12 Gemba Walks
12 Gemba Walks
12 Gemba Walks
by Jim Womack
The Future of the Automobile, with Alan Altshuler, Martin
Anderson, Daniel T. Jones, and Daniel Roos
The Machine that Changed the World, with Daniel T. Jones
and Daniel Roos
Lean Thinking, with Daniel T. Jones
Seeing the Whole, with Daniel T. Jones
Lean Solutions, with Daniel T. Jones
by Jim Womack
Lean Enterprise Institute, Inc.
Cambridge, MA USA
Version 1.0
February 2011
Copyright 2011 Lean Enterprise Institute, Inc. All rights reserved. Lean
Enterprise Institute and the leaper image are registered trademarks of Lean
Enterprise Institute, Inc.
ISBN: 978-1-934109-30-4
Design by Off-Piste Design
February 2011
Library of Congress Control Number: 2010939596
Lean Enterprise Institute, Inc.
One Cambridge Center
Cambridge, MA 02142
617-871-2900 fax: 617-871-2999 lean.org
For Dan, with profound gratitude for more than
30 years of gemba walking together.
Lean conversation is peppered with Japanese terms. Consider the term kaizen,
which is now understood as the structured, relentless approach to continually
improving every endeavoreven beyond lean circles. The use of the term
gemba may be a little less widespread, but its no less central to lean thinking.
Gemba (also spelled genba with an n) means actual place in Japanese. Lean
thinkers use the term to mean real place or real thing, or place of value creation.
Toyota and other Japanese companies often supplement gemba with its related
term genchi gembutsu to emphasize the literal meaninggenchi like gemba
means real place, and gembutsu means real thing. These terms emphasize
reality, or empiricism. As the detectives in the old TV show Dragnet used to say,
Just the facts, maam.
And so the gemba is where you go to understand work and to lead. Its also
where you go to learn. For the past 10 years Jim Womack has used his gemba
walks as opportunities for both. In these pages, he shares with us anew what he
has learned.
The first time I walked a gemba with Jim was on the plant floor of a Toyota
supplier. Jim was already famous as the lead author of The Machine That
Changed the World; I was the senior American manager at the Toyota Supplier
Support Center. My Toyota colleagues and I were a bit nervous about showing our
early efforts of implementing the Toyota Production System (TPS) at North
American companies to Dr. James P. Womack. We had no idea of what to expect
from this famous academic researcher.
My boss was one of Toyotas top TPS experts, Mr. Hajime Ohba. We rented a
small airplane for the week so we could make the most of our time, walking the
gemba of as many worksites as possible. As we entered the first supplier, walking
through the shipping area, Mr. Ohba and I were taken aback as Dr. Womack
immediately observed a work action that spurred a probing question. The supplier
was producing components for several Toyota factories. They were preparing to
ship the exact same component to two different destinations. Dr. Womack
immediately noticed something curious. Furrowing his brow while confirming that
the component in question was indeed exactly the same in each container, Dr.
Womack asked why parts headed to Ontario were packed in small returnable
containers, yet the same components to be shipped to California were in a large
corrugated box. This was not the type of observation we expected of an academic
visitor in 1993.
Container size and configuration was the kind of simple (and seemingly trivial)
matter that usually eluded scrutiny, but that could in reality cause unintended and
highly unwanted consequences. It was exactly the kind of detail that we were
encouraging our suppliers to focus on. In fact, at this supplier in particular, the
different container configurations had recently been highlighted as a problem.
And, in this case, the supplier was not the cause of the problem. It was the
customerToyota! Different requirements from different worksites caused the
supplier to pack off the production line in varying quantities (causing unnecessary
variations in production runs), to prepare and hold varying packaging materials
(costing money and floor space), and ultimately resulted in fluctuations in shipping
and, therefore, production requirements. The trivial matter wasnt as trivial as it
We had not been on the floor two minutes when Dr. Womack raised this question.
Most visitors would have been focused on the product, the technology, the scale of
the operation, etc. Ohba-san looked at me and smiled, as if to say, This might be
That was years before Jim started writing his eletters, before even the birth of
the Lean Enterprise Institute (LEI). The lean landscape has changed drastically
over the past 10 years, change reflected in Jims essays. From an emphasis on the
various lean tools for simple waste elimination in manufacturing firms, attention
has steadily shifted to a focus on the underlying management principles, systems,
and practices that generate sustainable success in any type of organization. Also,
the impact of lean continues to grow, moving from industry to industry, country to
country, led by a growing number of practitioners and academics and other lean
thinkers. Entirely new questions are being asked today of lean, as a result of the
practice of the Lean Community, most of whom have been transformed by Jims
Receiving praise for all he has accomplished in inspiring the lean movement that
has turned immeasurable amounts of waste into value, Jim always responds with
the same protest: Ive never invented anything. I just take walks, comment on
what I see, and give courage to people to try.
I just take walks, comment on what I see, and give courage to people to try.
Hmm, sounds familiar. Toyotas Chairman Fujio Cho says lean leaders do three
things: Go see, ask why, show respect.
Yes, Jim takes many walks, as he describes in these pages. And in doing so he
offers observations on phenomena that the rest of us simply cant or dont see. He
has a remarkable ability to frame issues in new ways, asking why things are as
they are, causing us to think differently than we ever did before. Saul Bellow
called this kind of observation intense noticing. Ethnographers teach it as a
professional tool. Lean practitioners learn it as a core proficiency.
But simply seeingand communicatinglean practice is but one way that Jim
has inspired others. Jim gives encouragement in the real sense of the term:
courage to try new things. Or to try old things in different ways. I dont know if
theres a stronger embodiment of showing respect than offering others the courage
to try.
Without Jims encouragement, I certainly would not be here at the Lean
Enterprise Institute. I probably would not have had the courage to leave Toyota
many years ago to discover new ways of exploring the many things I had learned
or been exposed to at Toyota.
But I am just one of countless individuals Jim has inspired over the past two
decades. And with this collection of 10 years of gemba-walk observations, be
prepared to be inspired anew.
John Shook
Chairman and CEO
Lean Enterprise Institute
Cambridge, MA, USA
February 2011
Purpose, Process, People
Lean Consumption
Repurpose before You Restructure
Taking a Value-Stream Walk at Firm A
Creating Basic Stability
The Power of a Precise Process
Lean Information Management
The Wonder of Level Pull
Bad People or a Bad Process?
Making Everyone Whole
Fewer Heroes, More Farmers
The Problem with Creative Work and Creative Management
Respect for People
From Lean Tools to Lean Management
What Ive Learned about Planning and Execution
It Takes 2 (or More) to A3
The Problem of Sustainability
From Staffs Conducting Programs to Line Managers Solving
The Mind of the Lean Manager
Homicide by Example?
The Work of Management
Modern Management vs. Lean Management
Shopping for a Sensei
The Right Sequence for Implementing Lean
Substituting Money for Value-Stream Management
We Have Been (Lean) Thinking
Dueling Sensei and the Need for a Standard Operating System
Mura, Muri, Muda?
Kaizen or Rework?
The Worst Form of Muda
Constancy of Purpose
Becoming Horizontal in a Vertical World
Lean Beyond the Factory
Manage the Contract or Improve the Value Stream?
Thinking End to End
The Missing Link
Lean Thinking for Air Travel
Creating Lean Healthcare
The Tipping Point?
The Joy of a Greenfield
Mega Mura Bubble Trouble
A Large Enough Wave Sinks All Boats
Deconstructing the Tower of Babel
How Lean Compares with Six Sigma, BPR, TOC, TPM, Etc.
Just-in-Time, Just-in-Case, and Just-Plain-Wrong
Move Your Operations to China? Do Some Lean Math First
Gross Domestic Product vs. Gross Domestic Waste
Adding Cost or Creating Value?
Creating Value or Shifting Wealth?
The Value of Mistakes [previously titled, Beach Reading]
Necessary but Not Sufficient
A Tale of Two Business Systems
The Lean Way Forward at Ford
Why Toyota Won and How Toyota Can Lose
The End of an Era
A Lean Walk through History
Nice Car, Long Journey
Respect Science, Particularly in a Crisis
The End of the Beginning
Hopeful Hansei: Thoughts on a Decade of Gemba Walks
Gemba. What a wonderful word. The placeany place in any organization
where humans create value. But how do we understand the gemba? And, more
important, how do we make it a better placeone where we can create more
value with less waste, variation, and overburden (also known, respectively, as
muda, mura, and muri)?
Ive been thinking about these questions for many years, and learned long ago
that the first step is to take a walk to understand the current condition. In the Lean
Community we commonly say, Go see, ask why, show respect. Ive always
known this intuitively, even before I had a standard method, and even when I
labored in the university world where it seemed natural to learn by gathering data
at arms length and then evaluating it in an office through the lens of theory. Now I
work in an opposite manner by verifying reality on the gemba and using this
understanding to create hypotheses for testing about how things can work better.
I learned long ago that the most productive way to walk is to follow a single
product family or product design or customer-facing process from start to finish.
As I do this I look at each step with the eye of the customer and from the
perspective of those actually creating the value, asking how more can be achieved
with less.
Over the past 30 years I have tried to take as many walks along as many value
streams as I could. Nearly 10 years ago, in the aftermath of September 11, I felt
the members of the Lean Community should be in closer contact, and so I started
writing down and sharing my thoughts and observations from these walks. They
took the form of my monthly eletters that have been sent in recent years to more
than 150,000 readers around the world. These have sometimes been based on a
single walk, but are often the merged insights of many.
In handing off the baton of leadership at LEI to John Shook in the fall of 2010, I
wanted to bundle up the findings of these gemba walks. I have organized these
eletters by the most important themes and now present them to the Lean
Community in one volume.
In reading through my letters, I found one critical topiclean management
where I had not written all I wanted to say. So I have composed two new essays,
The Work of Management and Modern Management vs. Lean Management, and
placed them at the end of the section on Management. I also found myself
reflecting on where the lean movement has been and on what I need to focus on in
my future walks. My thoughts are presented in a final essay, previously
unpublished, titled Hopeful Hansei.
I have tried to treat my letters as historical artifacts, produced at a specific time
and informed by a visit to a certain place. Thus I have largely resisted the
temptationfelt by every authorto improve them. However, I have removed
some material that is no longer relevant and corrected a few errors of fact. More
important, I discovered in reading over the letters that on a number of points I
wasnt as clear in explaining my ideas as I should have been and once thought I
was. Now, after reflection and a bit of kaizenthe C and A steps in Dr. Demings
plan-do-check-act improvement process I hope I am.
This said, its important to make you aware that these letters were never written
to some grand plan. They were driven by problems I was hearing from the Lean
Community at a given moment or by what I was encountering on the gemba, often
accidentally while looking for something else. Thus there is some repetition of
themes. And some important issuesnotably standardized work and lean
accountingget very little attention.
In addition, the essays are no longer presented in the chronological sequence of
their composition. I have instead grouped them by categories that I have devised
after rereading the entire collection. While I think this is helpful to the reader,
many essaysincluding the first one on Purpose, Process, Peoplecould easily
be placed within several categories because they address more than one topic. To
deal with the difficulty this may present for readers with a specific issue or
question in mind, an index of the themes, topics, terms, individuals, and
organizations covered in the essays appears at the end of this book.
I do think these eletterswhich I will refer to in this book as essays to denote
their modest modification from the originalsstand the test of time. But most need
to be placed in context: Why this topic at this time to address this issue? What is
the connection of this essay to the others? I have provided a context with
commentaries prior to or after each essay. In these brief passages I reflect on why
a given topic is important or offer additional insights I have gained subsequent to
my walk and writing of the original essay.
A book recounting gemba walks could never have been written without a gemba
to walk. Lacking any of my own, excepting LEI, I have had to ask for help from
many members of the Lean Community. And you have been invariably helpful in
granting me what used to be knowna long time ago when I was in high school
as a hall pass, a permit to roam freely in your organizations and often to ask
awkward questions. I will always be grateful for the help I have received from so
many, and I hope I have been true to my promise to reveal nothing
uncomplimentary about any efforts of yours that are identified by name in my
essays. (Of course, I found many things to criticize anonymously and many more
things to remark on privately during or after my visits, I hope for a good end.)
I could never have had such productive visits without others to walk with me,
both in person and in an intellectual dialogue. Foremost among these is Dan Jones,
my frequent coauthor, sometime cowalker, and constant cothinker about all things
lean for more than 30 years. Many of my walks and the resulting essays tackled a
certain topic, took a specific form, or arrived at certain conclusions after
collaborative lean thinking with Dan. And a few summarize our joint work in the
books we have written. I have been truly blessed to have such a friend for more
than half of my walk through life.
I was lucky again nearly 20 years ago when I encountered John Shook. There are
many walks I would not have taken without Johns urging, perhaps most
memorably my walk through Fords empty Model T factory in Highland Park, MI
(see back cover). And on many other walks I would not have noticed the truly
important thing without Johns sensei guidance. In addition, several of the essays
are involved centrally with Johns contribution to the promotion of value-stream
mapping and A3 thinking.
We are still walking together as John Shook takes on the leadership role at LEI,
and I join Dan in the role of senior advisor. I trust that we will keep on gemba
walking together for years to come.
Finally, anyone who knows me knows that Ive needed lots of help just finding
the starting point to take my walks. For many years the team at LEI has struggled
daily to keep me pointed in the right direction. I thank them all, but Im especially
grateful to the following:
Helen Zak and Rachel Regan helped me determine which gemba to visit,
especially when many members of the Lean Community suggested their gemba,
and my time was limited. They also read and organized for my review the many
comments I received.
Jean Krulic figured out how to get there, got the plane tickets, found a hotel, and
provided comprehensive directions. She was also my refugee when things went
wrong en route, as they often did. (Air travel is not a capable process!)
Jon Carpenter figured out the expenses and tactfully refrained from asking (as
was his right as LEIs CFO) whether the benefits were always greater than my
Tom Ehrenfeld edited my monthly eletters for the nearly 10 years I wrote them,
and he provided invaluable advice in putting this volume together. Its hard to put
up with an editor who constantly tells you that you can do better, but I have tried to
grin and bear Toms advice, with major benefits for my readers.
Chet Marchwinski, in his role as LEI communications director, and Josh Rapoza,
LEI director of web operations, prepared the eletters for sending and tried to
catch any errors.
George Taninecz, as project manager, guided this volume from start to finish with
a schedule that kept staring at me sternly as I kept thinking of other, easier things to
do instead.
Thomas Skehan, as with practically all LEI publications, gave this volume its
look and feel. The high visual and tactile quality of our publications at LEI over
the 13 years I ran the organization owes everything to Thomas and nothing to me.
Jane Bulnes-Fowles played the final, critical role at LEI of efficiently and
effectively coordinating production planning and the distribution and launch of the
I hope you will enjoy these essays. They have been a great joy to me because the
walks upon which they are based have been my primary means of learning. I hope
you have, or will develop, a similar method that provides similar satisfaction and
insight. And I hope that as long as you have an interest in creating value you will
continue to go see on the gemba, through periodic walks, and that you will ask
why while showing respect. Ill be continuing my walks in my new role as senior
advisor at LEI, so I hope I will see you there.
Jim Womack
Senior Advisor
Lean Enterprise Institute
Cambridge, MA, USA
February 2011
My purpose in taking a walk is simple: to see and to understand how more value
can be created with less waste. But what is the purpose of the value stream along
which Im walking? That is, just what value should it provide for its customer?
This is a critical question for the lean thinker because diving in to fix a process
(a value stream) so it can provide more of the wrong value can only be an
exercise in frustration. Yet I find that many lean practitioners seem hardly aware
of the issue.
The three essays in this section are unlike those in the rest of this volume because
I tackle the issue of a value streams purpose before taking the first step of a walk.
Indeed, in these essays I never put on my walking shoes. Instead, I try to explain
why lean thinkers must begin with a clear understanding of purposethe value
that needs to be createdbefore they can fruitfully take a walk.
Once purpose is understood, its easy to proceed to the more familiar questions of
how to create the best process for achieving that purpose and how to creatively
engage people in implementing, operating, and improving this process. But
purpose comes first, which makes this section the proper place to start this
Purpose, Process, People
I often hear from members of the Lean Community wanting to know how to
evaluate the lean efforts of their organization. How do we know how lean we
are? What metrics should we use to measure our progress? Are we world-
class in terms of lean? (Whatever world-class is!) Because Ive been getting
calls of this type for years, and they seem to keep coming, let me share my answer.
I always start by asking about customer purpose: What do your customers want
that you are not currently able to supply? Lower price, which is currently
impossible because your costs are too high? Better quality? More rapid response
to changing orders? Better support once the product is delivered? More robust and
flexible product designs? Or, perhaps, a completely new definition of value, to
solve problems in their lives even better?
And what about your organizational purpose? I assume that at a minimum it is to
survive. So what does your organization need to survive and even to prosper?
Higher margins? The ability to exploit new opportunities rapidly in order to
grow? A new way to solve customer problems so you can redefine and expand
Purpose always has these two aspects: what you need to do better to satisfy your
customers, and what you need to do better to survive and prosper as an
organization. Fortunately, addressing the former issue often solves the latter, but as
you start you must know precisely what the gap is between what your customer
wants and what you are currently able to deliver.
For example, when I visited Jefferson Pilots (now Lincoln Financial Groups)
policy-writing operation for life insurance several years ago, managers were able
to tell me immediately about their purpose. This was to reduce the time needed to
write a policy from 30 days to as little as one. This improvement benefited both
the insured and the agents selling policies, who only get their commission once the
policy is delivered to the customer. More to the point for the company, superior
service would cause independent agents to select Jefferson Pilot as the preferred
insurance to sell, and would permit JP to grow sales rapidly without cutting prices
in an otherwise stagnant market.
Yet Im often amazed that there seems to be little or no connection between
current lean projects and any clearly identified organizational purpose. Setup
reduction is pursued because its the right, lean thing to do. Pull systems are
installed because push is bad and pull is good. Twenty-four kaizen events will be
run this quarter because this is 50% more than were run last quarter, creating a
true stretch goal. Meanwhile customers are no happier and the organization is
doing no better financially. So start with purpose, defined both for you and your
customer. Then ask about the gap between where you are and where you need to
Customers, of course, only care about their specific product, not about the
average of all your products. So its important to do this analysis by product
families for specific products, summarizing the gaps in customer needs that your
lean efforts must address.
With a simple statement of organizational purpose in hand, its time to assess the
process providing the value the customer is seeking. A process, as I use this
term, is simply a value streamall of the actions required to go from start to
finish in responding to a customer, plus the information controlling these actions.
Remember that all value is the end result of some process and that processes can
only produce what they are designed to producenever something better and
often something worse.
Value-stream maps of the current state are the most useful tool for evaluating the
state of any process. They should show all of the steps in the process, and
determine whether each step is valuable, capable, available, adequate, and
flexible. They should also show whether value flows smoothly from one step to
the next at the pull of the customer after appropriate leveling of demand.
But please note that the map must be interpreted in terms of organizational
purpose. Not every step can be eliminated or fixed soon, and many steps may be
fine for present conditions even if they arent completely lean. So work on the
steps and issues that are relevant to the customer and the success of your
I know from personal experience how easy it is to get confused and pursue what
might be called the voice of the lean professional rather than organizational
purpose. When I was involved in a small bicycle company some years ago (see
The Value of Mistakes on page 261), we welded and assembled eight bikes a day,
shipped once a day, and reordered parts once a day. (This was a revolutionary
advance from the previous state of the company.) But I was determined to be
perfectly lean. I urged that we build bikes in the exact sequence that orders were
received, often changing over from one model to the next in a sequence of
This was deeply satisfying. But we only shipped and ordered once a day! The
sequence AAABBBBC would have served our customers and our suppliers
equally well and saved us five changeovers daily that required human effort we
badly needed for other purposes.
I had a similar experience when I visited a company where setup time on a
massive machine had been reduced from eight hours to five minutes. A big kaizen
burst had been written on the current-state map next to this high setup time step. A
dramatic reduction seemed like a worthy goal to the improvement team. However,
when I asked a few questions, it developed that the machine only worked on a
single part number and would never work on more than a single part number!
Setup reduction on this machineto reduce changeover times between part
numberswas completely irrelevant to any organizational purpose, no matter
how lean a five-minute setup sounded in theory. The lean team justified their
course of action by pointing out how technically challenging the setup reduction
had been and how much everyone had learned for application in future projects.
But thats exactly what I had thought at the bike company where every penny
counted to support the current needs of the business. Im now older and wiser.
Brilliant processes addressing organizational purpose dont just happen. They
are created by teams led by some responsible person. And they are operated on a
continuing basis by larger teams, in which everyone touches the process and
value-stream managers lead the work. So the next question to ask is about people:
Does every important process in your organization have someone responsible for
continually evaluating that value stream in terms of purpose? Is everyone touching
the value stream actively engaged in operating it correctly and continually
improving it to better address your purposes?
My formula for evaluating your lean efforts is therefore very simple: Examine
your purpose, then your process, and then your people. Note that this is completely
different from the multiple metrics that members of the Lean Community often
seek: How many kaizen events have been done? How much has lead time been
reduced? How much inventory has been eliminated? And how do all of these
compare with competitors or some absolute standard?
Good performance on any or all of these lean metrics may be a worthy goal,
but to turn them into abstract measures of leanness without reference to
organizational purpose is a big mistake. At best they are performance measures
for the lean improvement function. Whats really needed instead is purpose
measures for every value stream. These measures must be developed and widely
shared by a responsible value-stream manager and understood and supported by
the entire value-stream team.
June 12, 2006
I have long felt that a great weakness of the lean movement is that we tend to take customer value as a
given, asking how we can provide more value as we currently define it, at lower cost with higher quality
and more rapid response to changing demand. This is fine as far as it goes. But what if the customer
wants something fundamentally different from what our organizations are now providing?
For example, suppose your organization manufactures cars, and you propose to apply lean methods to
do so at lower cost with fewer defects, delivering exactly the options customers want with a short lead
time. But what if customers actually want to solve their mobility problem by working with a provider
who puts the right vehicle (with the right options at an attractive price and no defects) in the driveway,
while also taking care of maintenance, repairs, inspections, insurance, financing, recycling, and new
vehicles as needed? These customers do not want a car for its own sake. Rather the car is part of the
means to a complex end. This is a very different customer purpose, one that can lead to happier
customers if creatively addressed and to a more successful, growing organization. But understanding
and then providing precisely what customers really want requires a different statement of provider
purpose if it is to be achieved. And it often requires collaboration with many organizations that currently
dont speak to each other.
After years of thinking about this issue, I went to work with my longtime coauthor Dan Jones to rethink
value and purpose. The essay that follows, based on our book Lean Solutions, is a summary of this
very different thought process.1
1. James P. Womack and Daniel T. Jones, Lean Solutions (New York: Free
Press, 2005).
Lean Consumption
I see every value-creating organization as a collection of primary processes
(involving many steps that must be performed properly in the proper sequence at
the proper time): A product and process development process, from a concept
addressing a customer need to a finished/tooled/laid-out value stream. A
fulfillment process, running from order through production to delivery. A customer
support process, from sales and delivery through a products useful life.
To these must be added a host of support processes to make the primary
processes possible: A supplier management process to obtain needed parts. A
human resource process to get the right people with the right skills in place at the
right time to operate the primary processes. An improvement process to make the
primary and support processes steadily better. And so on.
In fact, everything we do in our work lives should be creating value in some
process. Or else why are we doing it? And much mental energy in the Lean
Community is devoted to thinking of ways to eliminate process steps that dont
create value.
This is great, but its still not the whole story. For years Dan Jones and I have
been carefully recording our experiences as consumers. We have known
intuitively that consumption also is a process, performed by the consumer to solve
one of lifes problems. For example, most of us have a personal computing
problem that we solve by searching for a personal computer, ordering it, installing
it, integrating it with our other electronic equipment and software, maintaining it,
repairing it, upgrading it, and then recycling it. This is another way to describe a
consumption process with seven big steps: search, obtain, install, integrate,
maintain, repair, recycle. And each big step consists of lots of little steps.
The problem is that the typical consumption process doesnt work very well. We
often cant find what we want, when we want, where we want. And the process of
installing, integrating, maintaining, repairing, and recycling is often frustrating and
time-consuming as we deal with strangers who seem to have no interest in our
difficulties. The root cause is that the provision process created by those
supplying us doesnt match up with our consumption process. And this creates
great opportunities for lean thinkers in every organization.
To help our thinking, Dan and I propose some simple principles for lean
consumption that every organization providing services or goods should consider:
Solve the customers problem completely, by insuring that everything
works the first time. No customer wants to call a help line, so turn your help
lines into kaizen opportunities to identify and eliminate the root cause of
customer calls.
Dont waste the consumers time. For example, challenge the need for
queues of any sort. You will discover that queues always waste both the
customers time and the providers money.
Provide exactly what the customer wants. The level of out-of-stocks of the
right items and overstocks of the wrong items is remarkably high in almost
every aspect of business. These consumer frustrations are almost completely
avoidable with lean replenishment systems utilizing pull principles.
Provide value where the customer wants. Most providers want the customer
to come to them. For example, the best pricing is often available in a
Walmart-style, big-box retail format that customers must drive miles to
access. Yet most customers want just the opposite, with attractively priced
goods conveniently available nearby. The application of lean principles can
provide most value where it is wanted at lower cost.
Provide value when the customer wants. Most current-day sales and
production systems encourage customers to place orders at the last moment
with no warning. This makes level loading of production systems impossible.
Yet most of us actually plan ahead, particularly for big-ticket items like
computers, cars, and white goods. Some simple lean principles can turn
strangers into partners who plan ahead with their providers, dramatically
reducing costs for customers and providers.
Reduce the number of problems customers need to solve. Most of us would
like to deal with only a few providers to solve our big problemscomputing
and communication, mobility, healthcare, financial management, shelter,
personal logistics (better known as shopping). Yet with the web we have
been going in the opposite direction from industry. Firms following lean
principles are asking a much smaller number of suppliers to solve much
larger problems, even as consumers are asking ever-larger numbers of
strangers to solve tiny problems on a one-off basis, wasting time and creating
frustration. Lean principles show a way to do much better.
Dan and I realize that the very term lean consumption sounds strange. But we
hope you will rotate it around in your head. We think that lean consumption in
combination with lean provision is the next big leap for the Lean Community.
March 7, 2005
Additional reading and listening:
I considered the issue of organizational purpose to be particularly important in the recent economic
crisis, yet I rarely found this topic discussed in the media. In this final essay in this section, I offer a few
thoughts on repurposing organizations before embarking on structural changes or process
improvements, taking both General Motors and Toyota as examples.
Repurpose before You Restructure
One of my favorite questions when meeting with senior leaders of enterprises is,
What is your organizations purpose? The typical and immediate response is,
To make money and grow. But, I respond, this answer has nothing to do with
your customers, who provide the money your organization needs to profit and
grow. I then restate my question, What does your organization do to solve your
customers problems better than your competitors so that customers old and new
will pay good money for your products and buy more over time?
In recent years a fashionable alternative to make money and grow sales was
that organizational purpose was to steadily grow shareholder value. But now the
king of shareholder value, General Electrics retired chairman Jack Welch, has
acknowledgedthank goodnessthat this is a result, not a strategy for achieving
this result.2
Now that investors as well as customers are on strike during the great financial
crisis, the whole management world is being forced to rethink purpose from the
standpoint of the customer.
Confusion about purpose is particularly painful to watch in the collapse of
General Motors because this organization was so brilliant for so long in clearly
defining its purpose. On June 9, 1921, GMs great leader Alfred Sloan presented a
simple memorandum to the Executive Committee on the topic of Product Policy
that defined General Motors purpose for generations to come. Sloan stated that
General Motors would provide a carefully configured range of products for
every purse and purpose, from used Chevrolets at the lower end of the market
(with dealer financing for these traded-in vehicles) to a fully loaded Cadillac at
the top end. This simple memo rationalized GMs chaotic product lineup so its
vehicles would not overlap in the market. Instead, they would each have a clearly
defined place in a status hierarchy and would always be more refined, a bit
classier with a slightly higher price, than competitor products in each market
This memo about market policy was much more than the now familiar market
segmentation with a value proposition for each segment. Sloan created something
qualitatively different by redefining GMs central purpose as creating an
aspirational escalator for every customer through the life cycle. This went from
the used Chevrolet as the first purchase to the fancy Cadillac as the last (often
concluding with a Cadillac hearse on the way to the cemetery!). And it worked
brilliantly. General Motors was probably never as efficient in production as Ford,
and it was rarely a technology leader. But it provided a clear product pathway on
the customers life journey. Customers embraced this purpose and opened their
wallets to pay higher prices for more refined products within each market
segment. Within a decade of Sloans memo, GM had become the largest and most
successful corporation in the history of the world.
Moving forward, it is saddening to observe GMs efforts to deal with its crisis.
With the exception of the plug hybrid Volt (an unproven technology for an
unproven market to be produced at tiny volume in the early years), the focus is
entirely on restructuring and shrinking. That is, its about what General Motors
isnt. It isnt Saab or Hummer or Saturn [or Pontiac]. It wont have nearly as large
a dealer network. It isnt a manufacturer with a significant North American
footprint outside of Michigan and Ohio. Etc.
The natural instinct of senior managers in any crisis is to restructure and
downsize. But the question is always, Restructure and downsize toward what?
No customer cares about a companys structure. No customer cares about
downsizing. Customers only care about a company solving their problems along
lifes path.
So heres my advice to new leaders of GM: Before you restructure, restate GMs
purpose. Today no one knows. Do it in a simple memo. Indeed, do it in a single-
page A3 format. Sloan needed only a few pages in 1921, so practice continuous
improvement to get down to one! And remember that no amount of restructuring
without a clear and compelling purpose will save this stricken giant (or any other
failing enterprise).
Let me note in concluding that there seems to be confusion about purpose at
Toyota as well. Until the mid-1990s the clear purpose of Toyota was to be the
best organization in the world at cost-effectively providing refined, durable
value products in all market segments. This meant fewer defects and superior
durability through extended use. The assumption was that growth would naturally
follow, and it did.
But then the purpose seems to have shifted to becoming the biggest auto company
as rapidly as possible by adding capacity everywhere, a purpose that no customer
cares about. At the same time competitors, led by Hyundai, have closed the gap on
Toyotas original purpose and everyone is doing hybrids where Toyota initially
took the lead. An A3 on repurposing Toyota is surely what new president Akio
Toyoda needs as well.
April 9, 2009
2. Francesco Guerrera, Welch Denounces Corporate Obsessions,
Financial Times, March 13, 2009.
If gemba is a wonderful word, process is its equally wonderful complement.
By a process I mean all of the steps, mostly human actions, required to put a given
amount of value in the hands of a customer. Learning to see a process requires
considerable effort, particularly when a process creating one type of value
(whether a good or a service or some combination) is intermingled with many
others as it flows through an organization.
A key objective of the lean movement is to teach everyone to untangle
intermingled processes in order to see clearly the specific process that they
manage or touch as it flows from start to finish. Then, with a clear understanding
of the current state of this process, they must improve its performance so that
everyone is better offcustomer, employee, supplier, investor. Doing this
requires a method, which is the subject of the essays that follow.
These essays start with the act of determining the current state of a process and
creating an action plan for improving it. They progress in sequence through the
measures that will be needed to create a lean value stream.
Taking a Value-Stream Walk at Firm A
I was out walking through a company this past week that had asked what I thought
of their lean efforts to date. I paid a visit to find out, and while flying home it
occurred to me that you might find my method and checklist of some use in your
own improvement activities. So let me share it with you.
As often happens, when I arrived at the firm the senior managers wanted to start
in a conference room with a lengthy overview of who they are and what they are
doing to improve, focusing on their current lean program. After a few minutes I
suggestedas politely as I could but very firmlythat we should delay our
discussion until we had all taken a brief walk together.
I then suggested that we pick one product family and follow its value stream from
the customers order back to materials in receiving. Once we had selected a
sample product family and started walking, I asked 10 very simple questions:
1. What are the business issues with this product? Inadequate return on
investment? Poor quality? Inability to meet customer ship dates? Inflexibility
in the face of volatile markets? If a firm doesnt know what its business
issues are, how is it going to know what to improve? [This, of course, is
simply a restatement of the purpose questions I posed in the previous
2. Who is responsible for the value stream for this product? If no one is
responsible for anything, and everyone is responsible for everything, how
can the firm improve?
3. How are orders from the customer received?
4. Where is the pacemaker process, triggered by these customer orders?
5. How capable, available, adequate, and waste-free are assembly activities?
6. How capable, available, adequate, and waste-free are the fabrication
activities feeding assembly?
7. How are orders transmitted up the value stream from the pacemaker process?
8. How are materials supplied to the assembly and fabrication processes?
9. How are materials obtained from upstream suppliers?
10. How are employees trained in lean procedures and motivated to apply them?
After a 30-minute walk to answer the 10 questions, I knew everything that I
needed to be able to tell the senior managers just where they stood regarding their
progress toward a truly lean production system. While we had looked at only one
value stream, I knew from long experience that the issues we had found would be
present in every other value stream. (Another walk would be required, however,
to answer the parallel questions of how lean their product and process
development and customer support processes were. That would involve following
a sample product design from concept to launch and then into use by the customer.)
The Answers at Firm A
I thought you might find the answers to these questions interesting for the real
(but disguised) company I recently visited. They make what may seem a rather
abstract list quite concrete. However, it is important to note that this is a discrete
parts manufacturer in the automotive industry, with high volume and relatively low
variety. If this had been a financial-services firm or a healthcare provider, the
precise questions would have varied slightly. The aspects of value creation the
questions address would not.
1. What are the business issues with this product family? Due to continuing
price pressure from the two customers for the product, Firm A was losing money
even though it was meeting a high quality standard and shipping on time. It
followed that costs needed to be reduced quickly.
2. Who is responsible for the value stream for this product? This question was
easy, too: No one. The product (and the order) simply made its way through many
departments and areassales, production control, assembly, fabrication,
purchasingas best it could with no individual assigned responsibility for
managing and improving the total flow of value. At the same time, a corporate
improvement group the Lean Teamwas making several interventions in the
product familys value stream at isolated points to improve wasteful practices.
3. How are orders from the customer received? Firm A was receiving a monthly
forecast and a weekly schedule from its two customers for this product family.
Shipping releases were controlled by physical kanban brought by milk-run drivers
sent by the customers.
On the face of it, the use of simple kanban for shipping releases seemed lean.
But when we looked at the actual situation, we discovered that kanban wasnt
kanban and lean wasnt lean. One customer sent kanban every two hours, paying
careful attention to leveling demand so that short-term production variations in the
customer plant did not affect operations in the supplier plant. The other customer
sent its kanban erratically within wide pickup windows. A brief glance at the
pattern of kanban arriving showed that this customer was actually amplifying the
production variations in its own plant in its orders to its supplier.
The supplier responded to these differing customer approaches in a way that was
easy to see: The shipping lane for the first customer was very short, containing
only the goods being assembled for the next shipment. The shipping lane for the
second customer was quite lengthy (even though average demand was the same)
and contained much more than was likely to be needed for the next shipment. This
permitted Firm A to deal with the variations in order flow while achieving 100%
on-time shipments.
4. Where is the pacemaker process? Another simple answer: There was no
pacemaker. Instead, Firm A used a master schedule developed each weekend from
the customers weekly schedules, and sent these schedules to each of the
fabrication and assembly areas along the value stream. This was inevitably
supplemented during the week by area managers resequencing orders to deal with
changes in demand and with production problems along the value stream. This
was not at all lean. There was no takt image (a visual measure of the rate of
customer demand) and no ability to know within a few minutes whether operations
were supporting the customer.
5. How capable, available, adequate, and waste-free are assembly activities?
A recent kaizen at Firm A had created an assembly cell combining a number of
assembly and subassembly activities formerly conducted in different areas of the
facility. The processing steps had been placed in close proximity in a U-shaped
area, and the area manager for assembly stated that Firm A had now achieved
continuous-flow assembly.
However, only a moments observation showed that work was poorly balanced
in the cell, with little evidence of truly standardized work, and that small piles of
inventory were building up between each step. In addition, the production analysis
board next to the cell showed clearly that output was varying markedly from hour
to hour. The explanations in the margin of the board showed that the processing
machinery was both capable and reliable but that materials shortages often
stopped the cell. My eyes told me immediately that the cell should be able to run
steadily at its planned output, based on takt time, with about half the operator
effort. This should have a major effect on costs.
6. How capable, available, adequate, and waste-free are fabrication
activities? A recent kaizen led by Firm As lean team had also created two
fabrication cells for the product, with the first cell directly feeding the second cell
so that they were effectively linked as one cell.
However, a moments observation and a look at the production analysis board
for both cells showed major problems with capability and availability. Indeed, the
cells together seemed to be stoppingeither due to producing defective parts or
the inability to cycle at allabout 20 minutes out of each hour. As a consequence,
a large amount of overtime was being run, and considerable buffers of work-in-
process were kept after the first cell and at the downstream end of the second cell.
Clearly there was a need for the lean team to focus immediately on both quality
and maintenance if costs were to be reduced.
7. How are orders transmitted up the value stream from the pacemaker
process? Observation of the area managers in assembly and fabrication showed
that a key element of their jobs was to continually adjust the schedule to deal with
demand shifts downstream and process problems upstream. What was needed
instead was a simple supermarket system between each step with a simple pull
system to trigger work by the upstream process only as parts were needed by the
downstream process. Doing this would reduce the total amount of inventories
needed and free up management attention for further improvements in the value
8. How are materials supplied to the final assembly and fabrication processes?
The production control and logistics manager proudly showed off the new water
spider system (using a tugger pulling carts of parts on a standard route at a
standard interval) to supply materials to the fabrication and assembly areas from a
receiving supermarket. The water spider circulated through the plant once an hour
to deliver needed materials to each production area and to collect finished goods
for transport to the shipping area.
