Survival of Commercial Probiotic Strains To PH and Bile
Survival of Commercial Probiotic Strains To PH and Bile
Survival of Commercial Probiotic Strains To PH and Bile
Sahadeva, R.P.K., Leong, S.F., Chua, K. H., Tan, C.H., Chan, H.Y.,
Tong, E.V., Wong, S.Y.W. and *Chan, H.K.
Abstract: This study was performed to enumerate the total viable cell count of probiotic in five brands (A to E)
of commercially cultured milk drinks that are available in the Malaysian market as well as to test their tolerance
to various pH and bile concentrations by simulating the human gastrointestinal pH and bile concentration. The
acid tolerance test was studied under pH 1.5 and 3.0 with 7.2 as control. The cell count for the acid tolerance
test was obtained at an interval of 0, 1.5 and 3 hours respectively and was plated onto duplicate MRS agars to be
incubated at 37C for 48 hours. All cells recovered after 3 hours of pH treatment were selected for bile tolerance
test in MRS broth containing bile concentrations of 0% (control), 0.3% and 2.0% and cell counts were recorded
after 24 hours of incubation. The probiotic strains in products A, B, C & D met the suggested initial count of
106 CFU/ml with brand C recording the highest at 9.19 0.14 log CFU/ml. Strains in product A, B & C showed
good tolerance to pH 3.0 and 7.2 recording a count of >106 CFU/ml after 3 hours with a range of 6.60 9.04
log CFU/ml. The higher bile concentrations resulted in lower growth of strains in all the brands. Upon pH 1.5
treatment, only brand C recorded growth in all bile concentrations. After pH 3.0 treatment, all brands except
brand E met the requirement of survival at 0.3% bile concentration. Results showed probiotics in product A, B
& C met the initial count requirement, and exhibited good acid and bile tolerance therefore being a potentially
good source of probiotic.
Keywords: Acid and bile tolerance, cultured milk drink, Lactobacillus, probiotic, total viable cell count
Introduction 2006). The amount required to gain any therapeutic
benefits is a minimum of 106 viable probiotic cells
Recent increase of awareness towards human per millilitre during storage until the expiry date
nutrition over the past few decades, especially in (Samona and Robinson, 1994; Lourens-Hattingh and
the developed countries has seen a shift from the Viljoen, 2002; FAO/WHO, 2006).
concept of adequate to optimal nutrition. This is In the past two decades, there has been renewed
evident in the rapid growth of interest in probiotics to interest in the study of the nutritional and therapeutic
promote better health and well-being which shows a aspects of the mentioned products (Parvez et al.,
substantial promise to expand the food industry into 2006). It is widely accepted that probiotics may exert
new fields. Strains from genera of Lactobacillus and positive influence on the host through modulation
Bifidobacterium species, both of which are indigenous of the endogenous ecosystem and stimulation of
to the human intestine, are predominantly selected immune system as well as maintaining a healthy
for use although some other species have also been intestinal microflora (Silva et al., 1987; Goldin et al.,
used (Holzapfel and Schillinger, 2002). Probiotics, 1992; Lee and Salminen, 1995; Lu and Walker, 2001;
also termed as functional foods, are commonly found Marteau et al., 2001; MacFarlane and Cummings,
in dairy products such as yogurt and cultured milk 2002). However, research suggests that health benefits
drinks or even in the form of health supplements. are strain specific and vary by amount ingested and
The notion of probiotics evolved from a theory duration administered.
first proposed by Nobel laureate, Elie Metchnikoff, Several studies have revealed that some probiotic
who associated longevity with the consumption products in the market have deficiencies in the
of fermented milk products. He postulated that the viability of probiotic strain(s), especially in products
bacillus present could positively modify the bacterial containing bifidobacteria (Fasoli et al., 2003; Masco
community structure of the colon, thus contributing et al., 2005). This may be due to storage conditions,
to human health status (Vasiljevic and Shah, 2008). manufacturing or food technologies setbacks such as
Probiotics were later termed as live micro-organisms inappropriate packaging materials that could affect
which, when administered in adequate amounts, probiotic stability through variations in oxygen
confer a health benefit to the host (FAO/WHO, permeability (Miller et al., 2002).
*Corresponding author.
