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Project Goals:: Note That This Is Not Included in The Workbook Yet

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The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

Workbook Assignment Series

RLS 105: Management of Leisure Services 100 points/20% of course grade

Project Goals:
To offer students insights into how they can become more effective and engaged with
what matters most in their personal and professional lives
To guide students through a series of reflective essay assignments while they read Steven
Coveys book 7 Habits of Highly Effective People1.

Project Objectives:
This subtasks are meant to act as reflective writing assignments for you as you work through reading
Steven Coveys The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. The project has been split into 6 sub-tasks.
Each sub-task has individual due dates, although these will be graded in their entirety as a single project.
While there are individual due dates for each sub task, theres no reason why you cant work ahead.

Project Review by Professor: When sub-tasks are handed in, they will only be reviewed for completeness
and must be final draftsthe most these will be graded is with a U or a I (unsatisfactory or satisfactory).
Students receiving a U must re-submit the portion of the assignment. Letter grades will be assigned
once all 6 assignments are turned in. The grading criteria is outlined in the rubric below (note that this is
not included in the workbook yet).

Project Format:
Be sure to review the document Dr. Rolloffs Writing Handout for information on the
format your paper should take.
Keep in mind that the craft of your paper is also important, so strive to write well,
reviewing your work for grammar, spelling, and other important composition considerations.

7 Habits Assignment 1: Habits and How to Create Them (p. 1-45)

Due February 5

1.1 Concepts. What is the difference between personality and character, between primary and secondary
greatness? What is a paradigm shift and how does it relate to the purpose of this book? Describe a
paradigm shift that you have experienced in your life.

1.2 Habits. Discuss Coveys definition of habits, including the elements necessary for a habit to be
achieved and maintained. What habit would you like to start that you think would be reasonable over the
period of time between now and mid-May? Describe.

7 Habits Assignment 2: Balance & Your Circle of Influence (p. 46-94)

Due February 12

2.1 Effectiveness. How does Covey define effectiveness? How does this definition compare with your
own experience? Describe.

2.2 Balance. Covey describes the P/PC balance. Discuss this balance in your own words, and give
examples of your current university and work life that illustrate imbalance based on P/PC.

1 Covey, S. R. 1989. The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change. New
York: Simon & Schuster.
2.3 Reactive vs. Proactive. How does Covey differentiate between a reactive and an proactive person?
Give 2 examples form your own life when you used a reactive response, and then describe a proactive
response that might have been a better alternative.

2.4 Your Circle of Influence. Now on piece of paper, draw diagrams similar to those in Coveys circle
of concern section (p. 81-85) to illustrate issues in your own life which are 1) outside your circle of
concern (and are of no concern) 2) Now in the Circle of Influence write down the things that you have
direct control over.

7 Habits Assignment 3: Beginning With the End in Mind (p. 96 144)

Due February 26

3.1 Begin with the End. Describe what Covey means by beginning with the end in mind. Give an
example from a current issue in your life in which this habit would be useful.

3.2 Values. Revisit the handout Your Values that you completed in class earlier (also filed in handout
file on course website). Given your experience of the last few weeks of class, do you need to make any
changes? Include a completed Your Values form with this assignment. Refer back to this list of critical
personal values for raw material for your writing on this assignment.

3.3 Roles. Also revisit the handout Your Life Roles completed earlier in the course (in handout file on
course website) and include with this assignment. You can make adjustments if you need to. Refer back
to this listing for raw material for your writing on this assignment.

7 Habits Assignment 4: Personal Management (p. 147 184)

Due March 17 (note this is a Monday)

4.1. Your personal life. What one activity could you do (that you arent doing now) that if you did on a
regular basis (and did it superbly well) would have significant positive results in your personal life?

4.2. Your professional life. What one activity could you do (that you arent doing now) that if you did on
a regular basis (and did it superbly well) would have significant positive results in your professional and
school life?

4.3. So what are you going to do, Marcia? If you know these things would make such a big
difference, what things do you need to do to make them happen?

4.4. The Quadrants. The Quadrant figure on p. 151 of Covey separates activities by urgency and
importance. For each quadrant, describe activities in your everyday life that tend to fall in each one.
Where do you tend to operate more? Least? Describe your time in percentages for each quadrant.
7 Habits Assignment 5: The Energetics of Personal Relationships (p. 185 260)
Due April 9

What does Covey mean by the Emotional Bank Account? Give an example from your own experience
that illustrates this concept. Your example can be a positive or a not so positive experience.

Consider which relationships in your life in which you sense that your emotional bank account is in the
red with that person. Give examples paralleling 3 of the 6 deposits (p. 190) from your personal,
professional, or school life in which you could get these relationships into the black, and consciously
improve your interpersonal relationships.

Describe a situation in your life that could have benefited from a Win/Win approach described in Habit
4. Do you agree that this is the best alternative, or do you disagree with the win/win concept?

7 Habits Assignment 6: Sharpening the SawRenewal & Recreation (p. 262 307)
Due April 23

Write out 2 personal goals for each of the 4 dimensions of renewal (listed on p. 288): Physical, Mental,
Social/Emotional, and Spiritual. Then write 2 objectives (specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, time-
sensitive) for each of the goals you wrote.

Your Mission Statement: The capstone task for this workbook series is to write your own mission
statement and present it during the class sessions on May 7 & 12. In preparation for writing your
personal mission statement go back through the five assignments, reflect on your values and roles, and
review your Roles & Goals sheets from our in-class small group sessions. Think about the qualities that
you would like to have spoken of you in a eulogy at your funeral. Your mission statement should describe
the contribution you want to make in your lifetime, and the kind of person you want to be. Above all, this
should be a paragraph that describes what matters most in your life. It should not be overly long, but it
shouldnt be so brief that it is meaningless. This statement should not be written quickly, so give yourself
some time. Keep in mind that your mission statement will be presented in class in an overhead projection

Final Covey Workbook Assignment: Putting it all together

Due Date: April 30

In this assignment you will hand in all 6 of your assignments, clipped together as one bundle. This is the
document that Dr. Rolloff will use to evaluate your project.

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