Engine Accident Cases

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Mitsui O.S.K.

Marine Engineering Group
Marine Division
Published June 2001

We, in the group of Mitsui O.S.K. Lines, currently operate about 500 vessels.
According to the statistics of vessel accidents in 2000 contained in data base for
MOL-operated vessels (refer to the attached charts), the incidence of accidents
(breakdowns which actually affected ships schedules or those which had such a
potential) was as high as 0.94 case per vessel.
Ever since 1996 when statistics were first compiled, about 40% of the accidents
which occurred with vessels under our operation, are related to ships machinery.

It is said that about 80% of accidents with ships are attributed to human error but
this statistical figure is not directly applicable to engine-related damage. It is
because the engine of a ship is a man-machine system operated with man and
machinery complementing each other and, as a result, accidents of machinery
always involve human beings.
The causes of engine accidents are varied, but statistics of engine damage show
that structural defects, and problems with design or workmanship, largely account
for such accidents. We do not encounter, with a high frequency, cases where the
mishandling of equipment and instruments on the part of crew members directly
contributed to accidents. There is also a tendency for similar accidents to occur
on board many vessels with similar specifications.

Essentially, even if it is possible to reduce the number of failures of equipment and

instruments or human errors, it is impossible to bring it to zero. It is, therefore,
important that, in order to prevent accidents, a breakdown or failure, if incurred, be
averted from developing into a serious event. This means that crew members are
required to recognize abnormal engine conditions as such as early as possible and
stop or arrest, in the process, the flow toward degradation of the failure to a serious
In order to realize that various phenomena (e.g., temperature, sound, pressure,
leak, discoloration) which appear in equipment and instruments are signs which
may precede subsequent accidents, experience as a professional is naturally
required. However, in reality, there is a limit to the experience one engineer can
have in the performance of his duties on board vessels. It is, therefore, important
to sufficiently analyze accidents which have occurred on board other vessels and
utilize such analyses as lessons to prevent accidents of similar kinds.

The Marine Engineering Group, Marine Division, shoulders the role to make
continued efforts to investigate into causes of machinery damage and, on the basis
of such investigations, determine guidelines for the operation of engines on board
vessels under our operation. This time, we have put a large number of engine
trouble cases in perspective in terms of the cause, countermeasure and lesson, to
compile this set of Engine Accident Cases. We request you to take full
advantage of this material for training those who embark vessels under MOLs
operation as engineers, thereby to prevent the occurrence of engine-related

Marine Engineering Group

Marine Division

Mitsui O.S.K. Lines

Fig.1: Incidence of accident (2000) unclear
<categorized according to the kind of vessel> hull
navigation/radio equipment
2.00 mooring/cargo arrengement
incidence case/vessel

1.60 crew (others)
crew (illness)
crew (escape)
1.20 crew (missing)
1.00 stowaway
saving a life, refugees
0.80 official claim
0.60 PSC
pirates, theft, occupation
0.40 stevedore
0.20 S/B works
cargo operation
0.00 cargo damage
kind of vessel grounding
collision, contact

Fig.2: Numbers of main engine accidents

numbers of accidents

1996 1997 1998 1999 2000
Fig.3: Numbers of delay accidents (2000)


number of accidents

80 3 days
13 days
01 day
40 0































name of equipments

Fig.4: Incidence of engine accidents (2000)

<categorized according to age of vessel>
incidence (case/vessel)

6.00 PROD
2.00 CHIP
0.00 BULK


















age of vessel
Fig.5: Number of engine accidents
<categorized according to age of vessel>

number of accidents

35 1996
30 1997
15 1999
10 2000


12 1
14 3
16 5
18 7

20 9

22 1
24 3




age of vessel

Fig.6: Incidence of engine accidents

<categorized according to age of vessel>



0.60 2000

12 11
14 13
16 15
18 17
20 19
22 21
24 23


age of vessel
Fig.7: Number of delay
(according to engine accident)

30 1996
25 1997

20 1998
15 1999
10 2000
kind of vessel

Fig.8: Incidence of delay

(according to engine accident)

incidence (case/vessel)

kind of vessel
Fig.9: Number of engine accidents (1998)
<according to damaged parts>


damaged parts

Fig.10: Number of engine accidents (1999)

<according to damaged parts>


damaged parts
Fig.11: Number of engine accidents (2000)
<according to damaged parts>


damaged parts

LN: Cylinder liner GC: Bearing, shaft, TC: Turbo charger CT: Control
cam shaft equipment
EV: Exhaust valve CC: Cylinder cover PR: Piston ring FP: Fuel pump

PS: Piston FO: Fuel PP: Pipe line AC: Air cooler

FA: FO Pump driving FV: Fuel valve OI: Lubricator OT: Others

1. Main engine
1-001: Explosion of main engine crank case 1
1-002: Damaged spare rotor bearing for main Turbocharger 4
1-003: Damage of main engine cam shaft driving gear 6
1-004: Crack of main engine cylinder liner 18
1-005: Defect of main engine cylinder lubricator driving mechanism 23
1-006: Leakage of main engine exhaust valve operating oil 29
1-007: Malfunction of solenoid valve for main engine emergency stop 34
1-008: Damaged coupling to drive B&W main engine lubricators 38
1-009: Contamination of main engine system oil with fuel oil 41
1-010: Damaged crankshaft of medium speed engine 44
1-011: Damaged lube oil pump for main engine turbocharger 47
1-012: Main engine trouble resulting from faulty fitting of fuel valve 58
1-013: Bent crosshead toggle lever 67
1-014: Damage to crankpin bearings in all cylinders 74
1-015: Trouble with main engine starting air system 76
1-016: Cracks in main engine cylinder liners 80
1-017: Malfunction in working main engine astern 84
1-018: Cracks in main engine camshaft drive chain link plate 86
1-019: Engine room fire which started from abnormal combustion in 89
main engine exhaust manifold
1-020: Damaged cylinder cover tensioning hydraulic jack 92
1-021: Main engine scavenging space fire 95
1-022: Main engine damage resulting from combustion disorder 97
1-023: Breakage of main engine turning gear 102

2. Diesel generator
2-001: Blackout in standby condition 105
2-002: Damaged crankshaft of generator engine 108
2-003: Water ingress into piston top space 110
2-004: Fracture of intake valve of generator engine 112
2-005: Abnormal stop of generator engines 116
2-006: Fuel oil overboard spill incident 118
2-007: Incident during water washing of D/G Turbocharger 122
2-008: Fractured T-yoke guide for diesel generator 125
2-009: Generator engine trouble, resulting in dead ship 127
2-010: Slip of generator engine fuel valve cams 130
2-011: Damage of attached cooling fresh water pump 135

3. Turbine generator
3-001: Damaged turbine generator worm gear 137
3-002: T/G prime mover damage 139
3-003: Damage to T/G Rotor as a result of overspeed 141
3-004: Damage to turbine generator by turning for excessive period 146
3-005: Burnt out lagging around turbine generator steam drain pipe 149

4. Boiler
4-001: Malfunction of auxiliary boiler rotary cup burner 151
4-002: Hole of water tube boiler water wall 154
4-003: Explosion of boiler combustion chamber 157
4-004: Damaged composite boiler tubes 159
4-005: Carryover as result of increase in salinity of boiler water 161
4-006: Boiler combustion with excessive vibration during operation of 163
4-007: Black smoke emission while in port 165

5. Exhaust gas economizer

5-001: Soot fire of exhaust gas economizer 167
5-002: Main engine operational disorder resulting from fouled exhaust 172
gas economizer

6. Pump
6-001: Failure of M/E Piston cooling pump to deliver sufficient water 177
6-002: Breakage of upper half casing of permanent water ballast 179
6-003: Seizure and damage of fire & ballast pump 181

7. Purifier
7-001: Engine room fire 183
7-002: Generation of fuel oil purifier vibration 188
7-003: Damaged fuel oil purifier vertical shaft bearing 190
7-004: Water contamination of M/E System oil 192

8. Air compressor
8-001: Damage to TANABE air compressor 195
8-002: Damage to air compressor 197

9. Deck machinery
9-001: Removal and falling of steering gear ram pine bush 199
9-002: Fatal burns by steam 201
9-003: Damage of windlass pinion gear bushes 203
9-004: Mooring winch shaft put off center, resulting from distortion of 207
support brackets
9-005: Fall of lifeboat during drill 209
9-006: Failure of steam windlass to heave up anchor 213

10. Fan
10-001: Burnout of central unit fan motor 215

11. Electrical equipment

11-001: Damage to generator engine caused by megger test 217
11-002: Accident involving death during maintenance work on 219
11-003: Damage to emergency switchboard 222
11-004: Damaged tachogenerator for main engine control console 227
11-005: Flooding of bow thruster room 229
11-006: Burnt out lube oil purifier driving motor 231
11-007: Burnout of nonfuse circuit breaker resulting from water 233
leaking from holed seawater pipe above main switchbord
11-008: Blackout trouble due to damage of MSB Bus bar 235

12. Heat exchanger

12-001: Main lube oil cooler tube leak 239
12-002: Marine pollution from holed lube oil cooler tubes for the main 242
12-003: Holed evaporator pipes for fresh water generator 244

13. Propelling system

13-001: Damage to stern tube bearing 247
13-002: Hawser caught up by propeller 250
13-003: Damage of intermediate shaft bearing 252

14. Bunkering
14-001: Mixed loading of lube oil 255
14-002: Supply of fuel oil of poor quality 257
14-003: Marine pollution upon taking on lube oil 260
14-004: Water pollution due to oil spill 262

15. Tank
15-001: Damage to main engine crankcase drain pipe 267
15-002: Flow of FO into duck keel 270
15-003: Shipboard MARPOL inspection in Germany 272
15-004: Damage to shell plating of FO tank resulting from heavy 275
15-005: Marine pollution caused by waste oil 278
15-006: Main engine lube oil outflow into engine room 281
15-007: Lube oil finding its way into sea while it was being shifted 284
15-008: Boiler ignition failure resulting from contamination of DO 288
service tank with HFO
15-009: Generation of bacteria which reduced inhibiting effects for 291
generator engine cooling water system
15-010: Spurts of oil from waste oil tank 293
1 . Main engine
Engine accident cases
File No. 1 - 001
Case name Explosion of main engine crank case
Device name M/E Damaged Camshaft State of Overheated/
part Driving Unit damage Bent Shaft
Maker name MES Model MAN Total working Unknown
B&W7K90M time
Kind of ship Container Date of 1997.12.06 Place of Pacific
occurrence occurrence Ocean
Cause of Hardware factor Foreign object into M/E SYS. OIL
damage/problem Software/human factor Foreseeability as marine engineers

Outline of Accident
[Course of Event]
While the vessel was sailing in the North Pacific Ocean in December 1997, main engine oil
mist high alarm sounded around midnight and then, main engine stopped itself just after the
occurrence of explosion inside the crankcase of main engine.
Damages in and around main engine and the causes of the accident were surveyed in detail
by crew and it was found that the fore side bearing for cam shaft driving chain wheel was
overheated and melted, which probably caused the explosion.
An ocean going tugboat was arranged from Seattle immediately and commenced towing the
vessel for, Hawaii on December 16.

[State of Damage]
(1) Fore side bearing for camshaft driving chain wheel were burnt, melted-down.
(2) Aft. side bearing for camshaft driving chain wheel showed strong touch mark due to
cantilever-like support.
(3) Shaft for camshaft driving chain wheel was burnt, bent and deeply grooved.
(4) Crank case inspection doors were all bent inwardly.
(5) A-class doors in accommodation space (A, C, D and upper deck engine room
entrance, central store, reefer container transformer room, No. 7 hold entrance,
engine room 2nd deck) were bent.
(6) Bridge wing door was blasted off.
(7) Oil Mist Detector was broken.
(8) Some lighting and instruments, etc. were damaged.
* It was fortunate that small local fires in engine room after explosion were extinguished by
crew hands at the early stage and suffered no human injury.
(1) Towed ship to Honolulu by tugboat, where damaged parts were repaired.

(2) Installed thermometer for Camshaft driving wheel bearing which was a cause of
explosion, and monitored and recorded bearing temperature.
(3) Cleaned LO sump tank and cleaned inside of all LO pipes.

Cause of Accident / Underlying Problem

[Mechanical Factor]
The cause of these damages would be
(1) Lack of LO to the damaged cam shaft driving chain wheel bearing, or
(2) Miss-alignment of cam shaft.
The most probable cause was thought to be a lack of LO due to the incoming of some
foreign substance into lubricating oil (LO) system. The substance might obstruct lubrication
of the damaged bearing.

The above assumption was introduced from the facts that one of four elements of main
engine LO secondary strainer was found to be partly broken (the lower end corner of gauze
wire was torn) and replaced with spare at the last dry docking, and a piece of broken gauze
wire (size: 4cm x 5cm) was found in the main LO pipe on this time survey
though it could not
identified as the fragment of the broken element. At any rate, these facts mean that main
engine was being operated with defective LO secondary strainer for some period and
material might ingress into LO branch line and reach to the bearing metal clearance.

Preventive Measures
[Mechanical Aspect]
(1) LO secondary strainer
Sound lubricating depends fully on the proper management of LO itself and maintenance
of LO strainers. Especially, secondary strainer functioned as the last checker for main
engine lubricating system and its normal working including back washing is crucial for
main engine operation.
Recently, we experienced another case of engine trouble regarding LO secondary
strainer on other vessel. In that case, the clogging of element from the malfunction of
auto back washing stopped engine frequently.
(a) Each LO strainers should be overhauled periodically and be always kept in good
(b) Overhaul interval should be shortening for after dry-docking.
(c) Chief engineer or first engineer must check himself the condition of strainer element

elaborately and confirm whether the gauze wire is sound or not.
(d) Pressure difference between inlet and outlet of LO strainers should be observed
carefully and recorded, and when it shows smaller or larger than usual, specify the
reason for that.
(e) Auto back wash mechanism should be tried daily.
(2) Oil mist detector
Operation of oil mist detector should be checked daily. Adjustment of ZERO point and
sensitivity should be done periodically.
(3) Crank case and chain case inspection
Each bearing, tightening bolts, LO piping and other working parts in crank case and
chain case should be inspected periodically and carefully.

[Human/Software Aspect]
In case we found any strainer element broken, we should think of that as a very serious
matter and take following procedures:
(1) Investigate the cause and the time that happened.
(2) Check if any pent of element is missing or not and if so, search all over the lub. Oil
system and find out it.
(3) Check in detail the bearings, oil spray nozzle etc.

When we find any abnormality on the machinery/equipment, we should think over the
consequence it might have brought about, while investigate the cause thoroughly.

Only we find any abnormality against the danger underlying can prevent accidents.

Engine Trouble Cases
File No. 1 - 002
Case name Damaged spare rotor bearing for main engine turbocharger
Device name Main engine Damaged Spare part State of Fretting
part damage
Maker name Model Total working
Kind of ship Date of Place of
occurrence occurrence
Cause of Hardware factor Vibration
damage/problem Software/human factor Improper storing condition

I. Outline of accident
[Course of events]
While overhauling No. 2 turbocharger during drydock period, it was found the rotor was
defective. In order to replace the rotor with a spare one, the latter was taken out from
storage box upon inspection found the blower side bearing sealing was damaged.

[State of damage]
Damage of the turbocharger rotor in the bearing (sealing) portion on the blower side.

[Response measures]
It was decided to repair the damaged part during the next drydocking and the damaged rotor
was restored.
When restoring the rotor, it was wrapped with hemp cloth and a lead plate, which was
secured with a band.

II. Causes of accident/problems

[Hardware factors]
The storage box is a good one made of steel and the rotor was set with the shaft covered at
the bearing section with a lead plate around, which was fastened with a band. Due to
vibration the lead gave way gradually, making the shaft come in direct contact with the
(steel) band, causing resultant damage.

[Software/human factors]
The storage box left unattended. There was no inspection of any soot.

III. Measures to prevent recurrence

[Hardware aspects]

[Software/human aspects]
Result of such an incident it is become necessary to keep a good cook on stored, we are
impressed for the first time with the equipment and their condition.
While it is not necessarily known to everybody, we have experienced many cases where
spare parts were not usable when in need because they had been poorly controlled. Spare
parts are precious property and their unavailability in good condition may, in cases, impair
ships smooth operation. There is a need to check the condition of spare parts carefully at
regular intervals.

IV. Lessons
They say that appearance is deceiving. It holds true not only for people but also for

Engine accident cases
File No. 1 - 003
Device name M/E Damaged Cam shaft State of Teeth
part driving damage broken
Maker name UBE Model 6UEC60HA Total working 13 years
Kind of ship PCC Date of 1997.12.26 Place of Indian sea
occurrence occurrence
Cause of Hardware factor Excessive vibration or poor fitting
damage/problem Software/human factor Insufficient check

Outline of Accident
[Course of Event]
During routine inspection in the engine room, the duty engineer found two pieces of broken bolts
being used for main engine lower idler gear supporter. The engine was stopped immediately.
During stopping engine, the other bolts for the supporter unit got broken and a creaking sound
from the gear train was noticed. Investigation after sufficient cooling down of the engine revealed
that all the cam shaft driving gear wheels (total 4 sets) were damaged. An ocean going tugboat
was arranged and commenced towing the vessel for Colombo, where survey and repair were

[State of Damage]
(1) Lower idler gear: 5 teeth broken. Crack on some teeth at their roots. Abrasive wear
(2) Upper idler gear : abrasive wear
(3) Crankshaft gear : abrasive wear
(4) Camshaft gear : abrasive wear
(5) Supporter of lower idler gear : all bolts and taper pin broken

The repair work carried out at Colombo.
(1) Renewed Crankshaft Gear and both Lower and Upper Idler Gears.
(2) Remounted shaft assembly for both Lower and Upper Idler Gears with new bolts and taper
(3) Renewed thrust pads at Forward Thrust Bearing.
(4) Installed Supporter Unit and adjusted end clearances.
(5) Re-confirm the timing of the gears.
(6) Carried out alignment of all gears.

(7) Carried out the balance of works.
(8) Checked on crank shaft deflection.

Cause of Accident / Underlying Problem

[Mechanical Factor]
The fixing bolt came loose in the lower idler gear shaft for some reasons, such as vibration or
improper fixing. The shaft lowered with its own weight, which brought the backlash between the
lower idler gear and the crankshaft gear to zero. Tooth contact is shifted from normal pitch circle to
dedendum under such a condition.

This shows that twice-greater stress is applied, leading to overstress and tooth contact failure.
Judging from the condition of the rupture in the teeth, fatigue crack occurred probably first, and
then it developed into the fatigue breakage.

Preventive Measures
[Mechanical Aspect]
Engine troubles of this kind often make the vessel dead for long time.
The masters and the chief engineers of the vessel, especially in which the same type of engine
(UEC) is installed, are strongly requested to keep the adequate maintenance of main engine
according to the attached manufactures service information in order to prevent the recurrence of
the similar engine troubles. Besides the manufactures information, the following inspections are
also done regularly.
(1) Visual inspection of idler gear shaft and shaft support whether steady or not.
(2) Inspect the clearance between idler gear shaft and shaft support. (every2000 4000 hours)
Normal value of this clearance is 0 0.07mm
(3) Visual inspection of the gear shaft flange and the tightening bolt whether loosening or not.
(every 2000 4000 hours)

[Human/Software Aspect]
It is unknown how long time has passed since the fixing bolts of the lower idler gear started to
come lose, however, any sign of abnormality might be found by regular inspection of crank case.

We should bear it in our mind that regular inspection is done with specific intention in every
occasion so that any slight sign of abnormality can be found.
Check list is useful for that purpose and it should be made for some groups of parts separately, i.e.
one for main bearing, one for camshaft driving system etc.

And in every inspection each group is inspected in detail cyclically using this checklist.

Irrespective of gear-drive or chain-drive, camshaft driving system is crucial for the sea worthiness
of the vessel. Its trouble influences her safety immediately. (That of UEC type of engine should be
cared in particular because of the fragility of gear supporting system.)
Only regular and systematic inspection can make possible early discovery of sign of abnormality,
though some parts reject detailed inspection physically.

1.A few similar troubles relating camshaft driving system are reported recently.
(1) Semi-container ship, M/E Type8UEC60LS ( DEL. in 1992 )
Lower idler gear bush was damaged and crack and pitting of this gear.
This ship was obliged to stay at port for eight days for the repair of bush.
(2) Semi-container ship , M/E TypeSULZER-6RND90(DEL. in 1977 )
Upper and lower idler gears were damaged: crack on some teeth at their roots;
broken bolts of M/E upper idler gear flange and deformed holes for them due to
fretting; damaged cramp flange of M/E upper idler gear.
The ship was obliged to stay at port for eight days for the renewal of crank and
idler gears and other necessary repair.

2.Sample Manual for Inspection of Cam Shaft Driving System

Besides the above measure, a ship manager adds the following items into manual.
(1) Visual inspection of bottom casing of gear case for foreign material every 2- 4,000 hrs.
(2) Visual inspection of pressure face of each driving gear tooth for discoloration, pitting and
crack every 2- 4,000 hrs.
(3) Crack detection test of the pressure face of each driving gear tooth every 8- 12,000 hrs.
(4) Magnetic particle test on the contact face and the roots of gear teeth. At least, check fillet
surfaces of crankshaft gear around joining parts of each half of the gear to be conducted
20- 30,000 hrs (docking).
(5) Measurement of backlashes between each driving gears every 6- 8,000 hrs and 20-
30,000 hrs (docking).
(6) (Proper cares to be taken while measuring backlash)
(7) Visual inspection of white metal on the thrust face of idler/intermediate gear wheel bushes
every 2- 4,000 hrs.
(8) Inspection of thrust clearance of idle gear bushes checking of the clearance with feeler

gauge may not always be possible. For this purpose, a use of 0.5 ton hydraulic jack, to shift
the gear axially, and a dial gauge will be useful every 8- 12,000 hrs.
(9) Inspection of gear housing (yoke) fixing bolts hammer test every 6- 8,000 hrs.
(10) Inspection of idler/intermediate gear wheel support pin (shaft) fixed/reamer bolts hammer
test every 8- 12,000 hrs.
(11) Inspection of crankshaft gear tightening bolts every 20- 30,000 hrs (docking).
(12) Crack detection test of idler/intermediate gear wheel support flange weld to A
(13) frame and surrounding area every 8- 12,000 hrs.
(14) Check of slip between crankshaft gear and crankshaft by dial gauge. Be careful in case the
deflection recorded is more than 1- 2/100 mm because there is a possibility of a slip on the
relation between crankshaft and crankshaft gear. As to the method of checking, as shown in
the sketch, fit the dial gauge on thrust collar and turning a little the engine in ahead or
astern direction every 8- 12,000 hrs.
(15) Inspection of stern end keyway for the crankshaft and gear by magnetic particle test
(16) every 45,000 hrs (once in five years docking).
(17) Condition of spray nozzle for lubricating oil every 2- 4,000 hrs.

3.observation of gear tooth face

In case continuous observation of face condition of gear tooth is needed, it is recommended to
take and record the stamped marking of them using carbon powder (powdered pencil lead) and
adhesive tape.(Refer to the attached samples)

(1) MITUBISHI SERVICE INFORMATION : DS 91-102E Inspection manual for camshaft gears
of the UEC engines
(2) MITSUBISHI SERVICE INFORMATION : MSI-8901E Maintenance and information of
engine main parts
(3) Samples of stamped markings of gear face

Engine accident cases
File No. 1 - 004
Case name Crack of main engine cylinder liner
Device name M/E Damaged Cylinder liner State of Heat crack
part damage
Maker name HITACHI Model B W Total working First voyage
ZOHSEN 7S80MC time
Kind of ship TANKER Date of 1996.08.05 Place of At sea
occurrence occurrence
Cause of Hardware factor Improper tightening of inner pipe fitting bolts
damage/problem Software/human factor Poor running maintenance

Outline of Accident
[Course of Event]
August 4
1510 hours: Impact sounds were generated intermittently from the port side of No. 1
cylinder crankcase, when the piston cooling oil outlet temperature went up
from 52 to 55C.
1632 hours: The engine was stopped and the crankcase was opened and checked. No
abnormality was found.
1700 hours: The main engine was restarted and its speed was accelerated to sea speed.
2230 hours: Without any impact sound, the piston cooling oil outlet temperature returned
to the normal value (50C).
2330 hours: Light impact sounds were emitted and piston cooling oil temperature rose to
August 5
0108 hours: Dull reports were released in the engine room while the machinery spaces
were kept unattended to.
0109 hours: The scavenge chamber fire alarm and engine room fire alarm were set off,
tripping the main engine to an emergency stop. At this time, cooling water
was gushing out from No. 1 cylinder cooling water jacket.
0115 hours: On the basis of diagnosis of a leak of No. 1 cylinder piston cooling oil, the
main lube oil pump was stopped.

[State of Damage]
(1) Cylinder liner
A vertical crack stretching approximately 1580 mm, almost 1/2 of the total length, was

found starting from the upper end positioned at an angle of 30 to the port side from the
(2) Cooling water jacket
A crack (1 to 2 cm wide) running through the entire length of the jacket was found
almost at the same position as that of the cylinder liners crack.
(3) Piston
It was severely burnt down, with its crown, skirt and piston rod fused together. As it
was impossible to disassemble the piston, it was landed and disassembled in a shop to
investigate into the cause.

The inspection revealed that the piston cooling inner pipe severed at the flange section
and that the fitting bolts of the pipe fractured.
(4) Crosshead
Traces of damage in the aft port portion of the guide shoe. It is presumed to have
been caused by the entry of metal fragments resulting from the breakage of the piston
inner pipe.
(5) Connecting rod
A metal fragment (60, 30mm in diameter) was discovered inside the bored passage of
lube oil from the crosshead bearing to crankpin bearing.
(6) Crankpin bearing
Metal fragments found their way into oil grooves of the white metal, damaging the
contact surface. The crankpin was also found to have suffered thin scratch marks.

The operation of No. 1 cylinder became impossible since the cooling jacket, whose spare
was unavailable on board, also suffered damage.

For this reason, the piston was replaced with a fully outfitted spare, but the liner and cooling
jacket were placed in position as they were. The main engine was restarted with No. 1
cylinder cut out -cooling water shut down, exhaust valves in the normal state and fuel oil cut

The vessel sailed for eight days at a reduced speed of 60% of the rated output while there
were still leaking sounds of compression air through the cracked liner. After her cargo was
discharged in Japan, the engine was repaired.

Cause of Accident / Underlying Problem
[Mechanical Aspect]
The following process of the development of the accident is considered to have taken place
and the accident is presumed attributable to the inadequate tightening of fitting bolts of the
piston cooling inner pipe.

As the accident occurred when the vessel was still new, its cause can be traced to a mistake
of a worker of the shipbuilder.
(1) The fitting bolts for the piston inner pipe worked loose and the inner pipe began dancing
vertically by inertial force while the engine was in operation. The bolts came off and
the vertical motion of the inner pipe increased gradually, leading to the fractures of the
bolts and, finally, the inner pipe itself.
(The impact sounds released on the previous day of the accident can be attributed to
the free movement of the piston inner pipe as a result of its severance.)
(2) As a result, piston cooling oil was cut off and the piston abnormally overheated as it was
not cooled any more.
(3) The piston rings seized and blowby occurred. As a result of the unusual overheating,
the piston itself seized against the liner, with the liner mating surface suffering scuffing
and heat cracks.
(4) Abnormal combustion was caused by unburnt lube oil.
(5) Part of the heat crack in the cylinder liner progressed to a serious vertical crack as a
result of the explosive force caused by the abnormal combustion.
(6) The cooling jacket which, by the heat expansion of the liner, was put in a state to
embrace the liner directly, with no clearance for the O ring, was destroyed at the same
time as the generation of the vertical crack in the liner.

[Human/Software Aspect]
(1) The rise in piston cooling oil means a leak of combustion gas through the top ring. The
normal temperature for the engine of the vessel is 50C. When it climbed to 52C, the
top ring is considered to have begun to leak; and when it reached 55C, the cylinder is
presumed to have suffered blowby at times.

However, since the accident occurred on her maiden voyage, the engine must have
contained sufficient cylinder oil and, thus, it did not continuously sustain blowby.
It follows that an inspection of the scavenge space, i.e., piston rings and liner, in
addition to the crankcase, when the main engine was stopped, could have prevented

such a serious accident as there must have been traces of blowby.

The peep hole of the scavenge space is very effective and if you stare through the hole
for some time you may take notice of occasional blowby. In the case of a temperature
rise of piston cooling oil, there is a need to make a close observation.
(2) Wasnt the delivery pressure of the lube oil pump pulsating, since the piston cooling
inner pipe came off?

Preventive Measures


The accident is an incredible one, but as long as the engine was assembled by men, it is not
always perfect even in the case of newly built vessels.

Engine accident cases
File No. 1 - 005
Case name Defect of main engine cylinder lubricator driving mechanism
Device name M/E Damaged Cylinder State of Wear
part lubricator damage
Maker name DU Model DU8RTA62 Total working 2 years
Kind of ship BULKER Date of 1996.03.19 Place of At sea
occurrence occurrence
Cause of Hardware factor Unknown
damage/problem Software/human factor

Outline of Accident
[Course of Event]
(1) The consumption of cylinder oil was found to be less than usual according to
calculations at noon on March 20.
(2) From the fact that a calculation made at 1900 hours on March 19 proved that there was
no problem with oil consumption, it was thought that a defect occurred after that time.
(3) A cylinder oil non-flow alarm was not set off or main engine slowdown did not occur.
(4) The delivery pressure of the cylinder lubricator gear pump dropped from the normal 7
bars to 5 bars, resulting in the speed reduction of the driving hydraulic motor from the
normal 150 rpm to 100 rpm (see the attached Fig-1).
(5) In compliance with the instructions manual, the supply of lube oil to the hydraulic motor
was changed over so as to derive from the crosshead lube oil system.

[State of Damage]
(1) After stopping the main engine, the valve assembly of the gear pump was opened. No
abnormality was observed with the inlet or outlet valves, but metal fragments were
found in the outlet valve (see the attached Fig-2).
(2) The gear pump driving system did not show any abnormal condition.
(3) Metal fragments were observed in the vane section of the hydraulic motor, which was
replaced with a spare motor (see the attached Fig-3) .
(4) In order to determine from where the metal fragments originated, the strainer on the
sludge drain line coming from the main engine lube oil filter was checked, but no
abnormal condition was detected. An inspection of the crankcase did not show any
defect, either.
(5) After the gear pump was restored, the main engine was restarted. The pump delivery
pressure maintained 5 bars and did not rotate the hydraulic motor.
(6) At this point in time, the abrasion of gears or bearing bushes of the gear pump was

presumed as the cause of the accident.

The normal condition was restored by the replacement of the bearing bushes.

Cause of Accident / Underlying Problem

[Mechanical Factor]
Because of the excessive weardown of the bearing bushes, the gear pump failed to
establish sufficient oil pressure.

[Human/Software Factor]
In RTA engines, a gear pump connected to the fuel handle, and a hydraulic motor constitute
the cylinder-oil-lubricator driving system and the lube oil feed rate varies together with the
change in load. It is therefore necessary to control the cylinder oil feed rate together with
the main engine load at regular times.

In damage of this type, there is a possibility of the engine being operated short of lube oil for
a long time, without announcing the defect by the cylinder oil non-flow alarm or main engine
slowdown. The accident in question could have resulted in serious liner damage in all
cylinders. Fortunately, it did not develop to such a stage thanks to the early detection of the

Preventive Measures
(1) At intervals of 6,000 to 8,000 hours, at a time when regular maintenance work on
cylinder lubricators is carried out, measure the clearance between pinion shaft and
bearing bush.
(2) In the electronically controlled lubricating system adopted for DU-RTA engines, the feed
rate of cylinder oil, heated and then pressurized by a hydraulic pump, is regulated
through the control of the duration and timing of the opening of high-speed solenoid
valves by a microcomputer. In this system, it is necessary to check the hydraulic pump
delivery pressure and the function of the oval-gear type flow meter.
On board vessels installed with engines having the electronically controlled lubricating
system, the ordinary lubricators driven by a gear pump and hydraulic pump are
furnished. When the former lubricating system is in operation, the ordinary lubricators
are kept out of operation as no working oil is supplied to the hydraulic motor. (In the

event of a breakdown of the electronically controlled lubricating system, the lube oil
feed system is automatically changed over.) It is, therefore, required to check
regularly the function of the hydraulic pump and general lubricators by feeding lube oil
from the crosshead system.
(3) In the engines of MAN-B&W and UEC, lubricators are mechanically driven, and the
feed rate varies along with the engine speed. It is, hence, possible to check visually
the function of the driving system. In MAN-B&W engines, it is also important to check
the condition of the lubricator drive chain when inspecting inside the crankcase.

In addition to the regular check of cylinder oil consumption, it is necessary to grasp the
condition of the lube oil system by, e.g., including, as items to be checked in the M0 check
list, the reading of the oil pressure of the drive system and the revolution counter of the
hydraulic motor.

Work behavior to perform basic matters will prevent serious accidents.

Engine accident cases
File No. 1 - 006
Case name Leakage of main engine exhaust valve operating oil
Device name M/E Damaged Exh. valve State of Leaking
part hydraulic oil damage
Maker name MHI Model 6UEC85LS Total working 13 years
Kind of ship Date of Place of At sea
occurrence occurrence
Cause of Hardware factor
damage/problem Software/human factor Mishandling

Outline of Accident
[Course of Events]
The vessel sailed from the Persian Gulf, apparently with no problems following the
overhauling of a main engine No. 3 cylinder piston during scheduled maintenance.
However, the sound of the exhaust valve of the No. 3 cylinder significantly increased after
several days running, and checking of the trough inspection hole, located on the lower
exhaust valve actuator, revealed hydraulic oil leakage inside the protection pipe. The oil was
leaking from the intermediate coupling of hydraulic oil pipe. The flanges of the coupling were
inadequately tightened without maintaining a proper distance between them.

[State of Damage]

Re-adjusting the flange distance cleared the abnormal sound. (See Fig. 1 and 2)

Cause of Accident / Underlying Problem

[Mechanical Factors]
Coupling of the exhaust valve hydraulic oil pipe flanges was incorrect in both tension and
maintenance of a proper distance.

[Human/Software Factors]
No particular instructions regarding this issue are present in the manufactures (MHI)

Preventative Measures
[Mechanical Aspects]
(1) When overhauling exhaust valves, special attention should be paid to the correct

alignment of the coupling flange with the end-face of the hydraulic oil pipe, and
maintaining a proper distance between flanges.
(2) The coupling bolts must be tightened firmly and evenly.
(3) Leak checks should be performed after connection of hydraulic oil pipe.

[Human/Software Aspects]
We have requested MHI provide us with technical information regarding this matter.


Refer to the attached UE TECHNICAL INFORMATION (No. 0141 Rev.2) published by
Kobe Diesel.

Engine accident cases
File No. 1 007
Case name Malfunction of solenoid valve for main engine emergency stop
Device name Main engine Damaged State of
part damage
Maker name MES Model BMS-1500 Total working 2 years after
time built
Kind of ship Container Date of Place of While sailing
ship occurrence occurrence in rough
Cause of Hardware factor Fouling inside pipes
damage/problem Software/human factor Inadequate inspection

I. Outline of accident
[Course of events]
During navigation in rough seas, the main engine tripped as a result of the actuation of the
main engine overspeed trip induced by racing. After resetting it, crew members made
attempts to start the main engine but failed. Even attempts to start it with the local control
failed to do so. Restoring operations took eight hours, including drifting for four hours.

[State of damage]
The solenoid valve 127 for an emergency stop was stuck because of dirt trapped inside the
air piping system.

[Response measures]
Overhauling and cleaning of the same solenoid valve. Cleaning of the air piping system.

II. Causes of accident/problems

[Hardware factors]
When the overspeed trip was actuated first, the emergency stop solenoid valve 127 stuck,
keeping air admitted to the fuel pump puncture valve.
It is reported that a considerable amount of rust and dirt was found adhering to the solenoid
valve spool when it was overhauled.

[Software/human factors]
As is evident from the air piping diagram, even if the control position is shifted to the local
control, the emergency stop line is not bypassed. It follows that, while the solenoid
valve for emergency stop is stuck in a state to admit air, as in this case, the emergency
stop signal continues to be sent and there is a need to stop the emergency stop signal
forcibly by shutting the stop valve 16 located upstream of the valve in question.

If local control to start the main engine is impossible, the list of probable causes are
considerably reduced on the air piping diagram. This incident took as long as eight
hours for restoration, but it would have been possible for crew members to start the
engine locally within few minutes if only they fully understood the function of the control
It is also required by NK rules to check the functions of all safe guards at regular intervals.
If the safety device in question had been regularly checked for proper function in the past,
this malfunction could have occurred at such times and, if the malfunction manifests itself
during an inspection, it would not interfere with the ships operation.

III. Measures to prevent recurrence

[Hardware aspects]
Thorough flushing of the air piping system when it was outfitted.
Regular checks of safe guards.

[Software/human aspects]
Engineers should familiarize themselves with the control system of the main engine as early
as possible after boarding the vessel.

