June 2007 Pelican Flyer Newsletter, Pelican Island Preservation Society

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PIPS From the President’s Desk

General Meeting By Bonnie Swanson

Monday It's time to review the activities of 2006-2007 year for the Pelican
June 25, 2007 Island Preservation Society and its role to the Pelican Island
Wildlife Refuge.
Tsunamis and
Hurricanes - The What we have accomplished!
1. More than 6,000 visitors to the Pelican Island Wildlife Festival
Untold Story held at the Riverview Park in March.
Speaker: Jim Egan 2. Increased membership. The more members we have the more
we can serve the Refuge through service and networking.
North County Library 3. Thanks to the efforts of Walt Stieglitz and David Cox to
7:00 p.m. inform our government on the serious cuts in funding and its
effects on our national refuges, funding is being looked at
The program will be a differently.
presentation by Jim Egan, 4. Increased awareness for volunteerism to support the refuge
Executive Director of the
Marine Resources Council
5. Tree relocating project a success.
in Palm Bay. His We will be setting goals for the 2007-2008 Fiscal year and we
presentation is entitled
"Tsunamis and
certainly can use the help of our members!
Hurricanes - The Untold 1. We will begin work on the Wildlife Festival in late July.
Story", which demonstrates Come join the fun!
the benefits of mangroves 2. We will begin work to put up a photo blind on the refuge for
and dune vegetation in these those of you who enjoy watching the birds and other wildlife
natural catastrophic events. thrive.
This is one informative and
dramatic presentation - one
3. We need volunteers! Please call Refuge Ranger Joanna Webb
that will amaze you and is today at 772-562-3909 extension 258!
not to be missed! Light 4. Tell us what you would like to know, do, and learn about, to
refreshments will be served contribute to the oldest refuge in the United States.
following the program.
The meeting begins at
7:00pm in the North County
Library located at 1001
Sebastian Blvd./CR512 in
White Pelican at Pelican Island NWR.
visit PIPS on the web: www.pelicanislandfriends .org 1
By Walt Stieglitz
As you know from previous articles, the National Wildlife Refuge System is facing a major funding crisis.
PIPS, along with other refuge friend groups and other organizations, has been working very hard to encourage
the Congress to substantially increase funding for refuge operations and maintenance in Fiscal Year 2008
(begins 10/1/07). The House subcommittee that considers the budget request for refuges has responded by
including in their markup an increase of $56 million, which would provide for a total of $451 million for
refuges in FY 2008. The full House appropriations committee has concurred in the increase. If enacted, this will
be a good start toward the goal of a $700 million operations and maintenance budget over the next few years.
We must point out that the $451 million target for FY 08 is far from assured. The measure must yet survive
approval by the full House and Senate action. Final House action is expected on June 14th. The Senate
appropriations subcommittee is expected to mark up around June 21st with a final vote in the Senate in July.
We are optimistic that the full House will approve the $451 million, but the Senate is more problematical.

What can you do to help? First, write a brief thank you letter to the following:

The Honorable Norman Dicks

Subcommittee on Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies
Committee on Appropriations
B-308 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, DC, 20515

We need to let them know that we appreciate their efforts as we will be hitting them for another increase next
Also, you should contact the offices of Senators Nelson and Martinez, urging them to support the $451 million
funding level on the Senate side. Nelson is supportive, Martinez needs to be encouraged. We want to deluge
Martinez’ office with contacts on June 15th to show strong support for a refuge funding increase. It is important,
for strategy reasons, to make the contacts by fax, email, or phone on June 15th, or, as soon thereafter as possible.

Email: [email protected]
Phone: 202-224-3041
Fax: 202-228-5171
Followup with letters addressed to:
Senator Mel Martinez
U.S. Senate
356 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510
You can help make a difference! Please do this! Direct questions to Walt Stieglitz 772-663-9750, or
[email protected].

