1 sl.0 S001793101jh
1 sl.0 S001793101jh
1 sl.0 S001793101jh
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: This study conducts a parametric investigation on a c-type low temperature differential Stirling engine
Received 21 March 2016 (LTDSE) using CFD. The effects on engine performance posed by four geometrical parameters namely
Received in revised form 3 October 2016 phase angle between power piston and displacer, gap width between displacer and displacer cylinder,
Accepted 2 November 2016
length of displacer, and length of power piston linkage bar, are systematically examined. One crucial
Available online 9 November 2016
advantage of using CFD is that temperature and velocity vector fields in engine space can be obtained,
allowing important physical processes to be studied in great detail. Then the physical mechanisms
through which a parameter affects engine performance can be identified. It is found that all four param-
eters are quite influential on engine performance despite that they are of little effect on the magnitude of
Parametric study engines compression ratio. Within the ranges of parameters examined here, they affect engine perfor-
mance by margins up to 32% on indicated power and 13% on efficiency. The results highlight the impor-
tance of every geometrical parameter on overall engine performance, and the information concluded in
this study is very useful for the design of a new LTDSE.
2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
0017-9310/ 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
W.-L. Chen / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 107 (2017) 10021013 1003
tion loss) which is very important for low-power engines like Mahkamov [4]. Based on their chronological hierarchy, these are
LTDSEs because large mechanical friction would easily cancel a generally categorized into first-, second-, and third-order models.
LTDSEs output work and render it useless. Therefore, the current The greatest advantage of these models is that they only require
study focuses on a c-type LTDSE. very little CPU time to return a solution, making them very suitable
In classical thermodynamics analysis, a Stirling engine cycle is a for design optimization. However, they are generally zero- or one-
close cycle that operates between two temperature reservoirs, one dimension models and often adopt some empirical or ad hoc con-
at higher temperature and the other at lower temperature. It stants or formulas to estimate heat transfer rates or energy losses.
includes an isothermal expansion process (heat input from high- For example, the model proposed in Cheng et al. [5] assumes con-
temperature reservoir to engine), an isometric cooling process, an stant regenerator effectiveness and constant heat transfer coeffi-
isothermal compression process (waste heat discharged to low- cients in expansion and compression chambers. Consequently,
temperature reservoir), and an isometric heating process. In each their abilities to resolve the complicated physical processes in a
process, equilibrium state is assumed to hold all the time. This real Stirling engine are quite limited. The disadvantages of these
gives rise to formulas governing the output work and efficiency methods are their unsatisfactory predictive accuracy and lack of
of an ideal Stirling cycle as: generality. The latter means that a well-tuned model to match
the experimental data of one particular engine may not yield good
W nRT H T L lnV r ; 1 results when applied to different engines. Mahkamov [4] reported
an overestimation of the power of a solar Stirling engine by 250%
TH by a second-order model. Therefore, these classes of models are
g1 ; 2 often used in the early design stage of an engine to obtain some
preliminary results.
where n and R are respectively mole number of the working gas and A real Stirling engine configuration is multi-dimensional, con-
universal gas constant, TH and TL are respectively the temperatures taining multiple geometrical parameters that cannot be studied
at the hot and cold ends of the engine, and Vr is engines compres- thoroughly by the above zero- or one-dimensional models. Com-
sion ratio which is the maximum engine volume divided by the putational fluid dynamics (CFD) has been used successfully in
minimum engine volume. Note that the only geometrical parameter many industries to obtain accurate predictions. One of important
in Eq. (1) is Vr, and Eq. (2) even suggests that no geometrical param- advantages of CFD is its capability to model multi-dimensional
eter will affect efficiency. That is, the only geometrical parameter geometries, allowing designers to investigate the effects of differ-
that matters is Vr. Apparently classic thermodynamics analysis ent geometrical parameters. Another important advantage is its
has oversimplified the physics and configuration of a real Stirling general applicability to different engines because its governing
engine, but it, at least, points out the importance of Vr. In reality, equations do not include any empirical constant or formula.
