BOX Culvert Load Details
BOX Culvert Load Details
BOX Culvert Load Details
0 Introduction
This design note includes the design and analysis of minor bridge at chainage CH.129+912 which is a
box type having two cells.
Thickness of deck slab Dd = 700 mm
Thickness of base slab Db = 700 mm 800
Base slab projection = 500 mm Idealised Frame (Along the road)
Thus total overburden load over deck slab = 1.43 + 4.93 = 6.36 KN/m / m
Axle spacing
3 3 3 4.3 1.2 3.2 1.1
Dispersed Wheel Length
Tyre contact width along traffic direction, wtt = B
Tyre contact length after dispersion through slab & fill, wtd = wtt+2(Tf + t) = B+2(Tf+ t)
Tyre contact width across traffic direction, = Ww
Width of load over wheels, W = Ww+1800 mm
Width after dispersion through fill, b1 = W+2Tf mm
The various values are tabulated below.
Axle Load (T) B(mm) Ww(mm) Wtd(mm) W(mm) b1(mm)
11.4 250 500 1780 2300 2430
6.8 200 380 1730 2180 2310
2.7 150 200 1680 2000 2130
Part UDL intensity corresponding to each wheel load = Wheel Load / wtd
The effective width values and load intensities are tabulated below.
Impact factor = 29.51 %
bef for
bef for load at centre bef for 3
load at Load in
of carriageway (mm) trains at bef for Load in
edge KN/ M2
Axle a (mm) edge of (KN/M2) wiith
design without
for single for 3 trains befc/2 + carriage- impact
train befc bef2 W/2 way
1st 6.8T 250 3062 3354 3331 3444 3354 11.719 15.177
2nd 6.8T 3250 7911 4970 5756 4252 4252 9.244 11.972
3rd 6.8T 3000 7400 4800 5500 4167 4167 9.433 12.217
4th 6.8T 0 2130 3043 2865 3288 3043 12.915 16.727
1st 11.4T 4300 8113 5038 5856 4285 4285 14.945 19.355
2nd 11.4T 3750 7927 4976 5764 4255 4255 15.053 19.495
1st 2.7T 550 3475 3492 3537 3512 3492 4.603 5.961
The eff. width values and load intensities are tabulated below.
Impact factor = 29.51 %
bef for
bef for load at centre bef for 3
load at Load in
of carriageway (mm) trains at bef for Load in
edge KN/ M2
Axle a (mm) edge of (KN/M2) wiith
design without
for single for 3 trains befc/2 + carriage- impact
train befc bef2 W/2 way
1st 6.8T 2000 6506 4502 5053 4018 4018 9.783 12.670
2nd 6.8T 4250 8403 5134 6001 4334 4334 9.070 11.746
1st 11.4T 50 2439 3146 3020 3340 3146 20.355 26.361
2nd 11.4T 1250 5121 4040 4360 3787 3787 16.913 21.903
1st 2.7T 4450 8314 5105 5957 4319 4319 3.721 4.819
2nd 2.7T 3700 8082 5027 5841 4280 4280 3.755 4.863
The effective width values and load intensities are tabulated below.
Impact factor = 25.00%
The effective width values and load intensities without impact are tabulated below.
Impact factor = 25.00%
The effective width values and load intensities without impact are tabulated below.
Impact factor = 25.00%
Live load braking effect = 20% of LL on first two lanes + 5% of LL on remaining lanes.
The structure will be maximum loaded when 70R wheel loads and a Class A wheel load
are placed over the structure.
Thus total load over deck = 100 T load from 70R wheel
= 55.4 T load from Class A wheel
Total braking effect force on structure = 22.77 T
= 22.77x10 / 12.000 / 3.000 = 6.33 KN/m/wall
Live Load Calculations for 70 R Track load and Boggie load is given in Annexure IV.
F = Sin (f + d ) Sin (f t l )
Cos (a - t ) Cos (d + a + l )
f = 28 = 0.488692 Rad
a = 0 t = 0 d = 0
The earth pressures are calculated below. The static component is same as already calculated.
Saturated Backfill
E.P. at slab top level = KarHs/1000 = 7.13 KN/M / M width
E.P. at founding level = Kar(Hs+H) /1000 = 95.96 KN/M / M width
Dynamic increment = Ca'r(Hs+H/2) /1000 = 8.16 KN/M / M width
Thus the seismic effect is very small as the dynamic earth pressure, which is only about 15.8%
of the static component whereas the permissible stresses can be increased by 50% . Thus not
considered in further analysis.
4.0 Modulus of Subgrade Reaction
Joseph E. Bowles in book named "Foundation analysis and design" recommends a value range of
9,600 to 80,000 KN/M3 for medium dense sand stratas.
Adopt a value of say 8,000 KN/m3 on a conservative side.
Providing springs at every 0.450 m spacing,
Value of spring constant = 8000 x 1.000 x 0.450 = 3600 KN/M
Value of spring constant = 8000 x 1.000 x 0.525 = 4200 KN/M
(For supports below wall)
Value of spring constant = 8000 x 1.000 x 0.350 = 2800 KN/M
(For supports next to support below wall)
Value of spring constant = 8000 x 1.000 x 0.4000 = 3200 KN/M
(For extreme support)