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08 Chemicals For Water Boilers PDF

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Descaling product for chemical washing

NYTRA LC 1430 Descaling for water boilers

Mixture of organic and inorganic acids, wetting agents, defoamers
and special corrosion inhibitors that make it safe to use on most metals
and alloys commonly used in the heat exchangers of residential and
industrial water boilers (cast iron - steel - copper alloys).
Particularly suitable for carrying out the removal of inorganic deposits
(limestone, carbonates, phosphates, oxides, sulfides) present in
the wall-mounted boilers, centralized boilers, heat exchangers,


condensers, boilers, cooling systems etc.

Chemical-physical properties

Colour red/orange
Odour strong
Physical state liquid
Solubility in water completely soluble Download the technical data on-line: www.idroservice.net/download.aspx
pH 0,5
Specific weight 1,12 kg/l
Codice Pack./Kg Euro/Kg
Dilution in water 10-30%
N1430-25 25
Packing 25 kg and 10 kg PE tanks
N1430-10 10

NYTRA LC 1420 Super-concentrated descaling for water boilers

Balanced mixture of organic and inorganic acids, wetting and
antifoaming agents, additives and special corrosion inhibitors that
make it safe to use on most metals and alloys commonly used in the
heat exchangers of industrial equipment (cast iron - steel - copper
Particularly suitable for carrying out the removal of inorganic deposits
(limestone, carbonates, phosphates, oxides, sulfides) present in
water boilers, heat exchangers, condensers, boilers, cooling systems

Chemical-physical properties

Colour red/orange
Odour strong
Physical state liquid
Solubility in water completely soluble Download the technical data on-line: www.idroservice.net/download.aspx
pH 0,5
Specific weight 1,18 kg/l
Code Pack./Kg Euro/Kg
Dilution in water 8-15%
N1420-25 25
Packing 25 kg and 10 kg PE tanks
N1420-10 10

CHEMICAL PRODUCTS FOR WATER BOILER Descaling product for chemical washing

NYTRA LC 1410 De-scaler for stainless steel NYTRA LC 1470 Neutraliser after acid de-scaling
Mixture of organic and inorganic acids, wetting agents, defoamers Concentrated neutralizing powder consisting of a balanced
and special corrosion inhibitors that make it safe to use on most metals formulation of neutralising salts. Used to remove residual acidity
and alloys commonly used in the residential and industrial equipment after descaling. Recommended to neutralize the heat exchangers
and in particular with stainless steel heat exchangers. Suitable for and systems in which acid chemical cleaning was carried out.
carrying out the removal of inorganic deposits (limestone, carbonates,
phosphates, oxides, sulfides). Recommended when its necessary
to use a non aggressive product. This product does not need any
passivation after cleaning.

Chemical-physical properties Chemical-physical properties

Colour straw yellow Colour white

Odour characteristic Odour odourless
Physical state liquid Physical state crystal grains
Solubility in water completely soluble Download the technical data on-line: www.idroservice.net/download.aspx Solubility in water soluble Download the technical data on-line: www.idroservice.net/download.aspx
pH 0,5 pH 12 (1% water solution at 25C)
Specific weight 1,2 kg/l Specific weight 1,0 kg/l
Dilution in water 15-30% Code Pack./Kg Euro/Kg Dilution in water 5% Code Pack./Kg Euro/Kg
Packing 25 kg PE tanks Packing 5 kg drums
N1410-12 12 N1470-10 10

NYTRA LC 1468 Powder de-scaler for aluminium/light alloys Descaling pumps LC series
Acid powder which can be safely used in the cleaning of heating Vertical axis pump with inverter, flow reverser and tank for chemical
systems, heat exchangers, cooling systems, condensers, boilers and additives.
pipes. It removes deposits of calcium, magnesium, and iron oxides.
It should be diluted in water at 5 to 10% depending on the degree
of fouling of the system. Recommended for systems in aluminium,
light alloys and galvanized surfaces.

