New Concept Ultraviolet Photodetectors: Hongyu Chen, Kewei Liu, Linfeng Hu, Ahmed A. Al-Ghamdi and Xiaosheng Fang
New Concept Ultraviolet Photodetectors: Hongyu Chen, Kewei Liu, Linfeng Hu, Ahmed A. Al-Ghamdi and Xiaosheng Fang
New Concept Ultraviolet Photodetectors: Hongyu Chen, Kewei Liu, Linfeng Hu, Ahmed A. Al-Ghamdi and Xiaosheng Fang
New concept ultraviolet photodetectors
Hongyu Chen1, Kewei Liu2, Linfeng Hu1, Ahmed A. Al-Ghamdi3 and Xiaosheng Fang1,*
Department of Materials Science, Fudan University, Shanghai 200433, Peoples Republic of China
State Key Laboratory of Luminescence and Applications, Changchun Institute of Optics, Fine Mechanics and Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Changchun
130033, Peoples Republic of China
Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah 21589, Saudi Arabia
Benefitting from the continuous innovations in semiconductor materials and device fabricating
techniques, ultraviolet (UV) photodetectors have been successfully used in advanced communications,
flame detection, air purification, ozone sensing and leak detection, among others, in the past few
decades. Nowadays, nanoscience, nanofabrication technologies and versatile materials have sparked a
new vision of UV photodetectors, which move toward higher precision, lower energy consumption and
greater miniaturization. This paper is thus mainly focused on the perspective of molding devices
through exploring new materials and novel architectures inspired by state-of-the-art UV photodetectors,
predicting the direction of next-generation photodetectors. It is expected that new concept UV
photodetectors with smart, intelligent and multifunctional design will benefit daily life and the well-
being of society in the near future.
Introduction coral trout with skin cancer arising from the destruction of the
UV radiation has been regarded by many as an important compo- ozone layer.
nent of the solar radiation since its discovery by Johann Ritter in Whats more, further research shows that a decline of 1% in the
1801. Although it only accounts for less than 10% of the total solar volume of the ozone layer will cause an increase of 2% in UV
radiation (Fig. 1a) [1,2], UV radiation has a profound impact on the radiation at ground level, leading to an increase of 3% in the
survival and development of humankind. For example, moderate incident rate of skin cancer [36]. Therefore, the study of UV
skin exposure to natural or artificial UV light is advantageous for photodetection has drawn considerable attention from scientific
health, for instance, facilitating the synthesis of Vitamin D, killing researchers in the relevant fields.
germs, treating or preventing rickets, etc. By contrast, excessive UV In terms of UV radiation, the International Commission on
radiation can cause various diseases, such as cataracts and skin Illumination (CIE) has divided the UV spectrum (visible-blind)
cancer, and even accelerate the aging process. In addition, the into three bands: the band with the wavelength range from
output of crops and the lifespan of buildings are also strongly 320 nm to 400 nm is designated as UVA, the band with the
affected by UV radiation. As most UV radiation can be absorbed by wavelength range from 280 nm to 320 nm is designated as
stratospheric ozone, ozone monitoring has been performed since UVB and the band with the wavelength range from 100 nm to
the early 1980s. Recently, anthropogenic-induced decline in 280 nm is designated as UVC. The deep UV (DUV) wavelengths
stratospheric ozone (Fig. 1b) concentration, concurrently intensi- from 220 nm to 280 nm are in the solar-blind region, and the
fying the UV radiation, has become alarming, and the ozone hole wavelengths below 180 nm are in the vacuum UV region. As
over Antarctica has become larger. The inset of Fig. 1c shows the shown in Fig. 1d, UV radiation limits for human beings are
regulated by the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Ra-
diation Protection (ICNIRP). It is noteworthy that UVB and UVC
*Corresponding author:. Fang, X. ([email protected]) are the strongest and potentially most harmful forms, especially at
1369-7021/ 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
j.mattod.2015.06.001 493
RESEARCH Materials Today Volume 18, Number 9 November 2015
UV radiation and human beings. (a) Solar irradiation spectrum [2]. (b) The ozone hole over Antarctica. (c) A group of blue-stripe snappers swimming over
the staghorn corals, and inset is the plectropomus leopardus with skin cancer. (d) UV exposure limits of human beings as the function of wavelength in the
UV regime. Reproduced with permission [3]. Copyright 2004 Health Physics Society.