IV. Lessons
Insufficient studies at other times manifest themselves in emergencies.


Engine accident cases
File No. 1 008
Case name Damaged coupling to drive B&W main engine lubricators
Device name Main engine Damaged Lubricator State of Fracture
part driving shaft damage
Maker name MES Model B&W Total working 12 years
7K90MC time after built
Kind of ship Container Date of Place of At sea
ship occurrence occurrence
Cause of Hardware factor Poor design
damage/problem Software/human factor Insufficient inspection

I. Outline of accident
[Course of events]
When the vessel was sailing in the Pacific Ocean, the coupling between No. 7 lubricator and
chain case slipped, unable to drive lubricators. The Non-flow Alarm went off, as a result,
stopping the main engine.

[State of damage]
When an inspection was made shortly afterward, it was found that the lubricator cam shaft
which was clamped by the coupling, was severely damaged beyond repair.

[Response measures]
The connecting part of the coupling was welded all around as provisional repairs and the
vessel recovered its normal operation.
(Total time during which the engine was stopped: about 10 hours)

II. Causes of accident/problems

[Hardware factors]
(1) Insufficient gripping force between lubricator cam shaft and coupling
Structurally, the closer to the chain case, the more load is applied on the part in
question, and a reduction in the grip resulted in the damage in this case.
(2) Difficulties to adjust the driving shaft centers of No. 7 lubricator and chain case and to
compensate for the misalignment of the shafts
The shaft penetrating through the chain case and No. 7 lubricator cam shaft are directly
connected. For operational reasons, it is difficult to align the shafts accurately upon
the production of the engine.
(3) Misalignment of lubricator shaft at initial stage of engine building.

[Software/human factors]
Main engines of B&W traditionally sustain damage in the section in question and the
inspection of the relevant parts is a matter naturally required for those who control such
engines. Despite this, the engineers concerned neglected to do so.

III. Measures to prevent recurrence

[Hardware aspects]
(1) The model of the engine recently has undergone changes in the shape of the coupling,
etc. to increase the contact area at the lubricator cam shaft end and, furthermore, the
torque with which to tighten the tensioning bolts from 60 Nm to 90 Nm.
(2) The model of the engine recently has adopted a method to insert a short shaft
sandwiched by a pair of couplings to give more freedom to the shaft between lubricator
and chain case.
(3) By the use of a new-type jig, the shaft alignment among lubricators was checked and all
couplings and driving shafts for lubricators were replaced with remodeled parts.
(4) New model engines adopt BC(Bronze Casting) products for lubricator cam shaft
bearings to counter catching inside foreign matter contained in cylinder oil and to
prevent seizure resulting from defects of driving shaft alignment. The BC products are
effective to prevent seizure of the bearing when the shaft comes off center. Since, in
the case of the vessel, the shaft alignment was normal, engineers replaced the
lubricator for No. 7 cylinder only.
(5) Even with engines adopting the new devices, slight slips have been found and there is a
need for regular inspection, by accurately providing a marking on the coupling. The
timing of oil injection should be confirmed with the A mark inscribed on the cam

[Software/human aspects]
Inspect the relevant parts regularly.

IV. Lessons
If you board a vessel installed with a main engine of B&W, you must pay attention to the
relevant parts.

(1) The lubricator is fixed vertically by a lubricator support and horizontally by lubricator
fixing bolts. Of the 4 fixing bolts for the lubricator, the forward 2 are fixed with reamer

bolts positioned individually for each lubricator. This means that if the exchange of
lubricators between those currently fitted or replacement with a spare one is inevitable,
forceful driving of reamer bolts would result in misalignment. An excessive
misalignment would often result in damage as in this case and, in such a case,
readjustment for alignment by a service engineer should be requested soon.
(2) Mitsui B&W engines after Mark-IV inclusive, have incorporated the recurrence-
preventive measures mentioned above. Hitachi, a licensee from the same licensor,
has B&W engines adopting couplings of a universal joint type and, consequently, there
is less concern over the problem.

Engine accident cases
File No. 1 - 009
Case name Contamination of main engine system oil with fuel oil
Device name Main engine Damaged System oil State of Contami-
part damage nation with
fuel oil
Maker name MHI Model 7RLA66 Total working 14 years
time after built
Kind of ship Semi- Date of Place of
container occurrence occurrence
Cause of Hardware factor Clogged fuel pump drain pipe
damage/problem Software/human factor Insufficient maintenance

I. Outline of accident
[Course of events]
Until the cause of the defect was identified, the vessel had sustained various troubles
incurred intermittently, including defective discharge of sludge from the main engine lube oil
purifier, malfunction of the changeover between ahead and astern engines, and clogged
secondary lube oil filter.
A regular lube oil analysis showed a rise in viscosity and a reduction in flashpoint,
suggesting the mixture of fuel oil.

[State of damage]
It was presumed that a total of more than 3,000 liters of FO had found its way into the lube
In order to ascertain the condition of bearings, one crosshead bearing was overhauled for
inspection, but it did not show any abnormality.

[Response measures]
The results of the lube oil analysis showed that it was outside of our serviceable range both
in terms of viscosity and flashpoint, and the period during which the condition was
maintained was so long that drain tanks and all the other devices and pipes, of the lube oil
system were cleaned and the system oil was completely replaced.

II. Causes of accident/problems

[Hardware factors]
When various parts of the fuel oil system were inspected, the drain pipe for the casing of a
fuel pump was found blocked. For this reason, an accumulation of FO spills from the pump
found its way into the cam shaft casing through the gland which the pump spindle

Since the engine in question has a common system for cam shaft lube oil and system oil, the
contamination with fuel oil spread entirely throughout the main engine.

[Software/human factors]
The ingress of fuel oil into system oil continued over a long period. During that period,
engineers were engaged in maintenance work by withdrawing pistons and aware of a dirty
crankcase. If they had suspected earlier the possibility of contamination with fuel oil, they
might have not been forced to replace the entire system oil.

III. Measures to prevent recurrence

[Hardware aspects]
Usually pump casing drain pipes are guided from respective pumps to an FO drain tank via
a collecting pipe, and there is no specific way to check the amount of drain other than
measuring the drain tank. In order to prevent an overflow of spilled oil to the cam casing
inside the pump, as well to check the amount of generated drain, it is desirable to remodel
the drain pipe fitted to each pump so that drain is first received by a hopper to enable the
discharge of drain to be visually observed.

[Software/human aspects]
(1) Small bore pipes intended to handle fluids containing sludge, as in the case of fuel
pump drain piping, has a high probability of getting blocked; and it is necessary to check
drain pipes when inspecting fuel pumps.
(2) Check changes in the property of lube oil on the basis of regular oil analysis. In the
event of contamination of lube oil with fuel oil, in particular, the flash point will
remarkably drop; and if bearings get heated as a result of poor lubrication or otherwise,
such lube oil may catch fire and explode inside the crankcase; it is therefore necessary
to monitor the condition of lube oil at all times.
The lube oil in question was revealed, according to an analysis made by a laboratory, to
have dropped to 172C in flashpoint against 270C for new oil.
(3) In addition, the amount of sludge contained in system oil will increase when
contaminated with fuel oil and may show signs of contamination, such as trouble with
purification and cloggage of filters. The dirty condition of the inside of the crankcase
will also progress and, therefore, visual checks of lube oil at regular inspections are

IV. Lessons
The regular analysis of the system oil proved effective in narrowly escaping a serious
accident, such as a crankcase explosion.
Such serious accidents are often caused when some factors occur simultaneously and
combine to cause serious damage.
The replacement of the entire system oil will cost a lot but it is much better in comparison
with a crankcase explosion.

Fig.1 Fuel Pump (UEC-LS type)

Engine accident cases
File No. 1 - 010
Case name Damaged crankshaft of medium speed engine
Device name Main engine Damaged Crankshaft State of Burnout
part damage
Maker name Kawasaki Model MAN Total working 16 years
14V52/55 time after built
Kind of ship Date of 1998.06 Place of During
occurrence occurrence standby for
Cause of Hardware factor Poor quality of lube oil
damage/problem Software/human factor Poor maintenance of lube oil

I. Outline of accident
[Course of events]
When the engine room was in standby condition for departure, the main engine tripped as a
result of a lube oil pressure drop induced by a clogged fine-mesh filter on the lube oil line.
The main engine tripped again on the following day. No. 3 main bearing and journal were
found burnt out. The ships crew members attempted to replace the journal twice but in
either case, the bearings came to be damaged in a short time and they abandoned repairs
by themselves.
We, at our company, gave advice not to repair by crew members in view of the situation of
the accident since their attempts to repair the hardened journal could possibly deteriorate
the damage of the crankshaft. Despite our advice, they attempted the repair twice and
deteriorated the situation.

[State of damage]
Chronologically the damage progressed as follows: At first No. 4 main bearing burnt out,
followed by the burnout of No. 3 main bearing. With the progress of the burnout of No. 4
main bearing, No. 3 cylinder crankpin bearing, which is supplied with lube oil from No. 4
main bearing, burnt out. In the same token, the piston pin which is to receive lube oil from
No. 3 cylinder crankpin bearing, ran short of lube oil. In this way, the piston pin bearings in
both A and B banks sustained damage. As to No. 2 cylinder, which receives lube oil from
No. 3 main bearing (whose damage occurred slightly later), damage was restricted to the
hinge pins and piston pin bushes of the A bank, parts susceptible to poor lubrication.

[Response measures]

II. Causes of accident/problems

[Hardware factors]

This is ascribed to poor lube oil quality resulting from bad lube oil maintenance. This
caused poor lubrication, leading to the damage of the bearings.
The following are factors which contributed to the deterioration of the lube oil on board the
vessel and bad practices of poor lube oil control.
(1) The main engine lube oil sump tank is capable of containing 21 kiloliters, but the
ordinary oil level while at sea was 9 to 10 kiloliters, an extremely small amount and,
consequently, very sensitive to contamination by, e.g., blowby.
(2) The lube oil sump tank was cleaned every time the vessel was in drydock, but when the
accident occurred, the drydocking interval was prolonged to 3 years as opposed to the
usual 2 years and the sump tank became increasingly dirty.
(3) Approximately 200 liters of fresh oil was supplied at one time into the sump tank
containing the usual level of oil and there is a possibility of the fresh oil having stirred
the sludge accumulated at the bottom of the sump tank and entrained it into the lube oil
(4) As for the condition of the main engine before the accident, the cylinder outlet exhaust
gas temperature was 470C or over and system oil consumption 340 liters/day, showing
signs of poor combustion and a deterioration in the combustion chamber condition,
evidence to the progress of the contamination of the system oil due to blowby.
(5) Defects had been pointed out in our shipboard inspections in relation to the operation of
the lube oil purifier, such as an excessively low lube oil temperature at the purifier inlet,
but no sings of improvement were observed.
(6) The operation of the filter differential pressure alarm switch was not checked. When it
was actually tested during repairs of the engine, it gave an alarm at 2 kg/cm2 or more,
proving to be completely useless.
(7) Operation of the main engine in a considerably torque-rich region was observed before
the damage.

[Software/human factors]
The causes of the accident, as mentioned above, are all related to human factors and this
accident hints at the fact that the vessel neglected to maintain not only lube oil but also the
engine for many years.
The following is not related to lube oil, but, for instance, the vessel has not analyzed cooling
water for the main engine at all and only injected chemicals into it. It also holds true with
boiler water and the reported values of analysis were all faked. The analysis kit was
To be frank, there is a suspicion that engineers of the vessel adjusted the filter differential

alarm switch so that it would not function. If that is the case, they are not qualified to
handle engines at all.

III. Measures to prevent recurrence

[Hardware aspects]

[Software/human aspects]

IV. Lessons


Engine Trouble Cases
File No. 1 - 011
Case name Damaged lube oil pump for main engine turbocharger
Device name Main engine Damaged T/G, lube oil State of Fractured
part pump damage shaft
Maker name IHI Model VTR564E-32 Total working Short period
Kind of ship Date of 1999.03.25 Place of During
occurrence occurrence standby for
Cause of Hardware factor Difference of specifications
damage/problem Software/human factor Good response

I. Outline of accident
[Course of events]
The main engine turbocharger was overhauled and maintained at Hamburg and the
attached lube oil pumps were replaced with larger-capacity ones both on the turbine side
and blower side (pipe diameter from 12mm to 18mm). Lube oil injection was ascertained
during a trial, but it became incapable to inject after leaving the berth. The vessel sailed for
about 5 hours by manually lubricating with an oil syringe to reach a safe area.

[State of damage]
An overhaul, thereafter, revealed a fracture of the lube oil pump gear shaft.

[Response measures]

II. Causes of accident/problems

[Hardware factors]
The supplied lube oil pump support plate was not a correct one (for a different model), but
engineers fitted it without noticing it. This caused the suction pipe inclined, making it come
in contact with the thermal socket fitted to the end cover. As a result, an excessive bending
moment was applied on the lube oil pump shaft, leading to a fracture of the shaft in a short
The change of capacity of the lube oil pumps to a larger one was made for the purpose of
increasing the cooling capacity. The bearing oil temperature was confirmed to have
dropped about 12C by the change.

[Software/human factors]
There was no problem found with the crew members in this case. If we must attempt to
find fault with them, didnt a suspicion occur as to whether the way of fitting was strange?

However, we cannot pin the blame on the crew members when we consider that the pumps
were of a new type and that it was difficult to make an inquiry with the maker because the
operation involved was carried out outside Japan.
Rather we would like to appreciate their efforts to prevent a serious accident. After an
overhaul and maintenance of a device, engineers are naturally required to keep watching for
some time its operating condition, in addition to conducting a trial.

III. Measures to prevent recurrence

[Hardware aspects]
The manufacturer says that: The method of fitting lube oil pumps differ depending on the
model of the turbocharger and there are lube oil pump support plates for both 30-type and
15-type on both turbine and blower sides. A 15-type on the turbine side and 30-type on
the blower side are regular ones for the vessel. In order to prevent trouble of this kind
caused by delivery of different parts, when making a requisition it is required to enter an Xi
No. (turbocharger product No.) without fail. According to this entry, the maker is expected
to supply regular products after having checked the fitting angles. There are cases,
however, where the manufacturer delivers different products even though the entry of the Xi
No. is correct as the case of the vessel shows. Engineers, therefore, are requested to
check the parts before replacing.
According to the maker, such accident as the case in question, caused by the fitting of parts
delivered by mistake, has occurred often and there is a need to pay attention sufficiently to
the manner of placing orders shown by two letters of IHI Service News SER-N-TC-U-043JE,
SER-N-TC-U-055JE attached hereto as reference material. (In the case in question, the
Xi No. was correctly entered in the order sheet.)

[Software/human aspects]

IV. Lessons
There are often cases where serious accidents are prevented if the operation of a device is
monitored according to basics.

Engine Trouble Cases
File No. 1 - 012
Case name Main engine trouble resulting from faulty fitting of fuel valve
Device name Main engine Damaged Fuel valves State of
part damage combustion
Maker name Mitsui B&W Model 8LGFCA Total working 11 years
time after built
Kind of ship PCC Date of 1996.03.13 Place of
occurrence occurrence standby for
from Kanda
Cause of Hardware factor Fuel valve fixing studs having worked loose
damage/problem Software/human factor Disregard of basics of maintenance work

I. Outline of accident
[Course of events]
March 10
As part of measures to counter an exhaust gas temperature rise and turbocharger surge,
all the plungers/barrels/suction valves of the main engine fuel pumps; and spindle guides,
atomizers for Nos. 1, 2, 5 and 8 fuel valves, were replaced at Yokohama.
March 13
1600 hours Departure from Kanda.
1620 hours The chief engineer reported poor combustion in No. 8 cylinder to the
1710 hours The vessel anchored off Kanda. Engineers removed No. 8 fuel valve
and conducted an injection test to find no abnormality. They replaced No.
8 fuel valve.
1930 hours The vessel hove up anchor. Engineers checked the condition of the
engine, but no apparent change in the condition was observed.
March 14
0320 hours The vessel anchored in Beppu Bay. Engineers replaced No. 8 fuel
0900 hours They tested the pump but the situation did not improve.
The following advice was received from MES Technoservice Co., Ltd.:
(1) Check the stud bolts securing the fuel valve to see whether they are
loose or not.
(2) Judge of whether the fuel valve was properly fitted by comparing the
position of the fuel valve flange with that of valves in other cylinders.
The vessel took notice of the improper fitting of the fuel valve at this
point in time.

(3) Check whether the contact surfaces of the fuel valve and the high
pressure pipe were correctly set.
(4) Check for foreign material inside the high pressure fuel pipe.
(5) Since the defective fitting of the fuel valve was confirmed in (2) above,
the engineers removed the valve and refitted it.
(6) Check of all fuel valves for proper fitting.
1100 hours The engineers completed the repairs and started the engine after heaving
up the anchor.

[State of damage]
Poor combustion in No. 8 cylinder.

[Response measures]
The fuel valve of No. 8 cylinder was removed; and the fitting studs were tightened and the
fuel valve fitted again.

II. Causes of accident/problems

[Hardware factors]
Stud bolts for fitting the fuel valve worked loose, resulting in an improper tightening of the
fuel valve to the cylinder cover. This created a gap between thrust spindle and thrust piece
inside the fuel valve, leading to inability to maintain oil-tightness, which made fuel oil to
circulate without fuel injection. (See Fig. 1)

[Software/human factors]
(1) Failure to check the condition of the fitting stud bolts when replacing the fuel valve
Engineers are naturally required to check how fitting studs are fitted and the condition of
such parts when an operation of this kind is carried out regardless of whether the valve
is a fuel valve or not. There are cases of studs having sustained fractures when the
engine was in operation.
(2) Failure to read a service letter provided by the engine maker
For operating devices, engineers are required to peruse and familiarize themselves with
operation manuals provided by respective makers. In the case of the incident in
question, explanations contained in the relevant operation manual were insufficient
without an after-sales service letter which, in view of failures occurring at times resulting
from improper tightening, gave additional information. Engineers must read letters of
this kind whenever they are distributed to the vessel from the managing company even

if the instrument taken up in the letter is not installed on the vessel; and when they
handle the device on board a different vessel, they must recall and consult the letter.
In the case of the vessel in question, if engineers were fully aware of the service letter,
even after the mistake in the initial operation, they should naturally have checked the
relevant part when the main engine was first stopped. If that were the case, they could
have avoided a delay of about 20 hours at anchor.

III. Measures to prevent recurrence

[Hardware aspects]
In the case of fuel valves for B&W engines, when they are closely fitted, as they are
vertically compressed, in the cylinder covers by stud bolts, the relevant parts come in close
contact with each other, a normal operational condition. (See Fig. 2.)
On board vessels where the seats of fuel valve fitting ports have often been lapped over a
long period, it is difficult to fit them in the normal method.
For this reason, when replacing fuel valves, the following procedures are required:
(1) Check fuel valve fitting stud bolts for looseness.
(2) When having lapped a seat surface on the cylinder cover side, check with red lead how
the fuel valve and seat on the cover side come in touch with each other.
(3) After replacing a fuel oil valve, measure the Pmax in the ordinary range of operation to
check the condition of the fuel oil injection.

[Software/human aspects]
(1) All operations must be carried out according to basics.
(2) After-sales service letters provided by manufacturers are important and engineers must
be familiar with them.

IV. Lessons

Mitsui Service Note No. 95: Special cautions at installation of the fuel valve

Engine accident cases
File No. 1 - 013
Case name Bent crosshead toggle lever
Device name Main engine Damaged Crosshead State of Bend
part toggle leverdamage
Maker name Model 7RTA62 Total working
Kind of ship Date of Place of
occurrence occurrence
Cause of Hardware factor Improper maintenance procedure
damage/problem Software/human factor Disregard of manuals

I. Outline of accident
[Course of events]
During an operation to reassemble a crosshead pin and its bearing metal after an overhaul
for inspection, the toggle lever was bent and cracked. Crew members on board repaired it
by welding after correcting the bend, but it fractured at the root section of the hinge at the
center of the upper arm of the toggle lever.
The fractured upper lever was replaced with a pipe and repaired by the ships crew
members. The engine was restarted with fuel cut off to the relevant cylinder, but it tripped
because of a pressure drop in the crosshead L.O. Line.

[State of damage]
An inspection thereafter revealed a fractured crosshead toggle lever and damage to the
crankpin journal and its bearing metal (scratches and dents).

[Response measures]
(1) Replacement with a fully outfitted crosshead toggle lever.
(2) Honing of the crank journal by 2/100 mm to 3/100 mm after magnetic particle testing.
The honing work was carried out by a repairer in Singapore.
(3) Replacement of the crankpin bearing metal.

II. Causes of accident/problems

[Hardware factors]
(1) Cross head toggle lever: Upon the overhaul, the toggle lever was removed on the
crosshead side and a turning of the engine was carried out with the lever hung downard.
This fact hints at the strong possibility of the toggle lever bent since it came in contact
with the cross head or a fixing nut for the lower half of the connecting rod bearing.
(2) Crankpin and its bearing metal: Slag which adhered to the inside of the toggle lever

when crew members were engaged in welding for repairs, reached the crankpin
bearing, causing damage to it, when the engine was put in operation.

[Software/human factors]
(1) When operating devices, engineers must thoroughly read and familiarize themselves
with the operations manuals provided by the maker. If there is a modification of
procedures from those contained in the original operations manual as in the case in
question, after-sales service letters, though the name of such letter differs from maker
to maker, are released. Letters of this kind reflect changes made as a result of defects
in original procedures and, consequently, it may often lead to accidents if the original
procedures, which have been modified thereafter, are followed on board vessels.
Engineers must read letters of this kind whenever they are distributed to the vessel from
the managing company even if the instrument taken up in the letter is not installed on
the vessel; and when they handle the device on board a different vessel, they must
recall and consult the letter.
(2) The upper arm fractured in an operation of the engine after repairs by welding. If
lubrication is interrupted even for a short time, the bearing must be opened up. If the
engineer in charge had been mindful of the seriousness of an accident of this kind, he
could have prevented the entry of weld slag into the bearing and, as a result, could
have saved time for restoring normally.

III. Measures to prevent recurrence

[Hardware aspects]
(1) Similar accidents have occurred in the past on board vessels managed by companies
not related to us and the prevention of damage to the toggle lever in the overhaul of the
crosshead bearing for inspection, is a matter which requires attention when engaged in
the same operation on RTA engines. In addition, this is not restricted to the same
operation, but when a chain block is used inside a crankcase as in maintenance work
on a crankpin bearing, etc., it is required to take care so that the chain will not come in
contact with the toggle lever.
(2) As instructed in the information provided by the maker concerning this matter, there is a
need for engineers to bear in mind that, when engaged in overhauling the upper and
lower bearings of a connecting rod, the toggle lever must be separated at the
intermediate joint and supported on the frame side.
(3) In the event of a toggle lever deformed, the best response is to replace it with a fully
outfitted part or to cut out the cylinder.

[Software/human aspects]
Perusal of, and familiarization with, service letters.

IV. Lessons
In the event of a failure, the person responsible may be inclined to handle it before it is
known to others. This attitude, however, is very risky. It is important for the engineer to
acknowledge a failure as such, judge the situation of the incident calmly and report it

DUQ1-042J: RTA52, 62, 72 Engines: Protection of toggle lever from unexpected

Engine Trouble Cases
File No. 1 - 014
Case name Damage to crankpin bearings in all cylinders
Device name Main engine Damaged Crankpin State of Cracking
part bearings damage and flaking
Maker name DU Model 6RTA-52 Total working 24,635
time hours
Kind of ship Bulker Date of 1995.09 Place of
occurrence occurrence
Cause of Hardware factor Design failure
damage/problem Software/human factor Nil

I. Outline of accident
[Course of events]
When the vessel drydocked outside Japan in September 1995, after engine operation of
11,235 hours ever since the previous drydocking in March 1993, a crankpin bearing of the
main engine was found to have cracked and flaked off. When, following this event, the
crankpin bearings of all cylinders were overhauled and inspected, similar damage was
found in all the bearings.

[State of damage]
The damage was as follows: Cracks occurred radiating from the lube oil inlet in the upper
metal, causing metal to peel off. The metal sustained fretting over a wide range centering
around the middle of the backing material.

[Response measures]
Renewal of crankpin bearing metals in all cylinders.

II. Causes of accident/problems

[Hardware factors]
The engine maker submitted the following view:
(1) The engine in question has, due to its compact size, a system to feed lube oil to the
crankpin bearing from behind the center of the upper bearing metal via the connecting
(2) For this reason, the upper bearing metal receives lube oil feed pressure on its back at
all times, and is pressed toward the crankpin.
(3) The upper metal was repetitively subjected to shearing stresses, and presumably
cracks radiated out from the LO inlet port, resulting in the metal flaking off.
(4) Damage caused by shearing stresses is said to occur once in 107 to 108 times.

(Approximately 19,000 hours when converted to operating time.)

[Software/human factors]

III. Measures to prevent recurrence

[Hardware aspects]
Renewal is required when the phenomenon occurs. Continued operation possible for five

[Software/human aspects]

IV. Lessons
Such an event may occur.

Engine Trouble Cases
File No. 1 - 015
Case name Trouble with main engine starting air system
Device name Main engine Damaged Starting air State of Failure to
part system damage start
Maker name Sumitomo Model 6RTA84 Total working 9 years after
Sulzer time built
Kind of ship Container Date of 1995.05.22 Place of
ship occurrence occurrence
Cause of Hardware factor Miss piping arrangement
damage/problem Software/human factor Inattentiveness in maintenance work

I. Outline of accident
[Course of events]
Trouble in getting the engine started occurred in succession under standby conditions for
departure. The vessel experienced similar failures five or six times even after the turn of
the year.
In addition, since the starting air valves became leaky and the main air control valve
frequently malfunctioned as a result of its fouling and seizure. On every such occasion, the
vessel overhauled and cleaned the starting air control valve but could not pinpoint the
location of abnormality.

[State of damage]

[Response measures]

II. Causes of accident/problems

[Hardware factors]
A detailed inspection of the control air line made with reference to the main engine control
system diagrams, revealed, in the drawing No. 53HP (three-way valve), a reverse pipe
connection of the control air line (7 kg/cm2) and starting air line. As a result of the reverse
connection, the starting air pressure introduced to each cylinder becomes equal to the
control air pressure, causing failures in getting the engine started.

[Software/human factors]
The case in question is a result of a mistake in pipe connection during re-assembly by the
ships hand or in drydock, but it is partly attributable to the fact that the pilot three-way valve
has ports of the same size. Many of the parts employed for air control systems are similar
in size while different in signal pressure, which requires special care in handling.

The basic principle for maintenance by overhauling is to restore to the original form and, for
that purpose, it is vital to ensure to mark parts before the commencement of an overhaul.

III. Measures to prevent recurrence

[Hardware aspects]
The pilot valve (53HP) is of the type GCH-37N. The main line of the relevant valve is
capable of accommodating both flow directions, regular and reverse, and the valve used as
a starting air control valve is employed in the reverse direction (Fig. 2).
In addition, the fitting ports are completely of the same size from the valve structure, which
requires special caution.
As a measure to check correct pipe fitting, an indicator is attached to the plug as shown in A
of Fig. 2. The connection of the high pressure pipe to the pilot port would make the red pin
to snap out to indicate a mistake in pipe connection. (The older type (prior to about 1990)
does not have this indicator.)

[Software/human aspects]
In maintenance operations, it is necessary to ensure to put marks and numbers so as to
make it possible to check that re-assembly work is done without a mistake.

IV. Lessons
As in this case, in a situation that shows that something is wrong but the something is not
pinpointed, it is necessary to suspect everything, and work upwards from basic

Engine Trouble Cases
File No. 1 - 016
Case name Cracks in main engine cylinder liners

Device name Main engine Damaged Cylinder State of Cracks

part liners damage
Maker name Mitsubishi Model 6UEC60LA Total working 8 years after
Ube time built
Kind of ship Bulker Date of Place of
occurrence occurrence
Cause of Hardware factor Contamination of cooling fresh water with
damage/problem cylinder oil
Software/human factor Poor operational maintenance

I. Outline of accident
[Course of events]
The vessel experienced frequent piston ring fractures and weardown of piston crown ring
lands and used to pull pistons at intervals of about 2,000 hours. At the time in question
when the vessel returned to a Japanese port, crew members pulled pistons from Nos. 2 and
4 cylinders and found a piston ring fracture and a cracked cylinder liner in No. 2.

[State of damage]
When service engineers of the maker inspected the main engine, they found cracks in Nos.
1, 2 and 5 cylinder liners and the seizure, fracture of piston rings and fusion of crown ring
lands in Nos. 1, 2, 3 and 5 cylinders.

[Response measures]
As a result of a detailed inspection, it was decided to replace all the cylinder liners.

II. Causes of accident/problems

[Hardware factors]
As factors which induced the accident, the following three points can be enumerated:
(1) In Nos. 1 and 4 cylinders, the O rings for the stud for feeding cylinder oil were out of
specification in terms of size and material and allowed cylinder oil to find its way into the
main engine cooling fresh water.
(2) EPDM (EPT: ethylene propylene), which is not resistant to oil, was used by mistake
for the seat of a butterfly valve on the main engine cooling fresh water line. As a result,
the butterfly valve lacking resistance to oil sustained damage and flaked off, and such
flakes blocked the cooling water passage. This caused liners to overheat and suffer
heat cracks.

(3) From (1) above, the cylinder oil feed rate dropped, causing a rupture of the oil film,
which, in turn, induced blowby, and resultant heat cracks.

[Software/human factors]
The fact that the pistons required withdrawal at intervals of 2,00 hours is itself a problem.
Of course, such interval should be determined after comprehensively considering the
maintenance condition of each part of the main engine, relations between fouled hull and
design of propeller margin, and fuel oil and its treatment plant, but the problem exactly lies in
the fact that the engine plant had been left in such a condition.
That is to say, the condition that cooling fresh water was contaminated with cylinder oil
should have come to the notice of the engineers, through indications of fouling on the side of
the cooling water space, when they were engaged in replacing exhaust valves and pulling
pistons. Another opportunity to take notice of the situation is during operations for the
maintenance of the quality of cooling water.
Furthermore, werent there any signs of it in the engine operation control, such as changes
in cooling water temperature?

III. Measures to prevent recurrence

[Hardware aspects]
The material used for a butterfly valve on the main engine cooling water line is NBR (nitrile-
butadiene rubber), but in this case, EPDM (ethylene-propylene-diene monomer) had been
used for some time by mistake, though it is not clear since when. The cooling water outlet
temperature for the main engine jacket has recently been designed by each engine maker to
be controlled above 80C and, in the event of the use of rubber seat rings, planned
inspection and replacement are required with hardening of the material in mind.
Rubber parts are difficult to identify their material according to their color, and for the
purpose of identifying the material, it is usually the case that they employ color codes.
When making a requisition for, or replacing, parts, it is necessary to check the material of
such parts.

[Software/human aspects]
(1) When overhauling for maintenance, never fail to inspect the cooling water side.
(2) An alert attitude, to detect any signs of change is required when the engine is in
(3) It is difficult to identify the material of rubber parts according to their color, in spite of this
color codes are employed for indentification.

IV. Lessons
It is hard to know where the cause of a failure lies.

Example of rubber seat ring materials and a color code
Symbol Generic name Color code General features Use
NBR Nitrile, Buna N Blue Oil, wear Sea water, fresh
resistant water
Hi-NBR High nitrile Green Highly oil Fuel oil, lube oil
F-NBR High tear *Blue 2 High tear Fresh water, sea
strength nitrile strength water
EPDM Ethylene Orange Aging, heat Hot water, low
propylene resistant pressure steam
CR Neoprene Red Weather, ozone Air, gas
IIR Butyl Yellow Acid resistant Acid, gas
FKM Viton, fluoric Gray Chemical Gasoline,
rubber resistant chemical agents
NR-C Natural rubber White Low temperature Coolant
for low resistant

Engine Trouble Cases
File No. 1 - 017
Case name Malfunction in working main engine astern
Device name Main engine Damaged Remote State of Faulty
part control damage control
system board
Maker name MES Model BMS-1500 Total working
Kind of ship Date of Place of Kaohsiung
occurrence occurrence
Cause of Hardware factor Faulty circuit boards
damage/problem Software/human factor Failure to operate locally

I. Outline of accident
[Course of events]
(1) When under standby conditions for entering Kaohsiung, the remote control system
showed Abnormal Alarm on the rpm pickup sensor, but, at this point in time, the
normal operation of the main engine was restored by a resetting operation.
(2) When sailing out from the port, the vessel attempted to put the engine astern but failed.
(3) The control position of the main engine was shifted from BCC to ECC and to engine
side but, regardless of the control position, it did not work on fuel oil though starting air
was admitted.
(4) The vessel left Kaohsiung, as she was pressed in time, without being able to identify the
cause of the malfunction. Unable to use astern engine, she arrived at Osaka and was
engaged in berthing operations, employing more tugboats than usual.

[State of damage]
When the engine was put astern on air, each data, as was shown on the digital display of the
control console, was checked in the presence of service engineers of the maker. As a
result, it was confirmed that in spite of the fact that the engine was actually rotating in the
astern direction, the display of the rotation still showed Ahead.

[Response measures]
The above situation was judged to be attributable to faulty control circuit boards (RDU-1,
RDU-2) of the BMS-1500 remote console, and when the two boards were replaced, the
situation was rectified.

II. Causes of accident/problems

[Hardware factors]
The maker took back the faulty boards to its plant to investigate into the cause, which has

yet to be identified.

[Software/human factors]
The report given from the vessel says that even the changeover of the engine control
position failed to produce the intended effect to work the engine astern. However, if the
control position is changed over to local control, interlocks related to emergency stop will
take effect but will not monitor the wrong way. It is, therefore, considered possible to start
the engine in the reverse direction by engine side control. The failure to start the engine on
this occasion is very probably ascribed to an insufficient fuel injection since the attempt to
reverse the engine was made when the vessel still had headway of 7 knots. The engineers
cannot be criticized one-sidedly for their failure to determine the cause when they were not
allowed to take extra time because the vessel was on tight schedule, but if they had been
more familiar with the main engine control system, they could have reversed the engine by
local control.

III. Measures to prevent recurrence

[Hardware aspects]
The incident in question was caused by faulty control boards as a result of some trouble, but
it has shown that a malfunction of a part detecting control data or receiving/sending signals
may easily make the engine uncontrollable.
It is required to request the maker to improve the reliability of the engine and study how to
operate in emergency situations.

[Software/human aspects]
Engineers are required to familiarize themselves with the operation of the main engine
control system at the earliest opportunity after boarding a vessel.

IV. Lessons
Now that shipboard devices have come to incorporate more and more electronic parts,
trouble with the main engine console may easily occur. Engineers are required at any time
to respond flexibly as the situation dictates.

Engine Trouble Cases
File No. 1 - 018
Case name Cracks in main engine camshaft drive chain link plate
Device name Main engine Damaged Camshaft State of Cracks
part drive chain damage
Maker name MES Model B&W Total working 30,216
9K90MC time hours
Kind of ship Date of 1995.01.04 Place of Hamburg
occurrence occurrence
Cause of Hardware factor Improper chain tension
damage/problem Software/human factor Inspection in strict accordance with basics

I. Outline of accident
[Course of events]
During an operation to check the inside of the main engine crankcase, which was conducted
as a regular operation, a cracked link plate of a camshaft drive chain was discovered.

[State of damage]
(1) Of the three rows of drive chains, a crack as shown in Fig 1 was found in the forward
roller link plate. The damaged plate broke apart when hammered lightly after it was
(2) The surface of the roller sustained scuffing all over, suggesting a considerably heavy
load imposed on it and insufficient supply of lube oil.
(3) The middle level roller guide suffered a crack almost over the entire length. (It was
found in an inspection made upon arrival at a port in Japan.)

[Response measures]
(1) Crew members replaced the damaged link together with engineers from B&W and a
repairing contractor. The link plates replaced are as indicated in Fig. 2; nine links were
replaced in total, namely, the damaged link, its adjoining links and those links
corresponding to the same position in the other chains.
(2) It was possible to remove the link plates easily by lightly hammering them.
(3) Upon returning to Japan, engineers of the chain maker and the shipbuilder inspected
but found no abnormality in appearance of various parts.
(4) The middle level roller guide was replaced with a spare on hand.

II. Causes of accident/problems

[Hardware factors]
(1) The material of the damaged plate was inspected, but it did not show any signs of its

poor quality.
(2) When it is taken into account that the nut of the chain tensioning device was screwed
down by one more turn during reassembly in Hamburg and that the roller guide
sustained a crack, the generation of excessive stresses on the roller/plate section as a
result of the whipping of the chain is presumed as a cause.

[Software/human factors]
The incident is a typical example which reminds us of the importance of regular inspections
at other times. There is a need to make meaningful periodical checks and not just carry
them out as a formality.

III. Measures to prevent recurrence

[Hardware aspects]
No abnormal condition was discovered in a check made by the shipbuilder/chain maker.
Since the starting point of the crack was inside the part where the roller guide was inserted,
which escapes detection without disassembly of the chain and, furthermore, the surface of
the roller bearing also sustained scuffing, all the chains were renewed and the damaged
roller guide replaced in the following drydocking after the discovery of the damage.

