time, a self test over the hardware and software modules is performed.

Read \ Pilot wire diagnostic

Information about pilot wire diagnostic is available (BLIN1 breaked or shorted).

Read \ Selective block - BLOCK2

Information about input and output selective block is available.
Block2 input

Block2 output

ThySetter - Manual - 09 - 2014 21

nternal selective block - BLOCK4

Read \ Fault recording

Recording[1] is triggered by:
Relay OFF-ON switching,
External trigger (binary input set as Fault Trigger),
Trip of a protection or control element.
Twenty faults are recorded into a circular FIFO (First In, First Out) buffer,[2]
Following information are stored in every record:
Fault counter,[3]
Date and time,
Fault cause (binary input/output relay/setting changes)
Phase currents IL1r, IL2r, IL3r
Phase voltages UL1r, UL2r, UL3r
Phase-to-phase voltages U12r, U23r, U31r
Residual current IEr
Measured residual voltage UEr
Calculated residual voltage UECr
Displacement angles PhiL1r, PhiL2r, PhiL3r, Alpha1r, Alpha2r, Alpha3r, PhiEr , PhiECr
Thermal image
Fault cause (info about the faulted phase)

To acquire the data stored in the fault relay the following sequence must be activated:
Double click on Faults recording menu
Right-click on Fault reading
click on Send Command
Note 1 Data concerning the fault recorder are stored in Flash memory, so they are not lost when auxiliary power supply goes OFF.
Note 2 Fault 0 is the newest fault, while the fault 19 is the oldest
Note 3 Counter is updated at any new record; it may be cleared by means ThySetter

22 ThySetter - Manual - 09 - 2014

save the le that will also include data concerning faults (the le can also be viewed off-line by
opening the saved le).

Similarly, you can clear all stored faults or reset the fault identier.

Read \ Event recording

Recording is triggered by one or more causes:
Start and/or trip of any enabled protection or control element
Binary input activation (OFF-ON or ON-OFF transition)
Power-on or power-down (Auxiliary power supply)
Setting change.
Three hundred events are recorded into a circular FIFO (First In, First Out) buffer.[2][1]
Following information are stored in every record:
Event counter[2]
Date and time
Event cause (binary input/element trip/setting change)

Similarly as described for the acquisition of faults, to capture the event data stored in the relay the
following sequence must be activated:
Double click on Events recording menu
Right-click on Events reading
click on Send Command
save the le that will also include data concerning events (the le can also be viewed off-line by
opening the saved le).

Note 1 Event 0 is the newest event, while the Event 299 is the oldest event
Note 2 Counter is updated at any new record; it may be cleared by means ThySetter

ThySetter - Manual - 09 - 2014 23

Inside the Set menu the settings data must be displayed and/or modied.[1]

Some setting are commons to both proles (Prole A and Prole B):
Self-test Relay
Prole selection
Circuit Breaker supervision
VT supervision - 74VT
CT supervision - 74CT
Remote tripping
Pilot wire diagnostic
Demand measures
while some settings are independently adjustable for any setting prole.
Set \ Base
Inside the submenu the Relay reference name may be entered (free editing eld), the nominal fre-
quency and current may be set and the reading mode may be selected.

Set \ Inputs
Inside the submenu the operating logic (Active-ON/Active-OFF), the timers (IN1 tON, IN1 tOFF, IN2
tON, IN2 tOFF) and the matching for the binary input may be set.[2]
The state of the input is acquired after tON and tOFF delays.
The activation timer denes the time interval following the OFF-ON transition of the input signal
elapsed before the binary input state is acquired.
The de-activation timer denes the time interval following the ON-OFF transition of the input signal
elapsed before the binary input state is acquired.
Note 1 For any change of settings the Start/End settings sequence must be performed .
Note 2 According to the Thybus active external modules (MID16, the concerning binary inputs are available

24 ThySetter - Manual - 09 - 2014

Set \ Relays
Inside the submenu the setting parameters concerning the output relays are available.
(Logic, Operation mode and Minimum pulse width).[1]

Set \ LEDs
Inside the submenu the setting parameters concerning the operation mode of LEDs (Latched/No-
latched) are available.
Set \ Self-test Relay
Inside the submenu the setting parameters concerning the Self-test relay (Latched/No- latched) are
Any relevant diagnostic alarm may be associated to a Self-test relay; minor fail alarms may be also
associated to the same relay (K1...K6,...).[2]

Set \ MMI
You can enable or disable changes by MMI; for this purpose it is necessary to operate at Level 1
with password. With ON setting all changes are enabled, with By Password setting changes are
enabled by entering a password, while with OFF setting the changes are disabled.