Materials Today Volume 18, Number 9 November 2015 RESEARCH
photodetectors, in conjunction with exploring novel materials pulsed laser deposition (PLD), atomic layer deposition (ALD),
and device architectures. It is expected that the design concept magnetron sputtering, among others. These semiconductor fabri-
discussed through this review could lead to inspiration for next- cation techniques could be used to control the energy band-gap,
generation UV photodetectors derived from state-of-the-art precisely. Therefore, UV photodetectors without filler come out
devices. based on the bulk or thin film of the wide band-gap semiconductor
To design or fabricate high-performance UV photodetectors, it materials such as ZnO, GaN, GaAlN, SiC and diamond, and so forth
is essential to understand the physical mechanisms well. Because [1216].
the schematic structures (heterojunction, pn junction, Schottky With the constant improvement of the photoelectric device
junction, and so forth) and device parameters (responsivity, gain, integration, various methodologies have been developed for fabri-
quantum efficiency, response time, bandwidth, gain-bandwidth cating semiconductor nanostructures up to now. Typically, they are
product, noise equivalent power, among others) have been fairly grouped into two categories: top-down and bottom-up approaches
demonstrated in previous reviews [711], they are not presented [17]. Top-down approaches are dimensional reduction by lithogra-
here. In this paper, we first review some new concept UV photo- phy or patterning techniques, such as focused ion beam (FIB),
detectors that have recently emerged from traditional devices, micro-electro-mechanical system (MEMS), nano imprint lithogra-
which exhibit various special properties and novel potential appli- phy (NIL), e-beam lithography (EBL) nanotechnology, among
cations. Following this, a discussion of the challenges and oppor- others, to prepare patterns of thin films. Bottom-up approaches
tunities for these techniques in practical applications is presented. start with individual atoms and molecules and build up the desired
nanostructures, such as nanocubes [18], nanospheres [19], quantum
Novel nanofabrication techniques and multifunctional dots [20], nanobelts [21] and solution based low-temperature nano
UV photodetectors thin films [22], and so on. The synthesis usually involves chemical
In the past half-century, the rapid advance in semiconductor vapor deposition (CVD), vaporliquidsolid (VLS)/vaporsolid (VS)
optoelectronic devices has transformed our world. The constant processes, hydrothermal/solvothermal reaction, solution-based
outpouring of semiconductor lasers, quantum well lasers and self-assembly, template-assisted growth and subsequent heat-treat-
integrated photoelectric devices have benefitted greatly for sophis- ment processes, etc. Benefitting from these low-cost and simple
ticated fabrication techniques, such as molecular beam epitaxy manufacturing processes, various novel wide band-gap semicon-
(MBE), metalorganic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD), ductor nanomaterials (Fig. 3) with dimensions of 1100 nm have
SEM images of the representative wide band-gap semiconductor nanostructures used for UV photodetectors. Reproduced with permission [21,2531,3437].
Copyrights: 2012 WILEY-VCH (SnO2), 2009 WILEY-VCH (ZnS), 2009 WILEY-VCH (ZnSe), 2012 American Chemical Society (In2Te3), 2014 Institute of
Physics (TiO2), 2013 American Chemical Society (MoS2), 2013 Royal Society of Chemistry (ZnO), 2011 WILEY-VCH (Nb2O5), 2011 WILEY-VCH
(NiCo2O4), 2014 Wiley-VCH (Ga2O3), 2014 WILEY-VCH (K2Nb8O21), 2010 American Institute of Physics (Zn2GeO4).