[Software/human aspects]
Since it seems considerably difficult to replace or re-tension chains only by consulting
descriptions contained in the operations manual, there is a need to create an environment
which enables such operations by ship hands on board by requesting little by little
supplementary information in service news provided by the maker.

IV. Lessons
This case was an extremely lucky one; an inspection at the next port might have resulted in
a serious accident.
Luck forms a part of ability??

Fig. 1 Crack of the link plate

Fig.2 Damaged link

Engine Trouble Cases
File No. 1 - 019
Case name Engine room fire which started from abnormal combustion in main engine
exhaust manifold
Device name Main engine Damaged Various parts State of Burnout
part damage
Maker name Akasaka Model UEC45H Total working
Diesel Ltd. time
Kind of ship Container Date of Place of
ship occurrence occurrence
Cause of Hardware factor Scavenging air space fire resulting from poor
damage/problem regular maintenance
Software/human factor Poor maintenance

I. Outline of accident
[Course of events]
(1) After completing cargo work, the vessel left a port in Japan running on diesel oil.
(2) One hour after departure from the port, with the order Full away the vessel increased
her speed after changing over fuel from Oil A to Oil C. The main engine speed
abruptly climbed up (130 to 140 rpm) five minutes later, an abnormal condition.
Following this situation, the engine was stopped immediately. At this point in time, a
fire was detected somewhere below the exhaust manifold close to No. 4 cylinder
exhaust branch. In addition, the scavenging air space fire alarm and cylinder outlet
high temperature alarm were raised.
(3) The fire which originated from near No. 4 cylinder spread all over the engine room,
resulting in her disability to sail under own power.
(4) Fire boats were mobilized and engaged in fighting the fire for one day and night. An
investigation conducted after the fire was extinguished, revealed the engine room was
completely destroyed.

[State of damage]
(1) The pistons and liners of all cylinders had traces of blowby and deep vertical grooves.
(2) The piston rings of all cylinders had seized and fractured.
(3) The O rings for piston crown cooling of all cylinders were hardened and a test by
introducing oil revealed they were leaky.
(4) No abnormal condition was observed in fuel injection valves by an injection test.
(5) The scavenging air space of each cylinder had a large accumulation of sludge as their
drain holes were clogged.
(6) The sight glass of the lube oil drain pipe for the turbocharger, installed at the lower
portion of No. 4 cylinder exhaust branch, was broken and lost.

[Response measures]
The work for restoration required more than one month.

II. Causes of accident/problems

[Hardware factors]
(1) Abnormal combustion in exhaust manifold
The investigation mentioned above hints at the following possible causes:
a) A fire occurred in the scavenging air space resulting from blowby. Consequently,
it accompanied incomplete scavenging, which, in turn, brought about an
accumulation of a large amount of unburned fuel in the exhaust manifold.
b) Hardened O rings allowed piston cooling oil to leak and accumulate in the
scavenging air spaces and exhaust manifold.
(2) Causes leading to engine room fire
The direct cause of the engine room fire is presumed to be as follows: As a result of a
violent combustion of the unburned fuel gas trapped inside the exhaust manifold, the
turbocharger overran, accompanying, as a result of its great impact, a breakage of the
sight glass of the lube oil drain pipe for the turbocharger (the same sight glass was
equipped at the lower portion of No. 4 cylinder exhaust branch and was confirmed
broken and missing in an on-scene investigation), which allowed lube oil to flow out and
catch fire when it came in contact with the exhaust manifold.

[Software/human factors]
(1) As a result of the occurrence of the fire which devastated the entire engine room and
the firefighting activities which took place thereafter, the internal condition of the main
engine may have changed between the outset of the fire and the time of opening it for
investigation. It is, therefore, difficult to determine which of a) and b) in (1) above
actually started the fire, but in either case, there is no doubt that failure to perform
regular maintenance work played an important role.
(2) In this accident, a continued operation for about 20 minutes of the lube oil pump even
after the occurrence of the fire and the stop of the main engine, led to the spread of fire
all over the engine room.

III. Measures to prevent recurrence

[Hardware aspects]
(1) We have received a large number of reports on the occurrence of scavenging air space

fires and abnormal combustion inside exhaust manifolds, attributed to poor regular
maintenance which produced foul scavenging spaces, and leaks of piston cooling oil
and to poor combustion control. Special care is required for the maintenance of
engines of this type.
(2) The hardening of O rings by blowby gas is observed and, when a piston in a cylinder
where blowby has occurred is pulled for maintenance, it is, therefore, recommended
that the piston crown be overhauled for inspection.

[Software/human aspects]
In the event of a fire, it is required to take care to stop pumps of unnecessary systems

IV. Lessons
You have to pay the price for poor maintenance but there is a difference in severity of this

Engine Trouble Cases
File No. 1 - 020
Case name Damaged cylinder cover tensioning hydraulic jack
Device name Main engine Damaged Cover State of Hardened
part tensioning damage O ring
Maker name MES Model B&W Total working 5 years after
7K90MC time built
Kind of ship Container Date of 1992.06.17 Place of Kobe
ship occurrence occurrence
Cause of Hardware factor
damage/problem Software/human factor

I. Outline of accident
[Course of events]
(1) Crew members commenced pulling main engine pistons at Kobe on June 17, but failed
to raise hydraulic pressure because of a leak of one of the jacks used for cylinder cover
bolt tensioning. Although they injected grease through the air vent of the relevant
hydraulic jack (three times) according to the makers instructions manual, they
abandoned the overhauling operation since the adjoining two jacks also leaked.
(2) As a result of an attempt to increase the viscosity of the hydraulic oil for the jacks by
replacing it with cylinder oil at Kobe on July 6, they succeeded in raising the pressure of
the hydraulic jack to 900 kg/cm2 and unscrew nuts. Also on this occasion, two jacks
leaked, but they attained pressures of 100 kg/cm2 and 500 kg/cm2 respectively and it
was possible to unscrew with the use of a striking ring wrench.

[State of damage]
Of the 32 O rings used in the 16 hydraulic jacks, approximately 60% sustained cracks and
all of the rings were generally hardened and in a state easy to fracture.

[Response measures]
(1) Replacement of the hydraulic oil of jacks with cylinder oil with a higher viscosity.
(2) If the leak of a jack is to such a degree as may allow the hydraulic pressure to attain 100
kg/cm2, unscrew nuts with the use of a striking ring wrench. Replace O rings and
backup rings of leaking jacks.
If the cover tensioning nut is round shaped (with screw holes of 8 mm in diameter),
place a striking ring wrench so that its screw holes are in line with those of the nut and
insert about three hexagon socket head cap screws into them and loosen the nut by
striking the wrench.
The number of spare hexagon socket head cap screws (chrome-molybdenum steel) on

hand is 4, but having 4 additional ones in stock is desirable for emergencies.

(3) If the leak is excessive and the jack is not capable to raise pressure at all, inject grease
through the vents on both sides of the jack to raise the viscosity of the hydraulic oil; and
increase the pressure of the jack and unscrew with the aid of a striking ring wrench.
(4) If even these attempts fail to raise the pressure:
a) Isolate the leaky jack from other jacks with two blank plugs and unscrew other nuts.
If only one jack is leaking or leaky ones are adjoining, each other, the cylinder
cover inclines, facilitating the unscrewing of nuts.
b) Sever the spherical washer for a cover tensioning nut and pull it out.
c) Heat the stud between cover and jacket and unscrew the nut. In this case,
replace the stud with a spare one for safety sake.

II. Causes of accident/problems

[Hardware factors]
Poor design material of the O ring.

[Software/human factors]

III. Measures to prevent recurrence

[Hardware aspects]
With B&W engines, GF and other models thereafter have adopted hydraulic jacks for
tightening cylinder covers, but in models, including MC, with high jacket temperatures, the O
rings harden prematurely and it is necessary to replace them once every 4 years or at the
time of withdrawal of pistons for the second time, as a rule of thumb. They, at Mitsui
Engineering & Shipbuilding Co., have been changing the material of O rings from NBR to
NBR-Z since about three years ago. This effort, however, is not intended to prolong their
service life.

[Software/human aspects]

IV. Lessons
If you have a knowledge of such a thing, it may serve when you are in trouble.
However, this holds true if there is a leak on the basis of your correct handling according to
the instructions manual. It is out of the question if a proper pressure is not attained just
because the jack is not properly bled of air or the quick joint was not correctly inserted.

Engine Trouble Cases
File No. 1 - 021
Case name Main engine scavenging space fire
Device name Main engine Damaged Scavenging State of Fire
part space damage
Maker name Mitsui B&W Model KL80MC Total working
Kind of ship Date of 1998.01.11 Place of At sea
occurrence occurrence
Cause of Hardware factor Accumulation of drain in scavenging space
damage/problem Software/human factor Poor maintenance

I. Outline of accident
[Course of events]
When the vessel was sailing after departure from Tokyo, the scavenging space fire alarm
sounded immediately after the engine speed was increased from 65 to 75 rpm to avoid the
barred speed range of 66 to 74 rpm. A fire occurred in the scavenging space.

[State of damage]
In an inspection after the fire was put out, there was no damage, in particular, found in any
part of the engine.

[Response measures]
The fire was put out with the steam extinguishing system.

II. Causes of accident/problems

[Hardware factors]
(1) The scavenging space drain pipe of No. 9 cylinder was clogged, resulting in an
accumulation of about 100 liters of drain.
(2) In the No. 9 cylinder, the piston was pulled on the previous voyage. Though the piston
has not been pulled after this accident, there is no sign of leaks in the surrounding area
as a result of the deterioration of O rings, indicating normal conditions.
(3) The scavenging space fire does not necessarily require continuous blowby as a cause
and there is a possibility of its occurring even upon the speeding up of the main engine.
If you peer into the scavenging space, it is evident that a large amount of sparks occur
forming fire balls when the engine speed is increased. There is no shortage in the
past, of fires in the scavenging space upon speed increase.

[Software/human factors]

(1) The engineers failed to take action even when there was a drain accumulation in the
scavenging space.
(2) Their response action upon the occurrence of the fire was quick and proper.

III. Measures to prevent recurrence

[Hardware aspects]
The scavenging space and manifold should be cleaned every 1,500 hours.

[Software/human aspects]
Discharge drain and air through the scavenging space drain cock to prevent an
accumulation of combustible matter.

IV. Lessons
There is no shortage of factors causing a fire in the engine room. If you are off guard, a fire
may occur any time.
A proper response action in an emergency depends on your efforts at other times.

Engine Trouble Cases
File No. 1 - 022
Case name Main engine damage resulting from combustion disorder
Device name Main engine Damaged Cylinder State of Cracks
part liners damage
Maker name Mitsui B&W Model 7L80MCE Total working 14 years
time after built
Kind of ship Bulker Date of 1999.03.01 Place of At sea
occurrence occurrence
Cause of Hardware factor Defective fuel valves, fuel oil with poor quality
damage/problem Software/human factor Poor maintenance of fuel valves and poor
management of fuel oil purification

I. Outline of accident
[Course of events]
When the vessel was on her way to Singapore after loading cargo at Puerto de Madeira, the
main engine No. 3 cylinder scavenging space set off a high temperature alarm. Since it
was considered as a result of blowby, the main engine was stopped and inspected.

[State of damage]
Since the second piston ring for No. 3 cylinder fractured (3,500 hours after the previous
withdrawal and maintenance of the piston), the piston was pulled and the ring replaced.
A service engineer dispatched from the maker made an inspection at a later date. The
following are results of the inspection and analysis of data:
(1) No. 3 cylinder liner sustained a heat crack of 415 mm in length along the circumference
on the forward starboard side at a level of 310 mm from the top end.
A close examination by the use of a magnified photograph showed scratches and low
temperature corrosion.
(2) Traces of scuffing were observed here and there on the surfaces of five cylinder liners,
between the cylinder oil groove and scavenging port.
(3) The weardown rate of all cylinder liners grew from 0.09 mm/1,000 hours to 0.16
mm/1,000 hours.
(4) The weardown rate of all piston rings abnormally increased from 1.0 mm/1,000 hours to
9.0 mm/1,000 hours.
(5) Breakage of piston rings were observed in all cylinders except No. 2 and, among others,
almost all top rings found broken.
(6) The weardown of the top ring grooves was within the tolerance.
(7) The piston ring glands of all cylinders were excessively fouled with carbon and sludge.
(8) The wall of the scavenging manifold was coated with sludge in the form of tar.

[Response measures]

II. Causes of accident/problems

[Hardware factors]
According to results of analysis of the fuel oils used from April to September, 1998, was
satisfactory. Impurities like carbon, asphaltene, vanadium and sodium, were under tolerable
limits. The overall quality of the oils was not so bad, in comparison with MOLs standard
values, and it seemed to be usable without any special pretreatment.

[Software/human factors]
(1) The analysis of fuel oil before and after treatment by the purifier showed that there was
nearly no purification effect.
(2) An inspection of fuel valves extracted from all cylinders revealed a reduction in valve
opening pressure, poor atomization and a faulty circulating function (of the auto de-
aeration valves).
(3) The operation is poorly managed.
(a) The increase in exhaust gas temperature escaped notice.
(b) The operation in the torque rich zone escaped notice.
(c) Other operating parameters must have changed.
(d) A look through the cylinder liner sight holes would have provided the situation of
blowby or fouled ports.

III. Measures to prevent recurrence

When it is not uncommon to encounter fuel oil of inferior quality, the proper purification of
such oil on board and the maintenance of the combustion system have become
indispensable to obtain a normal combustion condition.

(1) Fuel oil viscosity for purifier

To obtain an optimum purification result, feed the purifier with fuel oil after making it
less viscous as far as possible.
The optimum (low) viscosity is obtained by running the purifier pre-heater at the
highest temperature recommended for the fuel concerned. It is very important that, in
the case of fuels above 1,500 Sec. RW/100F (i.e. 180 cSt/50C), the highest possible
preheating temperature, 95 - 98C, should be maintained in the purifier.
(2) Feed rate for purifier
The purifier should be operated for 24 hours a day except during necessary cleaning

and periodical maintenance. The fuel should be kept in the purifier as long as
possible, by adjusting the flow rate to keep up with fuel consumption of the engine,
without excessive re-circulation. The ideal throughput is, therefore, 1.1 times normal
fuel consumption. For efficient removal of water by means of a conventional purifier,
the correct choice of a gravity disc is of special importance. Each purifier manual
states the size of disc to be chosen in response to the specific gravity of the fuel in use.
A copy of Selection Nomogram of gravity disc, attached hereto, for Mitsubishi Kakoki
Model SJ 60T, shows how to select a gravity disc for a particular flow rate, separation
temperature and specific gravity. Maintain a constant flow rate and ensure that the
flow meter is functional.
(Refer to the operation manual and attached Nomogram.)
(3) De-sludging operation of purifier
In order to remove heavy deposits of sludge, de-sludging should be done more
frequently. It should, however, be done every two hours at a minimum, depending
upon the quality of the fuel.
Vessels must use a decanter, if fitted, when heavy sludge is found from the purifier.
(4) Drain quantity from HFO settling & service tanks
In order to avoid the abnormal wear of cylinder liners/piston rings, the seizure of fuel
pump plungers, etc., a certain amount of drain must be removed from the bottom of
tanks. Drain should be removed thrice a day - in the morning, at noon and in the
evening prior to starting the machinery operation under M0 control.
Check the condition of the drained fuel and inform the Chief Engineer of the result for
necessary action.
For effective separation, the ideal setting temperature for the settling tank is 60C and
that for service tank between 85 - 90C.
(5) Fuel oil
Fuel oils of today are produced on the basis of a wide variety of crude oil through
refinery processes.
Practical experience has shown that, because of incompatibility of different oils,
certain fuels may tend to become unstable when mixed together. A mixture of
incompatible fuels when stored in double bottom tanks or settling tanks, may stratify
and sometimes result in rather large amounts of sludge being discharged by the
purifier; in some cases the operation of the purifier is hampered. It follows that mixing
different fuels should be avoided as far as practicable. However, if a problem is
encountered as a result of unavoidable mixing, when a fuel tank is changed over to
another, the settling & service tanks should be drained as far as possible and checked

in order to take appropriate action. If a problem still persists even after the above
measures are taken, the use of chemicals should be considered under advice from the
(6) Pre-heating of fuel oil before injection
In order to ensure correct atomization, the fuel oil must be pre-heated before injection.
The necessary pre-heating temperature is dependent upon the specific viscosity of the
oil in use.
Inadequate pre-heating (i.e. too high viscosity) will influence combustion, may cause
increased cylinder liner wear, be detrimental for valve seats and result in too high
injection pressure, leading to excessive mechanical stresses in the fuel oil system. In
most installations, pre-heating is carried out by means of steam, which is controlled by
a viscosity regulator. It is essential that the viscosity regulator is well maintained.
From service experience, a viscosity of up to 20 cSt after the pre-heater is allowed.
(7) Filters
Line filters can trap solid particles down to a certain size. Experience has shown that
very fine screen filters tend to become clogged frequently and practically impossible to
clean properly, if the cleaning interval is prolonged. Automatic back wash
(secondary) filters and 'Hope' filters (including by-pass filter), where fitted, should also
be opened up and cleaned at certain intervals. It is therefore essential that such
frequency of cleaning and maintenance should not be unduly reduced. The primary
filters in the fuel oil purification system and fuel oil service system should be cleaned
twice a day, in the morning and in the evening prior to the start of machinery
operations under the M0 control.
Any unusual condition of the filters caused by cloggage must be reported to the Chief
Engineer for his necessary action.
(8) Fuel oil additives
Additives should be used after receiving instructions from the management company.
Ensure that stocks of Unitor product Fuelcare & Diselite and Nalfleet product
Combustion Catalyst or Maxi-Mize Regular are available at all times.
(9) Bacteria removal from diesel oil (Anti-mould additive)
Unitor product Fuel Oil Biocide and Nalfleet product Diesel Oil Stabiliser should be
stocked on board at all times. Prior to receiving diesel oil, a dose of anti-mould
additive should be poured in the relevant diesel oil tanks every time.
Remarks: Unitor product Fuel Oil Biocide and Nalfleet product Diesel Oil Stabiliser
should be stocked on board at all times.
(10) Maintenance

In order to ensure efficient purification, the primary & secondary filters, purifier and
decanter should be maintained in good working order. Reference should be made to
the TOMAS-PM E/R FO/LO Pre-treatment System and the respective makers
instruction manuals.

IV. Lessons
If everything is left unattended, something will eventually break down.

Engine Trouble Cases
File No. 1 - 023
Case name Breakage of main engine turning gear
Device name Turning Damaged Reduction State of Breakage
gear part gear damage
Maker name Model Total working
Kind of ship Date of 1986.06 Place of In standby
occurrence occurrence condition for
port entry
Cause of Hardware factor The turning safeguard system did not work.
damage/problem Software/human factor Operational mistake

I. Outline of accident
[Course of events]
When the engine room was put on standby condition for entering port, the starting air shutoff
slide valve seized at half-open position, prohibiting even manual operation of the valve.
Since the valve was kept half open, the starting air was continuously released through the
blow pipe, and the starting air reservoir pressure started dropping.
Since the pilot boat was already alongside the vessel and a forcible closure of the valve
could prevent the use of the function to open it again, she completed her berthing operation
safely, by handling the main air reservoir outlet valve (solenoid valve) by remote control,
while maintaining the starting air pressure.
After Finished with Engines, crew members started to change various machines for a port
stay condition; and following instructions from the bridge to run the engine on air, they did so
in the ahead direction after checking the indicator valves were open.
After the air run, the turning gear was found to have been engaged.

[State of damage]
(1) Three cracks were generated in the gear case.
(2) Tightening bolts for the bearing cover and the intermediate bracket fractured.
(3) The set pin hole of the intermediate bracket was partially chipped off at two locations.
(4) The motor bed plate was cracked at one location.
(5) The following damage occurred in the four-stage (final stage) reduction gear:
(a) Slight burs in the ring gear
(b) Traces in the distance bolt of scratches resulting from contact with a planet gear

[Response measures]
Since temporary repairs were impossible, the damaged turning gear was handled so that it
might not interfere with the operation of the main engine. In addition, after confirming, by

checking the main engine flywheel and its adjoining areas, that the damage would not
hamper the operation of the main engine, the vessel sailed out. The turning gear was
replaced with a fully outfitted spare after arrival in Japan.

II. Causes of accident/problems

[Hardware factors]
The shutoff slide valve seized at an open position and the turning gear safeguard system
did not function.

[Software/human factors]
(1) While running the engine on air, the turning gear was engaged.
(2) The engine was run on air without checking the turning gear engagement/
disengagement pilot lamps.

III. Measures to prevent recurrence

[Hardware aspects]

[Software/human aspects]
The damage this time occurred during work to change over to a port stay in an atmosphere
of relief after the trouble of the shutoff slide valve and the crew members involved seem to
have let their guard down slightly as compared with in departure from port.
In addition, this accident could not have occurred without any one of the factors enumerated
above, which fact reminds us of a horror by an accidental coincidence.
The damage, however, involved a lack of the following basic matters and strict adherence
to them could have prevented the accident:
(1) Matters which require special attention concerning the state of equipment should be
known to those engaged in the operation of such equipment.
(2) The operator of a machine should give thorough feedback to the department head of
the state of operation.
(3) Crew members should be thoroughly inculcated with the importance of checking safety
with body action (pointing with a finger).

IV. Lessons
Take care! Failure to follow basics might lead to an accident at any time.

2. Diesel generator
Engine Trouble Cases
File No. 2 - 001
Case name Blackout in standby condition
Device name Diesel Damaged State of Operational
generator part damage stop
Maker name Model Total working
Kind of ship PCC Date of Place of In standby
occurrence occurrence condition for
port entry
Cause of Hardware factor Reduction in fuel oil pressure
damage/problem Software/human factor Operational mistake

I. Outline of accident
[Course of events]
No. 1 diesel generator was in operation when the engine room was under a standby
condition for entering Benicia. After starting No. 2 diesel generator, a crew member
opened three turns the HFO inlet valve for No. 2 D/G in an attempt to change over from DO
to HFO, when a blackout occurred (No. 1 D/G tripped), forcing the vessel to deviate from her
course to strand on a sand bank.

[State of damage]
The bottom paintwork was slightly scraped off.

[Response measures]
The power source was restored thereafter and the vessel refloated under her own power.

II. Causes of accident/problems

[Hardware factors]
After starting No. 2 D/G, the engineer in charge made a mistake in valve handling and
opened the HFO inlet valve while the DO outlet valve was still open (the DO outlet valve had
atmospheric pressure); as a result, the HFO line pressure abruptly dropped (6 to 1.5 kg/cm2).
This produced bubbles, bringing about the formation of vapor locks and blocking the supply
of HFO to No. 1 D/G, which was in operation, to a halt.
The correct operations to be followed are as described below:
(1) Open the HFO outlet valve.
(2) Close the DO outlet valve.
(3) Open the HFO inlet valve.
(4) Close the DO inlet valve.
If the above-mentioned sequence is followed, the fuel oil inlet line pressure will never drop

below 5.6 kg/cm2.
However, at the time of the incident, because the operation in (3) above was done first, the
HFO pressure dropped to that of the DO return line.

[Software/human factors]
(1) In a standby condition, critical equipment should be all kept in a normal running
condition. In this case, the problem lies in the fact that an attempt was made to start
an additional generator prime mover when the engine room was already in a standby
(2) For the handling of the essential portions of the critical device, no instructions were
displayed on site.

III. Measures to prevent recurrence

[Hardware aspects]
The piping arrangement was modified in the next drydocking so that even a mistake in the
handling order would not cause a blackout.

[Software/human aspects]
In a standby condition, the generator engine should be handled in the following manner.
(1) Near the operating place at the side of the engine, operating instructions should be
conspicuously posted.
(2) Before the engine room is put in a standby condition, the standby generator engine
should be started and the necessary number of units be put, and continuously kept, in
parallel operation.
(3) When the engine room is in a standby condition, engineers and engine ratings should
pay attention to changes in temperature, pressure, etc. of the running engines and
stand by in the engine room to address unforeseen events.
(4) Under standby condition, two generators should be running. If the load is low then one
generator should run in idle condition.

IV. Lessons
When the engine room is placed in a standby condition, even an instantaneous blackout
might lead to grounding like this. In a worst scenario, it might lead to a serious accident,
such as a collision.
In present situation, the vessel did not sustain any substantial damage, but those concerned
should think that the vessel was only lucky and that the fortune might well have turned


Engine Trouble Cases
File No. 2 - 002
Case name Damaged crankshaft of generator engine
Device name Generator Damaged Crankshaft, State of Burnout
engine part etc. damage
Maker name Yanmar Model M200L-UN Total working 5 years after
time built
Kind of ship Bulker Date of Place of
occurrence occurrence
Cause of Hardware factor Insufficient tightening of connecting rod bolts
damage/problem Software/human factor Disregard of manual

I. Outline of accident
[Course of events]
The vessel was discharging cargo, with 2 generator engines running in parallel, when No. 2
generator tripped suddenly because of low lube oil pressure.

[State of damage]
The following damage was found with No. 5 cylinder:
(1) The connecting rod bottom end bearing metal was missing;
(2) Many bearing metal fragments were found on the crank case bottom plate;
(3) Scoring marks and a dent on the crankpin, with its surface dull in color; and
(4) The connecting rod bolt head collar was deformed.

[Response measures]

II. Causes of accident/problems

[Hardware factors]

[Software/human factors]
For proper handling of engine room machinery, engineers are required to familiarize
themselves with operations manuals provided by respective makers. There are cases,
where the information given by instruction manual has been changed or revised from the
original one, in such a case the maker issues an after-sales service information (service
bulletin), to follow the improved method of maintenance.
An engineer has to follow the necessary changes made in the maintenance procedure
otherwise it may often lead to accidents.
Engineers must read service bulletins whenever they are distributed to the vessel from the

managing company even if the equipment is not belong to their vessel; and when they
handle the equipment on board a different vessel, they can recall their memory and refer to
the bulletin again.

III. Measures to prevent recurrence

[Hardware aspects]

[Software/human aspects]

IV. Lessons


Engine Trouble Cases
File No. 2 - 003
Case name Water ingress into piston top space
Device name D/G Damaged Conrod / State of Bent /
part Liner damage Fracture
Maker name Model Total working
Kind of ship Container Date of Place of S/B for
occurrence occurrence departure
Cause of Hardware factor Leak of intercooler warming fresh water
damage/problem Software/human factor Mishandling

Outline of Accident
[Course of Events]
No. 1 A/E was started from the bridge console remotely for parallel service. However, it
failed to start. Investigation revealed water leakage had occurred from the air cooler/heater
heating tube, and this was the cause of the failure to start. After plugging the leaking tube,
the engine was started with no further checking. A few minutes later the LO strainer
differential pressure abnormal alarm sounded and an abnormal noise from the crankcase
was heard. The engine was stopped manually.

[State of Damage]
A general investigation was made and the following damage was found:
(1) No. 5 and 6 connecting rods were bent.
(2) No. 5 and 6 cylinder liners were broken.


Cause of Accident / Underlying Problem

[Mechanical Factors]
The cause of the damage was the compression of water, originating from the air
cooler/heater via the intake valves.

[Human/Software Factors]
(1) Except when automatically starting the S/B machine MO, it is usual to start the A/E
locally. When starting locally, the procedures described in Preventive Measures below
should be followed to prevent this type of incident occurring.
We have experienced similar cases, with varying sources of the water:
a) Rain from the funnel. Rain leaked into the cylinder, via the exhaust pipe and turbo

charger (T/C), due to clogging of the exhaust drain pipe;
b) Cooling fresh water for T/C;
c) Heating fresh water for air heater; and
d) Cooling seawater for air cooler.

(2) When the water leakage from the air cooler was discovered after the initial failure to
remote start the A/E, a thorough investigation of the cause should have been made.

Preventative Measures
[Mechanical Aspects]

[Human/Software Aspects]
The cause of this accident can be put down to insufficient checking prior to starting the
engine. The following measures should be taken to avoid similar A/E troubles:

(1) No water leakage has occurred, by checking the air intake drain and T/C drain;
(2) Air blowing is done before starting;
(3) Drain valve for air intake and T/C are kept open while engine is out of service;
(4) Drain valve for air intake and T/C are adjusted daily, and water ingress is regularly
checked for; and
(5) Drain pipe for exhaust drain pot is checked periodically.

Whenever problems occur when starting the engines, a thorough check of all possible
causes should be made. Also, the preventative measures should be applied at all times.

Except for water compression of leaking cooling water, leaking water can cause
contamination to fuel oil and system oil, with the following consequences:
System Oil Emulsification of L.O.Need to separate and purify.
Fuel Oil Fuel oil should be completely replaced.

Engine Trouble Cases
File No. 2 - 004
Case name Fracture of intake valve of generator engine
Device name Generator Damaged Intake vale State of Fracture
engine part damage
Maker name Yanmar Model 8Z280L-UX Total working 11,035
time hours
Kind of ship Container Date of 1998.10.23 Place of
ship occurrence occurrence
Cause of Hardware factor Excessive clearance between air inlet valve
damage/problem stem and guide
Software/human factor Disregard of manual in maintenance work

I. Outline of accident
[Course of events]
At 1113 hours No. 3 D/G EXH. GAS T/C IN HIGH TEMP. and ROCKER ARM LO LOW
PRESS. sounded. Around the same time, an explosive sound occurred in the vicinity of
the funnel. On the generator side, the generator engine was immediately stopped since
cooling water was observed spewing from No. 6 cylinder cover and the rocker arm lube oil

[State of damage]
(1) No. 6 cylinder
1) The rocker arm for the air intake valves fractured.
2) The T-yoke came off.
3) The exhaust valve cage was lifted up by 6 mm.
4) The push rod for the exhaust valve was bent.
5) The surface of the cam for the exhaust valve was scratched.
6) The tappet roller guide for the exhaust valve fractured and the roller distorted and
was caught up.
7) Fracture of the air intake valve stem. And guide heavily scored.
8) Impact marks, and damage to, the piston crown.
9) Cylinder liner heavily scored and its upper end partially chipped off.
10) Cylinder head combustion chamber struck and damaged.
(2) No. 5 cylinder
1) Intake valve stem bent.
2) Piston crown damaged.
(3) Turbocharger
1) Nozzle ring stuck and damaged all around the peripheral area, and partially holed.
2) Rotor blades deformed all around the peripheral areas.

3) Cover ring struck and damaged all along the internal surface, resulting in an
enlargement of its internal diameter.

[Response measures]
(1) No. 6 cylinder
1) The cylinder liner was renewed.
2) The piston, etc. were renewed.
3) The connecting rod was renewed.
4) The rocker arm and the Exh. Valve tappet guide were renewed.
5) The push rod was renewed, and other repairs made.
(2) Turbocharger
1) The turbine blades were renewed.
2) The nozzle ring was renewed.
3) The cover ring (diffuser) was renewed, and other repairs made.
(3) Others
The cam shaft was renewed, and other repairs made.

II. Causes of accident/problems

[Hardware factors]
Originating from the No. 6 cylinder intake valves fracture and coming off as the direct cause,
the damage expanded to No. 5 cylinder and the turbocharger as a consequence. The
fracture of No. 6 cylinder intake valve is presumed to be ascribed to the following:
(1) Investigation result
1) The intake valve stem sustained scars, on the contact surface, of catching up
foreign material and scuffing.
2) The gap between stem and guide expanded to 0.8 mm as compared to the
maximum clearance of 0.5 mm, with the inside surface of the guide discolored.
3) From the operational need of the diesel generator, it was often used at low loads,
and even kept idle for a long period, and rocker arm lubrication tends to become
insufficient, promoting precipitation of carbon.
(2) Presumed causes
1) As a result of insufficient rocker arm lubricating oil, metal to metal contact between
valve stem and guide, enlarging the clearance between them. When the
generator engine was kept idle for a long period, carbon precipitated, making the
intake valve sticky in the opened state.
2) The intake valve and piston came in contact, resulting in a bend of the root section

of the valve head. As a result, the valve came to show an abnormal tendency to
3) When the intake valve was repetitively opened and closed, the T-shaped bridge
came off and depressed the valve more than normal, resulting in its fracture.

[Software/human factors]
(1) When performing regular maintenance work on the cylinder cover, the engineer
disregarded the standard value, found in the makers manual, of wear permitted for the
clearance between intake valve stem and guide. That is, the gap increased to 0.8 mm
as against the permissible value of 0.5 mm.
Maintenance work should never be carried out carelessly. Engineers are naturally
required to take measurements of the clearance, as specified by the manual, and
should always be keen to detect any signs of abnormality.
(2) The engineers were inconsiderate to the operation.
If the diesel generator tend to run at low loads from its operational necessity and, it is
kept idle for an extended period, the engineers must be considerate for its operation in
order to avoid potential harms from such operational necessity. Engineers should
decide to change over to diesel oil before stopping the generator engine, put loads on
the engine at times during an extended period of its operation, or sometimes operate
the standby engine.
(3) Is there no problem with the management of the running condition?
The damage occurred at 1113 hours ships time, which was generally the time when
crew member should have been engaged in taking parameters reading and didnt they
notice abnormal sounds beforehand? Similar incidents we have experienced in the
past, abnormal sounds, including hitting sounds, have been reported during inspection
rounds as a precursor of an accident.

III. Measures to prevent recurrence

[Hardware aspects]
The insufficient lubrication of rocker arms generally results in damage to tappets, but when a
valve seizes, it is usually ascribed to an increased clearance between stem and guide or to
combustion residues caught up in between. The contact surfaces between valve stem and
guide are designed to stay without lubrication and the increase in the clearance may induce
a rise in lube oil on one hand but also promote precipitation of carbon as a result of the entry
of combustion gases (including unburnt gas).
When performing maintenance work on cylinder covers, ensure to adhere to the clearance

recommended by the maker.

[Software/human aspects]
(1) When engaged in maintenance work, do not proceed with the operation in lockstep.
Engineers are required to take measurements of the clearance, whose permissible
value is specified in the manual, and should always look for any signs of abnormality.
(2) Give consideration to the operation so as to keep the best condition.
(3) During a watch or M0 check, or a job for the maintenance of the ship operation, never
blindly follow fixed routine procedures but tackle jobs, ready to let no signs of change go
unnoticed for the purpose of preventing accidents.

IV. Lessons
Accidents may happen any time, you should never let off. Always memorize the knocking or
noise of a satisfactorily running machinery, so that any abnormal sound can easily be

Engine Trouble Cases
File No. 2 - 005
Case name Abnormal stop of generator engines
Device name Generator Damaged Solenoid stop State of Leak
engine part valve damage
Maker name Yanmar Model 6GL-ET Total working
Kind of ship Date of 1998.01.18 Place of While sailing
occurrence occurrence in river
Cause of Hardware factor Deterioration of control air system over years of
damage/problem use
Software/human factor Poor maintenance

I. Outline of accident
[Course of events]
A rise in control air pressure for the diesel generators activated the air pistons of the
solenoid stop valves, and stopped the two diesel generators in operation, causing a

[State of damage]
The maximum pressure the solenoid stop valves for the D/G are designed to withstand
(pressure at which no leak occurs in the seat section) is 30 kg/cm2, but they leaked at a
pressure of about 11 kg/cm2.

[Response measures]

II. Causes of accident/problems

[Hardware factors]
Since the control-air-direct-acting type pressure reducing valve produced 15 kg/cm2 against
the set value of 9 kg/cm2 as a result of a malfunction of its pilot valve. On the other hand,
the solenoid stop valves for the diesel generators leaked because of their deterioration over
years of use, actuating the air pistons of the engine stop valves, leading to the blackout.

[Software/human factors]
The solenoid valve has a tell-tale hole to check a leak and when a leak is confirmed here, its
replacement is required. In the case of this accident, no leak came to notice before it.

III. Measures to prevent recurrence

[Hardware aspects]
(1) Yanmar

The fact that the solenoid stop valves for prime movers are normally in a stop position,
accelerates the deterioration of the seat section. It follows that, with idle prime movers,
there is a need to check leaks of control air from solenoid valves in the closed position
by gradually increasing the inlet pressure of the following solenoid valves from 0 to 15
kg/cm2 and removing the outlet nipples from all solenoid valves.
Solenoid stop valve
Starting air solenoid valve
Control air solenoid valve
(2) Daihatsu
There is a need to conduct a leak test on the solenoid valve for a fuel shutdown
(equipped ever since 1985), which supplies control air to the stop cylinder for a fuel
shut-down, provided for each fuel pump by removing the outlet nipple as in the case of

[Software/human aspects]
Old vessels are expected to experience malfunctioning of various parts of the control air
system and crew members are required to make further efforts to inspect and maintain them

IV. Lessons

Engine Trouble Cases
File No. 2 - 006
Case name Fuel oil overboard spill incident
Device name Generator Damaged DO stand State of Leak
engine part pipe damage
Maker name Model Total working 2 years after
time built
Kind of ship VLCC Date of 1998.01.06 Place of Piloting
occurrence occurrence along the
US Coast
Cause of Hardware factor Mistake in pipe arrangement
damage/problem Software/human factor Mistake in valve handling

I. Outline of accident
[Course of events]
2100 hours on January 4 The fuel for No. 1 diesel generator was changed over from HFO
to DO and the generator was stopped.
0200 hours on January 6 The second mate discovered a spill of fuel oil on the starboard
deck and immediately reported to the master and the engineer
on watch.
The leak originated from the stand pipe air vent for the
diesel generator system. It is ascribed to a failure to shut the
HFO inlet valve to No. 1 D/G. The valve was immediately shut
and the leak was stopped.

