DX 700
DX 700
DX 700
Get it straight
Surface top hammer drill rigs
Enjoy drilling
Call the shots
At Sandvik, we have worked with drilling FOR TOUGH CONDITIONS
solutions for more than 50 years and have Sandvik DX series surface top hammer rigs
learnt a thing or two along the way. So, we are designed to keep their operational relia-
design drills that do their individual jobs bility even in the toughest of conditions. All
exceptionally well. But we know a drill is components in the rigs have been carefully
just one element in a much larger process. chosen from well-known high quality sup-
Therefore, we are constantly exploring the pliers. The rigs also go through a developed,
possibilities for process, technology and comprehensive testing process before deliv-
service development, and for supporting you ery. Top quality is further guaranteed by the
in your daily work. best warranty coverage in the industry.
Previously known under the name of Tam- The DX series rigs are best suited to drill
rock Ranger Rock Pilot, the Sandvik DX every hole size between 51127 mm
drill rigs successfully bring together their (2"5") in applications such as road cutting,
heritage with todays most practical drilling pipe-line drilling and foundation drilling as
innovations. well as production drilling in medium-sized
quarries and open pit mines. They are most
often used by construction contractors,
mines and quarries but also included in the
equipment fleet of rental houses.
At Sandvik, we have
worked with a wide range
of drilling solutions for
more than 50 years.
2 | Sandvik DX series
Sandvik DX series | 3
4 | Sandvik DX series
Stay in command
of every situation
The DX series rigs feature strong CAT a huge drilling coverage of 17.6 m (189 ft)
diesel engines both TIER3 and TIER4* 26.4 m (248 ft) optionally and letting
versions that deliver pertinent power for the operator face towards the drilling spot
the hydraulics and compressor. at all times.
TIER4 engine is a CAT 7.1 that utilizes DPF The super-fast Rock Pilot drilling control
technology with a commonrail-type fuel in- system automatically adjusts to chang-
jection system. One of the main benefits of ing rock formations, sending an optimal
the new technology is high rotation torque amount of power to the rock. Rock Pilot
with lower rpm level. This brings improved ensures smooth rotation, solid rock contact
fuel economy and also less noise to the sur- and fast penetration in different rock condi-
roundings. tions.
The TIER4 model is equipped with The rigs stability is rock solid; the power
four separate fuel filters and an additional pack is placed crosswise at the rear end of
refuelling filter to guarantee smooth opera- the superstructure to keep counterweight on
tion. Fuel economy of the TIER4 model the opposite side of the boom regardless of
is further improved with a hydraulically drilling direction. This allows easy drilling
driven cooler fan that uses energy for cool- even in rocky, uneven terrain or on steep
ing only when it is needed. slopes.
All DX rigs provide excellent fuel economy For difficult conditions, driving, rear jack
and are equipped with a big fuel tank that operation and winch control can be done
keeps the machines drilling for more than via an optional remote control box.
12 hours without a stop.
UNIQUE COVERAGE AND STABILITY Sandvik drills follow the high quality
Sandvik DX rigs articulated boom is and EHS standards set by ISO9001,
mounted on a revolving (120 stand- ISO14001 and ISO18001.
ard/180 optional) superstructure, offering
*TIER 4 compulsory for Europe, the USA, and Canada. TIER 3 delivered to other countries.
