6 MS-5 Management Programme Term-End Examination December, 2012 MS 5: Management of Machines and Materials

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of Printed Pages : 6 MS-5

Term-End Examination
December, 2012 02891
Maximum Marks : 100
Time : 3 hours
(VVeightage 70%)

Note : (i) Section - A has five questions that carry 20 marks

each. Attempt any three questions from this
(ii) Section - B is compulsory and carries 40 marks.

1. (a) Which factors are most important in 10+10
determining the location of the following ?
Briefly explain the reasons for your answer :
(i) A garment plant
(ii) A paper mill
(iii) An automobile repair shop
(iv) A distribution warehouse
(b) Product - A consists of three B type sub-
assemblies and one C type sub-assembly.
The sub-assembly B consists of one D, one E
sub-assembly, and one F. The sub-assembly
C consists of a G and an F. The sub-
assembly E consists of a D and a K.
(i) Prepare a product tree

MS-5 1 P.T.O.
(ii) Prepare the Bill of Materials

(iii) Determine the number of each sub-

assembly/Components required to
produce fifty units of item A.

2. (a) Define FMS. What is the general field of 10+10

FMS application ? Is the field of FMS
application significant in terms of the
potential market size for its capability ?
State with reference to any production unit.

(b) There are seven jobs that must be processed

in two process : A and B. All seven jobs
must go through A and B in that sequence -
A first, then B. Determine the optimal order
in which the jobs should be sequenced
through the process using these times.

Job Process A Time Process B Time

1 9 6
2 8 5
3 7 7
4 6 3
5 1 2
6 2 6
7 4 7

MS-5 2
3. (a) What is the major difference
aggregate planning in manufacturing and
aggregate planning in services ? Discuss
with suitable examples.

(b) Processing times (including set-up times)

and due dates for five jobs waiting to be
processed at a work centre are given in the
following table. Determine the sequence of
jobs, the average flow time, average job
lateness and average number of jobs at the
work centre, for each of these rules

Shortest Processing Times (SPT)


(ii) Earliest Due Date (EDD)

Job I Process Time (Days) Due date (Days from Now)

12 15
6 24
C 14 20
D 3 8
E 7 6

4. (a) Discuss the role of the operations
in today's context. Do you agree that
operations management is a multi-
disciplinary function ? Discuss with the
help of suitable examples.

MS-5 3
(b) What is buffer stock ? List the reasons for
keeping a buffer stock. Suppose the lead
ti me for procurement of a product gets
doubled. Will you recommend doubling its
buffer stock ? Justify your answer.

5. (a) What do you understand by automated 10+10

storage and retrieval ? For what kinds of
goods and in which companies in India do
you think such systems would be
appropriate ?
(b) Explain why quality should be better by
following the "Total Quality Management"
concept than in a system that depends on
final inspection. Give an example of how
i mproving quality can also increase

MS-5 4 P.T.O.

6. The R & D department is planning to bid on a 20

large project for the development of a new
communication system for commercial planes.
The accompaning table shows the activities, times
and sequence required.

Immediate Estimated Duration

Predecessors (Months)
A 6
B A 2
C A 5
D A 7
E A 1
F B 2
G C, D, E 3
H F 6
I G 7
J H 8
K I, J 4

(a) Draw the network diagram

(b) Find the Critical Path

(c) Find the project completion time

(d) Calculate the total float for each of the


MS-5 5 P.T.O.
7. Write short notes on any five of the following :
(a) Taxonomy of waste 5x4=20

(b) Learning Curve

(c) Job enrichment
(d) Standardization and Codification
(e) Robotics
(f) Delphi Technique
(g) Vendor Rating
(h) Consumer's Risk

MS-5 6

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