The parameters concerning the auxiliary modules of the Pro-N devices (MID16, MRI, etc..) may be
displayed if the option to view data for all modules is enabled.

Note 1 According to the Thybus active external modules (MRI), the concerning output relays are available
Note 2 The Energized logic and No-latched operating mode may be set for the self-test relay; other function must not be associated to the same

ThySetter - Manual - 09 - 2014 25

Set \ Profile selection
The active prole may be selected.[1]
A: The Prole A settings are active,
B: The Prole B settings are active,
By INPUT: The Prole A or Prole B settings are active depending on the binary input state. If
the input is in the rest state (OFF) the Prole A is active, if the input is in the operate state (ON) the
Prole B is active.

Set \ Prole A
Inside the submenu are sorted all parameters concerning the Prole A; a tree structure is provided.

Phase overcurrent - 50/51

Example of setting concerning the Prole A Phase overcurrent - 50/51 protective element.[2]
Inside the submenu all the setting concerning the three threshold can be read and/or changed:
Threshold enable or disable, Curve type (Denite or inverse for rst and second thresholds)
CLP operating mode and CLP activation time
Reset time delay adjustment
Logical block (Block1) enable or disable, Selective block input and output (Block2) enable or disable
Second harmonic restraint enable or disable, Breaker failure enable or disable
Output relays and LEDs allocation..

Note 1 If the double setting is not used , the Prole A is the default conguration; the Prole B data is not required
Note 2 If the double setting is not used , the Prole A is the default conguration; the Prole B data is not required

26 ThySetter - Manual - 09 - 2014

Example: setting of the rst element pickup I> = 2.22 In with denite time curve, start on K1 relay and
trip signalling on L2 LED; the following operating procedure must be performed:
Open the setting session with Start settings command (menu or by means click on the icon).
The setting session state is shown inside a yellow background message.

Carry out the changes (I>def threshold adjustment).

The change in progress is highlighted by a red eld up to completion of the setting session.

A threshols becomes active when:

- The enable parameter inside the Set\ ProleA (or B)\xxx Element\Setpoints (e.g. I> Enable) is set (ON)
WARNING - The State parameter concerning a threshold, inside the Set\ ProleA (or B)\xxx Element\Denite time
(or Inverse time) is set (ON)
Changes are active after the End settings command.

Carry out the changes no the output association (LED and output relays)

Close the setting session with End settings command (menu or by means click on the icon); the
setting session state is shown inside a message (Programming state: Close).

ThySetter - Manual - 09 - 2014 27

Similarly the settings can be performed for all protective elements[1]:
Thermal image - 49
Residual overcurrent - 50N/51N
Overvoltage - 59
Second harmonic restraint
- 2ndh-REST
Inside the menu the threshold value, the reset time delay and the output relays and LED allocation
can be read and/or changed.
Trip Circuit Supervision - 74TCS
Inside the menu the enable ag, the logic block enabling and the output relays and LED allocation
can be read and/or changed.
Selective block - BLOCK2
Inside the menu the operating mode, the maximum input activation time, the output dropout times
and the output relays and LED allocation can be read and/or changed.
Internal selective block -
Inside the menu the operating mode the output dropout times can be read and/or changed.
Breaker Failure - BF
Inside the menu the enable ag, the threshold values, the BF time delay, the logic block and the
output relays and LED allocation can be read and/or changed.
Set \ Profile B
Same for Prole A.
Set \ PLC[2]
Inside the menu the enable setting and the I/O assignments may be changedzione degli ingressi e
delle uscite (LED e rel) dedicate alla funzione PLC.

Inside the menu the state of switches may be read and/or changed.

Inside the menu the state of timers may be read and/or changed.