What could be leaner? Actually, everything. The water spider was not involved
in distributing production instructions, and had only a vague idea of what each
production area would need. The improvement teams solution had been to put an
ample supply of practically every part number on the lengthy tugger train so that
whatever part was needed could be supplied. A moving warehouse!
In addition, there was considerable confusion in the storage locations for each
part number and no plan for every part (PFEP) showing exactly how it would be
reordered, packed, shipped, received, placed in the supermarket, and distributed.
While some parts expediting might have been eliminated by the new materials-
delivery system, it was achieving only a fraction of its potential benefits.
9. How are materials obtained from upstream suppliers? Supplier shipments
were triggered by Firm As master schedule, which was itself being adjusted from
hour to hour. As a result, the area manager in receiving was continuously working
with area managers on the floor and with purchasing to change orders to suppliers
and keep production running. This manager seemed to be very proficient at this
task, but why was it necessary? Couldnt suppliers instead be put on a pull system
with appropriate leveling so that any short-term variations in the plants
performance would not be inflicted on the suppliers? And couldnt supplies be
collected by frequent milk runs in small amounts rather than by the current direct
shipments from the supplier to the plant every few days in large amounts?
10. How are employees trained and engaged in lean procedures? This was
perhaps the most shocking aspect of Firm As operations. Most of the production
associates were actually employees of a manpower firm working on short-term
contracts. This held wages down and discouraged recent efforts by several unions
to organize the plant. But this approach also meant that standardized work was
hard to maintain, multiskilling was difficult to implement, and that no production
associate could reasonably be expected to contribute to kaizen activities. From
observing the efforts of production associates, I concluded that the savings in cost
per labor hour were very likely more than offset by poor productivity during each
hour worked.
These questions cover only production, and I would like to have taken a similar
walk through product and process development and along the customer support
stream beyond the factory. However, the point for current purposes is that a walk
taking only 30 minutes was sufficient to assess just how lean Firm A is in its
factory and to come up with a prioritized list of steps the firm should take soon.
An Action Plan for Firm A
As for lean at this firm, my simple conclusion was just barely on your way
and without a clear plan. My proposed action plan was as follows:
1. Clearly identify all your value streams, and clearly state the business issues
confronting each. For the specific value stream we observed, set a cost-
reduction target that will produce an adequate return.
2. Appoint a value-stream manager for each product family to both manage and
improve the value-creating process, addressing the business as well as
operational issues.
3. Work with customers to smooth demand and eliminate amplification. (And, at
a minimum, use finished goods as a buffer to smooth the flow of production
upstream from the shipping point at the end of the plant.)
4. Send production instructions up the value stream by means of pull loops,
with leveling from the pacemaker process at the final assembly cell.
5. Make the assembly and fabrication cells into real cells by tackling capability,
availability, and workforce-utilization issues.
6. Establish a paced withdrawal system for materials received from suppliers,
with short intervals (perhaps 20 minutes) and a rigorous PFEP.
7. Work with suppliers to smoothly transmit demand and to get frequent
deliveries on a precise schedule in small amounts.
This list is only the beginning for Firm A, of course. But it is a real beginning,
leading toward a truly lean enterprise instead of another program involving
isolated interventions with doubtful results.
March 12, 2003
The next three essays in this section describe the sequence of measures needed to implement the
actions in the improvement plan. These start with achieving basic stability in each step in the process.
Creating Basic Stability
On recent walks through several companies, Ive had an important realization. I
had been assuming that in most companies the process steps in a typical value
stream are sufficiently stable that its practical to introduce flow, pull, and leveled
production right away. By stable I mean that each process step is capable. That
is, it is able to produce a good part or outcome every time it operates. And I also
mean that each process step is available. By this I mean that the step is able to
operate every time it is needed. Capability and availability in combination
provide what I call basic stability.
Ive long known that at Toyota a new assembly process would launch with
operational availability of about 97% with practically no defects or rework and
would strive to reach 100% through kaizen. And in even the most complex transfer
lines, like engine-block machining, Toyota achieves and maintains operational
availability of 85% or more with practically no defects or rework in the process.
Thats a good definition of basic stability.
But on my recent walks Ive been surprised to discover that operational
availability in cellular assembly (which is much less demanding than long, car-
assembly tracks) is often no more than 90%, even when there are no delays due to
lack of materials. And there are significant amounts of defects and considerable
rework at the end of the cell or end of the plant. In complex machining,
operational availability is often below 60%, and sometimes as low as 40%, with
many defects discovered and considerable rework, both within the process and at
the end. And these are household-name, global companies that claim to be well
down the path to lean production!
With stability this low, trying to introduce continuous flow by linking steps and
connecting areas of flow with pull systems is certain to be an exercise in
frustration. The only way these systems can work at all is to maintain large buffers
of work-in-process between each stepinventories that hinder further
improvement by hiding problems. So Ive been forced to conclude that a lot of us
need to focus on creating basic stability before we try to flow and pull.
(Let me hasten to add that this problem extends far beyond factory equipment. I
recently made an appointment for a medical test and had to postpone it twice
because the complex equipment wouldnt work. And does anyone know how to
maintain jetways at airports? I find on my travels that jetway problems delay the
arrival and deboarding on about one flight in 20. And how can one of those simple
moving sidewalks in airports ever break down? But I seem to stumble onto at
least one unmoving walkway on every trip. And why cant anyone keep our LEI
email server running? Poor operational availability is pervasiveand avoidable
in every aspect of our lives.)
Inadequate stability traces to six types of problems:
1. Downtime, when a process wont run at all (also termed major breakdowns
or major stoppages).
2. Changeover time to convert from one product to the next.
3. Minor stoppages of just a few seconds.
4. Cycle time fluctuation, when a process takes longer than planned.
5. Scrap, meaning some production is lost.
6. Rework, in which parts must be run through the process again, reducing the
time available for new parts.
All of these are bad and all should be reduced. But be careful to avoid simple
calculations of equipment utilization that confuse availability with uptime. The
former is always good: equipment must be able to run when you need it. The latter
can be good or bad: high utilization (uptime) to overproduce items that are not
needed is one of the worst forms of waste. Reducing time lost to changeovers by
producing bigger batches rather than by reducing setup times is a big mistake as
well. And reworking products at the end of the line in order to keep the line
moving a high fraction of the time is an equally bad practice.
The most important point is that these problems dont go away with a bit of
random kaizen. And they certainly dont go away if firms are only practicing
breakdown maintenance without identifying trends and determining root causes.
They also appear quickly in new equipment (sometimes bought because the old
equipment would not run consistently to meet demand) unless the equipment is
carefully designed from a maintainability standpoint and then systematically
The challenge is to create a rigorous maintenance process that involves
everyone, gathers the appropriate data, discovers the root causes, and installs
fixes so known problems dont recur, and new problems are anticipated (for
example, from predictable wear during the equipments life cycle).
With these measures in place, the lean goals of flow, pull, and leveled
production are vastly easier to achieve. Even better, as basic stability is created,
many firms will discover that they dont have capacity constraints. Indeed, they
may find that they have too much capacity rather than too little.
May 25, 2004
Note: Much of the material in this essay was based on conversations with Art Smalley, whose career at
Toyota focused on equipment maintenance.
If I were writing this essay today, I would discuss all four of the Ms needed to create basic stability:
machine plus man, method, and materials. I had been studying Total Productive Maintenance at the time
this essay was written and restricted my focus to machinery. I rectify this shortcoming with respect to
the supply of materials in the next essay.
The Power of a Precise Process
If basic stability is achieved in each step in the process, it is time to create stability in the activities
supporting the value stream. The specific example discussed here is materials supply.
When I first started to study the Toyota Production System many years ago, I was
struck by something very simple: its utter precision. There was a place for every
tool and part, and there was standardized work for every task. There was a
standard amount of inventory at every point where inventory was necessary and a
standard way to send signals for everything production associates needed, from
more parts to help with a problem. Equally striking, there was a clear knowledge
of the current state of each operation and a vision of a better state to be achieved
quickly through kaizen. Nothing seemed to happen by chance, and continuous
improvement was easier because the base condition was visible to everyone.
But if the heart of this system is precision, and if more and more managers say
they embrace this system, why has there been so little movement toward precise
processes? The biggest problem is that most managers still dont appreciate the
need to get every step in every process precisely specified and conducted
correctly every time. And even if they do, this seems too hard to achieve all at
once. So managers tackle precision at specific points in the process in hopes that
kaizen on each point will gradually lead the complete process from chaos to
The problem, in my experience, is that they will never get there. Take the case of
material handling. In most facilities I visit, the material handling system is a mess.
If there is a central schedule (often in the form of a materials-requirements
planning system), it calls for materials to be delivered to points of use in precise
amounts at precise times from receiving, a storage area, or an upstream activity.
But the schedule is continually changing and many of the centralized instructions
dont reflect on-the-gemba realities. Or, if there is a pull system in place, it is run
very loosely, with the same part number stored in many locations, vagueness about
standard inventories, and confusion about who makes deliveries and when.
In either case the material handling is largely reactive and ad hoc, focused on
expediting parts to the point of use as shortfalls suddenly emerge. As a result,
when I ask on my walks why an area scheduled to produce at the moment of my
visit is not producing, the most common explanation is lack of materials or
wrong materials.
But please note that even if the management believes in the need for a precise
material handling process, its not possible to get there incrementally with point
kaizen fixing individual process steps. Nor is it possible to get there with flow
kaizen for a single product familys value stream, of the sort we have popularized
through the LEI workbook Learning to See.3 Whats needed instead is system
kaizen in which the material-handling system for an entire facility, supplying every
value stream, is redesigned to create a bulletproof delivery process that is utterly
precise and stable.
Such a system must include a plan for every part (PFEP) that documents all
relevant information about each part number in the facility, including its storage
location and points of use. It must also include precisely designed supermarkets,
both for purchased parts and for work-in-process, that assign each part number a
single storage location and minimum and maximum inventory quantities. In
addition, a lean material-handling process requires precise delivery routes with
standardized work to get every part from its storage location to its point of use
exactly when needed. Finally, a lean material-handling process requires a pull
system that is absolutely precise in triggering deliveries of parts to the point of
use. Only when we put all four steps in place can we have a truly precise process
and a stable base upon which to improve.
Oct. 1, 2003
Additional reading:
Steven Spear and Kent Bowen, Decoding the DNA of the Toyota Production
System, Harvard Business Review, September/October 1999.
Rick Harris, Chris Harris, and Earl Wilson, Making Materials Flow,
(Cambridge, MA: Lean Enterprise Institute, 2003).
Lean materials supply is impossible without precise knowledge of what materials to supply and what
product to make next. This brings us to the issue of information management in a lean enterprise.
3. Mike Rother and John Shook, Learning to See (Cambridge, MA: Lean
Enterprise Institute, 1999).
Lean Information Management
Recently on a walk through a manufacturing operation, I found myself wondering
about the principles of lean information management. In particular, I wondered
about production control and fulfillment.
The facility in question was typical in having a central braina computerized
MRPtelling each operation what to do next. Its what I call a cognitive system,
in which all feedback goes into a central processor using complex algorithms that
think through the optimal next step for everyone.
But as also is typical, the instructions being sent by the central brain often
seemed nonsensical to the managers and operators on the plant floor. When the
system told them to make some item for which they lacked parts, they simply
overrode the system and made some item for which they did have the parts.
Needless to say, this further confused the central brain and, at the time of my visit,
it appeared to me that there was an official scheduling system from the MRP and a
real scheduling system conducted manually by managers on the shop floor. The
results were not impressive.
What could be done instead? Here are six simple principles of lean information
1. Simplify every process to minimize your need for information management.
For example, the simple act of moving activities from departments to a
continuous-flow layoutin which an item goes automatically from one step
to the nexteliminates all of the information needed to tell each department
and step what to do next. Compressing your value streams by relocating
sequential process steps from across the world to across the aisle also
eliminates the need for a world of information.
2. Make every step in your processes capable and available. Breakdowns,
turnbacks, and materials shortages generate the need for managers to manage
more information. Instead of automating this task, try to eliminate the need for
it. (On another recent walk, I was given a full explanation of the information
management systems in a logistics company. The management proudly
explained that their system permits them to determine exactly where they had
lost a package, in fact thousands every night. My question was, Why do you
keep losing packages? If you had a truly capable process you wouldnt need
this expensive safety net. Even worse, the existence of the safety net removes
the pressure to make your process capable. Think of your IT system as a
different type of just-in-case inventory.)
3. Schedule each value stream from only one point. Taking this simple step
will make information management easier throughout your operation.
4. Use a reflexive production control upstream from the scheduling point.
Lean thinkers call this pull concept reflexive because it is like your
reflexes. When the downstream process uses material, an automatic order is
placed to replenish the same amount from the next upstream process. There is
no need to consult a central brain.
5. Send information in small batches. Amazingly, many MRPs are still run on
the weekend to produce a weekly schedule. And many sales and order
management systems still work with weekly or even 10-day batches, even if
their organizations are moving toward overnight runs to produce a daily
schedule. What managers really need to know is what to do in the next 15
minutes based on what happened in the last 15 minutes. Piling up information
in a large inventory is as badmaybe worsethan piling up large
inventories of products.
6. Make your information management transparent and intuitive. Perhaps the
saddest thing to see is good managers working furiously to override IT
systems with opaque algorithms, making the situation even worse through
their frantic efforts. Simple information management methods like kanban
cards and web-based electronic kanban, plus simple heijunka algorithms,
seem too simple to many managers. Yet they are intuitive. And anomalies
quickly become obvious. So why spend enormous sums to keep yourself in
the dark?
Im not nave about getting the world to embrace lean information management.
Were not quite yet at the end of thinking that more information is always better
and that if we just had all possible information, perfect algorithms, and lightning-
fast central processors, life would be easy.
Despite 50 years of evidence that this isnt true, we are now embarking on a new
experiment with radio-frequency identification (RFID) in which every item in
every process can be tracked individually. The managers of a gigantic retailer that
I recently visitedwhose stores average four inventory turns per year, with no
fixed storage positions for any item, multiple storage points for every item, and a
high level of out-of-stockstold me that an RFID tag on every carton will
eliminate current treasure hunts and insure a high level of customer service.
My question was, Why do you need so much inventory with so many storage
locations? If you have only one storage location for each itemon the shelf where
the customer puts the item in the cartand replenish every item every night from a
central distribution facility serving many stores, the information you already
gather from bar codes at customer checkout will tell you everything you need to
My prediction is that as the amount of available RFID information overwhelms
our ability as managers to figure out what to do with it (even as our fundamental
value-creating processes deteriorate), many managers will finally realize that
simple is best. In the meantime, lean thinkers can save themselves enormous sums
and frustration by avoiding the latest IT wave and implement instead the six
simple principles of lean information management.
Nov. 5, 2004
The Wonder of Level Pull
If a process has achieved basic stability supported by lean materials supply and information
management, it is time to pull all of the pieces together.
Many years ago in Toyota City I first witnessed the twin concepts of level
production and the smooth pull of needed items throughout a complex production
operation. My education occurred at a supplier of components to Toyota assembly
plants that had created a small and precisely determined inventory of finished
components near the shipping dock. (And I had thought Toyota suppliers in Japan
had no inventories!) This supplier used finished goods inventory to decouple itself
from any day-to-day and hour-to-hour gyrations in Toyotas demand as expressed
through frequent deliveries of kanban. (And I had thought that there were no
fluctuations in Toyotas demand!)
My guide explained that the supplier had carefully calculated Toyotas average
demand for components, by total volume and by mix within this total, and was
running a level production schedule at the pacemaker process (which was
component final assembly). Placing a precisely calculated amount of inventory at
the downstream end of the facility effectively created a sea wall that protected all
of the upstream production operations from disruption by sudden waves or troughs
in demand. This permitted internal inventories at every point in the process to be
very small, leading to low total inventories in the plant.
My guide also pointed out that information management was reflexive in the
sense that each step in the process simply signaled its immediate need to the next
upstream step in the process. There was no need to send information to a central
brain in the form of a computerized MRP system that could then tell every
process step what to do and when. The analogy he used has always stuck with me:
When you put your finger on a hot stove, do you send information to your brain
that this is a stove, and that it is on, and that your finger is starting to smoke, so
maybe you ought to remove your finger? Or do you let your reflexes pull your
finger away without bothering your brain? So why are you using a brain to manage
demand information in your factory when your reflexes can do a better job by
simply pulling needed materials from the next upstream process?
Because the operation was so precise, total inventories were so small, and the
logic of the concept was so compelling, I imagined that it would be only a short
time before every production facility across the world converted to level pull. I
was wrong! As time has passed Ive realized that many aspects of lean thinking
are easy to implement. But this has not been one of them.
Thus I was enormously pleased last week when I visited a plant in a tiny
Mexican town far south of the border and saw a level pull system in operation that
would be right at home in Toyota City. This facility had:
Analyzed actual customer demand, based on orders over the past several
months, so it could stop using weekly forecasts and daily ship orders to
schedule the plant.
Calculated an exact finished-goods inventory amount for each product,
consisting of cycle, buffer, and safety stocks.
Leveled the final production schedule by both volume and mix.
Identified a pacemaker process (component final assembly) as the single
point to schedule each product family value stream.
Delivered material to final assembly while taking away finished goods by
means of a fixed-time conveyance route responding to kanban signals.
Established markets in front of upstream processes with small amounts of
Utilized signal kanban to trigger production in upstream batch processes
(such as molding and stamping).
Implemented kanban signals and a second conveyance route to deliver
materials, tools, and instructions to upstream processes.
Created a purchased-parts market with a plan for every part (PFEP), with
precisely calculated inventories of every purchased item and with kanban
signals for reordering.
As I drove away I realized that if these techniques can work in this remote
location and if they are now spreading this far, there must be a widespread
willingness today to make the level pull transformation I anticipated many years
March 3, 2004
Additional reading:
Art Smalley, Creating Level Pull (Cambridge, MA: Lean Enterprise Institute,
I was being optimistic when I wrote this essay in 2004. Today I still routinely see organizations making
random improvements to processes that lack the stability, rigorous supporting processes, and clear
information flow that are necessary for lasting success. The problem is not with the techniques. These
work. The problem lies somewhere in the mindsets and behaviors of managers and employees. This
brings us to the third step in the purpose-process-people sequence. People are the subject of the next
set of essays.
People must be engaged in understanding and improving the processes that create
the value desired by the customer if organizational and customer purposes are to
be achieved. But how can we as leaders and managers engage them? This section
of essays explores this key question on several dimensions. I begin with a simple
observation that we are all involved in processes in everything we do in life,
whether as producers or consumers. And we often react badlythat is, we
become negatively engagedwhen we encounter defective processes with no
apparent means to improve them. The question is how we can focus on improving
the broken process rather than simply blaming each other.
Bad People or a Bad Process?
Recently, I encountered an amazing scene at Londons Heathrow Airport. While
checking in for my flight on a Monday morning, I found myself in a nightmare line
stretching around the corner from the check-in counter and far down the hall.
After standing in the line for about 45 minutes, I finally advanced to the corner
just in time to see passengers ahead of me taking out their frustration. There were
six check-in counters but only one agent was on duty to perform check-ins. So
several passengers jumped over the counter and started handing out the empty
agent chairs to the passengers standing in line so they could sit down while
waiting. The single agent on duty immediately stopped checking in passengers to
prevent this irregular action. A tug-of-war ensued over one of the chairs and, after
losing the battle, the agent retreated to his desk to call the police. To complete the
scene, imagine loud shouting in many languages as a group of heavily armed
security guards approached.
I know a terminal mess when I see one and broke ranks at that point to search
for the Im going to miss my plane alternative check-in path that seems to exist
in all airports these days. (Think of this as simply another form of rework.) When
I found itin a far corner of the terminaland talked with the agents, I
discovered that scenes of this sort happen every Monday morning and Friday
eveningthe periods of highest travel volumewhen some passengers just go
crazy. In their minds it was a clear case of bad passengers.
As I reflected on this experience, I realized that we encounter situations of this
sort in life all of the time. Every day we are involved in a series of processes
getting our computers and software to work, taking our cars in for repair, going to
the doctor, getting our work done at an office or in a production facilitywhose
steps must be performed properly in the proper sequence to get the results we
seek. For example, at the airport, staff scheduling and flight departures must be
carefully synchronized with the pattern of passenger demand to create a smooth
check-in process. Otherwise some variant of the scene I witnessed is pretty much
What I find fascinating is that when good people (thats you and me) are put in a
bad process, we often become bad like the processmean-spirited, foul-
mouthed, and even violent. Ask everyone involved what the problem is, and they
are very likely to blame everyone elsein this case, the crazy passengers, the
petty bureaucrat check-in agent, the authoritarian security force, the tight-fisted
airlinerather than step back and think about the process itself and how it could
be improved.
The widespread existence of bad processes in every area of life is actually a
great opportunity for lean thinkers. We should be leading the way in showing how
to rethink every process producing bad people along with poor results. Im truly
excited by the prospect for the Lean Community to move ahead rapidly down this
path, going far beyond our starting point in the factory to introduce rigorous
process thinking across society.
In the meantime, I hope you will encounter good processes full of good people.
Failing that, I hope you will step back (probably while waiting in a queue), seize
the opportunity to sharpen your lean thinking, and envision ways to improve any
bad processes along your path.
July 28, 2004
If bad processes create bad employees (and crazy customers, too), it turns out that a bad process for
process improvement can create more fault-finding and bad employees of a different sort. The next
essay explores why this happens far more frequently than many lean thinkers seem to realize, and
proposes a way to resolve the problem.
Making Everyone Whole
Ive had a big smile on my face for much of the last month. Thats because Ive
had the opportunity to visit progressive organizations on three continents to look at
their efforts to create lean value streams. Walking through any process, good or
bad, can put a smile on my face for one of two reasons. If the process is awful, its
easy to see how it could be better. And, if it has already been significantly
improved from its original condition, Im both pleased by the progress and aware
that the next layer of waste is now visible and ready for elimination.
However, I also found myself frowning recently as I walked along some value
streams. This happened when I heard improvement teams complaining about the
difficulty of gaining and sustaining the engagement and cooperation of every
person and every part of the organization touching the process being improved.
For example, on a walk through an information processing activity in a large
service company, the team was complaining about the resistance of the companys
information technology department to substantially modify the company-standard
software in order to support the improved process. In another case, a team was
bemoaning the resistance of experienced financial service workers to share the
details of how they work their way around the problems in the existing process. In
both cases I found the teams defaulting to the most comfortable explanation for the
lack of engagement: bad people.
When this happens I try to take off my technical-analysis hat and put on my
human-empathy hat. I ask, How do the teams requests feel to the individuals or
departments being asked to do something different? As I do this I remember the
Italian economist Vilfredo Pareto (18481923), who gave us the 80/20 rule.
(Paretos first statement of this rule was based on his research indicating that
throughout history 80% of the wealth in societies was controlled by 20% of the
population. Joseph Juran later (1941) extended the 80/20 rule to quality problems
where he found that 80% of a problem is typically caused by 20% of the possible
causes. And today the 80/20 rules seems to find application in practically every
Pareto had a second insight of direct relevance to what I saw on my walks. This
was his concept of economic optimality, which states that any proposed action in
society (for example, a new law) should be judged in a positive light when no one
is worse off and some individuals and organizations are better off. Public policy
analysts (of which I was one early in my career) later realized that this concept
applied particularly well in evaluating policy changes by governments. Pareto
Optimal outcomes, as they came to be called, were desirable on grounds of
equity because no one was worse off and at least some citizens were better off.
And achieving them by transferring some of the winners gains to compensate
losers (creating Pareto Optimality if it was not otherwise present) also made such
policies much more feasible politically because potential losers were much less
likely to resist change.
Applying this idea to the value-stream improvements I was observing, I asked if
the IT department and the experienced employees would be better off with the
changed process. And the answer, after a bit of discussion, was clearly no. The
IT department would seriously overrun its annual budget in responding promptly
to the teams request while falling behind on other projects. The experienced
employees would very likely be replaced by younger, lower-paid employees able
to operate the new process without the need for all the veterans workarounds.
The root cause of the problem was not, therefore, bad people. In fact, those
affected were reacting quite rationally to protect their interests because they
would be hurt by the changes. Instead the problem was a lack of discussion and
negotiation between the heads of IT, HR, and the improvement teams about how
winners could compensate losers to make everyone whole.
As the outside observer, I found it particularly striking that Pareto Optimality
could easily be achieved in these value streams by reallocating the substantial
savings gained from improving both processes. The total saving would be much
more than adequate to compensate IT for the additional hours and cost incurred in
modifying the software quickly. And the substantial savings from the revised
financial process were ample for giving the experienced employees, most of
whom were near retirement, a generous severance package or transferring them at
similar compensation to other jobs opened up by the organizations high turnover.
Yet the implicit, unexamined thinking of the improvement teams was that all of the
savings (plus the positive customer response to the improved processes) would be
captured by the departments at the end of the processes and that everyone else
should just get used to this new reality.
Understanding how change affects every participant in a value stream takes an
extra effort, and I often find that improvement teams shudder at the prospect of
negotiations with leaders of all affected parts of the organization. But my
experience over many years is that making visible efforts to make everyone whole
by striving for Pareto Optimality whenever possibleis the best way to make
and sustain big improvements in core processes. So please give this concept a try
in your organization the next time you find bad people standing in the way of
valuable improvements in your value streams.
Nov. 5, 2009
Fewer Heroes, More Farmers
The two previous essays concentrated on the effects of bad processes and flawed process
improvement on good people. But what about the behavior of managers and leaders? Why do they find
it so hard to put in place the good processes that would stop the creation of bad customers and bad
In this essay I argue that a large part of the problem is what we think leaders and managers should do.
Indeed, I explain that we confuse the role of a manager with the role of a leaderto our detriment.
I recently met with the chief executive of a very large American corporation
organized by business units, each self-contained with its own product
development, production, purchasing, and sales functions. I asked what a CEO
does in this situation, and got a simple answer: I search for heroic leaders to
galvanize my business units. I give them metrics to meet quickly. When they meet
them, they are richly rewarded. When they dont, I find new leaders.
I noted that his firm, like many others Ive examined, has a high level of turnover
in its business unit heads. So I asked a simple question: Why does your company
need so many heroes? Why dont your businesses consistently perform at a high
level so that no new leaders are needed? And why do even your apparently
successful leaders keep moving on?
The answer was that business is tough, leadership is the critical scarce resource,
and that a lot of turnover indicates a dynamic management culture. But I couldnt
agree. As I look at this and many other businesses I encounter on my walks, I see
three problems apparently unnoticed by the heroic leader at the top rolling out the
latest revitalization program.
These are (1) confusion about the business purpose of the organizations core
processes; (2) poorly performing product and process development, fulfillment,
supplier management, and customer support processes that tend to get worse
instead of better; and (3) dispirited people operating these broken processes at
every level of the enterprise. Needless to say, there are also mini-heroes at every
level devising workarounds for the defective processes.
Whats needed instead? More farmers!
Let me explain by means of a second example. Recently I received a copy of the
leading motor industry magazine with its annual listing of the 50 most influential
(read heroic) leaders in the global motor industry: Bill Ford at Ford, Carlos
Ghosn at Renault/Nissan, Rick Wagoner at GM, etc.
What I found striking was that the list contained no leaders from Toyota,
except for one American in a U.S. marketing job. Yet Toyota has been one of the
worlds most successful car companies for decades. How could one of the most
successful companies have practically no heroes? Because its managers still think
like the farmers around its headquarters in the remote Aichi region of Japan where
the company was created.
The job of the hero is to tackle a situation in which everything is out of control
and quickly impose some semblance of order. And sometimes heroes are
necessary. Taiichi Ohno, Shotaro Kamiya, Kenya Nakamura, and Kiichiro Toyoda
certainly took heroic actions at Toyota in moments of crisis as the companys core
processes were being defined after World War II.
But heroes shouldnt be necessary once an organization is transformed. Instead
every important process should be steadily tended by a farmer (a value-stream
manager) who continually asks three simple questions: Is the business purpose of
the process correctly defined? Is action steadily being taken to create value, flow,
and pull in every step of the process while taking out waste? Are all of the people
touching the process actively engaged in making it better? This is the gemba
mentality of the farmer who year after year plows a straight furrow, mends the
fence, and obsesses about the weather, even as the heroic pioneer or hunter who
originally cleared the land moves on.
Why do we have so many heroes, so few farmers, and such poor results in most
of our organizations? Because were blind to the simple fact that business heroes
usually fail to transform businesses. They create short-term improvement, at least
on the official metrics. But these gains either arent real or they cant be sustained
because no farmers are put in place to tend the fields. Wisely, these heros move on
before this becomes apparent. Meanwhile, we are equally blind to the critical
contribution of the farmers who should be our heroes. These are the folks who
provide the steady-paced continuity at the core of every lean enterprise.
I hope that as you think about your job you will become a lean farmer who takes
responsibility for the processes you touch and that you will work every day to
plow the straight furrow, mend the fence, and obsess about the weather. These are
the real value-creating aspects of management. When present they insure that no
heroes will be needed in the future.
May 12, 2006
This essay was written long before Toyotas recent difficulties. But it is highly relevant. Surely the task
for Akio Toyoda, in his role as president, is to reinvigorate the farmer culture that made Toyota great
through its attention at the gemba to the details of every value-creating process. Several recent
presidents of Toyota sounded very much like heroic visionaries. And the result of their tenure was a
focus on dramatic results (e.g., rapid growth in market share and return on sales) rather than process
improvements needed to achieve and sustain these results. Too many heroes, too few farmers.
The Problem with Creative Work and Creative
A refrain I often hear is that lean managers (farmers) cant be creative. That is, they arent free to do
new and dramatic things without bureaucratic interference. And the heroic leader lurking somewhere in
all of us wants above all to be creative. In addition there is the widespread belief that only heroic,
individual action can break through the straightjacket of organizational inertia. How lean thinkers should
approach this important topic is the subject of this essay.
Years ago I heard a presentation from someone at Toyota explaining how to
introduce the Toyota Production System. Start by analyzing the work to be done.
This meant listing all the actions required to create the value in a given process
and then dividing these actions into three categories:
Value-creating work: activities adding directly to the value of the product as
determined by the customer. (Manufacturing examples are painting the
product or adding parts during assembly.) A simple test is to ask whether
customers would mind if this work was not done but their product still
performed properly. If they would mind, it is value-creating. For example,
almost all customers expect their products to be painted with all the parts
assembled, so these steps are value-creating.
Incidental work: activities that are currently necessary to create a product
for a customer but which have no value to the customer. Examples include
handling materials, clamping fixtures to hold the work, and returning kanban
cards. No customer ever bought a product or offered to pay more because the
kanban were all returned to the scheduling point!
Waste: activities that create no value and can be completely eliminated.
Examples include rework, storing items between work steps, and searching
for missing materials. No customer anywhere wants to pay for these
activities, and there is no need for them to be performed if lean principles
are fully applied.
Categorizing the existing steps is a great way to start lean thinking, and its pretty
easy in a factory environment while drawing a value-stream map. But when lean
thinkers move beyond the factory, as many are today, its easy to get confused
about the nature of work. In particular, in any office environment and in
healthcare, maintenance, overhaul, retail, and other operational environments not
involving factories, many employees and managers tell me that they are doing
creative work. They state that the outcome of each step is unpredictable, that
steps may need to change with each new product, and that work cant be clearly
planned. Therefore they cant easily list the steps they will need to take to produce
a given result. And, from their perspective, most of the steps they are currently
taking are value-creating, not incidental work or waste.
However, as I observe their work I usually see something very different. A few
situations really do require creative modifications in the middle of the process
for example, the patient who has a heart attack during a routine appendectomy. But
most nonfactory work is actually transactional. That is, the same steps need to be
performed the same way every time to get a good result. And most activities fit
into clear product families that are performed over and over: the standard
appendectomy, the monthly closing of the books, the D check (heavy maintenance)
on a 747.
The reason the work appears to be creative is because product families are not
clearly identified, the steps are not clearly defined, and many of the support
processes needed to successfully perform each step are lacking. For example, the
needed instruments or drugs for the next step in a medical procedure are missing
so the doctor, nurse, or technician goes treasure hunting to find them. What
appears to the employees as mostly value-creating work with a bit of incidental
work appears to me as a small amount of value-creating work, a bit of incidental
work, and an enormous amount of waste.
But this is not all the waste I see. Looking one level back from the point of
primary work, I see armies of managers running madly to unkink holdups in the
process. Many of their workarounds are indeed creative. But does the customer
really want to pay for management interventions (that is, for rework) in processes
that would not require any intervention if properly designed? Surely these are all
examples of creativity we can do without, and its a shame that so few employees
and managers notice that in many cases creativity and rework are the same thing.
Please do not misunderstand: There is truly creative work to be done every day.
For example, finding an ingenious new way to design a product. But this is a very
small fraction of total work and most of what bears the label creative work is
actually pure waste.
By contrast, the truly creative act that all of us should perform as employees and
managers is to fundamentally rethink the processes we operate and manage so that
product families are identified, steps are precisely specified and standardized,
and waste is eliminated while incidental work is minimized. But even here we
need to use the standard process of value-stream mapping with A3 analysis. This
is the real role for creativity at work.
May 10, 2005
Respect for People
Lets suppose that you and I want to tap the creative, process-improving energies of the people touching
every process in our organizations. That is, we want to truly engage every member of our organization
in continuous improvement. How can we do that? This is a deeply human matter requiring us to rethink
what it really means to show respect for people.
For years Ive visited companies where respect for people is stated to be a
core element of the corporate philosophy. So Ive asked managers in many of
these companies a simple question. How do you show respect? I usually heard
that employees should be treated fairly, given clear goals, trusted to achieve them
in the best way, and held accountable for results. For example, We hire smart
people, we give them great latitude in how they do their work because we trust
them, and we hold them to objective measures of performance. Thats respect for
In recent years Toyota made respect for people one of the pillars of the Toyota
Way (the other being continuous improvement). So I decided I should ask the best
Toyota-trained managers I know how they show respect for people. The answer I
heard is a good bit different from what I heard at many other companies. It goes as
The manager begins by asking an employee he or she supervises what the
problem is with the way work is currently being done. Next the manager
challenges the employees answer and enters into a dialogue about what the real
problem is. (Its rarely the problem showing on the surface.)
Then the manager asks what is causing this problem and enters into another
dialogue about its root causes. (True dialogue requires the employee to gather
evidence on the gemba for joint evaluation.)
Then the manager asks what should be done about the problem and asks the
employee why he or she has proposed one countermeasure instead of another.
(This generally requires considering a range of countermeasures and collecting
more evidence.)
Then the manager asks how theymanager and employeewill know if the
countermeasure has achieved a positive result, and again engages in dialogue on
the best indicator.
Finally, after agreement is reached on the most appropriate measure of success,
the employee sets out to implement the countermeasure.
For many of us that doesnt sound much like respect for people. The manager
after all doesnt just say, I trust you to solve the problem because I respect you.
Do it your way and get on with it. And the manager isnt a morale booster,
always saying Great job! even when the problem hasnt been fully solved.
Instead the manager challenges the employee every step of the way, asking for
more thought, more facts, and more discussion when the employee just wants to
implement his or her favored solution.
Over time Ive come to realize that engaging in this problem-solving process is
actually the highest form of respect. The manager is saying to the employee that the
manager cant solve the problem alone, because the manager isnt close enough to
the problem to know the facts. The manager truly respects the employees
knowledge and his or her dedication to finding the best answer. But the employee
cant solve the problem alone either, because he or she is often too close to the
issue to see its context, and may refrain from asking tough questions about his or
her own work. Only by showing mutual respecteach for the other and for each
others roleis it possible to solve problems, make work more satisfying, and
move organizational performance to an ever-higher level.
Recently I walked through two distribution centers in the same city providing the
same type of service for their customers. As I walked I found a wonderfully clear
example of the difference that mutual respect for people makes.
In the first facility managers were focused on controlling the workforce through
individual metrics. Employees were told to get a given amount of work done but
given considerable latitude on just how to do it. They were judged at the end of
the day, week, month, and quarter on whether they achieved the desired results,
using data collected by a computerized tracking system. Front-line managers were
busily engaged in working around current problems but none was systematically
engaged in actually solving these problems at the root cause in collaboration with
the employees. This was a task for higher-level managers and staff experts as time
permitted, usually without the involvement of the production associates.
In the second facility, the management had worked with employees to create
standardized work for every task and had introduced visual control with status
boards so everyone could see how everyone else was proceeding with their work.
Because the condition of the entire process was instantly visible to everyone,
employees could help each other with any problems that emerged. And because
the work process was very stable due to strict adherence to standardized work,
line managers could devote most of their energy to problem-solving and
improvement by engaging production associates in dialogues to get to root causes
and implement sustainable countermeasures. Indeed, every associate spent four
hours every week on improvement activities.
What is the result? Both facilities are in the same city, have employees with the
same educational level, and pay roughly the same wage. Yet annual turnover of
associates in the first facility is 70% (which seems to be typical in distribution
centers) and there is significant management turnover as well. Meanwhile, in the
second facility, associate turnover is 1% and practically no managers leave.