Sandvik DX series | 5
Sandvik DX series
Proven practical features
Efficient jaws
Comfortable user
Emergency stop
Examples of options:
Sandvik central greasing unit Reversing camera Radio and CD-MP3 player
Turnable superstructure
120 / 180 degrees
Proper warning
Rock tools 32, 38 or 45 mm (1 1/4", 1 1/2", 1 3/4") 38, 45 or 51 mm (1 1/2", 1 3/4" or 2")
TIER 3: Caterpillar C 7, 168 kW/2 200 rpm TIER 3: Caterpillar C 7, 168 kW/2 200 rpm
TIER 4: Caterpillar C 7.1, 168 kW/1 800 rpm TIER 4: Caterpillar C 7.1, 168 kW/1 800 rpm
Dust collector 23 m3/min at 1 000 mm vacuum H2O 23 m3/min at 1 000 mm vacuum H2O
TIER 3: Caterpillar C 7, 168 kW/2 200 rpm TIER 3: Caterpillar C 7, 168 kW/2 200 rpm TIER 3: Caterpillar C 7, 168 kW/2 200 rpm
TIER 4: Caterpillar C 7.1, 168 kW/1 800 rpm TIER 4: Caterpillar C 7.1, 168 kW/1 800 rpm TIER 4: Caterpillar C 7.1, 186 kW/1 800 rpm
23 m3/min at 1 000 mm vacuum H2O 23 m3/min at 1 000 mm vacuum H2O 23 m3/min at 1 000 mm vacuum H2O
7,2 m / 10,7 m (road transportation) 7,2 m / 10,7 m (road transportation) 7,2 m / 10,7 m (road transportation)
10 | Sandvik DX series
The famous ROPS- and FOPS-
certified cabins heavy-duty
construction protects the operator
and keeps the noise levels well
under 80 dB (A).
Sandvik DX series | 11
A breath of fresh air
An earful of silence
Sandvik rock tools are renown for their great reliability, excellent
and even quality and long service life. Providing outstanding tool
economy and low total drilling cost, they ensure top-rate hole
quality and the best possible blasting results.
12 | Sandvik DX series
Sandvik TIM3D: Pacesetter in
usability, accuracy and speed
Sandvik DX series | 13
SanRemo on the web
14 | Sandvik DX series
Strong backup gives you
business running smoothly
SUPPORT WHERE IT COUNTS. drill steel, ready-made maintenance kits and
ON THE JOB SITE genuine spare parts ensure trouble-free drill-
ing and maximize productivity.
Service is, of course, a matter of being
available when problems occur. But we at
Sandvik prefer seeing it more as a question THERE IS ALWAYS SOMETHING
of being proactive. Investment in preplanned MORE TO KNOW
service and tools like Sandvik SanRemo The new Sandvik operator training con-
and Security+ warranty program will help cept offers you authorized trainers and a
you protect your business from unexpected modular curriculum you can choose which
risks. modules suit best for your purposes. You
can also choose to practice your skills with
SanRemo productivity service offers an easy Sandvik SimDriller drilling simulator with-
way of planning and following up produc- out any risks to people or the rig.
tion. Based on remote machine monitoring,
the service brings accurate real-time job site The Sandvik SimQuarry is a smart but
data easily accessible at https://mysanremo. practical simulation tool for rock excavation
sandvik.com. The service is available in two process optimization. It is used to define the
levels: Gold and Platinum. best combination of equipment, finetune
your excavation and discover the ways of
Security+ insurance package gives protec- improving your profitability. If you feel
tion beyond the standard warranty period, that you would need to learn more about
up to 3 years or to 5000/7000 engine hours. the overall quarry or open pit process, the
The Security+ comes in five levels: Platinum, Sandvik Quarry Academy is an excellent
Gold, Silver, Diamond and Engine. option. On this training course you will
improve your competence in quarry or open
Sandvik filter kits offer a tested selection pit management.
of all filters required for periodical mainte-
nance: engine oil filters, hydraulic oil filters,
fuel filters, air filters and breathers.
Sandvik DX series | 15
Sandvik Group
0413-B2-186:1ENG-3000. Sandvik Mining and Construction Oy 2012. SANDVIK is a registered trademark owned by Sandvik Intellectual Property AB in Sweden and other
annual sales of more than 94,000 MSEK.
countries. Sandvik Mining and Construction Oy reserves the right to alter specifications without notice. Note: Machines shown in pictures may be equipped with options.
Sandvik Construction
Sandvik Construction