[State of damage]
Since one of the scuppers in the vicinity of the leaking air vent was not plugged, 3.0 barrels
(465 liters) Max., of the spilled oil, of about 1.5 barrels escaped into the sea.

[Response measures]

II. Causes of accident/problems

[Hardware factors]
(1) Defective piping arrangement which provides no other ways to keep up extra oil in the
event of a leak through the HFO inlet valve.
(2) Imperfect display of the changeover of valves on the CCR display panel.

[Software/human factors]
(1) The first engineer boarded the vessel on December 22, 1997, and, at the time of the
accident, he handled the valves related to the fuel oil system for the diesel generator for

the first time on board the vessel. However, for those engaged in the operation of a
vessel, such thing will not serve as an excuse. Even if all crew members are replaced
upon the take over of a vessel.
(2) Mistake in M0 checks
In spite of M0 checks made twice, one on January 4 and the other on 5, the crew
members who did the check overlooked the mishandling of the valve. M0 checks are
intended to inspect not only the operating conditions of various devices but also the
states of the other devices kept idle or on standby. A long list of items for M0 checks
does not make an excuse for a mistake in checking. Engineers should devise
something to prevent such mistakes, by, e.g., preparing a manual for M0 checks.
(3) There was no instructions, which showed the operating method on site.
In the handling of valves of this kind, there is a possibility of an accident even by a
different order of valve handling. Operating instructions should be displayed at site.

III. Measures to prevent recurrence

[Hardware aspects]
The vessel had a piping arrangement that allowed an extra oil, when it leaked through the
IFO inlet valve, to escape only into the air vent pipe. This situation was corrected by
modifying a pipe line which leads of the air vent to the overflow tank.
According to our specifications, the line is designed to lead such oil to the overflow tank or
service tank or a settling tank.

[Software/human aspects]
(1) In order to prevent an accident of this kind through M0 checks, the checklist should be
(2) Instructions on the valve handling should be posted on site.

IV. Lessons
When the machinery spaces are periodically left unattended, engine trouble is often
detected during inspection rounds before it develops into a serious accident.

Engine Trouble Cases
File No. 2 - 007
Case name Incident during Water Washing of D/G Turbocharger
Device name Generator Damaged Connecting State of Bend
engine part rod damage
Maker name Yanmer Model M200-L-EN Total working Unknown
Kind of ship Date of 1999.03.29 Place of
occurrence occurrence
Cause of Hardware factor Water compression
damage/problem Software/human factor Mistake in operational procedures

Outline of Accident
[Course of Event]
The vessel used to water wash the turbine side of the turbocharger of the diesel generator
engine at intervals of approximately one week. Washing should be done with no load on
the prime mover, but the crew member who took load off the prime mover, before starting to
do the job as routine work on March 29, pressed the Full Auto Stop button while
maintaining the generator engine control mode select switch in Auto on the main
switchboard. As a result, the prime mover automatically came to a halt seven minutes after
the air circuit breaker was opened.
The engineer in charge made an attempt to restart the prime mover locally, but it made only
a few turns and did not get started. Since even after the prime mover ground to a halt,
wash water was still left being admitted, and found its way to cylinders through the exhaust
manifold and exhaust valves, the cylinders were subjected to water compression, resulting
in water leaks around No. 4 cylinder head.

[State of Damage]
After the prime mover was opened for inspection, the distortion of No. 4 cylinder connecting
rod and impact marks in the lower portion of its liner were found. Fortunately, the diesel
generator did not suffer any additional damage.

[Remedial Measures]

Cause of Accident / Underlying Problem

[Human/Software Factor]
(1) This accident could have been prevented only if the engineer in charge had
contemplated such matters as What part of the engine is filled with water? upon the
automatic stop of the diesel generator during water washing. This type of accident is

considered avoidable only if it is sufficiently recognized that if water finds its way into a
cylinder, it will bring about such a dreadful result; only if the basic principle is well
understood that a liquid does not undergo compression but a pressure rise.

Lube oil mixed with water does not serve its purpose.

If, unfortunately, water has found its way into an engine, the engine should be started
only after all the parts which have the possibility of the accumulation of water have been
overhauled to check for water.

(2) During washing, it must be checked to ensure that drains are discharged out of the

Preventive Measures
[Mechanical Aspect]
When the generator engine stops during a water washing operation of the turbocharger,
suspend the water washing; and thereafter check the cause of the stoppage. As there is a
possibility of water entering a cylinder liner or exhaust pipe, check various parts.
(a) Open each indicator valve and check for water inside the cylinder by use of the turning
(b) Check whether no drain has accumulated in the casing of the turbocharger.
(c) Remove trapped drains by running the engine on air.

[Human/Software Aspect]
Nothing is more dangerous than overfamiliarity. The recent switchboard requires only a
push of a button and is very easy to operate, but a mistake in the simple action of pressing a
button would result in the stoppage of the machine. Operate it only after making sure that it
is exactly the action you are going to take.

Accidents of this type have occurred frequently. Be aware of the danger of water

We have another recent case related to water washing of a D/G turbocharger: Crew
members washed the turbocharger without the knowledge that the drain pipe was clogged,

resulting in the prime mover damaged by water compression. In this case, it was
impossible to check the flow of drains since the drain pipe was not discontinued to lead to a
hopper. This fact was considered to be a major contributory cause of the accident.
Following this accident, the manufacturer accommodated our request and improved the
drain piping to lead to a hopper. The turbocharger which sustained the damage taken up in
this issue has a draining arrangement leading to a hopper.

Engine Trouble Cases
File No. 2 - 008
Case name Fractured T-yoke guide for diesel generator
Device name Diesel Damaged T-yoke State of Fracture
generator part damage
Maker name Daihatsu Model 6DS26A Total working 36,271
time hours
Kind of ship Date of 1993.03.13 Place of At sea
occurrence occurrence
Cause of Hardware factor Maladjustment
damage/problem Software/human factor Maladjustment

I. Outline of accident
[Course of events]
While at sea, No.2 D/G T/C inlet temperature high (500C) alarm sounded, the engineer in
charge made an inspection on site and detected an abnormal condition with the rocker arm
section of No. 1 cylinder.
He immediately changed over to the standby generator engine and stopped No. 2 generator

[State of damage]
(1) The T-yoke guide for No. 1 cylinder fractured at its base section where it is attached to
the cylinder cover.
(2) The exhaust pipe for each cylinder was red hot and part of the insulating material was
(3) The engineer in charge confirmed, visually and by hand touch, normal condition with No.
1 piston and liner.

[Response measures]
The fractured T-yoke guide was replaced and the tappet clearance with each cylinder was
checked and adjusted.

II. Causes of accident/problems

[Hardware factors]
The failure is attributed to the maladjustment of the contacting surfaces between T-yoke
guide and both exhaust valves, upon making a tappet adjustment.
Accidents of this type have frequently occurred in the past.

[Software/human factors]

Maladjustment was the cause of the trouble.

III. Measures to prevent recurrence

[Hardware aspects]
Make adjustments in the following manner:
(1) Before fitting a rocker arm, adjust the tee by operating its adjusting screw so that the T-
yoke and both exhaust valves come closely in contact with each other.
On that occasion, pay special attention to the adjustment of the screw by, e.g.,
smearing the contact surface with bearing red. Sections marked B and C should come
in contact simultaneously.
(2) Adjust the tappet clearance A.
Note: If the adjusting screw is operated to make readjustments of B and C in a warm state
with the rocker arm in position, there is a large probability of the T-yoke unevenly
coming in contact with both exhaust valves.
The recheck in a warm state should be restricted to the tappet clearance A.

[Software/human aspects]

IV. Lessons
In this case, all the engineers and ratings happened to stay in the engine control room when
the abnormal condition occurred and, therefore, they were able to respond to the situation
quickly (changed over to the standby unit in two minutes after the alarm sounded) before it
could cause a serious accident; but this may happen when the machinery spaces are left
unattended at night.

Engine Trouble Cases
File No. 2 - 009
Case name Generator engine trouble, resulting in dead ship
Device name Generator Damaged Fuel pump State of Wear
engine part damage
Maker name Yanmar Model GL-UT680 Total working 10 years
time after built
Kind of ship PCC Date of 1991.10.28 Place of While sailing
occurrence occurrence in South
China Sea
Cause of Hardware factor Excessive wear of fuel oil pump
damage/problem Software/human factor Mistake in taking response action in emergency

I. Outline of accident
[Course of events]
After leaving Kobe for Jeddah on October 22, the vessel was sailing in the South China Sea,
avoiding the approach of Typhoon No. 23. On October 28 a blackout occurred on board
the vessel at 1645 hours. The engineers made attempts to start the diesel generators in
vain and used up starting air, making the vessel dead, without her ability to sail and
communicate with outside.

[State of damage]
Excessive wear of the plungers and barrels of all fuel oil pumps for all generator engines
and poor maintenance of all fuel valves.

[Response measures]
(1) The vessel requested its management company for assistance by a tugboat through a
vessel sailing nearby since there was a bank in its vicinity and the waves were high.
Around 2100 hours on October 29, a tugboat left from Singapore for the vessel.
(2) At around 2200 hours on October 30, we instructed another vessel under our charter to
near the vessel to grasp the current situation of the vessel in question and convey our
instructions, including bleeding air from the fuel oil system of the diesel generators.
The engine department of the vessel in distress completely washed the fuel oil line up
to the end of the fuel oil valves and, after waiting for the (manual) emergency air
compressor to fill the auxiliary air reservoir (it took 8 hours), made attempts to start the
generator engines in vain.
(3) The vessel, whose towing operation by the tugboat to Singapore was commenced
around 1335 hours on October 31. Around 1900 hours on November 2 a barge loaded
with a portable generator arrived and power restored. The cause was at last identified,
excessive wear of plungers and barrels of the fuel pumps.

Finally at 1640 hours on November 3, she managed to start the generator engines. By
the adjustment of the physical properties of the blended oil on our advice, and, make
capable of sailing under her own power. After that, the vessel dropped her anchor in
Singapore Eastern Anchorage around 2200 hours on the same day.
(4) One of our chief engineers flown and visited the vessel to give advice on repairs and
check her seaworthiness. He confirmed that the vessel was capable of sailing with
spare fuel pumps and fuel valves arranged and supplied. She sailed out for Europe
around 1600 hours on the next day.

II. Causes of accident/problems

[Hardware factors]
While blended oil was being used, strainers were clogged seemingly as a result of the rough
seas, stopping the diesel generators in succession. Engineers made attempts to start
them after changing over to DO and cleaning lines, but failed to obtain the necessary fuel
injection pressure to start them because of poor maintenance on the fuel valves and the
excessive wear of the fuel pump plungers and barrels also caused by poor maintenance.

[Software/human factors]
(1) Sufficient maintenance was not performed on the generator engines. (In the case of
the accident in question, maintenance on the fuel oil system.)
(2) The engineers were not aware of the fact that poor maintenance obstructed them from
starting the generators.
In this case, the engineers made attempts to start generators again and again on less
viscous marine diesel oil despite excessive clearances between plungers and barrels
resulting from excessive wear. In addition, since blended oil was used till the stoppage
of the generators, the fuel oil system was kept heated. If the engineers grasped the
situation properly, they could have coped with the emergency situation by, e.g.,
increasing the ratio of HFO in the blended oil.
(3) Without any prospect, they made useless attempts to start, resulting in the loss of
compressed air.

III. Measures to prevent recurrence

[Hardware aspects]
(1) At Singapore, the engineers replaced fuel pump plungers and barrels of Nos. 1 and 3
cylinders of No. 1 diesel generator with spare parts (used ones) on hand under
instructions given by our chief engineer but it did not work well without any effect to

raise the Pmax higher than the other cylinders nor any change in the condition of the
smoke, which was slightly black in color before the replacement, coming out of the
funnel. It did not bring about any effect as expected since the spares used had poor
(2) The vessel loaded 18 new sets of fuel pump plungers and barrels (for 3 units of diesel
generator) and 12 fuel valves (for 2 units) at the port and it was decided to substitute
them one by one after departure from the port since the present state was not feared to
interfere with her seaworthiness.
(3) The excessive abrasion of the fuel pump plungers and barrels of diesel generators
caused concerns over similar abrasion in the main engine and the dispatched chief
engineer collected and checked various data. On the basis of the fact that the load
index did not show any rise at the same fuel notch, he concluded that the abrasion of
the fuel pumps in the main engine had not progressed so much.

[Software/human aspects]

IV. Lessons
There is nothing so miserable as dead ships. We would like to avoid such a situation by all
means. Daily efforts are essential to be prepared to evade the worst scenario even in

Engine Trouble Cases
File No. 2 - 010
Case name Slip of generator engine fuel valve cams
Device name Diesel Damaged Fuel cams State of Slip
generator part damage
Maker name Daihatsu Model DLB-22 Total working
Kind of ship Date of Place of
occurrence occurrence
Cause of Hardware factor HFO remaining inside fuel oil system when
damage/problem engine was kept idle
Software/human factor Mishandling

I. Outline of accident
[Course of events]
During parallel operation, a diesel generator engine was stopped on HFO without opening
the air circuit breaker.
A few hours later, the engineer in charge noticed the abnormal condition of the idle engine.
He has changed over HFO to diesel oil and made an attempt to start. Engine fail to run on
normal rpm because of poor combution.

[State of damage]
When the FO pump timing was measured for the purpose of investigating into the cause of
the poor combustion, slips of a great extent were found as follows:
The regular angle is 18 BTDC (before top dead center).
Cylinder No.
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 163 320 147 9 17

[Response measures]

II. Causes of accident/problems

[Hardware factors]
The DL-type diesel engine, which exclusively runs on HFO, is designed to have fuel cams of
a taper-sleeve type, as a safeguard, so that they slip when subjected to excessive load.
This means that the torque to tighten the camshaft nuts are determined so that the cams will
slip when the internal pressure of the injection pump becomes about twice that under the
maximum load, for the purpose of protecting fuel oil pumps, high pressure pipes, etc.
From the above, it is presumed that an excessive force was applied to fuel cams because of

the presence of HFO in the high pressure pipe.

[Software/human factors]
The start/stop of a generator engine should not be left to such a crew member as may stop it
before opening the air circuit breaker while it is still under load of parallel operation.

III. Measures to prevent recurrence

[Hardware aspects]
In this case, the cams slipped for their original purpose as designed by the maker.
However, there are often cases where cams slip since cam nuts are not tightened with
regular torque. They should be tightened according to the makers instructions.
Torque control tightening (135 kgm) is designated for engines of the DL-22 type. However,
for the engines, a torque wrench up to only 100 kgm is supplied. It is required, according
to the makers instructions, to tighten a cam nut up to 100 kgm with the torque wrench and,
then, turn it by 90 mm at the circumference of the cam nut.

[Software/human aspects]
We frequently encounter damage in relation to fuel cams of generator engines. Most of
such damage cases involve an insufficient changeover of fuel oil, to which operators are
required to pay attention.

IV. Lessons
Historically, diesel generator engines have been operated for a long time on diesel oil and,
even now most of the engines require a changeover to diesel oil before they are stopped.
You should be reminded that a improper changeover from HFO to MDO will basically cause

Procedures for tightening fuel cam nuts: Excerpts from operations manual for Daihatsu

Engine Trouble Cases
File No. 2 - 011
Case name Damage of attached cooling fresh water pump
Device name Generator Damaged Cooling State of Damaged
engine part water pump damage bearing
Maker name Daihatsu Model 6DL-26 Total working
Kind of ship Container Date of Place of
ship occurrence occurrence
Cause of Hardware factor Insufficient lube oil
damage/problem Software/human factor Insufficient supply of lube oil

I. Outline of accident
[Course of events]
During an inspection round throughout the machinery spaces, an abnormal condition was
found with the attached cooling fresh water pump. Generator engine changed over to a
standby engine.

[State of damage]
The cooling water pump and drive gears were damaged.

[Response measures]
Service engineers from the maker replaced the cooling water pump with a fully outfitted spare
and three drive gears.

II. Causes of accident/problems

[Hardware factors]
Bearing failure because of insufficient lube oil for the bearing.

[Software/human factors]
Insufficient supply of lube oil to the bearing.

III. Measures to prevent recurrence

[Hardware aspects]
Lube oil for the cooling water pump for the relevant engine is supplied through an oil cup and,
while oiling, the upper plug is loosened and oil is poured until it overflows the cup.

[Software/human aspects]
It is the basics to check various parts for leaks, confirm lubrication upon starting the engine,
and to check for leaks and lubrication and confirm operating parameters during operation.
Years ago, there were many parts which required oiling by hand and, therefore, it was
customary for a vessel to have a checklist for oiling. With the reduction in number of such
locations, there may be cases where vessels do not have such checklists.
If you do not have a checklist in use, a checklist should be prepared containing locations
require oiling and types of oil, according to the oiling interval.

IV. Lessons
Let us review the checklist once again to see whether every oiling location has been provided
with oil without omission.

3. Turbine generator
Engine Trouble Cases
File No. 3 - 001
Case name Damaged turbine generator worm gear
Device name T/G Damaged Worm gear State of Wear
part damage
Maker name Nippon Model FEW45D-4 Total working 14 years
Kokan K.K. time after built
Kind of ship Bulker Date of Place of
occurrence occurrence
Cause of Hardware factor Improper maintenance
damage/problem Software/human factor Failure to make checks

I. Outline of accident
[Course of events]
Since an unusual sound occurred near the gear box, crew members made an inspection,
when they found damage to the flexible coupling.

[State of damage]
Since it was found that the axial displacement of the reduction gear pinion shaft was
excessive when the coupling was removed, the casing was opened up. The state of
damage revealed was as follows:
(1) Turbine
a) Damage of the thrust bearing
b) Burnt forward and aft bearings, and oil deflecting ring
c) Marks in the form of grooves on the rotor
(2) Reduction gear
a) Displacement of the pinion shaft thrust collar by about 6 mm
b) Impact marks on the pinion shaft
(3) Wear of the worm wheel for driving the governor and LO pump

[Response measures]
Landing and repair of the pinion shaft and rotor shaft.

II. Causes of accident/problems

[Hardware factors]
All rotating parts were dirty with oil which changed into a substance like coal tar, indicating a
long period of neglect to overhaul the device for inspection. In addition, the maintenance of
lube oil seems to have been improper and dirty lube oil is presumed to have caused the
wear of the bearings, resulting in their damage.

[Software/human factors]
This accident apparently involves human factors as explained as follows and it seems
fortunate that the damage stopped at this level of severity.
(1) This accident would naturally have been prevented if crew members had not neglected
regular inspection by overhauling.
(2) Regular analysis of system oil would have indicated signs of the damage; the accident
is attributed to poor lube oil maintenance.
(3) There must have been some changes, including vibrations, in the operating condition of
the device.

III. Measures to prevent recurrence

[Hardware factors]

[Software/human factors]

IV. Lessons
Importance of proper management according to basics.

Engine Trouble Cases
File No. 3 - 002
Case name T/G prime mover damage
Device name T/G Damaged Rotor State of Partial
part damage damage
Maker name MHI Model AT34M Total working
Kind of ship VLCC Date of 1996.10.14 Place of During
occurrence occurrence cargo
Cause of Hardware factor Lube oil contamination with sea water
damage/problem Software/human factor Insufficient inspection by overhauling; poor
maintenance of lube oil.

I. Outline of accidents
[Course of events]
It occurred while the vessel was engaged in a constant-state cargo discharge. Upon the
occurrence of the accident, there was no fluctuation in the load on the boiler for the turbine
generator. The vibration of the turbine in operation was 25 micro-m because of a defect
(wear) of the reduction gear teeth.
When the damage occurred, the emergency shut-off valve was activated, but the valve seat
was in a poor state, as a result the turbine continued turning at a rate of about 200 rpm.
The shut-off valve was soon closed in to stop the operation. Attempts were made to re-
start the turbine but they were obstructed by the overcurrent trip of the electric motor.
When the bearing casing on the turbine exhaust side was inspected, it was revealed that the
bearing cap was damaged and broken up into three pieces, and its use was considered

[State of damage]
First stage rotor wheel: Two moving blades and a part of the shroud ring fractured and
Fractured blades of the first stage rotor wheel in the Fir tree root section.
The sides of all moving blades came in contact, resulting in wear; and the tips of the third-
and fourth-stage moving blades came in violent contact with the turbine casing.
Unusual weardown of the reduction gear tooth surfaces and scattering of the journal
Damage to the pinion journal bearing on the turbine side, etc.

[Response measures]
The following parts were replaced:

a) Turbine wheel (assembled part with blades)
b) Reduction gear (pinion, wheel)
c) Stuffing box on the turbine exhaust side, bearing support, bearing cap, bearing support
d) All turbine glands and labyrinth packings
e) Oil deflector on the turbine exhaust side
f) Bearing on the turbine exhaust side, pinion journal bearing, etc.

II. Causes of accident/problems

[Hardware factors]
Pitting corrosion on the tooth surfaces of the reduction gear caused by lube oil contaminated
with sea water, induced vibrations, which were amplified, resulting in the fracture of the
first-stage moving blades of the turbine rotor directly connected with the pinion shaft. This
defect caused the run-out of the turbine rotor starting from the pinion bearing, increasing
damage to various parts (particularly on the exhaust side).

[Software/human factors]
(1) Generally, if system oil is contaminated with water, water drops must become
noticeable in the sight glass when its quantity reaches a level of about 0.3%.
An attitude to take notice of any slight change is necessary when crew members make
inspection rounds; one oil drop or water drop on the floor may serve as a clue to defects
which, if addressed at an early stage, may prevent development into serious accidents.
For that purpose, cleaning at other times is required to keep the floor clear of oil or
water. If water drops are not readily observable because of a dirty sight glass, such a
situation itself underlies a problem which may lead to an accident at any time.
(2) Regular inspection by overhauling the gear case would have prevented the accident.

III. Measures to prevent recurrence

[Hardware factors]

[Software/human factors]

IV. Lessons
Water content in system oil must not be overlooked.

Engine Trouble Cases
File No. 3 - 003
Device name T/G Damaged Turbine rotor, State of Scatter
part other damage
Maker name Kawasaki Model EGE MK- Total working 8 years
Heavy 2A time
Kind of ship Date of 1997.01.11 Place of /B for
occurrence occurrence departure
Cause of Hardware factor Seizure of fulcrum pin of maneuvering valve
damage/problem start-up lever
Software/human factor Lack of expertise in operation

Outline of Accident
[Course of Event]
(1) As a preparation for routine maintenance work on the lube oil cooler, a crew member
stopped No. 2 turbo-generator (T/G) by actuating the manual shutdown device of the
main stop valve. After finishing the work, crew members began the start-up operation
of the T/G.
(2) In this type of T/G, since sufficient hydraulic pressure cannot be obtained for driving the
governor at a low speed of the directly connected lube oil pump in the initial stage of a
start-up operation, the T/G is started by intentionally lifting the start-up lever (the lever is
set in position by a hook) to force open the maneuvering valve (governing valve) (see
the attached Fig-1) and its speed increased by gradually opening the main stop valve.
This start-up lever is arranged to be automatically disconnected at a speed of about 500
rpm and, thereafter, the governor is to control the speed of the T/G.

In this case, crew members started the T/G and increased its speed to 800 rpm
according to the above procedure, but the start-up lever did not get disconnected.

Five minutes later, it further increased to a range of 900 to 1000 rpm with the start-up
lever still connected.

(3) After confirming that main stop valve hook for reset (see the attached FIG-2) was
disconnected at around 1,000 rpm and checking the hydraulic pressure, the person in
charge gradually increased the speed to slightly less than 1,800 rpm.
(4) They continued the operation in this condition. However, as the start-up lever did not
come off as a result of the sluggish move of the governing valve, the crew member
opened the main stop valve by 1/8 to 1/6 turn when the speed was slightly below 1,800

rpm. The T/G speed suddenly rose to 2,300 rpm.
(5) Following the sudden rise in speed, the person in charge made an attempt to shut the
main stop valve. Because he felt he needed some extra effort to close the valve, he
continuously pressed the manual shutdown lever of the main stop valve, but the T/G
speed increased on the contrary.
(6) After leaks of steam from the short piece pipe between the main steam valve and main
stop valve came to the notice of the crew members, a large amount of steam burst out
through the piece flange together with a report.
(7) The person in charge stopped the T/G by shutting the main steam valve. The main
stop valve suddenly began to move lightly without extra efforts to close it.

[State of Damage]
The damage described below was caused by the T/G overspeed as a result of its inability to
be controlled and it proved to be a serious accident, requiring six months for its recovery.
(1) Turbine rotor:
Part of the shroud rings blown away; more than half of the blades in the final stage blown
away; rotor bent; and coupling bolts fractured.
(2) Casing:
Bulges found in the final stage of both upper and lower casings; and labyrinth completely
(3) Reduction gear casing:
Reduction gears worn down; lower half bearing support cracked; and upper half coupling
bent and cracked.

Cause of Accident / Underlying Problem

[Mechanical Factor]
(1) First of all, the maneuvering valve start-up lever did not come off as expected at 500
rpm as a result of the seizure of the fulcrum pin of the lever.
(2) When the main stop valve handle was operated to open it, the main valve of the stop
valve cracked open.
(3) A pressure difference was generated at the main stop valve by the flow of steam since
the maneuvering valve was half open through the operation of the maneuvering valve
start-up lever.
(4) The pressure differential generated a force 4.5 times that in normal condition, and
pulled the stem of the main stop valve toward its closure.
(5) The valve stem was pulled with such an abnormal force that the person in charge felt he

needed an extra effort to operate the main stop valve handle and, as a result, the main
stop valve hook for trip (see the attached FIG-2) did not come off.
(6) When the operator then pushed the manual shutdown lever, the set pin of the trip lever
(7) With the fracture of the set pin, the upper hook for trip kept staying in position, making it
impossible to shut down the main stop valve.
(8) With one hook for trip caught up in position, the valve stem was pulled with a force of
1,800 kg, generating side pressure. When the operator tried to shut the main stop
valve with both hands, it did not budge for this reason.
(9) The turbine was destroyed with a report as a result of its overspeed. The impact upon
its destruction accidentally released the upper hook, resulting in smaller efforts required
to turn the handle.

[Human/Software Factor]
The direct cause of this accident lies in the seizure of the fulcrum pin of the maneuvering
valve start-up lever, which resulted in the levers incapacity to released. It is attributed as a
root cause, however, to the operators misjudgment and lack of understanding that when the
lever did not come off, he continued gathering speed without considering it an abnormal

Preventive Measures
The type of T/G found on board the vessel in question is not common. In this model, the
start-up lever, which is set before the T/G is started, is automatically released as the T/G
gains speed. While the probability of a similar accident is extremely low in the case of T/G
manufactured by MHI and Shinko, it is a requirement for the operator to handle machines,
not restricted to turbo-generators, with extreme care on the basis of a good understanding of
their mechanisms.

The T/G, which is operated at high speed, often results in serious damage once an accident
occurs. Without a good knowledge of its structure, it is impossible even to detect an
abnormal condition in an early stage.

Engine Trouble Cases
File No. 3 - 004
Case name Damage to turbine generator by turning for excessive period
Device name Turbine Damaged Bearing State of Flaking, etc.
generator part damage
Maker name Shinko Model DN12-5 Total working 50,360
Industry time hours
Kind of ship Container Date of 1989.04.25 Place of
ship occurrence occurrence
Cause of Hardware factor Deterioration of bearings resulting from rotation
damage/problem by turning gear for long time
Software/human factor Insufficient understanding of operating

I. Outline of accident
[Course of events]
Around 1500 hours the HIGH TEMP ALARM sounded for bearing temperature of 75C.
When the alarm sounded, the turbo generator was operating under an approximately 60%
load, with the lube oil inlet temperature at 40C and the inlet pressure at 1.8 kg/cm2, both
normal values.
Immediately, the lube oil inlet temperature was lowered to 35C and the priming pump was
put in continuous operation to increase the lube oil inlet pressure to 2.3 kg/cm2.
When past records were checked, this bearing showed a gradual increase in temperature
from about last two years, hinting that the damage was not a sudden accident without any

[State of damage]
(1) White metal in the lower bearing on the turbine coupling side sustained flaking and
other damage.
(2) Renewal of coupling oil.

[Response measures]
(1) Renewal of the white metal on the turbine coupling side (check of the alignment).
(2) Injection of new coupling oil.

II. Causes of accident/problems

[Hardware factors]
The DNN- or DNM-type turbine is a direct-drive type generator turbine running at a low
speed of 3,600 rpm. As a measure to improve turbine efficiency by overcoming the low
speed, it employs a 12 stage-Rateau turbine and increases the pitch circle diameter (PCD)

of the moving blades to a large 700 mm. As a result, the rotor weight reaches as heavy as
1,340 kg for the DMN6 type.
Reduction-geared turbines (RG63, 64, 65) are 6-stage turbines at a speed of about 10,000
rpm, with a moving blade PCD of 450 to 500 mm, and a rotor weight approximately 35%
lighter as compared with DN-type turbines, allowing a prolonged turning period (24 hours;
maximum to 48 hours).

[Software/human factors]
It is extremely difficult to prevent damage in a case like this where operating parameters
change over a long period. It is, therefore, necessary to regularly grasp changes which
occur over years in comparison with the data of shop trials and sea trials. It is common to
do this in cases of main engines and diesel generators but seems rather rare with other
devices. However, there are also many cases in the past where such type of management
proved to be effective to prevent damage.

III. Measures to prevent recurrence

[Hardware aspects]
Carry out turning according to the following makers instructions.
Before starting: Min. 10 min. Max. 30 min.
After stopping: Min. 15 min. Normally 30 to 40 min. Max. 60 min.
Reasons to set the turning time as mentioned above:
(1) The rotor is heavy and, therefore, the formation of an oil film between journal and white
metal is inadequate when it is rotated with the turning gear.
(2) When it is rotated with the turning gear for a long time, the middle part of the bearing will
generate heat, since nearly no oil is admitted, and become very hot, disrupting the oil
film and resulting in the flaking of part of the white metal and in a greater load applied to
it. The situation sometimes develops into scoring.
(3) When rotating at a rated speed, the rotor weight will be uniformly carried on the bearing
(see Fig. 1), but when rotating with the turning gear the weight concentrates on the
lowermost portion of the bearing (see Fig. 2).

[Software/human aspects]
It is necessary to grasp changes in operating parameters over the years with reference to
data in shop trials and sea trials.

IV. Lessons

Engine Trouble Cases
File No. 3 - 005
Case name Burnt out lagging around turbine generator steam drain pipe
Device name Turbine Damaged Drain pipe State of Burnout
generator part damage
Maker name Model Total working
Kind of ship Date of 1982.05.14 Place of
occurrence occurrence
Cause of Hardware factor Oil stain on lagging
damage/problem Software/human factor Poor maintenance

I. Outline of accident
[Course of events]
Around 1300 hours smoke was found coming out from the surrounding of No. 1 turbine
generator casing. The generator prime mover was changed over to the standby diesel
engine immediately and No. 1 turbine was stopped. After taking the shield of the casing off,
crew members started removing part of lagging in order to investigate the site of smoke, the
lagging burst into flames. They put the fire out by using a carbon dioxide gas fire
extinguisher placed nearby.

[State of damage]
When the remaining lagging was inspected, it proved to be almost soaked with oil up to the
pipe surface. When No. 2 turbine generator was inspected, the lagging showed the same
condition as in the case of No. 1 generator.

[Response measures]
The first flaming up was extinguished within a few seconds with a CO2 gas extinguisher,
since it was smoldering smoke came out thereafter, the crew members used another six
portable fire extinguishers (3 CO2 gas and 3 foam extinguishers), replaced badly stained
lagging with insulating material on hand.
The leaking points of bearing oil and governor oil were all tightened further and oil pans
were improved to prevent splashing of oil over the lagging.

II. Causes of accident/problems

[Hardware factors]
The inspection of the relevant part conducted after the fire was extinguished, hinted the
following possibility: With oil which was penetrating little by little from the bearings and
governor, the lagging of turbine casing drain pipe (15A) and the drain pipe for control (15A),

began smoldering by the heat of superheated steam and went into flames as it came in
contact with fresh air when the lagging was removed.

[Software/human factors]
Stains of lagging not only give the impression of poor maintenance but also have the
possibility to cause an actual fire as shown by this case. It may also cause a delay in the
discovery of new leaks.
It is desirable to keep lagging clean at all times.

III. Measures to prevent recurrence

[Hardware aspects]

[Software/human aspects]
Oil stained lagging should be renewed.

IV. Lessons
In the engine room, there is always a potential danger of fire.
Looking around once again, we should perform maintenance keep in fire hazards in mind.

4. Boiler
Engine accident cases
File No. 4 - 001
Case name Malfunction of auxiliary boiler rotary cup burner
Device name Auxiliary Damaged Burner State of Seizure
boiler part damage
Maker name Osaka Model Sun Flame Total working 3 years after
Boiler time built
Kind of ship Container Date of Place of
ship occurrence occurrence
Cause of Hardware factor Malfunction of the fuel oil regulator valve
damage/problem Software/human factor Poor maintenance

I. Outline of accident
[Course of events]
While the boiler was in operation, it tripped by flame failure as a result of poor combustion.
When the cause was being investigated, it was found that a large amount of fuel oil (about
1,500 liters) had accumulated inside the furnace.

[State of damage]

[Response measures]

II. Causes of accident/problems

[Hardware factors]
Inside the oil regulating valve positioned upstream of the burner, O rings hardened,
resulting in the seizure of the spindle. (Fig. 1)
The oil regulating valve is connected to the control motor and air damper via a link
mechanism. The seizure of the valve seemingly resulted in a deformation of the
connecting part (Fig. 2), making the air-oil ratio out of the proper range and the excess fuel
dripped into the furnace.
Although the combustion condition deteriorated, it was within the normal range of the flame
detector and the operation continued, leading to the accumulation of a large amount of fuel
oil in the furnace.

[Software/human factors]
This incident is almost solely attributable to human factors, including poor maintenance and
insufficient checks on the operating condition. The incident was discovered before it
developed into a serious accident, but the situation was so serious that it would not be
surprising if a delay in its discovery would have caused a fire or explosion.

III. Measures to prevent recurrence
[Hardware aspects]
Since the portion in question is automated and frequently out of sight, it is necessary to
conduct function tests and perform maintenance at regular intervals.

[Software/human aspects]
The condition inside a furnace is monitored by the flame eye only for flame failure and
abnormal dripping of unburned oil can be detected by no other means but visual inspection.
The check on the operating condition at all times is important.

IV. Lessons
The crew members may feel relieved at the narrow escape from a serious accident, but the
accumulation of such events may lead to a serious one.

Reference information
On board a newbuilding, when employees of the shipbuilder were operating the boiler, after
the sea trial, in preparation for the operation of cargo oil pumps, explosive combustion
occurred inside the furnace, resulting in damage. The cause of the accident is presumed
to be as follows: Unburned oil accumulated in the bottom of the furnace and evaporated as
the boiler combustion chamber was warmed up. The furnace was filled with vapors and,
since it was not sufficiently purged of the vapors beforehand, they caught fire from the
burner flame and exploded. It was a serious accident, resulting in the boiler tube panel
bent as much as 472 mm at a maximum.

O rings


Fig.1 the oil regulating valve

To air damper

control motor

To the oil regulating valve

damaged part

Fig.2 a link mechanism

Engine accident cases
File No. 4 - 002
Case name Hole of water tube boiler water wall
Device name Auxiliary Damaged Water wall State of Corrosion
boiler part damage
Maker name SSK Model SSK AMD Total working 3.5 years
Kind of ship VLCC Date of 1993.11.22 Place of At sea
occurrence occurrence
Cause of Hardware factor Corrosion by dripping water from outside water
damage/problem tubes
Software/human factor Insufficient check and maintenance

Outline of Accident
[Course of Event]
When making an inspection of the boiler on site before lighting off the main burner from the
auxiliary burner, a water leak was found from the forward starboard casing. An inspection
after removing the casing and lagging material, three tubes on the forward water wall were
confirmed to be spewing water.

[State of Damage]
The third and fifth tubes (outer side) on the forward water wall were holed at a height about
50 cm above the lower header. The fourth tube was also found leaking slightly.

After a changeover from the auxiliary burner to main burner, the boiler pressure was lowered
to about 4 kg/cm2 and the holes were measured to be 2 to 4 mm in diameter. They were
temporarily repaired with patches.
After the vessel returned to Japan, the defective tubes were repaired by the maker by
cutting off the affected parts, which were replaced and padded.

Cause of Accident / Underlying Problem

[Mechanical Factor]
The smothering steam valve inside the wind box was found leaking. As a result of the leak
for a long time, the lower portion of the wind box was corroded through. Water drops found
their way to and ate away the water tubes from outside.

[Human/Software Factor]
The damage in question was caused as follows: The steam valve for smothering fire,
which should have been kept closed at ordinary times, had been leaking for a long period

and, the leak water corroded the tubes through.