When I asked managers and associates in the second center why, the answer was
simple: The work here is always challenging because we are always solving
problems using a method we all understand. And we all respect each others
The differences continue: In my rough estimate, labor productivity in the second
facility is about twice that of the first even with less automation. This is partly
because the first facility is constantly hiring and training new employees while the
second distribution center spends practically no time on this task. In addition, all
employees in the second facility are experienced and working at the top of their
learning curve. Large amounts of confusion about what to do next and larger
amounts of rework are eliminated.
Finally, in the second facility, quality as experienced by customers is higher even
though there is less internal rework. And the total amount of inventory on hand to
provide the next-day service that both facilities promise their customers is much
lower in the second distribution center.
I trust you can guess which facility is a Toyota parts distribution center and
which facility belongs to a distribution firm stuck (like most) in the age of mass
production with command-and-control management methods but little discussion
with employees of how they can best do their jobs.
I also trust that all of us want to show respect for people. The challenge for those
of us in the Lean Community is to embrace and explain the true nature of mutual
respect for peoplemanagers and associatesso all organizations can move
toward a new and better way of solving their problems. This is the true path to
tapping and harnessing employee creativity as well.
Dec. 20, 2007
With a lean perspective on purpose, process, and people in mind, what remains is to put them together in
a creative combination. This daunting task is the role for the lean manager and for lean management,
the topic of the next section.
In recent years I have found myself increasingly thinking and writing about
management, by which I mean the routine activity of aligning people and
processes with customer purpose. And I have paid special attention to the
profound difference between modern management, as taught in business schools
or learned through observation of traditional bosses in traditional enterprises, and
lean management, as learned through experience on the gemba under the
continuing guidance of a more senior lean manager.
Management is a vast topic with many dimensions, and I have tackled it from a
number of angles: The correct use of lean tools by lean managers. The challenge
of execution through strategy deployment. The endless potential of A3 thinking.
The difference between authority (which everyone seems to understand) and
responsibility (which hardly anyone understands). The confusion I often see about
the different roles of line management and staffs in supporting a lean enterprise.
Each essay in this section on management provides a different perspective, and I
hope that together they bring the topic into clear focus. I also hope they give some
insight into how lean managers think and behave. I begin with a big picture look at
the difference between simply applying lean tools and truly practicing lean
From Lean Tools to Lean Management
Ive been thinking about the challenge of lean transformation since I started
studying Honda and Toyota as part of the MIT global automotive project in 1979.
Thats a long time, and during this period Ive watched lean thinking progress
through a series of stages.
In the early years much of the focus was on sorting out what was specific to a
culture. Could anyone outside of Japan embrace lean thinking? Could anyone
outside of Toyota, Honda, and Mazda (which had itself copied Toyota after its
crisis in 1973) and their supplier groups? In addition, there was much confusion
about the elements of a lean business system. Was it just in the factory? Or did it
apply to every aspect of an organization, including product and process
development, supplier management, customer support, and general management?
In The Machine That Changed the World in 1990, Dan Jones, Dan Roos, and I
made the case that lean thinking can be applied by any company anywhere in the
world, but that the full power of the system is only realized when it is applied to
all elements of the enterprise.4
As this view became accepted, the focus turned to how organizations
everywhere could transform themselves from mass producers into lean exemplars.
Given the magnitude of the task and its many dimensions, its understandable that
lean tools came to the foreground: 5S, setup reduction, the Five Whys, target
costing, simultaneous and concurrent engineering, value-stream maps, kanban,
kaizen. Indeed, I think of the period from 1990 to the mid-2000s as the Tool Age
of the lean movement.
The attraction of tools is that they can be employed at many points within an
organization, often by staff improvement teams or external consultants. Even
better, they can be applied in isolation without tackling the difficult task of
changing the organization and its fundamental approach to management. I often say
that managers will try anything easy that doesnt work before they will try anything
hard that does, and this may be a fair summary of what happened in the Tool Age.
Over 15 years we all learned about a lot of lean tools. We also learned how to
apply them and we had some success. But we hardly created a multitude of lean
enterprises. By contrast, the previously dominant, mass-production approach to
managementas perfected by Alfred Sloan at General Motors in the 1920s,
building on Fords earlier breakthrough in flow productionwas widely and
successfully copied within a short period of demonstrating its superiority.
Fortunately, the lean movement is finally tackling the fundamental issues of lean
management. Ive recently had a number of conversations in a number of countries
the United States, Germany, Chinawith senior managers who realize that they
need to think more about lean management before thinking further about lean tools.
What do I mean by lean management? Let me start with some general
observations about organization and management:
All value created in any organization is the result of a lengthy sequence of
stepsa value stream. These steps must be conducted properly in the proper
sequence at the proper time.
Getting the right value to the customer at the right time with the right cost to
the organization is the key to survival and prosperity.
The flow of value toward the customer is horizontal, across the organization.
All enterprises are organized vertically by department (engineering,
purchasing, production, sales, etc.). They always will be because this is the
best way to create and store knowledge and the most practical way to
channel careers. Whats more, value almost always flows to the end
customer through many independent organizations, each organized vertically
and each acting vertically as an entity to support its own interests.
Someone needs to see, manage, and improve the entire process of horizontal
value creation on behalf of the customer, from concept to launch, from order
through production to delivery, and from delivery through the products use
In most organizations no one is actually responsible for the horizontal flow of
value by product family, despite what senior managers may think. The
products value stream is an organizational orphan.
In most organizations managers at every level are being graded on whether
they make their department-specific numbers. These are the metricsusually
financialset by high-level managers as they attempt to fully utilize assets
and control the organization. Each independent organization touching the
productsupplier, manufacturer, distributor, retailer, etc.has its own
Improvements to value streams are managed by staff experts (or consultants)
who usually dont see the whole flow of value, the most pressing needs of the
customer, and the most urgent business needs of the organization. They use
the tools they feel most comfortable with to solve the problems that seem
How can lean management help us do better? Here are three simple elements
of lean management worthy of experimentation:
1. Make sure every value stream has someone responsiblea value-stream
managerfor overseeing the whole flow of value and continually improving
every aspect of the process in light of the needs of the customer and the business.
The question for this value-stream manager to ask is, How can I make
customers happy, while making money, by engaging the full energies of our people
(including our suppliers upstream and distributors downstream) to improve this
value stream?
Note that the value-stream manager doesnt need a large staff or authority over
employees touching the value stream. Instead, the value-stream manager needs to
negotiate with the department heads about the needs of the product and resolve any
differences by appealing to the most senior managers.
Similarly, no employee should have more than one boss. A good system of value-
stream management gives every lower-level employee a boss in his or her
department who has talked with the value-stream manager to determine what that
department needs to do to support the value stream. This avoids complex matrices
in which employees have two (or more) bosses.
2. Instead of developing complex metrics, ask value-stream managers how they
will improve the value-creating process they are overseeing.
If managers focus on their process, the performance metrics will come out right;
but if managers focus on their numbers, the process is likely never to improve.
And note that most metrics are nothing more than end-of-the-line quality
inspection: at the end of the quarter or the end of the year, everyone looks to see
what happened, at a point long after the mistakes have been made.
3. Teach all managers to ask questions about their value streams (rather than
giving answers and orders from higher levels). Turn these questions into
experiments using the scientific method by means of plan-do-check-act (PDCA).
Only management by science through constant experimentation to answer
questions can produce sustainable improvements in value streams. A3 (as
discussed in the essay It Takes 2 (or More) to A3 on page 87) is a wonderful tool
toward this end.
Please understand: Lean tools are great. We all need to master and deploy them,
and our efforts over 15 years to do so are not wasted. But just as a carpenter
needs a vision of what to build in order to get the full benefit of a hammer, we
need a clear vision of our organizational objectives and better management
methodsindeed, lean managementbefore we pick up our tools.
Nov. 11, 2006
It is fine to talk about the concept of lean management, but what should lean managers actually do
every day? One essential task is to deploy new initiatives that address customer and organizational
purpose. How to do this successfully is the topic of the next essay.
4. James P. Womack, Daniel T. Jones, and Daniel Roos, The Machine That
Changed the World (New York: Rawson & Associates, 1990).
What Ive Learned about Planning and Execution
By the time I founded the Lean Enterprise Institute in 1997, I had been thinking
for years about how organizations prioritize and plan. And I had carefully read the
strategy deployment (hoshin kanri) literature emerging from Japan since the 1970s.
So I thought it would be easy to develop and implement both a long-range and a
one-year plan.
I asked my friend Pat Lancaster (then the chairman of Lantech and the subject of
Chapter Six of my and Dan Joness book Lean Thinking)5 to come to Boston to
help us as a facilitator. Our whole team set out with great energy and, two days
later, after much frank discussion, we had our plan. We had agreed on our
organizational direction (our North Star), selected our major priorities for the next
few years, set targets, and defined specific initiatives to achieve them. We had
won the war against chaos and indecision!
But there was a problem: We soon discovered that we had no practical means to
implement the plan. Specifically, we had no effective way to assign responsibility
for our initiatives, which cut across the organization. We had no workable way to
measure our progress. And we had no means of determining why we were often
not getting the results we expected from our initiatives and what to do about
shortfalls. In short, we had conducted a great two-day exercise with the help of a
brilliant facilitator and we had produced a great plan. But it produced no benefit
for our organization. Quietly, we soon abandoned the whole approach and
substituted a simple annual budgeting process.
Fortunately, this simple process was sufficient for LEI to flourish as a small
organization over the next decade. However, I kept reflecting on why we were so
good at picking the right things to do (and creating our annual budget) but were
much less adept at getting the right things done. In the language of plan-do-check-
act (PDCA), introduced by W. Edwards Deming, we were great at P but struggled
with DCA.
In the past year weve grown dramatically, and LEI has become a much more
complex organization. Suddenly, our simple budgeting process was no longer
adequate and I was forced to revisit the issue of prioritization and planning. At the
same time, in our research activities I was watching many organizations struggle
as they triedas we hadto introduce complex planning systems derived from
the standard Japanese-derived texts on hoshin kanri.
I was delighted therefore when Toyota alumnus Pascal Dennis approached me
with the suggestion that strategy deployment can be made much simpler and more
effective. During the past year, as Ive reviewed Pascals work and tried to apply
it in managing LEI, Ive gained some real insights into how to do strategy
deployment properly. Let me share them briefly:
The P (plan) part really is simple. But its critically important that as you
start you reach agreement on where your organization really standsits
current state. This means developing simple, visual measures of current
performance that everyone can see and agree on. Otherwise the plan is based
on illusion.
The D (do) part will succeed if the plan tells a simple, persuasive story and
each element of the plan is easily understandable by everyone. Toyotas A3
method for describing on a single sheet of paper the issue each plan element
is addressingand the way the organization will solve ithas startling
power once everyone learns how to read A3s. (Ive been amazed at what A3
analysis has done for our value-stream management at LEI and what it has
done for my ability to communicate to everyone the direction LEI is taking.)
The C (check) part of the plan is critical and is almost universally ignored.
Yet there is no point in deploying a plan unless there is a standardized
method for measuring the results and senior-management commitment to
follow through.
The A (act/adjust) step is equally important but requires effective problem-
solving to understand why the plan is not achieving its intended results (as
shown in the C step). Even organizations that check their progress are usually
very weak at adjusting. Yet almost no plan produces exactly the results
expected. Adjustment is inevitable and continual.
Every element in the plan needs a deployment manager who can look across
the functions, see the whole, and take responsibility for a good result. This is
like the chief engineer at Toyota. And the good news is that designating a
deployment manager for each plan element requires no adjustment to the
organization chart. Deployment is simply an additional task for designated
senior managers, one that becomes much easier as experience is gained over
several years.
Some organizations can deploy plan elements for each product family value
stream, as we have at LEI. However, many organizationsfar more than I
had realized until recentlyhave shared processes (e.g., equipment
maintenance, materials supply, supplier management) that lack basic stability.
They may be better off starting with organizationwide themes like quality,
delivery, and cost in order to create stability before they switch to a value-
stream approach.
Perhaps most important: Its all about people. Ive recently reflected on
Toyotas quality concept of jidoka, often described as autonomation with a
human touch. This means that employees are actively engaged at every level
in insuring that process technologyno matter how sophisticatedworks
properly with properly trained and supported employees to produce a good
result every time. It has occurred to me that strategy deployment as it ought to
be practiced is similar. Its not an exercise in cold logic, done once and
forgotten. Rather it is hoshin kanri with a human touch in which everyone
in the organization becomes a scientist participating in continual experiments
with every plan element by means of PDCA.
Pascal Dennis, Getting the Right Things Done (Cambridge, MA: Lean
Enterprise Institute, 2006).
5. James P. Womack and Daniel T. Jones, Lean Thinking (New York: Simon
& Schuster, 2003).
It Takes 2 (or More) to A3
Subsequent to the publication of Pascal Dennis book on strategy deployment, I became aware that the
biggest management challenge is to successfully implement the few important initiatives needed to
fundamentally change the performance of an organization. This, of course, is one of the uses of A3, and
we were soon at work at LEI on a book explaining how to utilize A3. This was not just as a tool, but as
a core method of lean management.
Weve just launched John Shooks new book, Managing to Learn,6 and Im
tremendously excited. I think it is the most important work we have published at
LEI. This is because John clearly explains why A3 thinking is the core of the lean
management system and shows how the repeated act of creating A3s also creates
lean managers.
But Im worried as well as excited. Eleven years ago when we launched John
and Mike Rothers Learning to See, I expected readers would use the wonderful
tool of value-stream mapping (VSM) to engage in a dialogue with everyone
touching value streams. I hoped that they would start with the business problem,
map the current state as a team activity, and envision a future state able to address
the problem while engaging everyones best efforts.
What often happened instead was that value-stream maps were assigned to staff
members in improvement offices. They drew maps of the current and future states,
frequently without clear definition of the business problem and with only passing
interaction with those touching the value stream. They then assumed that line
management would embrace the proposed future state and make it a reality.
Frequently nothing happened. Or if anything did happen, it couldnt be sustained.
In this way, misused VSMs became corporate wallpaper.
So as we all embrace A3and I detect a tremendous swell of interest across the
Lean Communitylets be careful not to make the same mistake. Instead lets
make A3 the foundation of lean management.
To do this we have to realize that no one can create a useful A3 in isolation. It
takes at least two individuals and often many more. Developing an A3 is an
organizational drama in which someone identifies a condition or problem needing
attention. When this person is at a higher level, he or she assumes the role of
mentor, assigning responsibility for creating the A3 to someone at a lower level
the ownerwho is closer to the gemba where value is actually created.
However, the owner of the A3at whatever level of the organizationcannot
address the condition or solve the problem alone. He or she must go to the gemba
and talk directly with everyone touching the problem, aware that most problems in
an organization are the result of a poorly defined or poorly managed process
shared by different areas, departments, and functions (often including customers
and suppliers).
As the owner proceeds with the A3 analysis, an intense dialogue ensues between
the mentor and the owner, one that soon includes everyone touching the
troublesome process. This dialogue gradually clarifies the problem, its root cause,
the range of potential countermeasures, the best apparent countermeasure, the
steps that need to be taken (the who, what, when, where) to implement the best
countermeasure, the appropriate check on the results, and the necessary reflection
on next steps (which often lead to another A3).
The real magic here is that the owner takes responsibility for addressing a
problemoften running horizontally across the organizationthrough intense
dialogue with individuals in areas of the business where he or she has no
authority. During the A3 process, the owner actually manufactures the authority for
putting the countermeasure in place. However, this type of authority is not a matter
of control delineated on an organization chart. People in different areas with
different bosses energetically participate in implementing the countermeasure
because they have actively participated in the dialogue that developed what they
believe is the best countermeasure for an important problem.
The additional benefit of the complete A3 cycle is that it develops the owner to
become a higher-level manager. This is why John uses the dynamic terms
mentor and owner in Managing to Learn rather than the static terms boss
and direct report. At the same time, mastering the skill of A3 prepares those
touching the process at lower levels in an organization to someday become lean
managers. This occurs when they are assigned responsibility for their own A3s.
Or, even better, it occurs when they spontaneously take the initiative to identify
opportunities for improvement by developing A3s for evaluation by their mentors.
As we launch Managing to Learn, I wish every member of the Lean Community
rapid success in mastering the critical skills of A3 management. But please, dont
try to A3 all alone!
Oct. 7, 2008
Additional reading:
If this is the work of management, how does my list compare with what managers
actually do every day? In my experience, there is hardly any overlap. Most
managers I observe spend most of their time with incidental workbox-checking,
meetings that reach no actionable conclusions, report writing, personnel reviews
that dont develop personnel, etc. And in the time left over they do rework. By the
latter I mean the firefighting to get things back on course as processes malfunction.
Most managers seem to believe that this is their real work and their highest
value to their organization.
I see the gap between the true work of management and the things managers
actually do as the muda of management, a vast reservoir of wasted effort and lost
opportunities that we all need to address. Removing this muda is one of the
greatest challenges facing our movement in the years immediately ahead.
November 2010
(original essay for this book)
Modern Management vs. Lean Management
Managers can only do their work in the context of a management system. This consists of all the roles
and responsibilities of managers as they are connected to an organization structure that defines
authority. In this essay, also written for this book, I contrast two remarkably different systems for
conducting the work of management.
After a lot of walking through many organizations in recent years, I have
concluded that the greatest impediment to the successful introduction of lean
thinking is the modern management system that was pioneered early in the 20th
century by General Motors and adopted by most organizations. This is the type of
management that most of us have learned, either in school or on the job. There is,
of course, a contrasting management system, pioneered by Toyota shortly after
World War II, which facilitates the introduction of lean thinking.
Because this issue is so central to the success of the Lean Community, I thought it
would be useful to provide a simple comparison of the two systems. In the figure
on the next page I have listed modern management practices on the left and
compared them with the practices of lean management on the right.
Modern Management vs. Lean Management
Authority vs. Responsibility
Results vs. Process
Give answers vs. Ask questions
Plans vs. Experiments
Formal education vs. Gemba learning
Line managers and teams improve
Staffs improve processes vs.
Decisions made remotely with
vs. Decisions made on the gemba with facts
Standardization by line managers and
Standardization by staffs vs.
Go fast to go slow vs. Go slow to go fast
Vertical focus vs. Horizontal focus
This list needs some elaboration, so let me go through these points one at a time.
In each case I will describe a modern management practice first and then compare
it with an alternative lean management practice. As I do this I think you will find it
usefuland entertaining as wellto determine what type of management system
is in place at your organization.
Authority vs. Responsibility
Modern managers manage by results, to make their efforts look effective at the
end of some reporting period (when the problems have already occurred).
Unfortunately, there has never been a metric invented that cant be gamed in some
way to make the results look better than they really are. As a car dealer once told
me about the customer-satisfaction metric used by the car company supplying his
vehicles, Its a lot easier to fix the score than fix the store, so thats what I do,
and Ive been very successful.
Lean managers manage by process by knowing at all times the condition of their
process (which produces the results) so problems can be solved and
improvements implemented before rather than after the fact. This is based on the
knowledge that a good process will produce good results.
Of course, in order to succeed the lean manager must deeply understand the
process in question. This is the big impediment to managing by process in most
modern management organizations, where traditional managers often seem to have
only the vaguest notion of how processes work and are currently performing. Ill
have more to say below on the practice of understanding processes.
Give answers vs. Ask questions
Modern managers give answers to their direct reports about the nature of a
problem and its solution.
Lean managers pose questions to their problem owners about the nature of the
problem and the best available countermeasures. Doing this automatically
transfers responsibility for the problem from the higher- to a lower-level manager,
who is closer to the problem.
In authority-based management, the higher-level manager maintains the illusion
of being in control and accepts responsibility for subordinates results, even
though the best thing to do is usually impossible for the higher-level manager to
Plans vs. Experiments
Modern managers make grand plans, on the assumption that they will work
because they are lengthy and detailed. The lower-level employees job is then to
carry out the plans, which should work because they have been carefully devised
by knowledgeable people. This approach often leads to a focus on measuring
compliance and determining who to blame when a plan fails.
Lean managers treat every plan as an experiment, with rigorous and continuing
PDCA. This approach leads to a focus on discovering quickly how the plan is
working (the C) and thenthe truly important action (the A)rapidly devising
and implementing countermeasures as the plan, if it is like most plans, encounters
Formal education vs. Gemba learning
Modern managers seek formal education to advance their careers, often outside
the firm in management schools or inside the firm through executive education at a
corporate university.
Lean managers pursue gemba learning within their organization by
participating in frequent A3 cycles throughout their careers, mentored by managers
at the next higher level with longer experience in the enterprise.
Staffs improve processes vs. Line managers and teams improve
Modern managers focus vertically on the organization, with all the functions
and silos oriented toward the CEO at the top. This fits in perfectly with authority-
based management, my first point of contrast above.
Lean managers focus horizontally on the flow of value across the
organization, from the initial concept for the product and the raw materials to the
customer. This can only work by utilizing responsibility-based management where
lean managers think horizontally to solve problems by dialoguing with many
departments and functions over which they have (and can have) no authority.
Note that this last contrast is not just a matter of thinking. It must also be the way
that managers act every day if value for the customer is going to be optimized by
engaging all the people touching the process in steady improvement. It is the key to
creatively fusing purpose, process and people in a lean enterprise.
November 2010
(original essay for this book)
Managing and sustaining a lean enterprise once created is a daily challenge. But creating such an
enterprise in an organization grounded in modern management is a larger and different challenge. I view
the former task as the role for management. The latter task calls for leadership, which by its nature is
transformational. In the next section of essays I tackle the many aspects of lean transformation and
The U.S. Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr. remarked at the end of
the 19th century that the life of the law has not been logic; it has been
experience. He meant that people, including judges, change their views over time
about the way things ought to be conducted in society, based on new experience.
And the law ought to change (live) in response.
Let me paraphrase and shorten Holmes for present purposes by stating that the
life of lean is experiments. Lean practice must necessarily change over time as
experimental evidence accumulates about tools, management methods, and the best
approach to transformation. In the essays in this section you will find that I have
gradually changed my views on lean transformation over the past decadebased
on continuing observation of many experiments.
In particular I have adjusted my primary focus from applying tools to changing
management behavior as the key issue in transformation. And I expect I will
continue to modify my views in the future as evidence continues to accumulate. I
hope this is your expectation and practice as well. Otherwise lean risks dying as a
creative movement, becoming instead an arid dogma of rules to follow.
Shopping for a Sensei
This essay addresses a question about transformation that I was asked repeatedly in the early years but
much less frequently today: If I and others in my organization do not possess the needed lean
knowledge to pursue our transformation, how do we find someone to teach us? The question is still
important, but I believe that many members of the Lean Community have gained access to enough
knowledge to move beyond it. Nevertheless, I decided that this essay merits inclusion for those who are
at the start of their journey.
I get a lot of requests to help companies find lean expertise. Unfortunately, I cant
do what many of you would like: find just the right person to join your company or
just the right consultant to share his or her learning curve with you. What I can do
is to suggest guidelines for finding the lean sensei (Japanese for teacher) you
may need.
1. Start by asking whether you want to hire a senior manager to lead your lean
leap as an employee or whether retaining a consultant would be better. The third
approach is simply to do it yourself with the managers you have now, using the
many available workbooks and learning resources.
2. If you want to hire someone, look at successful lean firms and figure out who
was responsible for the transformation. (A good headhunter specializing in lean
may be able to help you find good candidates.) But be careful: I have seen many
cases of a lean firm like Toyota or Danaher where managers really only need to
maintain a system set up by others some time ago. Taking these steady-state
managersvery successful in an established lean environmentand asking them
to create order out of chaos in your environment may be asking for more
leadership than they can deliver. So be sure that both the lean skills and the ability
to create change are equal to the job before you make an offer.
3. If you want to hire a consultant, ask yourself whether you want (a) an expert in
what Mike Rother and John Shook call process kaizen who can apply specific
techniques to specific problems (like cell design or 5S or standardized work), (b)
an expert in what Mike and John call flow kaizen who can tackle entire value
streams, from a single model line to a whole company, or (c) what I call a
kaikaku specialist (a real revolutionary) who will show you the big picture by
tackling all of your value-creating activities, horizontal and vertical, as a system
to challenge all of your assumptions about your organization (including your
management system) and thoroughly stir things up. Possibly you can find one
person who can do all three, but be sure what your priorities are or you are likely
to be disappointed with the results.
4. Once you are sure of what you want in a consultant, check the previous work
of your candidates carefully by visiting the gemba at firms where they have been
involved for a considerable period of time. Did they get sustainable results? And
could they diffuse their knowledge across the client company? Or did they behave
like classic skilled tradesmen who will solve a problem but never tell how it was
done so it will always be necessary to call them back? (We call this latter
phenomenon consultant dependency.)
5. Once you are sure you have the right consultant or transformation leader, ask
yourself how you are going to internalize their knowledge and diffuse it across
your business. I continue to be amazed at how many companies think that once they
retain a highly skilled consultant or a manager with lean experience they can
simply set the lean transformation on autopilot and wait for lean thinking to
deepen and spread. By contrast, the smart company assigns some of its smartest
people to follow the senseis every move, records the techniques and methods,
and then systematically diffuses it across the organization. (Even Toyota did this
with Taiichi Ohno, who was highly resistant to writing down the principles and
techniques of TPS. One of the early assignments of Fujio Cho, who rose to
chairman, was to follow Ohno around and make sure everything was recorded and
6. As you systematically record what your transforming manager or sensei is
doing, challenge him or her with more and more difficult assignments on harder
and harder problems. Stated another way, never ask your sensei to solve the same
problem twice. Instead have the sensei solve a specific problem once, then
challenge your people to solve it the second time, perhaps with a bit of coaching.
This is the way to get the best use of your sensei, and a good sensei will respond
to the challenge.
These are simple rules, and we know that they work. Together they constitute a
simple processthat magic wordfor finding the help you need. I wish you
luck in your shopping!
Dec. 19, 2001
The next question has been asked by members of the Lean Community more frequently in recent years.
Its about the sequence to follow in implementing lean in their organizations. And they ask because they
get different advice from different sensei. (See: Dueling Sensei and the Need for a Standard
Operating System on page 143.) Members of the Community seem to deeply desire a simple answer, a
single right way that justifies their actions and protects them from criticism. Unfortunately, as I
observe in the next essay, the right sequence always depends on the situation and the resources at hand.
The Right Sequence for Implementing Lean
Recently Ive visited two truly interesting operations, one in the U.S. state of
New Hampshire, and the other outside of Chennai, India. Together they provide an
important lesson about the best sequence for lean transformations.
In New Hampshire I visited Freudenberg-NOKs Manchester molding operation,
which I have seen a number of times over the years. This facility started its lean
transformation at the beginning of the 1990s with kaizen breakthrough projects
under the GROWTTH (Get Rid of Waste Through Team Harmony) program to
cellularize operations, and then introduced smooth flow of product families
through the facility from cell to cell. Doing this highlighted the problems with
product and machine design and led to a 3P (Production Preparation Process)
initiative to get the next generation of product and process technology right. And
recently, the Manchester facility has gotten serious about six sigma, getting scrap
down to 0.7% (and even lower on some processes) from around 7% overall at the
beginning of the 1990s. Note that the sequence for the lean transformation was
kaizen to implement TPS, 3P, and six sigma.
This summer in India I visited a remarkable air-brakes plant belonging to the
TVS Group, which is one of the leanest operations I have ever seen outside of
Toyota City. TVS started its journey in the late-1980s with total quality
management (TQM), focusing on process capability. In 1996 its brake plant
became the first outside of Japan to win the Deming Prize. It then worked very
hard at TPM to make every machine available to make good parts whenever
needed. And in the past four years, it has cellularized all operations, introduced
standardized work for everyone, inaugurated periodic materials movements with
tugger routes, and initiated a pure pull system all the way through the large plant
and back to all of its suppliers. Note that the sequence was TQM, TPM, and TPS
the reverse order from the Manchester transformation.
My conclusion is that all of us making a lean leap will need to deal with
capability issues (TQM/six sigma) and with availability issues (TPM) while
removing wasted steps and introducing flow and pull in every value stream (TPS).
My further conclusion is that there is no right sequence to follow in tackling
these problems. Rather it depends on the nature of the product, the nature of the
process technology, and the nature of the business.
Where there is a right vs. a wrong is with leadership and management. Each
of these successes was undertaken at the urging of a strong change agentJoe Day
at Freudenberg-NOK and Mak Mahesh at the TVS groupand both firms focused
on getting everything right for entire product families running all the way through
the company, by means of strong value-stream management.
Oct. 11, 2002
Substituting Money for Value-Stream Management
By the time I wrote the following essay I was starting to see a disquieting pattern in lean transformation
efforts. Whether the sensei was good or bad, the sequence was right or wrong, or kaizen was applied in
the appropriate context, the focus seemed to be on pursuing a rigid program without regard to its fit with
the underlying management system. In particular I saw more and more evidence that the metrics for
judging management performance, which are the foundation of modern management, were getting in the
way of doing the right, lean thing.
I recently visited a household-name American company trying to create a lean
enterprise across its whole business after starting with an all-out six sigma
What I found is a pretty common pattern. Technical experts have conducted
hundreds of six sigma projects across the company, many involving detailed
process analysis to remove wasted steps and increase inventory turns. Meanwhile
the senior manager of each facility and of each administrative department has been
given a set of key metricseach with a stretch goal for this yearand motivated
by a bonus to reach the goals.
So whats wrong? My discussions with several facility managers quickly
highlighted the problems. Each manager has multiple value streams running
through his or her departmentalized facility, but the metrics are at the department
or facility level. Thus, natural conflicts have emerged between whats best for the
department or facility and whats best for the product as its value stream flows
from start to finish through many departments and facilities.
But this is not the only problem. At a report-out meeting at the end of my visit, I
asked the managers how they felt. The key word was exhausted. A typical
comment: We started with lots of excitement, but weve got so many projects
underway that we cant seem to get many of them finished. And we have a
problem of rapid regression once a problem is fixed and management attention
shifts to the next problem.
I felt a lot of sympathy with the facility managers and hourly associates, but not
much for the senior managers leading the company. They are committing three
common sins the Lean Community should be getting beyond:
They have no policy-deployment process to prioritize the improvement
initiatives and to narrow down to a short list of what can reasonably be
accomplished and stabilized each year.
They have no value-stream managers to look at the entire value stream for
each product family, to optimize the whole rather than the parts.
They have relied on multiple and sometimes conflicting metrics to get their
facility and department managers to do the right thing. Yet they have not given
them any useful training in how to actually improve performance. (My
saddest moment came at a lunch with an able and energetic facility manager,
who brought along his stretch goals chart as I requested. He reported that
he is working 60 hours a week and has many improvement initiatives
underway, yet has only been able to reach the stretch goal for one of the 15
metrics tied to his bonus. As it turned out, this was the only metric
completely under his control. The other 14 required the cooperation of many
departments and corporate functions.)
In short, exhortation, money, and advice from distant experts have been
substituted for the organizational changes (particularly with regard to metrics),
policy focus, and in-depth training of line managers in lean techniques that can
actually produce results.
I hope you dont see your firm in this example. And, if you do, I hope you will
take the appropriate actions so you can sustain your progress.
Nov. 13, 2002
The preceding observations from my gemba walks found their way into a revised version (2003) of my
and Dan Joness 1996 book, Lean Thinking. The next essay suggests revisions to the action plan for
lean transformation proposed in that volume.
We Have Been (Lean) Thinking
Since writing Lean Thinking, Dan Jones and I have had a lot of gratifying
experience watching members of the Lean Community resolutely apply the five
lean principles of value, value stream, flow, pull, and perfection. We also have
been encouraged by the efforts we have seen to apply the 21-step action plan to
achieve lean transformations in organizations and all the way up and down value
streams shared with suppliers and customers.
Since publication we have confirmed the fundamental soundness of the action
plan. But we have also gained additional, important insights about nine of the 21
steps that should be shared within the Lean Community:
Find a change agent: We hope this person is you or that you are lucky enough to
work for one. However, weve discovered that there are really two roles
involved in creating permanent change: pushing the old ways aside and firmly
installing the new way as a business system. In the most successful
implementations weve observed, the visible change agent (lets call this person
the leader) was assisted by system builders. These are the lean managers
sometimes behind the sceneswho methodically put all the elements of
organization and method in place so the new system continued to improve even
after the change agent moved on. In the absence of system builders, results often
last only as long as the change agent/leader is in charge.
Get the knowledge: In a parallel finding, weve discovered that we are moving
beyond the need for isolated process knowledgehow to create truly continuous
flow cells, how to install simple pull systemsto the need for comprehensive
lean system knowledge. That is, we are moving from process kaizen to flow
kaizen, which is a job for line managers rather than lean experts operating in
consultant mode or located in a lean promotion office. (These experts are still
needed, but to solve higher-level process problems rather than to repetitively
address lower-level process problems caused by a lack of effective line
Seize the crisis: Moving all your manufacturing operations to the lowest piece-
part cost location on the globe and operating there with traditional mass-
production methods does not constitute seizing the crisis! Youre probably
creating the next crisis instead.
Map your value streams: The power of this simple rule is the most surprising
thing we have learned in the past six years. We simply hadnt grasped how much
help the average manager needs in learning to see the value stream or how eagerly
managers would embrace Toyotas simple method for mapping information and
material flows. Now if only every manager and every mapping team can achieve
and sustain its beautifully drawn future state!
Reorganize your firm by product family and value stream: This is a great idea
if you can do it without creating enormous disruption. In the past six years
weve discovered that some firms really need to send a message to their functions
(e.g., engineering, purchasing, sales) to get behind value-stream thinking. A
dramatic reorganization of this sort is certainly one way. However, weve also
discovered the power of a different way: Appoint a value-stream manager for
every product familys value stream and have this person take responsibility for
defending the products interests as it goes through a functional organization. Then
create a chief value-stream manager (perhaps the chief operating officer) to
aggregate the problems being discovered by the individual value-stream managers
(which will probably be very similar) and take up these problems with the chief
executive in conference with the function heads.
A chief executive wanting to confront a firms functional sclerosis without the
chaos of a total reorganization may be able to get the same effect through this
method. And, by the way, this is how Toyota runs its predominantly functional
business through the mechanism of the chief engineer for each car line who
determines what engineering, purchasing, operations, and the other functions need
to do to make the product a success for the customer and for the company.
Create a lean promotion function: We are now even more certain that every firm
needs such a function, where its senior experts on every aspect of a perfect value
streamfrom quality to equipment availability to continuous flow and pullcan
be located. However, we also know that the lean promotion group can never
substitute for widely instilling lean skills in value-stream managers and function
leaders. Weve watched all too often as the lean team came to the scene in
firefighting mode to push muda out of the way, as line managers, function heads,
and production associates passively watched. Weve also observed as competing
experts within the lean group gave conflicting advice and thoroughly confused
even those line managers who wanted to be actively involved. Our hard-won
advice is to keep the lean team small and its message completely consistent. Then,
as time goes on, focus it on higher-level problems as line managers become lean
managers for routine tasks.
When you have fixed something, fix it again: This is an obvious point. Every
future state for your value streams, as it is achieved, must become the new current
state as you start the improvement cycle over again. But firms seem to forget the
importance of this simple maxim. Recently we were delighted to look at a process
at Freudenberg-NOK where five successive future states had been achieved over
a full decade, with each future state moving the operation decisively ahead in
terms of cost, quality, flexibility, and competitiveness. This firm provides striking
evidence that if you think you can, you really can manage toward perfection.
Utilize strategy deployment: We have found this step the hardest to master even
in our own nonprofit organizations. And weve also found that a failure to
rigorously define and deploy strategy at the outset has been the root cause of every
failed initiative. Our conclusion is that this truly is the key heavy-lifting job for the
CEO and that it never gets easier as long as an organization is traveling through a
changing market (which surely defines the path we all must follow).
At the same time, weve found that the plans so laboriously developed in the
deployment exercise are soon in need of modification. As a senior Toyota
executive once pointed out, Planning [in the form of policy deployment] is
invaluable, but the actual plans are soon worthless. His point was that the real
gain from the rigorous planning process is that every part of the organization is
forced to become aware of the effect of its own actions on every other part. The
result is that unworkable projects are deselected at the outset and all approved
projects are developed with a viewpoint for the whole organization.
Convince your supplier and customers to take the steps just described: In the
past six years weve gone through one more management fad with the dream of an
infinite supply base managed with web-enabled reverse auctions. (Remember that
the web can magically create a nearly infinite supply base for everyone if bids are
accepted from practically anyone practically anywhere.) And weve learned again
what we all should have known: Margin squeezing is easy but of little value while
real cost reduction is highly valuable but hard.
To help entire value streams moving down the low-cost, high-quality, high-
flexibility path, we have worked hard these past six years to create ways for firms
sharing a value stream to hold a civilized conversation with each other. This
conversation must focus on accurately determining the current state of the shared
value stream and thinking creatively about successive future states, leading
eventually to an ideal state. We think weve got the tool with extended value-
stream mapping, described in Seeing the Whole, and we are hopeful it will gain a
wide audience.
Since Lean Thinking was published in 1996, its amazing how much has
changed. Weve abruptly transitioned from a world where every new business
model seemed promising and practically anyone could make money, even in
manufacturing. Now we find ourselves bogged down in a world where most new
business models seem foolish. And everyone in every business is struggling just to
get by. The one constant in this sea change is the set of lean principles combined
with the action plan. These ideas worked then and they work now for any firm in
any industry willing to try them.
May 21, 2003
Additional reading:
Dan Jones and Jim Womack, Seeing the Whole (Cambridge, MA: Lean
Enterprise Institute, 2003).