Note 1 Number and type of protective elements are different for any Pro-N devices
Note 2 The menu is only available on relay protection Pro-N; the PLC function is not available on devices NA0x (NA011, NA016, NC020, NV021), the relay
NVA100X-D, NVA100X-T, and on the fault detectors SMExx

28 ThySetter - Manual - 09 - 2014

Set \ Circuit breaker supervision
LEDs Relay allocation
Inside the submenu are sorted all parameters concerning the LEDs and output relays:
Open and Close CB command relays,
Open and Close CB command LEDs.[1]

CB Diagnostic
Four diagnostic criteria are implemented.
1) Number of trips. If the trip count value overcomes an user-dened threshold, an alarm is issued.
The Number of trips procedure may be enabled (ModeN.Open ON) and the N.Open threshold
may be set.
2) Summation of tripping current (ModeSumI). If the summation overcomes an user-dened
threshold, an alarm is issued. The summation of tripping current procedure may be enabled
(ModeSumION) and the SumI threshold may be set.
3) Summation of tripping energy (ModeSumI^2t). If the summation overcomes an user-dened
threshold, an alarm is issued. The I2t or Joule integral is a measure of the thermal stress or thermal
energy let through by the CB during fault current interruption. It is the integral of the square of the
current over a given time and is expressed in ampere square seconds. The energy calculation
is based on phase current measures acquired when the trip commands is issued and the CB
opening time (user-programmable according the manufacturer data). The summation of tripping
energy procedure may be enabled (ModeSumI^2t ON), the tbreak CB opening time and the
SumI^2t threshold may be set.
4) CB operating time. If the delay elapsed from the trip command and the CB open state acquisition
overcomes an user-dened threshold, an alarm is issued. The CB operating time procedure may
be enabled (Mode-tOpen ON) and the tbreak threshold may be set inside the Set \ Circuit
Breaker supervision \ CB Diagnostic submenu. The the delay elapsed from the trip command and
the CB open state acquisition is calculated from trigger of a selectable relay (Ktrig-break param-
eter matched with K1...Kx.
The four criteria can be singly or contemporaneously used; N.Open-K, SumI-K, SumI^2t-K,
tbreak-K (output relays) and/or N.Open-L, SumI-L, SumI^2t-L, tbreak-L (LED) matching may
be assigned to the alarm..

Note 1 The acquisition of both 52a and 52b informations is essential

ThySetter - Manual - 09 - 2014 29

Set \ VT supervision - 74VT
Inside the menu the threshold values, the logic block and the output relays and LED allocation can
be read and/or changed:
Negative sequence overvoltage threshold (U2VT>)
Negative sequence overcurrent threshold (I2VT>)
Phase undervoltage threshold (UVT<)
Minimum change of current threshold (DIVT<)
Undercurrent inhibition threshold (IVT<)
Alarm time delay (tVT-AL)
Logical block (74VT-BLK1)
Self-reset (74VT-AR)
Block function enable from 74VT (74VT-BK-EN)
LED and relays
Set \ CT supervision - 74CT
Inside the menu the threshold values, the logic block and the output relays and LED allocation can
be read and/or changed:
74CT threshold (S<)
Overcurrent threshold (I*)
Operating time (tS<)
Logical block
LED and relays

Set \ Remote tripping

Inside the menu the output relays and LEDs allocation are available.
Set \ Pilot wire diagnostic
Inside the submenu the period adjustment for input/output pilot wire pulses are available and the output
relays and LED allocation can be read and/or changed.
Set \ Demand measures
Fixed demand period, rolling demand period and number of cycles for rolling on demand parameters
are available.

Upon trigger of tripping/starting of any protective function or external command, the device records,
in COMTRADE format:[1]
Oscillography with instantaneous values,
RMS value of fundamental components,
Logic states (binary inputs and output relays.
Records are automatically created and stored in sequential order until the allocated RAM[2] memory
if overll; after which the oldest records are overwritten.
The following parameters must be set:
Buffer alarm enable; the alarm output a warning so the user may download the RAM data and then
erase it avoiding to lose oldest records.
Pre-trigger and post trigger time intervals.
Sampled measures.
Analog channels allocation (1...12).
Digital channels allocation (1...12).
Trigger setup.

Note 1 The oscillographic recorder requires a licence; to purchase it please contact Thytronic.
Note 2 data are stored in RAM, them are lost when power supply goes OFF.

30 ThySetter - Manual - 09 - 2014

The following information are available:
State; the operative state (Fail if diagnostic errors are detected, Acquire in normal operation, Trig-
ger during the acquisition time following a trigger, etc...),
Records stored,.
Memory buffer use.

