BOX Culvert Load Details

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The document discusses the design of a box bridge structure including dimensions, material properties, loads, foundation soil properties, and structural analysis and design calculations.

The bridge has two cells, each with a clear span of 8650mm and height of 5535mm. The thickness of deck, side walls and partition walls are also given.

The loads considered include self-weight, soil surcharge, live loads from IRC class A vehicles and 70R tracked vehicles including impact factors.


0 Introduction
This design note includes the design and analysis of minor bridge at chainage CH.129+912 which is a
box type having two cells.

2.0 Basic Data : As per client data / IRC requirements / Assumptions

Side wall thickness, Dw = 600 mm

Thickness of partition walls Dp = 300 mm 2 x 9250
Clear height of box = 4835 mm

Thickness of deck slab Dd = 700 mm
Thickness of base slab Db = 700 mm 800
Base slab projection = 500 mm Idealised Frame (Along the road)

Earth fill over base slab (incidental) = 0 mm inside the waterway.

Clear span of each box = 8650
Idealised span of each cell L = 9250 mm
Idealised height of box H = 4835 + 700 / 2 + 700 / 2 = 5535 mm
Cantilever length of base slab Lc = 500 + 600 / 2 = 800 mm
Width of the structure , b = 12000 mm
Width of footpath (removable) = 0 mm 5535
Thickness of crash barrier = 500 mm 12000
Average thickness of fill over deck = 65 mm
Section across Road

3.0 Load Calculations

3.1 Dead Loads

a.) Self weight of structure = ( Automatic Input by density command of STAAD Pro)
(Density of RCC is taken as 25 KN/m3)

b.) Overburden over deck @ 22 KN/m3 x 0.065 m = 1.43 KN/m / m width

c.) Load due to crash barrier

C/s area of crash barrier = 0.395 m2
Thus weight of crash barrier = 0.40 x 25.00 = 9.875 kN / m

Width of contact of load, b1 = 500 mm

Effective width of slab bef = (1/2)Ka(1-a/lo)+b1 ------ being edge load

lo = L = 4625 mm ; b1 = 500mm (IRC-21 305.16)
b = 12000 mm b/lo = 2.595
K = 2.600 For continuous slabs; a = 2313 mm
bef = 2003 mm
Thus load intensity due to crash barrier = 9.88 / bef
= 4.93 KN/m / m width

Thus total overburden load over deck slab = 1.43 + 4.93 = 6.36 KN/m / m

c.) Overburden over base slab:

Inside the cells = @ 20 KN/m3 x 0.000 m = 0.00 KN/m / m width
Over base slab heel = @ 20 KN/m3 x 5.600 m = 112.00 KN/m / m width
3.2 LIVE LOAD: (1 lane of 70R+1 lane of Class-A / 3 lane of Class-A is considered)
3.3.1 Live Loads over Deck
Structure is modelled in STAAD-PRO and analysed for 70R & Class-A loading to find position of loading
for maximum bending moment and shear force. STAAD Input is attached in annexure-A & B.
3.3.1.a. Impact Factors (IRC-6, 211)
Span L = 9.25 m
As per IRC : 6, Basic impact factors are as below
1. For 70R tracked vehicles = 10.00 %
2. For 70R wheeled vehicles = 25.00 %
3. For class A vehicle = 29.51 %
Thickness of fill over deck < 600mm, hence impact fraction = 1

Design impact factors are:

1. For 70R tracked vehicles = 10.00 %
2. For 70R wheeled vehicles = 25.00 %
3. For class A vehicle = 29.51 %

Width of carriageway at location of structure = 11000 mm

This is 3 lane as per IRC : 6 - 2000

3.2.1.b IRC Class 'A' vehicle along span

1.8 M c/c Ww Traffic Direction B

6.80 6.8 6.8 6.8 11.4 11.4 2.7 2.7Axle Loads

Axle spacing
3 3 3 4.3 1.2 3.2 1.1
Dispersed Wheel Length

Tyre contact width along traffic direction, wtt = B
Tyre contact length after dispersion through slab & fill, wtd = wtt+2(Tf + t) = B+2(Tf+ t)
Tyre contact width across traffic direction, = Ww
Width of load over wheels, W = Ww+1800 mm
Width after dispersion through fill, b1 = W+2Tf mm
The various values are tabulated below.
Axle Load (T) B(mm) Ww(mm) Wtd(mm) W(mm) b1(mm)
11.4 250 500 1780 2300 2430
6.8 200 380 1730 2180 2310
2.7 150 200 1680 2000 2130
Part UDL intensity corresponding to each wheel load = Wheel Load / wtd

