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IELTS Magoosh Writing Task 2

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IELTS Writing Task 2: The Complete Guide


IELTS Writing Task 2 involves composing a formal five-paragraph essay in 40 minutes. This
is the second of two writing tasks on the IELTS. The first sectionTask 1should take you
only 20 minutes. Why spend more time on Task 2? This basic comparison offers a few

Points: Task 2 counts more towards your Writing band score

Task 1 = 1/3rd of your score
Task 2 = 2/3rds of your score
Word count minimums: Task 2 is longer
Task 1 = 150 word minimum
Task 2 = 250 word minimum
Planning your response: Task 2 questions require more thought
Task 1 = transfer of information from a visual into writing
Task 2 = answer an open/abstract question with no clear or correct answer

Even though Task 1 is by no means easy, most students find IELTS Writing Task 2 more
challenging. It is well worth your time to write many Task 2 practice essays as you prepare
for exam day. Understanding Task 2 deeply and developing an approach to the various
question types you might face will make your practice even more effective.

The purpose of this guide is to help you master the IELTS Writing Task 2 skills you need in
order to do well on this important section of the IELTS exam. Click on a section in the table
of contents to skip directly to that topic, or continue reading below to start learning all
about IELTS Writing Task 2.

IELTS Writing Task 2 Basics

Lets begin with some basic tips for IELTS Writing Task 2:

Handwritten Responses
The IELTS is a pencil and paper exam, so your responses will be handwritten. It is essential
that you handwrite (dont type!) your practice essays for Task 2. Writing by hand helps you
develop a sense of pacing. In other words, you will learn how quickly (or slowly!) you write
with pencil and paper in English.
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Importantly, as youre probably aware, precious points will be deducted if you do not meet
the minimum word requirements in the Writing section. But it is a huge waste of time to
actually count your words on exam day. If you take the additional step of using official
IELTS Writing Task 2 response sheets (download and print them here), you can see how
many words you typically write on each page. You wont have to count because you will
know what that number of words looks like on the IELTS answer sheet.

Writing speed varies a lot from student to student. How you allocate time depends a lot on
how fast you can write. The more you practice Task 2 responses, the quicker you will
become. Your goal should be to allow enough time for these three things:

Essay planning 2 10 minutes

Writing 25 32 minutes
Editing 5 minutes (or more if possible)
As you practice, try very hard to cut down on the amount of time it takes to plan your
responses before writing. Some students can take up to 10 minutes to brainstorm and plan.
For most people, however, using 10 minutes at the beginning will take away too much time
from writing and editing. I usually recommend three to five minutes of planning as a
reasonable target. The more practice questions you answer, the faster you will become at
generating ideas before you write.

Academic/Formal Writing
The IELTS expects you to use an academic/formal writing style. This means you should use
the same kind of language that you would when writing a report for work or an essay for
school. Obviously, you would avoid using slang words. You would also write in complete
sentences and use proper punctuation. Here are some additional features of
academic/formal writing to keep in mind for Task 2:

Organize ideas into separate paragraphs: You will lose points if you do not divide your
essay into paragraphs. In the next section of this post, Ive included an IELTS Writing Task
2 response template. The template includes the essential paragraphs you should include in
your Task 2 response. Generally speaking, your essay must have an introduction paragraph,
2 3 body paragraphs, and a conclusion.

Write in complete sentences: Make sure each sentence you write has an independent
clause with a subject and verb. When you write complex or compound sentences, use
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connectors like coordinating conjunctions (and, but, so, etc) or subordinating

conjunctions (when, although, because, etc).

Avoid repetition of words and ideas: Your ideas should move from one to the next
logically, and you should show off your vocabulary by avoiding redundancy (dont repeat the
same words over and over).

Avoid slang: The English you hear in the movies or read on social media is often
inappropriate for formal writing. It is a big problem to use words like dude or spellings like
U (for you) on the IELTS.

Thoughtful and Neutral Tone: Academic/formal writing has a very careful and thoughtful
tone. It rarely sounds angry, excited, or overly certain about an idea. It is also best to avoid
broad generalizations in formal/academic compositions. Here are some examples to

NOT ACADEMIC: I hate this idea! (Too excited/angry)

ACADEMIC: This idea has some problems to consider.

NOT ACADEMIC: Everyone is distracted by cell phones these days.(Too broad)

ACADEMIC: Many people are distracted by cell phones these days.

NOT ACADEMIC: I have the best solution to the problem. (Too certain)
ACADEMIC: I would suggest this solution to the problem.

