SD MicroLoan Application PDF
SD MicroLoan Application PDF
SD MicroLoan Application PDF
M icro LOAN
Building South Dakota Communities
Date of Application
Individual completing this form
Individuals telephone number
Company Affiliation
Primary Lender--Include cover letter
Management Information:
List all the officers, directors, or general partners. Attach resumes.
Name & Title Address & Phone Compensation Social Security
Number Number
Major Stockholders, Partners or Proprietors:
(Totaling 100% ownership. Attach Personal financial statement and resumes.)
Name Address and Phone Compensation Social Security
Number Number
Please summarize current and projected job creation regarding this project.
The South Dakota Development Corporation is an equal opportunity lender.
Under the Equal Credit Opportunity Act, it is illegal to discriminate in any
credit transaction on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex,
marital status or age.
The applicant further understands that there is no right to financing under the
MicroLOAN Program. Approval of the application by the Loan Committee
does not constitute a guarantee that the project will receive financing under
the Program. Financing is contingent on the availability of MicroLOAN
Program funds, compliance will all Program requirements, execution of all
Agreements and the closing of the project loans by the Originating Bank.
I declare and affirm under the penalties of perjury that the claim (petition,
application, information) has been examined by me, and to the best of my
knowledge and belief, is in all things true and correct. There is no intent to
deceive or defraud the South Dakota Development Corporation or any
potential participant in any loans to finance this project.
APPLICANT BUSINESS:_________________________________
OFFICERS SIGNATURE:________________________________
OFFICERS NAME/TITLE:________________________________
TELEPHONE NUMBER:________________DATE:______________
Revised 7/04