Imaging With Terahertz Radiation: Wai Lam Chan, Jason Deibel and Daniel M Mittleman

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Rep. Prog. Phys. 70 (2007) 13251379 doi:10.1088/0034-4885/70/8/R02

Imaging with terahertz radiation

Wai Lam Chan, Jason Deibel and Daniel M Mittleman

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, MS-366, Rice University,

6100 Main St., Houston, TX 77005, USA

E-mail: [email protected]

Received 9 January 2007, in final form 6 June 2007

Published 12 July 2007
Online at


Within the last several years, the field of terahertz science and technology has changed
dramatically. Many new advances in the technology for generation, manipulation, and
detection of terahertz radiation have revolutionized the field. Much of this interest has
been inspired by the promise of valuable new applications for terahertz imaging and sensing.
Among a long list of proposed uses, one finds compelling needs such as security screening
and quality control, as well as whimsical notions such as counting the almonds in a bar
of chocolate. This list has grown in parallel with the development of new technologies
and new paradigms for imaging and sensing. Many of these proposed applications exploit
the unique capabilities of terahertz radiation to penetrate common packaging materials and
provide spectroscopic information about the materials within. Several of the techniques used
for terahertz imaging have been borrowed from other, more well established fields such as x-ray
computed tomography and synthetic aperture radar. Others have been developed exclusively
for the terahertz field, and have no analogies in other portions of the spectrum. This review
provides a comprehensive description of the various techniques which have been employed
for terahertz image formation, as well as discussing numerous examples which illustrate the
many exciting potential uses for these emerging technologies.
(Some figures in this article are in colour only in the electronic version)

This article was invited by Professor K Ploog.

0034-4885/07/081325+55$90.00 2007 IOP Publishing Ltd Printed in the UK 1325

1326 W L Chan et al


1. Introduction 1327
2. Diffraction-limited imaging with terahertz radiation 1329
2.1. Advantages and disadvantages of the time-domain approach 1330
2.2. Imaging with a time-domain spectrometer 1334
2.3. Time-of-flight imaging 1339
2.4. Depth resolution in time-of-flight imaging 1342
2.5. Tomography with terahertz radiation 1345
2.6. Video-rate terahertz imaging and single-shot terahertz imaging 1351
2.7. Terahertz imaging with a continuous-wave source 1353
2.8. Some more examples 1355
3. Terahertz imaging below the diffraction limit 1361
3.1. Terahertz near-field imaging with a sub-wavelength aperture 1362
3.2. Apertureless near-field terahertz imaging 1364
3.3. Terahertz spectroscopy and ANSOM 1366
3.4. Terahertz emission imaging 1370
4. Conclusions 1371
Acknowledgments 1372
References 1372
Imaging with terahertz radiation 1327

1. Introduction

The terahertz (THz) region of the electromagnetic spectrum lies in the gap between
microwaves and infrared. This so-called terahertz gap has historically been defined by
the relative lack of convenient and inexpensive sources, detectors, and systems for terahertz
waves. For frequencies below about 100 GHz (corresponding to a free-space wavelength
of = 3 mm), electronic components can be purchased from a number of commercial
suppliers, and millimetre-wave imaging systems are becoming available. Above 10 THz
( = 30 m), thermal (black-body) sources are an increasingly efficient means for generating
radiation, thermal cameras are commercially available, and optical techniques are more readily
applicable. The two orders of magnitude of frequency spectrum in between are, relatively
speaking, much less well explored (see figure 1). Within the last 15 years, many new terahertz
techniques have been pioneered, motivated in part by the vast range of possible applications
for terahertz imaging, sensing, and spectroscopy [1]. The purpose of this review is to provide
an up-to-date survey of the state of the art in the rapidly moving field of terahertz imaging.
Much of the interest in terahertz science and technology has grown out of the natural
overlap between the electronics and optics points of view. Below the THz range, one typically
detects the electric field of a propagating wave using an antenna, whereas at higher frequencies
one generally speaks of the intensity or irradiance, proportional to the photon flux. In the optical
and infrared range, photon energies and the relevant energy level spacings are generally much
larger than or comparable to kB T , the thermal energy at room temperature. In contrast, in the
microwave regime, energy level spacings are smaller than kB T , so one can generally neglect
the quantized nature of the radiation field. The terahertz regime is therefore a natural bridge
between the quantum mechanical and classical descriptions of electromagnetic waves and
their interactions with materials. Additionally, microwave devices and systems often rely on
propagation via guided waves, and one rarely encounters the collimated free-space beams
that are the typical output of lasers. Many technological advances in the terahertz range
have originated from the melding of these two very different viewpoints, borrowing ideas and
concepts from each.
Naturally, the idea of using terahertz radiation for imaging and sensing, in analogy to
the many similar applications of both optical and microwave radiation, has been discussed
for at least several decades [2]. Early researchers speculated on the use of sub-millimetre
waves for seeing through fog or haze with reduced scattering losses, locating objects hidden
in camouflage, and detecting defects in optically opaque materials, in addition to other
research areas such as high bandwidth communications and metrology. More recently, this
list of promising applications has grown to include package inspection, quality control, non-
destructive testing, and spectroscopic characterization of materials [1]. Many of these ideas
exploit the unique properties of terahertz radiation which include the transparency of common
packaging materials such as cardboard and plastics, the sub-millimetre wavelength which
permits imaging with a diffraction-limited resolution similar to that of the human eye, and the
fact that many interesting materials exhibit unique spectral fingerprints in the terahertz range
which can be used for identification and chemical analysis.
In the 1960s and early 1970s, the challenges facing the field were also evident: a lack of
suitable sources, sensitive detectors, and other components for the manipulation of radiation
in this wavelength range. The most intense source of terahertz radiation was the HCN laser
operating at 1.12 THz, first reported [3] only a few years after the development of the laser
itself. The far-infrared FTIR spectrometer was also becoming a more common tool, with
the advent of fast digital methods for computing Fourier transforms. Detection methods
included pyroelectric detectors, hot electron bolometers, and several types of diode detectors.
1328 W L Chan et al

Figure 1. The terahertz region of the spectrum lies between microwaves and infrared, and
is characterized by a free-space wavelength between 30 m and 3 mm. The photon energy
corresponding to kB T at room temperature, 40 meV, is equivalent to a frequency of about 10 THz.

In addition to the many instrumentation challenges, the community also recognized that the
opacity of the atmosphere, due to water vapour absorption, would inevitably place severe
restrictions on the long-range transport of THz beams. Interestingly, Gebbie described free-
space communications as the most easily imagined future application for sub-millimetre
waves, while acknowledging the great challenges posed by atmospheric attenuation. He
speculated that applications requiring short-range propagation would probably have greater
impact [4]. In hindsight, this observation was correct; nearly all of the applications under
current consideration involve relatively short-range interactions, with propagation lengths on
the order of metres to tens of metres, or less.
The development of the far-infrared gas laser and the Schottky diode harmonic mixer
inspired the first work in terahertz imaging in the mid-1970s by Hartwick et al [5]. Shortly
thereafter, Cheo used a similar system for the detection of air bubble defects in the polyethylene
insulation on high-power electrical cables [6]. This technology, although suitable for laboratory
demonstration, was too complicated and specialized to inspire much further effort in imaging
At roughly the same time, the advent of high-power laser sources was opening up new
possibilities for terahertz systems. In the early 1970s, several groups were able to generate
bright tunable far-infrared radiation using the technique of difference-frequency generation in
non-linear crystals, a second-order non-linear optical mixing process [7, 8]. Even at this early
stage, these optically generated THz sources were already substantially brighter (per unit solid
angle) than a 5000 K blackbody source. This work ultimately served as the inspiration for
the development of terahertz time-domain spectroscopy (THz-TDS), in which sub-picosecond
optical pulses are used to generate broadband terahertz radiation, also via a second-order non-
linear optical process [913]. In this system, a short optical pulse is used to both generate
and detect terahertz radiation, via non-linear optical interactions between the optical pulse and
a medium, typically a semiconductor. Hu and Nuss reported the first images acquired using
THz-TDS (along with coining the term T-rays) in 1995 [14, 15]. These initial images (see
figure 2) have inspired a great deal of excitement and much of the subsequent development
of terahertz imaging systems and techniques. The annual number of journal articles on the
subject of terahertz imaging, only about 8 in 1996, grew to over 80 by 2005. The 1995 paper
by Hu and Nuss has been referenced well over 200 times.
The recent history of the field has been one of rapid expansion, with the development of
both new imaging techniques and also new technologies for terahertz sensing [16]. The low
temporal coherence of terahertz pulses has been exploited in time-of-flight imaging [17],
and more recently in a variety of different tomographic and synthetic aperture imaging
configurations [1824]. Of particular note is the pioneering work of Zhang and co-workers,
who have used large-area electro-optic sensors to demonstrate video-rate terahertz imaging over
a cm2 focal plane area [25, 26]. This group has also developed a chirped-pulse technique
for measuring an entire THz waveform along a line (1D imaging) using a single shot [2729].
Imaging with terahertz radiation 1329

Figure 2. One of the first images acquired using a THz time-domain system. This shows a
transmission image of a semiconductor integrated circuit, through the black epoxy package which
is transparent to terahertz radiation. The metallization inside the package is clearly visible, as is
the semiconductor wafer in the centre. The spatial resolution of this image is roughly 250 m. The
inset shows an optical image of the sample. Adapted from reference [14].

The implementation of near-field techniques for sub-wavelength resolution has been actively
pursued using a variety of methods [3038]. Some imaging results have also been reported
using continuous-wave (cw) THz radiation [3946], spurred in large part by developments in
cw THz sources such as the recent invention of terahertz quantum cascade lasers [47, 48] and
the development of terahertz parametric oscillators [49]. Finally, there have been numerous
reports of specific applications of terahertz imaging to a variety of problems ranging from
quality control [50] to detection of illegal drugs [39, 51]. In this review, we will describe each
of these advances in some detail, and also discuss some of the advantages and limitations of
THz imaging with respect to many of the proposed industrial and commercial uses.

2. Diffraction-limited imaging with terahertz radiation

Over the last 10 years, the majority of research developments in terahertz imaging have made
use of terahertz time-domain spectroscopy, in which the terahertz radiation is generated in
the form of single-cycle pulses of duration 1 ps or less (see figure 3). This progress has
occurred in parallel with numerous dramatic advances in state-of-the-art sources and detectors
for continuous-wave (cw) terahertz radiation. Many of the proposed applications for terahertz
imaging, including several that have previously been studied using time-domain methods, are
clearly better suited for a frequency-domain approach. Indeed, each proposed application for
terahertz imaging will have its own unique optimal system configuration (e.g. pulsed versus
continuous, broadband versus narrowband, spectral resolution versus temporal resolution, etc).
In many cases, this optimal configuration has not yet been determined.
In this review, we describe imaging results that employ both time-domain systems and
other terahertz sources. Since the preponderance of research has exploited time-domain
methods, we first discuss the unique aspects of these short-pulse terahertz spectrometers, and
the conventional operation of a time-domain imaging system. However, where relevant we
will also discuss (or at least provide references to) frequency-domain imaging configurations.
It must be pointed out that this review is not intended to contain a detailed discussion of the
operation parameters of any of the terahertz systems that have been used for imaging, nor
is it intended to serve as a guide for the construction of such systems. Clearly, this rapid
technological progress has inspired many new avenues for spectroscopic research, which have
been reviewed recently [52] and which will not be discussed here. It is also useful to distinguish
the present discussion from considerations of millimetre-wave imaging [53, 54] or infrared
arrays [55]. Instead, we focus specifically on the issues pertinent to imaging with terahertz
1330 W L Chan et al


Spectral amplitude (arb. units)

Current (nanoamps)

Phase (radians)
0 0.8 1.6
Frequency (THz)
0 20 40 60 0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6
Delay (picoseconds) Frequency (Terahertz)

Figure 3. (left) A typical time-domain terahertz waveform, measured in ambient air. The oscillatory
features which follow the initial single-cycle transient are the result of water vapour in the beam
path. The dotted curve shows the intensity envelope, computed from the measured electric field
E(t) using a Hilbert transform. (right) The spectral amplitude |E()| derived from the field shown
at left by Fourier transform, on a log scale. The vertical arrows indicate the spectral positions of
tabulated water vapour absorption lines. The inset shows the spectral phase, also derived from the
time-domain measurement. This is essentially linear, as expected for a single-cycle pulse. The
effects of the water vapour absorption lines on the phase are measurable [67], but are too small to
see in this display.

radiation. References are provided for the interested reader who wishes to learn more about
the detailed operation of any of the terahertz systems mentioned here.