Trigger setup
Recording start when a binary input and/or an output relay switches.
Pre-trigger time
Post-trigger time
Trigger from outputs enabling (output relays)[2]
Trigger from inputs enabling (binary inputs)[1]
Alarm output enabling (80% buffer)
According to pre-trigger and post-trigger setting and number of measurements, the maximum num-
ber of records is dened.

Set sampled channels

The following sampled measures can be recorded:

Note 1 According to the Thybus active external modules (MID16 and/or MRI), the concerning binary inputs and output relays are available.

ThySetter - Manual - 09 - 2014 31

Set analog channels
The following analog (RMS of the fundamental components) measures can be recorded within every
12 available channels.

Set digital channels

Every one of 12 digital channels may be assigned to a the following signals:
Output relay state K1, K2,...K6...Kx
Binary input state IN1, IN2,...INx.

Manual activation
For diagnostic purposed may be useful to trigger manually the oscillographic recording.
After trigger setup, and setting of the post-trigger time (default 50 ms)[1] the manual trigger may be
started by means the Man. trigger command inside the Upload disturbance records (Optional
functions->Disturbance top down menu.

Note 1 The Man rec. width is the post trigger time when a manual trigger is issued, whereas the pre trigger time must be adjusted inside the Oscillog-
raphy \ Set trigger menu

32 ThySetter - Manual - 09 - 2014

Record keeping
The records may be uploaded by means the Upload Records command inside the Upload distur-
bance record (Options->Disturbance->Upload disturbance records top down menu). The name of
the record can be dened.[1]
The selected record (the last for default) or all recording can be acquired at the same time.
The single records are stored with the user-dened name; an automatic index is automatically added
to point the recording order (e.g.: seq1.cfg, seq2.cfg...)).

Record displaying
The desired le may be visualized with a click on File button inside Options->Disturbance->Upload
disturbance visualization top down menu.
The desired .cfg le may be selected; so the measures to display may be selected. The visualization
starts with a click on OK.
Several tools are available (markers, zoom, colors, ecc..).
Snapshots can be stored in JPEG format.

Nota 1 The .cfg extension is automatically added

ThySetter - Manual - 09 - 2014 33

Several communication protocol are provided.
One protocol may be select:[1]
The Address parameter allows identication of a single device inside a RS485 eld bus.
The Baud rate parameter must be set according the eld bus device characteristics (1200...57600

Inside the drop-down Optional functions menu the ModbusScan tool is available; the devices con-
nected to the RS485 Modbus bus may be check.

Within the page there are forms for selection of the parameters and variables which you want to
access (read and / or change):
Device ID address of the device you want to query
IDX address of the variable you want to read or modify
Dim size in bytes of the variable you want to read or modify
TX Data (hex) eld where to insert the value of the parameter you want to send
RX Data (hex) eld containing the parameter value received
Reading of NA80-MM0-j serial number.
From Modbus manual (fw 2.60) shows that the variable has:
dimension 2,
address 7
typ3 3x:InputRegister.
After entering the above parameters and activation of the Open command (opening serial port), and
the Execute command, the desired value is displayed in the Date field RX (the decimal value cor-
responding to the serial number of the example is 00F1 (hex) that is 241 (decimal).

Note 1 To be select on order

34 ThySetter - Manual - 09 - 2014

Following parameters are available:
IP host address device IP address
IP net mask subnet address
IP gateway the IP address of the network which carries out the routing
from one network to another
Autonegotiation procedure by which two connected devices choose
common transmission parameters

If the Autonegotiation parameter is set to ON the connected devices rst share their capabilities
as for these parameters and then choose the fastest transmission mode they both support..

IP test
A very simple check over the IP address may be performed with following PC commands:
Open a DOS session: Start -> Programs -> Prompt MS-Dos;
Type ping -n 10 -> Enter
If the response is Reply from..., the communication is active; vice versa, if the response is Re-
quest timed out the Ethernet setting must be corrected.

Type exit to close the MS-Dos section.

Network services
If the primary time server is available and the parameter Enable is ON, all network devices can be
synchronized to a common reference.

The reference server can be set:

Internet Type
User Type

ThySetter - Manual - 09 - 2014 35

The following settings ara available

The presence of synchronization is indicated by the value of the state parameter (about the protocol

Network management
Within the menu you can read and change settings concerning to network parameters, particularly
the type of transmission may be selected:
With Multicast selection the message is simultaneously sent information to a group of addressed
devices. An address that refers to a group of destinations, in turn, is a multicast address.
With Broadcast selection the message is sent to all devices on a network.


