MRP Primer
MRP Primer
MRP Primer
Jeffrey R. Lax
Department of Political Science
Columbia University
[email protected]
Justin Phillips
[email protected]
Department of Political Science
Columbia University
October 12, 2016
This paper provides a primer for estimating public opinion at the state level using the
technique of Multilevel Regression and Postratification (MRP). We provide sample R
code for creating estimates and give step-by-step instructions on setting up the data,
running models, and collecting estimates. Replication datasets and code found in the
paper can be accessed at primer.html
1 Introduction
Despite the proliferation of public opinion polls, state-level surveys remain quite rare.
Finding comparable surveys across all (or even many) states is nearly impossible. To cope
with this problem, scholars have devised techniques which allow them to use national sur-
veys to generate estimates of state-level opinion. The dominant method is disaggregation,
popularized by Erikson, Wright and McIver (1993). This method pools large numbers of
national surveys and then disaggregates the data so as to calculate opinion percentages by
state. While disaggregation is easily implemented, it has its drawbacks. Typically, surveys
over many years, often 10 or more, must be pooled to guarantee sufficient samples sizes
within each state. This constrains the number and types of issues for which scholars can
estimate state opinion. Furthermore, disaggregation does not correct for sampling issues and
may obscure temporal dynamics in state opinion. Indeed, if there are temporal dynamics,
opinion estimates produced via disaggregation will be inaccurate.
We recommend, at least in some circumstances, that scholars estimate state-opinion by
employing a technique that we refer to as multilevel modeling with poststratification (MRP).
This method has a long history (see e.g. Pool, Abelson and Popkin (1965)), but its modern-
day implementation can be traced to Park, Gelman and Bafumi (2004). Like disaggregation,
MRP relies upon national survey data. MRP, however, begins by using multilevel regression
to model individual survey responses as a function of demographic and geographic predictors,
partially pooling respondents across states to an extent determined by the data. The final
step is poststratification, in which the estimates for each demographic-geographic respon-
dent type are weighted (poststratified) by the percentages of each type in the actual state
populations. Why do we recommend this technique?
MRP strongly outperforms disaggregation (i.e., produces opinion estimates that are
more accurate and robust) when working with small and medium-sized samples. MRP
does slightly better in large samples, particularly when it comes to estimating opinion
in small states (see Lax and Phillips 2009b, Figures 1 & 2)
MRP has been shown to produce reasonably accurate estimates of state public opinion
using as little as a single large national pollapproximately 1,400 survey respondents.
(see Lax and Phillips 2009, Figures 1, 2, & 5)
Poststratifcation corrects for clustering and other statistical issues that may bias esti-
mates obtained via disaggregation.
MRP produces much more information than disaggregation. It provides insights about
the determinants of public opinion and the degree to which state variation is based on
demographic characteristics versus residual (cultural?) differences.
MRP can be used to estimate opinion in states that are rarely surveyed. For example,
respondents from Alaska and Hawaii are usually not included in national polls and
therefore opinion in these states cannot be measured using disaggregation. Estimates
for Alaska and Hawaii can be created using MRP.
MRP can be used to estimate opinion in other subnational areas besides states (i.e.,
congressional districts).
We have used MRP to study both the relationship between public opinion and gay rights
policies in the U.S. states (Lax and Phillips 2009a) and the relationship between state-level
public opinion and senators voting on Supreme Court nominees (Kastellec, Lax and Phillips
2010). We believe the method has the potential to open up several research avenues that
have been closed to date. This paper discusses how to collect the data necessary to construct
state-level estimates and how to implement MRP in R. We use public opinion data on same-
sex marriage as a running example.
2 Steps for Implementing MRP:
In this section we describe how to implement MRP, providing annotated R code where
1) Gather national opinion polls. These polls should include some respondent demo-
graphic information and some type of geographic indicator. If you are interested in esti-
mating opinion at the state level (as we are), the surveys should include a respondents
state of residence (if you are interested in opinion at the level of congressional districts, the
survey should include an indictor of a respondents congressional district). We find that
state-level opinion can be estimated fairly accurately using as little as a single large national
poll (approximately 1,400 respondents). Here we use five national polls that were conducted
in 2004.