2.1. Advantages and disadvantages of the time-domain approach

The performance characteristics of a THz-TDS system has been reviewed in several previous
publications [1,5658], and will not be discussed in great detail here. We will provide a very
brief description of the spectroscopic technique, and then focus on the numerous features of
this spectrometer which have proven advantageous for imaging.
A THz-TDS system starts with a femtosecond laser, producing a train of pulses of typically
100 fs duration, at a repetition rate which is usually near 100 MHz. We split this pulse train
into two using a beam splitter. One half is used to generate the terahertz radiation, while the
second half is used to gate a detector. Ideally the detector is sensitive to the incoming terahertz
field only for a brief period of less than one picosecond. We can use this brief temporal window
to sample the terahertz field at various delays, relative to the arrival of the terahertz pulse at the
detection point. In other words, we determine the terahertz electric field as a function of time
by measuring the value of ETHz (t) at a particular value of t, and then repeat the measurement
many times, at many other values of t. To make these repeated measurements, we use many
identical copies of the THz electric field. We expect that all of the pulses in this pulse train are
identical to each other. In that way, when we measure ETHz at a time t = t1 for one pulse in
the train, and then move the delay line to measure ETHz at a time t = t2 for a different pulse in
the train (and so on), we can connect these multiple independent measurements and say that
we have measured the shape of the terahertz pulse. Of course, in most cases we use many
consecutive pulses in the train to obtain each measurement at each delay time tj , in order to
take advantage of the noise reduction by signal averaging. So, we are not really measuring
the shape of a single pulse, but rather the average shape of many THz pulses, all of which are
Imaging with terahertz radiation 1331

(ideally) identical to each other. Sampling techniques of this sort, which rely critically on the
precise synchronization between the terahertz field and the pulse used to gate the detector, are
widely used in ultrafast optics and optoelectronics.
Clearly, optical sampling only works if every THz pulse in the pulse train is identical.
If the shape of the THz pulse is evolving on a time scale comparable to (or shorter than) the
measurement time, it is not possible to sample the waveform accurately. In addition to this
fundamental issue, there are some other disadvantages to optical sampling. Like any sampling
technique, it takes time to obtain the data. In principle, the acquisition time cannot be less
than N t, where N is the number of measured values of the electric field required in order to
characterize the terahertz pulse, and t is the pulse-to-pulse spacing of the pulse train. Because
we usually take advantage of signal averaging, the acquisition time is usually much longer than
this minimum value. Another problem inherent to sampling measurements is that they require
a method for varying the delay of the sampling gate (i.e. the probe pulse) relative to the terahertz
pulse. This is most often accomplished using a mechanical delay line, moving a mirror to vary
an optical path length.
There are two common methods used to generate terahertz radiation with femtosecond
optical pulses, both of which provide the high degree of synchronization and repeatibility
required for detection using optical sampling. Photoconductive techniques make use of a
resonant excitation of a semiconductor by a femtosecond laser, generating currents through
the excitation of electrons and holes [11, 59]. This rapid change in the current generates a
burst of THz radiation according to Maxwells equations, since Eradiated (t) (J /t). To
optimize the process, a metal pattern is typically applied to the semiconductor surface, in the
form of an antenna structure. With this metallization, one can apply a large dc bias to the
illuminated region of the semiconductor, which enhances the generated photocurrent. The
antenna structure also helps to couple the THz radiation into free space. In contrast to this
resonant absorption process, the electro-optic method is a non-resonant process, relying on
the 2nd-order susceptibility of non-centrosymmetric media such as inorganic crystals [60,61].
In this case, known as optical rectification, one can describe the generation process as a
difference mixing between all possible pairs of spectral components within the bandwidth of
the femtosecond optical pulse. All of these difference-frequency components add coherently
to produce a short burst of THz radiation [62, 63].
For the detection of free-space THz pulses, there are also two commonly employed meth-
ods. In the case of photoconductive sampling, one again uses an above-band-gap (resonant)
excitation in a semiconductor. During the short sampling window, the THz pulse induces a short
burst of photocurrent. Although this short current pulse is too fast to resolve using conventional
electronics, the average current (averaged over many identical pulses) can easily be measured as
a function of the delay between the optical gate pulse and the THz pulse. In this case, the width
of the optical sampling window is determined by the charge carrier recombination or trapping
lifetime in the semiconductor. Typically, fast photoconductors such as radiation-damaged sili-
con or low-temperature-grown GaAs are used, to provide sub-picosecond sampling resolution.
The second method is based on free-space electro-optic sampling, in which the THz field in-
duces a birefringence in an electro-optic medium. This birefringence is sampled by an optical
probe beam, as a function of the delay between the probe and THz pulses [6466]. Here, the
sampling resolution is determined largely by the duration of the optical probe pulse.
The terminology terahertz time-domain spectroscopy is generally applied to any
spectrometer which makes use of any combination of the aforementioned generation and
detection mechanisms, and which therefore relies on the precise synchronization between the
femtosecond optical pulse and the terahertz pulse. It is important to note that, in either case,
optical sampling provides a direct measurement of the terahertz electric field E(t), not merely
1332 W L Chan et al

the intensity I (t). The measurement is sensitive only to coherent radiation, and moreover
only to radiation which is phase-locked to the repetition rate of the femtosecond oscillator.
As a result, both photoconductive and electro-optic sampling are blind to thermal radiation,
and therefore the detection operates at room temperature without significant degradation of
performance. This eliminates the requirement for liquid cryogens which had previously limited
the broader use of THz spectrometers.
Other useful aspects of the time-domain spectrometer are illustrated by figure 3, which
shows a typical waveform and the corresponding spectral amplitude and phase. The left panel
shows the raw data from a photoconductive sampling measurement, which is the average
photo-induced current in a terahertz substrate antenna as a function of the delay between the
terahertz pulse and the optical gate pulse. This is approximately proportional to the terahertz
electric field E(t), which contains both amplitude and phase (i.e. timing) information. Here, it
is clear that optical sampling permits one to distinguish between positive and negative electric
fields, and also to determine the time (relative to an arbitrary reference t = 0) at which the
terahertz pulse arrives at the detector.
In order to obtain the temporal intensity I (t), one requires both E(t) and its complex
conjugate, since I (t) |E(t)|2 = E(t)E (t). This is most easily obtained from the (real-
valued) measurement of E(t) by the Hilbert transform, conventionally used in signal processing
to obtain the complex envelope of a real-valued signal. The Hilbert transform is obtained by
convolving E(t) with 1/t. In the frequency domain, this is equivalent to shifting the phase
of the negative frequency components by + /2, and of the positive frequency components
by /2. The dotted line in figure 3 shows the intensity I (t) obtained from E(t) in this
fashion. A typical (not time-resolved) power-law detector (like a bolometer) would only
measure the average value of I (t), which contains no information about the phase of the
field. In this example, the duration of I (t) (as measured by its full-width at half-maximum) is
about 1.6 ps.
On the right side of figure 3, the amplitude and phase of the Fourier transform of E(t) are
displayed. The amplitude spectrum | E ()| is quite broad, extending over more than an order of

magnitude in wavelength, from below 100 GHz to beyond 1.5 THz. It also contains numerous
sharp dips, at the locations of tabulated rotational transitions of water vapour [67] (as indicated
by arrows). The spectral phase () shown in the inset, has been unwrapped to remove 2
phase jumps, and is nearly linear with frequency as expected for a single-cycle pulse. Phase-
sensitive measurements are customary in microwave systems but quite unusual for optics. The
additional information contained in the phase can be extremely useful in image formation,
since it correlates with the thickness, and in many cases the density, of a sample under study.
Another unique characteristic of THz-TDS is the broad bandwidth of the radiation, broader
than any other source (excluding thermal sources) in the terahertz range. Typically, the
bandwidth can span more than an order of magnitude in wavelength. Broadband coverage
is valuable for spectroscopic measurements, which can be used to identify the chemical
composition of unknown materials in an image or to locate materials according to their terahertz
absorption signatures. This capability is nicely illustrated in figure 4. Here, a pipe was inserted
into a block of polystyrene foam (which is nearly invisible to THz radiation [68]). A polar
gas, CH3 F, was pumped into the pipe, and allowed to slowly diffuse through the foam block.
Images of the block can be formed using the spectral information at the particular frequencies
where this molecule absorbs THz radiation. A series of images at successive times show how
the vapour diffuses away from the end of the gas pipe [69].
The broad bandwidth also implies a short coherence length, which has a number of benefits.
The coherence length defines the spatial resolution along the propagation direction (also known
as the range resolution), as has been demonstrated in tomographic and time-of-flight imaging
Imaging with terahertz radiation 1333

Figure 4. A series of images of a block of polystyrene foam with a gas pipe inserted into one side.
A polar gas is pumped into the pipe and diffuses through the foam block away from the end of the
pipe. THz images obtained with a broadband system capture the spectroscopic signature of the gas,
and can be used to image the spatial distribution at various times after the gas injection. Adapted
from [69].

Figure 5. (left) An image of a series of articles, measured through a layer of clothing which
gives rise to random scattering of some portion of the transmitted terahertz beam. This image
was composed by integrating the spectral content of the time-domain waveform (between 200 GHz
and 1 THz) at each pixel. (right) Processing the same image using only a narrow portion of the
spectrum (430 3 GHz) gives rise to image speckle which results from the interference between
many different randomly scattered wavelets. Speckle is suppressed in the broadband image because
the coherence length is much smaller, so wavelets which travel paths of different length cannot
interfere with one another. Images courtesy of David Zimdars, Picometrix, Inc.

configurations (discussed below). A short coherence length also suppresses speckle, which
arises from the interference of many randomly scattered wavelets at a rough surface or interface.
Speckle can only arise if the path length differences between any pair of scattered wavelets is
smaller than the coherence length of the incident radiation. This is strongly suppressed in the
case of pulsed THz systems [70], as illustrated in figure 5. Here, a series of articles are imaged
through a layer of clothing using a broadband TDS system. When the full bandwidth of the
spectrometer is used to create the image, the clutter from scattering off of the clothing layer is
suppressed, resulting in a superior image quality.
1334 W L Chan et al

It is also worth noting some of the limitations of working with THz-TDS systems. A
primary challenge is the power in the THz beam, which is quite low (typically less than
1 W average power) because of the inefficiency of non-linear optical conversion. One can
argue that average power is not the most useful performance metric for a system employing
coherent detection. A more useful metric is the dynamic range, which can be quite high in
THz-TDS, even though the THz power is low [71]. This is a result of the coherent detection
which effectively rejects many common sources of noise. This high dynamic range permits
measurements even in situations where only a tiny fraction of the generated radiation reaches the
detector. Examples include studies of random multiple scattering [72,73], and even the imaging
of objects buried in random scattering powders [74]. Nevertheless, it is important to note
that existing commercially available focal plane detectors (such as, for example, pyroelectric
cameras) require much more power to operate than the THz-TDS systems generally produce
(e.g. a minimum power level of 100 W per illuminated pixel). As a result, the majority of
time-domain imaging systems rely on raster scanning of either the THz beam or the object,
so that images can be assembled serially using a single detector or perhaps a few operating
in parallel. This places a significant limitation on the image acquisition rate. Concerns about
power may also play a role in experiments which require long distance atmospheric propagation
or which seek to study material non-linearities at terahertz frequencies.
Other difficulties are inherent in the nature of the time-domain system. For instance,
the time-domain scanning puts a practical upper limit on the spectral resolution which can be
achieved. The spectral resolution f is given by the inverse of the duration of the temporal scan,
which in most cases is limited by the length of a scanning delay line as in a conventional Fourier
transform spectrometer. With 15 cm of travel, a typical mechanical delay line will provide up to
1 ns of delay range, corresponding to f = 1 GHz. This value is inadequate for high-resolution
gas-phase spectroscopy, since Doppler-broadened linewidths of THz transitions are typically
in the MHz range [1], although it is often adequate for identification of unknown gases [75].
Also, experiments which require radiation in the higher frequency range may require a source
other than THz-TDS. The high dynamic range typically quoted for THz-TDS measurements is
a frequency-dependent quantity, which decreases exponentially with increasing frequency as
shown in figure 3 [71]. Thus, a THz-TDS system may compare very favorably to an electronic
cw system based on a Gunn diode operating below 1 THz, for example [70], but would perform
less well in comparison to a quantum cascade laser operating at 4.9 THz [45]. Finally, one
practical disadvantage is the requirement for a femtosecond optical source. Recent dramatic
advances in femtosecond fiber laser technology are beginning to overcome this problem, but
the laser is still the most expensive and sophisticated piece of equipment in the spectrometer.
Recently, considerable effort has been directed towards the goal of developing a compact and
inexpensive terahertz imaging system [7679].

2.2. Imaging with a time-domain spectrometer

The first TDS imaging system, reported in 1995, implemented an operational method which
has subsequently been replicated many times [14, 15]. A typical system diagram is shown
in figure 6. This shows a time-domain spectrometer based on photoconductive antennas
electro-optic generation and detection are also commonly used [80,81]. In order to be suitable
for image formation, a second set of focusing optics are inserted into the THz beam to form
an intermediate focal spot halfway between the THz transmitter and THz detector.
For image acquisition, one of the key considerations is the rate at which THz waveforms
can be acquired, since this often determines the time for forming an image. Typically, a
motorized scanning stage is used to raster the object to be imaged through the terahertz beam
Imaging with terahertz radiation 1335

optical femtosecond laser
delay line

transmitter detector

DC bias current


Figure 6. A schematic of a typical transmission-mode raster-scan time-domain imaging system.

focus, so that image data is acquired one pixel at a time. In the earliest example, THz waveforms
were measured at a rate of 20 waveforms per second, so acquiring a 100 100 pixel image
took close to 10 min. This rate was determined by the scan rate of the optical delay line, a
galvanometric scanner with a corner cube mirror. Modern THz imaging systems which use
this raster-scanning method employ more sophisticated methods for generating optical delay,
and thus can run at substantially higher speeds. In such systems, however, there is frequently
a trade-off between the scan range (as measured in picoseconds) and the scan rate (number
of waveforms per second). The highest scan rates (e.g. thousands of waveforms per second)
can be achieved using a piezo-electric device, but with a limited (tens of picosecond) scan
range. At these higher rates, the image acquisition time may no longer be limited by the time
to measure a THz waveform, but instead by the rate at which the object (or the THz beam) can
be raster scanned. However, the more limited scan range does limit the information contained
in each waveform. As noted above, a shorter scan range limits the spectral resolution of the
measurement. A shorter scan range also limits the range of depths to which the THz pulse can
penetrate through a material and still be detected, since a larger optical depth could delay the
pulse outside of the temporal window of the measurement. This latter effect will be illustrated
more clearly in the discussion of time-of-flight imaging (see below). Other types of mechanical
scanning devices (e.g. spinning mirror devices) can generate several hundreds of picoseconds
of delay range with a scan rate in the vicinity of 100 Hz [82]. In any event, the motion of the
scanning delay line must be synchronized to the raster scan of the object, so that it is possible
to determine the location of the object at the moment each waveform is acquired.
Recently, several groups have demonstrated that it is possible to dispense with the
mechanical scanning delay line entirely, and instead make use of asynchronous optical
sampling [83, 84]. In this approach, two femtosecond lasers are used instead of one. The
repetition rate of one laser is locked to that of the other, with a fixed frequency offset.
One laser is used to generate the THz pulse, and the second to gate the detector. In
this way, the delay of the THz pulse sweeps automatically, relative to the gating of the
detector, at a rate which is determined by the frequency offset between the two lasers. This
eliminates the moving parts, at the expense of a second laser and feedback electronics. This
1336 W L Chan et al

Figure 7. Terahertz transmission images of a chocolate bar. The upper image is assembled using
the peak-to-peak amplitude of the transmitted time-domain pulse. Here, the embossed lettering is
only visible because of scattering effects at the stepped edges, whereas the almonds embedded in
the chocolate are clearly visible due to their larger absorption coefficient. The lower image shows
the variation in transit time of the THz pulse through the sample. In this case, the almonds are
much less evident, but the thickness variations associated with the embossed letters on the sample
surface are quite clear. Adapted from [75].