36 ThySetter - Manual - 09 - 2014

Following commands are available:[1]
Thermal image presetting,
Reset CB Open counter (CB diagnostic), Reset LEDs,
Reset CB time action (CB diagnostic),
Reset Breaking current SumI2t (CB diagnostic), Reset Breaking current SumIt (CB diagnostic),
Reset on demand measures,
Reset partial counters, Reset counters, (Reset all counters): available with Level 1 password.

Default setting
The factory settings (default) can be loaded: available with Level 1 password only.

Circuit breaker
Open or Close command may be send: available with Level 1 password only.

The include/exclusion command of the automatic reclosing function can be sent.
Real Time Clock
Timing may be adjusted.
Once the correct values of the parameters Day, Month, Year, ..., press the meal right click and select
Send the command.[3]

Note 1 The command may be send with a right mouse click over the selected item and a click on the Send command.
Unlike all the setting, the commands may be sent without the Start setting and End setting sequence.
Note 2 The menu is only available on devices with the function of automatic reclosing
Note 3 with a Send command without setting the date and time values, the device is set with default values, ie 01/01/2000 00:00:00

ThySetter - Manual - 09 - 2014 37

The command allows upgrading the relay rmware.

The procedure should only be activated in case of real need in accordance with the instructions
WARNING provided by Thytronic.
Incorrect operation can cause serious damage to the operation of the device!

Preliminary operations
If the rmware update involves the transition from one software version to another where the data-
base is changed the settings must be saved, so you can restore it:

The operating procedure is scheduled in the following steps:

Connect device to the personal computer by means of a Thytronic L10041 RS232 cable (local serial
port) , or standard cable for a network connection (Ethernet)
Start ThySetter

Read data

A form will be submitted where you can enter the name of the le where data are saved.

38 ThySetter - Manual - 09 - 2014

Serial number
Take note of the device serial number, so it can be restored later (234 in the example)..

Close communication

Firmware upgrade
Procedure activation
Select the Upgrade->Update firmware menu.


ThySetter - Manual - 09 - 2014 39

Select the le to be sent to the device via File button.[1]

Push the Strt button to send the new rmware to device.

Then press the Exit button.
Wait until the device restarts.

Device initialization
If the data base on the updated version is not compatible with the current data base the default must
be send to the relay.
The situation is highlighted by the ashing of the LED ON and diagnostic messages.
Proceed with the steps:

Open communication:

Nota 1 Il tipo di le (estensione .bin, .hex, .thy, .out) dipende dal dispositivo; in base alla selezione della famiglia (PRON, NA0X, PRONEXT,...) viene pro-
posto il tipo di le corrispondente (.bin, .out, .thy,...)

40 ThySetter - Manual - 09 - 2014

Push the Start button, and bring the communication session at level 1 (password level1):

Select Default settings, press the right mouse button and select Send command

Following the "default settings" command you must wait at least 2 minutes before restarting
WARNING the device or begin a setting session.
Incorrect operation can cause serious damage to the the operation of the device!

Push the Start change settings button on the toolbar:

Select the Read->Serial number directory, and set the value noted previously.
Select the Parametri di comunicazione directory ed aggiornare Ip host address ed IpGate-
Select the Network services->NTP>General directory and set Enable=ON and NTP synchro-
nization led=L4

Push the End change settings button on the toolbar:

Close communication
Close the le (no save)
Restart the device (required for the acquisition of the serial number).

ThySetter - Manual - 09 - 2014 41

Restoring previous settings
Read new settings
At the end of the initialization procedure the old settings (prior to the upgrade) must be restored, with
the following steps:

Open communication

Verify the settings and press Start button:

When complete, select the File->save menu,

and then Communication->close
and nally File->close

Settings restore
Select the Procedure->Setting File conversion menu,
Select the source le saved before (reading data section),
Select the destination le saved before (read new settings section),
Push Start and verify the report displayed on the screen to check for updates,
Save the changes (will be saved in the destination le),
Select the Procedure->Send data menu
Push the File button,
Select the destination le saved before,
Push the Configura porta button,
Select Network,
Push the Start button and nally Confirm new data

Now the device is active with the updated rmware and old settings (before the update).