The load values for different axles are tabulated below.

Axle Load Part UDL intensity without
(T) impact (KN/m)
11.4 64.045
6.8 39.31
2.7 16.07

Effective width of slab bef = Ka(1-a/lo)+b1

Where K = 2.600 Same as that obtained above
Min clearance from slab edge to wheel outside, C = 650 mm
3.2.1.b.i. Load position for maximum moment at support

Impact factor = 29.51 %

bef for one

bef for load at centre bef for 3 Load in
train at bef for Load in
of carriageway (mm) trains at KN/m2
Axle a (mm) edge (KN/m2) wiith
edge of design without
for single for 3 befc/2 + carriageway impact
train befc trains bef2 W/2
1st 6.8T 1750 5999 4333 4800 3933 3933 9.993 12.942
2nd 6.8T 4500 8318 5106 5959 4320 4320 9.099 11.784
3rd 6.8T 1500 5578 4193 4589 3863 3863 10.175 13.178
1st 11.4T 2800 7506 4835 5553 4184 4184 15.306 19.822
2nd 11.4T 4000 8333 5111 5966 4322 4322 14.818 19.190
1st 2.7T 2050 6279 4426 4939 3980 3980 4.038 5.230
2nd 2.7T 950 4346 3782 3973 3658 3658 4.394 5.690

3.2.1.b.ii. Load position for maximum mid span moment

The effective width values and load intensities are tabulated below.
Impact factor = 29.51 %

bef for
bef for load at centre bef for 3
load at Load in
of carriageway (mm) trains at bef for Load in
edge KN/ M2
Axle a (mm) edge of (KN/M2) wiith
design without
for single for 3 trains befc/2 + carriage- impact
train befc bef2 W/2 way

1st 6.8T 250 3062 3354 3331 3444 3354 11.719 15.177
2nd 6.8T 3250 7911 4970 5756 4252 4252 9.244 11.972
3rd 6.8T 3000 7400 4800 5500 4167 4167 9.433 12.217
4th 6.8T 0 2130 3043 2865 3288 3043 12.915 16.727
1st 11.4T 4300 8113 5038 5856 4285 4285 14.945 19.355
2nd 11.4T 3750 7927 4976 5764 4255 4255 15.053 19.495
1st 2.7T 550 3475 3492 3537 3512 3492 4.603 5.961

3.2.1.b.iii. Load position for maximum shear force

The eff. width values and load intensities are tabulated below.
Impact factor = 29.51 %

bef for
bef for load at centre bef for 3
load at Load in
of carriageway (mm) trains at bef for Load in
edge KN/ M2
Axle a (mm) edge of (KN/M2) wiith
design without
for single for 3 trains befc/2 + carriage- impact
train befc bef2 W/2 way

1st 6.8T 2000 6506 4502 5053 4018 4018 9.783 12.670
2nd 6.8T 4250 8403 5134 6001 4334 4334 9.070 11.746
1st 11.4T 50 2439 3146 3020 3340 3146 20.355 26.361
2nd 11.4T 1250 5121 4040 4360 3787 3787 16.913 21.903
1st 2.7T 4450 8314 5105 5957 4319 4319 3.721 4.819
2nd 2.7T 3700 8082 5027 5841 4280 4280 3.755 4.863

3.2.1.c. 70R wheel load along span

Tyre contact length = (5000/5.273)/(41-5) = 26.34 cm =

2.79 Traffic Direction 263mm = Wtt

8 12 12.0 17.0 17.0 17.0 17.0 Axle Loads (Ton)

3.96 1.52 2.13 1.37 3.05 1.37 Axle Spacings (M)

Tyre contact length after dispersion through slab & fill

along span wtd = wtt+2(Tf + t) = 1793 mm Dispersed
Width of load over wheels, W = 2790 mm Wheel Length
Width after dispersion through fill, b1 = W+2T f = 2920 mm
Part UDL intensity without impact corresponding to each wheel load
= Wheel Load / wtd = Load / 1793 mm
The load values for different axles are tabulated below.

