AK Vegan Animals Lifescape 2008 (May) 74-6
AK Vegan Animals Lifescape 2008 (May) 74-6
AK Vegan Animals Lifescape 2008 (May) 74-6
meat-based pet food
Despite the biological evidence, millions of
eat. To these are added abattoir
products condemned as unfit for
human consumption, such as ‘4-D’
meat (from animals that are disabled,
diseased, dying or dead on arrival at the
slaughterhouse), cleverly disguised using
names like ‘meat derivatives’ or ‘by-products.’
Unfortunately, fish have not evolved
mechanisms to excrete modern oceanic
Veterinarian Andrew Knight on the best diets for our pets pollutants such as mercury and PCBs, which
accumulate in their tissues. Once exposed to
magine drifting along in a turquoise rising each day, you know that coastal cats air, fish are particularly vulnerable to bacterial
sea, lulled by waves gently lapping at naturally swim 10-20 miles out into the ocean, putrefaction. Damaged or spoiled fish are also
the white sands of the exotic location hunting bluefin tuna weighing up to half a added to commercial pet foods.
your boss has finally flown you to, in ton, which they engage in underwater battles Brands from countries such as the US also
humble appreciation of your years of to the death. You know they garnish their contain rendered dog and cat carcasses sourced
skilled and valued service. The sun is warm, meals with smaller species, such as salmon, from animal shelters. Similarly, toxic flea
the sky blue, and the breeze gently flutters the prawns and whitebait. Thankfully, attacks on collars are not always removed. Unsurprisingly,
palm leaves shading the cocktail waiting by sunburnt floating primates have not yet been a 1998 US Food and Drug Administration study
your deckchair. All is as it should be. recorded. You know that burgeoning colonies detected the euthanizing solution sodium
Suddenly, your peace is shattered by an of inland feral cats in countries such as Africa pentobarbital, which is specifically designed
almighty splash! A furry, ginger blur zooms have reverted to their traditional ways, to kill dogs, cats and other animals, in 43
past you, frothy bubbles rising from its wake. stalking and hunting large game, notably randomly-selected varieties of dry dog food.
Squinting against the bright light, you’re cows, sheep and pigs, further endangering To enhance palatability, dry food is sprayed
just able to make out a pair of soggy ear tips threatened buffalo herds. White Rhinocerous with a combination of refined animal fat,
numbers have now fallen to critical levels. lard, used restaurant grease, and other oils
SAfETY WiTh BoDY PArTS mother cats leave them with certain chosen,
lactating cows for safe-keeping, whilst out
These oils provide the distinctive smell that
wafts from a newly-opened packet of kibble.
froM AniMALS cATS AnD hunting other game …‘Ridiculous!’ did I Additional hazards include bacterial,
DoGS nEVEr nATurALLY EAT hear you scoff? Think again! Millions of cat
and dog guardians worldwide consider it
protozoal, fungal, viral and prion contaminants,
along with their assorted endotoxins and
entirely natural to feed their feline and canine mycotoxins; hormone and antibiotic residues,
M A Y 2 0 0 8 Q w w w. l i f e s c a p e m a g . c o m
and a keenly quivering tail, rapidly receding companions canned fish and prawns, body particularly in brands from countries such
towards the deeper blue. “Ah-ha,” you declare, parts from cows, sheep, pigs, turkeys, ducks, as the US, where more of these chemicals are
“it’s just a local house-cat, seeking to fulfil chickens, and milk. Perhaps you might even administered to livestock; and potentially
the natural feline diet of fish!” Upon settling be one of them. Yet, contrary to sea and sun- dangerous preservatives, some of which have
back to cast your gaze once more into the induced hallucinations, cats in their natural been banned in various countries.
infinite depths of the azure sky, you reflect environments hunt and kill a variety of small
that you know a thing or two about cats. The mammals, birds, and large insects. They have greed: a powerfUl force
feline predilection for fish, for example, is not yet been recorded pursuing deep sea tuna, The desire of food industry executives to
well established. Particularly tuna. Soon after nor terrorizing herds of cows, sheep or pigs. squeeze a few pennies more from ingredients
only vegetable, mineral and synthetic
sources. Each species requires particular
dietary nutrients, after all, rather than
specific ingredients. A growing number
of manufacturers now supply vegan
companion animal diets (see www.VegePets.
info, ‘Suppliers’). Both complete diets and
dietary supplements are available. The
former offer convenience, while the latter
provide a cheaper alternative for those
wishing to add nutritional supplements to
home-made diets. Recipes are available in
books like Vegetarian Cats & Dogs (Peden,
1999) and Obligate Carnivore (Gillen, 2003),
and from suppliers.
Unnatural behaviour?
Well-meaning but mistaken animal guardians
often resist vegan diets, believing that
commercial meat-based diets allow greater
expression of natural feeding behaviour. This
claim warrants closer scrutiny.
When wild cats or dogs kill prey, they
gorge as much as possible to prevent
consumption by competitors. This is
followed by uncertain periods of hunger.