2) Recode these polls as necessary so that they can be combined into a single
internally-consistent dataset. For convenience, we call this dataset a megapoll. Where
possible you should use respondents demographic and geographic characteristics to create
group (i.e., categorical) variables. This will allow for a more efficient estimation and also
means that you do not need to exclude a reference category. For example, in our research
we use data on respondents sex, race (white, Hispanic, or black), age, education, state,
and region. We combine race and gender into a single variable with six possible categories
(ranging from male-white to female-Hispanic). We also use group variables for age (18-29,
30-44, 45-64, and 65+), education (less than a high school education, high school graduate,
some college, and college graduate), an interaction between our age and education measures,
and state (Alabama through Wyoming). We treat Washington D.C. as a state. When
identifying respondent demographic data in surveys, be sure to only use data that is also
available from the census (otherwise you will not be able to properly post stratify). If you
are using survey responses from multiple polls or years you can also create group variables
for these as well. This helps control for poll, question wording, and year effects (we do this
Loading the megapoll is the first step in R. We begin by loading the arm package, which
contains several functions to implement and analyze multilevel models, including the lmer
function, and the foreign package, to allow the importation of Stata datasets.
3) Collect census data to enable poststratification. To poststratify one needs to have
census data that corresponds to all of the individual-level demographic variables included
in the opinion model. Be careful here. MRP requires knowing not just the simple state-
level statistics reported in the Statistical Abstract, such as the number of females or African
Americans in a state. If your model treats opinion as a function of gender, race, age, and
education you will need to know, for instance, the number of African American females aged
18 to 29 years who are college graduates. The necessary data can be obtained from the Cen-
sus Bureaus website using the DataFerret (at The
DataFerret will help you get cross-tabs for state-level data using the 1% or 5% Public Use
Microdata Sample from either the 2000 or 1990 census. Older census data can be obtained,
though it is a bit more difficult to access (see Keep
in mind that not all cross-tabulations are available, particularly for smaller geographic units
(say, congressional districts). You are also limited by the type of data the census collects.
For instance, the census does not gather data on an individuals religious affiliation, vot-
ing behavior, or partisan identification (all of which political scientists care about). Note,
however, that our research suggests that you may be able to generate reasonably accurate
estimates of opinion using simple models that include basic demographic and geographic
Ultimately, you need a dataset of the population counts for each demographic-state type
(or cell). In our analysis, this table is 4,896 rows long (excluding the top row of labels).
A sample of the table is shown below.
For same-sex marriage, we use the 5% Public Use Microdata Sample from the 2000
census. We use the match function to create a variable indicating the state initial number
for each cell in the Census data:
Census <- read.dta("poststratification 2000.dta",convert.underscore = TRUE)
Census <- Census[order(Census$cstate),]
Census$cstate.initnum <- match(Census$cstate, statelevel$sstate)
race.gender age edu state N
1 1 1 1 1 66177
2 1 1 2 1 32465
3 1 1 3 1 59778
4 1 1 4 1 27416
5 1 2 5 1 43032
6 1 2 6 1 81312
7 1 2 7 1 52699
8 1 2 8 1 90217
9 1 3 9 1 63155
10 1 3 10 1 68821
11 1 3 11 1 43127
. . .
4894 6 4 2 51 2541
4895 6 4 3 51 2967
4896 6 4 4 51 1029
With all the data in hand, we can now create a series of index variables that we will use
in the individual-level model and in the poststratification:
#At level of megapoll$race.female <- ($female *3) +$race.wbh$ <- 4 * ($ -1) +$$p.evang.full <- Statelevel$p.evang[$state.initnum]$ <-Statelevel$[$state.initnum]$p.relig.full <-$p.evang.full +$$p.kerry.full <- Statelevel$kerry.04[$state.initnum]
4) Fit a regression model for an individual survey response given demographics
and geography. We are now ready to estimate an individual-level model of opinion on gay
marriage rights. We treat each individuals response as a function of his or her demographics
and state (for individual i, with indexes j, k, l, m, s, and p for race-gender combination,
age category, education category, region, state, and poll respectively, and including an age-
education interaction):
The terms after the intercept are modeled effects for the various groups of respondents.
Each is modeled as drawn from a normal distribution with mean zero and some estimated
The state effects are in turn modeled as a function of the region into which the state falls and
the states conservative religious percentage and Democratic 2004 presidential vote share1 :
sstate N (m[s] + relig religs + presvote presvotes , state
), for s = 1, ..., 51 (3)
These are just some examples of group-level predictorswhich reduce unexplained group-level variation,
leading to more precise estimation (Gelman and Hill 2007, 271)one might choose to employ
The region variable is, in turn, another modeled effect:
region 2
m N (0, region ), for m = 1, ..., 5 (4)
In the model we present below, we label the survey responses yi as 1 for supporters of same-
sex marriage and 0 for opponents and those with no opinion. Depending on the situation,
you might also be interested in public opinion among only those respondents who offer an
opinion (that is, excluding observations with missing values.) While it is tempting to drop
these observations, doing so would create problems, since the Census data on which we
will poststratify takes into account all persons, not just those with an opinion. Thus, it is
necessary to evaluate both the yesses among all respondents (including those who do not
offer an opinion) and the noes among all respondents, then use both to create a proper
estimate of state-level opinion among opinion holders. We discuss how to implement this
procedure below.