RESEARCH Materials Today Volume 18, Number 9 November 2015
(a) Schematic illustration of the fabrication procedure of Nb2O5 nanobelt photodetector. (b) IV characteristics of an individual Nb2O5 nanobelt-based
photodetectors illuminated by 320 nm light and under dark conditions. (c) The responsivity versus applied-voltage characteristic under illumination of
320 nm light. Reproduced with permission [30]. Copyright (2011) WILEY-VCH.
been explored for fabricating UV detectors, such as SnO2, ZnS, ZnSe, enhanced photocurrent under 320 nm UV-light illumination with
In2Te3, TiO2, MoS2, ZnO, Nb2O5, NiCo2O4, Ga2O3, K2Nb8O21 and a smaller dark current. Fig. 4c displays the responsivity versus
Zn2GeO4 [21,2337]. Because of the scaling down of the effective applied-voltage characteristics under illumination of 320 nm
conductive channel caused by the nanostructures high surface- light. The spectral response at 320 nm is about 37.8 A/W at a bias
area-to-volume ratios, these nano-photodetectors usually show a of 1 V, corresponding to an external quantum efficiency as high as
higher responsivity and photoconductivity gain. To demonstrate it 15,095% [30]. This means that the potential applications of nano-
vividly, an Nb2O5 nanobelt UVA detector is taken as an example, technology for fabricating ultra-compact UV detectors are consid-
and the details of its fabrication process and the photoelectric erably reliable. Although research is still in the prototype stage, it is
properties will be presented in the next section. believed that nanotechnology could pave a possible way for ex-
Niobium pentoxide (Nb2O5) is one of the most important ploring nanoscale wavelength selective UV photodetectors with
transition metal oxides. With a band-gap of 3.4 eV, it is an ideal novel optical and electronic properties. Moreover, the novel nano-
candidate for visible-blind UV-light sensors, especially in the UVA structure UV photodetector could be combined with other func-
band. As illustrated in Fig. 4a, a facile yet versatile route has been tions. For instance, Fig. 5a is a visible (VIS)/UV alternative
developed to synthesize self-assembled Nb2O5 nanobelts through photodetector based on ZnO nanowells fabricated on the n-Si
a bottom-up approach. Firstly, a niobium (Nb) foil (99.99%) is substrate [38], Fig. 5b is a UVVIS multicolor photodetector fabri-
polished, ultrasonically cleaned and dried under flowing N2. Then, cated by CdS and ZnO nanowells on the diamond substrate [39],
it is immersed in a KOH solution in an autoclave, heated to 1708C and Fig. 5c is an optical logic gates UV detector realized by the
for 16 hours and afterwards cooled naturally to room temperature. nonpolar a-axial GaN nanowire [40].
The product is subsequently immersed in a HNO3 solution for
24 hours at room temperature. After undergoing ion exchange, it Opportunities and challenges for plasmonics enhanced
is calcined for 3 hours at 6508C under Ar flow to obtain a white UV photodetectors
product consisting of Nb2O5 nanobelts. And the as-grown Nb2O5 As shown in Fig. 6a, nanoscale electronic devices still face inter-
nanobelts are detached from the Nb foil ultrasonically in ethanol connection delay issues. By contrast, the sizes of photonic devices
and a drop of this dispersion is dried on a Si substrate with a SiO2 with high information processing speed are limited to micron-
top layer. The Cr/Au electrodes are patterned on the top of the dimensions by the law of optical diffraction. Thus, as an important
nanobelts using photolithography, electron-beam deposition and optoelectronic device, it has been challenging for UV photode-
the lift-off process. The as-fabricated detector shows excellent opt- tectors to operate in the form of nanoscale devices at optical
electronic properties, as shown in Fig. 4b and c, the annealed frequencies. Fortunately, a candidate technology that has
Nb2O5 nanobelt photodetector with better crystallinity shows an emerged, as surface plasmon-polaritons (SPPs) supported by
Materials Today Volume 18, Number 9 November 2015 RESEARCH
Versatile photodetectors fabricated by band-gap engineering techniques. (a) Visible (VIS)/UV light alternative photodetector based on n-ZnO NWs/n-Si.