approach has not yet been used for imaging, but has proven effective for THz spectroscopic
measurements [85].
Once the data are acquired, the next task is the formation of an image. A full data set
consists of a complete THz time-domain waveform (see figure 3) corresponding to each pixel of
the image. These waveforms obviously contain a great deal of information: the amplitude and
phase of the transmitted terahertz pulse, for many spectral components. A two-dimensional
false-color image can be formed using any subset of this large data set. Typically, images
formed using different portions of the data contain different types of information about the
sample. Figure 7 illustrates this point, showing two THz images of a chocolate bar [75]. In the
upper image, the grey-scale is determined by the peak-to-peak amplitude of the time-domain
THz pulse at each pixel. The chocolate does not absorb much THz radiation, but several
other features are visible. First, the sample has a plano-convex cross-sectional profile, and
is therefore thinner at the top and bottom than in the middle. Second, the embossed letters
are visible only because of scattering effects at their stepped edges, and as a result are rather
difficult to read. Finally, because almonds absorb more THz radiation than chocolate, they
can be easily detected using this technique. The lower image shows the same data set, except
that this image is formed using the transit time of the THz pulse through the sample, rather
than the amplitude. Here, the image primarily contains information about the thickness of the
sample at each point, since a thicker sample delays the THz pulse by a greater amount. As a
result, the embossed lettering and the overall thickness variation are much more prominent.
The almonds are nearly invisible, except for the black regions where the transmitted pulse was
too small for an accurate determination of the arrival time.
Images such as this one, in which the time delay or phase of the pulse is used to encode
the data, can often be more valuable than images which depict the amplitude transmission.
Indeed, the spectral phase of the THz pulse can be determined with far greater accuracy than
the amplitude [86]. The primary source of noise in a THz-TDS system is the amplitude and
Imaging with terahertz radiation 1337

torn card

box flap
0 10 20 30
delay (ps)
1 cm

Figure 8. A terahertz transmission image of a deck of cards. The photograph shows a single card,
which has been torn in half, sticking out of the deck. For the terahertz image, this card was inserted
into the deck. The THz image is encoded with a grey scale showing the phase of the transmitted
pulse at a frequency of 200 GHz. The upper (darker) portion of the image corresponds to a slightly
larger phase, resulting from the additional thickness of the torn card. The lower dark portion is also
somewhat thicker because of the flap of the box in which the cards are held. The two waveforms
illustrate the typical results at the two locations indicated by the black circles. The extra delay of
the dashed waveform (roughly 0.6 ps) is evident in these waveforms, which were acquired with no
signal averaging (i.e. a single sweep of the scanning delay line at each pixel).

pointing instability of the femtosecond laser source. These noise sources are manifested as
amplitude fluctuations in the peak-to-peak THz pulse amplitude, but have little effect on the
path length delay (which is equivalent to the phase of the THz pulse). Experimentally, a
pulse-to-pulse timing jitter of less than 10 femtoseconds (0.02 radians at 1 THz) can readily
be achieved, even with no special effort to stabilize the optical components [15]. This can
be compared with peak-to-peak amplitude fluctuations, which are typically on the order of a
few per cent for a TDS system which uses a mode-locked Ti:sapphire laser. This excellent
sensitivity is illlustrated by figure 8, which shows a terahertz transmission image of a deck of
cards. One card in the deck has been torn into two pieces and one piece inserted back into the
deck. This torn card is clearly visible in the image, which is encoded according to the phase of
the terahertz pulse at a particular frequency, at each pixel. In the upper part of the THz image,
where the thickness of the deck is one card larger, the transit time is slightly longer (by about
0.6 ps).
Owing to the broadband nature of the radiation, the diffraction-limited focal spot in the
centre of the THz beam path can have a rather complicated character, which can depend on
the detailed design of the optical system. For example, it is common to find that the focal spot
diameter is strongly frequency-dependent. In this case, care must be exercised in defining the
spatial resolution of an image. This effect is illustrated in figure 9, which shows a series of
terahertz images of a circular hole in a metal foil. These images are all derived from a single
data set, consisting of a collection of 3721 THz waveforms, one for each pixel. To form each
1338 W L Chan et al

Figure 9. Terahertz images of a small circular hole in a thin metal plate. The black circle in each
image shows the location and size of the 2.18 mm diameter hole. The field of view in each image
is 6 mm 6 mm. The first three panels show images formed by selecting a particular frequency
component and plotting its amplitude at each pixel. The fourth (lower right) panel shows the peak-
to-peak amplitude of the time-domain waveform at each pixel. The resolution in this case is similar
to that achieved using the frequency component with the largest amplitude, which in this example
is roughly 0.3 THz.

image, these waveforms are converted to the Fourier domain by numerical Fourier transform.
By selecting a specific frequency within the THz bandwidth, one can select the spot size of
the THz beam, which varies in proportion to the wavelength. Thus, images formed using a
high-frequency component show less blurring because the spot size of the THz beam at that
frequency is smaller, while images formed using a low-frequency component are blurrier. The
final image (lower right panel of figure 9) shows the result of using the peak-to-peak amplitude
of the time-domain waveform, rather than a specific spectral component. This amplitude
parameter depends on all of the frequency components, not just one, so the resolution is
intermediate between the low-frequency and high-frequency cases.
Although the use of polarization techniques has not yet become widespread in the terahertz
community, this promising area is worth a brief comment. The terahertz beam generated
by a typical photoconductive antenna is linearly polarized, with a typical polarization ratio
of better than 10 : 1 for a conventional lens-coupled dipole antenna [87, 88]. Electro-optic
generation of THz pulses produces even higher polarization purity, and one can easily achieve
extremely purely polarized THz beams using a broadband wire grid polarizer. On the other
hand, control of the polarization can be quite challenging for anything other than pure linear
polarization, because commercially available optical components such as wave plates are not
useful over a full octave of spectral bandwidth [89, 90]. However, even linear polarization can
provide a useful contrast mechanism in imaging [91]. For example, figure 10 shows terahertz
transmission images of a plastic coin, illuminated with linearly polarized radiation. The image
obtained from the component parallel to the incident field (a) shows a decreased amplitude at
Imaging with terahertz radiation 1339

Figure 10. Transmission images of a plastic coin illuminated with a linearly polarized terahertz
beam. Panel A shows the transmitted terahertz power parallel to the incident polarization, while
panel B shows the power measured in the perpendicular configuration. Panel C shows a photograph
of the object. Panel D shows the angle of polarization rotation, computed from A and B. Rotation
angles as large as 45 are observed. Adapted from [91].

the edges of the coin, while the image obtained with the perpendicular component (b) shows
enhanced signal at the edges. This indicates a rotation of the polarization due to scattering at
the edges of the sample. The image in (d) shows the degree of polarization rotation, defined as
arctan(E /E ). The measurement of the perpendicular component allows one to distinguish
between scattering and absorption in an image. Polarization information was also used to
image carrier density inhomogeneities in doped semiconductor films, via the terahertz Hall
effect [92].
Another method for discriminating scattered radiation from reflections is dark-field
imaging. In this technique, a large collection aperture is used to gather radiation returning
from a samples surface. A beam stop is used to block the direct back-reflection, so that only
obliquely scattered or diffracted radiation is measured. This technique enhances the contrast
for edges, and can be used to distinguish between scattering and absorption, for example.
Dark-field imaging, well-known in the realm of optical microscopy, has recently been used to
study biological samples with terahertz radiation [93].

2.3. Time-of-flight imaging

Although many common materials are transparent in the THz range, certain substances such
as metals are opaque, and highly reflective. Living tissue is also opaque, due to the high liquid
water content, and therefore also cannot be imaged in transmission. Terahertz imaging of
materials such as these requires a reflection imaging geometry. The broad bandwidth of the
THz radiation is an additional advantage in a reflection mode, since it permits one to obtain
depth information and therefore construct a full three-dimensional representation of an object.
The first demonstration of three-dimensional terahertz imaging was described in 1997 [17].
This system was essentially equivalent to the one shown in figure 6, except that the optical
1340 W L Chan et al

Amplitude (nanoamps)
20 (a) Input
-20 (b) Reflected (x4)

-60 front cover back cover
floppy disk

0 10 20 30
Delay (picoseconds)

Figure 11. Terahertz pulses measured in a reflection geometry. (a) the input pulse, measured with
a mirror at the confocal reflection location (i.e. the position of the sample). (b) a terahertz pulse
reflected off of a conventional 3.5 floppy disk. Multiple reflections can be seen, one from each
dielectric interface in the sample. Lower curve is vertically offset for clarity. Adapted from [17].

setup was folded at the location of the sample so that the THz beam reflected off of the sample
rather than transmitting through it. One can best understand the nature of the signals measured
in this configuration by studying a particular example. In this case, the object in question is a
conventional 3.5 floppy disk, a sample which consists of a series of smooth dielectric layers
(the front and back plastic covers, and the thin plastic disk which contains the data). This set
of layers presents a series of step discontinuities in the dielectric (air-to-plastic, plastic-to-air).
When illuminated by a single-cycle THz pulse at normal incidence, each step generates a
reflected THz pulse. Since each interface is located at a different distance from the receiver,
each of these reflections arrives at the receiver at a unique time delay. The signal measured in
reflection, therefore, consists of a train of THz pulses, as shown in figure 11. The amplitude of
each pulse in the train provides information about the magnitude of the dielectric change across
the interface from which it originated. The time delay between successive pulses in the train
provides information about the thickness of the intervening layer. In fact, from measurements
of this type on samples with smooth parallel transparent layers, it is possible to obtain the
spatial variation of the refractive-index profile along the direction of propagation of the
THz beam.
Figure 12 shows a pair of images collected using this reflection geometry. The upper image
shows a conventional THz image, displaying the total reflected THz energy as a function of the
position of the object (in the two dimensions perpendicular to the beam propagation direction).
The metal hub is white in this image because it reflects essentially all of the THz radiation,
whereas the dielectric surfaces (plastic, n 1.5) reflect only a few per cent of the total energy.
The lower image shows a single line scan along the dotted line in the upper image. In this image,
the vertical axis is depth into the sample. All of the reflecting surfaces are clearly resolved.
In addition, the sign of the reflected pulses can be used to provide additional information. A
quick inspection of the lower waveform in figure 11 shows that the reflections from an air-
to-plastic interface are negative-going, whereas a reflection from a plastic-to-air interface are
positive-going. This follows directly from the sign of the Fresnel reflection coefficient, which
changes when the sign of the index discontinuity changes. This information can be encoded
in the image using false color, to show which surfaces correspond to air above and which
correspond to air below. Because the metal hub is opaque, the image cannot contain any
information about the region behind it. The faint surface which appears behind this metal
Imaging with terahertz radiation 1341

Figure 12. Images of a portion of the floppy disk, measured in a reflection configuration. The upper
image shows the total terahertz power at each pixel, as a function of the two lateral dimensions.
The lower image shows a time-of-flight slice along one row of the upper image (at the location of
the dotted line). All of the internal (buried) interfaces can be clearly resolved. The metal hub, on
the right side, is a strong reflector, and therefore gives rise to a multiple reflection which appears
in the shadow region beneath it. Adapted from [17].

object is actually a multiple reflection between the metal hub and the inner surface of the front
cover. Such multiples are well known in acoustic imaging, and can be removed from images
using numerical post-processing.
Although originally described as a tomographic measurement [17], this technique is more
appropriately deemed time-of-flight imaging. This imaging mode is equivalent in many ways
to an ultrasound B-scan. As with a B-scan, the length of the temporal data acquisition
window determines an upper limit on the depth to which image data can be acquired. For
the waveform in figure 11, a 30 ps window is sufficient to capture all six of the back-reflected
pulses from the floppy disk. A thicker sample would, of course, require a longer window.
This could be accomplished either by scanning continuously over a longer duration, or by
acquiring several short scans and subsequently stitching them together in post-processing.
One distinction between ultrasound measurements and THz imaging is the possibility for
spectroscopic analysis which is offered by the specific interactions of THz radiation with
certain materials [9496]. However, because of the multiple discrete reflections that are present
in a measurement of this sort, the simple relationship which defines the achievable spectral
resolution of a TDS measurement is not applicable in these time-of-flight measurements.
Sophisticated numerical deconvolution procedures would generally be required in order to
extract spectroscopic data from a waveform which also contains multiple reflections.
A first step in this challenge is to simultaneously determine the reflectivity and the distance
to a single reflecting surface. If the reflection coefficient is complex, then the phase changes
associated with the reflectivity can be difficult to distinguish from the linear phase shift
associated with a small displacement of the sample along the propagation direction. Ino et al
1342 W L Chan et al

have investigated the use of a phase retrieval algorithm to separate out these two effects,
and thereby obtain a measurement of the sample height profile which is independent of the
reflection coefficient of the material [97].
Although it is conceptually simpler to consider in terms of a reflection geometry, time-
of-flight imaging can also be implemented in a transmission mode. In this case, the number
of reflections experienced by each measured pulse is even, rather than odd. Consider, for
example, a pulse transmitting through a single slab of material. The ballistic (unscattered) pulse
experiences zero reflections, while subsequent multiples experience two, four, etc, bounces
inside the slab, as in a FabryPerot or etalon. This effect is more difficult to observe than the
corresponding effect in a reflection measurement because each surface reflection weakens
the pulse. For example, a single reflection off of an air-plastic interface is only about 20% of
the amplitude of the incident pulse (i.e. |Erefl /Einc | 0.2). A doubly reflected pulse, therefore,
is 20% smaller again, or only 4% of the amplitude of the incident field. This effect is therefore
less useful in low index media, and is more often used with high dielectric media such as silicon,
for which the reflection coefficient is closer to 50%. In this case, the effect can be useful for
accurately determining the thickness of the dielectric layer in a transmission geometry [98,99].
We also note that time-of-flight information (equivalent to phase contrast) can be obtained
without the use of broadband pulses, as long as one can determine the phase of the radiation. As
in the well-known technique of digital holography, two closely spaced single-frequency sources
can also be used to obtain depth information, by comparing their phases. The advantages of
this approach, including common-mode noise suppression and the elimination of a 2 phase
ambiguity, have recently been described for terahertz radiation [100].