Email: [email protected] All Rights Reserved
Tel: 603 9101 8880/3370; Fax : 603 9102 3606
1516 Sahadeva, R.P.K., Leong, S.F., Chua, K. H., Tan, C.H., Chan, H.Y., Tong, E.V., Wong, S.Y.W. and Chan, H.K.
The viability of these cells after consumption ice box to preserve the optimal storage environment
remains obscure as the bacteria are also subjected before transporting it to the laboratory. They were
to unfavourable physiological conditions of the then stored at 4oC and were utilized two weeks before
Gastrointestinal (GI) tract such as acidic environment its expiry date.
and bile secretions (Holzapfel et al., 1998). These Table 1. List of species and presence of prebiotics contained in
include variation in the level of acidic conditions and each cultured milk brand
bile secretion at different incubation time simulating Brand Species Prebiotics* Amount of prebiotics
Inulin and
the physiological aspects of human digestive A Lactobacillus acidophilus polydextrose Not Stated
B Lactobacillus acidophilus None -
system. Viability of these bacteria upon ingestion Lactobacillus casei Shirota
C None -
and sufficient survival through the transit to GI tract strains
Lactobacillus acidophilus,
is crucial to confer any health benefits to the host D Streptococcus
thermophilus, None -
(Salminen et al., 1998; Hou et al., 2003; Krasaekoopt Bifidobacterium;
Lactobacillus acidophilus,
et al., 2003; Kailasapathy, 2006). Consequently, E Lactobacillus casei, None -
the survival of commercial probiotic strains when : Prebiotics are stated in the ingredients of the cultured milk.
of the culture was performed on MRS agar plates. the lowest was recorded by Brand E with a count of
Each assay was performed in duplicates. These plates 2.40 x 105 CFU/ mL (Table 2). Judging by this initial
were then incubated aerobically/ anaerobically at count, Brand A, B, C and D are considered good
37oC for 48 hours. The same procedure was repeated probiotic sources except for Brand E. Amongst the
for pH 3.0 and pH 7.2 under the same experimental reasons for the low count in Brand E could be affected
conditions for the 0 hour. The aforementioned by the temperature during the fermentation process
process was performed for 3 incubation periods of as well as during the inoculation period and most
0, 1.5 and 3.0 hour. Acid tolerance was estimated by importantly during transportation (Shah and Dave,
comparing the growth of viable cell counts in all the 1998). Oxygen that is dissolved in the product during
MRS agar plates after 48 hours. manufacturing could stress the probiotics as too much
oxygen will delay their growth (Klaver et al., 1993;
Kailasapathy and Supraidi, 1996; Lankaputra et al.,
Bile tolerance test 1996; Shah and Dave, 1998; Godward et al., 2000;
The effects of bile on the growth of probiotic Vinderola and Reinheimer, 2000; Vinderola et al.,
strains were examined using methods modified 2003) especially since Brand E is strictly anaerobic.
from those of Gilliland and Walker (1990) and Tsai The inulin and polydextrose contained in Brand A
et al. (2007). A series of bile concentrations were may have caused it to increase the initial count of
employed in this study considering the fluctuation of the probiotics as they acted as prebiotics which aid
bile concentration at different times. Broth with 0% the growth of probiotics especially of Lactobacilli
bile concentration serves as a control of the study. genera (Huebner et al., 2006).
Bile tolerance test was commenced at the end
Table 2. Total Plate Count (TPC) for five commercially cultured
of the third hour of acid pretreatment where 5 ml milk products on MRS agars under aerobic/anaerobic conditions
of sample was each pipetted out from the universal at 37C for 48 hours
Product TPC (log10CFU/ mL)a
bottles incubated earlier (pH 1.5, pH 3.0 and pH 7.2)
A 7.92 0.02
into three pH-labeled centrifuge tubes. Centrifugation
B 7.04 0.09
was carried out at 4000 rpm for 10 minutes at 25oC. Aerobic
C 9.19 0.14
The supernatants were discarded and the pellets D 6.84 0.34
were washed with PBS of pH 7.2. Centrifugation Anaerobic E 5.38 0.28
was repeated and the supernatants were once again a
: Results were expressed as mean standard deviation (SD) with each data point an
average of two repeated measurements from a total of three independently replicated
discarded. The three remaining concentrates were experiments; n=3.
Table 3. Total plate counts for five commercially cultured milk are always strains dependent (Huang and Adams,
products on MRS agars at different pH values of 1.5, 3.0 and
7.2(control) over 1.5 hour intervals 2004; Lin et al., 2006).
Total plate counts (log10 CFU/ mL) # Based on the results obtained (Table 3), the
pH value Brand
1.5 A
0 hour
6.09 0.13 3
1.5 hour
3.0 hour
survival of probiotic differed considerably when
8.53 0.64 4
compared at 0 and 3.0 hour for Brand D, with the
5.93 0.15 a,2
2.32 2.03 1
2.52 1.97 b
former achieving higher viability than the latter. With
3.0 A
7.17 0.05 a,3
immediately for assay upon being exposed to PBS with different pH values.
: Growth increases numerically. Mean value with different superscripts for each pH
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This work was financially supported by UCSI 911.
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