Chemical-physical properties

Colour white
Odour odourless
Physical state crystal grains
Solubility in water soluble Download the technical data on-line: www.idroservice.net/download.aspx
pH 1,2 (1% water solution at 25C)
Specific weight 1,2 kg/l Code Tank (l) hxlxw Max press. Max flow Hp Euro
(bar) rate (l/h)
Dilution in water 10-15% Code Pack./Kg Euro/Kg
LC 20 17 430x450x300 1 2.600 0,18
Packing 5 kg drums
N1468-5 5 LC 20 T 17 470x450x300 2 5.400 0,45

134 135
CHEMICAL PRODUCTS FOR WATER BOILER Protective, scale and corrosion


FLUSHING, DESCALING PRODUCT FOR CLOSED HEATING SYSTEMS a more efficient transfer of heat and good fluid circulation. This needs to be added with a POLYPHOSPHATE LIQUID
Disperses and removes sludge, iron oxides, limestone and scale deposits in closed circuits of dosing pump or in an expansion bath for the existing installations. Mixture of polyphosphate salts particularly suitable for the control
heating and cooling systems, or in closed circuits which have been powered for a long time of scale and corrosion in open sanitary circuits. Prevents the
with water not properly treated, and thus restores optimal working conditions. This can be done precipitation of calcium and inhibits the corrosion of metal pipes
directly with system running without interrupting the operation. The deposits of metal oxides are caused by aggressive water. It should be dosed through dosing
removed and carried in suspension, deposits of limestone and other minerals in the water are pump continuously and in proportion to the flow of water to be
gradually dispersed. The system can then be emptied of the sludge from the circuit until it is treated.
completely clean or at the periodic draining. The use of THERMONET, to restore the ideal
operating conditions, allows significant energy savings due to better performance of the system,

Chemical-physical properties Chemical-physical properties

Colour reddish Colour colourless

Odour none Odour odourless
Physical state liquid Physical state liquid
Solubility in water very soluble Solubility in water very soluble Download the technical data on-line: www.idroservice.net/download.aspx
pH 13 pH 5-6
Download the technical data on-line: www.idroservice.net/download.aspx
Specific weight 1,0 kg/l Specific weight 1,1 kg/l
Dilution in water 2-5% of system capacity Code Pack./Kg Euro/Kg Dosage 30 ppm Code Pack./Kg Euro/Kg
Packing 10 kg PE tanks Packing 25 kg PE tanks
TMT-10 10 N1630-25 25


ANTI-CORROSIVE, ANTI SCALE, NOISE REDUCER PRODUCT To ensure the correct dosage check Phosphonates (5-10 ppm) and sulfates (10-20 ppm) ANTIFREEZE FOR HEATING COOLING SYSTEMS
Concentrated liquid used as an additive in all closed circuits of heating systems to in the boiler water using the suitable test kit. Anti-freeze liquid product (inhibited ethylene glycol) particularly suitable for heating
protect them from corrosion and scale thus keeping the initial performance and allowing circuits and chiller systems which are made of copper, steel, cast iron and aluminium.
for significant energy savings due to an optimum and efficient heat exchange. Eliminates It contains special agents antiscalants able to control the formation of carbonates on
the noise from the aluminium radiators. Inhibits corrosion and protects the surfaces of the hot spots of the circuits.
metals, prevents the formation of mineral deposits and prevents the calcium to precipitate
in the form of fouling-resistant. It is necessary to add 1-2% of the total capacity of the The dosage of NYTRA 1480 AG-60 varies depending on the freezing point to be
system with a dosing pump or through the expansion tank. checked (see table).

Chemical-physical properties Chemical-physical properties

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Colour yellow Colour colourless
Protection Water NYTRA 1480
Odour slight Odour odourless temperature AG-60
Physical state liquid Physical state liquid - 37 C 50% 50%
Solubility in water very soluble Solubility in water complete - 26 C 60% 40%
pH 5,8 pH 6-7,5 - 20 C 67% 33%
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Specific weight 1,0 kg/l Specific weight 1,1 kg/l - 13 C 75% 25%
Dilution in water 1-2% Code Pack./Kg Euro/Kg Dilution in water see table Code Pack./Kg Euro/Kg
Packing 25 kg PE tanks Packing 25 kg PE tanks
TMG-25 25 N1480-25 25

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Detergent for radiators, finned batteries, filters and fan- coil. Scale Inhibitor and Corrosion Inhibitor for steam generators dosage control the Phosphates (10-30 ppm) and sulfates (10-20 ppm) in the
Concentrated liquid cleanser formulated using appropriate Combined polyacrylates/polyphosphates/sulphites blend to protect against boiler water with the suitable test kit.
detergents and corrosion inhibitors, which allow rapid and safe corrosion and scale in boilers and steam generators powered by water with
cleaning of organic and inorganic deposits accumulated in heating low/medium alkalinity <50 ppm (usually demineralized). Increases alkalinity,
and air conditioning systems. reduces CO2 and dissolves oxygen, protects metals against corrosion
while preventing the formation of deposits or sludge. It does not contain
volatile substances. It is added by dosing pump on the water feed-in line.