The model we present below estimates an average response j for each cross-classification
j of demographics and state. Thusj = 1,. . . , J = 4,896 categories (96 per state). We fit
our model in R using the LMER function (linear mixed effects in R (Bates 2005)). Note
that multilevel modeling partially pools the group level parameters toward their mean level.
There is more pooling when the group level standard deviation is small and more smoothing
for groups with fewer observations.
The code for the individual-level model (which follows the structure of Rs glm com-
mand) is:
(Intercept) -1.41 0.54
p.relig.full -0.02 0.00
p.kerry.full 0.02 0.01
Error terms:
Groups Name Std.Dev.
state (Intercept) 0.04 (Intercept) 0.09
race.female (Intercept) 0.23
poll (Intercept) 0.21
region (Intercept) 0.20 (Intercept) 0.36 (Intercept) 0.55
Residual NA
number of obs: 6341, groups: state, 49;, 16; race.female, 6; poll, 5; region, 5;, 4;, 4 AIC = 7459.4, DIC = 7439.4 deviance = 7439.4
Of more interest are the coefficients and standard errors on our random effects; here, for
example, are those for race.female:
1 -0.210
2 -0.087
3 0.049
4 0.230
5 -0.226
6 0.246
[1,] 0.11
[2,] 0.15
[3,] 0.15
[4,] 0.11
[5,] 0.14
[6,] 0.15
Since we do not have any respondents from Alaska or Hawaii, we have to create a vector
of state random effects that accounts for these states. We choose to set their random effects
to zero.
zero. The following code creates a prediction for each demographic-state type (that is, each
cell in the Census data):
The prediction in each cell needs to be weighted by the actual population frequency of
that cell, N j (that is, by how many such people are in the state). For each state, we then
can calculate the average response, over each cell j in state s:
Nc c
ystate s = Pcs (5)
cs Nc
If done properly, the result will be a set of state-level opinion estimates. While these
estimates are interesting by themselves, they can easily be used as explanatory variables in
an empirical analysis of government responsiveness.
Additional Recommendations:
Make sure that you have a good model of individual-level opinion that includes both
demographic and geographic variables. The demographic variables included might vary
across policy areas.
When constructing your models, be sure to use your subject-area expertise. You need
to construct a good model of individual-level opinion, but not a perfect one.
If estimating your individual-level model using LMER, confirm that the AIC looks
normal and that the standard errors on your coefficients look normal. If the variance
on a random effect is zero you can actually just drop it.
If the effects of demographic variables differ across states, you may want to consider
using a varying-intercepts varying-slopes model. This may, however, require a larger
number of survey responses.
If the number of groups in your model is small or the multilevel model is compli-
cated (with many varying intercepts and slopes), you may want to use a full Bayesian
approach to estimation.
Bates, Douglas. 2005. Fitting Linear Models in R Using the lme4 Package. R News 5(1):27
Erikson, Robert S., Gerald C. Wright and John P. McIver. 1993. Statehouse Democracy
Public Opinion and Policy in the American States. Cambridge: Cambridge University
Gelman, Andrew and Jennifer Hill. 2007. Data Analysis Using Regression and Multilevel-
Hierarchical Models. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Kastellec, Jonathan P., Jeffrey R. Lax and Justin H. Phillips. 2010. Public Opinion and
Senate Confirmation of Supreme Court Nominees. Journal of Politics 72:76784.
Lax, Jeffrey R. and Justin H. Phillips. 2009a. Gay Rights in the States: Public Opinion
and Policy Responsiveness. American Political Science Review 103(3):36786.
Lax, Jeffrey R. and Justin H. Phillips. 2009b. How Should We Estimate Public Opinion in
the States? American Journal of Political Science 53(1):10721.
Park, David K., Andrew Gelman and Joseph Bafumi. 2004. Bayesian Multilevel Estimation
with Poststratification: State-Level Estimates from National Polls. Political Analysis
Pool, Ithiel de Sola, Robert P. Abelson and Samuel Popkin. 1965. Candidates, Issues, and
Strategies. Cambridge, MA: M.I.T. Press.