IELTS Writing Task 2 Essay Organization and Example

In this section, we will look at the overall structure of an IELTS Writing Task 2 response.
Before we get to that, however, lets take a look at a sample Task 2 question. Read it over
and take a moment to think: How would you respond?
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IELTS Writing Task 2 Sample Question

Planning Before You Write

When you first encounter an IELTS Writing Task 2 question, try to decide what perspective
you will take fairly quickly. Unfortunately, the IELTS doesnt give you much time to do this.
Making matters worse, it is fairly likely that you wont have strong, well-developed opinions
about the topic. Dont worry. Task 2 questions are (intentionally) debatable, with no clearly
correct answer.

Fortunately, unlike an essay you might write for work or school, it is not important to
present your true opinions on the IELTS. Remember, the IELTS is an English language test.
It is not a test of what you know about the topic of your Task 2 question. While you should
present reasonable ideas in a clear and logical way, you can argue any side of the question
and do well. Therefore, rather than worrying about (and spending time on) formulating your
true opinion on your Task 2 topic, ask yourself the following question instead:

What is be the easiest way for me to answer this question?

Can you think of some main ideas and/or examples quickly for one side of an argument?
Even if these ideas dont fully represent your perspective, just go with them on the IELTS.
You dont want to waste too much time thinking about how to express your true opinions.

Once youve chosen a perspective on your question, you can do some

planning/brainstorming. Below are some planning notes for our sample Task 2 question
(introduced above). On exam day, you wont have a chart like this to fill in. The chart simply
helps to make the information easier to read in this post. Basically, your goal in the
planning phase is to come up with a main idea for each paragraph of your essay. We will
discuss each of these paragraphs in more detail below the chart.
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Writing your Essay

When youve done some initial planning, youre ready to dive into writing. Lets take a closer
look at how to organize your Academic Writing Task 2 response paragraph by paragraph.
After you read about each paragraph, look at the sample Task 2 essay immediately below
this section as an example.

The Introduction Paragraph

An introduction is a very important element of your Task 2 essay. Practicing introductions
can really pay off, even if you dont follow through and write a full practice essay every
time. Many students get stuck at the very beginning, not knowing how to respond to the
question in the introduction. Lets look at what to do.
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IELTS Writing Task 2 introductions can be short and simple. A two-sentence introduction
should be your goal. There are two main parts of a Task 2 introduction to include every

Topic Presentation:
In this first sentence of your introduction, you simply need to paraphrase the topic
described in your question prompt. In other words, find a way to accurately state the topic
in your own words. Try to avoid using the same words and phrases as the prompt.

After presenting the topic, you need to provide your perspective on it. This is your thesis. It
is a sentence that expresses the main idea of your essay. At a minimum, you need to
provide a general answer the question prompt in your thesis: I believe that, or I agree
that. A really great thesis also introduces the main ideas of each body paragraph in a
general way. Take a look at the sample essay below. Notice how the thesis introduces the
main idea of both body paragraphs.

Important! You MUST answer the essay question directly in your thesis. Students
sometimes lose points because their thesis does not answer the question directly enough.
Read your question prompt carefully and make sure your essay will answer every part of the

2-3 Body Paragraphs

The next two (or if necessary, three) paragraphs of your IELTS Task 2 essay are your
opportunity to explain your thesis. Each body paragraph should present ONE main point. If
your question prompt includes several questions, you should write a body paragraph for
each one. The main point of each body paragraph must relate directly to your thesis
statement in the introduction. Use supporting details and/or examples to explain your main
point before moving on to the next body paragraph.

Dont spend a long time on your conclusion. A good IELTS Task 2 conclusion should be one
or two sentences long. Simply paraphrase your thesis and main points from your body
paragraphs to close out your essay. This means you should avoid using the same words,
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phrases, and sentence structures as your thesis statement. Definitely do not copy your
thesis statement word-for-word as your conclusion.

Sample IELTS Task 2 Essay

Lets take a look at an example essay containing each of the Task 2 paragraphs described

Some parents may worry that pushing their children towards a particular career could be
harmful. While I agree it is unwise to predetermine a childs profession, parents should still
offer guidance through open communication.

Young people need freedom to make choices, especially when it comes to their careers.
Even parents who agree with this idea may still feel some anxiety about it. Ultimately, most
parents hope their children will be financially secure. Deep down some parents may also
want their children to choose prestigious careers, or jobs that will impact society in some
way. These wishes are normal and not necessarily harmful. Yet, it can be problematic if
these desires turn into firm expectations. In such cases, the main motivation for a child
becomes fear of disappointing her parents. It can lead to resentment if she spends her life
doing something she doesnt enjoy. With freedom to explore, by contrast, she can take
ownership of her career decisions and develop internal motivation to reach her goals.