2.4. Depth resolution in time-of-flight imaging

In a time-of-flight imaging system, one of the important considerations is that of depth
resolution. For two closely spaced reflecting interfaces, how close can they be before it is
no longer possible to resolve them? The answer is illustrated by the lower curve in figure 11.
The two central reflections, from the front and rear surfaces of the floppy disk, are nearly
overlapped in time because these two surfaces are quite closely spaced (the floppy disk is quite
thin). The ability to resolve these two closely spaced reflections is determined by the temporal
duration of the THz pulses. If the pulses were shorter, then they could be closer together before
overlapping. An equivalent formulation can be phrased in terms of the spectral bandwidth of
the terahertz pulse. The resolution is given by half of the coherence length of the radiation,
defined according to LC = c/, where  is the spectral bandwidth and c is the speed of
light in the intervening medium. The factor of 1/2 arises from the fact that the reflection from
the further surface must travel through the intervening medium twice, once in each direction.
In this example, the coherence length is about 200 m, just small enough to resolve the two
surfaces of the thin recording medium. In the image shown in figure 12, the raw waveforms
(e.g. figure 11(b)) were numerically processed to deconvolve the input pulse shape (figure
11(a)) prior to forming the image [17]. This is required in order to form an image in which
these two closely spaced surfaces are distinct.
There are several different techniques which can be used to improve this depth resolution.
One such technique relies on interferometry to improve the depth resolution, in a mode which
is the time-domain analog of optical coherence tomography (OCT) [101, 102]. In OCT, an
interferometer is used to temporally resolve a broadband light pulse by interfering it with a
reference pulse, and thereby determine the time of flight in a reflection geometry. In THz-
TDS, by contract, an interferometer is not required to time-resolve the reflected waveform,
because the detector already provides the necessary temporal resolution. Instead, we may use
Imaging with terahertz radiation 1343


THz beamsplitter

Sample on X-Y Transmitter

scanning stage

Reference arm

Figure 13. A schematic of a normal-incidence reflection imaging system, using a beam splitter to
separate the incident and reflected beams. This beam splitter also directs a portion of the incident
beam to a flat mirror on a manual delay stage, which can be used as a reference. The reflected pulse
from the sample interferes with the reference pulse at the detector. Adapted from [102].

interferometric techniques to provide a background-free measurement for enhancing the depth

A schematic of the interferometer is shown in figure 13. The terahertz pulses are generated
and detected using low-temperature-grown GaAs photoconductive antennas, gated with 50 fs
laser pulses from a mode-locked Ti : sapphire laser. High-density polyethylene lenses are used
to collimate, focus, and collect the THz beam, which is arranged in a Michelson configuration
for reflection imaging. A high-resistivity silicon wafer is used as a beam splitter for the THz
beam, dividing the pulse train into a sample and a reference arm. This wafer is 0.5 cm thick, so
that multiple reflections within the beam splitter are delayed by over 150 ps relative to the initial
THz pulse, and are not measured. A lens is placed in the sample arm of the interferometer, and
the sample to be imaged is located at its focus. The beam in the second arm of the interferometer
(the reference arm) is simply retro-reflected off of a flat mirror on a manual translation stage.
The optical delays of the two arms are adjusted to be approximately equal.
In addition to providing lateral spatial resolution for imaging, the lens also provides the
phase shift which permits background-free imaging. The pulse that passes through the lens
acquires an additional phase (compared to the pulse that traverses the reference arm) as a result
of the Gouy phase shift acquired by a focused Gaussian beam. This topological phase is a
result of the variation in wave front curvature as the pulse passes through the focus, and is
approximately equal to [103]. Thus, when the pulses from the two arms of the interferometer
reach the detector, they destructively interfere and a very small signal is measured. However,
if the sample contains any feature that distorts either the amplitude or phase of the reflected
THz pulse, this destructive interference is disrupted and a large signal is measured. In a sample
containing multiple layers, the delay of the reference arm can be adjusted so as to cancel any one
of the reflections from the sample, leaving the remaining interface reflections to be observed
with reduced clutter. This destructive interference also provides a background-free method
for waveform acquisition, which naturally eliminates common-mode noise arising from laser
fluctuations or other external perturbations. Unlike an interferometer for visible light, a THz
interferometer does not require sub-micron stability, and is thus far less sensitive to vibrations.
We have already pointed out the high degree of sensitivity to the optical phase provided
by THz-TDS systems. The interferometer illustrated in figure 13 converts small phase shifts
(small delay shifts) into changes in the THz amplitude, as follows. Consider one frequency
1344 W L Chan et al

Figure 14. Line-scan reflection images across the model sample shown in the inset, which contains
a series of air gaps between a block of plastic and a metal reflector. These line scans are normalized
to the reflection from a portion of the sample without an air gap. Thus, this shows the fractional
change in the terahertz reflection as a function of position across the sample. The two curves
show the result with (solid) and without (dashed) the use of interferometry. The interferometric
effect dramatically enhances the sensitivity to small (sub-coherence-length) features in the sample.
Adapted from reference [102].

component of frequency in the reference arm of the interferometer, which can be described
as ER = eit . The corresponding component of the sample arm waveform, with a phase
shift, may be written as ES = eit ei . Here, = 2D/c is the phase delay associated
with the displacement of the reflecting surface in the sample arm, relative to zero optical path
mismatch. We assume that D is much smaller than the confocal parameter of the focusing
beam. The superposition of these two signals is 2i sin(/2) eit ei/2 . In the limit of small
displacement D, the amplitude of the interference signal is directly proportional to , and
therefore to the displacement D. Thus, small changes in the phase of the sample arm wave
lead to equivalent small changes in the amplitude of the interfered wave.
We demonstrate the ability to image below the coherence length limit using a Teflon
metal model, shown in the inset of figure 14. This model sample consists of a block of Teflon
sandwiched on top of a metal mirror, with air gaps between the two pieces ranging from 12.5
to 100 m in width. This sample is positioned so that the metalplastic interface is located
at the focus of the imaging lens in the sample arm, and adjusted so that, as it scans across
the THz beam focus, the distance from the lens to this interface does not vary. Figure 14
shows two line scans cutting across this sample, through the series of air gaps, comparing the
measured peak-to-peak amplitudes with and without the interferometric cancellation. This
is displayed as a per cent change relative to the amplitude of a waveform measured at a
position on the sample with no air gap. For these measurements, the delay of the reference
arm has been used to optimize the cancellation of the pulse reflected from the metalmetal
interface, at a point where there was no air gap in the beam. Clearly, with interferometry and
destructive interference, the waveform amplitude increases when an air gap slides across the
focal spot, whereas in the absence of interferometry, the waveform amplitude decreases due
to the destructive interference between the two pulses reflected from the two interfaces in the
sample. More importantly, the contrast of the interferometric signal is enhanced by more than
Imaging with terahertz radiation 1345

an order of magnitude over the non-interferometric signal. In the interferometric mode, the
areas with no air gap show strong destructive interference. The change in the cancellation
when an air gap is encountered results in a large increase in the amplitude of the measured
waveform. As a result, it is possible to easily detect the smallest air gap using the interference
effect. This 12.5 m gap is roughly 25 times smaller than the coherence length of the terahertz
pulses used to collect this data [101].

2.5. Tomography with terahertz radiation

Tomographic imaging is widely used in x-ray diagnostics, seismic prospecting, synthetic
aperture radar, and ultrasonic imaging. Each imaging modality has its own source-detector
configuration and image reconstruction algorithm, appropriate to the nature of the problem.
For instance, in x-ray computed tomography (CT), the object can typically be viewed from
any angle. As a result, the measured signal consists of a series of line integrals through the
object under study, and can therefore be accurately described using a radon transformation
(also known as a sinogram). To recover an image, a conventional inversion procedure such
as the filtered back-projection algorithm is generally used [104, 105]. In contrast, seismic
imaging of the earths crust can only be performed from one side, in a reflection configuration,
but unlike with x-rays, phase (i.e. time-of-flight) data is available. In this case, an approach
based on a migration procedure, which exploits the temporal information, is more applicable.
In the terahertz imaging community, analogs of each of these imaging configurations has been
explored. The study of tomographic techniques using terahertz radiation has been discussed
in a recent review [106].
For the purposes of this article, we distinguish tomography from the time-of-flight images
discussed above according to the number of transmitters and/or detector locations that are
involved in image formation. In the preceding section, all of the time-of-flight measurements
involved a single transmitter and a single receiver, both at fixed locations. With multiple
transmitters and/or detectors at multiple positions, an object can be illuminated from more
than one location, or the scattered field from a single illumination point can be detected at
multiple locations. This is essence of a tomographic measurement. In practice, most terahertz
tomographic measurements have involved a single transmitterreceiver pair, with multiple
positions of one or the other (or both) measured serially and with the data subsequently
assembled into an image. The advent of fiber-coupled terahertz photoconductive transmitters
and receivers was a crucial step in permitting further developments in terahertz tomography,
because it enabled the rapid repositioning of the photoconductive antennas without loss of
optical alignment or temporal delay calibration [107].
The first demonstrations of a terahertz tomographic measurement, according to this
definition, were in 2001, shortly after the fiber-coupled antennas became available. Ruffin
and colleagues measured the diffracted field transmitted through a patterned two-dimensional
aperture at many locations after the aperture, and then back-propagated these measured
fields using the Kirchhoff diffraction integral to reconstruct the aperture pattern [108, 109].
This group has subsequently extended this work to demonstrate reconstruction in three
dimensions [22].
At roughly the same time, Dorney et al used an analog of seismic reflection tomography to
demonstrate image reconstruction by Kirchhoff migration [19, 110], an approach commonly
used in the seismic imaging community. Because of the strong similarities between sub-
picosecond THz pulses and the seismic impulses used for geophysical studies, one can take
advantage of a mature set of existing algorithms for image formation. These algorithms are
based on much of the same underlying physics as in the case of electromagnetic propagation,
1346 W L Chan et al




Figure 15. (a) A schematic of the seismic imaging arrangement emulated by the terahertz system.
Multiple symmetrically placed receivers are arranged to collect a series of reflected waveforms
from a point scatterer. The travel time increases hyperbolically with the transmitter-receiver offset.
(b) Kirchhoff migration reconstructs the location of the scatterer by calculating the appropriate
hyperbola and summing the recorded values along that hyperbola, for each possible scatterer
location. Incorrect locations generate small summations, since their hyperbolae do not pass through
many reflected pulses. Two such incorrect guesses, and their associated hyperbolae, are shown.
Adapted from reference [110].

in the sense that both are direct consequences of the description of wave propagation using
Greens functions. In the present case, however, some simplifying assumptions can be made
because the propagating wave has the form of a broadband transient. In essence, the migration
approach places more significance on the travel time than on the amplitude of the measured
wave, and in doing so ignores frequency-dependent absorption and dispersive effects as well as
the vector nature of the fields. This approximation neglects important aspects of the collected
data, so it necessarily reduces the quality of the generated image. It leads, however, to an
imaging algorithm that is very simple to implement and is extremely robust against losses due
to scattering or absorption of the propagating wave. For this reason, it is well suited for image
formation in situations where the THz wave must propagate through a lossy or disordered
medium either before or after interacting with the target. A situation of this sort would, of
course, be very challenging to handle using the conventional approach.
Figure 15(a) illustrates the configuration of the transmitter and array of receivers,
mimicking a seismic tomography arrangement. The task in migration is to transform a
data set collected in this way, knowing only the position of the transmitter and receivers
and the travel times of the reflected pulses, into a useful image. In other words, given
that the horizontal surface is the x-axis and depth is the z-axis, we wish to transform data
in the (x, t) domain into the (x, z) domain. The emitted spherical wave front propagates
downward, until a portion of it interacts with a point diffractor, generating a reflected wave.
Given that the point scatterer is located at (x0 , z0 ), the transmitter is at (0, 0), and a receiver
is at (x, 0), the travel time in a homogeneous medium is found from simple geometric
Imaging with terahertz radiation 1347

D(x) = v0 = x02 + z02 + (x x0 )2 + z02 . (1)
Here v0 is the velocity in the medium, is the two-way travel time, and D(x) is the total
distance from transmitter to target to receiver. A series of waveforms, measured at each of
the receiver locations shown in figure 15(a), must therefore show a hyperbolic dependence of
THz pulse arrival time on receiver offset (i.e. transmitter-to-receiver distance), as illustrated in
figure 15(b).
The image reconstruction procedure exploits this hyperbolic dependence as follows. For
each possible location (x0 , z0 ) of a reflector in the plane, we compute the hyperbola that would
result if a reflector was actually located there. We then determine the amplitude of the measured
THz waveform at each time delay along that hyperbola, and sum these to produce a pixel value
for the (x0 , z0 ) location in question. Correctly guessed points yield a large summation value
since the corresponding hyperbola passes through the peaks of multiple waveforms. Incorrectly
guessed points result in smaller values due to the low amplitude of the waveforms intersected by
the hyperbola, and due to destructive interference from different waveforms in the summation.
In this fashion, an image can be assembled from the measured data. This procedure works
for surfaces as well as for isolated point reflectors, and can be used to rapidly reconstruct
complicated reflecting surfaces.
Two incorrectly guessed points are shown as circles in figure 15(b). The hyperbolas
associated with each of these points are centred above the circles. Both points have a small
valued summation due to partial destructive interference. Some of the temporal waveforms
have negative amplitude values at the points where they intersect the hyperbola, while others
have positive amplitude values at the intersection points. The right-hand point is closer to the
surface (z = 0); therefore, its associated hyperbola has more curvature than the one on the left.
These examples illustrate how even incorrect locations can generate non-zero amplitudes in
the migration procedure and introduce image artefacts. As the number of waveforms included
in the summation increases, the amplitude of these artefacts decreases.
The resolution limits of migration tomography are different for the dimensions parallel
and perpendicular to the receiver array. The horizontal resolution is the smallest feature that
can be resolved along the x-dimension (parallel to the array of receivers). It is generally defined
in terms of the first Fresnel zone. Traditionally, the Fresnel zone is the size of an opening in an
infinite plate such that only positive values of an incident spherical wave are able to penetrate
the opening [111]. For a broadband source, the Fresnel zone can be defined by the size of an
aperture which maximizes the transmitted energy [112]. The size of the first Fresnel zone is
given approximately by

x = , (2)
2 fmean
where fmean is the mean frequency of the THz source and v0 and are as defined in equation (1).
A feature that is smaller than the size of the first Fresnel zone cannot be resolved. As the feature
size increases beyond the size of the first Fresnel zone, the image reconstruction provides a
better representation.