Axle Load Part UDL intensity Without

(T) impact (KN/m)
17.0 94.792
12.0 66.912
8.0 44.608

Effective width of slab bef = Ka(1-a/lo)+b1

Where K = 2.600 Same as that for Class-A
Min. clearance from slab edge to wheel outside, C = 1700 mm

i. Load position for maximum shear force

The effective width values and load intensities are tabulated below.
Impact factor = 25.00%

bef for load at centre bef for load at edge of Load in

bef for Load in
Axle a (mm) of carriageway (mm) carriageway (KN/m2) wiith
design without
- befc befe = (befc/2 + W/2 +C) impact

1st 17T 3400 8511 7350 7350 12.896 16.120

2nd 17T 4770 8927 7558 7558 12.541 15.677
3rd 17T 1430 6063 6127 6063 15.634 19.542
4th 17T 60 3075 4632 3075 30.827 38.533
1st 12T 2070 7098 6644 6644 10.071 12.589
2nd 12T 3590 8631 7411 7411 9.029 11.286
1st 8T 1700 6528 6359 6359 7.015 8.769
ii. Load position for maximum mid span moment

The effective width values and load intensities without impact are tabulated below.
Impact factor = 25.00%

bef for load at centre bef for load at edge of Load in KN

bef for Load in
/ m2
Axle a (mm) of carriageway (mm) carriageway (KN/M2) wiith
design without
- befc befe = (befc/2 + W/2 +C) impact
1st 17 T 950 5136 5663 5136 18.455 23.069
2nd 17 T 2320 7439 6815 6815 13.910 17.388
3rd 17 T 3880 8776 7483 7483 12.667 15.834
4th 17 T 2510 7675 6933 6933 13.673 17.092
1st 12 T 380 3867 5029 3867 17.301 21.627

iii. Load position for maximum support moment

The effective width values and load intensities without impact are tabulated below.
Impact factor = 25.00%

bef for load at centre bef for load at edge of Load in KN

bef for Load in
/ m2
Axle a (mm) of carriageway (mm) carriageway (KN/M2) wiith
design without
- befc befe = (befc/2 + W/2 +C) impact
1st 17 T 3250 8401 7296 7296 12.993 16.241
2nd 17 T 1880 6815 6502 6502 14.578 18.223
3rd 17 T 1170 5577 5884 5577 16.996 21.245
4th 17 T 2540 7711 6950 6950 13.639 17.048
1st 12 T 4580 8932 7561 7561 8.850 11.062
2nd 12 T 3060 8244 7217 7217 9.271 11.589

3.2.1.f. Live Load braking effect

Live load braking effect = 20% of LL on first two lanes + 5% of LL on remaining lanes.

The structure will be maximum loaded when 70R wheel loads and a Class A wheel load
are placed over the structure.

Thus total load over deck = 100 T load from 70R wheel
= 55.4 T load from Class A wheel
Total braking effect force on structure = 22.77 T
= 22.77x10 / 12.000 / 3.000 = 6.33 KN/m/wall

Live Load Calculations for 70 R Track load and Boggie load is given in Annexure IV.

