The document lists acupuncture point combinations for treating various medical conditions, with 3 points listed for each condition. The conditions covered include parts of the body like the nose, ear, shoulder; systems like immunity and intelligence; diseases like influenza and epilepsy; and women's health issues. Over 100 conditions are covered with 3-point combinations that can be used for needling according to the Three Needle Technique of acupuncture.
The document lists acupuncture point combinations for treating various medical conditions, with 3 points listed for each condition. The conditions covered include parts of the body like the nose, ear, shoulder; systems like immunity and intelligence; diseases like influenza and epilepsy; and women's health issues. Over 100 conditions are covered with 3-point combinations that can be used for needling according to the Three Needle Technique of acupuncture.
The document lists acupuncture point combinations for treating various medical conditions, with 3 points listed for each condition. The conditions covered include parts of the body like the nose, ear, shoulder; systems like immunity and intelligence; diseases like influenza and epilepsy; and women's health issues. Over 100 conditions are covered with 3-point combinations that can be used for needling according to the Three Needle Technique of acupuncture.
The document lists acupuncture point combinations for treating various medical conditions, with 3 points listed for each condition. The conditions covered include parts of the body like the nose, ear, shoulder; systems like immunity and intelligence; diseases like influenza and epilepsy; and women's health issues. Over 100 conditions are covered with 3-point combinations that can be used for needling according to the Three Needle Technique of acupuncture.