42 ThySetter - Manual - 09 - 2014


Pro-N modules
The Thybus modules may be set inside the Procedure menu (or by means a click on the icon).
After installation, the modules must be enabled (working with level 1 session level).
Following up any module conguration an automatic reset is issued and the I/O devices are included
inside the device menu. [1] When two MID16 modules are enabled, the hardware address must be
set; the dip-switch layout is showed inside the INSTALLATION section

Pro-N Ext modules

The modules may be set inside the Procedure menu (or by means a click on the icon).
After installation, the modules must be enabled (working with level 1 session level).

Note 1 Binary inputs and output names (ThySetter):

Binary inputs for all devices except for NA30 and NA70: IN1, IN2 on board
IN3...IN10 with MRI module
IN11...IN26 with one MID16 module
IN27...IN42 with two MID16 modules
Binary inputs for NA30 and NA70 devices IN1...IN5 on board
IN6...IN13 with MRI module
IN14...IN29 with one MID16 module
IN30...IN45 with two MID16 modules
Output relays K1...K6 on board
K7...K10 with MRI module
LEDs: ON, START, TRIP, L1...L5 on board
L6...L10 with MRI module

ThySetter - Manual - 09 - 2014 43


A little example stands for a preliminary example of a programmable user dened logic embedded
inside ThySetter and Pro_N protective devices.[1]

Following topics are shown:

The integrated development environment (IDE)
The IL compiler[2] (Instruction List).

Development environment
The IL programming language for the PLC device may be carried out, according to the IEC61131-3
standard, by means of any editor or the ThysSetter IDE, while the compilation and sending opera-
tions must be performed by means of ThySetter.
The development environment may be started inside the Option -> PLC -> Develop menu, or by means
of a click on the icon.

Example programs View log

New Find Compile Information

Open Font Send Family

Close Replace

An Integrated Development Environment (IDE) is provided.

An existing le may be open or a new le may be created; inside the New Project menu ( icon)
some examples are available to familiarize with the matter.

Some buttons are available inside the upper desktop:

File save: the key become active when any change is performed on the le
File: a PLC program le may be loaded ( icon)
Send: the selected le may be send to device; the key become active when only for good les
when device is online ( icon)
View SRecord: the object le may be shown when the compilation is fullled
Compile: start compilation
Compila: the key starts compilation
View Logs: the key shown the log le following the compilation
Family: the key allows setting of the device code; this selection is operated automatically whe
the cennected device is Online
Exit: the command closes the PLC IDE.

and sending program
Following operation must be performed:
Open communication
Open the PLC IDE
Load the program le
Send the le (S-record) to device

If the pre-compiled le is available the ollowing operation must be performed:

Open communication
Select option Procedure->PLC->Send program; Thysetter will send the le only if the compat-
ibility with device is veried.

Note 1 For the PLC function a licence is required; call Thytronic for purchasing.
Note2 With ThySetter V3.4.3 and IEC 61131-3 V1.2.7 compiler releases, the IL language is implemented (Instruction List);
other languages, according to standard IEC 61131 (ST (Structured Text)), LD (Ladder Diagram), FBD (Function Block Diagram),
SFC (Sequential Functional Chart), will be available in the next

44 ThySetter - Manual - 09 - 2014

Error management
If any error is detected, (both within the compilation and sending program), an express message is

For training aid a simple example is shown; the gioco.il is a PLC program where the LED START,
TRIP, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and K1 relay are driven; the full listing is placed in the end of this section.[1]
The I/O circuit by the PLC function (LED START, TRIP, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and the K1 relay), must be enabled
inside the Set \ PLC \ Setpoints menu.

IL IEC61131-3 Compiler
The embedded PLC compiler is compliance to IEC61131-3 standard; presently the IL (instruction
list) is implemented.
Typical format of a generic program:

pragma denition
Function (FUN) denition
Function (FUB) denition
Program (PROGRAM) denition
Conguration (CONFIGURATION) denition
The beginning of program holds some pragma, (compliler directives):

{Include ..} : le including in IL code

{Name ..} : program name
{Version xx.yy} : program release (exadecimal)
{Date dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm} : program compilation date
{Preemptive} : put the PLC in preemptive mode
{Watchdog mm} : watchdog time in ms, 0: disabled (default)
{DeviceCode xx} : device identier
{Options -xx -yy ...} : compilation options

Following pragma are included inside the example:

{Preemptive }
{Name gioco}
{Watchdog 1000}
{Device 0}
{Options -NMI}

with meaning:

The PLC scheduler is placed in preemptive mode that is an high priority task can stop a lower
priority or background task[2]
The program name is gioco
The watchdog interval is 1000 ms
The 0 code (universale) is assigned to device

Function (FUN)
Some functions may be included (none in the example).