Reproduced with permission [38]. Copyright 2008 American Institute of Physics. (b) UVVIS multicolor photodetector fabricated by CdS and ZnO nanowell
on the Diamond substrate. Reproduced with permission [39]. Copyright 2013 Nature Publishing Group. (c) UV detector and optical logic gates based on
nonpolar a-axial GaN nanowire. Reproduced with permission [40]. Copyright 2014 Royal Society of Chemistry.
metallic nanostructures (NPs), may provide new opportunities to value of SPPs in UV detectors is indeed attractive. Recently, with
bridge the gap between the worlds of nanoscale electronics and the development of plasmonics, researchers have found that high-
microscale photonics [4145]. order multipoles (dark mode) can satisfy the requirements of
SPPs are collective oscillations of free electrons between metal energy match in the UV region, and it could interact with far
and dielectric (semiconductor) materials. This provides a unique field directly due to the interference inside the plasmons system
ability to concentrate, route and manipulate light at the nanoscale [5763]. Thus, there may be a novel path through the darkness
[46], and this has been employed to enhance the performance of toward a bright future for plasmonics in conjunction with UV
UV photodetectors. As shown in Fig. 6b, ZnO nanowires based UV detectors on the same nanoscale chip [64].
detectors can attain giant enhancements in photoresponsivity and
response speed while the dark current decreases by two orders of Self-powered UV photodetectors
magnitude resulting from the Au nanoparticles at the same time The goal of semiconductor technology is to build optoelectronic
[47]. Similar to this result, the responsivity of the GaN UV detec- devices with high performance and low power consumption.
tors with annealed Ag nanoparticles can be enhanced nearly 30 Therefore, efficient UV photodetectors which operate with low
times relative to plain GaN (Fig. 6c) [48]. Moreover, localized power supply are urgently needed. Unfortunately, to get reason-
surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) and propagating surface plas- able detectivity, most of the photodetectors require additional
mon (PSP) based on various metallic nanostructures (Fig. 7a) [49], power, which makes the overall circuitry heavy and uneconomical
such as metallic nanoparticles (Fig. 7b) [50], individual nanogap in the current energy scenario. Thus, a new type of UV photo-
electrodes (Fig. 7c) [51], nanoantennas (Fig. 7d) [52], waveguides detectors which operate without any power supply, namely self-
(Fig. 7e) [53], graphene-antenna sandwich structures (Fig. 7f) [54], powered photodetectors, seem to proffer an effective strategy to
coaxial hole structures (Fig. 7g) [55,56], among others, have been solve the energy issues, and have been attracting considerable
applied in solar cells and photodetectors at visible, IR and terahertz attention [65].
frequencies, exhibiting remarkable advantages [41] including (1) Up to now, many approaches have been developed to fabricate
higher integration densities through shrinking the size of detec- self-powered UV photodetectors. These devices can be divided into
tors, (2) low device capacitance for fast transition times, allowing two major classes from the viewpoint of energy conversion: one
for higher band width operation and (3) reduced operation energy, class includes photovoltaic devices containing pn junctions, het-
owing to the enhanced light matter interactions. erojunctions, Schottky junctions, among others, which could
Although evidence of enhanced performance in UV detectors transform UV radiation into electrical energy directly by the
resulting from nanostructures has been reported, the intrinsic photovoltaic effect; the other mainly contains photoconductive
physical mechanism is still ambiguous. The large energy mismatch devices with integrated power sources, which transform UV radia-
between surface plasmons and wide band-gap semiconductors is a tion into electrical energy along with mechanical energy or chem-
major problem that has not been solved. At any rate, the potential ical energy. These devices are usually operated by the conjunct
RESEARCH Materials Today Volume 18, Number 9 November 2015
Minimization for UV detector by plasmonics. (a) Operation speeds and crucial dimensions of various chip-scale device technologies. Crossbar nanowire chips
are combined to form tiny CPU for beyond Moores-law electronics. Reproduced with permission [42,43]. Copyright 2006 Elsevier. (b) Giant improvement
of the performance of ZnO nanowire photodetectors by Au nanoparticles. Reproduced with permission [47]. Copyright 2010 American Chemical Society.