however, there are at least a dozen geometrical parameters even When used for Stirling engine analysis, it is able to return more
in a very simple Stirling engine, and each of them might play a role accurate predictions on Stirling engines performance than the
on engines performance. To study a Stirling engine more accu- aforementioned models. For example, CFD only overestimates
rately, more sophisticated models are needed. the power of the same solar Stirling engine in Mahkamov [4]
Many numerical models for studying Stirling engines have been by 40% instead of 250% by a second-order model. This might be
developed. A detailed overview on these models can be found in an extreme example of a second-order model which does not
1004 W.-L. Chen / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 107 (2017) 10021013
Continuity equation:
@q @
~i 0:
qu 7
@t @xi
Momentum equation:
@qui @ @p @2u
qu~ j ui l 2i : 8
@t @xi @xi @xi
Energy equation:
@qT @ k @ 2 T 1 dp
~ i T
qu : 9
@t @xi cp @x2i cp dt
Equation of state:
pV mRT: 10
~ i ui
In the above, u ubi ,
i = 1, 2, 3, are relative velocity components
between fluid and local moving frame which moves with ubi in xi
directions. The initial conditions are:
t 0s; ui 0; i 1; 2; 3; p 101:0 kPa; T T L : 11
Boundary conditions are:At hot end, x3 = 0:
ui 0; i 1; 2; 3; T T H : 12
At cold end, x3=lc1 lc2 and on the wall of power cylinder:
ui 0; i 1; 2; 3; T T L : 13
The surface of displacer is assumed adiabatic, thus the conditions on
displacer surfaces are:
ui 0; i 1; 2; ui ud3 ; i 3; ! 0; 14
Fig. 2. Computational mesh of the baseline engine.
where n is the direction normal to the wall of displacer. The surface
of power piston is also assumed adiabatic, giving:
Table 1 @T
The values of the geometrical parameters of the baseline Stirling ui 0; i 1; 2; ui up3 ; i 3; ! 0: 15
engine. @n
R1 (m) 0.0125 The temperature on the lateral wall of the displacer cylinder is
R2 (m) 0.0400 assumed to maintain at a fixed linear profile as:
Rd (m) 0.0390 x3
r1 (m) 0.0200 ui 0; i 1; 2; 3; T T L T H T L : 16
r2 (m) 0.0125 lc1 lc2
l1 (m) 0.0850
l2 (m) 0.0050
l3 (m) 0.0510 3. Numerical procedure
l4 (m) 0.0775
ld (m) 0.0730
The present computer code is an in-house unstructured-mesh,
lc1 (m) 0.2250
lc2 (m) 0.1150 fully collocated, finite-volume code USTREAM developed by the
Lp (m) 0.0150 author. This code is the descendant of a structure-mesh multi-
block code STREAM by Lien et al. [11]. In this numerical proce-
dure, the total number of cells in the computational domain
remains unchanged throughout an engine cycle. However, to sim-
similar to regenerator. Due to the fact that heat capacity of a solid is ulate the motions of displacer and power piston, the positions of
much larger than that of gas, it is reasonable to assume that solid- cell boundaries in the expansion and compression chambers and
wall temperatures maintain either at a constant value (on the hot- power cylinder are changed according to Eqs. (3) to (6) in the x3-
or cold-end wall) or a fixed profile along the x3-direction (on the direction to increase or decrease the volumes of the cells, and col-
displacer cylinder wall). This allows the modeling of solid domain lectively, these cells simulate the expansion or compression of the
to be replaced by specifying temperature boundary conditions on engine volume just like the action of an accordion. The pressure-
gas domain. All material properties of working gas are assumed velocity coupling scheme proposed by Lebon et al. [12] is
constants because only small temperature difference exists in a employed to handle density variation in compressible gas.