Chemical-physical properties Dose range between 100 and 300 ppm. To be able to check the correct

Colour straw yellow Chemical-physical properties

Odour slight
Colour reddish
Physical state liquid
Odour none
Solubility in water complete
Physical state liquid
pH 13
Download the technical data on-line: www.idroservice.net/download.aspx Solubility in water very soluble
Specific weight 1,0 kg/l
pH 13
Dilution in water 10 - 50% Code Pack./Kg Euro/Kg Download the technical data on-line: www.idroservice.net/download.aspx
Specific weight 1,2kg/l
Packing 10 kg PE tanks
N881-10 10 Dilution in water 100-300 ppm Code Pack./Kg Euro/Kg
Packing 25 kgs PE tanks
N1920-25 25

NYTRA C 1927
SCALE INHIBITOR AND CORROSION INHIBITOR FOR STEAM 100 and 300 ppm. To be able to check the correct dosage control the
GENERATORS Phosphonates (5-10 ppm) and sulphites (10-20 ppm) in the boiler water
Combined polyacrylates/polyphosphates/sulphites blend to protect with the suitable test kit.
against corrosion and scale in boilers and steam generators fed with water
alkalinity >50 ppm (usually softened or untreated). It inhibits the formation
of limestone, reduces CO2 and dissolves oxygen, protects metals against
corrosion while preventing scale deposits and sludge formation. Excellent
dispersant of ferric oxides. It does not contain volatile substances. It is
added by dosing pump on the water feed-in line. Dose range between

Chemical-physical properties

Code Description Euro Code Description Euro Colour yellowish

1015 HARDNESS 1022 PH 1 11
Odour slight
3112-1 HARDNESS TITRANT BOTTLE 250 ml 1024 SILICA 0.25 8 ppm Physical state liquid
1029 HARDNESS PRECIPITATION 1012 CLORIDE Solubility in water very soluble
1016 IRON 0,05 15 ppm 1010 TOTAL CHLORINE 0.1 1.5 ppm
pH 5,5
1039 MANGANESE 0.05 - 1,5 ppm 1006 AMMONIA 0.25 4 ppm Download the technical data on-line: www.idroservice.net/download.aspx
1028 NITRATES 10-140 ppm 1007 CARBON DIOXIDE 0.5 f Specific weight 1,0 kg/l
1019 NITRITES 0.05 - 1.5 ppm 1003 ALCALINITY FOR BOILERS (P&M) Dilution in water 100-300 ppm Code Pack./Kg Euro/Kg
1017 PHOSPHATES 1-20 ppm 6014 OXIGEN 0.2 ppm
Packing 25 kg PE tanks
1025-1 SOLPHITES 1 - 10 ppm 6017 PHOSPHONATES N1927-25 25

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NYTRA C 1980 NYTRA R 1636

OXYGEN SCAVENGER FOR STEAM BOILERS To be able to check the correct dosage control the sulphates (10-20 ppm) Scale and corrosion inhibitors for cooling systems. For the correct dosage we recommend contacting the Idroservice technical
Liquid product based on sulphites used to protect steam generators against in the boiler water with the suitable test kit. Multifunctional treatment formulated to protect from corrosion and calcium department , and sending the analysis of the water to be treated.
corrosion from dissolved oxygen. Note that the product is not volatile and and mineral scales cooling circuits fed with raw water, or demineralized or
therefore does not exhibit corrosive action on the circuits and piping of softened water.
the steam/condensate network but only on the boiler generating steam. The product is suitable for cooling circuits open, semi-open and closed.
The recommended starting dose is 300/500 g of product per m3 of It is also effective with water with a hardness of up to 40f, with a pH
water to be treated, from 50 to 150 g/m3 for reinstatement. between 6 and 8. The dosage varies depending on the characteristics
of the water to be treated. Maintain control of correct dosing checking
phosphonates (4-12 ppm).
Chemical-physical properties
Chemical-physical properties
Colour colourless
Odour acre Colour straw yellow
Physical state liquid Odour amino
Solubility in water soluble Physical state liquid
pH 4,2 Solubility in water soluble
Download the technical data on-line: www.idroservice.net/download.aspx pH 2
Specific weight 1,2 kg/l Download the technical data on-line: www.idroservice.net/download.aspx
Dilution in water 18 g every ppm SO2 + 4g every ppm of SO3 Specific weight 1,2 kg/l
Code Pack./Kg Euro/Kg
Packing 25 kg PE tanks Dilution in water 70 100 ppm Code Pack./Kg Euro/Kg
N1980-25 25
Packing 25 kg PE tanks
N1636-25 25

