2 Organizational Citizenship Behivaor
2 Organizational Citizenship Behivaor
2 Organizational Citizenship Behivaor
The purpose of this study is to certify, using organizational commitment as the Dual Mediator, the effects of
employee loyalty and organizational citizenship behavior on the organizational performance of Taiwan-listed family
businesses. Research subjects and the primary interviewees are the section chiefs and managers of Taiwan-listed
family businesses. The sampling method adopted in this study is the Simple Random Sampling method; while
Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) is used to certify the overall research model and the fitting effect of its
Structural Model and Measurement Model, followed by the use of Sobel Test, Boostrapping, and Mackinnon
PRODCLIN2 methods to certify the Dual Mediating effects. The research findings show that, to the Taiwan-listed
family businesses: (1) employee loyalty has a significant positive effect on organizational commitment; (2) employee
loyalty also has a direct positive, but not significant, effect on organizational performance; (3) organizational
commitment has a significant effect on organizational performance; (4) organizational citizenship behavior has a
significant positive effect on organizational commitment; and (5) organizational citizenship behavior has a
significant effect on organizational performance. The above results show that "organizational commitment" has a
"dual" mediating effect, which also implies that organizational commitment plays an important role in improving
organizational performance. But, improving organizational performance does not solely rely on the accumulation of
organizational commitment; a number of other channels may also contribute to it. Additionally, the results of this
study may serve as a reference to help the management staff of Taiwan-listed family businesses with their strategic
thinking when considering improving employee loyalty, organizational citizenship behavior, and organizational
commitment, and hopefully improving their organizational performance as a result.
International Journal of Information Technology and Business Management
29th September 2015 Vol. 41 No.1
2012-2015 JITBM & ARF. All rights reserved
International Journal of Information Technology and Business Management
29th September 2015 Vol. 41 No.1
2012-2015 JITBM & ARF. All rights reserved
International Journal of Information Technology and Business Management
29th September 2015 Vol. 41 No.1
2012-2015 JITBM & ARF. All rights reserved
International Journal of Information Technology and Business Management
29th September 2015 Vol. 41 No.1
2012-2015 JITBM & ARF. All rights reserved
of organization members for not wanting to leave the Relevant Literature Concerning Employee Loyalty
organization because of salary benefit, job position, and Organizational Commitment
freedom of professional creativity, and friendship
with colleagues. Chang6pointed out that, organizations should
improve the communications and the capacity for
Chen31believed that organizational commitment cooperation between domestic employees and foreign
includes (1) an individual's strong believe and laborers, thus enhancing job satisfaction, employee
acceptance of the organization's goals and values; (2) loyalty, and organizational commitment. If the
an individual's willingness to give more effort; and capacity for "cooperation" between domestic
(3) an individual's wish to be a continuous part of the employees and foreign laborers is improved, then
organization. employee loyalty can be further improved; when
cross-country teamwork cooperation is enhanced,
Liang32proposed that organizational then organizational commitment can be further
commitment refers to an individual that has a strong improved.
identification with the goals and values of the
organization, cares about the organization, and is Wu et al 7 suggested that customer satisfaction
willing to make an effort for the organization and to will positively affect customer loyalty.
continue to be part of the organization.
Summarizing the above; although the subjects of
The sub-constructs of Organizational discussion belong to various industries and/or scales,
Commitment there are sufficient similarities that allow this study to
derive the following hypotheses:
The sub-constructs of organizational commitment of
this study are adopted from the three dimensions H1: Employee loyalty of Taiwan-listed family
proposed by Zhang33that includes: (1) businesses has a significant positive effect on
Organizational identification; (2) willingness for organizational commitment.
efforts; and (3) job-staying tendency. Relevant
literature referenced concerning these dimensions is Relevant Literature Concerning Employee
summarized in the following description. Loyalty and Organizational Performance
Organizational commitment refers to where members In addition to the research perspective proposed by
of the organization identify with the organization's Chang 6, the research of Chao34also
goals and philosophy, and are willing to make efforts pointed out that organizational communications can
for and have a desire to continuously stay with the enhance employee understanding of organizational
organization. It is divided into three sub-dimensions reform, promote employee commitment to the
as follows: (1) organizational identification: identify organization, thereby improving work performance.