LTDSE. The working gas is air and assumed to be ideal. Finally,
the effects of mechanical friction, thermal radiation, and viscous 4. Results and discussion
dissipation are neglected. Therefore, the engine cycle can be gov-
erned by three-dimensional transient laminar and compressible Kato [13] reported an experimental study on a c-type LTDSE
Navier-Stokes equations together with energy equation and ideal which is not equipped with a regenerator and uses flat plates as
gas equation as follows: heat exchangers. The engine configuration is therefore very similar
1006 W.-L. Chen / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 107 (2017) 10021013
to current LTDSE, and the results include some measured indicated where 50% more cells have been inserted to the displacer section
diagrams (p-V diagrams) which are ideal for code validation pur- and power cylinder section, respectively. The finer meshes return
pose. A case titled 90C in Kato [13] has been selected for code almost identical values of engines indicated work and efficiency
validation. A validation test case has been setup using the engine with those obtained by the current mesh, proving the current mesh
dimensions and operation conditions of Katos engine. Details is adequate for the present parametric study. Therefore, the mesh
regarding engine dimensions and operational conditions of this and number of time steps per cycle are adopted for all cases. Since
test case will not be given here, and readers are advised to refer the methodologies and governing equations of CFD and those of
to Kato [13] for more information. The comparison between mea- the first-, second-, or third models are very different, it is not very
surements and current CFD results is given in Fig. 3. As seen, the meaningful to compare the results by CFD and other models quan-
CFD results are in good agreement with the data. The values of titatively. In the following, results obtained by the current study
indicated work determined by experiment and CFD are 4.64 mJ only compared with other studies that use first-, second-, or third
and 5.41 mJ, respectively, that is, CFD only overestimates indicated models qualitatively.
work by 16.59%. The present code has also been validated via a the-
oretical adiabatic compression process where the p-V relation fol- 4.1. The effects of phase angle /
lows pV 1:4 C (C is a constant). Details of the second validation
have been reported in Chen et al. [7] and will not be repeated here. Phase angle / is the difference between the rotational angles of
Those geometrical parameters investigated in this study are power piston and displacer. A value of 90 is commonly adopted by
phase angle between power piston and displacer /, gap width LTDSEs, that is, displacer moves ahead of power piston by 90.
between displacer and displacer cylinder d = R2-Rd, length of dis- Although the effects of this parameter have been studied by some
placer ld, and length of power piston linkage bar l1. The last one zero- or one-dimensional methods (for example in [14]), they have
is meant to investigate the effects of dead volume. In terms of oper- not been analyzed in detail by CFD in open literature. A change in /
ation parameters, temperature difference between hot and cold produces a time shift on the variations of physical quantities over
ends is fixed at 100 K while the cold-end temperature is fixed at an engine cycle, but this parameter has little effect on the magni-
293 K, and engine rotational speed is fixed at 12.566 rads1 tude of compression ratio Vr. The reason is because in the current
except that a different value of 6.283 rads1 is also specified for engine, the radius of displacer rod (1.5 mm) is very small compared
the group of cases to examine effects of /. A negative rotation with the radius of displacer cylinder (40 mm). The cross-section
speed signifies that the crank of this engine is running clockwise. area ratio between displacer rod and displacer cylinder is only
In the following subsections, as the dimension of a particular geo- 0.0014, hence the motion of displace rod only changes very slightly
metrical parameter is changed, dimensions of the rest of geometri- the value of compression ratio. This group of cases serves as a good
cal parameters take the values of a baseline case. Table 2 lists the example to demonstrate that a parameter hardly affecting com-
values of the above parameters in all cases examined in this study. pression ratio could still produce significant impacts on engine
Among them, case 7 is the baseline case (in bold numbers). performance.