Preventive Measures

(1) We often encounter accidents arising from corrosion and erosion as a result of leaky
steam valves. It is necessary to ensure that steam valves which are usually kept
closed are actually in such a state.
(2) The condition inside the furnace must be checked at regular intervals.

As the proverb goes, Constant dripping wears away the stone, bear in mind that on board
vessels almost made up of steel, drippings pierce in a short time.





Engine accident cases
File No. 4 - 003
Case name Explosion of boiler combustion chamber
Device name Auxiliary Damaged Boiler casing State of Damage to
boiler part damage boiler tubes,
duct, etc.
Maker name MES Model WTB-65M Total working 13 years
Kind of ship VLCC Date of 1993.12.02 Place of During
occurrence occurrence discharging
cargo work
Cause of Hardware factor Furnace filled with unburnt gas
damage/problem Software/human factor Insufficient post purge

Outline of Accident
[Course of Event]
While a tanker was being discharged at a seaberth in Japan, the oxygen content of the IGS
rose as a result of a reduction in the load on the boiler. The person in charge manually
reduced the air ratio, when the combustion condition became unstable.
Some time later, a flame failure occurred in the boiler. Since the combustion condition still
stayed unstable after that, the person in charge kept monitoring the combustion on site.
Immediately after he left the site for inspecting other machines, an explosive noise,
seemingly a back fire, was issued.

[State of Damage]
One tube each on the forward and aft water walls suffered leakage; the duct for the forced
draft fan system sustained cleavages, opening 50 to 80 cm at a maximum, along the four
welded seams over the entire length (3.5 m); the expansion joint on the boiler gas outlet side
was distorted and holed; the gas outlet casing was distorted; tubes on the forward and aft
water walls bulged slightly.

[Remedial Measures]

Cause of Accident / Underlying Problem

[Human/Software Factor]
In order to maintain the oxygen content of inert gas at 5% when the boiler was under a low
load, the vessel coped with the situation by reducing the air feed rate. The combustion
condition in the furnace, hence, was unstable as a result of an air shortage.
In such a condition, the boiler tripped. After the boiler was lighted off according to the
automatic sequence, the air feed rate was abruptly increased in a poor combustion condition.

This situation presumably produced an explosive atmosphere, and resulted in an explosion.

Preventive Measures
[Mechanical Aspect]
The IG mode (which automatically sets the load for proper oxygen concentration) was
additionally built into the boiler control system.

[Human/Software Aspect]
(1) Before lighting off a boiler, thoroughly purge the furnace of possible gas accumulations;
and check the combustion condition (residual oil on the furnace bottom) after the burner
caught fire. Set all the safeguards and alarms on at all times.
(2) On board vessels with a boiler without the function of the IG mode, cope with a low
load operation of the boiler by dumping steam in order to obtain inert gas of proper
oxygen content. When the load on the boiler is low, there is no way other than
increasing the load. A reduced flow rate of flue gas through the exhaust pipe, when
the IG fan is working at an excessive capacity, results in an increase of air taken in from
the upper part of the funnel, which in turn leads to a rise of oxygen concentration of the
innert gas.

Boilers were manually lighted off in days gone by, and those engaged in such operations
used to feel fears at a small back fire before they got used to it. Burns as a result of a back
fire was not uncommon those days.
Operate boilers on the basis of a good understanding that lighting off a boiler accompanies
dangers at any time.

Engine accident cases
File No. 4 - 004
Case name Damaged composite boiler tubes
Device name Auxiliary Damaged Smoke tubes State of Water leak
boiler part damage
Maker name Osaka Model Vertical Total working
Boiler composite time
Kind of ship Bulker Date of 1992.07.11 Place of At sea
occurrence occurrence
Cause of Hardware factor Thermal distortion
damage/problem Software/human factor Poor response to incident

I. Outline of accident
[Course of events]
(1) At about 0037 hours on July 11, an overflow of the cascade tank was found and a boiler
water test for salinity showed 2,800 ppm.
(2) At 0050 hours on the same day, the main engine was slowed down to 90 rpm and the
condenser was overhauled to conduct a pressure test. Leaks were found in three
tubes and they were stopped up with plugs.
(3) During this period, the boiler was blown to replace the boiler water.
(4) Around 0500 hours, a water leak was observed from smoke tubes and, as a result of an
inspection, it was found that a considerable number of smoke tubes were leaking.
(Leaks from the front end fire side tubes.)

[State of damage]
The expanded tube portions were found so distorted by heat that it was impossible to insert
an expander.

[Response measures]
It was decided that the repair work would be carried out in Ulsan by an agent of the maker.

II. Causes of accident/problems

[Hardware factors]
When replacing boiler water, the engine should have been stopped; almost all the boiler
water was blown while the main engine was running at 90 rpm, and water was replenished
resulting in expanded tube portions distorted.
The accident occurred shortly after the total renewal of all smoke tubes of the boiler at the
end of March 1992.

[Software/human factors]
Thermal distortion will naturally result if all boiler water is blown and water is fed in a state
where the main engine exhaust gas exceeding 300C continues to flow.

III. Measures to prevent recurrence

[Hardware aspects]

[Software/human aspects]
There is a need to fully understand the structure of the equipment and physical principles.

IV. Lessons
It is an unbelievable story, but it actually occurred. There is no shortage of such stories.

Engine accident cases
File No. 4 - 005
Case name Carryover as result of increase in salinity of boiler water
Device name Auxiliary Damaged Condenser State of Leak
boiler part damage
Maker name Mitsubishi Model MC-110A Total working
Kind of ship Container Date of 1992.08.10 Place of At sea
ship occurrence occurrence
Cause of Hardware factor Increase in salinity of boiler water
damage/problem Software/human factor

I. Outline of accident
[Course of events]
(1) Around 1000 hours on August 10, ti was ascertained that the condenser hotwell
salinometer showed 15 ppm, a value far greater than the usual 2 ppm.
The actual measurements were 250 ppm in the hotwell and 1,500 to 2,000 ppm in boiler
Assuming a rupture in the condenser tube, crew members started a continuous blow.
(2) Around 1715 hours on August 11, the actual measurements of salinity maintained the
same level as the day before, but alarms of T/G Governor Full Open and T/G Load
Over Flow went off while the turbo generator (420 kW) and two diesel generators (each
420 kW) were running in parallel, and one minute later the T/G air circuit breaker
opened up as abnormal.

[State of damage]

[Response measures]
(1) Around 1820 hours, the vessel anchored at Port Said and inspected the T/G and steam
pipe system but failed to find any abnormal condition; and conducted a T/G parallel
running test.
When the T/G air circuit breaker load sharing equipment was set in either Proportion
or Over Flow mode, the T/G air circuit breaker opened up around 400 kW and 200 kW,
After the test was completed, the T/G was stopped and a continuous blow of the boiler
water was carried out.
(2) After a transit through the canal on August 12, the vessel anchored off the Port Suez at
1800 hours to repair the condenser. (Striking brass plugs to leaking pipes.)
(3) After repairs on August 13, the T/G ACB was closed and it proved to work in good


II. Causes of accident/problems

[Hardware factors]
The leak of the condenser tubes caused a rise in salinity of the boiler water, resulting in
carry-over, i.e., supply of moist steam mixed with drain, leading to the accident in question.
(However, the proximate cause of the ACB trip was not identified but a frequency reduction
is presumed to have caused it.)
In addition, the large differences between values indicated by the hotwell salinometer and
those by actual measurements were ascribed, as a result of an investigation thereafter, to a
mistake in connecting it to a 200V outlet as power source instead of 100V.

[Software/human factors]
This accident is a typical example which shows that, even in the case of a round boiler,
which is said to be relatively resistant against carryover, the mixture of sea water might
easily cause priming and furthermore, depending on the degree of the carryover, secondary
damage to the T/G.

III. Measures to prevent recurrence

[Hardware aspects]

[Software/human aspects]
Generally, the contamination of boiler water with seawater from a leak of the condenser tube
is said to produce actual salinity more than twice that displayed by the salinometer. It
follows that it takes proper maintenance of boiler water at all times and immediate response
actions in the event of seawater finding its way into boiler water.

IV. Lessons
The contamination of boiler feed water with salt requires repairs as early as practicable.

Sea water has a range of salinity from 20,000 to 30,000 ppm with electric conductance of
40,000 micro-s/cm and the boiler water of the vessel was condensed to about 1/10 of the
salinity of seawater when the accident occurred.

Engine Trouble Cases
File No. 4 - 006
Case name Boiler combustion with excessive vibration during operation of IGS
Device name Auxiliary Damaged Burning State of Combustion
boiler part appliance damage with
Maker name Model Total working
Kind of ship Oil tanker Date of 1990.05 Place of
occurrence occurrence
Cause of Hardware factor Drop in oxygen content
damage/problem Software/human factor Operation management

I. Outline of accident
[Course of events]
When a tanker was being discharged at night, a situation occurred in which residents in the
vicinity felt the combustion vibration of the boiler although it was not felt on board the vessel.

[State of damage]
The vibration caused by combustion in the vicinity of the burner resonated in the
surrounding environment.

[Response measures]
(1) Prepare a plan to discharge cargo in such a way that fluctuations in loads on the boiler
are avoided at night as far as possible.
(2) Disseminate, among crew members concerned, matters which require attention on the
basis of the cargo handling plan.
(3) Perform perfect maintenance work on the boiler and related auxiliary equipment.
(4) Avoid operating the boiler at a low oxygen content level and maintain an oxygen
content of 4% or over even during load fluctuations. In addition, assign a person at all
times so that response action may be taken manually.
(5) Install a low oxygen content alarm in the inert gas continuous recorder.

II. Causes of accident/problems

[Hardware factors]
Vibration was caused in the vicinity of the burner as a result of excessively low ratio of air to

[Software/human factors]
Even if the vibration may not have been felt at other parts of the vessel, it must have been

felt on site.
Since such phenomena as the following will occur:
(1) The fire flame will vibrate;
(2) The smoke indicator will oscillate; and
(3) The oxygen content meter will oscillate;
the situation can be detected easily. Even if there is no problem with the continuous
combustion of the boiler, there is no excuse for continuing such a situation as may be seen
as a problem by nearby residents.

III. Measures to prevent recurrence

[Hardware aspects]
The operation of a boiler at a low oxygen level may cause not only combustion
accompanying vibration but also a large-scale backfire. Pay special attention to the
following boiler operation parameters:
(1) Oxygen content: 3 to 5%
(2) Smoke indicator reading: 0 to 2
(3) Air ratio set dial position: Around 1.0

[Software/human aspects]

IV. Lessons
It was lucky to receive complaints from nearby residents. If such a situation is left
unattended, it will possibly lead to a serious accident.

Engine Trouble Cases
File No. 4 - 007
Case name Black smoke emission while in port
Device name Auxiliary Damaged Burning State of Black
boiler part appliance damage smoke
Maker name Osaka Model Total working
Boiler time
Kind of ship Date of 1990. 06 Place of Singapore
occurrence occurrence
Cause of Hardware factor Fractured pin for damper link
damage/problem Software/human factor Defective inspection and maintenance

I. Outline of accident
[Course of events]
While the vessel was staying in Singapore, the flame eye detected a flame failure and shut
off fuel oil. The crew member in charge made repetitive attempts to ignite the boiler without
knowing the cause of the flame failure, during which the vessel emitted black smoke for
about 10 minutes.
At that time, the windows of offices in the town were kept open from 1700 hours with air
conditioners stopped for saving energy and the black smoke was flown away on a breeze of
4 to 5 m/sec toward the office area. Since complaints were presented from the office area,
the port authority warned the vessel.

[State of damage]
The pin for the damper link mechanism for the boiler (Osaka Boiler dry-back marine
cylindrical boiler/burner: Volcano) wore down and fractured, resulting in a short supply of

[Response measures]

II. Causes of accident/problems

[Hardware factors]
The pin had been subjected to use and vibration for many years, leading to its wear and
resultant fracture.

[Software/human factors]

III. Measures to prevent recurrence

[Hardware aspects]

This type of trouble with the fracture of a pin kept out of sight is often experienced.
It should be added as one of the items contained in the pre-arrival checklist.

[Software/human aspects]
As for a trouble case related to black smoke emissions during a port stay, a PCC, from boiler
trouble similar to the case in question, emitted soot, which fell on a large number of vehicles
for export, parked in a private terminal. As a result, it was necessary to wash the cars
down before loading.
In addition to the fear of causing cargo stains, black smoke emissions are strictly restricted
as air pollution in some areas.
Before port entry, preparations should be made to prevent black smoke emissions with the
same care as might be taken to prevent marine pollution.

IV. Lessons
The protection of the environment is also the philosophy of the MOL fleet.

5. Exhaust gas economizer
Engine Trouble Cases
File No. 5 - 001
Case name Soot fire of exhaust gas economizer
Device name Exhaust gas Damaged LP/HP tubes State of Overheat
economizer part damage damage
Maker name MHI Model MK-2A Total working 11 years
Kind of ship PCC Date of 1997.01.11 Place /B for
occurrence occurrence departure
Cause of Hardware factor
damage/problem Software/human factor Mistake in taking remedial measures

Outline of Accident
[Course of Event]
January 10
The vessel washed the exhaust gas economizer as part of shipboard operations.
January 11
0748 hours: Departure from Antwerp
2305 hours: An order was given from the bridge to gain sea speed.
2340 hours: As the EGE exhaust gas outlet temperature began to rise, the engine speed
was reduced; but its high temperature alarm (225C) was set off. Steel balls
were sprayed and the engine speed was reduced to Dead slow ahead.
The exhaust gas temperature increased further to 350C, with emission of a
large amount of sparks.
In the engine room, crew members started two units of fresh water pumps
and began spraying water by operating eight water sprayers; and in the
meantime the second engineer stopped spraying steel balls.
2352 hours: The LP boiler circulating pump, unable to maintain its delivery pressure,
came to a stop.
Despite continuous efforts by crew members to spray water with eight
sprayers, the gas temperature went up to 450C, with the LP casing outside
paint starting to come off. The fire showed signs of intensification and the
crew members opened the four valves for water washing fitted above the
preheater to spray water.
January 12
0003 hours: The bridge was informed of an emergency stop of the main engine. Efforts
to cool down the EGE was started with two lines of fire hoses (sea water) and
fresh water hoses on deck. At this point in time the EGE outlet gas
temperature reached 658C.

0005 hours: The main engine was stopped.
0035 hours: The fire was put out.

[State of Damage]
(1) Preheater: 2 fins melted. (No leaks)
(2) LP evaporator tubes badly damaged. (Top & bottom sections melted)
(3) HP section: 10 tubes buckled & some tubes leaking.
(4) In addition, the inspection door burnt down.

[Remedial Measures]
All of the LP and HP tubes were removed.

Cause of Accident / Underlying Problem

[Human/Software Factor]
(1) The vessel stayed in Rotterdam for six days before coming to Antwerp, where crew
members water washed the EGE as excessive soot collected after a long river sailing at
a reduced speed.

The vessel was constrained in time to conduct water washing sufficiently in Antwerp as
shown in the Course of events and, she was allowed only about eight hours for the
actual operation of water washing if the time consumed for cooling and preparing for,
and inspecting the result of, water washing is excluded, since she was forced to shift
during the stay there. When the above situation is taken into consideration, the recent
soot fire is presumed to be attributed to the following:
The vessel failed to dry up the boiler sufficiently after water washing;
For this reason, the soot which had collected on the surfaces of tubes did not
adequately dry up nor come off, resulting in a large amount of wet soot left inside.

As is well known, the ignition temperature of soot drops when it gets wet. Since the
main engine was operated to gather sea speed, the resultant rise in the temperature of
the exhaust gas led to the ignition of soot in a wet state when the hot gas passed
through the EGE.

This means that the time allowed for the water washing was excessively short when
consideration is given to the time required for drying the tube surface, for the soot to
come off during its drying period, and for collecting the soot which fell off.

(2) The act of spraying steel balls to remove soot while soot fire was burning prompted the
intensity of the fire rather than weakening it.

Preventive Measures
[Mechanical Aspect]

[Human/Software Aspect]
To prevent a soot fire in the exhaust gas economizer (hereinafter referred to as the EGE),
you are requested to observe the following precautions and to take necessary
A) When Starting the Main Engine
1 When starting the main engine just after water washing of the EGE, pay close
attention to its exhaust gas side and exhaust pipe line. (After water washing, the
ignition temperature of remaining wet soot drops, and the soot ignites easily.)
2 To start the boiler water circulating pump before using the main engine due to avoid
dry out the evaporator tubes inside, and confirming the water flow.
B) Normal steaming
1 Keep the main engine combustion in good conditions to reduce as much as possible
any production of soot.
2 To produce satisfactory results of a soot blow, keep the available highest pressure
when a steam or air soot blow is made.
3 Monitor the EGE for draft loss, and blow soot more often if any increase in draft loss
as compared to that in a good condition is observed.
4 Never stop the boiler water circulating pump.
C) Slow steaming
1 To produce satisfactory results of the soot blow, increase the main engine load to
normal load during the soot blow.
2 Soot must be blown more often than during normal steaming.
D) In port
1 To prevent a soot fire, the boiler circulating pump must be run continuously for at
least 24 hours after stopping the main engine. There are cases of soot fires occurring
after the main engine has been stopped for 12 hours.)
2 Fires can be triggered due to an inflow of fresh air through the manhole, so confirm
before opening the manhole that the inside of the EGE has cooled to 150C or lower.
3 Regularly inspect the inside of the EGE, even when washing has not been carried out,

to monitor the accumulation of soot.
E) Water Washing the EGE
Water washing is the most effective method of removing soot. Carry out water washing,
bearing the following in mind.
1 Water washing must be carried out periodically at suitable intervals, depending on
the degree of soot accumulation or increased draft loss. The most effective approach
is to carry out water washing when the draft loss rises to 1.5 to 2.0 times that under a
good condition.
2 Water washing is more effective when the interior of the heating tube is still warm,
after stopping the circulating pump. Ideally, the circulating pump should be kept run
during the early stages of water washing.
3 Dividing water washing process into several stages with some intervals can perform
water washing more effectively.
4 Soot must be completely removed. Pay special attention to the inside the EGE,
where wet soot likely to accumulate. Wet soot has a low ignition temperature, and
carries a high risk of triggering a soot fire.
5 Running the circulating pump after water washing tubes enable to peel off the soot.
And using dry pressure air is more effectively.
It is, however, necessary to first reduce the boiler steam pressure, because the soot
of the evaporator tubes surface will reach to ignition temperature in case the boiler
steam pressure is 20 kg/cm2 or more.
6 To discharge any residual soot after water washing, blow soot as soon as possible
after starting the main engine.
7 Prepare a fire fighting hose near the EGE and behind the funnel to allow rapid
response to a soot-fire.
F) Way for dealing with Soot-Fires
If a soot fire occurs unfortunately, respond quickly, paying close attention to the following
matters to avoid irreparable loss.
1 If a small-scale soot fire occurs, ensure that there is sufficient circulating water to cool
the heating tube, while carefully monitoring the circulating pump for cavitation.
Parallel operation of two pumps is preferable.
2 Choking off the oxygen supply is effective in fighting a soot fire. Arrange in advance a
practical method for doing this.
3 Spray water onto the EGE casing to cool it.
4 If the heating tube in the EGE is damaged, and leakage of circulating water is
observed, stop the circulating water pump. Otherwise, there is a risk of causing a

high temperature oxidation reaction of steel.
5 After the fire has been extinguished, open the manhole to confirm that the casing has
sufficiently cooled. If the casing is still hot and the fire has not completely died out
inside the EGE, a fresh supply of oxygen will reinvigorate the fire when the manhole
is opened.

The exhaust gas economizer needs sufficient water washing, drying and collection of soot
which has come off after drying, when the danger of soot fire is taken into account. With
this in mind, the department head must draw up an operational plan which enables crew
members to have sufficient time for the operation, including preparation and clearing work
after the operation.

It is known that, in an atmosphere with steam remaining inside as a result of steam leakage
from broken boiler tubes caused by a fire or with steam generated from water sprayed inside
an economizer, iron is oxidized more rapidly than in dry air or in oxygen. If an atmosphere
containing steam is created when oxidation of iron occurs at a high temperature resulting
from a soot fire, the oxide film on the iron surface cracks and peels as a result of internal
distortion caused by the heat generated by oxidation. This phenomenon is called break-
away oxidation and, as far as the peeling effect of the film continues oxidation accelerates.
If the temperature reaches over 700C, the heat generated by the high temperature
oxidation of steel pipes increases rapidly and leads to the melting of the tubes.

In the recent case, it is highly possible that this phenomenon promoted the fire. However, it
is also known that spraying a large amount of water at one time in the early stage of a fire is
very effective for extinguishing fire.

In any case, spraying water for a soot fire depends on the situation and it is impossible to
generalize the effect of water spraying.

Engine Trouble Cases
File No. 5 - 002
Case name Main engine operational disorder resulting from fouled exhaust gas
Device name Exhaust gas Damaged State of Fouling
economizer part damage
Maker name Osaka Model Fin type Total working 12 years
Boiler time after built
Kind of ship VLCC Date of 1999.05.23 Place of While at sea
occurrence occurrence
Cause of Hardware factor Poor combustion
damage/problem Software/human factor Insufficient operational control

I. Outline of accident
[Course of events]
April 20 Departure from the MSD dockyard, Singapore. The preheater was renewed
and the exhaust gas economizer cleaned.
May 23 The rising tendency of the main engine exhaust gas temperature came to notice.
May 27 The main engine turbocharger inlet high temperature alarm (490C) sounded
and to maintain of the normal engine speed at 70 rpm became difficult.
At this point in time, the vessel ascribed the exhaust gas temperature rise to the
quality of the fuel oil since it coincided with the time that No. 1 FO tank was used
to the bottom. Her managing company also instructed the vessel to change
over the fuel tank to use.
May 29 Even after the complete changeover to fuel oil from the new tank, the running
condition did not improve, and the exhaust gas temperature increased further,
forcing further reduction in engine output. At this point in time, the vessel
attributed the situation to the fouling of the turbocharger or fuel valve failure as a
result of the use of fuel oil of poor quality, but rough seas at that time prevented
the stop of the main engine to overhaul for inspection.
May 31 Although the vessel anchored temporarily on the east coast of India and
overhauled the turbocharger for inspection, it was found normal.
The managing company instructed the vessel to inspect the exhaust gas
economizer and spark arrester.
1530 hours: The fouling of the exhaust gas economizer was confirmed and the
operation to wash it, was started.
2015 hours: The water washing operation was completed.
2200 hours: Main engine trial.
June 1 0015 hours: Full away was rung on the engine telegraph.
0200 hours: The recovery of operating parameters to normal was confirmed.

[State of damage]
Soot adhered to the exhaust gas economizer in a considerably wet (very sticky) condition.

[Response measures]
The exhaust gas economizer was water-washed. Approximately 60 tons of wash water
was used.

II. Causes of accident/problems

[Hardware factors]
Excessively high main engine back pressure caused by the fouling of exhaust gas
economizer, and a drop in the performance of the main engine accompanying it, resulted in
a rise in exhaust gas temperature.
Crew members did not notice the fouling of the exhaust gas economizer earlier because the
differential pressure gage for it was broken then.
According to experiments once conducted by Kobe Diesel Co., Ltd. to determine the
relationship between main engine back pressure and exhaust gas temperature, the back
pressure at which it is conspicuously reflected in an increase in exhaust gas temperature, is
said to be 500 mmAq or over. The main engine back pressure was not measured this time,
but it is thought that it probably reached a back pressure of the same level.

[Software/human factors]
It is needless to say that there lied a big problem with the fact that the exhaust gas
economizer got so fouled in only a month as to set off the main engine exhaust gas high
temperature alarm, restricting the operation of the vessel, but, on the other hand, there is a
need to pay attention to the human factors that crew members did not rectify the broken
differential pressure gage, important for the operational control of the main engine and for
the maintenance of the exhaust gas economizer itself, and that it took excessive time for
them to become aware of the fouling of the economizer as a cause of the exhaust gas
temperature rise of the main engine.
As for the condition of the exhaust gas economizer of the vessel then, the preheater was
unusable (the motor for the recirculation pump burned out). The soot blow was made six
times a day.

III. Measures to prevent recurrence

[Hardware aspects]

[Software/human aspects]
The fouling of an exhaust gas economizer can be assessed not only by differential
pressures but also changes in the differential between economizer inlet and outlet
temperatures and in the rate of evaporation, but reading differential pressure daily and
grasping its rising tendency is most effective. There is a need to provide maintenance on
the basis of trend data, not to blindly follow a customary maintenance schedule, e.g., once
every certain months.

IV. Lessons
The exhaust gas economizer of a fin type may get so fouled to exceed the load limit of the
main engine only in one month. There are even cases where the main engine surges in
one month, depending on the turbocharger matching.

6. Pump
Engine Trouble Cases
File No. 6 - 001
Case name Failure of M/E Piston cooling pump to deliver sufficient water
Device name M/E piston Damaged Impeller State of Foreign
cooling part damage matter
pump caught up
Maker name UBE Model Total working 7.5 years
Kind of ship Container Date of 1993.09.27 Place of At sea
ship occurrence occurrence
Cause of Hardware factor Foreign matter caught up
damage/problem Software/human factor Insufficient maintenance

Outline of Accident
[Course of Event]
While the vessel was sailing in rough weather, the delivery pressure of the M/E piston
cooling pump dropped suddenly, triggering main engine Auto Slow Down. An inspection
of various parts revealed that the pump delivery pressure and electric current were showing
values lower than normal, suggesting foreign matter caught up in the pump impeller,
reducing its performance.

[State of Damage]

Thinking that there was a possibility that foreign matter was caught up in the pump impeller,
crew members started to open up the pump. However, they found it difficult and
abandoned the plan since the pump was a type whose main body was installed inside a

They studied how to remove the foreign matter, and decided to employ compressed air.
They removed the pump outlet pipe and fitted the pumps outlet side with a flange having a
coupler for air blows. They then made an air blow at a pressure of 6 kg/cm2 in the opposite
direction, which successfully removed the foreign matter caught inside the pump, recovering
the pumps full capacity.

As a result of an inspection of the piston cooling tank after arrival at the next port, sludge
which seemed to have caught up in the impeller was confirmed.

Cause of Accident / Underlying Problem
[Mechanical Factor]
Foreign matter caught up in the pump impeller reduced its performance.

[Human/Software Factor]
Failure to clean the piston cooling tank at regular intervals resulted in the accumulation of
sludge inside the tank.

The incident is a typical example of poor maintenance provided by crew members.

Preventive Measures

Clean the piston cooling tank at regular intervals.

In light of this incident, we instructed vessels concerned to inspect piston cooling tanks, and
received a report from a certain vessel that approximately 8 cans of 18 liters of oily sludge
were recovered.

The internal inspection of the tank is a maintenance item likely to be overlooked and its
maintenance, including the maintenance interval, is required to be reviewed.

The vessel was encountering a typhoon when the incident occurred. In rough weather, it is
feared that the sludge and other residual matters which have settled down at the bottom of
all tanks are agitated and sucked into pipelines.

Periodical tank cleaning is unpleasant, hard work but is very important.

With only a slight twist of fate, the incident could have led to a serious situation depriving the
vessel of maneuverability.

Engine Trouble Cases
File No. 6 - 002
Case name Breakage of upper half casing of permanent water ballast pump
Device name Ballast Damaged Upper half State of Breakage
pump part casing damage
Maker name MHI Model BHD-45 Total working 12 years
Takasago time after built
Kind of ship VLCC Date of 1988.01.17 Place of Sakai
occurrence occurrence
Cause of Hardware factor Nil
damage/problem Software/human factor Defective handling

I. Outline of accident
[Course of events]
0700 hours: The ballast pump was started to commence ballasting No. 7 P&S tanks.
0800 hours: The ballasting of No. 7 P&S tanks was completed. The ballasting operation
to top off the FPT was started.
0935 hours: The FPT was topped off and the ballast pump was stopped.
0937 hours: The discharging operation of the FPT was started by gravity since excessive
water was taken in the tank.
0955 hours: The sea valve for the ballast pump (BP04) was shut.
When the BP04 valve was completely shut, the ballast pump was damaged
with a bump in the pump room.

[State of damage]
The delivery volute section of the upper casing was blown as a piece of 670 mm in length
and 380 mm in width; and the flange section cracked over a range of about 3/4 of the
circumference at the root section.

[Response measures]
(1) The entire pump was removed and landed ashore where the upper half casing was
welded and annealed.
(2) After its mouth ring recess was bored, the pump was reinstalled on board and was

II. Causes of accident/problems

[Hardware factors]
When the FPT was being discharged by gravity, the valve BP04 at the downstream end was
shut. The moment the valve was completely shut, the water head of the FPT and the water

flow through the pipe line are presumed to have created a water hammer, causing a
pressure surge, thereby damaging the pump casing. The broken surface was glittering and
there was no sign of defects, such as corrosion or cracks, found inside the casing. No
latent defect was detected by visual inspection.

[Software/human factors]
Mistake in valve handling order.

III. Measures to prevent recurrence

[Hardware aspects]

[Software/human aspects]
(1) Preparation of a manual and thorough inculcation of basic operations.
(2) A pre-operation meeting should be held to eliminate operational mistakes.
(3) Engineer must note there is always a pump by pass line for gravity filling or discharging.

IV. Lessons

Engine Trouble Cases
File No. 6 - 003
Case name Seizure and damage of fire & ballast pump
Device name Ballast Damaged Shaft, etc. State of Burnout
pump part damage
Maker name Naniwa Model FE2V-200D Total working
Pump time
Kind of ship Container Date of 1988.03.10 Place of Tokyo
ship occurrence occurrence
Cause of Hardware factor Nil
damage/problem Software/human factor Mishandling

I. Outline of accident
[Course of events]
When ballast water was being discharged by remote control on the bridge ballast control
console, the emergency stop alarm of the fire & ballast pump appeared on the panel.
When the person in charge immediately reported to the scene, the pump was incapable of
rotating with the overcurrent relay activated, and the casing temperature was extraordinarily
high. Considering that it was as a result of seizure of the pump, he decided not to use it.

[State of damage]
(1) The carbon of the upper line bearing split and fell off.
(2) The upper impeller and casing burned and seized. The casing ring fused with the
casing cover and partly split.
(3) The casing cover was partly cracked.
(4) The impeller shaft wore down abnormally on one side and suffered bending 2.5 mm at a
maximum, suggesting that the impeller shaft was rotating with uneven contact.
(5) The stage bush burned and fused with the casing cover and shaft.

[Response measures]
The following temporary repairs were made and permanent ones were made at a later date:
(1) Although the impeller and stage bush were carefully removed from the casing cover,
they were distorted.
(2) As it was difficult to remove the upper casing ring because of seizure, it was worked
with drills and chisels and fixed with Devcon.
(3) The stage bush was removed and corrected.

II. Causes of accident/problems

[Hardware factors]


[Software/human factors]
During a deballasting operation from ballast tanks, the person in charge let the pump suck
air and continued its operation for a long time without establishing sufficient suction. He did
not bother to check suction/delivery pressure gauges.
As a result pump was running dry.

III. Measures to prevent recurrence

[Hardware aspects]
Suction/delivery pressure gauges should be operational at valve remote control stand. The
performance of any pump can be monitored only by suction/delivery pressure gauge.

[Software/human aspects]
(1) Preparation of a manual and thorough inculcation of basic operations.
(2) Review of how the watch should be kept.
(3) Discussion between the deck and engine departments and establishment of
cooperating arrangements.

IV. Lessons
There are a large number of accidents of this type.

7. Purifier
Engine Trouble Cases
File No. 7 - 001
Case name Engine room fire
Device name Diesel oil Damaged Clamp nuts State of Working
purifier part damage loose and
falling off
Maker name Mitsubishi Model SJ-E Total working
Kakoki time
Kind of ship Date of 1991.04.21 Place of
occurrence occurrence
Cause of Hardware factor Defective reassembly in maintenance work
damage/problem Software/human factor Disregard of makers manual

I. Outline of accident
[Course of events]

[State of damage]

[Response measures]

II. Causes of accident/problems

[Hardware factors]
When the diesel oil purifier was reassembled, the impellers for light and heavy liquids, inlet
pipe, socket set screws, clamp nuts, etc. were rather loosely tensioned and with the time of
operation, clamp nuts worked loose and came off, damaging the liquid inlet pipe and
distributor; furthermore, the upper and lower hood portions came in contact with the liquid
inlet pipe, causing abnormal heat and, as a result, igniting the admitted oil, leading to an
engine room fire.

[Software/human factors]
When handling equipment and instruments, engineers are required to read and familiarize
themselves with operations manuals provided by the relevant maker. In addition,
sometimes the original manuals may undergo changes as in this case and, in such cases,
after-sales service letters are issued by relevant makers, though such letters may be called
by a different name.
These letters are issued almost always as inconveniences have been experienced and it
follows, therefore, that observance of the original operations manuals may possibly lead to
Engineers must read letters of this kind whenever they are distributed to the vessel from the
managing company even if the instrument taken up in the letter is not installed on the

vessel; and when they handle the device on board a different vessel, they must recall and
consult the letter.

III. Measures to prevent recurrence

[Hardware aspects]
Precautions in tightening clamp nuts for Mitsubishi Kakoki SJ-E series purifiers were
communicated to vessels installed with such purifiers in an operating maintenance guide
issued in June 1989. We distribute again Service Information No. 069 Method to tighten
clamp nuts, which you are requested to disseminate among engineers concerned.

[Software/human aspects]

IV. Lessons
Accidents related to purifiers are prone to become disastrous ones involving a fire or
personal injuries. Engineers engaged in the operations mentioned here consider them as
routine operations due to their frequency and they tend to carry them out lightly. They
should conduct such operations very diligently in spite of the operation being a very frequent

Engine Trouble Cases
File No. 7 - 002
Case name Generation of fuel oil purifier vibration
Device name Fuel oil Damaged Vertical shaft State of Wear/break
purifier part system damage age
Maker name Mitsubishi Model SJ-4000 Total working
Kakoki time
Kind of ship Date of 1989.04.20 Place of At sea
occurrence occurrence
Cause of Hardware factor Mistake in reassembling a bearing
damage/problem Software/human factor Operational mistake

I. Outline of accident
[Course of events]
Since around April 20 at sea, No. 1 purifier (during continuous bypass purification of diesel
oil) started to vibrate increasingly. Furthermore, unusual sounds were sometimes
observed on the 22nd same month during a stay at Sakaide and it was stopped for an
overhaul, which revealed damage.

[State of damage]
(1) Breakage of the ball bearing;
(2) Fracture of the spring pin;
(3) Abnormal abrasion of the spiral gear;
(4) Abrasion of the bearing case, spring seat, ball race and slight marks of contact; and
(5) Lowering of the standard height after reassembly of the vertical shaft.

[Response measures]
(1) Inspection of the vertical and horizontal shafts and renewal of the vertical shaft bearing.
(2) Renewal of the lower bearing set screw with an oversized one and insertion of a knock
(3) Correcting the tooth surfaces of the spiral gear and machining the spring seat.
(4) Restoration after rectifying the standard height of the vertical shaft.
(5) Taking remedial measures after overhauling each purifier for inspection.
a) No. 2 fuel oil purifier
Since the lower vertical shaft bearing and the ball bearing were placed in opposite
locations, they were replaced in normal locations.
b) Lube oil purifier
Renewal of the ball bearing since it was fitted upside down.

II. Causes of accident/problems
[Hardware factors]
Since the ball bearing for the vertical shaft was reassembled upside down by mistake, the
bearing was broken under thrust force. As a result, the vertical shaft sank, causing an
imbalance, which seemingly induced abnormal vibrations.

[Software/human factors]
Disregard of the relevant operations manual.

III. Measures to prevent recurrence

[Hardware aspects]
One of the precautions in reassembly of the ball bearing of the vertical shaft is to set it with
the portion inscribed with a number down, as described in the operations manual for
Mitsubishi Kakokis Self-jector.
The manufacturer says that, since the former instructions manual (with a green cover)
before March 1979 had an attached drawing showing the assembly upside down, the
company disseminated the fact among vessels by distributing stickers for correction.
Vessels equipped with the relevant purifier are requested to check again whether the
operations manual has a correctly revised drawing.

[Software/human aspects]
Engineers are required to read instructions manuals carefully before starting to perform
maintenance and reassemble by consulting drawings.

IV. Lessons
It is expected that equipment, if reassembled in a wrong manner, will break down.

Engine Trouble Cases
File No. 7 - 003
Case name Damaged fuel oil purifier vertical shaft bearing
Device name Fuel oil Damaged Vertical shaft State of Breakage
purifier part bearing damage induced by
Maker name Mitsubishi Model SJ3000 Total working
Kakoki time
Kind of ship Date of Place of
occurrence occurrence
Cause of Hardware factor Deterioration over years of use
damage/problem Software/human factor Poor maintenance

I. Outline of accident
[Course of events]
No. 2 fuel oil purifier unusually discharged fuel oil to the heavy liquid side, with a louder
rotating sound and excessive vibration. Same stopped and changed over to No. 1.