Mike Rother and John Shook, Learning to See, (Cambridge, MA: Lean
Enterprise Institute, 1999).
Jim Womack and Dan Jones, Lean Thinking, Second Edition, Chapter 15,
Institutionalizing the Revolution (New York: Free Press, 2003).
Despite my confidence in the core lean principles of value, value stream, flow, pull, and perfection, and
progress in refining the action plan, I continued to encounter situations I describe in the next essay: lean
transformation efforts thwarted by abstract arguments between competing sensei about the single best
way to proceed. This flies in the face of the simple proposition that the life of lean is experiments. All
authority for any sensei flows from experiments on the gemba, not from dogmatic interpretations of
sacred texts or the few degrees of separation from the founders of the movement. In short, lean is not a
religion but a daily practice of conducting experiments and accumulating knowledge.
Dueling Sensei and the Need for a Standard
Operating System
Recently I witnessed a sight Ive seen too many times before. I was visiting a
company when a new sensei arrived to advise on the firms lean conversion. The
first thing the sensei said to the vice president for operations was, My method
has nothing in common with the method of your previous sensei. You must now do
everything my way.
The sad part was that both the new sensei and the previous sensei have strong
Toyota Production System experience and approach most issues the same way. But
the impression was quickly created that lean is not necessarily lean, and the
leaders of the company were thrown into confusion.
Its hardly surprising that sensei act this way. They maximize their power by
insisting that only they understand lean thinking. What I do find surprising is that
so many companies still depend on an outside source to define (and redefine) their
fundamental operating system, their approach to process management and
improvement. And if they do have a consistent approach they fail to write it down
clearly and simply so that all managers can approach the same problem the same
Companies are not unaware of this issue, and many in the past have written
lengthy manualsthe Ford Production System comes to mindto set down the
companys methods. But these were usually so lengthy and complex that few
managers ever mastered the details. In addition, there was too big a gap between
the high principles and the essential, day-to-day operating methods. Recently the
trend seems to be toward shorter and more precise operating systemsGMs
Global Manufacturing System comes to mindthat managers find easier to follow
and that seem to be producing better results.
But most firms still have a long way to go. To judge how your firm is doing just
ask yourself a few simple questions:
Do we have a standard, lean way to conduct plant operations that everyone
understands and agrees on?
Do we have a standard, lean way to interact with our suppliers on an
operational level that everyone understands?
Do we have a standard, lean way to interact with our customers on an
operational level that everyone understands?
And most important, Would a new manager just arriving at a facility or in a
new area of responsibility immediately know what to do, as prescribed by
our operating system, and do it the standard way?
Please note that this is not a recipe for rigid, top-down rules, developed by a
staff group and unrelated to actual conditions. Rather, it is a prescription for a top-
down, bottom-up processled by a companys senior operations managersto
precisely define a companys operating system, to get agreement from everyone
that it is currently the best known way to conduct operations, and then to teach it to
every manager.
Of course, it is then important to continuously conduct experimentsthats what
kaizen isto search for better operating methods and to incorporate new methods
in the standard system once they are proved superior. This is where an outside
sensei is often most helpful, to spur thinking about better methods.
Sept. 11, 2003
As a result of more gemba walks, in which I observed organizations trying to implement lean methods
on a foundation of chaos, I started to wonder if most transformation efforts were starting in the wrong
place and, therefore, never moving far beyond their starting point. The next essay tackles this problem.
Mura, Muri, Muda?
When my first daughter was born in 1986, the young men I supervised in MITs
International Motor Vehicle Program went dashing out of the office to buy her a
gift. They returned shortly with a pink T-shirt, size one, with the stenciled message
on the front: Muda, Mura, Muri.
My wife was bewilderedIs this how guys welcome a baby girl?! But I could
understand. We had made an intense effort that summer to grasp these new
Japanese terms for waste (muda), unevenness in demand not caused by the end
customer (mura), and overburdening of people and equipment (muri). These terms
had entered our lives when John Krafcik joined our team from NUMMI, the
Toyota/GM joint venture in California. The boys just wanted to share their
enthusiasm and took the first opportunity at hand.
Our understanding at that time was that muda, mura, muri was a logical
improvement sequence for lean thinkers. And we suggested starting with muda,
which is any activity that is waste because it doesnt add value for the consumer
but does consume resources.
Conveniently, Taiichi Ohno at Toyota had long before provided a list of the
seven types of muda that was an excellent guide for action. So we urged managers
to immediately tackle overproduction (beyond what the next customer currently
needs) plus unnecessary waiting, conveyance, processing, inventory, motion, and
An additional virtue of starting with muda was that many types could be removed
from a narrow area without the need to coordinate with the larger organization or
across firms. For example, machines could be moved together quickly in a kaizen
exercise to create a cellto eliminate the muda of waiting, conveyance,
inventory, and motion. And this could be done without disturbing (or getting the
permission of) the broader production system. We believed that the progressive
elimination of muda would pave the way for tackling mura and muri.
That was the theory. But now its striking to me how much effort weve expended
on eliminating muda and how little attention we have given to mura and muri. As a
case in point, the American car companies announced [in July 2006] new
incentive schemes that will sell a large number of vehicles over a brief period,
running down excessive inventories. This will lead to additional overproduction
at the factories, which will lead to more inventories, which will lead to more
incentives, which will lead to [as we now know but I strongly suspected then,
the collapse of Detroit and the ultimate mura].
Meanwhile this unevenness in sales and production that is quite unrelated to any
desires being expressed by customers (a common type of mura) will undercut the
efforts of the entire organizationfrom sales to purchasingto eliminate muda
And in most companies we still see the mura of trying to make the numbers at
the end of reporting periods. (Which are themselves completely arbitrary batches
of time.) This causes sales to write too many orders toward the end of the period
and production mangers to go too fast in trying to fill them, leaving undone the
routine tasks necessary to sustain long-term performance. This wave of orders
causing equipment and employees to work too hard as the finish line approaches
creates the overburden of muri. This in turn leads to downtime, mistakes, and
backflowsthe muda of waiting, correction, and conveyance. The inevitable
result is that mura creates muri that undercuts previous efforts to eliminate
In short, mura and muri are now the root causes of muda in many organizations.
Even worse they can put muda back that managers and operations teams have just
So I would give some different advice to the boys at MIT if they were preparing
that T-shirt today. I would tell them to have it read Mura, Muri, Muda.
(Although the mother wouldnt be any less bewildered.) And I have the same
advice for managersespecially senior managerstrying to create lean
Take a careful look at your mura and your muri as you start to tackle your muda.
Ask why there should be any more variation in your activities than called for by
customer behavior. Then ask how the remaining, real variation in customer
demand can be smoothed internally to stabilize your operations. Finally ask how
overburdens on your equipment and peoplefrom whatever causecan be
steadily eliminated.
This will be hard work, and will require courage because it will often require
you to rethink longstanding sales, management, and accounting practices that
create the mura and muri. However, if you can eliminate mura and muri at the
outset to create a stable environment for your sales, operations, and supply-
management teams, you will discover that muda can be removed much faster. And
once removed it will stay removed.
July 6, 2006
The one thing most lean practitioners have seemed to agree on is that kaizen is the path to transforming
processes and organizations. And kaizen is a wonderful thing. But as I walked through organization
after organization, observing their kaizen efforts, I began to see that there was an additional dimension
to transformation and a proper context for kaizen. This is the subject of the next essay.
Kaizen or Rework?
I recently visited a contract electronics manufacturer with a striking capacity for
kaizenthe steady improvement of every step along its key value streams. Dozens
of kaizen events were being performed across the company to eliminate wasted
steps and to remedy quality, availability, adequacy, and flexibility problems in
each value stream. At the same time, kaizen teams were trying to speed continuous
flow and to perfect pull systems when flow was not possible.
The managers were pleased with their work, and I had to admire both their
technical skills and their enthusiasm for rapid improvement involving the
employees touching each value stream. However, I also noted that most of the
value streams being improved were for products that had been launched recently. I
wondered why so much kaizen was necessary.
Indeed, I pondered whether the kaizen effort was analogous to old-fashioned,
end-of-the line quality inspection in mass-production organizations. Value streams
for new products were being put in place without adequate thought to lean
principles or sufficient rigor in thinking through the details of every step and
action. Kaizen teams were then inspecting the processes once in operation, finding
them far from lean, and launching waves of corrective action.
Given that many bad practices had been built into the value streams, these kaizen
efforts were necessary and highly productive. But why wasnt the organization
performing lean process design as an integral part of the development process?
And was the organizations skill in after-the-fact kaizenthat is, its talent for
process reworkactually reducing the pressure for the hard conversations about
lean process development that ought to be taking place during product
development instead?
As Ive reflected on this situation, Ive wondered if the practices of Toyota and
other lean pioneers have been misunderstood. Kaizen is an important activity at
Toyota and involves all employees. But new processes launched at Toyota are
usually extraordinarily lean to begin with, and postlaunch kaizen is a small part of
Toyotas competitive advantage.
The secret lies in Toyotas product/process development system that focuses on
creating profitable operational value streamsto use a favorite phrase of the
late Allen Ward. These streams have been thoroughly prekaizened by examining
every step in the proposed production and fulfillment process long before launch.
The first step is to make sure someone is responsible for thinking about the
whole process needed to bring a new product from order to delivery. By thinking
about the production process at the same time the product design is being
evaluated, its possible to optimize both.
The second step is to lay out the process on paper and consider the different
ways that it might be conducted. For new types of products requiring new
processes it is particularly important to consider a number of different ways the
whole process and each step might be conducted and to conduct simple
experiments to see which way works best. (This is the process development
analogue of the set-based concurrent engineering methods used to evaluate
different approaches to the design of the product. Its also a key element in the
Production Preparation Process (3P) now conducted by advanced lean
The third step is to test new ways of conducting process steps with simple
prototypeseven cardboard mockupsto learn how well they actually work.
(Another element of 3P.) The knowledge gained from these experiments then needs
to be written down and turned into the experience curves of the sort Toyota
develops from experiments with simple prototypes of new products.
(In fact, this knowledge is Toyotas great advantage in concurrently and rapidly
developing new products and processes. At this point, most of Toyotas
production processes are highly standardized and fully documented. Most new
product designs only need to comply with well-understood process requirements
to launch as smoothly flowing streams. By contrast, most organizations I visit have
poorly documented processes with weak standards and little real knowledge of
tradeoffs in designing a process one way vs. another. They will need a lean leap
in consciousness and practice in order to catch up.)
Once the best process is determined, which may result in changes to the product
design as well, the next step is to finalize equipment designs and information
management systems.
Finally, its time to develop standardized work for every step in the value stream
and standardized management for the whole value stream. This includes a training
plan for every employee, a plan for every part, and a maintenance plan for every
piece of equipment.
If all of these actions have been completed by the start of production, the value
stream should be very lean from the first item delivered. Kaizen will still be
important, based on hansei (reflection) about the performance of the process once
operating. But it can start from a higher level in a more stable process so that
additional rapid improvement is actually easier.
Its my feeling that many organizations are now ready to elevate their level of
play. As I hope Ive made clear, this does not entail de-emphasizing the idea of
kaizen, but rather performing the PDCA process that is at the heart of kaizen inside
the development process. This will insure that every new value stream for every
new product commences its productive life as a lean stream.
Given the steady reduction in the length of product lives, I believe that it will
become ever more important to achieve process quality at the source.
Otherwise, the product may be ready to go out of production before process
problems are ever addressed through kaizen as rework.
Aug. 22, 2007
Additional reading:
Allen C. Ward, Lean Product and Process Development (Cambridge, MA: Lean
Enterprise Institute, 2007).
By this point in my observation of transformations I was seeing very clearly that to get off dead center
and move down the path, it is necessary to remove a special type of waste. The next essay presents a
striking example.
The Worst Form of Muda
I recently traveled to India where I added some new souvenirs to the collection I
have assembled from every country I have visited: special reasons why lean is
impossible in local conditions.
At a series of conferences on lean thinking, a number of senior Indian managers
explained that their organizations dont have the discipline to create and operate a
lean enterprise. Others solemnly told me told me that a lean logistics system
would be quite impossible on Indias chaotic and crowded roads. The media
who everywhere seem to focus on bad news and impossibilitiesseemed to
agree. Every interviewer started by asking me how undisciplined Indian managers
using chaotic Indian infrastructure could hope to copy Toyota, Honda, and other
lean organizations.
This is all part of what I think of as the worst form of muda: Thinking you cant.
This of course guarantees you cant. Henry Ford probably said it best when he
noted, Whether you think you can or whether you think you cant, youre right.
Thinking you cant is the worst form of muda because it thwarts your tackling the
other, more-familiar forms of waste.
The fun in collecting these defeatist sentiments is that it is always possible to
demonstrate at some place in the country in question that they are completely
wrong. Indeed, this is one of the most important tasks of the lean institutes around
the world.
As part of my Indian trip I visited the WABCO-TVS manufacturing facility
outside Chennai. (See The Right Sequence for Implementing Lean on page 131
for my reactions on an earlier visit.) The managers there decided in 2000 that they
could create a lean enterprise. I first visited this facility in 2002 and found that
they were well on their way. And I am happy to report that because they thought
they could and continue to think they can, they have largely succeeded in the
manufacturing portion of their business.
At the outset they retained a few foreign advisors with good lean educations but
quickly internalized what those advisors had to teach. They then embarked on a
rigorous strategy deployment exercise to determine which steps should be taken in
what order, based on business needs, to transform what had been an orthodox
mass-production manufacturing operation.
Eight years later they have achieved basic stability (capability plus availability)
in each manufacturing step. This has permitted them to successfully cellularize and
introduce single-piece flow in all machining and assembly operations,
accompanied by precise standardized work. It has also permitted managers to
install a pull system throughout the facility using kanban and water spiders moving
products and information at frequent intervals, with very little work-in-process
inventories. Meanwhile, visual controls have been installed to a remarkable
degree, 5S is maintained, and every production employee from top to bottom
participates in a kaizen activity every week.
What I always find the most fun in manufacturing transformations is when I
encounter machines and tools made by the plant that are right-sized, capable,
available, flexible, and cheap. As C. Narasimhan, the former head of the operation
and the force behind the transformation, remarked during my tour, Why do
catalogue engineers buy fancy machines that immediately need unnecessary
kaizen in order to work properly in their context? Why not just build them right
from the beginning? And this facility has done just this, with many examples
across the operation.
Meanwhile, downstream toward the customer and upstream to suppliers,
WABCO-TVS has been introducing frequent deliveries to precise customer need
using milk runs on chaotic Indian roads. A small amount of safety stock is needed
beyond what would be required in a less taxing environment. But the system
works just fine, reducing total inventories and costs while improving quality
through rapid feedback.
WABCO-TVS is not perfect or complete. The lean transformation in product
development, supplier management, and business processes outside of production
still lies in the future. And a problem-solving culture at every level of management
is a work in progress. Therefore the management team has a list of additional
actions to be taken in the next year, even as the company grows steadily to meet
rising demand. These actions are clearly shown on simple charts in a situation
room, broken out by specific tasks for each area of the organization. This makes
visual one of the most comprehensive and disciplined strategy deployment
processes I have found.
Future challenges notwithstanding, the operations aspect of WABCO-TVS is
lean by any reasonable definition and getting steadily leaner. This remarkable
feat has already been achieved in a country where many managers still think it
will be impossible.
Let me conclude by hoping that you and the management of your organization
think you can. Every company in every country can come up with unique reasons
why it cant. Yet all we need do to remove the worlds most harmful form of
wastethe one that prevents our tackling all of the othersis to reboot our
thinking and point ourselves resolutely in the right direction by acting on the
deeply empowering belief that we can.
Aug. 14, 2008
Constancy of Purpose
After more years of watching experiments on the gemba, it became clearer to me that one of the
admonitions in the original action plan for a lean transformation that Dan Jones and I enunciated in 2006
was in need of modification. It turns out that even the most able transformational leaders need more
then the five years we had allotted to complete a lean transformation. It follows that sticking to it is a
critical element of success, as discussed in the next essay about constancy in pursuing organizational
purpose. Getting the right thing donewhatever it might bethrough constancy of management focus
is critical to a successful lean transformation.
The first of Dr. W. Edwards Demings 14 Points is create constancy of purpose
for continual improvement of products and service to society. When I first read
this many years ago it seemed so simple and obvious. How could anyone not have
constancy of purpose?
Now that Im older and wiser, or at least older, I have discovered that this
simple attitude is often the missing element when managers set out to create a lean
enterprise. Organizations start with the best intentions, launch a lean program, gain
some initial results, lose their focus (perhaps as a result of an economic crisis
when many employees are let go?), and backslide to their original state of
performance. They then set off again with the best intentions. The power of
constancy of purpose hit me with particular force recently when I visited a firm
that started its lean journey 14 years ago and has truly practiced Demings first
point. I found the story so compelling that I would like to share it.
Its about Bob and Ed, although these are not their real names. In June of 1995
Bob approached me at a conference I had organized and announced emphatically
that he was going to create a true lean enterprise. Because I had heard this
statement of good intentions many times before and because Bob was only a plant
manager in one business unit of a corporation with many business units and plants,
I told him frankly that I doubted he would get anywhere. But I pointed out a few
other people at the conference he might talk to if he needed specific advice on
how to get going. And I never expected to hear from him again.
About two months later Bob called to announce that he and his controller Ed had
gotten started in their plant and that they wished me to inspect what they were
doing. Then they wanted me to give a pep talk at a business-unit-wide operations
event for all plant managers as their first step in spreading the word.
I went with some trepidation. There is nothing more awkward than visiting eager
managers in the first flush of lean enlightenment who need to hear how little they
have actually done and how far they need to go.
But at least I was not disappointed with the opportunities at hand. Their massive
facility was organized in process villages for all fabrication activities. An
inaccurate MRP scheduled all operations, there were turnbacks everywhere for
rework (not planned by the MRP), there was no visible standardized work, and
there were large inventories between each processing step and assembly step. The
facility had approximately 0.5S (as opposed to 5S), the primary workforce was
disengaged, and the management team below Bob and Ed was firefighting with no
focus on the big issues. The predictable results were long lead times, poor on-
time performance to customer schedules, costs much higher than necessary, and a
company in financial distress. In sum, everything that could be wrong was wrong
with the exception of a few model areas where Bob and Ed had tried their first
The one thing the plant did have going for it was Bob and Eds constancy of
purpose. As I walked through the operation, I quickly realized that I had been
wrong at the conference. As I met the team they had formed, saw the boldness of
their initial experiments, and felt their extraordinary intensity, focus, and tenacity
on the gemba, I knew they would get somewhere and that it would be worth my
while to observe. So I have been back four times over the years to check on their
What did they do? Their first step over the first four years was to identify the
basic product-family value streams and to create flow by removing unnecessary
steps and lining up the remaining steps adjacent to each other in process sequence.
As they did this they soon learned that they needed to create basic stability by
making each step both capable (in terms of good quality every time) and available
(in the sense that every piece of technology was able to run when it needed to run
to support flow in the process.) Achieving this by introducing rigorous
standardized work, quality at the source, and a plan for every machine was their
second step. This was pursued not just in one plant but across the business unit as
Bob and Ed were promoted to lead Operations and Improvement for all of the
subsidiarys facilities.
Four years into their transformation (which was already much longer than most
lean journeys last), Bob and Ed were ready for a dramatic third step, which was
to introduce rigorous strategy deployment at every level of the company. (Today
their strategy-deployment process is the most rigorous and comprehensive I have
seen. As I recently talked with those working on this years strategy deployment in
different streams, I realized again that if strategy deployment isnt driving you
crazy, you arent doing strategy deployment. This is because the whole idea is to
flesh out for resolution the contradictions and conflicts between value streams and
functions that remain well-hidden in most organizations.)
As the organization rolled out strategy deployment, it also instituted a rapid
problem-resolution process, and redoubled the focus on standardized work. These
are versions of the three key lean management techniques we advocate at LEI:
Strategy deployment cascading from the top with feedback loops to set direction
and gain alignment. A3 analysis to deploy the policy initiatives from above,
resolve problems in day-to-day operations, and evaluate proposals from below.
And standardized work with standard management and kaizen to sustain capability
and availability while steadily improving performance.
As a fourth step in their transformation, Bob and Ed then reorganized the entire
$1 billion business into a number of horizontal value-streams with dedicated
engineers, production teams, purchasing, etc.
Their two final steps in creating a lean enterprise were to transform the product
and process development process to incorporate lean principles and to convert a
very conventional purchasing organization into a lean supply management team.
The last step is just being completed after a 14-year journey.
With the complete lean business system now in place, the current challenge
facing the management team is to globalize operations and the supply stream.
Their objective is to better support customers around the world without losing the
hard-won, line-of-sight ability to deal with problems in real time.
A final challenge lies not far aheadone few organizations have faced. How can
Bob, now the president of the business unit, and Ed, now the vice president of
operations, hand off the lean journey to the next generation of management as they
approach retirement age?
Bob and Eds journey is inspiring. Indeed, as I look at the last 14 years, I ask
what would have happened to the world economy if every plant manager and
controller had had their constancy of purpose to completely transform an entire
management and business system. What if by doing this every manager in every
firm had increased labor productivity nearly sixfold, cut the needed space per unit
of output by 75%, achieved nearly perfect quality with 100% on-time delivery to
customers, steadily improved margins, and rapidly grown sales? We would be
living in a very different and much better world. So following their path must be
the challenge for the rest of us.
As we set off, I need to emphasize one additional point, perhaps the most
important. Bob and Ed started their journey in the trough of a major recession in
their industry. As their firm struggled to fund development programs in 1997, it
was acquired by a giant firm completely unaware of what they were doing and
managed on different principles. Most managers would have been completely
distractedlike most managers today at this traumatic point in history? They
would have lost their concentration, just trying to get through the day under new
ownership. But these managers had set a course, and they sailed steadily ahead
through some rough seas. This is the real challenge for all of us nowto seize the
current crisis, set a steady course, and turn todays chaos to a useful end.
Feb. 11, 2009
Now that Bob and Ed have started giving public presentations about their journey, I can reveal that Bob
is actually Greg Peters and Ed is actually Martin Lodge of Goodrich Corp. Subsequent to the writing of
this essay Greg was promoted to leadership of the operational excellence program for the entire
Goodrich Corp., while Martin continues as the vice president of operations at Goodrich Aerostructures.
The latter is the business unit where Greg and Martin conducted their many experiments starting in 1994
when Greg was a plant manager and Martin was the plants controller.
After walking the gemba on every continent except Antarctica, Im still pondering why transformation is
so much harder than it should be. In this last essay on transformation I arrive at my current hypothesis
about the root cause: the horizontal nature of the lean thought process in a vertical world. Stated another
way, its a matter of the needs of the process (as reviewed in the set of essays on process) running into
the needs of traditional organizations and managers (as described earlier in the essay Making
Everyone Whole on page 54). Whats needed to bridge this gap and continue the transformation is the
value-stream manager, a currently rare species.
Becoming Horizontal in a Vertical World
One of my favorite value-stream walks is with the senior managers of several
organizations who share and jointly manage a value-creating process that stretches
all the way from raw materials to the end customer. Ive been taking walks of this
sort for more than 20 years, and I usually see the same thing: smart, hard-working
managers, each trying to optimize their portion of the value stream. They also
wonder why there is so much inventory, interruption, and waste along the stream
and why it is so hard to truly satisfy the customer waiting at the end.
This is what I usually see because we live in a world where everything is
oriented verticallydepartments, functions, enterprises, and, very important,
individualsdespite the fact that the flow of value to the customer is horizontal
across all the departments, functions, and enterprises. Andheres the really odd
partevery manager and employee touching the value stream knows intuitively,
just below the surface, that value flows horizontally and that customers have no
interest at all in the vertical constraints interrupting the flow.
So whats the problem? Why is it so hard for us to act horizontally rather than
just work around (or simply ignore) the enormous problems of being vertical?
I hate to say, but the problem begins with you and me. We are all points along the
stream, standing tall in our own estimation, and our first objective is to optimize
ourselves, our own point! Given this, its not surprising that we first seek to
optimize our department (where our boss, our personnel evaluation, and our
career path reside) and then our function and then, maybe, our enterprise, with no
energy left over for optimizing the whole stream.
But lets not be too hard on ourselves. Our personal objectives, compensation,
and career trajectories strongly direct us to look up, for fear of falling down,
rather to look from side to side, in hopes of doing better. We arent so much bad
peopleat least Im not!as good people working in a bad management process.
However, unless we can devise a new framework for thinking together about the
horizontal flow of value in a way that makes everyone better off, we will all
continue to act as we always have. The predictable result is frustrating work lives
and an exasperating experience for customers.
How can we do better? The first step is simple. Take a walk together along the
stream to see, and to reach agreement on, what is really happening and the
problems the current state causes managers, employees, and customers. Then draw
a map that everyone touching the stream can see, and post this as the baseline.
This step always produces amazement and then relief that all of the dysfunctions
and conflicts are finally out in the open.
Next, make someone responsible for leading a team involving every function and
firm touching the value stream to envision a value-creating process that better
solves customer problems while saving time and money. Then ask why this cant
be created and seek the root cause. Part of the problem may be technical, and
some outside help may be needed when skills are lacking. But in my experience,
the critical problems are more likely to be organizational across multiple
functions and enterprises. For example, money may need to be spent at one point
(for facilities, equipment, training, new packaging of goods, etc.) and behaviors
may need to change at this or other points to create a better result for the whole
But why would the managers of the factory or the warehouse or the retailer do
this when all of the benefit goes to one or a few points elsewhere along the
stream? And why would employees cooperate in rethinking work when they may
individually have more work or no work at all? The answer, of course, is that they
wont, and everyone involved will spend their time instead on explanations of
why the failure to improve performance is everyone elses fault. A classic
prisoners dilemma in which everyone gets to stay in their vertical jail!
So the job of the value-stream managerwho it should be noted has no authority
over most and perhaps all of the departments and firms involvedis to take
responsibility for the performance of the whole value stream and discover ways to
make everyone along the stream whole as the stream is improved. In the end, the
senior leaders of all the departments, functions, and firms will need to agree with
the plan, arrange compensation mechanisms for those who would otherwise be
losers, and make sure that everyone touching the stream has incentives aligned
with the goal of optimizing the stream.
But the first steps are to raise consciousness, create the vision, highlight the
problems to be overcome, identify the costs of improvement along with the
benefits of success, and describe the ways to offset costs with benefits to achieve
a positive-sum solution. Without taking these initial steps, starting with a simple
walk together, we will all continue along our vertical path, where value-stream
performance is a stagnant, horizontal line.
May 18, 2010
Transformation, as I used this term in the previous section, is about leaders
converting individual organizations from modern to lean. By diffusion I mean
something quite different, notably the spread of lean concepts from their point of
origin in manufacturing operations to every process in every organization and to
every sector of the economy.
Transformation is mostly the work of individuals. Sometimes a few heroes really
are needed as well as a lot of farmers. But diffusion is better thought of as a social
process in which new ideas originating on the manufacturing gemba influence
practices in other parts of manufacturing firms and in sectors of the economy far
from manufacturing.
In this section I examine the process of diffusionremember that transformation
and diffusion are both processesin the office inside manufacturing firms, in the
upstream activities of the supply base, and in the downstream activities of the
service organization. Then I look at the process of diffusion to activities far
beyond manufacturing, ranging from air travel to healthcare. Finally, I ask why
entrepreneurs cant start and sustain every new business as a lean enterprise rather
than creating a traditional business that soon needs transformation.
Lean Beyond the Factory
Lean thinkers have made big strides in recent years in creating smoothly flowing
product family streams running horizontally across production operations.
However, these primary processes in the factory are only a small fraction of the
total value-creating processes within manufacturing firms. And until recently the
lean movement has had little to say about the other processes, often hidden from
view in the office.
About a year ago [in 2003], I spoke to the senior management of General Motors
about the challenge of leaning the office. The occasion was the launch of an
ambitious effort to apply the lean-thinking principles of GMS (their Global
Manufacturing System) to every office process in GM. It is hardly possible to
quickly lean every process in a vast business like GM, but the results to date
have been quite remarkable and have caused me to think about broadening the
focus of the lean movement to include the entire range of business processes.
I hadnt pursued this before because of horrible memories of business process
reengineering. This consulting phenom-enon came roaring through North America
and then Europe during the recession of 199192, when many big companies were
desperate to cut costs at least as fast as sales were falling.
The ideaas popularized by Michael Hammer and James Champy in the best-
seller Reengineering the Corporationwas for special teams of process
reengineers (often led by outside consultants) to analyze key processes, identify
the waste, and quickly remove it to create smoothly flowing processes at much
lower cost.7
The problem was that most of the reengineers lacked a credible method or any
experience, and they gained little cooperation from employees. In the end, many
employees were laid off to meet consultant promises to management for almost
instant paybacks on investment. But few processes were successfully
reengineered. In fact, the most enduring effect of this episode was the American
comic strip Dilbert, created by Scott Adams, whose beleaguered protagonist first
came to public attention as the dogged survivor of reengineering efforts in his
This experience was so negative that I was reluctant for the lean movement to
tackle office processes until experience was gained about how to improve
processes the right way, using a rigorous method and with employee buy-in.
During the past year, as I have watched the GM experiment, I also have heard
frequently from lean practitioners around the world who are moving from the
factory into the office. As a result, I have concluded that we now have the
knowledge, and that its time to expand our scope.
As with any lean effort, the key steps are to:
Identify the key processes to tackle (in the same way we draw up a product
family matrix in the factory).
Draw an accurate current-state map of each process.
Apply the key lean principles to envision a leaner future state for each
Implement this future state in a way that can be sustained.
James P. Womack and Daniel T. Jones, Lean Solutions (New York: Free Press,
Even when there is a will to walk all the way to the end of the value stream, there is still a need for a
rigorous method for analyzing and improving the customer support process. Fortunately, several lean
thinkers have taken on this challenge, which is the topic of the next essay.
The Missing Link
I have a great stove, not that I cook that much. Its shiny, sophisticated, and full of
capabilities, most of which I never use. Ive been very happy with this brilliant
object and its manufacturer for more than five years. Until, that is, the last few
weeks when it needed its first repair.
I called the service organization of the manufacturer and arranged a technician
visit after a number of calls and callbacks. When the technician arrived it was
easy to identify the problem. Indeed, I had accurately described the problem over
the phone. But the technician hadnt gotten the information and didnt have the
right replacement parts. So a second visit was arranged.
On the second visit the technician thought that the parts were right but the
installation instructions were somehow incomplete. After a lengthy phone
discussion with the technical-support organization at the manufacturerwhich I
was paying for because the technician was charging by the hourthe parts were
installed. And they promptly failed. They werent the right parts after all. So a
third visit was arranged.
Three times perfect is a common expression in English, although as mysterious
in its precise number as the Five Whys, six sigma, and seven wastes. And this
seemed to be the case this time. The new parts were installed, the stove worked
properly, and the job was finished. Except that the technicianwho finished up
the job while I foolishly stepped away to do some workforgot to align the
heavy, hard-to-move stove properly with the kitchen counters, leaving it sticking
out with a large gap at the rear. So a fourth visit was arranged. (So much for the
magic of three.)
Now everything is fine. But look at the unnecessary time and cost, both for me as
the customer and for the service organization. And I see this sort of drama all the
time: Faltering technical support for computers and IT links at the office. The
inability to keep those moving jetways, walkways, and escalators at the airport
actually moving. The brilliant lean machine I examined on a recent value-stream
walk in a very lean factory that was unavailable due to a mysterious series of
My conclusion: There is a missing link between the worlds brilliant objects
now cheaper and better in many cases because of lean thinking applied to their
design and manufactureand support for these objects in customer hands through
their useful lives.
Lean thinkers now need to bridge this gap, and I am happy to report that Dave
Brunt and John Kiff at the Lean Enterprise Academy in the United Kingdom, in
collaboration with Dan Jones, have recently formalized a process for highly
effective customer support. They have conducted a series of experiments to apply
lean thinking to car repairs, and what they have learned deserves to be widely
known because it is so powerful and so useful to anyone in any customer support
The place to start is by drawing a map of the current state of the car-maintenance
process. This consists of all of the stepsvalue-creating and wastefulcurrently
required from the time the customer calls for an appointment until the vehicle is
given back to the customer at the end of the repair cycle.
Once the map is drawn, it is time to ask how well the process is performing to
deliver value to the customer as well as good business results for the provider.
Determining this requires going far beyond typical customer satisfaction measures
(rate your satisfaction with your dealers service on a scale of 1 to 10) to
discover how frequently a service job is performed right the first time on time
RFTOT is rarely measured by dealers or car companies but is the underlying
basis of satisfaction. And be prepared for the worst: surveys across the world
by the International Car Distribution Program consistently show that car repairs
are only performed RFTOT in six cases out of 10. Thats 1.75 sigma!
No process can be improved if the work needing to be done is a continuous
surprise with no opportunity to plan. Fortunately, by careful prediagnosis of
vehicles coming in for repairs it is possible to predict which vehicle will need
what type of service and to preorder parts. Prediagnosis involves a careful
telephone or email discussion with the customer about the nature of the problem
using a checklist administered by a staff member with sound technical knowledge.
A second customer contact just prior to the service confirms there are no new
problems (and also increases the likelihood the vehicle will be brought in on
time). And an inspection of the vehicle the moment it arrives at the dealer
confirms the diagnosis and provides the customer with the precise cost of the
A few types of jobs account for a large fraction of total car repairs. For example,
mileage- or time-based tuneups on vehicles that are otherwise running fine. By
creating different value streamsone for high-volume jobs which can be done
quickly, another for more complex jobs that can be accurately prediagnosed, and a
third for jobs where the problem is not known prior to detailed investigation in the
service bayit is possible to smooth and speed the flow of work for most jobs
with tremendous benefits for customer response time and process productivity.
Even with the best prediagnosis and assignment of jobs to the correct value
stream, flow can still be disrupted if the right parts, tools, technical information,
and technicians arent available at the moment the work needs to be done. (Note
my frustration with my stove repair. Even when I tried hard to help the provider
prediagnose my problem, the right parts and information still werent available.
This brought the job to a halt and necessitated a time-consuming restart.) So the
provider must have a robust system for pulling all the needed items to the point of
use at just the right time.
And finally, every step in the process must be capable, in the sense of perfect
quality at the source, in order to increase velocity while avoiding rework at the
end of the process or once problems are discovered by the customer.
Achieving all of these objectives requires that someone be responsible for the
performance of the entire service process and that visual measures be put in place,
such as schedule and progress boards, so that the status of the process is instantly
visible and any problems are traced to their root causes.
The consequence of creating a lean stream is that maintenance and repairs can be
done RFTOT in a vastly higher fraction of cases at dramatically lower cost.
David Brunt and John Kiff have recently verified this hypothesis through their
experiments with car dealers in Europe, raising RFTOT on vehicles that could be
prediagnosed from 60% to 94%, and cutting the cost of the typical repair by 30%.
A win-win for the customer and the service providers.
So instead of being fatalistic about the potential for lean maintenance and repairs
in the organization where you work, I hope you will help take the lead in applying
lean customer-support techniques. You will be building a stronger enterprise. And
as other organizations follow your companys example, there will be an extra
benefit. You will have helped build a more satisfying life for yourself as a
Feb. 7, 2008
Additional reading:
Dave Brunt and John Kiff, Creating Lean Dealers (Goodrich, UK: Lean
Enterprise Academy, 2007).
If we allow ourselves to dream for a minute, we can easily imagine creating lean enterprises running
from the customer back to raw materials in the world of manufactured products. But this great
achievement would still leave the great majority of the worlds value-creating activities untouched.
Diffusion really becomes a serious and powerful phenomenon when the Lean Community turns its
efforts to transforming the world of services. I have therefore devoted a number of my essays to lean
diffusion in different sectors. Air travel as been one of my favorites, perhaps because I have written
most of these essays while flying to and from my gemba walks. However, diffusing lean further and
further from its point of origin will never be easy.
Lean Thinking for Air Travel
Recently I got a call from an aide to the chairman of American Airlines. This
person wanted to apply lean thinking to air travel and asked what I thought about
their lean idea.
It turned out that American was making plans to smooth the flow of passengers
and aircraft through their major hubs in Dallas and Chicago. The idea was to
spread out arrivals and departures so that planes would come and go at a fairly
steady rate through the day, rather than in the massive waves required by classic
hub-and-spoke systems. (They apparently thought this was some type of heijunka.)
The new approach would require fewer gate staff, and airplanes would wait in
shorter queues to take off (possibly permitting the airline to squeeze in one more
roundtrip per plane per day). What the aide wanted was for me to certify that this
was lean air travel.
I responded, as I always do, You should start with value from the standpoint of
the customer. Does this proposal make the passenger better off, and will the
passenger be willing to pay for it? And it turned out that rolling pulses are
actually designed to make better use of airline assets. The traveler arriving in a
hub to change planes could now expect somewhat smaller crowds, a somewhat
shorter takeoff queue, and a longer wait in the hub to make connections. Who
knows whether travelers would think this is a good trade, but no one at the airline
was even asking about customer value in a period when cost reduction seems to
be most airlines only approach to survival.
So let me apply lean thinking to air travel by asking the two questions American
should have asked:
What does the traveler really want? My answer is that there are two distinctly
different types of travelers. Onethe leisure, price-sensitive travelerwants the
lowest price to get safely from A to B. The opposite typethe executive traveler
who thinks his or her time is worth a lot of moneywants the fastest way to get
safely from A to B. (And note that each of us may shift from being one type of
traveler to the other, depending on the purpose of our trip.)