The procedure to find proper mesh size and time-step interval Cases 110 form this group of test cases. Among them, the
to obtain grid and time-step independent solutions for the baseline phase angle ranges from 70 to 120 in two different rotational
engine has been performed and reported in Chen et al. [7], and speeds, x = 6.283 and 12.566 rads1. Rotational speed is an
again will not be repeated here. Nevertheless, the conclusion was operational parameter but a geometrical parameter. The purpose
that a grid and time-step independent solution can be achieved of running this group in two rotational speeds is to demonstrate
by using a mesh (shown in Fig. 2) with 84,579 cells and 200 time that the tendency of the variations produced by changing a geo-
steps in a cycle. However, the present study involves parameters metrical parameter remains more or less the same under different
of displacer length and power cylinder length. Hence, two compu- operation conditions.
tations have been conducted using cases 18 and 20 in Table 2, Fig. 4 shows the p-V diagram of x = 12.566 and / = 80, 100,
and 120, respectively. It is noticeable that the values of maximum
and minimum engine volume are the same for all cases (because Vr
remains the same) but an increase in / results in an increase in the
difference between maximum and minimum pressures. However,
even the difference in pressure has increased, the p-V loop seems
to become slenderer, suggesting that indicated work does not nec-
essarily increase with /. The reasons for these phenomena are
intriguing, and can be explained through motions of displacer
and power piston and variations of overall heat transfer rates in
expansion and compression chambers. Fig. 5(a) shows the varia-
tions of overall heat transfer rates in expansion and compression
chambers for / = 80, 100, and 120, while Fig. 5(b) depicts the
temperature contours at h = 86.4 for / = 80 and 120. Note that
in Fig. 5(a) the horizontal-axis is h, which marks the direction to
the right corresponding to the increase in time. It can be seen from
Fig. 5(a) that as / increases, profiles of overall heat transfer rate
shift to the left. This, in fact, means that all heat transfer events,
heating in the expansion chamber and cooling in the compression
chamber, happen earlier. The phenomenon is readily understood
because heat transfer events are basically driven by the motion
of displacer. As displacer moves ahead in time, so do these events.
Fig. 5(b) shows a moment during engine compression process
when engine volume almost reaches its minimum, that is, near
Fig. 3. Comparison of p-V diagrams between the measurements by Kato [12] and the end of engine compression process or the beginning of engines
the current CFD approach. expansion process. The relative positions between power piston
W.-L. Chen / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 107 (2017) 10021013 1007
Table 2
The values of parameters investigated in the current study.
Z tt o t p Z
Q out qdAdt; if q < 0; 18
2p tt0 wall
Case 7 and cases 1115 are in this group of test cases; and
among them, gap width d varies from 0.875 mm to 1.5 mm. Two
major effects can be produced by widening d. First, the engine vol-
ume inside displacer cylinder is slightly increase, resulting in a
decrease in compression ratio (see Table 2). Second, as the gap
becomes wider, it reduces the velocity of working gas flowing
through the gap channel. Fig. 7 illustrates the p-V diagram of cases
with d = 1.0 mm, 1.25 mm, and 1.5 mm. The increase in engine vol-
ume due to the widened gap width can be clearly seen from the
right shift of p-V loop as d increases. Meanwhile, the difference
between maximum and minimum pressures has decreased. As a
result, the p-V loop of the case with d = 1.5 mm circles the smallest
area thus yields the least indicated work among the three cases. On
Fig. 5. Variations of overall heat transfer rates and temperature contours; (a)
variations of overall heat transfer rates in three cases with different phase angles,
/ = 80, 100, and 120, and x = 12.566 rads1, (b) temperature contours with
/ = 80, 100 at h = 86.4.