White Pelicans in Bird’s Impoundment at Pelican Island National Wildlife Refuge.

visit PIPS on the web: www.pelicanislandfriends .org 2

Refuge Update
By Refuge Ranger Joanna Webb
The Centennial Trail
The Centennial Trail at Pelican Island
National Wildlife Refuge, along with
14 other trails in the Refuge System
have been designated as National
Recreation Trails for 2007. With this
year’s additions, the U.S. Fish and
Wildlife Service now administers 58
National Recreation Trails. National
Recreation Trails are designated by
the Secretary of Interior or the
Secretary of Agriculture to recognize
exemplary trails of local and regional
significance. The Trails, located on
federal, state, municipal and privately
owned lands, range from less than a
mile to 1,500 miles.
The Centennial Trail at Pelican Island NWR.
This year, the Rich Guadagno Memorial Trail, at Baskett Slough National Wildlife Refuge, was selected as the
1000th National Recreational Trail. Rich died on Flight 93 on September 11, 2001 fighting those who sought to
hijack the airplane and crash it into the nation’s capital. Although he was not carrying a gun at the time, his law
enforcement badge was found in the wreckage. In announcing the Rich Guadagno Memorial Trail as the 1000th
National Recreation Trail, Secretary Kempthorne noted, “No other national trail designated this year sends a
more powerful message. Its selection connects us all with our American conservation and outdoor traditions.”
Rich was a former manager at Baskett Slough National Wildlife Refuge.

In addition to seeing new National Recreation Trail signage at The Centennial Trail this summer, we will be
installing the remainder of new interpretive panels along the trial and replacing the engraved boardwalk planks.
We plan to celebrate these accomplishments with a public event at the Refuge during National Wildlife Refuge
Week in early October.

2007 Sea Turtle Watch Programs at

Archie Carr National Wildlife Refuge
& Sebastian Inlet State Park
Reservation Line: (321) 984-4852

June programs are already booked up. Reservations for

July programs begin on June 15, 8am – 4pm and will
continue until fully booked. Do not delay as these
programs fill up very quickly.

Photo: Refuge Ranger Joanna Webb is shown presenting the

short program on sea turtles prior to the walk.

visit PIPS on the web: www.pelicanislandfriends .org 3

Pelican Island Preservation Society
P.O. Box 1903
Sebastian, FL 32978-1903
Love of Our Refuge
By Heather Stapleton
I consider myself lucky. I love my volunteer
work AND my job. They both get me out to
Pelican Island on a regular basis. And, they both
allow me to share my love of the refuge with
Just last week, I was leading a pontoon boat trip
around the island and we spotted 19 species of
birds within the refuge. 17 of those sightings
were actually on the island itself, including three
Magnificent frigatebirds, three American wood
storks, one Reddish egret and one Roseate
spoonbill! And, even before actually getting to
the island itself, we spotted several Bottle-nosed
dolphins and one juvenile Green sea turtle. What
a show!!!
With all of its amazing biodiversity, and of course
historical significance, can you believe that “the
powers that be” no longer consider Pelican Island Pelican Island Preservation Society
National Wildlife Refuge to be a showcase MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION
refuge? Minimal staff is charged with taking care
of 5,000 beautiful acres. Staff is making due, but Please check one:
it’s just not enough. On another visit to the Student (under 18) - $5/yr.
refuge, I noticed that the invasive Brazilian pepper Individual - $10/yr.
has once again reared its ugly head. And, the Family (Joint) - $15/yr.
planks in the boardwalk are wearing down so that Contributing - $50/yr.
you can no longer read some of the inscriptions. Corporate / Business - $100/yr.
Unfortunately, with limited staff and limited funds Supporting - $250/yr.
some tasks go undone.
Life - $500
If you haven’t voiced your support for your Name(s)___________________________________
refuge, think about doing so.
If you’ve never visited the refuge, go. If you
haven’t visited it in a while, now is time to go Address___________________________________
again! And, show your support of your refuge by City/State/Zip______________________________
sharing its beauty and splendor with your visitors!
In the fall, we will be arranging members only Email_____________________________________
trips to Pelican Island National Wildlife Refuge, Send completed application & dues to
so if you aren’t yet a PIPS member, consider PIPS Membership
becoming one today! P.O. Box 1903, Sebastian FL 32978-1903
visit PIPS on the web: www.pelicanislandfriends .org 4

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