[State of damage]
The vertical shaft was dancing, with only a half of the balls for the upper bearing remaining.
In addition, the bowl was displaced considerably below the normal level, the impeller of the
inlet tube chipped off, its cover worn down and the sealing water distributor placed under
excessive stress.

[Response measures]
(1) Vertical shaft: The upper and lower bearings were renewed and O rings
were renewed with spares.
(2) Sealing water distributor: O rings were renewed.
(3) Bowl: The scratched inlet tube was repaired and the light liquid
impeller replaced.

II. Causes of accident/problems

[Hardware factors]
The bearing for the vertical shaft should be replaced at an interval of 8,000 hours, but the
bearing in question was used for a period far greater than that.

[Software/human factors]
The damage was caused by failing to observe the maintenance standard recommended in
the makers operating manual.
The purifier of the SJ type will always fall in various types of trouble with bearings, etc. if the

suggested maintenance standards are not followed.

III. Measures to prevent recurrence

[Hardware aspects]

[Software/human aspects]
Regular maintenance work should be carried out in accordance with the makers operations

IV. Lessons
Any machine, if specified maintenance is not carried out, will eventually break down.

Engine Trouble Cases
File No. 7 - 004
Case name Water contamination of M/E System oil
Device name LO purifier Damaged M/E System State of Contaminati
part Oil damage on of water
Maker name Alfa-laval Model MOPX Total working
Kind of ship Date of Place of
occurrence occurrence
Cause of Hardware factor Mis-installing of packing
damage/problem Software/human factor Disregard of instruction manual

Outline of Accident
[Course of Events]
Whilst checking the on board M/E system oil, it was found that the water content had
increased significantly. Investigation revealed that during the discharging process the valve
cylinder had not opened due to faulty assembling of the LO purifier. This led to replacement
water and seal water entering the M/E system oil.

[State of Damage]


Cause of Accident / Underlying Problem

[Mechanical Factor]
Due to incorrect sitting of the rubber packing used to seal the operational water in the
assembling purifier, the valve cylinder did not correctly open during the discharge process.

[Human/Software Factor]
(1) Carelessness in installation of rubber packing.
(2) No running test done after the purifier was assembled.

Preventive Measures
The rubber packing is fixed using a set pin. However, it can be set to the wrong position, as
happened in this case. A similar problem has occurred previously on another vessel. An
operation test of sludge discharge must be done after assembling the purifier, and periodic
checks should be made to ensure continued normal running.

Care should always be taken to fully understand and follow the assembling instructions for
the purifier, and simply relying on past experience should be avoided.

It is important that running tests are conducted after maintenance or replacement work.



8. Air compressor
Engine accident cases
File No. 8 - 001
Case name Damage to TANABE air compressor
Device name Air Damaged Piston, etc. State of Buckling,
compressor part damage etc.
Maker name Tanabe Model H237 Total working 3,837 hours
Pneumatic time
Kind of ship Date of 1992.12.20 Place of
occurrence occurrence
Cause of Hardware factor Nut for low pressure union valve set bolt
damage/problem working loose and coming off
Software/human factor Valve clamping nut left inadvertently left unfit

I. Outline of accident
[Course of events]
0326 hours on December 20: When the vessel was sailing under M0 control, No. 2
auxiliary air compressor tripped as a result of LO low pressure. (617 hours after the
previous maintenance).
1713 hours on December 21 (next day): No. 1 auxiliary air compressor tripped from the
same cause. (864 hours after the previous maintenance).

[State of damage]
The following damage was observed in the forward cylinder in No. 2 auxiliary air
(1) Total loss of the low pressure Suc./Del. Valve;
(2) Piston head hit all over and ring grooves crushed by pressure;
(3) Fracture of the connecting rod; and
(4) Lower part of the cylinder chipped off at two locations.

[Response measures]
The damage state of No. 1 auxiliary air compressor was similar to that of No. 2; and the
intact piston together with the cylinder and connecting rod of No. 1 were used to replace the
damaged parts of No. 2 in order to make it serviceable.

II. Causes of accident/problems

[Hardware factors]
The accident is attributed to the fact that the nut for the low pressure Suc./Del. Valve set bolt
worked loose and, finally, came off.
Although it was not known in the initial investigation, another one conducted at a later date
revealed that the valve clamping nut for the purpose of preventing the tightening nut of the

set bolt from coming loose, was not fitted.

[Software/human factors]
(1) Crew members involved in the previous maintenance work inadvertently failed to fit the
valve clamping nut; they did not wonder, Wont the tensioning nut work loose without a
valve clamping nut?
(2) After the occurrence of damage to No. 2 compressor, they did not think, Is No. 1
compressor free from the same trouble?

III. Measures to prevent recurrence

[Hardware aspects]
The nut for the low pressure Suc./Del. Valve set bolt shall be properly fitted with a valve
clamping nut to prevent it from coming loose.

[Software/human aspects]
(1) In a restoring operation after an overhaul, assemble carefully by referring to the
operations manual and drawings.
(2) Unfortunately, if damage has occurred, ensure to identify the cause to prevent a
recurrence of the same trouble.

IV. Lessons
No wonder that No. 1 compressor was damaged in succession to No. 2 on board the vessel.
Similar accidents occur in succession
What happened twice will happen three times.
Take care.

Engine accident cases
File No. 8 - 002
Case name Damage to air compressor
Device name Air Damaged Piston, etc. State of Fracture,
compressor part damage etc.
Maker name Tanabe Model H-373 Total working 291/329
time hours
Kind of ship Container Date of 1991.10.28 Place of In standby
ship occurrence occurrence condition for
Cause of Hardware factor Drain backflow to high pressure suction side
damage/problem Software/human factor Insufficient investigation to identify causes of

I. Outline of accident
[Course of events]
(1) On October 28, 1991, when the engine room was put on standby to enter Kaohsiung,
No. 1 main air compressor came to a halt in an abnormal condition. An investigation
revealed a fracture of No. 2 cylinder connecting rod.
(2) On February 25, 1992, after the above damage was restored, the same compressor
stopped in an unusual situation when the vessel was on standby for departure from
Tokyo. No. 1 cylinder piston fractured in the skirt below the piston pin and seized all
around the sliding surface.

[State of damage]

[Response measures]
The drain line was rearranged.

II. Causes of accident/problems

[Hardware factors]
Since, upon the occurrence of the trouble in October, the piston also seized and the cylinder
oil nozzle was clogged, it was attributed to insufficient oiling. However, when the piston
fractured, the oil nozzle was normal, following which a further investigation was made and
the following facts were found:
The drain piping system of the vessel, which was shared by all compressors, led directly to
the waste oil tank. For this reason, the remnant pressure inside the piping system tended
to be released less easily. As a result, the drain generated by the auxiliary air compressors,
which are usually used, flowed back through the automatic drain trap which is fitted to the

intercooler drain pipe for No. 1 main air compressor and located closer to auxiliary
compressors, to the high pressure suction side and accumulated there. This presumably
caused the cylinder liner, high pressure suction valve, etc. to rust and run short of oil films
during operation, resulting in the damage this time.

[Software/human factors]
The initial investigation was insufficient to identify the true cause of the damage.

III. Measures to prevent recurrence

[Hardware aspects]
Concerning newbuildings from now on, we have decided to request each shipbuilder to give
sufficient consideration to the piping to handle drains.

[Software/human aspects]
We have disseminated information on this case among the vessels concerned.

IV. Lessons
Such an accident may occur and a thorough investigation must be made to identify causes
to the satisfaction of the person in charge.

9. Deck machinery
Engine accident cases
File No. 9 - 001
Case name Removal and falling of steering gear ram pine bush
Device name Steering Damaged Ram Pine State of Removal/Fa
Gear part Bush damage lling
Maker name MHI DFT- Model Total working 2 years
400 time
Kind of ship Tanker Date of 1997 Place of At sea
occurrence occurrence
Cause of Hardware factor Excessive vibration or poor fitting
damage/problem Software/human factor Insufficient che

Outline of Accident
[Course of Events]
On a 2 (two) year old crude oil tanker, the 2nd engineer made his rounds for the MO check
and found that the RAM-PIN BUSH had dropped out of the steering gear.

[State of Damage]
The ram-pin bush had fallen out.

Repair work was carried out by the ships hands and completed in 1 hours.

Cause of Accident / Underlying Problem

[Mechanical Factors]
The bolt for the lower cover plate was loose because of poor tightening and vibration. This
resulted in the anti-loosening wire becoming torn leading to loosening of the bolts, which
eventually dropped out. Finally, the ram-pin bush dropped out (see figure below).
Also, the size (diameter) of the anti-loosening wire for the lower cover plate bolts was
incorrect (smaller).

[Human/Software Factors]
The MO check spotted the damage before a serious incident occurred

Preventive Measures
[Mechanical Aspects]
a) The bolt (material: SCM435) should be tightened by a torque of 16 17 kgf-m.
b) Wire 2.0 mm in diameter should be used.
c) The condition of the bolts, wire, ram-pin, and bush should be checked daily.

[Human/Software Aspects]
To regularly carry out thorough MO checks.

Carrying out M0 checks can prevent an accident of this type.

There was a similar case on another vessel that lost the ability to steer.
In this incident, DFT-type steering gear was installed on the container vessel. The bolts that
connected the washer to the ram were loose, resulting in an upward force being applied to
the RAM-PIN. This led to the bolts for the lower cover plate breaking, the RAM-PIN BUSH
falling out, and the RAM-PIN being drawn out upwards. Finally, the vessel lost its steering









Engine accident cases
File No. 9 - 002
Case name Fatal burns by steam
Device name Sliding type Damaged Sleeve State of Dislocation
sleeve for part damage
steam pipe
Maker name TAIYO Model Total working 20 years
Kind of ship BULKER Date of Place of At Dock
occurrence occurrence
Cause of Hardware factor Removal of fixing clamp
damage/problem Software/human factor Disregard of basic principle of work

Outline of Accident
[Course of Event]
In dry
dock, when a dock worker removed a clamp for fixing an on-deck steam pipe, the pipe
came off the sleeve, showering a large amount of steam onto the worker to death.

Cause of Accident / Underlying Problem

[Mechanical Factor]
The on-deck steam piping was made of a copper alloy and fitted with a U-bend to absorb
expansion/shrinkage; and a sleeve type expansion joint was fitted in the middle of the U-
Unfortunately, the steam piping system was in use. It therefore follows that when the
worker took off the fixing clamp near the sleeve joint, the pipe came off the sleeve like a
spring in no time at all.

[Human/Software Factor]
It is because the worker worked on a pipe line with steam flowing inside.

Preventive Measures
[Human/Software Aspect]
Never carry out maintenance work on steam pipes or joints still with pressure.
Nearly no sleeve type expansion joints are of a rupture-free structure and, for this reason, it
is currently necessary to secure them properly to keep them in position.

Before starting operations, hold a sufficient conference to ensure work safety.

Engine accident cases
File No. 9 - 003
Case name Damage of windlass pinion gear bushes
Device name Windlass Damaged Pinion gear State of Wear down
part bushes damage
Maker name Yutani Model Total working 7 years
Heavy time
Co., Ltd.
Kind of ship VLCC Date of 1993.08.18 Place of S/B for
occurrence occurrence mooring
Cause of Hardware factor Insufficient greasing
damage/problem Software/human factor Insufficient maintenance

Outline of Accident
[Course of Event]
During a mooring operation, the bush for the starboard windlass pinion gear was found
having bulged at the end of the coupling, with many cracks on the surface.

When the windlass shaft was rotated for inspection without load, with the pinion gears
disengaged, it was discovered that there were some bushes rotating together with the shaft.

[State of Damage]
Since the shaft and the bushes seized as a result of overheating, the pinion gear and
bushes were slipping.

New bushes for the pinion gears were manufactured and loaded on board the vessel. Two
service engineers from the shipyard stayed on board during a leg from Japan to Singapore
to replace the bushes of the windlasses on both sides.
(1) Each surface of the pinion gear where it came in contact with the bush was rough
because of corrosion near the coupling end. It was corrected with hand tools since the
work prohibited the use of a lathe. The shaft was also rectified in the same manner.
(2) The (oversized) bush for the pinion gear was worked on by use of the lathe of the
vessel, with an allowance for shrinkage fit of 5/100 to 10/100 mm.
(3) Each bush which had been kept cold in a refrigerator was struck into each pinion gear
which was heated.
(4) The bushes were provided with set bolts to prevent them from rotating.

Cause of Accident / Underlying Problem
[Mechanical Factor]
An inspection after an overhaul revealed that the bushes at the coupling ends of respective
windlasses ran short of grease, suggesting that the bushes seized by overheating as a
result of insufficient application of grease.

[Human/Software Factor]
This incident is a typical case of damage to equipment which arose from insufficient
provision of grease.

Mooring facilities on deck are placed in an environment likely to lead to a lubricant shortage
and rusting; and, in addition, various parts are subjected to heavy loads and, therefore, a
shortage of lubricant in the mating surface of a bush and the like, is thought to result in
immediate seizure.

Preventive Measures
(1) Every time on-deck machines are operated, ensure to check their operating conditions.
(2) When applying grease and other lubricants, ensure that the lubricant has reached the
far end of the intended part.
(3) Apply a necessary amount of lubricants at proper intervals.
(4) Review lubricant application locations and ensure that no location has been omitted.

Repair work on hull machinery often proves to be major work as in this case. Furthermore,
when such work is carried out at sea, it is required to set up sheer legs or prepare a post
because there is no proper place to hang a chain block from.You must pay attention to
maintenance of deck machine because it is possible that the damage by such a insufficient
maintenance is occurred on the deck.

Engine accident cases
File No. 9 - 004
Case name Mooring winch shaft put off center, resulting from distortion of support
Device name Mooring Damaged Support State of Distortion by
winch part brackets damage wastage
Maker name Fukushima, Model MW Total working 21 years
Ltd. 15Tx15m time after built
Kind of ship Date of 1993.06.17 Place of While
occurrence occurrence berthing
alongside in
Cause of Hardware factor Corrosion and reduction in thickness through
damage/problem years of use
Software/human factor Improper inspection and maintenance

I. Outline of accident
[Course of events]
When a mooring winch was operated to heave in a hawser, the brackets of the winch (support
leg) distorted inward, displacing the wheel shaft bearing section about 50 mm downward.

[State of damage]

[Response measures]
The distorted bracket leg was corrected by using a hydraulic jack and strengthened with steel
plates (12 mm).
The bracket wall section, which was excessively corroded, was removed and strengthened
with five angle bars.
When other winches were also checked, the bracket wall of each one was found extremely
corroded and was strengthened with angle bars.

II. Causes of accident/problems

[Hardware factors]
The steel members forming the bracket leg and wall section grew thinner, losing its strength to
support the bearing section.
When the hawser was hauled in, the bracket wall broke down because of the tensile load on
the hawser, deforming the bracket leg and, as a result, displacing the shaft at the bearing
section off center.

[Software/human factors]
This incident is a case attributed to corrosion, typically to old vessels, and can be said to be a
damage case which occurred at a place likely to be neglected in usual inspection and
The allowable reduction in thickness of a structural member by corrosion is 10 to 20% of the
original thickness, depending on the part of the member, and there is a need to strengthen it,
as necessary.

III. Measures to prevent recurrence

[Hardware aspects]

[Software/human aspects]
Machinery, such as mooring winches, installed on deck are in an environment particularly
conducive to corrosion and are subjected to significant forces; and it, therefore, follows that on
board old vessels, such machinery requires checks for soundness in terms of strength, in
addition to general maintenance.

IV. Lessons
Even in the case of old vessels, the functions of each device are required to be the same as on
board new vessels. The strength of a machine should also be such that it enables the device
to perform its functions.
Old vessels naturally undergo deterioration through years of use but they must maintain the
functions of their respective facilities.

Engine accident cases
File No. 9 - 005
Case name Fall of lifeboat during drill
Device name Lifeboat Damaged Winch brake State of Fracture
part damage resulting
Maker name Tsuji Model OAP-H Total working 10 years
Sangyo time after built
Kind of ship Date of Place of At sea
occurrence occurrence
Cause of Hardware factor Deterioration of O ring
damage/problem Software/human factor Poor inspection and maintenance

I. Outline of accident
[Course of events]
(1) During a lifeboat drill at sea, the brake of a boat winch became ineffective shortly after
the boat began to be lowered and, as a result, the boat fell down into the sea.
(2) The main engine was immediately stopped, but because of the ships head way the
boat was dragged, with the boat falls having run out to their end on the drum. This
caused the cradle of the boat davit to bend, disabling the davit to hoist up the boat.
For this reason, the boat was recovered by using a cargo winch installed in the midship
section of the vessel.
Fortunately, the accident did not involve any personal injury since no one was in the
boat when it occurred.

[State of damage]

[Response measures]

II. Causes of accident/problems

[Hardware factors]
A large amount of water was detected inside the gear case attached to the air motor. On
the basis of this fact, it can be presumed that the O ring provided in the section of the gear
case for attaching the air motor deteriorated, allowing rain water to enter inside and to cause
a fracture of the brake band of the hand brake, which finally resulted in the accident in

[Software/human factors]

III. Measures to prevent recurrence
[Hardware aspects]
There is no need to highlight the importance of regular efforts to check lube oil inside the
gear case and inspect the gear and brake sections on board vessels equipped with davits of
the same type. In view of the seriousness of an accident of this kind, it is essential to
regularly inspect and maintain davits of other types at all times.

[Software/human aspects]
With the fact in mind that devices installed on deck are liable to undergo ingress of water,
regular inspection must be carried out.

IV. Lessons
Inspect devices before use. This is a basic matter.

Engine Trouble Cases
File No. 9 - 006
Case name Failure of steam windlass to heave up anchor
Device name Windlass Damaged State of
part damage
Maker name Tokyo Kikai Model Horizontal Total working
sliding type time
Kind of ship VLCC Date of 1987.06.10 Place of Outside
occurrence occurrence Mina al
Cause of Hardware factor Loosened slide valve adjusting rod lock
damage/problem Software/human factor Poor maintenance

I. Outline of accident
[Course of events]
No. 1 windlass started to heave up the anchor, it became unstable and stopped soon.
Attempts were made to operate it under no load, but its operation remained unstable.

[State of damage]
The operation to heave up the anchor was suspended and various parts inspected. The
inspection results suggested the malfunction of the slide valve. When the gear case sight
hole and cylinder cover of the slide valve were opened up, it was found that the slide valve
rod on the port side had worked loose and that there was excessive play between the port
and starboard slide valves and the rod connecting section.

[Response measures]
(1) As a first-aid measure, only the stroke of the slide valve on the port side was adjusted to
raise the anchor.
(2) After departure from the port, a piece was made and inserted to the worn out section of
the boss of the slide valve and the strokes of the port and starboard slide valves were
(3) When No. 2 windlass was also inspected, the wear of the boss section was found in the
same way as No. 1, but the slide valve rod was not loose.

II. Causes of accident/problems

[Hardware factors]
The failure to raise the anchor is the fact that the adjusting rod lock nut for the port side slide
valve worked loose, resulting in change of the stroke, which hampered smooth reciprocating
The loosened lock nut is possibly attributed to its insufficient tightening or vibration; and the

abnormal weardown of the slide valve boss to deterioration over years of use.

[Software/human factors]
Lack of regular inspection and maintenance.

III. Measures to prevent recurrence

[Hardware aspects]

[Software/human aspects]
Inspection and maintenance work should be regularly performed.

IV. Lessons
The trouble of a windlass will immediately lead to the obstruction of the ships operation. It
is a critical device.

10. Fan
Engine Trouble Cases
File No. 10 - 001
Case name Burnout of central unit fan motor
Device name Unit fan Damaged Stator coil State of Burnout
motor part damage
Maker name Taiyo Model IT-180M Total working
Electric Co., time
Kind of ship VLCC Date of 1987.06.12 Place of On standby
occurrence occurrence for entering
Cause of Hardware factor Entry of water into motor
damage/problem Software/human factor Incapacity to discharge drain from bottom of

I. Outline of accident
[Course of events]
When the vessel was under a standby condition to enter the port, the refrigerating machine
for the air conditioner tripped. An inspection revealed that the non fuse circuit breaker for
the accommodation fan on the main switchboard was OFF, showing that it was actuated by
an interlock with a stop of the central unit fan.

[State of damage]
(1) The insulation resistance of the stator dropped to 0.2 M ohm, but no trace of burnout
was observed on the outer surface. It was cleaned with a cleaning agent and dried to
recover its resistance up to 70 M ohm, but when it was operated again, the NFB was
turned OFF. It is considered to have burned out internally.
(2) Water found its way into the motor, showing rust.
(3) Deterioration of the ball bearing.

[Response measures]
The damper for the central unit, which connects air ducts on both sides, was opened and
cold draft was sent to both sides for air conditioning by use of one unit of fan, with the
interlock with the broken fan bypassed.

II. Causes of accident/problems

[Hardware factors]
The thermotanks of the central unit in question had two drain pipelines, respectively.
Inspection revealed that plugs for draining the pipes were removed but U-shape seal pipe
(40A) was clogged, resulting accumulation of water such a level as the tip of the sirroco fan

started splashing. As a result, water entered inside the motor through the motor shaft
penetrated the bearing cover.

[Software/human factors]
The trouble occurred since the clogged drain pipe was left unattended.
It is often the case that the drains of the unit cooler get choked as a result of an
accumulation of rust. It must be ensured daily that drains are clear.

III. Measures to prevent recurrence

[Hardware aspects]
A vinyl hose for draining was fitted between the unit and the U-shaped seal pipe to make the
discharge of drain easily noticeable.

[Software/human aspects]
A check should be made to confirm no rust is accumulated inside the unit.

IV. Lessons
This type of trouble has often occurred.

11. Electrical equipment
Engine Trouble Cases
File No. 11 - 001
Case name Damage to generator engine caused by megger test
Device name Generator Damaged Crankshaft, State of Cracks
engine part etc. damage
Maker name Yanmar Model T240L-ST Total working 5 years after
time built
Kind of ship Date of Place of
occurrence occurrence
Cause of Hardware factor Malfunction of plunger shaft for fuel rack
damage/problem Software/human factor Disregard of operational basics

I. Outline of accident
[Course of events]
A crew member disconnected one of the electric wire cables of No. 3 generator engine
control circuit in order to check the 24V battery line for grounding, when No. 3 D/G started by
itself suddenly and kept running at a maximum fuel feed rate. The engine became
uncontrollable and was stopped finally after closing fuel valves.

[State of damage]
(1) No. 2, 3, 4, 6 and 7 main bearings were damaged;
(2) No. 2, 3, 4 and 5 crank pin bearings were damaged; and
(3) The main bearing journal was cracked.

[Response measures]

II. Causes of accident/problems

[Hardware factors]
The accident is attributed, as a proximate cause, to the seizure of the fuel oil injection pump
rack, but the underlying cause lies in the inadequate procedures followed by the crew
member in the electrical work.

[Software/human factors]
The line in question should have been isolated before disconnecting.
The fuel handle lever should have been set in the stop position and the starting air valve
securely closed.
The vessel experienced the same trouble with No. 3 D/G before and proper measures
should have been taken at the occurrence of the first trouble.
When taking into consideration the fact that the vessel experienced a similar accident before,

we wonder why wasnt the lesson learned and the fault rectified before it was put in use?
From among a large number of similar minor incidents, serious accidents develop only when
they are, unfortunately, combined with other factors. This tells us that it is vital to take
measures as far as possible to prevent a recurrence of even minor incidents.

III. Measures to prevent recurrence

[Hardware aspects]

[Software/human aspects]

IV. Lessons

Engine Trouble Cases
File No. 11 - 002
Case name Accident involving death during maintenance work on elevator
Device name Elevator Damaged State of
part damage
Maker name Model Total working
Kind of ship Bulker Date of 1999.09.04 Place of At sea
occurrence occurrence
Cause of Hardware factor
damage/problem Software/human factor Disregard of basic operations in maintenance

I. Outline of accident
[Course of events]
At 1320 hours on September 4, the third engineer, who was in charge of elevator
maintenance, was performing regular inspection and maintenance work on the elevator
together with a wiper.
The elevator suddenly moved up from the third floor when the third engineer was in the
elevator trunk and, as a result, he was caught between the cage and the second deck floor
entrance step. He was found severely injured with a very weak pulse and respiration.
He was treated on board according to radio medical advice from a shore medical center.
The vessel deviated from her original course and arrived at the nearest port at 2240 hours
the same day. The doctor declared him dead.

[State of damage]

[Response measures]

II. Causes of accident/problems

[Hardware factors]

[Software/human factors]
The third engineer was briefed beforehand by the first engineer on the procedures of
elevator maintenance in accordance with the maker's operating manual. At a meeting held
on the morning prior to the work, each procedure such as the way to go up to the top of the
elevator, the way of manual operation, was confirmed again. In addition, the third engineer
was specifically instructed by the first engineer in the maintenance procedures on site. The
first engineer considered the third engineer sufficiently mastered the maintenance
procedures and might do the job well by himself. He left the remaining job to him.

But contrary to the first engineers expectation, he did it in the utterly different way to reach
the top of the elevator cage. After posting warning plates saying, DONT USE, at the
elevator entrance on every floor, he and a wiper brought the elevator to the engine room
third floor. The third engineer ordered the wiper to stay in the elevator at the third floor
while he opened the second floor elevator outer door with a special tool. He went down
into the elevator trunk in order to reach the elevator cage top, just when the elevator started
moving. Immediately after that, the wiper then pushed the emergency stop switch, but
the third engineer, who was caught between the cage and the second floor ladder, was later
removed from there and found almost dying.
The reason elevator started suddenly is not identified though it is apparent that he did not
act properly according to the manual. In the manual, it is described clearly that one must
go up to the cage top through the emergency escape door after actuating the emergency
stop switch.
This accident could have been avoided if the third engineer had thoroughly read the relevant
manual and understood why such procedures should be followed. Only if he had
understood the sequence of the electric circuit, this could have been prevented.
In order to go to the elevator cage top safely and make ready for maintenance, he should
have observed the following procedures:
(1) Push the emergency stop button first;
(2) Go up to the cage top through the emergency escape door;
(3) Changeover the Manual-Auto switch on the cage top to Manual;
(4) Reset the emergency stop button.

III. Measures to prevent recurrence

[Hardware aspects]

[Software/human aspects]
For the purpose of preventing similar accidents involving personal injury in elevator
maintenance work, you are requested to ensure that the necessary safety measures are
taken as follows:
(1) Provide crew detailed and adequate information regarding the machinery when
inspection/maintenance is planned, and let them fully understand each procedure;
(2) Hold a prior meeting and ensure:
a) To inform the bridge and all crew members clearly that the use of the elevator is
banned during maintenance work;
b) To wear necessary protective equipment;

c) To keep communications during the work;
d) To follow inspection/maintenance procedures;
(3) Make sure that the maintenance team comprises of more than one person;
(4) Make and prepare the checklist for not only inspection check point for changeover
procedure of Auto-Manual operations before and after inspection;
(5) Announce and post a warning notice of Maintenance in progress Dont use at every
elevator entrance so that no one may use inadvertently;
(6) Cancel the Home Landing function beforehand;
(7) For access to the operation panel on the cage top for maintenance:
a) Push the emergency stop button;
b) Go up to the cage top from the inside of the cage through the emergency escape
c) Turn the Auto-Manual changeover switch to Manual;
d) Reset the emergency stop button.

IV. Lessons
Engineers should be timid in a sense. They are required to consider all possibilities and be
timid (cautious) about everything, always thinking, Does this lead to a dangerous
situation? This applies to engine operations, which may result in accidents involving
personal injuries.

Engine Trouble Cases
File No. 11 - 003
Case name Damage to emergency switchboard
Device name Emergency Damaged Entire State of Inundation
switch part switchboard damage
Maker name Model Total working 7.6 years
time after built
Kind of ship Woodchip Date of 1998.07.07 Place of At sea
carrier occurrence occurrence
Cause of Hardware factor Inundation
damage/problem Software/human factor Insufficient preparation for rough weather

I. Outline of accident
[Course of events]
The vessel encountered rough seas en route to Durban. Sea water found its way into the
emergency generator engine room located on the port side of the mooring deck below the
aft upper deck. The emergency switchboard and transformer installed inside the room lost
their functions, as they got drenched, disabling electric supply to such instruments as gyro
compass, radar sets and GPS receiver. Their power was supplied through the

[State of damage]
When the emergency generator room was inspected, the room was flooded with water of 5
to 10 cm, with sparks observed from the transformer.

[Response measures]
(1) Crew members discharged the water found inside and made attempts to dry up the wet
equipment but failed completely to restore the grounded condition.
(2) They improvised emergency wiring from the light distributor for such equipment as GPS
and NAVTEX receivers; and the operation of the main engine was continued by local
(3) On July 9, a contractor, dispatched to the vessel at Durban, removed the relevant
wetted parts and, after washing and drying them, they temporarily restored the
equipment. Power supply through the emergency switchboard became possible, but
the closing of the air circuit breaker was only possible by manual operation.
(4) The equipment was permanently repaired at Nagoya on August 4.

II. Causes of accident/problems

[Hardware factors]

The layout of the relevant equipment and the structure of the air vent are as the attached
figures show.
The emergency generator room of the vessel is equipped with a Venetian-type opening for
ventilation, looking out to the sea, and the latter was fitted with a shield plate on its other
side facing the inside of the room to protect such equipment as transformer and emergency
switch board against direct splashes of seawater. The shield plate is fitted on the cargo
hold bulkhead in the forward part of the emergency generator room and the frame is
penetrated with a scallop hole (hole made for the convenience of welding such penetrating
portions; such holes may sometimes be left as they are for their use as drain holes but they
are generally closed thereafter) left open.
A drain hole is provided in the lower portion of the shield plate box and drains a small
amount of water coming in, but it cannot handle a large amount of water coming in at one
time and such water finds its way into the room through the scallop hole.
In addition, the emergency generator room is provided, as a draining device, with only a
drain plug of 16A in the port aft part and, the switchboard and transformer seem to have got
wet by the motion of the seawater which found its way into the emergency generator room
(5 to 10 cm deep).

[Software/human factors]
This accident is attributed to a mistake by the shipbuilder of neglecting to close the scallop,
which is a rare case, but when the importance of the emergency switch board and the power
supplying system is taken into consideration, it is vital to check and address locations,
including scallop holes, which have a potential of ingress of seawater.
Since the vessel was already 7.6 years old when the accident occurred, it is suspected that
there were cases of slight seawater ingress in the past. If investigations had been made to
identify causes from such slight signs, we consider that the recent accident could have
possibly been prevented beforehand.

III. Measures to prevent recurrence

[Hardware aspects]
(1) A sliding-type shield cover was fitted to the wall venetian from outside.
(2) Another drain hole was provided in the lower portion of the wall venetian.
(3) A thin plate was welded to cover the scallop hole.

[Software/human aspects]
When making preparation for rough weather, you are required to take measures so that

such measures are adequate to prevent possible damage from heavy seas but they do not
interfere with the functions of the devices affected. As to the emergency generator room, it
is a difficult job to meet the dual purpose of supplying air to the engine and preventing the
ingress of sea water at the same time. There is a need to devise a method based on the
special circumstances of each vessel.

IV. Lessons
Ventilation for the emergency generator engine room requires special consideration.

Engine Trouble Cases
File No. 11 - 004
Case name Damaged tachogenerator for main engine control console
Device name Control Damaged Tachogene- State of Insufficient
console part rator damage output
Maker name Sanyo Model GTY Total working 30,000
Denki Co. time hours
Kind of ship Container Date of 1987.01.02 Place of Under M0
ship occurrence occurrence control at
Cause of Hardware factor Deterioration of bearing over years of use
damage/problem Software/human factor Poor maintenance

I. Outline of accident
[Course of events]
From around December 27, 1986, a slight vibration of the tachometer came to the notice of
the operator. When he was paying attention to the BMS (bridge maneuvering system)
tachometer, the starboard engine repeated starts and stops while sounding the start failure
alarm. Since regardless of the revolution, the BMS tachometer showed 0, suggesting
damage to the tachogenerator, the operator changed over from the Master Bridge mode to
the Individual mode.

[State of damage]

[Response measures]
(1) The tachometer in front of the handle was provisionally set close to the BMS to show
the actual revolution on the BMS side.
(2) The control mode was changed over to Master Bridge Control to enter Tacoma,
placing the revolution detecting switch of the BMS to Test and manually sending
pseudo signals of rpm.
(3) The damage extended to the brush holder and the bearing support, a situation where it
was impossible to repair the tachometer only by replacing some parts. Since,
fortunately, a spare stator section was on board, the commutator in use was machined
and fitted in position. The tachometer was found usable after it was checked that the
commutator generated a voltage in response to its rpm when it was rotated with a lathe.
(4) However, it did not develop the regular voltage and it was replaced with a fully outfitted
one supplied in Japan.

II. Causes of accident/problems

[Hardware factors]

Deterioration of the bearing for the direct current generator over years of use.

[Software/human factors]
Poor maintenance.

III. Measures to prevent recurrence

[Hardware aspects]
Regular maintenance should be provided.

[Software/human aspects]
Vessels have many machines and devices which require maintenance, or rather, you should
think that all the shipboard machinery needs some sort of maintenance. It is vital to review
everything once again and newly prepare a maintenance plan.

IV. Lessons
Poor maintenance of a trivial thing might lead to the impediment of the operation of your

Engine Trouble Cases
File No. 11 - 005
Case name Flooding of bow thruster room
Device name Bowthruster Damaged Blade angle State of Inundation
part followup damage
Maker name MHI Model SP-1200/AS Total working
Yokohama time
Kind of ship Container Date of 1988.03.30 Place of On standby
ship occurrence occurrence for sailing
out from
Cause of Hardware factor Holed air vent pipe for ballast tank
damage/problem Software/human factor Poor maintenance

I. Outline of accident
[Course of events]
Upon departure from Bremen the bowthruster did not start. Upon inspection, it was found
that the void space below the bed on which the driving electric motor was mounted was
flooded. An operation to discharge the space was immediately started and it was found
that following were submerged, the extension shaft below the electric motor coupling,
watertight packing bearing, flexible coupling, blade angle followup transmitter and wiring

[State of damage]
Inspection revealed after discharging water, defective insulation of the blade angle followup
transmitter containing a synchrometer, potentiometer, and micro switch.

[Response measures]
The inundated section was washed with fresh water and the following operations were
carried out:
(1) Three extension shaft bearings were overhauled and greased up.
(2) The blade angle followup transmitter was opened up, electric parts replaced and
(3) The tips of the wiring cables were treated with hot water to remove salinity and then
dried up.
(4) Three lighting appliances in the void space were removed and dried.
(5) The insulation resistances of the driving electric motor, space heater for it, etc. regained
100M ohm.
(6) Operation tests with and without load.

II. Causes of accident/problems
[Hardware factors]
For trim adjustment, the forepeak reserve tank was completely filled up with water. The air
vent pipe for the tank was corroded and holed (30 x 100 mm) at a welded joint located in the
bowthruster room (on the starboard side), allowed water to flood the room.

[Software/human factors]
The air vent pipe for the forepeak reserve tank was left unchecked for corrosion.

III. Measures to prevent recurrence

[Hardware aspects]

[Software/human aspects]
Similar accidents resulting from holed air vent pipes, sounding pipes, etc. have often
occurred. There is a need to pay attention.

IV. Lessons
This case involved a water leakage in a void space, but we have experienced a
considerable number of incidents because of holed tank air vent pipes, sounding pipes, etc.
running through ballast tanks.

Engine Trouble Cases
File No. 11 - 006
Case name Burnt out lube oil purifier driving motor
Device name Purifier Damaged Driving motor State of Burnout
part damage
Maker name Taiyo Model 1F-132M Total working 4 years after
Electric Co. time built
Kind of ship Date of 1982.12.27 Place of At sea
occurrence occurrence
Cause of Hardware factor Vibration
damage/problem Software/human factor Poor operation control

I. Outline of accident
[Course of events]
When at sea, the nonfuse circuit breaker for the lube oil purifier on the group starter panel
tripped without warning. When the person in charge reported to the scene, he found that a
bad odor of burnt insulation varnish was being emitted from around No. 2 lube oil purifier.

[State of damage]
A megger test of the resistance of the motor revealed a burnout of the stator coil.

[Response measures]
The motor was replaced with a spare one. The burnt out motor was landed and repaired
by rewinding the coil.

II. Causes of accident/problems

[Hardware factors]
Since the area in the vicinity of the lube oil purifier was subjected to heavy vibration and the
damage is ascribed, despite only 4 years after the ships construction, to deterioration over
years of use.

[Software/human factors]
Insufficient check during inspection rounds.

III. Measures to prevent recurrence

[Hardware aspects]

[Software/human aspects]
As for motors, the following matters must be checked on an inspection tour.

(1) Value indicated by the ammeter and the swing of the pointer.
(2) Check for overheating of the bearings and stator by touch.
Thermometers should be attached to those which are hot at all times.
(3) Check for the motor for vibration by touch.
(4) Sound generated by the motor. At least check for abnormal sound once a week, the
sound of the bearing should be checked with a listening rod.
If, any abnormality noticed, overhaul motor, then replace ball bearing is soaked in kerosene
to remove grease, and rotated slowly by hand to check its condition, its deterioration will
always become evident. Conversely, careful monitoring would prevent the burnout of

IV. Lessons
We have experienced in the past many burnouts of motors for the lube oil purifier, Hope
System, main engine auxiliary blower, etc.