The problem with hub-and-spoke airlines is that they are trying to serve both
types of passengers with practically the same product, adding a slightly wider
seat, free drinks, and an airport hub club for the executive traveler. As a lean
thinker would state it, they are comingling value streams that really ought to be
separated. Even worse, these airlines charge the executive traveler, who cant
book ahead or stay over a Saturday, several times the price for practically the
same product. Hub-and-spoke airlines have built enormous amounts of waste into
their value streams for both types of travelers because to take a trip anywhere the
traveler needs to make two flightsone from the origination point to the hub for
cross-docking (or selfsortation in this case) and the second from the hub to their
destination. When you add in the long changeover times for current aircraft
designs (where hundreds of passengers must squeeze through one tiny door to get
on and off) and the massive capital and operating costs for the sortation centers
(where I think of myself as a package with feet), its not surprising that most
travelers are unhappy, either because the product costs too much or because the
trip takes too long.
What would the lean thinker propose instead? Its actually pretty simple:
1. Disaggregate the value streams for price-sensitive and time-sensitive
2. Fly everyone point-to-point using different types of equipment.
3. Develop aircraft types that can be quickly turned (changed over) between
Southwest, JetBlue, Ryanair, and easyJet have been moving steadily ahead to
introduce point-to-point travel for the price-sensitive traveler. And we can expect
their efforts to continue in the years ahead. However, as I experience these
carriers, their efforts have only gone half way. They only serve markets where
they can generate five roundtrips per day with aircraft carrying 90 to 150
passengers. And their turn times have slipped steadily from the 15 minutes
Southwest originally claimed to 30 minutes today. Why cant they offer the same
service cost-effectively with smaller jets so they can serve many more points, and
why cant they work with aircraft makers to design planes that can be turned in 10
minutes or less. (Dr. Shingos SMED applied to aircraft-setup reductions!)
At the same time, why doesnt someoneanyone, please!use smaller
commuter jets in a way that actually makes sense by offering scheduled business-
class, point-to-point service for executive travelers from the secondary airports
(grossly underutilized) in every metropolitan area? If travelers could park near the
plane, go quickly through security, and avoid takeoff queues, it ought to be
possible to cut turn times and airport waits to only a few minutes. Indeed, by using
small terminals, arriving only a few minutes before the flight, and flying point-to-
point, it should in many cases be possible to cut total trip times in half compared
with hub-and-spoke systems even though the airplanes fly no faster.
These are simple ideas: Ask what the passenger truly values and where the
waste lies preventing the provision of this value. Then rethink operating methods
and staff roles. (Purpose, then process, then people!) Its amazing how easy lean
thinking can be if only managers can forget about their existing assets and
traditional methods for a moment and give themselves the freedom to dream.
May 5, 2003
Creating Lean Healthcare
After many years of tryingI even spent a lot of time some years ago brainstorming with an
entrepreneur trying to create a lean airline for business travelersIm forced to admit that to date
there has been no progress. (About the only good thing to say about this is that my travel time never
seems to get shorter, so I have plenty of time to write.) However, before declaring defeat, lets examine
a different type of service activityhealthcarethat until a few years ago struck me as equally
In 1997 I made a visit to the Mayo Clinics large medical complex in Rochester,
MN. I was not there as a patient. Instead I was a sort of lean anthropologist. I was
making my first foray into a major medical organization to examine its thought
process and behavior from a lean perspective.
The trip was arranged by Dr. Don Berwick, the founder and president of the
Institute for Healthcare Improvement in Boston. [Don was recently appointed
Director of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services by President
Obama.] Don had just convinced me that I should start LEI as a replacement for
my former home at MIT. He asked me to ponder a simple question: How would a
major medical system go about implementing lean thinking across all of its
activities? (As Don put it, In healthcare we have no Toyota to copy. We dont
even have a Yugo. So where do we start?)
As always, I took a walk. Over two days I followed a number of patient
pathways as well as pathways for medical supplies, patient schedules, and
specimens going through the laboratories. (Call these pathways value streams if
you prefer.) And I soon reached a diagnosis: severe sclerosis of patient and
support pathways.
At Mayo (and in the many medical organizations I have visited since), I found
brilliant doctors who were point optimizers, focusing solely on their narrow
activity without much thought (or patience) for how it meshed with the other
activities around them. The hospitals administrators, by contrast, were asset
optimizers, trying to keep every expensive machine, hospital room, and specialist
busy, even if this meant delays for patients and heavy burdens for staff. The nurses
were the members of the organization thinking about patient pathways and about
core support processes like handling supplies and drugs. But they were doing this
intuitively and reactively to somehow keep things moving. They lacked
recognition of the importance of their task and a rigorous methodology.
Together, the brilliant doctors, diligent administrators, and long-suffering nurses
were providing healthcare that cost too much, took too long, and often produced
less than optimal outcomes. To make a lean leap, everyone in the organization
would need to change their way of thinking and acting.
My prescription was simple: Identify all major patient pathways as well as
support streams. Map them from end to end. Then ask how each pathway can be
cleared of its blockages, backflows, and cul-de-sacs for the benefit of the
hospital, its staff, and its patients. Finally, and most important, ask what changes in
management will be required to keep the pathways clear.
What troubled me was not the diagnosis or the prescription. I was pretty sure I
was right. What I worried about was the prognosis. My recommendations would
require everyone doctors, nurses, and administrators (and suppliers, too)to
change their behavior, their organizational lifestyle. And as medical professionals
know, lifestyle change is usually the hardest part of any treatment.
Given the difficulties involved, I ended my first venture into healthcare in May
1997 thinking it was premature to hope for much progress toward lean healthcare.
I didnt return to Mayo until last week [April 2007], when I spent a day with Dr.
Henry Ting, a cardiologist with a natural instinct for process thinking. We looked
carefully at the work his team has done recently to speed patients from the point
they suspect they might be having a heart attackusually far from a hospitalto
the point where all appropriate treatments have been applied.
The results are quite dramatic. Rethinking this pathway saves livesmany lives
because the more quickly appropriate treatments are applied the more likely the
patient is to survive and to survive without major heart damage. And heres the
really encouraging news: a lean pathway reduces costs for the hospital and makes
life better for the staff. Its a win-win-win. My skepticism on my previous visit
was replaced with hope after this visit.
But I also realized while flying home that Dr. Tings team had performed a
brilliant procedure on one of the easier problems to fix and sustain. They had
analyzed a single pathway, one where the value of saving time is so
overwhelmingly obvious that any medical organization will find it hard not to
change its behavior once the sclerotic state of the existing pathway is clearly
revealed. (In fact, this new approach is now being successfully applied throughout
Mayos cardiology practice and by similar pioneers along other pathways in many
healthcare organizations across the world.)
The hard part for all of us is to tie together these pioneering, single-pathway
effortswhich seemed beyond our grasp only 10 years ago. We need to create a
complete lean enterprise in which all pathways have been permanently cleared
and the lifestyle of the organization has been changed as well. This will require
more than lean techniques. It will require new management methods and a new
type of transformative leadership.
These are the most important value streams in our lives. Indeed, they often
determine the length and quality of our lives. As I told an Australian healthcare
audience recently, Toyota takes better care of car parts than most healthcare
organizations take of their patients. This is not right! We know how to do better
and have a moral obligation to do so.
So Im deeply encouraged that lean thinkers in the healthcare community are at
last tackling the worlds most important value streams. But Im also concerned
that we will stop short, with single-pathway interventions. And Im worried that
improvements in individual pathways cant be sustained because the organizations
in which they reside have not changed. What the patientthe whole healthcare
systemreally needs is to rethink management and leadership so we can truly
create and sustain lean healthcare.
May 3, 2007
This essay was written at a time when lean thinking was just getting a widespread hearing in healthcare.
I find it quite amazing that only three years later there has been an explosion in interest driven by the
realization that the current system cant deal with cost and quality challenges as the baby-boom
generation approaches retirement and economies stagnate in all of the developed countries. One of the
many dramatic experiments underway is described in the next essay.
The Tipping Point?
Because of my longstanding desire to apply lean thinking to healthcare, I was
overly optimistic about the first experiments, beginning with hospitals in Seattle in
the mid-1990s. [See The Problem of Sustainability, page 91, for a brief
description of what happened.] When these efforts faltered I was overly
pessimisticdespite telling myself to practice emotional heijunkaand began to
wonder if perhaps healthcare was immune to the lean virus. But experiments
continued [see previous essay, Creating Lean Healthcare] and, gradually, after
many more false starts, ideas born in the factory were adapted to the bedside.
It took even more time to develop lean management methods in a craft industry
with no standardized work, few publicly reported outcomes, and little ability to
think horizontally about the flow of patients through the diagnostic and treatment
processes. And, until recently, the economic context of healthcare had not
changed. Governments and insurers were willing and able to pour unlimited
amounts of money into healthcare providers to pay for services, and they
demanded little in the way of better outcomes in return. So why should healthcare
organizations tackle the daunting challenge of lean transformation when the
mediocre providers could survive and even prosper?
Now the context has totally changed. The United States spends more than 16% of
its gross national product on healthcaretwice the level of other advanced
economies. Yet the demand for healthcare will spiral rapidly upward as 24
million additional citizens enroll for subsidized health insurance and the baby
boom marches resolutely toward a life stage where healthcare needs multiply.
Given the spending limits the U.S. government is facing and voter resistance to
additional taxes, the only alternatives in the absence of dramatic service-delivery
reform are price controls, rationing, and denial of the care just promised.
Fortunately lean thinkers, after 15 years of experiments, now have the tools to
reform healthcare delivery. In the last few years lean healthcare proponents have
demonstrated that costs can be dramatically reduced as outcomes and patient
experience are dramatically improveda feat traditionally thought to be
impossible. They have also shown that steady progress can be sustained in
complex healthcare organizations.
One of the best demonstrations is the experiments at the ThedaCare medical
system in Wisconsin, recently described by Dr. John Toussaint and Roger Gerard,
PhD, in their book, On the Mend.8 I believe this volume will have a profound
effect by summarizing the principles of lean healthcare, documenting their benefits
with striking examples, and providing an action plan for other healthcare
organizations to follow to achieve similar results.
The principles that John and Roger have applied over the past decade are simple
and they work:
1. Focus on the patient (not the organization and its employees, the insurance
industry, the drug companies, etc.) in order to determine the real value
desired. Then,
2. Identify the value streams (or patient pathways) that provide this value in
order to identify where value is actually created while removing massive
amounts of waste (including the large numbers of errors causing rework that
drives up costs).
3. Reduce the time required to go from start to finish along every pathway
(which always creates more value at less cost).
4. Pursue principles 1, 2, and 3 endlessly through continuous improvement that
engages everyone touching the patient pathwaysdoctors, nurses,
technicians, managers, suppliers, and patients and their families.
Humans will try anything easy that doesnt work before they will try anything
hard that does work, and thats where we have been in healthcare. But all the easy
fixes have now been tried and only the hard things that work are left. And the
hardest part of the hard work ahead is that everyone has to change their behavior:
The doctor accustomed to craft methods with no rigorous outcome measures;
Medical device makers accustomed to providing new equipment without
regard to cost or clearly demonstrated benefits;
Nurses hoping that daily workarounds in the delivery process will somehow
make fundamental problems go away; and
Administrators hoping that somehow costs can be reduced with higher
capacity utilization by simply running the same broken processes harder
regardless of the effect this may have on patient and staff experiences and
errors (which dramatically increase costs).
The final challenge is that everyone in healthcare must learn to think horizontally
[as discussed in several previous essays]. Managers, doctors, and nurses must
learn to see patients flowing across complex organizations rather than reverting to
their traditional vertical thinking where every department and activity is a castle
with its moat, thwarting the patients quest for more value with less time at lower
Despite the hurdles ahead, Im hopeful once more that the availability of proven
lean methods will push providers past the tipping point on the journey to lean
healthcare, now that all the easy fixes have failed and there is no other option.
June 10, 2010
Additional reading:
Dr. John Toussaint and Roger Gerard, PhD, On the Mend (Cambridge, MA:
Lean Enterprise Institute, 2010).
Marc Baker and Ian Taylor, Making Hospitals Work (Goodrich, UK: Lean
Enterprise Academy, 2009). (For a provocative treatment of the issue of
horizontal, end-to-end patient flows through complex, vertical organizations.)
It is important to emphasize that these are still early days for lean healthcare. Most of the important
experiments are just underway or are still to be run (in the case of end-to-end value streams). And we
would not want to make the mistake that many healthcare practitioners have fallen into in the past of
ignoring the scientific method while claiming that victories have been achieved but with no rigorous
outcome measures.
It would be so much easier if we could just start from scratch with no assets, no bad habits, and no
malfunctioning organizations. But with a few exceptionsThedaCare, for example, has built a
completely new hospital starting with a clear statement of purpose and fashioning a building to support
visual control and the horizontal flow of valuewe cant. But when we can, we should, which requires
diffusing lean thinking to one last frontierthe startup entrepreneur. This is the topic of the final essay
in this section.
8. Dr. John Toussaint and Roger Gerard, PhD, On the Mend (Cambridge,
MA: Lean Enterprise Institute, 2010).
The Joy of a Greenfield
Last spring on a trip to Central America, I encountered that wonderful sight for
process improvers, a greenfield. And I literally mean a green field. It was
behind a hospital operated by a nongovernmental organization (NGO) where I
was volunteering my time. The problem I was assigned was to dispose of 15 years
of personal medical records in a country with no recycling. The standard way to
dispose of waste in this country was to simply dump it down a ravine to form a
landfill without any top cover. But this, thankfully, was not acceptable for medical
records containing personal information about past patients at the hospital.
So what to do? The correct thing, of course, would have been to create a lean
recycling program of the sort Lean Institute Brasil (www.lean.org.br) recently
established. (Its in a poor Sao Paulo neighborhood and provides employment to
residents with difficulties entering the formal labor market, such as persons being
released from prison.) But I had only a week to complete several tasks at this
NGO, and this was not going to be possible.
Upon reflection, the least bad thing to do was to burn the records. So I soon set
out with the hospitals warehouse manager (who had been keeping the records in a
storage building bursting at the seams) and a small team to figure out how to do
this. The manager suggested that we use the open field of scrub grass behind the
hospital since there was no incinerator on the grounds.
In the spirit of going to see and asking why, we went to the field, and I asked the
small team what we should do. Their answer was to remove the records from
their folders (which could be reused), scatter them on the ground, and light them.
Pretty simple. But this soon proved to be completely ineffective unless we were
going to stand around burning documents one page at a time. Dropping burning
documents on the ground more than one page deep caused the fire to smolder and
go out.
Fortunately, there was an old oil drum in the trash pile at the edge of the field
plus a couple of concrete blocks and a steel pry bar. Within a few minutes we had
created a simple incinerator and the team was happily dumping the records in the
top of the drum. Indeed, they were dumping stacks of documents so energetically
that the fire soon went out for lack of oxygen.
A second round of go see and ask why led to the realization that the documents
needed to be crumpled to let air reach each page, not dumped in batches. And they
needed to be fed into the drum steadily to exactly match the combustion rate if we
were to keep the fire burning smoothly and minimize the time needed to get the job
done. But how to do this with the least human exertion? (It was a very hot day.)
The answer was to divide the labor. One person removed the records from the
folders, a second and third person crumpled the papers and threw them into the
fire, a fourth person stoked the fire with the steel rod to knock the ashes out the
bottom and keep air flowing, and a fifth person fetched and opened more cartons
of records. As it turned out, if the barrel was placed in the sun away from the
nearest tree but everyone else stood in the shade of the tree, it was possible to
have a hot fire and a cool workforce. Soonafter a third round of
experimentation to standardize and balance the workvoila! We had created a
lean destruction line and all of us working together at a steady pace got the job
done in hours rather than the expected days.
This was a small-scale but still satisfying example of applying process thinking
to the worlds work. But what was really striking to me was how easy it was to
create a relatively lean process almost instantly. The reason was that no
inappropriate assets and no managers and work team with carefully learned bad
habits stood in the way. (This situation, of course, is what most members of the
Lean Community face every day.) Why cant it always be this way?
This summer in Boston I had a second experience that raised this same question
on a much larger scale. Three young entrepreneurs called to ask how a lean
thinker would go about starting a greenfield business. They invited me to a test
site for a new restaurant chain they are raising funds to start, and we thought
through the application of lean thinking to the core processes of this business.
These include staff selection and training, work design including the daily work
experience of staff, logistics to get materials into stores and the waste out, setup of
new stores (because they want to grow fast with minimum cash tied up in stores
not yet open), and the customers consumption process and experience (which
interacts with the stores production process and staff experience). In only a
couple of hours it was easy to think of ways to launch the business with robust,
lean processes that would also require less capital.
Why, I thought, doesnt every startup start lean, rather than growing to
considerable size before management realizes that key processes are broken or
balky, interfering with continued growth and profitability? And in mature
businesses, why doesnt every new product requiring a new production and
delivery process start lean at Job One?
The answer, I think, is that most of us in the Lean Community learned our skills
by reworking broken processes. Thats what we feel most comfortable doing. And
maybe we even have a financial and psychological bias: it takes a lot less effort
on our part to get the job done right from the beginning than it does to do kaizen as
rework to get it right much later.
But mainly, I think, we simply have never learned how to speak to the
entrepreneur starting a new business or the chief engineer leading a team to launch
a new product with a new production process. These folks generally have only a
weak awareness of the importance of rigorous process design and the power of a
truly lean process from the very beginning. And most that I have spoken to are
convinced that creating lean processes from the beginning would cost more and
take more time. Im certain that these views are based on ignorance and lack of
reflection, but until we start conversations to explain why, a great opportunity for
the Lean Community and for society will be wasted.
Im now engaged with a number of system design experiments to create new,
lean processes to address new or changing consumer and societal needs. So I
hope to do my part in raising consciousness by publicizing these experiments. I
hope you also will give thought to this important issue so we can all create more
value with less process rework in brownfields that should have started and stayed
bright green.
The brightest news about diffusion in the previous section came unexpectedly
from the world of medical science. But now we need to turn to a different science
the truly dismal science of macroeconomicsto focus in this section on The
Great Recession and what it means, both good and bad, for the lean movement.
Mega Mura Bubble Trouble
I started writing my monthly eletters in October of 2001 to speak to the worries
of the Lean Community as the world economy slid into recession. So this month
[November 2008] marks the end of one complete cycleseven years of bust,
boom, and bustas the world endures a new recession.
When Dan Jones and I wrote Lean Thinking in 1996, we believed that the spread
of lean production would damp the business cycle. Economists have long thought
that at least half of the depth of recessions is due to companies working off their
inventories and delaying the purchase of more materials from suppliers. Because
lean firms have much lower inventories of raw materials, work in process, and
finished goods in relation to their sales, we thought the adoption of lean inventory
management would have a recession-damping effect on the whole economy. And
perhaps we were right. The 2001 recession was modest compared with the
previous recession of 1991.
In any case, we do face a major recession even if lower inventories make it
shallower than it might otherwise be. I think of these events as a form of mura
(variation), indeed as mega mura affecting the whole economy.
By contrast, the type of mura that has drawn most of the attention of lean thinkers
is day-to-day and hour-to-hour variations in the volume and mix of products
demanded by a downstream customer. Lets call this mini mura. This
phenomenon also includes gyrations in orders progressing up a value stream to
supplierseven when end-customer demand is smoothdue to the internal
dynamics of the value stream. Lean thinkers learned years ago to deal with this
type of mura by introducing heijunka to level demand at some pacemaker point,
with smoothed pull signals upstream from there.
Mura that is internal to the enterprise includes day-to-day variation in customer
demand as long as it is not part of a long-term trend. It also includes gyrations in
orders and operational performance progressing up a value streamthrough
production facilities and suppliersthat are caused by the internal dynamics of
the process. These variations are the norm in modern production systems, leading
to firefighting and muri (overburden of employees and technologies). Lean
thinkers learned years ago to deal with this type of mura by creating basic stability
in processes and introducing heijunka. The latter involves conscious leveling of
short-term customer demand shifts at some pacemaker point, with smoothed pull
signals sent upstream from there.
Mega mura by contrast applies to large and lengthy shifts in total demand by
external customers across the economy. Unfortunately, a boom in demandcaused
in the current case by low interest rates and relaxed lending standards for homes
always leads to a bust. The sad part of these episodeswhich are as old as
market economiesand the reason we can fairly call them mura is that they dont
involve fundamental changes in consumer desires. Millions more Americans and
Europeans didnt suddenly want to own a home or buy a bigger house in the years
after 2001. They had always had these desires, but they lacked the money or credit
to act on them.
What we really need as an antidote is macroeconomic heijunka (mega
heijunka?) in which governments level demand to avoid both booms and busts.
And economic stabilization policies toward this endfiscal and monetaryhave
been pursued by every modern government.
Unfortunately, we have learned that stable growth is hard to achieve as a
political reality. The lure of making short-term windfalls through financial
engineering is very strong. And regulators, like generals preparing for the
previous war, are always putting mechanisms in place to prevent the last crisis,
not the next one. In my minds eye, the folks who thought up the credit default
swaps, the collateralized debt obligations, andmy favoritethe synthesized
collateralized debt obligations that fueled the recent boom, are now sailing their
yachts on some tropical sea thinking up the next lucrative boom. And I wouldnt
bet against them.
Fortunately, the recessions that follow bubbles can be great spurs to lean
transformations, the necessities that birth innovations. Toyota only decided to
comprehensively embrace lean enterprise after the bust of the Japanese economy
brought the company to the brink of bankruptcy in 1950. And in 199091 Lantech
(Chapter 6 in Lean Thinking) and Wiremold (Chapter 7) embraced lean thinking
as the economy foundered. A creative crisis was handed to managers ready to
seize the opportunity and they made the most of it. So perhaps some good will
come from the present recession as new lean enterprises emerge.
However, as the lean movement matures and more firms embrace lean
enterprises, a different problem presents itself. A lean enterprise at its heart is a
group of people (including downstream customers and upstream suppliers) who
have learned together how to take initiatives to remove (mini) mura, muri, and
muda while solving shared problems with their shared processes as they arise. It
is this set of skills more than specific lean techniques that create the remarkable
effectiveness of these organizations.
The problem with a recession is that it challenges lean organizations as they try
to protect their problem-solving employees. It also challenges them as they try to
defend the problem-solving relationships built over time with downstream
customers and upstream suppliers. The temptation in any crisis, of course, is to go
back to point optimization in which it is each person and each firm for itself.
So how does a lean enterprise think about protecting itself and its people from
the mega mura that is likely always to be with us? Here is a short list of ideas:
Rethink recruitment policies to create a pool of entry-level temporaries who
can be a buffer in severe downturns (defined as those where the survival of
the enterprise dictates layoffs). Gradually convert temporaries to permanent
employeeswho can be protected through practically any conceivable
downturnas they prove their fit with the organizations problem-solving
methods and as they prove their commitment to the organization. The
alternative is to fire people in some random way, often starting with higher-
paid employees with more seniority. This sends the message that loyalty
doesnt count and squanders valuable team skills.
Create companywide bonuses for all employees, based on profitability, to
adjust wages through the economic cycle and defend core employees from
layoffs. Most firms still have all-or-nothing compensation for everyone
except those executives on a bonus plan. This gives no flexibility in
downturns, meaning compensation is constant for those who stay and zero for
those who are let go. With variable compensation it is more likely that
everyone can stay.
As the lean transformation proceeds, convert physical inventories into cash
but keep an inventory of cash to buffer the firm during the down cycle. From
the standpoint of modern financial thinking, this seems suboptimal. Shouldnt
all of the freed-up cash be put aggressively in play in the financial markets?
But in the current crisis, firms with stable cash reserves can keep new
programs on schedule and will surge in the upturn as competitors who delay
or cancel new projects fall behind.
I realize that these steps work best if taken well before the bubble bursts. So
what do lean enterprises that have recently transformed themselves but not taken
these steps do to get through the current crisis?
Take back work from suppliers that are not going to be part of the core
supply group going forward. This can defend jobs in the company and
increase the level of understanding of what goes on in the supply base. And it
need not disrupt relations with the remaining suppliers if it is clear that the
firm will be working on a continuing basis with fewer but more talented
suppliers in the future.
Look at every product to ask how it can be offered more effectively. For
example, at LEI we are asking hard questions about online learning and other
methods to more cost-effectively deliver training.
Look at every product and its value stream to see how it can be offered more
efficiently by leaving out wasted steps and unnecessary expense. The hope,
of course, is that careful targeting of waste can support price reductions to
customers that will capture additional sales, so there will be no need to
reduce the number of employees.
The very last thing to consider is the one thing managers seem to embrace most
readily: cost cutting. This means leaving out steps and features that actually create
value from the perspective of the customer and removing employees who are
actually needed to get the job done right using the current process. The hope,
usually wrong, is that the customer wont notice.
This last expedient is the one I most fear, because it is likely to be justified in the
name of lean. Every recession seems to produce a major cost-cutting campaign
sold by traditional consultants. Their key promise is rapid financial payback, even
within one quarter, and the only practical way to achieve this is layoffs. I truly
hope that this will not be known to history as the lean recession, and everyone
in the Lean Community should vow to avoid the cost-cutting urge in their own
To avoid the need for cost cutting, I hope that every would-be lean enterprise
will assign someone responsibility for developing a recession A3 that carefully
reviews the background situation. The critical step in the A3 process will then be
to develop a set of countermeasures that can protect the organization and its
people through the current recession while laying the groundwork for a
sustainable lean enterprise in the future.
Nov. 13, 2008
Perhaps the most shocking consequence of the financial tsunami was that no enterprise, no matter how
lean, seemed to be immune. Understanding this unpleasant fact and what it means is the subject of the
next essay.
A Large Enough Wave Sinks All Boats
We all know the phrase, a rising tide lifts all boats, and this was true during
the world economic bubble of the last few years. Almost any firm could survive,
even with mediocre performance and no improvement.
Unfortunately, there is a corollary. A rapidly falling tidefollowing a financial
tsunamican at least briefly tip even the sturdiest boat. The painful evidence for
the Lean Community is the recent announcement that the worlds most consistently
successful and financially stable organizationToyotais now losing money for
the first time in 70 years.
How can this be? And what does the financial tsunami mean for the lean
The root cause of Toyotas current problems is the decision in the late-1990s to
step on the gas and gain No. 1 position in the global auto industry. Toyota added
enormous amounts of capacity around the world and passed GM as the global
sales leader. However, doing this chewed up cash, required borrowing beyond
Toyotas modest historic levels, and made the firm vulnerable to a steep drop in
demand. A sales collapse was apparently not anticipated, but Toyota more than
any firm should have respected its hard-earned knowledge that forecasts
particularly optimistic forecastsare usually wrong.
Despite the collapse in demand in every major market, Toyota is not in the
desperate straits of many of its rivals. It still has a sterling credit rating and can
borrow to keep its new product programs and R&D on schedule. Indeed, if things
somehow get so bad that only one car company is left operating, that company will
be Toyota.
But the happy era of boundless expansion is now over, and Toyota has doubtless
been spending a lot of time on hansei. My colleague John Shook has been very
articulate in observing that Toyota from its beginnings always wanted to be the
best at solving customer problems using the least resources so it could survive.
But in the mid-1990s it changed course to embrace the common view in business
that growth of any sort is good and that being biggest is best. This is not the lean
way, and I predict a return to Toyotas traditional view of its purpose. I also
predict that the current downturn will prove a blessing by giving Toyota time to
replenish its stock of lean managers. Its breakneck growth seriously diluted its
managerial experience level and was becoming a grave risk to its long-term
But what about the rest of us? The simple fact is that this adversity will force all
of us to confront difficult issues in our organizations and in our markets, issues
that we would rather avoid and probably have long avoided. For those who
reflect carefully, determine root causes, and take focused, creative actions, the
future will be brighter.
Let me cite Toyotas history as evidence. This is not the only financial wave
Toyota has confronted, but instead is the latest of many:
The collapse in demand in the Japanese market in 1950.
The oil shock of 1973 that again depressed demand as the yen soared.
The world recession of 1981 when both North America and Europe imposed
trade restraints that depressed Toyotas exports and required massive
investments in foreign markets.
The yen shock of the late-1980s that dropped the value of the yen against the
dollar from 240 to 120 in only a few months.
The collapse of the Japanese economy leading to a decade of stagnation after
the real-estate bubble burst in 1990.
By reflecting carefully, tracing problems to their root causes, and taking bold
action, Toyota emerged stronger every time.
Despite the gloom of 2008, I therefore have an optimistic view. Those in the
Lean Community who confront root causes and take decisive action will be
stronger and more vibrant once the storm subsides. And there will be more of us
as desperate times cause many additional organizations to embrace lean thinking.
Dec. 31, 2008
Additional reading:
After a moment of looking over this list, John said, It needs less of everything to
create a given amount of value, so lets call it lean. And the term was born.
[John, by the way, came to MIT from the Toyota-General Motors joint-venture in
California. He went on from MIT to 14 years at Ford, where he eventually was
chief engineer for large sport-utility vehicles, and is now president of Hyundai
Motor America.]
It seemed so simple at the time. But we soon learned that creating a new term is
like launching children into the world. The parents have clear ideas about how
they want their offspring to behave, but the kids have minds of their own!
As the years have gone by, we seem to be building a lean Tower of Babel. I hear
the term applied vaguely and used to mean many things: goals (highest quality,
lowest cost, shortest lead time), general methods (just-in-time, jidoka), specific
tools (kanban, poka-yoke), and the basic foundation (heijunka, standardized work,
and kaizen, built on process stability).
This is fine, but I get upset when I hear the term used inaccurately or in some
narrow way that excludes part of its core meaning. Recently, after reading an
article in which a prominent expert on production systems stated that lean doesnt
involve standardized work, I thought I should say something. So heres what lean
means to me:
It always begins with the customer.
The customer wants value: the right good or service at the right time, place,
and price with perfect quality to solve their problem.
Value in any activitygoods, services, or some combinationis always the
end result of a process (design, manufacture, and service for external
customers, and business processes for internal customers).
Every process consists of a series of steps that need to be taken properly in
the proper sequence at the proper time.
To maximize customer value, these steps must be taken with zero waste. (I
trust you know the seven wastes of overproduction, waiting, excess
conveyance, extra processing, excessive inventory, unnecessary motion, and
defects requiring rework or scrap.)
To achieve zero waste, every step in a value-creating process must be
valuable, capable, available, adequate, and flexible, and the steps must flow
smoothly and quickly from one to the next at the pull of the downstream
customer. (This is how we eliminate the seven wastes identified by Toyota
many years ago.)
A truly lean process is a perfect process: perfectly satisfying the customers
desire for value with zero waste.
None of us has ever seen a perfect process nor will most of us ever see one.
But lean thinkers still believe in perfection, the never-ending journey toward
the truly lean process.
Note that identifying the steps in the process, getting them to flow, letting the
customer pull, etc. are not the objectives of lean practitioners. These are simply
necessary steps to reach the goal of perfect value with zero waste. And note that
kanban, poka-yoke, and other specific techniques are aids to performing these
steps. They are the critical tools for making the general methods work.
And here is where I think we often get confused. Lean must include all of
these: They cant work without each other. We need to utilize all of the goals,
methods, techniques, and foundation elements in combination. For example, no
process can be capable, available, or smoothly flowing without standardized
work. And there will be no improvement in any process without rigorous kaizen.
Its only when we deploy the whole arsenal in pursuit of the perfect process that
can create perfect value for the customer that the term lean becomes magic.
Oct. 7, 2004
If what lean means is confusing, so is its relation to a number of other terms addressing the same set
of issues. Understanding the similarities, differences, and whats important is the subject of the next
How Lean Compares with Six Sigma, BPR, TOC,
TPM, Etc.
It amazes me, but I still get lots of questions about how lean compares with TPS,
six sigma, Total Productive Maintenance, business-process reengineering, demand
flow, the Theory of Constraints, and other approaches to improvement. And I
always give the same answer: At the end of the day we are all trying to achieve
the same thing: the perfect process providing exactly the value the customer wants
with zero waste. Heres how I think about it.
To create value for the customerwhich I hope we agree is how we should be
earning our livinga series of steps must be conducted properly in the proper
sequence. These steps collectively are what we call the value stream (process)
for each product. As I walk through any value stream I ask the following simple
questions about each step:
Is the step valuable? Would the customer be equally happy with the product if the
step could be left out? For example, is there any type of rework? If so, its what I
call Type One muda. Get rid of it as soon as you can! (There is another type of
muda that lean thinkers often term incidental work. It involves activities that
create no value from the standpoint of the customerfor example, moving product
from one disconnected batch process to another when the current design of the
process doesnt permit its removal just yet. I call this Type Two muda. It should
disappear, too, but it often takes much longer to address.)
Is the step capable? Can it be conducted with the same, good result every time?
This is the starting point, but never the end point, for six sigma.
Is the step available? Can it be performed whenever it is needed, or is the step
subject to breakdowns and varying cycle times so you are never sure what will
happen? This is the starting point, but, again, not the end point, of Total Productive
Is the step adequate? That is, is there capacity to perform it exactly when the
value stream requires it, or is there a bottleneck? Bottleneck analysis is, of course,
the starting point of the Theory of Constraints. Or, and more likely in the current
era, is there too much capacity? Lean thinkers try to avoid this by adding
production capacity in small increments rather than in big hunks, increments
whose production volume also can be flexed by adding or subtracting employees.
Is the step flexible? Can it shift over quickly from making green ones to making
red ones? And can it change over without compromising capability, availability,
and adequacy? Flexibility is the key to rapid response to changing customer
desires while avoiding the inefficient production of big batches. This ability is a
hallmark of the Toyota Production System (TPS).
If all the steps in your value streams are valuable, capable, available, adequate,
and flexible, you are well on your way. What remains is to perfect the linkage
among the steps.
Does the product flow from one step to the next with no delay? Henry Ford
pioneered flow production in 1914 by moving the process to the product rather
than the reverse. This is how he created nearly continuous flow not just on the
assembly line but also in component fabrication at Highland Park. Unfortunately,
he found flow hard to sustain in a world with changeable demand and wide
product variety. Thats where Toyota came in with TPS to create smooth flow in
lower-volume production with wide variety.
Does the product only flow at the pull of the next downstream step? This is the
central point of JIT, one of the pillars of TPS: Products should only flow at the
command of the next step downstream.
Is the flow leveled back from the customer to the fullest extent possible, with a
standard inventory of finished goods if necessary? Leveling permits every step in
the whole value stream to operate smoothly while an inventory at some point in
the process provides the flexibility to provide the customer with exactly what is
needed exactly when it is needed. This is another hallmark of TPS.
None of us, of course, has created a perfect value stream. Probably we never
will. But energy expended on comparing and criticizing improvement methods
rather than pursuing the perfect value stream is surely Type One muda. Thats the
type of waste we can get rid of immediately!
July 14, 2003
Just-in-Time, Just-in-Case, and Just-Plain-Wrong
The misunderstandings just discussed mostly occur within the community of process practitioners. A
different set of confusions occur in more popular commentary, particularly in the business media, and
the concept of just-in-time seems to be particularly confounding to the public.
When I started my eletters immediately after Sept. 11, 2001, it was partly as a
response to the many commentators asserting that JIT could no longer work due to
the risk of disruption in supply chains. They argued that large inventories were
needed everywhere along value streams to permit rapid response to chaotic
I knew that this was a complete misunderstanding of the situation. Counting on
finished units and parts lying around at many locations to somehow respond to
disruptions in transport links or at key production facilities would be ineffectual
as well as harmful to production organizations and society.
Since that time Ive been keeping a media file on reasons why JIT supposedly
cant work in todays world. The latest reason comes from a front-page article in
The Wall Street Journal that carries the headline Just-In-Time Inventories Make
U.S. Vulnerable to a Pandemic.9 The key sentence in the article describes the
problem as follows: Most fundamentally, the widely embraced just-in-time
business practicewhich attempts to cut costs and improve quality by reducing
inventory stockpiles and delivering products as neededis at odds with the logic
of just in case that promotes stockpiling drugs, government intervention, and
overall preparedness.
So if anyone was foolish enough to think JIT was a good idea after 9/11, surely
they will come to their senses at the prospect of avian flu! Let me take a minute to
see if I can set the record straight.
First, what is JIT? Its a simple idea formulated by Kiichiro Toyoda at Toyota in
the late-1930s. Each step in a value stream should pull precisely what it currently
needs from the previous step in the value stream. This pull should be the signal for
the previous step to immediately make new items to exactly replace those just
withdrawn. The idea is to replace complex scheduling systemsdepending on
centralized accumulation of information and complicated formulaewith simple,
reflexive systems that work much better while dramatically reducing the amount of
inventories along a value stream.
Toyota implemented its pull system by means of simple rules. One was that
between every step in a value stream it is critical to accurately calculate standard
inventory. This is the amount of material that must be in place so that the
downstream customer is never disappointed. This inventory consists of three
elements: Buffer stock, safety stock, and shipping stock:
Buffer stock is goods already finished and kept on hand to deal with sudden
spikes in demand from the downstream customer.
Safety stock is finished items or raw materials maintained to protect the output of
the process if upstream suppliers fail to respond to the pull signal in a timely
manner or if the process itself encounters problems (e.g., bad quality, broken
Shipping stock is goods being built up for the next shipment.