Yet, commercial meat-based diets comprise
assorted body parts from
animals that cats and dogs
never naturally eat, heavily
laced with unnatural additives of
questionable safety. These are dispensed
from tins or packets at predictable times
daily, with kibble sometimes available
around the clock. The result bears very little
that should rightly be condemned as unfit for animals, produced using various enzymes resemblance to natural feeding behaviour.
consumption have effectively turned meat- and acids. The precise ingredients are Guardians frequently microchip,
based pet food into a vast, industrial dumping closely guarded trade secrets, which, in vaccinate, de-worm, de-flea and de-sex their
ground, filled with products no sane cat or differing combinations, produce varying furry companions, and confine them indoors
dog would contemplate. Greed, however, is flavours. Batches considered to taste more at night, because they correctly believe such
a powerful inspirational force, which led to like beef can magically transform a can of steps are necessary to safeguard health. Why,
the invention of ‘digest.’ According to the miscellaneous animal body parts into ‘Beef then, do so many resist feeding healthy M A Y 2 0 0 8 Q w w w. l i f e s c a p e m a g . c o m
text Small Animal Clinical Nutrition, “Digest Stew,’ while those considered more ‘fishy’ vegan diets to cats and dogs on the basis that
is probably the most important factor may create ‘Ocean Whitefish.’ it is ‘unnatural’?
discovered in recent years for enhancing The real reasons for this curious double-
the palatability of dry food for cats and, to a Vegan diets: healthy? standard probably arise from the deep-seated
lesser degree, dogs.” So what, precisely, is this Properly formulated vegan diets can provide needs of these otherwise caring animal
wonder ingredient? Digest is an industry a healthy alternative for both cats and guardians to justify the suffering and death
euphemism for a soup of partially dissolved dogs, eliminating the numerous hazards involved in past and present meat-based
intestines, livers, lungs and miscellaneous inherent within meat-based pet food. Vegan dietary choices, through maintenance of a
viscera of chickens (primarily), and other diets supply all required nutrients using belief that meat is natural or necessary.
animal shelters CONTAINING diabetes regression and cataract resolution. vegetable oil, nori flakes and spirulina. Gently
warming the food may also help. Fresh food
EUTHANIZING SOLUTION Safeguarding health should always be offered. The most important
Nutritionally-sound vegan diets can meet all factors for transitioning difficult animals are
of the needs of cats and dogs, while avoiding gradual change and persistence. Using these
Health effects the hazards inherent to commercial meat- principles, the most stubborn of cats and dogs
The belief that cats, and to a lesser degree, based diets. Correct use of a complete and have been successfully weaned onto healthy
dogs, cannot thrive without meat, remains balanced nutritional supplement or complete vegan diets. nL
widely held, even by veterinarians. However, diet is essential to prevent the nutritional
a recent search of the bio-medical literature diseases that will otherwise eventually occur, Conclusions
yeilded only one study demonstrating an if certain dietary nutrients are deficient.
adverse effect in vegetarian cats. This diet was Changing to a vegan diet may also result Perhaps one day you’ll be the first to spot
known to be nutritionally deficient. in urinary alkalinisation, which increases a house-cat chasing tuna whilst floating
On the other hand, at least ten scientific the risk of urinary stones and blockages, along in that tropical island vacation your
studies have demonstrated increased risks especially in male cats. These can be life- boss surely owes you. Perhaps you’ll be the
of a variety of diseases following long-term threatening. Hence, regular monitoring of first to prove hard that it’s natural for cats
maintenance of cats and dogs on meat- the urine acidity of both sexes of cats and and dogs to eat the numerous incongruous
based diets, including: kidney, liver, heart, dogs is essential, perhaps fortnightly during and potentially hazardous ingredients in
neurologic, visual, neuromuscular and skin any dietary transition, and at least every commercial meat-based pet foods. Until
diseases, bleeding disorders, birth defects, three months after stabilisation. Urine can then, however, you might want to consider
weakened immune systems and infectious be collected from dogs using containers a nutritionally-sound vegan alternative.
M A Y 2 0 0 8 Q w w w. l i f e s c a p e m a g . c o m
diseases (see www.VegePets.info, ‘Meat-Based such as foil baking trays, and from cats using This would maximise the chances of good
Diets’). As with humans, rates of so-called non-absorbent plastic cat litter available from health and longevity for not only your cat
‘degenerative’ diseases such as obesity, cancer, veterinarians. pH (acidity) test strips are also or dog, but also, of course, our frequently
heart and kidney disease are rising in cats and available from veterinarians, although pH mistreated, so-called ‘food’ animals!
dogs to unnatural and disturbing levels and metres provide the most accurate results.
long-term exposure to unhealthy diets is the The pH of cat and dog urine is normally 6.0 Q Dr. Andrew Knight is the President of Animals
most common preventable cause. – 7.5. A variety of dietary additives listed at Count, a UK political party for the animals, an
In 2006 the first study of the health of www.VegePets.info can correct alkalinisation, experienced cat and dog veterinarian, and author
a population of long-term vegetarian cats should it occur. of the informational site www.VegePets.info.