Engine Trouble Cases
File No. 11 - 007
Case name Burnout of nonfuse circuit breaker resulting from water leaking from holed
seawater pipe above main switchboard
Device name Main switch Damaged Nonfuse State of Burnout
board part circuit damage
Maker name Model Total working
Kind of ship Date of 1987.03 Place of While at sea
occurrence occurrence
Cause of Hardware factor Entry of water resulting from holed seawater
damage/problem pipe
Software/human factor Insufficient measures to cope with accidental

I. Outline of accident
[Course of events]
At sea a reverberating sound occurred at 1135 hours in the vicinity of the main switchboard
without any warning. The low insulation alarm for the MSB 440V bus bar went off.

[State of damage]
Inspection thereafter revealed that sea water dripped into the center feeder panel from
above and that the connector (of Bakelite) of a severely wetted nonfuse breaker burned out.

[Response measures]
The switchboard was immediately drained, wiped and dried up, and its resistance was
raised to 5M in about four hours.

II. Causes of accident/problems

[Hardware factors]
Seawater pipe for the package air conditioner for the cargo control room was passing above
the main switch board. One of them had a pin hole leaking water, which found its way into
the switchboard through gaps of its casing and bolt holes.

[Software/human factors]
It is improper to arrange seawater pipes immediately above such a critical device a
switchboard and, if there is no other option, some protective measures should be taken.
Crew members burdened with the responsibility to operate a vessel already built are
requested to grasp the current situation of facilities and take protective measures to prevent
such defective situations, if any, from causing damage.

In the present condition, the provision of a drain pan, had been taken to prevent damage
expected to be caused by seawater in the event of the pipe failure,
In this case, seawater leaked through a pin hole, but there is also a possibility of water
dripping as a result of condensation on a cold pipe.

III. Measures to prevent recurrence

[Hardware aspects]

[Software/human aspects]

IV. Lessons
When making rounds throughout the machinery spaces, it is necessary not only to inspect
the running conditions but also to think such things as what would happen in the event of a
breakage of a pipe.

Engine Trouble Cases
File No. 11 - 008
Case name Blackout trouble due to damage of MSB Bus bar
Device name MSB Damaged BUS BAR State of Peeled
part damage silver Plate
Maker name Model Total working 13 years
Kind of ship VLCC Date of Place of At sea
occurrence occurrence
Cause of Hardware factor Excessive vibration or poor fitting
damage/problem Software/human factor Insufficient checks

Outline of Accident
[Course of Events]
While the vessel was at sea, a piece of peeled silver plating fell off the bus bar of the Main
Switchboard and bridged the bus bar and inside of the side panel, causing a short-circuit.
(Please refer to attached sheet Fig.-1: Outline of Earth Inside the Main switchboard). At the
time the trouble occurred, the PTG (Power Turbine Generator) and one set of DG (Diesel
Generator) were running in parallel. The inter-phase short-circuit caused a blackout. The
peeled piece of silver plating was found and immediately removed, and the main electric
supply was restored without any further problems.

[State of Damage]


Cause of Accident / Underlying Problem

[Mechanical Factor]
Leaking gas from the PTG exhaust gas line had accelerated Sulfuric acid corrosion of the
silver plating covering the surface of the bus bar. Corrosion took place deep within the
plating, rapidly progressing to the copper bar material. Eventually the silver plating peeled
off and a piece of the peeled silver fell down.
Silver plating is very susceptible to corrosive atmospheres and ultraviolet rays. Sulfur
dioxide gas present in the air creates a silver sulfide film on the surface of silver plating,
darkening the colour of the plating. This occurs naturally, although the degree is depends on
local conditions and period of exposure. However, when the content of corrosive gas is
higher than normal, as in this case, corrosion is accelerated, with a corresponding increase
in the potential for trouble.

Corrosive gas is brought into the engine room in the following manner:
(1) Leaks from a damaged/loosened flange, or expansion of main/aux joint. Engine or
Boiler exhaust piping, etc;
(2) Admission of exhaust gases and/or vapor of cargo oil through the ventilator into the
engine room.

[Human/Software Factors]

Preventive Measures
[Mechanical Aspect]
Corrosive gas itself, or even the atmosphere in the engine room which contains a certain
amount of corrosive gas, will cause severe damage to not only the main switchboard, but
also to the generator, the blower impeller of the turbo charger, the inter-cooler, etc.
Therefore, when any gas leak are found, equipment causing the problem must be stopped
immediately and repaired.
In this incident, as well as repairing the gas leak, the bus bar was re-coated, following the
complete removal of the peeled plating.
General inspection of the main switchboard, including the coating of the bus bar, should be
carried out at regular intervals, such as when dry-docking.

[Human/Software Aspect]
The masters are requested to prevent future similar trouble and ensure that regular
inspection and maintenance of emergency machinery/equipment takes place to ensure
optimum condition of the equipment is maintained at all times.


(1) Blackout trouble on a VLCC (not under MOL operation)with same type of engine and
electric power plant as the vessel above was reported recently. While passing through
narrow water the vessel, with a cargo of 700,000 barrels of crude oil, suffered a blackout
due to a burnt main electric feeder panel.
The emergency generator failed to cut in with emergency electric power due to a
defective starting air motor. As a result, the vessel drifted for quite a long period of time
without any power. Obviously, a situation where a vessel is carrying a dangerous cargo,
and drifting with no power, can easily lead to a major disaster.

(2) Importance of Emergency Generator
When equipment and machinery lose their functional capability, the integrity and safety of
the vessel is jeopardized. Therefore, it is essential stand-by machinery on board, including
the emergency generator, should be kept in a good condition at all times. This requires the
carrying out of periodical inspection and maintenance work. This greatly reduces the risk of
a very serious situation developing, should running equipment fail.

It is perhaps worthwhile reiterating the maintenance procedures and areas of concern for
the Emergency Generator, possibly the most critical item amongst the stand-by equipment:
(a) Starting tests should be conducted at least once a week. Periodical manual turning of
rotor and lubrication is also advisable. Care should be taken to ensure that the
AUTO-MANUAL changeover switch is set at the AUTO position after completion of
testing or turning.
(b) System oil and cooling fresh water are controlled in the same way as for the diesel
generator. The proper quantity of antifreeze solution is added to the cooling fresh
water at the appropriate time.
(c) Fuel oil tank should always be kept full. There is a possibility that in the event of an
emergency, access to the engine room and/or pumping fuel to the tank may become
(d) Regarding the air dampers of the Emergency Generator Room, both the inlet and
outlet/exhaust fan should always be kept open. However, checks should be made
that they can be easily closed when necessary.
(e) It is important to check for proper drainage from the air intake duct. It must be
confirmed that there is no danger of rain or seawater ingress affecting the electric
panel or generator.
(f) The drain valve of the exhaust gas pipe must be kept open and clog free.
Countermeasures should be taken where necessary e.g. cover sheet to shield
against incoming rain from the funnel.
(g) Regarding the starting system of the primary engine:
Where the electric starter motor is employed, each battery is changed over daily.
Attention should be paid to the prevention of over-discharge of battery and the
batterys lifetime.
If the air starter motor is employed, care should be taken that:
the motor vanes are properly lubricated.
the emergency air reservoir is always fully charged.
the emergency air compressor is regularly tested for its capability to charge

the reservoir from empty to full. In rare cases, incapability of the solenoid valve
due to the deterioration of the emergency battery has been reported.
the maintenance-free battery is checked The voltage of each cell during
floating charge is required to be 2.230.1V. If the measured voltage of the cell
is lower than that value, the battery must be renewed.

(g) Condition and tension of radiator fan driving belt is inspected regularly. Filter cartridge
for fuel oil or lubricating oil is cleaned or renewed regularly.

12. Heat exchanger
Engine Trouble Cases
File No. 12 - 001
Case name Main lube oil cooler tube leak
Device name Main lube oil Damaged Tube State of Fracture
cooler part damage
Maker name Setouchi Model Shell tube Total working 4 months
Kogyo Co. time after built
Kind of ship Container Date of 1995.08.24 Place of Hamburg
ship occurrence occurrence
Cause of Hardware factor Defective design
damage/problem Software/human factor Insufficient awareness of marine pollution

I. Outline of accident
[Course of events]
(1) At 2035 hours on August 23: Departure from Hamburg for Southampton.
While crew members were engaged in preparatory operations for departure from
Hamburg, a longshoreman discovered seemingly floating oil around her. Before
departure, reported the fact to the local authorities. They underwent an onboard
inspection. As it was raining then, the inspectors regarded the oil as a kind of fat
flowing down from the wharf and dismissed the vessel without any punishment.
(2) Crew members watched the wake of the vessel for oil as she was going down the river
(at night) after sailing out from Hamburg, but no abnormal situation came to their notice.
(3) At 2300 hours, about three hours after her departure, the low level alarm of the main
engine lube oil sump tank sounded. With the possibility of leaking lube oil cooler tubes
in mind, the engineer on watch put the main engine cooling water pumps in parallel
operation to raise the pressure on the seawater side as a measure to prevent the
outflow of lube oil. In such a condition, the vessel continued her voyage down the
(4) After the disembarkation of the Elbe river pilot at 0345 hours, the vessel commenced
her voyage toward Southampton by increasing her engine speed to around 77 rpm in
order to maintain her schedule.
(5) At 0700 hours, about three hours after the rise of the engine speed, the lube oil sump
tank low level alarm sounded again.
(6) At 1000 hours when a sample of water was taken through the air vent pipe on the
seawater side of the cooler, contamination by oil was recognized, indicating an
abnormal condition of the main lube oil cooler.

[State of damage]
The number of tubes recognized to be leaking was four and, later it was revealed that, they

fractured at baffle plates.

[Response measures]
(1) After confirming the occurrence of the damage, crew members overhauled and
inspected the main lube oil cooler, while the vessel was drifting north of the Dover Strait,
and found four tubes were leaking. They plugged 19 tubes, including neighboring
ones, with wooden plugs.
(2) After arrival at Southampton, the vessel underwent an inspection by a shipyard
engineer and a survey by NK to obtain a certificate of seaworthiness.
(3) The vessel informed port authorities, according to the oil pollution manual that there
was a possibility of oil leak. Following that, inspectors came on board, checked the
situation of the vessel, and interviewed the relevant personnel. They granted the
vessel sailing permission since there was nothing to cause trouble.
(4) When she called at Singapore, the vessel underwent an eddy current testing of 160
tubes, 20 tubes were found to be reduced in thickness. Of them, 6 were replaced and
14 were plugged with wooden plugs.
(5) Following that, also when the vessel called at Kobe, all the tubes were put through an
eddy current testing, which revealed a reduction in thickness in 12 tubes; and 15 tubes
were replaced and 65 tubes, into which steel bars were inserted, were stopped up with
brass plugs. The purpose of the insertion of steel bars was to change the natural
frequency of the tubes by altering the weight of each tube.

II. Causes of accident/problems

[Hardware factors]
From the fact that the damaged portions were mostly found in tubes in the lube oil inlet
section of the cooler and that the design calculations showed that the dynamic pressure at
the inlet section of the cooler, created by the flow speed of lube oil, overwhelmingly
exceeded TEMAs design standard, it is presumed that tubes were deformed by the
dynamic pressure of lube oil and were repeatedly forced to come in contact with baffle
plates. This caused the wear and eventual fracture of the tubes.
Furthermore, the asymmetrical arrangement of the tubes on the lube oil inlet and outlet
pipes made the flow of lube oil inside the cooler asymmetrical, causing damage mostly in
tubes on the baffle plates on one side.

[Software/human factors]
Since the vessel was a newly built, crew members were burdened with excessive work and

were not in a situation which would allow them to take into consideration a leak of a cooler.
However, under the recent stringent atmosphere against marine pollution, it is hoped that
the identification of the oil leak should have been made in a slightly earlier stage. When
entering European waters, for example, it is desirable to check sea water from all coolers for
contamination with oil by taking samples through their air vent pipes.

III. Measures to prevent recurrence

[Hardware aspects]
Various measures were taken from the aspect of piping design.

[Software/human aspects]

IV. Lessons
You cannot let your guard down at all only because your vessel is new.

Engine Trouble Cases
File No. 12 - 002
Case name Marine pollution from holed lube oil cooler tubes for the main engine
Device name Main engine Damaged Cooler tubes State of Deposit
lube oil part damage attack
Maker name Model Shell tube Total working 3 years after
type time built
Kind of ship PCC Date of Place of Port
occurrence occurrence Hueneme
Cause of Hardware factor Improper adjustment of concentration of
damage/problem chemical agent for MGPS
Software/human factor Improper overhaul and inspection, insufficient
measures to cope with marine pollution

I. Outline of accident
[Course of events]
Upon arrival at the port, oil was found floating on the sea surface in the harbor and an
investigation thereafter suggested that it originated from four cooler tubes of the main
engine lube oil cooler.
Approximately 1500 liters of lube oil is thought to have leaked out over a period of about 6
days from a further inspection.

[State of damage]

[Response measures]
When the vessel returned to Japan the vessel went though an inspection and measurement
of the thickness of the tubes by the maker. On the basis of the result, 12 tubes with
reduced thickness, in addition to the 4 leaky ones, were replaced.

II. Causes of accident/problems

[Hardware factors]
The holes of the tubes are attributed to deposit attack.

[Software/human factors]
(1) Since as much as 1500 liters of lube oil spilled out over a period of about 6 days, though
little by little, it should not have escaped notice under a stricter daily operational
(2) Before port entry, the check of sea water must be made for oil films from the vent cock,
but the engineer in charge failed to do so.

(3) As this case was pointed out by the USCG, it is very much concern that crew members
did not notice anything even when they were awaiting the port entry, suggesting how
low is their conscious of the need for marine pollution prevention.

III. Measures to prevent recurrence

[Hardware aspects]
The MGPS on board the vessel is a type which requires chemical injection and a biannual
overhaul of the main lube oil cooler.
An inspection is made through the sight hole, as appropriate, and the chemical dosage is

[Software/human aspects]
Measures for the prevention of marine pollution should be planned and actually

IV. Lessons
Minor marine pollution incidents of this kind have frequently occurred. There is a need to
have consciousness that lube oil coolers have a possibility of leaking oil at any time, causing
marine pollution.

Engine Trouble Cases
File No. 12 - 003
Case name Holed evaporator pipes for fresh water generator
Device name Fresh water Damaged Evaporator State of Erosion
generator part pipe damage resulting in
Maker name Sasakura Model AFGU-S52 Total working 15,000
time hours
Kind of ship Container Date of 1986.01 Place of While at sea
ship occurrence occurrence
Cause of Hardware factor Overloading
damage/problem Software/human factor Improper handling

I. Outline of accident
[Course of events]
From January 1986 the water level of the main engine fresh water expansion tank started
dropping gradually. Upon inspection of various parts, six of the evaporator pipes for the
fresh water generator were found to be holed.

[State of damage]
According to the results of an inspection by overhauling it in a drydock, almost all pipes
other than the six with holes, also sustained damage.

[Response measures]
As a first-aid measure for the time being, the holed pipes were all stopped up with plugs and,
at a later date, all evaporator pipes were renewed in a drydock.

II. Causes of accident/problems

[Hardware factors]
According to the results of inspection by overhauling it in a drydock, almost all pipes other
than the six with holes also sustained damage, though with differences in severity, inside the
pipes on the seawater side. As a result of a microscopic investigation (with a borescope)
made by an independent laboratory at the request of the manufacturer, the damage inside
the heating tubes was found to be caused by erosion from such aspects as the shape of the
pitting and a lack of corrosion factors.
It is presumed that, for the following reasons, instant evaporation occurred partially by the
provision of a heat source under a high degree of vacuum:
(1) This fresh water generator was designed for conditions of a jacket water temperature of
65C and sea water temperature of 30C, but the jacket water temperature is higher
than 80C on board the vessel and, therefore, the water generator had an extremely

great margin.
(2) The eroded portions are found in the bottom sections of the heating tubes, where liquid
and gas phases are mixed, that is, the phase changes.
(3) The severely eroded portions were located in the peripheral areas of the heater shell
and jacket cooling water flows more in peripheral areas with less resistance.

[Software/human factors]
Water was generated more than the rated quantity, that is, the generator was overloaded.
It can be said that there were portions subjected to a load more than the design value and
that such portions sustained damage.
Keeping operating parameters within the design criteria will automatically lead to uniform
evaporation, eliminating overloaded portions.
Currently the jacket water has risen in temperature and it is easy to produce fresh water
more than the rated quantity if seawater temperature is low. It follows that special care
should be taken to adhere to water generation within the rating.

III. Measures to prevent recurrence

[Hardware aspects]

[Software/human aspects]
The following require attention in order to restrict explosive evaporation and keep a more
uniform evaporating condition.
(1) In the event of a fresh water generator with a large margin, increase the feedwater rate
by raising the feedwater pressure.
(2) Maintain the vacuum inside the water generator as low as possible.
(3) Regulate the valve position for jacket water to keep water generation within the rating.

IV. Lessons
Even fresh water generators may sustain damage if overloaded.

13. Propelling system
Engine Trouble Cases
File No. 13 - 001
Case name Damage to stern tube bearing
Device name Stern tube Damaged Bearing State of Damage
part damage
Maker name SHI SUL Model 7RND76M Total working 11 years
time after built
Kind of ship PCC Date of 1992.06.17 Place of
occurrence occurrence
Cause of Hardware factor Entangling of fishing net
damage/problem Software/human factor Poor maintenance of lube oil

I. Outline of accident
[Course of events]
(1) While the contamination of lube oil with seawater was observed ever since April 1992,
the condition remained unchanged for some time without further deterioration. Since
around May, the amount of sea water finding its way into lube oil increased (50 to 60
liters/day) and, on her leg from Bremerhaven to Baltimore, small fragments of white
metal were detected in the suction strainer for the stern tube lube oil pump and in the
sump tank. Thereafter, the relevant crew members managed to minimize oil spills
through such attempts as the replacement of the lube oil with Vickers Hyddrox Oil, a
highly viscous oil and the adjustment of the gravity tank, and entered the shipyard of
MHI in Yokohama on June 7 after calling at Los Angeles and San Francisco.
(2) As a result of an overhaul of the same section made immediately after entering the
drydock, no abnormal condition was observed with the net guard, but a small amount of
fragments of fishing net was found inside it and in the sealing equipment on the aft end,
together with slight damage to the seal ring.

[State of damage]
(1) The metal on the aft end sustained a partial loss of the white metal (4 mm thick) and the
forward metal was slightly scraped in the circumferential direction because of the entry
of fused metal fragments. The weardown reached as much as 1.2 mm.
(2) The propeller shaft suffered scuffing in the circumferential direction on its surface where
it is immersed inside the oil bath; and the mating surfaces of the bearing sustained a
large number of corrosion pits in the form of a pockmark. Both parts caught up metal
fragments. In addition, corrosion was observed in the bearing on the aft end because
of admission of seawater.

[Response measures]

(1) The bearing on the aft end was renewed and that on the forward end was placed in
continuous operation after the metal surface was rectified.
(2) As for the propeller shaft, white metal fragments imbedded on the surface were
removed, and the surface was smoothed.
(3) Wiping and flushing of the lube oil system, including the inside of the stern tube and the
lube oil tank, and cleaning by circulation.
(4) The stern tube sealing system was changed over from a product of Eagle Industry Co.,
Ltd. to that of Dover Japan Inc.

II. Causes of accident/problems

[Hardware factors]
Admission of seawater as a result of the entanglement of fishing net in the stern tube sealing

[Software/human factors]
The engineer in charge failed to take appropriate actions as the circumstances dictated,
such as the proper maintenance of lube oil and a changeover to the emergency seal, in
response to the entry of sea water caused by the entanglement of fishing net in the stern
tube sealing system. The deterioration of lube oil in quality as a result of the admission of
seawater to the oil bath for a long time, in combination with the defect of the propeller shaft
ascribed to damage sustained before that, caused damage to the bearing metal.
The damage was ascertained through the detection of small metal fragments in the suction
strainer to the stern tube lube oil pump, but, at this point in time, the damage had already
reached a serious stage.
On board the vessel, because of damage to metals on both forward and aft ends, the
sealing system and the same metals were renewed in the previous drydocking (two years
before), too. An investigation conducted after the discovery of the damage, suggests that
no record was entered about the contamination of the lube oil for the stern tube with water,
despite the possible commencement in January of the contamination as indicated from the
state of the damage, and that probably no remedial measures were taken until after the
discovery of metal fragments.
In the past there was a case where, after the detection of a leaky stern tube seal system on
board another vessel, the bearing of the same did sustain no damage although an analysis
of the lube oil in the sump tank showed a ratio of seawater to lube oil of 50%. This damage
could have been prevented from deteriorating to such a severity only if the engineer in
charge had inspected stern tube lube oil for water content by regularly sampling the oil

through the drain cock, checked its oil level and performed basic operating control.

III. Measures to prevent recurrence

[Hardware aspects]

[Software/human aspects]
Observe the practice of making regular inspections of stern tube lube oil for water content by
sampling through the drain cock, checking its oil level and performing basic operational

IV. Lessons
Lube oil will emulsify with only a small percentage of water. It is quite natural for bearing
metal to sustain damage in time if emulsified lube oil is left unaddressed.

Engine Trouble Cases
File No. 13 - 002
Case name Hawser caught up by propeller
Device name Controll- Damaged Rope guard State of Entangle-
able pitch part damage ment of
propeller hawser
Maker name MHI Model 94XF/4 Total working 6,008 hours
Yokohama time
Kind of ship Module Date of 1985.12.02 Place of Shuaiba
plant carrier occurrence occurrence
Cause of Hardware factor Nil
damage/problem Software/human factor Operational mistake

I. Outline of accident
[Course of events]
During mooring operation at provision jetty in Shuaiba, a heaving line and a hawser were
caught by a propeller and the following damage occurred.

[State of damage]
(1) The propeller shaft end and the boss were entangled with hawser (about 40 m) and a
heaving line (about 17 m); the ropes were also pressed into the guard ring.
(2) The rope guard fitting bolts (20), which were severed by the rotation of the cover, all
came off. Two of the four plugs of the rope guard also fell off.
(3) The rope guard is presumed to have rotated several times since it had circumferential
scratches on its internal surface caused by contact with the propeller shaft flange and
its tensioning bolt holes expanded in the rotating direction of the propeller. The rope
guard was displaced about 16 mm forward, with the O ring partly pressed out.
(4) Two sets of wires to fit to prevent the rotation of tightening bolts of the simplex seal liner
were severed.
(5) Two of the four plugs for the simplex cover ring were set loose.

[Response measures]
Divers were employed on the day following the incident (December 3) to grasp the state of
damage and remove the entangled rope and messenger rope. After the completion of
cargo work, repairs were made afloat from December 14 to 16 by local repairers and
engineers dispatched from the maker, with her stern raised above water. The propeller
was restored and put through an inspection by an NK surveyor.

II. Causes of accident/problems

[Hardware factors]

(1) The vessel is driven by two propellers which protrude outboard from the sides.
(2) The propellers are controllable and the engine rotates at all times.

[Software/human factors]
(1) Since it was a makeshift jetty, no expert linesmen were available.
(2) The mooring operation was not carried out smoothly.

III. Measures to prevent recurrence

[Hardware aspects]
There is some room for improvement in terms of the structure of the guard ring.

[Software/human aspects]
There is a need to carry out mooring operations more carefully.

IV. Lessons
Once propellers are entangled with ropes, it is troublesome afterwards.

Engine Trouble Cases
File No. 13 - 003
Case name Damage of intermediate shaft bearing
Device name Intermediate Damaged Shaft/Bearin State of Overheat
Shaft part g damage
Maker name JAPAN Model Total working 3 years
DOVER time
Kind of ship LPG Date of 1993.06.27 Place of Proceeding
occurrence occurrence PG
Cause of Hardware factor Insufficient LO supply
damage/problem Software/human factor Misoperation

Outline of Accident
[Course of Event]
An LPG carrier, laden with a full cargo of LPG from Ras Tanura, was sailing toward Japan
after clearing out of the Hormuz Strait. The vessel was under the M0 operating
arrangement and an inspection round in the morning found an abnormal overheating of the
intermediate shaft bearing.

When the intermediate lube oil valve was checked to see how lube oil was being admitted to
the bearing, it was revealed that the valve had been closed. The valve was immediately
opened, but the lube oil caught fire when it reached the bearing. Crew members
immediately attempted to extinguish it by using portable extinguishers and pouring water,
while stopping the main engine. They cooled down the bearing gradually by rotating the
shaft with the turning device.

[State of Damage]
An inspection thereafter found that the vessel was so damaged that she was not able to sail
under her own power. The vessel was towed to off Dubai by a tugboat and cast her anchor
(1) Melting of the upper and lower metals; cracking of the lower bearing backing metal;
fracture of upper metal set bolts.
(2) The shaft journal, with scattered metal deposits and heat cracks, sustained
considerable scratches and the oil deflectors flanking the bearing were burned out.
(3) The upper half of the bearing was overhauled and the deflection of the shaft was
measured. A bend of 140/100 mm was observed in the vertical direction. As for the
paintwork of the bearing support, only blisters were observed. The value of the

temperature rise is unknown.

In an effort to revive her ability to sail under her own power, we sent engineers of MHI, the
builder of the vessel, and other experts to repair the shaft, including the removal of cracks in
the intermediate shaft journal.
(1) Removal of cracks in intermediate shaft journal
a) All the cracks in the circumferential directions of the shaft were removed and such
surfaces were sufficiently smoothed out.
b) Since it was apparent that cracks in the axial direction would not be removed
completely even by machining to a depth of 45 mm, parties concerned discussed
and responded to the situation by providing stop holes (it was considered that
cracks in the axial direction might not progress further).
(2) Machining of intermediate shaft journal
The shaft was machined to 503.15 mm against its original diameter 505 mm and the
irregular journal surface and minute cracks were smoothed out.
(3) In addition, upper and lower metals were prepared and substituted for the damaged
(4) Trial and adjustments

After the above work was done, NK issued a sailing permit under the following conditions:
(1) Output restriction:
On the basis of a strength calculation as a result of the reduction in effective
diameter, the upper limit is set approximately at 50%.
(2) Valid period of the permit:
A period till the vessel completes discharging cargo in Japan and enters a dockyard
after gas-freeing (end of August).
(3) Sailing condition:
The machinery spaces may not be left unattended to, that is the M0 operation
arrangement is not allowed.

Cause of Accident / Underlying Problem

[Mechanical Factor]
The intermediate valve branching off from the lube oil main pipe for the main engine
gradually closed because of vibrations and this caused a shortage of lube oil supply to the
intermediate shaft bearing, which resulted in its melting by overheating.

[Human/Software Factor]
The change in the open and closed valve position is unavoidable under the influence of
vibrations in locations subjected to vibrations, such as places around shafting and generator
engines. It is desirable for such valves to be fitted with a stopper fixing the position of the
valve spindle. Without such a stopper, it is a common practice to lash a valve with a rope
or wire. It is to our great regret that crew members had taken no heed of such possibility
until the occurrence of the accident for three years since her building.

Preventive Measures
(1) With regard to facilities with a forced lubricating system, check the condition of
lubrication and take measures to fix the open and closed position of the intermediate
(2) As for the oil feed rate, feed oil at a maximum rate at which no oil leaks from both ends
of the bearing, after having checked the good condition of the inlet orifice and the
performance of the shaft oil seal.

There are cases that a serious accident like this takes place even if an alarm does not go off
during the engine operation with the machinery spaces unattended. Assuming every
possible situation, engineers must take due measures to counter it.






14. Bunkering
Engine Trouble Cases
File No. 14 - 001
Case name Mixed loading of lube oil
Device name Lube oil Damaged State of Mixed
tanks part damage loading
Maker name Model Total working 6 years after
time built
Kind of ship Woodchip Date of Place of Iwakuni
carrier occurrence occurrence
Cause of Hardware factor
damage/problem Software/human factor Disregard of basics for lube oil replenishing

I. Outline of accident
[Course of events]
(1) With a plan to supply lube oil after arrival, the vessel arrived at the port with the
following tank conditions.
Tank name Remaining on board
No. 1 cylinder oil tank 1,500 liters
Main engine system oil tank 2,200 liters
Generator engine system oil tank 2,000 liters
(2) Crew members connected hoses with both cylinder oil supply system and system oil
supply system and started the supplying operation at the same time.
(3) They checked the tank levels after completing the operation and became aware of an
unusual condition.

[State of damage]
The tank condition of each tank after the replenishment was as follows:
Tank name On hand Supply (mixed oil kinds) Total
(liters) (liters) (liters)
No. 1 cylinder oil tank 1,500 2,400 (M/E, D/G sys. oil) 3,900
Main engine system oil tank 2,200 3,600 (M/E cyl. oil) 5,800
Generator engine system oil tank 2,000 1,300 (M/E cyl. oil) 3,300
Sum total of mixed oil 13,000

[Response measures]
Adjusted oil (85TBN, 60SAE) was added to the mixed oil for use as cylinder oil after
adjusting its viscosity (40) to 220 cSt.

II. Causes of accident/problems

[Hardware factors]
Since the flanges with names of lube oil types inscribed on them were restored in a wrong
way after the previous replenishment, the crew members engaged in the replenishing

operation made a mistake in connecting the hoses.

[Software/human factors]
In addition to the proximate cause, the following problems contributed to the incident:
(1) No meeting was held before the lube oil replenishing operation to check the procedures
for the oil transfer.
(2) No proper assignment of crew members was made to the job.
(3) The relevant crew members checked the tank levels upon the commencement of the
replenishing operation, and checked the increase in oil level in tanks being loaded but
failed to check changes in oil level in other tanks.
(4) The supply of two different types of oil was started at the same time.

III. Measures to prevent recurrence

[Hardware aspects]

[Software/human aspects]
The tank names should be marked on the respective intake pipes or on the bulwark nearby.

IV. Lessons
Failure to follow basic procedures will lead to a pitfall when least expected.

Engine Trouble Cases
File No. 14 - 002
Case name Supply of fuel oil of poor quality
Device name Damaged State of
part damage
Maker name Model Total working 13 years
time after built
Kind of ship PCC Date of 1996.05.07 Place of Ulsan
occurrence occurrence
Cause of Hardware factor Catalytic fines
damage/problem Software/human factor Failure to receive oil samples

I. Outline of accident
[Course of events]
(1) MOL Technology Research Center analyzed a sample of the oil (830 MT of IF-280)
supplied at Ulsan and revealed the content of (Al + Si) at a level of 141 mg/kg (ppm).
Even an observation by a microscope showed a large number of particles of 20 to
30 micro-m. This value exceeds MOLs recommendation (30 ppm) and the reference
value of ISO 8217 (80 ppm) by far, and is considered to directly lead to interference with
vessel operation and, therefore, unsuitable for use.
(2) When samples were taken from all fuel tanks of the vessel and analyzed by the above
laboratory, all samples showed abnormal values of 65 to 147 ppm.
(3) It was found that the vessel did not have a retained sample of the bunker oil and only
the supplier retained one (no engineer attended the sampling on site) and the sample
showed 1 ppm of Al and Si according to an analysis by SGS, South Korea.
(4) It was decided to discharge the relevant bunker and intended to have the supplier to do
the job, but the supplier refused to do so on the excuse of the outcome of the retained
sample analysis. An attempt was made through another trading company to
discharge it in South Korea, but it was not possible, either, because of its tax law.
(5) Since the oil sample retained by the supplier was not credible, oil samples were taken
from all tanks in the presence of an independent surveyor with approval from the
trading house in between. The result of an analysis of the samples made by DNVPS
showed high values of 137 to 156 ppm for all tanks.
(6) The vessel took in bunker oil necessary to reach Singapore at Inchon and discharged
the poor quality bunker at Singapore.

[State of damage]

[Response measures]

II. Causes of accident/problems
[Hardware factors]
The vessel did not retain oil samples properly.

[Software/human factors]
Whether it is possible or not to prove the inferior quality of supplied bunker oil depends
solely on the analysis results of oil samples retained by both supplier and vessel. In the
case in question, without awareness of the importance of an oil sample to be retained, the
chief engineer of the vessel signed an oil sample without any knowledge of where it came
from, furthermore, he did not receive oil samples for the vessel.
As a result, although the analysis made by our laboratory of samples taken upon bunkering
and thereafter, and the analysis made by DNVPS of other oil samples taken from respective
tanks evidently showed that the bunker was of a poor quality, we were forced to accept the
suppliers argument that there was no problem with the bunker.

III. Measures to prevent recurrence

[Hardware aspects]

[Software/human aspects]
The incident was a case which served to remind us of the importance of sampling.
The following is important in sample taking: Samples are taken in the presence of a crew
member of the vessel, seals are confirmed (the seal numbers are recorded) and the supplier
and the chief engineer sign and mutually retain them.
If no crew member attended sampling and a sample is not known as to where it came from,
the chief engineer should annotate Receipt Only somewhere in the receipt delivered after
bunkering or report to our Fuel Section.

IV. Lessons
When the vessel is engaged in bunkering operations, the ships obligation is not discharged
only by carrying out the bunkering operation safely and the chief engineer should be aware
of the fact that he is a person burdened to execute a purchase contract. In the case taken
up here, there was a problem with the performance of the contract and the buyer was,
therefore, forced to dispose of the bunker oil of inferior quality and to load bunker oil again at
the buyers expense when the discharge of the bunker oil should have been done all by the
supplier as a seller.

Engine Trouble Cases
File No. 14 - 003
Case name Marine pollution upon taking on lube oil
Device name Lube oil Damaged State of
part damage
Maker name Model Total working
Kind of ship Date of Place of
occurrence occurrence
Cause of Hardware factor
damage/problem Software/human factor Disregard of basics upon taking on lube oil

I. Outline of accident
[Course of events]
(1) For the supply of lube oil, the chief engineer was stationed at the intake manifold and
the first engineer in the engine room. While keeping communications over
walkietalkies, they supplied lube oil in the following order: cylinder oil diesel
generator system oil main engine system oil.
(2) After some time 4,000 liters of main engine system oil was completed, the first engineer
checked the relevant tank level and found that only 3,000 liters recieved, an abnormal
(3) Inspection revealed that lube oil spilled from the bunker line on the other side of the
vessel. It was noticed that the blank flange was not tightened.

[State of damage]
After recovering spilt oil, oil measurements were taken, and concluded that about 150 liters
of oil spilt overboard.

[Response measures]

II. Causes of accident/problems

[Hardware factors]
(1) The blank flange on the other manifold was not completely bolted up.
(2) The upper deck scuppers were plugged incompletely.

[Software/human factors]
(1) Personnel were not stationed in accordance with the bunkering manual on board.
(2) The operational procedures were not sufficiently checked.
(3) The line alignment was not checked according to the oil pollution prevention manual,

without adequate posting of personnel as lookouts or preparation of oil pollution
equipment and materials.
(4) No inspection rounds were made during the oil replenishing operation, on the basis of
the oil pollution prevention manual.
(5) No check of the situation of the replenishing operation was made upon the changeover
of lube oil from one type to another.

III. Measures to prevent recurrence

[Hardware aspects]

[Software/human aspects]
As enumerated above as contributing factors, this incident can be said to be completely due
to human error. Such factors as the supply of a small amount of lube oil and the direct
involvement in the operation of the chief and first engineers, seemingly made them lower
their guard, as shown by their failure to assign a proper number of persons.
They are required to recognize that operating manuals are prepared not only to show
operating procedures but also to prevent possible emergency situation.

IV. Lessons
Failing to follow basics in any event may result in an accident.

Engine Trouble Cases
File No. 14 - 004
Case name Water pollution due to oil spill
Device name FO tank Damaged State of
part damage
Maker name Model Total working
Kind of ship PCC Date of 1998.09.18 Place of YOKOHAM
occurrence occurrence A
Cause of Hardware factor
damage/problem Software/human factor Misoperation

Outline of Accident
[Course of Events]
The vessel started bunkering after the completion of cargo work at a Wharf in Yokohama.
The bunkering operation was carried out at a rate of about 200 MT/hour, with the intake
valves for No. 1 (P) & (S) FO tanks fully open, and that for No. 3 (C) tank used for adjusting
The third Engineer was engaged in valve operations in the machinery space, under the
supervision of the Chief Engineer, and two oilers were employed in taking ullages of No. 1
(P) & (S) FO tanks, under the direction of the Forth Engineer.
No. 1 (P) & (S) FO tanks, both with a capacity of 70 m3, each contained 40 m3 of FO and it
was planned for them to receive oil up to 87% of their capacity (61 m3 each). No. 3(C) FO
tank was to receive 110m3.
Thirty minutes after the commencement of the replenishing operation, almost at the same
time as the oiler reported the measured valves of No. 1(P) & (S) tanks, No. 1 (P) FO tank
overflowed through its sounding pipe.

[State of Damage]
No. 1 (P) FO tank overflowed through its sounding pipe resulting in a spill of about 250 liters
on board and about 50 liters overboard.