the other hand, the case with d = 1.0 mm produces the largest indi- where the jet impingement region is seen to produce the largest
cated work. The beneficial effect on indicated work in the latter local heat transfer rate, and the magnitude in case with
case can be attributed to the combination of the increase in Vr d = 1.0 mm is much larger than that in the other case. However,
and some changes in heat transfer behaviors due to smaller d. the magnitude of the local heat transfer rate is not much larger
The positive effect of increasing Vr needs no further elaboration, elsewhere on the bottom plate. The reason is due to another heat
whereas the changes in heat transfer behaviors and their effects transfer mechanism in the gap where a narrower gap also intro-
will be discussed in the following. Fig. 8 shows the velocity vectors duces another beneficial effect which can be seen from the temper-
and temperature contours in the expansion chamber at h = 100.8 ature contours in Fig. 8(b). The narrower the gap, the closer the
for cases with d = 1.0 mm and 1.5 mm. Fig. 9(a) shows the corre- working gas is to the displacer cylinder wall; and the better the
sponding local heat transfer rate distributions on the bottom plate heat transfer between gas and displacer cylinder wall. Hence, the
(hot end), and Fig. 9(b) gives the variations of overall heat transfer jet is seen to exit the gap channel and enter the expansion chamber
rate in the expansion and compression chambers over an engine at higher temperature in the case with d = 1.0 mm. Then the higher
cycle. The moment h = 100.8 is in the so called injection phase jet temperature slightly offsets the impingement heat transfer
when cold working gas has been injected into the expansion cham- because the temperature difference between working gas and bot-
ber through the gap channel, creating the maximum rate of heat tom plate becomes smaller. Fig. 9(b) confirms that in the expansion
transfer in the expansion chamber. From the velocity vectors in chamber, the case with d = 1.0 mm has the highest overall heat
Fig. 8(a), it can be seen that in the case of d = 1.0 mm, jet enters transfer rate in a short period around at h = 100.8, however,
the expansion chamber at higher velocity and creates a stronger the magnitude of this quantity drops faster than other cases after-
impinging jet to impinge on the bottom plate. Under this circum- wards. This is because that more effective heat-transfer mecha-
stance, impingement heat transfer, which is the dominant heat nism heats up the temperature of working gas to a higher level,
transfer mechanism, should be largely promoted. This can be ver- thus reducing the temperature difference between working gas
ified from the distributions of local heat transfer rate in Fig. 9(a) and bottom plate and resulting in faster reduction in overall heat
Fig. 8. Velocity vector and temperature fields in the expansion chamber of cases with d = 1.0 mm and 1.5 mm at h = 100.8.
1010 W.-L. Chen / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 107 (2017) 10021013
Fig. 9. Distributions of local heat transfer rate on the bottom plate and variations of overall heat transfer rates; (a) local heat transfer rate distributions of cases with
d = 1.0 mm and 1.5 mm at h = 100.8, (b) variations of overall heat transfer rates in three cases with d = 1.0 mm and 1.5 mm.
transfer rate. Now the reason for the higher maximum pressure in gap d can simultaneously increase heat input and work output, effi-
the case with d = 1.0 mm shown in Fig. 7 can be readily understood. ciency is only slightly improved as d decreases. Overall, engines
It is the result of the combined effects of higher expansion chamber indicated power and efficiency have been improved as d decreases.
temperature and higher compression ratio. A narrower gap also The results in Cheng and Yu [5], where a second-order method has
introduces similar heat transfer behaviors in the compression been used to study a b-type Stirling engine, also showed decreases
chamber. However, the effects are to reduce the compression in output work and efficiency as d increases from 0.0003 m to
chamber temperature and yield lower minimum pressure. 0.0009 m. In reality, however, d cannot be very small because the
Fig. 10 depicts the variations of engine indicated power and effi- displacer can easily scratch the wall of displacer cylinder and cre-
ciency versus d. Both indicated power and efficiency decrease as d ate wear and friction if d becomes too small.
increases. However, engine indicated power appears to be more
sensitive to the change in d. By reducing d from 1.5 mm to 4.3. The effects of displacer length ld
0.875 mm, engines indicated power increases by 32.03%, whereas,
efficiency only increases by 5.87%. The reason is due to a stronger Case 7 and cases 1619 are in this group of test cases. Displacer
dependence of p-V loop on d shown in Fig. 7. Since narrowing the length ld varies from 0.068 m to 0.088 m among these cases. Here,
W.-L. Chen / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 107 (2017) 10021013 1011
Fig. 12. Variations of averaged temperature and overall heat transfer rate in
expansion and compression chambers of three cases with different displace lengths,
ld = 0.068 m, 0.078 m, and 0.088 m; (a) temperature variations, (b) overall heat
transfer rate variations.
Fig. 15. p-V diagram of three cases with different l1 lengths, l1 = 0.065 m, 0.075 m,
and 0.085 m.