A second critical rule is to select one point along a value stream as the
pacemaker step and to add additional buffer stock there to deal with normal
fluctuations in consumer demand. This buffer is sized to deal with all reasonable
variations in commercial demand, so the customer is never disappointed. By
doing this, every step back upstream from this pacemaker can operate smoothly
with leveled demand for extended periods. This, of course, is heijunka. When
done properly, leveling demand largely eliminates the need for the buffer stocks
between each step and reduces total inventories along the value stream
So whats the problem, and why do commentators keep suggesting that JIT cant
work in a chaotic world? The problem is that severe disruptions driven by
geopolitical events and natural- biological catastrophes must be dealt with
outside the framework of JIT. Only muddled thinking results when normal
commerce and extreme emergencies are combined.
How should these issues be uncoupled? Lets look at the Avian flu, where a
major worry is the shortage of ventilators to help victims breathe until their
strength returns. Governments need to make a decision now on just how many
spare unitscompleted and ready to runneed to be kept on hand to deal with a
sudden, enormous surge in demand. (The Journal article states that the U.S.
government does have a stockpile of 4,500, but that tens of thousands of additional
units may be needed very quickly from an industry that currently produces only a
few thousand units per year.)
These goods should be held separate from normal commercial inventories, under
government control, and called by their proper name: emergency stocks. These
are simply a physical version of an insurance policy, except that the policy is for
society rather than an individual.
Proposing instead that old-fashioned, just-in-case inventories located along the
ventilator value stream could solve the problem is nave: The real problem is the
lack of capacity to assemble the parts quickly into finished units. And thinking that
companies on their own will maintain a buffer stock of finished units adequate for
a true emergency is equally nave. They would go bankrupt if they tried.
(Governments also need to decide how to distribute the emergency stocks when
needed, because normal market price allocation cant work in a panic. Looking at
the bright side, as the Katrina hurricane emergency showed, modern logistics
firms like FedEx and Walmart are capable of delivering needed items quickly in
chaotic conditions, even when government efforts falter.)
The key point to note is that with emergency stocks in place, as we should all
hope they will be, JIT works just fine. It helps production systems deal with
normal variations in commercial demand at the lowest cost with the highest
quality with maximum responsiveness to the customers desire. Indeed, the cost
savings from JITwhich weve only started to achieve across the entire economy
are a good way for society to afford the cost of emergency stocks.
So, please, whenever you hear well-intentioned but muddle-headed people
attacking JIT when they really should be confronting our lack of emergency stocks,
do what you can to set the record straight.
Jan. 22, 2006
Looking more broadly, beyond lean terms, I find many misunderstandings of simple concepts and words
used by everyone every day where a bit of lean thinking can provide real clarification and insight. These
are the subjects of the remaining essays in this section.
9. Bernard Wysocki Jr. and Sarah Lueck, Just-In-Time Inventories Make
U.S. Vulnerable to a Pandemic, The Wall Street Journal, Jan. 12, 2006.
Move Your Operations to China? Do Some Lean
Math First
Most organizations I visit dont seem to understand math. Its not that they dont do math to calculate
the cost of designing and producing products in one place or another across the world. But their math
seems to leave out many of the costs. In this essay I tackle this misunderstanding by describing the type
of lean cost counting needed to get the right answer for where to locate activities in todays world.
Without doing lean math at the beginning of process-improvement activities it is easy to improve the
wrong things in the wrong places.
I recently got a phone call from a reporter for The Wall Street Journal with a
simple but provocative question: If you are a manufacturer in a high-wage
country such as the U.S., can you ever be lean enough that you dont need to
relocate your operations to China?
The reporters reasoning was that China has an enormous labor pool in its
coastal development zones, with 300 million additional migrants to these areas
expected in the next 10 years. So labor costs may stay at their current low levels
for decades.
He further reasoned that a large fraction of the cost of manufactured goods is
ultimately wages (for touch labor plus support staff, managers, and engineers, and
the workers designing and making process machinery and extracting and
processing raw materials). He then concluded that no matter how much cost an
American or Japanese or German firm removes by getting lean, costs in China (or,
if you prefer, India) based on cheap labor will always be much lower. Hence,
Wont you need to relocate?
My answer to this simple question also was simple: Do some math before you
move, and make sure its lean math. Here are the items you need to include in
your calculation:
Start with the piece-part cost for an item where you are.
Compare this with the piece-part cost for the same item in China or India or
Vietnam or Burkina Faso or (It will almost always be much lower.)
Add the cost of slow freight to get it to your customer.
Note that you have now done all the math that many purchasing departments seem
to perform. Lets call this mass-production math. To get to lean math, you need
to add some additional costs to piece-part plus slow-freight cost to make the
calculation more realistic:
The overhead costs allocated to production in the high-wage location, which
usually dont disappear when production in transferred. Instead they are
reallocated to remaining products, raising their apparent cost.
The cost of the additional inventory of goods in transit over long distances
from the low-wage location to the customer.
The cost of additional safety stocks to ensure uninterrupted supply.
The cost of expensive expedited shipments. (Youll need to be careful here
because the plan for the part in question typically assumes that there arent
any expediting costs, when a bit of casual empiricism will show that there
always are.)
The cost of warranty claims if the new facility or supplier has a long learning
The cost of engineer visits or resident engineers to get the process right so
the product is made to the correct specification with acceptable quality.
The cost of senior executive visits to set up the operation or to straighten out
relationships with managers and suppliers operating in a different business
environment. (Note this may include all manner of payments and
considerations, depending on local business practices.)
The cost of out-of-stocks and lost sales caused by long lead times to obtain
the part.
The cost of remaindered goods or of scrapped stocks, ordered to a long-
range forecast and never actually needed.
The potential cost, if you are using a contract manufacturer in the low-cost
location, of your supplier soon becoming your competitor.
This is becoming quite a listand note that these additional costs are hardly
ever visible to the folks in senior management or purchasing who relocate
production of an item in a low-wage country based simply on piece-part price
plus slow freight. However, lean math requires adding three more costs to be
Currency risks that can strike quite suddenly when the currency of either the
supplying or receiving country shifts.
Country risks that also can emerge very suddenly when the shipping country
encounters political instabilities or when there is a political reaction in the
receiving country as trade deficits and unemployment emerge as political
Connectivity costs of many sorts in managing product handoffs and
information flows in highly complex supply chains across long distances in
countries with different business practices.
These latter costs are harder to estimate but are sometimes very large. The only
thing a manager can know for sure is that they are low or nonexistent if products
are sourced close to the customer rather than across the globe.
If you do the lean math, will it always mean that you dont need to relocate?
Absolutely not. For example, if you are planning to sell within high-growth, low-
wage markets like China or India, you will almost certainly need to locate most or
all of your production for those markets within those markets. This is simply
because lean math works in the opposite direction as well. Transport, inventory,
and connectivity costs, and country and currency risks are much lower if you
produce within the market of sale.
However, in my experience, a hard look at the true cost situation will suggest that
relocation is not the first line of defense for producers in high-wage countries.
Rather its to get truly serious about a lean transformation through the entire value
stream for the product in question.
If you find that you do need to relocate, even after doing lean math and applying
the full complement of lean methods, my experience is that moving all of the steps
in the value stream for a product to an adjacent location in a low-wage country
within the region of saleMexico for the United States, Poland for Germany, and
China or Vietnam or Thailand for Japanis likely to provide the lowest total
Jan. 10, 2003
Recently, with wages rising in China and the controlled Chinese currency facing demands from the U.S.
government for upward realignment, Im hearing that factory-gate prices are rising in China and will
soon rise more, and that the need to relocate operations is decreasing. I think this would be good for the
world economy if it occurs gradually, and I hope it proves to be true. However, it is important to add one
last element of cost to the math. This is the rate of currency and wage increases in relation to the lean
learning curve of managers in China and other low-wage locations. From recent visits to both China and
India I know (a) that lean methods work as well in these countries as anywhere in the world and (b)
that current labor productivity in China and India is abysmal. Thus it should be possible to dramatically
boost productivity in the years ahead by applying lean thinking to largely offset strengthening currencies
and rising wages. It is not time yet for manufacturers elsewhere to relax and slacken their own quest
for lean operations.
The next essay examines the misunderstanding of two simple wordsvalue and waste, a confusion that
seems to confound economists and the public.
Gross Domestic Product vs. Gross Domestic Waste
Ive always been fascinated by how humans count, especially the way we always
seem to count the wrong things. Recently I was looking at the American counting
of gross domestic product (GDP). The U.S. government reports that GDP was up
2.6% in the second quarter of 2006, after rising 5.8% in the first quarter, and the
economists offering commentary seem to think this is good. We are producing
more goods and services (domestic product) per capita, meaning economic output
is growing faster than population. That means we should be getting wealthier.
Governments in every country across the globe do this same sort of counting with
the same thought process. The universal view is that growth in domestic product is
good. End of discussion.
But for the lean thinker this should just be the start of the discussion. GDP simply
counts all economic activity in the economy. Any goods produced or services
provided that someone paid for is product. Thus the surge of growth in online
and telephone helpdesksto aid consumers using products they cant understand
how to install, that wont work with their other products, or that simply wont turn
oncounts as growing domestic product. So does increased spending on recalls
of defective products. So does new warehousing for needless inventory. How
about construction of massive airports to cross-dock passengers at Point C when
the passengers really just wanted to go directly from Point A to Point B? Or
additional spending on megamedical centers to warehouse patients waiting for the
next step in their treatment when the flow paths are blocked? More growth in
gross domestic product!
Clearly the problem here is that one measure called product comingles two
very different things: value and waste. What we really need is to measure gross
domestic value (all of the product that actually creates value as perceived by
the consumer) and compare this with gross domestic waste (or maybe GDM, for
gross domestic muda). We want the former to grow but the latter to shrink.
This counting problem actually has two additional dimensions. First, even in the
case of goods that clearly create value for the consumer, such as the new computer
that actually works without resort to a help desk, the processes of designing,
making, and delivering the item are a mixture of value and waste. For example,
assembling the parts is clearly value while reworking the finished unit in the
factory to a point where it finally works properly is waste. But the consumer has
to pay for the value and the waste together.
A second issue is that externalities imposed on the environment by value-creating
processes are currently counted as economic product. For example, a recent study
by the Chinese governments environment ministry estimated that of the officially
recorded 10% growth in Chinese GDP in 2004, 3% was actually expended on
trying to deal with the environmental damage to human health and agriculture
caused by the other 7%!10 In this case the internalities, in the form of the goods
and services produced for consumers personal benefit are confused with
externalities: the burden of their production on the environment and the general
public. Both are counted as GDP.
We are all familiar with product labeling that tells what fraction of the product
was made domestically, what fraction uses recycled materials, what fraction is
fat, protein, carbo-hydrate, and so on. How about labels that show how many of
the steps involved created value and how many were actually waste from the
standpoint of the consumer? That is, an accounting of the steps the customer was
happy to pay for compared with those the customer was forced to pay for because
of the poor design or performance of the processes involved? And what about
green labels that show the costs to the environment that ought to be subtracted
from the value of the product?
But actually this would be a mistake if it was just another counting exercise.
Unless waste was actually removed as result, this type of counting would just be
more muda.
What I propose instead is that lean thinkers help others with less vision to see
that growth is good but only the growth in value, not the growth in waste. And then
I hope we will all reexamine every process we touch to clearly distinguish value
from waste. That, of course, is just the necessary preparation. The value of the
exercise lies in removing the waste, not just counting it.
My ultimate hope is that someday our current method of counting GDP will
become completely accurate even if we dont change it. We will really be
counting gross domestic value, whatever we may call it, because we will have
removed our gross domestic waste.
Oct. 23, 2006
If value and waste are confusing, it turns out that cost and value are even more confusing, particularly
to accountants. Sorting out this confusion is the topic of the next essay.
10. Green GDP Accounting Study Report 2004, issued by the State
Environmental Protection Administration of China (SEPA) and the National
Bureau of Statistics of China (NBS), Sept. 8, 2006.
Adding Cost or Creating Value?
I was out on tour this past week, listening to companies stories as they try to
achieve a lean transformation. And I was struck, as I often am, by confusing
terminology. The companies I visited thought they were adding value, but I
mostly watched them adding cost. So let me try to clarify things.
I always use the term creating value rather than the more familiar adding
value because the former is the voice of the customer while the latter is the voice
of the accountant. Companies add up their costsboth bought-in materials and
internal spending on capital and labor plus their marginsthen subtract the cost of
their purchased items to determine how much value they have added. The
problem is that this leaves out the customer, the only one who can determine
value. Often, what a company really means by adding value is adding cost.
Whether the extra cost creates any value is known only to the customer, and many
managers never ask!
A quick example: Lets suppose a company buys some nuts, some bolts, and
some widgets, and assembles them into a simple product. These purchased items
clearly are costs. Then let us suppose the company uses a lot of labor to store
these parts, take them to the point of assembly, assemble them, rework the
defective items, store the assembled goods, hunt for missing items, and then ship
them. Finally, let us suppose that the bought-in items cost 50 units and the selling
price for the finished product is 100 units. Clearly the company must have
added 50 units of value. Right? Wrong!
From the customers standpoint this company may only have added 50 units of
cost, including its margin, and created very little value. The reason is simply
that most of the steps consuming the resourcesstoring the parts, hunting for them,
reworking themadded cost but no value from the perspective of the customer.
Customers actually would have thought the product was more valuable (and been
willing to pay more) if these steps had been left out and the product had been
delivered faster!
Because products come as a bundle of value and costly waste and because the
firms in most industries currently mix the two, customers often have no choice but
to purchase the waste along with the value. But what if some lean thinking firm in
your industry separates value from waste and eliminates the waste? If that isnt
your firm, watch out!
Words arent a substitute for action, but the wrong words often get in the way of
the right actions if managers cant tell the difference between value and cost. So I
hope lean thinkers will sharpen their language to focus on actually creating value,
often by eliminating unnecessary costs.
March 4, 2004
Creating Value or Shifting Wealth?
A final confusion I often encounter lies in the interchangeable use of the terms value and wealth.
The former is meaningful to the consumer whose problems are solved by some use of resources, while
the latter is meaningful to the owner of the resources. I find this a damaging confusion, and this final
essay in this section attempts to sort it out.
How do we judge the progress of the lean movement? One critical indicator is
our success in extending lean thinking to new industries and activities. In recent
years I have been greatly encouraged that lean thinking is moving far beyond its
origins in manufacturing to distribution, retailing, maintenance and overhaul,
consumer services, construction, andperhaps most strikinghealthcare. Indeed,
the latter may be the most energetic area of lean practice today.
However, I have been concerned about our prospects for changing the thinking of
investors, and specifically the giant private-equity investment firms that now
control large parts of the economy. While we have gained a strong foothold in
financial services, this has been at the operating level. Most efforts to date have
focused on how value streams within financial firms can be made leanfor
example, those for processing loans or making credit checks. This is important
work but it is on a different level from how financial firms think about investments
and specifically how they might instigate lean transformations in the firms they
control in many industries.
I was therefore delighted recently when I was contacted by one of the largest
private-equity firms, an organization with dozens of firms in its investment
portfolio garnering perhaps $100 billion in total sales. This type of firm pools
private investment funds to buy companies, in hopes of quick turnarounds with
resale of these firms at much higher prices.
The partner contacting me noted that conditions in this industry have changed
with the credit crisis and weak equities markets. Instead of selling firms after two
or three years it may be necessary to hold onto them for a long time, even a
decade, before they can be sold to advantage. His question was a simple one:
Given that we may now need to hold firms for many years, how can we take the
long view. Indeed, how can we turn firms into lean exemplars in order to
maximize their price when they are sold?
I was delighted to engage in this conversation. But to avoid any
misunderstanding, I needed to start by comparing a traditional private-equity
turnaround with a lean transformation. In the former, the objective to this
point has been to go quickly to produce a dramatic bottom-line result.
This has often meant:
Rolling up two or more companies in the same industry to reduce
competition and increase prices to consumers.
Negotiating lower wages and benefits.
Cutting spending on long-term development projects not critical to the firms
short-term performance.
Reducing headcounts in activities judged nonessential.
Restructuring the balance sheet to add bank debt, often creating instant
dividends for the private-equity firm in the form of management fees but high
levels of long-term debt for the firm once it is sold.
Renegotiating prices with suppliers on threat of loss of business.
These actions quickly shift wealth from customers, employees, suppliers, and
former owners to the new owners. This may do more good than harm, because
otherwise the firm in question may completely fail. But it is often unclear that any
additional value has been created in the sense of better satisfying customer needs
with a given amount of human effort and capital investment. And, from societys
standpoint, the only way to increase living standards is to change the ratio of
human effort and capital going into firms to the amount of value coming out.
Otherwise the outcome is basically zero-sum, with some winners and some losers.
By contrast, the objective of a lean transformation is to analyze the core value-
creating processes of organizations in light of customer needs (which may have
changed), then figure out how to create more value with the same resources so the
organizations can grow and society can prosper. Its the difference between
shifting wealth from one party to another and creating more value, ideally value
that can be shared with customers, employees, suppliers, and owners. I was
relieved that after a frank discussion of the differences between traditional and
lean private equity, the firm in question was still interested in pursuing lean.
Indeed, this firm has now launched a wide range of experiments to lean the
processes of its portfolio firms, and other private-equity firms are now following
its lead. It is far too soon to know how much progress will be made along this
new path. But Im heartened that an industry I feared I would never hear from is
now actually listening.
May 1, 2008
Many years ago the management writer Peter Drucker penned a wonderful
autobiography titled Adventures of a Bystander.11 In his introduction, he noted that
he had been a ringside observer at a number of great moments in management
history, including at General Motors when GM took its final form as the exemplar
of modern management immediately after World War II. (As he explained in his
classic volume, The Concept of the Corporation,12 he was given unrestricted
access to every gemba at GM in order to observe, but only to observe,
management behavior.) But he was never directly involved in decision-making
and was, thus, always a bystander. I have often felt the same way as I walked
along the gemba of organizations where I was merely a visitor.
Fortunately, Ive also had several opportunities to be more directly involved. As I
trust I have made clear by this point, I believe that the life of lean is experiments.
And I have confirmed in a number of experiments the adage that you learn the most
from mistakes. In the two essays that follow I describe two misadventures
where things did not go exactly as planned and describe the lessons learned. The
first involves my very brief career as a capitalist.
11. Peter F. Drucker, Adventures of a Bystander (New York: Harper & Row,
12. Peter F. Drucker, The Concept of the Corporation (New York: The John
Day Co., 1946).
The Value of Mistakes13
Several readers of the second edition of my and Dan Joness book, Lean
Thinking, have emailed me with an interesting question: Whatever happened to
the bicycle company you talk about in Chapter 3? Why isnt its success mentioned
in the new Chapter 14 in the same breath as the other companies in the book?
Here are the answers:
In 1995, I partnered with a number of investors to buy a small, bicycle-frame
manufacturing company in the Boston area. My role as an investor and board
membernot an employeewas to introduce appropriate lean knowledge for
improving operational performance.
As we got started it looked amazingly easy: The firm built its high-end titanium
bike frames to confirmed customer order and had a reputation for shipping within
a week or two of receiving an order. However, to do this the company had created
four months of almost-completed frames, which underwent final fabrication and
adjustments just before shipping. In addition, because of the batch mentality of its
key supplierthe firm making the titanium tubingthe bike company had four
months of tube stock on hand. Adding four months to four months, it was easy to
see that throughput time for a piece of tubing, from entering the company until
shipment to the customer, was eight months, and that this was where all the
operating capital was tied up. (The cost of the tubing was 40% of the total shipped
cost of the bike, so this was big money.)
Our plan was to eliminate the four months of partially completed frames and the
four months of tube stock while maintaining the ability to ship almost immediately
to customer specification. To do this we transformed the process-village layout of
the facility to create three cells for tube fabrication, tube welding, and final
machining and adjustment. (We got some terrific advice from a number of sensei,
ranging from Bill Moffit to Hajime Ohba, so any mistakes were strictly my own
doing.) Then we ran down the inventory by reducing throughput time from the first
cut on a tube to customer shipment to only two days for a custom frame. This
permitted us to eliminate the storage areas and rent out half of the plant to another
firm. Because we also increased productivity, while making a successful effort to
find jobs for the folks who were no longer neededan easy task in the boom
economy of 1996it looked like a win-win-win!
Then I made some mistakes:
The first was a technical effort to create a completely flexible welding fixture for
any bicycle so that the welders could switch over from one bike to the next
practically instantly, and we could run bikes through the plant in the exact
sequence of customer orders. It was a splendid thing to beholdand lingers in my
memory much like Mark Twains mechanical typesetting machine that consumed
his entire fortune and never worked! We were so obsessed with lean purismin
which I was determined to make bikes in the exact sequence of customer orders
that we forgot some technical limits and the fact that many of our customers were
not actually that concerned about waiting a bit for their bike. Indeed, some
reported that if we could make a custom bike within two days of receiving an
order, we must not have any business or their bike was really taken from inventory
rather than custom built. Either way, we were not delighting our customers, who,
like Harley Davidson buyers, seemed to place positive value on waiting. So
we purposely added two weeks of lead time to custom frames!
The net result was that we tied up a lot of the capital freed up by the inventory
reduction in a technology effort designed to serve a customer need that only we
were feeling and that we were never able to complete. In the end, we had to
accept the reality that small batches werent always a sin. The business takeaway:
Never put lean purity ahead of whats realistic or what the customer actually
Our next mistake was simple hubris on my part: I decided I would visit the
titanium tube supplierthe only firm in the world able to make tubing that did not
crack in our benders. I would make such a persuasive case for converting their
tube mill to lean methods with faster setups for smaller batches that we would get
better service with much smaller lots and lower pricing. (I was young back then.)
It was only when I got to their tube mill in Louisiana and looked at their
technology that I realized it was a lost cause. I asked if I could simply sit and
watch while they did a complete tool changeover on their big machine, but they
pointed out that since I was only in town for 24 hours I wouldnt have time to
watch the whole process! Then they asked if I wanted to buy their company, too,
since they were underwater and on the market! (They were soon bought by a
financial turnaround firm with zero interest in operational issues.)
Reality began to sink in when we realized that the tube mill had only four
customersBoeing, Pratt & Whitney, GE Aircraft Engines, and usand that a
remarkable boom in the aircraft industry was just taking off. As a result, the
supplier shipped us whatever they wanted to ship us whenever they wanted to ship
it, and the best we could do was to get them to store the excess in their distribution
warehouse near our plant. Because nothing fundamental had been done about costs
and their plant was sold out for several years to come, it wasnt surprising
indeed, we were luckythat prices didnt move. The business takeaway: The
extended value stream is critically important, but fixing it is always a lot harder
than fixing your own operations. So dont count on unrealistic short-term benefits.
Our next mistake was just bad timing: As a result of the bubble economy and the
ease of IPOs, most of the big bike companies went public in the mid-1990s. As
they did this, they needed to greatly increase sales to meet Wall Street
expectations for rapid growth. And the best way to do this was to offer retailers
extremely favorable terms for putting bikes on the retail floor without paying
carrying costs. That was one thing for $300 bikes but quite another for us with our
$2,500 frames, yet retailers wanted us to match the terms of the big boys.
We had a brilliant idea in mid-1997, which was to take a giant gamble and shift
our sales channel to the web. We designed a site where buyers could build their
own customized bikes on the screen and with just a few clicks send us a lot of
money! The problem was that making a dramatic channel switch required both
cash to get through a probable short-term drop in salesas traditional dealers
realized the rules had changed and dropped their franchisesas well as to
advertise the new channel in high-end publications like GQ.
So our president went to our bank and explained that we wanted to borrow to
create a new business model. This quickly led to a discussion of collateral. In our
two years running the business, we had gotten it from chronic losses to small
profits, but we had also eliminated almost all of the assets. Work-in-process had
gone from eight months to less than a week. Receivables on finished products
were zero since we shipped cash-on-delivery (COD). Our equipment inventory
had actually shrunk as we replaced fancy new machines with simple old machines
(led by the ancient reamer whose manufacturers plate confirmed that it was a
century old). And we had eliminated half of the plant space. In short, we had
created low-capital manufacturing, which is precisely where the world should be
As our president went through the logic of our business model with the bank,
their rejoinder was simple: So you are asking us to lend against a business that
has no assets by design?
Right, this is the future of manufacturing!
Well the future isnt here yet. Good-bye.
The business takeaway: Dont expect traditional financing sources to understand
what you are trying to do with your lean transformation!
So we concluded we couldnt get there from here and called a broker. In short
order we sold the company to a multinational sports equipment maker wanting to
pick up another high-end brand. And that was that, except for one dispiriting final
detail: The new owner immediately concluded that more inventory would be
needed to support rapid response to customer orders and went back to making
large batches of partially completed frames! They couldnt make any money with
this approachsurprise, surpriseand soon sold the company to another big firm
where it now only exists as a marketing device, one badge among many.
On the brighter side, a number of the employees of our firm broke away to found
a new firm and have made a solid success in the custom bike industry using the
manufacturing methods we introduced. And for me the experience was invaluable
in converting from a lean dreamer to a lean realist: I invested very little going in; I
received very little coming out; and I got an invaluable education in what it really
takes to transform a business.
I hope that your lean education is proceeding as well and that you have a higher
ratio of gain to pain!
Aug. 12, 2003
After I sent this eletter I was struck by the reaction. A number of readers wrote back to complain that
since I had made mistakes I had no standing as any sort of authority on lean transformation. One leader
of lean implementation at a large aerospace company even wrote in to assert that I had no right to write
anything further, having proved my ineptitude. My reaction was that this mindset is one of the key
reasons that large organizations find it so hard to improve: There is zero tolerance for failure and,
therefore, reluctance to try anything new that might possibly fail. Yet experiments are the only way for
humans and for organizations to learn, and all worthy experiments contain some possibility for failure.
My brief career as a capitalist taught one set of lessons. Trying to help lean a mighty corporation taught
another, as described in the next essay.
13. Originally titled, Beach Reading.
Necessary but Not Sufficient
One of the hardest things in my line of work is seeing a company make enormous
strides in getting lean and yet fail to prosper. Todays heartbreak is Delphi, the
giant American auto-parts company that was one of the founding sponsors of LEI
and which has been a test bed for our ideas and publications over the past eight
years. As you may know, Delphi filed for bankruptcy on Oct. 8, 2005, and is now
in reorganization.
I have walked through dozens of Delphi facilities in many countries, and in my
recent walks I have seen some of the leanest practices I have ever found outside of
Toyota City. Delphi retained the very best ex-Toyota sensei, pursued kaizen and
kaikaku with a vengeance, and took billions of dollars out of operating costs. At
the same time quality was dramatically improved (down to defects-per-million-
parts in the single digits), responsiveness to changing customer requirements was
enhanced, investment requirements for a given increment of capacity were
slashed, and inventories shrank. In short, Delphi took all the necessary steps to
transform its production system, but these steps alone werent sufficient.
So what went wrong? Delphi was caught in the middle between promises made
to employees as it departed General Motors and demands from its largest
customer (GM) as it struggled to adjust to todays hypercompetitive world
economy. When Delphi gained its freedom in 1999, the hope was that there would
be enough time to make the transition. Delphi would honor wage and pension
agreements with existing employees working on GM business in North America
while it steadily diversified new business away from GM, which initially
accounted for 90% of Delphis sales. Then as Delphis unionized workers in the
United States, working at high GM wages retired, they would be replaced by
young workers with Tier One wages comparable to those at Delphis
competitors in the supplier industry. At the same time, GM would acknowledge
Delphis cost problem on its GM business and keep price-reduction demands in
line with Delphis ability to remove costs.
For five years, as Delphi steadily increased its productivity through its lean
initiative and as its high-wage workers retired, it seemed that the equation might
work. But then energy prices zoomed, the big SUV and pickup segments where
GM still made good margins stagnated, and lean competitors like Toyota launched
products in each of GMs remaining profitable niches. GM responded by pushing
harder and harder on Delphis product pricing to a point where Delphi losses
soared. (The irony for lean thinkers is that lean-leader Toyota beat GM, and GM
responded by beating up Delphi, which had become one of Toyotas most eager
pupils. If only Delphi had had Toyota as its major customer!)
Something had to give, and Delphi decided that bankruptcy was the only way to
deal with money-losing activities in the United Stateseven as the company had
good financial performance elsewhere in the world, aided in every case by lean
So whats the takeaway for lean thinkers? Simply fixing operations may not be
sufficient if managers wait too late to start and factor costs (principally wages and
healthcare costs these days) are too far out of line. Delphi will now go through a
reorganization process in which the bankruptcy judge rather than senior managers,
union leaders, or customers will decide how to divide the pain. And here is a
contrarian prediction: I believe Delphi has a great future as the worlds leading
car parts supplier once promises made in a much less competitive past are
addressed. This is because the lean foundation for success has already been laid.
Many observers assume, of course, that a key step for Delphi will be to move
practically all U.S. and Western Europe operations to low-labor-cost countries.
And this may be part of the solution. But again, let me be a contrarian and point
out that this step, although necessary in selected cases, can never be sufficient.
After all, anyone can chase labor. If Delphi simply moves all operations to China
(see Move Your Operations to China? on page 242)assuming that this is the
global low-cost locationbut runs its operations like a mass producer, how can
sustainable competitive advantage be gained as competitors pursue the same
strategy at the same rate? In fact, sustainable advantage lies in combining truly
lean practices in product design, operations and logistics, purchasing, and
customer touch with appropriate labor costs at the right location to serve specific
What these costs are and where activities should be located depends on the
specific customers to be served. (Youll need some lean math to get the right
answer.) But I predict that in many cases the right location for Delphi will be
closer to the customer than most observers believe today. In any case, and for any
company in any industry, only lean processes in the right location will prove both
necessary and sufficient.
Oct. 17, 2005
Looking back five years later, my hopes for Delphi have been confirmed and thwarted. The company
emerged from bankruptcy, but only after four years during which the entire North American auto
industry was transformed by the collapse of GM and Chrysler. And it has now returned to profitability
with prospects for a stable future. But the bankruptcy and those of its largest customers resulted in half
of the companys operations being sold off or closed. Delphi is now only half its prebankruptcy size and
few of its surviving operations are in the United States or Canada. At the same time, the lean lessons
learned in the years before the bankruptcy have been remembered and even pushed further ahead in
Delphis remaining operations across the world.
Despite companywide disruptions from closing plants and relocating the remaining employees, defects
per million parts delivered to customers fell from 5.6 in 2005 to a remarkable 2.7 in 2010 (which is better
than the 3.4 level required for six sigma). At the same time Delphi continued to deliver on time to
customers at or above the 99% level, inventory turns improved by 10% even as volumes fell, and the
lost-work-day rate for employees due to on-the-job injuries fell from 0.36 in 2005 to 0.15 in 2010.
Soon after Delphi filed for bankruptcy, I heard from several readers that the failure of Delphi was proof
that lean doesnt work, a reaction to be repeated a few years later when Toyota stumbled. But the
problem was not lean concepts, which work just fine whenever applied in the proper context. And they
did work brilliantly in every operational area at Delphi. The problem was the unique circumstances in
which Delphi found itself as two business systems collided in North America, which is the topic of the
next set of essays.
The Delphi story from the previous section is one small part of a much larger
drama. It ran for 60 years from the point in the late-1940s when Toyotas senior
managers decided they could catch up quickly in productivity and quality with
General Motors, then the worlds largest and most successful company. And this
drama is only a part of a still greater competition between two very different
business systemsmodern management vs. lean management. The story of this
great chase in the period after the publication of The Machine That Changed the
World in 1990 is told in this set of essays.
A Tale of Two Business Systems
In the fall of 1990, Dan Jones, Dan Roos, and I coauthored The Machine That
Changed the World, our description of lean enterprise. On page 253 we forecast
that 1991 or 1992 would be the moment of crisis as the full power of lean
(represented by Toyota and Honda) threatened to topple mass production
(defended by General Motors). And in the recession of 19911992 GM nearly did
go bankrupt.
However, as usually happens with forecasts, we were off in our timing. The
moment of truth was actually delayed 15 years. What now seems certain is that
Toyota will pass GM in 2006 to become the worlds largest industrial enterprise
and that GM and Ford will undergo a profound transformation, whether led by
current managers or by someone else.
Recently, as Ive listened to industry executives and the media grapple with this
momentous event, Ive been struck by the manifest irrelevance of most efforts to
find the root cause. The crisis is not due to misaligned currencies, subsidies from
Japan, Inc., or spiking energy prices (although the latter has affected the precise
timing). And it is not a simple case of too many retirees for the present workforce
at GM and Ford to support. (Indeed, this gets cause and effect backward: GM and
Ford have too many North American retirees for current workers to support
because both companies have lost half of their North American market share over
the past 25 years and have hired hardly any new workers in a quarter century.)
The root cause of the crisis lies in a clash of two business systems, and the
better system is winning.
As we pointed out in Machinedevoting a chapter to each pointa lean
enterprise consists of five elements: a product development process, a supplier
management process, a customer support process, an overarching enterprise
management process, and a production process from order to fulfillment. And
each of these processes is superior to the processes employed for the same tasks
at a mass producer.
The lean product development process permits a company to produce vehicles
with fewer hours of engineering and fewer months of development time with
fewer defects while investing less capital and making customers happier. The key
tools are the chief engineer concept, concurrent set-based design (which is
simultaneous as well), and high-speed prototyping with tradeoff curves so that
reinvention is avoided.
Lean supplier management creates a small number of highly capable suppliers in
long-term partnership with their customers. Suppliers work to demanding
customer targets for cost, quality, delivery reliability, and new technology, and
achieve these targets by jointly examining the development and production
process they share with their customers. The lean approach has dramatic and
predictable benefits, but if GM and Ford even understand these concepts, their
perceived need to save themselves by bleeding their suppliers has made
implementation impossible.
Lean customer support creates customers for life while reducing distribution
costs by working backward from the customers desired experience and forward
from the production systems needs. In fact, although Toyota has deployed these
concepts brilliantly in Japan, it has stumbled so far in applying them in the United
States. Its Lexus dealer system has created a very high level of customer
satisfaction but at substantial cost. Achieving high satisfaction and low cost is a
key topic in my and Dan Joness recently released Lean Solutions book, and
provides a terrific opportunity for GM and Ford to move ahead of Toyota by using
its own methods. Or, if they fail, this could be the final act in the tragedy as Toyota
finally makes its retailers lean in the next few years, the way it transformed its
service parts operations in the 1990s.
A lean management system involves managers at every level framing the key
problems that need to be solved and asking the teams they lead to discover and
implement the answers. This practice of asking the correct questions rather than
providing the correct answers (which high-level bosses can never know in any
case) is perhaps the starkest contrast between lean thinking and orthodox modern
management and the hardest to remedy.
Putting these four elements together, its not surprising that lean exemplars
Toyota and Honda are steadily advancing, as recovering mass-producers GM and
Ford steadily retreat despite adopting parts of the lean system. And note that I
have not even mentioned the fifth element of a lean enterpriseproduction
operationsbecause GM and Ford are now nearly competitive on this dimension
in terms of labor productivity and assembly-plant quality. The root cause of the
current crisis is not in the factory. It is in the rest of the value-creation system.
What must happen soon for GM and Ford to resolve this crisis?
Rewrite the social contract. As Toyota learned when it went bankrupt in 1950
and fired a quarter of its workforce, no company in a truly competitive industry
can make promises to employees (or retirees) that are not sustainable in the
market. So Toyota made a deal: Right-size the company at one go, tie
compensation and benefits to market conditions (with bonuses of all employees
geared to profits and with defined-contribution pensions), and try very hard to
defend every employee willing to embrace the new value-creation system. Over
more than 50 yearsby carefully following these rulesToyota has been able to
steadily increase its competitiveness while defending its employees. But everyone
at Toyota understands that continuing employment with good compensation
depends on continually creating more value per employee. Thats why everyone
worries so much and thinks so much about continually improving every process.
Life-time employment is a consequence of creating value, not a precondition or
an entitlement.
Introduce all of the elements of lean enterprise. This includes product
development, supplier management, customer support, and lean management.
These practices have permitted Toyota and Honda to get the right products to
market first in North America with substantially higher selling prices within each
segment and with substantially lower costs. This is even though its employees in
North America are being paid wages and benefits comparable to GM and Ford
except for unsustainable early-retirement plans and defined-benefit pensionsand
its suppliers make adequate margins as well.
Simplify market offerings. GM and Ford do have a special problem, never faced
by Toyota, in their plethora of brands. But the solution actually lies in GMs past.
President Alfred Sloan worked miracles in the early-1920s by rationalizing the
welter of overlapping and immemorable companies and products he inherited
from founder Billy Durant. But where is the new Alfred Sloan who can either
explain what Buick, Pontiac, Saab, Saturn, and GMC are (and Mercury, Mazda,
and Jaguar at Ford), or get rid of brands only adding costs? Toyotas North
American lineup of Scion (a buzzy, whats new? brand), Toyota (a bread-and-
butter brand for people who love great, hassle-free transportation but actually
dont care much about cars), and Lexus (for those needing status or image with
their transportation) comprises as many brands as a car company today can
Whats the prospect if lean production is uniformly embraced? After a moment of
truthinvolving employees, retirees, suppliers, and investorsfollowed by
dramatic restructuring at each company, equilibrium could return to this massive
industry. GM and Ford could survive as independent companies, although
considerably smaller, and Toyota would find that it needs to work even harder to
improve every process as competitors embrace lean thinking. And that would be
good for the whole world.
But what will actually happen? Thats for the managers, employees, and
investors at GM and Ford to decide and decide soon. Dan and I learned in 1990
that lean thinking provides a great way to identify the root cause of the problem
but that lean thinkers shouldnt put any confidence in forecasts!