with the goals and values of the school where While Mowday, Porter, and Steers 35also
currently employed; (2) willingness for efforts: suggested that an organizational structure may affect
willing to make more effort in actions, and to fully job performance because of organizational
cooperate with school measures; and (3) job-staying commitment.
tendency: wish to remain at the school where
currently employed33. Furthermore, Huang61 Summarizing aforementioned literature, the
also believed that organizational commitment with following hypotheses are deduced in this study:
respect to teachers includes: (1) Positive evaluation
H2: Employee loyalty of Taiwan-listed family
of the school; (2) willingness to make an effort for
businesses has a significant positive and significant
the school and to continue receiving training; (3)
effect on organizational performance.
solidarity with the school; and (4) willingness to
continue working for the school. Relevant Literature Concerning Organizational
Commitment and Organizational Performance
International Journal of Information Technology and Business Management
29th September 2015 Vol. 41 No.1
2012-2015 JITBM & ARF. All rights reserved
Steers36is the first scholar that develops a model To some degree, OC refers to attitude whereas OCB
on the effects of organizational commitment on work refers to behavior. There is substantial evidence
performances. Mowday et al35believed that supporting the notion that certain individual-level
organizational structures can influence work variables (e.g., job satisfaction and OC) correlate
performances via organizational commitment. with individuals OCB4041. Most
Finally, Mathieu and Zajac37came up with a empirical results indicate that OC is the determinant
complete model that describes the mediating effects factor of OCB42. On the other hand, cognitive
of organizational characteristics and job satisfaction variables in previous literature such as job
on work performances with organizational satisfaction, OC, perception of appropriateness and
commitment as a mediator. In fact, organizational disinterest in reward, are positively related to OCB
structures are one of the organizational 43. On the basis of a sample from the public and
characteristics. private sectors, Kuehn & Al-Busaidi 44 found
that an employee with higher job satisfaction and
Fun 38 indicated that attitudinal and normative commitment would have better OCB.
exchangeable organizational commitment from Investigating the effects of profit sharing on OCB,
teachers contributes to solid organizational Chiu & Tsai45supported the mediating role of
performance of schools.
OC between profit sharing and OCB; Besides, Lo
Chou39also pointed out a positive and 46also proposed that organizational commitment
significant relationship among organizational affects organizational citizenship behavior due to the
commitment, organizational learning and mediating variable of knowledge sharing.
organizational performance.
Whilst the abovementioned literature examines
different industries, scales or scopes, there is a degree
In addition, Chao34suggested that employees
of consensus. Therefore, this study develops the
can enhance the awareness of organizational changes
following hypothesis:
via organizational commitment. This strengthens
employee commitment toward their organization and H4: Organizational citizenship behavior has positive
hence boosts their work performances. and significant influence on organizational
commitment in Taiwan-listed family businesses.
On the basis of the above literature review, this study
develops the following hypothesis:
H3: Organizational commitment has positive and Relevant Literature Concerning Organizational
significant influence on organizational performance Citizenship Behavior and Organizational
in Taiwan-listed family businesses. Performance
On the basis of the above literature review, this study The relevance between organizational citizenship
develops the following hypothesis: behavior and organizational performance can be
known from the following literature.
H3: Organizational commitment has positive and
significant influence on organizational performance
Wu and Huang47deemed there is the relevance
in Taiwan-listed family businesses.