Function Block (FUB)

Following function block are dened:

SetRele: allows to switch ON/OFF the selected relay, this FUB is a FUB SetIO support
SetIO: allows to switch ON/OFF the selected IO.

Note 1 The example have educational purpose only.

Note 2 up to 12 task may be dened

ThySetter - Manual - 09 - 2014 45

Program (PROGRAM)
The following programs are dened:[1]

Pgm1: a range of IO is managed; the state is toggled when the function is called, in circular
Pgm2: the watchdog refresh is performed.

The following specications are dened:[1]

Global variables
Conguration resources, task and program-task association.

Note 1 Complete informations may be available on the IEC61131-3 standard

46 ThySetter - Manual - 09 - 2014

The following operations are performed:

the cyclic task T1 that powers the LED 1, 2, 3 with 1000 ms cycle is dened
the cyclic task T2 that powers the LED 4, 5 with 500 ms cycle is dened
the cyclic task T3 that powers the LED START, TRIP with 250 ms cycle is dened
the cyclic task T4 that toggles the K1 relay with 1000 ms cycle is dened
the background program that operates the watchdog refresh is dened

{Preemptive }
{Name gioco}
{Watchdog 1000}
{Device 0}
{Options -NIM}

(* FUB: SetRele (Imposta lo stato dei rele) *)

rele : BYTE; (* Rele da attivare*)
state : BOOL; (* stato del rele - TRUE: aperto, false chiuso *)


(* Verifica quale rele gestire *)

LD rele

LD rele

LD rele

LD rele

LD rele

LD rele


ON_RELE1: LD state

ON_RELE2: LD state

ON_RELE3: LD state

ON_RELE4: LD state

ThySetter - Manual - 09 - 2014 47

ON_RELE5: LD state

ON_RELE6: LD state


(* FUB: SetIO (Imposta lo stato del led) *)

element : BYTE; (* Led da accendere *)
state : BOOL; (* stato del led - TRUE: acceso, false
spento *)
isLed : BOOL; (* Indica se lelemento e un led *)


rele : SetRele;

(* Verifica se deve settare RELE *)

LD isLed

(* Verifica quale led settare *)

LD element

LD element

LD element

LD element

LD element

LD element

LD element


ON_START: LD state

48 ThySetter - Manual - 09 - 2014

ON_TRIP: LD state

ON_LED1: LD state

ON_LED2: LD state

ON_LED3: LD state

ON_LED4: LD state

ON_LED5: LD state


rele := element,
state := state


(* Program Pgm1 *)

minEle : BYTE; (* IO piu basso il cui stato deve essere
cambiato *)
numEle : BYTE; (* numero elementi da gestire *)
valEle : BYTE; (* elemento a cui cambiare stato *)
isLed : BOOL; (* indica se lelemento e un led (TRUE) o
un rele (FALSE) *)

next : BYTE; (* prossimo led da accendere *)

leds : SetIO; (* FUB utilita per set stato led *)
count : BYTE;

(* Per prima cosa spegne tutti gli elementi compresi nel

range *)

LD minEle
ST count


element := count,
state := FALSE,
isLed := isLed

LD count
ST count
LE numEle

(* Poi verifica che il valore sia nel range *)

LD valEle
LT minEle

ThySetter - Manual - 09 - 2014 49

LD valEle
GE numEle

(* Incrementa il prossimo elemento da accendere *)

LD valEle
ST valEle

RESET: (* Reset al minimo *)

LD minEle
ST valEle

TURN_ON: (* Accensione led indicato *)

LD valEle
ST next (* salva il valore per il prossimo giro *)

CAL leds(
element := valEle,
state := TRUE,
isLed := isLed

(* Program Pgm2

M_FLAG_WatchdogTrg : BOOL;

pippo : BYTE;

(* Gestione watchdog *)

ST M_FLAG_WatchdogTrg

(* Configuration Cfg1

(* Variabili globali per la gestione dei led *)