The vertical resolution is defined by the smallest feature that can be resolved along the
z-dimension (the propagation direction of the incident wave). This depends on the coherence
length of the probing wave. A shift in position of a temporal waveform by an amount that is
small compared with the duration of the THz pulse has no significant effect on the summation.
Consequently, the migration summation is not sensitive to temporal shifts of this magnitude.
1348 W L Chan et al

93 (a) 2.4
86 (b) 3.2
z distance (mm)

91 (c) 4.7
(d) 6.2
88 (e) 12.7
-6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6
x distance (mm)

Figure 16. Kirchhoff migration images of a series of metal cylinders, with diameters as shown
(in millimetres). The dashed curves represent the outlines of each of the targets, showing their
sizes and actual locations, for comparison with the migration images. In (a) and (b), the objects
are correctly located but their surface curvature cannot be resolved. In (d) and (e), the surface
curvature is resolved over a portion of the reflectors surface, limited by the finite range of receiver
offsets (i.e. finite detector aperture). Adapted from [110].

The generated images exhibit blurred edges, due to the finite coherence length of the radiation.
Vertical resolution is therefore proportional to the coherence length and therefore inversely
proportional to the spectral bandwidth f :
z = . (3)
Figure 16 shows a series of images which demonstrate both the horizontal and vertical
resolution limits of this technique, using metal cylinders of various diameters. Each cylinder
is placed approximately 90 mm away from a fixed THz transmitter. A series of 152 reflected
waveforms are collected on either side of the transmitter in 1 mm steps. The smallest
transmitter-to-receiver offset is 38 mm, limited by the size and orientation of the antenna
housings. Images are formed from the resulting set of waveforms using the migration procedure
outlined above, for five cylindrical targets with various diameters. The vertical axes show the
distance from the transmitter, while the dashed circles show the actual positions and cross-
sections of the targets. For all five images, a grid spacing (pixel size) of 50 m is used for
the image reconstruction. The migration results coincide well with the actual locations of the
Imaging with terahertz radiation 1349

Figure 17. A photograph and a reconstructed terahertz image of a piece of a turkey bone,
imaged using terahertz computed tomography. The reconstruction used the filtered back-projection
algorithm. Features larger than 0.5 mm are resolved in this image. Adapted from [21].

We note that the two smallest cylinders are accurately placed but are not well resolved. The
diameters of these cylinders are very close to the horizontal resolution. For our measurements,
the size of the first Fresnel zone is x 2.9 mm, using equation (2). For the 4.7 mm diameter
cylinder, we begin to resolve features in the image which correspond with the location of the
reflecting surface. The two largest cylinders have a clearly defined surface section. Only a
portion of the surface is imaged due to the finite range of receivers along the x-axis. The limited
number of receivers hinders complete cancellation of diffraction sums from regions without a
reflector. Consequently, we observe a number of image artefacts arising from aliasing effects,
as anticipated above. The reconstructed curves of the cylindrical surfaces also exhibit a finite
thickness. The finite coherence length of the radiation, which limits the vertical resolution,
causes blurring that is 34 pixels wide. The surface blurring is consistent with the calculated
vertical resolution of z 0.19 mm, according to equation (3).
In addition to the analog of seismic imaging described here, several researchers have
also explored the THz analog of x-ray computed tomography (CT). T-ray CT was first
demonstrated by Zhang and co-workers [21]. There are some important differences between
THz and x-ray CT, the most obvious of which is that the THz system provides both amplitude
and phase information. As a result, THz CT images can contain more information about the
target, such as its refractive index. Spatial resolution is determined by the same considerations
as in the vertical resolution discussed above (equation (3)). An image which illustrates the
capabilities of T-ray CT is shown in figure 17. The object is placed into the THz beam, scanned
across the focal point, and rotated to provide many different view ngles in a transmission mode.
This type of image has required raster scanning, with perhaps 100 100 pixels, obtained at
numerous different angles. The acquisition time can therefore be quite long, although it can be
shortened considerably using chirped-pulse electro-optic sampling, as described below [29].
A description of the image reconstruction in T-ray CT imaging is instructive, as it illustrates
some of the unique features relative to conventional CT. The usual radon transform can be
written in a complex form, as an integral along the line connecting the source to the detector:
Edet (, , l) = Ei () exp (n (r) + i (r)) dr (4)
L(,l) c

Here, Ei is the incident field at frequency , Edet is the detected field at the same frequency,
L is the straight line connecting the source to the detector at angle and horizontal offset l
from the rotation axis of the object and (n(r) + i(r)) is the (unknown) complex refractive
index of the object, at position r. To reconstruct an image, one can choose any of a number of
1350 W L Chan et al

Figure 18. (left) A schematic of the experimental setup for THz wide aperture reflection
tomography. A transceiver illuminates a horizontal cross-section of an object and measures the
reflected radiation. In this case, the size of the illumination spot is less than 5 mm in the vertical
direction and 30 mm in the horizontal direction. (right) A photograph and a THz reconstruction
of a complicated metal object. This image was reconstructed using 360 waveforms, collected in
1 increments as the object was rotated and then assembled using a filtered back-projection. The
image reproduces the small surface features of the object, which are roughly half of the coherence
length in size. Adapted from [24].

aspects of the measured data. For example, Ferguson et al have pointed out that one can use
the unwrapped Fourier phase arg {Edet /Ei } as the basis for back-projecting an image. In this
case, the filtered back-projection reconstructs the phase delay at each pixel of the image, which
can then be used to compute the spatial (and spectral) variation of the refractive index [113].
More advanced wavelet-based segmentation techniques are also under investigation [114].
We have recently described a different approach using a reflection geometry, in which the
THz beam is brought to a line focus, rather than a point. This wide-aperture reflection tomog-
raphy permits tomographic reconstruction using a series of slices, measured at several different
view angles [24]. Since this is a reflection technique, it works best with strongly reflecting
objects such as metals. A schematic of this technique, along with a typical image, is shown in
figure 18. The reconstruction of three-dimensional images using the filtered back-projection
algorithm with a single-frequency terahertz source has also recently been reported [115].
Another tomographic technique which borrows from research in a different spectral regime
is terahertz synthetic aperture imaging. Aperture synthesis is a technique commonly employed
in astronomy and in radar measurements, in which the effective aperture of a measurement
system is increased by reorienting the object (or relocating the detector) so that a slightly
different viewing angle is accessed. If the sequential images acquired in this fashion are super-
posed coherently, one can obtain an image with improved resolution. The essential distinction
between conventional aperture synthesis and the migration technique discussed above is in the
algorithmic approach used to assemble the multiple target views into a single high-resolution
image. The application of synthetic aperture radar (SAR) analysis to a terahertz imaging sys-
tem has been described by Cheville [18] and by Grischkowsky [23, 116]. An example of a
THz SAR image is shown in figure 19. This shows a 1/2400 scale model of a ship, imaged
Imaging with terahertz radiation 1351

Figure 19. (left) A schematic of the experimental setup for THz synthetic aperture imaging. (right)
An image of a 1/2400 scale model of a destroyer obtained with the setup shown at left. A photograph
of the object is shown above the terahertz image, for comparison. The side and superstructure of
the object are visible in the THz image, which was acquired with measurements spanning only
a 20 angular range, in 1 increments. The axis values in parentheses are the distance in metres
corresponding to the scaled image. Adapted from [18].

over a 20 range in 1 increments. In addition to showing the power of aperture synthesis

in a time-domain system, this image illustrates the potential of using THz systems for scale-
model experiments. The measurement of radar cross-sections of complex reflective objects is
a challenging task, which can be dramatically simplified by using small scale models. In this
case, the wavelength of the radiation must be scaled by the same ratio. This naturally leads
one to study centimetre-scale models with sub-millimetre-wavelength radiation [117119]. If
the model is a faithful replica of the original, then the measured THz scattering properties will
reproduce the results that would be obtained in a radar measurement, since the reflectivity of
metallic components are very high throughout the far-infrared and microwave. For the image
shown in figure 19, the frequency range of the illumination source (0.21.5 THz) corresponds
to a scaled frequency range of 83625 MHz, with a target-to-receiver distance of 840 m.
In an imaging configuration of this sort, just as in the migration example described
previously, the resolution in the range direction and in the cross-range (perpendicular to the
target-detector axis) direction are not the same. Along the detector axis, the resolution is
determined by the coherence length of the radiation. In the cross-range direction, the resolution
is determined by the condition that the phase shift of the radiation reaching the detector is equal
to across the effective detector aperture. This is equivalent to requiring that the target be
larger than the first Fresnel zone of the incident illumination. In the imaging system illustrated
in figure 19, the range resolution is roughly an order of magnitude better than the cross-range
resolution, because of the large bandwidth of the THz source.
Recently, Federici and co-workers have explored further advantages of aperture synthesis
using THz pulses, pointing out that a clever (non-periodic) spatial arrangement of the detectors
can give a larger effective aperture and also suppress image artefacts arising from aliasing
[120, 121].

2.6. Video-rate terahertz imaging and single-shot terahertz imaging

The imaging techniques described heretofore have all relied on a raster-scanning method, to
acquire image data pixel by pixel. This can be a limiting factor in some applications, since
1352 W L Chan et al


spectral amplitude

signal reference
0 100 200 0 100 200
pixel number pixel number

Figure 20. Spectrum of a chirped femtosecond probe pulse, after passing through an electro-
optic crystal between crossed polarizers, with the terahertz beam blocked (marked reference)
and unblocked (marked signal). The spectra are different because the terahertz beam induces a
polarization rotation of the probe pulse, which is mapped onto the spectrum of the probe by the
linear chirp. (right) The difference between the two spectra at left is proportional to the terahertz
electric field E(t). This can be measured with a single pulse from the femtosecond laser. Adapted
from [29].

serial acquisition of image data can be quite slow. One solution would be the development
of a sensitive focal plane array detector, an area of active research [122]. Ultrafast optics
offers another solution to this problem, using the free-space electro-optic sensing technique
described above.
As noted, electro-optic sampling relies on an induced polarization rotation in a
femtosecond probe pulse, which depends on the amplitude and direction of the terahertz field.
Because the detected signal is an optical one (i.e. polarization rotation of an optical probe
beam) rather than an electrical one (photo-induced current in a metal antenna), the sampled
region is defined by the size of the optical probe and of the non-linear crystal rather than by the
size of an antenna. So, instead of using a small electro-optic crystal and a focused THz beam,
one can use a large (cm2 ) crystal and a large-area beam. The spatially varying polarization
rotation of the probe beam can be measured using crossed polarizers and a CCD camera [81].
Since a CCD detector array can refresh at video rates, this technique can be used to generate
terahertz movies [25, 26, 123]. It does, however, require considerably more optical power in
the femtosecond probe beam. Generally, an amplified femtosecond laser system is required.
Also, one still requires a mechanical delay line to vary the delay between the probe pulse and
the THz pulse in order to obtain a measurement of the terahertz electric field.
It is also possible to dispense with the delay line entirely and measure the full THz
waveform with a single pulse from the femtosecond laser. This can be accomplished using
a gating pulse which is chirped; that is, its frequency changes as a function of time. This
technique was first demonstrated in the measurement of picosecond electrical pulses, using a
frequency-swept DFB laser [124]. It was subsequently applied to the measurement of free-
space terahertz pulses by Zhang and co-workers [2729]. This idea relies on the fact that
a controllable linear chirp can be imposed on an optical pulse, for example, using a pair of
gratings. In this case, the group delay of the optical pulse is a linear function of frequency, with
the high-frequency components leading and the low-frequency components trailing. If this
chirped pulse copropagates with a terahertz pulse through an electro-optic crystal, each spectral
component experiences a different degree of polarization rotation, as determined by the delay
of that particular spectral component relative to the THz field. The modulated spectrum can
then be measured using a spectrometer, and compared to the spectrum measured with the THz
pulse blocked. An example of a spectrum modulated by a terahertz pulse is shown in figure 20.
Imaging with terahertz radiation 1353

The advantages of a single-shot technique for THz pulse measurement are numerous [125].
Clearly, the ability to measure individual pulses opens up a range of new possible uses
for THz diagnostics. An excellent example is the work of Wilke et al, who measured the
THz electric field associated with a short (picosecond) electron bunch propagating in a linear
accelerator [126]. Measurements of this type can be used to characterize the duration and shape
of these short electron bunches, on a shot-by-shot basis. Another useful advance has been the
realization that the modulated chirped spectrum can be measured with a one-dimensional array
of detectors, so that the other dimension can be used to obtain spatial information. Thus, one
can obtain the full temporal evolution of the THz field, not just at a single point in space, but at
many points along a line, all with a single pulse from the laser. Jiang and Zhang demonstrated
this spatio-temporal measurement technique by imaging the field emitted by a photoconducting
dipole antenna along one dimension, in a single shot [29].
This chirped-pulse detection scheme has a few important limitations. In practice, spatio-
temporal field imaging requires an amplified fs laser, because the pulse energy produced by a
typical fs oscillator is not sufficient. This is not necessarily a significant disadvantage, since the
lower repetition rate of the amplifier is often more suitable for the signal (or image) processing
requirements, which could not be performed on a shot-by-shot basis at the high repetition
rate of a typical oscillator. Of course, the need for an amplifier does increase the cost and
complexity of the laser system. Another important issue concerns the fundamental limits on
the temporal resolution. Since the terahertz pulse modulates only a portion of the spectrum
of the visible pulse (corresponding to the portion which propagates through the electro-optic
crystal at the same time as the terahertz pulse), the ultimate time resolution cannot be higher
than the inverse of this bandwidth. The temporal resolution is given by the geometric mean
of the duration of the chirped pulse and its original duration (i.e. before chirping) [28, 29].
For example, using a 50 fs probe pulse, chirped by a factor of 400 to 20 ps, one would find a
time resolution of about 1 ps. This result limits the utility of the chirped-pulse measurement
technique to some extent and can even lead to ambiguities in the interpretation of the measured
modulated signal [127]. Several groups have investigated ways to overcome this resolution
limit [128, 129].