between organizational citizenship behavior and
organizational performance;
International Journal of Information Technology and Business Management
29th September 2015 Vol. 41 No.1
2012-2015 JITBM & ARF. All rights reserved
Employee Loyalty
H1 H2
Organizational H3 Organizational
commitment performance
citizenship behavior
Questionnaire Design and CMV Test post test. The questionnaires are issued to the section
chiefs and managers working in Taiwan-listed family
Questionnaire design businesses. A total of 600 questionnaires are posted,
and 210 effective questionnaires, or at 35% effective
This study uses simple random sampling for the recovery rate, are collected after the elimination of
questionnaire survey. To enhance the content validity incomplete and invalid questionnaires. All the
and reliability of the questionnaire, this study measurable sub-constructs in the questionnaire are
conducts an expert questionnaire based on the initial evaluated separately in individual section. The
questionnaire design for a pilot test. Inappropriate measurement is based on Likerts scale of 1~7, with 7
questions are either modified or deleted before the indicating extreme agreement and 1 indicating
International Journal of Information Technology and Business Management
29th September 2015 Vol. 41 No.1
2012-2015 JITBM & ARF. All rights reserved
extreme disagreement. The stronger the level of Huang21and Ling and Hung22. The
agreement, the higher the score is52. dimension indicators for organizational performance
are EPS and ROE. This study designs and modifies
The questionnaire concerning "employee loyalty", the questionnaire section, which consists of four
which consists of a total of 6 questionnaires, was questions.
designed by this research with reference to the study
of Wu7, where the measurement dimensions of SEM and Measurement System
employee loyalty includes the dimensional scales: (1)
Employee satisfaction; and (2) employee To validate the research structure, this study adopts
commitment to the organization. Structure Equation Modeling (SEM) for
Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA). The
The questionnaire design concerning "organizational questionnaire measures four latent variables, i.e.
citizenship behavior" in this study referenced the employee loyalty, organizational citizenship
taxonomy proposed by Hsieh et al11, which behavior, organizational commitment and
includes 4 sub-dimensional scales: (1) Identification organizational performance. Each latent variable can
with the organization; (2) colleague assistance; (3) be divided into secondary variables, for which
absence of the selfish pursuit of profits; and (4) multiple questions are developed. The collated survey
dedication to work. A total of 12 questions are data is processed and the data file for the
designed in this study for this questionnaire. questionnaire responses is established. Whilst the
questionnaire is designed into individual sections for
The design of the questionnaire section on the measurement system of the research model, this
organizational commitment is referenced to the study performs dual measurements in order to
classification by Allen & Meyer53. A total of 9 facilitate software processing 54. Table 1
questions are developed to cover the three sub- summarizes the number of questions and reference
constructs, i.e. affective commitment, continued sources of individual implicit variables and explicit
commitment and normative commitment. variables55.
Employee satisfaction 3
Wu et al7
Employee loyalty Employee commitment to the
Identification with the organization 3
Organizational citizenship
Colleague assistance 3 Hsieh et al11
Absence of selfish pursuit of profits 3
Dedication to work) 3
Affective 3
Organizational Continued 3 Allen et al 53
Normative 3
Organizational EPS 2 Huang21;Ling and
performance ROE 2 Hung22
Source: This study
International Journal of Information Technology and Business Management
29th September 2015 Vol. 41 No.1
2012-2015 JITBM & ARF. All rights reserved
CMV Test The questionnaire in this study didnt have the CMV
problems after applying the CFA certify comparison
method, and the results have been shown as Table 2.
Model 2 DF 2 DF P
Single-Factor 1326.2 97
884.8 99 0.000
Multiple-Factor 441.4 196
Measurement System within Model construct variable) can evaluate the main construct.
All the factor loading values of individual dimensions
The factor loading of latent (implicit) variables (i.e. in this study are greater than 0.7, indicating strong
main constructs) and manifest (explicit) variables reliability. Therefore, all the sub-dimensions
(i.e. sub-constructs) measures the strength of linear (manifest variables) in the measurement system can
correlation between individual latent variables and appropriately evaluate the main constructs (latent
manifest variables. The closer the factor loading is to variables). Meanwhile, Average Variance Extracted
1, the better the measurement variable (or sub-
International Journal of Information Technology and Business Management
29th September 2015 Vol. 41 No.1
2012-2015 JITBM & ARF. All rights reserved
(AVE) expresses the explanatory power of latent error58. All the factor loading values in this
variables on measured items. The higher the AVE, study are higher than 0.7, Composite Reliability
the better reliability and convergent validity the latent (C.R.) and Cronbachs also greater than 0.7. All the
variables are. Usually, the AVE value must be greater AVE values exceed 0.5, suggesting the latent/implicit
than 0.5, indicating the explained variance of the variables carry high reliability and convergent
construct concerned is greater than measurement validity (Table 3, Table 4 and Figure 2).
