Triad Lesson-Loyalists

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2017 Single Subject Program Lesson Plan Template

Section 1: Background Information and Context

A: The Basics
Name Grade level(s) 8
Date(s) taught Course/Subject US History/Geography
Lesson Title Time Frame 52 Minutes

B: Central Focus
Big Ideas
Essential questions Was the American Revolution revolutionary?
for the Unit
Essential Question Why did some colonists continue to support Great Britain?
for Todays Lesson

C: Specific Standards and Objectives

Content 8.1.3
Common Core RH 8.1-2, 8.4,
ABF Outcomes DI.6-8.8. I am curious and want to know more about other peoples histories and
lived experiences, and I ask questions respectfully and listen carefully and non-

JU.6-8.13 I am aware that biased words and behaviors and unjust practices, laws and
institutions limit the rights and freedoms of people based on their identity groups.

Tools for Assessment Evaluation Criteria
Content SWBAT to list and discuss the Graphic organizer Rubric for graphic organizer
Objective(s) reasons why some colonists provided by SHEG
remained loyal to Great Britain
Language and SWBAT determine the Graphic organizer Rubric for graphic organizer
Literacy opinions and main ideas of the provided by SHEG
Objective(s) authors of document A & B Rubric for Lecture notes
through citation of specific Lecture Notes that pertains specifically to
textual evidence. Key Terms.
SWBAT fill out a key words
section in their notes for terms
they learn during the lesson.
Racial and Social SWBAT discuss and think Exit ticket will require Answers will vary.
Justice critically about different view students to write 3 Evaluation will be
Objective(s) points, even those that we do sentences reflecting on determined by the extent to
(see ABF not agree with, in a respectful how the lesson could be which students connect the
Outcomes) manner. applied in their own lesson to their own
SWBAT discuss how the lives/society. lives/experiences. Students
beliefs and wellbeing of an could argue that violence is
individual can be disrupted due sometimes necessary, which
to the actions of others. will require them to explain.
Full points will be given to
students who thoughtfully

D: Academic Language Demands and Supports

Identified Language Demands Planned Language Supports
Content Specific Loyalist, Parliament, Anglican, Terms will be projected onto screen with definitions
Vocabulary republican. throughout the lesson.
Syntax Students may confuse the The role of pamphlets/newspapers in colonial society will
primary sources as speeches need to be addressed when documents A & B are handed
that were given. out.
Discourse For Document A, students will Common sense was discussed in a previous class, and
need to understand the will be addressed again as a refresher during this lesson.
discourse surrounding The rest of the discourse is what the bulk of the unit is
Common Sense. For all three built around, and so the students should be immersed in
documents, students will need it. I will still refresh students about the political/social
to have knowledge of the anger environment that these documents were written in, as
the colonists were feeling and well the long and close ties that many colonists would
the political/social climate of still have felt with Britain.
the colonies at the time, as well
as the arguments that the
colonists made for revolution.

E: Using Knowledge about Students (and that students already have) to Inform Teaching and Learning
Relevant Student Information How will you use this information in this lesson plan?
Prior Knowledge We spent the entire previous I will offer a refresher at the beginning of class to remind
and Learning two Units detailing the causes students of the events leading up to the Declaration.
Experiences of tensions between the
colonists and Great Britain
and the main Ideas of the
Declaration of Independence.
This lesson can also directly
relate to current political
Funds of
Cultural Assets
Common Mistakes Students may confuse Will state multiple times in different but direct language
and/or Loyalists for people living in that Loyalists and Patriots were both colonists, just with
Misunderstandings England. different points of view.
Social / Emotional From conversations I have I will draw direct comparisons to physical violence that
Consideration heard between my students I has occurred between people with different beliefs in
(5 CASEL Core know that many do not react recent news, and ask the students to think about this as
Competencies) positively to view points that we study Loyalists.
go against their own, this will
be a good lesson for them, but
might cause some friction
between students especially
considering our current
political climate.

F: Supporting Varied Student Learning Needs

Materials, Teacher Materials, Resource: Students Materials:
Technology 35 copies SHEG primary Pen.
documents laminated (to re-use)
35 copies of SHEG graphic
organizer. 35 Half sheets of

How will you support and/or accommodate the

Student Information
student(s) in this lesson? Include any use of technology
Students with IEP Students: C, N, T Will offer students accommodations that meet
or 504 plans requirements described in IEPs: extra time to complete
paragraphs (finish at home if required) sitting away
from distracting students, clear instructions. Be present
and offer assistance or clarifications throughout project.
Struggling / Students: R, C, M Seated appropriately to help keep distractions away.
underperforming Extra time from each section of lesson has been added
Students to allow for one-on-one communication if required.
Modified lecture notes will be provided. Expectations
still high.
English Language Students: J Instruction, key terms and Sources will provided in
Learners primary language if required. Students also paired up
with bilingual students to assist with questions.
Expectations still high.
Gifted and Students: T, K, A No accommodations for this lesson.
Talented Students

Section 2: Learning Task Implementation:

Timing, materials, Pacing TEACHER DOES: STUDENTS DO:

and other (Approx Indicate instructional strategies that Indicate performance expectations
procedural notes . times) address individual learning needs (Refer to Section 1.F)
including use of addressing the needs (Refer to
technology Section 1.F)

Launch (Multiple 7 I will project Image 1 on the screen. Students will write down 2-3 thoughts
means of minutes Discussion will focus around the they have about the image, and then
engagement) reaction of Patriots to Loyalists will discuss what they think the image
during the American revolution, and is trying to convey, on one side of their
students will be asked to list some half sheet of paper.
reasons why a colonist would want
to remain loyal to Great Britain
during the 1770s.
Instruction/ 30 I will break the students into groups Students will work in their groups to
Application minutes of 3-4 and hand out documents A & fill out the graphic organizer. Students
(Multiple means of B and the graphic organizer. At five will answer questions when asked to
representation) minutes left I will stop the students share.
and call on each group to share an
answer from their graphic organizer,
ensuring that all students are given
access to the information.
Assessment, 7 I will project a question on the Students will answer one of the
closure, reflection minutes board. question in 2-3 sentences, reflecting on
(Multiple means of what we have read and discussed in
expression) Question: Because their beliefs class.
differed from those of American Students will write on the other side of
Patriots, many loyalist were verbally their half sheet of paper.
and physically harassed. Is it ever ok
to use violence and threats against
those who have a different opinion
than your own?

Section 3: Teacher Reflection (after the lesson)

1. What specific examples of student learning do you have that showed students met or made progress
toward the stated objectives? If you used technology was it an effective means for supporting your
learning goals?
a. Looking at this evidence, what were your (the teachers) actions and/or strategies that
contributed to and built on successful student learning?
2. What specific examples of student learning do you have that showed students struggled to meet or
make progress toward the stated objectives?
a. Looking at this evidence, what were your (the teachers) actions and/or strategies that
interfered with student learning? Describe any missed opportunities.
3. Using the evidence of student learning described and observed, what will be your next steps in future
instruction with the class, small groups, and/or individual students?
4. Considering student learning, if you were to teach this lesson again, what would you do differently?

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