NYTRA V 1813 G NYTRA B1541

CORROSION INHIBITORS FOR STEAM AND CONDENSATE PIPELINES Check the correct dosage controlling the pH>8.5 and the iron<0.1 ppm. BIOCIDE FOR COOLING SYSTEMS
Liquid product based on aliphatic polyamines to protect against corrosion in steam Non-oxidizing broad-spectrum biocide, fast acting, non-oxidant based on a 20%
generators and steam/condensate pipelines, fed with softened or demineralised solution of DBNPA (2.2-dibromo-3-nitrilopropionamide). It does not produce foam,
water. Exerts a protective action and reduces condensate drains. It should be added has a low toxicity and degrades quickly. It is very effective in destroying algae,
depending on the amount of CO2 in the steam. bacteria and fungi from the surfaces of heat exchangers, condensers, cooling
The recommended starting dose is 1,4 ppm/ppm CO2 (with softened water) and towers and cooling systems. Its fast action allows you to eliminate 90% of the
0,7 ppm/ppm CO2 (with demineralised water). micro-organisms within 30 minutes after application and 99.99% within 3 hours.
The product is activated in a wide pH range and it is compatible with chlorine.

Chemical-physical properties Chemical-physical properties

Colour yellowish Colour yellow straw

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Odour amino Odour typical
Recommended dose ppm ppm

Fungi and algae control

Physical state liquid Physical state liquid

Bacteria control
Initial dose (3/4 d) 5 - 10 50 - 100
Solubility in water soluble Solubility in water soluble
Shock dose (every 4 d) 2,5 - 10 30 - 100
pH >12 pH 2-5
Download the technical data on-line: www.idroservice.net/download.aspx Daily dose 1-5 30 - 100
Specific weight 1,0 kg/l Specific weight 1,2 kg/l
Dilution in water 10 80 ppm Code Pack./Kg Euro/Kg Dilution in water see table Code Pack./Kg Euro/Kg
Packing 25 kg PE tanks Packing 25 kg PE tanks
N1813G-25 25 N1541-10 10

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NYTRA B 1542
Broad-spectrum antibacterial biocide, polymer-based quaternary
ammonium, suitable in preventing the proliferation of algae, fungi
and bacteria in heat exchangers, condensers, cooling towers and
cooling circuits. It does not form foam. Particularly effective with iron
bacteria and sulphate-reducing bacteria. Non-volatile. The dosage
depends on the characteristics of the water. As purely indicative see
table under the photo.

Chemical-physical properties Download the technical data on-line: www.idroservice.net/download.aspx

Recommended dosage ppm ppm

Colour red
Odour slight Initial dose 100 - 150 ppm 100-125 ppm

Cooling towers
Open circuits
(for 3/4 days) (calculated on the flow). (calculated on the volume).
Physical state liquid Twice a day for 3 hours. Twice a day shock treatment.

Solubility in water soluble Daily maintenance 100-150 ppm 30-45 ppm

pH 7 dose (calculated of the flow). (calculated on the volume).
Twice a day for 2 hours. Twice a day shock treatment.
Specific weight 1,0 kg/l
Dilution in water see table Code Pack./Kg Euro/Kg
Packing PE 25 kg tanks
N1542-25 25


Chemical-physical properties

Colour straw yellow

Odour typical for chlorine
Physical state liquid
Solubility in water soluble
pH 11
Download the technical data on-line: www.idroservice.net/download.aspx
Specific weight 1,2 kg/l
Dilution in water - Code Pack./Kg Euro/Kg
Packing 25 kg PE tanks
IPC-25 25


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