2.7. Terahertz imaging with a continuous-wave source

In parallel with the rapid progress in pulsed time-domain techniques, tremendous strides have
also been made in technologies for continuous-wave (cw) terahertz systems since the first
examples [5, 6]. In this case, the challenge is usually related to the development of new or
improved sources of terahertz radiation or new or improved detection technologies. In many
cases, the use of such sources and detectors for imaging is intended merely as a demonstration
of feasibility, rather than as a development of a new terahertz imaging technique. Since
the purpose of this paper is to focus specifically on techniques for terahertz imaging and
the applications these enable, we will avoid the temptation to discuss source and detector
development. Instead, we provide a selected review of imaging results, intended to highlight
the examples which illustrate novel imaging capabilities or exciting applications areas. We
note that several groups have recently discussed the comparison of cw versus pulsed imaging
in the THz range [70, 130].
Usually, coherent detection cannot be used to measure continuous-wave terahertz
radiation. This is because, in most cases, the cw source is not synchronized (phase-locked) to
an optical source that could be used for sampling. One exception is the technique pioneered by
Nahata and co-workers. Here, two single-mode lasers, tuned to slightly different frequencies,
were used to generate THz radiation via difference-frequency mixing in a photoconductive
1354 W L Chan et al

Figure 21. A visible image and a set of terahertz images showing three different powdered materials
inside an envelope. At each pixel, spectroscopic information is used to identify the material, based
on the known absorption signatures between 1 and 2 THz. Adapted from [39].

device. Unlike other photomixer-based terahertz imaging systems [43, 131], the terahertz
radiation was detected via electro-optic sampling using the same two lasers. This process
is essentially an upconversion of the THz radiation, followed by homodyne detection [132].
Because the THz radiation is phase-locked to the beat signal between the two optical sources,
the process is coherent and both amplitude and phase information can be determined. This
technique can be used for focal plane imaging [133], in a manner similar to the electro-optic
imaging techniques mentioned earlier [81]. Similar results (although with raster scanning
of the object to produce an image) can be obtained using a photoconductive mixer as the
receiver [130, 134].
Another exception is the recent work of Roskos and co-workers, who have used electro-
optic sensing with a femtosecond laser to measure both amplitude and phase information from
a continuous-wave THz source (a Gunn oscillator at 0.6 THz). This is possible because of the
extremely low jitter between the two sources, due to their intrinsic stability. This hybrid system
has a number of advantages, including a high dynamic range for imaging and the elimination
of the need for an optical delay line [135].
With these exceptions, cw THz imaging systems typically employ an incoherent device for
direct detection of the THz wave, such as a bolometer or a Golay cell. Array detectors are also
available for direct (not heterodyne) detection, including microbolometer arrays [136, 137],
germanium detector arrays [138] and pyroelectric cameras. Unlike in the case of THz-TDS,
the source and detector are independent devices, rather than two components of a coupled
system. In some cases, the terahertz source is tunable, in which case it is possible to combine
spectroscopic measurements with imaging just as in the time-domain systems. A notable
example is shown in figure 21. Here, a tunable terahertz parametric oscillator and a pyroelectric
detector [139] are used to image a collection of powders inside an envelope, by raster scanning
the sample through the THz beam [39]. At each pixel, a spectrum is collected by tuning the
source between 1 and 2 THz. These crystalline materials have unique terahertz absorption
signatures in this range, even in powdered form at room temperature, which can be used for
identification with a multispectral analysis [40]. The terahertz image clearly shows that the
spatial location of each of the different substances can be determined. Imaging with frequency
tuning over a more narrow spectral range (500700 GHz), but with more power in the THz
beam, can be achieved using a backwards wave oscillator [140].
Imaging with terahertz radiation 1355

One important advantage of imaging with a single-frequency source is the ability to select
the source wavelength to optimize the imaging capability. This is relevant, for example,
in the case of imaging at a stand-off distance. Stand-off imaging (i.e. at greater than a
few metres distance) is challenging because of the presence of atmospheric water vapour,
which significantly attenuates the terahertz beam. However, at certain frequencies within the
terahertz range, the atmospheric attenuation is minimized because there are no nearby strong
water vapour absorption lines. The ability to tune the terahertz source to a water window
is a considerable advantage. For example, for a 25 m stand-off, the power throughput from
transmitter to receiver increases by more than a factor of 10 if the atmospheric loss decreases by
only 0.5 dB m1 . For comparison, variations of several dB m1 can be achieved by frequency
tuning within narrow windows in the 45 THz range. Real-time imaging at a 25 m stand-off has
been demonstrated using a terahertz quantum cascade laser (QCL) and a room-temperature
microbolometer array [122, 137]. In this demonstration, the QCL was held at 30 K, within
the range of a thermomechanical cooler that does not require liquid cryogens, and produced
17 mW of power in pulsed operation. A few per cent of the emitted power reached the
imaging array, sufficient for imaging with a 1 s integration time. A system diagram and
sample images acquired with this system are shown in figure 22 [45]. This system can also be
used for video-rate imaging [137].
It is also worth mentioning passive imaging, in which one relies on the thermal radiation
from the object (or the thermal radiation illuminating the object from its surroundings or
from the sky) to provide contrast. This technique has been pioneered in the astronomy
community, for the obvious reason that it is not possible to illuminate astronomical objects.
In this case, it is clear that the primary challenge is the development of sensitive detectors
or detector arrays, which can distinguish between thermal sources differing only slightly in
their absolute temperature. Heterodyne techniques are frequently used, in the cases where
a strong local oscillator is available. For example, Rodriguez-Morales et al have developed
a superconducting bolometer integrated with gain circuitry [141]. The device operates at a
design frequency of 1.6 THz, with a far-infrared gas laser used as a local oscillator. To use this
device for imaging, an oscillating mirror is incorporated into the optical system. This scanning
mirror varies the view angle of the detector, sweeping along a line for a one-dimensional image
of a target. The reported noise level corresponds to a temperature difference of about 1.5 K.

2.8. Some more examples

The possibility for using THz techniques for imaging and sensing has inspired research into
many possible applications. Several of these are illustrated in the images shown earlier in
this paper, but there are quite a few others. In this section, we discuss some of these other
applications, most of which can be best understood from the terahertz images themselves.
These pictures, and others like them, clarify much of the excitement surrounding the emerging
technology of terahertz imaging.
Among the earliest published examples of an application for terahertz imaging involved
the inspection of semiconductor wafers. This idea was inspired in part by the fact that many of
the researchers involved in the early development of terahertz time-domain spectroscopy had
backgrounds in semiconductor physics and were familiar with these materials. The terahertz
properties of a doped semiconductor are well described by Drude theory [142,143], so one can
readily extract material parameters such as the doping density and the carrier mobility from
terahertz measurements [144]. These two parameters can be separately determined with the
use of a magnetic field, which induces a high-frequency Hall effect [92]. The study of charge
carriers in semiconductors was also one of the first topics studied using near-field terahertz
1356 W L Chan et al

Figure 22. (a) A schematic of the optical system for THz transillumination imaging with a 25 m
path between the source and the detector array. The dashed lines show two different optical
configurations, with different locations for the sample plane. (b) An optical image of a seed pod,
the sample used to demonstrate the imaging capability. (c) A THz image of the seed pod, using
optical configuration #1. (d) a higher resolution image (1 mm resolution) with a smaller field of
view, obtained using configuration #2. Adapted from [45].

imaging [145]. However, this characterization technique has not yet seen widespread use in
the semiconductor industry, in part because other options exist for wafer inspection.
In contrast, the idea of using terahertz imaging for security screening applications
is very compelling because there are few other options which offer the capabilities of
terahertz technologies. For obvious reasons, new methods for imaging and sensing which
can enhance existing security systems are of considerable interest. The ability of terahertz
radiation to penetrate many common non-metallic materials, combined with the possibility for
spectroscopic identification of sensitive materials, has inspired a great deal of research. Here,
we provide only two examples to illustrate the potential uses of terahertz imaging for security
screening. Figure 23 shows a terahertz image, taken in a transmission geometry, of a briefcase
containing a knife. For this data, the terahertz source was a solid state device (a Gunn diode
with frequency multiplication) operating at 200 GHz. The detector was a Schottky diode, and
the object was raster scanned in front of the terahertz beam [146]. The appeal of this image
is clear, although many challenges remain before field tests are feasible. For example, the
image acquisition rate is still too small for video-rate detection. A second example, shown
in figure 24, demonstrates the ability to see through the sole of a shoe and identify objects
Imaging with terahertz radiation 1357

Figure 23. A photograph and a terahertz transmission image of a briefcase containing a large
knife. This image was obtained with a narrow-band continuous-wave terahertz source, operating at
200 GHz. It illustrates one of the possible applications of terahertz techniques in security screening
applications. Adapted from [146].

Figure 24. Photographs of the sole of a shoe and of the objects hidden inside. The terahertz image
(right) demonstrates the ability to detect and identify hidden objects, in this case a razor blade, a
ceramic block and a small square of a plastic explosive material. This image was obtained using a
time-domain spectrometer and could therefore also contain spectroscopic information which could
be used to identify the chemical composition of the explosive. Image courtesy of P Taday and
M Pepper, Teraview Ltd.

hidden inside, including a razor blade and a plastic explosive. This image, obtained with a
pulsed time-domain system, can also in principle contain spectroscopic information which
would permit identification of the chemical compounds in the hidden materials. Identification
of explosives using terahertz reflectance spectroscopy has been demonstrated by several
groups [95, 147, 148].
Another forefront research area is the use of terahertz techniques for medical diagnostic
purposes. This concept is limited by the strong absorption of liquid water at all frequencies
1358 W L Chan et al

10 mins 30 mins

Figure 25. (top) A series of terahertz images of a volunteers arm, imaged before and in the
moments after the application of a freezer burn. The photographs (bottom) show no evident change
to the skins surface, but the terahertz image clearly identifies the growth of a sub-cutaneous oedema
(a fluid build up) after several minutes. Image courtesy of P Taday and M Pepper, Teraview Ltd.

in the terahertz range, which restricts the penetration of terahertz radiation into living tissue.
Even so, there are several important problems for which terahertz imaging may be a useful
diagnostic [149]. The most prominent of these is the study of sub-cutaneous skin cancer, a
topic under intensive study for the last several years [94, 113,150153]. An example of a
similar application is shown in figure 25. Here, a volunteer was subject to a mild freezer
burn on exposed skin and then monitored using terahertz reflection imaging for up to 30 min
after the burn. Although no changes are visible in the photographs of the burned area, the
terahertz image detects an oedema (sub-cutaneous fluid buildup) resulting from the burn. This
result demonstrates the capability of terahertz radiation to penetrate the stratum corneum (the
outermost skin layer) and provide information about the layers underneath. Other biomedical
applications under study include the diagnosis of tooth decay [149, 154], the characterization
of human bone [155] and (using near-field techniques) the observation of ionic flow in heart
muscle fibres [156].
Rather than seeing the sensitivity to water as a disadvantage, one can also imagine using
terahertz imaging to quantify the water content in biological tissue. This idea was first
illustrated in the measurement of the water status of living leaves [15]. Figure 26 shows a
pair of images of a living leaf, showing the water distribution and its variation with time after
the plant was watered. Currently, there is no accepted, non-destructive procedure for measuring
the leaf water status of a transpiring plant. Research in the field of plant water relations has
been limited to point-in-time observations that provide average values across the tissue being
studied. Multiple spatial and repeated temporal observations have been required to account
for the dynamic movement of water through plants and for spatial variation in water status
in individual leaves. Using THz imaging, it is possible to account for inhomogeneities in the
sample by performing a spatially resolved measurement. Because these measurements are
inherently non-destructive, repeated measurements may be made on the same tissue, thereby
providing for the study of water flow dynamics [15,157,158]. Another evocative image which
illustrates the transparency of common objects and the opacity of liquid water is shown in
figure 27, a whimsical example that needs little explanation.
Imaging with terahertz radiation 1359

Figure 26. Terahertz images of a living leaf on a plant. In this measurement, the plant was first
starved of water for several days, and the leaf was imaged (left image). Subsequently, the plant
was watered. Several tens of minutes after watering, the water distribution in the leaf is much more
uniform, indicating a dynamic uptake of water (right image). This demonstration is of particular
interest, because no other non-destructive method exists for monitoring the water status and water
distribution in living leaves.

Figure 27. A terahertz image of a teapot, taken at 200 GHz using a Gunn diode and a Schottky
diode detector. Image courtesy of X-C Zhang, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.

Another challenging area which is ideally suited for terahertz imaging is the identification
of defects or inhomogeneities in foam insulation or foam padding. This class of problems is of
particular interest because there are few alternative methods that can be used for this purpose.
Detecting an air bubble defect in a foam block is challenging because foams are mostly air.
However, in the terahertz range, there are several different contrast mechanisms. Since foam is
a low-density airpolymer composite, the refractive index is quite small (typically 1.02) [68],
so the extreme sensitivity of the time-domain systems to small changes in propagation delay
is valuable in this case. Also, because the air voids in a typical foam composite are often
comparable in size to the terahertz wavelength, they can induce moderate scattering losses
which can be used as an amplitude contrast mechanism. An example is shown in figure 28.
This shows a portion of an automobile dashboard, which consists of a pair of opaque plastic
layers, sandwiching a 1 cm thick foam layer. The terahertz image, obtained in transmission
using amplitude contrast, is easily able to locate an air bubble in the foam [75]. Another
1360 W L Chan et al

Figure 28. A photograph (left) and a terahertz image (right), obtained in transmission, of a portion
of an automobile dashboard. The dashed rectangle shows the region of the terahertz image. An
air bubble in the foam, invisible in the photograph, is easily identified in the terahertz image as a
region of enhanced transmission. This defect could also be identified from variations in the transit
time of the terahertz pulse through the sample. The horizontal dark lines in the terahertz image
arise from diffraction off of edges of the plastic cover on the back side of the sample, not shown in
the photograph at left. Similarly, the black circles are screw holes in the plastic cover on the back
of the object. Adapted from [75].