Feb. 7, 2006
The Lean Way Forward at Ford
Ive been reflecting on todays remarkable headlines [Sept. 16, 2006] about the
latest retreat by the Ford Motor Co. as part of its Way Forward campaign.
While reflecting, I have found it useful to think about the history of lean thinking at
Ford, going back nearly 100 years. I believe it offers many useful lessons for our
current-day lean journey and Fords immediate choices.
The historical record is clear: Henry Ford was the worlds first systematic lean
thinker. His mind naturally focused on the value-creation process rather than
assets or organizations. And he was the first to see in his minds eye the flow of
value from start to finish, from concept to launch, and from raw material to
customer. In addition, Ford was historys most ferocious enemy of waste. (Except,
possibly, Taiichi Ohno at Toyota, who claimed that he learned what to do from
reading Henry Fords books.)
Ford relentlessly emphasized the need to analyze every step in every process to
see if it created value before finding a way to do it better. Otherwise the step
should be eliminated. (This was Fords greatest criticism of Frederick Taylor and
Scientific Management. Why, asked Ford, was Taylor obsessed with getting
people to work harder and more efficiently to do things that actually didnt need to
be done if the work was organized in the right sequence and location?) Then,
when the wasteful steps had been eliminated, it was time to put the rest in
continuous flow.
By 1914 at his Highland Park plant, Ford had located most of the manufacturing
steps for his productthe Model Tin one building and had created very nearly
continuous flow in many parts of the operation, using single-piece-flow
fabrication cells for components in addition to the moving final assembly line. He
had even devised a very primitive pull system by using shortage chasers on
timed routes along the assembly line to check inventories at every assembly point
and convey the information back to the fabrication areas. This speeded up
upstream processes that had fallen behind and slowed down those that were
getting ahead.
Equally remarkable, Ford had designed his Model T in only three months in one
large room with a small group of engineers under his direct oversight. This surely
was a high point in lean practice for decades to come.
Then it gradually fell apart. Fords span of management control at Highland Park
had been remarkably broad because he could easily take a walk to see the
condition of every process in design, assembly, and fabrication. And he could
train a cohort of managers to see what he was seeing and remove more waste. No
abstract measures of performance were needed.
However, as the company grew, Fords personal management method became
impractical. But with what to replace it? Ford himself seems not to have had an
answer except to link every step by conveyorsas he attempted to do at the
massive Rouge complex completed in the late-1920s. By the 1930s the whole
Ford Motor Co. was in a sense one linked process. (Ohno, of course, realized that
lengthy conveyors governed by a central schedule are a push not a pull system, but
this was much later.) Did this mean that the founder believed the company needed
only one managerFord himselfeven as it became the worlds largest
industrial enterprise?
In any case, the system came crashing down in the 1930s as Ford tried to
produce multiple products with multiple options in wildly gyrating markets. Only
the staggering cash reserves from retained profits during the Model T era kept the
company going until grandson Henry Ford II was able to take over in 1945.
But what management system should he impose on the chaos? Henry Ford II read
Druckers 1946 classic, The Concept of the Corporation, praising the General
Motors management system, and quickly remade Ford in the image of GM.
What a different system it was! Henry Ford had managed by going to the gemba
to inspect the value-creation process. GM executives managed by analyzing
financial abstractions: for example, asset utilization (normalized for sales
volume), days of inventory, cost of scrap, etc., in the factory and available
engineering hours utilized in product design. Managers were then rewarded for
making numerical targets using methods developed by staff experts that managers
rarely understood. A good way to make many of these numbers was to make
products in large batches in order to achieve high asset utilization and low cost
per individual step. The total value-creation process from end to endwhich had
been so clear to Henry Fordwas gradually lost from view.
Soon Ford executives using the financial measures developed by finance czar J.
Edward Lundy were even more rigorous in analyzing the performance of their
area of control than GM executives. Robert McNamara and the Whiz Kids were
the exemplars. And Ford did regain competitiveness as a GM clone, claiming a
stable second place in the auto industry.
In addition, by the late-1940s Ford was one of three U.S. auto companies using
the same management system in the same town with the same union. With high
investment barriers to entry, a remarkable era of stability was put in place, lasting
nearly 40 years until the transplant Japanese factories succeeded in the United
States in the late-1980s.
When it suddenly became apparent at that point that the leading Japanese
companiesToyota followed by Hondawere using a different management
system, it was very hard for Ford to respond.
In the late-1980s, as Dan Jones, Dan Roos, and I wrote The Machine That
Changed the World, we were able to document that Ford had applied a number of
lean techniques in its assembly operations and was making dramatic progress in
manufacturing productivity. We took this to mean that at least one American
company was applying lean principles and with good results.
What we couldnt report, because we had no way to measure it, was the status of
the management system. And this was largely unchanged. Ford managers were still
manipulating abstractions because the gemba consciousness of the early Ford
Motor Co. had been lost. Even worse, in the product development and supplier
management processes, no change had occurred at all.
But Ford could still be successful in its home market for another 20 years by
developing large pickups and SUVs. These were essentially America-only
vehicles, suited to wide roads and low energy prices. They could only be
challenged by Toyota and its Japanese emulators if they were willing to design
vehicles specifically for the U.S. market and to locate production in North
In 1997, I got a call from Jac Nasser, who had just taken over Fords North
American Automotive Operations on his way to becoming CEO of Ford. He
matter-of-factly told me that Fords Explorer and F100 pickup series were the
only Ford products that made serious money and that he calculated that he had four
years to become as efficient and effective as Toyota. Otherwise, the large pickups
and SUVs would be copied by foreign firms at lower cost with higher quality and
Ford would be in terminal decline. So, he asked, how can Ford become Toyota
in four years?
We sat down to talk over just what this would meandramatically changing the
supplier management system, the product development system, the production
management system, what managers doand he quickly concluded that it was just
too hard. So he changed the management metrics, purged the poorest managers
according to the metrics, and experimented with selling cars on the web! I was not
asked back and had no desire to go back.
Ford actually survived for five years beyond Nassers projected meltdown date
although Nasser didnt as CEOto arrive at its current crisis. But my
prescription for new Ford CEO Alan Mulally is the same: Fundamentally rethink
the supplier management system. Fundamentally rethink the product development
system. And fundamentally rethink the production system from order to raw
materials and from raw materials to delivery, with special attention to the
information management system. (Much can still be learned from Fords Mazda
subsidiary, which became an able pupil of Toyota after a crisis in 1973.)
Above all, fundamentally rethink what managers do and how they do it in order
to regain the gemba consciousness that originally took Ford to world dominance.
In brief, Ford needs to remake itself once more, this time in the image of the
company that copied Fords original system: Toyota.
In addition, finish rethinking the social contract as Ford becomes a normal
company (not an oligopolist) in a normal town (where labor doesnt come from
one supplier) that must live in a global market. Finally, rethink brand strategy to
get rid of hopeless makes that can never make moneyMercury, Jaguar, Lincoln?
while refocusing the remaining brands on what customers really want
sophisticated, hassle-free transportation in every price range. (A hint: rethink the
vast gap between the company and the customer to provide hassle-free mobility on
a continuing basis to user-partners rather than selling cars to strangers in one-time
Who knows whether this is doable in the time still available, but it is the lean
way forward. It will be tragic if the originator of lean thinking is crushed in the
end by failing to learn lean lessons from its most earnest pupil.
Sept. 15, 2006
Why Toyota Won and How Toyota Can Lose
Simon & Schuster has just reissued The Machine That Changed the World,
which Dan Jones, Dan Roos, and I coauthored in 1990. Doubtless, our publisher
has noticed the current Toyota boom when any book with Toyota on the cover
Fortunately, Machine is still the best description of the complete lean business
systemproduct and process development, supplier management, supporting the
customer, fulfilling orders from raw materials through production, and
management of the global enterprise. It still has a story to tell. As new CEO Alan
Mulally remarked to Ford employees when he arrived in Detroit last fall, it is the
best summary of why Toyota is winning.
But in fact Toyota has already won. Its just a matter of totaling units sold and
revenues during 2007 to know exactly when to transfer the industry leaders jersey
from GM to Toyota. Much more important from a business standpoint, Toyota won
the profitability race years ago.
The interesting question for the future is not the precise day Toyota wins but how
Toyota can lose. The conventional wisdom is that it may fumble on quality (as
evidenced by recent recalls), go soft on costs, stumble in trying to make Lexus a
truly elite brand, or fail to gain a stable production and sales base in the emerging
markets of China and India.
And these could happen. But if they do they will be symptoms, not the root cause.
Toyotas real challenge for the future is to introduce and sustain lean management
at every point in a rapidly growing organization.
Its sobering to realize that many new employees at Toyota read Jeff Likers The
Toyota Way14 and Jeff and David Meiers The Toyota Way Field Book15 (which
every lean thinker should read as well) to try to understand the company they have
joined. Toyotas traditional way of creating managers by hiring them straight from
high school or college and carefully coaching them over many years to become
seasoned Toyota-style managers is being severely strained by Toyotas breakneck
growth rate. There are too many new pupils and not enough mature teachers as
Toyota opens new plants, engineering centers, and supplier development groups
across the world.
Toyotas great riskthe way it can loseis that its new managers and the
managers in its new suppliers will revert to the old, modern-management
mentality of the companies or schools from which they have come. If this happens,
Toyotas management performance will regress toward the mean. Instead of
moving the whole world to embrace lean management, Toyota will become just
another company. And that will be a tragic failure for us all.
What does Toyota need to teach its new lean managers? Obviously, the specific
methods (tools) for conducting production, product design, supplier management,
and sales and service are important. But these are the easy part. The heart of the
lean managers knowledge is strategy deployment originating with senior
managers, A3 problem solving for line managers in the middle of the organization,
and standardized management of standardized work with kaizen for front-line
And at every level Toyota needs to teach its managers to utilize these concepts
by going to the gemba. There, they need to ask questions about the true business
problem, the current condition causing the problem, a better condition (that is, a
better process) that could address the problem, who must do what when to
achieve this new condition (the future state), and what evidence will show that the
problem has been addressed.
This means managing the organizations value-creating processes (value streams)
by asking highly informed questions rather than managing results at the end of the
reporting period. (The latter is simply another form of end-of-the-line quality
inspection.) And it means not ordering people what to do next when matters seem
to be getting out of hand.
Issuing crisp orders is the natural instinct of any boss. Indeed, most bosses seem
to think that by virtue of their experience and authority, they should be able to
solve any problem lower in the organization. But orders from the boss rather than
informed questions take away the lower-level managers responsibility for
solving problems. They start a vicious circle in which lower-level managers wait
to be told what to do by higher-level managers who are much further from the
gemba where value is created and who inherently have less not more
knowledge of the best thing to do.
Compared with the rest of us, Toyota has one major advantage. It never acquires
companies or facilities. It expands by opening greenfield operations in new
locations. So if it finds that it cant grow lean managers at the same rate as sales it
can simply slow down. And my bet is that Toyota will slow down if it senses that
its management values are being seriously diluted.
The rest of us face a harder problem. We already own and operate brownfields
that urgently need a transformation in their management. Slowing down this
transformation simply makes us fail faster!
In summary, Toyota can fail, and if it does the root cause will be a failure to
propagate its management system. We also can fail. And if we do, the root cause
will be a failure to transform our outdated modern-management systems. Thus it
turns out that we all face the same challenge!
It follows that all of us in the Lean Community need to learn from each other
about the best way to create lean managers. We dont want anyone to fail.
April 4, 2007
Additional reading:
James P. Womack, Daniel T. Jones, and Daniel Roos, reissue version of The
Machine that Changed the World (New York: Free Press, 2007).
Jeffrey Liker, The Toyota Way (New York: McGraw-Hill, 2004).
Jeffrey Liker and David Meier, The Toyota Way Field Book (New York:
McGraw-Hill, 2006).
This assessment of Toyotas situation, written in 2007, seems prescient in light of the events at Toyota in
2010. But the timing and magnitude of Toyotas difficulties were as big a surprise to me as they were to
the general public. What was not at all surprising was what happened to General Motors in the fall of
2008 and the spring of 2009, for I had long been convinced that the next recession would be the last for
the old General Motors, as explained in the next essay. However, what was of much more interest to
me at this juncture, and much harder to discern, was what the end of The Great Chase would mean for
the Lean Community.
14. Jeffrey K. Liker, The Toyota Way (New York: McGraw-Hill, 2004).
15. Jeffrey K. Liker and Dave Meier, The Toyota Way Field Book (New
York: McGraw-Hill, 2006).
The End of an Era
When General Motors filed for bankruptcy yesterday [June 1, 2009] it marked
the end of an era. The first truly modern, manage-by-the-numbers corporation,
created by Alfred Sloan in the 1920s, was laid to rest as a viable concept. But
what comes next?
This is not just a question for GM or large enterprises more generally. Yesterday
also marked an end of the lean narrative that has been unfolding for 30 years, ever
since GM first began to decline in the recession of 1979. David (in fact a team of
Davids) finally felled Goliath just as Goliath was finally paying attention to the
lean message. So we need to consider what happens next for the Lean Community
as well.
Whats Next for GM?
At the beginning of 2009, GM had three major weaknesses. It had too much
legacy debtbondholders and retirees. It had benefit (not wage) costs for current
employees that were too high to compete with transplant operations in North
America. And the money it received for its products in most segments of the
market was far below average, partly as a legacy of decades of defective products
and partly due to losing the pulse of the public on what the company and its
products should mean for customers.
Ironically, GM also had considerable strengths. It had competitive factories in
terms of productivity and quality and a competitive product development process
when it could focus its energies (e.g., the new Chevy Malibu). After failing for 15
years to learn lessons from NUMMI (its California joint venture with Toyota),
GM had in recent years developed a competitive and consistent global
manufacturing system and rationalized its global product development
organization. It had even taken impressive steps to lean its internal business
processes. (See Lean Beyond the Factory on page 173.) Butas in the case of its
cast-off parts supplier Delphi (see Necessary but Not Sufficient on page 268)
lean came too late.
The bankruptcy resets the trip odometer. The legacy debt has been written down
to a manageable level, and the benefits costs for current employees will now be
much more competitive. In addition, the company is dramatically retrenching
toward a reasonable portfolio of brands with production capacity appropriate to
its realistic share of likely market volumes.
So what is the problem? Simply that GM has now explained what it is not. It is
not Saturn or Saab or Pontiac or Hummer. And GM is not a significant
manufacturer in the United States outside of the Midwest. And GM is not, from a
profitability standpoint, mainly a finance company. And GM will not have a
dealer net blanketing every area of every city across the continent.
But what a company is not is of no interest to consumers. If General Motors is no
longer your fathers GM (to paraphrase its advertising line in the last years of
Oldsmobile) or the company that let you down (as CEO Fritz Henderson
phrased it at yesterdays news conference), then what is it? Why should any new
customers care to shop GM products, much less pay the top-of-the-segment prices
GM needs to flourish? And who can define what the new, appealing GM is?
Sloans great genius in re-creating General Motors in the 1920s (after its second
trip through reorganizationyesterday marked the third in 100 years) was to
provide a compelling explanation of how GM fit into every Americans life. He
presented a complete range of vehicles from a used Chevrolet as a first car for the
low-income buyer to a fully equipped Cadillac for those who had succeeded
financially. And GM products were carefully arrayed in a status hierarchy with
brilliant attention to the look and feel of each product in relation to American
tastes. Indeed, as it gained massive size, GM was often the arbiter of American
So far the only message about what GM is is the Volt, its extended-range hybrid.
Perhaps this is a start, although with enormous risks given the flux in technologies
and in political and public perceptions about climate change and energy
dependency. But even if it is a start, it is a very small start. Who can
comprehensively define your sons GM, or the GM that never lets you down?
And what freedom will they have to do so?
It is easy to blame GMs recent management for its troubles. But the senior GM
managers I have knownalmost all of whom had strong finance backgrounds
were remarkably competent at running the company in the financially oriented,
manage-by-results way that had produced success for generations. So the problem
is not the individual competence of mangers but GMs irrelevant conception of
what management needs to do. In the simplest terms, where is the new Sloan, the
leader able to rethink GMs management and purpose and make it relevant to
Americans again?
Clearly the hard part comes now, after bankruptcy, and we will all watch what
happens. But let me make an exception for those readersand there are many
who work at GM and who can take an active role in making it happen. I truly wish
you the best.
Whats Next for Lean?
For 30 years now the Lean Community has benefited from a strong tailwind. GM
steadily declined as Toyota steadily advanced. All we needed to do was stand by
and cheer! But this narrative is over.
GM and almost all large manufacturers have now accepted lean as a management
theory, although the actual practice is always a struggle. As I noted above, GM
was becoming a vastly leaner enterprise just as it collapsed, and I have
confidence that it will continue to embrace lean principles and methods in the
years immediately ahead.
At the same time Toyota has turned out to have flaws of its own in the current
financial crisis. It barged ahead with capacity expansion across the world that
outran its ability to create lean managers and defied reasonable expectations for
long-term market demand. (As I have mentioned in previous essays, in the mid-
1990s Toyota redefined its purpose from being the best organization at solving
customer problems to being the largest, an objective of no interest to any
customer.) This has been a real setback for the lean movement.
We in the Lean Community therefore find ourselves in the odd position of
winning a battle of ideas without actually getting most believers to fully practice
their new convictions. And we have as our ideal organization a company that is
experiencing significant management and revenue challenges despite winning
the great contest between modern management and lean management.
Even as this drama plays out within manufacturing, lean ideas are spreading
rapidly to new fields, from the beleaguered financial industry to healthcare to
government services. Yet we have not fully defined what lean means in these
areas, much less how to implement and sustain it. So the dramatic events of recent
weeks are not a time for self-congratulation. Instead, they are a time for modesty
and self-reflectionhansei, if you willas we all struggle with the economic
crisis while trying to redefine our own purpose as a Lean Community for the new
era ahead.
June 2, 2009
We continue to struggle with these latter issues, which I return to in the final essay in this volume.
However, first I think it is useful to reflect on the long history of lean thinkingof which the great chase
is but a small partas a prelude to a consideration of the future. This long narrative is the focus of the
three essays in the next section.
Henry Ford is famous for asserting that history is bunk, bunk being a 19th
century American term for worthless nonsense. I have often used this adage in my
writing and speaking, taking it to mean that the dead hand of past practice must
never be allowed to obstruct the search for better ways to do things in the future.
And Ford surely did mean this.
However, Ford also meant that history as usually writtenthe business of
assigning historical importance to the actions of a few elites and key individuals
is bunk of a different sort. As he understood history, it is actually the
achievement of many people, working on the gemba, trying small and large
experiments, usually anonymously, to move humanity ahead.
(I only became aware of this meaning recently, after reading about Fords
Fordlandia experiment in Brazil to create a reliable source of rubber for Fords
global production system. This was perhaps historys most spectacular failure to
diffuse process thinking in a different culture.16 By contrast, the Toyota-GM joint
venture at NUMMI in California was perhaps historys most spectacular instance
of successful lean diffusion, as explained in the last essay in this section.)
What Ford surely did not mean about history is that we should forget the many
steps on our long journey of discovery as we find ever better ways to create
value. (He preserved the apparatus required for a number of these steps in the
Henry Ford Museum and at Greenfield Village in Dearborn, MI.) The essays in
this section attempt to bring into focus this long, lean walk through history up to
the present moment.
16. Greg Grandin, Fordlandia: The Rise and Fall of Henry Fords
Forgotten Jungle City (New York: Metropolitan Books/Henry Holt & Co.,
A Lean Walk through History
In the first essay in this section I try to list and evaluate the many small victories, often anonymous, that
have moved the lean thought process ahead, through a multicentury history that we ought to know
As you well know, I like to walk the gemba, along specific value streams, to see
for myself how value is being created and how waste can be eliminated. Recently
I took a wonderful, but dismaying, walk through a facility that no longer creates
value, along a historic but vanished value stream. The experience set me thinking
about the history of the lean movement and how we can preserve it.
The place in question was Highland Park, MI, a ghostly town with a ghostly
factoryHenry Fords extraordinary Highland Park plant where flow production
was pioneered. In the older building on the site, I walked the floor along the exact
path where the worlds first continuous-flow assembly line started up in the spring
of 1914. Its now empty, dirty, dark, dank, and uncommemorated.
In the six-story new shops across the street, I walked the exact path where the
assembly line had been moved later in 1914. At that time, many continuous-flow
fabrication operations worked on both sides of the line, and the upper floors
supplied the parts needed by the line. Today, the new shopsall six floors and
three skylit bays of Albert Kahns glorious concrete structure specifically
designed for flow productionalso stand empty and uncommemorated, awaiting
redevelopment or the wrecker.
Its my belief that this building was the site of the most important industrial and
economic leap in human history. Yet Fords descendentsand I include you and
me since we have built much of our current lean knowledge on Fords shoulders
seem to have misapplied one of his favorite aphorisms: History is bunk.
(Bunk is a 19th century American term meaning worthless nonsense.) Weve
ignored key moments and monuments in our past as we race toward the future.
How can this be? I think the root cause is that most of us dont realize that we are
heirs to a remarkably long struggle in human history to see beyond isolated points
in order to optimize the entire value-creating process. We tend to think instead that
lean ideas were mostly created by Toyota a few years ago and that the history of
lean thinking has been short and easy.
I was recently reminded of the length of our struggle when my colleague and
coauthor Dan Jones visited the Arsenale in Venice, established in 1104 to build
warships for the Venetian Navy. Over time the Venetians adopted a standardized
design for the hundreds of war galleys built each year to campaign in the
Mediterranean, and also pioneered the use of interchangeable parts. This made it
possible to assemble galleys along a narrow channel running through the Arsenale.
The hull was completed first and then flowed past the assembly point for each
item needed to complete the ship. By 1574 the Arsenales practices were so
advanced that King Henry III of France was invited to watch the construction of a
complete galley in continuous flow, going from start to finish in less than an hour.
The point I took particular note of from our visit was that the idea of continuous
flowwhich many in our community probably think was invented by Henry Ford
was being practiced more than 400 years ago, but then largely forgotten!
Once you are sensitized to the depth of lean history, along with its many
advances and setbacks, its easy to begin filling in some of the other milestones:
By 1765 French general Jean-Baptiste de Gribeauval had grasped the
significance of standardized designs and interchangeable parts to facilitate
battlefield repairs. (Actually doing this cost-effectively in practice was
another matter and required many experiments over another 125 years.)
By 1807 Marc Brunel in England had devised equipment for making simple
wooden items like rope blocks for the Royal Navy using 22 kinds of
machines that produced identical items in process sequence one at a time.
By 1822 Thomas Blanchard at the Springfield Armory in the United States
had devised a set of 14 machines and laid them out in a cellular arrangement
that made it possible to make more complex shapes like gunstocks for rifles.
A block of wood was placed in the first machine, the lever was thrown, and
the water-powered machine automatically removed some of the wood using a
profile tracer on a reference piece. What this meant was really quite
remarkable: The 14 machines could make a completed item with no human
labor for processing and in single-piece flow as the items were moved ahead
from machine to machine one at a time.
By the 1850s all of the American armories were making standardized metal
parts for standardized weapons, but only with enormous amounts of
handwork to get each part to its correct specification. This was because the
machine tools of that era could not work on hardened metal. Instead they
machined soft metal, and the subsequent hardening process introduced
warping of an unpredictable nature that had to be corrected by hand before
parts would fit together. The expense was acceptable for military hardware,
but unacceptable for most consumer goods.
In 1914 Ford finally got all of these strands of thinking to come together with
advances in cutting tools and a leap in gauging technology so that many
suppliers could produce hardened metal parts that consistently fit perfectly in
Fords fabrication cells and on his final assembly line. This was the secret to
truly continuous flow.
By the late-1930s the German aircraft industry had pioneered takt time as a
way to synchronize aircraft final assembly in which airplane fuselages were
moved ahead in unison throughout final assembly at a precise measure (takt)
of time. (Mitsubishi had a technical relationship with the German companies
and transferred this method back to Japan where Toyota, located nearby in
Aichi Prefecture, heard about it and adopted it.)
By the early-1950s Toyota had integrated the idea of takt time with Fords
ideas on continuous flow and added the critical dimension of flexibility to
make high-quality products in wide variety in small batches with very short
lead times.
In the early-1990s, the business process reengineering movement tried, but
mostly failed, to transfer the concepts of standardized work and continuous
flow to office and service processes that now constitute the great bulk of
human activities.
Note that this very incomplete rendition of lean history involves contributions
from Venice, France, England, the United States, Germany, and Japan at a
minimum. And there may well have been advances pioneered in other societies
that are unrecorded. To take two examples that Dan and I hope to explore
someday: How did the Chinese build the vast armada of identical Treasure Ships
that set out in 1421 to unite the world in Confucian harmony? Were they far
ahead of Venice in their design and production practices? And what about the
Romans, with all those sunken galleys in the Mediterranean with thousands of
identical pots for oils and wine? What process was used to make them?
Whatever the final list of contributors, I feel strongly that our lean history isnt
bunk. And Ford wouldnt have thought so either. Remember that he was a
remarkable conservator of the pre-Ford industrial past at his Greenfield Village
museum in Dearborn, MI. One of the things he meant by history is bunk was that
established methods must never be used as an excuse or impediment to trying new
methods. And Taiichi Ohno felt the same way in refusing to write down TPS. He
believed that if it was strictly codifiedput in a museum, in his thinkingit
would be frozen and soon go backward.
None of us wants to embalm lean thinking in a museum. However, as long as we
are determined to continue experimentingwith kaikaku and kaizen foreverthen
the history of how we got to our current state of lean enlightenment, inadequate as
it is, becomes a precious legacy. It also can be an inspiring story that can sustain
us through inevitable setbacks along the path to the future.
I hope you now have at least a bit of appreciation for the long struggle to perfect
process thinking. But note the practically complete lack of commemoration. There
are lots of product museums full of brilliant, breakthrough objects (like the Model
T). And somelike the Henry Ford Museum in Dearborn, the Toyota Museum in
Nagoya, and the Science Museum in Londoninclude some remarkable process
machinery displayed in isolation. But there are no process museums showing how
value creation works as a whole. Shouldnt the Lean Community think about
creating a place to showcase the long struggle from isolated points to optimized
processes? And wouldnt Highland Park be a great place to start?
Dec. 7, 2004
Nice Car, Long Journey
Note from the previous recounting that only a few of the experimenters in lean hostory are known by
name. Who made the breakthrough to flow at the Arsenale? Who thought up the idea of takt time?
Indeed, who really invented flow assembly in Highland Park, and just-in-time and jidoka in Toyota City?
The answer, I think, is not just anonymous individuals but anonymous groups of individuals collectively
In this essay, I looked at one group of experimentersat Highland Park in the period between 1908 and
1914who pioneered many of the concepts that are central to lean thinking. However, my interest was
not in the past for the sake of memorializing a few heroes of the lean movement, but rather in why it has
taken us so long to apply lessons learned a century ago.
The year 2008 marks the 100th anniversary of the introduction of the Model T
Ford. This truly is the machine that changed the world, even if the title of a 1990
book might suggest otherwise! Nearly 16 million copies were built over 19 years
of production as the world was motorized.
The Model T marks the beginning of the lean era. So I recently decided I should
go to Detroit and learn to drive a Model T. I was pretty sure that I could do itmy
father learned to drive on a Model T in 1918 when he was only 10 years old. But
Im still thankful to Don LaCombe and all of the folks at The Henry Ford Museum
and Greenfield Villagewhich maintains a small fleet of Model Tsfor taking
on my education. With their help I think I passed.
Let me say right away that its a nice car: High and roomy like an SUV, great
offroad performance in the mud, 20 miles per gallon on 60-octane gas (which
would be a lot cheaper if you could find any today), great visibility (although
windows and a top would be nice on some days), and easy to drive after only one
lesson. (Starting the motor by turning the crank proved to be another matter.) The
Model T was an extraordinarily sophisticated technical achievement in 1908, and
I often sayto the irritation of my friends in Detroitthat there hasnt been a truly
new idea in the auto industry since Fords car introduced reliable personal
transportation for everyone at an affordable price.
What is more significant for lean thinkers is that many of the product
development methods we still struggle to implement today were pioneered by
Henry Ford and his engineers as they designed the Model T in 1908. In particular,
a design team huddled in one room with the chief engineer (a real obeya room!),
working to a tight timetable (three months!), to design a highly modular vehicle
that was easy to assemble and one with easy access to every part for maintenance.
Equally important, many of the methods employed in lean production were
pioneered between the launch of the Model T in 1908 and the completion of
Fords Highland Park factory in Detroit in 1914. Fords team achieved
consistently interchangeable parts (for the first time in volume production), single-
piece flow in fabrication by locating many technologies in process sequence,
standardized work and precisely repeatable cycle times, a primitive pull system
for parts supply, and a remarkably horizontal, value-stream focus for the entire
production process that minimized total lead time. The innovation most visible to
the publicthe moving final assembly linewas actually introduced lastin the
spring of 1914and was only possible because of the previously pioneered
innovations. Thus the Model T helped start us all on a long, lean journey.
But why has the journey been so long? How can it take a century to universally
embrace some very simple concepts? Why has Fords own company struggled to
apply the full logic of the ideas prototyped between 1908 and 1914? And how can
we go faster?
Ive been thinking about these questions for a long time, and I dont have all the
answers. But I do have a few observations:
Determine the right destination before you start the journey: As the length of
the journey to a completed lean enterprise sinks in, I often hear the expression
its the journey, not the destination. And it makes me grumpy every time I hear it.
If we really have no expectation on our watch of creating a mature lean enterprise,
but instead just want the pleasure of applying lean techniques to random
processes, then lets take the next exit and do something else.
In fact, the reason the journey takes so long for many organizations is that they
have no clear agreement on just what the right destination is. And in particular
they make no connection between meeting the customer and business needs of the
organizationthe true purpose of any process improvementand the right
sequence of steps to take.
For example, I recently attended the beginning of a kaizen week in a large
corporation. I played the role of an anthropologist by watching quietly from the
rear. A team of earnest process improvers dove into applying a whole portfolio of
lean tools to a process without any discussion of the needed payoff for the
customer or the business. I dont doubt that they will be on their journey for a long
The key trick, as I now understand, is to pick an initial destinationan
improvement in the performance of key processes that will permit the organization
to prosper by addressing the customers needs. Once that destination is reached,
its time to pick another, further along the path toward perfection, that materially
benefits the organization. And so on.
This also suggests something about the very nature of perfection: since the
purpose of any process keeps changing as customer and organizational needs keep
changing, perfection is a moving rather than a stationary target.
Management is more important than tools: Ford pioneered a concept for low-
cost personal mobility and a series of lean design and production tools to make
this concept practical. His problem was that he never created a management
system that could sustain his methods. After his departure, a formal manage-by-
results system was installed to replace the informal management-by-process
approach of Fords early days. And the company is only now returning to its roots,
trying again to embrace process-focused management.
I see the same pattern in many organizations today. Lots of good lean techniques
tied to a mass-production management system, without any awareness that you
cant have sustainable lean processes unless you have lean management.
Good things do take time: When I first started visiting companies trying to make
a lean leap in the 1980s, it seemed obvious to me that a transformation could be
completed quickly. In retrospect, whats more obvious is that I could reach this
breezy conclusion because I wasnt the one on the gemba doing the heavy lifting! I
now understand that my happy estimate that a lean transformation could be
completed in five years was far from the mark. The challenge is to make steady
progress with clear interim objectives (successive destinations) that actually can
be achieved, building momentum for further progress. Thus a better mantra is it is
the journey, but to the right destinations.
We really are making progress: Im now old enough and have been observing the
progress of lean thinking long enough that patterns are clear to me that many
younger travelers with less experience may miss.
For example, I became interested in the Danaher Corp. as that firm started to
embrace lean thinking 20 years ago. The path hasnt been along a straight line
during this entire period, and observers of single points in time might easily have
drawn the wrong conclusion. But the company has made continuing progress,
driven by a very rigorous strategy-deployment process to decide on solid business
grounds what the next destination should be. It is not coincidental that Danaher has
been the most consistently successful American industrial company of the past 30
To take another example, I recently visited Boeing Commercial Airplanes to
check up on the progress of lean production for the 737 series, a family of
airplanes assembled in the same room in Renton, WA, for the past 41 years. When
I first visited this room in the early-1990s, the airplanes were assembled at
stationary positions, parts shortages were the norm, and the total assembly time
was more than 30 days. Now a moving assembly line takes planes from start to
finish in only eight days. Thats continuing progressdespite several severe
downdrafts along the routethat provides great hope for the future.
Thus I see a pattern of organizations initially dabbling with lean toolsprobably
in the form of a program. They gain some results, followed by backsliding,
followed by a realization that management comes first and tools come second.
This leads to a new round of progress and arrival at an interim destination. Then a
new management team picks up the challenge, perhaps after a pause or even a
relapse, and the organization sets off toward the next destination. Its not pretty to
watch, and its not efficient in terms of making the most progress in the least
amount of time. But it is progress. So lets say a word of thanks to the humble
Model T, on its centennial, for helping start us up this path.
June 6, 2008
The next great leap in lean thinking was in Toyota City in the period after World War II. In the next
essay I review not what was learned in individual experiments but how the new learning was deployed
across an extended value stream. As it turns out, the methods employed were not those of the large
corporate program familiar in recent years in the lean movement. Instead it was a matter of many
sensei (masters) teaching many deshi (pupils) through hands-on experiments on the gemba.
Respect Science, Particularly in a Crisis
The current recession is the fifth in my working career. And it is beginning to feel
like the worst. I cant imagine that any manager or improvement-team member in
any industry in any country isnt feeling a bit queasy at this point, as the world
economy keeps recessing toward an unknown bottom. Where should we go to
calibrate our North Star in times like these, to reassure ourselves that we are on
the most promising path? Recently Ive found one answer.
In carefully reviewing a new publication from LEI, Ive had the opportunity to
spend a lot of time with the fathers of lean. By this I mean the small band of
Japanese line managers who made the original breakthrough to create a lean
enterprise and who were interviewed at length much later about what they did and
why. The relevant point for this moment is that a small group of managers
achieved a lean leap in a time of severe stress, making some of their boldest
moves during the financial crisis of 1950.
As the Japanese economy entered a steep recession in that year, the Toyota
Motor Co. ran out of cash, which was tied up in inventory for products customers
no longer wanted. The company fell under the control of bankers who chopped the
company in two, creating separate firms to divide the marketing and sales
functions from the product development and production functions. (These firms
were only recombined in 1982 to create the current Toyota Motor Corp.)
Founding President Kiichiro Toyoda (new President Akio Toyodas grandfather)
was driven out in the process. The pursuit of what became the Toyota Production
System, along with the product development, supplier management, and customer
support systems, was the creative response to this crisis.
As I started to read these interviews I expected to discover that Toyotas
managers had a clear plan all along. Surely leaders like Taiichi Ohno, Kikuo
Suzumura, and Eiji Toyoda knew exactly where they were going and how to get
there. I also expected to find a clearly chartered improvement team and a formal
program to go with it. (Perhaps Moving Forward, Toyotas recent tag line in its
What I found instead was that a few line managers had some very simple ideas
and an extreme sense of urgency: Minimize lead time from order to delivery (to
free up scarce cash). Remove waste from every step in every process (to reduce
costs and enhance quality). Take action now (because there wasnt much time).
But what they also hadand this was criticalwas a tight scientific discipline.
While they did act quickly, they also took the necessary time to document the
current state, to state their hypothesis very clearly, to conduct a rigorous
experiment, to measure the results, and to reflect on what they had actually
achieved, sharing their findings widely.
What they didnt have was a program or even a name for the system of
scientific discovery they were creating. Indeed, the label Toyota Production
System was only introduced in 1970after the system had been fully invented
to explain it to suppliers. What they also didnt have was a program office or a
dedicated improvement team. The fabled Operations Management Consulting
Division was introduced at about the same time as the label TPS and only after
TPS was deployed across the enterprise. Toyotas remarkable act of creation
based on a scientific process of systematic discoverywas conducted by line
managers as the most important part of their daily work. Andheres the really
inspiring partthey did most of their research in the midst of a fierce battle for
In learning more about Toyotas achievements in the 1950s as the company
struggled to survive, Ive gained a new appreciation for the fact that we have no
excuses in our current period of chaotic markets and falling demand. Systematic
science works wherever it is applied to any process. And it is more and not less
useful in the depths of a crisis. The only ingredient that may be lacking today is
our determination to respect rigorous science in the current crisis. And that you
can quickly rectify!
March 5, 2009
Additional reading:
In my view the last major historical milestone in the progression of lean thinking was the effort to diffuse
it across the world from the leap made in Japan after World War II. The NUMMI experiment in
California was the critical breakthrough, as explored in the final essay in this section.
The End of the Beginning
NUMMI closes today [April 1, 2010]. The General Motors-Toyota joint venture
assembling motor vehicles in California lasted 25 yearsa very long time for a
joint ventureand about 8 million vehicles rolled off the line. For those working
at NUMMI this is a truly sad day, and I hope our Lean Community will reach out
to help many employees there find new jobs utilizing their advanced lean
knowledge. But for the rest of the global Lean Community, this day is not just one
of sadness. I think it marks the end of the beginning.
Honda first moved automotive manufacturing abroad from Japan in 1982, with a
very similar production system to Toyotas. But NUMMI in 1984 was the first
application of the complete lean system in a completely foreign environment using
employees and line managers steeped in the tradition of mass production. And the
best part was that the system the small band of Toyota managers brought to
NUMMI from Toyota City was so systematic, visible, and easy to copy: The TPS
house. The standard terminology. The methodical approach to human relations
with a new, proactive role for teams, team leaders, and front-line management.
