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TDS 940 Carbopol SC 200

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Edition: April 8, 2014
Original Date of Issue: January 30, 2014

Carbopol SC-200 Polymer

INCI Designation temperature. Figure 1 below shows the
improvement in viscosity stability through the use of
Acrylates/C10-30 Alkyl Acrylate Crosspolymer 1.0% Carbopol SC-200 polymer to thicken a soap-
syndet system with 1.0% salt.
Product Description
Carbopol SC-200 polymer is a hydrophobically modified
cross-linked polyacrylic acid polymer processed in a
toxicologically-preferred cosolvent system. It has been
designed by balancing crosslinker levels with optimized
hydrophobic content to provide efficient viscosity, thermal
stability, as well as offering suspension capabilities in
soap-based formulations.

Typical Properties
Physical properties listed below indicate typical values
Figure 1: Viscosity stability of a soap-syndet formulation containing
and properties; they are not intended to be used as 1% SC-200 or 1% HEC / 4% TS SLES-2 / 2-4% TS cocamidopropyl
product specifications. betaine / 1% TS Sodium Chloride / 15% TS soap (C12:C14:C16 at
3:1:1 ratio), pH=9.0-10.0. HEC denotes hydroxyethyl cellulose with
Properties as Supplied molecular weight 1.0 x 106; SC-200 denotes Carbopol SC-200
polymer. Brookfield DVII+ Viscometer RV spindle @ 20 rpm, 25C @
Appearance Fluffy, white powder 24 hours.
Moisture Content <2%
Total Residual Solvent <0.9% Improved Viscosity Stability over a Broad
Mucilage Viscosity*(mPas) 55,000 - 85,000 Temperature Range
(1.0% active polymer in
water @ pH 7.3~7.8**)
*Brookfield RVF or RVT @ 20 rpm, 25 C @ 24 hours
**Neutralized with 18%w/v NaOH

Features and Benefits

Provides consistent viscosity and long-term
formulation stability over a broad temperature range.
Synergistic thickening and suspension in the presence
of salt in soap-based systems.

Performance Properties Figure 2: Viscosity stability of a liquid soap formulation containing

1.0% Carbopol SC-200 polymer vs. HEC. Formulation contains
Long-Term Viscosity Stability 15% TS soap base with C12:C14:C16 at 3:1:1 ratio, pH = 9.4-10.5.
Soap and soap-syndet combination systems thickened HEC denotes hydroxyethyl cellulose with molecular weight 1.0 x 106;
with hydroxyethyl cellulose can suffer fluctuations in SC-200 denotes Carbopol SC-200 polymer. TA Instruments HR-2
viscosity over time both at room temperature and elevated rheometer with temperature ramp at 5-1S shear rate.

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Figure 2 highlights the effect of temperature on the Figure 4 shows a soap-syndet system that is
viscosity of soap systems thickened by HEC. As the thickened due to a synergistic effect which is
graph shows, viscosities can fluctuate by as much as realized through the use of Carbopol SC-200
80% at both low and high temperatures. These polymer in the presence of salt.
formulations when thickened by Carbopol SC-200
polymer show a much more consistent viscosity across
the range of temperatures, meaning a more consistent
Recommended use levels:
product on the shelf for consumers. Use levels range from 0.1% to 1.0% as supplied,
depending on the application and amount of
Efficient Viscosity and Suspension
thickening or suspension required.

Recommended Order of Addition:

Order of addition may vary depending on the other
specific conditions, application and ingredients used.
The following process is recommended when using
Carbopol SC-200 polymer in soap-based systems:

1. PART A: Melt fatty acid mixture at temperature

70-75C, sprinkle Carbopol SC-200 polymer onto
the surface and mix until uniform.
Figure 3: Viscosity and yield stress generation by thickeners in a liquid soap 2. PART B: Dilute KOH with water, add glycerin if
facial cleansing system. Result is tested in 15% TS soap-based formulation needed in the formulation, heat to 75-80C.
with C12:C14:C16 at 3:1:1 ratio, pH=9.0-10.0. HEC denotes hydroxyethyl
cellulose with molecular weight 1.0 x 106; SC-200 denotes Carbopol SC- 3. Add PART B into PART A, stir until uniform for at
200 polymer. Viscosity is measured by Brookfield viscometer DVII+ RV
spindle #04 at 20RPM; Yield stress was measured by running flow curves least 0.5-1 hour holding the temperature at 75-
using a TA Instruments HR-2 rheometer with the Herschel-Bulkley model 80C.
4. Add pearlizing agent at the end of heating and
Building the right viscosity with a high yield stress is make sure it is melted uniformly in the system.
critical to developing products that meet consumer desires 5. Remove heat with continued mixing. Add
for high performing, attractive products. As figure 3 above remaining formulation ingredients.
shows, Carbopol SC-200 polymer is able to efficiently
6. Adjust the pH to the formulation requirements,
build viscosity in a soap-based formulation. In addition,
(typically above pH 9.0 depending on the
Carbopol SC-200 polymer is able to generate a significant
yield stress in the formulation. The ability to generate a
yield stress allows the formulator to suspend insoluble 7. Add preservative and fragrance with continued
ingredients, like beads or scrub particles, creating a more mixing once the temperature of the batch drops
attractive and functional cleansing product. below 45C.

Synergistic Thickening with Salt

Storage and Handling
Carbopol SC-200 polymer is packed in a 20 kg
fiberboard box with plastic liners.

Retest date is two years from date of manufacture.

Storage Conditions:
Material should be stored in closed containers and
protected from extreme temperatures, humidity and
Figure 4: Synergistic thickening of a facial cleansing formulation using
Carbopol SC-200 polymer and salt. Formulation contains 4%TS SLES-2 /
2% TS cocamidopropyl betaine / 15% TS soap (C12:C14:C16 at 3:1:1 ratio)
with or without 1% Carbopol SC-200 polymer. SC-200 denotes Carbopol
SC-200 polymer. Brookfield DVII+ Viscometer RV spindle #00, 04 or 05 @
20 rpm, 25C @ 24 hours. pH of formulation from 9.0 9.8.

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