Figure 29. A photograph (left) and a terahertz time-of-flight image (right) of a medicine tablet,
imaged while still inside the blister pack (as shown). The reflected pulse contains information
about the internal (buried) interfaces arising from the multi-layered structure of the tablet. Image
courtesy of P Taday and M Pepper, Teraview Ltd.

prominent recent example is the location of defects in the spray-on foam insulation used to
protect the space shuttle. These can be located using either a time-domain system [159] or
using a narrow-band cw source [146].
The possibility to perform time-of-flight measurements has inspired a number of different
ideas in the general area of non-destructive evaluation. An interesting example is illustrated
in figure 29, which shows a terahertz image of a medicine tablet. This shows a time-of-
flight image (similar to the lower image in figure 12), which displays the reflecting surfaces
encountered by the terahertz pulse, including several internal surfaces inside the tablet [160].
This image was acquired with the tablet still contained inside its blister pack; the reflection
from this plastic container is also visible in the image. When combined with the spectroscopic
capability of broadband terahertz systems, such as the ability to identify chemical species
and polymorphs [161, 162], this technique offers a valuable new tool for quality control
in the pharmaceutical industry. There have been numerous other examples of problems in
Imaging with terahertz radiation 1361

Figure 30. Two terahertz transmission images of cigarettes, measured with a time-domain system.
Both of these images show the peak-to-peak amplitude of the terahertz pulse at each pixel. In the
image at left, the grey scale is calibrated so that the transmission through the filter and through the
tobacco can be clearly distinguished. The tobacco transmits less terahertz radiation because it has
a higher water content. At right, small quantities of liquid water have been injected into the shaft
(the tobacco) of the cigarette at two locations, using a micro-pipette. These are easily located by
the diminished transmission of terahertz radiation.

non-destructive evaluation which are amenable to terahertz imaging. Brucherseifer et al

have measured the thickness uniformity of thin oxide layers in fuel cells [163]. Several
groups have studied the thickness and uniformity of paint layers on metal surfaces, as well as
detecting hidden corrosion [50, 164]. Recently, Yasuda et al have demonstrated a real-time
(10 frames s1 ) line-scan imaging system for in situ monitoring of the thickness of paint during
the drying process [165].
Finally, numerous applications have been explored which exploit the transparency of
common materials as well as the capability of a pulsed TDS system to measure both amplitude
(i.e. absorption) and phase (which is often correlated with density). In many cases, the
applications are fairly low-tech problems, for which there may only be a high-tech solution.
As an example, figure 30 shows two terahertz images of cigarettes. In these and many other
packaged consumer products, one can make simultaneous measurements of moisture and
density. This information is not easily obtained using other technologies. In certain cases,
competing technologies such as beta gauges pose a health hazard to workers and demand
considerable expense and effort in regulatory compliance. Terahertz radiation is, of course,
utterly benign, especially at the microwatt (or smaller) power levels of a typical THz-TDS
system. Another interesting example is the study of tree rings using terahertz imaging, a
non-destructive evaluation technique which can provide equivalent information to the more
customary method which involves destroying the sample [166].

3. Terahertz imaging below the diffraction limit

One of the clear limitations of all of the terahertz imaging techniques described so far is the
spatial resolution. With a diffraction-limited optical system, the spot size of a focused beam is
roughly equal to the wavelength multiplied by the f -number of the focusing optics. As a result,
1362 W L Chan et al

Figure 31. Terahertz transmission images of a resolution target (gold lines on a high-resistivity
silicon substrate), obtained using a diffraction-limited optical system (right) and using a tapered
conical near-field probe with an aperture of 50 m 80 m (left). The mean wavelength of the
radiation (as shown) changes because of the frequency-dependent transmission of the near-field
probe. In the left image, the resolution is determined by the size of the aperture and is better than
/4. Adapted from [30].

the smallest resolvable features in an image are not generally smaller than the wavelength. For
radiation at = 1 THz, one finds a spatial resolution (0.5 mm) which is comparable to
the resolution of the human eye. Terahertz images can be visually evocative because they
typically show features that our eyes could see. Yet, this resolution limits the applicability of
THz imaging, since smaller objects cannot be resolved or studied in any detail. Just as in the
case of optical imaging [167], there is a clear motivation to push the resolving power below
the wavelength limit.
As is well known in optics, one cannot create images with sub-wavelength resolution
because propagating waves diffract. In order to image a small (sub-wavelength) object, one
must collect not only the propagating waves but also the evanescent waves that only exist in
a region very close to the object itself. Of course, evanescent waves do not propagate, so
one must be very close to the object in order to measure them. A variety of techniques have
been developed for optical near-field imaging, most of which involve placing some kind of
probe very close to the object (within a wavelength). Since the first demonstration of terahertz
sub-wavelength imaging in 1998 [30, 168], the study of near-field techniques has become one
of the most active research areas in the terahertz community. As in many of the cases discussed
earlier, we find that some of these efforts involve the application of these established optical
techniques to the terahertz domain, while others have been developed specifically for terahertz
imaging. An interesting example which does not involve a near-field probe is terahertz emission
imaging (see section 3.4), a technique which is unique to the terahertz domain.

3.1. Terahertz near-field imaging with a sub-wavelength aperture

The earliest demonstration of near-field imaging with terahertz radiation used a sub-wavelength
aperture to restrict the size of the terahertz illumination spot [30], as previously described in
the optical regime [167] and in the mid-infrared [169]. In this case, the aperture was a tapered
conical metal tip, with a sub-wavelength opening at the narrow end. A planar object scanned in
front of this aperture could be imaged with a resolution determined by the size of the aperture
rather than the wavelength of the radiation (see figure 31). Of course, the object must be held
Imaging with terahertz radiation 1363

within a wavelength of the aperture, so that the radiation interacts with it before diffracting.
Unlike in the scanning near-field optical microscope (SNOM), this constraint does not require
piezo-electric control of the aperturesample distance, since the wavelength is so much larger.
In this case, the sample was in mechanical contact with the tip, although some degree of near-
field resolution could be maintained to beyond 100 m tipsample separation. Aperture-based
THz near-field imaging has been recently used to study ion flow in heart muscle tissue [156].
In addition, one can exploit the exponential decay of the evanescent field to perform sensitive
absorption spectroscopy in the near field [35].
The sub-wavelength size of a THz receiver can be exploited, in combination with a small
aperture, to provide a unique collection-mode near-field technique. This was first discussed
by Mitrofanov and colleagues, who developed a collection-mode system in which a small
aperture was fabricated near the collection region of a photoconductive antenna. In this
case, the antenna is only sensitive to radiation impinging through the aperture, which can
be much smaller than the wavelength [32, 170]. This arrangement is an improvement over
the conventional collection-mode near-field system, because the detector is in the near field
of the collection aperture. Thus, evanescent waves propagating through the aperture can be
detected. An additional advance is the design of a dielectric protrusion through the aperture,
which improves the aperture transmission even further. For imaging, the object can be raster
scanned in the near field of the aperture, as in the SNOM arrangement. A spatial resolution as
small as 7 m at 0.2 THz (better than /200) could be achieved [171].
A variation of an aperture-based technique, which has no analog in the optical domain,
is the dynamic aperture, first described by Zhang and co-workers in 2000 [31, 172]. Here,
an optical gate beam is used to photogenerate carriers at a semiconductor surface, some tens
of picoseconds prior to the arrival of the THz pulse. The optical beam is focused to a much
smaller spot size than the terahertz beam, so only a small portion of the terahertz beam interacts
with the hot carrier distribution. The optical gate beam is modulated with an optical chopper,
and the THz wave is detected using a lock-in amplifier referenced to the chopper frequency. In
this way, only the small portion of the THz beam which interacts with the photoexcited region
of the surface is detected. The spatial resolution is determined largely by the size of the optical
spot and thus can be as small as a few tens of micrometres. This technique has recently been
extended to include polarization contrast, using continuous-wave THz sources [173].
The limit of any of these techniques is determined by the amount of light that is transmitted
through the aperture. The power transmission of a circular aperture decreases roughly as the
sixth power of the aperture diameter d [174, 175]. In [30], the aperture attenuated the overall
THz signal by more than a factor of 100. At a certain point, the transmission of the aperture
must decrease to a point where imaging is no longer feasible. There may be ways to mitigate
this effect to some extent, however. Nahata and colleagues have recently demonstrated the
resonant enhancement of transmission through isolated sub-wavelength apertures resulting
from carefully designed corrugations on the metal surface in the vicinity of the aperture [176].
This enhancement is a result of the excitation of surface plasmon modes and can be tuned to
respond to specific terahertz frequencies. Using this idea, Ishihara et al have demonstrated
near-field imaging with enhanced signal-to-noise [177]. By integrating a bow-tie-shaped
aperture into the centre of a surface plasmon bulls-eye structure, one can exploit a field
enhancement near sharp metal tips to couple radiation through the aperture more efficiently.
With a continuous-wave THz source at = 207 m, imaging with 12 m resolution (/17)
was demonstrated [178].
In addition to the steeply decreasing aperture transmission with decreasing aperture size,
effects arise due to the frequency-dependence of the transmission. In essence, the aperture
can be thought of as a cylindrical metal waveguide. This type of waveguide has a well-known
1364 W L Chan et al

Figure 32. Spectra of THz pulses after propagation through small circular apertures in a metal
screen, plotted on a log scale. The diameters of the apertures are shown. Also shown is a
reference spectrum, obtained with no aperture in the beam path. The vertical dotted lines indicate
the waveguide cutoff wavelength for each aperture, as given by C 1.7d. The spectrum for
wavelengths > C is severely attenuated.

cutoff at a wavelength of 1.7d. For wavelengths longer than this cutoff wavelength, the
transmitted power is severely diminished. As an example, figure 32 shows the spectra of
terahertz pulses after propagating through several small (but not extremely small) apertures.
The vertical dotted lines indicate the expected waveguide cutoff frequency for each aperture.
Evidently, the waveguide cutoff is the most significant factor in reshaping the spectrum of
the incident radiation. In addition, wavelengths close to (but shorter than) the cutoff can
experience both strong group velocity dispersion and also strong diffraction, both of which
can lead to measurable pulse reshaping [30, 179, 180]. Of course, with a sufficiently high-
power terahertz source, one can push the limits of the aperture attenuation significantly. A
synchrotron source, for example, has been used to image biological samples with a resolution
of better than /10 [36].

3.2. Apertureless near-field terahertz imaging

An increasingly popular alternative to aperture-based near-field techniques is a so-called
apertureless near-field configuration. Originally developed by several groups in the 1990s
[181185], the implementation of this imaging method in the THz range was first reported by
Planken in 2002 [33] and by Kersting in 2003 [34], using two slightly different methods.
This research has illuminated several new aspects of the apertureless approach that were
previously unclear. It has also been the basis of the only sub-micrometre-resolution
imaging demonstration in the terahertz regime, as well as the only sub-wavelength terahertz
spectroscopic measurement.
The principle of apertureless near-field scanning optical microscopy (ANSOM) is
illustrated in the left-hand part of figure 33. A sharp metal probe is held close to a surface
and illuminated by a focused optical (or, in this case, terahertz) beam. The metal tip vibrates
parallel to the surface normal with a small amplitude, so that a small portion of the scattered
radiation is modulated at the vibration frequency. This portion of the scattered radiation is
Imaging with terahertz radiation 1365

THz terahertz
receiver metal tip
to lock-in crystal

THz transmitter probe
metal tip beam splitter

To differential optical
detection probe

Figure 33. (left) A schematic of the conventional experimental arrangement for apertureless near-
field microscopy, as pioneered by Inouye and Kawata [181] and as implemented in the THz range by
several groups [34, 37, 204]. (right) A schematic of the experimental arrangement for electro-optic
apertureless near-field microscopy. The metal tip distorts the electric field lines in the vicinity of
the electro-optic crystal, so that they can be detected by an optical probe pulse, which enters the
crystal from below and reflects off of the top crystal surface. Adapted from [38] and [33].

detected using lock-in techniques, providing information about only the region of the sample
directly underneath the tip. If the tip is in the near field of the sample surface, then it can
convert evanescent waves near the surface to propagating waves, which can then be detected in
the far field. The resolution of this technique has been shown to depend on the tip size and the
tipsample separation, both of which can be much less than the wavelength of the radiation.
This technique has been used to produce images with resolution of /100 in the visible [186]
and the infrared (at = 10.6 m) [185] and /106 in the microwave [187].
A second ANSOM configuration, with additional unique capabilities, is shown on the
right side of figure 33. Here, instead of using a vibrating tip as a means for discriminating
the near-field signal in the far field, a stationary tip is used to induce a local field distortion
that can be measured directly in the near field. This is accomplished using an electro-optic
crystal (gallium phosphide, GaP) which is oriented in a non-traditional manner. Instead of the
usual 1 1 0
orientation, which gives the largest electro-optic signal for collinear propagation
of the optical and terahertz beams, a 1 0 0
orientation is used. Ordinarily, this would give no
signal, because in this orientation the electro-optic tensor vanishes for electric fields polarized
parallel to the crystal surface [188]. However, as illustrated in figure 33, the close proximity
of the metal tip to the surface of the GaP crystal induces a component of the THz field oriented
perpendicular to the surface, which can be detected via the electro-optic effect. This trick has
the appealing feature that it permits a direct measurement of the evanescent near field, rather
than a measurement of the scattered near field which is performed in the far field. In the initial
demonstration of this technique, a resolution of 8 m (/250) was demonstrated [33] (see
figure 34). The resolution is limited by the size of the tip and the size of the focused optical
beam spot inside the non-linear crystal.
These apertureless techniques hold great promise for both sub-wavelength imaging and
spectroscopy in the terahertz range, although as with all probe microscopies care must be
taken in interpreting the results. As pointed out by Knoll et al , it can be difficult to distinguish
among several contrast mechanisms in an image obtained with ANSOM [187]. For example,
1366 W L Chan et al

Figure 34. A sub-wavelength image of a sharp metal tip, obtained using the method illustrated on
the right side of figure 33. The black circle indicates the full-width at half-maximum point of the
tip image. It is roughly 6 m in diameter. Adapted from [33].

Chen et al have demonstrated sub-micrometre resolution in terahertz ANSOM imaging [34],

using a sample in which the dielectric of the material beneath the tip varied in the same
locations as the variations in the sample surface topography. As a result, both the tipsample
electromagnetic interactions and the tipsample distance change simultaneously, as the tip
scans across the sample at constant height. While this complicates the analysis of image data
and especially the determination of spatial resolution, it is nevertheless clear from these results
that imaging of nanoscale objects is feasible with terahertz radiation.