(c) High-performance GaN UV detector realized by nanoplasmonic enhancement. Reproduced with permission [48]. Copyright 2012 WILEY-VCH.
photoelectric effect with the piezoelectric effect, or the photoelec- photoelectrochemical effect extended the photoelectric devices
trochemical effect. for only a short time, a lot of progress has been made in fabricating
Albeit the photovoltaic effect is an ancient concept, it still self-powered UV photodetector. As shown in Fig. 8d, in conjunc-
exhibits huge potential for the fabrication of the novel self-power tion with a fuel cell, which can be used to convert the chemical
UV photodetectors with high performance. Figs. 8ac show exam- energy into electricity, the photoelectrochemical system exhibits a
ples of self-powered UV photodetectors made from several types of considerable photovoltaic effect under UV light irradiance [69].
photovoltaic structures. Fig. 8a is a homojunction p-ZnO (Li, N Similarly, self-powered UV photodetectors based on the photo-
codoping method)/n-ZnO UV detector, and its photoresponse electrochemical effect have been realized successfully (Fig. 8e) [70].
exhibits little variation at 0 bias voltage during the intermittent Besides, energy harvest of the nanogenerator through the piezo-
measurements for five months [66]. Fig. 8b is another type of self- electric effect exerts control of the electronhole pair generation,
powered UV photodetectors based on n-ZnO/p-NiO coreshell transport and recombination process, enabling the nanogenerator
heterojunction with a high spectrum-selective feature and high to be a suitable power supply for photodetectors to replace the
photoresponse speed [67]. And Fig. 8c is a new type of self-powered commonly used external power supply. Fig. 8f shows a UV pho-
photodetector based on an asymmetric metalsemiconductor todetector powered by its nanogenerator using the piezoelectric
metal (MSM) structure; in this configuration, it has a higher effect. As the authors demonstrated, the same system may be
responsivity and UV/VIS rejection ratio, and much faster photo- integrated into blood vessels and function accordingly, utilizing
response speed than the conventional photovoltaic photodetec- the vessels pulse movement [71].
tors [68]. Despite the great progress that has been made in the new field of
Figs. 8df show another type of self-powered UV photodetectors self-powered UV photodetectors, the scaling of these devices to
with integrated power source. Although the piezoelectric effect or practical applications requires much more work. For instance,
Materials Today Volume 18, Number 9 November 2015 RESEARCH
Combining photodetectors with plasmonics may enhance photoelectronic conversion efficiency: (a) Schematic illustration of the two types of plasmonic
nanostructures: a localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) and propagating surface plasmon (PSP). Reproduced with permission [49]. Copyright 2011
American Chemical Society. (b) Optimized spatial correlations for broadband light trapping nanopatterns in high efficiency ultrathin film a-Si:H solar cells.
Reproduced with permission [50]. Copyright 2011 American Chemical Society. (c) Plasmon resonance in individual nanogap electrodes studied using
graphene nanoconstrictions as photodetectors. Reproduced with permission [51]. Copyright 2011 American Chemical Society. (d) Si nano-photodiode with
a surface plasmon antenna. Reproduced with permission [52]. Copyright 2005 The Japan Society of Applied Physics. (e) Integrated plasmonic lens
photodetector. Reproduced with permission [53]. Copyright 2009 American Institute of Physics. (f) Graphene-antenna sandwich photodetector,
Reproduced with permission [54]. Copyright 2012 American Chemical Society. (g) Array of coaxial holes in a metal film that supports localized Fabry-Perot
plasmon modes. Reproduced with permission [55,56]. Copyright 2010 Macmillan Publishers Limited.