International Journal of Information Technology and Business Management
29th September 2015 Vol. 41 No.1
2012-2015 JITBM & ARF. All rights reserved
2 Bias-corrected
Parameter Estimate method
Lower Upper Lower Upper Lower Upper
EL OC .573 .291 .855 .302 .857 .303 .852
EL OP .162 .131 .194 .134 .202 .193 .211
OC OP .473 .393 .553 .401 .582 .409 .591
OCB OC .531 .407 .655 .411 .662 .413 .663
OCB OP .442 .364 .520 .372 .532 .373 .534
Source: This study
Coefficients of Determination R2
Employee Loyalty (EL) Organizational Commitment (OC) .441
Employee Loyalty (EL) Organizational Performance (OP) .133
Organizational Commitment (OC) Organizational Performance (OP) .281
Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) Organizational Commitment (OC) .451
Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) Organizational Performance (OP) .283
Source: This study
Path Coefficients of Latent variables coefficients and C.R. values of individual latent
(implicit) variables in Table 7 and Table 8 according
After the validation of the model with internal fit the path analysis results. Figure 2 illustrates the path
tests, this study summarizes the standardized analysis.
Table 7 Results of path analysis on structural model (un-standardized)
International Journal of Information Technology and Business Management
29th September 2015 Vol. 41 No.1
2012-2015 JITBM & ARF. All rights reserved
e1 e2
e5 e6
Path Effect Analysis & Tests on Structural Model path effect analysis on the path effects in the
structural model. The organizational commitment
This study performs Sobel tests, Bootstrapping and (OC) serves as a dual mediator. Test results are
Mackinnon PRODCLIN2 on the path coefficients of shown in Tables 9 and 105960.
latent variables (or non-observable variables) as the
International Journal of Information Technology and Business Management
29th September 2015 Vol. 41 No.1
2012-2015 JITBM & ARF. All rights reserved
Bootstrapping MacKinnon
Point of Product of
Bias-Corrected Percentile PRODCLIN2
Estimates Coefficients
Variable 95% CI 95% C 95%CI
Indirect Effects
OCOP .473 .112 4.039 .412 .511 .302 .411 . 361 .481
Direct Effects
ELOP .162 .102 1.588 .322 .401 .221 .412
Source: This study
Point of Product of Bias-Corrected Percentile PRODCLIN2
Variable Estimates Coefficients 95% CI 95% C 95%CI
Based on Figure 2, this study derives the following in Taiwan-listed family businesses. Standardized
conclusions: coefficient is estimated to be 0.47. Therefore, H3 is
(1) Employee loyalty has positive and significant
influence on organizational commitment for (4) Organizational citizenship behavior has positive
employees of Taiwan-listed family businesses. and significant influence on organizational
Standardized coefficient is estimated to be 0.57. commitment in Taiwan-listed family businesses.
Therefore, H1 is substantiated. Standardized coefficient is estimated to be 0.53.
Therefore, H4 is substantiated.
(2) Employee loyalty has positive, but not
significant, influence on organizational performance (5) Organizational citizenship behavior has
for employees of Taiwan-listed family businesses. significant influence on organizational performance
Standardized coefficient is estimated to be 0.16. in Taiwan-listed family businesses. Standardized
Therefore, H2 is substantiated. coefficient is estimated to be 0.44. Therefore, H5 is
(3) Organizational commitment has positive and
significant influence on organizational performance
International Journal of Information Technology and Business Management
29th September 2015 Vol. 41 No.1
2012-2015 JITBM & ARF. All rights reserved
International Journal of Information Technology and Business Management
29th September 2015 Vol. 41 No.1
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International Journal of Information Technology and Business Management
29th September 2015 Vol. 41 No.1
2012-2015 JITBM & ARF. All rights reserved
International Journal of Information Technology and Business Management
29th September 2015 Vol. 41 No.1
2012-2015 JITBM & ARF. All rights reserved
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2012-2015 JITBM & ARF. All rights reserved