3.3 Seismic Forces

The dynamic pressure increments are calculated as per IS: 1893 1984.
ah = abc = 0.04x1.0x 1.2 = 0.048 For seismic Zone III
av = 0.048/2 = 0.024
Active pressure coeficient; Ca = (1+/- av)cos2(f - l a)
Cosl cos2a cos(d + a + l) *(1+ F0.5)2

F = Sin (f + d ) Sin (f t l )
Cos (a - t ) Cos (d + a + l )

l = tan-1(ah/(1+/- av)) = 0.0468 Rad And 0.0491 Rad

f = 28 = 0.488692 Rad

a = 0 t = 0 d = 0

Thus, F0.5 = 0.448 And 0.447

(1+ F0.5)2 = 2.098 And 2.094
Ca = 0.400 And 0.383
Dynamic increment 0.103 And Ca' = 0.086

The earth pressures are calculated below. The static component is same as already calculated.

Saturated Backfill
E.P. at slab top level = KarHs/1000 = 7.13 KN/M / M width
E.P. at founding level = Kar(Hs+H) /1000 = 95.96 KN/M / M width
Dynamic increment = Ca'r(Hs+H/2) /1000 = 8.16 KN/M / M width

Thus the seismic effect is very small as the dynamic earth pressure, which is only about 15.8%
of the static component whereas the permissible stresses can be increased by 50% . Thus not
considered in further analysis.
4.0 Modulus of Subgrade Reaction
Joseph E. Bowles in book named "Foundation analysis and design" recommends a value range of
9,600 to 80,000 KN/M3 for medium dense sand stratas.
Adopt a value of say 8,000 KN/m3 on a conservative side.
Providing springs at every 0.450 m spacing,
Value of spring constant = 8000 x 1.000 x 0.450 = 3600 KN/M
Value of spring constant = 8000 x 1.000 x 0.525 = 4200 KN/M
(For supports below wall)
Value of spring constant = 8000 x 1.000 x 0.350 = 2800 KN/M
(For supports next to support below wall)
Value of spring constant = 8000 x 1.000 x 0.4000 = 3200 KN/M
(For extreme support)

5.0 Bearing capacity requirement.

4.1 Due to Dead Loads
Weight of base slab = 20.10m x 0.70 m x 25 = 351.75 KN/m width
Weight of top slab = 19.10m x 0.70 m x 25 = 334.25 KN/m width
Weight of side walls = 2x4.84 x 0.60 m x 25 = 145.05 KN/m width
Weight of partition wall = 4.84 x 0.30 m x 25 = 36.26 KN/m width
Weight of key = 1.00 m2 x 25 = 25.00 KN/m width
Weight of haunch = 1.44 m2 x 25 = 36.00 KN/m width
Wt. of soil fill inside box = 6x0.00 x 0.00 m x 0= 0.00 KN/m width
Soil fill on base slab projn = 2x0.50 x 5.54 m x 22 = 121.77 KN/m width
Wt of fill on deck slab = 19.10m x 0.07 m x 22 = 27.31 KN/m width
Total 1077.40 KN/m width
Thus bearing pressure due to DL = 1077.40 / 20.10m = 53.60 KN/m2

4.2 Due to crash barrier.

Wt of crash barrier = 2x19.10x 9.88 = 377.23 KN
et = 0.00 m , LL = 20.10 m , L t
= 12.00 m
Thus, Pmax = 1.56 KN/m2 Pmin = 1.56 KN/m2

4.3 Due to Live Loads

Considering 3 lanes of Class-A near crash barrier,
P = 2152.426 KN, et = 0.33 m eL = 0.15 m
Lt = 12.00 m LL = 20.10 m
Thus, Pmax = 10.78 KN/m2

Considering one 70R + 1 Class-A wheel load near crash barrier,

P = 1967.474 KN, et = 1.38 m eL = 2.85 m
Lt = 12.00 m LL = 20.10 m
Thus, Pmax = 20.74 KN/m2

Thus maximum bearing pressure due to Live load = 20.74 KN/m2

Thus bearing capacity requirement = 53.60 + 1.56 + 20.74

= 75.90 KN/m2
Say 8 T/m2 < 10 T/m2 Hence OK

6.0 Temperature Forces

Temperature variation = + 17o
Coeficient of thermal expansion , a = 1.17E-05 / oC
Permissible stresses can be increased by 15% under temperature effects.

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