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August 23, 2017

Event Time
Continuing Professional
Registration 0900-0930 Development

Recitation from Holy Quran 0930-0940 Short Course Series

Opening Remarks 0940-0950

Lecture-1 0950- 1100

Principles of Effective Communication On

August 23, 2017
Tea Break 1100-1130
Lecture-2 1130 -1200
Understanding different
communication styles International
Lecture-3 1200-1300
University, Gilgit
Resource Person

Presentation skills of Engineers Engr. Dr. Attaullah Shah

(Communication technical information
to non technical people)

Lunch & Prayer Break 1300- 1400

Lecture-4 1400- 1500

Writing Different Types of Technical

Q & A session 1500- 1530

Closing Remarks & Certificates 1600-1630

Purpose and Background
All professionals including engineers require continuous
updating of knowledge, state of the art skills and
Requirements to attend the course?
identification of new applications. Pakistan Engineering
Provide the following information in writing along with
Council with its objective of introducing and ensuring
Continuing Professional Development amongst its growing Registration Fee latest by August 30, 2017:-
community of professional engineers has planned series of Name, Qualification, Organization
short courses in addition to many other academic and
professional activities. PEC Registration No (Mandatory)
The art of management is linked with communication, Contact number (cell, phone, e-mail)
which requires effective presentation skills at all levels.
Engineers are dealing with a variety of audience ranging
Address (department, business etc.)
from highly professionals to non technical people; hence Registration Fee: Rs 1000/- for engineers, Pay
they are faced with the challenges of state of the art
communication and presentation skills. This course has
fee online through MCB TBD A/c
been specially tailored to cater with this challenge of No.0685583041005497 in favour of Pakistan
making the Engineers effective managers through Engineering Council Islamabad.
enhancing their communication and technical presentation
skills. Deputy Registrar, PEC Branch Office,
Learning Objectives & benefits: Al-Sabah Chowk, River View Road, Sonikote,
The course is designed to promote state-of-the-art Gilgit.
construction management techniques and practices. It will Phone: +(92-5811) 920870
help to identify problems of local industry, suggest
remedial techniques and create awareness among Fax: +(92-5811) 922595
managers, contractors, consultants, government agencies, Email: [email protected],
development organization and academia. Specifically, the
course will emphasize on: [email protected]
To get the basic understanding of the Project
procurement generic process. Short Course Instructor:
To familiarize the participants with the modern Engr. Prof. Dr. Attaullah Shah has 26 years of
project management and procurement techniques
experiences of teaching research and practice in
To provide details of the Public sector project the fields of Civil Engineering, Project Management
management, monitoring and evaluation, including and Sustainable Built Environment. Besides PhD in
preparation of Cash Plans and work Plans Civil Engineering, has also done MPhil in Eco, MBA
Use of various tools of project management and
and MSc Environmental design.
monitoring and evaluation in the field
Dr. Shah is the author of more than 75 research
Special Features publications in international refereed journal and
A certificate will be awarded to the participants. conferences. His current research is focused on
As per the implemented Continuing Professional
project risk management, sustainability in
buildings. He is also member of editorial boards
Development System by PEC, Credit Points will be
of international journals of Civil Engineering and
awarded to the Registered/Professional Engineers Construction Management.
who have attended the course and earned the He has been Director Projects and Planning and
certificate. Director Technical and Vocational Education &
WHO SHOULD ATTEND? Training (TVET) at Allama Iqbal Open University
- All Engineers registered with PEC.
He has been associated with project procurement of
COURSE DETAILS large infrastructure and developmental projects, IT
projects and other social sector projects for two
Course Fee: Rs.1000/- (For Engineers)
Registration Closing time: 3pm decades. He is adjunct faculty of SZABIST, CASE
and Allama Iqbal Open University for teaching of
Course Date: 23rd August 2017 graduate courses of Construction management,
Closing Date: 22nd August 2017 Project Management and Risk Management.

Venue: Karakoram International Dr. Shah is the author of three books on Project
University Main KIU Road, Management, High Strength Concrete and
Environmental & Social Management of Construction
Gilgit, Pakistan Projects. Currently, he is the Vice Chancellor of City
University of Science and IT Peshawar

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