Yet, offering a child freedom does not imply that parents should be absent. To the contrary,
parents should strive to foster open communication about career decisions. If a childs
aspirations do not line up with his parents wishes, he may fear that approaching them could
lead to judgement and confrontation. However, if he feels that his parents will listen
carefully and maintain an open attitude, he may let down his guard and welcome their
feedback. When this happens, parents can provide guidance and, importantly, even
critiques of their childs plans. In this way, open communication creates opportunities for
young people to benefit from their parents wisdom and experience.
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In conclusion, even though parents should avoid pressuring their children to follow specific
career paths, they should not abandon the discussion. Parents should strive to create an
environment where they can offer caring guidance through open communication.

IELTS Writing Task 2 Question Types

No matter what question you get for IELTS Writing Task 2, your goal should always be
to answer the question completely and directly. Take time, every time, to read the prompt
carefully and understand it fully. In Task 2, you are always required to provide your
perspective on a topic. However, there are a variety IELTS Writing Task 2 question types
you may encounter. The charts below present the five basic IELTS Writing Task 2 question
types, and offer some tips on how to organize your responses for each one.
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Improving Your IELTS Writing Task 2 Score, by Category

There are four scoring categories for IELTS Writing Task 2:

Task Response
Grammatical Range and Accuracy
Lexical Resource
Coherence and Cohesion
Here are some tips to help you improve your score in each category.

IELTS Writing Task 2 Scoring Categories

Task Response

This his is a measurement of how well you fulfilled the basic requirements of the task based
on the instructions. Following the template and organization advice above helps you most in
this category.

Grammatical Range and Accuracy

This is a measurement of your ability to use a wide range of grammatical structures without
making a lot of grammatical errors. If you have enough time (a few months or more) before
you take the IELTS, consider taking an English class or investing in a good grammar book
for self-study. I often recommend this grammar book to intermediate and advanced
students. It offers clear grammar explanations and contains many practice exercises.
Here are some additional grammar tips to help you, even if your IELTS exam is coming up
soon and you dont have time to take a class or study a textbook!

Grammar Tip 1: Dont use the same simple sentence structures over and over.
The next time you write a practice response, take a close look at your sentence structures.
Do you use a variety of sentence patterns? English language learners often develop a habit
of using forms of the BE verb (am, is, are, was, were) very frequently as the main verb of
the sentence. Using BE verbs is not a problem (I have used many in this blog post!!), but
using them too often makes your writing sound very basic. Importantly, using BE verbs
repeatedly also limits your grammatical range. Choosing more descriptive verbs opens up
many grammatical possibilities. For example, you can use adverbs and adverbial phrases to
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describe an action. By limiting yourself to forms of BE as the main verb, you will mainly
rely on adjectives for description.

To work on this, go back through your practice essays and try to change every sentence
that includes a BE verb as the main verb. Dont worry about sentences with BE auxiliary
verbs like this:

She is running.
Running is the main verb of this sentence and is is an auxiliary. There is no need to
change this. You want to edit sentences that look like this:

Michael is a history professor at my college.

Is is the main verb of the sentence. When you revise these sentences, dont change the
meaning of the sentence too much. The sentence should still fit logically in your
essay. This can be tough! Making these changes will force you to use different sentence
patterns and, importantly, more descriptive verbs and adverbs when you write. Please
noteyou do not need to avoid all BE verbs when you write for the IELTS exam. This
exercise simply helps you to develop your ability to use a variety of grammatical structures.
Review the following examples:
Original sentence: Mary is an excellent teacher, so students always love taking her class.
Revised sentence: Mary teaches so well that students always love taking her class.
Grammar Tip 2: Use complex sentence structures
On the IELTS, you need to prove that you can write advanced sentences without mistakes.
Therefore, you should include some complex sentence patterns in your writing. What is a
complex sentence? Complex sentences include subordinating conjunctions, which
introduce a variety of dependent clauses in English. Look over this review of dependent and
independent clauses if you need to. Below are some examples of subordinating

Adverbial Subordinators (there are many!):

Even though
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Adjective Clause Subordinators:


Noun Clause Subordinators:


A few complex sentence examples:

Even though it rained all weekend, we had a great time.
I like playing chess because it provides a mental challenge.
I threw the ball to my friend, who was not ready to catch it.
Unfortunately, I cant find pen that you loaned me.
Noun clause:
I didnt hear what you said.
Please show me how I can fill out this form correctly.
You dont want to overuse these complex structures. Its best to mix complex sentences
with simpler ones for clarity. Also, dont confuse the word complex with the word long.
In general, you should try to avoid very long sentences to make your writing clear and easy
to understand. Having some longer sentences wont hurt you, but, again, aim for a mixture.