innovative approaches should be developed to enhance the spec- shown in Fig. 9a. Self-powered by the flexible battery, the current-
tral responsivity, reduce its dark current, speed up the response time curves of the device (red line) is comparable to a common
time, as well as scale down the size and weight of devices, espe- photodetector device driven by an external power source (blue
cially that of the additional energy harvesting system. line), and the extent of bending has little influence on the perfor-
mance of the integrated device [73]. Similarly, flexible devices can
Portable UV photodetectors based on flexible also be fabricated by printing ZnO nanowells and metal electrodes
electronics onto polyimide substrates (Fig. 9b), and the IV curves of this
Recently, flexible electronics has been flourished to the point of device are almost identical for different bending curvatures as well
developing portable, wearable, lightweight and implantable op- [74]. Moreover, researchers have found that flexible devices can
toelectronic devices [72]. It also offers numerous opportunities for also be compatible with various types of substrates, even including
the development of next-generation UV photodetectors. Up to plastics, paper, textiles and curved/bio-surfaces. Fig. 9c exhibits
now, research on flexible UV detectors has been carried out in that the devices formed on tree leaves can work as high-perfor-
many groups. Fig. 9 illustrates several representative devices. A mance UV photodetectors with great reliability even after being
flexible SnO2 photodetector using carbon cloths as the templates is bent to a small radius of 2 mm [75]. More interestingly is the
RESEARCH Materials Today Volume 18, Number 9 November 2015
Self-powered UV photodetectors with different working mechanisms: (ac) Photovoltaic effect, (df) photoelectrochemical effect, photoelectric effect and
piezoelectric effect, respectively. (a) Photovoltaic effect resulting from ZnO homo-junction. Reproduced with permission [66]. Copyright 2013 American
Institute of Physics. (b) Photovoltaic effect ZnO/NiO core/shell hetero-junction. Reproduced with permission [67]. Copyright 2013 Royal Society of
Chemistry. (c) Schottky barrier diode formed by an asymmetry MSM structure. Reproduced with permission [68]. Copyright 2014 Royal Society of
Chemistry. (d) UV sensors cooperate with a hybridized microbial fuel cell. Reproduced with permission [69]. Copyright 2012 Elsevier Ltd. (e) UV sensors
driven by a photoelectrochemical cell. Reproduced with permission [70]. Copyright 2012 Elsevier. (f ) Using a nanogenerator to harvest energy of the
pulse movement of the pressure pipe to power a nano-scaled UV sensor. Reproduced with permission [71]. Copyright 2012 Elsevier Ltd.
Flexible UV photodetectors. (a) A self-powered and fully flexible photodetector nanosystem fabricated with SnO2-microtube-assembled cloths. The current
time curves of the self-powered photodetector device (red line) is comparable to a common photodetector device driven by an external power source (blue
line), and the extent of bending has little influence on the performance of the integrated device. Reproduced with permission [73]. Copyright 2013 Royal
Society of Chemistry. (b) An all-printable flexible ZnO nanowire photodetector, scale bar is 30 mm. Reproduced with permission [74]. Copyright 2014
Macmillan Publishers Limited (c) Flexible and transparent SnO2 nanobelt UV photodetectors built on tree leaves. Reproduced with permission [75]. Copyright
2014 Nature Publishing Group. (d) Water and humidity enhanced UV detector by using p-type La-doped ZnO nanowires on a flexible polyimide substrate.
Reproduced with permission [76]. Copyright 2013 American Chemical Society.
flexible UV detector in Fig. 9d, the La-doped ZnO nanowires grown been carried out in some groups. It is believed that the continuous
on a flexible polyimide substrate, where performance could be improvement of fabrication techniques could bring the portable
enhanced significantly by increasing ambient humidity [76]. and wearable roll up UV photodetectors out of lab in the near
The above results indicate the great application potential of further.
wide band-gap semiconductor nanomaterials as flexible UV
detectors, although the aforementioned techniques used for the Conclusions and outlook
fabrication of soft devices are still premature for industrial imple- Obviously, the newly developed materials, the improved fabri-
mentation. Work to improve the sensitivity of flexible devices has cation techniques and the nano-invention provide a huge
Materials Today Volume 18, Number 9 November 2015 RESEARCH
The authors would like to thank Dr Nan Gao, Dr Xiaojie Xu and Dr
Xiuhua Xie for their kind helps. This work is supported by the
National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos.
51471051, 51372040, 61376054, 61475153 and 11404328), the
National Basic Research Program of China (973 program) (No.
2011CB302006), the 100 Talents Program of the Chinese Academy
of Sciences, Science and Technology Commission of Shanghai
Municipality (13NM1400300) and Shanghai Shu Guang Project
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