Waiver Request Letter

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Waiver Request Template (Use Applicable Letterhead)


FROM: (Applicants Rank, First Name, Middle Initial, and Last Name)
(Applicants Unit of Assignment)
(Unit Address)
(Base and Zip Code)

This information herein is for Official Use Only (FOUO) which must be protected under the Freedom of
Information Act of 1996 and Privacy Act of 1974, as amended. Unauthorized disclosure or misuse of this
PERSONAL INFORMATION may result in criminal and/or civil penalties. Vigilance must be taken to
protect Personally Identifiable Information (PII) when submitting or sending nominations, applications or
other documents to DoD agencies through government Internet, software applications, systems, e-mail,
postal, faxing or scanning.

SUBJECT: Request for Waiver, Air Force ROTC Enlisted Commissioning Programs

1. I request a waiver of the (list type of waiver- i.e. Civil/Moral, TOS, SRB, etc) criteria listed in
AFI 36-2013, Table 1.1, Rule XX (if applicable).

2. My identifying data are:

Date Assigned Station:
Assignment Action Number (if applicable):
Return No Later Than Date (if applicable):
Assignment Limitation Code Expiration Date (if applicable):
(Please use Date from Records Review Rip Code O)
Enlistment/Reenlistment Bonus Amount (if applicable):
Amount of Remaining Bonus to be Waived (if applicable):
Date of Separation:
Date of Birth:
Projected Class Start Date:
Projected Date of Graduation:
Academic Major Applying For:
School & Det You Plan to Attend:

3. The circumstances of the disqualifying factor and the specific justification for the waiver are
as follows:
4. I am applying for (list program ASCP, SOAR, POC-ERP)

5. If you have any further questions, my duty phone number is DSN: XXX-XXXX, commercial
(XXX) XXX-XXXX, or e-mail address is [email protected].


1st Ind, Appropriate Commander (Organization and Office Symbol)*

MEMORANDUM FOR (Applicants Rank and Last Name)

I have reviewed (Applicants Rank and Last Name) waiver request and concur with its
submission as part of the AFROTC Enlisted Commissioning Program application process.


* Add appropriate indorse block (s) (e.g. Squadron/CC, Group/CC, Wing/CC). Waiver requests
are indorsed at SQ/CC level unless otherwise noted on the enlisted commissioning program
website and/or affiliated instruction governing the waiver requirements. The applicant is
responsible for ensuring that it is accurate and has all the necessary supporting documentation.

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