Grammar Tip 3: Check your verb tenses as you edit

Spend some time reviewing verb tenses as you study. If possible, find a teacher or a native
English speaker to evaluate your writing to see if you make consistent mistakes. Tense
errors are a common mistake in IELTS responses. Time is very limited, making it easy to
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use the wrong verb forms. Yet, these are mistakes that many students can easily edit on
their own. If you notice that you forget to use past tenses when writing about the past, for
example, it might not mean that you need to do a full review of past tense verbs. Instead, it
might mean that you need to save a little time for yourself after writing to check your work.

When you practice writing for the IELTS, take as much time as you need to look for errors
when youre done writing. In fact, make sure you keep all your practice essays and pull
them out again a week or two after you wrote them. Often, youll find new errors and think
of better ways to express the ideas in your essays.

Lexical Resource

This is your ability to use a wide range of vocabulary correctly (without errors) and
appropriately (in the proper context) in your written responses. It should go without saying
that studying vocabulary regularly will help you improve most in this area. Magoosh
has (free!) IELTS vocabulary flashcards to get you started. You should try to learn 15 20
new words each day! Beyond learning new words, however, there are a few additional steps
you can take to improve your Lexical Resource score.

Practice Paraphrasing
As noted above, you must paraphrase the language from the question prompt and the
visuals as much as possible in your Writing Task 2 responses. Taking large chunks of
language directly from the question and visual will definitely lower your score. Whenever
you practice a Writing Task 2 response, make sure to study any example essays included in
your practice materials. Take note of how the author paraphrases the language in the
question prompt and compare it to your own paraphrases. By doing this, you can learn a lot
of helpful words and phrases.

Avoid Redundancy
A second tip to boost your Lexical Resource score is to focus on avoiding redundancy in your
writing. Redundancy happens when you use the same words or phrases over and over
again; however, there will be some key terms that you cant avoid. For example, in our
example response, it was difficult to avoid the phrases computer ownership and
education level. Other words are much easier to replace with synonyms. For instance, in
Task 2 responses, you will often write about numbers that increase or decrease. There
are many synonyms for these words:
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Rise Fall
Go up Go down
Jump Decline
Spike Dip
Skyrocket Plummet
If you notice that youre using the same words again and again as you practice writing Task
2 responses, work on building your knowledge of synonyms and paraphrases. A thesaurus is
a handy tool. However, if at all possible, try to get feedback about the new words you use
from a native English speaker. Often, the synonyms you find will have a slightly different
meaning or use from the word youre trying to replace. As a general rule, you should always
choose a word that you know to be correct over one that you dont know well.

Coherence and Cohesion

This is a measurement of your ability to present ideas logically and clearly. In other words,
the IELTS wants to see that your ideas make sense in the order you present them and that
they work together in a logical way.

Transition words and phrases

One of the best things you can do to improve your Coherence and Cohesion score is to
master useful transition words. Therefore, study a list of transition words like this list to add
to your repertoire. You should learn as many of these as possible to have a range of words
and phrases from which to choose as you write. As noted in other places above, it hurts
your score to use the same phrases over and over again. You need to avoid redundancy
with transition words as well. Also, avoid using a transition word or phrase in every
sentence. Only include them when it will help you to show the relationship between ideas
more clearly.

Another aspect of your Coherence and Cohesion score relates to referencing. This is
your ability to use various pronouns accurately and appropriately. For example:

I learned how to knit a sweater from my grandmother. It took a long time to learn.
It refers to how to knit a sweater
We had a great time on holiday in Hawaii. I want to go back there!
There refers to Hawaii.
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Referencing helps you to avoid redundancy because you dont mention the same nouns over
and over again. Importantly, it also pulls your sentences together, linking ideas and
concepts. Practice using pronouns as you write and make sure to look for pronoun errors as
you edit your work!

The Template
A final important aspect of your Coherence and Cohesion score is the overall organization
of your response. Your paragraphs should be organized logically, and your ideas should
progress in a clear way from one sentence to the next. This involves using transition words
(discussed above), but it also relates to what we covered in the middle of this postthe
Writing Task 2 Template. Mastering this template is a great way to boost your Coherence
and Cohesion band score!

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