3.3. Terahertz spectroscopy and ANSOM

Of course, the ultimate goal is not merely to image such objects, but to perform spectroscopic
characterization on a sub-wavelength scale. As of the date of this writing, there is only one
example in the published literature of such a measurement. This result, obtained using the
near-field technique shown on the right side of figure 33, is shown in figure 35. The sample is a
thin CsI crystal, produced by drying a CsI salt solution on top of the GaP electro-optic sensing
crystal. CsI has a well-known phonon resonance at a frequency of 1.8 THz [71]. With the
metal probe tip located above the CsI crystal, this resonance can be seen in the measured near-
field spectrum, while it is absent when the tip is moved off of the CsI crystal, a few micrometres
to one side [189]. A strong narrowband spectral feature of this sort is useful for validating the
resolution of a near-field measurement.
The idea of using ANSOM for spectroscopic measurements below the diffraction limit is,
of course, not limited to the terahertz domain. However, terahertz techniques have proven
valuable in clarifying some important aspects of ANSOM measurements relevant to tip-
enhanced spectroscopy. Here, we describe two such issues, namely, phase distortions that
can result from propagation of radiation along the shaft of the metal tip and amplitude filtering
effects due to the antenna response of the tip.
A common model for describing the tipsample interaction in a typical ANSOM setup
is to neglect the shaft of the metal probe, and treat the tip as a metal sphere [183, 185]. This
approximation is particularly problematic in the infrared and microwave, for which it is very
difficult to focus the incident beam only on the probe apex and not on the shaft. A concern
which immediately arises is the influence of propagation effects of the incident radiation along
Imaging with terahertz radiation 1367

Figure 35. At right, an optical image of a gallium phosphide (GaP) surface decorated with crystals
of caesium iodide (CsI), produced by drying of a CsI solution. The two spectra shown at left were
obtained with the metal probe located at the two points indicated by the two arrows in the image
at right, which are separated by roughly 20 m. These spectra are nearly indistinguishable, except
for a distinct absorption resonance at 1.8 THz, the frequency of the phonon resonance in CsI
(vertical arrow). Adapted from [189].

the probe tip. These effects can influence the phase of the electric field scattered from the tip
and therefore impact the results of near-field optical spectroscopy measurements [190, 191].
In order to study these phase effects, we developed a THz ANSOM system in which the
illumination source and associated optics are mounted on a translation stage, so that the
illumination spot can be moved along the shaft of the metal probe. In these experiments,
it is impossible to focus the THz beam onto the surface without also illuminating the metal
probe shaft. As a result, some of the radiation is coupled into a propagating mode on the shaft
of the probe, which acts as an antenna. This propagating mode excites the tip at a delayed
time and produces a scattered wave which is detected by the THz receiver. The high temporal
resolution of THz-TDS makes it possible to distinguish the directly scattered field from the
delayed field, scattered after propagating along the shaft of the probe tip.
Figure 36 shows a series of time-domain THz pulses, obtained by moving the transmitter
stage away from the sample, so that the illumination spot moves along the shaft of the needle
in steps of 1.5 mm. Each waveform in the plot shows the THz electric field as a function of
the time delay between the optical probe pulse and the detected THz pulse. The propagation
effect is evident from the relative delay of these waveforms [37]. As the point of incidence
moves away from the tip, the pulse takes longer to propagate along the shaft, and its amplitude
decreases. This decrease is due to the propagation loss, introduced by the finite conductivity
of the shaft. From a comparison of these waveforms, it is clear that this propagation is largely
non-dispersive, since the shape of the time-domain waveform does not depend strongly on
propagation distance, aside from the overall attenuation.
Based on these results, it is clear that a direct illumination of the probe tip generates not only
a scattered wave but also a propagating mode which is guided along the metal shaft. This mode
can reflect off of structures in the experiment such as cantilevers or clamps holding the probe tip
in place and return to the tip region, producing a second, time-delayed scattered wave. With an
artificially constructed reflective barrier placed on the metal probe, roughly 12 mm away from
the tip, several such reflections can be observed in the time-domain measurements [37]. This
multiple scattering produces a strong modulation of the spectral response of an illuminated
tip, leading to artefacts in spectroscopic measurements. As an aside, this study also inspired
1368 W L Chan et al

Amplitude (arb. units)

0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140

Delay (ps)

Figure 36. A series of terahertz pulses, measured for different locations of the illumination spot
along the shaft of the metal probe tip in an ANSOM setup. Each successive waveform corresponds
to a translation of the illumination spot by an additional 1.5 mm away from the tip. By extracting
the propagation delay as a function of travel distance, it can be shown that the speed of the wave
propagating along the probe tip is precisely equal to the free-space speed of light. Adapted from [37].

the discovery of terahertz waveguiding along metal wires, an area of considerable recent
interest [192, 193].
An even more significant issue in the use of THz ANSOM for spectroscopic measurements
involves the bandwidth-limited response of the tipsample system. This issue first came to
light when the measured time-domain waveforms were found to be quite different from the
incident pulse shape [38]. This effect can be observed using both the ANSOM configurations
illustrated in figure 33, which indicates that it is not an artefact associated with the scattering
of the near-field signal into the far field. Results illustrating this pulse reshaping are shown in
figure 37. The data on the left ((a), (c) and (e)) were obtained using the far-field measurement
configuration shown on the left side of figure 33, with a bare metal substrate replacing the
sample. The data on the right ((b), (d) and (f )) were measured in the near field, using
the electro-optic setup shown on the right side of figure 33. In both cases, the upper two
waveforms are the THz pulses incident on the tipsample junction, while the middle two are
the measured THz responses. Instead of a signal consisting of approximately a single cycle
of the electric field, these transients consist of a positive peak, followed by a relatively slowly
varying, negative tail. The frequency spectra that correspond with the measured near-field
data resemble low-pass filtered versions of the incident spectra. A factor of 3 reduction in the
bandwidth is observed, in both experiments.
From these measurements, an immediate and important conclusion can be drawn: in
THz ANSOM experiments, the near-field spectrum cannot be assumed to be the same as the
spectrum of the input radiation. A crucial clue regarding the explanation for the difference
between the incident and the near-field signals is obtained by computing the time-integral
of the incident THz pulse. The results are plotted in curves (e) and (f ) of figure 37. These
curves reproduce the essential features of the measured near-field transients, allowing for small
differences in the steepness of the rising and falling edges of the main peaks. We note that
integrating in the time-domain is identical to a multiplication by 1/ in the frequency domain,
so the measured near-field spectra lose much of their high-frequency content.
Physical insight into the origin of this effect can be gained by employing a simple model,
in which the tip is treated as an oscillating dipole. In the near field of a dipole, the electric field
Imaging with terahertz radiation 1369

(a) Incident field (b) Incident field

Electric field (arb. units) (c) Measured near-field (d) Measured near-field

(e) Time-integral of (f) Time-integral of

incident field incident field

0 20 40 60 0 5 10 15 20
Time (ps) Time (ps)

Figure 37. Terahertz time-domain pulses measured using the two experimental setups illustrated
in figure 33. Curves (a) and (b) show the incident time-domain fields in the two cases, while curves
(c) and (d) show the measured near-field waveforms. Curves (e) and (f ) show the numerically
integrated incident fields, which bear a striking resemblance to the near field results, in both cases.
These reshaped waveforms demonstrate that a significant bandwidth reduction results from the use
of a metal tip which acts as a resistively coupled travelling wave antenna. The curves on the left
were measured in the far field using the vibrating tip method, while the curves on the right were
directly measured in the near field using electro-optic sampling. Adapted from [38].

is given by
0 c2 p
E,nf , (5)
4 r 3
where p is the dipole moment (assumed to be oriented parallel to the vertical metal tip) and
r is the distance from the dipole. Here, we have neglected terms of order 1/r and 1/r 2 , since
in the near field these terms are small compared with the 1/r 3 term. The continuity equation
gives us a relation between the dipole moment p and the current ITHz in an antenna,
p(t) ITHz (t  ) dt  , (6)

where, for simplicity, the current is assumed to be the same everywhere along the antenna. A
relation between the current and the incident THz electric field can be obtained by treating the
antenna as a simple electronic network consisting of a radiation resistance Rr , a capacitor C
and an inductance L, all in series. The driving voltage VTHz of this network is the incident
THz electric field ETHz . The relation between this electric field and the induced current ITHz
for this network in the frequency domain is
ETHz ()
ITHz ()  . (7)
Rr + j L j (C)1
The simplest assumption is that the inductance of this antenna vanishes, and also that the
capacitance is large. In this case, equation (4) can be approximated by ITHz () ETHz ()/Rr ,
which is equivalent to ITHz (t) ETHz (t)/Rr . Using equations (5) and (6), this gives
E,nf p(t) ETHz (t  ) dt  . (8)

1370 W L Chan et al

In the regime of resistive coupling, the near-field waveform is predicted to be proportional

to the time-integral of the incident field, similar to what is observed in figure 37. In
fact, with reasonable values for the antenna parameters (Rr = 150 , C = 1013 F, and
L = 2 1011 H), the spectrum of the measured near-field signal can be predicted quite
accurately using equation (7) as a transfer function [38]. In retrospect, this result is not
surprising from the point of view of antenna theory. The long (length ) metal tip is
essentially equivalent to a travelling wave antenna. Such antennas are known to be broadband
devices, with impedances that are predominantly real-valued (i.e. operating close to the regime
of resistive coupling) and are in the neighbourhood of Rr = 200 [194]. Significantly larger
antenna resistance values have also been reported in similar THz measurements [195].

3.4. Terahertz emission imaging

An interesting variation on the theme of imaging with terahertz radiation is to directly image
the emitting terahertz source. With a solid immersion lens technique, the local distribution of
cyclotron radiation can be probed with 50 m resolution [196]. This technique has proven
useful in the characterization of non-equilibrium charge carrier distributions in quantum Hall
devices [197].
However, this technique holds promise for even more impressive sub-diffraction-limited
imaging capabilities when used in conjunction with optoelectronic terahertz sources. For
example, with a photoconductive THz emitter, a focused optical beam can be used to generate
charge carriers in a semiconducting substrate which then locally generate a THz pulse. This
electromagnetic generation process takes place in a volume determined by the spot size of
the optical beam on the semiconductor surface, which can be as small as a few micrometres.
Of course, the generated THz wave rapidly diffracts to a much larger size. Even so, if one
measures the emitted THz field as a function of the position of the illumination spot on the
emitting substrate, one can form an emission image with spatial resolution determined by
the optical spot size, not by the terahertz wavelength. This is not truly a terahertz near-field
technique, since the information one obtains is not related to the spectroscopic properties of the
sample in the terahertz range. Instead, it shows the ability of the sample to generate terahertz
radiation, which involves the local optical absorption coefficient and the ultrafast charge carrier
dynamics. Nevertheless the technique merits discussion because of the unique applicability to
image formation based on terahertz radiation.
The earliest example of this emission imaging technique was reported by Brener and
colleagues in 1996, in a study of the emission efficiency of structured electrodes on
photoconductive substrates [198]. An illustration of this result is shown in figure 38.
This image shows the enhanced terahertz signal obtained near a sharply pointed electrode,
with a spatial resolution of 2 m. Subsequently, the same technique was also used to
characterize the supercurrent distribution in high-temperature superconductors [199]. In
this case, the maximum amplitude of the emitted terahertz radiation is proportional to the
supercurrent density in the illuminated area. This distribution can therefore be imaged with
a resolution determined by the illumination spot size [200]. Another recent example is
from Kawase and co-workers, who have developed a laser terahertz emission microscope
(LTEM) for studying the electric field distributions in integrated circuits (see figure 39)
[201, 202]. This technique can be used for inspection of circuits in operation and can
detect faults resulting from broken circuit lines, with a spatial resolution of 3 m limited
by the optical spot size. The LTEM technique has also been used to image hydrogen gas
sensors [203].
Imaging with terahertz radiation 1371

Figure 38. A terahertz emission image of a GaAs wafer patterned with a metal electrode and
subject to a dc bias. The dashed line indicates the shape and location of the anode; below this line
is lithographically deposited metal, while above this line is the bare substrate. The cathode, also a
metal pattern, is above the field of view in this image. This image shows the spatial distribution of
the terahertz emission with a 2 m resolution. The largest THz emission comes from the pointed
tip of the anode. Adapted from [15, 198].

Figure 39. Two images of a portion of an integrated circuit, with superimposed terahertz emission
images. The image at left is of an undamaged circuit, while the image at right shows the same
circuit after one electrical line has been broken. The THz emission image changes dramatically,
indicating a significant change in the electric field distribution in the operating circuit. The inset
shows a close-up photograph of the region where the damaged circuit is found. Adapted from [201].

4. Conclusions

The field of terahertz imaging is extremely diverse and interdisciplinary. Terahertz science and
technology lies at the intersection of several research disciplines, with distinct communities and
jargon. For this reason, it can be very difficult for any one researcher to have a comprehensive
view of the entire field. One is inevitably biased by the particular community from which one
1372 W L Chan et al

originates. Nevertheless, we have tried to provide a broad view of the important developments
in the field of imaging. Because of the huge range of techniques and methods, it is also
challenging to go into great depths in discussions of the underlying physics in every case. We
have instead chosen to provide a few key illustrative examples, along with a complete list of
references which can be accessed for more information.
The growth of this field over the last few years has been motivated by a number of
factors. As the least well-explored region of the electromagnetic spectrum, one may expect
that spectroscopic measurements in the terahertz range will reveal new physical phenomena.
In an imaging context, the significance of this factor is most clear in the pursuit of near-
field techniques, which will enable spectroscopy of objects much smaller than the free-space
wavelength. It is clear that the resolution and sensitivity limits have not yet been reached,
and considerable research is still required to push these limits. In addition, the origin of
spectroscopic fingerprints, for example, in molecular crystals, must be clarified in order to
exploit these for sensing. These challenging problems are topics of current research.
Additional motivation springs from the wealth of possible imaging applications, ranging
from quality control to security screening. Several of these are illustrated in this paper. In
numerous cases, laboratory feasibility tests of specific imaging applications have shown great
promise, and in a few cases these have led to more realistic field tests, in for example a
manufacturing setting. In order for the technology to gain more widespread acceptance, a
great deal of engineering research is needed. A more robust and less expensive version of
a terahertz imaging system will undoubtedly enable new applications that have previously
been considered unrealistic. Advances in semiconductor optoelectronics and laser sources, for
example, are having a growing impact on the availability and versatility of THz-TDS systems.
The terahertz field is likely to be a vibrant and active one for many years to come.


We would like to express sincere gratitude to each of the individuals who have permitted us
to display some version of their data for this review. A comprehensive paper of this sort
would not be possible without such generosity. This includes David Zimdars from Picometrix,
Phil Taday and Michael Pepper from Teraview, Kodo Kawase from Nagoya University, Nick
Karpowicz and Xi-Cheng Zhang from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Paul Planken from the
Technical University of Delft, Alan Cheville from Oklahoma State University, Alan Lee and
Qing Hu from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Igal Brener from Sandia National
We would also like to acknowledge funding support from the US National Science
Foundation, the R A Welch Foundation, the Intelligence Community Post-doctoral Fellowship
Program, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and the American
Chemical Societys Petroleum Research Fund.


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