ValLed1 : BYTE := BYTE#3; (* led di partenza del primo

gruppo *)
ValLed2 : BYTE := BYTE#6; (* led di partenza del secondo
gruppo *)
ValLed3 : BYTE := BYTE#1; (* led di partenza del terzo
gruppo *)

(* Varibili globali per la gestione dei rele *)

ValRele1 : BYTE := BYTE#1; (* rele di partenza del primo

gruppo *)

(* Varibili globali per la definizione degli I/O *)


50 ThySetter - Manual - 09 - 2014

LED1 AT %QX1.3 : BOOL;
LED2 AT %QX1.4 : BOOL;
LED3 AT %QX1.5 : BOOL;
LED4 AT %QX1.6 : BOOL;
LED5 AT %QX1.7 : BOOL;




M_FLAG_WatchdogTrg AT %MX0.4 : BOOL;



(* Task per laccensione dei led *)

TASK T1 (INTERVAL := t#1000ms, PRIORITY := 1);

TASK T2 (INTERVAL := t#500ms, PRIORITY := 2);
TASK T3 (INTERVAL := t#250ms, PRIORITY := 3);

(* Task per la movimentazione dei rele *)

TASK T4 (INTERVAL := t#1000ms, PRIORITY := 4);

(* Programmi per i led *)

PROGRAM L1 WITH T1 : Pgm1(minEle := BYTE#3, numEle :=

BYTE#5, valEle := ValLed1 , isLed := TRUE, next => ValLed1);
PROGRAM L2 WITH T2 : Pgm1(minEle := BYTE#6, numEle :=
BYTE#7, valEle := ValLed2, isLed := TRUE, next => ValLed2);
PROGRAM L3 WITH T3 : Pgm1(minEle := BYTE#1, numEle :=
BYTE#2, valEle := ValLed3, isLed := TRUE, next => ValLed3);

(* Programma per il rele *)

PROGRAM R1 WITH T4 : Pgm1(minEle := BYTE#1, numEle :=

BYTE#1, valEle := ValRele1, isLed := FALSE, next => ValRele1);

(* Gestione watchdog *)

PROGRAM Bgk1 : Pgm2;


ThySetter - Manual - 09 - 2014 51

1. Start ThySetter
2. Inside the Preference menu select the Reset Configuration command
3. Conrm the request by pressing the Yes button
4. Conrm the request to restart the program by pressing the OK button
5. Start the ThySetter again
6. Inside the Preference menu select the Abilita log command
7. Inside the Preference menu select the della Session Level menu
8. Select the level1 (Password: level1)
9. Inside the Communication menu select the Open command
10. Make the following settings:
10.1. Select Serial
10.2. Remove the checkmark Automatic
10.3. Remove the checkmark Reading settings
10.4. Select the family:
10.4.1. PRO-N for NV10P, NV021, NA30, NA60 ecc.
10.4.2. NA0XX for NA011, NA016, NC020
10.4.3. SIF for SIF5600, SVF5740, SVF5940 e SMEx
10.4.4. SME-I for SME-I fault detectors
10.4.5. DMC7300 for ENEL 7300
10.4.6. NTG for NTG

10.5. Verify that the serial port is the one to which the device is connected
10.6. By means of the Configure command set thebaud rate:
10.6.1. 9600 Baud/s for SIF
10.6.2. 19200 Baud/s for PRO-N and NA0XX
11. Push the Start button
12. If at the end of the procedure, the device is not recognized and connected the following opera-
tions must be performed:
12.1. Push the Show log file icon ( )
12.2. Push the Save icon
12.3. Type the name of the le

52 ThySetter - Manual - 09 - 2014


Date Documentation Communication Description

12.09.2012 ThySetter-Manuale-12-2011 ThySetter 3.6.3 Added note on file conversion function

10-2014 ThySetter-Manuale-09-2014 ThySetter 3.6.11 Added references to Pro-N Ext devices, pending recommendation after
updating fw, procedure in case of communication problems, details

ThySetter - Manual - 09 - 2014 53

Headquarter: 20139 Milano - Piazza Mistral, 7 - Tel. +39 02 574 957 01 ra - Fax +39 02 574 037 63
Factory: 35127 Padova - Z.I. Sud - Via dellArtigianato, 48 - Tel. +39 049 894 770 1 ra - Fax +39 049 870 139 0

www.thytronic.it [email protected] www.thytronic.com

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