The focus on problem solving and continuous improvement rather than fault
finding and the status quo. And all of the support apparatus to handle information
and material in order to create a smooth flow of value from end to end.
NUMMI could have failed to match the productivity and quality achieved in
Toyota City (as many at Toyota feared it would). That would have left us with
other things to do and talk about today. But instead it was a remarkable success in
terms of quality, productivity, and the new way managers and employees were
able to work together. It laid the foundation for all of the success lean thinking has
had subsequently. So whatever happens to the NUMMI site in Fremont, CA, it
surely should be designated a world economic landmark.
Not only was NUMMI a remarkable success, it was an immediate success. From
the start of production in 1984, it was only two years before our research team at
MIT, in a remarkable paper by young John Krafcik,17 was publicly reporting the
revolution in product quality and productivity. And NUMMI also was an enduring
success over its full 25 years through a number of phases of organizational
renewal, proving that with periodic reflection and renewed management attention
lean can truly endure for the long term.
Remarkably we were still learning from NUMMI at the end. John Shook in his
recent Sloan Management Review article18 explains how NUMMI showed that the
best way to change and sustain an organizational culture is by first changing and
sustaining management behavior, a lesson many transformation efforts still
overlook. And toward the end even GM learned to manage in a different way with
dramatic gains in productivity and quality, although too late to save itself. But now
the launch party for the lean movementcontinuing for all these years at NUMMI
is over. So where do we go from here?
(You can hear the sad story of how NUMMI failed to rapidly transform GM,
including interviews with NUMMI workers, union leaders, and GM managers, on
the March 26, 2010 installment of This American Life, downloadable from
National Public Radio.)
Perhaps the hardest first step is to adjust to the fact that virtue isnt always
rewarded. All of us in the Lean Community want to believe that a superior facility
applying the best lean methods should be spared the forces of the global economy.
But this isnt likely in a world where economic stability seems to lie always in the
future. Sometimes making a product efficiently with few defects and strong team
spirit isnt enough in a world of excess capacity and widely varying labor costs
per hour.
And we would all like to think that a company like Toyota that has consistently
shown the world a better way to do things would be treated generously when a
few things go wrong. But this isnt the norm. Fault findingthe search for who is
responsiblemay have been replaced with root cause analysisasking the Five
Whysin the lean management system, but the diffusion of this simple idea to the
world at large is sadly lagging.
So we will have to move ahead in imperfect circumstances, doing the best we
can on our watch. In my view, we are making progress and have dramatic
opportunities just ahead despite the degree of difficulty:
NUMMI proved once and for all that lean methods can be successfully
adopted in the most difficult circumstances in tired facilities with aging
workforces. (Just listen to the This American Life story and ask yourself if
anything about your situation can be worse than the problems confronting a
few Toyota managers, including John Shook, when they arrived from across
the Pacific to start work 25 years ago.)
NUMMI proved once and for all that lean methods can be sustained
indefinitely, over decades. (NUMMI didnt come to end because it ceased
being lean. It came to an end because the auto industry changed in ways that
no amount of leanness in California could counter.)
We now have examples of good lean practice in practically every industry,
even including government services. No one who has tried to create a
complete lean enterprise with the hands-on participation of top
management has failed to achieve dramatic results. And that is a very
powerful statement.
We are always looking for a crisis as our moment of opportunity, and the
worlds healthcare systems are all now heading into deep crises as
demographics, new technology, and a history of weak process management
produce an unsustainable situation. This may be the single most important
contribution of lean thinking to society in this generation, and we already
have the knowledge to transform healthcare delivery systems. All we need to
do is to act together to rapidly deploy our knowledge.
So lets mourn for a moment the passing of NUMMI and the end of the beginning.
Then lets all move ahead together to the next set of challenges and opportunities.
April 1, 2010
Lean challenges and opportunities are the subject of the final essay, which was written for this book.
17. John Krafcik, Learning from NUMMI, (Cambridge, MA: unpublished
manuscript, MIT International Motor Vehicle Program, 1986).
18. John Shook, How to Change a Culture: Lessons from NUMMI, Sloan
Management Review, Winter 2010.
Hopeful Hansei: Thoughts on a Decade of Gemba
Hansei: critical self-reflection for the purpose of improvement.
After 10 years of gemba walks, through an enormous variety of human activities
on six continents, what have I learned? And what does my learning suggest about
the next series of walks on my lean journey? In this final essay, let me engage in a
bit of personal hanseicritical self-reflectionabout what I have learned, what I
have misunderstood and tried to correct, and where I believe I should walk in the
years ahead. My hansei cannot be your hansei, of course. But I hope that sharing
my process of reflection will be helpful as you assess your own situation.
Let me start with a lesson I kept learning, on walk after walk, year after year: the
critical importance of the simple act of walking. Whenever I have found myself
bogged down in abstractions or discouraged about my ability to engage
constructively with others on the problems at hand, I have rediscovered the power
of going to see. Yet I find that the world constantly pulls me in the opposite
direction, asking for my opinions in a conference room or lecture hall about things
I have not seen. People push for quick solutions even though I have had no chance
to look for and understand the root cause of the problem.
Just this past week, in a windowless conference room in a large medical center, I
met with a group of doctors engaged in a discussion of their units performance.
After I was introduced as some type of lean expert, they immediately asked me
how I would apply lean theory to get better results in a series of processes I had
never seen! Surely these doctors didnt make diagnoses without seeing the patient.
But they seemed eager to listen to both a diagnosis and a proposed treatment plan
from a practitioner who had never been near the bedside.
Im sure you also face this pressure to leap without looking. So my most
fundamental learning is that you and I must always walk and reflect deeply before
acting. If we will all simply do this, the world will be a far better place.
Ive learned something else about walking. Never walk alone. What is the
benefit if only I see the current state and think of a better way to create a future
state? Instead, I always need to walk with the people who touch the value stream:
their efforts, not mine, are needed to improve it. But again, the world pushes back.
Its hard to get everyone together for a task that traditionally has been delegated to
staffs or consultants. In addition, the flaws of the value stream in question are
often embarrassing for those directly involved. But in the end, Ive learned not to
compromise. Solo walks rarely produce significant change. So I hope that you
keep walking and always proceed as a value-stream team.
Another learning of the past decade has been to expand my focus. In the early
years I looked primarily at the steps in whatever value stream I was observing.
That is, I looked at the actual work to be done and asked how to remove the
waste. I also asked about the support processes getting the right people to the right
place in the value stream at the right time with the right knowledge, materials, and
equipment. In short, I was primarily concerned with the process itself, its current
performance, and its potential for technical improvement. I was approaching the
issue like a traditional industrial engineer.
Today I still focus on the process, and I dont regret the time I spent trying to
raise process consciousness across the Lean Community. Im also proud of the
investment LEI has made developing process-improvement tools ranging from
value-stream maps to methods for seeing extended value streams from end to end.
But I now reflect first on the purpose of the process before focusing intently on the
process itself. And I then pay special attention to the way people are engaged in
its operation and improvement.
By purpose I dont just mean what the process is currently designed to produce.
Increasingly, I focus on what problem the customer is trying to solve in his or her
life, and I ask whether the existing process, no matter how well run, can
effectively address this problem. Indeed, could the value stream be entirely
rethought to produce something quite different?
Similarly, I now focus on how the process feels from the standpoint of those
operating it and how better performance must be combined with more fulfilling
work. There is nothing worse than seeing good people trapped in an unfulfilling
process that they lack the power to improve. This is never necessary and should
never be tolerated.
Another learning of the past decade is the importance of achieving basic stability
before introducing the full panoply of lean techniques. By basic stability I simply
mean that every step is capable (able to produce a good result every time) and
every step is available (able to operate when it is needed). To achieve this,
technical analysis is necessary and work needs to be standardized.
For 20 years I have had a T-shirt on the wall above my desk in my writers nook.
On the front is a line drawing of Taichi Ohno staring down at me with the
admonition, Where there is no standard, there can be no kaizen. Yet somehow I
kept thinking smooth flow and steady pull could be created first, with basic
stability as an afterthoughtor that maybe it would just emerge automatically. In
retrospect, its like believing that a building can be built without first laying the
foundation. I now see my error. I only wish I had realized this sooner.
As I noted, I have learned to give the same attention to purpose and people that I
give to the process itself. But how are these three aspects of value creation tied
together in an effective whole? I now realize that this is the job of managementa
critical aspect of lean practice that I should have focused on earlier.
By management I dont mean functional management or the most senior
management (the CEO and COO). And this is the heart of the problem. Perhaps
management is even the wrong word. What I mean is someone taking horizontal
responsibility for every important value stream.
This person must assess performance in relation to purpose and identify the
problemsincluding problems for the people involvedthat are created by the
vertical functions though which the value stream must pass. These conflicts then
need to be discussed and reconciled at the top of the organization, as part of
strategy deployment. The objective is to counter-balance the vertical authority of
the functional managers, by assigning the horizontal (value-stream) responsibility.
It is only when both perspectiveshorizontal toward the customer and vertical
toward the CEOare balanced, placed in creative tension, and reconciled that a
lean enterprise emerges.
Perhaps my greatest regret in looking back is that we have not yet conducted
successful experiments with the management methods required to reconcile
horizontal and vertical. Thus, as I look forward, I am hoping to observe many
experiments by those taking responsibility for value streams. And I am hoping
these will be in a wide range of industries (including government and education)
in a wide range of circumstances (startups, mature but stable businesses,
distressed organizations in need of a rapid turnaround).
I cant conduct these experiments myselfas I noted in the introduction I have no
gemba of my ownbut I can walk through the experiment sites, ask why, and
show respect. And I can help document the results of experiments and share them
with the Lean Community. I look forward to this march in the years ahead, a path
that will itself require some thoughtful P and D with a lot of C and A.
Ill end my hansei here on a thankful note. Looking back, it is hard to believe that
so many people in so many industries in so many countries invited me in as a
relative stranger to walk through the core activities of their organizations. I have a
reputation for saying what I think, and my thoughts have rarely been completely
positive. Yet I have often been invited back, sometimes year after year! This is a
real credit to the tolerance and open-mindedness of the Lean Community plus the
earnest desire of so many managers and employees across the world to improve. I
will always be grateful.
I also want to end on a hopeful note. I have been walking and observing not just
during my past decade of essay writing but for more than 30 years. And every
advance I have observed on the lean journey has been hard for those who have
achieved it. Whats more, none of us has made as much progress as we had
anticipated or would have liked. But the important thing I am now able to see, by
virtue of so many years on the journey, is that things really are getting better
despite the ups and downs along the way: It really is harder and harder to buy a
bad product. Most companies in most industries really are creating more value
with less waste. Velocity and responsiveness to customers is increasing in almost
every activity. And consciousness is rising that consumers are not ultimately
seeking a greater variety of brilliant but disconnected objectsthey just want
their problems solved. We are making progress toward a worthy destination!
This hopeful note is especially needed today when the world economy is a mess,
some lean exemplars have encountered problems, and a few of us may even be
feeling a bit of lean fatigue. Yet Im confident we will continue to progress as a
community as long as we continue four simple practices: Conduct rigorous
experiments. Openly share our results. Perform periodic hansei. And take gemba
walks together.
action plan
use of for lean transformations reconsidered, 136141
Adams, Scott (Dilbert)
success of due to business- process reengineering, 174
adding value
compared with creating value, 252
adequate, 22, 150
as an attribute of a process step, 235
definition of, 235
Adventures of a Bystander (Drucker), 259
Aichi region (Japan) as location of Toyota innovations, 305
air travel
lean concepts applied to, 193196
American Airlines
proposal for lean operations at, 193194
Arsenale (Venice)
as site of breakthrough in flow production, 302303
asset optimization
as an objective of managers in healthcare, 198
asset (capacity) utilization
as objective of managers in healthcare, 205
problem with as a metric, 94
A3, 17, 18, 101, 120, 163
analysis with, 65, 73, 80, 89, 93, 101, 106, 109, 113, 290
as method for managing without authority, 117
misapplication of, 101102
role of in creating lean managers, 113
role of in recessions, 222
role of in strategy deployment, 84
A3 thinking
as core of lean management system, 89
authority, 73
as manufactured by owner of an A3, 89
responsibility contrasted with, 116117
automobile repairs
lean applied to, 187192
available, 22, 25, 26, 32, 41,132, 150, 157, 232
as an attribute of a process step, 232
definition of, 235
as starting point for total productive maintenance, 235
basic stability, 36, 109, 156, 162, 328
as antidote to mura, 216
definition of, 32
role of in strategy deployment, 85
Bellow, Saul
as originator of term intense noticing, x
Berwick, Don
as originator of the idea for Lean Enterprise Institute, 197
Blanchard, Thomas
as innovator of cellular-flow production, 304
Boeing Co., 264
Boeing Commercial Airplanes continuing progress of on lean journey, 313
bottleneck analysis, 235
as the normal venue for lean transformation, 291
Brunel, Marc
as innovator in mass production, 303
Brunt, Dave
as innovator in lean service, 188, 191
Buick, 279
buffer stock, 47, 239
business-process reengineering (BPR)
negative experience with, 173174
in relation to lean thinking, 234
role in transfer of lean concepts to offices and services, 305
Cadillac, 16, 295
capable, 22, 26, 30, 32, 41, 113, 157, 162, 232, 233
as an attribute of a process step, 235
definition of, 235
CEO (chief executive officer)
key role of in lean transformations, 140
traditional role of in modern management, 58
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, 197
Champy, James
as popularizer of business process engineering, 174
change agent
role of, 136137
Chennai, India
as location of TVS Group, 131
as location of WABCO-TVS plant, 156
Chevrolet, 16
Chevrolet Malibu,
as example of competitive GM product, 294
as a production location, 242247, 270271
Cho, Fujio
as originator of expression go see, ask why, show respect, x
role of in recording lean knowledge at Toyota, 129
Chrysler, 271
cognitive information management, 40
collateralized debt obligations, 217
Concept of the Corporation (Drucker), 283
as account of GMs perfection of modern management, 259
concurrent engineering, 76, 276
conference-room management
as a practice of modern management, 121
constancy of purpose, 159165
consultant dependency definition of, 129
consumption process definition of, 11
steps in, 11
performance of, 11
conveyance (tugger) system, 27, 4748
cost cutting
as a threat to lean enterprise, 221
countermeasure, 67, 102, 105
Creating Level Pull (Smalley), 35
creating value
compared with adding value, 252
compared with shifting wealth, 256
credit default swaps, 217
customer purpose, 49
definition of, 3
example of, 9
customer support process, 23
definition of, 93
steady pursuit of lean thinking by, 313
Day, Joe
as transformational leader at Freudenberg-NOK, 132
De Gribeauval, Jean-Baptiste
as innovator in interchangeable parts, 303
bankruptcy of, 268271, 294
postbankruptcy lean
accomplishments of, 272
demand flow
in relation to lean thinking, 234
Deming, W. Edwards
14 points of, 159
as originator of PDCA, xxi, 83, 93
Deming Prize
award of to TVS Group brake plant, 132
Dennis, Pascal, 83
deployment manager, 85
Dilbert (Adams)
success of due to business- process reengineering, 174
distribution centers (warehouses) management of, 6870
DMAIC (define, measure, analyze, improve, control) compared with PDCA, 96
Drucker, Peter
as author of Adventures of a Bystander, 258
as author of The Concept of the Corporation, 283
Durant, Billy, 279
as a point-to-point airline, 195
80/20 rule (Pareto), 55
equipment utilization
different definitions of, 34
central role of in lean practice, 104
conduct of as kaizen, 145
as the life of lean practice, 125, 142
plans vs., 119
behavior of needed by car dealers, 184
definition of, 60
role of in lean management, 5861
performance of in emergencies, 241
firefighting, 161
causes of, 78
due to mura, 216
as a task of managers, 114
use of by lean teams, 139
5S, 76, 128, 157, 161
Five Whys, 76
comparison of with who, 321
flexible, 150, 232
as an attribute of a process step, 236
definition of, 235
flow, 35, 150, 156, 232
as an attribute of connected process steps, 236
definition of, 236
as an objective of TPS, 236
as principle of lean thinking, 136
flow kaizen, 37, 128
flow production
as pioneered by Henry Ford, 76, 236
Ford, Henry, 155, 309
advances by in interchangeable parts, 303
aphorism of on history is bunk, 299, 302, 306
aphorism of on thinking you can, 155, 180
as an enemy of waste, 281
experiments of at Highland Park, 282, 301
failure of to develop management system, 312
as innovator of flow production, 76, 303
as worlds first systematic lean thinker, 281
Ford, Henry II
as remaker of Ford in the image of GM, 283
Ford, William C., Jr.
as heroic leader, 59
Ford Motor Co., 59, 230
Alan Mulally
as CEO of, 286
efficiency of, 16
Explorer model of, 285
F100 series pickups of, 285
Fordlandia experiment of, 299
Highland Park, MI, plant of, xxiii, 282
loss of market share by, 276
loss of gemba consciousness at, 286
Model T launched by, 308
nature of crisis faced by, 275280
Rouge complex of, 283
Way Forward campaign at, 281
Ford Production System, 143
Fremont, CA
as location of NUMMI plant, 320
as example of managing toward perfection, 139
sequence of steps for lean transformation used at, 131132
fulfillment process defined, 10
gemba (genba), 102, 104, 106, 125
as site of A3 analysis, 89
constance of purpose on, 161
definition of, vii, xix
gemba learning
as a key element of lean management education, 120
genchi gembutsu defined, vii
General Electric, 15
General Electric Aircraft Engines, 264
General Motors, 59, 223, 259, 273
bankruptcy filing by, 293296
efforts to lean office processes at, 173174, 294
Global Manufacturing System of, 146
extension of to office processes, 175
learning from NUMMI at, 321
loss of market share by, 276
nature of crisis faced by, 275280
as pioneer of modern management, 115
purpose at, 1516
redefinition of purpose at, 14
restructuring at, 17
role of in Delphi bankruptcy, 269
Volt product at, 17, 295
Gerard, Roger (On the Mend) as experimenter in lean healthcare, 203
Getting the Right Things Done (Dennis), 83
GFS (Grupo Fernando Samao) (Portugal)
results of lean service innovations at, 185
Ghosn, Carlos
as heroic leader, 59
Global Manufacturing System, evolution of at General Motors, 294
GMC, 279
compared with brownfield, 291
as opportunity for lean entrepreneurs, 207
as Toyotas means of expansion, 291
Greenfield Village (Dearborn, MI), 306, 309
gross domestic product (GDP), 248
gross national product (GNP) percentage of spent on healthcare, 203
gross domestic value, 249
gross domestic waste, 249
GROWTTH (Get Rid of Waste Through Team Harmony)
origin of at Freudenberg-NOK, 131
Hammer, Michael
as popularizer of business-process reengineering, 174
hansei, 153, 331
definition of, 110, 325
learnings about the lean movement from, 325331
need for as a result of the end of the Great Chase, 298
need for in purchasing, 179
need for at Toyota, 224
Harley Davidson, 263
crisis in as a lean opportunity, 323
lean principles of for, 204
as most energetic area of lean practice, 201
Heathrow Airport (London) bad processes at, 5152
heijunka, 231, 239
as an antidote to mura, 216
application of to airline operations, 193
emotional, 202
definition of, 217
simplicity of, 43
Henderson, Fritz
as chairman of General Motors, 295
Henry Ford Museum (Dearborn, MI), 299, 307
Henry III of France visit of to the Arsenale in Venice, 303
role of in organizations with poorly performing processes, 5861
Highland Park, MI
as location of Highland Park Ford plant, xxiii, 301
Highland Park factory, 308, 310
as experiment site for Henry Ford, 282, 301302
as site of memorable gemba walk, xxiii
Holmes, Oliver Wendell, Jr.
quote of on the life of the law, 125
Honda, 75, 155, 181, 229, 275, 278, 279, 284, 319
horizontal focus of management, 77, 310
on flow of patients in healthcare, 205
in healthcare, 206
hoshin kanri (see strategy deployment), 82, 83, 86, 109
hub-and-spoke airlines, 193
hunters, 60
car dealers as, 184
Hyundai Motor Corp.
as improving Toyota competitor, 18, 185
Hyundai Motor America John Krafcik
as president of, 230
as a discontinued GM brand, 17, 294
incidental work
definition of, 234
example of, 114
of managers, 114
as Type One muda, 234
as a production location, 242247
information management, 4044
cognitive, 40
reflexive, 42, 46
Institute of Healthcare Improvement, 197
International Car Distribution Programme, 183
International Motor Vehicle Program (MIT), 227
inventory (stocks)
of cash, as protection in recessions, 219
information as, 42
just-in-case, 41, 237
role of in recessions, 215
standard, 36, 238
types of, 47
buffer, 47, 239
cycle, 47
emergency, 240
safety, 47, 157, 239
shipping, 239
work-in-process, 156
as a devalued brand, 279, 288
Jefferson Pilot (Lincoln Financial Group)
as an organization clearly defining purpose, 4
as a point-to-point airline, 195
jidoka, 86, 231, 308
Jones, Daniel, 75, 159, 183, 185, 261, 275
as coauthor of Lean Solutions, 9, 183, 277
as coauthor of Lean Thinking, 82, 100, 135, 136, 215, 261
as coauthor of The Machine That Changed the World, 275, 284, 288
as fellow gemba walker, xxiii
as observer of consumer experience, 10
as visitor to Venetian Arsenale, 302
Juran, Joseph
as originator of 80/20 rule for quality problems, 55
just-in-time (JIT), 231, 308
as misunderstood by the media, 237241
as pillar of TPS, 236
pull as central point of, 236
Kahn, Albert
as architect of Fords Highland Park factory, 302
kaikaku, 306
definition of, 128
kaizen (continuous improvement), 4, 29, 35, 76, 91, 97, 99, 101, 113, 145, 163,
211, 231, 233, 290, 306
definition of, vii, 150
flow, 38, 128, 137
point, 37, 38
process, 126, 135
proper context for, 149
role of at Toyota, 151
as rework, 210
system, 38
without clear purpose, 311
kaizen burst
as used in value-stream mapping, 6
Kamiya, Shotaro
as heroic leader at Toyota, 60
kanban, 24, 43, 47, 48, 76, 156, 231, 232
use of at Toyota supplier, 45
logistics during, 241
Kiff, John
as innovator in lean service, 188, 191
Krafcik, John, 146
as originator of term lean, 229230
as president of Hyundai Motor America, 230
LaCombe, Don, 311
LaHote, Dave, 106
Lancaster, Pat, 82
Lantech, 82
lean implementation by in a recession, 218
as a change agent, 132
attributes of, 229230
simple definition of, 227, 230
lean air travel, 193196
lean consumption principles of, 1112
lean customer service, 182186, 187192, 277
lean enterprise
description of, 181, 218, 276
protection of from mega mura, 218221
Lean Enterprise Academy (UK), 185, 188
Lean Enterprise Institute, xi, 82, 101, 106, 327
annual web survey by, 92
lean healthcare behavioral changes needed for, 205
initial experiments with, 91
principles of, 204
recent experiments with, 197201, 202206
sustainability of, 91
lean information management principles of, 4043
Lean Institute Brasil recycling program developed by, 207
lean law of organizational life, 104105
lean management, 73, 101
compared with modern management, 115123, 273, 277
elements of, 7980
as facilitated by A3, 87
failure of lean tools without, 312
observations about, 7779
lean manager
role of as complement to change agent, 136
use of lean tools by, 81
lean math
in contrast with mass production math, 242247
lean promotion office (function) role of, 138
lean purchasing (supply management), 176181
lean sales and service, 182186
lean six sigma program, 96
Lean Solutions (Womack and Jones), 9, 183, 277
lean state of mind definition of, 104105
lean supplier management (purchasing) 176181
lean thinking
five principles of, 136, 141
Lean Thinking (Womack and Jones), 82, 100, 135, 136, 215, 218, 261
lean transformation
objectives of, 257
revised timetable for, 313
Learning to See (Rother and Shook), 38, 85
leveled demand
as an antidote to muri, 216
leveled production
as an attribute of TPS, 35
Lexus, 277, 289
as a flawed approach to better customer service, 184, 277
sales and service experience with, 183
Liker, Jeff
as author of The Toyota Way, 289
as coauthor of The Toyota Way Field Book, 289
as a questionable brand, 287
Lodge, Martin
as practitioner of constancy of purpose, 165
Lundy, J. Edward
as originator of management by metrics at Ford, 284
Machine That Changed the World (Womack, Jones and Roos), vii, 75, 273, 274,
275, 284, 288
Mahesh, Mak
as transformational leader in TVS Group, 132
definition of, 73
horizontal, 94
as practice of lean managers, 122
lean, 273
line, 73
mass production (modern), 76
modern, 273
by process vs. results, 118
vertical, 94
as practice of modern managers, 122123
Managing to Learn (Shook), 87, 90
Manchester, NH
as location of Freudenberg-NOK, 131
mass production math, 243
Massachusetts Institute of
Technology (MIT), 197, 229
automotive research
projects at, 75, 146, 320
materials handling challenges of, 3738
materials-requirements planning (MRP), 37, 40, 42, 46, 161, 177
problems with, 40
matrix organizations
problems with, 93
Mayo Clinic
as site of lean healthcare experiments, 197200
Mazda, 279
as an able pupil of Toyota, 75, 286
McNamara, Robert
as exemplar of modern management at Ford, 284
Meier, David
as coauthor of The Toyota Way Field Book, 289
as a devalued brand, 279, 287
metrics, 78
negative consequences of, 80, 98, 118, 132, 134
rethinking of, 94
milk runs, 29, 157
mobility problem
as example of customer purpose, 9
Model T Ford, 282, 307, 314
as first lean consumer product, 309
100th anniversary of, 308
modern management, 73, 101, 132, 273
compared with lean management, 115123, 279
modern manager, practices of, 109
Moffitt, Bill, 262
as diffuser of concept of takt time, 305
muda, 146149, 218
definition of, xix, 146
Type One, 234, 236
Type Two (incidental work), 235
Mulally, Alan, 286
as transformative CEO at Ford, 288
mura, 146149, 218
definition of, xix, 146
mega, 215
definition of, 216
mini, 216
recessions as a form of, 215216
muri, 146149, 218
definition of, xix, 146, 218
Nakamura, Kenya
as heroic leader at Toyota, 60
Narasimhan, C.
as leader of lean transformation at WABCO-TVS, 157
Nasser, Jac
efforts of to copy Toyota, 285
National Public Radio, 321
North Star, 82, 315
NUMMI (New United Motors Manufacturing Inc.), 146, 230
GMs failure to learn lean lessons from, 294
history and achievements of, 319323
as a successful example of lean diffusion, 299
Obama, Barack, 197
Ohba, Hajime, 262
as TPS expert, viii
Ohno, Taiichi
as advocate of standardization, 328
as critic of conveyor systems, 283
as heroic leader at Toyota, 60
observation by that the shop floor is a reflection of management, 178
as originator of the seven wastes, 146
resistance of to recording lean knowledge, 129
as student of Henry Ford, 281
as a discontinued GM brand, 295
On the Mend (Toussaint and Gerard), 203
Ontario, CA
as location of Toyota parts warehouse, viii
Operations Management Consulting
Division (Toyota)
role of in Toyotas lean
transformation, 317
organizational purpose, 3, 49
defined, 3
example of, 15
pacemaker process, 22, 25, 27
example of, 47
use of in Toyota suppliers, 45
Pareto, Vilfredo
as originator of concept of Pareto Optimality, 55
as originator of 80/20 rule, 55
Pareto Optimality, 5657
defined, 5657
patient pathways
as value streams, 198200, 204
management of in processes, 49
perfection, 232
example of managing toward, 139
as a principle of lean thinking, 136
as a moving target, 312
Peters, Greg
as practitioner of constancy of purpose, 165
plan-do-check-act (PDCA), xxi, 83, 86, 113, 153, 330
compared with DMAIC, 94
role of in lean management, 119
role of in value-stream management, 80, 93
plan for every employee, 153
plan for every machine, 153, 162
plan for every part (PFEP), 31, 38, 48
definition of, 28
plan for every supplier, 178
point kaizen, 36, 38
poka-yoke, 231, 232
policy deployment (see strategy deployment)
Pontiac, 279
as a discontinued GM brand, 17, 294
Power, J.D. and Associates, 183
Power Customer Service Index, 183
Power Sales Satisfaction Index, 183
Pratt & Whitney, 264
prekaizen use of at Toyota, 151
primary process defined, 10
prisoners dilemma, 168
private equity firms
potential role in lean
transformation, 257
role in shifting wealth, 256
process, 19
definition of, 11
definition of, 5, 19
pacemaker, 22
perfection of as a principle of lean thinking, 136
definition of, 10
definition of, 11
definition of, 10
product and process development
process, 23, 151
definition of, 10
use of at Toyota, 151
product families, 5, 21, 64, 132, 162
matrix for, 175
reorganization of firms by, 138
production preparation process (3P), 131, 152
progress boards
use of in auto repairs, 191
provision process
performance of, 11
pull, 35, 232
as an attribute of connected process steps, 236
definition of, 236, 238
as principle of lean thinking, 136
pull system, 4, 27, 28, 30, 37, 38, 137, 150, 156
need for operational stability with, 33
purpose, 22
of the customer, 3
defined, 1, 327
of the organization, 3
radio frequency identification (RFID) problems with, 4344
rapid problem resolution, 162
Reengineering the Corporation (Hammer and Champy), 174
reflexive information management, 42, 46, 238
Renault/Nissan, 59
Renton, WA
as location of Boeing Commercial Airplanes facility, 143
problems with, 117
respect for people
as traditionally defined, 66
as practiced in lean management, 68
responsibility, 73, 92, 104
authority contrasted with, 117
definition of,
as facilitated by use of A3, 89
responsible person, 22,24
as leader of value-stream team, 7
reverse auctions
problems with, 141
right first time on time (RFTOT)
as a measure of customer service, 189
Rochester, MN
as location of Mayo Clinic, 197
Roman galleys and cargoes
as an early instance of mass production?, 306
Roos, Daniel, 75, 275, 284, 288
Rother, Mike (Learning to See), 87, 128
Royal Navy (UK)
as sponsor of Marc Brunels experiments, 303
as point-to-point airline, 195
Saab, 279, 294
as a former GM brand, 17
safety stock, 47, 157, 239
Sao Paulo, Brazil
as location of lean recycling program, 207
Saturn, 279
as discontinued GM brand, 17, 294
Science Museum (London), 307
Scientific Management
as critiqued by Henry Ford, 281282
Scion, 279
Seeing the Whole (Jones and Womack), 141
best use of, 129130, 145
competition between, 142143
definition of, 127
set-based concurrent
engineering, 152, 276
setup reduction, 4, 76
without reference to organizational purpose, 67
747 (Boeing)
maintenance of, 64
737 (Boeing)
as example of progressively more lean production, 313
seven wastes (muda)
enumeration of, 146, 231
shareholder value
as type of organizational purpose, 15
Shingo, Shigeo
as innovator with SMED, 196
Shook, John, 128
as author of How to Change a Culture: Lessons from NUMMI, 320321
as author of Managing to Lean, 87
as fellow gemba walker, xxiii
experience of managing at Toyota, 117
insights of on work of management, 112
as new leader of LEI, xx
as observer of changing purpose at Toyota, 224
Simon & Schuster
as publisher of Lean Thinking, 288
simultaneous engineering, 76
six sigma, 133
application of at Freudenberg-NOK, 131
as a starting point of, 235
in relation to lean thinking, 234
Sloan, Alfred
as definer of purpose at GM, 1617
as perfecter of mass production (modern) management at GM, 76
as rationalizer of GM product range, 279
Sloan Management Review, 320
SMED (single minute exchange of dies)
application of to airlines, 196
Smalley, Art (Creating Level Pull), 35
as a point-to-point airline, 195
turn times at, 195
Springfield, MA, Armory
as sponsor of Thomas Blanchards experiments, 304
stability, 31, 101, 231
defined, 32
problems with, 34
role of in traditional improvement, 78
staff management, 101
example of, 93
standardized management, 101, 113, 153, 163, 290
example of, 93
standardized work, 29, 36, 38, 69, 98, 101, 103, 109, 113, 128, 153, 161, 162,
163, 202, 209, 231, 232233, 290, 310
startup organizations lean thinking applied to, 210211
stock (inventory)
safety, 159
types of, 239
strategy deployment, 73, 82, 86, 101, 112, 134, 156, 158, 162, 290
as hardest step in lean transfor-mation, 140
definition of, 82
insights on deployment of, 8486
matrix used with, 102
supermarkets, 27
purpose of,
use of, 38
sustainability, 101
problems with, 9195
Suzumura, Kikuo, 316
synthesized collateralized debt obligations, 217
system kaizen
defined, 38
takt time, 305, 308
target costing (pricing), 76, 179
Taylor, Frederick
as critiqued by Henry Ford, 281
ThedaCare Medical System lean healthcare experiments at, 203
Theory of Constraints (TOC)
as bottleneck analysis, 235
in relation to lean thinking, 234
This American Life
NUMMI story told on, 321
Ting, Dr. Henry
as lean experimenter at Mayo Clinic, 199200
tool age of lean management, 76
total productive maintenance (TPM)
as applied at TVS Group plant, 132
in relation to lean thinking, 234
total quality management (TQM)
as applied at TVS Group, 132
Toussaint, John (On the Mend)
as experimenter in lean healthcare, 203
compared with kaizen, 99
Toyoda, Akio, 316
current tasks of, 61
as repurposer at Toyota, 18
Toyoda, Kiichiro, 316
as heroic leader at Toyota, 60
as originator of just-in-time concept, 238
Toyoda, Eiji, 316
Toyota City, 47, 131, 268, 308, 314, 319, 320
Toyota Motor Co., 315
near bankruptcy of in 1950, 315
Toyota Motor Corp., 66, 75, 146, 151, 155, 178, 181, 198, 229, 236, 238, 278,
279, 280, 285, 302, 305
cause of recent difficulties at, 61, 223234, 297
changed purpose at, chief engineer role at, 85, 138
experience curves at, 152
fault finding about, 321
history of crises at, 225
ironic role of in Delphi bankruptcy, 269
kaizens uses at, 32
lean transformation at, 315317
means of failure at, 289
lack of formal value-stream management at, 94
managing without authority at, 117
method of recording knowledge at, 129
as a pioneer of lean management, 115, 284
overtaking General Motors by, 223, 275, 288
observation of an executive on value of plans, 140
operational availability at, 32
Operations Management Consulting Division of, 317
as originator of value-stream mapping, 137
parts distribution center of, 6970
prekaizen at, 153
process stability levels at, 32
repurposing at, 14, 18, 224, 297
sales experience with, 183185
scientific method at, 316317
service experience with, 183185
as a source of supplier problems, viii
TPS at suppliers to, 45
views of purchasing director of, 178
weakness of former managers in new situations, 127
Toyota Museum (Nagoya, Japan), 307
Toyota Production System (TPS), viii, 36, 129, 131, 132, 143, 316, 317
flexibility as a hallmark of, 235
flow as a hallmark of, 236
introduction of, 7
leveled demand as a hallmark of, 236
in relation to lean thinking, 234
Toyota Supplier Support Center John Shooks role at, vii
Toyota Way, 66
Toyota Way (Liker), 289
Toyota Way Field Book (Liker and Meier), 289
treasure ships of 1421 (China)
as early instance of mass production?, 306
TVS Group
as site of lean implementation experiments, 131132
role of in creating value, 255
Twain, Mark
mechanical typesetting machine of, 263
as an attribute of process steps, 234
definition of, 234
in comparison with wealth, 256
as principle of lean thinking, 136, 231
as result of a process, 231
value stream (process), 91, 99, 162
as a patient pathway, 198200, 204
as principle of lean thinking, 136
benefits of, 41
definition of, 77
description of, 234
extended, 176
end-to-end, 182, 186, 206
identification of, 30
reorganization by, 138
work to be done by, 112
value-stream manager
definition of, 79
duties of, 8, 60, 9293
need for, 134
role of in extended value streams, 168169
use of as alternative to reorganization, 138
value-stream mapping (VSM), 76, 87, 101
as corporate wallpaper, 88
importance of to managers, 137
purpose of, 5
use of when extended across value streams, 141
Venice (Italy)
as location of the Arsenale, 302
vertical focus of management, 77, 166
visual controls, 156
example of, 69
visual management misuse of, 103
as example of a lean organization, 156158
Wagoner, Richard
as heroic leader, 59
The Wall Street Journal, 237, 238, 240, 242
Walmart, 12
performance of in emergencies, 241
Ward, Allen, 151
definition of, 63
as a form of, 250
in comparison with value, 256
water spider, 156
use of described, 2728
Welch, Jack
as proponent of shareholder value, 15
Whiz Kids
as exemplars of modern management at Ford, 284
lean implemented at in a recession, 218
categories of, 62
problems caused by, 65
defined, 62
incidental, 63, 114
of management, 112114
value-creating defined, 62
waste caused by, 65
Yugo (automobile), 198
Learn Enterprise institute
Lean Enterprise Institute Inc. was founded in 1997 by Jim Womack as a nonprofit
research, education, publishing, and conference company with a mission to
advance lean thinking around the world. LEI teaches courses, holds management
seminars, writes and publishes books and workbooks, and organizes public and
private conferences. LEI uses surplus revenues from these activities to conduct
research projects and support other lean initiatives such as the Lean Education
Academic Network, the Lean Global Network, and the Healthcare Value Leaders
Network. Visit www.lean.org for more information.