Cause of Accident / Underlying Problem

[Mechanical Factor]

[Human/Software Factor]
(1) The intake valves for the tanks with smaller ullage spaces were kept fully open,

without regard to the excessively high loading rate, and the intake pressure was
controlled by the adjustment of a tank with a larger ullage space.
(2) Ullages of No. 1(P) & (S) FO tanks were taken only twice before the occurrence of the
oil spill.
(3) When the ullage was taken for the second time, the sounding pipe was soiled,
making the reading of the ullage less reliable.
(4) Despite the situation as described above, the Chief Engineer did not attempt to
reduce the filling rate.

Preventive Measures
[Mechanical Aspect]

[Human/Software Aspect]
(1) Preparation of bunkering plan
Before bunkering operations, it is required to prepare a bunkering plan and inform all
personnel involved in the bunkering operation of its procedures. The plan must take into
account the following:
(a) Prepare a bunkering schedule on the basis of a pumping rate within the capacity of
the facilities on board.
(b) Determine the oil quantity to be received by each tank, taking into consideration
such matters as the total volume of the tank, heating condition, structure of the air
vent pipe, and installation of overflow piping. Limit receiving oil up to 90% of the tank
capacity, as a rule.
(c) Clearly assign duties to the staff members to be engaged in the operation.
(2) Preparation for bunkering
Before bunkering, ensure the following preparations are made and confirmed by both the
Chief Engineer and engineer in charge:
(a) The receiving tanks have sufficient ullage to receive the planned quantity of oil;
(b) The valves, piping arrangements, and tanks necessary for receiving oil are in a
satisfactory condition for trouble-free bunkering operation;
(c) All air vent pipes for FO tanks are functioning properly;
(d) The means of communication between bunker manifold and bunker station are
functioning properly.
(e) The coamings for the air vent are properly plugged;
(f) The deck scuppers are securely plugged;
(g) Equipment and materials for oil removal are placed ready for use beforehand;

(h) The correct valves are opened (ensure unnecessary valves are closed);
(i) The bunkering procedure manual and bunkering plan are displayed in the vicinity of
the bunker manifold and bunker station; and
(j) If remote control valves or alarms are installed, they are checked for correct
(3) Meeting before bunkering.
Before bunkering, hold a meeting on the bunkering operation with the supplier (shore or
barge) and confirm the following matters:
(a) Means of communication between ship and supplier;
(b) Acceptable transfer rate and upper limit of the manifold pressure;
(c) Quantity of oil to be supplied and order of bunkering;
(d) Response at critical stages of the bunkering operation, such as the commencement,
topping off of each tank, and final drainage of the relevant lines by air; and
(e) Response in emergencies.
(4) During bunkering operations.
Check the following matters while bunkering:
(a) Convey the pumping order to the supplier only after the Chief Engineer has
confirmed that all preparations have been completed.
(b) After the commencement of bunkering, maintain the minimum transfer rate for a
while, during which checks should be made to see that:
The oil is flowing into the correct tanks;
There is no change in the quantity of oil contained in other tanks;
The bunker hose is properly secured and supported.
(c) Take ullages and make rounds on the deck at regular intervals according to the
bunkering plan.
(d) When topping off a tank, never close its intake valve before opening that of the next
tank to receive oil, in order to avoid excessive pressure rise.
(e) When topping off a tank, adjust the flow rate to other tanks so that utmost attention
may be paid to the tank to be topped off.
(f) Check to see that there is no increase in oil level of tanks that have already been
topped off.
(g) Keep close contact with the supplier.
(h) Before topping off the final tank, reduce the pumping rate step by step.
(i) Before starting to drain the relevant pipeline, check to see that the tank planned to
receive the drain in the pipeline has sufficient ullage.
(j) When draining the relevant lines, cap the sounding pipes.

Bunkering works should be done with the utmost care in the works of the engine department,
as any mistake can lead to serious consequences. For any important actions, a check by the
Chief engineer is required in addition to the person in charge.
And in addition to onboard work, careful attention should be paid to the suppliers facilities
(land facility, barge) and actions. Communication lines for urgent communication should
always be established.

15. Tank
Engine Trouble Cases
File No. 15 - 001
Case name Damage to main engine crankcase drain pipe
Device name Main engine Damaged Crankcase State of Crack
sump tank part drain pipe damage
Maker name Ube Model UEC60LA Total working 11 years
time after built
Kind of ship Bulker Date of 1998.07.12 Place of At sea
occurrence occurrence
Cause of Hardware factor Deterioration through years of use by vibration
damage/problem and corrosion
Software/human factor Poor M0 check and watchkeeping

I. Outline of accident
[Course of events]
On July 12, 1998, an increase in the level of the main engine lube oil sump tank was
On July 14, the main engine lube oil pressure drop alarm went off. The main engine was
stopped and various parts were inspected. When the purifier was checked, water gray in
color was detected from the drain pipe, convincing crew members of lube oil contamination
with water.

[State of damage]
A hole caused by corrosion was found in the drain pipe in the lower part of the crankcase
leading to the lube oil sump tank, together with a crack in the same pipe at a portion where it
is welded to the sump tank. Bilge water which flooded the place found its way into the main
engine sump tank through the crack and hole and ultimately mixed into the system oil.
It seems that 1.5 m3 of bilge water mixed into 15 m3 of system oil.

[Response measures]
Replacement of the system oil with new oil.

II. Causes of accident/problems

[Hardware factors]
While the vessel is in her eleventh year of service, the drain pipe below the crankcase had
been left unchecked and the crack is considered to have been caused by deterioration
through years of use and poor welding quality or corrosion induced by vibration.

[Software/human factors]
(1) The oil level increase of the sump tank came to notice on July 12 and the main engine

lube oil pressure drop alarm sounded on July 14. Only after that crew members
started to check various parts, but did they investigate the cause of the rise in level
before the alarm went off?
If there is a change in tank level during M0 checks and engineering watches while
under way, it is a must to investigate possible damage to or flaws in equipment. Crew
members are required to know that it is the fundamental method to prevent accidents.
You may leave a notable change unaddressed without being convinced as to what has
caused such a situation, only when you can satisfy yourself that nothing problematic will
occur in the worst scenario as far as you can imagine.
It would not be surprising this accident had unfortunately developed into a serious one,
including damage to the bearings.
(2) Generally, if water finds its way into system oil, the water content will manifest itself as
water drops in the sight glass at a level of about 0.3% of oil.
An attitude to take notice of any slight change is necessary when crew members make
inspection rounds; one oil drop or water drop on the floor may serve as a clue to defects
which, if addressed at an early stage, may prevent development into serious accidents.
For that purpose, cleaning at other times is required to keep the floor off oil or water. If
water drops are not readily observable because of a dirty sight glass, such a situation
itself underlies a problem which may lead to an accident at any time.
(3) As one of our standard features, main engines and diesel generators are surrounded by
coamings. Setting aside whether it was the case on board the vessel or not, it is a
problem that the tank top was flooded with a large amount of bilge water and that as
much as 1.5 m3 of water found its way through the cracks. The bilges must be
maintained so that water does not overflow the bilge wells. In such a state, if bilge
water is not found on the tank top, it is easy to locate a hole in a pipe, or other abnormal
(4) The creation of cracks is beyond control of crew members, if they were caused by
improper welding or induced by vibrations, but the engine pit bilge generally must be
kept dry and if there is a pool of bilge water in it, it must be stripped and its cause

III. Measures to prevent recurrence

[Hardware aspect]

[Software/human aspects]

IV. Lessons
The operational management according to basics often prevents serious accidents.

Engine Trouble Cases
File No. 15 - 002
Case name Flow of FO into duct keel
Device name No. 1 FO Damaged Dresser jointState of Leak
tank part damage
Maker name Taiyo Model 150F-1 Total working 10 years
time after built
Kind of ship PCC Date of Place of Inchon
occurrence occurrence
Cause of Hardware factor Deterioration through years of use
damage/problem Software/human factor Insufficient inspection

I. Outline of accident
[Course of events]
(1) Upon arrival at Inchon, a shortage of remaining oil by 20 M/T in No. 1 P and S tanks
became evident. (Both tanks, which were made common, were in use.)
(2) The vessel took in fuel oil at Inchon and four days after her departure it was noticed that
300 M/T of oil was missing.
(3) Soundings proved that fuel oil flowed into the duct keel.

[State of damage]

[Response measures]
The bilge piping for the duct keel was provisionally arranged to connect to the FO transfer
system and the oil in the duct keel was transferred to the settling tank every day by use of
the auxiliary transfer pump.

II. Causes of accident/problems

[Hardware factors]
The transfer line from No. 1 P and S FO tanks has dresser couplings at four locations inside
the duct keel of the vessel and of those:
(1) The coupling closest to the engine room had its bolts out of place; and
(2) Two other couplings were detected to be leaking oil through the rubber gaskets.

[Software/human factors]
The preventive measures as enumerated below should naturally have been taken and the
failure to do so is a problem.

III. Measures to prevent recurrence
[Hardware aspects]
(1) Take soundings of the duct keel every day.
(2) Check the leakproof condition of the dresser couplings once every year.
(3) Inspect the pipes visually once every six months.
(4) Pressure test FO piping once every six months.
(5) Replace the rubber gaskets every five years.
(6) Keep the FO tanks closed when they are not in use.

[Software/human aspects]
Soundings are supposed to be taken every day, but, in some cases, while daily entries are
made in the sounding note, soundings are not actually taken.

IV. Lessons
The ships hull must be inspected at every nook and cranny against a checklist at regular

Engine Trouble Cases
File No. 15 - 003
Case name Shipboard MARPOL inspection in Germany
Device name Waste oil Damaged State of
tanks part damage
Maker name Model Total working 11 years
time after built
Kind of ship PCC Date of Place of Emden
occurrence occurrence
Cause of Hardware factor
damage/problem Software/human factor Improper entry in oil record book

I. Outline of accident
[Course of events]
(1) Response action taken on board on a daily basis in relation to entries in the oil record
a) On every occasion when disposal was made, entries were made and the signature
of the master as well as that of the first engineer set.
b) The quantity of oily residues in each tank was recorded every week instead of one
c) The operating time of the incinerator, quantity of disposal, names of tanks handled
were entered; and as to the quantity of disposal, care was exercised not to exceed
the capacity certified in the IOPP certificate.
d) Entries of the maintenance of the bilge separator, 15 ppm alarm test and the like
were made with the use of the symbol I.
e) The time used for shifting waste oil was recorded.
(2) Matters carried out before entering European ports
a) Maintenance of the incinerator
b) Maintenance of the bilge separator
c) Inspection of the bilge overboard discharge pipe
d) Cleaning of the inside of the engine room

[State of damage]

[Response measures]
A matter was pointed out only.

II. Causes of accident/problems
[Hardware factors]

[Software/human factors]
The vessel entered the quantity of oily residues in each tank, collectively in C-11 once every
week. Authorities pointed out the need to make entries separately in C11-1 and -2.

III. Measures to prevent recurrence

[Hardware aspects]

[Software/human aspects]
(1) Engineers are supposed to enter, in C11-1 and -2 of the oil record book, the quantity of
oil residues remaining in each tank. However, the way each vessel makes entries is
not unified, resulting from different interpretations and, consequently, authorities often
highlight improper entries in Europe.
Accordingly, you are requested to observe the following manner when making entries
from now on:
a) Entries shall be made separately in C-11-1 and -2 at intervals of one week
regardless of whether at sea or in port.
b) Upon the completion of an ocean passage, entries shall be made so that they
represent the situation upon arrival at the port.
(2) In Germany authorities check the consumption of FO and the amount of disposed
waste oil (including sludge) in comparison with each other. Vessels may respond to
shipboard inspections by authorities smoothly if they have already calculated the sum
total before entering a port, particularly in Germany,
a) When the oil record book has no extra space for entries, the sum total of fuel oil
consumption and that of waste oil disposed (both incinerated and landed) during
the period of the record book was in use; and
b) The sum total of fuel oil consumption and that of waste oil disposed (both
incinerated and landed) in the oil record book now in use from the date of the use
of the record book till the date of arrival in Germany.

IV. Lessons
In relation to MARPOL Convention, no problem will be pointed up, in particular, only if all
operations are carried out according to the regulation and the oil record book is properly

However, concerning environmental pollution, some ports have their own rules and,
therefore, vessels are required to thoroughly consult our circulars in advance to prepare for
a port call.

Engine Trouble Cases
File No. 15 - 004
Case name Damage to shell plating of FO tank resulting from heavy weather
Device name No. 3 FO Damaged Shell plating State of Cracks
tank part damage
Maker name MHI Model Total working 10 years
time after built
Kind of ship Container Date of 1996.02.15 Place of At sea
ship occurrence occurrence
Cause of Hardware factor Defective welding
damage/problem Software/human factor Main engine operation and hull resistance in
heavy weather

I. Outline of accident
[Course of events]
February 15
0930 hours A large amount of sea water was found discharging from the FO purifier
water outlet.
A rise of the level gage was observed in No. 3 FO tank (P). No unusual
situation was detected in other related tanks.
1140 hours The oil level in the sounding pipe of No. 3 FO tank (P) stopped rising only
when the level reached the value of the ships draft.
It was judged that the shell plating sustained some damage.
2100 hours The First Regional Maritime Safety Headquarters was notified.
February 16
0630 hours Damage was discovered in the port side shell plating of the boatswains
Five forecastle frames were damaged, of those, three were buckled.
1150 hours The vessel stopped in calm waters and inspected the extent of damage in
the above shell plating but failed to locate the exact location of the craks.
February 17
1000 hours It was decided to carry out a survey by divers and make temporary repairs
in Sagami Bay in order to avoid oil spills in Tokyo Bay.
1100 hours The vessel notified the Third Regional Maritime Safety Headquarters,
which instructed the vessel to stop before entering Sagami Bay to check
for oil leaks and start operations in the same bay at 0900 hours.

[State of damage]
The crack extended over a length of 3.18 m down from a position 2 m below the water line.

[Response measures]
(1) Measures to prevent FO spills overboard
a) As a precautionary measure to prevent a leak of FO overboard, before arrival off O
Shima Island, the forward overflow pipe (one of the two pipes (located forward and
aft)) for No. 3 FO tank (P), running through No. 3 heel tank (P) situated above the
FO tank, was severed inside the heel tank and the vessel was listed to port by 10
to displace about 120 m3 of FO with seawater and force it into No. 3 heel tank (P),
thereafter filling No. 3 FO tank with seawater.
b) The vessel stopped off O Shima with a list of 10 to Port to confirm no leakage of
FO into the sea. She entered Sagami Bay accompanied by a guardboat and
underwent a provisional repair of the cracked portion by divers.
Provisional repairing method: They stuffed into the cracked portion
something like rubber insulation tape and
applied watertight putty (putty for application
to home bath tubs).
c) After discharging cargo, the vessel entered drydock of IHI, Yokohama, and
underwent permanent repairs on the shell plating.
(2) Disposal of remaining water
a) No. 3 FO (P & S) tanks containing 675 m3 of oily water were discharged into a
barge at Ohi No. 4 berth by using the ships FO transfer pump and FO supply line.
b) As for the oily water left in No. 3 heel tank (P), 130 m3, while being heated with
steam introduced through a hose from the general service steam line of the engine
room, was first shifted to No. 3 FO tank (S) by using a portable pump and the
remaining 10 m3 manually recovered; and cleaning was conducted.

II. Causes of accident/problems

[Hardware factors]
The investigation result of the cracked portion described below, indicates that the creation of
the crack is attributed to the following: the stress greater than usual the vessel sustained
when she encountered heavy weather, caused and enlarged a crack which started from a
part of defective welding, including incomplete fusion.
The incomplete fusion assumed to have been mainly caused by the low level of the welders
Result of investigation of crack in shell plating:
(1) The portion which suffered a crack corresponds to plates replaced by Mitsubishi,
Nagasaki, in 1991 and by MSE in 1994.

(2) The radiographic test conducted at IHI this time revealed a defect (cavity) in the weld
carried out by MSE.
(3) The broken section shows a cavity, which is considered to be an example of
catastrophically incomplete fusion.
(4) The welding is assumed to have been done manually with upward manual welding in
the vertical position.

[Software/human factors]
When the damage was incurred, the vessel was sailing in waters East of the Kuril Islands in
heavy weather.
The vessel is installed with a propulsion generator motor, but when the engine enters a
torque-rich region in rough seas and the engine speed is reduced to avoid the situation, the
propulsion generator motor must be isolated. However, the additional system was isolated,
the operation of the main engine itself became further torque-rich.
For this reason, the vessel was put in a situation where she was forced to maintain her
engine speed even though the hull was overstrained and the main engine overloaded.
The chief and other engineers are always taking pains with the management of engine
operation. This case of accident gives a lesson that, in heavy seas, they are required to
manage the engine operation by also giving consideration to the hull strength in close
consultation with the master.

III. Measures to prevent recurrence

[Hardware aspects]

[Software/human aspects]

IV. Lessons
In heavy weather, if the main engine were operated beyond its operating limit, it could result
in damage to the hull.

Engine Trouble Cases
File No. 15 - 005
Case name Marine pollution caused by waste oil
Device name Bilge Damaged Three-way State of Seizure
system part valve damage
Maker name Model Total working 4 years after
time built
Kind of ship Woodchip Date of 1994.04.19 Place of Iwakuni
carrier occurrence occurrence
Cause of Hardware factor Seizure of three-way valve for bilge overboard
damage/problem discharge pipe
Software/human factor Improper handling

I. Outline of accident
[Course of events]
April 12
0800 hours Oil globs were found floating around the port stern.
Steps to recover them were immediately initiated.
0850 hours The Iwakuni Maritime Safety Station was notified.
1000 hours Maritime safety officers came on board and checked the scene of the
pollution and started to interview crew members.
1050 hours An inspection to locate the leaking point was started by divers. A leak was
confirmed from a bilge overboard discharge port situated at a point about 10
m forward from the right aft to the port side and about 5 m below the water
line. An inspection of the relevant valves and pipes was commenced by
the ships crew.

[State of damage]

[Response measures]

II. Causes of accident/problems

[Hardware factors]
The vessel was engaged, during the port stay, in an operation to shift waste oil from the fuel
oil/lube oil sludge tanks, but on that occasion the following events happened simultaneously to
cause the inadvertent discharge overboard.
(1) The waste oil in the fuel oil/lube oil sludge tanks is originally supposed to be transferred to

the waste oil settling tank with the sludge pump, but instead it was shifted to the bilge tank
by means of the bilge pump on this occasion.
(2) The three-way valve, downstream of the bilge separator, on the overboard discharge line,
to change over between bilge tank and overboard discharge, was seized and, furthermore,
the non-return valve at the bilge tank inlet was slightly sticking, both of which contributed
to a partial outflow of the waste oil to the sea, not the bilge tank.
(3) The overboard discharge valve was kept locked but was not placed completely in the
closed position, resulting in the oil finding its way into the sea.

[Software/human factors]
(1) The closure of the overboard discharge valve should be checked by the person in charge
under his responsibility and it is his mistake to have locked the valve in a slightly opened
(2) The mis-operation to shift waste oil from fuel oil/lube oil sludge tanks to bilge tank with the
bilge pump is attributable to the defect of the relevant manual.

III. Measures to prevent recurrence

[Hardware aspects]
(1) A check valve was newly installed between transfer line to the bilge tank and three-way
valve, to prevent a leak to the overboard discharge line even in the event of the seizure of
the three-way valve.
(2) A valve was established in addition to the existing overboard discharge valve to
incorporate a double-shut arrangement.
(3) A water (oil) detecting valve was newly provided on the overboard discharge line. It is
kept open while in port to check the line for leaks of water (oil).

[Software/human aspects]
A manual for the handling of bilge water and waste oil was prepared to keep them thoroughly
under control.

IV. Lessons
Marine pollution proves disastrous once it is incurred. Crew members are required to act
prudently. They cannot be over careful in preventing marine pollution.

Engine Trouble Cases
File No. 15 - 006
Case name Main engine lube oil outflow into engine room
Device name Damaged State of
part damage
Maker name Model EGE MK- Total working
2A time
Kind of ship Date of Place of During shift
occurrence occurrence to KHARG
Cause of Hardware factor Seizure of swing check valve
damage/problem Software/human factor Careless handling

Outline of Accident
[Course of Event]
Lube oil was found flowing out of the D/G lube oil settling tank overflow pipe on the second
deck in the machinery space. On that day, only the lube oil purifier for the main engine was
in operation. The purifier was immediately stopped and an inspection was made for

[State of Damage]
The measurements of quantities in respective tanks were as follows: Main engine lube oil
sump tank - reduction by 6,100 L; D/G lube oil settling tank - increase by 2,300 L; lube oil
drain tank - increase by 600 L; waste oil tank - increase by 3,000 L; outflow onto the deck -
approximately 200 L.

[Remedial Measures]
After 2,000 L of lube oil were recovered from the D/G lube oil settling tank to the main
engine lube oil sump tank, the quantity of lube oil which flowed out proved to be 4,100 L.

Cause of Accident / Underlying Problem

[Mechanical Factor]
As a result of a seizure of the swing check valve on the side of No. 1 lube oil purifier
deaerater, lube oil reached the air vent header through the deaerater vent pipe; and part of
the lube oil backflowed to the D/G lube oil settling tank air vent located at the lowest level of
the header and the other part flowed to the waste oil tank through the drain line.
After the D/G lube oil settling tank was filled up, the lube oil which flowed from the overflow
pipe dropped inside the coaming surrounding the tank and, from there, to lube oil drain tank.
Some of the oil overflowed the coaming onto the floor plating.

On that day 2,000 L of lube oil had been supplied to the main engine lube oil sump tank.
The same lube oil line is so structured to be used as a lube oil feed line and lube oil purifier
line. The swing check valve is installed on the purifier line and so arranged to prevent a
backflow upon lube oil feeding. An overhaul of the check valve revealed that this check
valve had seized in the closed position when it had been subjected to back pressure upon
the supply of lube oil.

[Human/Software Factor]
All check valves are susceptible to seizure or jamming in a half closed position. In the case
of a check valve used to partition commonly shared piping, it is required to ensure, after
having operated the valve, that the liquid inside actually flows in an intended direction.

In this case, only a touch of the pipe downstream of the check valve or monitoring of the
main engine sump tank level could have sufficed to take notice of the abnormal situation
before the occurrence of the accident.

Preventive Measures
[Mechanical Aspect]
The swing check valve was replaced with a globe check valve so that it would be manually

[Human/Software Aspect]
The operation method has been changed so that, upon the supply of new lube oil, lube oil
purification is suspended once with the check valve shut and that, after the finish of the
supply, the check valve is opened and purification is resumed.

When a machine is operated, it is basically required to check its operating condition.

Engine accident cases
File No. 15 - 007
Case name Lube oil finding its way into sea while it was being shifted
Device name D/G lube oil Damaged State of Marine
part damage pollution
Maker name Model Total working
Kind of ship Container Date of 1992.07.11 Place of Southamp-
ship occurrence occurrence ton
Cause of Hardware factor Tank overflow
damage/problem Software/human factor Carelessness during operation

I. Outline of accident
[Course of events]
(1) After arrival at Southampton, it came to the notice of a crew member who was making
an inspection round throughout the engine room around 1400 hours that the oil quantity
in the D/G lube oil overflow tank (whose capacity is 3 m3) had dropped to a level which
required replenishment (1400 liters) and he started at 1425 hours the operation to fill
the tank with new oil by opening the D/G lube oil storage tank outlet valve.
Thinking that the topping off operation by gravity would take a long time, he shut the
outlet valve of the D/G lube oil settling tank (used for de-aeration of purified oil) in an
attempt to reduce the time.
(2) Although he was at first monitoring the levels of the D/G lube oil storage tank and D/G
lube oil settling tank, he started to wipe off the diesel generator situated in front of both
tanks on the same floor since it seemed to take some time.
(3) At 1510 hours he noticed the D/G L.O. Settling tank was filled up, and he immediately
opened the outlet valve of the D/G lube oil settling tank and closed that of the D/G lube
oil storage tank.
When he made an inspection on deck, he found lube oil overflowing the D/G lube oil
settling tank through its vent pipe on the starboard upper deck and finding its way to the
sea via the sunken deck of the stern.

[State of damage]
According to calculations on the basis of the quantities of oil remaining in the engine room,
that recovered on deck and that collected from overboard by use of the ships oil absorbents,
it is presumed that about 910 liters of lube oil flowed overboard.

[Response measures]
Crew members started to remove oil immediately after the discovery of the spillage, and

notified parties concerned, including the ships agent and the harbour master.
1610 hours Two marine officers (representatives of the harbour master) came on board
and checked the site; they took samples of the oil in the D/G settling tank and
spilled oil.
1745 hours The oil spill service center designated by the harbour master started to
recover oil and completed collecting most of the spilled oil at 2115 hours.
1840 hours A local surveyor for the P&I club (UK) came on board the vessel and held
interviews concerning the situation and took photographs.
2130 hours Since the completion of recovery of the spilled oil was in sight, the vessel
notified the harbour master to that effect. The vessel was granted a
clearance for departure at 1000 hours next morning (July 12) by submitting a
letter of undertaking jointly endorsed by us and the ships agent.
July 12 (next day)
0945 hours Upon departure from the port, when the vessel was pulled about 10 m off the
wharf, crew members inspected the situation of pollution by the spilled oil in
the presence of the harbour master, and noticed a small amount of oil (2 to 3
m2) on a berth fender about the water level, which oil was recovered by a
boat standing by. After checking that there was no more problem, the
vessel sailed out.

II. Causes of accident/problems

[Hardware factors]

[Software/human factors]
(1) Even during an oil transfer operation, the crew member was engaged in another job; no
arrangement was made to post another person, resulting in a lax monitoring of the
subject operation.
(2) Taking the operation (transfer of oil) lightly, he did not have any prior discussions over
the operation.
(Although the oil level of the D/G lube oil overflow tank dropped to a level of 1,400 liters
(against the tank capacity of 3 m3), which normally requires topping up, there was no
need to carry out the operation during her port stay since there was some time before
the oil level reached the alarm point of 700 liters.)
(3) The person engaged in the operation closed the outlet valve of the D/G lube oil settling
tank in an effort to reduce the time required to top up the tank, but, as a result of his
misjudgment on (wrong impression of) the piping system and inability to predict the

outcome of his action, things turned out in the worst scenario where purified oil from the
purifier overflowed through the air vent pipe.

III. Measures to prevent recurrence

[Hardware aspects]

[Software/human aspects]
(1) In relation to operations liable to cause marine pollution, including not only the supply
and transfer of fuel oil but also oil transfer between tanks inside the engine room,
operations shall be carried out, regardless of the kind of oil, under the direction of the
chief engineer and department head (including reporting to them) on the basis of the
provisions for the control of fuel oil and lube oil as specified by the work regulations.
[Examples of work regulations]
1) The chief engineer shall exercise, and be responsible for, proper control over fuel
oil and lube oil in their replenishment and use.
2) Before the supply of fuel oil and lube oil, the chief engineer shall check bunkering
plans, related facilities and oil spill prevention measures by himself and thoroughly
inculcate the oil spill prevention measures in those to be engaged in the operation.
3) Due care shall be taken in the transfer and disposal of fuel oil, lube oil and bilge
water and the transfer of fuel oil, in particular, shall be done under the direct
command of the chief engineer, with close communication kept with the deck
4) The control and spill prevention of fuel oil and lube oil shall be done under the
direct command and supervision of the chief engineer.
(2) Regardless of the kind of oil, whether fuel oil, lube oil, waste oil, or oily bilge water,
transfer procedures containing operational sequence and related piping diagrams shall
be prepared and posted at appropriate locations and, furthermore, warning plates be
displayed as necessary.
(3) Full discussions shall be held among parties concerned, on the basis of operating plans
and documented operational procedures, before the commencement of operations.
Operations to shift oil between tanks during a short port stay or at nighttime shall be
avoided as far as practicable, except operations to supply fuel oil and lube oil.
(4) In the preparatory operation, checks shall be made against the checklist and the on-site
person in charge shall check the open/closed state of each valve by touching it by
(5) During operations, the person assigned to such a station shall be exclusively engaged

in the monitoring work without being distracted by other operations. During bunkering
operations, in particular, he shall not be engaged in other operations related to fuel oil.
(6) All the scuppers shall be completely stopped up with wooden plugs, cement, sand bags,
or otherwise, during bunkering or shifting operations.

IV. Lessons
Once an oil spill incident occurs, the vessel will be held liable in any case regardless of
whether there is negligence or not on her part.
Specific precautions during bunkering or shifting operations have been given since before
such as: Never leave the assigned post, Never carry out other jobs simultaneously.
Such instructions have recently been neglected and the accident taken up here seems to
have occurred since the basic procedures were disregarded.
It is essential that all personnel be inculcated in these basic matters concerning various
operations and that they endeavor to prevent accidents.

Engine Trouble Cases
File No. 15 - 008
Case name Boiler ignition failure resulting from contamination of DO service tank with
Device name DO service Damaged State of Contamina-
tank part damage tion with
Maker name Model Total working Half year
time after built
Kind of ship Oil tanker Date of 1992.06 Place of
occurrence occurrence
Cause of Hardware factor Nil
damage/problem Software/human factor Fuel change over upon stopping generator

I. Outline of accident
[Course of events]
(1) From around half a year after the vessel was built, it was often the case that the main
and auxiliary burners of the auxiliary boiler failed to ignite. In the case of the pilot
burner, in particular, the combustion condition became unstable after its ignition, i.e.,
the burner gets ignited only till the igniter was on, and did not continue burning
(2) The engineer in charge made various attempts, such as maintenance of the burner and
adjustment of the temperatures and pressures, but the situation did not improve. For
the purpose of identifying its cause, he established a makeshift tank and separated it
from the existing DO service line, thereby to supply diesel oil of good quality. This
measure actually worked and drastically reduced ignition failures.

[State of damage]
A large amount of HFO found its way into the DO service tank, deteriorating the quality of
diesel oil.

[Response measures]

II. Causes of accident/problems

[Hardware factors]
Upon stopping generator engines, crew members used to change over from HFO to DO
almost at the same time and the HFO remaining inside the line of generator engine flowed
back to DO through return line. This practice over a long period allowed HFO to find its
way to the DO service tank, increasing the viscosity of DO.

[Software/human factors]
The changeover of inlet and outlet upon the changeover from HFO to DO will naturally admit
HFO remaining in the generator engine into the DO line.

III. Measures to prevent recurrence

[Hardware aspects]

[Software/human aspects]
(1) Procedures for changing over HFO/DO for generator engines
(a) When changing over from HFO to DO upon stopping an engine, never change over
the engine outlet valve (return valve) immediately after the changeover of the inlet
valve but continue running the engine as it is with the HFO return valve open for
some time and change over to DO after the system is completely filled with DO to
the outlet valve.
(b) In the case of a remote automatic changeover system with a three-way valve, set
the timing, as far as possible, to correspond to the actual replacement with DO.
(2) Bear the following in mind on board vessels without the installation of a DO settling
(a) Recently, generator engines have come to run exclusively on HFO, in addition to
propulsion engines running only on HFO, bringing about a drastic decrease in DO
consumption. For this reason, DO settling tanks are not found on board many
ships and DO service tanks have become smaller in capacity as compared with
those on board traditional vessels. It follows that, in the event of the operation of
a boiler being hampered by more viscous DO as a result of its contamination with
HFO, it has become more difficult to take immediate response action because of
the lack of redundancy of the system.
(b) DO, therefore, must be maintained in good condition at all times. Check locations
where there is a possibility of contaminating DO tanks with HFO on every such
occasion, and overhaul the three-way valve for the return of HFO, if necessary.
There is a need to give consideration to emergency needs to use DO of good
quality or kerosene for a boiler.

IV. Lessons
You should never do any operation mechanically but should, think before taking such action,
what result will follow.

Engine Trouble Cases
File No. 15 - 009
Case name Generation of bacteria which reduced inhibiting effects for generator
engine cooling water system
Device name Cooling Damaged D/G cooling State of No
water part water system damage corrosion
system protective
Maker name Model Total working
Kind of ship Date of 1991.04 Place of
occurrence occurrence
Cause of Hardware factor Generation of nitrobacter
damage/problem Software/human factor Nil

I. Outline of accident
[Course of events]
Around leaving a drydock, despite sufficient, additional injection of a chemical agent for the
generator engine cooling water system (the system is independent from that for the main
engine), the corrosion protective chemical content dropped and the maker made an

[State of damage]
The makers analysis results showed that a nitrite, the main component of the inhibitor, had
changed to a nitrate without any inhibiting effects, and that electric conductivity increased

[Response measures]
The cooling water was entirely exchanged and a bactericide and an inhibitor were injected.

II. Causes of accident/problems

[Hardware factors]
Nitrite, which is the main component of the inhibiting agent, is subject to oxidation or
reduction and it transforms itself to nitric acid ion when oxidized and to ammonium when
reduced. The following analysis results of the ships cooling water hinted at a high
probability of the generation of bacteria which convert a nitrite to nitric acid.
(1) The cooling water of the vessel became below 58C (the bacteria reproduce below
(2) There was no red rust found in the water system, almost ruling out the possibility of the
decomposition of the nitrite by rusting;

(3) Since the ammonium content in the cooling water was low, showing no increase in pH,
no reduction occurred; and
(4) The density of the nitrite sharply dropped.

[Software/human factors]
It makes a big difference if you have technical knowledge.
Even if you do not have technical knowledge, you have to report whenever you feel strange
and obtain information.

III. Measures to prevent recurrence

[Hardware aspects]

[Software/human aspects]

IV. Lessons
Nitrobacter which is one of the nitrifying bacteria:
If nitrobacter grows in cooling water, the nitrite content is said to drop sharply and become
zero in several days. The following information is known about nitrobacter:
(1) Characteristics
(a) Relationship with oxygen
Nitrobacter nitrifies only in aerobic conditions.
(b) Relationship with temperature
Its optimal temperature for growing and oxidation ranges from 25 to 30C. It dies
if it is left at a temperature from 56 to 58C for 10 minutes.
(c) Relationship with pH
The most suitable pH for growth is 8.0 to 9.3.
(2) Necessary nutrition sources
(a) Energy sources and nitrogen sources
(b) Carbon sources
(3) Phenomena when generated
(a) The exchange of water only will not prevent the drop of nitrite content caused by
Nitrobacter not only lives in circulating water but also adheres to pipe walls, etc.
(b) The speed of nitrite reduction is extremely high.
Once the nitrite content begins dropping, it becomes zero in a few days.

Engine Trouble Cases
File No. 15 - 010
Case name Spurts of oil from waste oil tank
Device name Waste oil Damaged State of Water
tank part damage pollution
Maker name UBE Model Total working
Kind of ship Container Date of 1993.09.27 Place of HAMBURG
occurrence occurrence
Cause of Hardware factor Clogged drain pipe of vent line drain separator
damage/problem Software/human factor Mishandling

Outline of Accident
[Course of Events]
During port cargo operations, a duty officer noticed oil film on the sea surface of the vessels
starboard side. Also, oil mist was flowing from the waste oil settling tank air vent pipe in the
funnel. At that time, the engine department was moving the contents of the oily sludge tanks
to the waste oil settling tank. The parties concerned investigated the pollution and came to
an understanding of no penalty on this occasion, excepting a bond as security for covering
anticipated cleanup costs.

[State of Damage]
Regarding the pollution, it is estimated that the quantity of spilled oil was 2-3 litres, and the
extent of pollution by oil film about 400-500m2.

The Master immediately informed the Oil Spill Decontamination Station, and arranged the
necessary steps to contain and rectify the problem. He then, through the Agents, reported
the events to the Water Police and P&I inspector.

Cause of Accident / Underlying Problem

[Mechanical Factor]
The waste oil settling tank had been filled to 60% of its capacity with heated waste oil. The
incident occurred soon after the shifting of waste oil from the sludge tanks to the waste oil
settling tank.

A ship investigation revealed that the drainpipes of the drain separator in the heating vapor
vent line were clogged.

Probable sequence of events:
a) Water content in the shifted waste oil evaporated rapidly due to the latent heat of the
remaining waste oil in the waste oil settling tank.
b) This explosive oily mist spouted from the vent pipe, together with accumulated oil in the
drain separator.

[Human/Software Factor]
Sending cooled sludge oil to the tank, when the tank temperature had risen to more
than 100.
Heating the waste oil tank to a temperature exceeding 100 after arrival in port.
Changing the oil whilst in port.

Preventive Measures
[Mechanical Aspects]
a) Stop the heating of waste oil tanks, including waste oil settling and service tanks, prior to
entering port;
b) Do not run the waste oil incinerator during stay in port;
c) Do not shift waste oil settling or service tank during stay in port; and
d) Periodically check for clogging of pipes from drain separators and oil mist box.

[Human/Software Aspect]
Take all necessary precautions to prevent marine pollution.

It is important we recognize that marine pollution prevention must always remain a top
priority, and that this incident was entirely avoidable. In the port, we must be especially
vigilant in preventing environmental pollution, and take especial care with work that involves
a danger of environmental pollution.
The drainpipe should have been cleaned periodically as it was susceptible to choking. Dirty
sides to air vent pipes are a good indication that the drainpipe has become clogged with
sludge. Action to unclog the drainpipe should be taken immediately.


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